PROCEEDINGS - afpc.info AFPC... · proceedings . of the . association of faculties of pharmacy of canada . association des facultÉs de pharmacie du canada. during 2016 . including

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MAY 31 – JUNE 2, 2016


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AFPC Strategic Plan.................................................................................................. 4 AFPC Constituent Faculties 2015-2016 ..................................................................... 5 AFPC Board of Directors 2015-2016.......................................................................... 5 AFPC Council of Deans 2015-2016 ........................................................................... 5 AFPC Council of Faculties 2015-2016 ........................................................................ 6 AFPC Representatives to Affiliate Organizations ...................................................... 6 AFPC Committee Chairs and Other Positions ............................................................ 6 Recipients of Major AFPC Awards ............................................................................ 7 AFPC Honoured Life Members ............................................................................... 16 AFPC Annual Meetings and Officers ....................................................................... 18 PART 1.0 AFPC Annual Conference 2016 (Joint Conference with CSPS) Conference Title Page ............................................................................................ 23 Table of Contents .................................................................................................. 24 Welcome from CPERC Conference Chair ................................................................ 25 Welcome from Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UBC .............................. 26 AFPC Board of Directors ........................................................................................ 27 AFPC Council of Faculties ....................................................................................... 29 Looking to CPERC 2017 ......................................................................................... 31 Conference Program .............................................................................................. 32 Session Information............................................................................................... 35 AFPC Award Winners ............................................................................................. 41 AFPC Award Sponsors ............................................................................................ 45 Poster Listings ...................................................................................................... 46 AFPC Conference Sponsors ................................................................................... 50 AFPC Conference Sponsors Advertisements ........................................................... 52 River Rock Hotel & Casino Maps ............................................................................ 56 PART 2.0 Minutes of AFPC Meetings 2015 – 2016 Minutes, AFPC Voting Members Annual Meeting, May 31, 2016 ............................ 59 Minutes, AFPC Board of Directors Interim Meeting, November 26, 2015 ................ 61 Minutes, AFPC Board of Directors Mid-Year Meeting, February 9, 2016 .................. 63 Minutes, AFPC Board of Directors Annual Meeting, May 31, 2016 .......................... 65

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PART 3.0 Reports of AFPC Standing Committees, Representatives & Delegates AFPC Awards Committee Report ............................................................................ 70 AFPC Communications Committee Report ............................................................. 76 AFPC Education Committee Report ........................................................................ 78 AFPC Nominating Committee Report ..................................................................... 80 PEP Canada Report to AFPC ................................................................................... 81 AFPC Research Committee Report ......................................................................... 83 AFPC Assessment SIG Report ................................................................................. 85 AFPC Informatics SIG Report .................................................................................. 89 AFPC Skills Lab SIG Report .................................................................................... 91 PEBC Update – 2016 Annual Board Meeting Summary ........................................... 93 2015 Auditor’s Report ........................................................................................... 95 2015 AFPC Operating Budget Preliminary Forecast .............................................. 105 Executive Director’s Annual Report ..................................................................... 111

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AFPC is an association of faculties of pharmacy whose members are committed to the promotion and recognition of excellence in pharmacy education and scholarly activities.


Shaping the future of pharmacy to optimize health through excellence in education and scholarship.


National voice for academic pharmacy in Canada. Achieve excellence through collective leadership, expertise and advocacy; and effective partnerships.


Inspire faculties and members to develop innovative pharmacy education strategies and scholarship.

Develop and share national frameworks to facilitate best practices in education delivery and evaluation.

Establish and maintain effective collaborations with external partners. Advocate for adequate strategic and fiscal support for pharmacy education and

scholarship. Ensure necessary financial resources and infrastructure to achieve mission.

Revised – June 1, 2014


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Memorial University of Newfoundland, School of Pharmacy, St. John’s NL Carlo Marra, Dean (709) 777-6571 Dalhousie University, College of Pharmacy, Halifax, NS Susan Mansour, Director (902) 494-3504 Université Laval, Faculté de Pharmacie, Québec, QC Jean Lefebvre, Doyen (418) 656-2131 Université de Montréal, Faculté de Pharmacie, Montréal, QC Lyne Lalonde, Doyen (514) 343-5315 University of Toronto, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, Toronto, ON Heather Boon, Dean (416) 978-2880 University of Waterloo, School of Pharmacy, Waterloo, ON David Edwards, Dean (519) 888-4408 University of Manitoba, Faculty of Pharmacy, Winnipeg, MB Neal Davies, Dean (204) 474-8794 University of Saskatchewan, College of Pharmacy & Nutrition, Saskatoon, SK Kishor Wasan, Dean (306) 966-6328 University of Alberta, Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Edmonton, AB

James Kehrer, Dean/Dion Brocks, Acting Dean (780) 492-0204 University of British Columbia, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vancouver, BC Michael Coughtrie, Dean (604) 822-2343

AFPC BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2015 - 2016 Michael Coughtrie (British Columbia), President Silvia Alessi-Severini (Manitoba) Ann Thompson (Alberta), Vice President Tannis Jurgens (Dalhousie) Jean Lefebvre (Laval), Treasurer Jamie Kellar (Toronto) Kerry Mansell (Saskatchewan), Past President Gilles Leclerc (Montreal) Carlo Marra (Memorial) Kishor Wasan (Saskatchewan) David Edwards (Waterloo)

AFPC COUNCIL OF DEANS 2015-2016 Kishor Wasan (Saskatchewan), Chair David Edwards (Waterloo) Heather Boon (Toronto), Vice Chair Lyne Lalonde (Montréal) Michael Coughtrie (British Columbia) Jean Lefebvre (Laval) James Kehrer/Dion Brocks (Alberta) Susan Mansour (Dalhousie) Neal Davies (Manitoba) Carlo Marra (Memorial)


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AFPC COUNCIL OF FACULTIES 2015-2016 Tannis Jurgens (Dalhousie), Chair Cynthia Richard (Waterloo) Ann Thompson (Alberta), Vice Chair Jamie Kellar (Toronto) Marion Pearson (British Columbia) Gilles Leclerc (Montréal) Ed Krol (Saskatchewan) Julie Methot (Laval) Silva Alessi-Severini (Manitoba) Carla Dillon (Memorial)


Academic Board Member, Canadian Pharmacists Association – Susan Mansour (Dalhousie) Canadian Council for the Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs – Chantal Pharand (Montreal) Canadian Council for Continuing Education in Pharmacy – Glenda MacDonald (British Columbia) Canadian Patient Safety Institute – Harold Lopatka (AFPC Executive Director) Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada – Gary Wong (Toronto) & Carla Dillon (Memorial) Representative to Canadian Pharmacy Practice Research Group – vacant Representative to United States Pharmacopeia Convention – Raimar Löbenberg (Alberta) National Patient Safety Consortium – Education Advisory Committee – Olavo Fernandes

Committee Chairs and Other Positions Awards Committee – Marion Pearson (UBC) Communications Committee – Ann Thompson (Alberta) Conference Planning Committee – Charles Park (UBC) Editor, AFPC Communications – Rebecca Law (Memorial) Education Committee – Jamie Kellar (Toronto) Nomination Committee – Tannis Jurgens (Dalhousie) Pharmacy Experiential Programs Canada (PEPC) – Kelly Drummond (Manitoba) Research Committee – Silvia Alessi-Severini (Manitoba) Treasurer – Jean Lefebvre (Laval) Canadian Pharmacy Residency Board – Marc Perreault (Montreal) Assessment SIG – Gilles Leclerc (Montreal) Evaluation SIG – Ken Cor (Alberta) Skills Laboratory SIG – Cynthia Richard (Waterloo)/Theresa Charrois (Alberta) Informatics SIG – Lisa Bishop (Memorial)


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1982 Ron Coutts, University of Alberta 1983 John McNeill, University of British Columbia 1984 Kam Midha, University of Saskatchewan 1985 Basil Roufogalis, University of British Columbia 1986 Ed Knaus, University of Alberta 1987 Tony Noujaim, University of Alberta 1988 Len Wiebe, University of Alberta 1989 Mike Mezei*, Dalhousie University 1990 Mike Wolowyk*, University of Alberta 1991 James Axelson, University of British Columbia 1992 Ted Hawes, University of Saskatchewan 1993 Frank Abbott, University of British Columbia 1994 Fakhreddin Jamali, University of Alberta 1995 Sandy Pang, University of Toronto 1996 Peter O’Brien, University of Toronto

JANSSEN-ORTHO AWARD 1997 Gail Bellward, University of British Columbia 1998 Len Wiebe, University of Alberta 1999 Jack Diamond, University of British Columbia 2000 Sid Katz, University of British Columbia

2001 Jack Uetrecht, University of Toronto 2002 Thérèse Di Paolo-Chenevert, Université Laval

2003 Ed Knaus, University of Alberta 2004 John McNeill, University of British Columbia


2005 Raymond Reilly, University of Toronto 2006 Helen Burt, University of British Columbia 2007 Thomas Einarson, University of Toronto 2008 Kishor Wasan, University of British Columbia 2009 Murray Krahn, University of Toronto 2010 Ingrid Sketris, Dalhousie University 2011 Peter Wells, University of Toronto 2012 Micheline Piquette-Miller, University of Toronto


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2013 Reina Bendayan, University of Toronto 2014 Anna Taddio, University of Toronto 2015 David Hampson, University of Toronto 2016 Shirley Wu, University of Toronto



1995 Cheryl Cox, University of Alberta 1996 David Fielding, University of British Columbia 1997 Kristin Janke, Dalhousie University 1998 not awarded 1999 not awarded 2000 Pat Farmer, Susan Mansour, Anne Marie Whelan, Dalhousie

2001 Zubin Austin, University of Toronto 2002 Claude Mailhot, Université de Montréal

2003 Simon Albon, University of British Columbia 2004 Jean-Louis Brazier, Université de Montréal 2005 Andrea Cameron and Lesley Lavack, University of Toronto 2006 Steve McQuarrie and John Mercer, University of Alberta 2007 Louise Mallet, Université de Montréal 2008 Not Awarded 2009 David Gardner, Dalhousie University 2010 Marie-Claude Vanier, Université de Montréal 2011 Nancy Waite, University of Waterloo


2012 Lalitha Raman-Wilms, University of Toronto


2013 James McCormack, University of British Columbia 2014 Not Awarded 2015 Sharon Mitchell, University of Alberta 2016 Jean-François Bussières, Université de Montréal


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UPJOHN-AFPC New Investigator Award 1993 Jacques Turgeon, Université Laval 1994 Robert Foster, University of Alberta 1995 Wendy Duncan-Hewitt, University of Toronto 1996 D. Hampson, University of Toronto

ASTRA PHARMA - AFPC New Investigator Award

1997 Frank Burczynski, University of Manitoba 1998 R. Macgregor, University of Toronto 1999 S. Wu, University of Toronto

ASTRAZENECA – AFPC New Investigator Award

2000 Hu Liu, Memorial University of Newfoundland

2001 David Wishart, University of Alberta 2002 Kishor Wasan, University of British Columbia

2003 Jean-Christophe Leroux, Université de Montréal 2004 Pierre Moreau, Université de Montréal 2005 Heather Boon, University of Toronto 2006 Christine Allen, University of Toronto 2007 Zubin Austin, University of Toronto 2008 Frédéric Calon, Université Laval

SANOFI-AVENTIS – AFPC New Investigator Award

2009 Afsaneh Lavasanifar, University of Alberta 2010 Olivier Barbier, Université Laval 2011 Benoît Drolet, Université Laval

AFPC New Investigator Research Award

2012 Suzanne Cadarette, University of Toronto 2013 Carolyn Cummins, University of Toronto 2014 Shyh-Dar Li, University of Toronto 2015 Emmanuel Ho, University of Manitoba 2016 Mark Harrison, University of British Columbia


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1997 Diane Jette, University of Alberta 1998 Rajesh Krishna, University of British Columbia 1999 Jean François Bouchard, Université de Montréal 2000 Mark Lomaga, University of Toronto 2001 Amgad Habeeb, University of Alberta


2002 Erica Rosemond, University of Toronto 2003 Huy H. Dao, Université de Montréal 2004 Thomas Chacko Pulinilkunnil, University of British Columbia 2005 Shirley Teng, University of Toronto 2006 Lichuan Liu, University of Toronto 2007 Patrick Ronaldson, University of Toronto 2008 Marie Lordkipanidzé, Université de Montréal 2009 Carl Julien, Université Laval 2010 Melissa Cheung, University of Toronto 2011 Niladri Chattopadhyay, University of Toronto 2012 Sébastien Fortin, Université Laval


2013 Erik Orava, University of Toronto 2014 Wael Alata, Université Laval 2015 Jason Li, University of Toronto 2016 Warren Viricel, Université de Montréal


2009 Marie Lordkipanidzé, Université de Montréal 2010 Ani Byrne, University of Toronto 2011 Not Awarded 2012 Mary Elias, University of Toronto 2013 Wasem Alsabbagh, University of Saskatchewan 2014 Mina Tadrous, University of Toronto 2015 Fahad Alzahrani, University of Waterloo & University of Saskatchewan 2016 Robert Pammett, University of Saskatchewan


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2008 Jennifer Beales (Toronto), Kelly Anne Grindrod (British Columbia), Stephanie Lucas (Dalhousie), Cynthia Lui (Manitoba), Véronique Michaud (Montréal)

2009 Nina Boucher (Laval), Judith Fisher (Toronto), Diala Harb (Montréal), Jason

Kielly (Memorial), Marie Lordkipanidzé (Montréal), Shanna Trenaman (Dalhousie)


2008 Mélanie Bousquet (Laval), Danny Costantini (Toronto), JR Colin Enman

(Dalhousie), Daryl Fediuk (Manitoba), Sherif Hanafy Mahmoud (Alberta), Vincent Nichols (Montréal), Manhar Powar (British Columbia), Mohamed A.Shaker (Memorial), Tara Smith (Saskatchewan)

2009 Abeer Ahmed (Memorial), Aws Alshamsan (Alberta), Charles Au (British Columbia), Étienne Audet-Walsh (Laval), Graham Brown (Saskatchewan), Mark Chambers (Dalhousie), Kelvin KW Hui (Toronto), Maud Pinier (Montréal), Ousama M Rachid (Manitoba)

2010 Ahmed S. Abdelmoneim (Manitoba), Marie-Ève Bédard-Dufresne (Montréal), Niladri Chattopadhyay (Toronto), Dalia Amr Hamdy El Sayed (Alberta), Melissa Hawkins (Dalhousie), Sandy YH Lu (British Columbia), Nicolas Morin (Laval), Nafiseh Nafissi (Waterloo), Ravi Shankar Prasad Singh (Saskatchewan), Meghan Wall (Memorial)


2011 Arash Falamarzian (Alberta), Ian Wong (British Columbia), Jovana Tomic

(Saskatchewan), Lacey Corbett (Memorial), Mélanie Rouleau (Laval), Melanie Trinacty (Dalhousie), Payam Zahedi (Toronto), Tarek Mohamed (Waterloo), Valery Aoun (Montréal), Yining Li (Manitoba)

2012 Gina Cragg (British Columbia), Sai Kiran Sharma (Alberta), Randeep Kaur (Saskatchewan), Stephanie Moroz (Manitoba), Maryam Vasefi (Waterloo), Nilasha Banerjee (Toronto), Ariane Lessard (Montréal), Sophie Carter (Laval), Douglas MacQuarrie (Dalhousie), Sarah Way (Memorial)


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2013 Donna Leung (British Columbia), Waheed Asghar (Alberta), Fahad Alzahrani

(Saskatchewan), Sarita Jha (Manitoba), Wesseem Osman (Waterloo), Lilia Magomedova (Toronto), Alexandre Melkoumov (Montréal), Wael Alata (Laval), Kathryn Landry (Dalhousie), Maria Whelan (Memorial)

2014 In Whang (British Columbia), Zaid Alma’ayah (Alberta), Merlin Thangaraj

(Saskatchewan), Sidi Yang (Manitoba), Leonard Angka (Waterloo), Adil Rasheed (Toronto), Stephanie Bourque (Montréal), Cyril Bigo (Laval), Jay Toulany (Dalhousie), Sara Abdi (Memorial)

2015 Gemma Pinchin (British Columbia), Paul Pown Raj Iyyanar (Saskatchewan), Yan

Lu (Manitoba), Alanna McEneny (Waterloo), Jacqueline Flank (Toronto), Stephanie Dumas (Montréal), Jacinthe Leclerc (Laval), Heather Blundon (Dalhousie), Amy Randell (Memorial)


POSTER AWARDS 2016 Miao Yan (Marilyn) Sun (British Columbia), Naif Alujhani (Alberta), Pedram

Rafiei (Saskatchewan), Divna Calic (Manitoba), Nyasha Gondora (Waterloo), Chesarahmia Dojo Soeandy (Toronto), Marc-André Renaud (Montréal), Anna Cieślak (Laval), Mia Losier (Dalhousie), Waseem Abu-Ashour (Memorial)



2008 Antonia Tsallas (British Columbia) 2009 Antonia Tsallas (British Columbia) 2010 Erin Yakiwchuk, University of Saskatchewan 2011 Alexandre Melkoumov, Université de Montréal


2012 Shirin Rizzardo, University of British Columbia 2013 Anil Maharaj, University of Waterloo 2014 Tullio Esposito, University of British Columbia 2015 Jessica Virgili, Laval University 2016 Katherine Koroluk, University of Toronto


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2011 Roderick Slavcev, University of Waterloo 2012 Jason Perepelkin, University of Saskatchewan 2013 Cheryl Cox, Cheryl Sadowski, Marlene Gukert, Hoan Linh Banh, Shirley Heschuk,

