Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation

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  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Building Business for our Region

    18 th September 2009AMP Technology Centre, Sheffield

    P roject Target

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Target SME Event 18/09/09Public Sector Opportunities

    Brian Barrett Design Consultancy ManagerEDS Asset Management

    Rotherham MBC

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Public Sector Opportunities

    Importance of Integrated Approach to procurement Value for money Local opportunities

    Predictability Matching skills availability Needs

    local economy aspirations

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    Public Sector Opportunities

    Rotherham MBC working with SMEsGeneral Importance to Members

    Procurement Strategy Procurement Plan Buy-Local website

    Meet the Buyer events

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    Public Sector Opportunities

    Rotherham MBC working with SMEsConstruction RCP Supply Chain events

    RCP Supply Chain management group Forms of contract and fairness KPIs

    Local labour Training

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Public Sector Opportunities

    SME access to Public Sector opportunities SCMS procurement website (22 Y&H Councils) Apply to known supply chains

    OJEU award notices

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    Public Sector Opportunities

    Criteria for gaining work Technical ability and capacity Financial standing

    Health and Safety Equality and diversity Sustainability


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    Public Sector Opportunities

    Opportunities Capital programmes Building Schools for the Future

    Primary Capital programme Council Housing bids Developer-led projects Yorbuild


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    Public Sector Opportunities

    For further information contact Brian Barrett (x 2988, [email protected] )

    Buy-Local website

    Yorbuild website

    Any Questions

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Building Business For Our Region

    18 th Sept 2009, Rotherham

    Wendy Ashton

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    ObjectivesTo brief regional businesses about theTarget initiative its aims & objectivesTo highlight potential Public Sector

    opportunities for SME involvement

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    Todays P resentationSetting the scene.

    What is Project Target?

    Where are we at?

    Next Steps.

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Setting the SceneUK economic growth lower than forecast in Construction sector. Significant fall in GDP (3.6%) Yorkshire & Humber expected to fare slightly below UK average this year

    Sharp decline in private sector works being commissioned

    significant proportion of businesses which traditionally operate in the private sector now looking at public sector opportunities as a future source of revenue

    Recession hit sector requiring intervention to provide support

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    Setting the SceneRecognition that support required to strengthen Yorkshire & The Humber businesses to enable them to remain competitive, to find alternative sources of income and to be able to diversify into new markets

    Need clearer understanding of buyer requirements what criteria & regulatory requirements?

    Acceptance that knowledge and skills needed to bid for contracts

    support for skills and standards needed for

    SMEs to engage in public sector contracts was not easily accessible Tony Cherry, FSB

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Regional Response = Target

    To establish an opportunity driven programme aimed at identifying construction

    procurement opportunities in both Public (and Private) Sectors

    To influence / better understand buyer requirements

    Match supply with demand to maximise the involvement of capable businesses from the Yorkshire and the Humber region

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    Todays P resentationSetting the scene.

    What is Project Target?

    How will it happen?

    Next Steps.

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Delivered by VEN Management

    VEN is a procurement and supply chain business support service for both regional SME's and national buyers

    VEN assists companies to win more business and works towards developing integrated supply chains

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    Targeted SupportAdditional support for suppliers and subcontractors providing construction goods and services in the region during the economic downturn

    Improve the visibility, profile and understanding of the YORbuild & other frameworks in the eyes of suppliers and subcontractors providing construction goods and services in the region

    Provide a targeted level of support for businesses to improve capacity and competence in dealing effectively with public sector tender opportunities

    Engage with other business support agencies to identify how regional support

    programmes and





    a high





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    Targeted SupportDrive key supplier objectives through the supply chain including targeted employment and skills training, impact upon the environment and carbon reducing solutions

    Learn the lessons of earlier construction frameworks to maximise and improve the

    connection between








    Improve the business profile of local construction companies and create an effective supply chain network

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    Enhanced marketintelligence

    In formation platform

    to effectivelycommunicate

    Netw ork of Stakeholders,

    Clients, Contractorsand SMEs


    P roject Target

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    Civic / Public Estate

    Emergency Services

    Education Estate

    National Parks

    Private Sector and Renewable Projects

    P roject Target Scope

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    Todays P resentationSetting the scene.

    What is Project Target?

    Where are we at?

    Next Steps.

