Spelthorne  Borough Council Schedule 2 - Output Specificatio n Part 2 – Services Requirements

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Spelthorne Borough Council

Schedule 2 - Output Specification

Part 2 – Services Requirements

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Description Page No

Part 2 – Service Requirements

Part 2! – "eneral 2

1.4 Introduction ......................................................................... 2 1.5 Remedy .............................................................................. 31.6 Pricing Requirements ......................................................... 31.7 Maintenance of Buildings Plant and !qui"ment 4

Part 2B – !vaila#ilit$ Requirements %

1.# $"ening%ours ....................................................................

1.& 'cti(ity Programming .......................................................... 7 1.1) %ealt* and +afety Management ......................................... &1.11 !qui"ment........................................................................... 1) 1.12 'ccess 1)  1.13 ,egislation 111.14 -ater %ot and /old Installations0 111.15 rainage 12  1.16 entilation 12  1.17 %eating *ermal /omfort0 131.1# ,ig*ting 131.1& Pool -ater uality 141.2) // 15  1.21 +taffing 15  

Part 2C – &onthl$ Performance Requirements '(

1.22 /leaning ..............................................................................


1.23 /ustomer /are ................................................................... 17 1.24 Re"orting ............................................................................ 1# 

Part 2D – !nnual Performance Requirements 22

1.25 uest 'ccreditation ............................................................ 22 1.26 Partici"ation argets ........................................................... 22 

!ppendi) 'Minimum Opening Hours .................................................................   25 

!ppendi) 2 Authority Weekly ProgrammingRequirements ..................................


!ppendi) * Authority Pricing Requirements .................................................   2&

!ppendi) +

Zone Data Sheets ............................................................................   32 

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' ,ntroduction

This Serices Speci!ication "e!ines the accommo"ation an" serice outputs that the Authority requires the #ontractor to proi"e un"er the propose" scheme. $t shoul" %erea" in con&unction 'ith the Pro&ect Agreement an" the Sche"ule ( )Payment


The Serices Speci!ication is structure" as !ollo's+

Part 2 – Services Specification

Part ,A - eneralPart ,/ 0 Aaila%ility RequirementsPart ,# 0 Monthly Per!ormance RequirementsPart ,D - Annual Per!ormance Requirements

The serice speci!ication uses the !ollo'ing structure to proi"e the #ontractor 'iththe requirements an" Per!ormance Stan"ar"s o! the Authority.

Require" Outcome To proi"e the #ontractor 'ith a high leel ie'o! the outcome an" conte(t o! therequirements o! the Authority.

eneral Stan"ar"s A list o! stan"ar"s that relate to the output %ut'hich are coere" %y regulations1 legislation1/ritish Stan"ar"s etc. These must %e met i! theoutput speci!ication is "eeme" to %e achiee".

Per!ormance Stan"ar"s These are stan"ar"s1 in a""ition to the generalstan"ar"s1 that set out the leel o!per!ormance that "etermines 'hether the#ontractor is meeting the output requirements.

Measurement This proi"es the #ontractor 'ith "etails o!ho' the Per!ormance Stan"ar"s 'ill %emeasure". 2nless speci!ically state"1 the !ormo! measurement 'ill %e that set out inparagraph 3.3 %elo'.

Reporting Requirements This "etails the reporting requirements o! the

#ontractor in relation to the speci!ie"Per!ormance Stan"ar". 2nless speci!ie"1 the!orm o! reporting set out in paragraph 3.,%elo' 'ill apply.

Reme"y This sets out the reme"y the Authority may use'here the #ontractor "oes not meet therequire" Per!ormance Stan"ar"s as set out inthe Serices Speci!ication. The Reme"y 'illinclu"e that sho'n in paragraph 3.4 %elo'.

'' &easurement

$n generic terms1 the monitoring o! the #ontractors achieement o! the Per!ormanceStan"ar"s 'ill %e as !ollo's+

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During the Serices Perio"+ The #ontractors per!ormance 'ill %e measure"in accor"ance 'ith #lause ((  )SericesMonitoring* o! the Agreement.

'2 Reporting

$n generic terms1 the reporting o! the #ontractors per!ormance 'ill %e as !ollo's+

During the Serices Perio"+ The #ontract is o%lige" to report on its o'nper!ormance in accor"ance 'ith #lause (( )Payment *.

'* Remed$

$n generic terms1 the reme"y !or the Authority 'here there is a !ailure %y the#ontractor to meet the Aaila%ility Per!ormance Stan"ar"s 'ithin this Sche"ule 7,8 isas !ollo's+

During the Serices Perio"+ De"uctions 'ill %e ma"e !rom the 2nitary#harge un"er Sche"ule ( )Payment Mechanism*'here the require" Aaila%ility Per!ormanceStan"ar"s are not achiee"1 unless a Reme"y ise(pressly state" in the Pro&ect Agreement.De"uctions 'ill %e calculate" un"er the PaymentMechanism.

Part 2! – "eneral

'+ ,ntroduction

This Serices Speci!ication sets out the Aaila%ility an" Per!ormance stan"ar"s thatare require" in the "eliery o! the serice "uring the Serices Perio". The structure o! this Part , "irectly relates to ho' the Aaila%ility an" Per!ormance Stan"ar"s 'ill %eassesse" !or the purposes o! Sche"ule ( 0 Payment Mechanism an" is as !ollo's+

Part ,/ - Aaila%ility Requirements   • Opening Hours

•  Actiity programming

•Health an" Sa!ety Management

• 9quipment

•  Access

• :egislation

• Water )Hot ; #ol" $nstallations*

• Drainage

• <entilation

• Heating )Thermal #om!ort*

• :ighting

• Pool Water =uality

Part ,# - Monthly Per!ormanceRequirements

• #leaning

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• #ustomer #are

• Reporting

Part ,D - Annual Per!ormanceRequirements

• =uest Accre"itation

• Participation Targets

' Remed$

The !ailure to meet the Aaila%ility an" Per!ormance Stan"ar"s set out in this Part ,o! Sche"ule , shall %e "ealt 'ith in accor"ance 'ith Sche"ule ( Payment Mechanismas !ollo's+

'( Pricing Requirements

Required Outcome

The Authority 'ishes to set speci!ic ma(imum prices !or certain actiities an" 2sers.

These are sho'n in Appen"i( 4 - Authority Pricing Requirements to this Sche"ule. Any ariations !rom this Appen"i( 'ill %e a""resse" through the #lause (( )<ariationo! #ontractor>s Proposals* o! the Pro&ect Agreement.

Performance Standards

The #ontractor must not charge more than the prices )as RP$ in"e(e"* !or theactiities or users as set out in Appen"i( 4 as at April ,55?.

The #ontractor 'ill %e require" to o!!er a :eisure #ar" 'hich 'ill act as an annualcentre mem%ership car"1 using the agree" prices as set out in Appen"i( 4.

The #ontractor must o!!er a !ree :eisure #ar"1 annual !itness mem%ership an"in"uction session !ees to all P re!erees an" car"iac reha%ilitation patients i"enti!ie"%y the #ouncil>s Team. A ma(imum o! 7insert numer 8 passes may %e issue" %y theTeam entitling the i"enti!ie" P re!erees an" car"iac reha%ilitation patients to thesere"uctions1 to %e reie'e" an" agree" on an annual %asis.

