Processing XML with Processing XML with Java Java DBI – Representation and Management of Data on the Internet

Processing XML with Java DBI – Representation and Management of Data on the Internet

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Page 1: Processing XML with Java DBI – Representation and Management of Data on the Internet

Processing XML with JavaProcessing XML with Java

DBI – Representation and Management of Data on the Internet

Page 2: Processing XML with Java DBI – Representation and Management of Data on the Internet


• XML is eXtensible Markup Language• It is a metalanguage:

– A language used to describe other languages using “markup” tags

• “Markup” describes properties of the data

• Designed to be structured– Strict rules about how data can be formatted

• Designed to be extensible– Can define own terms and markup

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XML FamilyXML Family

• XML is an official recommendation of the W3C

• Aims to accomplish what HTML cannot and be simpler to use and implement than SGML



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The Essence of XMLThe Essence of XML

• Syntax– The permitted arrangement or structure of letters and

words in a language as defined by a grammar (XML)

• Semantics– The meaning of letters or words in a language

• XML uses Syntax to add Semantics to the documents

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Using XMLUsing XML

• In XML there is a separation of the content from the display

• XML can be used for:– Data representation– Data exchenge

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Databases and XMLDatabases and XML

• Database content can be presented in XML– XML processor can

access DBMS or file system and convert data to XML

– Web server can serve content as either XML or HTML

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<LI>HTML allows <B><I>improper nesting</B></I>. <LI>HTML allows start tags, without end tags, like the <BR> tag. <LI>HTML allows <FONT COLOR=#9900CC>attribute values</FONT> without quotes <li>HTML is case-insensitive <LI>White space is not important in HTML </OL>

<OL> <LI>XML requires <B><I>proper nesting</I></B>.</LI> <LI>XML requires empty tags to be identified with a trailing slash, as in <BR/>.</LI> <LI>XML requires <FONT COLOR="#9900CC">quoted attribute values</FONT>.</LI> <LI>XML is case-sensitive <LI>White space is important in XML </OL>

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Some Basic Rules for XMLSome Basic Rules for XML

• All tags must be balanced - <TAG>...</TAG>• Empty tags expressed - <EMPTY_TAG/>• Tags must be nested - <B><I>…</I></B>• All element attributes must be quoted -

<TAG name=“value”>• Text is case-sensitive - <TAG> != <Tag>• Comments are allowed - <!-- … -->• Must begin - <?xml version=‘1.0’ ?>• Special characters must be escaped (e.g., &gt; for >)

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SAX ParserSAX Parser

• Set of interfaces implemented by an application that reads in an XML file and generates events when it encounters items in the XML file

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SAX Parser EventsSAX Parser Events

• A SAX parser generates events– at the start and end of a document, – at the start and end of an element, – when it finds characters inside an element, and

at several other points

• User writes the Java code that handles each event, and decides what to do with the information from the parser

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When to (not) use SAXWhen to (not) use SAX

• Ideal for simple operations on XML files– E.g. reading and extracting elements

• Good for very large XML files (c.f. DOM)

• Not good if we want to manipulate XML structure

• Not designed for writing out XML

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• Document Object Model

• Set of interfaces for an application that reads an XML file into memory and stores it as a tree structure

• The abstract API allows for constructing, accessing and manipulating the structure and content of XML and HTML documents

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What a DOM Parser GivesWhat a DOM Parser Gives

• When you parse an XML document with a DOM parser, you get back a tree structure that contains all of the elements of your document

• The DOM provides a variety of functions you can use to examine the contents and structure of the document

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Why to Use DOMWhy to Use DOM

• Task of writing parsers is reduced to coding against an API for the document structure

• Domain-specific frameworks will be written on top of DOM

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• If your document is very large and you only need a few elements - use SAX

• If you need to process many elements and perform operations on XML - use DOM

• If you need to access the XML many times - use DOM

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What Would You Choose forWhat Would You Choose for

• Processing an XML document in a server?

• Processing an XML document in a remote client?

• Direct access to element in the document (e.g., index based on paths)

• A visual tool for traversal over the document tree?

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XML ParsersXML Parsers

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XML ParsersXML Parsers

• There are several different ways to categorise parsers:– Validating versus non-validating parsers – Parsers that support the Document Object

Model (DOM) – Parsers that support the Simple API for XML

(SAX) – Parsers written in a particular language (Java,

C++, Perl, etc.)

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Non-Validating ParsersNon-Validating Parsers

• Speed and efficiency– It takes a significant amount of effort for an

XML parser to process a DTD and make sure that every element in an XML document follows the rules of the DTD.

