Process Manual

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The Mission Overcome Bullying is a campaign to bring awareness to school bully-ing and put an end to it. The target audience is of all ages, but the primary focus are teenagers. “It is estimated that 160,000 children miss school ev-ery day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students.” - National Education Association. To start the campaign, booths will be in schools, and can also be in any area where teens are more prone to hang out at (i.e. malls, fast food restaurants, etc.). To make this effective, the look of the campaign will be related to school settings (like the look of Poster 8). The ephemera items to be given out are shirts, buttons/pins, camelbacks with our logo, notebooks, and headphones. The primary colors are black and white, and the secondary color is red. The logo will be like the logo in Poster 8 to give a contemporary feel. The specific style of this campaign will be ripped notebook paper to repre-sent emotions being “torn up” from bullying, chalk/pencil font to give the feel of it being handwritten, and the images being drawn to make it feel like a sketch someone drew in class.

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Posters &


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Overcome: Brief of Poster 1

The cause that I chose was to put an end to bullying. Growing up with this in my life, I now want to reach out and put an end to it. In or-der to make my poster effective to reach the goal of having a longing to end bullying, I included red chains, a white silhouette, black back-ground, and military font. I looked up on google the psychological meaning of color and it said that red meant strong emotion, black meant hidden/bottling things up, and white meaning innocence. I combined red and chains together to represent the bondage of emotions that can be built up from bullying. I wanted the background to be black so it could represent how we tend to hide in the background and the emotions built up from people bullying us. Instead of having the silhouette black, I wanted to have it white to represent how the innocent people seem to be the victims of bullying.

Concept wise, my historical reference came from the Illuminated Medieval Scripts, where the objects drawn has representation. I also wanted to have movement to lead the eye around the poster, therefore, positioning the chains at the top left corner. As well as the chains, I have the face looking at “Take A Stand: Against Bullying”. I didn’t want all of the chains covering the face, so I places some behind the head; oth-erwise, to me, it would look crowded. I chose a military-style font to represent strength and endurance through the pain that a person can go through bullying.

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Overcome: Brief of Poster 2 The theme I wanted to achieve with poster 2 was gambling. In class we talked about the city of Venice and how it was known for gam-bling. That’s what I wanted to have this poster themed about. When we’re bullied, we sometimes feel like our life is at risk. We tend to put our life at risk because bullying eventually leads to depression, which leads to thoughts of worthlessness. And when we think that way, we tend to want to harm to our bodies, whether it would be overdosing, cutting, anything that could potentially kill us. That is why I wanted this poster to be about “gambling our life”. For the main imagery, I have slot reels that are aligned with my logo. When you’re playing the slots, your goal is to try to get the three slots lined up. When those three are lined up, you get money. Depend-ing on the worth of the icon depends how much you get. Normally, get-ting three red 7’s in a row is what you want to aim for because they are worth the most. That’s why I have my logo lined up like it is, and the color it is... To represent the 7’s from gambling.

The border around the reels, design at the bottom, and the design around the “G” on gambling are based off of Jenson’s woodcut flour-ishes and floral design you would see around text and the Renaissance Colophons. I wanted them to look a goldish tint based off of the Renais-sance gold decorative elements. The font is based off of the book de-sign of the Renaissance that was a roman and italic type.

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Overcome: Brief of Poster 3 In coming up with the idea for Poster 3, I wanted to have this one focus more so on the emotion aspect of bullying. In order to portray this, I drew an image of a girl wiping her eyes from crying. Majority of the inspiration of this project was Alphonse Mucha’s technique (with-out the decorative technique in the background) in drawing females and captivating their beauty. I also used the wood block printing style with a distressed look to make the image look more modern. To make the poster even more modern, I gave it a vintage feeling. I wanted the colors to have a muted kind of tint by following how Eu-gene Grasset’s coloring book style. For the font, I wanted to do a com-bination of Copperplate Gothic with an emphasis on 16,000, fear, and students in the Wood-type poster style. While planning out how I was going to do the quote, I found it funny, and ironic, how I chose to em-phasize on 16,000, fear, and students.