Lynette Shultz, University of Alberta 2014 Chantal Pharand, Francoise Crevier, Nancy Sheehan, University of Montréal 2015 Not Awarded 2016 Derek Jorgenson, University of Saskatchewan


2014 David Fielding, University of British Columbia

2015 Not Awarded

2016 Anne Marie Whelan, Dalhousie University


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1991 Fares Attalla 1992 Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy 1993 Jean-Guy Cyr 1994 Carl Trinca 1995 Yves Chicoine 1996 Pierre Bois 1997 Jeff Poston 1998 Gerald Duncan 1999 not awarded 2000 Ginette Bernier

2001 Richard Penna 2002 not awarded

2003 not awarded 2004 not awarded 2005 Walter Masanic 2006 Not awarded 2007 Not awarded 2008 Not awarded 2009 Not awarded 2010 Not awarded 2011 Not awarded 2012 Not awarded 2013 Not awarded 2014 Not awarded 2015 Not awarded 2016 Not awarded


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1992 Keith McErlane 1993 Helen Burt 1994 UBC Host Committee, 1993 AFPC Biotechnology Conference 1995 Ernst Stieb 1996 Pauline Beaulac 1997 Not awarded 1998 Not awarded 1999 Not awarded 2000 Not awarded 2001 Bernard Riedel, Ernst Stieb 2002 Wayne Hindmarsh, Jim Blackburn 2003 David Hill 2004 Not awarded 2005 Not awarded 2006 Not awarded 2007 Not awarded 2008 Not awarded 2009 Not awarded 2010 Simon Albon, Susan Mansour, Sylvie Marleau


2011 Lavern Vercaigne, Anne Marie Whelan 2012 Frank Abbott, Rebecca Law 2013 Not awarded 2014 David Hill, Rita Caldwell, Linda Hensman 2015 Not awarded 2016 Not awarded


2014 Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada – Certificate of Appreciation for 50 Years of Leadership in Assessment of Competencies and Support of AFPC

2014 Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta – Certificate of Recognition of 100th Anniversary

2014 College of Pharmacy & Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan – Certificate of Recognition of 100th Anniversary


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*A.W. Matthews Toronto, Ont., 1946-52, 1967

R. Plourde Montréal, Quebec 1987

*G.T. Cunningham Vancouver, B.C. 1947 *J.G. Moir Vancouver, B.C. 1988

J.G. Richard Montréal, Quebec 1957 * G. Myers Edmonton, AB 1989

*J.R. Kennedy Toronto, Ontario 1959 *J. Ryan Halifax, NS 1989

*A.F. Larose Montréal, Quebec 1960 *F. Teare Toronto, Ontario 1990

*J.I. MacKnight Halifax, NS 1964 K. James Halifax, NS 1990

*J.E. Cooke Halifax, NS 1965 *G. Duff Halifax, NS 1991

*R. Larose Montréal, Quebec 1965 *A. Noujaim Edmonton, AB 1993

*R.C. Cary Toronto, Ontario 1966 *M. Mezei Halifax, NS 1994

*G.L. Webster Chicago, Illinois 1969 B. Schnell Saskatoon, Sask. 1995

*J. Antonin Marquis Quebec, Quebec 1969 *G. Nairn Toronto, Ontario 1995

*F.N. Hughes Toronto, Ontario 1973 E. Stieb Toronto, Ontario 1995

*Mrs. I. Stauffer Toronto, Ontario 1974 R. Coutts Edmonton, AB 1996

*H.J. Fuller Toronto, Ontario 1974 A. Shysh Edmonton, AB 1996

*L.G. Elliott Montréal, Quebec 1974 J. Steele Winnipeg. MB 1996 A. Archambault Montréal, Quebec 1975 I. Abraham Halifax, NS 1998

*J.E. Halliday Vancouver, B.C. 1978 P. Beaulac Montréal, Quebec 1998

*G.C. Walker Toronto, Ontario 1979 F. Chandler Halifax, NS 1998

*M.J. Huston Edmonton, AB 1979 P. Farmer Halifax, NS 1998

*A.J .Anderson Edmonton, AB 1980 R. Tawashi Montréal, Quebec 1998

*G.R. Paterson Toronto, Ontario 1980 Gilles Barbeau Québec City, QC, 2000

*J .R. Murray Winnipeg, MB 1981 Robert Goyer Montréal, QC, 2000

*J.J. O'Mara St. John's, NF 1981 Ted Hawes Saskatoon, SK, 2000 J.A. Wood Saskatoon, SK 1982 Gaston Labrecque Québec City, QC, 2000

L.G. Chatten Edmonton, AB 1983 Pierre-Paul LeBlanc Québec City, QC, 2000

F. Morrison Vancouver, B.C. 1983 Dick Moskalyk Edmonton, AB, 2000

*S.K. Sim Toronto, Ontario 1984 James Orr Vancouver, BC, 2000

*J.G. Jeffrey Saskatoon, SK 1984 Jacques Dumas Québec QC 2001

*D.J. Stewart Toronto, Ontario 1984 John Bachynsky Edmonton, AB, 2002 *R.M. Baxter Toronto, Ontario 1985 Don Lyster Vancouver, BC 2002

*B.E. Riedel Vancouver, B.C. 1985 John Sinclair Vancouver, BC 2002

P. Claveau Laval Quebec, QC 1986 John Templeton Winnipeg MB 2002

*D. Zuck Saskatoon, SK 1986 Frank Abbott Vancouver, BC 2003

*G.E. Hartnett Saskatoon, SK 1986 Jacques Gagne Montréal, QC 2004

*J .L. Summers Saskatoon, SK 1986 John McNeill Vancouver, BC 2004

R. Bilous Winnipeg, MB 1987 Gail Bellward Vancouver, BC 2004

L. Stephens-Newsham Edmonton, AB 1987 Peter O’Brien Toronto, ON 2004

T.H. Brown Vancouver, B.C. 1987 Leonard Wiebe Edmonton, AB 2005

*A.M. Goodeve Vancouver, B.C. 1987 Colin Briggs Winnipeg, MB 2005

*J.O. Runikis Vancouver, B.C. 1987 Joan Marshman Toronto, ON 2005


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Jim Blackburn Saskatoon, SK 2006 Pierre Belanger Quebec, QC, 2009 Keith McErlane Vancouver, BC 2006 Marguerite Yee Vancouver, BC, 2010 Ed Knaus Edmonton, AB 2008 Keith Simons Winnipeg, MB 2015 Thomas Einarson Toronto, ON 2008 David Fielding Vancouver, BC 2015

* Deceased


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Canadian Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties (CCPF) (1944-1969)

Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (AFPC) (1970- 2013)

YEAR PLACE PAST CHAIRMAN CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN SEC/TRES* Assist.SEC 1944(1) Toronto E.L. Woods F.N. Hughes 1945(2) Bigwin Inn E.L. Woods R.O. Hurst F.N. Hughes 1946(3) Toronto E.L. Woods R.O. Hurst F.N. Hughes 1947(4) Vancouver E.L. Woods R.O. Hurst D. McDougall F.N. Hughes 1948(5) Windsor E.L. Woods R.O. Hurst D. McDougall F.N. Hughes J.G. Jeffrey 1949(6) Saskatoon R.O. Hurst M.J. Huston J.A. Marquis F.N. Hughes J.G. Jeffrey 1950((7) Montreal M.J. Huston J.A. Marquis W.C. MacAulay F.N. Hughes J.G. Jeffrey 1951(8) Calgary J.A. Marquis W.C. MacAulay F.N. Hughes D.H. Murray 1952(9) Toronto W.C. MacAulay F.N. Hughes D. McDougall D.H. Murray 1953(10) Winnipeg F.N. Hughes D. McDougall A.F. Larose D.H. Murray 1954(11) Halifax D. McDougall A.F. Larose A.W. Matthews G.C. Walker 1955(12) Vancouver A.F. Larose A.W. Matthews J.E. Cooke G.C. Walker 1956(13) Ottawa A.W. Matthews J.E. Cooke R. Larose G.C. Walker 1957(14) Montreal J.E. Cooke R. Larose G.C. Walker R.M. Baxter 1958(15) Edmonton R. Larose G.C. Walker B.E. Riedel R.M. Baxter 1959(16) Saint John G.C. Walker B.E. Riedel J.G. Jeffrey R.M. Baxter 1960(17) Saskatoon B.E. Riedel J.G. Jeffrey F.A. Morrison G.R. Paterson 1961(18) Hamilton J.G. Jeffrey F.A. Morrison J.R. Murray G.R. Paterson 1962(19) Vancouver F.A. Morrison J.R. Murray R.M. Baxter G.R. Paterson 1963(20) Winnipeg J.R. Murray R.M. Baxter A. Archambault A.J. Anderson 1964(21) Halifax R.M. Baxter A. Archambault J.G. Duff A.J. Anderson 1965 (22) Calgary A. Archambault J.G. Duff G.R. Paterson A.J. Anderson

1966(23) Saint John J.G. Duff G.R. Paterson J.E. Halliday W.R. Wensley

1967(24) Toronto G.R. Paterson J.E. Halliday J.A. Wood James/Goodeve** Goodeve/Wood

1968(25) Regina J.E. Halliday J.A. Wood B.E. Riedel J.G. Nairn A.M. Goodeve 1969(26) St. John's J.A. Wood B.E. Riedel J.A. Mockle J.G. Nairn A.M. Goodeve 1970(27)*** Vancouver B.E. Riedel F.N. Hughes J. Tremblay J.G. Nairn A.M. Goodeve 1971(28) Winnipeg F.N. Hughes J.G. Nairn P. Claveau R.E. Moskalyk A.M. Goodeve 1972(29) Edmonton J.G. Nairn P. Claveau A.M. Goodeve R.A. Locock O’Reilly/H.J. Segal 1973(30) Halifax P. Claveau A.M. Goodeve E.W. Stieb R.F. Chandler H.J. Segal


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1974(31) Ottawa A.M. Goodeve E.W. Stieb G.E. Hartnett R.F. Chandler H.J. Segal/IL.I. Wiebe 1975(32) Montréal E.W. Stieb G.E. Hartnett J.W. Steele K.W. Hindmarsh R.M. Gentles/L. Goodeve

1976(33) Saskatoon G.E. Hartnett J.W. Steele W.E. Alexander K.W. Hindmarsh C.J.Briggs

PAST PRESIDENT PRESIDENT PRESIDENT ELECT 1977(34) Charlottetown J.W. Steele W.F. Alexander K.W. Hindmarsh F.W. Teare C.J.Briggs 1978(35) Victoria W.E. Alexander K.W. Hindmarsh F.W. Teare W.A. Parker C.J.Briggs

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1979(36) Sarnia K.W. Hindmarsh F.W. Teare R.E. Moskalyk J.A. Wood**** E.M. Hawes 1980(37) Calgary F.W. Teare R.E. Moskalyk C.J.Briggs J.A. Wood E.M. Hawes 1981(38) Winnipeg R.E. Moskalyk C.J.Briggs M. Mezei J.A. Wood E.M. Hawes 1982(39) Ottawa C.J. Briggs M. Mezei J.L. Summers J.A. Wood K.M. McErlane 1983(40) Montréal M. Mezei J.L. Summers R. Tawashi A.M. Goodeve K.M. McErlane 1984(41) Vancouver J.L. Summers R. Tawashi J. Gagné A.M. Goodeve K.M. McErlane 1985(42) Halifax R. Tawashi J. Gagné J.Bachynsky A.M. Goodeve K.M. McErlane 1986(43) Québec J. Gagné J.Bachynsky K. Simons K.M. McErlane H.M.Burt 1987(44) Jasper J.Bachynsky K. Simons F. Chandler K.M. McErlane H.M.Burt 1988(45) Saint John K. Simons F. Chandler S.M. Wallace K.M. McErlane H.M.Burt 1989(46) Portland F. Chandler S.M. Wallace P.Beaulac K.M. McErlane H.M.Burt 1990(47) Regina S.M. Wallace P.Beaulac H.M.Burt K.M. McErlane M. Greer 1991(48) St. John's P.Beaulac H.M.Burt M. Spino K.M. McErlane M. Greer 1992(49) Winnipeg P. Beaulac H.M. Burt M. Greer K. Moody J. Louvelle 1993(50) Vancouver H.M. Burt M. Greer R. Coutts K. Moody J. Louvelle 1994(51) Charlottetown H.M. Burt M. Greer R. Coutts K. Moody J.L. Glennie 1995(52) Montréal M. Greer R. Coutts J.L Blackburn K. Moody J.L. Glennie 1996(53) Calgary M. Greer R. Coutts J.L Blackburn K.A. Ready C.J. Turner 1997(54) Vancouver R. Coutts J.L Blackburn D. Perrier K.A. Ready C.J. Turner/K.A. Ready 1998(55) St. John's J. L. Blackburn D. Perrier C.J. Turner/1. Sketris K.A. Ready K.A. Ready

1999 (56) Québec City D. Perrier I. Sketris D. Hill K. Ready/J. Blackburn

2000 (57) Saskatoon I. Sketris D. Hill D. Fielding J.L. Blackburn

2001 (58) Ottawa D. Hill D. Fielding A.J. Rémillard J.L. Blackburn 2002 (59) Winnipeg D. Fielding A.J. Rémillard L. Vercaigne J.L. Blackburn 2003 (60) Montréal A. J. Rémillard L. Vercaigne S. Mansour J.L. Blackburn 2004 (61) Vancouver L. Vercaigne S. Mansour S. Marleau F. Abbott 2005 (62) Saskatoon S. Mansour S. Marleau Z. Austin F. Abbott 2006 (63) Edmonton S. Marleau Z. Austin A. M. Whelan F. Abbott 2007 (64) Montreal Z. Austin A. M. Whelan S. Albon F. Abbott 2008 (65) Chicago A. M. Whelan S. Albon R. Dobson F. Abbott 2009 (66) Halifax S. Albon R. Dobson M. Namaka F. Abbott 2010 (67) Richmond R. Dobson M. Namaka L. Raman-Wilms F. Abbott 2011 (68) Winnipeg M. Namaka L. Raman-Wilms I. Price H. Lopatka 2012 (69) Québec City L. Raman-Wilms I. Price D. Thirion H. Lopatka


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2013 (70) Niagara-on-the- I. Price D. Thirion H. Mann H. Lopatka Lake 2014 (71) Saskatoon D. Thirion D. Edwards***** K. Mansell H. Lopatka 2015 (72) National Harbor D. Edwards K. Mansell M. Coughtrie H. Lopatka 2016 (73) Richmond K. Mansell Michael Coughtrie A. Thompson H. Lopatka

* This office ceased to exist after the 1978 meeting. **This office was assumed by A.M. Goodeve in the spring of 1967 due to the sudden illness of K.M. James ***Officers of the new organization, AFPC, assumed their offices on January 1, 1970, after a mail ballot. The officers of 1968-69 served in the interim after the 1969 meeting. **** J.A. Wood was Executive Director from 1977-1982. ***** This office was assumed by D. Edwards due to the departure of H. Mann from the University of Toronto in July 2013.


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The following pages contain an overview of

The Activities of the

Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada

During the Period

July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016


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PART 1.0





May 31 – June 2, 2016


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Building the future of pharmacy:

We are theAgents of ChangeMay 31 - June 2, 2016 | River Rock Casino, Richmond, BC

73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference


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Table of Contents

1 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

1 Welcome from Charles Park, CPERC Conference Chair, 2016 Planning Committee

2 Welcome from Michael Coughtrie, AFPC President and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of British Columbia

3 AFPC Board of Directors

4 AFPC Council of Faculties

5 Looking to CPERC 2017

6 Conference Program

7 Session Information

8 Roundtable Information

9 Award Winners

10 Poster Listings

11 Conference and Award Sponsors

12 Map of River Rock Hotel and Casino


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2 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Welcome from Charles ParkCPERC Conference Chair, 2016 Planning Committee

Hello everyone and welcome to the beautiful west coast! We are pleased to host our colleagues from across the country and hold the 7th Annual CPERC Conference and 73rd Annual General Meeting for AFPC.

We are holding this conference in conjunction with the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences Annual symposium. This will allow us to showcase our work to a greater audience and gives us an opportunity to network with a larger group of our colleagues.

This year we are focusing on the changing landscape of both pharmacy practice and education. We will open the conference with a talk from Dr. Peter Zed, who is the Dean of Practice Innovation here at UBC. We will have plenary sessions focusing on Experiential Education, Program Assessment and Evaluation, and Pharmacy Informatics. We also have roundtable sessions, mini-sessions as well as a joint-session discussing the integration of the pharmaceutical sciences into PharmD curriculum. Dr. Scott Singleton from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is the invited speaker for this session.

We are very excited for this year’s Awards Banquet, which will be aboard the beautiful MV Queen of Diamonds. This will be a 3-hour cruise around beautiful False Creek and Stanley Park. You will be able to view our beautiful city from the water and witness a stunning sunset from the boat.

This year’s conference was planned by a local committee along with the help of Dr. Jamie Kellar (U of T, Chair of Education Committee). The committee members include Dr. Fong Chan, Ms. Lynda Eccott, Dr. Mark Harrison, Dr. Angie Kim-Sing, Ms. Tessa Nicholl, Dr. George Pachev, Dr. Marion Pearson, and Mr. Tony Seet. Also, a HUGE thank you to Jimi Galvao, Ivan Yastrebov and Julia Kreger from the UBC PharmSci Marketing team for helping assemble all the wonderful programs and signage for the conference. We had an amazing number of submissions for both the presentations as well as abstracts and we hope that you enjoy the conference as much as we did putting this together.

