Project Completion Report_Road Safety Awareness Campaign in Bangladesh With Special Focus on Patuakhali - Amtoli Road

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  • 8/10/2019 Project Completion Report_Road Safety Awareness Campaign in Bangladesh With Special Focus on Patuakhali - A


    Road Safety Awareness Campaign in Bangladesh a component of RHDs Major Roads Project in Patuakhali and Barguna districts

    Su p p o r t e d b y Royal Danish Embassy, Dhaka, Government of Denmark

    Project Completion ReportVolume I

    August 2007

    BRAC Centre, 75 Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212, BangladesPhone: 9881265, 8824180 Ext. 2115,Fax: 88-02-8826448, E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]: htt ://

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    Table of Contents

    Contents Page No.

    Introduction 1Objective 2Scope of Services 2Approach and Methodology 5Staff and Office 7Activities of the Campaign 8

    Suitable IEC Material Developed 8Flip Chart 8Poster 9

    Audio Cassette 9Multimedia Video Training Materials 9Reflective Stickers 10

    Road Safe ty Ins t i tu t ion B ui ld ing and Capac i ty Deve lopm ent a t Comm uni ty Leve l 10Local NGO 10Community Road Safety Group (CRSG) 12

    Educa t ion fo r Roads ide Educa t iona l Ins t i tu t ion s 14Stud ent Traff ic Cadets 15Road Safety Theatre

    16Bi l lboard 17Mul t imedia fo r Awareness 18Driver Road Safe ty Tra in ing 19RS Awareness o f Ricks haw Pul le r fo l lowed b y Pas t ing o f Ref lec t ive S t i cker 21Door to Door A wareness Campaign 22Road Safe ty Animat ion F i lm: A u n ique approach to road sa fe ty educa t ion 22

    Visit of the Royal Danish Embassy Team 25Assessment 27

    Coordination and Linkage 28Monitoring 29Advocacy and Dissemination of Information 29Finance 29Lesson Learned and Recommendations 30Annexure Volume- II Research report: Heavy Vehicle Drivers in Bangladesh: An Ethnography Volume- III

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    A & F Aquaculture and Fisheries

    Appx. Approximate ASA Association for Social AdvancementBBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

    BRAC Building Resources Across Communities

    BRTA Bangladesh Road Transport AuthorityBTV Bangladesh Television

    CBO Community Based Organisation

    C & B Construction and BuildingCD Compact Disk

    CEO Chief Executive Officer

    CRSG Community Road Safety GroupCS Campaign Spot

    DANIDA Danish International Development Assistance

    DPHE Department of Public Health EngineeringGDP Gross Domestic Product

    IEC Information, Education and Communication

    LGED Local Government Engineering DepartmentM & E Monitoring and Evaluation

    NGO Non Government Organisation

    NMV Non-Motorised VehicleNRSSAP National Road Safety Strategic Action PlanRFLDC Regional Fisheries and Livestock Development Component

    RHD Roads and Highways DepartmentRS Road Safety

    RSPAC Road Safety Public Awareness CampaignRTI Road Traffic Injury

    STC Student Traffic Cadet

    Tk. Taka (Bangladeshi currency)TNO Thana Nirbahi Officer

    TRL Transport Research Laboratory

    TSU Technical Support UnitTV Television

    UK United Kingdom

    UN United NationsUS$ United States Dollar

    URSC Upazilla Road Safety Committee

    WSSP Water Supply and Sanitation Project

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    Road Safety Public Awareness Campaign in Bangladesh:with a Special Focus on the Patuakhali Kuakata road

    An Agreement was signed on 27 April 2006 by HE Mr. Niels Severin Munk, the Ambassador ofthe Royal Danish Embassy, Bangladesh and Executive Director, BRAC Mr. Abdul-MuyeedChowdhury for undertaking a Road Safety Awareness Campaign in Bangladesh: with a specialfocus on the Patuakhali Kuakata road from 01 May 2006 to 31 May 2007. Accordingly, BRACcommenced the campaign 01 May 2006 and completed it in due time. The final report (projectcompletion report) on implementation of the campaign is presented below :

    IntroductionRoad traffic Injury (RTI) is a major threat in public health and hence is a social and economic

    burden worldwide and Bangladesh is no exception. Despite the growing menace of RTIs round theworld, it is still a silent, hidden and unrecognised epidemic; especially in developing countries likeBangladesh.

    In Bangladesh- the most densely populated country in the world with 123.1 million and 834 persons per sq. km. (BBS 2000), road transportation is extremely important for its economy.About 12% of GDP and 20% of the annual development budget are spent on transport, and 9.4%of the national employment is in fact in the transport sector. Unfortunately the road accidents are

    increasing frighteningly with the construction of high-speed roads rapid increase of population,urbanization, motorization and inadequate road safety. Today, there are over 0.70 millionregistered motor and 1.5 million non-motorised vehicles in Bangladesh (NRSSAP, 2002 2004).At the current growth rate, the number of vehicles in the country is expected to double in the nextten years. The complexity of road environment with mixed traffic of motorised and non motorisedtransports is another reality of road transportation in Bangladesh (Hussain, 2003), where roaddesigns are not appropriate for mixed traffic standards.

    Bangladesh has one of the highest accident fatality rate in road accidents higher than 73 deaths per ten thousand registered motor vehicles (NRSSAP, 02 04) as against the developedcountries, where the rate is below 5. It is estimated that 10 to 12 thousand people are killed due toroad accidents annually. But data constraints and widespread under reporting of accidents preventunderstanding the real magnitudes of road accident problems. National loss due to road accident isestimated to be about Tk.15 billion (US$ 300 million) every year (NRTA report, 2002). The majorvictims of accident are the poorer pedestrians at 52%, which often rise up to 70%. One third of thevictims are adult males at their most productive age between 21-40 years (NRSSAP, 02-04;Khan, 2004). In absence of any highway ambulance service, post accident first aid, traumamanagement and subsequent victim support programme deaths due to bleeding are very highafter serious injury accidents and few who survive become poorer and often disable for lack ofsupport.

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    awareness campaign at national level. Beside the people living within 500 metres on both side ofthe road and using 31 km of Patuakhali Amtoli road leading to Kuakata sea beach were broughtunder a comprehensive road safety awareness campaign at the community level.

    A quick reconnaissance of the 31 km of Patuakhali Amtoli road before commencing of the roadsafety campaign was carried out. The status of the project road, road safety/accidents situation,road safety engineering facilities, roadside community, institutions etc were collected during thereconnaissance which are described below:

    Patuakhali Amtoli Road

    The project road is national highway of Roads and Highways Department being repaired,widened and rehabilitated at present. Since the road leads to Kuakata sea beach resort, it isexpected to be heavy and high speed traffic road shortly exposing it to high accident risks. Theroad that is going to be without footpath, bus bay/shed and necessary traffic calming measuresincreases the vulnerability of pedestrian to accidents. Markets, educational institutions, growthcentres, villages, shops, homesteads, etc. exist dangerously adjacent to the road, junctions androundabouts making the road users more prone to road accident. Although bus, human hauler,auto rickshaws and specially the highly unstable Tomtoms the locally made three wheelvehicles ply on the road, there are a few bus bay/shed and stands. These public transports as aresult use carriageway for stopping, parking, dropping, picking and waiting for passengers.Inadequate traffic signs, road markings and absence of any kind of traffic-calming measuresmake the road use further dangerous. There is no street lighting that makes it dangerous for

    pedestrians and rickshaws, animal pulled carts usually found without lights. There are at least33 feeder roads (17 metallic, 16 non metallic) accessing the road from the sides.

