ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2012-159 BWR Vessel & Internals Project (BWRVIP) October 15, 2012 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 Attention: Joseph Holonich Subject: Project No. 704 - BWR Vessel and Internals Inspection Summaries for Fall 2011 Outages Enclosed are five (5) copies of the document entitled "BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Vessel Internals Inspection Summaries for Fall 2011 Outages, October 2012." The information provided in the enclosed document identifies the BWR internal components inspected and generally includes the date or frequency of inspection, the inspection method used and a summary of results including repair or replacement activities. The enclosed document is being provided to the NRC for information only. The information contained in the enclosed document was developed by the individual utilities and has been compiled into the enclosed document by the BWRVIP. The BWRVIP plans to continue to gather such information and to provide periodic updates such as in the enclosed document. Representatives of the BWRVIP would be pleased to meet with the NRC staff to discuss any comments or questions related to the enclosed document. If you have any questions on the enclosed document or the general subject of inspection results, please call Chuck Wirtz, BWRVIP Integration Committee Technical Chairman, FirstEnergy, at 440.280.7665. Sincerely, Dennis Madison Southern Nuclear Chairman, BWR Vessel and Internals Project Together ... Shaping the Future of Electricity DD4 PALO ALTO OFFICE 3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1395 USA o 650.855.2000 *Customer Service 800.313.3774 o www.epri.com

Project No. 704 - BWR Vessel and Internals Inspection

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Page 1: Project No. 704 - BWR Vessel and Internals Inspection


2012-159 BWR Vessel & Internals Project (BWRVIP)

October 15, 2012

Document Control DeskU. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission11555 Rockville PikeRockville, MD 20852

Attention: Joseph Holonich

Subject: Project No. 704 - BWR Vessel and Internals Inspection Summaries for Fall 2011Outages

Enclosed are five (5) copies of the document entitled "BWR Vessel and Internals Project, VesselInternals Inspection Summaries for Fall 2011 Outages, October 2012."

The information provided in the enclosed document identifies the BWR internal componentsinspected and generally includes the date or frequency of inspection, the inspection method usedand a summary of results including repair or replacement activities. The enclosed document isbeing provided to the NRC for information only.

The information contained in the enclosed document was developed by the individual utilitiesand has been compiled into the enclosed document by the BWRVIP. The BWRVIP plans tocontinue to gather such information and to provide periodic updates such as in the encloseddocument.

Representatives of the BWRVIP would be pleased to meet with the NRC staff to discuss anycomments or questions related to the enclosed document. If you have any questions on theenclosed document or the general subject of inspection results, please call Chuck Wirtz,BWRVIP Integration Committee Technical Chairman, FirstEnergy, at 440.280.7665.


Dennis MadisonSouthern NuclearChairman, BWR Vessel and Internals Project

Together ... Shaping the Future of Electricity DD4PALO ALTO OFFICE3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1395 USA o 650.855.2000 *Customer Service 800.313.3774 o www.epri.com

Page 2: Project No. 704 - BWR Vessel and Internals Inspection

BWR Vessel and Internals Project

Vessel Internals Inspection Summariesfor Fall 2011 Outages

October 2012


Page 3: Project No. 704 - BWR Vessel and Internals Inspection

Table of Contents


1. Clinton Power Station2. Dresden 23. Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 34. Vermont Yankee




Page 4: Project No. 704 - BWR Vessel and Internals Inspection

Reactor Internals Inspection History

Plant: Clinton Power Station

Components in Date or Inspection Summarize the Following Information: InspectionBWRVIP Scope Frequency of Method Used Results, Repairs, Replacements, Reinspections


Core Shroud

Horizontal Welds

HI, H2, H3, H4,

H5, H6A, H6B,

and H7.

Vertical Welds

VIi, V12, V13

and V14

4/2002 (C1R08) UT Performed UT of Horizontal Welds.


Weld NumberLength




H4 upper side

H4 lower side

H5 upper side

H5 lower side








% of ExaminedLength















The following identify flaws:

Weld NumberLength


% of ExaminedLength Flawed


H2 0.0%


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Core ShroudHorizontal Welds 4/2002 UT Prior to startup an Engineering Evaluation wasH I, H2," H3, H4, (C1R08) performed to justify continued operation for one

HI5, H6A, H6B, cycle. Later on several other analyses performed as

and H7. identified in VIP documents to document 2 cycles of

Vertical Welds operation. This plan was presented to the NRC.

VIi, V12, V13and V14 Planning to implement a repair modification in

2/2006 (C1RIO).4 Tie Rods 2/2006 Visual 4 Tie Rods installed in 2/2006 (CIRlO). Inspection

(CiR1O) Inspection performed as required by VIP-76.Vertical Welds: V4, V5,V15, V16, V20, V21, V22,and V23

01/2008(CiRl 1)


Performed Visual Examination of the followingVertical Welds.Coverage:Weld Number % of Examined InspectionLength Length ResultsV4 (OD Only) 100.0% AcceptableV5 (OD Only) 10.0% Inspected

100%accessiblearea, butbecause outof correctangle due tothis weld isright behindthe LPCIline, exceptfor the toparea of theweld).Acceptable.

V15 (OD Only) 10.0% Tie Rodlimits accessto weld,changed 25%to 10%.Acceptable.

V16 (OD Only) 50.0% Top portionof the weld ishidden byTie Rod.Acceptable.

V20 (OD Only) 100.0% AcceptableV21 (OD Only) 95.0% AcceptableV22 (OD Only) 100.0% AcceptableV23 (OD Only) 100.0% Acceptable


Page 7: Project No. 704 - BWR Vessel and Internals Inspection

Core ShroudDetail inspection of 2 Tie 01/2008 Detail Tie Rod at 65 deg. - AcceptableRods at'65 deg. and 245 deg. (CIRI 1) Visual Tie Rod at 245 deg. - Acceptable


General inspection of the 01/2008 Visual Tie Rod at 155 deg. - Acceptableremaining 2 Tie Rods at 155 (CIRI 1) Inspection Tie Rod at 335 deg. - Acceptableand 335 deg.Detail inspection of 2 Tie 01/2010 Detail Tie Rod at 155 deg. - AcceptableRods at 155 deg. and 335 (C1R12) Visual Tie Rod at 335 deg. - Acceptabledeg. including Inspection required by BWRVIP-76 & Tie Rod

tightness Design.verification

General inspection of the 01/2010 Visual Tie Rod at 65 deg. - Acceptableremaining 2 Tie Rods at 65 (C1R12) Inspection Tie Rod at 245 deg. - Acceptableand 245 deg. Inspection required by BWRVIP-76 & Tie Rod

Design.Vertical Welds 12/2011 UT Performed UT of Vertical Welds.V11, V12, V13 (C1R13) Coverage:

Weld Number % of Examinedand V14 Length Length

Vi 84.0%V12 80.7%V13 81.7%V14 85.3%

The following identify flaws:

Weld Number % of ExaminedLength Length FlawedViI 1.1%V12 0.0%V13 0.0%V14 0.0%

Tie Rod at 65 deg 12/2011 VT-3 No indications identified.(C1R13)

Tie Rod at 65 deg Upper 12/2011 EVT-1 No indications identified.Support Comers (C1R13)


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Shroud SupportH8 and H9 Welds 10/2000 EVT-1 EVT- 1 of H8 and H9 welds for >10% length per VIP-

(C1R07) 38. No indications were identified.

H9 Weld 2/2004 UT UT of H9 weld for 100% length from outside the(C1R09) Reactor wall. No indications were identified.

H8 Weld 2/2006 EVT-1 No indications were identified.(CIR1O)

Access Hole Cover 2/2004 VT-I VT-I of Access Hole Cover assembly per GE SIL(C1R09) 462. No indications were identified.1/2010 EVT-1 EVT- 1 of Access Hole Cover and Heat Affected

(C1R12) Zone (HAZ). No indications were identified.Inspection required by BWRVIP-180.

H8 Weld 12/2011 EVT-1 & No indications were identified.(C1R13) VT-i

Core Spray Baseline Ins ection

Core Spray Piping: P2, P3A, 10/2000 UT Performed UT on the identified piping welds on bothP3B, P4A, P4B, P5, and P6 (C1R07) High Pressure Core Spray and Low Pressure Core

Spray piping systems. Two flaw indications, one oneach BP2 and CP2 welds, were identified. Evaluatedfor 2 cycles operation per Core Spray FlawEvaluation Handbook.

P4C and P4D 10/2000 EVT-1 No indications were identified.(C1R07)

P8 10/2000 VT-I No indications were identified.(C1R07)

Core Spray Baseline InspectionCore Spray Spargers 10/2000 EVT-1/ No indications were identified.I (C1R07) VT-1 (as


Core Spray ReinspectionCore Spray Piping: P2's-all 2/2004 UT Performed UT on the identified piping welds on both4, P3A's-all 4, P3B-only 1, (C1R09) High Pressure Core Spray and Low Pressure CoreP4A-only 1, P4B-only 1, Spray piping systems. The two (2) existing flawP5's-all 4, and P6-only 1. indications, one on each BP2, CP2 welds, were

identified. These two (2) flaws grew in length.Evaluated for 2 additional cycles of operation perCore Spray Flaw Evaluation Handbook. In addition,one more flaw indication on weld DP2 wasidentified. This flaw indication was also evaluatedfor two (2) cycles of operation. No other indicationswere identified.


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P4c-only 1 weld 2/2004 EVT-1 No indications were identified.P4d-only 1 weld (C1R09)

P8-only 1A-PR, A-ADR, 2/2004 EVT-1 No indications were identified.A-BDR, B-PR, (C1R09)

B-CDR, andB-DDRCore Spray Spargers 2/2004 EVT- No indications were identified.

(C1R09) 1/VT-1 (asrequired)Auto UTandEVT-1

A-PR, A-ADR, 2/2006 EVT-1 No indications were identified.A-BDR, B-PR, (CiR1O)B-CDR, B-DDRA-BP4c, A-BP4d 2/2006 EVT-1 No indications were identified.A-APB(PB1) (CiRO)

A-BPB(PB2)A-BP8 2/2006 VT-1 No indications were identified.


Core Spray ReinspectionCore Spray Piping: P2's-all 01/2008 UT Performed UT on the identified piping welds on both4, P3A's-all 4, P3B-only 1, (CIRI 1) High Pressure Core Spray and Low Pressure CoreP4A-only 1, P4B-only 1, Spray piping systems. The three (3) existing flawP5's-all 4, and P6-only 1. indications, one on each BP2, CP2, and DP2 were

identified. These three (3) flaws did not grow in lasttwo (2) cycles. The previous evaluation for 2additional cycles of operation is still valid per CoreSpray Flaw Evaluation Handbook. No other relevantindications were identified.

A-PR, A-ADR, 01/2008 EVT-1 No indications were identified.A-BDR, B-PR, (CIR11)B-CDRand B-DDRA-AP2, A-AP5, 01/2008 EVT-1 No indications were identified.A-BP2, A-BP3B, (CIRI1)A-BP6, B-CP2,and B-DP2A-APB(PB1), 01/2008 EVT-1 No indications were identified.



