Programacion Web Parte-5

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  • 7/24/2019 Programacion Web Parte-5


    Color Names and ValuesThe first thing you need to learn about color is how to specify exactly the color you want; after

    all, there are a lot of different hues, tones, and shades and you must choose the right ones.

    In HTML you can specify a color in four key ways:

    Hex codes:These are six-digit codes representing the amount of red, green, and blue

    that make up the color, preceded by a pound or hash sign # (for example, #333333).

    Color names:A set of names that represent more than 200 colors, such as red,

    lightslategray, and fuchsia.

    RGB color values:Here, numbers between 0 and 255 represent the amount of red,

    green, and blue that makes up each color.

    HSLcolor values:HSL is an alternative to RGB and closely mirrors the way that people

    actually think about color. Instead of mixing three RGB values together to create thetarget color, HSL enables you to set the hue with one number between 0 and 360, where,

    for example, 0 is red, 120 is green, and 240 is blue. Then, you adjust the saturation of

    the color using 0 percent as gray and 100 percent as full saturation. Finally you adjust

    lightness/darkness of the color where 0-percent lightness is black, 100-percent lightness is

    white, and 50-percent lightness is normal.


    When you start using hexadecimal codes(or hex codesfor short), they can be daunting

    because they use a mix of numbers and letters to represent colors. Although you are used tonumbers represented with 10 digits (09), hexadecimal codes are represented with 16 digits

    (09 and AF). Table D-1 provides some examples of colors and their hex values; you will

    understand hex codes shortly (in the Understanding Hex Codes section), after you see

    what they represent.


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    TABLE D1: Common Hex Codes


    Black #000000

    White #FFFFFF

    Red #FF0000

    Green #00FF00

    Blue #0000FF

    Purple #800080

    The idea that colors are represented by a mix of numbers and letters might seem a little strange, but

    what follows the #sign is actually the amount of red, green, and blue that makes up the color. The

    format for hex codes is as follows:#rrggbb

    As you might already know, the screens on computer monitors consist of thousands of tiny squares

    calledpixels. (If you look closely at your monitor, you can see them.) When it is not turned on, thescreen is black because it does not emit any light. When it is turned on, a picture is created because

    each pixel can be a different color. Every one of these colors is expressed in terms of a mix of red,

    green, and blue (just like a television screen).

    Its hardly surprising, therefore, that you specify colors in the amounts of red, green, and blue required

    to make a given color. The values of red, green, and blue required to make a color are specified using

    numbers between 0 and 255, so when red, green, and blue all have a value of 0, you get black, whereas

    if each has a value of 255, you get white. If red is given a value of 255 and green and blue have a value

    of 0, you get red. You can make other colors by mixing the amounts of red, green, and blue as well

    for example, if red and blue are given values of 255 and blue a value of 0, you get pink.

    You may have seen that some software represents colors using three sets of numbers between 0 and

    255. Figure D-1 shows the color window in Adobe Photoshop.


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    Understanding Hex Codes

    The hexadecimal codes used on the web for color are a direct translation of these values between

    0 and 255, except they use two characters, not three, to represent the numbers between 0 and 255

    For example, FF represents 255 and 00 represents 0.

    When designing a site, you can use a tool such as Photoshop or a number of free resources on the

    web to find hex codes for colors:

    However, if you want to understand how hex codes work, you need to understand how computers

    store information, so read the following section.


    You may have heard people say that computers store all their information in 0s and 1s, and

    although it may sound hard to believe, its true! The smallest unit of information a computer

    stores in is known as a bit, and a bit can have only one of two values:

    0, which means off (or false)

    1, which means on (or true)

    These two values on their own do not store much information, but if you combine 4 bits together,

    you can get 16 different values. For example, using combinations of four 0s and 1s, you can represe

    the digits 0 through 9 (and still have values to spare):

    0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - - - - - -

    Four bits can be replaced by a single hexadecimal digit. There are 16 digits in hexadecimal numbe

    to represent the 16 possible values of four 0s and 1s:

    0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

    0 is the smallest; F is the largest.