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  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Making it HappenOpportunities cascaded directly via industry Partners and Targete newsletter

    New website

    Referral process to provide support for businesses to improve capacity and competence in dealing with opportunities effectively

    Engagement with industry partners to support & add value for Yorkshire & Humber based businesses.

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    Sharing OpportunitiesApproximately 1.2bn per annum is spent on construction services, representing 30% of the regional local authorities external expenditure

    Alignment with YORbuild therefore of high importance in relation to supply chain opportunities

    Over the longer term, Target will continue to raise awareness of construction sector opportunities of interest to the Yorkshire and Humber supply chain

    In the immediate future Project Target will focus upon the YORbuild Framework but will work with other frameworks

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    Opportunities (VEN)

    PrivatePlanning submitted

    100mLogistics & ports facility

    Able UK

    PublicPre tender10.7mSchoolKingston Upon

    Hull City Council

    PublicExpression of

    Interest4mSchool AlterationDoncaster MBC

    PublicContract Awarded1mSheffield Teaching

    HospitalsDepartment of


    PublicITT650mProCure21 National


    Department of Health


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    Opportunity Process

    Opportunity identified

    Send to SMEs

    Direct vianewsletter/website Via Partners


    Interested in opportunity?

    Register details includingability to meet criteria for


    VEN refers to partnersany gaps or missing skills

    SME get full accessto details on opportunity

    Sign up to use VENsservices for bidding

    support and collaboration

    SME wants further helpwith the opportunity


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    Todays P resentationSetting the scene.

    What is Project Target?

    Where are



    Next Steps.


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    Next StepsForthcoming events:

    Oct 21 st BridlingtonNov 16 th York Nov 27 th Leeds

    Partner EngagementLiaison with Industry partners for business support

    Buyer EngagementMeetings with Buyers / Main contractors / SMEs for identification of opportunitiesEngaging with Local Authorities, Emergency Services, Education Estates

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  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    This Presentation



    How it works


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    The Journey So Far

    The YORbuild Project has been in development

    for last






    a Regional

    Construction Collaboration Project funded by the Yorkshire and Humber Centre of Excellence.

    During the Regional Construction Collaboration Project it was clear that the Yorkshire and Humber regions Local Authorities, Public Sector Bodies and Third Sector Organisations did not have open access to regionally focused Construction Frameworks.

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    The Opportunity

    Local Authorities within Yorkshire and Humber

    region spend





    annum on Construction Services.

    In Local Government Construction is the largest spend category representing 30% of total spend.

    Collectively Local Authorities are the largest single Construction Client Body spending approximately 14 billion per annum on Construction Services.

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    Project Development

    Following a regional consultation event in

    October 2007

    a Project





    develop the concept of a Construction Framework aimed at the regions Local Authorities, Public Sector Bodies and Third

    Sector Organisations.

    The YORbuild Project Team consisted of Officers from 10 of the regions 22 Local Authorities with additional resources provided by the Yorkshire and Humber Centre of Excellence and developed the Project through

    its first 2 stages.

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    YORbuild Project


    Stage 1 PID

    development &



    Stage 2 Business Plan development &

    Stakeholder Communication

    Stage 3 Framework Procurement

    Stage 4 Framework Launch & Operation

    J a n 0 8

    D e c 0 7

    S e p t 0 8

    J u n 0 8

    Construction Collaboration Project


    O c t 0 7

    Project PhaseO c t 0


    O c t 0 9

    Funding Approval from LGYH

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    Project Approval and

    Funding The Regional Improvement and Efficiency

    Partnership (RIEP)





    Yorkshire and Humber recognised the potential of the YORbuild Project in March 2008.

    The YORbuild Project forms an integral part of the Regional Improvement and Efficiency Strategy for Yorkshire and Humber.

    In September 2008 Funding to take the YORbuild Project through stage 3 (Framework Procurement) was approved by the RIEP.

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    This Presentation



    How it works


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    YORbuild Framework

    Procurement This YORbuild Framework Procurement

    provides Construction Works:

    New Build Refurbishment Design and Build

    Projects subsequently procured via the YORbuild Framework will be awarded under the NEC3 Form of Contract and its various options.

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    YORbuild Framework

    Procurement Team The procurement of the YORbuild Framework

    is delivered by a collaborative cross Local Authority team.

