1 Programme Outcomes B.A. (English) Programme Outcome Educate students in both the artistry and utility of the English Language through the study of literature and other contemporary forms of culture. Provide students with the critical faculties necessary in an academic environment on the job and in an increasingly complex, inter dependent world. Graduate students who are capable of performing research, analysis and criticism of literary and cultural texts from different historical periods and genres. Assist students in the development of intellectual flexibility, creativity and cultural literacy so that they may engage in lifelong learning. Students should be able to apply critical and the critical approaches to the reading and analysis of literary and cultural texts in multiple genres. Students should be able to write analytically in a variety of formats, including essays, paragraph writing, resume writing, dialogue writing etc. Students should be able to ethically gather, understand, evaluate and synthesize information from a variety of written and electronic sources. Students should be able to understand the process of communicating and interpreting human experiences through literary representation using historical context and disciplinary methodologies. English Course Outcome B.A. 1 st year After completing this course students will be able to Analyze prose to identify main and subordinate ideas, distinguish various modes of argument, define audience and purpose and out time methods and purpose and out time methods of development. Develop individual perspective in essays that demonstrates critical thinking skill. Analyze a variety of short fiction at college level. Consider culture, author bibliographic, and historic context of each story. Discuss story content and structure in depth. Respond to short and long essay questions under timed conditions. Analyze, compare and contrast three or more literary genres. Students will enlarge their vocabulary. Students will heighten their awareness of correct usage of English Grammar in writing and speaking. Students will learn correct pronunciation of words through transcription. Analyze and evaluate literacy works using appropriate critical vocabulary.

Programme Outcomes B.A. (English) Programme Outcome

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Page 1: Programme Outcomes B.A. (English) Programme Outcome


Programme Outcomes

B.A. (English)

Programme Outcome

• Educate students in both the artistry and utility of the English Language through the study of

literature and other contemporary forms of culture.

• Provide students with the critical faculties necessary in an academic environment on the job and

in an increasingly complex, inter dependent world.

• Graduate students who are capable of performing research, analysis and criticism of literary and

cultural texts from different historical periods and genres.

• Assist students in the development of intellectual flexibility, creativity and cultural literacy so

that they may engage in lifelong learning.

• Students should be able to apply critical and the critical approaches to the reading and analysis of

literary and cultural texts in multiple genres.

• Students should be able to write analytically in a variety of formats, including essays, paragraph

writing, resume writing, dialogue writing etc.

• Students should be able to ethically gather, understand, evaluate and synthesize information from

a variety of written and electronic sources.

• Students should be able to understand the process of communicating and interpreting human

experiences through literary representation using historical context and disciplinary


English Course Outcome

B.A. 1st year

After completing this course students will be able to

• Analyze prose to identify main and subordinate ideas, distinguish various modes of argument,

define audience and purpose and out time methods and purpose and out time methods of


• Develop individual perspective in essays that demonstrates critical thinking skill.

• Analyze a variety of short fiction at college level.

• Consider culture, author bibliographic, and historic context of each story.

• Discuss story content and structure in depth.

• Respond to short and long essay questions under timed conditions.

• Analyze, compare and contrast three or more literary genres.

• Students will enlarge their vocabulary.

• Students will heighten their awareness of correct usage of English Grammar in writing and


• Students will learn correct pronunciation of words through transcription.

• Analyze and evaluate literacy works using appropriate critical vocabulary.

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B.A. 2nd Year

After Completion of this course, the students will be able to

• Recognize poetry from a variety of cultures, Languages and historic periods.

• Understand and appreciate poetry as a literacy genre.

• Analyze the various literary forms like sonnet, dramatic monologue, personification, simile

metaphor etc.

• Develop their critical thinking and writing skills.

• Familiarize with drama as a cultural production and with one act play as a specific form of that


• Analyze and interpret texts and performances both in writing and orally.

• Analyze and evaluate literary works using appropriate critical vocabulary.

• Students will strengthen their ability to write essays, e-mails, book-reviews, dialogue writing etc.

• Students will be able to use correct grammatical usage in their day to day life.

B.A 3rd Year


After completion of prescribed texts students will be able to

• Compare and contrast characters within the plays and novels.

• Demonstrate understanding of Shakespeare’s and Raja Rao’s use of literacy and linguistic


• Demonstrate an appreciation of the literature – through discussion and written analysis.

• Develop critical appraisals that reflect and ability - to assess ideas and themes from original –

texts and secondary sources.

• Identify defining characteristics of poetry short fiction and drama.

• Identify and correct sentence errors.

• Write in an effective manner that demonstrates and understanding of the basic concept of


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B.A. (History)

Programme Outcome

B.A History programme seeks to create, preserve and disseminate knowledge to build

competitive capability for holistic developed of man society. Students introduce and brief

understanding of Indian and World history.

History Course Outcome

B.A. Semester (I)

PS-01 History of India (Earliest times to C 1200 A.D.)

• Students will understand the different aspects of Ancient Indian History.

• Students will understand the sources of Indian History and critically evaluate the knowledge of

Stone Age in India.

• Students will be able to critically analyze the Indus civilization, Vedic and Post-Vedic


• Students will be able to critically analyze the rise of Magadha Empire and Political condition of

India on the eve of Alexander's Invasion, the new developments i.e. Sungas, the Satavahanas, the

Indo-Greeks and Rise of New Powers i.e. the Saka-Kshatrapas, the Pahlavas and the Kusanas,

Gupta and Harsh Empire.

• Including Maps work for increasing geographical location understanding of students.

B.A. Semester (II)

PS-02 History of India- (C. 1200 A.D. to 1707 A.D.)

Students will understand the Political, Social, Economic and religious conditions of Indian

Medieval History.

• Students will be able to understand the sources, Impact of Turkish Conquests.

• Students will be able to understand the conquest and expansion of Ilbaris and their consolidation

and construction of power, the Khlji Revolution and experiments of Muhammed Tughlaq.

• Students will be able to understand about Mangol Problem and disintegration of the Sultanate.

Students understand about the Babur, Humayun, Bairam Khan, Akbar, Jahangir, Nurjahan,

Shahjahan, Aurangzeb and their administration.

• Students will be able to understand about the war of succession, later Mughal and decline of

Mughal, the North-West Frontier Policy, Central Asian Policy and Deccan Policy of the Mughals

and Maps work for increasing understanding of students about the geographical location.

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B.A. Semester (III)

PS-03 History of India (c. 1707 to 1947 A.D.)

This paper will enhance the knowledge of students of colonial period and struggle of freedom in


• Students will understand the different aspects of Modern Indian History i.e. Society, Economy

and Polity in British period.

• Students will understand the pre-colonial Indian Polity.

• Students will understand the emergence of British Power and Indian resistances.

• Students will be able to understand the diplomatic means of British Expansion and

Paramountancy and aftermaths Including Maps work for increasing understanding of students

about the geographical locations.

B.A. Semester (IV)

PS-04 History of Haryana (Earliest Times to 1947 A.D.)

Students will understand the different aspects of their regional History and culture. (From

ancient to modern Period).After the end of the course students will be able to

• Understand the theme of regional history to explore through study of Haryana from Stone Age to

independence of India.

• Critically analyze the rise of various cultures to explore in the region of Haryana.

• Critically evaluate the efforts of the people of this region in the foreign invasions also analyze

the rise of state formation and new power in the region of Haryana

• Explain and analyze the Turkish Invasion and its impact on Haryana. To understand the

contribution of 1857 revolt and freedom movement with special reference to Haryana region

with the help of Maps work for students to know the geographical location for their


B.A. Semester (V)

PS-05 Ancient & Medieval World

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Critically evaluate the development of human society and various cultures from Stone Age to

Iron Age, worldwide phenomenon.

• Critically discuss major cultural structures, events and then shaping the world context.

• Evaluate and analyze different sources (particularly archaeological) in overseas and about the

concept the decline of different civilizations.

• Critically evaluate the concept of relation of civilizations to each other. Introducing students

world civilization and understanding man and societal development in different regions.

• Understand the various developments in feudal Europe, Islamic World and Medieval World with

the help of Maps work for students to know the geographical location for better understanding.

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B.A Semester (VI)

PS-06 Modern World

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Understand the various socio-economic trends in modern period.

• Critically evaluate how the modern west has emerged through renaissance and other

socioeconomic developments.

• Critically analyze the rise of capitalism and imperialism led all these developments. Critically

evaluate how the new political system emerged based on representative system.

• Explain and analyze the rise of new order in the world in the form of socialism and about the

world crisis of 1919 and 1939 which led to world wars. A conceptual understanding of modern

world events and Maps work for students to know the geographical location for better


B.A. (Political Science)

Programme outcomes

• Programme will help the students to understand polity of the world, their country, their society as

well as their impact on themselves and have awareness of ethical problems, social rights, values

and responsibility to the self & to others.

• To develop knowledge of Political concepts, theories, approaches.

Programme specific outcomes

• Knowledge about political system of the nation.

• Study of National & International political affairs.

• Study the subject from competitive examination point of view.

• Understanding the government mechanism, its functions, duties, responsibilities.

• Develop knowledge of Indian Constitution.

• Getting knowledge of political law.

Course Outcomes

Semester I (option -1)

Indian constitution

After the end of the course students will be able to understand

• Indian constitution – sources & features, Preamble Fundamental Rights & Duties Directive

Principles of state policy.

• Union Executive – President, Vice President, Prime Minister. Council of Ministers State

Executive. Governor, Chief Minister and Council of ministers.

• Union Legislature Parliament and its Composition & functions, speaker of Lok-Sabha,

Amendment process state Legislature – Vidhan Sabha, Panchayati Raj Institutions.

• Judiciary –Supreme Court High court, judicial review & judicial Activism.

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Semester II (Option -1)

Indian Politics

After the end of the course students will be able to understand

• Federalism & it’s working with reference to centre – state Relation, demand for state autonomy,

Emerging trends in Indian federalism.

• Election commission, Electoral process and its defects and voting – behavior, electrical reforms,

Problem of defection. Party system in India – National & Regional political parties, Interest and

pressure groups.

• Role of caste, Religion, Language, Regionalism in India, Politics of Reservation, Emerging

Trends & Challenges before Indian political system.

Semester III (Option – 1)

Principles of Political Science

After the end of the course students will be able to understand

• Political Science Definition, meaning, nature & scope, Relations of Political – Science with other

social sciences.

• State Definition, elements, Relations with the other organizations. Theories of the origin of the


• Nature of state Liberal, meridian Functions of state Liberal & socialist views welfare state

concept & Functions.

• Sovereignty definition Attributes & types theories of sovereignty Monistic & Pluralistic.

Semester IV (option – 1)

Principles of Political Science

After the end of the course students will be able to understand

• Concepts & Theories of Rights.

• Relationship between, Rights & duties universal declaration of Human rights.

• Concept & Theories of Social change & development.

• RTI & consumer protection & welfare.

Semester V (option – 1)

Comparative Politics (Theory)

After the end of the course students will be able to understand

• Comparative Politics – Definition, Scope; Traditional & Modern Concerns; Comparative


• Approaches to the Study of Comparative Politics Input – Out (David Easton), Structural

Function (G. Almond), Political Development (Lucian W. Pye), Political Culture (G. Almond)

• Constitutionalism History, Nature, Type and Problem in Modern Times.

• Constitutional Structure (a) Formal – Executive, Legislation and Judiciary, (b) Informal

Structures – Political Parties and Pressure Groups.

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Semester VI (Option 1)

Comparative Constitutions of UK & USA

• After the end of the course students will be able to understand

• Evolution, Conventions, Legacies and Basic features of Constitutions of UK & USA ; Socio –

Economic basis of Constitutions of UK & USA.

• Comparative Study of Executive, Legislation and Judiciary System of UK & USA.

• Comparative studies of Structures, Functions and roles of Political parties and pressure groups of


• Electoral Processes, Voting Behavior, Bureaucracy and Recent Trends of the working of the

systems of UK & USA.

B.A. (Economics)

Course Outcomes


This Course is designed to provide basic understanding of micro economic concepts, behavior of

economic agent-consumer, producer, and factor owner – price fluctuations in the market. The

module includes in this course deals with the concepts of consumer behavior, production,

market, factor pricing and welfare Economics.


This course equips the students to understand systems facts and the latest theoretical

developments in Macroeconomics. The module will help students to develop critical thinking

skills and demonstrate an ability to identify alternate and formulate solutions to problems.

Economic Development and International Trade

The objectives of the course are to equip the students with the theoretical, empirical and policy

issues relating to the society, polity and economy of India. The course in particular, has been

prepared on the background of the globalization process and its diverse ramifications on the

knowledge economy. The module is focused on identifying key indicators of measures of

economic change, growth and development. In addition, aid students to arrive at an

understanding of theories of international trade and to examine the impact of the trade policies

on the dynamic gains.

B.A. (Geography)

Programme outcomes

Geography mainly concerns changes in spatial attributes in a temporal perspective. The Graduate

programme in geography is tailored to meet the students’ specific educational and professional

goals in mind. It focuses on spatial studies, qualitative as well as quantitative, and emphasizes on

human-environment relationship. After completing the course, the students will be amply

prepared for professional careers in geography and allied disciplines like GIS and Remote

Sensing. They will also be able to pursue M.A. /M.Sc. Course in Geography.

• Students will gain the knowledge of physical geography.

• They will be able to acquire the knowledge of Human Geography and will correlate it with their

practical life.

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• Students will be able to locate on a map major physical features cultural regions and Individual

states and urban centers.

• Students will understand global and regional patterns of cultural political and Economic


• Students will understand use and conservation of natural resource and landscape.

• Students will become equipped with the ability to response to both natural and manmade

Disaster and acquire management skills.

Course Outcomes


Paper 101 Geography of India

After the end of the course students will be able to understand

• And gain knowledge about basic geographical Personality of India.

