Production plan/schedule

Production plan

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Production plan/schedule

Page 2: Production plan

Dates and equipment for production…

Test footage: Tuesday 23rd September 2014 (2pm-4pm)

Location scouting: Tuesday 23rd September 2014 (2pm-4pm)

Test shots: Tuesday 23rd September 2014 (2pm-4pm) Casting photos: Tuesday 23rd September 2014 (2pm-

4pm) Equipment that will be used: camera and tripod.

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Locations for production…

The initial location for our storyline is outside of Michaela’s house, including the street leading up to this location as this will show the group of friends walking home to the house. During this stage of production the main storyline which is that Michaela believes her house is haunted (suggesting that the group stays round for the weekend to see for themselves)

The location allows the use of natural lighting and also ambient sound, in relation to the location being outside near the noise of cars and footsteps. This creates a more realistic setting for the characters as they are conventional teenagers.

The main setting for our production storyline will be focused inside of Michaela’s house, which is supposedly haunted, causing it to also be the location were many key events occur. This has been found to be very conventional for a horror film as the audience is made to believe that the house is normal due to the outside appearance but this changes throughout the trailer. This appeals to our target audience and relates to other well known films such as Paranormal Activity.

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Props for production…

The props that we have chosen to feature throughout our production trailer are all conventional to the horror genre and appealing to the target audience.

The props decided to be used are objects such as; blood, ticking clocks, old creaking floorboards, sharp knifes and other various props with religious connotations (which are conventional for the horror genre, especially psychological) such as crosses. These are props that are regularly found in other horror films that are also centred towards the same target audience as ours.

These props will help us connote a dark and mysterious/scary tone towards our chosen genre which is horror.

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Costume for production…

We have decided to give our characters a casual costume to fit their age (which is conventional) and also help to appeal and relate to the target audience. This also helps carry on conveying the message that this group of friends are all innocent characters/unsuspecting victims.

Dark clothing would be used for the antagonist to signify to the target audience that they are a dangerous character and will bring harm to the others. Dark colours such as black also connote negative connotations such as danger and death, which are conventional for the horror genre and antagonists.

Blood will also be used to show that the character is in a very vulnerable and dangerous position, due to being attacked by the antagonist, connoting that she is the weak protagonist against the superior antagonist. This fake blood will also tell the audience that something bad is happening, therefore building up suspense and tension (which is conventional for a horror film.

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Personnel/casting for production…

Michaela – a protagonist in the film who is seventeen (student at sixth form) she is the main character in the storyline who believes that her house is in fact haunted, none of her friends believe her causing her to invite them round to prove to them that she is telling the truth. Michaela is also the last character to be seen in the trailer as she is the only friend within the group who is still breathing.

James – starts of as a seventeen year old protagonist within the film but is later to be revealed as the main antagonist when he becomes possessed due to staying round Michaela’s house. James does not believe that the house is haunted (until he stays round) he ends up killing Libby and attacking Sophie leaving her to die.

Libby – Libby is another seventeen year old protagonist in the film, who is a friend of Michaela’s who too stays round her house to see if it’s haunted. Libby secretly believes that the house is haunted but doesn’t reveal this to any of her friends. Libby ends up being killed by James.

Sophie – Sophie is also a seventeen year old student and protagonist. Sophie is the character who is most reluctant to believe that Michaela’s house is haunted, bit after watching footage begins to believe it, causing her to want to leave the house. Sophie ends up being attacked by James and left to die.