Progr~m · the Employees of Allentown State Hospital, Allentown, Pa. Editor: Sharon Dorshimer Debra Blocker ,Gail Loder Sam Carlson Janice Sporta Don Huber Linda Torkos Miriam Kline

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Page 1: Progr~m · the Employees of Allentown State Hospital, Allentown, Pa. Editor: Sharon Dorshimer Debra Blocker ,Gail Loder Sam Carlson Janice Sporta Don Huber Linda Torkos Miriam Kline
Page 2: Progr~m · the Employees of Allentown State Hospital, Allentown, Pa. Editor: Sharon Dorshimer Debra Blocker ,Gail Loder Sam Carlson Janice Sporta Don Huber Linda Torkos Miriam Kline

Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaDepartment of Public WelfarePublished monthly by and forthe Employees of AllentownState Hospital, Allentown, Pa.

Editor: Sharon DorshimerDebra Blocker ,Gail LoderSam Carlson Janice SportaDon Huber Linda TorkosMiriam Kline Sue WilliamsTypi st:Elaine Schlier


The state of bargaining on currentunion contracts has resulted in twosets of rules for General Election Day(11/5/85) entitlement. A recent memo~randum from Mr. F.eter's office, to allDivision and Section Heads, helps toclarify the difficulty.

As of this writing, General ElectionDay will be a paid holiday only foremployees assigned to bargaining 'unitsC4, P4, P5, T4, and T5. These sameemployees will not be granted a fifthPersonal Day for 1985.

For all other employees, GeneralElection Day is no longer. a paid holi­day. In its place, these employees willreceive an'additional Personal Day (P5).

Immediate notification will be madeif any changes occur to the above.

POLICTlCAL ACTIVITY:Once again, our annual election process

is upon us. It is vital that everyoneremembers the restriction placed l1pon allof us regarding active partisan politicalinvolvement.

All Civil Service employees, regard­less of status, are subject to Section 904(Prohibition of Political Activity), CivilService Act. Both civil service and non­civil service employees are subject to thepolitical activity restrictions imposed byThe Federal Hatch Act (Chapter 5, Title 5,United States Code).

In short, ASH employees shall not takean active role in any partisan politicalactivity. Bulletin boards throughout thehospital contain posters outlining lido'sand don'ts ll

• In addition, all employeeshave been previously issued pamphlets de­tailing these restrictions (additionalcopies may be obtained from the PersonnelOffi ce),

Penalties for violation of these re­strictions are severe (terminations andfines, in many cases), If you have anydoubts as to the 1ega1ity of any poss'i b1eactivity, call the Personnel Office (6453)for clarification and guidance.

If you know of any state employee in­volved in prohibited political activity,you have an obligation to report the in­cident to the Personnel Office for in­vestigation.

Don't forget to TURN YOUR CLOCKSon Sunday October 27th.

"Spring ahead, fall behind."


Individuals, who can communicate withthe,hearing impaired (signers), are oc­cas10nally needed by the Personnel Officefor dealing with applicants, or the Progr~mStaff, when working with patients. An at­tempt is made to keep an updated, valid liston hand to insure that signers are availablewhen the need arises.

!fY9U are,capable of sign language com­~un1cat10ns, 1t would be greatly appreciated1f you make yourself available by calling'the Personnel Office (6453). Your assist­ance will help us to serve those who areless able to communicate.

PHYSICIAN'CERTIFICATES:Please remember - whenever a physician's

cer~ificate is needed to justify sick leave,med1ca~ l~ave without pay, disability leave,etc.~ 1t 1S the employee's responsibility tofurnlsh timely, trorou~h documentation.

Problems continually arise where insuf-,ficient, if any, documentation is submittedto support a,medically related work absence.~his,onlY leads t9 delays, and possibly re­Jectlon, of benef1ts legitimately due.

Remember, it is your respons i bi 1i ty -not ,your supervisor's, your doctor's, thePe:sonnel O~f~ce's, etc. to get the appro­pr1ate cert1f1cate.Your benefits are yoursonly as long as you meet your obligations.If vou have any questions or doubts, askyour supervisor or the Personnel Office.


-Next holidays are November 5th (GeneralElection Day) for C4,P4, P5, T4, T5employees only, and November 11th (Veteran'sDay) .

-Tickets are going quickly for Radio CityMusic Hall's IIChristmas Spectacular ll

Make your arran~ements soon if you planto go.

-Don'twaittill the last minute to requestyour Personal Leave Days, Rmember thatPersonal Leave days cannot be carried overinto the new year.