• If we only want to find tags and extract information – we should use a non-validating parser

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Using an XML ParserUsing an XML Parser

• Three basic steps in using an XML parser– Creating a parser object – Passing the XML document to the parser – Processing the results

• Generally, writing out XML is not in the scope of parsers (though some may implement proprietary mechanisms)

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SAX – Simple API for XMLSAX – Simple API for XML

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The SAX ParserThe SAX Parser

• SAX parser is an event-driven API– An XML document is sent to the SAX parser– The XML file is read sequentially– The parser notifies the class when events

happen, including errors– The events are handled by the implemented

API methods to handle events that the programmer implemented

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SAX ParserSAX Parser• A SAX parser generates events

– At the start and end of a document– At the start and end of an element – When it finds characters inside an element– Upon encountering errors– Upon encountering negligible whitespace– and at several other points

• It uses a callback mechanism to notify the application

• Java code that handles each event implements the events handling

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The The org.xml.sax.*org.xml.sax.* Package Package

• SAX Interfaces and Classes– Parser– DocumentHandler– AttributeList– DTDHandler– ErrorHandler– Locator– EntityResolver

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The Apache XML Parser (xerces)The Apache XML Parser (xerces)

import org.xml.sax.*;

import org.apache.parsers.*;

class MyClass {

SAXParser myParser;

try {


} catch (SAXException err) {…}


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The Parser InterfaceThe Parser Interface

• Registers other objects for callbacks– void setDocumentHandler(DocumentHandler handler)– void setDTDHandler(DTDHandler handler)– void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler)– void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver)

• Starts parsing with parse() method call• When the parser hits a significant item, it stops

reading and calls a registered object• The parser continues reading the XML file once

the called method has returned

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The DocumentHandler InterfaceThe DocumentHandler Interface• This interface is used to receive basic markup

events from the parser• It is usually implemented by a class that activates

the parser

class myClass implements DocumentHandler {



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DocumentHandler MethodsDocumentHandler Methods

• void startDocument()• void endDocument()• void startElement(String name,

AttributeList attrs)• void endElement(String name)• void characters(char[] ch,

int start, int length)

• void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length)

• void processingInstruction(String target, String data)

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AttributeList InterfaceAttributeList Interface

• Elements may have attributes– We have a wrapper object for all attribute

details that implements the AttributeList interface

– It cannot distinguish attributes that are defined explicitly from those that are specified in the DTD

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AttributeList Interface (cont.)AttributeList Interface (cont.)

int getLength();

String getName(int i);

String getType(int i);

String getValue(int i);

String getType(String name);

String getValue(String name);

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Attributes TypesAttributes Types

• The following are possible types for attributes:

– "CDATA",

– "ID",





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• The class is in the package org.xml.sax.helpers.*

• Include methods such as:– addAtrribute, removeAttribute– clear– getName, getType, getValue– getLength

By name or by index

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ErrorHandler InterfaceErrorHandler Interface• If we want to know about warnings and

errors– We implement the ErrorHandler interface

and register it with the parser class– The handler does not report where the error


• We have three levels of exception:void error(SAXParseException ex);

void fatalError(SAXParserExcpetion ex);

void warning(SAXParserException ex);

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Locator InterfaceLocator Interface

• Associates a SAX event with a document location– The parser can inform

• the application of the entity, • line number and character number of a warning or


– if it is a class implementing the Locator interface and it is registered with the DocumentHandler

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Locator MethodsLocator Methods

int getLineNumber();

int getColumnNumber();

String getSystemId();

(i.e., return the URL)

String getPublicId();

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DTDHandler InterfaceDTDHandler Interface

• Provides callback methods to receive notification of DTD events

• It is a mechanism to inform an application about any binary entity that the parser encounters

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DTD HandlerDTD Handler

notationDecl(String name,

String publicId,

String systemId);

unparsedEntityDecl(String name,

String publicId,

String systemId,

String notationName);

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InputSource ClassInputSource Class

• Possible to specify a byte or character stream for the input to the parser

• The InputSource class contains methods that specify the exact nature of the data source

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EntityResolver InterfaceEntityResolver Interface

• The application is not aware of the physical structure of the XML data

• The parser contains an entity manager that hides the complexity from the application which sees the data as a single stream

• Can intercept references to entities by implementing the EntityResolver interface

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EntityResolver Interface (2)EntityResolver Interface (2)

• When the parser encounters an entity, it passes the system and/or public identifier to the application– Return value is ‘null’ or new InputSource

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EntityResolver Interface (2)EntityResolver Interface (2)

public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicID,

String systemID) {

if (systemID.equals("Disclaimer") || publicID.equals

("-//EBI//TEXT Disclaimer//EN")) return (new




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HandlerBase ClassHandlerBase Class

