Proceedings of Government of Karnataka Sub: Transfer of some of the projects and offices of Karnataka Neeravari Nigam limited / Government to the administrative control of Visvesvaraya Jala Nigam. READ: 1. Government Order No. WRD 35 Vibyae 2016, dated:20.08.2016. 2. Special Officer, Visvesvaraya lala Nigam Limited letter No KNN(R) 12 AGN (VJNL) 2016:5966: dated: 20.10.2016. 3. Managing Director, Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited and Special Officer, Visvesvaraya .Tala Nigam Limited letter No. VJN(R) 1 AST 2016- 17:0005:dated:24.10.2016. PREAMBLE: In the G.O dated 20.08.2016 vide reference (1) read above, approval has' been accorded to form Visvesvaraya Jala Nigam to implement Yettinahole Integrated Drinking Water Project, Upper Bhadra Project and the projects relatedl allied to these projects and other project works that benefitl supplement the drought prone areas of Chikkaballapur, Kolar, Bangalore Rural, Chitradurga, Chikkamagalur, Hassan, Davangere and Tumkur District and ongoing any other project works. Followingmain issues were approved in the above order. 1) In principle approval is accorded at present to transfer the Assets and Liabilities of the Yettinahole Integrated Drinking Water Project, Upper Bhadra Project and the projects relatedl allied to these projects and other project works that benefitl supplement the drought prone areas of Chikkaballapur, Kolar, Bangalore Rural, Chitradurga, Chikkamagalur, Hassan, Davangere and Tumkur District and ongoing any other project works which are presently under the jurisdiction of Karnataka Neeravari NigamaiGovernment to Visvesvaraya Jala Nigama from Neeravari NigamaiGovernment. An appropriate proposal shall be submitted to Governmentby Karnataka Neeravari Nigama Limited IVisvesvaraya Jala Nigama for final transfer of the assets and.liabilities as per rules. In the meanwhile pending final transfer of Assets and Liabilities, the projects/works proposed as above are brought under the administrative control ofVisvesvaraya Jala Nigama; 2) Convert the Special Officer Post that has already been created as post of Managing Director after the formation of Visvesvaraya Jala Nigama. Create posts to deal the works relating to Corporate affairs, Administration/Legal, Finance and Accounts with the approval of the Board of Directors of Visvesvaraya JalaNigama and the Officers/staff are to be filled up by deputation/recruitment/oncontract basis. Further, transfer the Zone/Circle/Division and sub division of Yettinahole Integrated Drinking Water Project and Upper Bhadra Project and the offices in registered office associated with the said projects of Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited lofficers/staffto Visvesvaraya Jala Nigama . In the letter vide reference (2) read above, the Special Officer, Visvesvaraya Jala Nigam Limited has reported that Visvesvaraya Jala Nigam has been registered under the Companies Act 2013 on 20.10.2016.

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Page 1: Proceedings ofGovernment ofKarnatakavjnl.in/uploads/Nigam Formation/VJNL Projects... · Proceedings ofGovernment ofKarnataka Sub: Transfer ofsome of the projects and officesofKarnataka

Proceedings of Government of Karnataka

Sub: Transfer of some of the projects and offices of Karnataka NeeravariNigam limited / Government to the administrative control ofVisvesvaraya Jala Nigam.


1. GovernmentOrder No. WRD 35 Vibyae 2016, dated:20.08.2016.2. Special Officer, Visvesvaraya lala Nigam Limited letter No KNN(R) 12 AGN

(VJNL) 2016:5966: dated: 20.10.2016.3. Managing Director, Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited and Special Officer,

Visvesvaraya .Tala Nigam Limited letter No. VJN(R) 1 AST 2016-17:0005:dated:24.10.2016.


In the G.O dated 20.08.2016 vide reference (1) read above, approval has' beenaccorded to form Visvesvaraya Jala Nigam to implement Yettinahole Integrated DrinkingWater Project, Upper Bhadra Project and the projects relatedl allied to these projects andother project works that benefitl supplement the drought prone areas of Chikkaballapur,Kolar, Bangalore Rural, Chitradurga, Chikkamagalur, Hassan, Davangere and TumkurDistrict and ongoing any other project works.