On behalf of the entire planning committee, I want to welcome you to our beautiful city and I hope you learn lots and enjoy your time at the conference.


Charles Park, B. Sc. Pharm, PharmD 


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3 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Welcome from Michael CoughtrieDean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of British Columbia (UBC)President, Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (AFPC)

As Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia and President of AFPC, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to the 73rd AFPC Annual General Meeting and 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference (CPERC). I look forward to exploring this year’s theme — Building the future of pharmacy: We are the agents of change — in the engaging sessions we have planned, and to celebrating the excellent work that we all do in advancing pharmacy education, research and practice.

If there is a single word that can best summarize the current state of affairs with respect to the profession, it is “change.” The scope of what a pharmacist can do continues to evolve, and requires the ability to function in an increasingly complex environment involving issues such as personalized medicine, interdisciplinary health care and physician assisted death. Our respective pharmacy curricula, in turn, have also evolved in order to educate the pharmacists of the future to not only take advantage of this expanded scope of practice but also to be the leaders that the profession needs. Many pharmacy schools in Canada have already moved to offering entry-to-practice Doctor of Pharmacy programs, with others presently in the process of developing them — this provides a fantastic opportunity for innovative research and scholarship. With respect to research, wholly inadequate resources and poor oversight of some funding agencies continue to present a serious challenge. However, the need for new discoveries and their translation into clinical practice is as urgent as it has ever been. For these and so many other reasons, now is definitely the time to build our future — to be agents of change.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our esteemed session speakers and facilitators, the members of the Conference Organizing Committee and our generous sponsors. Without their commitment and enthusiasm, we would not be able to host such events and share our collective knowledge.

May you all enjoy the conference and, for those of you visiting Vancouver, our beautiful city.


Michael Coughtrie, PhD


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AFPC Board of Directors

4 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Michael Coughtrie, President Phone: 604-822-2343Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Fax: 604-822-3035University of British Columbia E-mail: [email protected], British Columbia V6T 1Z3 Ann Thompson, Vice President Phone: 780-492-5905Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Fax: 780-492-1217University of Alberta E-mail: [email protected], Alberta T6G 2E1 Jean Lefebvre, Treasurer Phone: 418-656-2131Faculté de pharmacie Fax: 418-656-2305Université Laval E-mail: [email protected] (Quebec) G1V 0A6 Kerry Mansell, Past President Phone: 306-966-5235College of Pharmacy & Nutrition Fax: 306-966-6377University of Saskatchewan E-mail: [email protected], Saskatchewan S7N 5C9 David Edwards Phone: 519-888-4408School of Pharmacy Fax: 519-888-7910University of Waterloo E-mail: [email protected], Ontario N2L 3G1 Carlo Marra Phone: 709-777-6571School of Pharmacy Fax: 709-777-8301Memorial University of Newfoundland E-mail: [email protected]. John’s, Newfoundland A1B 3V6 Tannis Jurgens Phone: 902-494-3796College of Pharmacy Fax: 902-494-1396Dalhousie University E-mail: [email protected], Nova Scotia B3H 4R2 Gilles Leclerc Phone: 514-343-5989Faculté de pharmacie E-mail: [email protected] Université de Montréal Montréal, Quebec H3C 3J7 Jamie Kellar Phone: 416-535-8501 Ext 33053Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Fax: 416-583-1301University of Toronto E-mail: [email protected], Ontario M5S 3M2 Silvia Alessi-Severini Phone: 204-474-9229College of Pharmacy Fax: 204-474-7617University of Manitoba E-mail: [email protected], Manitoba R3E 0T5


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AFPC Board of Directors

5 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Kishor Wasan Phone: 306-966-6328College of Pharmacy and Nutrition Fax: 306-966-6173University of Saskatchewan E-mail: [email protected], Saskatchewan S7N 2Z4


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AFPC Council of Faculties

6 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

AFPC Executive

Tannis Jurgens, Chair Phone: 902-494-3796 Faculty of Health Professions, College of Pharmacy Fax: 902-494-1396Dalhousie University Email: [email protected], Nova Scotia B3H 4H2 Ann Thompson, Vice Chair Phone: 780-492-5905Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Fax: 780-492-1217University of Alberta Email: [email protected], AB T6G 1C9 Harold Lopatka, Executive Director Phone: 780-868-5530Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada Fax: 780-492-1217PO Box 21053 Terwilligar Email: [email protected], Alberta T6R 2V4 AFPC Councillors

Carla Dillon Phone: 709-777-8573School of Pharmacy Fax: 709-777-8886Memorial University of Newfoundland Email: [email protected]. John’s, Newfoundland A1B 3V6 Silvia Alessi-Severini Phone: 204-474-9229College of Pharmacy Fax: 204-474-7617University of Manitoba Email: [email protected], Manitoba R3E 0T5 Julie Methot Phone: 418-656-2131 Ext. 4334Faculté de pharmacie Email: [email protected] Université Laval Quebec, Quebec G1V 0A6 Marion Pearson Phone: 604-822-4933Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Fax: 604-822-3035University of British Columbia Email: [email protected], British Columbia V6T 1Z3 Ed Krol Phone: 306-966-2011College of Pharmacy & Nutrition Fax: 306-966-6377University of Saskatchewan Email: [email protected], Saskatchewan S7N 2Z4

Jamie Kellar Phone: 416-535-8501 Ext. 33053Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Fax: 416-583-1301University of Toronto Email: [email protected], Ontario M5S 3M2


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AFPC Council of Faculties

7 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Cynthia Richard Phone: 519-888-4567 Ext. 21345School of Pharmacy Email: [email protected] University of Waterloo Kitchener, Ontario N2G 1C5 Gilles Leclerc Phone: 514-343-5989Faculté de pharmacie Email: [email protected] Université de Montréal Montréal, Quebec H3C 3J7


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Looking to CPERC 2017

8 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Join us in Quebec city for the 2017 Annual AFPC Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference (CPERC). We are partnering with the Canadian Pharmacists Association for the 2017 Canadian Pharmacists Conference. The preliminary schedule includes 2 AFPC education days on May 31 and June 1. The joint education programs will take place June 2-5, 2017. Information about registration and accommodation will be available in spring 2017. We look forward to seeing you there.

Jean-François Bergeron, Enviro Foto

Maxime Potvin

Yves Tessier, Tessima31

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Conference Program

9 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

1400 - 1700 Conference Registration Ballroom Foyer0800 - 1600 AFPC Council of Faculties AGM Whistler Ballroom C1600 – 1630 AFPC Board of Directors AGM Whistler Ballroom C

1630 – 1700 AFPC Voting Members AGM Whistler Ballroom C1730 – 1900 Welcome Reception River Rock Theatre

0700 – 1530 Conference Registration Ballroom Foyer0700 – 0830 Buffet Breakfast Fraser Room0700 - 0815 Skills Lab SIG Business Meeting Similkameen Room0800 – 0830 Updates in Pharmacy Research in Canada Speaker: Dr. Kishor Wasan, Dean, College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of

Saskatchewan Fraser Room 0830 - 1000 Welcome Remarks Academic Leadership in Pharmacy Practice Innovation

Speaker: Dr. Peter Zed, Associate Dean – Practice Innovation, University of British Columbia Fraser Room

1000 – 1030 Coffee Break Networking, Poster Viewing River Rock Theatre1030 – 1200 Trajectories of the Canadian Experiential Education Project Session Summary: The CanExEd Project has launched a series of 7 reports addressing

priority issues for ExEd on a national scale as curricula transforms into entry-level Doctor of Pharmacy degrees. The comprehensive evidence-based recommendations and prototypes of CanExEd presented in this session are inciting commitment from internal and external ExEd stakeholders. The session panelists are gathering at a seminal time to discuss the future trajectory of ExEd and the resourcing required for realizing CanExEd’s full potential.

Note: The panel session facilitates audience contribution via smartphone feedback surveys and Q&A session.

Fraser Room1200 – 1330 Lunch AFPC Annual Business and Town Hall Meeting Fraser Room1330 - 1500 Innovative Curricular Change and Practice Change Advocacy Roundtable Session

Fraser Room1500 – 1530 Coffee Break Networking, Poster Viewing River Rock Theatre

TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016



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Conference Program

10 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

1530 - 1700 Concurrent Sessions Session A: Building the Future: From Theory to Practice Fraser Room Session B: Building the Future: Working with Others Thompson Room1730 Buses Leave for Awards Dinner - To False Creek1800 – 2200 AFPC Awards Banquet and Dinner on Harbour Cruises

0700 – 1030 Conference Registration Ballroom Foyer0700 - 0830 Buffet Breakfast Fraser Room0700 – 0815 Assessment and Program Evaluation SIG Business Meeting Lillooet Room0700 – 0815 Informatics SIG Business Meeting Similkameen Room0830 – 1000 From Performance Assessment to Program Evaluation Session Summary: Active learning, simulation, experiential and work-based learning

approaches have gained significant ground in pharmacy education over the past decade. Such leaps forward has lead scholars into challenging common assessment practices and in promoting assessment as an inescapable component for both, guiding student learning and, providing valid and reliable evidence of learning. By a journey into three assessment program, this session will challenge participants in reflecting on, how can innovative assessment practices and sustainable assessment-related research collaboration become a fertile ground for quality pharmacy education in Canada.

Fraser Room1000 – 1030 Coffee Break Networking, Poster Viewing River Rock Theatre1030 – 1200 Pharmacy Informatics: Reflecting on the project and considering the next steps Session Summary: The Pharmacy Educator Peer Leader Network (PEPLN) was an initiative

between AFPC and Canada Health Infoway. The goal of PEPLN was to integrate pharmacy informatics competencies into curricula using the Informatics for Pharmacy Students e-Resource. During this session peer leaders from across the country will share their experiences and lessons learned from their integration projects. The next steps for the project will be discussed including the introduction of Version 2 of the e-Resource.

Fraser Room1200 – 1300 Boxed Lunch Networking, Poster Viewing River Rock Theatre



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Conference Program

11 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

1300 - 1400 Concurrent Sessions Session A: Building the Future: Innovations to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning –

Closing the Loop Fraser Room Session B: Building the Future: Teaching the Next Generation Thompson Room1400 - 1430 Coffee Break Networking, Poster Viewing River Rock Theatre1430 - 1600 Joint Session: Integration of fundamental Pharm Sci into the Pharm D programs Speaker: Dr. Scott Singleton, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Moderator: Dr. Simon Albon, Professor of Teaching, University of British Columbia Fraser Room1600 - 1700 Curriculum Design and Innovation: Putting it together Speaker: Dr. Sandra Jarvis-Selinger, Associate Dean - Academic, University of British Columbia Fraser Room


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June 10800 - 0830 Updates in Pharmacy Research in Canada Speaker: Dr. Kishor Wasan, Professor and Dean, College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan Session Summary: Over the last 10 years the funding of pharmaceutical sciences research and

research within pharmacy schools in Canada from the major granting agencies (i.e. CIHR and NSERC) appears to have significantly decreased. This presentation will present data to support this claim and provide possible suggestions and solutions on how to enhance funding for pharmaceutical sciences research and research within pharmacy schools in Canada.

0830 - 1000 Opening Session - University-led Practice Change and Curriculum Innovation Speaker: Dr. Peter Zed, Professor and Associate Dean, Practice Innovation,

University of British Columbia Biography: Dr. Peter J. Zed completed a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Dalhousie University),

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (Memorial University of Newfoundland), pharmacy practice residency with the Royal Columbian Hospital, and Doctor of Pharmacy (The University of British Columbia). He is currently Professor and Associate Dean, Practice Innovation, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Associate Member, Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine at UBC. Dr. Zed has maintained a clinical practice in Emergency Medicine since 1998 and has established a practice in two tertiary-care academic emergency departments. Within this practice specialty, he has sustained a productive research program for both clinical and practice-based research with a consistent record of extra-mural funding. He has also been actively involved in teaching undergraduate pharmacy students, pharmacy residents, PharmD students, and other health care professionals. He has a number of research interests surrounding many pharmacotherapy areas in emergency medicine and pharmacy practice. His academic track record includes over 90 peer-reviewed publications and over 100 conference research abstracts. He has been the recipient of many awards for research, teaching, and service.

1030 - 1200 Trajectories of Canadian Experiential Education Project

Session Summary: The CanExEd Project has launched a series of 7 reports addressing priority issues for ExEd on a national scale as curricula transforms into entry-level Doctor of Pharmacy degrees. The comprehensive evidence-based recommendations and prototypes of CanExEd presented in this session are inciting commitment from internal and external ExEd stakehold- ers. The session panelists are gathering at a seminal time to discuss the future trajectory of ExEd and the resourcing required for realizing CanExEd’s full potential. Note: The panel session facilitates audience contribution via smartphone feedback surveys and Q&A session.

1330 - 1500 Innovative Curricular Change and Practice Change Advocacy Roundtable Session Table #1: Elements for Success in Experiential Education Facilitators: Dr. Certina Ho, University of Toronto and Waterloo University, Dr. Aileen Mira, University of

British Columbia

Table #2: How is IPE Being Addressed in Pharmacy Programs Facilitators: Ms. Della Croteau, University of Toronto, Mr. Jason Min, University of British Columbia

Table #3: Teaching Improvements Stimulated by Student’s Evaluations Facilitators: Dr. Stephanie Mulhall, University of Saskatchewan, Dr. Simon Albon, University of British


Session Information

12 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences


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Table #4: High Stakes Academic Decision Making Facilitators: Dr. Marion Pearson, University of British Columbia, Dr. Ken Cor, University of Alberta

Table #5: Should We Stop Using Clinical Practice Guidelines When it Comes to Teaching Pharmacy Students?

Facilitator: Dr. James McCormack, University of British Columbia

Table #6: Clinical and Physical Assessment in Pharmacy Education Facilitators: Dr. Fong Chan, University of British Columbia, Dr. Rene Breault, University of Alberta

Table #7: Engaging in Community-Service Learning: Doing it Right Facilitator: Ms. Lynda Eccott, University of British Columbia

1530 - 1700 Concurrent Sessions Session A: Building the Future: From Theory to Practice

1. Novel models of Precepting in the Institutional Setting: The Alberta Experience Ann Thompson, University of Alberta Three novel models of precepting (peer-assisted learning, near peer teaching and

co-precepting) are being used to varying degrees in institutional practice in Alberta. The survey results provide guidance to the faculty and its practice partners for the promotion, adoption, implementation and support of novel models to advance the practice of precepting and increase placement capacity.

2. Integrating Co-Operative Education and Regional Patient Care Rotations: A Novel Approach to Experiential Learning

Andrew Tolmie, University of Waterloo In meeting standards for quality improvement processes for student practice

experiences, educators are tasked with developing progressive experiential models in a fiscally challenging and increasingly competitive environment. This presentation explores a novel approach to experiential education, designed to develop strong patient care skills, while meeting and exceeding the expectations of pharmacy partners and external stakeholders.

3. Going Beyond an Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Rotation: Focus on Non-Direct Patient Care Contributions by Student

Doret Cheng, Annie Lee, Cindy Natsheh, Certina Ho, University of Toronto The goals of this presentation are to demonstrate students’ contribution in non-direct

patient care (NDPC) Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotations at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, and highlight the value-added perspectives of their work that can go beyond their rotations. We hope our insights and illustrations of successful NDPC student rotation examples may encourage others to expand their scope of experiential education.

4. Why would you want to open a clinic within your pharmacy school? Derek Jorgenson, University of Saskatchewan; Debbie Kelly, Memorial University of

Newfoundland; Barbara Gobis, University of British Columbia Three faculty affiliated, pharmacist-led, patient care clinics have recently launched

within Canadian pharmacy schools. The presenters of this session will describe the purpose of these clinics, the clinical and non-clinical activities that occur within the clinics, and how pharmacy students are involved.

Session Information

13 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences


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Session B: Building the Future: Working with Others

1. Proposed Response of Canadian Faculties of Pharmacy to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action

Jaris Swidrovich, University of Saskatchewan This session will propose a set of Aboriginal Learning Outcomes developed at the

University of Saskatchewan’s College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, using Bloom’s Taxonomy, to be delivered in pharmacy degree programs across Canada that address the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s Calls to Action. While faculties of pharmacy across Canada may explore a number of avenues in their responses to the Calls to Action, this session focuses on actions at the curricular level. Each proposed learning outcome will be justified for inclusion into Canadian pharmacy curricula, including their connections to the overall landscape of inequities in the health of Indigenous Canadians.

2. Using Reflexive Photography to Assess Cultural Competency Learning in Aboriginal Health

Jason Min, Larry Leung, University of British Columbia A reflexive photography activity can be an effective way of providing reflective

learning in cultural awareness specific to Aboriginal Health. The presenters will share the implementation of this activity in an Aboriginal Health elective as a pedagogical approach to better teach and assess cultural awareness. Examples of pre and post-course photos and comments by students will be shared and examined to illustrate how this activity captured student learning.

3. Preparing Pharmacy Students for Practice – Interprofessional Reciprocal Peer Teaching Cheryl A. Sadowski, University of Alberta This session will emphasize the steps to implementing a peer teaching exercise for

students from different professions. The importance of including peer teaching as an interprofessional activity will be highlighted.

4. Interprofessional Medication Reconciliation: An Innovative Team-Based Process to Engage Learners

Arun Verma, University of British Columbia This innovative interprofessional program has been designed to prepare senior health

care students and recently graduated pharmacists to work collaboratively to enhance patient safety through a simulated hospital discharge medication reconciliation process. This presentation will describe the process, approach, and feedback received for this novel event.

