PROJECT TITLE: Siall Grains Production '--' PERSONNEL: Leader - Vern R. Stewart, Technician - Todd K. Keener Cooperators - Oscar Buller, Stillwater location Ga~le Sc~pheris, Lake Count~ Norl Neiaan, Sanders Count~ Ross HcIntr~e, Ravalli Count~ SUHMARY: To deter~ine the adaptabilit~ of new and introduced winter wheat varieties to Montana the Wetern Resional Winter Wheat Nurseries are srown at the Kalispell and Stillwater locations. The out- standins cultivars froa these trials are then tested under the var~ins growins conditions of western Montana through Off-station Nurser~ evaluations. These data are used in making recollendations to the Montana producer. The extreme cli~atic and environ~ental conditions that existed in western Montana this sUller did not have as luch effect on the win- ter wheat crop as was seen in the spring srain. Yields were lower in cOIParison to the excellant yields froa the previous ~ear. The incidence of s~ut was not as hish as other ~ears ~et the level was enough to evaluate lost of the cultivars for TCK Slut resistance. Lodsins was onlY a problem in the Hard Red Winter Wheat Nurser~ at Kalispell, and this was in response to an earlY SUller rain stora. RESULTS: Western Resional Hard Red Winter Wheat - Kalispell Yields were eoual to the previous season which la~ be a reflection of the open winter weather conditions. 'The hishest yields were frol five entries which resisted lodging ( 01 730875, 01 602137, WA 7172, ORCR 8313, and HT 7877). These five varieties were also significantl~ hisher in yield than the check variet~, Wanser. The averase height for the nursery was sreater than previous years. The headins dates were about twelve days later than last ~ear. Both of these agronolic factors were influenced b~ the wet cool sprins and the dry hot SUI- ler. Test weishts were also affected b~ the clilatic conditions. ORCR 8313 had the hish test weisht of 60.3 Ibs./bu. Stripe rust ( Puccinia striiforlis ) was detected in the nursery and occured on all varieties except 01 730875 and WA 6815. MT 8003, ID 0280, and Kharkof were very susceptible to stripe rust. ORCR 8313, besides havins the hishest test weisht also showed fair resistance to stripe rust, and had excellant straw strensth. See Table 1. - Western Resional Hard Red Winter Wheat - Stillwater '--- The ~ields frol the Stillwater location were lower than those of Kal- ispell and also notica~le lower th~n ~ields frol the sale location last ~ear. Test weights were luch lower than previous seasons and varied frol 47.5 to 57.2 Ibs/bu. TCK Slut was not prevalent in high percentages ~et was detected in all but ID 0282, ID 0283, UT 125327, Cree, ID 0281, and. ID 0280. The two hishest ~ieldins varieties were also found to be Slut-free. See table 2. 1 7

PROJECT TITLE: Siall Grains Production - Ag Researchagresearch.montana.edu/nwarc/producerinfo/cereals/winterwheat/... · PROJECT TITLE: Siall Grains Production '--' PERSONNEL: Leader

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PROJECT TITLE: Siall Grains Production'--' PERSONNEL: Leader - Vern R. Stewart, Technician - Todd K. Keener

Cooperators - Oscar Buller, Stillwater locationGa~le Sc~pheris, Lake Count~Norl Neiaan, Sanders Count~Ross HcIntr~e, Ravalli Count~

SUHMARY: To deter~ine the adaptabilit~ of new and introduced winter wheatvarieties to Montana the Wetern Resional Winter Wheat Nurseriesare srown at the Kalispell and Stillwater locations. The out-standins cultivars froa these trials are then tested under thevar~ins growins conditions of western Montana through Off-stationNurser~ evaluations. These data are used in making recollendationsto the Montana producer.

The extreme cli~atic and environ~ental conditions that existed inwestern Montana this sUller did not have as luch effect on the win-ter wheat crop as was seen in the spring srain. Yields werelower in cOIParison to the excellant yields froa the previous ~ear.The incidence of s~ut was not as hish as other ~ears ~et the levelwas enough to evaluate lost of the cultivars for TCK Slut resistance.Lodsins was onlY a problem in the Hard Red Winter Wheat Nurser~ atKalispell, and this was in response to an earlY SUller rain stora.

RESULTS: Western Resional Hard Red Winter Wheat - Kalispell

Yields were eoual to the previous season which la~ be a reflectionof the open winter weather conditions. 'The hishest yields were frol fiveentries which resisted lodging ( 01 730875, 01 602137, WA 7172, ORCR 8313,and HT 7877). These five varieties were also significantl~ hisher in yieldthan the check variet~, Wanser.

