Compilation Compilation Source Program Object Program Secondary Memory Main Memory

Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

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Page 1: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic



Source Program

Object Program

Secondary Memory

Main Memory

Page 2: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Interpreters, Virtual Machines

Another way to execute a program written in a high-level programming language is to use an interpreter for the language.

An interpreter is a program that acts like a processor that can directly execute a high level language.

Page 3: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Java Execution Enviroment

Phase 1 The program is created with an editor and stored on the disk


The Java Compiler creates the bytecode and stores it on the disk.

The Classloader loads the bytecode in the memory.

Main Memory

Bytecide checker confirms the program is correct and does not contradict the security measures.

The interpreter reads the bytecode, translates it In the machine language and executes the result of the translation, storing the values of the data until the program is executed.

Phase 2

Phase 3


Class Loader



Phase 4

Phase 5

Main Memory

Main Memory

Page 4: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Java Application Program Development and Execution

Page 5: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

public class FirstProgram {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Display a message on the screen

System.out.println (“This is a simple Java program!");



Classes are the fundamental building blocks of Java programs. Every Java application contains a class with a main method.

When the application starts, the instructions in the main method are executed.

Each class contains definitions of methods. Each method contains a sequence of instructions enclosed between { }.

Use comments to help human readers understand your program.

A method is called by specifying an object, the method name, and the method parameters.

A string is a sequence of characters enclosed in quotation marks.

A Simple Program


Class Method

Method call String


Page 6: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

The Edit-Compile-Test Loop

Errors A compile-time or syntax error is a violation of the

rules of the programming language. The compiler detects syntax errors.

A run-time or logic error or bug is when the program is syntactically correct and does something, but it doesn't do what it is supposed to do, that is causes the program to take an action that the programmer did not intend. You must test your programs to find logic errors.

Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic errors.


Page 7: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Types and Variables In Java, every value has a type . “This is a simple Java program!” has the

type String, the object System.out has the type PrintStream, and the number 13 has the type int.

To store values so that you can use them at a later time. To remember an object, you need to hold it in a variable .

A variable is a storage location in the computer's memory that has a type, a name, and a contents.

You use variables to store values that you want to use at a later time. Ex: String message = “This is a simple Java program!";

PrintStream printer = System.out;

int luckyNumber = 13;

Variables can be used in place of the objects that they store: printer.println(message); // System.out.println("This is a simple Java


printer.println(luckyNumber); // Same as System.out.println(13)

Identifiers for variables, methods, and classes are composed of letters, digits, and underscore characters.

By convention, variable names should start with a lowercase letter. Class names should start with an uppercase letter.


Page 8: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Data Types in Java

Primitive data types int 4 bytes -2.147.483.648 2.147.438.647

short 2 bytes -32.768 32.767

long 8 bytes -9.223.372.036.854.775.808L-9.223.372.036.854.775.807L

float 4 bytes ±3,40282347E+38F double 8 bytes ± 1,79769313486231570E+308

char 2 bytes -32.768 32.767

Reference data types ( Their values are complex pointers to objects and arrays. They are managed by the JVM) • array • class • interface • null


Page 9: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic


Tokens in Java

Identifier::= letter (letter+digit)* letter::=(‘A’-’Z’)+(‘a’-’z’)+’_’+’$’ digit::=‘0’-’9’ Literals

• integers: 57 -456 0x5A9F 0745 6894576123L • reals: 3.402F -45.89 • boolean: true false • characters: ‘f’ ‘T’ ‘9’ ‘\u0A48’ \110 ‘\\’ ‘\n’ ‘\f’ ‘\t’ ‘\”’ ‘\’’ • strings: “This is a string” “” “0123456789\n” “+” “ “

Operators: + - * / % & | ^ ~ && || ! < > <= >= << >> >>> = ? ++ -- == += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= != <<= >>= >>>= . [ ] ( )

Separators: { } ; , : Comments: /*…………*/ //…………. /**………..*/

Page 10: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic


Processing Strings

int charAt(int index)

int compareTo(String otherString)

boolean endsWith(String suffix)

boolean equals(Object otherObject)

boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String otherString)

int indexOf(String str)

int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)

int lastIndexOf(String str)

int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex)

int length()

String replace(char oldChar, char newChar)

boolean startsWith(String prefix)

String substring(int intialIndex)

String substring(int intialIndex,int finalIndex)

String toLowerCase()

String toUpperCase()

String trim()

Page 11: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic


Expression = description of a computation which produces an unique value of a well-defined type.


Operands : variables, constants, method calls, expressions

Expressions which result in a primitive value:

• Numerical expressions

• Boolean expressions,

• Logical expressions;

Expressions which result in an object.

Page 12: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Precedence and Associativity Rules for Operators

Operator type Operators Associativity

Postfix [] . (parameters) expr++ expr-- right

Unary ++expr --expr +expr -expr ~ ! right

Creation or cast new (type)expr right

Multiplicative * / % left

Additive + - left

Shift << >> >>> left

Relational < > <= >= instanceof left

Equality == != left

Bitwise AND & left

Bitwise XOR ^ left

Bitwise OR | left

Conditional AND && left

Conditional OR || left

Conditional ?: left

Assignment = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>= right

Sequence , left

Page 13: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic


int a=5; System.out.print((a=2) + a);

int a,b; a=b=1;

int[] ar={1,2,3}; int index=2; ar[index]=index=1;

Page 14: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Numerical expressions

Operands are fully evaluated from left to right before an operator is applied.


Range of Numeric values int overFlow=Integer.MAX_VALUE +1 // MIN_VALUE

1.0/0.0 Infinity

0.0/0.0 NaN

+,- (unary)




Page 15: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Type Conversion Contexts

Conversion Categories

Conversion contexts

Assignment Method Invocation

Casting Numeric Promotion

Widening/Narrowing Primitive Conversions

Widening Narrowing*

Widening Both Widening

Widening/Narrowing Reference Conversions

Widening Widening Both + optional unchecked conversion

Not applicable

Boxing/ Unboxing Conversions

Unboxing +optional widening primitive c. Boxing + optional widening reference c.

Unboxing +optional widening primitive c. Boxing + optional widening reference c.

Both Unboxing + optional widening primitive c.

*for constant expressions of non-long integer type

Page 16: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Widening and Narrowing of Primitive Types

• Implicit conversions

int a=10;

long l=a;

double d=a+l;

• The type of an arithmetic expression between two operands is the widest type AND at least int.

Page 17: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Implicit Primitive Narrowing Conversions

source is constant expression of : byte, short, char ,int

target is byte, short, char

the value of the source is in range of the target type

short s=5;

final int i=20;

byte b=i;

Page 18: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Widening and Narrowing of Primitive Types

Explicit conversions

Cast operator (<type>)

short x = (short)75;

int pixels = (int)(width/scale);

double result=(double)10/3;

double result2=1/(2/3.0)

(d*i) + (c /-s ) – (f * b)

Page 19: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic

Boolean expressions




• primitive data equality

• object reference equality

• object value equality




Page 20: Programming Languages FILS 2012-2013 · You must test your programs to find logic errors. Special software tools (so-called debuggers ) let you trace through a program to find logic


Control Flow Structures









else if(Condition2)


else if(Condition3)




if-else Decision

switch(Expression) { case Constant1: InstructionList1 case Constant2: InstructionList2 ….... default: DefInstructionList }




While loop




do-while loop

for(InitExpress; Condition; IncremExpress)


For Loop


break label;

Loop interruption


Current Iteration
