Project SOCH: S trengthening O verall C are for H IV-Patients “Working towards the Development of a Patient Centric IT enabled Integrated M&E systems with embedded Supply Chain Functions”` June 2018

Project SOCH: Strengthening Overall Care for HIV …india-ccm.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/12_WJCF_Project...2018/06/12  · Project SOCH: Strengthening Overall Care for HIV-Patients

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Project SOCH:Strengthening Overall Care for HIV-Patients

“Working towards the Development of a Patient Centric IT enabled Integrated M&E systems with embedded Supply Chain Functions”`

June 2018

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S.No Contents

1 Overview of Project SOCH

2 Progress So Far

3 Key Risks & Next Steps

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o Information Asymmetry: Limited intra-divisional data sharing (NACO) and data sharing between NACO, MoH & Private sector

o Disconnected Data Management tools: Absence of an end-to-end case based reporting system

o Limited Supply Chain Monitoring

Project SOCH: Need for a patient centric IT enabled integrated M&E system

o Modular, seamless and scalable integrated system for end to end beneficiary tracking and supply chain management

o Unique identification of beneficiaries which can be linked to other MoHFW systems (mechanism TBD)

o Supply chain linked to beneficiary usage

Current Status Future State

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S.No Activity Implementation Plan

1 Assessment Study

Objective: To understand current & future user requirements, and existing systems and develop architecture for integrated system

To be conducted at 4 levels - National, State, District and Facility

SACS from one state in each of the major regions - North, East, Central, South, West, North-East and 2 districts (and their facilities) per state will be visited


Development of IT Enabled

Integrated M&E System

RFP for vendor selection and development of system by vendor

Piloting of system, feedback incorporation and roll-out thereafter

3Trainings on the

New System

WJCF to work with NACO to develop a training plan

Master trainings: WJCF to train master trainers, NACO and SACS personnel, at the national level

Down trainings: The master trainers to carry out down trainings for facility level staff (ARTC, LAC, ICTCs, STI clinics, TIs, DAPCUs, Labs etc.) as per guidance for NACO

4Transition to


WJCF to work with NACO to develop the transition plan

Preparation of documentation for audits for transition to NIC servers

Building capacity at NACO for post-grant usage and maintenance of system

Project SOCH: Approach

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Project SOCH: Performance Indicators & Budget

Coverage Indicator

Indicator: Percentage of users trained on integrated M&E system (out of 15,231 Users)


Time Period Target

1-Oct-19 to 31-Mar-20 11.7%

1-Apr-20 to 30-Sep-20 63.1%

1-Oct-20 to 31-Mar-21 25.3%

Time Period (starting Jan’18) Budget

Year 1 $ 10,86,573 (28%)

Year 2 $ 12,90,940 (33%)

Year 3 $ 14,77,157 (37%)

Year 4 $ 87,831 (2%)

Total $ 39,42,500

Allocated Budget

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Project SOCH: Key Timelines

2018 2019 2020 2021

S.No Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

1 Assessment Study

2Development of IT Enabled Integrated M&E System

3Trainings on the New System

4Transition to NACO & Post roll out support

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S.No Contents

1 Overview of Project SOCH

2 Progress So Far

3 Key Risks & Next Steps

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Progress So Far:Stakeholder Engagement

Formation of steering committee under AS

Frequency of meeting – monthly

Additional Secretary (AS)

Constitution of





JointSecretary (JS)

Formation of implementation committee under JS

Frequency of meeting – weekly

Deputy Director General (DDG)

Regular meeting with division heads

Frequency of meeting – as required



Planned interaction with relevant development partners as per NACO’s


Planned meetings with different implementation partners to incorporate

their inputs



Presentation on project SOCH to all divisions at NACO

Presentation on project SOCH to all SACS M&E officers during workshops

Signing of MOU with NACO

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Progress So Far:Assessment Study: Methodology

Understanding and Documentation of

existing Beneficiary, SCM and Information flow across service

delivery units, DAPCU, SACS and


Interviews at Facility, DAPCU, SACS and

NACO level to capture

Programmatic and Monitoring Needs in any future system

Finalizing data recording fields and reporting indicators and their associated processes across all


Designing the final data integration

methodology across divisions based on interviews with the

developers of existing systems

• Day 1: Visit District 1 and interview personnel and

officials from Facilities and DAPCU

• Day 2: Visit District 2 and interview personnel and

officials from Facilities and DAPCU

• Day 3: Visit SACS and interview SACS officials (PD,

JD-CST, JD-BSD, JD-LSD, Store officer, M&E officer)

TI Blood Bank







WJCF has developed the methodology document with key stakeholders from NACO

Discussion scheduled with JS and divisions heads the week of 25th June

Facilities to be Visited:Tentative State Visit Plans:

Process Flow:

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Progress So Far:Assessment Study: E-Survey

Objective: To understand the IT infrastructure (hardware and software) and availability of

HR/electricity/ internet at ~30k NACO facilities

Next Steps in the roll out of E-Survey:

o ‘Save and Continue’ option added to minimize duplication in responses

o Dedicated support ‘email id’ created to answer all the queries from the users

o Facilities with irregular internet service encouraged to complete the survey on mobile


Survey was developed using surveygizmo portal in both English and Hindi (link)

Pilot conducted at 24 sites across 8 states to capture user feedback, which has been incorporated.