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B-CP8 - 187 deg. 01/2008 VT-1 No indications were identified.(CIRll) 1)

Core Spray Spargers 01/2008 EVT- No indications were identified.(CIR11) 1/VT-1 (as


Grinding marks and 01/2008 VT-1 No specific grinding marks or evidence of cold workevidence of cold work (C Ri 1) identified.(except for P3a and P5)A-AP2, A-PR 1/2010 EVT-1 No indications were identified. Inspection performedA-ADR, A-BP2, (C1R12) per BWRVIP- 18.A-BDR, B-PRB-CP2, B-CDRB-CP3b, B-CP4cB-CP4d, B-CP6B-DP2, B-DDRB-DP8A-AP2, A-PR 12/2011 EVT-1 No indications were identified. Inspection performedA-ADR, A-BP2, (C1R13) per BWRVIP- 18.A-BDR, A-AP8,B-PR, B-CP2, B-DP2B-CDR, B-CP3b,B-CP6, B-DDRA-APB(PB 1), 12/2011 EVT- 1 No indications were identified.A-BPB(PB2), (C1R13)Core Spray Spargers 12/2011 EVT- No indications were identified.

(C1R13) i/VT- I (asrequired)

Core Spray Piping: P2's-all 12/2011 UT Performed UT on the identified piping welds on both4, P3A's-all 4, P3B-only 1, (C1R13) High Pressure Core Spray and Low Pressure CoreP4A-only 1, P4B-only 1, Spray piping systems. The three (3) existing flawP5's-all 4, and P6-only 1. indications, one on each BP2, CP2, and DP2 were

identified. These three (3) flaws grew in last two (2)cycles. Evaluated for 2 additional cycles of operationper Core Spray Flaw Evaluation Handbook. Noother relevant indications were identified.


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Top GuideHold Down Assembly 2/2004 VT-3 Performed VT-3 of the Top Guide including Boltsincluding Bolts and Nuts (C1R09) and Nuts. No indications were identified.Hold Down Assembly 12/2011 VT-3 Performed VT-3 of the Top Guide Studs, Bolts andincluding Bolts and Nuts (C_1_R13) Nuts. No indications were identified.Top Guide Cell 1/2010 EVT-1 Two cells visually inspected per VIP-183. No

(ClR12) indications were identified.Top Guide Rim Weld 1/2010 EVT-1 Inspected at 0 and 180 degrees. No indications were

(C1R12) identified.Core Plate (Rim, etc.) N/A N/A N/AStandby Liquid Control N/A N/A N/A(SLC)

Jet PumpsHigh Priority Welds 10/2000 EVT-1 Performed EVT- 1 of remaining High Priority welds.RS-3 Welds (C1R07) No indications were identified.(50%)

2/2004 EVT-1 Performed EVT- 1 of remaining High Priority welds.(Cl R09) No indications were identified.

1/2010 EVT-1 Performed EVT-1 of remaining High Priority welds.(C1R12) No indications were identified.

Medium Priority 4/2002 EVT-1 Performed EVT- 1 of remaining Medium PriorityRS-1 Welds (C1R08) welds. No indications were identified.(50%)

01/2008 EVT-1 A gouge was identified outside the exam area of RS-(CIR11) 1 JP#8.

Riser Welds 2/2004 EVT-1 No indications were identified.RS-2, RS-6, RS-7 (C1R09)RS-8, and RS-9(50%)

01/2008 EVT-1 No indications were identified.(CIR1 1)

Riser Welds 01/2010 EVT-1 Ten RS-8 and ten RS-9 welds were inspected. NoRS-8, and RS-9 (50%) (C1R12) indications were identified.


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Jet PumpsRiser Brace 2/2004 EVT-1 No indications were identified.RB-ia,b,c,d and (CIR09)

tRB-2a,b,c,d (50%)01/2008 EVT-1 & No indications were identified.(CIRlI) VT- 101/2010 EVT-1 No indications were identified.(CIR12)

Inlet Mixer IN-I and IN-2 2/2004 EVT-1 No indications were identified.welds (50%) (C1R09)

01/2008 EVT-1 No indications were identified.(CIRI 1)

Sensing Lines (50%) 2/2004 VT-I No indications were identified.(C1R09)01/2008 VT-I No indications were identified.(CIRI 1)

Wedge Bearing Surface 2/2004 VT-1 50 % were inspected. 'No indications were identified.WD-1 (CIR09)

2/2006 VT-I Four (4) were inspected. No indications were(C1Ri0) identified.

01/2008 VT-I Six (6) were inspected. No indications were(C 1 R11) identified.

01/2010 VT-I Thirteen (13) were inspected. No indications were(CIR12) identified.

Jet Pump Diffuser Welds 2/2004 UT UT was performed on all welds of 100% diffusersAD- 1, AD-2, DF- 1 (C1R09)DF-2, and DF-3.Jet Pump Beams Baseline 01/2008 UT No indications identified.

(CIRll)Jet Pump Fouling A, B, and 01/2010 VT-I Four JP Fouling were inspected. No indications wereC (CIR12) identified.Jet Pump Fouling A, B, and 12/2011 VT-I Four JP Fouling were inspected. No indications wereC (ClR13) identified.

CRD Guide TubeCRD Guide Tube 4/2002 EVT-I/VT 11% examined (17) per VIP-47, CRDGT-1,2,3 and

(Cl R08) -3 (as pin. No indications were identified.I_ applicable)


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Dry Tubes4 IRM 4/2002

(CIR08)VT-3 No indications were identified.

2/2004 VT-1 No indications were identified.(C1R09)2/2006 VT-3 No indications were identified.

(C1R10)1/2008 VT-3 No indications were identified.

(CIRll)1/2010 VT- I No indications were identified. Inspection performed

(CIR12) I per GESIL-409.12/2011(CIR13)

VT-3 No indications were identified. Inspection performedper GESIL-409.

2 SRM 2/2004(CIR09)

VT-1 Four (4) SRM's were inspected. One indicationidentified on SRM 'D'. Evaluated for operating onecycle.

2/2006 VT-3 One (1) SRM was inspected. No indications were(C1R10) identified.2/2006 VT-3 SRM 'D' dry tube was replaced in C1R10.

(ClR10)1/2008 VT-3 Two (2) SRM's were inspected. One indication

(CiRI 1) identified on SRM 'A'.1/2010 VT-I Two (2) SRM's were inspected. No indications were

(C1R12) identified.12/2011(CIR13)

VT-3 Two (2) SRM's were inspected. One indicationidentified on SRM 'B'.

4 LPRM 2/2006 VT-3 No indications were identified.(C1R10)

1/2008 VT-3 No indications were identified.(CIRll)

1/2010 VT-I No indications were identified.(C1R12)12/2011 VT-3 No indications were identified.


Instrument PenetrationsInstrument Penetrations N/A N/A N/A


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Vessel InteriorInterior 10/2000 VT-3 Section XI inspection. No indications were identified.

(ClR07)2/2004 VT-3 Section XI inspection. No indications were identified.

(ClR09)01/2008 VT-3 Section XI inspection. No indications were identified.(CIRIl)12/2011 VT-3 Section XI inspection. No indications were identified.(C1R13) _

BracketsSteam Dryer Hold Down 10/2000 VT-3 Section XI inspection. No indications were identified.Brackets (C1R07)

12/2011 VT-3 Section XI inspection. No indications were identified.(CIR13)

Steam Dryer Support 10/2000 VT-3 Section XI inspection. No indications were identified.Brackets (C1R07)

2/2004 EVT-1 Several brackets have contact marks and several(C1R09) brackets do not. Clinton will be monitoring this

condition.2/2006 EVT-1 No change in contact mark.

(CIR1O)1/2008 EVT-1/ No change in contact mark.

(CIRlI) VT-1/-31/2010 EVT-1 No change in contact mark.

(C1R12)12/2011 EVT- 1 & No change in contact mark.(C1R13) VT-3

Guide Rod Support Brackets 10/2000 VT-3 Section XI inspection. No indications identified.(C1R07)2/2006 VT-i No indications identified. Guide rods and brackets

(Cl R10) were inspected to look for any damage caused bysteam separator lower bracket.

12/2011 VT-i & BWRVIP-48A and Section XI inspection. No(C1R13) VT-3 indications identified.


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Surveillance SampleBrackets


VT-I Section XI inspection is SAT. However, both lowertack welds on 2 of the brackets found to be cracked.Evaluated for continued operation. Clinton willinspect these brackets in next refueling outage.

2/2006 VT-1 Inspected brackets at 3 deg. and 177 deg. and(CIR10) previously identified cracks. No change was

observed.1/2008 VT-I Inspected brackets at 3 deg. and 177 deg. and

(CIRI 1) previously identified cracks. No change wasobserved. Also, inspected the third one located at183 deg. both upper and lower. No indicationsidentified.


VT-i Inspected brackets at 3 deg. and 177 deg. andpreviously identified cracks. No change wasobserved.

Core Spray Bracket 12/2011 VT-3 Section XI inspection. No indications identified.Attachments (C1R13)

Steam Separator (1/2)Steam Separator (1/2) 10/2000 VT-3 One minor dent identified.

(C1R07)2/2004 VT-3 Inspected previously identified dent/deformation. No

(C1R09) change identified.Lower Bracket @ 0 deg 2/2006 VT-3 Performed VT-3 of Steam Dryer Tie Rods. No

(CIR1O) indications identified.Guide Rod Flange 0 deg 12/2011 VT-3 Slight gouge was identified. No change from CIR10

(CIR1 3) identified.Guide Rod Flange 180 deg No indications identified.Lifting Eye 80 deg 2 slivers on the Upper Ring were identified and wear

noted on both upper and lower intersections of lug toring

Lifting Eye 150 deg Wear noted on upper ring to assembly to lug.Lower Tie Straps (0-90 deg) No indications identified.Lower Tie Straps (90-180 No indications identified.deg)Gussets (0-90 deg) No indications identified.Gussets (90-180 deg) No indications identified.Tie Bars (0-90 deg) No indications identified.Tie Bars (90-180 deg) No indications identified.Tubes (0-90 deg) No indications identified.Tubes (90-180 deg) No indications identified.Standpipe (0-90 deg) No indications identified.Standpipe (90-180 deg) No indications identified.


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Standpipe Gussets (0-90deg)

No indications identified.

Standpipe Gussets (90-180deg)Standpipe Gussets (180-270deg)Standpipe Gussets (270-360deg)Upper Support Ring (0-90deg)Upper Support Ring (90-180 deg)

No indications identified.

No indications identified.

No indications identified.

No indications identified.

No indications identified.

Steam DryerTie Bars 4/2002 VT-3 Performed VT-3 of Steam Dryer Tie Bars. No

(C1R08) indications identified.Drain Channel #8 to the 4/2002 VT-3 The existing crack on drain channel #8 to the skirtSkirt (V 16) (C1R08) was measured 7 5/8". No change from the previous

outages. This crack was identified in 1/1989(Cl RO 1). Clinton has been monitoring this cracksince CIROl. C1R08 is the baseline for this cracksince Clinton has been operating at higher powerafter C 1R08.

4/2004 VT-3 The existing crack on drain channel #8 to the skirt(C1R09) was measured 8 3/4". It grew 11/8" in one cycle. In

C1R08 (4/2002) it was measured 7 5/8". This crackwas repaired in C 1R09 (2/2004) using under waterwelding.

Drain Channel Welds 2/2006 N/A Drain Channel welds were re-inforced from 1/8" to(C1RIO) 1/4"


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Steam DryerAll Banks, Coverplates, EndPanels, Hoods, DrainChannels, Skirt, Top and TieBars etc. from outside.



All welds were examined from outside. One minordent was recorded. No other indications wereidentified.

4 4


VT-I All welds examined from outside.1) An indication was observed in the drain channelbase material, away from the weld. The indicationappears to be a minor mechanical deformation. Thisindication was evaluated for continued operation.2) Two (2) indications were observed in the dryerbank 5 horizontal weld H3. These indications arelocated under tie rods 28 and 30. They are 12.75"and 2.25" long. These indications were repaired bystop drill method.3) A linear indication was observed in the dryerupper guide at 0 deg. This indication is 1.6" long.This indication was evaluated for continuedoperation.4) Several linear indications were observed in thedryer upper support ring face. They are located atvarious locations and degrees. These were evaluatedfor continued operation.


