Mark Caleb Gomez 114 Knoll Rd. Vista, CA Phone: (760) 717-8860 ~ Email: m a r k c a l e b . g o m e z @ c a l b a p t i s t . e d u objective News writer, blogger, and copy writer who fact checks in accordance with publication style guides. Educated in the areas of Public Relations and Journalistic formats. Experience January 2011 – Present Riverside, CA The Banner, Senior Writer Writing news articles from a wide range of topics. Pitching story ideas, assisting new writers, and scheduling interviews October 2009 – June 2010 Oceanside, CA South Oceanside Elementary School, Yard Duty Supervisor Supervising the safety of children and enforcing rules, Breaking up feuds and writing referrals for children who compromise the safety of others. November 2007 – October 2009 Oceanside, CA Blockbuster Inc., Customer Service Representative Assisting customers and setting up accounts. Promoting sales towards clientele. Education 2010-Present California Baptist University Riverside, Ca B.A. Journalism; Minor History Public Relations 2007-2010 Mira Costa College Oceanside, Ca A.A. Communications Organizations 2011-Present California Baptist University Riverside, Ca The Banner Newspaper – Senior Writer School student-ran newspaper Writing Stories Pitching Story Ideas Assisting new Writers References

Professional Resume

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M a r k C a l e b G o m e z 1 1 4 K n o l l R d . V i s t a , C A

P h o n e : ( 7 6 0 ) 7 1 7 - 8 8 6 0 ~ E m a i l : m a r k c a l e b . g o m e z @ c a l b a p t i s t . e d u


News wr i te r , b logger , and copy wr i te r who fac t checks in accordance wi th publ i cation sty l e guides. Educated in the areas of Publ i c Re l ations and Journal i sti c formats.


January 2011 – Present Rivers ide, CAThe Banner, Senior WriterWriting news articles from a wide range of topics.Pitching story ideas, assisting new writers, and scheduling interviews

October 2009 – June 2010 Oceanside, CASouth Oceanside Elementary School, Yard Duty SupervisorSupervising the safety of children and enforcing rules,Breaking up feuds and writing referrals for children who compromise the safety of others.

November 2007 – October 2009 Oceanside, CABlockbust er In c., Customer S erv i ce Represen tat i ve Assi sting customers and se tting up accounts. Promoting sal es towards c l i ente l e .


2010-Present California Baptis t Univers ity Riversi de, CaB.A. Journal i sm; Minor HistoryPubl i c Re l ations

2007-2010 Mira Costa College Oceansi de, CaA.A. Communications


2011-Present California Baptis t Univers ity Riversi de, CaThe Banner Newspaper – Sen ior Wri te rSchool student-ran newspaperWri ting Stor i esPi tch ing Story IdeasAssi sting new Wri te rs