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    YORbuild Framework

    StructureNorth Sub

    regionEast Sub

    regionSouth Sub

    regionWest Sub


    W o r k s V a l u e B a n d s

    Lot 1Up to 100k

    Lot 2 Above 100k up

    to 500k

    Lot 6Above 10000k

    Lot 4Above 1000k up to 3500k

    Lot 5Above 3500k up to 10000k

    Lot 3Above 500k up

    to 1000k

    Lot 1Up to 100k

    Lot 2 Above 100k up

    to 500k

    Lot 6Above 10000k

    Lot 4Above 1000k up to 3500k

    Lot 5Above 3500k up to 10000k

    Lot 3Above 500k up

    to 1000k

    Lot 1Up to 100k

    Lot 2 Above 100k up

    to 500k

    Lot 6Above 10000k

    Lot 4Above 1000k up to 3500k

    Lot 5Above 3500k up to 10000k

    Lot 3Above 500k up

    to 1000k

    Lot 1Up to 100k

    Lot 2 Above 100k up

    to 500k

    Lot 6Above 10000k

    Lot 4Above 1000k up to 3500k

    Lot 5Above 3500k up to 10000k

    Lot 3Above 500k up

    to 1000k

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    This Presentation



    How it works


    b ld k

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    YORbuild Framework

    Management The YORbuild Framework is managed by a

    team of individuals from the four Contracting Local Authorities and other external resources.

    The YORbuild Framework Management Team provide a procurement service desk to the regions Local Authorities, Public Sector Bodies and Third Sector Organisations.

    Framework Management activities including performance management, initiative development and communications are also

    handled by the Framework Management

    YORb ild F k

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    YORbuild Framework


    Framework Board Joint Committee

    Special interest Group

    Steering Group

    Board Member Board Member Board Member

    Board Member Chair Founder

    Member Local Authority

    Board Member

    Board Member Board Member Board Member

    Board Member Board Member Board Member

    Framework Manager

    Framework Management TeamLead Member Local


    Special interest Group

    M o n t h l y

    W e e k l y



    u ramewor

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Management Core Services

    Feasibility / compatibility.

    Procurement Mini






    Facilitation of contract administration. Mobilisation, pre contract meeting.

    Initiative and development.

    Supply chain management. Standardisation. Performance Measurement and Management

    YORb ild F k

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    Management Team

    Project performance

    monitored and fed back into the


    Service Level Agreement

    SLA Governs the performance levels

    offered to the Authorities and the

    terms of engagement.



    Individual Authorities


    Award Protocol.

    YORbuild Framework

    Project Procurement

    YORb ild F k

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    Framework Contracting Authority

    Framework Contractor Client Authority

    Framework Agreement

    Service Agreement

    Construction Contract

    YORbuild Framework

    Project Procurement

    YORbuild Framework

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    YORbuild Framework

    Current Opportunities

    The aforementioned projects have potential to be procured via the YORbuild Framework.

    City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council YMCA 9,000,000Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council LSC College, Doncaster 6,000,000East Riding of Yorkshire Council Leisure World, Bridlington 14,000,000East Riding of Yorkshire Council Multiservice Centres, Various 6,000,000East Riding of Yorkshire Council Floral Hall, Hornsea 4,000,000East Riding of Yorkshire Council New Housing, Various 17,000,000East Riding of Yorkshire Council Humberside Police HQ, Hull 25,000,000Harrogate Borough Council Toilets, Knaresborough 150,000North Lincolnshire Council Baths Hall, Scunthorpe 13,000,000North Lincolnshire Council PCP Project # 1 6,500,000North Lincolnshire Council PCP Project # 2 6,500,000Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council CSC, Rawmarsh 4,000,000Sheffield City Council New Housing, Various 4,000,000

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    This Presentation



    How it works


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    The YORbuild Framework offers significant efficiencies on two levels:

    Procurement. As the Framework has been procured under the OJEU Process all projects

    procured via the framework are called off through a mini competition taking 2 12 weeks.

    Cost. Collaborative frameworks are proven to reduce the whole cost of construction projects and as the framework brings together regional

    demand Contractor fees are very competitive.

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    Performance Improvement

    Forming the YORbuild Framework presents a unified intelligent Client approach to construction procurement.

    It enables Local Authorities, Public Sector

    Bodies and Third Sector organisations to collaborate and share information in a joined up way.

    Framework Contractors understand very clearly that performance measurement is key to long term success and the eyes of the regionare on them through the delivery of projects.