The i"enti!ie" P re!erees an" car"iac reha%ilitation patients 'ill also %e entitle" to a7@58 re"uction on !itness sessions. Participants in the P re!erral scheme areentitle" to 7,58 superise" sessions in the gym an" car"iac reha%ilitation patients areentitle" to 7458 superise" sessions1 the num%er o! superise" sessions to %ereie'e" an" agree" on an annual %asis.

The #ontractor is not require" to o!!er "i!!erential pricing !or peakB o!!0peak usage %utmay choose to o!!er these Cpromotions> at their o'n "iscretion.

Spelthorne /orough #ouncil , o! 46

Schedule 2 - Services Specification Schedule ) – Pa$ment &echanism

Part ,/ - Aaila%ility Requirements Part ( - Aaila%ility De"uctions

Part ,# - Monthly Per!ormanceRequirements

Part ( - Monthly Per!ormanceDe"uctions

Part ,D - Annual Per!ormanceRequirements

Part ( - Annual Per!ormance De"uctions

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 As a minimum1 the #ouncil requires that prices 'ill %e set !or the !ollo'ing threeactiity areas

•  A non hol"er o! the :eisure #ar" )non0mem%er*

•  A hol"er o! the :eisure #ar" )mem%er*

•  A hol"er o! the :eisure #ar" 'ho is entitle" to a concessionary price.

#oncession rates must %e aaila%le to the !ollo'ing groups o! people+

• people 'ith "isa%ilities

• stu"ents

• senior citiEens )oer F5*

• young people un"er 3G years o! age

The agree" "iscount !or people entitle" to concessions 'ill %e 7@58 o! the ma(imumprice !or a non :eisure #ar" hol"er1 to %e reie'e" annually an" agree" %y the Authority. #oncessionary rates must %e aaila%le !or all core actiities %ut there 'ill%e no requirement !or the #ontractor to o!!er concessionary prices to 2sers o! the"ance stu"io1 crche an" promotional actiities.

There 'ill %e no limitation on timing !or access %y concessionary groups. Any reie'o! this 'ill %e su%&ect to agreement %y the Authority.

The #ontractor must not charge more than the ma(imum non0mem%er a"ult an" &unior charges !or all core actiities inclu"ing use o! the s'imming pool1 sports hallan" "ance stu"io1 as set out in Appen"i( 4.

$n a""ition1 the #ontractor must not charge more than the ma(imum price !or casualgym an" "ance stu"io sessions an" use o! the crche %y 2sers1 clu% hourly charges!or hire o! the s'imming pool an" non commercial hire o! the sports hall1 as set out in Appen"i( 4. The #ontractor 'ill %e entitle" to charge a ma(imum Cone0o!!> registration!ee !or all chil"ren using the crche !acility1 as set out in Appen"i( 4.

The #ontractor is !ree to set their o'n prices !or all hol"ers o! the :eisure #ar" an"the use o! !acilities that are not speci!ie" in Appen"i( 4.

The #ontractor is committe" to honouring all e(isting promotional pricing schemes!or a minimum o! 3, months !rom the Serice #ommencement Date an" 'ill then %eencourage" to continue to o!!er pricing promotions to encourage increase" use at allperio"s o! the "ay re!lecting 'ork an" cultural patterns in the community an" "eman"on !acilities.

The #ontractor is !ree to promote an" set prices !or all promotional actiities such as!amily s'im1 parent an" %a%y sessions an" chil"ren>s %irth"ay parties. Prices !or allgalas1 courses1 lessons1 school use an" &unior actiities 'ill %e at the #ontractor>s


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The #ontractor is !ree to require participants to pay an annual mem%ership oer an"a%oe the price !or casual !itness suite sessions. #harges !or annual !itness suitemem%ership an" gym in"uction sessions 'ill %e at the #ontractor>s "iscretion.


 Any !ailure %y the #ontractor to meet the Per!ormance Stan"ar"s a%oe 'ill %e "ealt'ith as a Persistent /reach un"er #lause (( )Termination on #ontractor De!ault*.

'% &aintenance of Buildings. Plant and /quipment

Required Outcome

$t is ital to the operation o! the :eisure Iacilities that all %uil"ings1 plant an"equipment are !ully aaila%le !or use1 con!orm to :egislation an" statutoryrequirements1 per!orm in the most e!!icient manner an" achiee !ull economic li!e.The #ontractor 'ill also %e responsi%le !or all maintenance o! %oth har" an" so!tlan"scaping an" e(ternal areas an" groun"s aroun" the :eisure Iacilities.

General Standards

The #ontractor shall ensure that on a continuing %asis the maintenance an"operating proce"ures require" un"er #lause (( are su!!icient to ensure that+

• The :eisure Iacilities are aaila%le at those times speci!ie" in this Serices


• The :eisure Iacilities are kept in goo" structural an" "ecoratie or"er

)su%&ect to !air 'ear an" tear*

• The assets are maintaine" to their "esign intention so that they may reachtheir !ull 'orking li!e

• Serices may %e proi"e" in accor"ance 'ith this Speci!ication an" the

Pro&ect Agreement

• The :eisure Iacilities are han"e" %ack to the Authority at the 9(piry Date in a

con"ition complying 'ith the requirements o! #lause (( o! the Pro&ect Agreement

Performance Standards

The #ontractor must ensure that1 at all times1 the plant1 %uil"ings an" equipment at

the :eisure Iacilities are maintaine" to a high stan"ar" o! goo" repair an" are !ully!unctional in respect to the actiities taking place at the !acilities.

• Maintenance proce"ures shall ensure !acilities+

• comply 'ith all applica%le statutory requirements an" :a's

• are in a sa!e1 secure1 'in" protecte" an" 'atertight con"ition1

• are maintaine" to such leels o! con"ition an" to such speci!ications as

are consistent 'ith principles o! goo" estate management applie" to the!acility as a 'hole1 an"

• are maintaine" in a manner 'hich preents "eterioration o! any part

thereo! sae !air 'ear an" tear.

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 All maintenance repairs must use materials that are compara%le an" compati%le 'ithe(isting materials use" on the !acility

• Jon0compliant "oors )inclu"ing !ire "oors* are i"enti!ie" an" entere" onto the

property "ata%ase

•  All e(ternal an" internal !ittings are maintaine" in 'orking con"ition an" o!

un%lemishe" appearance

•  All %uil"ings an" signage must %e usa%le an" !ree !rom gra!!iti at all times•  All heating appliances to hae sa!e sur!ace temperatures

• The storage an" "istri%ution o! 'ater 'ithin the !acilities shall %e maintaine"

in accor"ance 'ith all %uil"ing co"es an" /S gui"ance 'ith particularre!erence to /SF655+3KG6 Speci!ication !or the "esign1 installation1 Testing1an" Maintenance o! Serices Supplying Water !or Domestic 2se 'ithin%uil"ings an" their cartilages

• Maintain the installe" 'ater serices in compliance 'ith the Health an" Sa!ety

#ommission Approe" #o"e o! Practice an" ui"ance :G LThe control o!legionella %acteria in 'ater systems.