Session Information

14 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences


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June 20830 - 1000 From Performance Assessment to Program Evaluation

Session Summary: Active learning, simulation, experiential and work-based learning approaches have gained significant ground in pharmacy education over the past decade. Such leap forward has lead scholars into challenging common assessment practices and in promoting assessment as an inescapable component for both, guiding student learning and, providing valid and reliable evidence of learning. By a journey into three assessment program, this session will challenge participants in reflecting on, how can innovative assessment practices and sustainable assessment-related research collaboration become a fertile ground for quality pharmacy education in Canada.

1030 - 1200 Pharmacy Informatics: Reflecting on the Project and Considering the Next Steps

Session Summary: The Pharmacy Educator Peer Leader Network (PEPLN) was an initiative between AFPC and Canada Health Infoway. The goal of PEPLN was to integrate pharmacy informatics competencies into curricula using the Informatics for Pharmacy Students e-Resource. During this session peer leaders from across the country will share their experiences and lessons learned from their integration projects. The next steps for the project will be discussed including the introduction of Version 2 of the e-Resource.

1300 - 1400 Concurrent Sessions Session A: Building the Future: Innovations to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – Closing the Loop

1. Innovations in Pharmacy Education in Undergraduate PharmD Program at Laval University: Focus on Simulation-Based Learning and Portfolio Oral Presentations

Julie Méthot, Jean Lefebvre, Laval University In 2011, Laval University replaced its Bachelor of Pharmacy program with an

undergraduate Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program. The assessment of competencies through oral portfolio presentation for the first graduate cohort will be discussed. Simulation-based learning, an innovation in pharmacy education, will also be presented.

2. Academic Success and Student Well-Being: A Look Through the Motivation Lens Gilles Leclerc, University of Montreal Academic program reforms leads most of the time to structural changes and

educational innovations. But rarely the impact of such changes and innovations on students’ behaviours, motivational beliefs and well being is taken into account. A Student Well Being Framework is proposed as a guide for upcoming program evaluations and curricular reforms in Pharmacy.

3. Completing the Cycle: Dissemination of Educational Research as Threshold Concept in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Simon Albon, Andrea Webb, University of British Columbia This oral presentation will share the results of a recent UBC study examining faculty

experiences of being/becoming pharmacy education scholars and impediments to their growth. Meyer and Land’s Threshold Concepts (TC) framework was used to inquire into the ways pharmacy educators think about educational scholarship and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) where TCs are concepts that both transform understandings of a scholarly field and impede growth of scholars in the area. Using phenomenological inquiry, an interpretive, empirical study was designed yielding

Session Information

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two primary results: 1) existence of “two solitudes” amongst pharmacy educators, and; 2) identification of one critical TC. The knowledge gained from this study as well as its implications for faculty development will be explored.

Session B: Building the Future: Teaching the Next Generation

1. Simulated Electronic Patient Records for Teaching Pharmacotherapy Work-Up: A Skills-Based Laboratory Activity

Grace Frankel, University of Manitoba This session explores a teaching approach to engage pharmacy students in patient

“work-up” skills by using a mock electronic patient record in a pharmacy skills laboratory course. Advantages and disadvantages of this teaching strategy will be highlighted.

2. Antimicrobial Stewardship: Creating the Next Generation of Stewards as Agents of Change

Miranda So, University of Toronto This session presents the instructional design and innovative methods of assessment of a

new ASP course created to prepare the next generation of pharmacists for opportunities in antimicrobial stewardship programs. Skills and knowledge gained from the course are transferable to other aspects of pharmacy practice.

3. Faculty and Student Collaborative Efforts to Enhance the Experience of First Year Entry-to-Practice PharmD Students

Patricia Gerber, Stephanie Garland, Brooke Caruth, Renée Dagenais, University of British Columbia

In this collaborative session co-led by both faculty and students, presenters will describe their experience developing and implementing a Student Mentorship Program comprised of two concurrent initiatives designed to enhance the first year entry-to-practice PharmD student experience: a Faculty-Student Engagement Program and a Peer Mentorship Program. Program details, evaluation, and future plans will be discussed. Suggestions for how other faculties of pharmacy might implement similar programs will be outlined.

1430 - 1600 Joint Session Speaker: Dr. Scott Singleton/Moderator: Dr. Simon Albon Biography: Scott Singleton is an associate professor and vice chair of the Division of Chemical

Biology and Medicinal Chemistry in the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He fosters a school-wide culture of educational innovation and excellence by leading the Academy for Pharmacy Teaching and Learning Excellence. He also co-leads his school’s Curriculum Transformation Steering Committee that is working to transform how professional pharmacists are educated. Scott is an award-winning teacher of organic chemistry, biochemistry, and medicinal chemistry, and co-founded Synereca Pharmaceuticals. He holds a BA in chemistry and biology from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, and a PhD in organic chemistry from the California Institute of Technology.

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Abstract: The UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy is transforming its doctor of pharmacy program in response to changing societal and workforce needs as well as increasing global demand for non-cognitive, meta-cognitive and learning-related cognitive skills development in pharmacy education. The linear curriculum based on classroom lecture is relatively ineffective and long outdated in a digital world where content is readily accessible. To cultivate the necessary behaviors, skills, attitudes and habits of mind, students must learn by doing through direct patient care and service learning, leadership opportunities, and hypothesis-driven research or quality improvement-driven inquiry. Our school’s new curriculum launched in August, 2015. The new 4-year PharmD program emphasizes experiential learning throughout: students spend 6 months in pharmacy practice experiences prior to the 4th year, which is fully experiential. The didactic elements of the curriculum were completely redesigned to emphasize learning outcomes that complement patient care experience through active learning and pedagogies of engagement. A third key element of the new curriculum focuses on advanced inquiry, including innovation, complex problem-solving, and scholarship. We will describe our systems approach to curriculum transformation at the school, highlight the proposed new curriculum and share early examples and lessons learned.

1600 - 1700 Closing Session - Curriculum Design and Innovation: Putting it Together Speaker: Dr. Sandra Jarvis-Selinger, Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Academic, University of British Columbia Biography: Dr. Jarvis-Selinger is the Associate Dean, Academic in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical

Sciences. She is a PhD-trained developmental psychologist and researcher in the area of Human Learning, Development and Instruction. As Associate Dean, Academic, Dr. Jarvis-Selinger leads the UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences’ academic programs including the curriculum renewal project for the Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy Program. In addition to her UBC administrative and faculty roles, she is also the educational faculty member for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons’ annual course for Orthopaedic Educators and for the American Orthopaedic Association.

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AFPC New Investigator Research AwardDr. Mark Harrison

Dr. Mark Harrison is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of British Columbia (UBC), where he leads the Initiative for Sustainable Health Care, and Scientist at the Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcomes Sciences (CHEOS) at St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver. Dr. Harrison is a health economist and epidemiologist who’s methodological and research interests lie in policy evaluation, patient and physician decision making and preferences for healthcare interventions, and the measurement and valuation of health. Dr. Harrison is applying advances in research, education, and practice in these areas to the economic principles of health care sustainability. Dr. Harrison has a long-standing interest in the study of chronic disease. He is currently involved in projects investigating perspectives of health care providers, patients and at-risk people on preventative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, policy evaluations of pharmacist medication reviews and accelerated integrated primary and community care programs for people with chronic diseases. His policy work uses the rich administrative data sources available in British Columbia and builds on his track record in evaluating policy interventions in the UK. Before moving to UBC, he worked at the University of Manchester (UK) on a range of projects, including evaluating the impact of a national pay for performance schemes to improve the quality of primary care for chronic diseases, the use of patient-reported outcome measures to evaluate surgical outcomes, and strategies to improve the communication of risk and uncertainty in physician-patient interactions.Dr. Harrison has a first-class Honors degree in Business and Management Sciences (University of Bradford, 2000), an MSc (University of Edinburgh, 2002) and a PhD (University of Manchester, 2008) in Epidemiology. He began his research career with the Arthritis Research UK Epidemiology Unit in 2002, and then following the completion of his PhD, at the Manchester Centre for Health Economics, both at the University of Manchester. He also served as an adviser for the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Research Design Service for North West England. Dr. Harrison has a strong publication record with 41 publications, 22 as lead author.

AFPC/CFP Graduate Student Award for Pharmacy Practice ResearchMr. Robert Pammett

Rob Pammett graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Saskatchewan in 2010, from where he also holds a Bachelor of Science Honours in Biology and Biotechnology. In September of 2012, Rob returned to the University of Saskatchewan to pursue a Master of Science in Pharmacy, graduating in 2015. Rob is currently the Research and Development Pharmacist – Primary Care, a partnership between Northern Health and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia, where he holds the rank of Assistant Professor (Partner). He was a recipient of the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy Wellspring Pharmacy Leadership Awards in 2013, and received the Canadian Pharmacists Association New Practitioner Award in 2015. He has an active clinical role in multiple primary care homes in Prince George, British Columbia and works with the city’s Interprofessional Teams to provide comprehensive care to patients. Rob is also engaged in research surrounding the optimal role of pharmacists in primary care, is a member of Northern Health’s Research Review Committee and is the Chair of the Canadian Pharmacists Association and Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists joint Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network.

AFPC Award Winners

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AFPC/Pfizer Research Career AwardDr. Shirley Wu

Dr. Shirley X.Y. Wu is a full Professor at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto. She was trained in polymer science and engineering and earned her PhD degree in Chemical Engineering at McMaster University. After over 2-years postdoctoral research in pharmaceutics and drug delivery, she joined the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto in 1994 and was promoted to Full Professor in 2006. During her over 21 year academic career, Dr. Wu has established and directed a very active and innovative research program in advanced pharmaceutics and drug delivery. She has provided excellent multidisciplinary research training to more than 130 graduate and undergraduate research students and postdoctoral researchers in the field of pharmaceutics, drug delivery, drug development, and pharmaceutical nanotechnology. Dr. Wu is a nationally and internationally recognized expert and distinguished research leader in controlled release dosage forms and innovative drug delivery systems and delivery strategies for enhanced treatment of multidrug resistant and metastatic cancer. In addition, she has made significant contributions to modeling and computer simulation of modified release dosage forms, and nanotechnology-enabled closed-loop insulin delivery. Her lab has developed a novel nanoparticle platform – polymer-lipid hybrid nanoparticles (PLN) for delivering synergistic drug combinations. Her current research remains at the forefront of the field including blood-brain barrier-penetrating nanoparticles for treatment of brain cancer and CNS diseases, synergistic drug combination nanomedicine, tumor microenvironment-modulating bioreactive nanoparticles, glucose-responsive delivery of therapeutic hormones, and computer-aided design of controlled release drug delivery systems. Dr. Wu has published >350 journal papers, book chapters, conference proceedings and abstracts. She is a co-inventor of 25 issued and pending worldwide patents. She has delivered over 100 invited presentations and received numerous awards and honors, including induction to a Fellow of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) in 2014, in recognition of her sustained level of superior and distinguished professional achievement, contributions, and leadership in the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences.

AFPC/Merck Canada Ltd. Postgraduate Pharmacy Fellowship Award Dr. Katherine Koroluk

Katherine Koroluk is a native of Caledon Ontario. She completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Chemistry at the University of Toronto before graduating with Honours from the PharmD program at the University of Toronto in 2015. Katherine is currently completing a pharmacy residency in primary care at the University Health Network in Toronto. She is concurrently completing her master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Toronto, focusing her research on antimicrobial stewardship in the primary care setting. Katherine feels lucky to have been involved in several different areas of the multifaceted profession of pharmacy. She has had the opportunity to work in ambulatory, hospital and community practice, and has been involved in teaching, research, knowledge translation and professional associations. Besides pharmacy, Katherine’s interests include music, baking, cooking, and enjoying the great outdoors through running, hiking and gardening. She is grateful to AFPC and Merck Canada for their sponsorship of the award, which will allow her to focus on her studies and research.

AFPC Award Winners

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AFPC Graduate Student Research Award Dr. Warren Viricel

Warren Viricel is currently a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Montreal (University of Montreal) since 2012, in the Pr. Jeanne Leblond-Chain’s lab. He earned his Pharm.D and his Master’s degree in “Science of Medicines” at University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France) respectively in 2014 and 2012. He is currently developing new pH-sensitive nanoparticles for hydrophilic drug and gene delivery (siRNA). These nanovectors are based on switchable lipids, able to change their conformation in acidic environments (such as tumors or inside the cells in endosomes). These lipidic nanovectors could be used for efficient delivery of drugs for cancer treatments or hereditary disorders.

AFPC National Award for Excellence in Education Mr. Jean-François Bussières

Jean-François Bussières is a pharmacist since 1988. He completed a Bachelor in Pharmacy at Université Laval, a master in hospital Pharmacy at Université Laval and an M.B.A. at Université McGill. Since 1996, he is the Director of the Pharmacy Department and the Pharmacy Practice Research Unit at CHU Sainte-Justine and full clinical professor at the Faculté de pharmacie at Université de Montréal. He chairs the Executive Committee at the Group Purchasing Organisation SigmaSanté for drugs and related disposals. He has been involved in numerous committees and organizations in Quebec and Canada. He has received many awards including the Pharmacist of the Year from the Canadian Pharmacists Association in 2007 and the personality of the week from the daily newspaper La Presse in 2004. He has published a few books, more than 1100 abstracts and papers and has given more than 250 oral communications. He is dedicated to patient care in a mother-child hospital, teaching, research and management.

AFPC/Janssen Award for Innovation in EducationDr. Derek Jorgenson

Derek Jorgenson is an Associate Professor of Pharmacy in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition and the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa School of Nursing. Dr. Jorgenson teaches both undergraduate and graduate students in pharmacy, medicine, physiotherapy and nursing. He also maintains a health service utilization research program that focuses on the role of pharmacists in the primary health care system. Dr. Jorgenson has a background as a community pharmacist but now maintains a clinical practice as a pharmacist within an interprofessional primary health care team.

AFPC Award Winners

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AFPC/PEBC Award for Excellence in Research or Innovation in Assessment of CompetenceDr. Anne Marie Whelan

Anne Marie Whelan is a Professor at the College of Pharmacy at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. After receiving her B.Sc. in Pharmacy she started her career working in community pharmacy practice. Building on this experience, she obtained her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in 1989 and completed a one year post Pharm.D. Residency in Family Medicine. Dr. Whelan has been a faculty member at the College of Pharmacy since 1990. She teaches in the area of pharmacotherapeutics, primarily topics related to women’s health. Students selected her as the recipient of the Dr. Jessie I. MacKnight Award for Teaching Excellence in Pharmacy in 1992, 1993 and 1994. In recognition of her work with implementing and evaluating the only undergraduate problem-based learning pharmacy curriculum in Canada she was a co-recipient of the Bristol-Myers Squibb National Award for Excellence in Education in 2000 from the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada and, received Honorable Mention in the 2002 Innovations in Teaching Competition sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. In 2011 she was awarded the Faculty of Health Professions (Dalhousie University) Teaching Excellence Award. To facilitate her leadership role in the area of curriculum evaluation she was appointed Associate Director, Program Evaluation at the College of Pharmacy in 2010. Her research interests span from her work in curriculum evaluation to clinical practice (where she is currently conducting research in the areas of emergency contraception and use of natural health products in women). Dr. Whelan was honoured to serve as President of both the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (2006-2007) and the Board of The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (2013-2014). Currently, Dr. Whelan is completing a sabbatical where she has been enhancing her knowledge and skills in the area of program evaluation. She is looking forward to designing and implementing a comprehensive evaluation plan for the new Doctor of Pharmacy program.

AFPC Student Research Poster Award WinnersChesarahmia Dojo Soeandy (University of Toronto), Waseem Abu-Ashour (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Naif Alujhani (University of Alberta), Nyasha Gondora (University of Waterloo), Divna Calic (University of Manitoba), Mia Losier (Dalhousie University), Marilyn Sun (University of British Columbia), Pedram Rafiei (University of Saskatchewan), Marc-André Renaud (University of Montreal), Anna Cieślak (Laval University)

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AFPC Award Sponsors

22 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Thank you for your generosity!


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June 1AFPC - 1 Waseem M. Abu-Ashour, Laurie K. Twells, James E. Valcour, John-Michael Gamble. “Diabetes and the

occurrence of infection in primary care: A matched cohort study.”AFPC - 2 Naif Aljuhani, Lindsey Spryut, Randy Whittal, Arno Siraki. “The oxidation of the anticancer drug metab-

olite, 6-mercaptopurine ameliorates Cu-Zn superoxide dismustase activity: Potential involdement of peroxymonocarbonate.”

AFPC - 3 Renée Dagenais, Arden R. Barry, Mary H. H. Ensom. “The bus analogy’: A new analogy to help pharmacy students conceptualize the well-stirred model.”

AFPC - 4 Jam Bravo, Mirando So, Karen J. Cameron, Cindy Natsheh, Gordon A. Tait. “Descriptive Analysis of Fourth Year Pharmacy Students’ Perspective on Virtual Interactive Case (VIC) Software.”

AFPC - 5 Rene R. Breault, Jill Hall, Sheila Walter, Ken Cor. “Experiential Education in the PharmD for Practicing Pharmacists Program: Preceptor Experiences and Expectations.”

AFPC - 6 Rene R. Breault, Christine A. Hughes, Deborah Hicks, Theresa J. Schindel. “Compensation plan for phar-macy services: Communicating change in Alberta.”

AFPC - 7 Dion R. Brocks, Ken Cor. “The relationship between grades in prerequisite pharmacy courses and phar-macy grades at the University of Alberta.”

AFPC - 8 Divna Calic, Ryan G. Lillico, Ted M. Lakowski, Casey Sayre, Sheryl A. Zelenitsky. “Significant changes in cefazolin protein binding during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.”