    Still, computers need to work with more than 16 possible values, so they tend to store information

    in even larger segments. A group of 8 bits is known as a byte. A byte can therefore be represented

    using just two hexadecimal digits, for example:

    Binary 0100 1111

    Hexadecimal 4 F

    This gives 256 possible combinations of 0s and 1s (16 n16), plenty for the characters of the Englis

    language, which is why colors are represented in numbers between 0 and 255.

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    So, although hexadecimal codes for web colors may appear a little complicated, #4F4F4Fis a lot

    easier to read than 010011110100111101001111. Table D-2 shows some more hexadecimal codes

    and their corresponding decimal numbers.

    TABLE D2:

    Select Hex Codes and Their Corresponding Decimal Values


    00 0

    33 51

    66 102

    99 153

    AA 170

    BB 187

    CC 204

    DD 221

    EE 238

    FF 255


    Rather than using hex values to specify colors, you can also use the names of many colors such as

    red, green, and white to specify the color you want. There are more than 200 different color names

    supported by IE , Firefox, and Safari, all of which are listed at the end of this appendix.

    Although names might sound a lot easier to understand than hex codes, some of the colors are easier

    to remember than others, and remembering which color corresponds to each of the 200 names is

    very difficult. Here is a sample of some of the color names:

    aqua black blue fuchsia gray green lime maroon navy olive purple red silver

    teal white yellow

    Furthermore, if you do jobs for larger companies, such companies often want to specify exact colors

    that represent their brand, and their color might not have an HTML name. Indeed, when clients

    specify the color they want, they usually specify a hex code.

    Because hex codes give you many more choices of shades, tints, and hues of colors than color names,

    and because a lot of companies ask for specific colors to represent their company, hex codes tend to

    be the choice of web professionals.

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    Color Name and Number Reference


    Table D-3 shows the color names supported by the main browsers and their corresponding hex

    values. It is worth noting, however, that these are browser extensions, not part of the HTML


    TABLE D3: Color Names


    Aliceblue #f0f8ff

    Antiquewhite #faebd7

    Aqua #00ffff

    Aquamarine #7fffd4

    Azure #f0ffff

    Beige #f5f5dc

    Bisque #ffe4c4

    Black #000000

    Blanchedalmond #ffebcd

    Blue #0000ff

    Blueviolet #8a2be2

    Brown #a52a2a

    Burlywood #deb887

    Cadetblue #5f9ea0

    Chartreuse #7fff00

    Chocolate #d2691e

    Coral #ff7f50

    Cornflowerblue #6495ed

    Cornsilk #fff8dc

    Crimson #dc143c

    Cyan #00ffff

    Darkblue #00008b


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    Darkcyan #008b8b

    Darkgoldenrod #b8860b

    Darkgray #a9a9a9

    Darkgreen #006400

    Darkkhaki #bdb76b

    Darkmagenta #8b008b

    Darkolivegreen #556b2f

    Darkorange #ff8b04

    Darkorchid #9932cc

    Darkred #8b0000

    Darksalmon #e9967a

    Darkseagreen #8fbc8f

    Darkslateblue #483d8b

    Darkslategray #2f4f4f

    Darkturquoise #00ced1

    Darkviolet #9400d3

    Deeppink #ff1493

    Deepskyblue #00bfff

    Dimgray #696969

    Dodgerblue #1e90ff

    Firebrick #b22222

    Floralwhite #fffaf0

    Forestgreen #228b22

    Fuchsia #ff00ff

    Gainsboro #dcdcdc

    Ghostwhite #f8f8ff

    TABLE D3 (continued)

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    Color Name and Number Reference

