Professional Diploma in Crystal Healing Psychic Ability Module 2 Lesson 1 Summary Notes

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Professional Diploma in Crystal Healing

Psychic Ability Module 2 Lesson 1

Summary Notes

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3 Introduction

4 Lesson outcomes

5 Psychic ability

10 Your psychic connection

13 Enhancing your psychic


16 References

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Introduction We are so excited that you are continuing this life-enhancing crystal healing course with us. It tells us that you

found great value throughout Module 1 and we are truly appreciative of that. If you continue on this path with

us, know that your life will change and those around you will be positively influenced by the constructive changes

taking place within you, as you radiate this positive growth outward. Are you ready for advantageous life


Congratulations on successfully completing Module 1, which focused on providing you with all the basic

knowledge required to now continue on your journey of becoming a fantastic, highly capable crystal healer, after

completing all 4 Modules of this course.

Working through Module 1 was you spreading your wings. Opting into the full course is you deciding to take flight.

Thank you for letting us share this ancient knowledge with you. You may have purchased this course for yourself

or someone else may have given it to you as a special gift.

The truth is it does not really matter how you got here. The only important part is that you are now here.

Lesson outcomes By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

• Have a clear understanding of what psychic ability truly is

• Be able to distinguish between the different forms of psychic ability

• Understand which aspects are blocking your connection

• Gain clarity on how you can advance your own psychic connection

Practical lesson outcome:

• Making a profound connect to the universe through your personal psychic connection

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Module objectives We have some very exciting knowledge in store for you in this module. You will:

• Gain deeper knowledge about the 7 main chakras

• Learn about the healing properties of up to 3 crystals per lesson

• Discover amazing life changes that are possible through crystal healing, and

• Expand your capability to help others realise their dreams and achieve their goals

Lesson objectives But before we delve into the pool of incredible chakra and crystal knowledge, which commences in your next

lesson, we are going to dedicate this particular lesson to sharing with you vital knowledge about psychic ability

and the development of it. Why would you want to know about psychic ability in a course that is about crystal

healing? Because the more you work with these beautiful minerals from the Earth, the more your own psychic

connection will naturally expand.

In this lesson, you will:

• Gain vital knowledge about psychic ability

• Understand how psychic ability and the development of it ties into this course

• Learn how to handle psychic conversations with your clients, and

• Enhance and nourish your own psychic ability successfully

Recap Let’s have brief review here, before moving on. We just want to make sure you hit the ground running like a

well-prepared athlete ready to win a marathon.

Crystal healing is the ancient practice of using natural energy components, known as crystals and gems, to align

your personal energy to the unlimited flow of the universe. It does so by balancing the body’s natural energy

centers, the chakras and cleansing the energy field surrounding the body, known as the aura.

You learned about two amazing crystals in Module 1, rose quartz the crystal representing universal love, and

clear quartz, the crystal of infinite possibility because it can be programmed to emit any energy. We will expand

on these crystals and many others later in this module.

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Psychic ability This core topic is all about psychic ability. We are all connected to everything. Some of us experience this

connection more profoundly than others. Does this mean that everyone already has psychic ability? Well, the

short answer is yes. The extend version is that it’s complicated. So, let’s unpack it then.

What is psychic ability really? We’ll start with a brief introduction to psychic ability.

What comes to mind?

When you hear the phrase psychic ability, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

The answer will mostly center around just knowing things, seeing the spirits of passed loved ones, hearing angels,

sensing energy, even doing Tarot with a crystal ball and a wide range of other answers.

Long story short, when it comes to even the merest understanding of psychic ability, on some level everyone

understands that it relates to communicative energy interaction with the universe. We do not always clearly

understand this concept, but that is about to change for you today.

What is psychic ability really?

Psychic ability is the term for that natural human ability to become aware of their eternal connection to the

universe. When they can achieve this, they are able to communicate with that greater part of themselves.

Psychics can draw information from the energy matrix and share it with fellow human beings. To a certain extent,

everyone has this ability and it can be developed.

What is a psychic medium?

When someone is a psychic medium, it refers to the ability to elevate their energy to such a degree that they

consciously access the space in-between our physically expressed world and the non-physically expressed

energetic world, which is often referred to as the soul plane or the afterlife.

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Recognising one’s psychic connection

Those who practice and teach psychic connection from a positive point, usually share the belief that we are all

expressions of Source of All, and by embracing this, we in turn aid the eternal expression of life. They believe that

when we pass, our souls are merely leaving the body and re-embrace with the eternal pure expression of love we

have always been, whether we were consciously aware of this or not.

