PROGRAM The symposium will be held at the Monterey Marriott, 350 Calle Principal, Monterey, CA TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pre-Registration WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2017 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Registration 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM Welcome and Keynote Speaker

PROGR AM - Research Symposium · PROGR AM The symposium will ... Evolving Cost Estimating Methodol ogy ... Informing Future Ship Design Projects

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PROGRAMThe symposium will be held at the Monterey Marriott, 350 Calle Principal, Monterey, CA


3:00 PM - 5:00 PM



7:00 AM - 8:00 AM


8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Welcome and Keynote Speaker


Dr. Keith F. Snider, Professor, Principal Investigator, Acquisition Research Program

Ronald A. Route, VADM, USN (Ret.), President, Naval Postgraduate School

Keynote: Dr. Richard Carlin, Head, Sea Warfare and Weapons Department, Oce of Naval Research


9:15 AM - 9:30 AM


9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Plenary: The 809 Panel. Reviewing the Regulatory and Legislative Framework to Improve the Eciency and E�ectiveness of Defense Acquisition


The presentation will discuss the framing assumptions of the 809 Panel, early panel ⏍�ndings, and areas for further research. 

Chair: Moshe Schwartz, Executive Director, 809 Panel

The 809 Panel: A Framework for Acquisition Reform

Moshe Schwartz, Executive Director, 809 Panel

Current Research Agenda for the 809 Panel and Initial Findings

Dr. William LaPlante, Commissioner, 809 Panel; Vice President, The MITRE Corporation

Future Research Agenda

Joseph W. Dyer, VADM USN (Ret.), Commissioner, 809 Panel; Chief Strategy O�cer, National Spectrum Consortium


11:00 AM - 11:15 AM


11:15 AM - 12:45 PM

Panel #2: Maximizing Contracting E�ectiveness 

Chair: Elliott Branch, Deputy Assistant Secretary of theNavy, Acquisition and Procurement

Analyzing the E�ects of Source Selection Method,Acquisition Type, and Service Component onAcquisition Outcomes

Karen Landale, Naval Postgraduate SchoolRene Rendon, Naval Postgraduate School

Data Consolidation of Disparate Procurement DataSources for Correlated Performance-BasedAcquisition Decision Support

Randall Mora, AVUM, Inc.Wardwell Tom, ASN(RD&A) DASN(AP)Samantha Nangia, ASN(RD&A) DASN(AP)Ryan Dickover, ASN(RD&A) DASN(AP)

Customizing the Use of TINA (Truth in NegotiationAct)

Chong Wang, Naval Postgradaute School


Panel #3: Improving DoD Software Design andSustainment  

Chair: Rear Admiral John Ailes, USN, DeputyCommander, Fleet Readiness Directorate Space andNaval Warfare Systems Command

The Policies and Economics of Software Sustainment:DoD's Software Sustainment Ecosystem

Forrest Shull, Software Engineering InstituteMichael McLendon, Software EngineeringInstitute

Software Vulnerabilities, Defects, and Design Flaws:A Technical Debt Perspective

Robert Nord, Carnegie Mellon SoftwareEngineering InstituteForrest Shull, Carnegie Mellon SoftwareEngineering InstituteIpek Ozkaya, Carnegie Mellon SoftwareEngineering Institute

Applying the Fundamentals of Quality to SoftwareAcquisition

Rick Spiewak, The MITRE CorporationChristine Sweed, The MITRE CorporationDavid Smiley, D W Smiley LLCPatrick Maurer, The MITRE CorporationTom Maher, The MITRE CorporationGreg Carrier, The MITRE CorporationSteve Bygren, The MITRE Corporation

Panel #4: Defense Acquisition after Shocks to theSystem  

Chair: Todd Harrison, Director of the Defense BudgetAnalysis, Director, Aerospace Security Project, Centerfor Strategic and International Studies

Post Milestone B Funding Climate and Cost Growthin Major Defense Acquisition Programs