    Road safety and Accident scenario

    Incidents of loss of lives and injuries due to road accident on the road are topics of regulardiscussion among the local road users. Tomtom - the locally made three wheel auto rickshawsusing shallow irrigation engine having no system of applying brake properly is the major causeof accidents. Incidentally, as of now Tomtoms are the predominant mode of transportationlocally. Besides entire fleet of Tomtoms and the majority of other human howlers and publictransports do not have the required fitness certificate from BRTA. An important and alarmingcause of the poor record of road safety is the absence of genuine and valid driving license ofthe drivers. Since the local drivers have no driving training and knowledge on road safety, theydo not apply for the regular driving license issued by BRTA. Considering all theseshortcomings added together, it is feared that the number of road accidents are expected to

    shoot up when the rehabilitation and widening of the road is completed.A total of at least 30 people were killed due to road accident during one year immediately

    before the road safety campaign was started as revealed during the reconnaissance. Theincidents of injuries were many times more. The names of the places where these accidentsoccurred were:

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    Patuakhali Distri ct Amtoli,Bargune Distri ct

    Place of accident Persons killed Place of accident Persons killed

    Bad ghat 4 Chunakhali stand 1Kakia Fotulla 5 Chunakhali stand 1

    Barobari culvert 4 Amragachia 4

    Patuakhali 2 Ismail dactarbari stand 2

    C & B bazaar 1 Ghatkali 3

    Amtoli 3

    The case stor ies of recent two r oad accidents are given below:


    The main modes of local public transportation are some 350 three-wheel Tomtoms and 125Trawler tempos. Besides at least 20 rental microbuses, 80 buses, 225 motor cycles 10 trucksand 10 covered vans use the road for carrying passengers and cargo. In addition non-motorizedvehicles numbering over 7200 rickshaws, 200 rickshaw vans and 500 bicycles were found to

    ply on the road. The transport routes of buses comprise of trips from Kuakata to Dhaka,Barguna, Barisal, Patuakhali, Khepupara and Galachipa.

    Community information (within 500 m) beside the project road

    Information related to population, their occupation, households, bazaars/growth centers,educational institutions, NGOs etc within 500 metres on both sides of the road are given


    H ouseholds (appx): 7350, Patuakhali sadar-3220, Amtoli upazila - 4130

    Population (appx): 51,450, Patuakhali sadar-20, 237, Amtoli upazila -15778

    Nuruzzaman Mia (24) a daily labourer was hit by a tom tom in July 05 atAmtali- Borguna intersection while crossing the road. According to local

    people the cause of the accident was break failure. Nuruzzaman Mia nowwalks using a stick and cannot do any heavy work as before. Local peopleraised Tk. 20,000 and arranged his treatment.

    Sultan Ahmed (40) of village Rahmatpur, a local grocery shop owner ofAmragachiya bazaar under Amtali Upazilla was ran over by a bus early thisyear while he was trying to get into it. With 2 sons and 2 daughters, the wifeof Sultan sold the grocery shop. She is now in an adverse economic situationand living hand to mouth.

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    M ain occupation: Daily wage labourer, agriculture, fishing & service

    Roadside bazaar/growth centr e Big size bazaars 06 (with over 150 shops)

    Amtali Upazila: Amtali bazaar- 500 shops, Amargachiya- 200 shopsand Mohishkata-150 shops

    Patuakhali Sadar: Kalikapur-Shaymoli-300 shops, Boshak-50 shopsand Fatulla-170 shops)

    Small size bazaar 02 (with less than 150 shops)Potuakhali Sadar: Patukhali C&B-50 shops, Shakharia- 50 shops,

    Growth centres : 10 (with less than 30 shops)

    Educational i nstitutionsTotal 48 (College- 3, High School- 8, Primary School- 14, NGO

    School 7, KG- 4, Madrasa-12)

    Students (appx): 9,900 Teachers (appx): 336

    NGO/CBOCBO 9 (2 on Patuakhali,7 Amtali road)

    Local NGOs 8 ( 2 on Patuakhali, 6 Amtali road)

    National NGOs 7 (ASA, BRAC, Dhaka Ahsania Mission, GrameenBank, CODAC, PROSHIKA)

    Pictures taken of the project road and the community are given in volume II, Annex 1.

    Approach and MethodologyThe project followed participatory methods and approaches throughout the campaign period. Acertain amount of flexibility was adopted in the campaign activities to ensure wider mobilisationof community and more coverage of different segments of local road users. The localcircumstances and preferences of roadside communities influenced considerably the design ofinterventions and the process of implementation.


    Reconnaissance of the road was carried out through visiting the bazaars, growth centres andvillages situated on the road. For this the project staff had to visit each and every built up areasand villages along the road, talk to shop keepers and villagers and obtain information aboutroad accident, knowledge and behaviour of road use and use of road engineering facilities asmentioned earlier.

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    Selection of Campaign Spots (CS)

    A total of 8 areas on the road were selected as campaign spots.

    The transport terminals from where vehicle originate and ply on the project road were selectedfor road safety training of drivers.The following criterion were used to select the CSs:

    Prevalence of accident Community unaware of the use of road facilities like footpath, roadside, bus bay, road

    signs, road markings, drainages etc. Poor and disadvantaged road users are exposed to risks of accidents Willingness of community to participate in road safety initiatives Generation of more pedestrian trips

    Of these 8 selected CSs, 2 are located within municipal areas and the rest are in rural areas. Inother words, the selected spots were both urban and rural in character.

    Identification of Target Group

    The review of accidents on the highway revealed that accident occurred repeatedly on certainlocations and the majority of the victims were pedestrians. Lack of knowledge about safewalking and crossing of roads have been the main reasons of pedestrian involvement inaccidents. The heavy vehicle and public transport drivers - the other major users of thehighway are equally unaware of safe driving. To address these awareness deficiencies, the

    Governmental steps are extremely inadequate. There is no effective initiative of road safetyeducation of pedestrians, drivers nor there is police patrol on the highway to enforce discipline.Besides, the local community and community-based organizations that are well placed to makethe road users aware about road safety, are unaware themselves in this regard.

    Considering the prevailing lack of awareness as mentioned above the following have beenselected as target group of the awareness campaign:

    Community leaders and local NGOs Pedestrians among road side residents Road-side shopkeepers, hawkers, traders and buyers Drivers


    Selection of Local NGOs

    One of the key approaches of the project is to develop road safety capacity of localcommunities. Local NGOs that deliver different services to people at the grass root leve l have

    been considered to be uniquely placed as effective community organizations to work for road

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    Selection Criteria of NGOs Be local organization having office, staff and executive

    committee Have registration/affil iation with appropriate authorities Have track record of implementing socio economic

    development activities locally Not involved in any party political activities Willing to work for road safety as member of Road Safety

    GO Network

    safety after provided with adequate training. Hence, an important feature of the projectactivities has been to identify andselect suitable local NGOs andtraining them on road safety. Withthis end in view, repeated fieldvisits were made to explore

    presence and activities of local NGOs along the road.

    A short list of NGOs/ and CBOswere prepared. The Project staffthen visited their offices and interviewed the members of their executives/governing boards.The committee formed earlier to select the NGOs finally, called the CEOs of the listed

    NGOs/CBOs at BRAC office Patuakhali, interviewed them before finial selection.