VT-I 1) Examination was performed from the outside ofthe dryer. A base metal crack was observed adjacentto drain channel 7, weld V-14. Another crack likeindication was observed in the skirt adjacent to the V-6 weld, in the area of an access hole patch. Scopewas expanded to perform examination from theinside of the dryer.2) Examination was performed from the inside of thedryer using Firefly. The steam dryer inside area ofthe access hole patches were examined. Theinspections observed several linear indications in thebase material at all 6 access hole patches. Evaluatedfor continued operation.3) The upper support ring was examined. Crackingwas observed in the upper support ring at the locationof 210 inside access hole patch. Evaluated forcontinued operation.


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Steam DryerAll Banks, Coverplates,End Panels, Hoods, DrainChannels, Skirt, Top andTie Bars etc. from outside.


VT-1-89 1) Performed VT-1-89 of 32 Steam Dryer Tie Rods.Indication on Tie Rod 28 from C1R 11, has no newgrowth or new indications.2) Steam Dryer Lower Support Ring Contact areahas an indication from a past outage, with no changein ClR12.3) Drain Channels 3, 5, and 7 have indications fromprevious outages, but have no changes. Inspectionwas satisfactory.4) The six Steam Dryer Access Holes from CIR1 1were reinspected, there is no change.5) Banks 1-5 were visually inspected. Bank 5 hadan indication found in C I Ri10, there was no changeto the indication.

Steam Dryer Lower 12/2011 VT-1-132 Steam Dryer Lower Support Ring Contact area hasSupport Ring (C1R13) an indication from a past outage, with no change in

C1R13.LPCI CouplingLoops 'A' and 'B' 10/2000 EVT-1 Performed EVT- 1 of LPCI Couplings, both LoopsExcept weld 6-6b. (C1R07) 'A' and 'B'. No indications were identified.Loop 'C' 4/2002 EVT- 1 Performed EVT- 1 of LPCI Coupling 'C'. NoExcept weld 6-6b. (C1R08) indications were identified.Weld 6-6b's 2/2004 EVT-1 Performed EVT-1 on all 3 loops. No indications(all 3 loops) (C1R09) were identified.Reinspection 2/2006 EVT-1 No indications were identified.LPCI Coupling (CIR10)Loop 'A'Reinspection 1/2010 EVT- 1 No indications were identified.LPCI Coupling (C1R12)Loop 'B'


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Feedwater SpargersFW Sparger End Brackets

r r4/2002

(CIR08)EVT-1 Performed EVT-I on Feedwater Sparger End

Brackets. No indications were identified.1/2008 VT-i Performed VT-I of End Bracket Bolt Stops only.

(C I RI 1) Evidence of movement and wear were observed onfour (4) out of eight (8) End Bracket Bolts. Thiscondition was evaluated and accepted for continuedoperation.

1/2010 VT-3 Performed VT-3 of End Bracket Bolt Stops only.(Cl R12) Four out of eight, had evidence of movement and

wear from CIR1 1, there was no change in indicationsizes.


VT-i &EVT-1

Performed VT-1 of End Bracket Bolt Stops only.Four out of eight, had evidence of movement andwear from CIR 11, there was no change in indicationsizes. Performed EVT-1 on Feedwater Sparger EndBrackets. No indications were identified.

FW Sparger 4/2002 VT-3 Performed visual inspection of feedwater spargers per(CIR08) NUREG-0619. No indications were identified.1/2010 VT-3 Sparger was VT-3 inspected at 45, 135, 225, and 315

(C1R12) degrees. No indications were identified.

BWRVIP-75-A Cat "D" Dissimilar WeldsDissimilar Welds, Cat "D" 1/2006 UT Performed UT on 26 DM welds (23 of these contain

(CIR10) Inconel 182 buttering). No indications identified.

Dissimilar Welds, Cat "D" 1/2008 UT Performed UT on 5 DM welds (all 5 welds contain(CiRi1) Inconel buttering.) No indications identified.

Dissimilar Welds, Cat "D" 1/2010 UT No examinations required or performed.(ClR12)

Dissimilar Welds, Cat "D" 12/2011 UT Performed UT on 26 DM welds (23 of these contain(CIR13) Inconel 182 buttering). No indications identified.


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Reactor Internals InsDection History

Plant: Dresden Unit 2

Components in Date or Inspection Summarize the Following Information:BWVRVIP Scope Frequency of Method Inspection Results, Repairs,

Inspection Used Replacements, Reinspections

Core Spray Piping 1980s to UT, VT-I IEB 80-13 (1 MIL) VT-I of piping andD2R14 (IMIL) welds in annulus. Indications observed

at one lower elbow to riser weld (3P4c)and two collar to shroud pipe welds (3and 4P8a) in 1995. All flaw lengthsverified with UT. Full structural marginsmet on all three flawed welds foradditional cycle. No repairs performed.

3/1998 UT, GE CSI-2000 Inspected with EVT- 1D2R15 0.0005" supplement for unqualified welds (P8a

EVT and P4d). Identified three previouslyunidentified flaws (IP5, 2P8a and 3P4d)for a total of six flaws. All flaws wereanalyzed for two additional cycles ofoperation with no repairs required.Previously identified flaws weredetermined to be of the same or lessextent than originally sized. IP5 and2P8a were not visually verified.

10/2000 EVT-1 Core Spray Piping: P8a and P4d,D2R16 EVT-1 @ all four locations. Previous

indications have been found on the CoreSpray Elbow to Collar on the 2600Downcomer. The results of the 1999measurements compared with the twoprevious 1998 indications are as follows.It appears that the Collar indication hasnot changed, while the indication on theelbow is larger this year than was seen in1998. The noted crack growth wasbounded by the previous flaw evaluationand the BWRVIP- 18 crack growth value.

10/2001 UT, GE CSI-2000 inspected a completeD2R17 EVT-1 Target Set and a sample of P4 welds. No

new flaws. Growth within FractureMechanics Evaluation predictions.Performed EVT- 1 of undemonstratedwelds.


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10/2003 EVT- 1, Excessive grinding exam of 1-4P4a and bD2R18 VT- I (VT-1). Undemonstrated 1-4P8a and

P4d (EVT-1). Flaws are unchanged.

.11/2005 UT, GE CSI-2000 inspected all demonstratedD2R19 EVT-1 welds. Previous flaws re-sized, growth

within flaw evaluation and BWRVIP- 18predictions. EVT- 1 all undemonstratedwelds. No new flaws identified.EVT-1 25% (2) piping bracket assemblywelds. NRI.

11/2007 EVT-1 EVT-lof piping welds P1, P2, P3 P8a,D2R20 P8b and 25% of P4a, P4b, P4c and P4d

in accordance with BWRVIP-l18. RIs forprevious indications in 3P4d, 3P8a, 4P8a.

11/2009 EVT-1 EVT-lof all P1, P2, P3 and 25% of P4aD2R21 & b piping welds in accordance with


Performed Core Spray Lower SectionalReplacement on all four lines. WeldsP4c & d, P5, P6, P7, P8a & b and P9 allreplaced. One P9 weld was examinedafter the old pipe was removed with norelevant indications. The other three P9welds were destroyed by the EDM cutand could not be inspected.

10/2011 EVT-1 EVT-lof all P1, P2, P3 and 25% of P4aD2R22 & b piping welds. NRI.

EVT- 1 on piping attachment welds on allfour piping braces

VT-1/VT-3 Core Spray Lower SectionalReplacement (all 4 lines)- VT-i of bolting, keepers, ratchetsprings, latch springs, lateral pins, andkeepers. NRI- VT-3 of repair hardware. NRI

Core Spray Sparger 1980s to VT-I IEB 80-13 (1 MIL) VT-1 of spargers andpresent (1 MIL) tee-boxes. No indications found.

Future inspections per BWRVIP- 18.

3/1998 EVT-1, End caps, cover plates and tee boxD2R16 MVT-1 branch welds were EVT-1 examined

(OD). All sparger connections and


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bracket welds were MVT-1 examined.NRI.

10/2001 EVT-1, Complete Target Set and 50% of S3D2R17 VT- 1 welds. No Indications recorded.

11/2005 EVT-1, EVT-1 100% S1; S2; S4. NRI.D2R19 VT-I VT-i 50% S3. NRI.

VT-1 100% (12) SB. NRI.

11/2009 EVT-1, EVT-1 100% S4. NRI.D2R21 VT-I VT-1 50% S3. NRI.

VT-1 100% (12) SB. NRI.S 1 and S2 structurally replaced bybracket as part of lower sectionalreplacement.

Vessel ID Brackets 4/1994 VT-I Section XI inspections of jet pump riserD2R15 brace, dryer, feedwater sparger, core

spray, and surveillance capsule holderbrackets, performed once per interval.No indications noted.

3/1998 MVT-1 Inspected Core Spray Brackets perD2R16 BWRVIP recommendations. NRI.

10/2000 VT-1 100% (6) Surveillance Capsule Brackets.D2R17 NRI.

VT-3 100% (6) Guide Rod Attachments. NRI.EVT-1 EVT-1 100% (4) Dryer Lugs. NRI.

10/2003 EVT- 1, EVT- 1 100% (4) Dryer Lugs. NRI.D2R1 8 VT-I Eight feedwater sparger end-brackets

VT- 1, NRI.Eight Core Spray piping bracket welds,EVT- 1, NRI.

11/2005 EVT-1, - EVT-1 100% (8) feedwater sparger endD2R19 VT- I bracket to vessel attachments. NRI.

- VT-1 100% (8) feedwater sparger endbracket lug. NRI.- EVT- 1100% (8) feedwater sparger endbracket pin tack weld. NRI.- VT-I feedwater sparger repair at 2400.RI. Hole in the weld of the repairednozzle. Accepted as-is.- EVT-1 25% (2) core spray pipingbracket to vessel attachments. NRI.- EVT- 1100% (4) steam dryer wallsupport lugs. NRI.


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- EVT-1 and VT-3 of 25% of Core Spraypiping brackets (2). NRI- EVT- 1100% (8) feedwater sparger endbracket pin and nut. RI, some wearidentified at pin head to bracket interfaceon three pins. One nut not tight againstshoulder.

- EVT-1 of 25% of Core Spray pipingbrackets (2). NRI- VT-1 100% (8) feedwater sparger endbracket pin and nut. RI, some wearidentified at pin head to bracket interfaceon six pins.

- EVT-1 of 25% of Core Spray pipingbrackets (2). VT-1 on bolting of 1 of the2 brackets. NRI- VT-3 of moisture separator and dryerguide rod attachments. Rls for top conebent on 2000 guide rod and gouge/metalshaving on top cone of 00 guide rod. NRIfor attachment welds.- VT-1 100% (4) dryer wall support lugs.Gouges noted on 3 of the lugs.- VT-I on all surveillance sample holderlower brackets and VT-3 on upperbrackets. NRI.

Feedwater Sparger 10/2011 VT-I Inspected all eight feedwater sparger endD2R22 bracket pins and nuts. RI, some wear

identified at pin head to bracket interfaceon six pins.

Performed inspections of spargers, armwelds and t-box welds. RI - gouge onsparger. RI - sparger repair hardwareprevious indication, no change.