David McNicol, Institute for Defense Analyses

Measuring the Impact of Sequestration and theDefense Drawdown on the Industrial Base

Andrew Hunter, Center for Strategic andInternational StudiesGregory Sanders, Center for Strategic andInternational StudiesRhys McCormick, Center for Strategic andInternational Studies


12:45 PM - 1:45 PM


1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Panel #5: Contemporary Issues in Contracting  

Chair: Brigadier General Cameron Holt, USAF,Commander, Air Force Installation Contracting Agency

Crisis Funded Contracts: Overseas ContingencyOperations Contracts after Iraq

Andrew Hunter, Center for Strategic andInternational StudiesGregory Sanders, Center for Strategic andInternational Studies

Use of Incentives in Performance-Based LogisticsContracting

Andrew Hunter, Center for Strategic andInternational StudiesJesse Ellman, Center for Strategic andInternational Studies

Price Analysis on Defense Logistics Agency(DLA)Contracts

Janie Maddox, Naval Postgraduate SchoolRalucca Gera, Naval Postgraduate School

Panel #6: Enabling Technology Transition  

Chair: Michael McGrath,  Consultant and SeniorTechnical Advisor, McGrath Analytics LLC

Accelerating Innovation: From S&T Labs toAcquisition Programs

Venkat Rao, Defense Acquisition UniversityRavi Thyagarajan, O�ce of the Chief Scientist, USArmy RDECOM-TARDEC

E�ectively Implementing Policies That Mandate theUse of Technology: A Grounded Theory Study

Elke Drennan, CMU-SEI

CREATE: Enabling Innovation with ComputationalPrototyping and Supercomputing

Douglass Post,  DoD High PerformanceComputing Modernization Program 

Panel #7: Evolving Cost Estimating Methodology  

Chair: Dr. Nancy Spruill, Director, AcquisitionResources & Analysis, OUSD (AT&L)

Empirical Cost Estimation Tool (PMS 320)Johnathan Mun, Naval Postgraduate SchoolThomas Housel, Naval Postgraduate School

Estimating the Estimate: Toward a Quick andInexpensive Method for Weapons System CostEstimation

Charles Pickar, Naval Postgraduate SchoolKevin Feely, KCR Business Innovations

Determining the Value of a PrototypeZachary McGregor-Dorsey, Institute for DefenseAnalyses

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM


3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Panel #8: Cultivating the Future AcquisitionWorkforce  

Chair: Mark Deskins, Director, Acquisition CareerManagement, ASN (RDA)

Army Contracting Workforce Organizational ClimateAssessment

Rene Rendon, Naval Postgraduate SchoolEdward (Ned) Powley, Naval Postgraduate School

The Defense Acquisition Workforce Challenges withKnowledge, Experience, and Tools

Su Chang, MITREColleen Murphy, MITREAdam Bou海�ard,  MITRE

2016 Assessment of the Civilian AcquisitionWorkforce Personnel Demonstration Project

Jennifer Lamping Lewis, RAND CorporationCameron Wright,  RAND CorporationLaura Werber, RAND CorporationJessica Hwang, RAND CorporationLindsay Daugherty, RAND CorporationIrina Danescu, RAND Corporation

Panel #9: Enabling Cybersecurity  

Chair: Rear Admiral David Lewis, USN, Commander,Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command 

Cybersecure Modular Open Architecture SoftwareSystems for Stimulating Innovation

Walt Scacchi, University of California, IrvineThomas Alspaugh, University of California, Irvine

Security Measurement - Establishing a Con嗃�dencethat System and Software Security is Sucient

Carol Woody, Software Engineering Institute

Decision Support for Cybersecurity Risk AssessmentHanan Hibshi, Carnegie Mellon UniversityTravis Breaux, Carnegie Mellon University

Panel #10: Thoughts on Management of ComplexSystems Acquisition  

Chair: Major General Kirk Vollmecke, USA, ProgramExecutive O�ce for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare &Sensors