• This class implements SAX interfaces in a sensible, default way

DocumentHandler, DTDHandler, EntityResolver and ErrorHandler

• Can be used for partial implementation of the interfaces

• This class can be extended:import org.xml.sax.HandlerBase;

public class myHandler extends HandlerBase() { …}

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ParserFactory ClassParserFactory Class

• A helper class– Provides convenient methods for dynamically

loading SAX parsers

makeParser() (Uses org.xml.sax.parser system property)

makeParser(String className)

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• An example of indenting an XML document (as part of a server)


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DOM – Document Object ModelDOM – Document Object Model

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DOM StandardsDOM Standards

• DOM 1.0 standard from www.w3.org• Assumes an object-oriented approach• Composed of number of interfaces

– org.w3c.dom.*

• Central class is 'Document' (DOM tree)• Standard does not include

– Tree walking– Writing out XML format

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Creating a DOM TreeCreating a DOM Tree• A DOM implementation has a method to

pass a XML file to a factory object • The factory object returns a Document

object that represents the root element of a whole document

• On the Document objects, DOM standard interface can be used to interact with XML structure

DOM Parser DOM TreeXML File



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• DOMPArser extends XMLParser– Important Methods:

• void parse(InputSource source)           Parses the specified input source

• void parse(java.lang.String systemId)           Parses the input source specified by the given

system identifier

•  Document getDocument()           Returns the document

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Creating a DOM Tree (2)Creating a DOM Tree (2)import java.io.*; import org.w3c.dom.*;import org.apache.xerces.dom.*;import org.apache.xerces.parsers.*;

public class myClass {

DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();

try {


} ccatch (IOException err) {…} catch (SAXException err) {…}

catch (DOMException err) {…}

Document document = parser.getDocument();…

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DOM Interfaces and ClassesDOM Interfaces and ClassesDocumentFragment















Figure as from “The XML Companion” - Neil Bradley

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DOM InterfacesDOM Interfaces

• The DOM defines several Java interfaces– NodeThe base data type of the DOM – Element Represents element– AttrRepresents an attribute of an element– TextThe content of an element or attribute– Document Represents the entire XML

document. A Document object is often referred to as a DOM tree

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Node InterfaceNode Interface

• Basic object of DOM (single node in tree)• Nodes describe

• Node collections– NodeList, NamedNodeMap, DocumentFragment

• Several nodes extend the Node interface

ElementsAttributesTextCommentsCDATA sections

Entity declarationsEntity referencesNotation declarationsEntire documentsProcessing instructions

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Node MethodsNode Methods

• Three categories of methods– Node characteristics

• name, type, value

– Contextual location and access to relatives• parents, siblings, children, ancestors, descendants

– Node modification• Edit, delete, re-arrange child nodes

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Node Methods (2)Node Methods (2)short getNodeType();

String getNodeName();

String getNodeValue() throws DOMException;

void setNodeValue(String value) throws DOMException;

boolean hasChildNodes();

NamedNodeMap getAttributes();

Document getOwnerDocument();

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Node Types - getNodeType()Node Types - getNodeType()













if (myNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { //process node …}

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Node Names and ValuesNode Names and Values

• Every node has a name and possibly a value

• Name is not a unique identifier (only location)Type Interface Name Name Value

ATTRIBUTE_NODE Attr Attribute name Attribute value

DOCUMENT_NODE Document #document NULL

DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE DocumentFragment #document-fragment NULL


CDATA_SECTION_NODE CDATASection #cdata-section CDATA content

COMMENT_NODE Comment Entity name Content string

ELEMENT_NODE Element Tag name NULL

ENTITY_NODE Entity Entity name NULL

ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE EntityReference Entity name NULL

NOTATION_NODE Notation Notation name NULL


ProcessingInstruction Target string Content string

TEXT_NODE Text #text Text string

Table as from “The XML Companion” - Neil Bradley

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Child NodesChild Nodes

• Most Nodes cannot have children, except– Document, DocumentFragment, Element

• Can check for presence of children– if (myNode.hasChildNodes()) { //process children of myNode … }

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Node NavigationNode Navigation

• Every node has a specific location in tree• Node interface specifies methods to find

surrounding nodes– Node getFirstChild();– Node getLastChild();– Node getNextSibling();– Node getPreviousSibling();– Node getParentNode();– NodeList getChildNodes();

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Node Navigation (2)Node Navigation (2)







Node parent = myNode.getParentNode();if (myNode.hasChildren()) { NodeList children = myNode.getChildNodes();}

Figure as from “The XML Companion” - Neil Bradley

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Node ManipulationNode Manipulation

• Children of a node in a DOM tree can be manipulated - added, edited, deleted, moved, copied, etc.