AFPC - 9 Karen J. Cameron, Salma Satchu, Jenny Chiu, Anna Chiu, Dhwani Raiyani, Eric Luloff, Andrea J. Cameron, Olavo Fernandes. “Assessment of PharmD Student Performance on Standardized Medication Reconcili-ation Validation at Academic Hospitals.”

AFPC - 10 Fong Chan, Katherine Seto. “Implementation of an Assessment Strategy Using Human Patient Simula-tion Technology to Evaluate Pharmacy Students.”

AFPC - 11 Theresa L. Charrois, Jay Mutch, Lydia Cheung, Jill J. Hall, Meagen M. Rosenthal, M. Ken Cor. “Defining Characteristics of Successful Pharmacists: A Qualitative Study.”

AFPC - 12 Gilles Leclerc, Marie-Lou Deschamps, Antoine Lebrun, Michael Cardinal, Mathieu Nobert, Charles-Edouard Morel, Christiane Nathalie Geillon. “eHealth Education: Anatomy of an Interprofessional Initiative.”

AFPC - 13 Justin Mak, Doret Cheng, Cindy Natsheh. “Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for Pharmacy? A Literature Review.”

AFPC - 14 Jenny Chiu, Monica Lee. “Comparison of pharmacy students’ and pharmacists’ activities using a clinical pharmacist workload measurement tool.”

AFPC - 15 Anna Cieślak, Jocelyn Trottier, Melanie Verreault, Frederic Calon, Marie-Claude Vohl, Piotr Milkiewicz, Olivier Barbier. “Docosahexaenoic acid activates bile acid detoxification in mice.”

AFPC - 16 Chesarahmia Dojo Soeandy, Faraz Salmasi, Jeffrey Henderson. “Defining an alternative murine model of cerebral ischemia: focal vasoconstriction via endothelin-1.”

AFPC - 17 Nyasha Gondora, Michael A. Beazely, John G. Mielke. “Chronic Early Life Social Isolation Affects Expres-sion of TrkB and NMDA Receptor Proteins in a Sex-Specific Manner.”

AFPC - 18 Kerry B. Goralski, Steven R. Hall, Jay Toulany, David L. Jakeman. “Jadomycins induce DNA damage and caspase-dependent apoptosis in human MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.”

AFPC - 19 Arun K. Verma, Judith A. Soon, John Y. Groumoutis. “The interprofessional medication reconciliation program: a quantitative evaluation.”

Poster Listings

23 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences


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AFPC - 20 Arun K. Verma, Judith A. Soon, Jackson Stewart. “The interprofessional medication reconciliation pro-gram: a qualitative analysis.”

AFPC - 21 Jill J. Hall, Rene R. Breault, Sharon Marsh, Candace M. Necyk, Theresa J. Schindel. “A model of innovative integration in the Doctor of Pharmacy for Practicing Pharmacists Program.”

AFPC - 22 Michael B. Weale, Jennifer E. Isenor, Melissa Helwig, Susan K. Bowles. “Advancing and evaluating the Drug Information Resources (DIR) website.”

AFPC - 23 Derek J. Jorgenson, Eric J.L. Landry, Katherine J. Lysak. “A mixed methods evaluation of a medication assessment clinic located within a pharmacy school.”

AFPC - 24 Deborah V. Kelly, A. Nicole Pittman. “Development of a pharmacist-run Medication Therapy Services Clinic.”

AFPC - 25 Alexander D. Smith, Arnab Ray, Tara L. Klassen. “Classic labs for a new program: development of inte-grated pathophysiology activities for the Entry-to-Practice PharmD curriculum.”

AFPC - 26 Alexander D. Smith, Arnab Ray, Tara L. Klassen. “Bandana Science: Peers in the preparation for and teaching of pathophysiology in PharmD entry to practice integrated activities.”

AFPC - 27 Mia G. Losier, Megan E. Harrison, Emily K. Black, Heather L. Neville, B. Lynn Johnston, Kim A. Abbass, Kathryn L. Slayter, Ingrid S. Sketris. “Point prevalence survey of antimicrobial use at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.”

AFPC - 28 Melissa Lu, Brenna Shearer, Alberto Severini, Silvia Alessi-Severini. “Survey of knowledge and attitude regarding HPV infection, vaccine and testing.”

AFPC - 29 Katherine J. Lysak, Shawna L. Berenbaum, Stephanie M. Mulhall, Jason P. Perepelkin, Yvonne M. Shevchuk, Jeff G. Taylor, Derek J. Jorgenson. “Pharmacy student perceptions of a medication assessment clinic located within a pharmacy school.”

AFPC - 30 Pedram Rafiei, Azita Haddadi. “Docetaxel Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles for Intravenous Application: Pharmacokinetics and Bio-distribution profile.”

AFPC - 31 Annie-Claude Couture, Sarah Girard, Marc-André Renaud, Marie Vincent-Tremblay, Jean-Luc Dionne, Robert Bell, Michel Vallée, Robert Robitaille, France Varin, Philippe Bouchard. “An observational study to assess the accuracy of carboplatin area under the concentration-time curve in oncology patients with standardized creatinine measurement and modern formulas for renal function estimation.”

AFPC - 32 Miao Yan (Marilyn) Sun, Tara L. Klassen. “Novel missense mutations in SCN1B as a cause of pediatric epilepsy.”

June 2AFPC - 33 Tamiz J. Kanji, Tony T. Seet. “The impact of standardized patients on first year students in an en-

try-to-practice PharmD program at the University of British Columbia.”AFPC - 34 I fan Kuo, Inderpaul Ruprai, Shawn Bugden. “Parliamentarians in the classroom: learning ethics and

pharmacy practice issues through debates.”AFPC - 35 Shawn Bugden, I fan Kuo. “Enhancing quality by using instruction on qualitative methods as a course

evlauation tool.”AFPC - 36 Grace Frankel, Christopher Louizos, I fan Kuo. “New skills lab component for pharmacy student: ordering

and interpreting laboratory tests.”AFPC - 37 Vaughn T. Chauvin, Tamiz Kanji. “The impact of practical skills instruction and application in improving

student confidence to engage in point of care INR monitoring and management.”

Poster Listings

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AFPC - 38 Annie Lee, Andrew Tolmie, Mahmoud Suleiman, Diana Spizzirri, Stephanie Chiu, Henry Halapy. “Design-ing, Testing and Implementing a Standard Assessment Tool for Field-Based Pharmacy Training.”

AFPC - 39 Annie Lee, Thomas Huang, Danish Tanwar, Certina Ho. “Effectiveness of the Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Model for Transitioning from Classroom to Professional Practice.”

AFPC - 40 Christopher Louizos, Casey L. Sayre, Bruce D. Audit, Grace E. Frankel, Robert D. Renaud. “Implementing the Informatics for Pharmacy Students E-resource into the University of Manitoba, College of Pharmacy.”

AFPC - 41 Glenda P. MacDonald, Peter S. Loewen, Patricia Gerber, Madeleine H.P. Lee, James P. McCormack. “Brain Gain: Evaluation of Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) in a Canadian Doctor of Pharmacy Program.”

AFPC - 42 Rachel Magarinos-Torres, Milton D. Lucas-Filho, Monique A. Brito. “Profile of the hospital pharmacists workers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.”

AFPC - 43 Shannon Del Bigio, Stephanie Mulhall, Yvonne Shevchuk, Holly Mansell. “Perceptions of teamwork and interprofessional education in undergraduate pharmacy students.”

AFPC - 44 Janice L. Moshenko, Jimi Galvao, Angela Pau. “Career communications workshops for pharmacy stu-dents: Development, implementation and evaluation.”

AFPC - 45 Janice L. Moshenko, Larry Leung, Jason Min, Fong Chan, David Massaro, Parkash Ragsdale. “Impact of a communication session for pharmacy students: Preparation for IPE collaboration.”

AFPC - 46 Lauren F. Ferruccio, Doret Cheng, Cindy Natsheh. “Providing academic support to students in experien-tial education (PASS-EE): A survey of Canadian and American Faculties of Pharmacy.”

AFPC - 48 George Pachev, Marion Pearson, Simon Albon, Andrea Busse. “Evaluating the function and impact of a formative assessment program in the UBC E2P PharmD program: First term insights.”

AFPC - 49 Lisa McCarthy, Natalie Crown, Beth A. Sproule, Micheline Piquette-Miller, Daniel Mueller, Thomas Boy-ang Huang. “Training Pharmacists to Become Personalized Medicine Experts.”

AFPC - 50 Robert D. Renaud, Sheryl A. Zelenitsky, John A. Pugsley, Shawn C. Bugden. “Predictive validity of admis-sion tools on student performance in the pharmacy program and on the national licensing examina-tion.”

AFPC - 51 Cynthia L. Richard, Alana H. Rigby, Andrea N. Edginton. “Establishment of a 2nd Year Midpoint Assess-ment to identify students for remediation.”

AFPC - 52 Tony Seet, Katherine Seto, Andrea Busse, George Pachev. “The Implementation of New Assessment Strategies in a Medication Management Module within an Introductory Course in an Entry-to-Practice PharmD Program.”

AFPC - 53 Katherine Seto, Brian B. Rodrigues. “Development and Implementation of a Foundations of Pharmacy Course in an Entry-to-Practice PharmD Program.”

AFPC - 54 Paulo Tchen, Leo Leung, Frances Simpson, Angela Kim-Sing, Marion Pearson. “Bridging the gap from the classroom to the institutional practice site: Evaluation of an online transition module for student phar-macists.”

AFPC - 55 Neelam Dhaliwal, Frances Simpson, Ashley Shaw, Angela Kim-Sing. “Developing online learning mod-ules for pharmacy practice educators.”

AFPC - 56 Neelam Dhaliwal, Frances Simpson, Iona Berger, Angela Kim-Sing. “Preliminary evaluation of online practice educator development modules.”

AFPC - 57 Harvinder Singh, Hélène Jolin, Tracy Zhang, Tim Veregin. “Development and evaluation of a hierarchical model of teaching for a hospital pharmacy direct patient care rotation.”

AFPC - 58 Andrew Tolmie, Nancy M. Waite, Emily P. Milne. “Communities of practice: An innovation in experiential education.”

Poster Listings

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AFPC - 59 Amanda J.S. Condon, Fiona M. Jensen, Laura L. MacDonald, Dana A. Turcotte, Pam F. Wener. “The Pro-cess of Developing an Entry to Practice Faculty of Health Sciences Interprofessional Collaborative Care Longitudinal Curriculum.”

AFPC - 60 Anne Marie Whelan, Dianne Cox. “Doctor of Pharmacy program development: Stakeholder survey, College of Pharmacy, Dalhousie University.”

AFPC - 61 Anne Marie Whelan, Dianne Cox. “Former/current student feedback regarding the progress exam at the College of Pharmacy, Dalhousie University.”

AFPC - 62 Kerry Wilbur, Emily Black. “Describing student performance; a comparison between clinical preceptors across cultural contexts.”

AFPC - 63 Kerry Wilbur, Kyle Wilby. “Pharmacy student evaluations in landscapes of changing educational out-comes and expectations.”

Poster Listings

26 7th Annual Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference | 73rd Annual General Meeting of the AFPC Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada & UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences


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AFPC Conference Sponsors

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Platinum Level

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AFPC Conference Sponsors

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Silver Level

Bronze Level

Gold Level

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River Rock Hotel and Casino Map

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Casino & Lobby


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River Rock Hotel and Casino Map

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First Floor

Second Floor


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2015 - 2016


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PO Box 21053 Terwilligar, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6R 2V4 Phone: 780-868-5530 – Fax: 780-492-1217 – [email protected]

AFPC VOTING MEMBERS 2016 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES May 31, 2016 1650-1700 hours River Rock Hotel & Casino Resort, Whistler Ballroom C Richmond, BC Present: M. Coughtrie (President), A. Thompson (Vice President), Jean Lefebvre (Treasurer), H. Boon, H. Davies (for T. Jurgens), G. Leclerc, C. Richard (for D. Edwards), S. Alessi-Severini, E. Krol, J. Methot, J. Kellar, M. Pearson, I fan Kuo, K. Wilbur (observer), G. Wong, H. Lopatka (recorder) Absent (with regrets): C. Marra, D. Edwards, K. Wasan, J. Kehrer, D. Brocks, N. Davies, L. Lalonde, S. Mansour, C. Dillon

1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1650 hours.

2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda was approved as circulated. Moved by E. Krol, seconded by M. Pearson.


MEETING The minutes were approved as circulated. Moved by A. Thompson, seconded by G. Leclerc.


a. Approval of 2015-16 AFPC Board of Directors actions Motion: Approval of 2015-16 AFPC Board of Directors actions. Moved by A. Thompson, seconded by M. Pearson. Motion passed.

b. Approval of Auditor for 2016 Motion: Approval of Wolrige Mahon LLP as 2016 auditors. Moved by G. Leclerc, seconded by E. Krol. Motion passed.

c. Approval of 2016-17 AFPC Board of Directors Motion: Approval of the 2016-17 Board of Directors nominations (M. Coughtrie, A. Thompson, K. Wasan, N. Davies / new or interim Dean, D. Edwards, J. Kellar, J. Lefebvre, G. Leclerc, T. Jurgens, C.Dillon). Moved by M. Pearson, seconded by S. Alessi-Severini. Motion passed.



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5. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business.

6. CONFIRMATION OF 2016-17 PRESIDENT Motion: Acceptance of Board of Directors nomination of Ann Thompson as 2016-17 AFPC Board of Directors President. Moved by J. Kellar, seconded by J. Methot. Motion passed.

7. CONFIRMATION OF 2nd SIGNING AUTHORITY The 2016-17 AFPC Board of Directors President, Ann Thompson, was confirmed as the 2nd AFPC signing authority.


The meeting was adjourned at 1700 hours.


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PO Box 21053 Terwilligar, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6R 2V4

Phone: 780-868-5530 – Fax: 780-492-1217 – [email protected]

AFPC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES Teleconference, November 26, 2015 - 1230-1330 hrs EST Present: M. Coughtrie (President), A. Thompson (Vice President), J. Lefebvre (Treasurer), S. Alessi-Severini, T. Jurgens, J. Kellar, G. Leclerc, D. Edwards, C. Marra, H. Lopatka (recorder) Absent (with regrets): K. Wasan, K. Mansell

1. Call to order

M. Coughtrie called the meeting to order at 1235 hours EST.

2. Approval of agenda The agenda was approved with one revision – agenda item 5b. Executive Director performance appraisal. This item will be addressed in camera by the Executive Committee plus K. Wasan (Council of Deans – Chair). Moved by A. Thompson, seconded by J. Kellar.

3. Approval of July 11, 2015 meeting minutes The minutes from the July 11, 2015 annual meeting were approved as circulated. Moved by A. Thompson, seconded by D. Edwards.

4. Business arising a. Canadian Pharmacists Association Membership – Update

A copy of the CPhA 3rd stakeholder quarterly update was circulated in advance. H. Lopatka indicated that S. Mansour (AFPC Board representative) provided an update at the November 15, 2015 Council of Deans meeting. Susan reported that the Board continues to have numerous meetings and continues to focus on governance issues. D. Edwards reported that the major challenge is aligning of the CPhA role with PPA roles. Dave reported that the future of pharmacy leadership summit is being planned for June 2016 (in conjunction with the Canadian Pharmacists Conference in Calgary). At the summit, options regarding future pharmacy profession strategic planning will be addressed (as occurred though the Blueprint for pharmacy).

b. Pharmacist specialization – position paper H. Lopatka reported that a position paper (or statement) was not as yet prepared and this agenda item is a placeholder for the next meeting.

c. Plans for May/June 2016 – Annual Conference H. Lopatka reported that the River Rock Casino and Hotel was booked for the conference. An AFPC conference planning committee was established and had commenced working on content and format for the program. The Council of Deans expressed concerns about the timing conflict for the conference in relation to faculty graduations. The AFPC / CSPS MOU has not been finalized.



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d. 2016 AFPC Operating Budget – Review and approval

A copy of the 2016 AFPC operating budget preliminary forecast was circulated in advance. The budget was reviewed with individual members of the Executive committee (M. Coughtrie, A. Thompson, J. Lefebvre). H. Lopatka highlighted the following points in relation to the 2016 operating budget forecast:

Five key activities and initiatives were identified for 2016 (complete PEPLN, complete Can Ex Ed project, continue support for program evaluation, review 2010 educational outcomes, and plan 2016 joint conference).

A healthy reserve of $280,624 exists as of October 5, 2015. Approximately $30K of this reserve will be used to fund the completion of the Can Ex Ed project in 2016.

The 2016 operating budget forecast is $268,731 income and $237,950 expense with a preliminary surplus of $27,987.

A recommendation to extend funding for the Can Ex Ed project until March 31, 2016. The additional expense of $16,335 will be funded within the 2016 operating expense budget.

Motion: Approval of the 2016 AFPC operating budget per the circulated document entitled “2016 AFPC operating budget preliminary forecast” dated November 26, 2015 (includes recommendation to extend Can Ex Ed project for 3 months). Moved by J. Lefebvre, seconded by A. Thompson, motion passed.

5. New business a. AFPC Advocacy Plan

A copy of the first draft of the AFPC advocacy plan was distributed in advance. The three advocacy priorities were as follows: i) ensuring pharmacist workforce balance through monitoring and assessing the supply and influx of foreign trained pharmacists, ii) increasing dedicated pharmacy research spending, and iii) financial support for graduating pharmacists through the expansion of the student loan forgiveness program for health professionals serving in rural and remote areas. It was noted that external liaison will be required with AFMC, CASN and NAPRA on priorities i) and ii). With regard to priority ii), M. Coughtrie made a presentation at UBC suggesting that a minimum 20% success rate would be required to support a whole science research base. H. Lopatka will work with J. Walker (CPhA government relations staff member) to refine the draft plan. Subsequent versions of the plan will be reviewed with the Council of Deans and Board of Directors.

b. Executive Director Performance Appraisal (In Camera) This item was moved to the Executive committee for discussion after the full Board of Directors meeting.