• The variability of Physiographic, climate& drainage system in India.

• Processes of soil formation and types of soil.

• And acquire knowledge of forests in India.

• The natural vegetation of India.

• The social distribution of population of their country.

• The economic resource of India.

• And gain knowledge about modes of transport and communication.

Paper 102 Maps and Scales (Practical)

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Gain knowledge about cartography.

• Understand the concept of maps and their types.

• Develop an idea about scale and draw different types of scale like linear, diagonal and venire.


Paper 103 Physical Geography – I

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Understand the interior structure of the earth.

• Study the formation of rocks.

• Understand concept of normal cycle of erosion and its interruption.

• Understand process of erosion the deposition and resulting landform.

• Understand Theory regarding of Origin of Continents.

• Understand the work of internal and external forces and their associated Landforms.

• Develop an idea about earth movements and the related topography.

Paper 104 Representation of Physical Features (Practical)

After the end of the course students will be able to

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• Gain knowledge about topographical maps and apply this knowledge in ground surface.

• Understand representation of Topographical features by contours.

• Drawings of Profiles cross profiles and composite profiles etc.


Paper 201 Physical Geography-II

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Understand the importance of Atmosphere

• Understand the composition of atmosphere

• Know Measurement of Atmospheric Pressure and formation of Pressure Belts

• Acquire knowledge about types of rainfall

Paper – 202 Representations of Climatic Data (Practical)

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Gain knowledge about Indian daily weather report.

• Learn to use of various meteorological instruments.

• Learn to draw monthly temperature and rainfall graphs.

• Brings direct interaction of different types of surveying instruments like chain, tape, ranging -

rods& arrows etc.


Paper 203 Human Geography

After the end of the course students will be able to understand

• Scope and contents of human geography

• And gain knowledge about the relationship of man and environment

• The studies of races of man kinds.

• The modes of life of aximo, pigmy, gonad, Bhil and nagas.

• Different types of settlement and characteristics and their definitions.

Paper 204 Maps Projections (Practical)

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Acquire knowledge different types of map projection.

• Bring direct interaction of different types of surveying instruments like plain table survey.


Paper 301 Economic Geography

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Understand about the nature and scope of economic geography and approaches.

• Know the different types of Human Economic Activities

• Gain Knowledge of power resource coal, petroleum and water.

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• Gain Knowledge of concept and classification of natural resource and conservation of natural


• Understand different types of crops wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane and their distribution

• Gain knowledge about trade.

Paper 302 Distribution Maps and Diagrams (Practical)

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Learn about prismatic compass survey.

• Understand principles of map design and layout.


Paper-303 Introduction to Remote Sensing, GIS & Quantitative Methods

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Understand the History of Remote Sensing

• Know Aerial Photographs and Satellite Imageries

• Acquire Knowledge about Indian Remote sensing.

• Investigate components and function of GIS

• Study GIS Data models.

• Make use of GIS & GPS software.

• Know about concepts, components, development, platforms and types of remote sensing and


Paper 304 Introduction to Remote Sensing and Field Survey Report

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Getting to know superficially about remote sensing and aerial interpretation with the help of

pocket stereoscope.

• Necessity of field report in practical geography; collection of data and how to prepare a report

from the data collected.

B.A. (Psychology)

Course Outcomes


Invitation to Psychology

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Develop an understanding about the definition, methods and branches of Psychology.

• Gain knowledge about the basic perceptual processes-sensation, perception and Optical illusions.

• Understand the concept, types and theories of Motivation.

• Learn about concept, classification and theories of Intelligence.

• Learn about nature and theories of Emotion.

• Develop an understanding about definition determinates and approaches of personality.

• Derive knowledge about the historical sketch of the field of psychology and its establishment as

a science, knowledge about the fundamental psychological processes, theories, models, laws.

• Developing a holistic view about the subject and its base as a science.

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Practical Course outcome

Practical work in Psychology will help students for being able to

• Acquire the ability to administer, interpret and report psychological tests.

• To gain proficiency in data analysis using statistical techniques.

• To learn the administration of different psychological test like personality and intelligence.


Experimental Psychology

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Understand about Memory processes- nature, factors, applications and theories of learning;

stages and types of memory, factors of retrieval.

• Gather knowledge about Psychophysics methods.

• Know about Learning definition, factors affecting and different theories of learning.

• Gather knowledge about stages of problem solving, Convergent and Divergent thinking.

• Know the need for quantification in Psychology, tabulation and classification of data, concepts,

uses and techniques of central tendency and dispersion.

• Gather knowledge about the normal and the deviant conditions in developmental sequence from

before birth till old age and the contribution of genetics and environment at every stage of life. It

adds to the knowledge of advancement in the field of genetics and environmental sciences as

primary agents of influence in an individual’s life

Practical Course outcome

Practical work in Psychology will help students for being able to

• Understanding about design, conduct and report experimental research.

• Learning the administration of different psychological tests like problem solving.

• Conduction of experiments on LTM, STM.


Social Psychology

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Learn about nature, scope and methods of social psychology.

• Learn about social interaction, conformity, cooperation, norms, attitude and values.

• Understand influence and nature of groups on individual behavior, crowd and mob behavior.

• Understand social issues prejudice and stereotypes.

• Know about different types and theories of leadership.

• Acquire the ability to understand the importance of the social context, one’s existence as a psychosocial

being, different processes that take place in day to day circumstances and the importance of interpersonal

relationships and also of oneself in a social matrix.

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Practical Course outcomes

Practical work in Psychology will help students for being able to

• Acquire the ability to administer, interpret and report psychological tests.

• Learn the administration of different psychological test like altruism, stereotypes and leadership



Developmental Psychology

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Gather knowledge about definition, scope, methods of developmental Psychology.

• Understand the concept and definition of development, role of genetic and environmental factors.

• Learn about the Prenatal, physical, speech, emotional, cognitive, moral, social and personality

development in each stage of life span.

• Learn about Principles of heredity; Influence of Heredity and Environment.

• Understand Prenatal and Postnatal development up to aging physical and social.

• Develop an insight about the need of a sound mental health, ways to maintain it, deriving

knowledge about the deterrents to mental health and its relevant solutions. It gives an

understanding about oneself, one’s personality, coping and adjustive processes in real life


Practical Course outcomes

Practical work in Psychology will help students for being able to

• Learn the administration of different psychological test like emotional maturity, impulsiveness

and self esteem.

• Conduction of practical on the following topics like Youth problem.

• Group cohesiveness of a small group by socio metric method.



After the end of the course students will be able to

• Understand classification of normal and abnormal behavior, concepts of normality, abnormality

and psychopathology.

• Know current classification of mental disorders (According to APA); Concept of neurotic,

psychotic, psycho-physiological disorders;

• Develop knowledge about - Signs, Symptoms and Etiology of different types of Anxiety


• Understand signs, Symptoms and Etiology of types of Somatoform disorders.

• Understand signs, Symptoms and Etiology of different types of Mood disorders.

• Understand signs, Symptoms and Etiology of different types of Schizophrenia.

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Applied Psychology Course Outcomes

After the end of the course students will be able to

• Understand about the meaning and fields of applied psychology.

• Understand the concept of guidance and counseling.

• Know about the special areas of counseling – Educational, Vocational, Family, Marriage, Old

age and Health.

• Learn about steps, factors and methods of counseling.

• Understand about forensic psychology.

• Develop knowledge about correlation-rank order method and Product moment method.

(Foundation elective)

Department of Psychology


Psychology for Everyday Living

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Gain knowledge about the science of psychology Goals, basic and applied areas of Psychology.

• Understand the concept of personality& different theories in syllabus.

• Develop an idea about stress and their nature, sources and their effects.

• Gathering knowledge assessment of Intelligence.

Semester –II

Open Elective

16ENVO1 Environmental Issues

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To understand the environmental global problems such as deforestation, desertification,

depletion of ozone, global warming.

• Get knowledge about environmental hazards and management.

• Understand the concept of pollution & their causes, effect and remedies.

• Analyze the global trend and patterns of population growth in developing countries.

• To be able to identify the urban environmental problem and how to solve those problem.

• Understand the concept of Solid Waste& their sources and management.


After completion of the course, students will be able

• Learn the morphometric techniques.

• Know the types & significance of morphometry.

• Understand the usefulness of morphometric techniques in the case of a drainage basin.

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After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Have knowledge about computer aided cartography.

• Prepare good quality maps.

• Take up career in the field of digital cartography.

B. A.


Programme Outcomes

• Inculcate critical thinking to carry out scientific investigation objectively without being biased

with preconceived notions.

• Equip the student with skills to analyze problems, formulate a hypothesis, evaluate and validate

results, and draw reasonable conclusions thereof.

• Prepare students for pursuing research or careers in industry in mathematical sciences and allied


• Imbibe effective scientific and/or technical communication in both oral and writing.

• Continue to acquire relevant knowledge and skills appropriate to professional activities and

demonstrate highest standards of ethical issues in mathematical sciences.

• Create awareness to become an enlightened citizen with commitment to deliver one’s

responsibilities within the scope of bestowed rights and privileges.

• To find employment by utilizing their mathematical knowledge.

Programme Specific Outcomes

By the end of a degree program a student will

• Have Understanding of the fundamental axioms in mathematics and capability of developing

ideas based on them.

• Able to inculcate mathematical reasoning.

• On completion of the program the students are well poised to pursue M.sc. in Mathematics.

• Able to apply critical thinking skills to solve problems that can be modeled mathematically.

• Have an appreciation of how various sub-disciplines of mathematics are related.

• Understand the concepts of algebra which include equations, numbers and algebraic structures.

• Students will be able to use the concepts of analysis in solving problems. The concepts include

sets, numbers, functions and convergence.

Corse Outcomes

Semester I

Algebra (Paper Code BM 111)

By the end of a course a student will

• Have knowledge about the concept of different type of matrices. Binomial and Exponential

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• Develop skills for solving equations.

• Have a clear knowledge regarding relations between roots and coefficients of general polynomial


• Be able to implement different methods to find roots of cubic and biquadratic equations.

Calculus (Paper Code BM 112)

By the end of a course a student will be able to

• Identify areas in mathematics and other fields where Calculus is useful Interpret a function from

an algebraic, numerical, graphical and verbal.

• Perspective and extract information relevant to the phenomenon modeled by the function.

• Understand the consequences of the intermediate value theorem for ontinuous functions

• Identify the extrema of a function on an interval and classify them as minima, maxima or saddles

using the first derivative test.

• Understand the consequences of Leibnitz theorem, Maclaurin’s, Taylor series expansions and

Theorems of Pappu’s and Guilden.

• Concepts of curvature, evolutes and envelopes of certain curves.

• Trace curves in Cartesian, parametric and polar co-ordinates.

• Find Length of arc of curve and area/ sectorial area for curve.

Solid Geometry (Paper Code BM 113)

By the end of a course a student will

• Have knowledge about coordinate geometry and tracing of conic

• Have a clear knowledge regarding sphere, cone and cylinder.

• Be able to define an idea about regular geometrical figures of central conicoids and their


• Have thorough knowledge regarding generating lines and confocal, conicoid planes.

Semester II

Number Theory and Trigonometry (Paper Code BM 121)

By the end of a course a student will be able to

• Understand of the basic structures of number theory define terms, explain their significance, and

apply them in context.

• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of topics including, but not limited to divisibility,

prime numbers, congruences, quadratic reciprocity, Diophantine equations.

• Define Inverse circular and hyperbolic functions, their properties. Logarithm of a complex


• Define complete residue system, reduced residue system modulo m and Quadratic residues and

solve related problems.

• Define and solve problems for Greatest integer function [x], d(n), σ(n) and Moebius function

• Solve problems using De Moivre’s Theorem along with their application.

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Ordinary Differential Equations (Paper Code BM 122)

By the end of a course a student will

• Understand the geometry mean of Differential Equations and classify various methods in

solving Differential Equations.

• Have knowledge of concept of orthogonal trajectories in Cartesian coordinates and polar


• Be able to solve linear differential equations with constant coefficients.

• Be able to describe the different methods to solve linear differential equations of second order.

• Be able to solve Ordinary simultaneous differential equations.

Vector calculus (Paper Code BM 123)

By the end of a course a student will

• Be able to define the scalar and vector product of three and four vectors.

• Have knowledge of Gradient, divergence and curl of vectors and their related vector identities.

• Be able to describe concept of Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates

• Be able to define line integral, surface integral and volume integral.

Semester III

Advanced calculus (Paper Code BM 231)

By the end of a course a student will be able to

• Define Continuity, Sequential Continuity, Limit and continuity of real valued functions of two

variables and their properties

• Differentiate using chain rule of differentiability.

• Understand Rolle’s Theorem, Lagrange’s mean value theorem, Taylor’s Theorem with various

forms of remainders and Darboux intermediate value theorem and their geometrical


• Complete understanding of Indeterminate forms, Homogenous functions & Euler’s theorem on

homogeneous functions

• Define Composite functions & implicit functions.

• Define Involutes, evolutes, Bertrand Curves

Partial Differential Equations (Paper Code BM 232)

By the end of a course a student will be able to

• Form Partial differential equations of different orders

• Find complete solution, singular solution and General solution using Charpit’s general method,

Jacobi’s method.

• Solve linear partial differential equations of second order with constant and variable coefficients.

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• Classify linear partial differential equations of second order and Reduce second order linear

partial differential equations to Canonical (Normal) forms.

• Solve Laplace’s equation, Wave equation (one and two dimensions), Diffusion (Heat) equation

(one and two dimension) in Cartesian Co-ordinate system.

Statics (Paper Code BM 233)

By the end of a course a student will

• Have knowledge about the nature of forces.

• Be aware of friction and its various forms and centre of gravity.

