Project NSR

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  • 8/16/2019 Project NSR



    At last few years, we are faced with global warming. Global warming and climate change areterms for the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate

    system and its related effects. Global warming is bed for our environment in so many ways,

    but there is one good thing. The mean air temperature in the Arctic has increased by around

    twice the rate of the rest of the world, and it enabled melting glaciers. Melting glaciers have

    opened up a new route for commercial shipping, The orthern !ea "oute # !"$.

    The main tas% for my partner and me was to e&plore why is this route important and useful,

    who can use it, and how will this route improve commercial shipping. Also we learned a lot,

    because our %nowledge about this sub ect was poor. (t was intresting doing this sub ect

    because it was new, un%nown and helpful for our profession. Also, it was hard to read artic%le

    about this sub ect, because there are words and terms that are un%nown to us, and we have to

    struggle with that. )ut, the advantage is that we wor%ed together, so we helped each other.

    The orthern !ea "oute lies within the polar circle and e&tends along the northern shores of

    "ussia. (t is good because it shorts ship distances between Europe and Asia. The opening this

    route also enable hydrocarbon e&ploration. *aterway through the Arctic and in the future

    would be seasonal, limited to parts of the year when the ice has thinned. )ut, sailing this route

    has many problems. +n of them is the possibility of delay ris%. (n this paper the delay ris%

    will be assessed with a fu y bow-tie-based analysis. A bow-tie analysis is way of performing

    ris% analysis and is very helpful to describe the different ris%s, barriers and conse uences

    related to an unwanted event. )ut that is not ehough, so we must use fu y set theory. This

    theory canaddress uncertainty related to e&pert %nowledge. ombining these two analy es, the

    author proposes method to do a semi uantitative bow-tie analysis to assess the ris% of delay

    for ships sailing the !". (t presents a basic concept for an e&emplary routeing for a summer

    transit. The method used could be a tool for policy ma%ers, insurance companies and

    operators to evaluate the use of !" by giving a clearer picture of the ris% of being delayed.

    As we can see, this sub ect opens a loto of other sub ects, such as bow-tie analysis, fu y set

    theory, commercial shipping etc. "eading this article we learn something about that, but there

    is always place for more research and %nowledge for us to do and learn. Also reading this

    article, caused debate between my partner and me. *e debate if one of us will go to sail thisroute. *e both agreed that we would not, because there is too much ris%s and the route is still

  • 8/16/2019 Project NSR


    not well researched. +n the other hand, we agreed that we will follow the news and researchs

    about route. The other sub ect that caught our attention is global warming. *e agreed that tis

    sub ect is very important to everyone. (t is important for the public to learn and become aware

    that this problem becoming more and more dangerous for our environment and the world we

    %now. !ure, we agreed that it is good for the orth !ea "oute, but there are so many other

    things that are very bad, such as droughts, floods, climate changes etc. To conclude, for my

    partner and me this pro ect was hard and challenging, but also we learnd a lot about this

    sub ect, we learnd new words and terms, we practiced our english, team, presentation s%ills.

    *e have learned to respect the opinions of others and debate about problems.

    My partner and me chosed this topic because it is intresting and very helpful. (t is intresting

    because we did not %now much about it, and it is helpful for our future ob and %nowledge.

    Also, we learnd that there is opportunities to e&plore. ( e&pect that we/ll find lot of useful

    informations. 0or e&emple, we can e&plore how !" will affect on world trade and economy,

    on environment and relations between countries where route passes. +n the other side, we

    thin% that people are not familiar with this topic and opportunities that route gives, so it is

    important to inform the public. *e all thin% that in 12st century we do not have more to

    e&plore but the world we live is changing. !ometimes these changes are good for us and

    sometimes are bad. 0or e&ample, it should not be ignored hydrocarbon e&ploration. This

    natural source can be beneficial to world trade and e&ports.

    ( e&pected from my partner that he would cooperate and that we had a good relationship. (

    hope we made succesful student pro ect. And ( hope that in the future we will wor% together

    and that we wil be the best. (n the end of this essay. ( would li%e to say that ( am satisfied how

    we done this. ( thin% taht we done good ob, considering our language s%ills. (t was hard and

    painful, but we did it.