A Systems Theoretic-Based Framework to DiscoverPathologies in Acquisition System Governance

Charles Keating, Old Dominion UniversityPolinpapilinho Katina, Old Dominion UniversityRa'ed Jaradat, Mississippi State UniversityJoseph Bradley, Old Dominion University

Optimal Selection of Organizational Structuring forComplex Systems Development and Acquisitions

Navindran Davendralingam, Purdue UniversityScott Parrigon, Purdue UniversitySang Eun Woo, Purdue UniversityAlexandra Dukes, Purdue UniversityDaniel DeLaurentis, Purdue University

A Systems Complexity-based Assessment of Risk inAcquisition and Development Programs

Roshanak Rose Nilchiani, Stevens Institute ofTechnologyAntonio Pugliese, Stevens Institute ofTechnology

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Student Research Poster Show


7:00 AM - 8:00 AM


8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Welcome and Keynote Speaker


RADM James B. Greene, USN (Ret.), Chair of Acquisition, Naval Postgraduate School

Keynote: Will be announced shortly

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM


9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Plenary Panel #11: GAO Observations on DOD’s Weapons Acquisition Portfolio, Requirements, and Acquisition Reform E�orts


Chair:  Michael J. Sullivan, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, U.S. Government Accountability O�ce 

GAO Observations on DOD’s Weapons Portfolio: Performance, Reform Implementation, and Use of Knowledge-Based Best Practices

Desiree Cunningham, Senior Analyst, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, GAO

Early Systems Engineering Positions Programs for Success

Travis Masters, Assistant Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, GAO

Challenges DOD has Attracting  Non-Traditional Companies to Modify Their Products for DOD’s Use

Cheryl K. Andrew, Assistant Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, GAO 


11:00 AM - 11:15 AM


11:15 AM - 12:45 PM

Panel #12: Improving Acquisition WorkforceCompetency  

Chair: Reuben Pitts President Lyceum Consulting, LLC

Defense Systems Engineering Career CompetencyModel Development and Analysis

Cli海�ord Whitcomb, Naval Postgraduate SchoolRabia Khan, Naval Postgraduate School

Team Leader Development Needs and Competenciesin the Defense Acquisition Workforce

Stephen Trainor, Naval Postgraduate School

Learning in the Shadows: A Retrospective View (PartII)

Donna Seligman, Defense Acquisition University

Panel #13: Containing Program Lifecycle Costs  

Chair: Gary Bliss,  Director, Performance Assessmentsand Root Cause Analyses (PARCA), O�ce of theAssistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition)

Discussant: John Dillard, Senior Lecturer, NavalPostgraduate School Application of Should Cost Methodologies toAddress Savings Across the Acquisition Life Cycle

Steve Breitenstein, Air Force Institute ofTechnologyLt Col E. Jay Kilpatrick, USAF, Air Force Instituteof Technology

Creating a "Should Cost" Culture throughOpportunity Management

David Riel, Defense Acquisition University

Panel #14: Informing Future Ship Design Projects  

Chair: Captain Eugene Cash, USN, DDG 1000 ProgramO�ce

Flexible and Adaptable Ship Options: Assessing theFuture Value of Incorporating Flexible Ships DesignFeatures into New Navy Ship Concepts

Johnathan Mun, Naval Postgraduate SchoolThomas Housel, Naval Postgraduate SchoolDavid Ford, Naval Postgraduate School

Persistent Platforms?The DDG 51 CaseIra Lewis, Naval Postgraduate School

Applying Principles of Set-Based Design to ImproveShip Acquisition

Eric Rebentisch, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnologyCommander John Genta, USN

12:45 PM - 1:45 PM


1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Panel #15: Small Business in Defense Acquisition  

Chair: Emily Harman, Director, O�ce of Small BusinessPrograms Department of the Navy

Examining the E�ects of Set Aside Policies onCompetition and Growth for Small and Mid-SizedSuppliers