-Discounts/memberships are available in thePersonnel Office for your recreation andentertainment pleasure:

Disneyland/DisneyWorldBusch GardensSea WorldRadio City Music HallColonial Williamsburg

Page 3: Progr~m · the Employees of Allentown State Hospital, Allentown, Pa. Editor: Sharon Dorshimer Debra Blocker ,Gail Loder Sam Carlson Janice Sporta Don Huber Linda Torkos Miriam Kline

The Lehigh Unit of the American CancerSociety is now accepting applications fortheir annual Nurse of HOPE Program. Thisprogram is open to RN's, LPN's, GN's orStudent Nurses and is an excellent opportunityfor interested candidates to promote therole of nursing in cancer. Interested indiv­iduals can contact the American CancerSociety at 433-4397 for more information andan application.


Asst. Fire MarshalFire Marshal

Inst. Safety Manager

Asst. Supt.jClinical ServicesCloses 3-6-86

Job Title/Closing Date (ifany)

below is a partial listing of thefor which the Civil Service isFor a more complete listing, pleasebulletin board outside of the Personnelthe Main Building.




Li stedpos itionstesting.check theOffjce in

A precise date for thetransfer of our linen andclothes laundering function toWhite Haven Center remainselusive. We know it willoccur later than planned, per­haps closer to January 1, 1986due to plant renovations atWhite Haven.

Negotiations continue withPNA and PASMHP with hoped forresults due by the end ofOctober. Pay raises for manage­ment level staff will followshortly as well.

Last week's Medicare Survey hasresulted in a recommendation to thefederal Health Care Finance Admin­istration that this hospital berecertified. Thank you to the manywho did so much to make it possible.

By this time, employees cover­ed by AFSCME, PSSU and UPGWA havereceived either their negotiatedpay raise on a current basis ortheir one time lump sum paymentin the case of employees atStep O. Since the raises areeffective as of July 1, 1985, aretroactive check to cover theearlier pay periods is due soon.

435-84 Residential Services Trn/WkrCloses 10-11-85

The following examinations will be issued andopen for testing on 10-18-85:

At this writing, our SECACampaign is not quite completedhowever, the good news is thatwe will exceed our goal of$13,600. The bad n~wsis thatwe still have approximately200 employees who fail torecognize their community re­sponsibility to those lessfortunate than themselves orto support those health re­search causes that coulddirectly aid them one day.Hopefully, on another day wemay be able to open their eyes,minds and hearts. Thank youto nearly 500 employees whohave pledged and contributed,to make the 1985 campaign asuccess.














L.P.N. 's

Medical Records Admin.Medical Records Tech.

Medical Records Asst.


Psych. Nurse InternPsych. Nurse 1, 2, 4, 5Psych. Nurse Supervisor

Psych. Nurse Director 1, 2, 3Psych. Nurse Inst. 1, 2, 3, 4

Psych. Physicains

Residential Program Wkr/Trn

Administrative Officer 1,2,3Closes 11-15-85

CONGRATULATIONS to Lori Kern onher promotion to Assistant Managerof our ASHE Federal Credit Union.

Current credit union staffinclude:

Barry Weiner, ManagerLori Kern, Asst. ManagerSusan Dalius




Director of Social/RehabilitativeServicesCloses 1-10-86

Equipment OperatorCloses 11-15-85

Personnel Analyst 1, 2 (Gen)Personnel Analyst 3 (Gen)

584-85 Therapeutic Activities AideCloses 12-13-85

Page 4: Progr~m · the Employees of Allentown State Hospital, Allentown, Pa. Editor: Sharon Dorshimer Debra Blocker ,Gail Loder Sam Carlson Janice Sporta Don Huber Linda Torkos Miriam Kline

Mi chael Avil esHousekeeping

Steven MehalkoNursing/Aide Trainee

Dolores CarsonNursing/Psych. Nrs.

Margaret Van SchaickSocial Service (Adlt)

Robert GrimH.H./Social Worker

Kathl een MoyerDietary


Donna KishMail Room/Clk. Typist

Robert Cra i gNurs ing/A ide

Maurice YounesHOblsekeeping

Dennis FrantzNursing/Aide

Colleen PernaMedical Records

Amy HeilandNursing/Psych. Nurse

Brian Coll insMHIC

Lucas PufnockNursing/Aide

Scott DeitzNursing/Aide

Darlys KarllMedical Records

Karen HaggertyNursing/Psych. Nurse

Catherine BlackwellNursing/MHIC

Page 5: Progr~m · the Employees of Allentown State Hospital, Allentown, Pa. Editor: Sharon Dorshimer Debra Blocker ,Gail Loder Sam Carlson Janice Sporta Don Huber Linda Torkos Miriam Kline

Fire Prevention WeekDisplay

Antique Fire Equipmentcourtesy of Stu Lathrop,Asst. fire Marshal

Page 6: Progr~m · the Employees of Allentown State Hospital, Allentown, Pa. Editor: Sharon Dorshimer Debra Blocker ,Gail Loder Sam Carlson Janice Sporta Don Huber Linda Torkos Miriam Kline

There's a new look on Osborne 3.Maintenance built them a newNurse's Station.