Followingmain issues were approved in the above order.

1) In principle approval is accorded at present to transfer the Assets and Liabilitiesof the Yettinahole Integrated Drinking Water Project, Upper Bhadra Project and theprojects relatedl allied to these projects and other project works that benefitlsupplement the drought prone areas of Chikkaballapur, Kolar, Bangalore Rural,Chitradurga, Chikkamagalur, Hassan, Davangere and Tumkur District and ongoingany other project works which are presently under the jurisdiction of KarnatakaNeeravari NigamaiGovernment to Visvesvaraya Jala Nigama from NeeravariNigamaiGovernment. An appropriate proposal shall be submitted to GovernmentbyKarnataka Neeravari Nigama Limited IVisvesvaraya Jala Nigama for final transferof the assets and.liabilities as per rules. In the meanwhile pending final transfer ofAssets and Liabilities, the projects/works proposed as above are brought under theadministrative control ofVisvesvaraya Jala Nigama;

2) Convert the Special Officer Post that has already been created as post ofManaging Director after the formation of Visvesvaraya Jala Nigama. Create posts todeal the works relating to Corporate affairs, Administration/Legal, Finance andAccounts with the approval of the Board of Directors of Visvesvaraya JalaNigamaand the Officers/staff are to be filled up by deputation/recruitment/oncontract basis.Further, transfer the Zone/Circle/Division and sub division of Yettinahole IntegratedDrinking Water Project and Upper Bhadra Project and the offices in registered officeassociated with the said projects of Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limitedlofficers/staffto Visvesvaraya Jala Nigama .

In the letter vide reference (2) read above, the Special Officer, Visvesvaraya Jala NigamLimited has reported that Visvesvaraya Jala Nigam has been registered under the CompaniesAct 2013 on 20.10.2016.

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In the letter vide reference (3) read above, the Managing Director, Karnataka NeeravariNigam Limited and Special Officer, Visvesvaraya Jala Nigam Limited has requested to issuenecessary orders regarding transfer of following projects along with concerned Zonaloffices/circle offices/division offices/sub-division offices/Sl.Af) offices pending finaltransfer of assets and liabilities as per Rules to Nigama since it is a necessary to officiallytransfer projects from Karnataka Neeravari Nigam to Visvesvaraya Jala Nigam Limited.

SI.No Name of the Project Details Jurisdictional Offices1 Upper Bhadra Project CE, UBP Zone Chitradurga and its Jurisdictional

Offices2 Yettinahole Project CE, Yettinahole Zone, Tumkur and its

Jurisdictional Offices3 Vani Vilasa Sagar Project CE, UBP Zone Chitradurga and its Jurisdictional

Offices (related to Upper Bhadra Project)4 Gayatri Reservoir Project CE, UBP Zone Chitradurga and its Jurisdictional

Offices (related to Upper Bhadra Project)

The clause 87(b) of the Article of Association of Karnataka Neeravari Nigamalimited, confers power to Government to issue any directions to Nigam regarding functions,Conduct of businesses and any financial matters of the Nigama.

Government Order No:WRD 130 Vibyae 2016, Bengaluru, Dtd:18.11.2016.After examining the matter in detail, in exercise of the power conferred under clause

87(b) of the Article of Association of Karnataka Neeravari Nigam, the Government arepleased to order with immediate effect as below;

l.In principle approval is accorded at present to transfer the Assets and Liabilities of theYettinahole _!ntegr~ted Drinking Water Project, Upper Bhadra Project and the projectsrelated/ allied to these projects and other project works that benefit/ supplement the droughtprone areas of Chikkaballapur, Kolar, Bangalore Rural, Chitradurga, Chikkamagalur, Hassan,Davangere and Tumkur District and ongoing any other project works which are presentlyunder the jurisdiction of Karnataka Neeravari Nigama/Government, to Visvesvaraya JalaNigama from Neeravari Nigama/Govemment. Subject to the condition to examine the finaltransfer of assets and liabilities to Visvesvaraya Jala Nigama as per Rules and submission ofappropriate proposal to Government by KamatakaNeeravari Nigama /Visvesvaraya JalaNigama for final transfer of the Assets & liabilities as per Rules, pending final transfer ofAssets & Liabilities.the projects and/works detailed in Annexure-I are brought under theadministrative control of Visvesvaraya Jala Nigama.