    Staff and OfficeThe project staff numbering 12 duly appointed by BRAC was engaged with the campaign work asshown below:


    The Project Offices were established at the following places:

    Project Head Office, BRAC Centre (6 th floor), 75 Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212Phone 9881265, 8824180 Ext. 2115, 2116, Fax 8823542, 8823614,E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]

    Field Coordinator-2

    Project Manager

    Coordinator (animation film)

    Operator (MultimediaEquipment)


    Project Assistant Cook

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    Field Project OfficeRoad Safety Awareness Campaign in Bangladesh, BRAC Area Office, District- Patuakhali.Phone- 0441-63249, 01714-091401

    Field Project OfficeRoad Safety Awareness Campaign in Bangladesh, BRAC Area Office, Amtoli, District- Barguna.Phone- 01714-091402.

    Activities of the CampaignAn Action Research Project on road safety education was undertaken by BRAC jointly with theTransport Research Laboratory (TRL), UK between June 2003 to February 2004 at Betila underManikganj district. The project adopted participatory methods and tools to identify local roadsafety problems of the community through interview survey, focus group discussions and

    behaviour observation. The community then suggested their preferred counter measures to address

    the identified problems and participated in the implementation of their suggested countermeasures.

    After the implementation, assessment of the impact in their road safety knowledge and road use behaviour was conducted. The result came out to be very encouraging. The interventions, whichresulted such positive outcome, have been selected as road safety activities of this project.

    The campaign activities undertaken in the project are described below :

    Suitable IEC Material Developed

    The necessity of using appropriate information, education and communication materials forroad safety campaign needs no further emphases. After detailed consultation with

    professionals, community members and field tests at campaign areas, BRAC has developedIEC materials and used those for road safety campaigns before. These materials suitably redesigned and improved with logos of DANIDA and BRAC were used in this campaign:

    Flip Chart

    A comprehensive and well-researched road safety training flip chart, complete withtrainers guide at the back of each page was usedextensively for the training of the members of theCommunity Road Safety Group, teachers, students andstudent traffic cadets. The flip chart having 14 colourful

    pages provides information and instruction on roadvocabulary, types and parts of road, safe walking andcrossing rules, use of road safety engineering facilities,consequences of illegal uses of road/footpath/shoulder,traffic signs, road markings, importance of visibility atnight, children safety practices, good practices for public transport passengers, needs andways of post accident Medicare, how to lodge accident information to police and claiminsurance compensation etc. The flip charts were distributed to the NGOs, CBOs andeducational institutions. Those institutions used the flip chart exhaustively for road safety

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    awareness training. It has also been given to some Upa zilla road safety Committees, RHD,DANIDA and other government officers and staff on demand.


    Posters for road safety awareness are useful as it is big, readable from distance due to itslarger fonts and more portable for using in rallies as festoons and for door-to-door contacts.

    A total of 3 (30in X20in) posters wereused for thecampaign. One

    posters was on safewalking, one on safecrossing of road andone on proper use of

    road and itsfacilities like foot path, road signs, bus bays etc. The posters were handed

    over to partner NGOs and educational institutions for road safety publicity. All the postershave been with tin mountings. The tin mounted posters were used for training purpose andwere distributed to selected shops, restaurants, houses and offices for training and display.These were also extensively used as festoons and placards during road safety rallies held tocommemorate UN road safety week during 23 29 April 2007.

    Audio CassetteOne audiocassette/CD of 30 minutes duration containing roadsafety messages, instructions safety guides in the forms of drama

    played by a drama group and songs sung by popular singerMomtaz has been developed by BRAC earlier. These these audiocassettes/CDs were distributed to the drivers trained on roadsafety for playing in their vehicles to help make passengers andothers aware on safe use of road.

    Multimedia Video Training Materials

    Two multimedia training materials on road safety, one for pedestrian of 19 minutes andone for driver of 48 minutes durationcontaining road safety messages wereused for awareness of road sidecommunity and drivers. For making thefilms entertaining, song written on safedriving sung by popular folk singer Ms.Momtaz and appeals by famous hero andheroines of film industry have beenincluded in the material.

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    Reflective Stickers

    For making rickshaws visible at night, honeycomb reflective stickers were used. Thehighly visible stickers

    were pasted at the back ofrickshaws and rickshawvans. Stickers forrickshaws measure 6 x 4inches. The stickers forrickshaw van were pastedon aluminum platemeasuring 2 x 2 inchesand nailed on (two each)the wooden rear chassis.

    Road Safety Institution Building and Capacity Development at Community Level

    It is important to build institutions and develop capacities at community level for undertakingroad safety education at large scale and to make it sustainable. It has been experienced in thecountry as well as abroad that NGOs who live close to the community and work at grass rootlevel can play major role in providing road safety awareness and services to the community. Itwas therefore, necessary to identify local NGOs and community leaders and impart training tothem on road safety.

    Local NGO

    BRAC identified, selected, trained, and provided resources to local NGOs with a view todeveloped their capacity and sustain road safety initiatives locally even after the

    implementation of the project. Besides the selected local NGOs are well placed at grassroot levels to help BRAC in mobilizing the community for implementation of the roadsafety campaign.

    The capacity building of local NGO/CBOs has been aimed to enable them to: Act as bridge between the community and road safety service providers like

    URSC, police, LGED, hospitals/clinics, transport associations etc. Contribute in sustaining road safety initiatives locally with support and

    sponsorship from local philanthropists, private sector businesses etc. Involve in the implementation of this project on voluntary basis. Encouraged them to apply and become member of URSC in the slot of NGO member Make them capable to submit project proposal for improving local road safety to

    NGO Foundation or other donors/fund providers with technical support fromBRAC.

    Included them in BRACs Road Safety-NGO Network and keep constant contactwith BRAC for updates on road safety good practices, materials etc.

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    Use the flip chart and posters received from this project and make different localgroups of road users aware on road safety

    Take active role and participate in any road safety activities organized by URSC,

    DRSC, and Road authorities, Police etc.

    Selection of N GOs

    A total of 8 local NGOs were selected from the 8 selected campaign areas. As said before the process followed to select local NGOs comprised of local visits, short- listing,seeking/receiving applications, physical verification and final interview by an appointedcommittee. A set of criterion was prepared and used to select the NGOs.

    Tr aini ng on Road Safety for NGOs

    Residential training-course titled Community Road Safety Project Management wasconducted from 17 22 June 2006 at BRACTraining Centre, Barisal. A total of 16Executives/ Coordinators representingselected 8 NGOs attended the weeklongtraining. The Chief Executives and onedesignated staff for the project attended thetraining. The participants reported for traininga day earlier on 16 th June 2006 for pre training

    briefing. The following resource personsconducted training on the subjects asmentioned :

    Dr. Lubna Jahan, BRAC Immediate Support to Accident Victim:First Aid

    Mr. AKM Khairuzzaman, BRAC RSACB Activities Mr. Debashish Sarker, BRAC Use of Road Safety Materials

    Training modules and handouts developed in Bangla were used by trainers and given tothe participants. At the end of the training the participants evaluated the training courseand gave some useful comments. The successful trainees were awarded certificates.

    Monthly refreshers training and progress review meetingsRegular monthly meetings were held with the

    trained executives of the selected local NGOsin which the training given was followed up.In the monthly meetings key road safety issueswere introduced and discussed and the

    progress of the project implementation wasreviewed.

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    Management support/incentives for NGOs The project field coordinators visited the NGOs, facilitated preparation of their weekly

    plan and reviewed the progress of project implementation. The selected NGOs werecompensated with financial incentive for the services and support rendered.

    The list of NGOs with contact addresses and responsible for finally selected CampaignAreas, training module, list of training participants and training certificate are given involume II, annex 2, 3, 4 and 5.