The averase height for the nursery was sreater than previous years.The headins dates were about twelve days later than last ~ear. Both of theseagronolic factors were influenced b~ the wet cool sprins and the dry hot SUI-ler. Test weishts were also affected b~ the clilatic conditions. ORCR 8313had the hish test weisht of 60.3 Ibs./bu.

Stripe rust ( Puccinia striiforlis ) was detected in the nursery andoccured on all varieties except 01 730875 and WA 6815. MT 8003, ID 0280, andKharkof were very susceptible to stripe rust.

ORCR 8313, besides havins the hishest test weisht also showed fairresistance to stripe rust, and had excellant straw strensth. See Table 1.

- Western Resional Hard Red Winter Wheat - Stillwater


The ~ields frol the Stillwater location were lower than those of Kal-ispell and also notica~le lower th~n ~ields frol the sale location last ~ear.

Test weights were luch lower than previous seasons and varied frol 47.5to 57.2 Ibs/bu.

TCK Slut was not prevalent in high percentages ~et was detected inall but ID 0282, ID 0283, UT 125327, Cree, ID 0281, and. ID 0280. The two hishest~ieldins varieties were also found to be Slut-free. See table 2.



Yields from the White Wheat nurser~ at Stillwater ranged froe 40.2to 71.8 bu/A and were .uch lower than last year. WA 7166 and 01 754989 hadsignificantl~ higher ~ields than LewJain.

There were twelve varieties that had test weights which were signi-ficantl~ less than LewJain. The test weights in general were less than previousseason due to the dry hot sum.er.

The lack of snow cover for .ost of the winter resulted in a :ow inci-dence of TCK saut. Although there was not a high level of the disease WA 6819,LewJain, and WA 7168 were found to be saut free. See table 4. .:»

78- Western Regional White Winter Wheat - Kalispell

Yields were slightly lower and test weijht averages slightl~ higher thanin 1983. One variety ( WA 7164 ) had a significantly higher yield than LewJain,was s~ut resistant, and showed excellant lodginj resistance.

Stripe rust was prevalent throughout the nursery, although not at a highlevel. It was detected in all varieties except OR 7996 and 01 75498. Striperust was especiallY heavy in the varieties Elgin and Kharkof which h d 85 and45 X severity respectively>

TCK smut was light yet was detected in all but seven varieties.LodginS was significantly less in the white wheat in comparison to

the red varieties. As expected, the three low yields were recorded in thoseentries that were most susceptible to lodging.

WA 7164 had a siSnificantly higher yield than the check variety( Lew'ain ), was smut resistant, and showed excellant lodsing resistance.See table 3.


- Soft White Winter Wheat - Stillwater

- Offstation Winter Wheat Nurseries

In 1984 the offstation winter wbeat nurseries were grown in Lake,Sanders, and Ravalli Counties. On a state-wide basis the top yielding varietieswere OR 792, LewJain, and Hill 81. The ~ields varied froa 26 to 66 bulA partlydue to location with aost locations showing an effect of the drought-like sea-son experienced bY aost of the state this su••er.

Those varieties that had the top three test weights state wide wereWeston, OR 792, and Hawk. The test weights fora Sanders County reallY reflectedthe dr~ conditions and ranged froa 43 to 50 Ibs/A.

Height varied according to variety. Table 5 contains a three loca-tion su~aarY as well as the state-wide aeans.

Tible 1 A~ronOlic data froa the Western Re~ional Hard Red Winter Wheat Nurser~ Srown onthe Northwestern Agricultural Research Center at Kalispell, KT in 1984. RandOlblock desisn, four replications. Field No. £-4.


Date planted: SePielber 19, 1983

State orCI t VARIETY

01730875 7C/KARKAZIlHORDWA 7172 CI13438/BURT/SK7437/3/CER01602137 OR-IDSEL.F60213-76ORCR8313 PROBSTORFER-EXTREK/T0B66KT 7877 NORWINWA 7171 CII3438/BURTIISK7437/3/CEWA 6820 GWB127/GWB236-7/STURDYORCR8107 ALBA/GNSIIFH/SONORA64ID 0261 BURT/CI1292911DLK/4/NBR/3ID 0282 H6lIID5006/3/CII4106/CLKIWA 6816 IDS012/WAS866ID 0281 HNl/3/CI14106/CLM/IKCID 0259 JEfF/3/II-60155/CI1410611UT125327 DlKIPIl7343811CLK/3/DLKl4WA 7173 C0696317/CERCO(N8101901UT132S69 WRR/CIl383711PI173438/3/HID 0283 ATL50/4/RfR//2lCNH/3/4TKICI 13844 WAHSER 11KT 77063 em:ID 0242 SM4/TD//3lIT/178383ID 3518 WA4765/3/BZ/1BURT/178383KT 8003 REDWIN SEL.UT132534 WRRICII38371IPII7834381HHID 0280 II-60-155/21CI141071/RGRCI 1442 KHARKOF

XF 3/S.E.XC.V.%L.S.D.