Node removeChild(Node old) throws DOMException;

Node insertBefore(Node new, Node ref) throws DOMException;

Node appendChild(Node new) throws DOMException;

Node replaceChild(Node new, Node old) throws DOMException;

Node cloneNode(boolean deep);

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Node Manipulation (2)Node Manipulation (2)








Shallow 'false'

Deep 'true'

Figure as from “The XML Companion” - Neil Bradley

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Document::Node InterfaceDocument::Node Interface

• Represents entire XML document (tree root)

• Methods//Information from DOCTYPE - See 'DocumentType'DocumentType getDocumentType();

//Information about capabilities of DOM implementationDOMImplementation getImplementation();

//Returns reference to root node elementElement getDocumentElement();

//Searches for all occurrences of 'tagName' in nodesNodeList getElementsByName(String tagName);

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Document::Node Interface (2)Document::Node Interface (2)

• Factory methods for node creationElement createElement(String tagName) throws DOMException;

DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment();

Text createTextNode(String data);

Comment createComment(String data);

CDATASection createCDATASection(String data) throws DOMException;

ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(String target, String data) throws DOMException;

Attr createAttribute(String name) throws DOMException;

EntityReference createEntityReference(String name) throws DOMException;

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DocumentType::Node InterfaceDocumentType::Node Interface

• Information about document encapsulated in DTD representation

• DOM 1.0 doesn’t allow editing of this node//Returns name of documentString getName();

//Returns general entities declared in DTDNamedNodeList getEntities();

//Returns notations declared in DTDNamedNodeList getNotations();

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Element::Node InterfaceElement::Node Interface

• Two categories of methods– General element methods

– Attribute management methods

String getTagName();NodeList getElementsByTagName();void normalize();

String getAttribute(String name);void setAttribute(String name, String value)

throws DOMException;void removeAttribute(String name)

throws DOMException;Attr getAttributeNode(String name);void setAttributeNode(Attr new)

throws DOMException;void removeAttributeNode(Attr old)

throws DOMException;

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Element::Node Interface (2)Element::Node Interface (2)

• Only Element objects have attributes but attribute methods of Element are simple– Need name of attribute

– Cannot distinguish between default value specified in DTD and given in XML file

– Cannot determine attribute type [String]

• Instead use getAttributes() method of Node– Returns Attr objects in a NamedNodeMap

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Attr::Node InterfaceAttr::Node Interface

• Interface to objects holding attribute data

• Entity ref's are children of attribute's

//Get name of attributeString getName();

//Get value of attributeString getValue();

//Change value of attributevoid setValue(String value);

//if 'true' - attribute defined in element, else in DTDboolean getSpecified();

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Attr::Node Interface (2)Attr::Node Interface (2)

• Attributes not considered part of DOM – parentNode, previousSibling and nextSibling have null value for Attr object

• Create attribute objects using factory method of Document//Create the empty Attribute nodeAttr newAttr = myDoc.createAttribute("status");

//Set the value of the attributenewAttr.setValue("secret");

//Attach the attribute to an elementmyElement.setAttributeNode(newAttr);

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CharacterData::Node InterfaceCharacterData::Node Interface

• Useful general methods for dealing with text

• Not used directly– sub-classed to Text and Comment Node types

String getData() throws DOMException;void setData(String data) throws DOMException;int getLength();void appendData(String data) throws DOMException;String substringData(int offset, int length)

throws DOMException;void insertData(int offset, String data)

throws DOMException;void deleteData(int offser, int length)

throws DOMException;void replaceData(int offset, int length, String data)

throws DOMException;

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Text::Node InterfaceText::Node Interface

• Represents textual content of Element or Attr– Usually children of these nodes

• Always leaf nodes• Single method added to CharacterData

– Text splitText(int offset) throws DOMException

• Factory method in Document for creation• Calling normalize() on an Element merges

its Text objects

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CDATASection::Text InterfaceCDATASection::Text Interface

• Represents CDATA that is not to be interpreted as markup (the only delimiter recognised is the "]]>" string that ends the CDATA section)

• The DOMString attribute of the Text node holds the text of the CDATA section

• No methods added to CharacterData• Factory method in Document for creation

– CDATASection newCDATA = myDoc.createDATASection("press <<<ENTER>>>");

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Comment::Text InterfaceComment::Text Interface

• Represents comments

• all the characters between starting '<!--' and ending '-->'

• No methods added to CharacterData• Factory method in Document for creation

– Comment newComment = myDoc.createComment(" my comment "); //Note


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ProcessingInstruction::Node ProcessingInstruction::Node InterfaceInterface

• Represent processing instruction declarations– Name of node is target application name– Value of node is target application command

• Factory method in Document for creation– ProcessingInstruction newPI =

myDoc.createProcessingInstruction(“myProgs/ghostview”, “page.ps”);

//Get the content of the processing instructionString getData() //Set the content of the processing instructionvoid setData(String data) //The target of this processing instructionString getTarget();