Core Shroud 8/1995 EVT-1, UT Inspections per BWRVIP Guidelines ofD2R14 all shroud repair design reliant structures

prior to installation of comprehensiverepair (4 GE designed tie-rodassemblies). Inspection of shroudconsisted of EVT- 1 of all ring segmentwelds (accessible surfaces), EVT-1 ofbetween 43% and 72% of the length ofeach vertical weld between HI & H2from OD surface (ID not accessible), UTof between 30% and 50% of the length ofeach of the 6 beltline vertical welds,


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EVT-1 of between 43% and 72% of thelength of 2 of the 3 vertical weldsbetween H6 & H7 from OD surface (IDnot accessible), and UT of 35% of thelength of the remaining vertical weldbetween H6 and H7.No Reportable Indications.

03/1998 VT-1, VT- Shroud repair hardware inspected per GED2R15 3 recommendations. NRI.

10/1999 UT & EC UT & EC examinations from the ID withD2R16 the TEIDE 2 manipulator on the core

shroud vertical welds V 14, V 15, V 16,V 17, V 18, and V 19 per the requirementsof BWRVIP-76 for a repaired shroud.NRI. Coverages are as follows:

V14: 80.1%V15: 80.1%V16: 83.4%V17: 52.6%V18: 62.8%V19: 58.0%

10/2001 EVT- 1 Exelon performed one sided EVT- 1 of allD2R17 vertical welds outside of the beltline with

100% coverage including welds V5, V6,V7, V26, V27 and V28. There were norecordable indications.

11/2005 EVT-1, EVT-1 100% (16) Ring Segment WeldsD2R19 VT-I from the OD. NRI. Coverages were

100% except for the following:V9: 85%VIl: 95%V20: 0% (inaccessible due to Jet Pump

diffuser)V21: 90%V24: 0% (inaccessible due to Jet Pump


Attempted EVT- 1 of shroud verticalwelds V29, V30, V31, V32. 0%coverage was achieved due to Jet Pumpinterference.Performed 10 year shroud tie rodexamination of all four tie rods:- EVT- 1 of the clevis pin to verify ifbottomed in slot and checking contactarea for movement. NRI.- VT-1 of stabilizer assembly contact


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between the RPV wall and upper contact,mid support, and lower contact. RI @ 20and 110 degrees. Accepted as-is.- VT-i of retainer devices at lowersupport, lower spring to tie-rodconnection, upper spring jacking boltsand tie rod nut. NRI.- VT- I of contact of the stabilizerassembly between the shroud and upperand lower springs. NRI.- VT-i of the core plate wedge contact.NRI.

11/2007 UT - Performed UT on the following verticalD2R20 EVT-1 welds with the percent coverage shown:

V14: 19.9%V15: 85.8%V16: 90.1%V17: 35.0%V18: 84.0% - RI, Accept as-is.V19: 47.2%V27: 63.9%Besides V 18, all other welds NRIEVT-1 of welds V05-V07, V19, V26,V28, V29 and V31. NRI

EVT-1 - Shroud repair hardware inspections atVT-3 all four locations. NRI.

11/2009 EVT-1 Two sided EVT-1 on V19. NRID2R21

10/2011 EVT-1 One-sided EVT- 1 on vertical ring weldsD2R22 V1, V2, V3, V4, V8, V9, V10, V11,

V12, V13, V20, V21, V22, V23, V24and V25. NRI.

Shroud Support 3/1993 UT/VT-i Access hole covers proactively replacedD2R13 with GE mechanical design. UT for

radial flaws performed prior toreplacement. No indications identified.

8/1995 EVT-1, EVT-1 of H8 and H9 for approx 12" at 4D2R14 VT- I locations of shroud repair hardware

attachment areas.VT-I of both replacement access holecover assemblies. No indicationsidentified.

3/1998 N/A Not Inspected during D2R15D2R15


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10/1999 EVT-1 Core Support Structures, PerformedD2R16 EVT- 1 of H8 and H9 Welds per

BWRVIP-38 requirements. NoRecordable IndicationsInspected both Shroud Access HoleCover repairs, NRI.

11/2005 EVT-1, EVT-1 H8 & H9 from 132-177'. NRI.D2R19 VT-3 VT-3 H9 100% accessible areas. NRI.

10/2011 EVT- 1 EVT- 1 top side of H8 & H9 welds atD2R22 132-177' and 312-357'. NRI.

VT-I Bolted attachment for both Access HoleCovers. NRI.

Top Guide 8/1995 VT-I VT-1 of 5 cells. NRI.D2R14 VT-1 of all 4 alignment assemblies. NRI.

VT-I of rim to bottom plate weld at 4locations. NRI.

3/1998 N/A No inspections during D2R15.D2R15

10/2000 EVT-1 Top Guide Alignment Pins, EVT 900 andD2R16 2700 and Rim to Lower Plate Weld per

BWRVIP-26. No Reportable Indications

10/2003 EVT-1 Top Guide aligner assemblies at 0, 1800D2R18 VT-i and 2700 welds (EVT- 1) and pin (VT- 1),


11/2005 EVT-1 Top guide rim weld at 2350 on theD2R19 outboard side of cell 03-30. NRI.

11/2007 EVT-1 Top guide rim welds, aligner pins andD2R20 VT-i sockets at 00 and 900.

10/2011 EVT-1 Top guide rim weld was inspected atD2R22 accessible locations. One RI - a 12"

linear indication was identified.

VT-1 The aligner pins and sockets at 1800 and2700. NRI.

EVT-1 Top guide grid beams were inspectedfrom 10% of the cells (18 cells). NRI.

SLC 11/2005 Enhanced Safe end and nozzle examined. NRI.D2R19 VT-2


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11/2007 Enhanced Safe end and nozzle examined. NRI.D2R20 VT-2

11/2009 Liquid Safe end and nozzle examined. NRI.D2R21 Penetrant

Jet Pump Assembly 8/1995D2R14






UT, EVT- 1

UT, EVT- 1

UT, EVT- 1


Hold down beams, beam bolt keepers,lock-plates and retainers; restrainerwedges, stops, and adjusting screws,clamp bolts and keepers; riser braceassemblies, adapters and baffle platewelds, sensing lines and sensing linebrackets per various SILS.Latest inspections were in 1995, with noreportable indications. Inspect 100%every other (even numbered) outage.Jet pump beams are UT examined eachoutage using technique capable ofdetecting cracking at throat and ears.One beam found cracked at ear in 1995and was replaced.

D2R15 Beam UTs, NRI.Jet Pump Riser Welds RS-1, 2, 3, 4 and 5OD Inspected on all ten risers. Riser toJP Pair 15/16 has 1-1/2" long crack inelbow HAZ at RS-1. Evaluated for twocycles of operation without repair. NRIall others.

Jet Pump Beams, UT 100% of BeamsNRIRiser Brace, Restrainer Bracket, Wedgesand Inlet Mixers EVT-1 High/MediumPriority Welds Per BWRVIP-41 sampleand inspection requirements. MinorIndications noted.

Jet Pump Beams, UT 100%, NRIRiser Brace Leaf at RPV wall block onJP#9, upper Rb 4 weld cracked. EVT- Iexamined 100% scope expansion, noother indications. Checked and found noset screw gaps. Examined for B-N-2.Measured known RS- 1 crack on riser15/16. No change in last two cycles.

Replaced all 20 Jet Pump Beams withBWR4 weldless keeper beamsInstalled 19 Riser Brace Mitigationclamps one Repair on JP#9.


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Measured flaw on JP#15/16 RS-1.Increased from 1 1/2" to 2" length.Identified pup piece present on JP#5/6,

11/2005 EVT-1 VT-1 100% (20) WD-1. NRI.D2R19 VT- 1 VT-3 100% (20) Jet Pump Bream Tooth

VT-3 Engagement. NRI.VT-1 100% (8) Jet Pump Sensing LineClamps. RI (2). Teeth not fullyengaged. Accepted as-is.EVT-1 30% (3) RS-4, 5. NRI.EVT-1 50% (5) RS-1, 2, 3. RI on JP15/16 RS-1. Size confirmed to be 1½ ".

VT-1 100% (20) Jet Pump Riser BraceClamps. RI (8). Teeth on keepers notfully engaged. Accepted as-is.EVT-1 AS-1, 2 on Jet Pumps 8, 9, 19(AS-1 only). NRIVT-I Aux. wedge on VS of Jet Pump 11.NRI.

11/2007 VT-I - VT-1 100% (8) Jet Pump Sensing LineD2R20 EVT-1 Clamps. RI (7). Teeth not fully

VT-3 engaged. Accepted as-is.- EVT- 1 of six RB-3 welds. NRI- EVT-1 of RS-1 weld on JP 15/16. RIon previously identified indication. Nochange in flaw size.- Swing gate replaced and 2 aux wedgesinstalled on Jet Pump 19.- VT-3 of IN-5 bolting sets on 10 JPs.NRI- EVT- 1 of MX- I welds on 10 JPs. NRI- VT-1 of 5 JP wedges and swing gatekeeper tack welds. One RI on JP 15swing gate keeper degraded tack weld.Accepted as-is for one cycle.- VT-1 of ratchets on eight JP RiserBrace clamps and eight JP Sensing Lineclamps. Multiple RIs for incompleteratchet teeth engagement. Accepted as-is.

11/2009 EVT-1 - EVT-1 25% (5) RB-4 & 5. NRID2R21 VT-I - EVT-1 30% (3 risers) RS-8 & 9. NRI

- EVT-I JP 15/16 RS-1. Previousindication - No change- EVT-1 25% (5) MX-3a and 40% (8)MX-3b. NRI- VT-1 25% (5) WD-1. NRI- VT-I three aux wedges. Minor wear


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identified on one wedge. Accepted-as-isfor one cycle.- VT-I on five swing gatekeepers/ratchets. One RI for crack in tackweld HAZ and Two RIs for small gapbetween gate and restrainer bracket.- VT-1 two sensing line clamps and onesensing line. No change to previousindications.- Replaced JP 15 swing gate.

10/2011 EVT-1 - EVT-1 30% (6) RB-3. NRID2R22 VT-I - EVT-1 70% (7 risers) RS-8 & 9. NRI

- EVT-1 60% (6 risers) RS-1 & JP 5/6RS-la. JP 15/16 RS-1 previousindication - No change- EVT-1 50% (5 risers) RS-2 & 3. NRI- EVT-1 30% (3 risers) RS-4 & 5. NRI- VT-i 75% (15) WD-1. NRI- VT-I on JP 19 aux wedges. NRI- VT-1 on seven swing gate keeper tackwelds or ratchets. One RI for crack intack weld HAZ (no change fromD2R21).- VT-I two sensing line clamps. RI forratchet teeth engagement and clampmovement.- EVT- 1 inspections of cast austeniticstainless steel components on one jetpump for License Renewal commitment.NRI

Jet Pump Diffuser 8/1995 VT-I Diffuser to baffle plate welds on all 20 jetD2R14 pumps. No indications.

3/1998 N/A Not inspected D2R15.D2R15

01/2000 EVT-1 JP Diffuser EVT-1 High/Med PriorityD2R16 welds per BWRVIP-41 sample and

inspection requirements. NRI

10/2001 EVT-1 No scope D2R17.D2R17

10/2003 UT, EVT-1 UT examined Jet Pumps# 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9,D2R18 12, 13, 14, 15, 18 and 19. This completes

first 6 Year Inspection Interval. NRIEVT-1 of the last of the Medium Priority50% sample also completed. NRI.


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11/2005 N/A Not inspected in D2R19.D2R19

11/2007 N/A Not inspected in D2R19.D2R20

11/2009 EVT-1 - 25% (5) DF-1 and 50% (10) DF-2. NRID2R21 - 50% (10) AD-1, AD-2 and AD-3a. NRI

CRD Guide Tubes 8/1995D2R14














II CRD guide tube lower assemblywelds, 2 CRD guide tube upper assemblywelds, 4 CRD guide tube alignment earwelds. NRI.