It is when you can accept that you were never disconnected from anything, that becoming aware of reconnecting

to everything is often easier to achieve and maintain. In simple terms, it is by reconnecting to everything that you

become aware of your psychic connection. People are often quite surprised to find out how they have been

actively practicing psychic guidance in many areas of their lives, without even being aware of it.

Did you know? Before we delve into the world of psychic development, did you know that no psychic can truly ever really tell

you the future? Nobody can. It is just not possible. And why is that? Well, as previously explained, you are where

you currently are because of a particular energy expression you emitted in your past.

From your current point of presence, you are creating your own future in the same way via the current energy

you are right now expressing as a message to the universe. What you think, do, and ultimately focus on is what

becomes your experience of life. That is how the law of attraction operates. The psychic, tarot reader, oracle

reader and so on can only tell you where your current energy expression is taking you.

If you like it, wonderful. If you don’t, know that you can always change your point of focus, for as you change your

point of focus so does everything else, not only in your life, but throughout the entire universe, which in effect is

your broader expression of life.

That is how powerful your energy is. When you opt to work with life as opposed to against it, understanding that

you are life and life is you, miracles can happen. And the good news, the more you practice this, the easier it

becomes. Life can be absolutely magickal this way. Onto psychic abilities then.

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Types of psychic ability Psychic abilities can come up in more ways than just one. There are six types of psychic abilities that are most

prominent. There are more, but they usually fit into these categories in one way or another.


First, we have clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the ability to see that which others may not. As a clairvoyant, you

might be able to view clear imagery, as if a person is literally standing right in front of you or you may perceive

visuals within your mind’s eye.

Children often tell grownups about their friends and the adults smile these off as imaginary beings. What if they

are not imaginary? Have you ever considered that? Sometimes we are afraid of that which we cannot see, but

just because we cannot see certain things does not mean they are not there. The human eye is only physically

capable of perceiving things within a certain light spectrum. This does not mean those things are any less there.

For example, as a child, Adrian was often highly confused. Because he did not understand the difference between

what we refer to as being alive and that which we call being dead, as he clearly perceived our physical and non-

physical worlds intertwined. Needless to say, funerals were an interesting experience for him. Did you notice that

being alive and being dead are both described as forms of being?


The next type of psychic ability is clairsentience. Clairsentience, which is clear sensing, is a psychic ability humans

practice all the time without placing too much thought into the matter, because they are often not aware of doing

it. Have you ever just had a feeling about something, like a gut feeling? That was clairsentience. People often

refer to their 6th sense when referring to clairsentience.

Examples of clairsentience Let’s look at some examples of clairsentience. When a loved one is in trouble, we often have a sense that

something is wrong. For example, twins have this powerful connection of knowing what is happening to the other

one sometimes. Or perhaps someone may know their partner is cheating or considering leaving them without

any concrete proof whatsoever. Somehow, they can just sense the change in energy. That is

clairsentience. Another example is when a parent senses that something is wrong with their child. You may have

had a similar experience in your life before. As the saying goes, when you know you just know and that is all there

is to it.

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Claircognizance, is the psychic ability of clear knowing and is often confused with clairsentience, which is the

psychic ability of clear sensing. And do you know what? From the broader perspective of life, we are all just

perceiving in different ways that which is always present energetically. Some people see, some sense and some

just simply know beyond a shadow of a doubt. It is all just different ways of receiving universal communication.

With claircognizance, one finds themselves undisputedly knowing that which they may have had no inclination

often minutes ago. Yet, they will know it as if they have known all their lives.

How it works

How is this possible, you may ask? Remember, with psychic ability you are simply becoming privy to that which

has been there all along, you were just not aware of it. Let us explain. Earlier we mentioned that all psychic

mediums share the belief that we are all expressions of Source of All. Source of All, or what we often refer to as

the Creator, is the complete expression of life, which is love. Source desires to experience itself in multiple ways.

For this reason, Source expresses itself in a multitude of ways. Humans, plants, animals, planet Earth and the

entire galaxy, along with the gentlest breath of wind caressing your face is all Source expressing itself.

Adrian shares the spiritual belief that we exist as multi-dimensional beings, meaning there are altered versions

of Earth and we exist simultaneously within all these. We do not exist within the limits of space and linear time.