    Gold #ffd700

    Goldenrod #daa520

    Gray #808080

    Green #008000

    Greenyellow #adff2f

    Honeydew #f0fff0

    Hotpink #ff69b4

    Indianred #cd5c5c

    Indigo #4b0082

    Ivory #fffff0

    Khaki #f0e68c

    Lavender #e6e6fa

    Lavenderblush #fff0f5

    Lawngreen #7cfb04

    Lemonchiffon #fffacd

    Lightblue #add8e6

    Lightcoral #f08080

    Lightcyan #e0ffff

    Lightgoldenrodyellow #fafad2

    Lightgreen #90ee90

    Lightgrey #d3d3d3

    Lightpink #ffb6c1

    Lightsalmon #ffa07a

    Lightseagreen #20b2aa

    Lightskyblue #87cefa

    Lightslategray #778899

    Lightsteelblue #b0c4de


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    Lightyellow #ffffe0

    Lime #00ff00

    Limegreen #32cd32

    Linen #faf0e6

    Magenta #ff00ff

    Maroon #800000

    Mediumaquamarine #66cdaa

    Mediumblue #0000cd

    Mediumorchid #ba55d3

    Mediumpurple #9370db

    Mediumseagreen #3cb371

    Mediumslateblue #7b68ee

    Mediumspringgreen #00fa9a

    Mediumturquoise #48d1cc

    Mediumvioletred #c71585

    Midnightblue #191970

    Mintcream #f5fffa

    Mistyrose #ffe4e1

    Moccasin #ffe4b5

    Navajowhite #ffdead

    Navy #000080

    Oldlace #fdf5e6

    Olive #808000

    Olivedrab #6b8e23

    Orange #ffa500

    Orangered #ff4500

    TABLE D3 (continued)

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    Color Name and Number Reference

    Orchid #da70d6

    Palegoldenrod #eee8aa

    Palegreen #98fb98

    Paleturquoise #afeeee

    Palevioletred #db7093

    Papayawhip #ffefd5

    Peachpuff #ffdab9

    Peru #cd853f

    Pink #ffc0cb

    Plum #dda0dd

    Powderblue #b0e0e6

    Purple #800080

    Red #ff0000

    Rosybrown #bc8f8f

    Royalblue #4169e1

    Saddlebrown #8b4513

    Salmon #fa8072

    Sandybrown #f4a460

    Seagreen #2e8b57

    Seashell #fff5ee

    Sienna #a0522d

    Silver #c0c0c0

    Skyblue #87ceeb

    Slateblue #6a5acd

    Slategray #708090

    Snow #fffafa

    Springgreen #00ff7f


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    Steelblue #4682b4

    Tan #d2b48c

    Teal #008080

    Thistle #d8bfd8

    Tomato #ff6347

    Turquoise #40e0d0

    Violet #ee82ee

    Wheat #f5deb3

    White #ffffff

    Whitesmoke #f5f5f5

    Yellow #ffff00

    Yellowgreen #9acd32

    TABLE D3 (continued)

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    Character EncodingsAppendix D, Color Names and Values, discusses how computers store information, how

    a character-encoding scheme is a table that translates between characters, and how they are

    stored in the computer.

    The most common character set (or character encoding) in use on computers is The American

    Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), which is probably the most widely used

    character set for encoding text electronically. You can expect all computers browsing the web

    to understand ASCII.

    The problem with ASCII is that it supports only the uppercase and lowercase Latin alpha-

    bet, the numbers 09, and some extra characters: a total of 128 characters. Table E-1 lists

    the printable characters of ASCII. (The other characters are things such as line feeds and

    carriage-return characters.)

    TABLE E1: Printable Characters of ASCII

    ! # $ % & ` ( ) * + , - . /

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?

    @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O

    P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _

    a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o

    p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

    However, many languages use either accented Latin characters or completely different alpha-

    bets. ASCII does not address these characters, so you need to learn about character encodings

    if you want to use any non-ASCII characters.


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    Character encodings are also important if you want to use symbols because these cannot be guar-

    anteed to transfer properly between different encodings (from some dashes to some quotation mark

    characters). If you do not indicate the character encoding the document is written in, some of the

    special characters might not display.