Not inspected D2R15.

Not inspected D2R 16

5% inspected (9) per BWRVIP-47,CRGT-1, 2, 3 and pin. NRI.

Not inspected in D2R1 9.

Inspected 5% (9) of the control RodGuide Tube Welds and Guide Tube andFuel Support Alignment Pins. VT-3 onthe CRGT- I and AS-GT-ARPIN- 1.EVT-I of the CRGT-2 and 3. NRI

One guide tube base and one fuel supportpiece were inspected as part of a LicenseRenewal commitment for cast austeniticstainless steel components. NRI

CRD Stub Tubes 8/1995D2R14




VT-1 (1MIL)

14 CRD housing to CRD stub tubewelds, 14 CRD stub tube to RPV bottomhead welds, 3 CRD housing tube tohousing cap welds. NRI.

Not inspected D2R1 5

Not inspected D2R 16

Stub Tubes not inspected D2R17


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10/2003 Stub Tubes not inspected D2R1 8D2R18

11/2005 Not inspected in D2R19.D2R19

In-Core Housing 8/1995 VT-I (1 4 incore guide tube to housing welds, 4D2R14 MIL) incore housing to RPV bottom head

welds, 4 incore guide tube stabilizers.NRI.

3/1998 Not inspected D2R15D2R15

11/2005 N/A Not inspected in D2R19.D2R19

Dry Tubes 8/1995 VT-I No indications identified.D2R14 Examined every other outage.

3/1998 Not examined D2R15.D2R15

10/2000 VT- 1 NRI.D2R16

11/2007 VT-1 50% of SRM and IRM dry tubesD2R20 inspected. NRI

11/2009 VT-1 50% of SRM and IRM dry tubesD2R21 inspected. NRI

10/2011 VT-1 50% of SRM and IRM dry tubesD2R22 inspected. NRI

Instrument N/A


LPCI Coupling N/A

Steam Separator/ 11/2007 VT-1 Inspected 100% of Shroud Head BoltShroud Head D2R20 Alignment Pins and Windows. RI for

one missing pin and pin/window wear onmultiple shroud head bolts

11/2009 VT-i - VT-I Inspected 100% of Shroud HeadD2R21 EVT-1 Bolt Alignment Pins and Windows. RI

for pin/window wear on multiple shroudhead bolts- EVT- 1 on Steam Separator Guide Rod


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top cone. RI for cracked tack weld.Acceptable-as-is.

10/2011 VT- 1 - VT- I Inspected 100% of Shroud HeadD2R22 Bolt Alignment Pins and Windows. RI

for pin/window wear on multiple shroudhead bolts

Steam Dryer 11/2005D2R19




VT- 1 "besteffort"




Performed BWRVIP-139 requiredinspections as well as inspections ofhigh-stress areas as determined by GEmodels. Internal start-up instrumentationpiping was also examined. Several RI,including:- Four of six gusset feet tip (adjacent toR2 weld), ranging from 7 to 11.5".Cracking was ground out and rewelded.Gusset feet extensions were designed andinstalled to transfer the stress riser to themid-support ring.- Several internal strut/supports wereidentified with cracking. Several werehistorical from D2R1 8 inspections. Nochange in the cracking was observed.These welds are non-structural.Accepted as-is.- Vertical guide cracking (2) at 2200.Both cracks (2.5-5" in length) were stop-drilled.- Lower instrument line in Bank Cobserved cracking at the weld.Performed fracture mechanics analysisand lost parts analysis. Acceptable as-is.- Interior drain channel cracking (3).Performed GE analysis. Acceptable as-is.- Perforated plate weld cracking.Performed GE analysis. Acceptable as-is.- Perforated plate bowing. Performed GEanalysis. Acceptable as-is.

Replaced steam dryer with a new one.

Examined critical components on steamdryer ID and OD after one cycle ofoperation per GE recommendations. NRI

Examined OEM recommended


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D2R22 Effort" components on OD. Lifting lug at 400VT-I found rotated. Gouge identified on dryer


DM Welds 11/2009 No inspections in D2R21D2R21

10/2011 UT Inspected six DM welds. NRID2R22


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Reactor Internals Inspection History

I Plant: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 3

Components in Date or Inspection Summarize the Following Information:BWRVIP Scope Frequency of Method Inspection Results, Repairs, Replacements,

Inspection Used Reinspections

Core Shroud 1993








Enhanced VT-1 (1 mil resolution) (100% ID ofH-3, H4, & V-3) portions OD of H-i, H-2, H-3,H-4, H-5, H-6, and H-7Prior to BWRVIP-01,Circumferential Indications on ID of H-3 and H-4(Plate side, not ring side)Short circumferential indications on ID of V-3weld.Evaluation of indications showed full structuralmargins for one operating cycle.

Comprehensive UT Baseline of all Category "C"

circumferential welds (H-I through H-7).Baseline per BWRVIP-01, Rev. 1.Exams per BWR-VIP Core Shroud NDEUncertainty and Procedure Standard, datedNovember 21, 1994.Indications identified on ID of H-i, H-3, H-4, andH-5.Full structural margins calculated using twocycles of crack growth.No indications identified on H-2,H-6, and H-7.

UT Examination on welds H-3 & H-4. Re-identified indications on both welds. Extent ofindications within existing structural analysis.

Two-sided UT of all 7 horizontal welds (HI thruH7) and 4 vertical welds (V3 thru V6). Noindications at H2, H7, V4-V6 or ring side of anyweld. One minor indication near V3. Indicationsat Hi, H3, H4, and H5 correlated with thosepreviously identified. One indication at H6 (new).One deep indication at H4. Characterized as thru-wall. Review of previous data (1995 and 1999)also characterized indication as thru-wall at thattime. EVT-1 on OD surface did not identify anyindications.


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QI,_ A Q 1 00'2 UTT 1VU LPu,-,L L V 1" Enhanced VT-I (1 mil resolution), of portions of

H-8 weld,No indications identified.VT-I examination around perimeter of bothaccess hole covers,No indications identified.

1997 VT- 1 VT- I of both access hole cover bolted repairs. Noindications identified.

1999 EVT-1 10 % of weld length of welds H-8 &H-9 examined.No indications identified.

2001 UT 10% of H-9 weld length from vessel O.D.No indications identified.

VT-1 VT-I of both access hole cover bolted repairs. Noindications identified.

2005 EVT-1 > 10% of H-8 weld, between jet pump banks, inarea of AHCs.

VT-1 VT-I of both access hole cover bolted repairs. Noindications identified.

UT Accessible length of H-9 between 0 and 180degrees.No indications identified.

2009 VT-I VT-I of both access hole cover bolted repairs. Noindications identified.

2011 EVT-1 > 10% of weld length for H-8 & H-9 welds,between jet pump banks, in area of AHCs. Noindications identified

Core Spray Piping 1980-present VT-i Enhanced VT-I (1 mil resolution) performed on(1 mil) piping and welds each refueling outage per IEB


1985 VT-I Cracking discovered at tee-box to header pipe(1 mil) weld.

Welded repair plates installed on both header tee-boxes.

1993 VT- I Cracking identified in downcomer slip joint(1 mil) (weld P-5), evaluation demonstrated structural

margin for one operating cycle.


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1995 VT-I Additional cracking identified in 3 of 4(1 mil) downcomer slip joint welds (P-5), repair clamps

installed on all 4 downcomers to repair flawedwelds.

1997 VT-1 4 Downcomer repair clamps, no indicationsidentified.

EVT-1 All annulus piping welds, no indicationsidentified.

1999 VT-1 VT-I Examination of A, B, C & D DowncomerRepair Clamps & both Header Teebox weldedrepairs.No indications identified.

2001 VT-1 All target welds plus 25 % sample of piping buttwelds examined.No indications identified.

EVT-1 EVT- 1 of all target welds plus 25% sample ofbutt welds examined. No indications identified.

2003 VT-1 Four downcomer repair clamps.

EVT-1 EVT-1 of all target welds plus 25% sample ofbutt welds. No indications identified.

2005 EVT-1 Four Header Tee Box strong back repair platewelds.EVT- 1 of all target welds plus 25% sample ofbutt welds. No indications identified.

2007 EVT-1 Four Header Tee Box strong back repair platewelds.EVT- 1 of all target welds plus 25% sample ofbutt welds. No indications identified.

VT-I Four downcomer repair clamps.

2009 EVT-1 Four Header Tee Box strong back repair platewelds.EVT- 1 of all target welds plus 25% sample ofbutt welds. No indications identified.

2011 EVT-1 Four Header Tee Box strong back repair platewelds.EVT- 1 of all target welds plus 25% sample ofbutt welds. No indications identified.

VT-I Four downcomer repair clamps.


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Core -Spray Sparger 1980-present





VT-I(1 mil)









Enhanced VT-I (1 mil resolution) performed onpiping and welds each refueling outage per IEB80-13, No indications identified.

Examination performed on all Sparger Pipewelds.

Examination performed on all Brackets, Drainsand 50 % of Nozzles.No indications identified.

Examination performed on all Sparger Pipewelds.

Examination performed on all Brackets, Drainsand 50 % of Nozzles.No indications identified.

Examination performed on all Sparger Pipewelds.

Examination performed on all Brackets, Drainsand 50 % of Nozzles.No indications identified.

Examination performed on all Sparger Pipewelds.

Examination performed on all Brackets, Drainsand 50 % of Nozzles.-1.0" Indication noted on the shroud side of the136 degree bracket weld


Top Guide (Rim, etc.) 1987








UT examination performed on 40 cells.No indications identified

Visual (VT-3) examination of 9 cells (02-19, 46-11, 42-59, 58-19, 02-39, 10-51, 18-03, 22-03, and58-35), per SIL 554.No indications identified.

Visual (VT-3) of 3 cells (14-23, 22-3 1, and 46-23) per SIL 554.No indications identified.

VT-3 examination every other refueling outageper Section XI.No indications identified.


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1997 VT-3






Top Guide Grid examined from above,no indications identified.

Adjacent aligner pins at 180 and 270 deg.(perVIP-26), no indications identified.

EVT- 1 of five top guide cell locations perBWRVIP- 183 requirements. No indicationsidentified.

EVT- 1 of fourteen top guide cell locations perBWRVIP- 183 requirements. No indicationsidentified.

Core Plate (Rim, etc.) 1995 VT-3 VT-3 examination of hold down bolt retainersplanned, deferred to 1997.

1997 VT- I Examined 18 of 34 bolts/retainers from above.No indications identified.

2011 VT-3 Examined 9 of 34 bolts/retainers from above. Noindications identified. This satisfies the 25%commitment from the submitted DeviationDisposition

SLC 1997 UT UT of nozzle to safe end planned for 1997, perBWRVIP recommendations

PT & UT PT & UT of nozzle to safe-end weld, noindications identified.

2003 PT Extended dwell time PT of SLC nozzle to safeend weld and entire safe end.No indications identified.

2007 PT PT of SLC nozzle to safe end weld.No indications identified.

2011 UT UT of SLC nozzle to vessel and nozzle to safeend weld. No indications identified

Jet Pump Assembly 1974 to VT-3 Visual VT-3 of all jet pump componentspresent performed every other refueling outage.

No indications identified.

1981 VT & UT VT and UT examination performed on all 20 holddown beams/One beam found to be cracked, replaced with


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new style beam,All beams replaced with new style beam andreduced preload in 1988.