• Be familiar with virtual work.

• Have knowledge regarding wrenches and null lines and planes.

Semester IV

Sequence and Series (Paper Code BM 241)

By the end of a course a student will

• Have knowledge of Bolzano-Weiestrass theorem and Heine-Borel Theorem.

• Be able to define concepts namely Boundedness, neighborhoods, interior points, isolated points,

limit points, open and closed set, closure of a set in real numbers, Open covers and Compact sets.

• Have knowledge of some simple techniques for testing the convergence of sequences and series

• Have a detailed understanding of how Cauchy's criterion for the convergence of real sequences

and series follows from the completeness axiom for R.

• Be able to distinguish between the concepts of sequence and series, and determine limits of

sequences and convergence and approximate sums of series.

Special Functions and Integral Transforms (Paper Code BM 242)

By the end of a course a student will

• Be able to define Beta and Gamma functions and related problems. Have deep knowledge of

Bessel functions and their properties.

• Be able to solve Legendre and Hermite differentials equations and develop understanding about

its properties.

• Able to solve Laplace Transforms and inverse Laplace transforms of derivatives and integrals

and ordinary differential equations using Laplace transform.

• Able to solve Fourier transforms and differential Equations using Fourier Transforms.

Programming in C and Numerical Methods (Paper Code BM 243)

By the end of a course a student will

• Have knowledge of Programmer’s model of a computer, Algorithms, Flow charts, Data types,

Operators and expressions, Input / outputs functions.

• Have knowledge of the concept of Decisions control structure Decision statements, Logical &

conditional statements, Implementation of Loops, Switch & Case control structures. Functions,

Preprocessors and Arrays.

• Have knowledge of the concepts of string and pointer. Learn the Solution of Algebraic and

Transcendental equations.

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• Be able to estimates the numerical solutions of Simultaneous linear algebraic equations.

Semester V

Real Analysis (Paper Code BM 351)

By the end of a course a student will be able to

• Describe the properties of Riemann integral.

• Examine the convergence of improper integral and Integral as a function of a parameter

• Extend the idea of metric space, interior, exterior, boundary, Limit points, open and closed sets,

Investigates the properties of Cauchy sequences, completeness, Cantor’s intersection theorem,

Baire’s category theorem, contraction Principle

• Investigate the ideas of continuity, uniform continuity, compact sets connectedness ,

components, continuity in relation with connectedness.

Groups and Rings (Paper Code BM 352)

By the end of a course a student will be able to

• Assess properties implied by the definitions of groups and rings,

• Use various canonical types of groups (including cyclic groups and groups of permutations) and

canonical types of rings (including polynomial rings),

• Analyze and demonstrate examples of subgroups, normal subgroups and quotient groups.

• Analyze and demonstrate examples of ideals and quotient rings,

• Use the concepts of isomorphism and homomorphism for groups and rings, and

• Produce rigorous proofs of propositions arising in the context of groups and rings.

Numerical Analysis (Paper Code BM 353)

By the end of a course a student will

• Be able to derive numerical methods for approximating the solution of problems using Central

Differences formulas,

• Be able to analyze the error incumbent in any such numerical approximation,

• Have deep understanding of Probability distribution of random variables,

• Be able to implement a variety of numerical algorithms using appropriate technology

• Be able to compare the viability of different approaches to the numerical solution of problems

arising in roots of solution of equations, interpolation and approximation, numerical

differentiation and integration, solution of linear systems.

Semester VI

Real and Complex Analysis (Paper Code BM 361)

By the end of a course a student will

• Be able to solve problems related to Jacobians, Beta and Gama functions. Be able to solve

integrals considering double and triple integrals.

• Have complete knowledge of Fourier’s series.

• Introduce elementary complex functions.

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• Define and analyze limits and continuity for complex functions as well as consequences of


• Determine whether a given function is differentiable, and if so find its derivative and Use

differentiation rules to compute derivatives.

• Understand the significance of differentiability for complex functions and be familiar with the

Cauchy-Riemann equations.

• Conceive the concepts of analytic functions and will be familiar with the elementary complex

functions and their properties.

• Apply the concept and consequences of analyticity and the Cauchy-Riemann equations and of

results on harmonic functions.

• Understand the significance of Stereographic projection of complex numbers

• Will have deep knowledge of Mappings by elementary functions Translation, rotation,

Magnification and Inversion including Conformal Mappings, Mobius transformations.

Linear Algebra (Paper Code BM 362)

By the end of a course a student will

• Have deep knowledge of vector space, subspace, quotient spaces, basis and dimension of vector


• Be able to extend various theorems based on Homomorphism and isomorphism of vector spaces.

• Be able to describe relation between nullity and rank.

• Have clear idea regarding Matrix of a linear Transformation, Change of basis, Eigen values and

Eigen vectors of linear transformations.

• Be able to define an idea about inner product space and their properties.

Dynamics (Paper Code BM 363)

By the end of a course a student will

• Have deep knowledge of Velocity and acceleration along radial, transverse, tangential and

normal directions also Acceleration in terms of different co- ordinate systems.

• Be able to define Relative velocity and acceleration.

• Be able to solve problems related to Simple harmonic motion and Elastic strings.

• Be able to define terms like Mass, Momentum, Force (including Conservative forces and

Impulsive forces) , Work, Power and Energy.

• Have complete knowledge of Motion on smooth and rough plane curves and Projectile motion of

a particle in a plane.

• Be able to solve problems related to Central Orbits, Kepler laws of motion.

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Bachelor in Commerce (B.Com)

Programme Outcomes

• Commerce Knowledge After completing UG, students would gain a thorough grounding in the

fundamentals of Commerce, Finance, Statistics, Taxation, Economy and International Business


• Student Exposure Students will be able to demonstrate progressive learning of various tax

issues and tax forms related to individuals. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge in

setting up a computerized set of accounting books.

• Individual and Team Work Through knowledge of management function student always work

effectively as an individual; and he is also aware about how to do better work in diverse teams

being a team leader.

• Ethics students will be able to learn application of ethical principles and commitment to

professional ethics in fulfillment of social responsibility.

• Entrepreneurship Development To develop entrepreneurial spirit among students and to

empower students with sufficient knowledge to start up their venture with confidence. Further it

also motivates young minds to take up challenges and become employer than seeking

employment and to make them aware of the opportunities and support for entrepreneurship in


Programme Specific Outcomes

• This programme offers a stimulating, challenging as well as a supportive learning environment

for our students to encourage autonomous learning, independent thinking & making it a relevant

fit for market and economy.

• It prepares a student for latest economic challenges, trends and market. It also helps in

understanding the commerce, trade, business.

• This programme focuses on preparing the individual for the modern financial and accounting

field. Some of the career options include accounting, marketing and advertising, banking,

management consulting, business management, business development, economic analysis, fund

management, international business and trade analysis, policy formulation, portfolio

management in the private and public sectors.

• Programme helps in understanding the commerce, trade, business and provides foundation for a

fully functional individual fit for corporate or academia.

• Students will be able to understand the Indian Financial System and various principles and

theories on which the system is based on.

• It is designed to enable student to understand economy as a whole and as an interdependent chain

of activities. It provides indepth national and international perspectives of the economy.

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Financial Accounting -1

Code 1.01

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To record the basic journal entries, entries under hire purchase method.

• To calculate depreciation by applying various methods.

• To maintain the financial statements of a profit making and non- profit making business entity.

• To rectify errors in accounts.

Business Mathematics-I

Code 1.02

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To demonstrate proficiency with Indices and Logarithms.

• To have deep knowledge of set theory.

• To solve and formulate problems related to Permutations and Combinations.

• To understand basic approaches to data interpretation and choose appropriate data structure for

specified problem domain.

Business Economics-I

Code 1.03

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn basic problems of an economy and concept of elasticity of demand; elasticity of supply.

• To learn Production Function and Theory of cost.

• To understand Theory of consumer behaviour, utility and indifference curve analysis.

• To have knowledge of concepts of different market situations.

Business Management-I

Code 1.04

Course Outcomes -

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand about Different aspects of Business.

• To describe about different management theories – Taylor & Fayol.

• To acquire knowledge on scientific management – F.W.Taylor.

• To have knowledge about Planning & forms of Organizing structure.

• To describe about different concept like centralization and decentralization; departmentation ;

Forms of Organizing structure.

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Business Communication Skills

Code 1.05

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand about the basic concept of communication, Principles of effective communication

and Barriers to it.

• To have knowledge about Business Communication at workplace- Letter writing, memos, notice,

agenda and minutes.

• To know about types of Reports, Abstracts, Summaries and Proposals.

• To learn Reading skills, listening skills, note making, persuasive speaking skills

• Body language, Gestures.

Basics of Computer-I

Code 1.06

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand about the basic concept of Generation of computers; Classification of Computers.

• To know about different types of input and 0utput devices.

• To learn about types of Memory and Mass Storage Devices.

• To have knowledge about MS- Word.

Financial Accounting-II

Code 2.01

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn how to prepare accounts of hire purchase system.

• To maintain royalty, joint venture accounts & departmental accounts.

• To prepare accounts of dissolution, amalgamations and sale of partnership firms.

• To learn the concept of Branch account and its system.

Business Mathematics-II

Code 2.02

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To have deep knowledge of concepts of Matrices and Determinants.

• To solve a problem of Linear equations having unique Solution (involving not more than three


• To solve problems related to differentiation.

• To understand the concepts of Ratio, Proportion and Percentage.

• To work with Profit and Loss problems in various situations and formulate problems.

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• To analyze real world scenarios to recognize when simple and compound interest, annuities are

appropriate, and formulate problems about the scenarios.

• To work with simple and compound interest, annuities and depreciation problems in various

situations and use correct mathematical terminology, notation, symbolic processes in order to be

prepared for future coursework in business and mathematics that requires the use of concepts of

business mathematics.

Business Economics-II

Code 2.03

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To have deep knowledge of perfect competition and monopoly.

• To learn Monopolistic Competition and oligopoly market features.

• To describe about different concepts of Marginal Productivity Theory and Modern Theories of

rent; Quasi Rent.

• To acquire knowledge about Theories of interest.

Business Management-II

Code 2.04

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand the concept of staffing & Recruitment.

• To learn about the different theories of Motivation & Leadership.

• To acquire knowledge about Communication & Control – Process, Techniques.

• To describe about different concepts of Management of Change.

Business Environment

Code 2.05

Course Outcomes

After Completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand the meaning of business environment, factors affecting business environment and

concept of SWOT analysis.

• To learn about indicators of Indian Economy and Trends of Income, Savings and Investment

• To learn about concepts of Unemployment, regional imbalances, inflation, parallel economy and

industrial sickness.

• To know about role of Govt. in Indian Economy by framing different policies such as Monetary

and Fiscal Policy, Industrial Policy. Concept of Privatization.

Basics of Computer-II

Code 2.06

Course Outcomes

After Completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn about Fundamental of computers and Applications of computers.

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• To understand about Software concepts Types of Software and their role.

• To learn about the Types of Windows and. User interfaces- CUI and GUI.

• To describe about MS-Excel.

Corporate Accounting-I

Code 3.01

Course Outcomes

After Completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn about Meaning of share capital-Treatment of its issue, Forfeiture, Reissue, Buy Back

of shares Bonus Shares, Sweat Shares and Redemption of Preference shares.

• To understand the meaning of Debentures-its issue and Redemption.

• To have knowledge about the Valuation of Goodwill and Valuation of Shares. Main methods of

determining Goodwill and shares.

• To have knowledge about Final Accounts of Companies as per companies Act, 2013.

Business Statistics- 1

Code 3.02

Course Outcomes

After Completion of course, student will be able

• To know the concept of statistics.

• To have basic knowledge of the application of statistics to business disciplines.

• To get practical exposure on calculation of measures of average.

• To learn how to calculate and apply measures of location and measures of dispersion grouped

and ungrouped data cases.

• To know how to calculate and apply measures of location and measures of dispersion grouped

and ungrouped data cases.

• To have practical exposure on calculation of measures of correlation and regression.

• To compute and interpret the results of Bivariate and Multivariate Regression and Correlation


Business Regulatory Framework- I

Code 3.03

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To know the about the Indian contract act 1872 and what are the essential provisions.

• To know the meaning and the importance of contingent contracts and the consequences of breach

of breach of contract.

• To memorize difference between contract of guarantee and indemnity.

• To understand the concept of contact of Bailment and pledge.

• To learn how to pursue the consumer rights under consumer protection act 1986.

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Corporate Law- I

Code 3.04

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To know about the concept of company and shares.

• To know about the company law in the India.

• To understand the use of the memorandum of association and article of association in a


• To use of prospectus in a company.

• To understand the company’s borrowing powers, directors’ borrowing powers and ultra vires


Human Resource Management

Code 3.05

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn about the Importance, objectives and scope of Human Resource Management

• To have knowledge about Recruitment & Selection; Training. Concept, Need and importance of

Training. Methods of Training

• To understand the Concept of wages, Theories of wages, Wage structure, and wage incentives.

Profit sharing and Labour Co. Partnership and Essentials of Ideal Incentives system.

• To know about the Industrial Relations and Industrial Unrest - Its meaning, Forms and Causes

of industrial disputes, what is the Impact of Industrial unrest on the Economy, preventive and

curative methods and different agencies for Reconciliation of Industrial unrest in India.

Optional Paper

Fundamentals of Insurance Code

3.06 (I)

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To get knowledge about meaning of insurance-Its nature, importance, Different principles of


• To know about elements of life insurance, main policies under life insurance, determination of

premium under it.

• To have knowledge about General insurance, Marine insurance-its elements, Types of policies,

Marine losses, Agriculture insurance – its meaning, policies and main problems coming under it.

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• To understand the concept of fire insurance, elements in it, determination of premium under it.

