Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs Co-Chairs, Institutional Effectiveness & Accountability Committee 11 November 2013 A C A D E M IC Q U A LITY AND ENGAGEMENT C O -C U R R IC U LA R AND S U P P O R T PROGRAMS STUDENT SUCCESS LEA R N IN G EN V IR O N M EN T AND Q U A LITY OF PLACE C U LTU R E OF P H ILA N TH R O P Y AND ALUMNI CONNECTEDNESS

Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

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Page 1: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16

P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs

Co-Chairs, Institutional Effectiveness &

Accountability Committee

11 November 2013












Page 2: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Role of the CollegeInstitutional Effectiveness & Accountability Committee

The Institutional Effectiveness & Accountability Committee (IEAC) is charged with monitoring and reporting on the status of the various assessments and performance indicators we use to gauge the health of the College.

Monitoring the College’s Strategic Plan is an important function of the IEAC. IEAC reports to the President’s Cabinet.

Page 3: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Role of the College’sInstitutional Effectiveness & Accountability Committee

In this presentation, we report on the data that have been collected to help determine the current status of the 2011-16 Strategic Plan goals and to suggest the degree to which these goals have been accomplished.

This information will be presented to the IEAC to assist that group in preparing its report to the President’s Cabinet.

Page 4: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

This update on the 2011-2016 Strategic Plan goals is organized around the four planning constructs --












Page 5: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Academic Quality & EngagementIncrease service learning within the curriculum

Efforts to motivate increased interest in service learning include –• Development of grants through Institute for Engaged Learning to

support faculty proposals for integrating service learning activities into the classes.

• Provost’s Office submitted grant proposal to fund faculty to attend CAEP conference on clinical partnerships in spring 2014.

Also --• In progress – preparation of inventory of courses with service

learning components as baseline for estimating increases.

Goal is a work in progress. Future assessments will show whether these actions have increased student service learning.

Page 6: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Academic Quality & EngagementGrow and sustain Living/Learning Communities

Year Number of LLCs

Number of Students

2011-2012 8 3002012-2013 10 4102013-2014 13 500

First Year Living Learning Communities

Returning/Transfer Living Learning Communities

2011-2012 8 100

2012-2013 10 184

2013-2014 11 150

Goal accomplished and efforts to grow and sustain continue.

Page 7: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Academic Quality & EngagementImplement a cohesive and intentional

General Education program

• Provost’s Office funded a team to attend the AAC&U Conference & Summer Institute on General Education and Assessment.

• Representatives from this team presented project ideas at the Academic Affairs Leadership Team (AALT) retreat in the summer 2013.

• Interim provost has charged the team with completing two projects: “Learning to Write/Writing to Learn” on using AAC&U VALUE rubrics to improve student learning in the General Education Program AND

“Back to Basics: Essential Learning Outcomes at Brockport” addressing campus conversations about essential elements of General Education.

Goal is a work in progress. Reports on future possibilities expected to inform the new Provost.

Page 8: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Academic Quality & EngagementIncrease programmatic accreditation where available

• Department of Computer Science sought and received accreditation for the Computer Information Systems (CIS) major from ABET.

• KSSPE is awaiting the decision on CAAHEP accreditation for its Exercise Science program. Site visit occurred in October 2013.

Goal is a work in progress. College continues to seek and add accreditations where available.

Page 9: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Academic Quality & EngagementIncrease student involvement in faculty scholarship

• Last year, 10 (7.6%) of 132 journal articles published by faculty were co-authored with students.

• Scholar’s Day presentations by students sponsored by faculty have increased dramatically from 0 in 1984, to 560 in 2012, to 843 in 2013.

• Annually, the Ronald E. McNair Program, a TRiO Grant that has been at Brockport since 1989, facilitates research collaboration between faculty and 40 student scholars. In 2013, 17 of these McNair Scholars presented research at the McNair Summer Research Conference sponsored by the University at Buffalo.

The goal is accomplished and student involvement in faculty scholarship will continue to be a priority.

Page 10: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Academic Quality & EngagementIncorporate high impact educational practices (HIPs) into the curriculum

• In June 2013, a group from Academic Affairs and EMSA attended the AAC&U Institute on High Impact Practices focused on promoting engagement for undergraduate students.

• A recent survey revealed over 200 classes that use HIPs judged simply by title (1st yr. experience, capstone, writing intensive, etc.)