1997 VT-3 VT-3 all 20 jet pump assemblies (allparts),including CSVT-I (MVT-1) of 10 riserbraces, including all welds. No indicationsidentified.

CSVT-1 CSVT-1 (MVT-1) all 10 thermal sleeve to riser(MVT-1) elbow welds, plus UT on pumps 1/ 2, 9/10, 13/14

due to indications on thermal sleeve side of thesewelds.MVT-1 on welds RS-2 & RS-3 of three risers w/indications @ 30, 150, and 300 degrees.Evaluation of indications justified continuedoperation for part cycle.

1999 UT Examinations performed on all 20 hold downbeams. Reportable indications observed on holddown beam for jet pump # 20. Beam replaced.No other indications identified.

EVT-1 Examination of high priority Adapter welds onJet Pumps 1-10.Reportable indications on welds (AD-3b ) of Jetpumps 2 & 10. BWRVIP -41 evaluation resultedin use-as-is disposition. Expanded examinationsto weld AD3b on Jet Pumps 11-20. No otherindications identified.EVT- 1 examination of high priority DiffuserShell to Tailpipe Welds (DF-2) of Jet Pumps 1-10. No indications identified.Examination of Riser welds RS-2 & RS-3 of JetPump Assemblies 2, 3 & 4.No indications identified.

2001 EVT-1 Reexamined weld AD-3b on Jet Pumps 2 & 10.indications remain bounded by existing flawevaluation.

All 20 WD- 1 locations examined. 16 highpriority and 45 medium priority welds on inletmixers, diffusers, and riser braces also examined.No indications identified.

2003 VT-I VT-I of all twenty hold down beam ratchet lockkeepers (replaced in 2001). VT-i all twenty WD-1 main wedge locations, since all inlet mixers


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were removed in 2001, Two auxiliary springwedges installed in 2001, and the RS-l repairclamp on JP 1 & 2 and 13 & 14.No indications identified.

Jet Pump Assembly EVT-1 Reexamination of indication at RS-I weld on JP9 & 10.Minimal change in flaw size. Structuralreevaluation completed for continuedacceptability.

104% of High priority welds completed.72% of Medium priority welds completedNo indications identified.

Indication identified in backing ring below AD-3a weld on JP 18. Structural evaluation foundacceptable for continued operation.

2005 UT Two-sided UT of all diffuser and adapter welds(100) from I.D. Identified 4 small OD originatingindications associated with the AD-3b fillet weld(2 previously ID'd). Structural and leakageevaluation proved acceptability for numerousoperating cycles.

VT- I VT- I of five main wedges. No wear identified.

EVT-1 EVT-1 of 16 medium priority welds. Noindications identified.EVT-1 of 3 existing indications. No appreciablechange in indication size.

2007 VT-1 VT-i of 10 main wedges and 2 RS-1 riser repairclamps. No indications identified.

EVT- 1 EVT- 1 of 30 medium and high priority welds, 1existing RS-1 weld indication and 12 riser bracewelds. No growth of existing indication noted.Small indications identified at the RS-1 weld oftwo risers. Structural and leakage impactevaluations found indications acceptable forcontinued operation. No other indicationsidentified.

Jet Pump Assemblies 2009 VT- I VT- I of 6 main wedges. Minor wear identifiedon 3 wedges. Expanded scope to examine all 20main wedges and performed examinations onadditional locations (AS-1/2, RS-6/7, RS-8, RS-9,MX-7) on the 3 JPs with identified wear. Two


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set screw gaps identified. No additionalindications in expanded scope exams. No repairhardware required.

EVT- 1 EVT- 1 of 31 medium and high priority welds.3 existing RS-1 flaws were examined.

- 1 existing indication exhibited no growth andwas evaluated as acceptable for two cycles ofcontinued operation.

- 1 existing indication exhibited growth andwas evaluated as acceptable for two cycles ofcontinued operation.

- 1 existing indication was determined to be thetoe of the weld. No indication exists.

No other indications identified.

VT-3 VT-3 of two aux spring wedges. No indicationsidentified.

2011 VT-1 A VT-I of the BB-4 regions of all 20 JP holddown beams was performed with no indicationsidentified. VT-I examinations were performedon the following components with no indicationsidentified: JP 01/02 RS-1 clamp, JP 13/14 RS-1clamp, JP 04 MX-7 and JP 10 MX-7. Recordableindications were identified on 10 JP wedges, 3wedges were existing wear no change, 2 JPs hadnew minor wedge wear and 5 had minor rodwear.

EVT-1 EVT- 1 of 53 medium and high priority locations* 2 existing RS-1 flaws were examined with

no change in length* Set screw gaps identified on JP 03, 04 and


UT 16 Hybrid Group 2 Hold Down Beams wereexamined no indications identified.

Jet Pump Diffuser See Jet Pump Assembly.

CRD Guide Tube 1985 VT-3 VT-3 PSI examination of 4 replacement CRDhousings.

1987 VT-3 VT-3 examination of one of replaced housings.

No indications identified.

1991 VT-3 VT-3 examination of housings accessible from


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fuel cells 26-31 and 30-27.No indications identified.

1999 VT-3 VT-3 examination on Guide Tube welds CRGT-1& Alignment Pin weld (Core Locations: 14-15,14-31, 14-47, 18-19, 18-27, 18-35, 18-43, 26-11,34-35, 42-19)No indications identified.

EVT-1 EVT- 1 examination on Guide Tube weldsCRGT-2 & 3 (Core Locations:14-15, 14-31, 14-47, 18-19, 18-27, 18-35, 18-43, 26-11, 34-35, 42-19)

No indications identified.

2003 EVT-1 Best effort EVT-1 on Guide Tube welds CRGT-2& 3 (Core locations: 10-35, 22-27, 22-35, 30-23,30-31, 30-39, 38-27, 38-31, 38-35, and 42-31) Noindications identified.

VT-3 VT-3 examination on Guide Tube welds CRGT-1& Alignment Pin weld (Core Locations: 10-3 5,22-27, 22-35, 30-23, 30-31, 30-39, 38-27, 38-3 1,38-35, and 42-31) No indications identified.

2005 EVT-1 EVT-1 on Guide Tube welds CRGT-2 & 3 (Corelocations: 22-39, 38-39, 14-35, 46-35, 46-27, 22-23, and 26-11) No indications identified. CRGT-3 (22-39) later disqualified.

VT-3 VT-3 examination on Guide Tube welds CRGT-1& Alignment Pin weld (Core Locations: 22-39,38-39, 14-35, 46-35, 46-27, 22-23, and 26-11)Alignment pin weld also at 14-27 and 38-23, Noindications identified.

CRD Guide Tube 2007 EVT-1 EVT-1 on Guide Tube welds CRGT-2 (Core(cont.) locations 22-03, 30-15, 42-03, 46-55, 58-39) and

CRGT-3 (Core locations 22-03, 30-15, 42-03, 46-55, 58-39). No indications identified.Verification of CRGT-1 (Core locations 22-03,30-15, 42-03, 46-55, 58-39) alignment pins andalignment lug welds.

No indications identified.

_ 2009 I EVT-1 EVT-1 on Guide Tube welds CRGT-2 (Core


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locations 14-31, 22-31, 22-59, 30-47, 50-51)

No indications identified.

CRD Stub Tube 1991 VT-3 VT-3 of accessible portions of 12 stub tubes (30-35, 26-35, 22-35, 22-31, 22-27, 26-27, 26-23, 30-23, 34-23, 34-27, 34-31, 30-31).No indications identified.

In-Core Housing 1991 VT-3 VT-3 of housings accessible from fuel cells 26-31 and 30-27.No indications identified.

Dry Tube 1997 N/A All Dry Tubes replaced in 1985.All IRM and SRM tubes replaced w/ Wide RangeMonitoring tubes in 1997. No inspectionsrequired.

Instrument 1976 to PT PT examination performed on all instrumentPenetrations present nozzle to safe end welds once per interval, per

Section XI.No indications identified.

1997 PT PT nozzle to safe-end (coupling) & safe-end topipe welds on 2 nozzles. (N12A & N12B). Noindications identified.

2001 PT PT nozzle to safe-end (coupling) welds on 2nozzles. (N I1A & NI6A). No indicationsidentified.

Vessel ID Brackets 1976 to VT-i or VT-1 and VT-3 of all ID bracket weldspresent VT-3 performed once per interval

No indications identified.

1997 VT-i All 10 Jet Pump riser brace to vessel welds, noindications identified.

1999 EVT-1 EVT-1 examination performed on 8 Core SprayBracket Pads @ 15, 117, 123, 165, 195,237, 243& 345 AZ.No indications identified.

2001 EVT-1 EVT-I examination performed on 4 FeedwaterSparger brackets @ 4, 56, 64, and 116 Az., 3 Jet


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Pump Riser Braces @ 90, 120, and 150 AZ., and2 Steam Dryer Support Brackets @ 4, and 94 AZ.No indications identified.

2003 VT-i Lower Surveillance Specimen brackets at 300,1200, and 3000.

VT-3 Upper Surveillance brackets at 300, 1200, and3000.

Guide Rod brackets at 00 and 1800.

EVT-1 & Steam Dryer support brackets at 1840 and 2740.VT-3

EVT-1 Jet Pump riser brace to vessel welds JP 9/10 andJP 13/14.No indications identified

2005 EVT-1 8 Feedwater sparger bracket welds and 16 jetpump riser brace welds. No indications identified.

2007 EVT-1 8 Core Spray pipe support brackets and one jetpump riser brace. No indications identified.

VT-3 4 Steam dryer hold down bracket welds. Noindications identified.

2011 EVT-l Steam dryer support brackets at 0040, 094',1840and 2740 were examined with minor wearand rub marks found. The conditions wereevaluated acceptable.The upper guide rod bracket attachment welds at00 and 1800 were examined with no recordableindications identified.The feedwater sparger brackets at the 0300, 090%,1500, 2100, 2700 and 3300 sparger locations wereexamined with no recordable indicationsidentified.The jet pump riser brace to vessel welds for JPs01/02, 09/10, 11/12 and 13/14 were examinedwith no recordable indications identified.

LPCI Coupling N/A for this plant

Steam Dryer 2003 VT-3 VT-3 of the entire top of the dryer (including allupper tie bars) and the 2 outer bank hoods andcover plates.

VT- I VT- 1 of 5 new central bank upper tie bars (addedin 2001), 2 stop-drilled indications at the lower


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guide rod followers, and all GE SIL 644, Supp. 1locations on outer bank hoods.No indications identified. All previous repairswere satisfactory.

2005 VT- I Completed all remaining BWRVIP- 139recommended inspections (68 locations). Noindications identified.

2007 VT-I VT-I of 23 high stress welds and all upper tiebars. No indications identified

2009 VT- 1 Re-examination of six "red" end bank welds, two"green" drain channel welds, and welds on fourlifting lugs per BWRVIP-139-A. No indicationsidentified

2011 VT-1-89 Examinations were performed on the end panelplate to cover plate weld, end panel plate tosloped hood plate weld and end panel plate tovain cap plate weld on both the left and right endof bank 6 of the steam dryer. No recordableindications were identified. The lifting rods at045', 135', 225°and 315' were examined with norecordable indications.

Steam Separator 2007 VT-I VT-I examinations performed on a sample ofupper and lower shroud head bolt support ringgussets. No indications identified.

2009 VT-I VT-I examinations performed on a sample ofupper and lower shroud head bolt support ringgussets. No indications identified.