Motor insurance and Aircraft insurance.

Corporate Accounting-II

Code 4.01

Course Outcomes

After completion of course, student will be able

• To learn regarding Internal Reconstruction and External Reconstruction in the nature of merger

and purchase.

• To know about the Liquidation of a company; Financial reporting for financial institutions.

• To understand about Final Accounts of Banking Companies.

• To understand about the Accounts of Holding Companies.

Business Statistics- II

Code 4.02

Course Outcome

After completion of course, student will be able

• To understand the concept of Index Number & Time Series and provide practical exposure on

calculation of trend analysis.

• To learn the basic knowledge of Tests of adequacy.

• To get practical exposure on calculation of measures of Index Number & Time Series analysis

• To know how to apply discrete and continuous probability distributions to various business


• To learn how to calculate probability & probability distributions.

Business Regulatory Framework – II

Code 4.03

Course Outcomes

After completion of course, student will be able

• To learn about nature; test of partnership; duties and rights of partners; relations of partners to

third parties; position of minor in partnership; reconstitution of partnership firm, registration of

firm; modes of dissolution

• To use negotiable instrument in practical life.

• To evaluate conditions and warranties of sale of goods act.

• To know about various provisions of ‘Right to information Act, 2005’.

Corporate Law- II

Code 4.04

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be

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• To understand share capital, difference between members and shareholders.

• To know about Meetings of company, agenda, proxy, and quorum

• To learn about Directors’ appointment, qualification, disqualification, duties and responsibility.

• To learn about winding up process; powers and duties of company auditor; consequences of

winding up.

Marketing Management

Code 4.05

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be

• To know regarding Marketing concepts

• To know about the Consumer Behaviour and Stages of Product life cycle

• To make understand about Branding and Trademark Types of price policy and pricing


• To understand the concept of Advertising and sales promotion.

Optional Paper

Banking and Banking Law

Code 4.06 (ii)

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be

• To understand the concept of Banks, Commercial Banks, Non Performing assets, Process of

credit creation and its limitations.

• To have knowledge about Regional Rural Banks, Cooperative Banking in India, Reserve bank of

India Functions, regulation and control of credit, monetary policy.

• To have knowledge of determination and Regulation of Interest Rates in India. Relationship

between banker and Customer, obligation of banker, Concept of Garnishee order, banker’s

rights. Special types of Banks Customers.

• To know the concept of Negotiable Instruments in depth, all the facets related to it, different

parties related to it - their rights and liabilities .Meaning of Endorsements- Kinds of Endorsement

and legal provisions regarding it.

Taxation Law-I

Code 5.01

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn the keywords of Income Tax Act and exempted incomes.

• To gain knowledge about the provisions regarding determination of salary income and house

property income.

• To build an idea about income from house property as a concept

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• To learn provisions of income tax regarding assessment of business income and capital gains.

• To know about the circumstances under which income of others will be clubbed in the income of


• To know about the treatment of losses as per income tax law.

Cost Accounting – I

Code 5.02

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To demonstrate domain knowledge in installation of costing system.

• To facilitate the idea and meaning of material control with pricing methods

• To have knowledge about Treatment and control of Labour Turnover, overtime and idle time,

Systems of Wage Payment.

• To understand the distribution scheme of different overheads.

• To get deep knowledge about the types & preparation of cost sheet, determination of tender

price, Meaning and procedure of Reconciliation of cost and financial accounts.

Accounting For Management

Code 5.03

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn about meaning of management accounting, its scope, Functions, Principals, Limitations

and tools.

• To have knowledge about analysis and interpretations of Financial Statements and types and

techniques of financial analysis.

• To understand the concept of Cash Flow Statement and Financial Planning.

• To have knowledge about meaning and methods of capital budgeting and capital rationing with

practical problems.

Financial Market Operations

Code 5.04

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn about Indian Money Markets and its Composition .Call money market, Capital Market,

Security market- (a) New Issue Market (b) Secondary market, Stock exchange – National Stock

Exchange and over the Counter exchanges.

• To learn about Indian Money Markets and their Composition. Call money market, Capital

Market, Security market- (a) New Issue Market (b) Secondary market and about Stock exchange

– National Stock Exchange and over the Counter exchange.

• To understand the concepts and functions of brokers, Market makers, Jobbers, Portfolio

Consultants, Institutional Investors, Depository. Financial Services, Merchant Banking, credit

rating – concept, functions, and types.

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• To understand the role and functions of major Financial Institutions in India. Meaning and

benefits of mutual funds and their types.

Entrepreneurship and Small Scale Business

Code 5.05

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To know about Entrepreneurship –its conceptual issues, roles and function.

• To have knowledge about Entrepreneurial Opportunities and entrepreneurial development.

• To learn about the managerial roles in small business and managing business growth.

• To learn small business marketing and concepts and applications of PLC

Optional Paper

International Trade

Code 5.06 (I)

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn about the Meaning, risk & challenges of International business, components of business

Environment, stages of Internationalization of business and concept of Globalization.

• To gain knowledge about the Modes of entering into international trade, Foreign Direct

Investment, Multinational Corporations, Exchange rates and Balance of Payments.

• To learn about Theories of international trade; role of WTO, IMF, World Bank in international


• To have knowledge about international markets, designing products for foreign markets;

branding decisions; international promotion policy, international pricing policy and international

logistics and distribution.

Taxation Law – II

Code 6.01

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn about the procedure regarding furnishing of Income Tax Returns.

• To learn about the provisions for assessment of firm, HUF and Association of Person.

• To have knowledge about the the powers and duties of Income Tax Authorities and Assessment


• To know about the TDS and Advance Payment of Tax Provisions.

• To understand the various issues regarding Income Tax administration.

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Cost Accounting II

Code 6.02

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand the concept of process costing Preparation of process account, Treatment of

Normal Wastage, Abnormal Wastage, contract costing, standard costing, budgetary control and

marginal cost.

• To have knowledge about different techniques of standard costing & Marginal costing like Cost

volume Profit analysis, BEP Analysis, Key factor, BE chart, angle of incidence.

• To get practical exposure on calculation of measures of cost variances - direct material and

direct labour.

• To know about budgetary control as managerial tool.

Financial Management

Code 6.03

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn about Financial Management of a company, its scope, objectives and functions.

• To understand about Working Capital Management.

• To learn the concept of cost of capital and leverage analysis.

• To have knowledge about capital structure theories and policies and also dividend Policy’s



Code 6.04

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand the concept of auditing. Audit Process. Internal control, internal check & audit,

audit programme.

• To have in depth knowledge about routine checking, vouching, verification & valuation of assets

& liabilities.

• To learn regarding audit of public company, Qualification and Appointment of company

Auditors, their powers, duties and liabilities.

• To have complete knowledge about audit report and investigation and their contents.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) & Customs Law

Code 6.05

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

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• To understand about Constitutional Framework of Goods and Services tax, concept of GST;

Important definitions; Supply under GST.

• To learn about Value of supply including valuation rules; Input tax credit - Eligibility and

conditions for taking Input Tax Credit, ITC in case of banking company and financial

institutions, ITC availability in special circumstances.

• To have knowledge about Registration, Issue of invoices and Provision of TDS and TCS under


To learn about Customs duty, documents required for import and export procedure.

Optional Paper

International Marketing

Code 6.06 (I)

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To learn Nature and Concept; opportunities and challenges for marketing in International

environment; foreign market selection and entry modes.

• To have knowledge about international product life cycle; Marketing research; product designing

and packaging; pricing process and methods; international price quotations and payment terms.

• To get knowledge about International Distribution system, channel structure and selection

decisions; managing channel conflicts; selection and appointments of foreign sales agents; basic

export procedure and documentation.

• To learn about different Methods of International product Promotion; challenges in international

advertising and media strategy; web marketing.

B. Voc. In Sports Nutrition and Physiotherapy (BVSNPT)

First Semester

BVSNPT (101) Communication Skills -English 1

Students are taught English along with communications skills so that they may be able to speak,

read, write, listen, and understand English. This subject makes them presentable in industrial

sector as language proficient.

BVSNPT (102) Anatomy 1

The subject teaches the basic structure and organs inside the human body. The subject outcome

to the student is that, knowledge of anatomy of the body like bones, joints, muscles etc. will help

them in getting the exact diagnosis of the problem in the specific organ where the patient suffers.

BVSNPT (103) Physiology 1

The outcome of the course helps in understanding the basic mechanism of origin, spreading of

disease to various systems. This may help in acquaintance of how to give best accurate treatment

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to the patient with proper methods like medicine, Physiotherapy etc.

BVSNPT (104) Human Nutrition

This paper is very important for the human Nutrition which gives the base of the diseases like

blood sugar, osteoporosis. These diseases have flooded the population in this decade. These can

be prevented by giving the knowledge of proper diet as assistant dietician.

BVSNPT (105) Diet and Nutrition for Sports

By this paper the students are taught about the diet of the players and normal person, which they

are having for how many times a day. Sometime the energy requirement also in normal situation

and in games. So it is interesting for the students to teach clients about diet system.

BVSNPT (106) Hospital Management

This paper teaches about important things in consideration before working in any Hospital by the

Physiotherapist. He/She must know about the Hospital management. This include like Hospital

beds, bed mattresses, transference of the patient, walking aids, measuring of blood pressure,

Respiratory rate etc.

BVSNPT (107) Environmental Science

The Environmental Science examines the effect of humans on nature, by applying various

sciences towards studying the environment and addressing environmental problems.

BVSNPT (108) Training

Training helps students to develop skills and abilities which will them in becoming a

professional in future.

Second Semester

BVSNPT (201) Communication skills in English – 2

Students are taught English language along with enhancing communications skills in this so that

they may be able to speak, read, write, listen, and understand English. This subject makes them

presentable in industrial sector as language proficient.

BVSNPT (202) Anatomy-2

The paper teaches the basic structure and organs inside the human body. The subject outcome to

the student is that, knowledge of anatomy of the body like bones, joints, muscles etc. will help

them in getting the exact diagnosis of the problem in the specific organ where the patient suffers.

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BVSNPT (203) Physiology-2

The outcome of the course helps in understanding the basic mechanism of origin, spreading of

disease to various systems. This may help students in acquaintance of how to give best accurate

treatment to the patient with proper methods like medicine, Physiotherapy etc.

BVSNPT (204) Physiotherapy in Sports

After studying the paper students will be able to apply physiotherapy to the injured players

during the games. Main types of injuries like soft tissue injury, ligament injury, bone swelling,

fractures are treated by them as professionals. They are taught about improving power, strength

and endurance of the skeletal muscles.

BVSNPT (205) Ethics in Physiotherapy

Paper of Ethics in physiotherapy acts as the moral code of conduct that defines the relationship

between the therapist and her patient or client. So that the therapist and other healthcare

professional works on mutual respect and trust.

BVSNPT (206) Electrotherapy-1

This paper will acquaint students about the electric equipments and their use in giving therapy to

the patients. Mastery in the subject will make the physiotherapist succeed.

BVSNPT (207) Training

Training helps students to develop skills and abilities which will them in becoming a

professional in future.

Third Semester

BVSNPT (301) Food Science & Microbiology

The outcome of this subject focuses specifically on issues of food spoilage caused by the

presences of food borne pathogens. Students are instructed about the methods of sanitation and

preservation during food preparation and processing.

BVSNPT (302) Food Service Management

This subject gives the needed skills to students to manage all aspects of a restaurant or food

service business. So this type of programme could benefit those who wish to prepare for a career

in restaurants, Food service facilities or food distribution services.

BVSNPT (303) Dietetics

The paper focuses on the science of nutrition in order to work out ways in which health

conditions such as diabetes and cancers can be prevented.

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BVSNPT (304) Diet & Nutrition for Sports 2

This paper will help to meet the challenges by sports nutritionist facing with athletes. They meet

various nutritional issues for athletes like eating healthy foods, energy management, hydration,

Pre-exercise eating, recovery weight management & Supplementation etc.

BVSNPT (305) Basic Nursing & First Aid

This paper trains students to deal with common injuries like back injuries and head injuries.

Same time nursing contributes to the health services in the hospitals etc. These health services

encompass provision, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care to sick people when


BVSNPT (306) Exercise Therapy-1

The knowledge of paper covers the exercise for sedentary and sports players, teaches them

exercises beneficial for patients with various diseases like metabolic diseases, cardiovascular

disease, orthopedics etc. which disturb their movement and activity of daily life. This subject

includes gait training, stretching, strengthening exercises, resisted exercises and various


BVSNPT (307) Training

Training helps students to develop skills and abilities which will them in becoming a

professional in future.

Fourth Semester

BVSNPT (401) Catering Management for Sports Events

The paper will help students to deal with the sports event management encompassing the broad

field of sports as entertainment. Catering management also gives the monitoring of the quality of

the product and service provided.

BVSNPT (402) Weight Management

The subject involves developing meaningful ways to track weight over time and to identify ideal

body weights for different individuals mainly for obese persons. As obesity is a risk factor for

many chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

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BVSNPT (403) Sports Psychology and Counseling

The paper teaches the students that to deal with the patient suffering with depression, loss of

motivation, fear or anxiety by guiding them proper goal setting which would encourage patients

to maintain the physical exercise programme. Sports counseling helps athletes with their well

being mental functioning and their physical performance.

BVSNPT (404) Stress Management

Intended outcomes for the course are by assessing and analyzing the symptoms, to know the

causes and effects of all types of stressors, helping students to differentiate the appropriate stress

management techniques and know their application.

BVSNPT (405) Exercise Therapy-2

The knowledge of paper covers the exercise for sedentary and sports players, teaches them

exercises beneficial for patients with various diseases like metabolic diseases, cardiovascular

disease, orthopedics etc. which disturb their movement and activity of daily life. This subject

includes gait training, stretching, strengthening exercises, resisted exercises and various


BVSNPT (406) Electrotherapy-2

The outcome of this subject is to acquaint students about the electric equipments and their use in

giving therapy to the patients. Mastery in the subject will make the physiotherapist succeed in

their professional lives.