• #ompliance 'ith #$/S9 Technical Memoran"a TM34+3KK3 Minimising the risk

o! :egionnaires> Disease• Maintenance relating to Drainage shall %e in accor"ance 'ith the H<#A

Stan"ar" Maintenance speci!ication <olume ? Ancillaries Plum%ing an"Se'erage

• $nspection an" maintenance processes shall ensure there is no unreasona%le

interruption to "rainage serices

• The maintenance o! li!ts is containe" in #$/S9 ui"e D - Transportation

Systems in /uil"ings

• :i!t cars1 po'er supply1 controls an" associate" equipment must %e

maintaine"1 an" routine inspections carrie" out in accor"ance 'ith themanu!acturers speci!ications

•as $nstallations must %e maintaine" an" an appropriate #OR$ certi!icatemust %e o%taine" an" hel" !or the Iacility

• The #ontractor shall test all porta%le electrical appliances at a suita%le

!requency to ensure compliance 'ith the 9lectricity at Work Regulations

• The #ontractor shall maintain the propose" electrical installations to a sa!e

an" opera%le stan"ar" in accor"ance 'ith /S 6F63+,553 CRequirements !orelectrical installations. $99 regulations Si(teenth e"ition> an" o%tain anappropriate 9lectrical #erti!icate

• 9mergency lighting shall %e teste" in compliance 'ith the applica%le


• The #ontractor is to un"ertake inspections o! the lightning protection system

•The !ire alarm system must %e !unctional an" operational "uring openinghours o! the Iacility an" emergency call points teste"

• The #ontractor is to test the PA System to ensure that it 'orks throughout all

Zones 'ithin the %uil"ings1 corri"ors1 etc

• The #ontractor must comply 'ith all statutory o%ligations an" accor" 'ith

oo" $n"ustry Practice in the "ay to "ay maintenance an" li!ecyclemanagementBplacement o! !urniture an" equipment !or all :eisure #entrenee"s

• With the support o! the Authority an" their proce"ures1 the #ontractor shall

"ispose o! any !ly tipping1 a%an"one" cars etc that are le!t 'ithin the :eisure#entre %oun"aries !or 'hich they are responsi%le an" take the necessaryaction to remoe unauthorise" caraans an" relate" ehicles

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• The grass area an" tennis courts must %e maintaine" to a goo" aesthetic

stan"ar" an" must ensure the groun"s are sa!e !or all 2sers throughout theyear

• Sur!ace 'ater "rainage in all e(ternal areas must %e correctly "esigne" an"

implemente"1 an" gulleys kept clear at all times o! %lockages

• Sur!ace 'ater "rainage systems are to %e kept clear o! silt an" matter

)%iological or litter etc* that may cause re"uction o! !lo' capacity or %lockage• The #ontractor shall ensure that !atty 'astes are properly intercepte" an"

appropriate arrangements ma"e !or "isposal

•  All sanitary to'els arising !rom non0"omestic premises are classe" as clinical

'aste an" shall %e "ispose" o! appropriately

•  All pro"ucts use" in connection 'ith groun"s maintenance must %e use" an"

store" in accor"ance 'ith the manu!acturers> instructions

• The #ontractor shall ensure that it a"heres to the #ontrol o! Su%stances

HaEar"ous to Health Regulations 3KGG

•  All 'ork must %e carrie" out in accor"ance 'ith appropriate /ritish Stan"ar"s

an" #o"es o! Practice

• Iall arrest systems to %e inspecte" an" certi!icate" annually.

Reporting Requirements

Results o! all non0compliant measurements to %e recor"e" on the PropertyData%ase.

The Authority requires the #ontractor to report all inspections1 maintenance1 checksetc !or the purpose o! a %uil"ing au"it oer the #ontract Perio". This in!ormation 'ill%e store" on the Property Data%ase.

The #ontractor must1 on an annual %asis1 pro"uce a comprehensie MaintenancePlan !or each o! the Iacilities in accor"ance 'ith #lause (( )Maintenance*. The Annual Maintenance Programme must %e su%mitte" to the Authority in accor"ance'ith Sche"ule ( )Reie' Proce"ure* three months prior to the Serice#ommencement Date an" to each su%sequent anniersary o! the Serice#ommencement Date. The contents o! this Maintenance Programme must %e agree"in a"ance %y the #ouncil.

The #ontractor must "elier the latest ersion o! the @ year Maintenance Plan to the Authority not less than !ie %usiness "ays prior to the start o! each #ontract Near.

The #ontractor must proi"e a Maintenance Programme Progress 2p"ate on a

monthly %asis.


 Any !ailure %y the #ontractor to meet the Per!ormance Stan"ar"s a%oe 'ill %e "ealt'ith un"er #lause (( Maintenance - #on"ition o! the Iacility.

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Part 2B – !vaila#ilit$ Requirements

The !ollo'ing issues are coere" un"er Aaila%ility Requirements+

• Opening Hours

•  Actiity Programming

• Health an" Sa!ety Management

• 9quipment

•  Access

• :egislation

• Water )Hot an" #ol" $nstallations*

• Drainage

• <entilation

• Heating )Thermal #om!ort*

• :ighting

• Pool Water =uality

• ##T<• Sta!!ing

'0 Opening 1ours

Required Outcome

The :eisure Iacilities 'ill proi"e !ull community access to the !acilities proi"e"'ithin the :eisure Iacilities "uring the opening hours. The opening hours are "e!ine"in Appen"i( 3 an" these shall %e regar"e" as the minimum opening hours !or the

speci!ie" !acilities.

The #ontractor 'ill maintain a :eisure #ar" scheme1 'hich 'ill gie hol"ers accessto all !acilities at each site at re"uce" prices.

Performance Standards

The !acilities sho'n in Appen"i( 3 must %e aaila%le !or pu%lic use "uring the hoursspeci!ie".

Reporting Requirements

The #ontractor 'ill maintain a log o! hours that the centre is not open on a "aily %asisan" report any !ailure to meet the opening hours requirements.

' !ctivit$ Programming

Required Outcome

The Authority requires speci!ie" actiities to %e con"ucte" "uring agree" timeparameters to ensure that certain mem%ers o! the community are a%le to participatein the :eisure Iacilities.

There shall %e as high a proportion o! casual use o! the !acilities as possi%le

consistent 'ith a %alance" programme o! use %y the pu%lic1 clu%s1 schools1 specialnee"s groups1 an" instructe" "eelopment courses1 in particular1 a comprehensie

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s'imming programme to meet the "eman" !or learn to s'im. reater use %y groups'ho hae %een tra"itionally un"er0represente" shall %e encourage".

Ior each holi"ay actiity programme proi"e" there shall %e places aaila%le !or"isa%le" young people.

Performance Standards

The speci!ic actiities an" programmes that must %e proi"e" as a minimum1 i!require" %y the 2ser1 are set out in Appen"i( , - Authority Weekly ProgrammingRequirements.

The #ontractor 'ill %e require" to retain an" continue to accommo"ate the e(istingprogramme o! use !or the !irst 3, months !ollo'ing the Serice #ommencementDate.

The #ontractor 'ill continuously monitor the leel o! atten"ees o! clu%s an" schoolsan" ensure that at Sun%ury :# su!!icient space is "esignate" to them to carry out

their usual actiities. Jo con!licting actiities 'ill %e programme" at the same time orin the same area.

The #ontractor an" the Authority 'ill 'ork together to ensure that the actiityprogramme re!lects the changing nee"s o! the 2sers. The actiity programme canonly %e change" 'ith the agreement o! the Authority1 or the oint #ommittee atSun%ury :#.