6. Executive Director Report The October 2015 Executive Director update was circulated in advance. Please contact H. Lopatka for questions about the report.

7. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 1330 hours EST.


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PO Box 21053 Terwilligar, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6R 2V4

Phone: 780-868-5530 – Fax: 780-492-1217 – [email protected]


February 9, 2016 - 1200-1330 hours EST

Present: M. Coughtrie (President), A. Thompson (Vice President), J. Lefebvre (Treasurer), S. Alessi-

Severini, D. Edwards, T. Jurgens, C. Marra, G. Leclerc, H. Lopatka (recorder)

Absent (with regrets): K. Wasan, J. Kellar


M. Coughtrie called the meeting to order at 1205 hours.


Agenda item 5b – AFPC Strategic planning was added. The agenda was approved with the addition of

item 5b. Moved by A. Thompson, seconded by J. Lefebvre, passed.


The minutes from the November 26, 2015 Board meeting were approved as circulated. Moved by S.

Alessi-Severini, seconded by D. Edwards, passed.


a. 2015 AFPC income / expense reports / statements – review and approval for

transmittal to auditor

A copy of the report “The Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada - Analysis of 2015 Income /

Expenses” dated February 9, 2016 was circulated in advance. The report was also reviewed with J.

Lefebvre (Treasurer) in advance.

The following items were highlighted:

Comparative analysis of 2015 income and expense actuals to budget – The 2015 year end revenue /

expense statement in appendix 2 was reviewed. 2015 income was $340,755 and 2015 expenses were

$411,484. It was noted that the difference was due to the fact that the $60,000 AFPC contribution from

reserves to fund the Canadian Experiential Education project was not shown as income, and because the

actual 2015 income and expenses for the PEPLN project do not consider funds carried over from 2014 in

the statement (expenses were $25,679 greater than income). 2015 actual income was $13,274 more

than the 2015 budget. 2015 expenses were $13,808 more than the 2015 budget. The 2015 actual to

budget income variation is primarily explained by the unanticipated flow of $15,000 to AFPC for the

Merck Canada fellowship. The 2015 actual to budget expense variation is primarily explained by the

higher meeting expenses (low exchange rate – joint US annual conference), reduced sponsorship for Rx

and D award, and higher expenditures for Canadian Experiential Education project.

Comparative analysis of preliminary 2015 profit and loss statements – QuickBooks summary reports

were briefly reviewed. These were the reports in appendix 3 (profit and loss by class – January to

December 2015) and appendix 4 (profit and loss previous year comparison – January through December

2015). The appendix 3 report (profit and loss by class – January to December 2015) shows actual income

and expenses divided by classes and was used to derive the summary report in appendix 2. The



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appendix 4 (profit and loss previous year comparison – January through December 2015) compares 2015

actual income and expenses to the 2014 actual income and expenses. The report is for information.

Detailed QuickBooks files and reports will be sent to the auditor.

The amount in reserves (as of February 8, 2016) was $261,712.60 (in GICs).

Motion: Approval of the AFPC – Analysis of 2015 income / expense report for transmittal to the auditor

for preparation of audited financial statements. Moved by J. Lefebvre, seconded by A. Thompson,

motion passed.

b. Plans for 2016 annual conference

A preliminary schedule of the AFPC business meetings and educational sessions was included in the

Executive Director report. Concerns were expressed through the Council of Deans about the timing of

the 2016 conference and the conflict with university convocation ceremonies. Toronto, Saskatchewan

and British Columba convocations are in conflict. In 2017, AFPC will be partnering with CPhA and the

joint conference is planned for June 1-5, 2017 in Quebec. When possible, future AFPC conferences will

be scheduled outside the first 2 weeks of June.

c. CPhA Board member

The request letter from CPhA and Board member profile was circulated in advance. Both the Council of

Deans and the Council of Faculties voting members were supportive of nominating Susan Mansour for

another term as the AFPC representative to the CPhA Board of Directors. H. Lopatka will advise CPhA.

Motion: Susan Mansour to be nominated as the AFPC representative to the CPhA Board of Directors for

another term (2016-19). Moved by M. Coughtrie, seconded by T. Jurgens, passed.


a. Plans for 2016 business meetings

The next Board of Directors meeting is planned for May 31, 2016 (at the 2016 CPERC in Richmond, BC).

For Board members who are unable to attend, a teleconference line will be arranged. In addition, the

Annual Meeting of AFPC voting members will be held on May 31. The last 2016 AFPC Board of Directors

meeting will be scheduled for November or December 2016. The Council of Deans is planning to meet in

Calgary at the Canadian Pharmacists Conference (June 25-27, 2016).

b. AFPC Strategic planning

The 2014-16 AFPC strategic plan was circulated in advance and it was noted that the plan requires

review. The strategic plan content and format of similar organizations was reviewed in determining the

current AFPC strategic plan format and content (i.e., CASN, AFMC and AACP). Councillors will be

requested to review the current strategic plan and identify possible areas for revision. A time slot will be

set aside for the May 31, 2016 meeting to discuss the current plan and possible revisions for the next

iteration of the plan. There was agreement that a session facilitator would not be required. A copy of a

Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE) guidance document about strategic plan terms will be

circulated. H. Lopatka will add sub goals or actions under each of the strategic plan goals and will be

preparing a succession plan.


The Executive Director update was circulated in advance. Please contact Harold to clarify any points in

the report.


The meeting was adjourned at 1315 hours.


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PO Box 21053 Terwilligar, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6R 2V4

Phone: 780-868-5530 – Fax: 780-492-1217 – [email protected]

AFPC Board of Directors – May 31, 2016 Annual Meeting 1530-1630 hours River Rock Hotel and Resort, Whistler Ballroom C Richmond, BC Present: M. Coughtrie (President), A. Thompson (Vice President), Jean Lefebvre (Treasurer), H. Davies (for T. Jurgens), G. Leclerc, C. Richard (for D. Edwards), S. Alessi-Severini, E. Krol (CF member), J. Methot (CF member), J. Kellar, M. Pearson (CF member), I fan Kuo (CF member), K. Wilbur (observer), G. Wong, H. Lopatka (recorder) Absent (with regrets): C. Marra, D. Edwards, K. Wasan

1. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 15:40 hours.

2. Approval of agenda The agenda was approved as circulated. Moved by A. Thompson, seconded by G. Leclerc.

3. Approval of minutes from February 9, 2016 Board meeting The minutes were approved as circulated. Moved by A. Thompson, seconded by J. Lefebvre.

4. Old business a. Review / approval of 2015 AFPC audited financial statements /

auditor’s report The 2015 audited financial statements prepared by Wolrige Mahon were disseminated in advance as well as a copy of H. Lopatka’s May 25th email to the Board Executive summarizing the final 2015 financial statements. The audit letter indicates a clean financial audit for 2015. The auditor’s financial report showed that 2015 revenue was $367,745 and that expenditures were $425,296. Our expenditures exceeded revenues by $57,551. This 2015 deficit was planned as this was the AFPC funding contribution to the Can Ex Ed project (Blueprint for pharmacy contribution was $60,000). The 2015 deficit was funded from the accumulated surplus from previous years (held in our reserve investments).



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Motion: Acceptance of the 2015 AFPC auditor’s report and financial statements (prepared by Wolrige Mahon and dated May 26, 2016). Moved by J. Lefebvre, seconded by A. Thompson. Motion passed.

b. Nominations re: 2016/17 Board of Directors / Executive The following Councillors were nominated as Council of Faculties Board representatives for 2016-17: J. Kellar (Toronto), A. Thompson (Alberta), G. Leclerc (Montreal), T. Jurgens (Dalhousie), C. Dillon (Memorial). As a result, the following Deans will be on the 2016-17 Board: M. Coughtrie (British Columbia), K. Wasan (Saskatchewan), N. Davies / replacement Dean (Manitoba), D. Edwards (Waterloo), J. Lefebvre (Laval). The 2016/17 Board of Directors executive members are A. Thompson (President), J. Lefebvre (Treasurer), and M. Coughtrie (Past President). The Vice President will be nominated by the Council of Deans at their June 25, 2016 meeting. Motion: Approval of 2016/17 AFPC Board of Directors nominations (as indicated above). Moved by A. Thompson, seconded by J. Kellar. Motion passed.

i. Permission for Executive Director to attend board meetings Motion: Executive Director permission to attend Board of Directors meetings as 2016-17 secretary (non-voting). Moved by A. Thompson, seconded by S. Alessi-Severini. Motion passed.

c. Review of agenda – 2016 Annual AFPC Business / Townhall meeting A copy of the notice and agenda for the June 1, 2016 annual Business and Townhall meeting was circulated in advance. Mike was not able to attend because of UBC convocation. Ann will chair the meeting and has a copy of the chair person’s prepared notes. L. Maine is not able to attend and has sent notes. K. Wasan will provide Council of Deans report.

d. Canadian Pharmacists Association membership – status report The CPhA Brief 2015 Year in Review and Q1 Stakeholder Update were disseminated in advance. H. Lopatka reported that the new governance model is still a work in progress. CPhA is organizing the “Thought Leadership Summit” (follow-up to the Blueprint for Pharmacy). A. Thompson, K. Wasan, D. Edwards, H. Boon, C. Marra, S. Mansour and H. Lopatka are attending the Summit. The past President, Jane Farnham, will be providing a CPhA update at the June 1, 2016 AFPC Business and Townhall meeting.

5. New business a. AFPC strategic plan 2017-19

The 2014-16 AFPC strategic plan, first draft of the 2017-19 AFPC strategic plan (with objectives added), the AACP strategic plan (mission, core values and priorities), and a CSAE guidance document on strategic planning were disseminated in advance as background information. The 2014-16 strategic plan was circulated to the Council of Deans and Council of Faculties voting members. There were no revisions suggested to the vision, mission or goals from this review. For the 2017-19 strategic plan, objectives were developed for each of the goals.


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The 2017-19 strategic plan objectives were reviewed by the Council of Faculties at their May 31, 2016 meeting. A few minor edits were suggested. The following summarizes Board discussions relating to the objectives (summarized by each goal):

1. Inspire faculties and members to develop innovative pharmacy education strategies and scholarship.

Consider alternate goal wording such as “collaborative, collective”. 2. Develop and share national frameworks to facilitate the best practices in

education delivery and evaluation. Consider alternate objective 2 wording such as “inform”.

3. Establish and maintain effective collaborations with external partners. No revisions identified.

4. Advocate for adequate strategic and fiscal support for pharmacy education and scholarship.

Consider alternate goal wording – “sufficient” vs. “adequate”. Add “research” to goal. 5. Ensure necessary financial resources and infrastructure to achieve mission.

No revisions identified.

The 2017-19 strategic plan will also be reviewed by the Council of Deans at their June 25, 2016 meeting. Revisions from the reviews will be consolidated by H. Lopatka and another version of the plan disseminated to both Councils prior to final review by the Board (at the next meeting in November).

b. Executive Director succession plan A copy of the May 27, 2016 succession plan letter to Mike and Ann was distributed in advance. H. Lopatka is targeting to retire at the end of 2016. He will continue in the position until a successor is recruited. The letter provides information about operational continuity and a recruitment plan. There was agreement that H. Lopatka conduct the recruitment process for the new Executive Director. The following Executive Director selection panel was established: A. Thompson (incoming President), J. Lefebvre (Treasurer), M. Coughtrie (Past President), G. Leclerc (incoming Chair – Council of Faculties), H. Boon or K. Wasan (Chair – Council of Deans). Motion: Increase the length of the recruitment time line by initiating the recruitment process in September 2016. Moved by A. Thompson, seconded by S. Alessi-Severini. Motion passed.

c. 2016-17 Board of Directors meeting schedule (proposed) A copy of the proposed 2016-17 meeting schedule was distributed. The planned November and February meetings were acceptable. The May 2017 Annual meeting is planned in conjunction with the 2017 CPERC which is currently planned to occur in advance of the June 2-5, 2017 Canadian Pharmacists Conference. The timing for the conference and the business meetings will be reviewed by the Council of Deans. The final date for the Board of Directors Annual meeting may change depending on the plans for the 2017 CPERC. Also, depending on the recruitment for the new Executive Director, an additional meeting may be required.


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d. 2016-17 Canada Health Infoway funding A copy of the 2016/17 AFPC funding proposal to Canada Health Infoway was disseminated. The scope of the project is: continue to advance integration of digital and e-health in curricula, build the capacity and ability of the pharmacy educator network, and continuously improve the quality of the e-Resource. Approximately $100K was requested. Discussions are still in progress with Infoway and it is expected that an approval will occur in June 2016.

e. Request from Arabic pharmacy educator organization for AFPC membership

H. Lopatka had a request from Ayman El-Kadi (Qatar University) about the Arab pharmacy educator organization and faculty members being AFPC members (see email circulated). Membership is possible through the existing AFPC bylaws as affiliate (i.e., organizations) and associate (i.e., individuals) member categories. These categories do not allow for voting privileges. K. Wilbur indicated that the Arab group is interested in obtaining member benefits allowed through the current bylaws.

6. Executive Director annual report The Executive Director 2015-16 annual report was disseminated in advance (and was posted on the AFPC website). Highlights included successful 2015 joint AFPC / AACP annual conference held, pharmacy educator peer leader network project completed, Canadian experiential education project completed, and planning and preparations completed for 2016 CPERC. For queries about the report please contact H. Lopatka.

7. Adjournment M. Coughtrie thanked H. Lopatka for his leadership and management of AFPC over the past 6 years. The meeting was adjourned at 1650 hours.


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PO Box 21053 Terwilligar, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6R 2V4

Phone: 780-868-5530 – Fax: 780-492-1217 – [email protected]

Awards Committee Report May 31, 2016

Committee Members: Marion Pearson (Chair, UBC), Frédéric Calon (Laval), Andrea Cameron (UoT), Carla Dillon (MUN), Praveen Nekkar (Waterloo), Harold Lopatka (AFPC Executive Director) In this year’s awards cycle, 27 nominations were received for the 8 available competitive awards. This is up considerably from last year, when 14 nominations were received for 6 awards, and 2 awards were not presented due to lack of nominations. No nominations were received this year from the University of Manitoba or Memorial University. New this year, AFPC was invited to nominate a candidate for the CPhA Pharmacist of the Year award. This award should be added to the 2016/17 version of the Awards Booklet. Also new this year, a standardized application form was provided in the Awards Booklet, which proved useful. Details of the nominations and recipients of the awards are indicated in Appendix A. Many thanks to the 26 reviewers from across the country, including several first-time reviewers, who assisted with the selection process (see Appendix B).

Awards that remain to be determined are the graduate and undergraduate winners of the AFPC Whit Matthews Graduate Student Poster Award, judging for which will occur at the AFPC/CPERC conference. These will be selected from among the recipients of the AFPC-Rx & D Pharmacy Student Research Poster Award winners from each of the schools. All awards will be presented at the AFPC awards banquet on June 1. At the mid-year Council of Faculties meeting, there was preliminary discussion of liaising with CSPS regarding the research mandate of AFPC, which might have implications for the research awards. A committee meeting was held by teleconference on May 16, 2016 to review results of the 2016 awards cycle and discuss possible revisions to the awards program. Items discussed included: a) Review of the student awards: Aims of the student awards include promoting the

pursuit of graduate studies by pharmacy undergraduates and the pursuit of academic careers by pharmacy graduate students; however, the only award that is explicitly aligned with these purposes is the Merck Graduate Pharmacy Fellowship. The student awards are not currently positioned to promote pharmacy education research, so are increasingly out of step with the focus of AFPC. Further, we are no longer receiving sponsorship for the AFPC-Rx&D Student Research Poster Award or the AFPC Graduate Student Research Award and have no immediate prospects for regaining this funding, resulting in a cost to AFPC of ~$15,000 per year. Consensus among the committee members was that AFPC should consider phasing out these



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awards, perhaps through transitioning them to CSPS, or repositioning them so their focus would be on educational research. Students would still be welcome to participate in the conference and compete for the Whit Matthews awards. Also, other mechanisms for promoting academic careers could be explored, such as mentorship of student attendees of the AFPC/CPERC conference and webinars.

b) Process for poster awards: The committee advises that competitors for poster awards be required to submit a pdf of their poster by a specified deadline prior to the conference to streamline the selection process.

c) Deadline for the second round of awards: The awards are split been those with a January 15th deadline and those with a March 15th deadline. Winners in the second round are supposed to be notified as early as April 1 so they can plan their travel to the conference. The timing of the second round of nominations was established in part to allow time for selection of the Student Research Poster Award recipients at Faculty research events. However, it does not provide sufficient time for the award adjudication process. There was consensus that the awards should continue to be managed in two rounds; however, the committee recommends that the deadline for the second round be moved to March 1st.

d) CPhA awards: The nomination process for other CPhA awards may be revised in a

similar manner to the Pharmacist of the Year award, where nominations will flow through member organizations.

e) Membership on the 2016/17 awards committee: All committee members are willing

to continue serving if requested to do so by the next chair of the committee. Laleh Alisaraie from Memorial has expressed an interest in joining the committee, so Carla Dillon has offered to step aside.