BVSNPT (407) Training

Training helps students to develop skills and abilities which will them in becoming a

professional in future.

Fifth Semester

BVSNPT (501) Computer Application-1

Outcome of the paper is to enable students to apply computer knowledge in clinical practice in

self report measures, performance-based measures, observer reported measures and clinical

reported measures. This will help making and saving of data of patients and keeping record.

BVSNPT (502) Human Nutrition & Metabolism-1

The main aim of physiotherapist is to restore function of multiple body systems. So in some

cases they have to play role to reverse and manage life style related conditions with non-

pharmacological interventions. So the objective of the paper is to help professionals to provide

clinically relevant patient education with long-term health benefits as well as life style behavior

changes to improve their general health and physical therapy outcomes.

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BVSNPT (503) Community Nutrition

The objective of the paper is to give knowledge on nutritional surveillance, epidemiological

studies of diet and also the development, implementation and evaluation of dietary

recommendations and goals and using the data in dealing with and curing patients.

BVSNPT (504 Nutritional problems in India

The main purpose of the subject is to enable students to deal with various nutritional problems

like (PEM), V- A deficiency, iron deficiency anemia and iodine deficiency disorders of the

patients and mainly with the nutritional status of children in urban slums in India.

BVSNPT (505 Exercise Therapy-3

The knowledge of paper covers the exercise for sedentary and sports players, teaches them

exercises beneficial for patients with various diseases like metabolic diseases, cardiovascular

disease, orthopedics etc. which disturb their movement and activity of daily life. This paper also

includes gait training, stretching, strengthening exercises, resisted exercises and various


BVSNPT (506) Electrotherapy-3

The outcome of this subject is to acquaint students about the electric equipments and their use in

giving therapy to the patients. Mastery in the subject will make the physiotherapist succeed in

their professional lives.


BVSNPT (507) Training

Training helps students to develop skills and abilities which will them in becoming a

professional in future.

Sixth Semester

BVSNPT (601) Computer Applications-2

Outcome of the paper is to enable students to apply computer knowledge in clinical practice in

self report measures, performance-based measures, observer reported measures and clinical

reported measures. This will help making and saving of data of patients and keeping record.

BVSNPT (602) Human Nutrition & Metabolism-2

The main aim of physiotherapist is to restore function of multiple body systems. So in some

cases they have to play role to reverse and manage life style related conditions with non-

pharmacological interventions. So the objective of the paper is to help professionals to provide

clinically relevant patient education with long-term health benefits as well as life style behavior

changes to improve their general health and physical therapy outcomes.

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BVSNPT (603) Yoga Therapy

The outcome of the paper is to give knowledge to students about improvement in muscular

strength, endurance, flexibility, body awareness, improved self management of pain in human

beings and about reducing stress levels and promote relaxation so that as professional they help

the patients in emotional and physical health issues that a company our busy modern life styles.

BVSNPT (604) Naturopathy

The outcome of the paper is to enable students to deal with the patients with the help of

applications of natural therapies after becoming professionals. They can apply tools like fasting,

nutrition, water and exercise including natural healing practices such as homeopathy,

acupuncture and herbal medicine, ozone therapy etc. Naturopathy is the ability to apply natural

methods of healing.

BVSNPT (605) Exercise Therapy-4

The knowledge of paper covers the exercise for sedentary and sports players, teaches them

exercises beneficial for patients with various diseases like metabolic diseases, cardiovascular

disease, orthopedics etc. which disturb their movement and activity of daily life. This subject

includes gait training, stretching, strengthening exercises, resisted exercises and various


BVSNPT (606) Electrotherapy-4

The outcome of this subject is to acquaint students about the electric equipments and their use in

giving therapy to the patients. Mastery in the subject will make the physiotherapist succeed in

their professional lives.

BVSNPT (607) Training

Training helps students to develop skills and abilities which will them in becoming a

professional in future.

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B. Vocational


Catering technology and Hotel Management

(3 year Degree Programme)

Under choice based credit system (CBCS)

Programme Outcomes

Semester – 1

BVCTHM 101 –Environmental Sciences

(Common with all under graduate programmes as per UGC guidelines)

The Environmental sciences paper prepares students for careers as leaders in understanding and

addressing complex environmental issues from a problem-oriented, interdisciplinary perspective.

Students will be able to learn in how to develop and promote sustainable behaviors that improve

life at the local, regional, national, and global levels. Programme offers majors in Environmental

Science and Environmental Studies, as well as minors in Environmental Studies, Climate Change

Studies and Geographic Information Systems, along with the opportunity to earn Secondary

Teaching Certification in science.

BVCTHM 102- English-I

Students will be able to understand and apply knowledge of human communication and language

processes as they occur across various contexts, e.g., interpersonal, intrapersonal, small group,

organizational, media, gender, family, intercultural communication, technologically mediated

communication, etc.

BVCTHM103 – Food Production-I

After completion of the course

• Students will able to know the basic preparation techniques of cooking and before working in


• How to handle the hygiene practices and while working what types of accidents are face.

• Student will learn professional cookery based on business idea and customer orientation.

• The ingredients and their usage, characteristics and storage are introduced through the common

meals of the different foodservice sectors.

• The student will get acquainted with food production methods and the use of machines and

equipment in varying situations.

• Essential dishes, planning a dish and pricing it are introduced.

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BVCTHM104- Food & Beverage Service-I

After completion of the course, Students

• Will know factors that play role in the development of the food and beverage industry.

• Can explain social and economic reasons in the development of food and beverage industry.

• Can classify the types of food and beverage operations.

• Will know the difference of food and beverage operations management.

• Explains the management process in the food and beverage operations.

• Knows managerial roles.

• Can explain the cycle of food and beverage.


BVCTHM201- Disaster Management (As per UGC Guidelines)

Course will help students to have

• Understanding foundations of hazards, disasters and associated natural/social phenomena.

• Familiarity with disaster management theory (cycle, phases)

• Knowledge about existing global frameworks and existing agreements (e.g. Sendai)

• Methods of community involvement as an essential part of successful DRR.

• Identify and adequately protect the department's vital records (vital records program)

• Reduce the risk of disasters caused by human error, deliberate destructiveness, and building or

equipment failure, as well as, the adverse consequences of all disasters by mandating specific

security, maintenance and training programs (disaster prevention)

• Ensure the department's ability to effectively resume operations after a disaster by spelling out

management policies, procedures, and resources to be activated in disaster situations (crisis


BVCTHM202- English-II

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Demonstrate critical and innovative thinking.

• Display competence in oral, written, and visual communication.

• Apply communication theories.

• Show an understanding of opportunities in the field of communication.

• Use current technology related to the communication field.

BVCTHM 203 – Front Office-I

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Understand the characteristics of the hospitality industry

• Understand the nature of the hospitality industry.

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• Explain the relationship between the hospitality and tourism industries

• Identify the independent components of the lodging front desk/front office system.

• Identify and explain the impacts of the front desk/ front office on the overall lodging operation.

• Apply and explain skills necessary to seek employment in front desk/ front office supervision

and management.

• Explain and perform the night audit function.

BVCTHM 204- Housekeeping -I

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Know the importance of housekeeping department in hotel business

• Explain the duties of housekeeping department.

• Explain the duties of housekeeping department.

• Define all employees in housekeeping department

• Apply managerial functions in housekeeping department

• Explain the duties of housekeeping department.

• Explain how to organize housekeeping.

• Regulate the flow of information in housekeeping department

• Summarize the work and staff control housekeeping department


BVCTHM 301- Applications of Computers-I

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Demonstrate a basic understanding of computer hardware and software.

• Demonstrate problem-solving skills.

• Apply logical skills to programming in a variety of languages.

• Utilize web technologies.

• Present conclusions effectively, orally, and in writing.

• Demonstrate basic understanding of network principles.

• Working effectively in teams.

• Apply the skills that are the focus of this program to business scenarios.

BVCTHM 302- Food Production-II

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Have a good command of the basics of food production

• know how to design menus and meals and has a good command of food, raw material and their


• Understand customer expectations behind the choice of food

• Understand the nutritional, aesthetic and statutory quality of food

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BVCTHM 303- Food & Beverage Service-II

After completion of the course, students

• Will know factors that play role in the development of the food and beverage industry.

• Can explain social and economic reasons in the development of food and beverage industry.

• Can classify the types of food and beverage operations.

• Will know the difference of food and beverage operations management.

• Explains the management process in the food and beverage operations.

• Knows managerial roles.

• Can explain the cycle of food and beverage.

• Can apply techniques of control, purchasing, receiving, and storage process.

• Makes the production and cost control.

• Makes the revenue control

• Can explain sales and marketing operations.

• Know the techniques of advertising and personal selling.

BVCTHM 304 – Personality Skills for Hospitality

Students will be able to understand and apply knowledge of human communication and language


• Across various contexts, e.g., interpersonal, intrapersonal, small group, organizational, media,

gender, family, intercultural communication, technologically mediated communication, etc. from

multiple perspectives.

• Understand and evaluate key theoretical approaches used in the interdisciplinary field of

communication. I.e., students will be able to explain major theoretical frameworks, constructs,

and concepts.

• Study of communication and language, summarize the work of central thinkers associated with

particular approaches, and begin to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their approaches.


BVCTHM 401- Accounting Skills for Hospitality

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Describe, explain, and integrate fundamental concepts underlying accounting, finance,

management, marketing, and economics.

• Use information to support business processes and practices, such as problem analysis and

decision making.

• Apply quantitative skills to help analyze and solve business problems and to take advantage of

business opportunities.

• Apply oral and written communication skills.

• Describe and explain the ethical and social responsibilities of accountants in ensuring the

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integrity of financial information.

• Develop an understanding of internal control issues and the effects of the regulatory environment

on financial reporting.

• Apply knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and managerial

accounting theories to business organizations, state and local.

BVCTHM 402 - Front Office-II

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Identify the independent components of the lodging front desk/front office system.

• Identify and explain the impacts of the front desk/ front office on the overall lodging operation.

• Apply and explain skills necessary to seek employment in front desk/ front office supervision

and management.

• Explain and perform the night audit function.

• Identify and explain the mission of front desk/ front office.

• Describe the management and supervisory structure of various front desk/front office operations.

• Identify and explain the importance of inter departmental management and staff meeting.

BVCTHM 403 – Housekeeping –II

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Evaluate the work done at housekeeping department technically.

• Know room cleaning control.

• Describe the cleaning of public areas.

• Explain the laundry process

• Generate ideas and discuss issues related to housekeeping department and customer safety and


• Ensuring the security of customers in housekeeping.

• Apply job security conditions

BVCTHM404-Foregin Language-French

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• The French Section offers multiple contexts for studying the language, with many experiential

opportunities for students in their individual areas of interest.

• While specific expectations will vary from student to student and by their co-disciplines, the

French section seeks to regularly gather and report concrete evidence on what students can do

based on their program of study.

• Learning outcomes are focused on all four modalities of the language speaking, listening,

reading and writing as well as knowledge of Francophone cultures and the skills of collaboration

and critical thinking.

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BVCTHM501 –Introduction/Basics To Tourism

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Interpret and evaluate tourism as a phenomenon and as a business system.

• Explain the diverse nature of tourism, including culture and place, global/local perspectives, and

experience design and provision.

• Identify and assess relationships and networks relative to building tourism capacity.

• Apply relevant technology for the production and management of tourism experiences.

• Plan, lead, organize and control resources for effective and efficient tourism operations.

• Create, apply, and evaluate marketing strategies for tourism destinations and organizations.

• Develop and evaluate tourism policy and planning initiatives.

BVCTHM502-Regional Cuisines

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Demonstrate skills in menu and recipe interpretation and conversion, employment of appropriate

cooking methods, plating, and saucing principles.

• Organize work stations for a la carte cooking service.

• Prepare a la carte orders using various cooking principles.

• Prepare short sauces to accompany a la carte food items.

• Interpret the quality standards for a la carte food items and summarize food costs.

• Discuss the major religions found in India and their role in molding India’s cuisine.

• Explain similarities and differences between the cuisines found in the north and south of India.

• Discuss the importance and uses of spices in the cookery of India.

• Define thali and describe the Indian method of eating a meal.

• Prepare a variety of Indian dishes.

BVCTHM 503 – Housekeeping/Accommodation Management

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Know the importance of Housekeeping Department in hotel business

• Name and apply managerial functions in housekeeping Department

• Evaluate the work and staff control Housekeeping Department

• and satisfaction

• Know the importance of Housekeeping Department in hotel business

• Name and apply managerial functions in housekeeping Department

• Evaluate the work and staff control Housekeeping Department

• Generate ideas and discuss issues related to Housekeeping Department and customer Safely and


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BVCTHM 504 – Foundation Course In Management

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Demonstrate critical-thinking and problem solving skills

• Demonstrate effective written and oral communication

• Demonstrate the ability to recognize when change is needed, adapt to change as it occurs, and

lead change

• Describe what management is.

• Explain the primary functions of management.

• Describe the primary types of managers and the roles they play.

• Explain the advantages that arise from managing people well.

BVCTHM 505 - Industrial Exposures

The objective of the training is to make the student acquainted with the industrial / business working



BVCTHM601- Food & Beverage Service Management

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Know factors that play role in the development of the food and beverage industry.

• Can explain social and economic reasons in the development of food and beverage industry.

• Can classify the types of food and beverage operations.

• Will know the difference of food and beverage operations management.

• Explain the management process in the food and beverage operations.

• Know managerial roles.

• Can explain the cycle of food and beverage.

• Can control purchasing, receiving, and storage process.