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EntityReference::Node InterfaceEntityReference::Node Interface

• DOM includes interfaces for handling notations, entities and entity references– If the entities have not been replaced by the


Element Text


EntityReference Text





<!ENTITY xml "eXtensible Markup Language"><para>An &xml; value</para>


Figure as from “The XML Companion” - Neil Bradley

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Entity::Node InterfaceEntity::Node Interface

• Represents an entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document– Parser may replace entity references, or create EntityReference nodes

• Must retain Entity for non-parsable data• Extends Node interface and adds methods

• For non-parsable entities - can get notation nameString getPublicId();String getSystemId();String getNotationName();

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Entity::Node Interface (2)Entity::Node Interface (2)

• A parsable Entity may have children that represent the replacement value of the entity

• All entities of a Document accessed with getEntities() method in DocumentType


String publicId = ent.getPublicId(); //BOAT

String systemId = ent.getSystemId(); //boat.gif

String notation = ent.getNotationName(); //GIF

Figure as from “The XML Companion” - Neil Bradley

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Notation::Node InterfaceNotation::Node Interface

• Each notation declaration in DTD represented by a Notation node

• Methods added to Node interface

• All notations of a Document accessed with getNotations() method in DocumentType object

//Returns content of PUBLIC identifierString getPublicId();

//Returns content of SYSTEM identifierString getSystemId();

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NodeList InterfaceNodeList Interface

• Holds collection of ordered Node objects

• Two methods//Find number of Nodes in NodeListint getLength();

//Return the i-th NodeNode item(int index);-------------------------------------------------Node child;NodeList children = element.getChildNodes()'for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { child = children.item(i); if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { System.out.println(child.getNodeName()); }}

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NamedNodeMap InterfaceNamedNodeMap Interface

• Holds collection of unordered Node objects– E.g. Attribute, Entity and Notation

• Unique names are essential as nodes are accessed by nameNamedNodeMap myAttributes = myElement.getAttributes();NamedNodeMap myEntities = myDocument.getEntities();NamedNodeMap myNotations = myDocument.getNotations();------------------------------------------------------int getLength();Node item(int index);Node getNamedItem(String name);Node setNamedItem(Node node) throws DOMException;//Node!Node removeNamedItem(String name) throws DOMException;

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DocumentFragment::Node DocumentFragment::Node InterfaceInterface

• Fragment of Document can be temporarily stored in DocumentFragment node– Lightweight object, e.g. for 'cut-n-paste'

• When attached to another Node - destroys itself (very useful for adding siblings to tree)


DOM tree

New DOM tree

Figure as from “The XML Companion” - Neil Bradley

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DOMImplementation InterfaceDOMImplementation Interface

• Interface to determine level of support in DOM parser– hasFeature(String feature, String version);

– if (theParser.hasFeature("XML", "1.0") { //XML is supported …}

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DOM ObjectsDOM Objects

• DOM object compiled XML

• Can save time and effort if send and receive DOM objects instead of XML source– Saves having to parse XML files into DOM at

sender and receiver– But, DOM object may be larger than XML


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• DOMTest



• Counting Result

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Java + XML = JDOMJava + XML = JDOM

Based on slides by Jason Hunter

and Brett McLaughlin

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What is JDOM?What is JDOM?• JDOM is a way to represent an XML document for

easy and efficient reading, manipulation, and writing– Straightforward API– Lightweight and fast– Java-optimized

• Despite the name similarity, it's not build on DOM or modeled after DOM– Although it integrates well with DOM and SAX

• An open source project with an Apache-style license

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The JDOM PhilosophyThe JDOM Philosophy• JDOM should be straightforward for Java programmers

– Use the power of the language (Java 2)– Take advantage of method overloading, the Collections

APIs, reflection, weak references– Provide conveniences like type conversions

• JDOM should hide the complexities of XML wherever possible– An Element has content, not a child Text node with content– Exceptions should contain useful error messages– Give line numbers and specifics, use no SAX or DOM


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More JDOM PhilosophyMore JDOM Philosophy

• JDOM should integrate with DOM and SAX– Support reading and writing DOM documents

and SAX events– Support runtime plug-in of any DOM or SAX

parser– Easy conversion from DOM/SAX to JDOM– Easy conversion from JDOM to DOM/SAX

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The Historical Alternatives: The Historical Alternatives: DOMDOM

• DOM is a large API designed for complex environments– A W3C standard, developed by W3C working groups– Implemented by products like Xerces– Represents a document tree fully held in memory– Has to have the same API on multiple languages– Reading and changing the document is non-intuitive– Fairly heavyweight to load and store in memory– http://www.w3.org/DOM

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The Historical Alternatives: SAXThe Historical Alternatives: SAX

• SAX is a lightweight API designed for fast reading– Public domain API from David Megginson and XML-

DEV mailing list– Implemented by products like Xerces– Callback mechanism reports when document elements are

encountered– Lightweight since the document is never entirely in

memory– Does not support modifying the document– Does not support random access to the document– Fairly steep learning curve to use correctly

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Do you need JDOM?Do you need JDOM?