Thank you to all the committee members and to Doreen Sproule for their assistance with the work of the committee.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Pearson, Chair


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Award Name Nomination Deadline

Eligibility Award Benefits Announcement Deadline

Nominations Received

2016 Winner

AFPC-Pfizer Research Career Award

January 15 Academic pharmacy staff

Grant of up to $500 for travel and accommodation to present at CPERC

Ticket to the AFPC banquet Conference registration

April 1 1 (1 in 2015,

1 in 2014,

2 in 2013)

Shirley Wu (U of T)

AFPC Janssen Award for Innovation in Education

March 15

Academic pharmacy staff/AFPC member

Grant of up to $500 for travel and accommodation to present at CPERC

Ticket to the AFPC banquet Conference registration

Not specified 6 (0 in 2015,

1 in 2014,

2 in 2013)

Derek Jorgenson

(U of Sask)

Merck Canada Inc. Graduate Pharmacy Fellowship

January 15

Final yr pharmacy students

Pharmacy practitioners

1st yr pharmacy graduate students

$13,500 stipend and $1,500 for research expenses such as books, travel to symposia, photocopying materials, etc.

March 31 4

(2 in 2015,

4 in 2014,

8 in 2013)

Katherine Koroluk (U of T)

AFPC New Investigator Research Award

January 15 Academic pharmacy staff/AFPC member

Grant of up to $500 for travel and accommodation to present at CPERC

Ticket to the AFPC banquet Conference registration

April 1 2 (2 in 2015,

3 in 2014,

4 in 2013)

Mark Harrison (UBC)

AFPC National Award for Excellence in Education

March 15

Academic pharmacy staff/AFPC member

Grant of up to $500 for travel and accommodation to present at CPERC

Ticket to the AFPC banquet Conference registration

April 1 3 (1 in 2015,

0 in 2014,

1 in 2013)

Jean-François Bussières

(U of Montreal)

AFPC Graduate Student Research Award

March 15 Graduate pharmacy student

Grant of up to $1,500 for travel and accommodation to present at CPERC

Ticket to the AFPC banquet Conference registration

April 15 6 (6 in 2015,

3 in 2014,

7 in 2013)

Warren Vircel (U of Montreal)

AFPC-CFP Graduate Student Award for Pharmacy Practice Research

January 15

Graduate pharmacy student

Grant of up to $1,500 for travel and accommodation to present at CPERC

Ticket to the AFPC banquet Conference registration

April 15 1

(2 in 2015,

3 in 2014,

3 in 2013)

Robert Pammett (U of Sask, now

at UBC)


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Award Name Nomination Deadline

Eligibility Award Benefits Announcement Deadline

Nominations Received

2016 Winner

AFPC-PEBC Award for Excellence in Research or Innovation in Assessment Competence

March 15

Academic pharmacy staff/AFPC member

$3,000, to include: o Cash award of $1,000 o Travel expenses to the conference o Accommodation expenses at the

conference hotel o Meals to a max of $35 per day

Conference registration

March 31 2

(0 in 2015,

3 in 2014,

0 in 2013)

Anne Marie Whelan


AFPC-Whit Matthews Graduate Student Poster Award

March 30 (abstract deadline)

Graduate pharmacy student

Honorarium of $500 During the conference


AFPC-Whit Matthews Undergraduate Student Poster Award

March 30 (abstract deadline)

Undergraduate pharmacy student

Honorarium of $500 During the conference


AFPC-Rx & D Pharmacy Student Research Poster Award

March 30 (abstract deadline)

Graduate or undergraduate pharmacy student (1 from each faculty)

Grant to a maximum of $1,500 for return economy-class airfare from recipient’s residence to the site of the AFPC meeting at the most economical rates available, accommodation, and travel related expenses

Ticket to the AFPC banquet Conference registration

Marilyn Sun (UBC)

Naif Alujhani (U of A)

Pedram Rafiei (U Sask)

Divna Calic (U Manitoba)

Nyasha Gondora

(Waterloo) Chesarahmia

Dojo Soeandy (U of T)

Anna Cieślak (Laval)

Marc-André Renaud



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Award Name Nomination Deadline

Eligibility Award Benefits Announcement Deadline

Nominations Received

2016 Winner

(U Montreal) Mia Losier (Dalhousie)

Waseem Abu-Ashour


(9 in 2015, 10 in 2014)

AFPC Nominee for CPhA Pharmacist of the Year Award

March 9 AFPC member Nomination forwarded to CPhA to enter competition for the award

CPhA submission deadline = March 16

2 Nese Yuksel (U of A)

AFPC Honored Life Membership

March 15 Academic pharmacy staff/AFPC member

Not specified 0

(2 in 2015, 0 in 2014)


AFPC Woods-Hughes Special Service Awards

To be discussed at the Mid-year Council meeting

All AFPC members are eligible for this award. Past long-standing members who have contributed significantly to the organization may also be considered.

To be presented to an individual or group of individuals who have provided exceptional service to the Association.

AFPC Executive and Council members will bring forward names of candidates and a listing of their contributions to AFPC, at the Midyear meeting. If a worthy candidate is agreed upon, the Executive Director or President will notify the recipient.

Generally only one Special Service Award will be awarded in a given year; in exceptional circumstances, up to three may be awarded. As the award is based on exceptional service, it may not be awarded every year.



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Appendix B – Reviewers 2016 Silvia Alessi-Severini (U of Manitoba) Laleh Alisaraie (MUN) Ildiko Badea (U of S) Michael Beazley (Waterloo) Reina Bendayan (U of T) Suzanne Cadarette (U of T) Frédéric Calon (Laval) Andrea Cameron (U of T) Ken Cor (U of A) Erin Davis (MUN) Benôit Drolet (Laval) Beverley Fitzpatrick (MUN) Urs Hafeli (UBC) David Jakeman (Dalhousie) Tannis Jurgens (Dalhousie) Ed Krol (U of S) Gilles Leclerc (U of Montreal) Shyh-Dar Li (UBC) Sharon Marsh (U of A) Julie Méthot (Laval) George Pachev (UBC) Marion Pearson (UBC) Chantale Simard (Laval) Cheryl Sadowski (UoA) Jeff Taylor (U of S) Ellen Wasan (U of S) Stephanie Young (MUN)


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Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada Year-End Report, Vancouver, May 31, 2016

Communications Committee Report

1) Committee for 2015/16 Ann Thompson (Chair) invited 5 members to this committee. They are:

1. Jimi Galvao, Director, Communications and Marketing (UBC) 2. Jason Perepelkin, Associate Professor (UofS) 3. Rebecca Law, AFPC Newsletter Editor (MUN) 4. Harold Lopatka, Executive Director 5. Doreen Sproule, Assistant to the Executive Director

2) Meeting held September 25, 2015 – see Mid-Year report for details

3) Website Updates: The following changes were made (by Paralucent, web developer):

a. Home page updated. Changes include: 1) Text ‘The Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada is the national non-profit organization advocating the interests of pharmacy education and educators in Canada’ was moved so that it now appears above the scrolling images on the home page, 2) ‘Our Faculties’ section with scrolling faculty logo at the bottom of the home page were removed – this provided more room for information in the ‘What’s New in Pharmacy Education?’ section.

b. Notification added that prompts user to login to see private content (only available to AFPC members). Current member-only pages are: AFPC Affiliate Members, CPhA Organizational Membership, Associate Member Directory, AFPC Faculty Member Information/Welcome Letter, Membership Application Form, AFPC Annual General Meetings, Program Evaluation Guide.

c. Administrative feature to monitor member log-in data is activated. d. Capacity to add additional 6-12 images (provided the additional photos do not slow

down website use). These will be added after CPERC 2016.

4) Newsletter: Rebecca Law, MUN, would like to step-down as the newsletter editor. She is willing to continue for an interim period of time until a transition plan is determined. The Communication Committee will need to determine next steps regarding generation of the newsletter.

5) Mid-Year Council Minutes – The following action items resulted:

Faculty welcome letter should be sent to new faculty members (process to be identified). o ACTION: Best process will be discussed with Doreen for future implementation.

Initiate process for French translation of Welcome Letter and translation of selected AFPC web pages.

o ACTION: To be initiated once minor revisions to Welcome Letter finalized.

Develop statement about intended purpose of AFPC website. o The following statement was developed: “To share information and communicate

through the web with AFPC members and external stakeholders”. o This is implied within the objectives/goals of the Communications Plan.

AFPC website has capability for use by standing and working committees. Work with Gilles


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Leclerc to enable assessment SIG to use website for SIG business. Expand use to other SIGs. o To be addressed in 2016/17. Gilles will initially work with Harold and Doreen to

determine our website’s capability. This can then be shared with others.

AFPC newsletter suggestions: include SIG reports, provide info sheet for new councillors on items to be included in newsletter, national project updates, 1 page description of concurrent sessions from CPERC (e.g., innovations in teaching and education).

o ACTION: Harold to ask SIG Chairs to submit reports. Also, Harold will provide updates on national projects for newsletter (PEPLN and CanExEd), Jamie Kellar (Education Committee Chair) will be asked to include highlights from CPERC in newsletter

Suggested minor revisions for welcome letter (p1 – shorten to Memorial University, p2 - add PEBC as national organization).

o ACTION: Completed by Harold; final version will be loaded onto website under Our Faculties > Faculty Members (member secure area).

The following items were discussed with Council as revisions to the communications plan. o Review and streamline objectives (p2). o Goals listed for objective 3 could be deleted if objectives revised (p3). o Revise table timelines from quarterly to three times per year (p4). o Attach surveys (member and newsletter) in appendix (p5).

ACTION: Updates made, and final version attached (entitled: AFPC Communication Plan rev May 2016)

NEXT STEPS: 1. Communications Committee in 2016/17 will need to determine process for newsletter. 2. Opportunity for website utilization for SIGs business items will be explored.

Respectfully Submitted, Ann Thompson, Chair


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PO Box 21053 Terwilligar, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6R 2V4

Phone: 780-868-5530 – Fax: 780-492-1217 – [email protected]

AFPC Education Committee Report AFPC Council of Faculties Voting Member Annual Meeting

Tuesday, May 31, 2016 Members: Laverne Vercaigne, Peter Loewen, Heidi Deal, Robert Renaud, Patricia Gerber, Ingrid Price, Harold Lopatka, Jamie Kellar (Chair) Summary of business:

1. Meetings April 26th, 2016 – Jamie and Harold Conference Call

Confirmed process for upcoming focus groups to review AFPC outcomes – Ken Cor to lead focus groups

Focus groups to take place April 27, 28 2016 from 1-4 pm

Jamie will observe conference calls and take notes April 27th& 28th 2016

Focus groups – Ken Cor facilitated the sessions with a standard interview guide created and reviewed by Harold, Jamie and Education Committee Members

Each University was represented over the course of the two focus groups

Significant participation and discussion

Ken to produce a final report and send to Jamie by May 27th 2016

May 24, 2016

Education committee meeting to discuss high level data from the focus groups

Meeting cancelled – highlights to be shared by email and in person discussions at annual conference in Vancouver.

2. Educational Outcomes/Levels Review

Recall: Review of the outcomes and leveling document is the main focus of the education committee over the next 2 years

Goal for 2015-2016 is to gather preliminary data to determine how the faculties are using the 2010 outcomes – if they are working, if they have made in-house modifications; if folks feel the outcomes needed minor or major changes etc. – focus groups to gather data.

Focus groups completed – April 27, 28 2016

Overall significant conversation – all schools use the outcomes to varying degrees and find them useful – broad variation in how being used



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Overall the consensus was that “major” revisions were required – however in listening to the suggestions and recommendations Ken and I both agreed that the revisions to the outcomes document is actually minor and what would be useful are documents to guide usage for assessments and course design purposes –supporting documents.

The leveling document is not used by most and many folks were not aware it existed – so room for discussion as to how to proceed with this.

Ken’s full report expected by May 27th 2016

3. 2016 Annual Conference

May 31-June 2, 2016 – Vancouver, BC

Jamie liaised with Charles Park and Harold Lopatka to provide input as needed – reviewed abstracts, programing etc.

Respectfully submitted: Jamie Kellar Chair, Education Committee


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AFPC Council of Faculties Nominating Committee

Annual Meeting Report May 31 2016

Committee Members: Tannis Jurgens (Chair, Dal), Ann Thompson (Alberta), Harold Lopatka

The Nominating Committee reports that:

Vice Chair Faculty Council- Gilles Leclerc, Councilor from U Montreal has agreed to serve as Vice Chair for July 2016-2017.

Faculty Councilors for 2016-2019- Faculty Councilors for Manitoba (Silvia Alessi-Severini), Waterloo (Cynthia Richard), Alberta (Ann Thompson) and BC (Marion Pearson) have terms ending in July 2016. Cynthia Richard (Waterloo) has confirmed that she will begin her term in July 2016 (she was an early replacement for Eric Schneider) and Ann Thompson (Alberta), incoming Chair, Council of Faculties, has been selected to serve a second term. New councilors will include I Fan Kuo (Manitoba) and a councilor to be named for UBC.

Respectfully submitted,

Tannis Jurgens


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PEP Canada (PEP-C) Year End Report to AFPC (May 2016) Submitted by: Kelly Drummond, College of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba

[PEP-C Executive Kelly Drummond (chair), TBC after PEP-C meetings this week see notes below (incoming chair), Harriet Davies Dalhousie University (past chair)]

Activities completed or in progress between February and June 2016

Canadian Experiential Education Project Completion & Perpetuation: Project manager Dr.

Katrina Mulherin completed her term with the project at the end of March 2016, and has agreed to

continue with disseminating the findings and results from the project in the form of a panel

presentation that was held at CSHP’s PPC in Toronto February 2016, a panel presentation at CPERC

(more below), a presentation at the CPhA conference in June 2016, and a webinar in September

2016. She is also co-authoring a series of articles with Dr. Craig Cox (Texas Tech) in the Currents in

Pharmacy Teaching and Learning Journal. One of her last tasks was developing a perpetuation plan

to describe the continuation of the work of this large-scale project. To that end, Dr. Mulherin

condensed the 7 original priorities into 4 working groups. Priorities 1 and 2 will remain distinct,

but were renamed “Making the Grade” and “Teaching and Learning Models” respectively. Priorities

3 and 6 are now “Partner Development” and priorities 4, 5 and 7 are now “Recruitment and

Retention”. It was suggested that PEP-C take on the leadership and management of these 4 working

groups. It was also recommended that the 4 working groups should be populated with external

stakeholders from the organizations that participated in the Can Ex Ed steering committee. We

currently have commitment from 2 PEP-C members to continue to lead the first 2 groups (Kelly

Drummond for “Making the Grade” and Ann Thompson for “Teaching and Learning Models. PEP-C

will have further discussion regarding the finalization of the perpetuation plan at our meeting

during CPERC May 30 & 31, 2016.

Cross Canada update with emphasis on ELPD planning/implementation, bridging/flex

PharmD programs, ExEd staffing: A major focus of all of our meetings is sharing and

collaboration especially with the first professional practice PharmD degree development across the

country. In order to aid in sharing and collaboration a survey on real-time staffing and program

planning and development has been created and sent to PEP-C members. The survey results are

being collated, and will be reported to PEP-C members for analysis and discussion.

Global pharmacy rotation opportunities: PEP-C and AFPC have been approached to develop

student exchanges with pharmacy programs in Brazil, Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico. Given the

timing with PharmD program development interest may not be high but interested PEP-C members

intend to form a small sub-group to discuss common concerns such as insurance, border and

liability issues.

AACP Task Force on Establishing Competencies for Core APPE’s: Andrea Cameron (UofT)

continues to represent PEP-C on this task force. She had sent the first draft of the core

competencies to PEP-C for feedback.


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PEP-C Meetings May 30 & 31, 2016 at CPERC: A major focus of these meetings with be discussion

of PEP-C’s role in the perpetuation of the CanExEd project, confirming a replacement incoming

Chair and electing a new Vice-Chair, and planning for other committee work for 2016-2017.

ExEd Education Session at CPERC (Vancouver June 1, 2016): PEP-C members agreed that

showcasing the CanExEd project was the most appropriate topic for a 1.5 hr education session

allotted to our group. The presentation developed is panel style with interactive polling questions

to encourage audience engagement and discussion. A brief overview of the project will be

presented by Katrina Mulherin (project manager) and the 4 panelists will also include 3 PEP-C

members who were involved in writing some of the priority reports (Jan Coates, Kelly Drummond

and Ann Thompson). Panel members will present the findings and prototypes developed from each

priority and the perpetuation plans

PEP-C Executive 2016-2017: Kelly Drummond (UofMB) will transition to past chair. Mike Legal

(incoming chair (UBC) has left UBC and we are fortunate to have 2 new PEP-C members nominated

into the roles of Chair (Certina Ho UofT) and incoming Vice-Chair (Andrew Tolmie UW) pending

their election at our PEP-C meetings at CPERC May 30 & 31, 2016.

Challenges & Plan for the Upcoming Year: There is much change happening within pharmacy

education programs preparing for or initiating new first professional PharmD degrees that contain

significantly expanded experiential education program components. PEP-C is challenged to ensure

we have the appropriate engagement of members to support the ongoing work of the Can ExEd

Project. It is anticipated that following our meetings in Vancouver members will be able to identify

the possible synergies with their current commitments and be better able to see how they can

leverage the work that must be done to continue to support this important national pharmacy

education project. The final 2 working group priorities are quite large and the tasks within each are

substantial so it is expected that multiple PEP-C members will be needed to lead these priorities. A

plan will be finalized during our meetings on May 30 & 31 to address these challenges and continue

work on these important priorities to advance quality and excellence for pharmacy experiential

education in Canada.

PEP Canada would like to thank the Blueprint for Canada, CSHP, CPhA and AFPC for their support of

this important project.

