http://www.rgc.at Project: Project Name Project Code RGC123 [ Project logo must be stored in same directory as project manual ( logo.jpg, 500x500 Pixels) ] Project Handbook Version 1.0 Project Manager: XY Date (last changes): 15/10/2003 [to define project name, code, project manager, etc. click in menu files! "# properties!] [ to update t$e project manual% &trg' "# * "# 5x update all structure!]

Project Handbook PM

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project name xy


Project NameProject Code RGC123

[ Project logo must be stored in same directory as project manual (logo.jpg, 500x500 Pixels) ]

Project Handbook

Version 1.0Project Manager: XYDate (last changes): 15/10/2003[to define project name, code, project manager, etc. click in menu files -> properties]

[ to update the project manual: Strg+A -> F9 -> 5x update all structure]

Index1. 4Project Assignment

2. Project Objectives Plan63. PROJECT OBJECTS OF CONSIDERATION74. Work Breakdown Structure85. Work Package Specifications96. Project Milestone Plan107. Bar Chart118. Project List of Dates129. Project Cost Plan1310. Project Responsibility Matrix1411. Project Rules1512. Pre-Project and Post-Project Phase Analysis1613. Project Environment Analysis1714. Relationships to relevant Project Environment1815. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTS1916. Project Organisation Chart2017. Project Communication Structures2118. relationship of Project to Company Strategy2219. Project Risk Analysis2320. To Do-List2521. Minutes of Meeting2622. Project Score Card2823. Interpretation of the Project Score Card2924. Project Progress Report3025. Project Close Down Report3326. To DoList: Remaining Work34

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Assignment

Project start dateProject end date

Project objectivesProject non-objectives

Project phasesProject costsProject income

Project Management

Project owner (team)Project manager

Project team members

Relationships to other projects

Relevant project environments

Project managerProject owner (team)

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Objectives Plan

Main objectivesAdapted per

Additional objectivesAdapted per

Non-objectivesAdapted per

Version 1.0Date: Author: GS

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)PROJECT OBJECTS OF CONSIDERATION

Object of Consideration TypeObject of ConsiderationAdapted per

Version 1.0Date: Author:

[ alternative forms to present objects of consideration, e.g. MindMap ]project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Work Breakdown Structure

[ to insert WBS here: insert -> graphic -> from file ]

[ e.g. graphic exported from WBS Chart Pro ][ if graphc needs to be turned: View -> Symbols -> Graphic activate,then click on graphic -> on graphic symbols turn left by 90 ]

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Work Package Specifications


WP-contentAdapted per

WP resultsWP Progress Measurement(in % or verbally)Adapted per

WBS-Code:WP label:

WP contentAdapted per

WP resultsWP Progress Measurement(in % or verbally)Adapted per

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Milestone Plan

WP-codeMilestonePlanned datePlanned date adapted per Actual date

1.1.xProject assigned

1.1.xProject approved

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Bar Chart

[ To insert bar chart here: Insert -> Graphic -> from File ]

[ e.g. graphic exported from MS Project ]

[ if graphc needs to be turned: View -> Symbols -> Graphic activate, then click on graphic -> on graphic symbols turn left by 90 ]

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project List of Dates

Work packageStart dateEnd date

WBS-CodeWP Name

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)

Project Cost Plan

Version 1.0Date: Author:

[ to open Excel table double-click on table ]

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Responsibility Matrix

Project roles and relevant environments

WBS- codeWB labelproject owner (team)project managerPTM 1PTM 2PTM 3PTM 4PTM 5Sunteam 1Subteam 2Subteam 3Environment 1Environment 2

Version 1.0Date: Author:

Legend: C coordination, initialisation; P performance; C1 contribution, consulting; D decision; I informationproject name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Rules

Expected behavior in the projectAdapted per

Use of information and communication infrastructureAdapted per

Project documentationAdapted per

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Pre-Project and Post-Project Phase Analysis

Description of the results of the pre-project phase

Environment relationships relevant for the project

Decisions/events relevant for the project / Which decisions have been made already?

Existing documentation relevant for the project

Expectations regarding the post-project phase

Further development of the environment relationships

Measures for the post-project phase

Use of the experiences gained

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Environment Analysis

Version 1.0Date: Author:

[ double click to edit the graphic in PowerPoint ]

click on graphic - right mouse click - to save graphic as separate PowerPoint presentation -> Slide Object -> convert]

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Relationships to relevant Project Environment

Relevant environmentRelationshipMeasuresWBS code for measureMeasures adapted per

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTS

ProjectDescription of relationshipMeasuresWBS codeMeasures adapted per

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Organisation Chart

[ double click to edit the graphic in PowerPoint ]

[ click on graphic - right mouse click - to save graphic as separate

PowerPoint presentation -> Slide Object -> convert ]

Project rolePerson performing roleTelefone-mail

Project owner (team)

Project manager

Project Team Member 1

Project Team Member 2

Project Contributor 1

Project Contributor 2

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Communication Structures

MeetingContentParticipantsFrequencyAdapted per

Version 1.0DateAuthor:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)relationship of Project to Company Strategy

Company strategyContribution of the project to realisation of company strategyAdaptations per

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Risk Analysis

WBS-codeWP / phaseRiskCharacteristic/ descriptionMeasureAdapted per


Interpretation of the risk management in the project xy:

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)To Do-List

WBS codeActivityResponsibilityDue dateStatus

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Minutes of Meeting






Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Score Card

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Interpretation of theProject Score Card

Planning, controlling

Project environment relationships

Project objectives and context

Project organisation

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Progress Report


Overall status of the project

Status: Project objectives and objects of consideration

Status: Project progress

Status: Project schedule

Status: Project costs, project resources, project income

Status: Project environments, relationships to other projects

Status: Project organisation and project culture

Directive measures


Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)Project Close Down Report

Overall impression

Reflection: Fulfillment of the planned tasks, adherence to schedule

Reflection: Adherence to resource and cost planning

Reflection: Project environment relationships, relationships to other projects

Reflection: Team work, project management

Summarising experiences for other projects

Version 1.0Date: Author:

project name xy(Project Code RGC123)To DoList:Remaining Work

Post project phase

WBS codeActivityResponsibleDue dateStatus

Version 1.0Date: Author:

EMBED Excel.Sheet.8

1Page 2 of 29


Project Organisation Project Owner (-team) Project Manager Project Team

Environment xy

Environment xy

Environment xy

Environment xy

Project Environment Graph


Project objectives and contextDate 1Date 2

Project objectives11

Objects of consideration11

Company strategies11

Other projects11


Planning, controlling15/0203/03

Project progress11

Project schedule11

Project costs21

Project resources11

Project organisation15/0203/03

Project roles22

Project communication31

Project culture12

Project teamwork22

Project environment relationships15/0203/03



Participants of pilot seminars31

Internet provider11

LegendProject xy

Very bad5




Very good1




WP CodeWP LabelCost typePlanned quantityPricePlanned costs

Phase 1.1Project management

1.1.1Project startPersonnel

1.1.2Project coordinationPersonnel

1.1.4Project controllingPersonnel

1.1.5Project close-downPersonnel

Phase 1.2







Phase 1.3








Project Team Member

Project Team Member

Project Manager

Project Team

Project Contributor

Project Contributor

Project Contributor

Project Contributor

Project Contributor

Subteam 1

Subteam 2

Project Owner (Team)

Project Organisation