Where a Zone is require" to %e ma"e aaila%le !or a session %ooking1 the 'holeZone shoul" %e ma"e aaila%le %ut only i! require" %y the 2ser.

The #ontractor is require" to aoi" clu% or session %ookings on the same "ay an"

time across all !acilities so that the pu%lic shall %e a%le to gain casual access to atleast one !acility eg s'imming pool at any gien "ay or time.

The programming o! s'imming actiities 'ithin the :eisure Iacilities 'ill take intoaccount the o%&ecties set 'ithin the local s'imming "eelopment strategy. Thestrategy em%races the principles set out in the ASA>s CS'im ,3> programme an" theJational Plan !or Teaching S'imming an" seeks to a""ress the key issues i"enti!ie"such as the lo' leels o! use %y young people1 the "isa%le"1 people on lo'erincomes an" male s'immers. The strategy aims to support Sport 9nglan">s ActieSchools1 Actie #ommunities an" Actie Sport initiaties.

 All s'imming pools shall hae share" schoolB pu%lic use. #onsi"eration 'ill %e giento the proision o! a segregate" pu%lic area at all times that school chil"ren are usingthe pools1 in or"er to proi"e continue" "aytime use !or casual s'immers1 'hilstensuring that the chil"ren using the pool are protecte" !rom haing contact 'ith theseusers.

 A""itional opportunities !or chil"ren to !ollo' 'ater sa!ety an" personal suriala'ar"s shoul" %e proi"e".

Iuture programmes o! use 'ill %e require" to continue to support the esta%lishe"arrangements 'ith i"enti!ie" clu%s an" to ena%le the schemes to %e e(pan"e" tomeet "eman". These programmes 'ill %e i"enti!ie" in the annual Sports

Deelopment Plan that is agree" 'ith the #ouncil.

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Propose" programmes o! use !or the main actiity areas )s'imming pools an" sportshalls* shall %e proi"e" annually to the Authority in Octo%er %y the #ontractor !oragreement %y %oth parties !or the Authority>s ne(t !inancial year1 April to March. Anychanges to the agree" programmes shall only %e achiee" through mutual 'rittenagreement.

Propose" summer holi"ay actiity programme schemes must %e proi"e" %y mi"0 April each year to the Authority.

The #ontractor 'ill %e require" to 'ork pro0actiely 'ith the Authority to help "eelopthe Healthy :i!estyle scheme an" other partnership initiaties 'ith the Health Authority.

''3 1ealth and Safet$ &anagement

Required Outcome

The #ontractor must comply 'ith all releant Health an" Sa!ety :egislation an" shallpro"uce1 maintain an" comply 'ith a Health an" Sa!ety Proce"ures Manual. Thisshall %e aaila%le !or inspection %y the Authority>s Authorise" O!!icer or otherauthorise" persons at any time.

Performance Standards

The #ontractor must comply 'ith all releant Health an" Sa!ely :egislation as set outin the releant Zone Data Sheets an" shall operate the !acilities in line 'ith therecommen"ations in the most recent e"ition o! the HS9 pu%lication LManagement o!Health an" Sa!ety in S'imming Pools.

The #ontractor shall ensure that all sta!!1 agents or suppliers 'ho may %e require" toenter the leisure centre are !ully a'are o! all releant rules an" proce"uresconcerning Health an" Sa!ety at Work an" !ire risk an" precautions.

 All sur!ace 'ater an" other liqui" spillage 'ithin internal areas causing "angerous!loor sur!aces are to %e "ealt 'ith imme"iately on i"enti!ication o! the pro%lem an"signe" appropriately.

The Iirst Ai" equipment an" supplies must %e physically checke" 'eekly an" arecor" shall %e ma"e 'hich is aaila%le !or inspection.

HaEar"ous materials or equipment at the :eisure Iacilities1 'hich are to %e use" inthe proision o! the serices must %e kept un"er proper control an" sa!ekeeping areproperly an" clearly la%elle" on their containers an" comply 'ith the releant#OSHH regulations.

 All cleaning materials an" equipment must %e appropriate !or the &o% require" an"must %e use" in accor"ance 'ith the manu!acturer>s instructions1 /ritish Stan"ar"s1releant Health an" Sa!ety measures1 particularly #OSHH.

There shall %e !ull an" comprehensie !ire an" eacuation proce"ures. The#ontractor shall %e responsi%le !or ensuring each leisure !acility>s !ire an" eacuationsystems an" equipment are maintaine" to releant stan"ar"s an" regulations an"

keep appropriate recor"s.

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The #ontractor shall ensure that only authorise" personnel are permitte" in non0pu%lic areas o! the centres1 such as plant areas1 sta!! rooms1 ticket o!!ices etc.

The #ontractor is require" to ensure that an in"uction session is carrie" out !or all!itness gym 2sers.

 A ne' registration pack is require" to %e complete" !or all 2sers o! the crche!acilities.

 All catering serices proi"e" %y the #ontractor shall %e un"ertaken in accor"ance'ith the Ioo" Sa!ety Act 3KK5 an" the regulations an" or"ers ma"e thereun"er an"'ith particular regar" to any e(isting Ioo" Hygiene Or"ers.

''' /quipment

Required Outcome:

The equipment !or use %y sta!! or 2sers must %e aaila%le1 sa!e an" %e capa%le o!

%eing use" !or the releant actiity that they are "esigne" !or1 taking into account thestan"ar" o! sport or actiity %eing un"ertaken.

Performance Standards:

The #ontractor shall proi"e the leel o! equipment an" materials in accor"ance 'iththe releant Zone Data Sheets an" is responsi%le !or that equipment an" materials inthe "eliery o! serices.

 All equipment proi"e" must %e !it !or the purpose1 sa!e an" shall %e maintaine" to ahigh stan"ar" o! repair an" cleanliness at all times in accor"ance 'ith themanu!acturers> recommen"ations an" %e a%le to meet the programmingrequirements o! the :eisure Iacilities.

The equipment an" materials shall comply 'ith the releant /ritish Stan"ar" an" %elimite" to the use it 'as "esigne" !or.

The #ontractor shall test all porta%le electrical appliances at a suita%le !requency toensure compliance 'ith the 9lectricity at Work Regulations.

 All sports an" other equipment to %e use" %y the pu%lic un"er the superision o! the#ontractor shall %e regularly inspecte" !or sa!ety.

''2 !ccess

Required Outcome

The :eisure Iacilities1 an" all Zones 'ithin1 must %e accessi%le %y all 2sers.

Performance Standards

The :eisure Iacilities an" all Zones 'ithin1 inclu"ing the grass area1 tennis courts1%uil"ings or any entrances1 "oor'ays1 halls1 lo%%ies1 reception areas1 unloa"ing%ays1 corri"ors1 li!ts1 staircases1 access roa"s an" car parks are open an" !ree !romany o%struction or physical "estruction or "eterioration )sae !or !air 'ear an" tear*

!rom the stan"ar"s to %e achiee" as set out in the Authority>s Requirements so thatthe Zone is reasona%ly capa%le o! per!orming its !unction an" allo's access 'ithin1entrance to an" e(it !rom the Zone.

