MVO - de ketenorganisatie voor oliën en vetten Louis Braillelaan 80 2719 EK Zoetermeer T 079 363 43 50 [email protected] www.mvo.nl Project Plan Commissioned by: F. Claassen, Director MVO on behalf of MVO Management Project leader: Nicole Vervaet, project manager MVO Date: 23-02-2017 Version: 2 File Location: M: / Academy / projectplan_v2 Academy

Project Plan - MVO · the Committee for Grain Traders. 4 ... Increasing the quality of the customer-supplier conversation; ... Nutri tion Sustaina bility Safety Quality Trade

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MVO - de ketenorganisatie voor oliën en vetten

Louis Braillelaan 80

2719 EK Zoetermeer

T 079 363 43 50

[email protected]


Project Plan

Commissioned by: F. Claassen, Director MVO on behalf of MVO Management

Project leader: Nicole Vervaet, project manager MVO

Date: 23-02-2017

Version: 2

File Location: M: / Academy / projectplan_v2




Introduction………………………………………………………..…………………………………….... 3

Aim of the Program........................................................................................................................ 4

Program Results………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Target groups................................................................................................................................. 5

Timings and Resources ................................................................................................................. 5

Preconditions ................................................................................................................................. 6

Riskmanagement............................................................................................................................ 7


o Project Structure o Project Planning o Project Budget o Inventory of Educational Opportunities



MVO - The Netherlands Oils and Fats Industry has been operating for 3 years as a private

association. As it now appears there is a need for more knowledge about oils and fats in the society.

On the one hand more knowledge for sector employees and on the other hand more knowledge for

students at certain educations. The wide dissemination of knowledge about fats and oils is important

among also other relevant target groups, because unknown makes unloved.

The Oils and Fats Industry is virtually unknown to the greater public. The crops out of which oils and

fats are derived are mostly grown outside our country. Our Industry Plants are located at harbours

away from the towns and villages. The Product can easily be envisioned as a small part of the

supermarket shelves either in the refrigerator or amongst other groceries. But hardly anyone outside

the sector knows that the oils and fats are an essential ingredient in a large part of the supermarket

products, both food and non food. Also in feed they play an important role as well as in the biobased

economy. At least the sector employees of the present and the near future should know there is

more to fats and oils than just some nice products.

The sector in itself plays an important role in the Agro Economy, both in import, export and

production value. The supply chain is a vital supply chain in supplying the world with foods. Adding

knowledge to educations emphasizes the role of the Dutch oils and fats industry as a potential

employer. The (food) industry is currently difficult to get skilled technical staff.

Employees in the sector used to already have the ability to follow a course in Food and Feed Safety,

a course that is given annually by MVO. The course is fully booked every year and the course

program is becoming more and more extended. This illustrates the probable need for other courses

on other topics besides Food & Feed Safety.

There are also other initiatives such as an information day for employees of the NVWA, modules on

oils and fats within other courses, a digital knowledge centre and e-learnings. The request was made

from the Board of MVO to extend the current course offer with a separate basic course and a course

in sustainability. In addition to promote knowledge sharing and cross-fertilization with other

educational programs at universities. In developing our own courses it must be taken into account

the knowledge that is being taught in courses in related fields, such as courses from STC, Fosfa and

the Committee for Grain Traders.


Aim of the Program

MVO Academy aims the following aspects:

Increasing the knowledge of employees in the sector

Bringing basic knowledge about the sector and about oils and fats in relevant educational

programs at universities, where curricula lack this knowledge

Increasing the quality of the customer-supplier conversation; by providing them with more

knowledge about oils and fats they can better understand how product specifications are

established (business to business education)

Increasing the knowledge in Key Opinion Leaders, especially policy makers and enforcers in

the field of nutrition and food; this will contribute to a correct valuation of oils and fats in a

healthy, safe and sustainable foodchain.

Perhaps its clarifying if it’s also mentioned what should not be the goal of the program at this

moment. In this phase of the program MVO Academy does NOT aim: specific factory line

knowledge, creating more positions for internships, promoting research, a professor chair, a

separate master or major within a certain education, a pilot plant at certain educations.

Program results

The program will initially include:

• Basic course for (new) employees in the sector

• Courses Food & Feed Safety for (new) employees in the sector, this course has been

already developed but will need some adjustments to fit in the new program

• Sustainable development course for (new) employees in the sector

• Learning module for students food technology and/or nutrition

The level of the program will be MBO+ / HBO / WO.

Supporting the training and teaching modules a new digital knowledge centre will be developed. This

Centre has the option to grow from one education level to another education level.

The basic course includes knowledge on:

The supply chain / the natural origin / functionality / chemistry / processing technique / biobased

developments / basic knowledge about MVO themes: Food and Health, Sustainability, Product

Quality and Food/Feed Safety and Trade Policy.

It’s important to note that not only the food sector will be addressed but also the feed, technics/

oleochemistry, biobased and energy sector.