Highlights –

o Interface: All facilities found it user-friendly

o Survey questions: Clear to all facilities

o Length (~20 min): All facilities found it appropriate

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Progress So Far:Assessment Study: Patient, SCM, and Information Flow

Patient Flow:

o First round of interviews at the national

level are complete with intended

patient flow documented at inter and

intra facility level.

o Facility Visits in Mizoram and Delhi (SA-


and DSRC) and Delhi (SA-ICTC, ARTC,

MSM TI, IDU TI, DSRC, Blood Bank, CD4

Lab and SRL) have been carried out to

map on-the-ground realities.

o An exhaustive entry-exit mapping of

client flow across all facility types

stands completed.

Figure-1: Photograph of an additional hand-written patient register (non – NACO format) that is maintained by the ARTC in Mizoram to

answer queries around reporting

Figure-2: DIC at the IDU TI in Mizoram

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Progress So Far:Assessment Study: Patient, SCM, and Information Flow

Supply Chain Flow:

o First round interviews at the national

level are complete with intended

commodity flow documented at

forecasting, procurement, distribution

and redistribution level.

o The integration of supply chain at all

points of service delivery within each

visited facility has been mapped.

o The forecasting methodology used by

each division for respective

commodities were studied and


Figure-4: Photograph of a completed indent form used by Mizoram SACS

Figure-3: Cold Room in Blood Bank at Civil Hospital, Aizawl. Testing Kits are stored here due to paucity of space at SACS

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Progress So Far:Assessment Study: Patient, SCM, and Information Flow

Information Flow:

o Documentation of all client and SCM

focused variables captured across all

facility types are completed.

o Mapping of all key indicators across

major IT systems (deployed by NACO)

and documentation of the business

intelligence layer of these systems

stands completed.

o The complete flow of information from

variables (facility level) to indicators

(NACO level) including mode of capture

and transmission and location of

capture is documented.

Figure-5: Photograph of the Stock Register for consumables at the visited IDU TI

Figure-6: Photograph of EQUAS Tracking Sheet (Information Flow) used in Mizoram

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Progress So Far:Development of IT system

Initial Vendor



of Request for

Proposal (RFP)

The team has already started interacting with different IT vendors to

build an understanding around the possible integration architecture

of different applications

It also enables the team to assess the capabilities and experience of

different vendors thereby creating a list of suitable vendors

Based on the scope of the project and initial interaction with the

vendors, a draft version of the RFP is being created which will include

General and Specific Conditions of Contract

The final RFP document floated among the vendors will also include

the Business Requirement Document (BRD), which will be developed

at the end of the assessment study

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S.No Contents

1 Overview of Project SOCH

2 Progress So Far

3 Key Risks & Next Steps

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1. Staff Recruitment:

• Team has been interviewing candidates for several positions but several offers have been rejected on account of salaries

2. Project timelines:

• Given legal review, signing of the MOU took longer than expected, which slowed hiring and other activities

• Initially conceived project timelines may need to be re-evaluated

Project Risks

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Recruitments and new staff orientation

Stakeholder Engagement

o Hold Steering Committee Kick off meeting

Assessment Study

o Conduct field visits

o Disseminate the e-Survey

Next Steps

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Project SOCH: Quarter-wise Budget Allocation

Time Period (starting Jan’18) Budget

Year 1 $ 10,86,573 (28%)

Q1 $ 2,69,336 (25%)

Q2 $ 2,78,566 (26%)

Q3 $ 2,69,336 (25%)

Q4 $ 2,69,336 (25%)

Year 2 $ 12,90,940 (33%)

Q5 $ 2,81,523 (22%)

Q6 $ 2,88,629 (22%)

Q7 $ 2,81,523 (22%)

Q8 $ 4,39,266 (34%)

Year 3 $ 14,77,157 (37%)

Q9 $ 4,50,254 (30%)

Q10 $ 4,54,869 (31%)

Q11 $ 4,50,254 (30%)

Q12 $ 1,21,781 (8%)

Year 4 $ 87,831 (2%)

Q13 $ 87,831 (100%)

Total $ 39,42,500