© © 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Procure-to-Pay (Services) Scenario Overview Processing Shopping Carts Processing Purchase Requests Processing Purchase Orders Scenario Explorer usiness !alue usiness Areas Scenario/Processes Open "egend Scenario #low Scenario Description $he %ollowing &usiness roles are involved in this scenario' $he Procure-to-Pay (Services) &usiness scenario allows (ou to procure services) such as consulting and training se la&or) or engineering services. +t can &e triggered &( e*plo(ees who create shopping carts %or services) &( pro,ect *anagers who need a certain se or directl( &( the &u(er using a purchase order. Pro,ect-related services are usuall( recorded in a ti*e sheet and the costs are directl( trans%erred to the pro,ec accounting. +% a purchasing contract or a list price %or the ordered service e/ists) the purchase order can &e created auto*at e/ists) a request %or quotation can &e sent out to deter*ine an appropriate supplier. Alternativel( with this scenario) it is possi&le to order e/ternal resources to provide services %or custo*er de* &( internal e*plo(ees. +n this case) the procure*ent process is triggered when a sales order or a service order ha Clic process chevrons %or details Pro,ect anage*ent Order-to-Cash Pro,ect-ased Services 3*plo(ee Strategic u(er Accounts Pa(a&le Accountant Operational u(er Processing Requests %or 4uotation Processing Pa(a&les and Pa(*ents Con%ir*ing Goods and Services Receipts Processing Supplier +nvoices

Produce to Pay Service

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Produce to Pay Service, SAP

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Procure-to-Pay (Services)Scenario OverviewScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesOpen LegendScenario FlowScenario DescriptionThe following business roles are involved in this scenario:The Procure-to-Pay (Services) business scenario allows you to procure services, such as consulting and training services, temporary labor, or engineering services.It can be triggered by employees who create shopping carts for services, by project managers who need a certain service for their project, or directly by the buyer using a purchase order.Project-related services are usually recorded in a time sheet and the costs are directly transferred to the project tasks in financial accounting.If a purchasing contract or a list price for the ordered service exists, the purchase order can be created automatically. If no source of supply exists, a request for quotation can be sent out to determine an appropriate supplier.Alternatively with this scenario, it is possible to order external resources to provide services for customer demands that cannot be fulfilled by internal employees. In this case, the procurement process is triggered when a sales order or a service order has been created.

Click process chevrons for detailsProject ManagementOrder-to-Cash (Project-Based Services)


Strategic Buyer

Accounts Payable Accountant

Operational BuyerLegendProcess mainly driven by the user

Process mainly driven by the system

Manual process not supported by the system

Process that communicates with third-party software (mouse-over for details)

Process with relevance to Financials

Related scenario

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Close LegendiProcessing Payables and PaymentsProcessing Shopping CartsProcessing Purchase RequestsProcessing Purchase OrdersConfirming Goods and Services ReceiptsProcessing Supplier InvoicesProcessing Requests for Quotation 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.2Procure-to-Pay (Services)Process Details: Processing Supplier InvoicesScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesScenario FlowProcess DescriptionTheProcessing Supplier Invoices business process enablesyou as an accountant to enter, verify, and post invoices, credit memos, and down payment requests that you received from your supplier by fax or by mail. Alternatively, your supplier, which can also be an affiliated company, can send you these documents electronically as XML messages. An automated invoice-verification process compares all supplier invoices with their corresponding purchase documents, if available.

You can also charge supplier invoice items to partner companies, and you can distribute additional costs, such as freight, among all other supplier invoice items.

When the supplier invoice is complete and correct, you post it. The supplier invoice is then used to pay your suppliers. If relevant, the system also creates new fixed assets automatically.

Click process chevrons for detailsProcessing Supplier Invoices

Create a supplier invoiceResolve a supplier invoice exceptionXiiApprove a supplier invoiceiClick here to display process variantsProcessing Purchase RequestsProcessing Shopping CartsProcessing Requests for QuotationProcessing Purchase OrdersProcessing Payables and PaymentsConfirming Goods and Services ReceiptsProject ManagementOrder-to-Cash (Project-Based Services)

Performed byAccounts Payable AccountantIn the Work Center(s)Supplier Invoicing Further Information

2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.9Processing Shopping Carts Go Shopping (Advanced)Procure-to-Pay (Services)Process Details: Processing Shopping CartsScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesScenario FlowProcess DescriptionThe Processing Shopping Carts business process enables your employees to independently create and track shopping carts to request non-stock materials and services. They can also confirm, cancel, or return goods and services receipts from the shopping carts. The costs for these products can be assigned to a cost center, project, sales order, or service order. The information in these shopping carts is sent for approval, if required, and then transferred into purchase requests for the purchasing department. It is possible for a requester to withdraw a shopping cart from approval. Requested items can also be canceled.