Annual "STATER" Photo ExhibitComing in January -- Get yourphoto's ready. There was somereally beautiful scenery aroundthis Spring, Summer, and Fall.Share your best two with us inJanuary. More. news later onthe rules, regulations, etc.

Harry Jones and George Lucash (on ladder)hard at work.

Several AFSCME covered employeshave called the old 800 numberfor the Health & Welfare Fundand found that it is no longer inservice.

The new issue of the AFSCMEpaper gives a new phone listing~

1-800-5-A F SCM E

Ellis Gamble, Bob Seaman, andMartin Baddick acld some finaltouches. SAFETY TIPS FROM


Halloween is almost upon us, sojusta few reminders to keep thelittle ghosts and gobblins safe.

Every year many children arekilled or injured because theirsight is impaired by Halloweenmasks. For seeing clearly amake-up face is better than a mask.

Make sure there is reflectormaterial on the costume so driverswill be able to see the child.

Know the area your child will beand set a specific time to behome.

Do not allow the child to eatany unwrapped candy.

Check thoroughly all items thechild brings home.

HAVE A HAPPY & SAFE HALLOWEENfrom Safety/Security Dept ..

Page 7: Progr~m · the Employees of Allentown State Hospital, Allentown, Pa. Editor: Sharon Dorshimer Debra Blocker ,Gail Loder Sam Carlson Janice Sporta Don Huber Linda Torkos Miriam Kline

1985National Football Foundation

Hall of FameInductee

I am proud and pleased to tellyou that my Dad, Andrew Tomasic, wasrecently inducted into the LehighValley Chapter of the National FootballFoundation and Hall of Fame and I'd liketo share some of his athletic accom­plishments that led to this honor.

While attending Whitehall HighSchool, Dad earned letters in football,basketball and baseball, and alsoparticipated in gymnastics.

Upon graduation, he received a

scholarship to Temple University wherehe was a 3-year varsity tailback.While playing for Temple, he receivedAll-State recognition for two yearsand All-East for one year. He also re­ceived the weekly Maxwell Award. Heplayed in the Blue and Gray (now theNorth and South) game in 1941. Hiscoaches were the famous Pop Warner andRoy Morrison. He also established astill existing Templ~ pitching recordfor one season with an 11-0 mark oneseason and won twelve consecutive games.

In 1941, bad was runner-up to thegreat Tom Harmon for total yardage inthe country, and was elected to playfor the College All-Stars, and in 1942played two games that year; one gameagainst the Chicago ~ears and one gameagainst the Philadelphia Eagles.

Upon graduation, Dad signed to playfor the Pittsburgh Steelers and playedone year before entering the U.S. AirForce, where he served three years over­seas. While in the service, he playedfor the service football team whichwon the Phillipine South PacificChampionship.

After his service years, he playedanother year with the Steelers and thensigned a major league c6ntract with theNew York Giants (now the San FranoiscoGiants) .where he continued to play fouryears in Triple A Baseball.

Dad was the starting pitcher onAugust 13, 1950 and pitched a total of22 consecutive innings against Rochester,which is still the record for startingpitchers in that league. He also holdsthe record for strikeouts in the now,defunct, Interstate League, while play­ing for the Trenton Giants.

Dad was also inducted into theTemple University Hall of Fame several'years ago.

Anotb~r family member, Matt Millen,(dad's nephew) is presently a DefensiveLinebacker for the Oakland Raiders.

I may not be an avid sportsperson,but I do realize that my father'saccomplishments are quite impressiveand I am so very proud of him and thisis one way in which I can express it.

Lori WagnerNursing Administration

SECA - We're on Our Way!

As of Friday, October 11th, 1985 393 employees hadcontributed $12,676.13 to this year's SECA campaign. Thatwonderful total represents 92.5% of this year's goal of$13,600.00. Thanks to everyone who has given thus far andspecial thanks to those employees who have contributed their"Fair Share".