• Make the production and cost control.

• Make the revenue control.

• Can explain sales and marketing operations.

• Know the techniques of advertising and personal selling.

• Can do promotion and public relations.

BVCTHM602- Hospitality Marketing

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Understand fundamental marketing concepts, theories and principles in areas of marketing

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policy; of market and consumer behavior; of product, distribution, promotion and pricing


• Understand the role of marketing as a fundamental organizational policy process.

• Analyze the interaction of marketing and environmental forces through an understanding of

marketing decisions and practices with social, technological, economic, and political forces.

• Apply the knowledge, concepts, tools necessary to understand challenges and issues of

marketing in a growing international and global context.

• Appreciate the importance of cultural adaptation of international business and marketing through

appraisal and critical analysis of the social, technological, political, legal and economic forces

that affect business performance.

BVCTHM603-Hotel Laws

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Explain the basic legal principles governing the hospitality industry.

• List and explain the various laws governing the hospitality industry.

• Explain the legal environment in which hotels and restaurants must exist.

• Describe guest relationship.

• Understand and base decisions on ethical standards and values.

• Gain a management’s perspective of current laws and regulations that affect the hospitality


• Gain knowledge of how to protect your guests’ safety.

• Gain practical knowledge of law situations that occur within our industry and methods for


• Gain knowledge of hospitality law and how it specifically applies to the hospitality industry.

• Gain critical thinking skills and communication skills.

BVCTHM 604 – Human Resource For Hotel

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Contribute to the development, implementation, and evaluation of employee recruitment,

selection, and retention plans and processes.

• Administer and contribute to the design and evaluation of the performance management


• Develop, implement, and evaluate employee orientation, training, and development programmes.

• Facilitate and support effective employee and labour relations in both non-union and union


• Research and support the development and communication of the organization's total

compensation plan.

• Collaborate with others, in the development, implementation, and evaluation of organizational

and health and safety policies and practices.

• Research and analyze information needs and apply current and emerging information

technologies to support the human resources function.

• Develop, implement, and evaluate organizational development strategies aimed at promoting

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organizational effectiveness.

BVCTHM605 -Industrial Exposures

After completion of the course

• Students will demonstrate an understanding of leadership theory and the relationship between

ethical leadership, corporate culture, and performance.

• Students will interact effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

• Students will engage in community activities directly benefitting the broader community.

• Students will acquire and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of hospitality industry


• Students will engage in learning activities that provide a foundation for the management of

foodservice operations.

• Students will acquire an understanding of the importance of tourism and the hospitality

industry’s role in supporting this vital economic force.

• Students will acquire, integrate, and evaluate a core set of business skills necessary to

successfully operate a hospitality organization.

• Students will demonstrate effective written and oral communication.

• Students will demonstrate quantitative reasoning and critical thinking skills needed to make

sound business decisions.

Community College Scheme

Dress Designing and Tailoring

Programme Outcomes

After completion of the programme students will be able to

• Communicate their ideas through various formats, including oral and visual presentations, written

work and design.

• Identify the milestones of fashion design and apply this knowledge, along with consumer

behaviors, current trends and future forecasting, to product and line development.

• Classify the materials of fashion design

• Identify the unique attributes of natural and manmade fibers and textiles, within the context of

design and sustainability

• Construct a garment from start to finish using techniques such as illustration, flat patternmaking

and draping

• Use beginner illustration techniques to sketch simple apparel designs.

• Sketch and sew a simple garment understanding the differences between natural and manmade

fibers and textiles.

• Comply with industry, regulatory and organizational requirements.

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Beauty and Wellness

Programme Outcomes

After completion of the programme students will be able to

• Communicate their ideas through various formats, including oral and visual presentations,

written work and design.

• Identify the milestones of beauty and wellness and apply this knowledge, along with costumer

behaviors and current trends.

• Provide basic skin care services and depletion services.

• Identify the unique attributes of natural and manmade beauty products.

• Provide make-up and hair dressing services

• Perform manicure and pedicure services.

• Use beginner illustration techniques to sketch simple apparel designs.

• Sketch and sew a simple garment understanding the differences between natural and manmade

fibers and textiles.

• Comply with industry, regulatory and organizational requirements.

• Maintain health and safety of work area.

• Operate and apply electrical/electronic equipment for facial beauty services safely and


• Handle the front desk duties and customers professionally.

Basics of Computer-I

Course Outcomes

After completion of course student will

• Be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of computer.

• Be able to Use computers at user level

• Have Knowledge of computer equipment, including hardware like input, output and memory

storage devices

• Be able to work with the basic features of Word

• Be able to use the Mail Merge Wizard to perform mail merges

• Be able to create high quality document designs and layouts.

Communicative English-I

Course Outcomes

After completion of course student will

• Understand and extract the essential information from a written or spoken text on a familiar topic

• Be able to perform a variety of social functions including greetings, introductions and farewells,

making and responding to requests, suggestions, invitations and apologies, conducting simple

transactions in shops and offices, asking for and giving directions, etc.

• Be able to describe people, places, likes and dislikes and daily routines in a series of simple

phrases and sentences.

• Be able to construct short and simple descriptive paragraphs about people, places and events.

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• Be able to write a clear topic sentence for a paragraph.

• Be able to understand and perform the structure and rational of descriptive, narrative, expository

and argumentative writing.

Personality Development –I

Course Outcomes

After completion of course student will

• Have an accurate sense of self

• Have confidence and various soft skills to identify and achieve their personal potential.

• Have the skills to manage time.

• Have a deep understanding of personal motivation.

• Think critically and Practice creativity.

• Have complete understanding of how personal values connect to motivation and future goal.

Basics of Computer-II

Course Outcomes

After completion of course student will

• Have complete knowledge of fundamentals of computer.

• Be able to identify the different components of the Excel worksheet. Able to enter text and

formulas in to an Excel spreadsheet.

• Be able to use functions that are stored in Excel.

• Be able to access and manipulate data using the database functions of Excel. Able to creat

PowerPoint presentation

Communicative English-II

Course Outcomes

After completion of course student will

• Have active listening and responding skills.

• Be able to apply the conceptual understanding of communication into everyday practice.

• Be aware about importance, role and contents of soft skills through instructions, knowledge

acquisition, demonstration and practice.

• Have enhanced language proficiency with adequate exposure to reading and writing skills.

• Be able to operate in various styles and registers in English.

• Have artistic and imaginative elements in their writing.

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Personality Development -II

Course Outcomes

After completion of course student will

• Be able to Identify, understand, and apply contemporary theories of leadership to a wide range of

situations and interactions.

• Have decision making ability.

• Have the skills to manage stress and conflicts.

• Be able to handle difficult situations with grace, style, and professionalism.

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Post Graduate Programmes


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Department of Commerce

M.Com –2 Years Programme

Programme Outcomes

• Commerce Knowledge After completing Masters of Commerce students would gain a thorough

grounding in the fundamentals of Commerce, Finance, Statistics, Taxation, Economy and

International Business etc.

• Student Exposure Students will be able to demonstrate progressive learning of various tax

issues and tax forms related to individuals. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge in

setting up a computerized set of accounting books.

• Individual and Team Work Through knowledge of management function student always work

effectively as an individual; and he is also aware about how to do better work in diverse teams

being a team leader.

• Ethics students will be able to learn application of ethical principles and commitment to

professional ethics in fulfillment of social responsibility.

• Entrepreneurship Development to develop entrepreneurial spirit among students and to

empower students with sufficient knowledge to start up their venture with confidence. Further it

also motivates young minds to take up challenges and become employer than seeking

employment and to make them aware of the opportunities and support for entrepreneurship in


Programme Specific Outcomes

• Students will be able to understand the role of business-men, entrepreneurs, managers,

consultants, and the same is required for critical decision making.

• This programme provides a learning environment to the students through students can

understand the global and national perspective of the economy.

• The programme will provide the skills required for effective communication, decision making

techniques which are useful for day to day routine business problems.

• The programme provides a platform to the students to get indulged in various co-curricular

activities and the researchers come to know about new dimensions for the economy. After

completion of the programme students will be able to demonstrate their practical and theoretical

knowledge; and gain practical exposure in corporate world.

• Students can also acquire practical skills to work as tax consultant, audit assistant and other

financial supporting services.

• Students will be able to do higher education and advance research in the field of commerce and


• Students are able to understand and develop ethical, logical and professional behavior.

• It helps the students to demonstrate adequate skills, knowledge and ability to nurture them for

tackling the different situations of the life for their overall development.

Accounting Standards and Financial Reporting

Paper Code 16MCO21C1

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To know detailed insight into accounting regulations and accounting aspects of Companies.

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• To know about Stages and Process of Standards settings by ICAI in India along with Compliance

and Applicability of Accounting Standards in India.

• To understand the difference between Accounting Standard, IFRS, IASB and FASB and also

gain knowledge on Convergence of Indian Accounting Standards with IFRS

• To learn about the IFRS current status and Challenge and also understand the concept of

harmonization in Accounting and Reporting.

• It also covers contemporary issues in accounting i.e. Human Resource Accounting, Corporate

Social Reporting, Forensic Accounting and Reporting. Environmental Reporting; Segment

Reporting and Interim Financial Reporting.

Statistical Analysis for Business

Paper Code 16MCO21C2

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To understand the Correlation and Regression Analysis, Probability Distribution Binomial,

Poisson and Normal Distribution

• To learn the Hypotheses testing, Sampling tests – Large and small Sample tests – Z- Test, T-


• To learn Analysis of Variance Techniques of Analysis of Variance; parametric and Non-

Parametric tests.

• To understand the concept of Association of Attributes, Chi-Square test etc.

Managerial Economics

Paper Code 16MCO21C3

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To understand the meaning and nature of managerial economics and also theories of consumer


• To learn production and cost functions

• To understand meaning and nature of macro economics and the concept of inflation

• To understand the various macroeconomic indicators.

Computer Applications in Business

Paper Code 16MCO21C4

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To know the basics of Computer System, Computer Software & Hardware and Information

processing system.

• To understand the differences of types of computer systems, input-output devices, storage

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devices, communication devices, configuration of hardware devices and their applications.

• To learn about the personal computers, its components, hardware configuration, RAM, factors

influencing PC performance, Types of E-Commerce System B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B, B2Gand

G2C, and electronic Payment Systems.

• To know Modern network Technologies i.e. LAN, WAN, MAN, E-mail, Internet technologies,

World Wide Web and Internet browsing.

• To get practical learning on M.S. Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet Technology – Applications,

manager., control panel, paintbrush, calculator, desk top, my computer, settings, find, run etc.

Principles of Management

Paper Code 16MCO21D3

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To discuss and communicate the evolution of management and how it will affect future


• To identify and explain the importance of management process and identify some of the key

skills required for the contemporary management practices.

• To have in-depth understanding of the process of motivation and its various theories.

• To make the students to practice the process of management functions Planning, Organizing,

staffing, directing, and controlling.

• To know various leadership styles to anticipate the consequences of each leadership style.

Management Accounting

Paper Code 16MCO22C1

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To learn the major management accounting concepts related to functions of planning, directing,

controlling and decision making.

• To learn management accounting tools for pricing, budgetary control, cost allocation, and

performance evaluation as well as the new developments in management accounting knowledge

and technique and how to access cost-benefit analysis.

• To evaluate the costs and benefits of different conventional and contemporary costing systems.

• To understand the principles, types, centres, and problems of responsibility accounting and the

role of a manager in the process of responsibility accounting.

• To develop the ability among the students to collect, analyze and communicate quantitative and

qualitative information to assist management in making effective planning and controlling

Investment Management

Paper Code 16MCO22C2

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

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• To comprehend the meaning, nature, scope and types of investments.

• Will help students understand Capital Market instruments and their operations.

• To enhance ability to make valuation of financial securities.

• To know the theoretical paradigms of EMH

• To learn skills of fundamental and technical analysis of investments.

Financial Management

Paper Code 16MCO22C3

Course Outcome

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To understand the meaning and nature of financial management and also the concept of cost of


• To learn the concepts of leverages, capital structure and dividend decisions.

• To understand the detailed concept of capital budgeting decisions with its various methods and

risk analysis.

• To understand the concept of corporate and financial restructuring.

International Economics

Paper Code 16MCO22D1

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To understand the meaning and nature of International economics, International trade and


• To learn theories of International trade, multinational firms and FDI, Political economy of trade,


• To understand the International macroeconomics, National income accounting and Balance of


• To know the concept of international monetary system and International capital markets.

Organisational Behaviour

Paper Code 16MCO22D3

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To get comprehensive understanding of the concept of Organisational Behaviour and

Relationship to other fields and Learning.

• To understand about the Attitude, changing of attitude and aspects of personality.

• To learn about the Perception, factors influencing perception, Group Dynamics and Team


• To learn about Organisational Conflict, its Dynamics, Traditional and modern approaches to

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conflict and Organisational development.

Portfolio Management

Paper Code 17MCO23C1

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To get comprehensive understanding of the concept of Portfolio and its applied aspects.

• To learn skills of building Portfolio with the help of Markowitz’s model, Sharpe’s Index Model

and Capital Assets Pricing Model.

• To understand main techniques of Portfolio performance evaluation Will enable the students

comprehend the premise of Behavioural Finance.

• To learn strategies of Great Masters in the sphere of investment management.

Corporate Tax

Paper Code 17MCO23C2

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To learn the keywords of Corporate Tax and how the residential status of Corporate Sector is

being determined.

• To know various provisions regarding determination income under various heads.

• To learn various provisions of income tax regarding assessment of charitable trust, education

institutions, political parties, co-operative societies and income of non- residents.

• To know about the unilateral relief in case of double taxation relief.

• To know the basic mechanism of Income Tax Act with special reference to assessment of

cooperative sectors.