• Interim provost has charged this group to continue to examine the full range of ideas on enhancing faculty/staff/ student engagement at the College.

The goal is a work in progress. Utilization of HIPs is robust at the College and further study on HIPs continues.

Page 11: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Co-curricular Programming & Support ServicesImplement engagement practices into all four

years of the Student Leadership Program• Green Certificate

faculty/staff mentors• Gold Certificate

group service project with presentation at Scholar’s Day

• Presidential Certificate seminar course on contemporary issues in leadership

• Capstone Certificate planning of annual LDP conference and internship experience

• Performance expectations set at appropriately high levels.

• Significant investment of time and effort by students over an extended period of time.

• Interactions with faculty and peers about substantive matters.

• Experiences with diversity.• Frequent, timely, and constructive

feedback.• Periodic, structured opportunities to

reflect upon and integrate learning.• Opportunities to discover relevance

of learning through real‐ world applications.

• Public demonstration of competence.

8 HIPs Behaviors

Goal is accomplished.

Page 12: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Co-curricular Programming & Support ServicesComplete the Academic Success Center

• The original plan to include this project in the renovation of the Drake Library has been deferred due to budgetary issues.

• The Academic Success Center Project Team is discussing an

alternative location (at least temporarily) that would allow the development of this Center to proceed.

Goal is a work in progress.

Page 13: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Co-curricular Programming & Support ServicesComplete the full-scale launch of the Institute for

Engaged Learning

• The Institute for Engaged Learning (IEL) has cross-divisional support and participation and is working in the hope that Brockport will be increasingly characterized by its students’ engagement.

• IEL has begun an initiative to explore and encourage curricular and co-curricular HIPs.

Goal accomplished: the Institute has been launched.

Page 14: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

• Diversity of undergraduate students has increased to 14.3% of the student body identifying as non-white.

• Diversity of graduate students has grown to 11.1% identifying as non-white.

• Opening of the English Language Services Center (ELS) at Brockport in 2013 brings diverse cultural influences to the College.

• International undergraduate full-time students on campus has moved from a low in 2011 of 30 students to 53 for Fall 2013, with aggressive recruitment strategies focused on China and Korea.

• Diversity among faculty and staff has remained constant at 12%; HR efforts to recruit more diverse candidate pools continue.

Goal is a work in progress.

Co-curricular Programming & Support ServicesIncrease diversity across all populations of the campus.

Page 15: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

• In the past three years, health and wellness programming has expanded to include prevention programs for relationship violence, sexual violence and stalking.

• Since 2011, increased staff from 1.0 FTE to 3.0 FTE and identified funds to expand programming.

Co-curricular Programming & Support ServicesExpand Health & Wellness Programming to

encompass a broader range of issues and programming

Attendance at Sexual Assault Prevention & Education Events

Attendance atWomen’s Center Programs

Goal is a work in progress.

Page 16: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Learning Environment & Quality of PlaceImplement the Facilities Master Plan

• Projects completed and in progress:– Special Events and Recreation Center– Smith Hall– Liberal Arts Building– Utilities upgrades and landscaping improvements have occurred on the

east side of campus– Eunice Kennedy Shriver Stadium improvements– Tuttle Improvements– Classroom upgrades– Lathrop Hall construction begins in January 2014

Goal is a work in progress: Phase I of the Facilities Master Plan is completed and implementation of Phase II has begun.

Page 17: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Learning Environment & Quality of PlacePromote best practice in sustainability

Gold• With the reductions in state financial support from 2008-2012,

financial health has been a critical issue for the College. A wide range of strategies are being explored to address financial sustainability.

Green• Environmental stewardship continues to be a priority and has been

incorporated into multiple campus construction and renovation projects.

Goal is a work in progress.

Page 18: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Learning Environment & Quality of PlaceCreate the capacity to further develop

residential life facilities

• Residential Master Plan Process began in May 2013.

• Report to be provided to College in February 2014.

• 10-year RLLC financial plan has the capacity to support investment.

Goal is a work in progress.

Page 19: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Learning Environment & Quality of PlaceIncrease partnerships with K-12 schools

• The School of Health & Human Performance brings children to campus for physical activity programs.

• College 3-1-3 Program continues to bring 60 high school students/year to campus to take two courses each semester.

• The Educational Talent Search Program, a TRiO grant, places coordinators in four Rochester City School District schools to serve nearly 650 students each year. In 2013, ETS held a Summer Institute for students from our target schools.