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The Iacility1 an" all Zones an" storage space 'ithin1 as speci!ie" in the IacilityRequirements1 must %e accessi%le %y all 2sers in accor"ance 'ith the releant ZoneData Sheets.

''* 4egislation

Required outcome

The :eisure Iacilities must comply 'ith all releant legislation relating to the Sitesan" the proision o! Serices 'ithin this Speci!ication.

Performance Standards

Jo %reaches o! legislation1 inclu"ing 'ithout limitation1 that in respect o! Health an"Sa!ety.

''+ 5ater 61ot and Cold ,nstallations7

Required outcome

To ensure supply o! pota%le an" hot 'ater that is o! high quality to all parts o! the:eisure Iacilities that require 'ater.

General Quality Standards

The !ollo'ing stan"ar"s shall %e complie" 'ith+0

•The storage an" "istri%ution o! 'ater 'ithin the !acilities shall %e proi"e" inaccor"ance 'ith all %uil"ing co"es an" /S gui"ance 'ith particular re!erenceto /SF655+ 3KG6 Speci!ication !or the "esign1 installation1 Testing1 an"Maintenance o! Serices Supplying Water !or Domestic 2se 'ithin %uil"ingsan" their curtilages.

• #ompliance 'ith #$/S9 Technical Memoran"a TM 34+ 3KK3 Minimising the

risk o! :egionnaires> Disease

Performance Standards

Hot an" col" 'ater shall %e proi"e" in accor"ance 'ith the releant Zone DataSheets.

Where Domestic Hot Water )DHW* is supplie" 'ithout thermostatic control1 all tapsshall %e appropriately la%elle".

Water closets1 "rinking !ountains an" urinals shall hae a supply o! col" 'ater1 'hichallo's these serices to %e usa%le in accor"ance 'ith the manu!acturers>speci!ication.

'' Drainage

Required outcome

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The "rainage systems shall proi"e sa!e e!!ectie remoal o! 'aste'ater1 sur!ace'ater an" liqui" 'aste !rom the :eisure Iacilities.

General Quality Standards

Requirements in %uil"ing regulations shall %e complie" 'ith !or !oul an" sur!ace

'ater "rainage.

Performance Standards

 All releant Zones must hae a"equate "rainage an" se'age system operating inaccor"ance 'ith the releant Zone Data Sheets.

Discharge temperatures shall not e(cee" recommen"ations set %y the 9nironment Agency.


The #ontractor to un"ertake isual inspections.

Reporting Requirements

Results o! all non0compliant measurements shall %e recor"e" in the PropertyData%ase.

''( 8entilation

Required outcome

The #ontractor shall ensure that the entilation require" proi"es a healthy an"proper enironment con"ucie to the en&oyment o! the sport1 leisure or recreationalactiity %eing carrie" out at that particular time.

General Quality standards

Requirements as "e!ine" in #$/S9 Application Manual 35 Jatural <entilation in JonDomestic /uil"ings an" the Han"%ook o! Sports an" Recreational /uil"ing Design<olumes 3 - 4.

Performance Requirement 

The #ontractor 'ill %e require" to achiee appropriate entilation rates to meet therequirements set out in the releant Zone Data Sheets.


<entilation rates shall %e calculate" accor"ing to #$/S9 an" /R9 gui"ance.

Reporting Requirements

Results o! all non0compliant measurements shall %e recor"e" on the PropertyData%ase.

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''% 1eating 69hermal Comfort7

Required outcome

To proi"e a thermal enironment con"ucie to the en&oyment o! the sport1 leisure orrecreational actiity %eing carrie" out in a Zone at a particular time.

General Quality Standards

#ompliance 'ith the !ollo'ing "ocuments+0

• Han"%ook o! Sports an" Recreational /uil"ing Design <olumes 3 - 4 3KKF

• /R,F? Thermal #om!ort+ Past1 Present an" Iuture 3KK?

• /R,FF Tren"s in Thermal #om!ort

• /R9#S2 $R 450 Per!ormance Requirements !or the 9nergy 9!!icient O!!ice

o! the Iuture.

Performance standards

The insi"e temperature !or each Zone1 "uring opening hours1 is require" to %e incompliance 'ith the releant Zone Data Sheets.


The #ontractor is responsi%le !or measuring an" checking that the "esire" insi"etemperatures meet the requirements.

Where possi%le1 the #ontractor shall measure the "esire" insi"e temperature at aheight o! 3 metre in the centre o! the space using instruments use" !or the

measurement o! temperature 'hich shall %e checke" annually against 2AS certi!ie"re!erences o! appropriate accuracy.

Measurement accuracy shall %e %etter than 5.6°# !or K@ o! measurements oer the

temperature range o! 3@ to ,@°#1 an" %etter than 3.5°# !or measurements outsi"e

that range.

''0 4ighting

Required Outcome

To proi"e a"equate leels o! lighting !or the particular actiity %eing un"ertaken'ithin each Zone. The #ontractor shall consi"er s'itching o! lighting %anks parallelto 'in"o's1 an" a"opting energy management control systems such as times'itches1 "imma%le controls1 an" presence "etectors.

General Quality Standards

9ach Zone shall hae a lighting )lu(* leel appropriate to its speci!ie" use inaccor"ance 'ith the releant Zone Data Sheets. The !ollo'ing stan"ar"s are to %emet+

• :ighting shall %e require" in respect o! minimum luminescence1 colourren"ition an" glare in"e( as speci!ie" in the Zone Data Sheets.

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• #olour ren"ition1 'here require"1 shall %e no less than G5 an" the glare in"e(

shall %e in accor"ance 'ith #$/S9 recommen"e" gui"elines

• /uil"ing Regulations part :.

• /SG,5F Part , #o"e o! Practice !or Daylighting.

• :?#$/S9 :ighting ui"e 0 Sports.

• #$/S9 #o"e !or $nterior lighting 3KK?.

• CSport 9nglan"> Han"%ooks 3 - 4

• /S @,FF03+3KKK 9mergency lighting. #o"e o! practice !or the emergency

lighting o! premises other than cinemas an" certain other speci!ie" premisesuse" !or entertainment.

Performance Standards

$llumination leels 'ithin each Zone must meet the requirements set out in thereleant Zone Data Sheets.

9(ternal lighting shall %e proi"e" !or security purposes.

:ight source e!!iciency shall %e %etter than ,.6 W B m, B 355 lu( e(cept 'here &usti!ia%le.

 All luminaries 'ithin similar spaces are to hae tu%eB%ul%s o! the same colourtemperature.


$lluminance leels shall %e measure" 'ith an illuminance meter per!orming to therequirements o! /SFF6 -3KKF CSpeci!ication !or $lluminance Meters>. The illuminancemeter shall %e #$9 correcte" to the appropriate spectral response cure.

lare in"e( shall %e calculate" using the metho" accor"ing to #$/S9 TM35 #o"e o!Practice !or lare $n"ices.

Reporting Requirements

Results o! all non0compliant lighting leel an" uni!ormity ratio measurements shall %erecor"e" on the Property Data%ase.

'' Pool 5ater :ualit$ 6S;imming Pool ,nstallations7

Required outcome

S'imming Pools that proi"e 2sers 'ith a sa!e an" com!orting enironment in 'hichto participate in %oth recreational s'imming an" the 'ater sports as require" in this Agreement.