    The International Standards Organization created a range of character sets to deal with differentnational characters. ISO-8859-1 is commonly used in Western versions of authoring tools such as

    Adobe Dreamweaver, as well as applications such as Windows Notepad, as shown in Table E-2.

    TABLE E2: ISO Character Sets


    ISO-8859-1 Latin alphabet part 1

    Covering North America, Western Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean,

    Canada, and Africa

    ISO-8859-2 Latin alphabet part 2

    Covering Eastern Europe including Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian,

    Polish, Romanian, Serbian (in Latin transcription), Serbo-Croatian, Slovak,

    Slovenian, Upper Sorbian, and Lower Sorbian

    ISO-8859-3 Latin alphabet part 3

    Covering SE Europe, Esperanto, Maltese, Turkish, and miscellaneous others

    ISO-8859-4 Latin alphabet part 4

    Covering Scandinavia/Baltics (and others not in ISO-8859-1)

    ISO-8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic alphabet part 5

    ISO-8859-6 Latin/Arabic alphabet part 6

    ISO-8859-7 Latin/Greek alphabet part 7

    ISO-8859-8 Latin/Hebrew alphabet part 8

    ISO-8859-9 Latin 5 alphabet part 9 (same as ISO-8859-1 except Turkish characters

    replace Icelandic ones)

    ISO-8859-10 Latin 6 Lappish, Nordic, and Eskimo

    ISO-8859-15 The same as ISO-8859-1 but with more characters added

    ISO-8859-16 Latin 10

    Covering SE Europe, Albanian, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian and

    Slovenian, plus can be used in French, German, Italian, and Irish Gaelic

    ISO-2022-JP Latin/Japanese alphabet part 1

    ISO-2022-JP-2 Latin/Japanese alphabet part 2

    ISO-2022-KR Latin/Korean alphabet part 1

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    Character Encodings

    It is helpful to note that the first 128 characters of ISO-8859-1 match those of ASCII, so you can

    safely use those characters as you would in ASCII.

    The Unicode Consortiumwas then set up to devise a way to show allcharacters of different language

    rather than have these different, incompatible character codes for different languages.

    Therefore, if you want to create documents that use characters from multiple character sets, you cado so using the single Unicode character encodings. Furthermore, users can view documents writte

    in different character sets, providing their processor (and fonts) supports the Unicode standards, no

    matter what platform they are on or which country they are in. By having the single-character enco

    ing, you can reduce software development costs because the programs do not need to be designed t

    support multiple character encodings.

    One problem with Unicode is that a lot of older programs were written to support only 8-bit charact

    sets (limiting them to 256 characters), which is nowhere near the number required for all languages.

    Unicode therefore specifies encodings that can deal with a string in special ways to make enough

    space for the huge character set it encompasses. These are known as UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32

    as shown in Table E-3.

    TABLE E3: Unicode Character Sets


    UTF-8 A Unicode Translation Format that comes in 8-bit units. That is, it comes

    in bytes. A character in UTF-8 can be from 1 to 4 bytes, making UTF-8 a

    variable width.

    UTF-16 A Unicode Translation Format that comes in 16-bit units. That is, it comes in

    shorts. It can be 1 or 2 shorts, making UTF-16 a variable width.

    UTF-32 A Unicode Translation Format that comes in 32-bit units. That is, it comes i

    longs. It is a fixed-width format and is always 1 long in length.

    The first 256 characters of Unicode character sets correspond to the 256 characters of ISO-8859-1

    By default, HTML 4 processors should support UTF-8, and XML processors are supposed to suppor

    UTF-8 and UTF-16; therefore, all XHTML-compliant processors should also support UTF-16 (becau

    XHTML is an application of XML). The HTML5 specification is strongly biased toward UTF-8.

    In practice you almost always want to use UTF-8.

    For more information on internationalization and different character sets and encodings, seewww.i18nguy.comand the article The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely,

    Positively Must Know about Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) atwww.joelonsoftware


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