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    Employment and Skills

    The YORbuild Framework has developed a trailblazing approach to the enhancement of employment and skills in partnership with Construction Skills.

    Every project procured via the YORbuildFramework will have an employment and skills plan which will bind Contractors to the delivery of employment and skills output i.e. Numbers of apprentices.

    The model is seen as an exemplar for other

    regions to replicate.

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    The YORbuild Framework driven the waste management and carbon efficiency agenda through the procurement process.

    Detailed management information has been

    obtained to assess the performance of bidding contractors in the reduction of waste to landfill.

    The credentials of bidding contractors to reduce carbon impact in the build process together with the selection of solutions to

    improve the carbon efficiency of the building


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    Economic Regeneration

    The YORbuild Framework driven the economic regeneration agenda through its procurement and sets out very clearly the challenge to framework contractors.

    Targeted local sourcing through the framework for materials and subcontracts will be high on the framework management agenda.

    YORbuild is working closely with Yorkshire Forward to promote project opportunities to the supply chain in order to ensure the very

    best opportunity to the regional supply chain.

    YORbuild Framework ..

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    YORbuild Framework

    Benefits Access to a first class construction framework

    for the regions Local Authorities, Public Sector Bodies and Third Sector Organisations .

    Cashable efficiencies. Process efficiencies. Performance improvement. Platform for SME development. Capacity built across the region.

    Access to shared resources in the procurement of Construction Services.

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    Lee Parkinson

    YORbuild Project Manager


    [email protected]

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    Target SME Event

    18 th September

    Dan MaherJed Turner

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Kier Sheffield LLP

    Joint Venture between SCC and Kier Over 1,100 directly employed staff Defined geographical boundary Two major contracts with SCC Jobs Compact Agreement Additional SCC and 3 rd party work

    Added value and key achievements

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Some Key Partnership Objectives

    A partnership that will share the Councils core values, inparticular its commitment to equal opportunities, social

    justice and regeneration. Securing employment, making a positive contribution to

    training and providing a platform to develop increasedmarket opportunities.

    Developing and strengthening the diversity of thebuilding industry in Sheffield and supportingregeneration.

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    The Main Contracts

    Construction and Building Services to2013

    All Council owned homes

    Corporate buildings schools, libraries Exclusivity and Jobs Compact

    Decent Homes to 2010 and beyond 1 of 5 contractors

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    106m Business p/a

    3rd Par ty 15m

    Shar r ow Industr i es (Manuf acture)16m

    Cor por ate Building Repair s andMaintenance 6m

    Decent Homes 26.9m

    Constuction Projects 12.5m

    Housing Repai r s and Maintenance30m

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    Added Value

    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Economic Social Environmental

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    Commitment to keeping the within Sheffield and SouthYorkshire

    Commitment to maximising local jobs for local people Commitment to growing the business

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    Commitment to education, training and employmentprogrammes, examples of which are:-

    Work Experience 10 per dayCity Stewardship 120 at any one timeApprentices 51 on the booksSharrow IndustriesLooked After ChildrenDirect Labour 1,100 staff

    Commitment to equality and diversity


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    Yorkshire and Humber Index( )

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    SME our approach to inclusion

    85% of materials procured with organisations withSheffield postcode during the last 12 months, with avalue of circa 29M

    Specialist Sub Contractors Balance between national and local purchasing



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    Becoming a supply chain partner of Kier

    The following forms are part of our sub- contractor gatewaydocumentation to enable us to add a company to Kier SupportServices approved sub- contractor list:

    General Questionnaire (around business activity) Health and Safety Questionnaire Equal Opportunity and Diversity Questionnaire Environmental Questionnaire Financial Questionnaire Insurance Questionnaire Trades List Geographical areas


  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    For further information, please contact:

    Angela Johnson Telephone: 0114 2735221

    Email: [email protected]

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    P roject Target

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  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    An Introduction to the NEC Suite of Contracts

    Anne ChamberlainPrincipal Quantity Surveyor

    East Riding





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    The NEC Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) was developed as an improvement to the failure of the traditional forms of contract to Deliver certainty of outcome for

    all parties Reduce adversarial relationships

    Endorsed by




    industry inc OGC and NAO

    Used on significant and high

    profile projects

    Family of contract

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    documentsThe NEC family includes

    ECC 3rd Edition AF

    ECC Subcontract ECC Short Contract ECC Short Subcontract The Professional Services

    Contract (PSC) The Adjudicators

    Contract The Term Service

    Contract (TSC)

    The Framework ContractGuidance notes & flowcharts

    Why the NEC?