General Quality Standards

The Han"%ook o! Sports an" Recreational /uil"ing Design <olume 4 pu%lishe" as at3KKF an" The Pool Water ui"e Treatment an" =uality o! S'imming Pool Water.

Performance Standards

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 All pool 'ater must %e o! the leel o! quality an" temperature stipulate" 'ithin thereleant Zone Data Sheets.

Monthly %acteriological tests must %e un"ertaken.

Reporting Requirements

The #ontractor to report inspections in the Property Data%ase.

'23 CC98

Required outcome

:eisure Iacilities that are secure an" proi"e a leel o! security to 2sers "uring theirisit to the Iacilities1 %ut 'hich "oes not compromise the personal priacy o! 2sersgetting change".

General Quality Standards


Performance Standards

 An e(ternal ##T< security system shall %e proi"e" !or each :eisure Iacility. Iullyoperational ##T< cameras must %e proi"e" 'ithin the :eisure Iacilities inaccor"ance 'ith the releant #ar Parking1 Access an" Other 9(ternal Areas ZoneData Sheets.

Reporting Requirements

The #ontractor to report inspections in the Property Data%ase.

'2' Staffing

Required outcome

The :eisure Iacilities must hae su!!icient sta!! to proi"e the serices require" %ythis speci!ication an" legislatie requirement1 especially relating to the s'immingpools an" the crche.

General Quality Standards

#ompliance 'ith the gui"e LManaging Sa!ety in S'imming Pools "ate" 3KKK.

#ompliance 'ith the releant requirements o! the local authority Social SericesDepartment.

Performance Standards

 Appropriate sta!!ing leels shall %e aaila%le in each Zone in accor"ance 'ith thereleant Zone Data Sheets.

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Part 2C – &onthl$ Performance Requirements

There are three elements to the Monthly Per!ormance Requirements+

• #leaning

• #ustomer #are

• Reporting

'22 Cleaning

Required Outcome

#leaning o! the Iacilities in such a 'ay as to maintain a healthy an" sa!eenironment !or all 2sers allo'ing !or e!!icient an" e!!ectie operational use o! the!acilities an" promoting a positie image o! the Iacility at all times. Ior clari!ication1the require" outcomes inclu"e the !ollo'ing+

• To keep the Iacility entrance sa!e1 ti"y an" clean

• To clean glaEing insi"e an" outsi"e to maintain its transparency an"appearance

• To keep toilets o"our0!ree1 sanitary an" clean !or use

• To keep all other sanitary equipment an" other sinks an" !ittings in a clean1

hygienic con"ition !or use

• Har" an" so!t !loors )inclu"ing stairs an" lan"ings* to %e kept clean1 ti"y an"


• To maintain the appearance o! har" an" so!t !loors )inclu"ing stairs an"


• To proi"e continuous consuma%le supplies 'hen the Iacility is in use

• To keep all other sur!aces clean1 inclu"ing all painte" sur!aces1 'alls1 ceilings1

ertical tile" sur!aces an" "oors• To keep all !urniture1 equipment1 !i(tures an" !ittings clean1 inclu"ing %lin"s

an" curtains1 light !ittings an" "i!!users1 an" telephone han"sets

• To aoi" oer!lo'ing o! 'aste receptacles internally1 an" to keep their

e(teriors clean

• To "ispose o! 'aste hygienically an" sa!ely

• Per!orm emergency cleaning

• To remoe gra!!iti.

Performance Standards

The #ontractor is require" to proi"e a cleaning serice in accor"ance 'ith theagree" Monthly #leaning Sche"ule relating to their propose" cleaning programme1'hich must %e approe" %y the Authority 'ith such approal not to %e reasona%ly'ithhel" or "elaye". The #leaning Sche"ule must %e proi"e" 'ithin one month prior to the Target Serice #ommencement an" o! each su%sequent monthly anniersaryo! this "ate.

The !ollo'ing stan"ar"s are require" to %e met+

a) Routine Cleaning 

• $nterior !loors an" mat 'ells %y entrances must %e kept reasona%ly !ree o!

litter1 loose "irt1 "e%ris1 scu!!marks1 spillages1 grease an" other soiling.

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• $nsi"e an" outsi"e o! all e(terior "oors an" glaEing )inclu"ing all 'in"o' sills1

metal !itments an" associate" !ittings* in 'in"o's must %e kept reasona%ly!ree o! loose "ust1 "irt1 smears1 !inger0marks an" other marks )inclu"inggra!!iti* or "eposits.

• 9(ternal %rick'ork1 in!ill panels1 !urniture an" the like must %e kept !ree o!


•  All urinals1 splash plates1 W# pans an" pe"estals1 inclu"ing tops an"un"ersi"es o! W# seats an" li"s1 associate" piping an" surroun"ing e"gesmust %e "isin!ecte" an" !ree o! ingraine" an" loose "ust1 "irt1 grease1smears1 !inger marks an" other marks )inclu"ing gra!!iti*1 "eposits1 stains oraccumulations. All sur!aces must %e "rie" to enhance appearance an" tore"uce risk o! %acterial loa".

•  All items must %e "isin!ecte" an" isi%ly !ree o! ingraine" an" loose "ust1 "irt1

grease1 smears1 !inger marks an" any other marks )inclu"ing gra!!iti*1"eposits1 stains or accumulations. All sur!aces must %e "rie" to enhanceappearance an" to re"uce the risk o! %acterial loa".

•  All !loors1 skirting1 trea"s1 risers1 mats must %e kept reasona%ly !ree o! litter1

loose "irt1 "e%ris1 stan"ing 'ater1 spillages1 grease an" any other soiling.• Iloors must %e perio"ically treate" so that they are kept reasona%ly !ree o!

ingraine" "irt1 stains1 marks an" smears.

• Toilet rolls1 to'els1 sanitary to'els1 %ar an" liqui" soap etc. must %e

replenishe" to meet "aily nee"s.

• /ins an" other 'aste receptacles must %e emptie" 'hen !ull an" reline" 'ith

a ne' %in liner. The e(terior o! all %ins an" 'aste receptacles shoul" %ereasona%ly !ree o! "ust1 "irt1 smears1 !inger marks an" any other marks)inclu"ing gra!!iti* or "eposits.

• :itter or ru%%ish must %e containe" securely1 taken to the centres "esignate"

re!use collection points1 an" store" hygienically an" ti"ily !or remoal %yothers. Wet 'aste an"1 !or instance1 lamp replacements must %e imme"iatelytaken to a sa!e storage area. Other specialist 'aste shoul" %e "ispose" o! ina sa!e manner1 inclu"ing chemicals1 %iological 'aste1 metal cut0o!!s1 !ilingsan" s'ar!1 'oo" chippings an" sa'"ust

•  All internal an" e(ternal sur!aces must %e kept !ree o! gra!!iti1 inclu"ing

!urniture an" !ittings an" equipment an" all e(ternal areas. ra!!iti may %ecoere" as a temporary measure !or , "ays !ollo'ing noti!ication %ut in itspermanent state1 gra!!iti shoul" %e remoe" an" the area %rought %ack to itsaccepta%le con"ition stan"ar" in its permanent state.