2011 VT-1-89 Examinations were performed at four locationson both the lower support ring gussets and theupper support ring gussets. No recordableindications were identified. Examinations wereperformed on the separator standpipe tie strapsminor historic damage was observed conditionswere acceptable. A VT-I examination wasperformed on shroud head bolt 07, indicatorwindow and pin wear observed. As a result, SHB07 was removed. The four lifting lugs wereexamined with no recordable indicationsidentified.


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Dissimilar Metal 2009 No examinations scheduled.Welds(BWRVIP-75-A)

2011 No examinations scheduled.


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Reactor Internals Inspection History

Plant: Vermont Yankee

Components in Date or Inspection Summarize the Following Information:BWRVIP Scope Frequency of Method Inspection Results, Repairs, Replacements,

Inspection Used' Reinspections

CRD Guide Tube 1995


























Circumferential welds (CRGT-2 and CRGT-3) on four of 89 guide tubes. No indications.

Lugs and pin assemblies on four guide tubes.No indications.


Circumferential welds (CRGT-2 and CRGT-3) on guide tube 10-19. No indications.

Lugs and pin assemblies guide tube 10-19.No indications.

Circumferential welds (CRGT-2 and CRGT-3) on eight guide tubes. (14-15, 14-23, 14-31,22-15, 26-15, 30-15, 30-23 & 30-31). Noindications.

Lugs and pin assemblies on all eight guidetubes listed above. No indications.

CRD Stub Tube 1 1983 VT-3 1 2 of 89. No indications.

The following License Renewal Commitments contain specific requirements concerning examination methods forFeedwater Nozzles (A- 16913); BWR Penetrations (A- 16914); Stress Corrosion Cracking (A- 16915); Vessel IDAttachment Welds (A- 16916); BWR Vessel Internals Program (A- 16917); and the ISI Program (A- 16926).


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Core Plate 1995






















VT-3 /EVT-1






10 fuel support castings. No indications.

Seven fuel support castings. No indications.

All 30 rim hold-down bolts from above. Noindications.

Four fuel support castings. No indications.

16 rim hold-down bolts from above. Noindications.

15 rim hold-down bolts from above. Noindications.

15 rim hold-down bolts from above. Noindications.

15 rim hold-down bolts from above. Noindications.

8 rim hold-down bolts and tack welds, viewfrom above, no indications.

24 Core Plate Plugs. RI - Plugs unseated at16-33S, 16-33E & 16-25N.

All 58 Core Plate Plugs replaced. Postinstallation inspection performed - NRI.

7 rim hold-down bolts and tack welds, viewfrom above, no indications.

8 rim hold-down bolts and tack welds, viewfrom above, no indications.

11 core plate plugs with acceptable levels ofblow by identified - no other recordableindications

Core Shroud 1995 UT Seven circumferential welds. Significantindications found in H5 and H6, lessextensive in H4. Very minor indications inHi, H2, and H3.

1996 UT, ET Six vertical welds (all welds between H3 andH7). No indications.

1996 EVT-1 Two vertical welds (both welds between HI


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and H2) - OD only. No indications.

1996 UT, ET Six ring-segment welds (all three at top guideand all three at core plate). No indications.

1996 VT-3 Four tie-rods (repair) installed. Baseline

inspection performed.

1998 VT-3 Retorqued, reinspected all four tie-rods.

1999 VT-3 Reinspected all four tie-rods.

2001 N/A None.

2002 VT-3 Ten-year (3 rd Interval) Category B-N-2 coresupport structure inspection. No indications.

2004 EVT-1 2' sections in four quadrants of HiI, H2, andH3. All six vertical welds between H3 andH7. All three ring-segment welds at coreplate. No indications. EVT-1 exams werefrom the shroud OD.

2004 VT-3 Two tie-rods. No indications.

2005 EVT-1 Top Guide ring segment welds (3 welds)(NRI)

2007 UT & EVT1 Design Reliant portions of HiI, H2, H3; RI,evaluated no repair required

2007 UT 100% accessible of Vertical WeldsS4VI&V2, S5VI&V2,S7V1&V2 NRI

2011 EVT-1/ VT- Tie rods at 45 and 315 azimuths with no3 recordable indications

2011 EVT- 1 Portions of H8 and H9. No indications.Portions of 2SV1 and 2SV2 from the ID andOD, with no indications. Ring segment weldsS3Rl, S3R2 and S3R3 from the ID and ODwith no indications. During ring segmentweld exam, -4" linear indication was foundon and adjacent H3 weld in the field of view.

Core Shroud Support 1995 VT-1 Both access hole covers. No indications.

1996 UT, ET H8 (25%) & H9 (22%). No indications.


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1996 VT-1 Both access hole covers. No indications.

1998 MVT-1 Both access hole covers. No indications.

1999 EVT-1 Both access hole covers. No indications.

2001 N/A None.

2002 EVT-1 Both access hole covers. No indications.

2002 VT-3 Ten-year (3rd Interval) Category B-N-2 coresupport structure inspection. No indications.

2004 N/A None.

2005 EVT-1 10 % of H8 & H9 at 0 and 180 Degreelocations. (NRI)

2005 EVT-1 Access hole Cover at 180 degree location(NRI)

2005 EVT-1 Core Shroud vertical welds SC-V1 and SC-V2 (from outside the shroud) (NRI)

2005 VT-3 Annulus FOSAR (NRI)

2007 EVT-1 SSC-V1 & V2 (Shroud support cylindervertical welds) NRI

2007 VT-3 Annulus FOSAR (NRI)

2007 EVT-1 Access hole Cover at 0 degree location (NRI)

2008 VT-3 Annulus FOSAR (NRI)

2010 EVT-1 Access hole Cover at 0 and 180 degreelocation (NRI)

2010 VT-3 Annulus FOSAR (NRI)

Core Spray Piping 1995 CSVT-1 All piping and brackets. No indications.

1996 UT 39 circumferential welds. Two collar-to-shroud welds (P8b) with indications.

1996 EVT-1 Five circumferential welds not accessible forUT. No indications.

1996 CSVT-1 All brackets. No indications.


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1998 EVT-1 Re-inspected eleven circumferential welds:two with previous indications, nine that wereinaccessible for full UT in '96. Noindications.

1999 EVT-1 Re-inspected 30 circumferential target welds.No indications.

2001 EVT-1 Re-inspected 32 circumferential target welds.No indications.

2001 UT Four P9 welds. These UT inspections wereinvalidated by further BWRVIP qualificationwork performed May 2002.

2002 EVT-1 Re-inspected 34 circumferential target welds.No indications.

2002 EVT-1 Inspected all four piping brackets andattachment welds. No indications.

2004 EVT-1 Reinspected 34 circumferential target welds.No indications.

2005 EVT-1 Reinspected 34 circumferential target welds(NRI)

2007 EVT-1 Reinspected 34 circumferential target welds(NRI)

2007 UT 1P8b weld No change in flaw size acceptablewithout repair

2007 N/A Pre-Emptive Clamp Repair installed on 3P8bweld.

2008 EVT-1 Re-inspected 30 circumferential target welds.No indications.

2008 EVT-1 Re-inspected 4 piping brackets andattachment welds. No indications.

2008 VT-1 Core Spray 3P8b weld clamp repair. Noindications.

2010 EVT-1 Re-inspected 30 circumferential target welds.NRI.


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2010 VT-I Core Spray 3P8b weld clamp repair. Noindications.

2011 EVT-1 Re-inspected 31 circumferential target welds.NRI.

2011 VT-1 Core Spray 3P8b weld clamp repair. Noindications.

Core Spray Sparger 1995





























100% IEB 80-13 inspections performed. Noindications.

Repair clamp over tee-box plug (crackedweld) installed in 1980. No indications.

100% IEB 80-13 inspections performed. Noindications.

Sparger tee-box repair. No indications.

17 of 20 large (tee-box to header, tee-boxcover plate, and header to end cap)circumferential welds (3 inaccessible). Noindications.

Sparger nozzles. No indications.

All twelve brackets. No indications.

Sparger Tee-box repair. No indications.

17 of 20 large circumferential welds mostlylimited exams (3 inaccessible). Noindications.

50% of nozzles. No indications.

Inspected all 12 core spray sparger brackets.No indications.

17 of 20 large (tee-box to header, tee-boxcover plate, and header to end cap)circumferential welds. No relevantindications.

Nozzles on two of four spargers. Sparger tee-box repair. No relevant indications.

Re-Inspected all 12 Core Spray Sparger


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Brackets. (NRI)

20 of 20 large (tee-box to header, tee-boxcover plate, and header to end cap)circumferential welds and drain holes. NRI

Nozzles on two of four spargers. Sparger tee-box repair. NRI

Re-Inspected all 12 Core Spray SpargerBrackets. (NRI)

20 of 20 large (tee-box to header, tee-boxcover plate, and header to end cap)circumferential welds. NRI

Nozzles and drain holes on A and B spargers.NRI

Sparger tee-box repair. NRI

Sparger tee-box repair. NRI

Feedwater Spargers 1995






















Tee-box welds and end bracket attachmentwelds. No indications.

No FW sparger inspections performed.

Piping and brackets. No indications.

Tee-box welds and end bracket attachmentwelds. No indications.

No FW sparger inspections performed.

Piping and brackets. No indications.

Tee-box welds and end bracket attachmentwelds. No indications.

End bracket attachment welds. Noindications.

Piping and brackets. No indications.

Tee-box welds and end bracket attachmentwelds. No indications.

Piping and brackets. Minor thermal fatigue


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cracks at sparger flow holes.

2007 VT-I End bracket attachment welds. Bent keepersand minor pin wear on A, B &D spargers.

2008 VT-1 End brackets and keepers with indicationsfrom 2007. Recordable indications on FW-A-EB 1, FW-B-EB 1 & FW-D-EB2.

2010 VT-3 Piping and brackets. Minor thermal fatiguecracks at sparger flow holes.

2010 VT-I End bracket attachment welds. Bent keeperson C and D spargers and minor pin wear onA, B, C & D spargers.

2011 VT-1/VT-3 End brackets and attachment welds on FW-EBI and 2 on lines A,B,C & D. No evidenceof overall movement or wear.

FOSAR 1995 VT-3 Examined annulus and removed some debrisand loose parts

1996 VT-3 Examined annulus and removed smallparticulate debris and oxide crud flakes

1998 VT-3 Examined annulus. Found and removed 5 of6 loose parts and evaluated part the remainedfor the cycle. Removed particulate debris

1999 VT-3 Examined annulus and removed smallparticulate debris and 4 foreign objects

2001 VT-3 Examined annulus with no recordableindications

2002 VT-3 Examined annulus and removed smallparticulate debris. Retrieved 2 pieces ofhydrolazer nozzle assembly

2004 VT-3 Examined annulus and removed smallparticulate debris and 4 tie wraps

2005 VT-3 Examined annulus and removed smallamount of dust and particulate debris.

2007 VT-3 Examined annulus and removed small metalparticulate debris. Retrieved a brush bristle.NRI


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Examined annulus and removed minorparticulate debris

Examined annulus and removed lightparticulate debris and paint chips

Examined annulus and removed smallparticulate debris. Could not retrieve small"sliver" identified on tie rod @315 andevaluated to leave as is.

In-Core Housing 1983 VT-3 2 of 89. No indications.

In-Core Dry Tubes 1986













VT-1, -3



VT-1, -3



VT-1, -3

VT-1, -3

VT-1, -3




9 Dry tubes replaced due to cracking

Four dry tubes. 08-13, 16-21, 24-29inspected VT-3; 32-21 replaced. Noindications.



32-13, 32-37. No indications.



08-29, 16-13. No indications.

08-37, 24-37 NRI

08-13, 16-21 & 24-29. RI - Evidence ofmovement on 08-13 plunger.