2.The Offices working under Kamataka Neeravari Nigam Limited as detailed inAnnexure-2, along with all the posts related to these offices and officers/staff working inthese posts to be brought under the administrative control of Visvesvaraya Jala NigamLimited are transferred with immediate effect and until further orders.

By order and in the name ofGovernor of Karnataka


(K.S.Nagaraja)Under Secretary to Government

Water Resources department (Tech-4)To:Compiler, Karnataka State Gazette, Bengaluru ( 2 Copies) to publish in the next issue.

Copy to:

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Accountant General (A&E), Karnataka, Bengaluru.Personal Secretary to Principal Secretary of Hon'ble Chief Minister, VidhanaSoudha,Bengaluru.Personal Secretary to Hon'ble Minister for Water Resources, VidhanaSoudha,Bengaluru.Personal secretary to Chief Secretary of Government, VidhanaSoudha, Bengaluru.Personal Secretary to Additional Chief Secretary of Government, VidhanaSoudha,Bengaluru.Personal Secretary to Development Commissioner of Government, VidhanaSoudha,Bengaluru.

7. Personal Secretary to Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Finance DepartmentVidhanaSoudha, Bengaluru.

8.. Personal Secretary to Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Rural Development& Panchayatraj Department, M S Building, Bengaluru.

9. Personal Secretary to Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Urban DevelopmentDepartment VikasaSoudha, Bengaluru.

10. Personal Secretary to Principal Secretary to Government, DPAR, M S Building,Bengaluru.

11. Personal Secretary to Principal Secretary to Government, Finance Department,VidhanaSoudha, Bengaluru.

12. Personal Secretary to Principal Secretary to Government, Revenue Department, M SBuilding, Bengaluru.

13. Personal Secretary to Principal Secretary to Government, Forest, Ecology &Environmental Department, M S Building, Bengaluru.

14. Personal Secretary to Principal Secretary to Government, Water ResourcesDepartment, Bengaluru.

15. Personal Secretary to Secretary to Government, Water Resources Department,Bengaluru.

16. Personal Secretary to Secretary to Government, Minor Irrigation Department,Bengaluru.

17. Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, LAQ and Forest Cell, WaterResources Department, Bengaluru.

~. Managing Director, Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited, Coffee Board Building,Bengaluru.

19. Managing Director, Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Limited, Anand Rao Circle,Bengaluru.

20. Managing Director, Krishna Bhagya lala Nigam Limited, K R Circle, Bengaluru.21. Special Officer, Visvesvaraya lala Nigam, Coffee Board Building, Bengaluru.22. Director, CADA Directorate, Bengaluru.23. The President, Water supply and Drainage Board, Kaveri Bhavan, Bengaluru.24. Managing Director, Karnataka Urban Water supply and Drainage Board, Kaveri

Bhavan, Bengaluru.25. Chief Engineer, Water Resources Development Organisation, Anand Rao Circle,

Bengaluru.26. Chief Engineer, Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Ltd, Upper Bhadra Project Zone,

Chitradurga.27. Special Officer and Ex Officio Deputy Secretary to Government, Public Works

Department (Finance Cell), Vidhana Soudha, Bengaluru.28. Deputy Secretary ·to· Government" (KBJNUMMIIServiceS), Water- Resources

Department, Vikasa Soudha, Bengaluru.

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29. Chief Engineer, Inter-State Water Dispute, Water Resources DevelopmentOrganisation, Anand Rao Circle, Bengaluru.