So, as multi-dimensional beings, we are not only here sometimes and only there at other times. We are

everywhere, always. With claircognizance, we simply remember this. So, when seeking for an answer, it is like

tapping in, almost like in the Matrix movie series, and asking the file to be downloaded from the main frame,

which is the universe, to the individual conscious operation, which is you experiencing life.


Now, the next three types of psychic abilities can sometimes be experienced as a secondary sense, but

sometimes they can also be experienced on more of a primary level. We’ll start with clairaudience.

Clairaudience is clear hearing. For some this is a voice in their mind, but it could also be crystal clear. Perhaps

you had the experience before of asking someone what they just said, and they replied that they did not say

anything. Yet you can place a good bet on the certainty that you heard a voice. Maybe the roles were reversed,

where someone says they just heard you saying something and you know that you never spoke, and they are

hard-pressed to believe you. These are all examples of clairaudience.

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Clairalience, the psychic sense of clear smelling. After experiencing clairalience Adrian advised the universe that

he would not like to experience it ever again. But one morning in 2020 he woke up and experienced this beautiful

gentle aroma. It was literally like a scent from heaven. He could not quite place it. It was like an old, comforting

French cologne. In fact, he says he is still not sure what it implies. What followed was a gentle voice

communicating with him at this particular point in time, reminding him that things need not always be

challenging. It can be gentle too. Adrian smiled at this as he literally did not let this simple logic in relation to

clairalience cross his mind through all the years. Do you now see how strong the influence of your subconscious

mind can be?


Clairgustance, the psychic sense of clear tasting. Here’s an example from Adrian’s experience. Adrian once had a

client whose husband was waiting outside for her for the duration of the session. This husband was quite

sceptical of this crystal healing mumbo jumbo. Adrian did not know that this husband was waiting for his wife

outside during the session.

He got the most overpowering taste of cheese in his mouth during the session. Adrian shared this with his client.

It didn’t mean anything to her. But these things often have a way of making sense in due time. As it turns out, the

client’s husband had grown hungry during the session and was eating cheese while he was waiting for his wife to

finish the session. Of course, the wife told the husband about Adrian’s cheese-tasting experience without

knowing that he ate cheese himself.

Doubting no more, the husband was keen to get a crystal healing session. After the session, Adrian told this man

that he got the strongest sense of this client’s father calling out to him. Strangely, Adrian could not figure out

whether the father was alive or dead, but again he advised everything would likely make sense in due course.

The man burst into heartbreaking tears. As it turns out, his father was on his death bed and he was fighting an

internal battle as to whether he would go and make amends with him prior to his passing or if he would just

continue coming up with excuses not to do so and wait out the time. He knew he would not need to wait long.

Do you see how something as simple as Adrian tasting cheese in his mouth led to such a profoundly

life-changing event? And, more importantly, do you see that we do not need to make sense of all our psychic

experiences in the very moment they occur? The meaning will come up in due course. A very important point to

take note of, do no try to fill in the blanks with your own thoughts. You will practically always be off course.

Literally, rather wait for things to reveal themselves to you.

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Your psychic connection Our next core topic is about your psychic connection. We bet you would like to understand how to delve into a

deeper relationship with your own psychic connection, and that is good, because the true desire that you are

experiencing is to have a closer connection with yourself, which is the universe. That is downright incredible, is

it not?

How you already connect psychically We will now discuss how you already connect psychically.

Think back

• We would like you to think about a few things.

• Think back to the last time you experienced some sort of concern, perhaps you needed a solution to

something that was boggling your mind.

• How did the solution come to you?

• In what shape or form did it appear?

• Very importantly, what did you do or change before this solution revealed itself to you?

• Now do the same for another problem you resolved.

• How did that solution come to you?

• Again, what did you change just before it did?

• Think back of a problem you had a year ago, two years, five years, etc.

• If you spend some time really pondering things and journaling them down.

• You will begin to notice an undisputable pattern.

• That pattern turns to how your psychic operation flow.

The purpose of this exercise

This exercise is important because in reflecting on your life like this, you get to see how your interaction with

the universe, in other words your manifestation style with the law of attraction, operates. How is this relevant

to your psychic connection, you may ask? Well, it is in realising how exactly you interact with life, and how life

interacts with you, that you can begin to become aware of how your psychic connection has been present all


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There are two parts to this.

• The first part has to do with how you surrender.

• The second part has to do with how you receive communication from the universe.