    Community Road Safety Group (CRSG)

    Awareness of community about its own road safety problems and knowledge on how toaddress those is crucial for improving and dealing with local road safety. Besides,commitment and ownership of the community to road safety is important for sustainabilityof road safety initiatives at the local level. Formation and activisation of community groupstyled as CRSG was therefore an important and unique work of this project.

    Objectives of CRSGs Creating an informed community on road safety Identification of local road safety problems, preparation and implementation

    local road safety action plan Mobilising local resources to sustain the programme Providing support to accident victims immediately after accident Liaison with various departments in case of any road safety needs. Protection of road and road furniture Contact and motivate different groups including bazaar committees towards

    better use of road safety engineering facilities.

    Identification and Formation of CRSG

    A group of 15 active people hailing from different sections of each campaign area,having good reputation and willing to work for road safety have been identified andformed into CRSG. A total of 8 CRSGs formed at 8 campaign spots comprised of 122members (male 115, female 7).

    Road safety training for CRSG

    A daylong training was given to the 122 members of CRSG on road safety at selectedvenues within their campaign areas. Road safetytraining flip chart and posters developed underthe project were used as training material.

    Necessary and useful handouts covering vitalsubjects like road safety situation of the area,rules on walking and crossing roads, first aid foraccident victims, claiming of accidentcompensation etc. were distributed to the

    participants. BRAC trainer conducted the

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    training with the assistance of trained executives of the NGOs who attended weeklongroad safety training conducted by BRAC earlier. The project Manager supervised thetraining to ensure quality of training and distributed certificates of participation in thetraining.

    The training module and certificate are enclosed in volume II, annex 6 and 7.

    Workshop for Action Planning by CRSG

    Daylong workshops to plan Road Safety Actions of the community were held at allcampaign spots participated by the CRSG members and facilitated by the Project FieldCoordinators and trained executives of NGOswere held. The workshop programme included:

    Presentation of road safety scenario prevailing in the country and the particularcampaign area.

    Presentation of a case study of one tragicroad accident with death of a child,woman or a known individual of thecommunity. Relatives of the deceased orvictims of road accidents were motivatedto attend and present these stories.

    The participants through group-works identified their local road safety problems. Identification of a set of plans to solve local road safety problems. Presentation of Communitys Road Safety Action Plan by a group member.

    A typical Action Plan of the community comprised of a list of local road safety problems, plans to deal with those problems with identification of the group membersresponsible to implement different actions within a given time. The communities havestarted taking initiatives to solve local road safety problems in pursuance of their ActionPlans. They have been able to improve proper use of road, footpath; motivate NMVs touse light; relocate vehicle repair workshops away from road; influence traders not to useroad for selling commodities on market days; reduce loading and unloading ofconstruction materials on the road; prevent drying of hay stack/straw on road, ensure use

    of bus bays; help cleaning garbage thrown on the road; ensure presence of traffic policeat certain places etc.

    A specimen Action Plan is enclosed in volume II, annex 8.

    Monthly Follow-up Meeting

    The CRSG members sat in monthly meetings and reviewed the overall road safetysituation of their area. The meeting reviews progress of implementation of their Action

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    Plan, recent incidents of accidents if any, status of the road safety campaign activitiesand measures required to implement the campaign initiatives successfully. The trainedexecutive or a pre assigned member of the CRSG gave a presentation on a particular roadsafety subject. Subjects like immediate first aid and evacuation of road accident victims,how a First Information Report (FIR) is written and lodged with Police Station etc werecovered in recent monthly meetings.

    Education for Roadside Educational Institutions

    Teaching road safety to children can provide life long benefit to society. It is important toteach children to have skills to choose safer road toschool, not to play on road, how to walk and cross busyroads etc. Again there is no point in a child beingtaught the ways of crossing road if they choose to put

    them in practice at a dangerous location. There is muchevidence that practical training on real roads under proper teacher/adult supervision is the most effectiveway of improving childrens road safety skill.

    The existing lessons on road safety in school textbooksare not adequate nor are imparted properly enough to make them safe road users. As a result agood percentage of children become victims of road accidents due to their ignorance of even

    basic rules like walking and crossing busy roads. Road safety-educated students have otherroles to play. Many of the trained students when they grow up will be leaders of communitiesforming opinions and many more will be driving vehicles and riding motor cycles. This roadsafety education will influence their attitude and behaviour in days to come.

    A total of 49 educational institutions including 4 colleges, 14 high, 19 primary, 4 communityschools and 8 madrasahs situated beside the project roads were selected by the project staff.Information was exchanged with teachers and students on local accidents and road use

    practices. 96 suitable teachers (male-64, frmale-32), 2 from each educational institution wereselected in consultation with the head masters and the members of governing bodies of theinstitutions. The selected teachers were given 2 days road safety training by the road safetytrainers of BRAC at a suitable venue along the project road.

    The trained teachers in turn trained the entire students

    of all classes of their educational institutions on roadsafety good practices and proper use of road safetyengineering facilities. Each educational institution was

    provided with 2 flip charts to use for training ofstudents. Besides adequate numbers of posters were

    provided to the institutions so that a set of 3 posterswere available to hang prominently on a wall in eachclassroom. The flip chart and posters were used astraining materials.

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    Local NGOs and CRSG organized this training programme facilitated by Project FieldCoordinators.

    A total of 551 teachers and 12,703 students of the selected 49 educational institutions situated beside project roads were brought under this road safety education intervention.

    The students were encouraged to share their acquired knowledge on road safety with their parents, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbours.

    To encourage the students and to test awareness on road safety, quiz competitions on acquiredroad safety awareness were organized in eacheducational institutions. The best road safety-aware193 student were given token prizes i.e., one umbrellaeach with road safety message and logo of DANIDAand BRAC on it.

    Each institution was provided a fund monthly asmanagement support incentive for devoting their time,energy and resources to accommodate these additionalactivities.

    The training module and certificates are enclosed in volume II, annex 9 and 10.

    Student Traffic Cadets (STC)

    Student Traffic Cadet is an innovative and unique component of the campaign. A total of24 motivated, needy and bright students selected from scouts and girl guides from 8campaign areas on the road by the education institution authority, recommended by CRSG,

    NGO and approved by the Project Manager to receive stipend of taka 250 per month assupport to their education. A set of criteria was used to select the STCs. In turn theyextended road safety services in the locality as volunteers and assisted implementation of

    project activities. The work hour were selected in consultation with them and theirteachers. Their role and responsibilities of STCs were to

    Act as road safety role model of their own institutions and the community Participate in project interventions Help old, children and disabled to cross road Campaign and motivate for safe walking,

    crossing, proper use of bus stop/bay andfootpath/roadside

    The selected STCs were provided road safetytraining for two days at Patuakhali project office.Road safety trainer of BRAC conducted thetraining. They were provided with yellow jacketsand caps printed with logos and name of the

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    project. They wore the jacket and cap while performing their duty.

    The STCs were deployed on 1 st October 2006 and would remain to till 30 th September2007.

    The training module and certificates are enclosed in volume II, annex 11 and 12.

    Road Safety Theatre

    BRACs theatre program, by depicting various social problems that the poor, and particularlythe women face, attempts to create social awareness among the people. Encouraging theaudience to think about the issue brought up in the play, generating discussions about theseissues after each performance and by providing information about legal rights and duties at thesame time, this program is helping to maintain a rich tradition of folk art and drama in rural

    areas and providing some free entertainment for the rural poor.Likewise creation and staging of theatre on road safety have been an important activity of theroad safety campaign It took BRAC staff over three months to find true stories of local roadaccidents, select people to perform, train them, rehearse, organise premier shows and finallystage the plays. Four (4) separate theatres, two for pedestrians and two for drivers were

    produced and staged. Local dialects, customs, ethnicity etc were reflected in the theatres. Atotal of 35 theatre shows were staged which were witnessed by some 17650 inhabitantsincluding drivers living in the locality. This very large number of the viewers of these theatreshave become aware of basic pedestrian and driving good practices and also have known thesufferings and loss caused due to road accidents.