30. Director, Geometric Centre, Water Resources Development Organisation, Anand RaoCircle, Bengaluru.

31. Director; State Archives Department, Vikasa Soudha, Bengaluru- 10 copies.32. Officer on Special Duty to Government, Water Resources Department (MMI-3),

Vikasa Soudha, Bengaluru.33. Under Secretary to Government, Tech-1/TechlKBJNL/Cauvery UnitlAEE/TA, Water

ResourcesDepartment, Vikasa Soudha,Bengaluru.34. Extra copies.

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Projects transferred and brought under Administrative control of VJNL.

SINo Name of the Projects. 1 Upper Bhadra Project2 Yettinahole Integrated Drinking water project..,

Vani Vilasa Sagar Project.)

4 Gaythri Reservoir Proj ect.

~(K. S. Nagaraja)

Under Secretary to GovernmentWater Resources Department (Tech-4)


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Offices transferred to Visvesvaraya Jala Nigama Limited.

a) Upper Bhadra Project Zone, Chitradurga

SINo Name of the OfficeI ct,UBP Zone, ChitradurgaII ·SE,UBP Circle No.1, BR Project1 EE, UBP Dn. 1,Muthinakoppaa AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 1, Muthinakoppab AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 2, Muthinakoppa2 EE, UBP Dn. 2, B.R. Projecta AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 3, B. R. Projectb AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 4, Tarikerec AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 5, Tarikere

3 EE, UBP Dn. 3, Ajjampuraa AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 7, Ajjampurab AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 8, Ajjampura

III SE, UBP Circle No.2 Chitradurga1 EE, UBP Dn. 4, Hosadurgaa AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 9, Ajjampurab AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 10, Hosadurgac AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 11, Madadakere, Camp @ Hosadurga

2 EE, UBP Dn. 5, Chitradurgaa AEE, UBP Sub Dn..l Z, Chitradurgab AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 13, Burujanaroppa, Camp @ Chitradurgac AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 14, Imangala, Camp @ Chitradurga

3 EE, UBP Dn. 6, Challekerea AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 15, Challekereb AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 16, Sanekere, Camp @ Challkere

4 EE, UBP Dn. 7, Hiriyur, Camp @ Chitradurgaa AEE, UBP Sub Dn.18, Hiriyur, Camp @ Chitradurgab AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 20, Adiwala, Camp @ Chitradurgac AEE, VV Sagara Sub Dn. Hiriyur (Transferred from UTP Zone)

5 EE, UBP Dn. 9, Siraa AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 23, Sirab AEE, UBP Sub Dn. 23, Kallambella, Camp @ Sira

IV Spl. DC, UTP, UBP & Yettinahole Projects, Chitradurga

V SLAO Chitradurga

. -..... "- _".' .~'.'. - - '" .."'., ','

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h)Yettinahole Project Zone, Tumkur

SINo Name of the officesI CE, Yettinahole Project Zone, TumkurII SE, Yettinahole Project Circle, Tumkur1 EE, Yettinahole Project Dn. 1,Sakaleshpuraa AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn.l, Sakaleshpura

b AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn.8, Sakaleshpura

c AEE, Yettinahole Project Electrical Sub Dn. Sakaleshpura

d AEE, Yettinahole Sub Dn.13, Sakaleshpura

2 EE, Yettinahole Project On. 2, Tumkur

a AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn. 2, Turnkur

b AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn. 3, K.B. Cross,Camp @ Tumkur

c AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn. 12, Tiptur, Camp @ Tumkur

3 EE, Yettinahole Project Dn. 3, Arasikerea AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn. 9, Aluru

b AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn. 10, Belur

c AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn. 11, Arasikere

4 EE, Yettinahole Project On. 4, Madhugiri

a AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn. 4, Madhugiri

b AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn. 5, Koratagere

c AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn. 6, Chikkaballapura

d AEE, Yettinahole Project Sub Dn. 7, Kolar

III SLAO Yettinahole Project, Sakleshapura

IV SLAO Yettinahole Project, Tumkur .

~(K. S. Nagaraja)

Under Secretary to GovernmentWater Resources Department (Tech-4)