Create an advanced shopping cartTrack a shopping cartApprove a shopping cartPerformed byEmployeeIn the Work Center(s)Home Further Information


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Processing Payables and PaymentsProcessing Purchase RequestsProcessing Purchase OrdersConfirming Goods and Services ReceiptsProcessing Supplier InvoicesProcessing Requests for Quotation 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.3InitiateExecute

Perform ServicesRecord TimeSource and BundleProcure-to-Pay (Services) Business ValueScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesScenario FlowOverview

For midsized companies, who staff their projects with external resources, this process integrates service procurement for improved project execution and greater customer satisfactionYou can grow profits by utilizing integrated service procurement and time confirmation processes.SAP Business ByDesign helps efficiently manage the procure-to-pay process: From project planning, service procurement, job execution, time recording through financial settlement. Automated sourcing and purchase order creation, triggered from the projectEfficient collaboration with all parties involved in your project within your company and beyondTime recording, monitoring, and confirmation of work performed by external service providersPayments to suppliers are highly automated to achieve the highest possible payment discounts taking the current liquidity situation into considerationBuilt-in alert and exception handling for fast handling of non-standard requestsBuilt-in analytics that enables the purchasing department to monitor the lifecycle of the external service provider

Key BenefitsProcure

Send Purchase OrderAcknowledge Purchase OrderSettle

Receive/Verify Supplier InvoicePay InvoicePost to LedgerInitiate RFQ ProcessingCreate Purchase Order

2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.19Procure-to-Pay (Services) Business AreasScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesScenario FlowBusiness Areas

Employee Self-ServicePurchasingSourcingCash Flow ManagementBusiness Area DescriptionEnable your employees to more easily complete HR tasks such as address changes, time recording, purchase requests, and expense reports. Automatic workflow in the SAP Business ByDesign solution supports the authorization process, so that the responsible manager immediately receives notification and can approve the employee's request. You can use the software to:Create purchase requisitions in alignment with your companys purchasing policies and guidelines, and monitor their executionSubmit requests for support electronically regarding IT and other workplace-related issues, and manage the follow-on activitiesEnable managers to perform self-service requests or personal data changes on behalf of their direct reports

Processing Shopping CartsProcessing Purchase RequestsProcessing Purchase OrdersProject ManagementOrder-to-Cash (Project-Based Services)

Processing Requests for QuotationProcessing Payables and PaymentsConfirming Goods and Services ReceiptsProcessing Supplier Invoices

2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.15Procure-to-Pay (Services) Business AreasScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesScenario FlowBusiness Areas

Business Area Description

Streamline your companys purchasing activities by automatically creating purchase orders, verifying invoices, and identifying duplicates and variances in invoices. The SAP Business ByDesign solution makes purchasing information instantly available to your buyers, enabling them to make the best possible purchasing decisions for your company. You can also use the software to:Gain insight into the status of purchases throughout the company by using functionality to monitor and manage all purchasing activitiesStreamline and accelerate purchasing through the use of self-service procurement and reduce the volume of routine purchasing tasksCreate invoices with or without reference to a purchase order and automatically create invoices on behalf of your suppliers based on existing goods and services receipts

Processing Shopping CartsProcessing Purchase RequestsProcessing Purchase OrdersProject ManagementOrder-to-Cash (Project-Based Services)

Processing Requests for QuotationProcessing Payables and PaymentsConfirming Goods and Services ReceiptsProcessing Supplier Invoices

Employee Self-ServicePurchasingSourcingCash Flow Management

2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.16Procure-to-Pay (Services)Process Details: Processing Purchase RequestsScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesScenario FlowProcess Description

Processing Purchase Requests - Order i

Click process chevrons for detailsThe Processing Purchase Requests business process enables you to monitor incoming purchase requests and to add or change relevant data in order to transfer purchase requests into purchase orders. You can assign missing sources of supply such as contracts, list prices, or already existing purchase orders and then either order the assigned purchase requests or bundle multiple assigned purchase requests into one or more purchase orders. If there is no source of supply to be found, you can find appropriate sources of supply using a request for quotation. The process can have multiple degrees of automation.

Processing Purchase Requests Bundle and OrderAssign a source of supplyBundle and create a purchase orderInitiate RFQ processingXiiiClick here to hide process variantsProcessing Purchase OrdersProcessing Requests for QuotationProcessing Shopping CartsProcessing Payables and PaymentsConfirming Goods and Services ReceiptsProcessing Supplier InvoicesPerformed byOperational BuyerIn the Work Center(s)Purchase Requests and Orders Further Information

2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.5Processing Purchase OrdersProcure-to-Pay (Services)Process Details: Processing Purchase OrdersScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesScenario FlowProcess DescriptionThe Processing Purchase Orders business process enables you to work on automatically created purchase orders, or manually create a purchase order with or without reference to a contract or a list price. You can also search in a supplier catalog for the products to be ordered. The purchase order can contain stock material with or without product specification, services, or non-stock material that can be ordered for different purposes (for example, for costs centers, projects, or as an individual material within an asset procurement process).You can also create third-party purchase orders for materials and services manually, which can be assigned to sales orders, service orders, or customer projects. If all relevant data is maintained, the purchase order is sent to the supplier, which can also be an affiliated company that uses either SAP Business ByDesign or SAP ERP. It is also possible that an approval procedure depending on the purchase order value is in place. Optionally, a purchase order acknowledgment can be used. The process can have multiple degrees of automation.