• JDOM is a lightweight API– Its design allows it to hold less in memory

• JDOM can represent a full document– Not all must be in memory at once

• JDOM supports document modification– And document creation from scratch, no


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JDOM Reading and WritingJDOM Reading and Writing

(No Arithmetic)

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Package StructurePackage Structure

• JDOM consists of four packages





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The org.jdom PackageThe org.jdom Package• These classes represent an XML document and XML

constructs:– Attribute– CDATA– Comment– DocType– Document– Element– Entity– Namespace– ProcessingInstruction– (PartialList), (Verifier), (Assorted Exceptions)

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The org.jdom.adapters PackageThe org.jdom.adapters Package

• Classes for hooking up JDOM to DOM implementations:– AbstractDOMAdapter– OracleV1DOMAdapter– OracleV2DOMAdapter– ProjectXDOMAdapter– XercesDOMAdapter– XML4JDOMAdapter– CrimsonDOMAdapter (coming soon)

• Rarely accessed directly (used in DOMBuilder)

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The org.jdom.input PackageThe org.jdom.input Package

• Classes for reading XML from existing sources:– DOMBuilder– SAXBuilder

• Also, outside contributions in jdom-contrib:– ResultSetBuilder– SpitfireBuilder

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The org.jdom.output PackageThe org.jdom.output Package

• Classes for writing XML to various forms of output:– DOMOutputter– SAXOutputter– XMLOutputter

• Also, outside contributions in jdom-contrib:– JTreeOutputter

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General Program FlowGeneral Program Flow

• Normally XML Document -> SAXBuilder -> XMLOutputter

DOM Node(s)

JDOM Document






XML Document

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The Document classThe Document class• Documents are represented by the org.jdom.Document class– A lightweight object holding a DocType, ProcessingInstructions, a root Element, and Comments

• It can be constructed from scratch:

• Or it can be constructed from a file, stream, or URL:

Document doc = new Document( new Element("rootElement"))

SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc = builder.build(url);

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• Here's two ways to create a simple new document– In JDOM:

Document doc = new Document( new Element("rootElement") .setText("This is a root element"));

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And in DOM:And in DOM:

Document myDocument = new org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl(); // Create the root node and its text node, // using the document as a factory Element root = myDocument.createElement("myRootElement"); Text text = myDocument.createText( "This is a root element");

// Put the nodes into the document tree root.appendChild(text); myDocument.appendChild(root);

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The Build ProcessThe Build Process• A Document can be constructed using any build tool

– The SAX build tool uses a SAX parser to create a JDOM document

• Current builders are SAXBuilder and DOMBuilder– org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder is fast and recommended– org.jdom.input.DOMBuilder is useful for reading an

existing DOM tree– A builder can be written that lazily constructs the Document as

needed– Other contributed builder: ResultSetBuilder

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Builder ClassesBuilder Classes• Builders have optional parameters to specify implementation classes and

whether document validation should occur.

• Not all DOM parsers have the same API– Xerces, XML4J, Project X, Oracle– The DOMBuilder adapterClass implements org.jdom.adapters.DOMAdapter

– Implements standard methods by passing through to an underlying parser– Adapters for all popular parsers are provided– Future parsers require just a small adapter class

• Once built, documents are not tied to their build tool

SAXBuilder(String parserClass, boolean validate);DOMBuilder(String adapterClass, boolean validate);

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The Output ProcessThe Output Process• A Document can be written using any output tool

– org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter tool writes the document as XML

– org.jdom.output.SAXOutputter tool generates SAX events

– org.jdom.output.DOMOutputter tool creates a DOM document

– Any custom output tool can be used

• To output a Document as XML:• For pretty-output, pass optional parameters

– Two-space indent, add new lines

outputter = new XMLOutputter(" ", true); outputter.output(doc, System.out);

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In-and-OutIn-and-Outimport java.io.*; import org.jdom.*; import org.jdom.input.*; import org.jdom.output.*;

public class InAndOut { public static void main(String[] args) { // Assume filename argument String filename = args[0]; try { // Build w/ SAX and Xerces, no validation SAXBuilder b = new SAXBuilder(); // Create the document Document doc = b.build(new File(filename));

// Output as XML to screen XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(); outputter.output(doc, System.out); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }}

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JDOM Core FunctionalityJDOM Core Functionality

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The DocType classThe DocType class