6 dry tubes replaced: SRM A, SRM C, IRMB, IRM C, IRM D and IRM E. Postinstallation inspection performed, NRI.

Dry tubes SRM B and SRM D inspected.Dropped plunger on SRM B, RI.

Dry tube IRM A and IRM F inspected withno recordable indications.

Instrument Penetrations Every RFO VT-2 Nuclear Boiler system pressure test duringstartup meets BWRVIP-49-A.

Jet Pump Assembly 1995 VT-3 Restrainer wedges and sensing lines on five


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assemblies (50%). No indications.

1995 VT-I Welds on five riser braces (50%). Noindications.

1996 VT-3 Restrainer wedges and set screws, inlet boltedconnections, sensing lines on five assemblies(50%). No indications.

1996 VT-I Welds on five riser braces (50%). Noindications.

1998 UT 26 of 30 Riser RS-1, RS-2, RS-3,circumferential welds. Four welds withindications - maximum approx. 3".

1998 EVT-1 Remaining four riser RS- 1 circumferentialwelds. No indications.

1998 MVT-1 Riser-to-restrainer RS-4, RS-5 welds on fiveassemblies (50%). No indications.

1998 MVT-1 Welds on five riser braces (50%). Noindications.

1998 VT-I Restrainer wedges on five assemblies (50%).No indications.

1998 VT-3 Restrainer set screws, inlet boltedconnections, sensing lines on five assemblies(50%). No indications.

1998 UT 20 hold-down beams. One beam with UTindication on bolt hole replaced.

1999 UT 160 mixer, diffuser, and adaptercircumferential welds. Indications found onfour diffuser welds, all less than 2".

1999 EVT-1 20 mixer (MX-1) welds. No indications.

1999 UT Ten hold-down beams. No indications.

2001 UT Four RS-1 welds with indications from 1998.Two 1998 indications determined to be lift-off. No growth on others.

2001 VT-I Restrainer wedges on five assemblies (oneloop). No indications


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2001 VT-3 Restrainer set screws, sensing lines on fiveassemblies (50%). No indications.

2002 UT, VT-I Beams. No indications.

2002 UT Four diffuser welds with indications.Indications matched '99 indications withinNDE uncertainty.

2004 EVT-l Two RS-1 welds with UT indications. Notseen visually.

2004 EVT-1 50% of RS-4, RS-5, RS-8, and RS-9 welds.50% of riser brace welds. No indications.

2004 VT-3 50% of inlet bolted connections. Noindications.

2004 VT- 1 50% of restrainer wedges. No indications.

2004 VT-3 One loop (50%) of jet pump instrumentationlines. No indications.

2004 EVT-1 Two RS-1 welds (H & Kjet pumps) with UTindications. Not seen visually.

2005 EVT-1 Four diffuser welds with UT indications. Notseen visually.

2005 UT 20 Beams NRI

2007 UT Six (6) welds on H and K risers, 2 welds withprevious indications-no changes. No newrelevant indications.

2007 UT 112 welds on 16 jet pump diffusers. 4previous relevant indications. No change inprevious indications and no new relevantindications.

2007 VT- I Jet pump wedges 1-10. NRI

2007 VT-I Jet pump sensing lines 1-10 - NRI

2008 EVT-1 RS-1, RS-2 & RS-3 of F, G & J - NRI

2008 VT-1 Jet pump wedges 11-20. NRI


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VT-1 Jet pump sensing lines 11-20 - NRI












Remaining Jet Pump Diffuser Welds - NRI

RS-8, RS-9 All 10

IN-5 on F, G and H, NRI

RB-l a/b, RB-2a/b, RS-4, RS-5 on F, G andH, NRI

RS-1 on Hand K, NRI

DF-2 on 2, 9 and 10 (inside and outside), NRI

Wedges 1-10, NRI

Inspected MX-1, MX-2 and MX-4 on jetpumps 1-5 with no recordable indications.

Inspected RS-1, RS-2 and RS-3 on risers A-Ewith no recordable indications.

Inspected RS- 1 on risers H and K with norecordable indications.

Inspected RS-9 riser brace weld on the J riserwith no recordable indications.

LPCI Coupling N/A N/A N/A

Miscellaneous Vessel 1995 VT-3 Reinspected one dryer support bracket withID Brackets indication from 1992. No change.

1996 UT Reinspected same dryer support bracket fromvessel OD. No change.

1998 VT-3 Reinspected same dryer support bracket. Nochange.

1999 N/A None.

2001 VT-3, UT Reinspected same dryer support bracket. Nochange.

2002 VT-3 Both guide rod bracket attachments. Noindications.

2002 VT-3 All four steam dryer support brackets.I Indication on one bracket unchanged.


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2002 VT-3 All four steam dryer hold-down brackets. Noindications.

2002 VT-1 Six surveillance specimen holder brackets.No indications.

2004 VT-I Upper surface of steam dryer supportbrackets. RI

2007 VT-1 4 Steam Dryer Support Attachment Welds.Burnishing wear on top surface.

2008 VT-I Re-inspected Steam Dryer Attachment Weldsand wear patterns on top surface. One wearpattern slightly different. RI

2010 EVT- 1 Re-inspected Steam Dryer Attachment Weldsand wear patterns on top surface. Wearpatterns slightly different. RI

2011 VT-3 Inspected guide rod brackets and attachmentsat 175 and 355 azimuths with no recordableindications

2011 EVT-1 Re-inspected steam dryer support attachmentwelds and bracket wear patterns on topsurface. The wear pattern remainedunchanged from RFO-28.

2011 VT-3 Inspected all four steam dryer hold downbrackets with no recordable indications

SLC 1995 N/A No SLC BWRVIP inspections.

1996 N/A No SLC BWRVIP inspections.

1998 EVT-2 Nozzle-to-safe-end weld. No indications.

1999 EVT-2 Nozzle-to-safe end weld. No indications.

2001 EVT-2 Nozzle-to-safe-end weld. No indications.

2002 PT Nozzle-to-safe-end weld. No indications.

2004 PT Nozzle-to-safe-end weld and safe-end. Noindications.

2007 PT Nozzle-to-safe-end weld and safe-end. NRI


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1 2010 1 PT Nozzle-to-safe-end weld and safe-end. NRI

Steam Dryer and 1996 N/A Replaced all steam separator / shroud headSeparator hold-down bolts.

1998 VT-3 Steam dryer and separator. Indications onfive tack welds on three jacking bolt (liftingeye) assemblies on the steam dryer.

1999 VT-3 Reinspected cracked tack welds on steamdryer. No change.

2001 N/A None.

2002 VT-1/3 Inspected dryer cover plates and welds andstart-up instrumentation remnant. Noindications.

2004 VT-1/3 Baseline inspection of entire steam dryer ODand ID (all accessible welds: VT-I and plates:VT-3). Two fatigue cracks in steam damwelds repaired. 16 horizontal cracks ininterior vertical end plates evaluated asacceptable for service. Two IGSCC cracks ininterior vertical weld and drainpipe weldevaluated as acceptable for service. Pre-emptive repair (strengthening plates andgussets) installed on cover plates and upperhood.

2004 VT-3 Steam separator - full top and peripheryinspection. No indications.

2005 VT-I Re-inspection of two repaired cracks in thesteam dam welds repaired in 04. (NRI)

2005 VT-I Drain channel weld and drain pipe weldevaluated acceptable for service in '04.(nodiscernible changes)

2005 VT-I Re-inspection of pre-emptive repair on thestrengthening plates and gussets. (NRI)

2005 VT-1 High stressed vertical welds interior andexterior surfaces per SIL-644 R/1. (NRI)

2005 VT-1 High stressed horizontal welds interior andexterior surfaces per SIL-644 R/1. (NRI)


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r r T

2005 VT-I Tie bars, steam dam gussets. (NRI)

2005 VT-I Lifting Support hardware. (NRI)

2005 VT-I Dryer leveling screw tack welds. (NRI)

2005 VT-I All internal vertical weld steam dryer vaneend unit to plate welds. 62 indications totalfound. 16 indication in '04 and 44indications in '05. Evaluated acceptable forservice.

2005 VT-1 6 internal strut welds. (NRI)

2007 VT-I Steam Separator - All 36 Shroud Hold DownBolts, 7 Standpipe welds. NRI

2007 VT-I Steam Dryer - 1st post EPU inspection perNRC commitment. 100% interior and exteriorsusceptible and accessible locations. Re-inspection of all pre-existing flaws andrepaired areas. No discernible changes inexisting flaws. One relevant indication notedat the 35 degree welded dryer bank support.This indication was evaluated as not needingrepair by GE.

2007 VT-1 New indications identified on the 144 and324 degree lifting rod-to-support ring stitchwelds. Evaluated no repair.

2007 VT-I The 144 degree leveling screw tack weld hadone indication. Evaluated no repair.

2007 VT-I Indications on the vertical guides at locations175 and 215 degrees. Evaluated no repair.

2008 VT-I Steam Dryer - 2nd post EPU inspection perNRC commitment. Interior and exteriorsusceptible and accessible locations, re-inspection of all pre-existing flaws andmodified/repaired areas. No discerniblechanges in existing flaws. 18 new RI's.

2008 VT-I The new indications include separateindications at the top of DC-V-4C, newindications on leveling screws & lifting rodtack welds, vertical guides, interior vane end


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panels and new indications on interior drainpiping DC-H-27 and DC-V-05.

2010 VT-I Steam Dryer - 3 post EPU inspection perNRC commitment. Interior and exteriorsusceptible and accessible locations, re-inspection of all pre-existing flaws andmodified/repaired areas. No discerniblechanges in existing flaws. 1 new RI on DC-V-4C.

2010 VT-3 Steam Separator - Lifting eye assemblies &attachment welds, peripheral standpipes,attachment welds & assembly welds, tie bars& attachment welds, shroud head flange,accessible areas of shroud head and all 36shroud hold down bolts. RI on 3 shroud headbolts not unlatched properly.

2011 VT-I Inspected prior indications on DCC-DP10and DC-V04C with no discernible changesfrom RFO-28.

Surveillance Specimen 2002 VT-3/VT-1 Surveillance specimen holders 120 and 300Holders upper and lower brackets and holder, and

upper and lower brackets on 30. Noindications.

2008 VT-I Upper and lower brackets on surveillancespecimen holders 30 and 300. Noindications.

2011 VT-1/VT-3 Inspected SSH-120 middle, lower and upperwith no recordable indications.

Top Guide 1995 VT-I Ten locations in top guide grid lAW SIL-554.No indications.

1996 VT-1 Seven locations in top guide grid IAW SIL-554. No indications.

1998 MVT-1 Four locations in top guide grid lAW SIL-554. No indications.

1999 VT-I Two aligner assemblies. No indications.

1999 VT-I Two hold-down assemblies. No indications.

1999 VT-1 Four locations in top guide grid. Noindications.


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25% of rim and cover sheet bolts (NNS). Noindications.

Two hold-down assemblies. No indications.


Two hold-down assemblies at 18 and 198degree locations. (NRI)

Two hold-down assemblies at 108 and 288degree locations. (NRI)

Grid Beams inspected at locations 14-15, 14-23, 14-31, 22-15 and 25-15. (NRI)

Inspected two hold-down assemblies at 18and 198 degree locations with no recordableindications.

Dissimilar Metal Weld 2004 Automated N5A, N1OExams (VIP 75-A) 2005 UT N6A, N6B, N7Using code case N-702 2007 N2A,N2BN2E,N1O

2008 NIA, N2K (Cat. D) - No Flaws

2010 N1O

2011 N11A,N11B,N12A,N12B