The main part of this exercise is noticing what you change in your way of thinking, doing and being, because this

is how you communicate with the essence of life, which is the process of asking. This is similar to what we call

prayer. We ask you to pay particular attention to what you changed just before the situation or issue started to

change. This gives you a clear indication of how you personally go into the process of surrender.

The next part is becoming conscious of how things came about, along with when and how you first started

becoming aware of the changes taking place. This is the way in which you strongly receive communication from

the universe, which you can also call the way in which your prayers are answered.


At a point you surrendered, be this gently in faith knowing what you asked for you will receive or furiously in

frustration, shouting and swearing, flinging a few plates towards the walls in frustration. The bottom line is, when

you surrendered things began to happen. Once you can become aware of this and truly pay attention to life, it

can speed up your manifestation process. This is referred to as conscious manifestation and it can truly benefit

your life.

Things that suppress your psychic connection Now that you have a better understanding of your psychic connection, let’s move on to the things that suppress

your psychic connection.

Comparing yourself to others

The biggest block to your psychic connection is comparing yourself to others, thinking they have a stronger

connection than you. There is the misconception that if you are not seeing visions clearly or spirits before your

very eyes that you are not psychic.

High expectations

Something else that greatly suppresses our psychic ability, resulting in us missing signs left, right and center, is

the belief or expectation that universal connection must come through some mighty, powerful event. The salted

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psychic is not going to close him or herself off to the ways in which they may receive universal communication.

They are going to be open to a sign in whichever way it comes to them.

Life is really very simple. We make it incredibly complicated, but it never needs to be experienced this way. You

may not get a powerful vision, but you may come across an article or a course or have a conversation with

someone. A certain song may be playing repeatedly. You may find that everyone is suddenly speaking about the

same thing to you without you prompting it. The universe will always give you a sign in a way you will grasp it

more easily. Pay attention to life. That is how you continuously build your connection with it. That is how your

psychic connection expands.

Adrian’s personal experience with psychic connection Let’s look at Adrian’s personal experience with psychic connection.

Adrian’s psychic connection story

As previously mentioned, you will get clients approaching you with questions about noticing their own psychic

development. Some may be curious. Others may feel they are losing their minds and likely going insane. To these

individuals, you may be their last hope. Perhaps Adrian’s story will prove this to you.

As a young boy who grew up in the country, Adrian was blessed with all the abundance of nature, but when he

spoke too much about conversations with passed ones, that the waking world is the illusionary dream, and that

when we sleep we return back home, as well as shooting stars flying across his ceiling at night, concerns started

to arise.

Adrian grew to hate what others may refer to as the gift. What followed was years and years of running away

without even realising what he was running from. He could not hold down a job or a relationship and whenever

a friend got too close to him, he would distance himself from that connection. This running often meant packing

his bags overnight and being in a different town come sunrise. He did not understand what he was hiding from.

Everything changed in 2013 when Adrian met a wonderful Usui Reiki practitioner whom he found himself

surprised at confiding in about searching for what he knew was right there but simply could not put his finger on.

As he started training with the practitioner, his psychic connection pretty much immediately returned. This time

around it was made clear to him that he could be specific about what communication he was open to receive

and which not.

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He saw imagery again, in front of his eyes but this time he could tell the difference. As it turns out, claircognizance

became his strongest psychic ability and when he does not understand the clear knowing he receives through

his claircognizant connection, he learned to ask questions and listen for the answer, which as you now know is


Enhancing your psychic connection Ways to enhance your psychic connection can be an entire course all on its own or even a full weekend retreat.

But for now, we will just discuss the basics: we will talk about how diet, sound, exercises, the words you speak,

and a routine can all benefit you greatly. A change in lifestyle always impacts your psychic ability. So, let’s delve

a little deeper.

Diet Starting with your diet. ‘You are what you eat’ is an idea you’ve certainly heard in your life before. What you put

into your mouth directly affects the wellbeing of your body. As we move through each of the next seven lessons,

we will share with you knowledge on foods and spices that directly affect each of the seven main chakras.

In relation to overall psychic wellness, our recommendation is that whichever eating plan you choose to follow,

know that the healthier your body, the stronger and more stable your psychic connection will be.

Professional Diploma in Human Nutrition at Shaw Academy

Should you be interested in understanding nutrition from the inside out, from mastering the basics to moving

onto complex nutritional principles in just 16 weeks, consider signing up for our Professional Diploma in Human

Nutrition, presented by our brilliant in-house nutritionist Abby Courtenay. In our course catalogue, navigate to

Health Wellness then choose Human Nutrition. You may find this course highly valuable.