Marketing Concepts and Decisions

Paper Code 17MCO23DA1

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To know the concept of Marketing, and problems in marketing.

• To understand the concept of market segmentation, Branding, trade-mark and product life cycle.

• To learn Pricing & Distribution channels; factors affecting choice of a distribution channel.

• To learn the New Product planning & development, branding, Packaging and labeling, Pricing

Decisions and strategies.

• To know the Product Promotion Policies, their Complexities and issues and advertising.

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Management of Financial Services

Paper Code 17MCO23DA3

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand financial system and its history, operating procedure, and its relevance in Import

& Export.

• To gain knowledge on Financial Markets - Money and capital markets, Money market

instruments and recent trends in Indian money markets & capital-market

• To learn about the Process of issuing securities in primary and secondary market.

• To differentiate between Hire Purchase and Leasing and to understand the problems and

prospects of leasing Industry in India.

• To get exposure to students regarding Venture Capital, guidelines and initiative of venture

capital in India.

Advanced Cost Accounting

Paper Code 17MCO23DB3

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand the importance of cost accounting and financial accounting for preparing

management accounting.

• To demonstrate knowledge about various financial decisions based on management accounting.

• To have better understanding of the variance concepts.

• To understand the concept of cost-volume-profit.

Cost Accounting Standards and Reporting

Paper Code 17MCO24C1

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To demonstrate domain knowledge in Cost accounting standard, generally accepted cost

accounting principles, CAS need and statutory recognition.

• To have better knowledge about the CAS, Cost auditor –appointment, eligibility, remuneration,

rights and responsibilities etc.

• To understand the Outlines of CAS, CAS-1, CAS- 3, CAS-6, CAS-7, CAS -10, CAS-11, CAS-

12 etc.

• To have deep knowledge about the Cost Audit, Cost accounting records.

Corporate Tax Planning and Management

Paper Code 17MCO24C2

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

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• To know about the difference between Tax evasion, Tax avoidance, Tax planning and Tax


• To learn about the Income Tax Insensitive provided to the industrial undertakings established for

the development of Infrastructure facilities and backward area.

• To learn about the provisions of Income Tax Act during taking of financial decisions and various

issues involved with the assets used in business.

• To learn various provisions of Income Tax Act regarding assessment of Corporate tax.

Business Research Methods

Paper Code 17MCO24C3

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand a general definition of research design and identify the overall process of

designing a research study from its inception to its report.

• To know various ethical issues in educational research, including those issues that arise in using

quantitative and qualitative research.

• To learn how to write a good introduction to an educational research study and the components

that comprises such an introduction.

• To know the various types of quantitative sampling and which ones present the most rigorous

approach to use.

Human Resource Management

Paper Code 17MCO24DA1

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To evaluate most critical ingredient of the business i.e. HRM. To be able to understand the

Importance, Objective and Scope of Human Resource Management (HRM).

• To learn about the steps, Techniques/methods of Recruitment, Selection, Training and

Management Development.

• To gain an insight about the Wage and Salary Administration and Wage Incentives

• To develop strategic action plans by about Human Resources Development, Industrial

Relationship and Industrial Unrest

International Business Environment

Paper Code 17MCO24DB1

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, student will be able

• To understand the meaning, nature and importance of international Business and Environment

• To know various International Economic Cooperation and Agreements, SAARC, SAPTA, Indo-

Lanka Free Trade Agreements, NAFTA.

• To gain understanding pertaining to IMF, WB, ADB, UNCTAD, IMODO and WTO.

• To have knowledge about various international capital and money market instruments.

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International Marketing

Paper Code 17MCO24DC2

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To know the concept of International Marketing, problems in international marketing and ways

to be international.

• To understand the external marketing environment and different International market entry


• To learn different techniques of foreign market selection, their segmentation, positioning.

• To learn how to make successful International Marketing Plan, Organizing and controlling,

evaluating the Impact of globalization.

• To learn the New Product planning & development, branding, Packaging and labeling, Pricing

Decisions and strategies.

Cost Management

Paper Code 17MCO24DC3

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able

• To demonstrate domain knowledge in installation of costing system;

• To have better knowledge about the how to get over from the labour turnover, overtime and idle


• To know and understand the distribution scheme of production overhead and factory overhead.

• To have deep knowledge about the concept and calculation of inter-process profit.

M.Sc. (Computer Science)

Programme Outcomes

• To provide technology-oriented students with the knowledge and ability to develop creative

solutions. Develop skills to learn new technology.

• To apply computer science theory and software development concepts to construct computing-

based solutions.

• To design and develop computer programs/computer-based systems in the areas related to

algorithms, networking, web design, cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile


Learning Objectives & Learning Outcomes


Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C,

M. Sc.-102, 105 (HC)

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are

• This course introduces the concepts of computer basics & programming with particular attention

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to Engineering examples.

• The C programming language is used and the course will stress on fundamental parts of

programming language, so that the students will have a basic concept for understanding and

using other programming language.

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, students will be able to

• Understand the concept of input and output devices of Computers and how it works and

recognize the basic terminology used in computer programming

• Write, compile and debug programs in C language and use different data types for writing the


• Design programmes connecting decision structures, loops and functions.

• Explain the difference between call by value and call by address.

• Understand the dynamic behavior of memory by the use of pointers.

• Use different data structures and create / manipulate basic data files and developing applications

for real world problems.

DBMS Msc-103, 105 (HC)

Course Objectives

After the end of this course, students would be able to

• Understand the role of a database management system in an organization.

• Understand basic database concepts, including the structure and operation of the relational data


• Construct simple and moderately advanced database queries using Structured Query Language


• Understand and successfully apply logical database design principles, including E-R diagrams

and database normalization.

• Design and implement a small database project using Microsoft Access.

• Understand the concept of a database transaction and related database facilities, including

concurrency control, journaling, backup and recovery, and data object locking and protocols.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students would be able to

• Describe the fundamental elements of relational database management systems

• Explain the basic concepts of relational data model, entity relationship model, relational database

design, relational algebra and SQL.

• Design ER-models to represent simple database application scenarios

• Convert the ER-model to relational tables, populate relational database and formulate SQL

queries on data.

• Improve the database design by normalization.

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Computer Organization and Architecture M.Sc.-104 (SC)

Course Objectives

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Conceptualize the basics of organizational and architectural issues of a digital computer.

• Analyze processor performance improvement using instruction level parallelism.

• Learn the function of each element of a memory hierarchy.

• Study various data transfer techniques in digital computer.

• Articulate design issues in the development of processor or other components that satisfy design

requirements and objectives.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Describe basic organization of computer.

• Implement assembly language program for given task.

• Demonstrate control unit operations and conceptualize instruction level parallelism.

• Demonstrate and perform computer arithmetic operations on integer and real numbers.

• Categorize memory organization and explain the function of each element of a memory


• Identify and compare different methods for computer I/O mechanisms.

Data Structures using C

Msc-201, 205 (HC)

Course Objectives

After the end of the course, students will be able

• To impart the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms.

• To understand concepts about searching and sorting techniques.

• To understand basic concepts about stacks, queues, lists, trees and graphs.

• To understanding about writing algorithms and step by step approach in solving problems with

the help of fundamental data structures.

Course Outcomes

After completing the course, the students will demonstrate the knowledge and ability to

• Ability to analyze algorithms and algorithm correctness.

• Ability to summarize searching and sorting techniques.

• Ability to describe stack, queue and linked list operation.

• Ability to have knowledge of tree and graphs concepts.

Objected Oriented Programming Using C++

M. Sc-202, 205(HC)

Course Objectives

A study of the subject matter of the course will enable the student

• To give an overview of benefits of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) approach over the

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Traditional Programming approach.

• To deliver comprehensive view of OOP concept.

• To impart detailed knowledge of a powerful object oriented programming language – C++.

• To impart detailed knowledge of a abstracting mechanism.

• To gain knowledge of inheritance and polymorphism.

• To gain knowledge programming with exception handling.

Course Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students would be able to have

• Familiarization with a widely used programming concept – Object Oriented Programming.

• Develop logical thinking.

• Skill to write codes in C++ by applying concept of OOP, such as Objects, Classes, Constructors,

Inheritance etc., to solve mathematical or real world problems .

• Ability to isolate and fix common errors in C++ programs.

• Skill to write code of abstracting mechanism.

• Skill to write programming code of inheritance and polymorphism.

• Ability to write code of exception handling.

Software Engineering

M. Sc. 203 (HC)

The educational objectives of the Software Engineering Program are to produce graduates who,

within three years after graduation, are able to

• Be employed in industry, government, or entrepreneurial endeavors to demonstrate professional

advancement through significant technical achievements and expanded leadership responsibility.

• Demonstrate the ability to work effectively as a team member and/or leader in an ever-changing

professional environment and

• Progress through advanced degree or certificate programs in computing, science, engineering,

business, and other professionally related fields.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the program are expected to demonstrate

• An ability to identify, formulates, and solve complex engineering problems by applying

principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.

• An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with

consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social,

environmental, and economic factors.

• An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.

• An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and

make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global,

economic, environmental, and societal contexts.

• An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a

collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.

• An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation analyzes and interprets data, and

use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.

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• An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Computer Graphics

M.Sc.- 301 (SC), 305 (HC) Semester-III

Course Objectives

At the end of the course the students will be able to

• To introduce the use of the components of a graphics system and become familiar with building

approach of graphics system components and algorithms related with them.

• To learn the basic principles of 3- dimensional computer graphics.

• Provide an understanding of how to scan convert the basic geometrical primitives, how to

transform the shapes to fit them as per the picture definition.

• Provide an understanding of mapping from a world coordinates to device coordinates, clipping,

and projections.

• To be able to discuss the application of computer graphics concepts in the development of

computer games, information visualization, and business applications.

• To comprehend and analyze the fundamentals of animation, virtual reality, underlying

technologies and principles.

Course Outcomes

After completing this course the students will demonstrate the knowledge and ability

• To list the basic concepts used in computer graphics.

• To implement various algorithms to scan, convert the basic geometrical primitives,

transformations, Area filling, clipping.

• To describe the importance of viewing and projections.

• To define the fundamentals of animation, virtual reality and its related technologies.

• To understand a typical graphics pipeline 6. To design an application with the principles of

virtual reality


M. Sc.-302 (SC)

Course Objectives

After the end of the course the students will be able to

• Define the MIS as an integrated system of man and machine for providing the information to

support the operations, the management , and the decision-making .

• Introduce the MIS Database Management for Information system Introduction to

Telecommunications Building E-Commerce and E-business E-Commerce Security.

• Describe the role of information technology and information systems in business › Record the

current issues of information technology and relate those issues to the firm. › Interpret how to use

information technology to solve business problems. › Illustrate the impact of information systems

in society.

• Demonstrate the role of database in supporting web Applications and theoretical models used to

construct database.

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• Articulate the fundamental principles of telecommunication. › List the principals of wired and

wireless telecommunication. Establish and understanding of the various techniques for

telecommunication implementation and design. › Construct a solution to a business problem.

Course Outcomes

After completing this course, the students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and ability


• Explain complex software within the context of business user needs through training

presentations and written documentation.

• Distinguish relationships between programming languages and information systems.

• Analyze existing systems and design technology solutions appropriate to the goals of an


• Determine factors influencing the strengths and weaknesses of the most common computer

operating systems and determine how one would be preferred over others.

• Effectively utilize database and database management systems to organize, store and retrieve


Operating System and Unix

M. SC.-303, 305 (HC)

Course Objectives

After completing this course, the students will be able

• To understand the main components of an OS & their functions.

• To study the process management and scheduling.

• To understand various issues in Inter Process Communication (IPC) and the role of OS in IPC.

• To understand the concepts and implementation Memory management policies and virtual


• To understand the working of an OS as a resource manager, file system manager, process

manager, memory manager and I/O manager and methods used to implement the different parts

of OS.

• To introduce Basic Unix general purpose Commands.

• To learn network Unix commands.

• To learn shell script.

• To learn file management and permission advance commands.

• To learn awk, grap, perl scripts.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the students will be able to

• Describe the important computer system resources and the role of operating system in their

management policies and algorithms.

• Understand the process management policies and scheduling of processes by CPU.

• Evaluate the requirement for process synchronization and coordination handled by operating

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• Describe and analyze the memory management and its allocation policies.

• Identify use and evaluate the storage management policies with respect to different storage

management technologies.

• Identify the need to create the special purpose operating system.

• Identify the basic Unix general purpose commands.

• Apply and change the ownership and file permissions using advance Unix commands.

• Use the awk, grep, perl scripts.

• Implement shell scripts.

• Apply basic of administrative task.

• Apply networking Unix commands.

Visual Programming

MSC-304, 305 (HC)

Course Objectives

At the end of the course the students will be able to

• Understand basic programming concepts.

• Have an understanding of the interaction between software and hardware.

• Know how to integrate media content into a programming environment.

• Understand key logic and design issues when creating media artwork.

• Be able to design and build basic media-rich programs using Max/MSP and Jitter.

Course Outcomes

After completing this course the student will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and ability to

• List the visual programming concepts.

• Explain basic concepts and definitions.

• Express constants and arithmetic operations.

• Distinguish variable and data types.

• Code visual programs by using Visual Basic work environment.

• Distinguish and compose events and methods.

• Recognize and arrange control structures.

• Design a complete program using visual programming concepts.

• Prepare various projects by helping visual programming.

• Prepare project in visual programming.

• Manage and analyze prepared project with programs.

• Interpret and report obtaining results.

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Learning Objectives & Learning Outcomes

Semester-IV Subject-Java Programming

Course Objectives

At the end of the course the students will be able to

• Learn why Java is useful for the design of desktop and web applications.

• Learn how to implement object-oriented designs with Java.

• Identify Java language components and how they work together in applications.