Ior clari!ication1 these Per!ormance Stan"ar"s 'ill hae "eeme" to hae %een met in

a particular Zone1 'here the #ontractor has carrie" out the cleaning tasks at therequire" !requency in accor"ance 'ith the #ontractors agree" #leaning Sche"ule. Any !ailure to un"ertake the routine cleaning 'ill %e an 9ent Iailure an" "ealt 'ith'ithin Sche"ule ( - Payment Mechanism.

b) Reactive Cleaning 

 Any cleaning requirements noti!ie" to the Help Desk a!!ecting any %reach o! healthan" sa!ety1 imme"iate "amage to the Iacility1 risk o! personal in&ury or nuisance tocustomers 'ill %e treate" as an 9ent an" must %e "ealt 'ith 'ithin the releant#ontainment an" Recti!ication Times as set out in Sche"ule ( - PaymentMechanism.


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The #ontractor 'ill monitor the !requency an" completion o! routine cleaning tasks asrequire" !or each Zone1 as 'ell as the occurrence o! reactie cleaning tasks an" thetime perio" !or containment an" recti!ication !rom initial noti!ication as set out in thePayment Mechanism.

Reporting Requirements

The #ontractor 'ill pro"uce monthly reports on the !requency an" completion o!routine cleaning tasks as set out in the #ontractors #leaning Sche"ule1 as 'ell as theoccurrence o! any reactie cleaning tasks an" the time perio" !or containmentBrecti!ication !rom initial noti!ication.

'2* Customer Care

Required Outcome

 A customer comments an" !ee"%ack system is require" to encourage !ee"%ack an"inclu"e er%al an" 'ritten comments The system shoul" %e operate" in accor"ance

'ith the Metho" Statement.

Sta!! in all areas respon" positiely to enquiries an" are empo'ere" to resolecustomer complaints.

The Authority requires that it is recognise" in all marketing material an" signagepro"uce" %y the #ontractor an" shoul" inclu"e C(((( :eisure> 'orking in partnership'ith Spelthorne /orough #ouncil.

Performance Standards

The principles to %e use" in the marketing materials an" signage must %e agree"'ith the Authority prior to use.

The #ontractor shall ensure that the Authority>s name an" logo appears on e(ternalsignage an" signage in reception areas an" on all pu%lishe" material inclu"ingstationary. The #ontractor 'ill use the 'or"ing C(((( :eisure> 'orking in partnership'ith Spelthorne /orough #ouncil> in relation to the :eisure Iacilities. Any costsrelating to changes to the Authority>s name an" logo 'ill %e consi"ere" an" agree" atthe time.

The #ontractor must operate the customer comments an" !ee"%ack system inaccor"ance 'ith the Metho" Statement proi"e" "etailing ho' the #ontractor inten"s

to achiee comments an" !ee"%ack an" consi"eration o! the inclusion o! user !orumson a !acility %y !acility %asis1 mystery isit e(ercises1 pu%lic meetings1 sta!!representation on clu% committees an" the use o! user an" non user sureys.

 All customer complaints an" comments must %e respon"e" to 'ithin seen "ays. Ahol"ing response shoul" %e proi"e" 'ithin three "ays prior to a !ull 'ritten response'ithin seen "ays.

#ustomer care training must %e proi"e" !or all :eisure Iacility sta!! as a means o!strengthening their relationship 'ith customers.


Recor"s o! all complaints must %e maintaine" inclu"ing the "ate an" time o! eachalong 'ith the response o! the #ontractor.

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Reporting Requirements

 A report "etailing all complaints is to %e proi"e" to the Authority on a monthly %asis.

 An annual report "etailing the outcomes o! the customer !ee"%ack system must %esu%mitte" to the Authority. A monthly report "etailing all the complaints is to %eproi"e" to the Authority.

'2+ Reporting

There are three elements 'ithin the reporting per!ormance requirements+

• Sports Deelopment Plan

• Ma&or $nci"ents

• eneral Reporting

'2+' Sports Development Plan

Required Outcome

 A Sports Deelopment Plan to %e prepare"1 implemente" an" reie'e" on an annual%asis. The Sports Deelopment Plan shoul" take account o! the nee"s o! the/orough to inclu"e appropriate proision o! coache" sessionsB links %et'een centresan" clu%s1 links to schools an" to the local Sports Partnership.

$t shall inclu"e a Programme that recognises the alue o! sports "eelopment 'ithina %alance" leisure centre programme to inclu"e appropriate proision o! coache"

sessionsBlinks %et'een centres an" clu%s1 links to leisure !acilities an" to the localSports Partnership an" also !orms an important tool in achieing greater usage %yun"er0represente" groups.

The Programmes must take into account the !ollo'ing+

• proision o! a 'i"e range o! recreational opportunity to all resi"ents 'ithin the

agree" catchment area1 inclu"ing a %alance" programme o! courses1 classes1pay0as0you0play sessions1 clu% %lock %ookings1 casual usage an" special eents

• a management philosophy that encourages participation %y all sections o! the


• a regular an" planne" reie' o! the programme o! actiities1 taking into account

user an" non0user research

• responsieness to recreational tren"s to proi"e a "ynamic an" !or'ar"0looking


• setting an" reie'ing programme o%&ecties on at least an annual %asis

• haing a promotional strategy in place that keeps users in!orme" o! the

programme an" any planne" changes

• making optimum use o! all aaila%le resources an" !acilities

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• monitoring usage leels.

The #ontractor must reie' the e!!ectieness o! the actiity programme on a regular%asis1 %ut in any eent as a minimum eery 3, months using market in!ormation.

Performance Standards

 A Sports Deelopment Plan is to %e pro"uce" an" agree" 'ith the Authority 'ithinthree months prior to the Target Serice #ommencement Date an" then on theanniersary o! this "ate !or the "uration o! the #ontract.

The Sports Deelopment Plan must i"enti!y ho' the #ontractor inten"s to 'ork 'iththe #ouncil 'ithin the :eisure Iacilities ensuring ma(imum impact an" aoi"ing"uplication o! e!!ort.

The Sports Deelopment Plan must inclu"e the !ollo'ing+

• programmes !or %asic skills "eelopment )especially !or the young*

• promoting participation

• improing per!ormance

• "eeloping e(cellence

• playing ne'1 not necessarily mainstream1 sports

• receiingBgiing coaching

• taking part in competitions.

The Actiity Programmes 'ithin the Sports Deelopment Plan must inclu"e the!ollo'ing requirements+

• The programme o! actiities must meet the :eisure Iacilities an" the

#ouncil>s current aims an" o%&ecties an" accommo"ate !uture changesproi"ing that such changes are supporte" %y a ariation in the Agreementan" represent a cost neutral proposal.

• The programme must ensure that all mem%ers o! the community may use the


• The programme must a""ress the nee"s o! un"er0represente" groups1 such

as young people1 people 'ho are !inancially "isa"antage"1 people 'ith"isa%ilities1 ol"er people an" minority ethnic groups.

• $t must also re!lect appropriate local1 regional an" national sports authorities>policies an" programmes 'ith clear path'ays i"enti!ie" !or participants toprogress an" "eelop skills.

• Programming must incorporate a clear philosophy on sports "eelopment an"

equity in!orme" %y current gui"ance !rom appropriate sports organisationsinclu"ing Sports oerning /o"ies.


 Assessment against ho' the Sports Deelopment Plan is progressing 'ill %emeasure" on a monthly %asis.