    Spectators of the theatres tried to identify the characters of the play with their own dead orinjured dear ones. The dramas producedunprecedented reaction within the spectators. Manyspectators could not check tears in their eyes.Having seen in the plays why accident happens andhow accidents can be avoided, they tried to relatethe incidents of their dear ones and could find hopesand failures. And this perhaps was reasons of somuch of tears in the eyes of so many.

    Some outsiders who witnessed the theatre showsdemanded of BRAC that such theatres should be

    created and staged in their areas also. Examples ofthese theatres are as follows:

    Pedestrian focused theatres

    Theatre 1 Name of theatre Aahazari (the cries)Areas staged Sadar upazila of Patuakhali

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    Theatre 2 Name of theatre Mashul (the consequence)Areas staged Amtoli upazila of Barguna

    Driver Focused Theatres

    Theatre 3 Name of Theatre Shwapno (the vision)Areas staged Barisal, Patuakhali and Galachipa transport terminals

    Theatre 4 Name of Theatre Aar Na (No more)Areas staged Amtoli, Kalapara and Barguna transport terminals

    Staging schedul e of theatre s showing where there were staged is given involum e II, annex 13.


    Bill boards conveying road safety messages and instructions installed beside highway arevery effective because people are using road increasingly for travel and at the same timespending more time in their vehicles now than ever before for traffic congestion. Messagesthrough billboards reach more people for cheaper prices as well than any other type of media.Since billboard advertising is increasing so much, it has been considered important to use thisfor road safety awareness campaign. These road safety messages will constantly remind theroad users particularly the drivers to think about road safety and obey rules.

    A total of 4 large billboards containing road safety messages and instructions have beendesigned and installed at 4 important spots besidethe road. Well researched and most suitablemessages have been selected and finalised for the

    bill boards after getting feed back through presenting these before a group of drivers andcommunication professionals. On 06 August 2006Mr. Abdus Salam, Executive Engineer RHD,Patuakhali and the Project Manager, Major RoadsProject Patuakhali and Borguna District inaugurated

    the installation of 4 billboards at a functionorganised at Shamoly Bazaar, Patuakhali.Messages contained on the 4 billboards translated in English read as:

    1. The faster you go the harder you hit.

    2. Drive carefully and save yourself for dearest.

    3. Kill speed kill disability.

    4. Look out for pedestrians.

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    Chobita amar bhalo lagse karon ete rastate amar jan bachae cholar kotha bola hoise(I enjoyed the film because it tells how to save our lives on the road) said Hannan (farmer)

    The following aspects were kept in mind while designing the contents of the billboards: Entire billboard is only viewed for 07 seconds or less. Massage should be read within 03 seconds. Use less than 08 words Can be read easily while driving at 80 to 90 km per hour. Font to be used must be clear and easy to read.

    Size and types of messages on the billboards are not enough; they must be installed atappropriate spots. The criteria used to select sites for billboards were as below:

    Where vehicles automatically slow down A place that can be visible from long distance At the entry of an accident prone area On a natural raised place that can not be obstructed by other vehicles

    Following the above criterion the billboards were installed at the following places on the project road:

    In front of BRAC Patuakhali sadar Area Office, Patuakhali. At Shakharia bazaar, Patuakhali Sadar Upazila, Patuakhali. Near Chunakhali bus stand, Amtoli, Barguna. In front of A.K. School, Amtoli, Barguna.

    The billboards measure 10.5 X 7 feet and are mounted on 20-feet high G. I. poles installed on asolid concrete base.

    Multimedia for Awareness

    People of all ages visit growth centres and bazaars on the Patuakhali Amtoli road to sell or purchase commodities. Being unaware of the rules of traffic and safe use of road, they often

    encroach road for selling, loading and unloading commodities and parking vehicles. There are bazaar committees, the members of which are not aware and motivated to use road properly.Besides, accidents on these areas are caused by motor vehicles, which usually come fromBarisal, Dhaka and other cities or some transport terminals in between. The drivers of thesevehicles are mostly untrained and unconcerned of safe and defensive driving particularly at

    places frequented by pedestrians.

    For the road safety awareness of pedestrians, shop keepers, traders of the major growth centresand bazaars and public transport passengers, a well researched 19 minute video trainingmaterials produced earlier by BRAC has been modified and improved. This new version of the

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    Chobir madhayame ei training anek

    beshi unnoto, eta adhunik juger jonno projojjo (this training through film ismuch improved it is suitable for currentrequirements) - said Md. Gias uddin a

    bus driver of 5 years experience.

    video training material was used for the campaign. The training video contains instructionsand lessons on proper use of road and road safety engineering facilities as well.

    In all 48 sessions of road safety awareness using this training video were conducted at 16

    growth centers through multimedia projectors on large screen. BRACs road safety trainerconducted these awareness sessions along with discussions with the viewers.

    As open-air documentary film on large screen staged at night, these awareness sessionsresulted in large gatherings, public interest andeasy message dissemination. The training videoshown at 16 busy campaign spots along the road.Three shows were shown at each area witnessed

    by about 500 people in average. A total of23785 people have witnessed these film shows.

    Viewers included adult male, children,housewives, students, UP members, local motorvehicle/non-motor vehicle drivers etc. Peopleused adjacent roof and treetops frequently to

    watch the video as school ground or the field where the shows were held filled up.

    The schedule with venue of the sessions is given in volume II, annex 14.

    Driver Road Safety Training

    It has been found in studies that over 80% of roadaccidents are caused due to human errors. Rush andnegligent driving by untrained drivers is the majorfactor contributing to the road accidents. Besides,the accidents caused by drivers at differentaccident-prone areas are mostly non-locals. In their

    journey from one location to another on thehighway they cause accidents without caring for thetraffic rules. They stop and park their vehicles at will, over speed, overtake and overloaddangerously and show no respect to pedestrian, children and other vulnerable road users. Apartfrom ignorance of driving rules and skill, they also suffer from the lack of proper attitude and

    behaviour. This road safety training apprised them of the presence of accident-prone locations,necessity of safe and defensive driving and of showing restraints to vulnerable road users like

    pedestrians, Children and women.

    To ensure that drivers plying vehicles on the road are trained and become sensitive to roadsafety, 500 drivers and driver assistants were put through this training on road safety. Trainingwas conducted at Barisal, Patuakhali, Barguna and Amtoli bus terminals.

    BRAC has prepared a well-researched one-day training programme on road safety for inservice drivers. In the training programme, a 44-minute training video is used and discussed bytrainers using multi media projector. Live, animated and motion pictures have been filmed and

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    used along with trainers commentaries on safe driving so that even drivers withouteducation/literacy would understand. The training video contains lessons on

    Speed limits, its impact on vehicle, pedestrian, passengers Load, overtaking Theories of braking distance Lane driving Right of way, entering, exiting intersection and round about Parking rules Effects of driving under influence of drink and drugs Night driving rules Use of traffic signs/markings

    Necessity of drivers rest, health Impact and damage caused by accident Use of bus stop/bay How to drive at accident black spots etc.