• Community Development has identified mentoring youth as the most popular volunteer activity for students.

Goal is a work in progress. Existing K-12 programs are stable; not much evidence of increases at this time.

Page 20: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Learning Environment & Quality of PlaceIncrease partnerships with regional businesses

• Career Services – new director started August 1, 2013 and is filling staff vacancies and working with faculty, staff, and employers to create a vision for the program.

• School of Business Administration & Economics has identified partnering with regional businesses as an expectation for its founding Dean.

• As part of SOBAE, the Small Business Development Center provides support to regional small businesses.

• StartUp New York – SUNY/State-wide initiative.

Goal is a work in progress.

Page 21: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Learning Environment & Quality of PlaceIncrease campus participation in the community

What we know…

• More than 80% of incoming first-year freshman participate in at least one community service project.

• Brockport has more than 1,700 students participating in community service each year.

• Brockport students perform more than 6,000 hours of community service each year.

• The College has partnerships with more than 100 organizations in Brockport, Rochester and surrounding communities.

Goal is a work in progress.

Page 22: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

Learning Environment & Quality of PlaceIncrease campus participation in the community

What we don’t know…

• The connections of our faculty, staff, and administrators to boards and volunteer participation.

• Service learning impact.

Goal is a work in progress.

Page 23: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

A Culture of Philanthropy & Alumni Connectedness Increase outreach to alumni locally and across

the country through a variety of activities

• Primary focus is the Greater Rochester area, where more than 30,000 alumni reside.

• GOLD – Graduates of the Last Decade

• Throughout 2012-13, the advancement team hosted 21 regional events as part of the Campaign launch.

• Primary focus on the larger regional areas of Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo, NYC, Albany, Boston, and DC; secondary focus on Atlanta, Charlotte, and southern California and Florida.

Goal is a work in progress.

Page 24: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

A Culture of Philanthropy & ConnectednessLaunch and complete the

$25M comprehensive campaign

Constituency Bequests Pledges Gifts Total Alumni $4,704,677 $877,905 $2,193,865 $7,776,447 Emeriti/Retirees $3,555,000 $84,242 $622,719 $4,261,961 Faculty/Staff $416,000 $137,816 $286,322 $840,138 Parents $107,716 $107,716 Students $233,014 $233,014 Friends $734,836 $282,026 $344,628 $1,361,491 Foundations $99,000 $461,234 $560,234 Corporations $24,500 $1,538,029 $1,562,529 Other $378,096 $378,096 Totals $9,410,513 $1,505,489 $6,165,623 $17,081,625

• As of September 30, 2013, the following results have placed the Campaign ahead of its goal of $25 million by June 30, 2016.

Goal is a work in progress.

Page 25: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

College Goal: To be a nationally recognized comprehensive master’s institution

focused on student success.

How will we know if we met our goal?

• NSSE will be administered in Spring ‘14. Data analysis to follow.• The US News & World Report’s ranking is one measure of our

progress on the College Goal.

Year 2011 2012 2013Ranking 57 68 54

Page 26: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

How will we know if we met our goal?

• Better than Predicted Retention RatesRETENTION RATES

entering year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012First-time, full-time students

1-year retention rate 84% 81% 81%

PREDICTED IPEDS 1-year retention rate 72% * *SUNY comprehensive 1-year retention rate 81% 81% *

Working peers 1-year retention rate 83% * *Asprirant peers 1-year rate 87% * *

2-year retention rate 78% 77% 77% * *3-year retention rate 70% 70% 71% * * *

Transfer students1-retention rate 80% 79% 76%

SUNY comprehensive 1-year retention rate 80% 78% **not yet available

Page 27: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student

How will we know if we met our goals?

• Better than Predicted Graduation Rates

GRADUATION RATES entering year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

First-time, full-time studentsBrockport 6-year graduation rate 66% 67% 66%

PREDICTED IPEDS 6-year graudation rate 43% * *60% 59% *

Working peers graduation rate 66% * *Asprirant peers graduation rate 76% * *

Transfer studentsBrockport 3-year graduation rates 58% 56% 54%

52% 51% **not yet available

SUNY Comprehensive graduation rate

SUNY Comprehensive graduation rate

Page 28: Progress Report on the College Strategic Plan 2011-16 P. Michael Fox, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Leah A. Barrett, Assistant Vice President, Student