SECA Committee members:Seated: Bruce Weidman, David Jay, BarbaraBrennaman, Elizabeth Henderschedt, CatherineBlackwell and Richard Dobash.Standing: John McDevitt, John Wachter, FranPecuch, Robert Marlatt, David Figueroa, BobWirth, and Rev. Dreydoppel.

Page 8: Progr~m · the Employees of Allentown State Hospital, Allentown, Pa. Editor: Sharon Dorshimer Debra Blocker ,Gail Loder Sam Carlson Janice Sporta Don Huber Linda Torkos Miriam Kline

Admissions #3 - Welcome Janet from co­workers.

WX Congratulations tb Kareri Gilferton the birth of her son Christopher Michaelborn October 2, 1985. He weighed 7 'lbs 1 oz.and had curley blond hair and big blue eyes.

The entire staff, managemerit and studentbody of Kim's Karate school wish to c0n~ratulate

Karen Lance on her 21st birthday. 0

P.8. the Nazareth Police Force andAmbulance 8quad were also out in force tocelebrate the big event, which will be made \into a TV mini-series.

What staff on WX spent an entire afternoonbailing her back yard into 2 waddingpools and spent 10-6-85 in the hayliterally speaking?

Infirmary Staff - wishes to welcomeback Bill~ after his stormy nightwith Gloria in a motel room in Jersey!

8.S. - Jim Newhard's son was home for2 weeks with his new bride. They touredNew York, Canada, and Pennsylvania beforereturning to California.

Maryann Tirpak's grandson will be15 years old on Oct. 9.

Osborne 1 - Betty Jane Reihman spent her lastnight as a working lady on October 9. Thestaff threw a big party for her, she evenhad a stripping ape visit her! Lots ofLuck on your retirement BJI

Osborne 3 - Wedding announcement: Linda Kernand Vince Montoro were be married onSeptember 17th.

Nagle I

- Happy Belated Birthdays toParham and Ruth from co­workers.

- Welcome Amy to Nagle I fromco-workers.

- Good Luck Micki on Lang 3 fromyour old friends on Nagle I.

Sue Williams is getting marriedfor the 11th time to an eccentricmillionaire and her co-workersare buying her a boat and dockingit in Joe Foley's pool.

Micki's son Peter graduated fromTemple University in August - bestwishes in his future.

Also Happy Belated Birthday toMicki - September 22nd.

Nagle 3

Princess's cooking lessons, yourstaff are waiting to sample someof your wares.

J.K. Do you know what a hamper is?


Hi to Barb and Margie from your oldco-workers.

Luke, welcome to Steward. Sue, welcometo Steward from your co-workers.

Janice & Barb

Happy Birthday wishes to:

Nov. 1 Margie Roth8 Freddie Gross

12 Barbara IBibensperger18 Linda Burian20 .Ma1.'i:ha Williams24 Gail Loder26 Peggy Furst28 Tan Ku;rczewski

wedding anniversary congratulationsto Gail & Joe Loder, who will be mar­ried 12 years on Nov. 24th. Contin­ued wedded happiness!

"welcome back'" to both Bob Combs andManuel Sanchez, who were out on exten­ded sick leave this past month, buthave now returned to work.

Belated condolences to Kathy Charleson the death of her father OCt. 4th.Our thoughts and prayers are with herand her family at this time.

Effective OCt. 28th, Angie Reznick willretlirD to State Service, after a 3-yearhiatus, as a part-time FSW I. welcorneback, Angie, and may your stay with usbe both long and profitable.

Connie Herbert enjoyed a bus trip toBoston, Mass., in late September. Ethel& John Gibbon went on a 2-week tour inearly October of the Canadian Rockies,Washington, Oregon, and California. Ex­cept for "living out ,0£ suitcases" , thetrip was most pleasurable.

Anna Mae Schnell & Pauline Shipp (FSW Iretired) returned in late OCtober from ~wonderful 3-week trip to Spain & Portu­gal. Anna Mae reports "they feed youwell" -- after an appetizer, you get afish dinner, then a meat dinner, fol­lowed by dessert. They also enjoyed atopless (and almost bottomless) show inPortugal, corrplete with champagne -- "Weslept well!!!" '

Happy Halloween to all!!!

Gail Loder

Lang 3 Jan Berger is transferring toOsborne 1. Staff wishes her well inher new endeavor.

Nagle 1 Al Urban suffered a heartattack on Oct. 7 and is in theLehigh Valley Medical Center,Progressive Care unit. Anyone whowants to send a card should callthe hospital for the room number.

John DalPezzo