    Showing of the training video has been packaged in training session of 1 day that comprise ofthe following:

    Discussions on road safety scenario of the country and Highway and importance ofsafe driving for reducing road accidents

    Viewing of the training video on safe driving titled Ghore Firi Nirapode (returnhome safely)

    Discussion after each of three parts on driving lessons shown in the video Evaluation through questions/answers and expressions of commitment to abide by

    road safety rules while driving in future.

    Deputy Police Commissioner, Barisal Metropolitan Police, Assistant Director and MotorVehicle Inspector of BRTA Barisal etc. awardedcertificates of participation to the trained drivers.The certificate bears the signature of the DirectorEnforcement of BRTA and Director, BRAC.

    One audiocassette/CD already developedcontaining lessons on the training was distributedto each participating driver free of cost. Besidesthe trained driver were given Tk. 125 each as acompensatory allowance in lieu of missing theirdays salary for attending this training.

    The trained drivers who did not have genuine driving licenses were provided necessary officialforms and guidance to fill these up to receive learners driving license.

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    The module developed for the training, the trainers guide and the certificate of participation isenclosed in vo lume II, annex 15 and 16.

    Road Safety Awareness of Rickshaw Puller followed by Pasting of Reflective Sticker

    The rickshaws and rickshaw vans ply on the project road side by side with motorised vehicles. Notwithstanding the fact that non-motorized vehicle (NMV) are not supposed to ply onhighways and there are traffic signs to that effect, the reality is they are there. The transportsare slow; pullers are illiterate, untrained and unaware of traffic rules, require manpowerintensive traffic policing to regulate them which is absent and yet are in high demand for traveland transportation of passengers and cargo.

    The real problem of rickshaw is their visibility at night. The light they are supposed to use forvisibility at night is absent. As a result, rickshaws are dangerous from accident point of view

    because one can not see them at night before coming to very close distance. Many accidentstake place due to this and the main victims are rickshaw pullers themselves and its passengersmore than the motor vehicles, which hit them. Since most of these accidents are hit and run,there is seldom information/case lodged to police on these accidents.

    The intervention titled Road safety awareness of rickshaw pullers and pasting of sticker onrickshaws was therefore developed and implemented to make rickshaw pullers aware about

    plying rickshaws on highways safely and to become visible at night through sticking reflectivesticker at the back of their vehicles. This intervention designed to this end was therefore

    packaged as below: Rickshaw pullers received two hour of participatory road safety training session

    which included a case study of a local accident involving a rickshaw/van puller andthe causes of accidents, classes and use of different roads, traffic signs, parking, nightriding, visibility and maintenance of stickers.

    Subject to receiving the above training stickers were attached on rickshaws/vans personally by local guests, members of CRSG, STCs and project staff.

    A total of 7151 rickshaw pullers and 337 rickshaw van pullers were put through the roadsafety awareness sessions. High intensive reflectivestickers were stuck at the back of their vehiclesafter they attended the awareness session. Mr.Shafiqul Islam, Superintendent of Police ofPatuakhali District inaugurated the rickshaw

    pullers awareness session on 27 July 2007 atKalikapur-Shamoly Bazaar, Patuakhali. He spoke tothe trainees and requested them to remember andfollow what has been taught to them. At the end heattached stickers at the back of rickshaws andrickshaw vans.

    A training module has been prepared for this 2-hour training and sticker attaching intervention,which is enclosed in volume II, annex 17. Specimens of the stickers are attached involume II, annex 18.

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    Door to Door Awareness Campaign

    It has been experienced that a portion of community particularly the women, non school goingchildren, old and the likes can not often participate in usual road safety awareness activities

    that take place outdoor. Besides shop keepers and hawkers do not like to leave their businessesto attend other activities. The good option is to reach these people at their houses and shops atsuitable time and convey road safety messages in presence of as many members of the familyand customers of shops as possible.

    Project staff visited 7,369 households and 3521 shops in the first round and 7200 householdsand 3119 shops in the second round and made the people present aware about road safetythrough participatory discussion and practical demonstrations on skills of using road. Training

    posters were used for these discussion anddemonstration sessions. Each household was

    provided with 2 posters containing instructions

    about safe walking and crossing roads. Similarlyroadside shops and households were provided with 3

    posters each containing instructions about safewalking, crossing and the other one on proper use ofroad and roadsides. The members of the householdsand shopkeepers along with customers of their shopswere encouraged to participate in the discussion.This allowed building of common understanding of

    road safety issues affecting them and the ways how they could be safe while using road as pedestrian, public transport passenger, road side shop keepers, hawker etc.

    Field Communicators numbering 5 were selected and appointed as contract staff to conductthis direct and intensive campaign. Before commencing the work the Field Communicatorswere given three-day long training at Patuakhali project office, which helped them deliver theservice properly and effectively.

    Road Safety Animation Film: A unique approach to road safety education

    BRAC has undertaken road safety animation film programme titled Lal, Holud aar Shobuj (LHS) to provide road safety education in an entertaining way on television. The name Lal,

    Holud aar Shobuj means Red (Lal), Yellow (Holud) and Green (Shobuj) - the three coloursthat are used in expressing the basic rules of safe use of road in the form of traffic lights.

    Besides, these colors are commonly found in Bangladesh and are popular in her commonculture.

    It is expedient to mention that unlike any other medium, animations appeal is universal,crossing gender, age and cultural barriers. And, due to these qualities, animation which is also

    becoming increasingly affordable, could play an important role in educating and changing behavior, especially that of the children who are easily attracted to animations imaginativeand entertaining aspects. In this context BRAC has examined previously produced similar

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    animation programs. One such project, shown in several Asian countries includingBangladesh, is Meena .

    Lal Holud aar Shobuj is a unique initiative conceived as a series of short 2.30 (two and half)minute animation films focusing on the essential knowledge required for using the roadssafely. Implemented by BRAC through a unique partnership with development partners, it isfirst of its kind as education initiative for road safety.

    BRAC piloted the programme in 2004 through producing the first episode of LHS. This wasaired on private TV channels. Another 4 episodes were created in 2005 and were shown 16times on BTV before 6 pm local news. While the pilot episode was produced and aired on TV

    by BRAC from its own resources the subsequent 4 episodes received support from the WorldBanks RRMP-III project executed by RHD. These episodes focused on essential and basicroad safety measures, i.e. road is not for playing, walking on the right side of the road,crossing the roads safely, dangers of occupying the roads for buying and selling goods, anddangerous points on the roads not to use for crossing. According to the extensive researchworks carried by BRAC, these are among the many other vital issues that our average roadusers lack knowledge of. Limited numbers of people of selected areas were interviewed aboutthe benefit they derived from seeing LHS episodes on TV and how they would like it to beimproved in future. The lessons learned from these interviews were:

    Although Lal, Holud aar Shobuj was shown on national television at before 6 pmlocal news for constraints of fund, the impact of the film on viewers has beenencouraging and found to be very effective tool for dissemination of road safetymessage nationwide.

    The majority of the viewers of the film have retained the road safety messagesconveyed as each episode is focused on one-road safety issue and messages deliveredthrough fun, pleasure and cartoon characters.

    The film will cover greater television viewers if these are aired just before news at 8 pm on BTV.

    Airings of the films need to be repeated. Dissemination of road safety messages through animation & cartoon medias proved

    to be acceptable and effective.