Create and Maintain Purchase OrderApprove Purchase OrderAcknow-ledge Purchase OrderXii

Click process chevrons for detailsSend Purchase OrderiiMonitor Purchase OrderiProcessing Purchase RequestsProcessing Shopping CartsProcessing Requests for QuotationConfirming Goods and Services ReceiptsProcessing Supplier InvoicesProject ManagementOrder-to-Cash (Project-Based Services)

Performed byOperational BuyerIn the Work Center(s)Purchase Requests and Orders Further Information

2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.7Procure-to-Pay (Services)Process Details: Processing Payables and PaymentsScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesScenario FlowProcess DescriptionThe Processing Payables and Payments business process enables the processing of outgoing payments initiated either internally by your company or externally by your suppliers. Payments can be made manually or automatically via a payment run in which the system proposes the open items for payment. You then release the payments and the system posts them to accounting. You create the payment medium, either manually or as part of an automatic run. The standard work center provides checks, outgoing bank transfers, credit memos, as well as other country-specific payment methods. Once the payments have been debited from the bank account, the bank statement is entered in the system, in which it is uploaded electronically or entered manually, before being confirmed. If payments are initiated externally, the bank statement provides the notification that a payment has been made. The payments are matched in the system to the open invoices before being cleared.

Click process chevrons for detailsProject ManagementOrder-to-Cash (Project-Based Services)

Processing Payables and Payment Processing Payments AutomaticallyCheck and release a payment proposalCreate a payment medium and send to bank or payeeProcess a bank statementiiApprove a paymentiiAllocate a paymentiClick here to display process variantsXProcessing Purchase RequestsProcessing Purchase OrdersConfirming Goods and Services ReceiptsProcessing Supplier InvoicesProcessing Requests for QuotationThe system receives information about the processed payments in a bank statement, lockbox, or bank advice, and allocates them to the appropriate process or matches them against the payments created in the system. If allocation is not possible, the accountant has to process it manually in a system-generated task.XPerformed byAccounts Payable AccountantIn the Work Center(s)PayablesPayment ManagementLiquidity ManagementFurther Information

2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.13Procure-to-Pay (Services)Scenario OverviewProcessing Shopping CartsProcessing Purchase RequestsProcessing Purchase OrdersScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesOpen LegendScenario FlowScenario DescriptionThe following business roles are involved in this scenario:The Procure-to-Pay (Services) business scenario allows you to procure services, such as consulting and training services, temporary labor, or engineering services.It can be triggered by employees who create shopping carts for services, by project managers who need a certain service for their project, or directly by the buyer using a purchase order.Project-related services are usually recorded in a time sheet and the costs are directly transferred to the project tasks in financial accounting.If a purchasing contract or a list price for the ordered service exists, the purchase order can be created automatically. If no source of supply exists, a request for quotation can be sent out to determine an appropriate supplier.Alternatively with this scenario, it is possible to order external resources to provide services for customer demands that cannot be fulfilled by internal employees. In this case, the procurement process is triggered when a sales order or a service order has been created.

Click process chevrons for detailsProject ManagementOrder-to-Cash (Project-Based Services)


Strategic Buyer

Accounts Payable Accountant

Operational BuyerProcessing Requests for QuotationProcessing Payables and PaymentsConfirming Goods and Services ReceiptsProcessing Supplier Invoices 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.1Processing Requests for Quotation

Procure-to-Pay (Services)Process Details: Processing Requests for QuotationScenario ExplorerBusiness ValueBusiness AreasScenario/ProcessesScenario FlowProcess DescriptionThe Processing Requests for Quotation business process enables your purchasing department to bundle your companys purchasing requirements and to find appropriate sources of supply for the materials and services required. This includes finding sources of supply for purchase requests, for example, and for the negotiation of new or expiring purchasing contracts.You can invite new or existing suppliers to participate in requests for quotation and compare the quotes received easily in the system to determine most suitable supplier for your requirements.Once you have determined the winning quote, the bidders are notified about the outcome of the request for quotation process, and follow-up documents, such as purchase orders or contracts, can be created.

Group sourcing request itemsEnter quotes


Click process chevrons for detailsCreate a request for quotationCompare quotes and create follow-up documents


XProcessing Purchase RequestsProcessing Purchase OrdersProcessing Shopping CartsConfirming Goods and Services ReceiptsProcessing Supplier InvoicesProject ManagementOrder-to-Cash (Project-Based Services)

Performed byStrategic BuyerIn the Work Center(s)Sourcing and Contracting Further Information

2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.6