Amanda Girth, The Ohio State UniversityTrevor Brown, John Glenn College of PublicA海�airs, The Ohio State University

Evaluating the Impact of Small Business Set-Asideson Acquisitions Eciency

William Lucyshyn, University of MarylandJohn Rigilano, University of Maryland

Exploring Drivers of Better Strategic Sourcing in AirForce Using Analytics

Aruna Apte, Naval Postgraduate SchoolJavier Salmeron, Naval Postgraduate SchoolRene Rendon, Naval Postgraduate SchoolKaren Landale, (Lt COL) Air Force

Panel #16: Reducing Life Cycle Costs Through COTSand Additive Manufacturing  

Chair: Rear Admiral William Galinis, USN, ProgramExecutive O�cer, Ships

Repair-For-Reuse: Increasing A�ordability throughCost Savings with Product Lifecycle Management, 3DLaser Scanning Technology, and AdditiveManufacturing

David Ford, Texas A&M University

Using Additive Manufacturing to Mitigate the Risksof Limited Key Ship Components of the Zumwalt-Class Destroyer

Lieutenant Commander Jim Whitworth, USN

COTS Fresh Look: Use in Major Weapon Systems'Acquisition: Progress, Challenges and Bene嗃�ts

Elisabeth Wright, DeVine Consulting

Panel #17: Software Trends and Issues  

Chair: Captain Kurt Rothenhaus, USN, PMW-160Program Manager, Navy Tactical Networks

Software Productivity Trends and IssuesDavid Tate, Institute for Defense Analyses

Increasing Quality, Reducing Risk, Time and Expensefor Modular Open Architecture Systems

Nickolas Guertin, Naval Surface Warfare Center,Division CarderockCaptain Gordon Hunt, USN, Navy Reserve

Decision-Based Inputs for Test and EvaluationExperiments

Dashi Singham, Naval Postgraduate School

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM


3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Panel #18: Integrating Program Management andSystems Engineering for Stronger Performance  

Chair: Stephen Townsend, Director of NetworkPrograms, Project Management Institute

The Case for Change:  The Need for StrongerEngineering Program Performance

Stephen Townsend, Project ManagementInstitute

Research and the Framework for the IntegratingProgram Management and Systems Engineering: Methods, Tools, and Organizational Systems forImproving Performance Book

Eric Rebentisch, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology 

Integration in Practice Case Studies:  FA-18 SuperHornet & F-35 Lightening II

Betsy Clark, Software MetricsJe海�rey Morris, National Security Administration


Panel #19: Innovations in Sustainment  

Chair: Lorna Estep, Director of Resource IntegrationUnited States Air Force

Making Smart Decisions about Supply Chain Securityin the Age of Globalization

Elizabeth McDaniel, Institute for DefenseAnalysesCatherine J. Ortiz, De⏍�ned Business Solutions,LLCBrian Cohen, Institute for Defense Analyses

Trends in Performance-Based ContractingWilliam Lucyshyn, University of MarylandJohn Rigilano, University of Maryland

FAR Based Crowd Sourcing

Commander Zachary Staples, USN, NavalPostgraduate School


Panel #20: Trends in International DefenseAcquisition  

Chair: Dr. Francois Melese, Professor of Economics,Defense Resources Management Institute

Discussant: Dr. Laura Armey, AssistantProfessor, Defense Resources Management Institute

Understanding China's Defense Acquisition Systemand the Implications for the United States

Tai Ming Cheung, University of California SanDiego

A Systemic Analysis of Military EquipmentAcquisition Among NATO Suppliers: A Proof ofConcept Based on a Multi-Layered DSS Approach

Martin Zsifkovits, Universität der BundeswehrMünchenStefan Pickl, Universität der BundeswehrMünchenMax Krüger, University of Applied ScienceFurtwangen, GermanyDieter Budde, Universität der BundeswehrMünchen, COMTESSA


Acquisition Research Program I Monterey, CA 93943 I [email protected]