Reporting Requirements

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There must %e in place at all times a clearly "e!ine" responsi%ility chain !orimplementing1 monitoring an" reie'ing serice "eliery. The #ontractor is require"to proi"e one oerall #ontract Manager to %e its authorise" representatie !or the!acilities operate" on %ehal! o! the Authority. The #ontract Manager shall consult 'iththe Authority>s Authorise" O!!icer as o!ten as may reasona%ly %e necessary !or thee!!icient proision o! the serices an" atten" monthly meetings.

The !ollo'ing reports are to %e su%mitte" to the Authority1 !or each !acility1 %y thespeci!ie" "ate or a "ate to %e agree" in 'riting %et'een the Authority an" the#ontractor+

Report 9itle <requenc$ Su#mission Date

:ightning Report Annual Within the !irst month!ollo'ing each anniersary o! the Serice #ommencementDate or to meet legislatierequirements

Iire #erti!icate Annual

#ustomer #omplaints an" Iee"%ack Monthly

Within the !irst 'eek!ollo'ing each monthlyanniersary o! Serice#ommencement

 Aaila%ility o! Iacilities Monthly

Ma&or Acci"ents an" $nci"ents Monthly

#leaning Report Monthly

Mem%ership Data Monthly

 All Operational 9(pen"iture an"$ncome


#leaning Sche"ule Monthly Within one month prior to theTarget Serice#ommencement Date an" o! each su%sequent monthlyanniersary o! this "ate

Marketing Plan Progress Report - toinclu"e participation rateper!ormance

=uarterly Within the !irst 'eek!ollo'ing each three monthlyanniersary o! Serice#ommencement

Maintenance Programmes Annual Jo later than 4 months prior

to the Target Serice#ommencement Date an" 4months prior to thecommencement o! eachsu%sequent anniersary o!the Serice #ommencementDate.

Sports Deelopment Plan an"Programmes

 Annual Within 4 months o! the TargetSerice #ommencementDate an" 4 months prior tothe commencement o! each

su%sequent #ontract Near 

Marketing Plan Annual

Per!ormance Reie' )to encompass =uarterly an" =uarterly reports to %e

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all o! the a%oe* annually su%mitte" %y mi"0uly1 mi"0Octo%er1 mi"0anuary an"mi"0April o! each #ontractNear an" an annual report to%e su%mitte" %y mi"0April o!each #ontract Near 

/est <alue Reie' an" $mproementPlan

 Annual an" @years

7o e inserted 8

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Part 2D – !nnual Performance Requirements

The !ollo'ing items are assesse" annually+

• The Accre"itation o! =uest

• Participation Targets

'2 :uest !ccreditation

Required Outcome

=uest Accre"itation to %e achiee" an" maintaine" %y the #ontractor !or each o! theleisure !acilities throughout the Serice Perio".

Performance Standards

The #ontractor must achiee an" then maintain =uest Accre"itation 'ithin 3,months !ollo'ing the #erti!ication o! Serice Aaila%ility o! the !inal :eisure Iacilityan" then maintain =uest accre"itation throughout the remaining Serice Perio". The#ontractor 'ill %e require" to achiee =uest Accre"itation rene'al on an annual%asis.


=uest Accre"itation to %e un"ertaken %y in"epen"ent =uest Assessors.

Report Requirements

The #ontractor is to in!orm the Authority o! the results o! its =uest Assessment 'ithin

seen "ays o! receiing noti!ication.

'2( Participation 9argets

Required Outcome

$mproements to participation rates an" customer satis!action ratios !or speci!ie"groups an" !acilities. The Authority is keen to increase the participation o! certaingroups1 particularly young people an" un"er represente" groups such as people 'ith"isa%ilities an" ethnic minorities to use leisure !acilities. $t there!ore requires the#ontractor to encourage these groups to use their !acilities.

Performance Standards

Recreation ,ndicatorsPerformanc e Indicator 


arget 2))1)2 

arget 2))2)3

PerformanceResult 2))2)3

arget 2))3)4

arget 2))4)5 

Jum%er o!s'imsBisitsper 31555population

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Recreation ,ndicators 6Con=t7Performanc e Indicator 


arget 2))1)2 

arget 2))2)3

PerformanceResult 2))2)3

arget 2))3)4

arget 2))4)5 

Jum%er o!mem%ers)ethnicminority

groups*Jum%er o!mem%ers)youngpeople*

2sage %yNoungPeople

2sage %yPeople 'itha Disa%ility

Jum%er o!mem%ers

)people 'itha "isa%ility*

Jum%er o!:ooke" A!ter #hil"ren)num%er o!passes*

Jum%er o!mem%ers)'omen*

The #ontractor must prepare a marketing plan )'hich 'ill take the !orm o! a Metho"Statement* 'ithin three months o! the Target Serice #ommencement Date an"three months %e!ore each su%sequent #ontract Near to "emonstrate ho' the a%oetargets 'ill %e achiee".

The #ontractor must proi"e a =uarterly Progress Report to the Authority to reie'progress against the annual participation targets.


Monitoring 'ill %e un"ertaken "aily in respect o! usage o! the !acility %y speci!icgroups in accor"ance 'ith the Marketing Plan.

#ompliance 'ith marketing plans to %e assesse" annually.

Reporting Requirements

The #ontractor 'ill pro"uce marketing plans1 to %e agree" %y the Authority1 !or eachi"enti!ie" target group in or"er to proi"e the Authority an" the #ontractor 'ith aconte(t 'ithin 'hich to reie' progress against the annual participation targets !orun"er0represente" groups.

The #ontractor 'ill %e require" to pro"uce quarterly reports on participation targets1'ithin the !irst 'eek !ollo'ing each three monthly anniersary o! Serice#ommencement as part o! the Per!ormance Management Irame'ork.

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The Authority an" the #ontractor 'ill reie' the process a!ter completion o! thea%oe targets an" set ne' targets !or the !uture.

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!ppendi) '&inimum Opening 1ours

<acilit$ Da$s Opening 9imes

Spelthorne :eisure

#entreSun%ury :eisure #entre

The !acilities are not require" to %e open on #hristmas Day1 /o(ing Day an" Je'Near>s Day.

On other %ank holi"ays1 the !acilities are require" to %e open 5G.5503K.55.

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!ppendi) 2!uthorit$ 5ee>l$ Programming Requirements

Facility   ctivity rea

!ser Group "ime Required  


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!ppendi) *!uthorit$ Pricing Requirements

%acility & ctivity Member 'on Member  

Annual Centre Membership

(eisure Card!





 Actie :i!estyles - P Re!erral

S;imming Pool

 A"ult s'imunior s'im#ouncil 9mployee s'im

Hire o! main pool )clu%s*Hire o! learner pool )clu%s*

Sports 1all

 A"ult %a"minton courtunior %a"minton court#ouncil employee %a"minton court

Hire o! 'hole hall )non commercial*

Hire o! hal! hall

1ealth and <itness Studio

 A"ult )per session*unior )per session*#ouncil employee )per session*

&ulti-purpose ?one @ Dance Studio

Per session

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Creche#hil" )per hour* !or parents on siteRegistration )all ne' chil"ren*

The #ontractor is committe" to honouring all e(isting promotional pricing schemes!or a minimum o! 3, months !rom the Serice #ommencement Date.

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!ppendi) +

?one Data Sheets