    Considering the above, another 4 episodes of Lal, Halud aar Shobuj were produced under this project. Every 2.30 (two and half) minute episode focused on one fundamental issue of road-safety. These episodes of LHS were shown on BTV just before 8pm news on 23 April 2007coinciding with the observance of UN Road Safety week. Later 15 more shows of theseepisodes were aired on BTV from 26 April to 11 May 2007. Awareness on 4 particular roadsafety issues depicted in these 4 LHS episodes were as follows:

    Risks in traveling on bus roof Unsafe overtaking Danger in over speeding

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    Golden hour for accident victims

    A brief on LHS is given below:

    The Fi lm: LHS take place in a semi-urban setting which is typical in the landscape ofBangladesh. It boasts the natural beauty of the lush green country, while also presentingthe deadly threat of frequent road accidents due to a national highway running along thecommunity. The characters of the film are exposed to these threats and through theirexperiences they communicate the risks and ways to avoid them. The episodes adoptedan entertaining storytelling style to ensure the attention of the audience, andcommunicate the serious issues of road safety in an effective manner.

    The characters of L H S:

    Raja: Raja is an eight years old boy, a third grade student ina primary school. He is thoughtful, smart and compassionate.Rajas big black eyes speak a lot about his unselfish

    personality. He is very caring to his younger sister Rima.Raja wants to be a doctor.

    Rima: Rajas sister Rima is six year old. She is maturedcompared to her age keeping all innocence of childhood. Shecant stay quiet for more than one minute. Her favorite foodis aachar.

    Rinku: Rinku is a four months old baby goat. He is withRajas family for last two months. Raja is his best friend. Heis also very fond of Rajas mother because she gives him thevegetable peels. Rinku and Rimas relationship goes off andon because Rinku couple of times ate Rimas guavas.

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    Rajas father: Rajas father works as a health-care staff in alocal hospital. In the morning he goes to work on motorbike.Raja keeps an eye if his father forgets the helmet. He neverdoes. Being a health-care staff he sees at work how a smallnegligence on road could cause a disaster.

    Raja s mother : Rajas mother teaches at a nearby BRACschool. She is also very good at needlework. She hassupplied embroidered cloths to some of Dhakas big shops.Raja believes that his mother has a special power otherwisehow could she figure out what goes on in his mind.

    Th e L andscape:

    Raja, Rima and Rinku are growing up in a semi-urban Upa-zilla sadar where asmall river flows by the south, parallel to that a highway passes through the sadarand in the north ten farming villages draw the sadars boundary. In the east and inthe west there are long stretching rice fields.

    Visit of the Royal Danish Embassy TeamA team from the Royal Danish Embassy, Dhaka headed by Mr. Poul Richardt Jenson visited thecampaign area and observed project activities on 31.1.07. They visited Hetalia High School where

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    Amazing! It is possible to communicate messages to the rural people in such short time spending so little Peter Quist Thomsen, Sr. Adviser, RFLDC, TSU, Barisa l.

    Could not feel when tears rolled down my cheeks Abdul lah Al Masum, Coordinator, Aquaculture and Fisheries, RFLDC, TSU Barisa l.

    a class on road safety was in progress of grade VIII students. He asked the students, on which sideof the road they should walk? A student answeredright side. Then he asked the reason of walking onright side. Another student replied it is safe to walkfacing and seeing on coming traffic because it is

    possible to move away in case of danger.

    Mr. Jensen then was introduced to the Student TrafficCadets of the school.

    Mr. A.K.M. Khairuzzaman, the Manager of the projectattended Mr. Jensen and accompanied him to Kuakata.Enroute the Manager briefed Mr. Jensen about other interventions of the project and showed him bi llboards containing road safety messages and rickshaws fixed with reflective st ickers plying on the r

    A pedestrian focused road safety theatre titled Aahazari meaning cries was staged at Kuakatafor the team members. Depicted on a recent true tragic local incident of fatal accident and

    performed by residents trained by BRAC Theatre Programme, the spectators were full of praiseand appreciation. Some comments were:

    A meeting was held on 01.02.2007 at Patuakhali DANIDA office. Mr. Harunur Rashid, Sr.Programme Officer, Royal Danish Embassy, Dhaka in the meeting appreciated BRAC forsuccessfully implementing the road safety campaign with a high standard of professionalism. Thefield staff of DANIDA who ride motorcycles should take training from BRAC on safe riding ofmotor cycles added Mr. Harun. He said if there is any leaflet on motorcycle riding, BRAC maylike to provide to their field staff. Manager Mr. Khairuzzaman thanked DANIDA for supportingits road safety campaign expecting replication elsewhere in the country. The team comprised ofthe following:

    1. Mr. Poul Richardt Jensen Counselor The Royal Danish Embassy, Dhaka.

    2. Mr. A.S.M. Harun Ur Rashid Sr. Programme Officer,Transport Sector

    The Royal Danish Embassy, Dhaka.

    3. Dr. Arifur Rahman Siddiqui Sr. Programme Officer The Royal Danish Embassy, Dhaka.

    4. Mr. Peter Quist Thomsen Senior Advisor RFLDC, TSU Barisal.

    5. Mr. Emdad Hossain Manager, M & E RFLDC, TSU Barisal.

    6. Mr. Abdullah Al Masum Coordinator, A & F RFLDC, TSU Barisal.

    7. Mr. Md. Moazzem Hossain Component Advisor(acting)

    DPHE-DANIDA WSSP in coastal belt, Barisal.

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    AssessmentVery high rate of involvement of bus and truck made it desirable knowing the life style of drivers

    behind the steering wheel. The knowledge was likely to provide an insight on the causes of

    accident by them. And, in turn find a way out for minimizing accidents. These arguments in fact prompted us to conduct the study on bus and truck drivers. An approach integrating bothquantitative and qualitative methods was taken for this study. A total of 416 drivers wereinterviewed with 33-36 from 12 districts through survey. Twelve case studies and participantobservations on 111 drivers were also conducted.

    A profile covering demographic, social, economic, and health of the respondents and their familieshave been presented to provide readers with some basic ideas on them. It was reported that 96.4

    percent (401) of the respondents learnt driving from ostads (drivers). The rest (3.1 percent) became driver by attending driving schools and by paying professional drivers. In the case of yearsof driving, majority (50 percent) was driving for 1-9 years. On an average respondents were of

    36.3 years of age and had only 4.6 years of schooling.

    There are three components such as monthly salary, commission and allowance in theremuneration offered for the drivers. They received payment based on trips having more incomethan those who received payment on daily basis for driving any type of vehicle. On an average thedifference between incomes of two types of contracts was Tk.2373.8. Similarly drivers per tripcontract had Tk.2820.7 more income than those on daily contract. On an average respondentsfamilies were spending Tk.8583.9 per month. Respondents driving bus were spending mostlyTk.9,045 against respondents driving minibus, i.e., Tk.7,510.3, who were spending least amongthe groups. On an average they were spending Tk.3126 per month for own consumption, whichwas about 36.4 percent of total expenditure.

    Twenty-three-point-eight percent of the respondents reported to have some health problems,considered to be serious, within last one year. Majority of respondents (44.4 percent) sufferedfrom gastro intestinal track (GIT), indicating problem in stomach, gastric ulcer, typhoid, appendix,

    piles, dysentery, and diarrhea. Next common health problem was non-communicable diseases(18.2 percent) closely followed by other health problems (17.2 percent). Non-communicabledisease includes cardiac problem, blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, tuner, and heart problem.Whereas other diseases included problem in kidney, feeling very tired, jaundice, cough, low

    pressure, tooth ache, throat swore, and malaria.

    Eighty-five-point-six percent of the respondents were staying with their families within a

    commuting distance from where the vehicles were parked. Rest of respondents who were notstaying with their families were mostly residing in hotel (6.7 percent) followed by 3.8 percent inmess, and 2.9 percent staying in the vehicle they were driving. Rest 1.0 percent was residing in therented room.