• A Document may have a DocType

• This specifies the DTD of the document– It's easy to read and write

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

DocType docType = doc.getDocType();System.out.println("Element: " + docType.getElementName());System.out.println("Public ID: " + docType.getPublicID());System.out.println("System ID: " + docType.getSystemID());

doc.setDocType( new DocType("html", "-//W3C...", "http://..."));

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The Element classThe Element class

• A Document has a root Element:

• Get the root as an Element object:

• An Element represents something like <web-app>– Has access to everything from the open <web-app> to the closing </web-app>

<web-app id="demo"> <description> Gotta fit servlets in somewhere! </description> <distributable/> </web-app>

Element webapp = doc.getRootElement();

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Playing with ChildrenPlaying with Children

• An element may contain child elements

• getChild() may return null if no child exists• getChildren() returns an empty list if no children exist

// Get a List of direct children as Elements List allChildren = element.getChildren(); out.println("First kid: " + ((Element)allChildren.get(0)).getName());

// Get all direct children with a given name List namedChildren = element.getChildren("name");

// Get the first kid with a given name Element kid = element.getChild("name");

// Namespaces are supported as we'll see later

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Playing with GrandchildrenPlaying with Grandchildren

• Grandkids can be retrieved easily:

• Just watch out for a NullPointerException!

<linux-config> <gui> <window-manager> <name>Enlightenment</name> <version>0.16.2</version> </window-manager> <!-- etc --> </gui> </linux-config>

String manager = root.getChild("gui") .getChild("window-manager") .getChild("name") .getTextTrim();

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Managing the PopulationManaging the Population• Children can be added and removed through List

manipulation or convenience methods:

List allChildren = element.getChildren();

// Remove the third child allChildren.remove(3);

// Remove all children named "jack" allChildren.removeAll( element.getChildren("jack")); element.removeChildren("jack");

// Add a new child allChildren.add(new Element("jane")); element.addContent(new Element("jane"));

// Add a new child in the second position allChildren.add(1, new Element("second"));

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Moving Elements: Moving Elements: JDOM vs DOMJDOM vs DOM

• Moving elements is easy in JDOM but tricky in DOM

• You need to call importNode() when moving between different documents

Element movable = new Element("movableRootElement"); parent1.addContent(movable); // placeparent1.removeContent(movable); // removeparent2.addContent(movable); // add

Element movable = doc1.createElement("movable"); parent1.appendChild(movable); // placeparent1.removeChild(movable); // removeparent2.appendChild(movable); // add// This causes an error! Incorrect document!

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Making KidsMaking Kids

• Elements are constructed directly, no factory method needed

• Some prefer a nesting shortcut, possible since addContent() returns the Element on which the child was added:

• A subclass of Element can be made, already containing child elements

Element element = new Element("kid");

Document doc = new Document( new Element("family") .addContent(new Element("mom")) .addContent(new Element("dad") .addContent("kidOfDad")));

root.addContent(new FooterElement());

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Ensuring Well-FormednessEnsuring Well-Formedness

• The Element constructor (and all other object constructors) check to make sure the element is legal– i.e. the name doesn't contain inappropriate characters

• The add and remove methods also check document structure– An element may only exist at one point in the tree– Only one value can be returned by getParent()– No loops in the graph are allowed

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Making the <linux-config>Making the <linux-config>

• This code constructs the <linux-config> seen previously:

Document doc = new Document( new Element("linux-config") .addContent(new Element("gui") .addContent(new Element("window-manager") .addContent(new Element("name") .setText("Enlightenment")) .addContent(new Element("version") .setText("0.16.2")) ) );

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Custom ElementsCustom Elements• Imagine every document has a footer

• You could write a FooterElement:

public class FooterElement extends Element { public FooterElement(int year) { super("footer"); addContent(new Element("copyright") .setText("JavaWorld " + year)); } }

root.addContent(new FooterElement(2001));

<footer> <copyright> JavaWorld 2000 </copyright> </footer>

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Other Custom ElementsOther Custom Elements

• Other ideas for custom elements:– An element that uses the proxy pattern to defer parsing

all document text until required

– An element that stores application-specific information

– An element that auto-conforms to a DTD

• Different builders can create different Element subclasses

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Getting Element AttributesGetting Element Attributes

• Elements often contain attributes:

• Attributes can be retrieved several ways:

• getAttribute() may return null if no such attribute exists

<table width="100%" border="0"> </table>

String value = table.getAttribute("width").getValue();

// Get "border" as an inttry { value = table.getAttribute("border").getIntValue();}catch (DataConversionException e) { }

// Passing default values was removed// Good idea or not?