Date Harvested Au~st 15, 1983


109.65a 58.45 45.08107.90a 58.92 40.65b99.84a 57.08 35.73b96.91a 60.30a 41.14b

.28a 59.25 35.24b87.51 57.82 44.1984.46 56.78 38.98b81.75 57.13 51.77b80.56 57.40 38.98b79.69 56.92 43.8077.91 54.53b 44.1974.77 56.90 47.6473.91 ss.se 48.6273.18 55.88 43.01b68.77 ss.ss 50.0068.36 56.43 45.9668.19 56.60 '47.5466.59 57.32 47.44

-w.53 57.48 47.5463.35 51.50 47.1563.17 48.63b 36.52b60.34 55.60 48.43-54.48 55.32 47.2448.38 55.23b 43.9045.43 55.78 52.17i































1/ Check variety21 Strip! = Stripe rust ritiM. INF TYPE, 1-9 ratiM where 0 = no chlorosis or SI'OMJlation

SEVER. = severity, % ltif irea infected. S = necrotic and chlorotic stripes31 F value for v.rifty coaParison inter.ediate sporulation

9 = no chlorosis or necrosis













Table ., ASrono.i~ data fro. the Western Re~ional Hard Red Winter Wheat.•.Nurser~ Srown on the Oscar Buller far. at K~lis~ell, "T in1984. Rando. blo~k desisn, four repli~ations.

Dated plinted: Sept. 28, 1983 Harvested: Ausust 20, 198.•

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------21State or YIELII TEST WT SHUT HEIGTHCI • VARIETY BU/A LBS/BU % PLOT INCHES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ID 0282 HGL/ID5006/3/CI1~106/CLHI 61.61 55.78 .00b 37.70bID 0283 ATL50/4/R/RI12*CNN/3/4TKI 60.20 54.40 .00b 44.00ORCR8313 PROBSTORFER-EXTREH/TOB66 59.91 55.15 ,1.50 35.43b01730875 7C1KARKAVINORD 57.65 53.93 1.50 39.37bUT125327 DLH/PI173~38/ICLH/3/DLH/4 56.86 54.22 .00b 37.89bCI 13844 WANSER 11 54.43 54.88 3.00 44.09WA 6820 GWB127/GWB236-7/STURDY 51.35 51.93b .50b 34.06bHT 7877 NORWIN ~25 55.07 .25b 27.56bWA 7172 CI13438/BURT/SH7437/3/CER 53.84 52.25 1.00 36.81bID 0259 JEFF/3/I1-60155/CI141061/ 53.05 55.92 .25b 44.09UT132534 WRR/CI13837//PI1783438/HH 52.83 50.72b .25b 44.59 .:»UT132569 WRR/CI1383711P1173438/3/H 52.5" 51.28b .25b 43.60WA 7173 C0696317/CERCO(N8101901 :)2t37 57.15 1.25 "2.91ORCR8107 ALBA/GNS/IFN/SONDRA64 52.37 53.95 4.50 45.471D 0242 S"4/TDI13*1T/178383 51.75 56.33 .50b 44.98WA 7171 CI13 .•38/BURTIISH7437/3/CE 51.54 5".25 .75b 37.11bWA 6816 1D5012/WA5866 51.50 ~8.65b 2.00 n.66b01602137 OR-1DSEL.F60213-76 50.10 53.00 1.50 30.02bHT 8003 REDWIN SEL. ...L(H()4 54.60 B.50a 41.931D 0261 BURT/CI129291IDLH/4/NBR13 46.BO 53.18 2.50 30.B1btiT77063 CREE "6.66 53.80 .00b 43.70ID 0281 HNL/3/CI14106/CLHIIHC "3.10b 50.95b .00b "6.56a1D 0280 1I-60-1S5/2lC1141071IRGR 42.20b 52.58 .00b 40.65CI 14.•2 KHARKOF 41.13b 53.62 1.00 47 •.•.,aID 3518 WA4765/3/BZIIBURT/178383 39.11b 47."5b .50b 31.B9b--------------------------------------------------------------------------------X 51.61 53."0 1.26 39."5

F 31 4.41** 6.07** 6.16** .•2.9U*S.E.X. 2.78 .94 .75 .87C.V. 5.39 1.75 :59.78 2.21L.S.D 7.8" 2.6" 2.20 2.46

11 Che~k varietv21 S.ut X plot = percent plot bv ocular rlti~s31 r value for variet~ ~o.Pirison