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Overcome: Brief of Poster 4

The main inspiration for Poster 4 came from The Glasgow School of Scotland with their symbolic complexity, geometric style, stylized form, bold planes of color, and abstract proportion of the human form.. More in depth, the two people that were the inspiration for this poster were Margaret and Frances Macdonald. Their one poster they did that had two figures, one looked as if it was overpowering the other, was the inspiration of what I did. I wanted to achieve a sense of the victim feel-ing belittled by the bully overpowering her, as well as appearing to have some evil characteristics with the elongated finger that look like talons. The font chosen was Charles Mackintosh type. Coming up with what exactly to say, and it be relevant to the poster, was a challenge. Then I thought that people don’t have to be the victim of bullying; they have a choice whether to stand up or just stay the victim.

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Overcome: Brief of Poster 5

In this poster, all of my inspiration was based off of El Lissitzky. Even though Lissitzky’s work was more simplistic, I wanted to do mine on an architecture principle (like him). I wanted to have a modern twist on architecture, so I have a silhouette of a person that graphed out like how blueprints are. I stuck with the red, black, and white color. I have all three of the colors in the figure to represent that experiences that we go through can be good and bad. The background is inspired by Piet Mondrian’s dynamic movement, but instead of it being dynamic, have it more subtle.

The font is a simple Mydrian Pro with condensed bold. I wanted it to be a bold, in-your-face font. This style was used by the social com-munists, so people would be aware of a topic. I wanted it to be an en-couraging poster by having the emphasis be on “Go” and “You”.

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Overcome: Brief of Poster 6

This poster was based off of Ernst Keller and Max Bill, as well as the cover art for the video games Grand Theft Auto 3 and Kingdom Hearts. I used Ernst’s symbolic imagery on my hand-drawn images of victims. Max Bill was the inspiration for the geometric squares that were in different sizes. I have three of the images as rectangles to lead the eye as well as to fit more information in them (for example, one of them focuses specifically on the eye). Grand Theft Auto 3 and Kingdom Hearts were used for the contemporary history. Grand Theft Auto 3 was the inspiration for the images having their own color scheme (using a highly saturated color, and the same color tinted). Kingdom Hearts was the inspiration for the cartoonized form of the individuals in the squares. The font is Helvetica, but I’m not using much text because the poster speaks for itself with the images on victims and having the few descrip-tive words intertwined in the images.

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Overcome: Brief of Poster 7

The inspiration for poster 7 were from Milton Glaser, Paul Chwast, and Wes Wilson. Milton Glaser was the inspiration for the comic book and art nouveau style, Paul Chwast was the inspiration for the flat colors with no depth, and Wes Wilson was the inspiration for the close value complementary colors. For the font, I used Times New Yorker (a slight-ly more grunge-style from Romans) and a font that looks like a stamp (I forgot the name of the second). My idea for using the font that looks like a stamp was to portray that bullying is kind of like a stamp. It gives victims a label that only the bully calls them. Also, I wanted to empha-size that “students are harmed” from school bullying. To make it look even more like a stamp, I have the “students are harmed” tilted in a way as how stamps are placed on packages.

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Overcome: Brief of Poster 8

The idea for this poster came from the design of zines and the 80s. The design from zines seem to be hand-drawn and took letters from other magazines and put them in a ransom-note fashion. Instead of hav-ing magazine letters torn out, I wanted to have the image torn. The 80s inspiration comes from chalkboards. I wanted to make the poster look like the image was taped on a chalkboard and have hand writing on the paper and board for the font.

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Additional Posters

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Poster Placement

The placement of these posters will be on school grounds

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Interactive Card

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The purpose for the Interactive Promo Card is to be help for inspiring those who are being bullied. Every day, you tear off the letters, revealing the message.

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Web Page Layout

Home Page

Go here to view the website: http://revan4619.wix.com/overcomebullying

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Missions Page

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How You Can Help Page

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Contact Us Page

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Booth Design

This is the concept design and a close up of how the dis-play will look. It will be set up in a school cafeteria.

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Go here to view the website: http://issuu.com/ejenkins90/docs/mini-zine?mode=window