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Setting Element AttributesSetting Element Attributes• Element attributes can easily be added or

removed // Add an attribute table.addAttribute("vspace", "0");

// Add an attribute more formally table.addAttribute( new Attribute("name", "value"))

// Remove an attribute table.removeAttribute("border");

// Remove all attributes table.getAttributes().clear();

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Reading Element ContentReading Element Content

• Elements can contain text content:

• The text content is directly available:

• Whitespace must be preserved but often isn't needed, so we have a shortcut for removing extra whitespace:

<description>A cool demo</description>

String content = element.getText();

// Remove surrounding whitespace // Trim internal whitespace to one space element.getTextTrim();

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Writing Element ContentWriting Element Content

• Element text can easily be changed:

• Special characters are interpreted correctly:

• But you can also create CDATA:

• CDATA reads the same as normal, but outputs as CDATA.

// This blows away all current content element.setText("A new description");

element.setText("<xml> content");

element.addContent( new CDATA("<xml> content"));

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JDOM Advanced TopicsJDOM Advanced Topics

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Mixed ContentMixed Content• Sometimes an element may contain comments, text content, and children

• Text and children can be retrieved as always:

• This keeps the standard uses simple

<table> <!-- Some comment --> Some text <tr>Some child</tr> </table>

String text = table.getTextTrim(); Element tr = table.getChild("tr");

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Reading Mixed ContentReading Mixed Content

• To get all content within an Element, use getMixedContent()– Returns a List containing Comment, String, ProcessingInstruction, CDATA, and Element objects

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List mixedContent = table.getMixedContent(); Iterator i = mixedContent.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Object o = i.next(); if (o instanceof Comment) { // Comment has a toString() out.println("Comment: " + o); } else if (o instanceof String) { out.println("String: " + o); } else if (o instanceof Element) { out.println("Element: " + ((Element)o).getName()); } // etc }

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Manipulating Mixed ContentManipulating Mixed Content• The list of mixed content provides direct

control over all the element's content.

List mixedContent = table.getMixedContent();

// Add a comment at the beginning mixedContent.add( 0, new Comment("Another comment"))

// Remove the comment mixedContent.remove(0);

// Remove everything mixedContent.clear();

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The ProcessingInstruction classThe ProcessingInstruction class

• Some elements have ProcessingInstructions

• PIs can be retrieved using getMixedContent() and their "attribute" values are directly available:

<?cocoon-process type="xslt"?>

if (o instanceof ProcessingInstruction) { ProcessingInstruction pi = (ProcessingInstruction) o; out.println(pi.getTarget()); out.println(pi.getValue("type")); }

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The ProcessingInstruction classThe ProcessingInstruction class

• When in their common place at the document level outside the root element, PIs can be retrieved by name:

ProcessingInstruction cp = doc.getProcessingInstruction( "cocoon-process"); cp.getValue("type"));

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XML NamespacesXML Namespaces

• Namespaces are a DOM Level 2 addition– JDOM always supports even with DOM Level

1 parsers and even with validation on!

• Namespaces allow elements with the same local name to be treated differently– It works similarly to Java packages and helps

avoid name collisions.

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Using NamespacesUsing Namespaces

<html xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

<!-- ... --> <xhtml:title>Home Page</xhtml:title></html>

• Namespaces are used in XML like this:

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JDOM NamespacesJDOM Namespaces• Namespace prefix to URI mappings are held statically

in the Namespace class

• They're declared in JDOM like this:

• They're passed as optional parameters to most element and attribute manipulation methods:

List kids = element.getChildren("p", xhtml); Element kid = element.getChild("title", xhtml); Attribute height = element.getAttribute( "height", xhtml);

Namespace xhtml = Namespace.getNamespace( "xhtml", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml");

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List DetailsList Details• The current implementation uses LinkedList for speed

– Speeds growing the List, modifying the List– Slows the relatively rare index-based access

• All List objects are mutable– Modifications affect the backing document– Other existing list views do not see the change– Same as SQL ResultSets, etc.

• Because of its use of collections, JDOM requires JDK 1.2+ support, or JDK 1.1 with collections.jar

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• JDOMException is the root exception– Thrown for build errors– Always includes a useful error message– May include a "root cause" exception

• Subclasses include:– IllegalAddException– IllegalDataException– IllegalNameException– IllegalTargetException– DataConversionException

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Extending JDOMExtending JDOM

• Some possible extensions to JDOM:– XPath (already quite far along, and usable)– XLink/XPointer (follows XPath)– XSLT (natively, now uses Xalan)– TRaX

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API StandardizationAPI Standardization

• JDOM is likely to become a Java Specification Request (JSR)– Intended for inclusion in JAXP 1.2+ (or 2.0+)– By association, intended for inclusion in a

future version of the JDK

• Possible standardization by OASIS or related technical ratification group

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For More Information:For More Information:

• Download the software– http://jdom.org

• Read the docs– http://jdom.org

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