Target groups

The main target groups are:

• Employees in the sector

• Student food technology and nutrition HBO / WO

• Relevant stakeholders / customers

Timings and Resources

In 2017 the development of the newly bethought courses of the MVO Academy takes place. Also an

inventory will be started up of the available offer in knowledge on the one hand and the gaps in

knowledge on the other hand. In 2018 the existing Food & Feed Safety Course will be updated and

there should be developed two new courses, the Basic course on Oils and Fats and the

Sustainability Course. At the end of 2018 a teaching module will be developed for a university.

The timeline:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

2017 Project Plan

First Project Group meeting

Course F&FS (regular)

Recruitment new courses

2018 Recruitment learning module students

Course Basics Course Sustainability

Adjusted course F&FS

New learning module students


Digital Knowledge Centre

At specific times feedback will be given to the Board of MVO, to an interested audience (hereafter it

be mentioned as a consultation group) and to the MVO employees. Also in the working groups

updates will be given on a regular basis.


A project structure is set up in which course development can take place (signalling needs, signalling

knowledge offer, program content determination, material development, assessment, accreditation).

This project structure should permanently promote the exchange of knowledge.

A project group will be set up plus a number of working groups and a focus group. The role of the

project group will be a steering role. The working groups will be developing the different

courses. The chairmen of the working groups are members of the project group. In addition, in the

project group, other business officials who have a broad view on their companies needs will have a

seat. The consultation group is open to people involved in fully developed courses, WAC members

and relevant and interested business officials. Depending on the phase of the program, the project

will change in composition of people. Preferably in the various groups people from the MVO member

companies will join on a regular basis.


MVO Academy strives for the long run for a zero balance, a situation where the benefits outweigh

the costs or are equal to the costs. The program in the long run must be at least financially neutral

for the sector, preferably it generates a positive cash flow. This money can then be used to fund and

expand the digital knowledge centre or more training in educational institutions.

For the development of the MVO Academy has a budget of € 25,000 in 2017. The question remains

whether this amount is for the onset of the development only, as it might not be enough when the

development of a Digital Knowledge Centre is included.

MVO enables FTE in the form of a project leader (0.2 FTE) and project staff. From the MVO Policy

Advisors substantial input is needed. Logistical support will be needed in the field of event

management and administration. Once the recruitment for the courses has started communications

support will be needed. Experts from the MVO member companies are also asked to give

substantial input and commitment and teaching hours within their field of expertise, transparency

across their businesses and opening up companies for excursions.

The courses should be evaluated positively. A course is a success when:

• per course the anticipated number of participants is enrolling

• if the evaluation among the participants is positive

• if the knowledge is demonstrably increased as will be judged by an examination

The aim is - where possible - to achieve accreditation. However so far no existing accreditation

has been discovered.

When there are grants available, grants will be used as much as possible. However so far no

suitable grant has been discovered.


Risk management

Risk can better be spotted in advance and need to be addressed properly. Here are the risks can be

thought of at the moment.

Risk: inadequate involvement of the sector companies.

To prevent this risk at regular intervals the MVO Board members will be updated on the program and

they will be asked for their commitment. Furthermore employees from the sector companies will be

scheduled within the program where specific expertise matches their skills. Also the companies will

be asked to open up their plants for excursions.

Within the project group smart goals on these aspects will be agreed on. The schedule will provide

insights in how many teaching hours a person or a company will be asked to participate in the

program and how the teaching hours will be evenly divided among the different companies.

Risk: not enough commitment FTE / time / money

A good and realistic planning and budgeting should avoid the occurrence of this risk. The program

should not be set too large.

Risk: negative evaluation of training programs or teachers

Proper evaluation and adjustment of speakers of program should prevent this risk from happening.

Also a train the trainer course can be part of the program.

Risk: offered knowledge does not reflect the sectors needs

To avoid this risk, experts from the companies serve on the consultation group, the working groups

and in the project team. Also within the setting up of each course an open consultation will be part.

Meanwhile, experts from the companies will provide substantial input.



Project Structure


Project Planning

Phase 2: Development

of a teaching module for


June 2017 untill August


Phase 3: Development

of a Digital Knowledge


January 2018 untill

April/May 2019


Project Budget

2017 2018 2019






Development Digital Centre ?


€ 25.000,-


Inventory of Educational Opportunities



Natural Origin





Proces sing







Safety Quality Trade

WUR Wageningen

Food Technology

Human Nutrition





HAS Den Bosch / Venlo

Food Technology Food Innovation Environmental Technology

International Agri business w.o. Biobased w.o. Feed

Lectoraat V&G

Van Hall Larenstein Leeuwaren / Velp

Food Technology

Agri Supply Chain man. Agri business Chemische Technology

Inholland Delft / A’dam

Food, Commerce Technology

HLO chemie


VU A’dam

Gezondheid en leven Gezondheids- Wetenschappen

University Maastricht

European Public Health




HAN Arnhem/ Nijmegen

Voeding en diëtetiek HLO chemie Lectoraat V&G (sport/zorg)

Hanzehogeschool Groningen

Chemische technologie (biobased) Voeding en dietetiek

Universiteit Utrecht

Global Sustainability Science


Milieu Wetenschappen

Universiteit Leiden