    Eighteen-point-two percent (76) of the respondents believed that the time they were getting forrest, including sleep, was not sufficient. Respondents driving truck had insufficient rest comparedto those driving bus. Again more number of respondents driving heavy-trucks and busses hadinsufficient rest compared to their counterparts.

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    With regard to drivers knowledge on traffic rules such as speeding and overtaking, lane, line,signs and symbols, and on other rules that the driver need to know and follow, they knew around42 percent of the basic traffic rules needed to know and follow. They were most knowledgeable onrules on signs and symbols and least on speed.

    Overloading is one of the traffic violations often done by the drivers. Buses were overloaded with passengers as trucks were with goods. There were specific reasons for overloading which in caseswere economic but in others was situational. The incentive of overloading was monetary.

    Forty-two point three percent of the respondents were not involved in any accident against 29.1 percent who were involved once, 15.9 percent twice and 12.7 percent thrice or more since theystarted driving. The cause of accident was reckless driving; mechanical problem of the vehicle,hazardous road condition due to heavy rain, impaired vision. Driving under influence of alcoholwas another major cause. Other causes were hit by other vehicle, pedestrian came on the way,livestock came by, wheel broke down, brake failed and mental or physical problem.

    Respondents believed that they were looked down upon. Common impression about drivers in thesociety was that they did not have any manner, ill behaved, addicted to drugs and drinks, visited

    prostitutes and when married invariably would have more than one wife. Not only that, as driverscould not sleep with their wives regularly for being out of home for a long time they also did nothave a good character.

    A total of 93.3 percent of the respondents mentioned that harassment by police was a serious problem for them. Overwhelming majority of the respondents (96.0 percent) tried to solve the problem with the help of money. Next mentioned method was to take help of arbitration (11.2 percent).

    In terms of relationship between drivers and owners it became bad when owner had to bear theexpenses for the incidents like accident, driver got involved into litigation, had to bribe police forviolation etc. In few cases union of drivers had an influence on the terms and conditions of theagreed with owners.

    Forty-nine-point-four percent (206) of the respondents have been driving vehicle of the sameowner for a considerable length of time as against 45.9 percent (191) frequently changing theowner. Good relation with the owner was the main reason for remaining in the same job; incontrast less income was the reason for changing the job. Only 4.6 percent of the respondents weresatisfied with their income. The big bus and heavy truck drivers were more or less satisfied with

    their income but their job was unstable.

    An exhaustive report on the assessment has been produced and is submitted in volume III.

    Coordination and LinkageThe campaign activities were carried out keeping URSC (Upazila Road Safety Committee),Project Director and Manager of RHD, supervisors and consultants of the Royal Danish Embassy,Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of the District, local Government elected

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    representatives, traffic police, hospital/clinics, NGO/CBOs etc informed and involved, as it wouldappear from this report. Different training courses, workshops, and rallies were attended byDeputy Commissioners of the districts, Superintendents of Police, Project Managers of RHD,Resident Engineers, TNOs, local government elected representatives and other members of URSC.

    MonitoringMonthly monitoring meetings attended by the Executives and Road safety coordinators of partner

    NGOs were held regularly at the Project Office, Patuakhali. The meetings reviewed theimplementation progress, road accidents occurred during last month, responses from communityetc. Besides, the NGOs/educational institutions submitted a monthly progress report describing thestatus of the campaign activities. Feedbacks were given to them after scrutinising their monthlyreports. Close monitoring resulted in suspension of contract of one local NGO namely CharkhaliSocial Development Organization for unsatisfactory work and terminated its Road safetyCoordinator Mr. Abul Kalam Azad on our instruction for false reporting and appointed Mr. AbulBashar who carried out project work satisfactorily.

    Advocacy and Dissemination of InformationRallies were organised at 8 campaign areas coinciding with the observance of UN Road SafetyWeek from 23 to 29 April 2007 on the project road.The rallies comprised of :

    Sharing experiences of post accident sufferings by local road accident victims in the meeting

    Discussion meetings on the road safety action plan prepared by the CRSG. Roadside accident victims, teachers, students,

    CRSG, Police, scout, girls guide etc. wearingcolourful caps joined rally carrying posters,

    banners and festoons. Publicity through microphone playing road safety audiocassette.

    The rallies were participated by Chief Executives and representatives of District and Upo zilaRoad Safety Committees at numbers of places in addition to magistrates, police officer, DANIDATSU Barisal offices staff, education officers, health administrators and local elites.

    The national seminar supposed to have been organised during May 2007 was cancelled for thechanges in the political scene of the country.

    FinanceThe project activities were budgeted for Tk.10486224.00 (One crore eighty six lac two hundredand twenty four). An amount of Tk. 200,188 remained unspent of which Tk. 181,900 was

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    earmarked for holding national seminar that was deferred in consultation wit the Royal DanishEmbassy. The audit report is enclosed in annex 19.

    Lesson Learned and RecommendationsThe final report on implementation completion of the road safety awareness campaign provides usan opportunity to draw important lessons and recommendations which are given below :

    Implementation of similar road safety campaign activities at areas not covered under this project road will be helpful for improving road safety awareness of roadside communityliving beside the entire highway.

    The teachers and students took lot of interest in training and learning the road safety skillssince they found these as knowledge and skills for their day-to-day survival. Yet it wasdifficult to repeat these road safety lessons frequently within the regular class for theextensive syllabus of different subjects they have to cover within the session. If the lessonsincluded in the posters and flip charts are included in the textbooks, teachers would berequired to teach these within the school time.

    Flip Chart and posters developed and used for the campaign may be sent to the Ministry ofEducation for use as supplementary training materials for lessons on road safety providedin the textbooks of primary schools.

    Written instruction from DC, DEO, District Primary Education Officer and UNO forarranging and accommodating road safety education informally for students in educationalinstitutions is necessary.

    Driver training workshop may be conducted nationwide under road safety component ofother road projects using the format and the multimedia material produced and used inRSPAC.

    The enactment of newly drafted Highway Act and its stringent implementation will prevent the rampant and unabated encroachment of road and roadsides.

    Provision of separate lanes for fast and slow moving vehicles, enough road shoulder spacefor pedestrians, widening and provision of footpath on road going through hats/bazaars,

    provision of foot over bridge or underpass at points having very high pedestrian trips

    inclusion of cost estimate for road safety works in BOQ, construction of guardrails/boundary wall for road side schools and marking zebra crossings in front camestrongly from the stakeholders.

    Road use for other than traffic like drying of paddy, putting shed/shutter on shoulders ofroad etc. causes accidents and hence to be stopped.

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    The assessment on drivers suggests that recruitment process of the drivers helpers should be formalized; license to the drivers and helpers should be issued only by BRTA; people ingeneral should be made aware of traffic rules; programs may be aired in TV and radio toorient people about traffic rules; fitness of the vehicle, and its speed, overload should bechecked more frequently and with honesty by concerned authority so that unfit vehiclesmay not run on the roads; standard job policies appropriate for drivers and helpers should

    be introduced; the policy should have a legal status and drivers labor union should be incharge of monitoring the implementation of the same; drivers should be oriented aboutvenereal diseases and the process to avoid them by organizing workshop for them.

    An assessment of the TV viewers at the project area revealed that those who watched theroad safety animation film on their television have understood the road safety massages,retained those and could say how they will in future use road safely. Publicity ontelecasting schedule of the films will attract more TV viewers to watch the films and makemore benefits out of it.