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    W y ?

    Common approach (both

    Engineering &


    Suite of contracts (for professionals/ short Form for

    minor works). Supports partnering.

    Supports Project


    Project Management procedures

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    now part






    Contract conditions Separate Project Managementprocedures

    Key aims of the NEC

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    The NEC is different from

    traditional forms


    a number


    ways. Drafted with objectives to make improvements in 3 main

    areas:1.Flexibility2.Clarity & simplicity3.Stimulus to good management


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    Multi disciplinary

    Design 100% Employer or 100% by Contractor

    or combination


    Clarity & simplicity

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    y p y

    Plain English

    Present tense

    Simple structure

    Short sentences

    Procedures are not open ended and


    No reference to law

    Set of common clauses (irrespective of the

    main contract chosen)

    Stimulus to good management

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    Proactive management of projects: Early Warning procedure for

    dealing with problems Focus on the programme Defined change control process

    (referred to as Compensation Events )

    Period for reply

    Describes actions to be taken by parties

    It is a document of procedures

    NEC structure

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    Core Clauses (common to ALL main options)1) General2) The Contractors main responsibilities

    3) Time4) Testing & Defects5) Payment6) Compensation events7) Title8) Risks & insurance

    9) Disputes & termination

    Main Options A to F

    Secondary Options

    Terms not used in the

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    ECCExtension of timeVariationsClaimsDelay & disruptionLoss & expenseTraditional roles (Architect/QS/Engineer)Subjective measurementsPrelims (added back!)

    Provisional Sums


    back!)Prime Cost Sums

    Interim valuations

    Comparison with other

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Forms of ContractJCT ICE ECC

    ArchitectSupervisin g OfficerContract


    Engineer Project Manager

    Quantity Surveyor

    Clerk of Works EngineersRepresentative


    Adjudicator Engineer (cl.66

    decisions) Adjudicator/Conciliator


    Arbitrator Arbitrator Arbitrator / Courts


  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Option A Priced Contract With Activity Schedule (Plan and Spec)

    Option B Priced Contract With Bill of Quantities (Bill of Quantities)

    Option C Target Contract With Activity Schedule

    (GMP then open book)

    Option D Target Contract With Bill of Quantities (Bill of Quantities then open book)

    Option E Cost Reimbursable Contract (Cost Plus)

    Option F Management Contract

    Financial risk

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    E m p l o y e r


    Financial risk ofmain options





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    10.1 The Employer, the Contractor, the Project Manager and the Supervisor shall act as stated in

    this contract and in a spirit of mutual trust and co operation.

    Early warnings

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    Key trigger to good management within the contract

    About the management of risk

    to the project Not about risk ownership

    Early Warning process:PM records

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    Question .Could it impact on?:- Time- Quality- Cost


    Question .Could it impact on?:- Time- Quality- Cost





    If yes

    If yes

    Late delivery - impact on existing service1 5 Note

    Not affordable - re-design, impacting on programme3 5 Manage

    Effect on programme 2 4 Be Aware

    Temporary strucure - cost & programme2 4 Be Aware

    O pe ra ti on al i mp ac t on r es t of s it e 3 5 Manage

    Delay in programme 2 5 Be Aware

    Delay in programme & cost 2 3 Note

    Impact on services 3 5 Manage

    outcome in aRisk Register

    Meeting to agree:- How to avoid..- Seek solutions- Decide action plan

    If reqd.

    If reqd.

    Early Warning clauses

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Clause Description

    16.1 Both parties give an early warning as soon as theybecome aware of any event that could effect: Time Quality Cost Key Date (NEC3)

    - Contractor can raise if his cost may increase (NEC3)- PM enters into a Risk Register (NEC3)

    16.2 Either party may instruct the other to attend a riskreduction meeting.

    Each may instruct other people to attend e.g.

    subcontractors, client stakeholders.

    Early Warning clauses

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    (continued):Clause Description16.3 At the risk reduction (NEC3) meeting those who

    attend co-operate in:1. Considering how the matter can be avoided

    or reduced2. Seeking solutions that will bring advantage

    to all those effected3. Decide upon actions to take

    16.4 The PM records the outcome and gives a recordof this to the contractor.

    NEC3 requires this record to be in the form of aRisk Register.