• Discuss the principles of inheritance, interface and packages and demonstrate though problem

analysis assignments how they relate to the design of methods, abstract classes and interfaces

and packages.

• Understand importance of Multi-threading & different exception handling mechanisms.

• Learn experience of designing, implementing, testing, and debugging graphical user interfaces in

Java using applet and AWT that respond to different user events.

Course Outcomes

After completing this course the students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and ability


• Understand the use of OOPs concepts.

• Solve real world problems using OOP techniques.

• Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among them needed for a

finding the solution to specific problem.

• Demonstrates how to achieve reusability using inheritance, interfaces and packages and

describes faster application development can be achieved.

• Demonstrate understanding and use of different exception handling mechanisms and concept of

multithreading for robust faster and efficient application development.

• Identify and describe common abstract user interface components to design GUI in Java using

Applet & AWT along with response to events.

Analysis and Design of Algorithms

Course Objectives

All the end of the course the students will be able to

• Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms.

• Write rigorous correctness proofs for algorithms.

• Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.

• Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis.

• Synthesize efficient algorithms in common engineering design situations.

Course Outcomes

After completing this course the student will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and ability to

• Argue the correctness of algorithms using inductive proofs and invariants.

• Analyze worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.

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• Describe the divide-and-conquer paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation

calls for it. Recite algorithms that employ this paradigm. Synthesize divide-and-conquer

algorithms. Derive and solve recurrences describing the performance of divide-and-conquer


• Describe the dynamic-programming paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation

calls for it. Recite algorithms that employ this paradigm. Synthesize dynamic-programming

algorithms, and analyze them.

• Describe the greedy paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.

Recite algorithms that employ this paradigm. Synthesize greedy algorithms, and analyze them.

• Explain the major graph algorithms and their analyses. Employ graphs to model engineering

problems, when appropriate. Synthesize new graph algorithms and algorithms that employ graph

computations as key components, and analyze them.

• Explain the different ways to analyze randomized algorithms (expected running time, probability

of error). Recite algorithms that employ randomization. Explain the difference between a

randomized algorithm and an algorithm with probabilistic inputs.

• Analyze randomized algorithms. Employ indicator random variables and linearity of expectation

to perform the analyses. Recite analyses of algorithms that employ this method of analysis.

Learning Objectives

• Understand the principles of creating an effective web page, including an in-depth consideration

of information architecture.

• Become familiar with graphic design principles that relate to web design and learn how to

implement theories into practice.

• Develop skills in analyzing the usability of a web site.

• Understand how to plan and conduct user research related to web usability.

• Learn the language of the web HTML and CSS.

• Learn CSS grid layout and flexbox.

• Learn techniques of responsive web design, including media queries.

• Develop skills in digital imaging (Adobe Photoshop.)

• Develop basic programming skills using Javascript and jQuery.

• Be able to embed social media content into web pages.

Learning Outcomes

After completion, graduates with a BS degree in Web Design & Development will be able to

• Employ fundamental computer theory to basic programming techniques.

• Use fundamental skills to maintain web server services required to host a website.

• Select and apply markup languages for processing, identifying, and presenting of information in

web pages.

• Use scripting languages and web services to transfer data and add interactive components to web


• Create and manipulate web media objects using editing software.

• Incorporate aesthetics and formal concepts of layout and organization to design websites that

effectively communicate using visual elements.

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• Conceptualize and plan an internet-based business that applies appropriate business models and

web technologies.

• Combine multiple web technologies to create advanced web components.

• Design websites using appropriate security principles, focusing specifically on the vulnerabilities

inherent in common web implementations.

Project Report

Course Objectives

A study of the subject matter presented in this course with following instructions

• Each student should carry out Project using the software development tools /languages/

• Technologies that they have learnt and/or have studied during the concerned semester or any

other development tools in view of the ongoing Software Industry trends.

• It should be done by the student in an organization/college under the supervision of the

staff(s) assigned by Head of the Department/Principal.

• The Project has to be assigned to the students in the beginning of the 4th Semester.

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students are able to

• Deal with real world data.

• Familiar about real time IT industry environment.

• Experience about applying the knowledge they got until now.

• Build a whole real time working system which will satisfy all customers’ needs.

M.A. (Geography)

Programme Outcomes

• Acquiring Knowledge of Physical Geography

Students will gain the knowledge of physical geography. Students will have a general

understanding about the geomorphologic and geotechnical process and formation. They will be

able to correlate the knowledge of physical geography with the human geography.

• Conduct Socio economic Survey Project

They will be eligible for conducting socio economic survey project which is needed for

measuring the status of development of a particular group or section of the society.

• Application of GIS and modern Geographical Map Making Techniques

They will learn how to prepare map based on GIS by using the modern geographical map

making techniques.

• Ability of Problem Analysis

Student will be able to analyse the problems of physical as well as cultural environments of both

rural and urban areas. Moreover they will try to find out the possible measures to solve those


• Development of Communication Skill and Interaction Power

After the completion of the project they will be efficient in their communication skill as well as

power of social interaction. Some of the students are being able to understand and write effective

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reports and design credentials, make effective demonstrations, and give and receive clear


• Understand Environmental Ethics and Sustainability

Understand the impact of the acquired knowledge in societal and environmental contexts, and

demonstrate the knowledge of need for sustainable development.

• Life-long learning

o Identify the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and

o Life-long learning in the broadest context of societal and environmental change.

• Govt Department

A geographer can avail job opportunities in government departments (like planning and

developmental commissions, forestry, environmental, and disaster management departments etc),

travel agencies, manufacturing firms, textbook and map publishers, media agencies, etc.

• Urban and regional planner

Concerned with planning, housing and Development projects with respect to their location and

utilization of available land-space.

• GIS specialist City governments, county agencies and other government agencies and private

groups are often in need of experienced GIS professionals.


Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students are able to

• Understand the nature, scope of geomorphology and fundamental concept in syllabus.

• Gain knowledge about earth’s interior.

• Develop an idea about concept of plate tectonics, plate margins and distribution of plates.

• Acquire knowledge about types of folds and faults and earthquakes, volcanoes and associated


• Explain different types of geomorphic processes like weathering and mass wasting

• Understand formation, process and development of fluvial, glacial, Aeolian and karst.

• Explain the regional geomorphology of Punjab plan, Aravali region.


Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students are able to

• Understand the introduction to Climatology considering weather & climate, nature, scope, and

other sub division of the course.

• Understand the Atmosphere and their process, composition, structure of Atmosphere.

• Understand the concept of temperature and factors, horizontal, vertical and inversion of


• Identify the Atmospheric pressure and winds, humidity.

• Develop an idea about cyclones, Air masses and fronts,

• Understand the climatic classification based of nature and variability in climatic variations by

Koppen’s and Thornthwaites climatologist.

• Assess the role of man in global climate change.

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16GEO21C3-Resource Geography

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students are able to

• Be aware of the scope and Significance of Resource geography.

• Develop an idea about resource.

• Understand the concept and different types of resources.

• Understand the models of natural resources process.

• Gain knowledge about use and misuse of natural resources.

• Be aware about the need of conservation and management of natural resources.

16GEO21C4-Statistical Methods in Geography

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Learn the significance of statistics in geography.

• Understand the importance of use of data in geography

• Understand the representation of Statistical data.

• Compute of Measures of Central tendency.

• Compute of measures of dispersion and concentration.

• Calculation and plotting moving Average.

• Compute the Correlation of Pearson’s and Spearman’s methods.

• Statistical data Analysis of simple regression.

16GEO21CL1 Practical Topographical Maps and Interpretation

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Develop the skill of map interpretation through identification of physical and cultural features

using conventional signs.

• Understand the importance and uses of maps and the relationship and juxtaposition of features


16GEO21CL2 Practical Computer Aided Statistical Diagrams and Graphs

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Gain knowledge about computer and its components.

• Understand the use of computer in geography.

• Analyse, classify and prepare data for drawing statistical diagrams through computer.

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M.A. Geography Semester-II

16GEO22C1 - Geography of World Economy

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Gain knowledge about economic geography and the stuff, importance of economic


• Understanding the concept of political economy.

• Gain knowledge about use value, exchange value, capital.

• Develop an idea about the basic elements of world economy.

• Build an idea about Globalization, WTO and developing country.

16GEO22C2 - Regional Development and Planning

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course, students will be able to

• Gain knowledge about definition of region, evolution and types of regional planning.

• Develop an idea about choice of a region for planning.

• Build an idea about theories and models for regional planning.

• Know about measuring development indicators.

16GEO22C3 - Environmental Geography

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, students will be able to

• Understand the fundamental concept related to environment, meaning, structure, types,

component, geography and environment, man’s interaction with environment

• To study about the nature, scope, basic concept, interdisciplinary science, and study methods.

• Understand the types, functions and component of ecosystem and biodiversity, its types,

conservation methods, and preservation of ecosystem.

• To understand the environmental global problems such as deforestation, desertification,

depletion of ozone, global warming.

• Understand the role of environmental legislation laws and acts for environment protection and


• Study the environmental planning and management for future and also understand the climatic

changes and its effect on environment and human being.

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16GEO22D3 - Geography of India

Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• Know about their own countries land formation, climate and natural vegetation.

• Understand the population problems in India. Access the population policies and reaction the


• Develop an idea about regionalization of India.

• Gain knowledge about agriculture region of India.

• Develop an idea about domestic and trade with other country.

`M.A. Geography Semester-III Session 2016-17 Onwards

17GEO23C1 Remote Sensing And GIS

Course Outcome

After completion of the course, students will be able to

• To know about concepts, development, platforms and types of remote sensing and GIS.

• They understand about Aerial photography and Satellite Remote Sensing.

• Know about GIS data structures.

• Develop an idea about interpretation and application of remote sensing and GIS.

• Extract the knowledge and information about geospatial analysis and database query

• and GIS data analysis the various concept and problems in analysed in GIS environment.

• GIS applied in the various kinds of fields, agriculture, populations, watershed planning and land

use planning.

17GEO23C2 - Geography of Transport

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course, students are able to

• Understand geographic relevance of transportation.

• Familiarize about various models and theories related to transport network.

• Know about structural analysis of transport network.

• To study the transport and its basics, physical, economical, social and cultural and modes of

transportation, land ways, water ways, and airways and all its functions.

• Examining the transportation network, measurement of accessibility, models of network


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17GEO23D1- Biogeography

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course, students are able to

• Know about various aspects of living organisms, their relationship with climate and physical


• Students can learn the scope and significance of biogeography. Also know, factors affecting the

growth and distribution of natural vegetation.

• They also gather knowledge about biome, ecotone and community, types and component parts of

ecosystem, bio-energy cycle, food chain and tropic level. This can help them to predict the future

change of bio-geographical components.

• They can illustrate the importance about bio-diversity and wetlands.

16ENVO2 Disaster Management (Open elective)

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, students are able to

• Understand the definition, causes and phases of disasters.

• Develop an idea about factors, consequences and management of earthquake, landslide, flood.

• Acquire knowledge about human induced disaster.

17GEO23CL1 - Practical Field Work

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course, students are able to

• Understand the basic socio-economic characteristics of the chosen area

• Understand the field methods/techniques to do research work.

• Build the capability of writing a report.

17GEO23CL2 - Practical-GIS

Course Outcomes

Know the basics of Geographic Information System.

• Use geographic information in a systematic manner by the creation and

• updating of maps.

• Understand the representation of earth surface features with the help of

• maps by GIS techniques.

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M.A. Geography Semester-IV Session 2016-17 Onwards

17GEO24C1 Geographical Thought

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, students are able to

• Gain knowledge about development of geographical thought.

• Develop an idea about evolution of geographical thinking and disciplinary trends in Germany,

France, Britain, and United States of America.

• Build an idea about between environmental determinism and possibillism, systematic and


• Know about the trends of geographical thoughts.

• Students understand the pre history of geographical Ideas in different duration form Greeks,

roman’s, Arab and impact of explorations & discoveries.

• Understand the modern geographical thoughts and contribution of eminent geographers.

• Compare between the fundamental concepts in geography these are General

• Geography v/s Regional Geography, Physical Geography v/s Human Geography, and

Determinism Geography v/s Possibility.

17GEO24C2 Research Methodology

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, students are able to

• Examining the introduction of research, motivation in research, types of research, significance of

research, research process and criteria of good research.

• To understand the research problems, selecting research problems, literature review and to study

the hypothesis, its types, sources, formation of hypothesis and utility of hypothesis in scientific


• Study about type’s data and methods of data collection and study the processing and analysis of

data using different statistical methods.

• Gain knowledge about interview and their types.

• Understand the interpretation and report writing, techniques, precaution of Interpretation, layout

of research report, types of reports and oral presentation mechanics of writing a research report.

17GEO24DA1 Water Resource And Management

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, students are able to

• Understand the Hydrological cycle.

• Describing and analyzing the factor affecting of water resources

• To know the Importance of water Resources.

• Understanding the concept of groundwater utilization and salinity

• Create Awareness about ground water depletion.

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17GEO24DB3 - Agricultural Geography

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course, students are able to

• Learn major concepts, factors affecting agricultural land use, agricultural system of the world.

• Know the agricultural systems of the world and about agricultural models.

• Gain knowledge about the agricultural techniques.

17GEO24CL1 – Practical Aerial Photographs and Its Interpretation

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course, students are able to

• Learn air photo interpretation techniques.

• Understand the usefulness of air photo interpretation techniques in geography.

• Enhance the knowledge about the applications of aerial photographs in various fields of


17GEO24CL2 - Practical- Satellite Images and Its Interpretation

Course Outcomes

On completion of the course, students are able to

• Understand the different kinds of satellite image interpretation.

• Create information about earth surface features from variety of satellite images.

• Know the mapping of information from satellite images.

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P.G. Diploma in Yoga

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