Sound Next, let’s talk about how sound affects your psychic ability. Are you familiar with the haunting melody and

poignant lyrics of the Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel? How about giving it a good listen to? As your

body consists mostly of water, the energy waves of sound impact you. Throughout this course, we will share with

you which specific sound wavelengths, also referred to as hertz, which can be played to specifically impact each

chakra. Sometimes this will be a focus in some of your crystal healing sessions.

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On a more basic level, the sounds that help you attain a stronger psychic connection, are really any sounds that

make you feel good. This can be beautiful soothing music or pumping jams that make you dance. Whatever tones

you choose, you want it to bring you into a happy space, so your joy can flow, because that is when we are able

to make a truer connection with the universe.

Exercise A healthy body and mind are to your psychic connection what it is to a professional singer. It simply allows you

to perform better. Same as with nutrition, you want to opt for good bodily health in order to enhance stable

psychic flow. Whatever exercise routine you follow, as long as it gets your body moving, it is good. A good daily

walk does wonders for your body and soul. Energy always flows best through a healthy, well-maintained body in

the same way a water fountain bubbles water best through a good pump perfectly suited to it.

Affirmations And then there are affirmations, which is the repeating of words and phrases, out loud or in your mind, as a

message to the universe. Your mind sees only now, so when speaking your positive affirmations, always do so in

the present tense. A good affirmation for psychic development is ‘I am a pure channel for easy universal


Routine And lastly, never underestimate the benefit of a routine to grow your psychic development. This need not be a

strenuous exercise though. Set aside time every day during which you open yourself to receiving universal

communication. Sometimes you may receive plenty and sometimes you may receive nothing and both ways are

fine. Simply place yourself in a silent space of relaxation and be open to receive if there is anything to receive.

Here’s a tip for something you can add to your routine: remember when we discussed water alchemy practice in

Module 1 Lesson 1? You can set aside time each day to energetically program your drinking water to aid in your

psychic growth. We suggest setting time aside each day to program and drink water with the goal of lovingly

hydrating your body at set times per day. The more you show love to your body, the stronger your psychic

connection will flow.

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Can you lose your psychic connection? As you can see, there are so many ways to enhance your psychic connection, but you may be wondering – can

you lose it? The short answer is that it is not possible for you to lose that which forms an eternal part of you. You

can only cease to be consciously aware of it. So, the focus is not getting it back. The focus is re-aligning with it.

This is where you as a crystal healer begin to assist others in finding their way back to their own birthright power.

Did you know?

A lot of times when people do not have a strong connection with the psychic ability of clairvoyance, they prefer

the word intuition to describe their universal connection as opposed to that of psychic. The choice remains

entirely yours what you would like to name things. These are all just terms. Be careful of getting too hung up on

terminologies. It may hinder you from focusing on your true purpose, which is love and you are currently doing

so by your expression of life.

Outro Now that you have a firmer understanding of psychic ability and all it entails; you can enter the world of crystal

healing even more confidently. Because of this new ability, you are able to provide a service to your clients that

strongly contributes to their greatest life potential unfolding. Here is the great part – yours too.

We are confident that you will continue to reap the benefits in your own life too, as you continue your journey of

becoming a highly competent crystal healing practitioner. You may feel that this lesson was a huge jump from

your module one training and honestly, it is about to get a whole lot more exciting. In this course, we share with

you all the knowledge that Adrian has gained over the years, which will serve you beneficially in this course.

Use this knowledge to benefit others. Remember, when you can find a way to serve, without placing yourself

second, whatever endeavour in life you start, it will always be successful. Let love be your guiding light, for even

when you do not know what to do, when you come from a point of true love, you cannot go wrong, for love

unlocks your truth.

Forever love


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References • Brennan, B., 1993. Hands Of Light. Toronto: Bantam Books

• Eason, C., n.d. The Complete Crystal Bible. London: Carlton Books

• Gienger, M., n.d. Crystal Power, Crystal Healing. London: cassell illustrated

• Hall, J., 2015. The Encyclopedia Of Crystals. London: Bounty Books

• Islin, C., 2001. All About Crystals. Hod Hasharon, Israel: Astrolog Pub. House

• Islin, C., 2001. All About Crystals. Hod Hasharon, Israel: Astrolog Pub. House

• Melody., 1991. Love Is In The Earth. Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth Love Publishing