    Programming under

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    NEC3 NEC brought programming to the


    Detailed programme from the outset Regular updates to the programme

    which gives clear visibility as to where a programme is going

    No more claims programme at the end of the project

    Intends to remove the confrontational aspects of other forms of contract.

    Programme clauses: 31.2

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    Each programme (which requires acceptance by thePM) should include:

    starting date, access dates , Key Dates andCompletion Date planned Completion order & timing of operations (includesstatement of how & resource utilised) planned Completion provisions for:

    FloatTime risk allowance

    other information which the WI requires

    Programme clauses: 31.3

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    Reasons for not accepting theprogramme include:

    the Contractors plans are not practical the programme does not show the

    required information It does not represent the Contractors plans realistically or It does not comply with the WI

    Programme clauses: 32.2

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    The Contractor submits a revisedprogramme for acceptance:

    within the period for reply afterinstructed by the PM when the Contractor choosesand, in any case;

    at no longer than the intervalstated in the Contract Data

    Programme clauses: 32.1

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    Each revised programme needs toinclude:

    actual progress on each operation effects of implemented CEs

    how the Contractor plans to deal withdelays & notified Defects any other changes the Contractor proposes to the Accepted Programme

    Compensation events

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    Events which if they do not arise from Contractors fault entitle the Contractor to be recompensed for the affect on

    Prices, Key



    Completion Date.

    Under the NEC there are no

    prolongation or loss and expanse claims

    What are compensation

    t ?

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    events? It has to be listed as such in the

    contract 19 are stated in clause 60.1 3 in options B and D

    Also in secondary option clauses Z clauses

    Compensation Event

    E l

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Examples Clause 60.1

    (1) PM gives instruction changing WI

    (2) Employer does not allow access to and use part of the site

    (12) Contractor encounters certain conditions

    (13) A weather measurement is recorded less frequently than once in 10 years

    Compensation Events

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    Assessment of change is radically different a quick procedure to value change during the period of the contract

    Based upon





    change based on forecast costs not tendered rates and prices

    A Contractor should be neither better

    nor worse off for an Employer driven change event occurring

    Any extension of time & associated costs must be included in each CE

    Compensation events

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    4 stage process:

    1. Notifying

    2. Quoting

    3. Assessing

    4. Implementing

    Each step is required to becarried out within definedtimescales

    Schedule of cost components

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Compensation events priced in accordance with SCC

    Full schedule used for options C,D & E

    Shorter schedule for options A&B

    SCC sets out what can be included e.g.

    People costs Materials Equipment

    Contract data

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Similar to appendix entries for JCT

    CD part 1 completed by employer

    CD part 2 completed by contractor

    Example of completed CD within guidance notes (brown book)

    NEC3 Caution.

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    Not a contract for the bottom drawer

    E.g. time barring on CEs..forContractor & PM

    Main contractor can be at risk if the dont go back to back with sub contractors

    Use of the NEC be prepared for more admin during the project!!

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    TI ME

    T r a d

    i t i o n a


    1-2 months


    Professional Services contract

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    May be used to appoint a supplier to provide design services (mainly

    L46) A priced contract with activity


    C target contract E time based contract

    G term contract

    Term Service Contract

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    May be used to appoint a supplier over a period of time to provide a

    service A priced contract with price list C target contract with price list E cost reimbursable contract

    Adjudicators contract

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    May be used to appoint an Adjudicator to decide disputes under the NEC

    Framework contract.

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    Used to appoint suppliers to carry out works or services on an as

    instructed basis over a set term YORbuild ITT documents are based

    on this contract & structured

    around it. Uses the term supplier, rather than


    Framework is preferred by LAsrather than contracts more flexible/ no commitment

    Further information..

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Managing Reality Series of books written by NEC

    experts well versed in using the NEC at the coal face

    Practical tips e.g. How to calculate people overheads

    & working area overheads Examples of hourly rate build up

    using SCC vs working rule agreements

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  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation



    Management in the Construction Industry

    P roject Target

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    P roject Target

    P roject Target

  • 8/14/2019 Project Target Event Building Business for Our Region 18 Sep 09 Presentation


    Thank you for listening!

    P roject Target