Respectfully submitted by Kelly Drummond, (College of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba) PEP-C Chair 2015-2016


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AFPC Research Committee Report May 31, 2016 Committee Members: Silvia Alessi-Severini (Chair), Frederic Calon, Tannis Jurgens, Marion Pearson, Gilles Leclerc.

Sixty-two abstracts have been accepted for presentation at the 2016 CPERC in Richmond (BC) (joint conference with CSPS) (May 31-June 2, 2016). Fourteen posters are from students (4 undergraduate and 10 graduate) and 48 from faculty. The majority of posters belong to the education category (68%), 16% are in the basic/clinical research category, 11% in pharmacy practice and 5% in the social/administrative category. Please refer to the Appendix for details regarding previous years.

This year we have 10 student posters competing for the National AFPC best poster award + 4 additional student posters competing for the AFPC Whit Matthews award.

Judges have been recruited:

Silvia Alessi-Severini (Manitoba), Cynthia Richard (Waterloo), Ted Lakowski (Manitoba), Ed Krol (Sask), Gilles Leclerc (Montreal), Jamie Kellar (Toronto), Renette Bertholet (Alberta), Wayne Hindmarsh (Toronto), Jean Lefebvre (Laval), Mark Fleming (Janssen), Micheline Piquette-Miller (Toronto), I fan Kuo (Manitoba), Dana Turcotte (Manitoba).

Licenses to access the IMS Brogan databases that are currently provided to CPhA (Cdn Rx Lite, PRA and PharmaFocus). AFPC has been asked regarding interest in receiving 2-3 licenses per school at renewal of services. The Chair of the AFPC Research Committee attended a web training session last year with Gustavo Scuderi Vieira, Business Consultant, Health Industry Information Services with IMS Brogan, to explore the research capabilities of the Cdn Rx Lite database. While the database does not provide opportunities for sophisticated pharmacoepidemiologic studies (it is a point of sale source with only aggregate data on prescription fills) it can provide useful and timely information for pan-Canadian drug utilization studies. The main question, common to other AFPC members who do research in this discipline was regarding the permission to use data for publications (as it seems that CPhA members can have access with the caveat of not being able to publish the results of their searches). Discussions on this issue was in a way reassuring that permission would be obtainable by AFPC users upon request, but it would be project specific. No further discussions took place after the initial contact. It would be important for Councilors to scope their colleagues’ interest in using IMSB offerings.

After last year’s membership survey, no additional input has been received regarding suggestions for the Research Committee on how to assist AFPC members in research activities. It will be useful to have councilors conduct a targeted follow-up at each faculty level.

Respectfully submitted by Silvia Alessi-Severini, May 29, 2016 83

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Appendix to the Research Report (May 31, 2016)

Total number of posters ranged from 39 to 62. No data were available for the 2008 and 2015 conferences that were joint with AACP. 2007: Montreal (CSPS) 2008: Chicago (AACP) 2009: Halifax 2010: Vancouver 2011: Winnipeg 2012: Quebec City 2013: Niagara on the Lake 2014: Saskatoon (CPhA) 2015: Washington, DC (AACP) 2016: Vancouver (CSPS)


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AFPC Assessment SIG 2016 Final May 31th 2016, Richmond, BC SIG activities conducted and / or accomplishments Since his 2016 MidYear Report, the AFPC assessment SIG has focus on three specific scholarly activities, the programmation of its Monthly Assessment Seminars and, in collaboration with the program Evaluation SIG, the planning. On June 2nd, of the Assesssment SIG Session and business meeting during the CPERC in Richmond, BC. The following three seminars took place since the last Council of Faculties Meeting early February. Thursday, February, 18 2016 12:00-13:30 (EST)

Pharmacy Schools Upcoming Assessment Challenges

Ken Cor University of Alberta

Friday, April, 1 2016 12:00-13:30 (EST)

Validity and validation

Though validity is a fundamental concept in assessment, consensus on its meaning and its uses is lacking. A journey and a reflexion on validity’s diverse faces is proposed.

Gilles Leclerc University of Montreal

Friday, April, 29 2016 12:00-13:30 (EST)

Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing

Beverly Fitzpatrick, Memorial University

The following program has been scheduled for the Assessment SIG Session at the CPERC in Richmond, BC. “Program Evaluation and Assessment”

Fostering collaboration to Improve Pharmacy Education: The National Exit Survey Project (Dr. Ken Cor, University of Alberta) - Performance Assessment

Capstone Exam: A Tale of Clerkship Preparedness (Dr. Gilles Leclerc, University of Montreal)

Student Midpoint Assessment (Dr. Andrea Edginton, University of Waterloo) Performance Assessment: Beyond the Single High-Stakes Examinations (Dr. George

Pachev, University of British Columbia) Using Assessment Data for Program Evaluation Purposes (Drs. Ken Cor, George

Pachev, Gilles Leclerc) 85

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The following Agenda has been proposed for the joint program Evaluation /Assessment SIGs business meeting (June 2nd). 1. Revisiting our terms of reference for each SIG to reaffirm the Scholarship mission of the SIGs 2. SIG website: vision and maintenance 3. Engaging other faculty members to consider SIG membership 4. PERCAS: (National) Pharmacy Education Research Collaboration for Assessment Solutions Challenges encountered by the Assessment SIG, The Monthly Assessment Seminar has been a collegial success. Though seminars were very motivating and enlightfull for attendees, participation was limited mainly to representatives from BC, Alberta, Memorial and Montreal. Multiple AFPC SIGs has a common membership. This situation is conflictual for planning SIG meetings and managing SIG activities. Assessment SIG members are presently reflection on identifying key strategies to overcome this issue and to pursue its scholarly activities with stronger participation. Common key issues between Program Evaluation and Assessment SIGs were to be adressed at the Richmond business meeting on June 2nd. Terms of reference, membership, web site management and development, and Pharmacy Education Research Collaboration are some of those key issues.


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SIG plans for the upcoming year The following seminars are planned until the end of 2016. Friday, June, 17 2016 12:00-13:30 (EST)

Grading and decision making

George Pachev, UBC

Friday, September, 30 2016 12:00-13:30 (EST)

Formative, Self and Peer assessment

Beverly Fitzpatrick, Memorial University

Friday, October, 28 2016 12:00-13:30 (EST)

Classical Test Theory and Generalizability Theory

George Pachev, UBC

Friday, November, 25 2016 12:00-13:30 (EST)

Item Response Theory and Modeling

Gilles Leclerc, University of Montreal

Friday, December, 16 2016 12:00-13:30 (EST)

Fixing our SIG agenda

Ken Cor University of Alberta

The Assessment SIG agenda for the following year will be set according to the decision that will be taken on June 2nd business meeting.


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Assessment SIG Members Andrea Edginton, University of Waterloo [email protected] Anne Dionne, Université Laval [email protected] Beth Sproule, University of Toronto [email protected] Beverly FitzPatrick, Memorial University [email protected] Christine Hughes, University of Alberta [email protected] Christos Louizos, University of Manitoba [email protected] Carla Dillon, Memorial University [email protected] Doreen Sproule, AFPC [email protected] Ema Ferreira, Université de Montréal [email protected] Geneviève-Anne Pinard D’Amour, Université de Montréal [email protected] Heidi Deal, Dalhousie University [email protected] George Pachev, UBC [email protected] Marion Pearson, UBC [email protected] Ingrid Price, UBC [email protected] Gilles Leclerc, Université de Montréal [email protected] John Hawboldt, Memorial University [email protected] Harold Lopatka, AFPC [email protected] Lalitha Raman-Wilms, University of Toronto [email protected] Lisa Bishop, Memorial University [email protected] Ken Cor, University of Alberta [email protected] Yvonne Shevchuk, University of Saskatchewan [email protected] Stephanie Mulhall, University of Saskatchewan [email protected]

Submitted by Gilles Leclerc, May 18, 2016


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Informatics SIG Report

May 25, 2016

The Informatics SIG group was established in January 2016. The goal of the SIG is to serve as a resource for pharmacy faculties and faculty members for facilitating inclusion of health informatics in pharmacy curricula.

To date, two meetings were held via teleconference: January 27 and April 27, 2016. Some items that were discussed:

- An update from the Pharmacy Educator Peer Leader Network (PEPLN), including how informatics and the e-Resource are incorporated into the curriculum across the country.

- Discussion of the SIG terms of reference. - A discussion of version 2 of the Informatics for Pharmacy Students e-Resource, which

was modified based on feedback and evaluation from PEPLN. - Identification of members for the SIG group. - Format and content for the informatics section at the CPERC conference - Proposal to Canada Health Infoway to continue the pharmacy educator network. This

project will build capacity and the ability of the pharmacy educator network to increase integration of informatics into curricula. Some components of the proposal includes: building the Peer Leader (PL) network; curriculum mapping of informatics competencies; content review and revision of the e-Resource; and French translation of select sections of the e-Resource.

The next SIG group meeting will be a face-to-face meeting at the CPERC conference on June 2nd at 7am. Anyone with an interest in informatics is welcomed to join the SIG group.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Bishop (Chair)


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Informatics SIG Membership

Name University/ Location Lisa Bishop (Chair) Memorial JM Gamble Memorial Jennifer Donnan Memorial Justin Peddle Memorial Natalie Kennie Dalhousie Jennifer Isenor Dalhousie Gilles LeClerc Montreal Aude Motulsky McGill Line Guenette Laval Amelie Veronique Dube Laval William Wong Waterloo Kelly Grindrod (Vice-Chair) Waterloo Marie Rocchi Toronto Chris Louizos Manitoba Jeff Taylor Saskatchewan Terri Charrois Alberta Lisa Guirguis Alberta Marion Pearson British Columbia Jason Min British Columbia Judith Soon British Columbia

Collaborators Anne Fazzalari Infoway

Leadership Team Donna Pipa AFPC

Harold Lopatka AFPC


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AFPC Skills Lab SIG Report – May 27, 2016

Activities and Accomplishments

The AFPC Skills Lab SIG terms of reference were approved at the AFPC Council of Faculties 2016 Mid-

Year meeting, and the group was formed after that. Initial steps involved:

• Phone meeting with Harold Lopatka to guide founding members (Theresa Charrois, Cynthia

Richard, Kim Sponagle, Heidi Deal, Natalie Kenney) on group initiation – March 10

• Contact with each pharmacy school (often via AFPC Council of Faculties representative) to

identify interested faculty and a voting member from each

• First meeting held via teleconference April 27, 2016, with a voting member from each school

identified. Cynthia Richard and Teri Charrois were identified as the Chair/Vice-Chair,

respectively, for a one-year term ending at the AFPC annual meeting in 2017.

A list of faculty members interested in the SIG has been created (see next page). Initial email

correspondence has involved discussion around use of software in Skills Labs.

Teri and Cynthia participated in a phone meeting with the Chair/Vice Chair of the AACP Laboratory

Instructors SIG May 24 to discuss their structure and initiatives.

Plans for upcoming year

An informal “meet and greet” breakfast meeting will take place at CPERC 2016 Wednesday June 1. The

group hopes to:

1. Create and administer a benchmarking survey on issues such as staffing, budget, lab

organization, calculations, use of standardized patients, etc. in Skills Labs. A Task Force will be

created to move this forward.

2. Hold regular Webinars, starting with each school describing their Skills Lab series and

highlighting innovative topics/best practices

3. Provide a forum for discussion among peers involved in Skills Lab instruction

4. Explore opportunities for sharing resources (ex. Cases, rubrics)

Respectfully Submitted,

Cynthia Richard


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Name School



Teri Charrois Alberta Y

Kim Sponagle Dalhousie Y

Natalie Kennie Dalhousie N

Lisa Walker Dalhousie N

Heidi Deal Dalhousie N

Marie-Laurience Tremblay Laval Y

Nancy Kleiman Manitoba N

Sheila Ng Manitoba N

Chris Louizos Manitoba Y

Lisa Bishop Memorial N

Carla Dillon Memorial N

Terri Genge Memorial N

Amy Clarke Memorial N

Tiffany Lee Memorial N

Karina Arnold Memorial N

Justin Peddle Memorial Y

Eric Forget Montreal N

Geneviève-Anne Pinard-

D'Amour Montreal N

Nathalie Letarte Montreal Y

Jane Cassidy Saskatchewan Y

Derek Jorgenson Saskatchewan N

Donna Michasiw Saskatchewan N

Sandra Bjelajac Toronto Y

Colleen Brady UBC Y

Sherilyn Houle Waterloo N

Robin Andrade Waterloo N

Nardine Nakhla Waterloo N

Kelly Grindrod Waterloo N

Cynthia Richard Waterloo Y


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Vol. 20 No. 1 March 2016

2016 Annual Board Meet ing Summary

INSIDE Board Appointments.................................1 2016 Executive Committee.......................1 2015 PEBC Statistics................................1 Committee on Examinations....................2 Public Relations Committee.....................2 Accommodating Candidates in the

OSCE…………………………………..2 Needs Assessment of Specialization in Pharmacy Certification..............................................2 Feasibility Study on Computerized Testing..................................................... .2 CCAPP International Accreditation……2 Board Meetings........................................2

The Pharmacy Examining Board of

Canada held its 2016 Annual Board

Meeting on February 27, 2016 in

Toronto. Standing committees met over

the 3 days preceding this meeting. The

following are highlights of issues

addressed and recommendations made by

the Board. For further information, you

may contact Board appointees, the

President, Karen McDermaid or the

Registrar-Treasurer, Dr. John Pugsley.

Board Appointments

New appointments to the Board, taking

effect at the close of the Annual Board

Meeting are: Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacy Board – Jeremy Parsons Canadian Pharmacy Technician Educators Association – Angela Roach College of Pharmacists of Manitoba – Dinah Santos

2016 Executive Committee

President – Karen McDermaid

Vice-President – Kendra Townsend

Past-President – Cathy Schuster Executive Members:

Janet MacDonnell

Kaye Moran

2015 PEBC Statistics PEBC Pharmacist Register:

There were 1881 names added to the

Pharmacist Register by examination in


Pharmacist Qualifying Examination:

A total of 2843 candidates wrote the

Qualifying Examination-Part I (MCQ) in

2015, compared to 2777 in 2014. A total

of 2926 candidates took the Qualifying

Examination-Part II (OSCE) in 2015,

compared to 2592 in 2014.

There were a total of 18 candidates

assessed for non-certification purposes.

Pharmacist Evaluating Examination:

There was an increase in the number of

candidates writing this examination –

2049 in 2015, compared to 2007 in 2014.

Pharmacist Document Evaluation:

A total of 1788 applicants in 2015 were

ruled acceptable for admission into the

Evaluating Examination, compared to

1829 in 2014.

PEBC Pharmacy Technician Register: There were 1513 names added to the

Pharmacy Technician Register by

examination in 2015, bringing the total to

7557 since 2009.

Pharmacy Technician Qualifying Examination:

A total of 2000 candidates took the

Qualifying Examination-Part I (MCQ) in

2015, compared to 2654 in 2014 and 2181

took the Qualifying Examination-Part II

(OSPE), compared to 2519 in 2014.

A total of 1046 candidates wrote the

Winter Qualifying Examination-Part I

(MCQ) and 1200 candidates took Part II

(OSPE). A total of 954 candidates wrote

the Summer Qualifying Examination-Part

I (MCQ) and 981 candidates took Part II

(OSPE). Examinations were offered

during the year at multiple centres across

Canada in British Columbia, Alberta,

Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova

Scotia and Newfoundland.


The Pharmacy Examining

Board of Canada ______________


J. Pugsley


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Pharmacy Technician Evaluating Examination: A total of 454 candidates wrote the

Pharmacy Technician Evaluating

Examination in 2015 at centres in

British Columbia, Alberta,

Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario,

New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and

Newfoundland, compared to 692 in


Committee on Examinations The Committee continued to discuss

measures to enhance examination

security at examination centres

including continuation of a pilot

security screening study 2016. The

Committee also began discussions on

future sites and frequency of

administration of the Pharmacy

Technician Qualifying Examination

post provincial deadlines and the future

of the Pharmacy Technician Evaluating

Examination. Work continues on

developing new questions and stations

to address new areas in the Pharmacist

and Pharmacy Technician Qualifying

Examination revised blueprints that are

based on the revised NAPRA Entry-to-

Practice Competencies. The revised

blueprints are being implemented in


The Committee reviewed preliminary

research that has been conducted on

comparing the use of Regulated

Pharmacy Technicians as assessors in

the OSPE compared to Pharmacists.

Further studies will be conducted in


Public Relations Committee At the February 2016 meeting, the

Public Relations Committee reviewed

the PEBC Communication Strategy

Plan pertaining to communication

strategies for potential pharmacist

candidates, pharmacy education, and

pharmacy associations. It also

discussed communication strategies for encouraging CCAPP Pharmacy

Technician Graduates to take the

Qualifying Examination to become a

licensed pharmacy technician.

PEBC continues to present research at a

number of conferences.

ICE Annual Conference 2015, Portland:

“Alternate Test Formats: Performance

Assessments for Certification and

Licensure”, C. O’Byrne

AMEE International Conference 2015,

Glasgow, UK: “Use of a Functional Framework to

Develop and Assess Inter-professional

Collaboration in Health

Care” C. Smith, C. O’Byrne, J. Pugsley,

S. Simosko

Accommodating Candidates in the OSCE At the 2015 Mid-Year Board meeting, in

view of the increasing numbers of

pharmacist candidates moving through

the certification process (both

International Pharmacy Graduates (IPGs)

and Canadian graduates), the Committee

on Examinations recommended that a

cap be placed on the number of

candidates that will be permitted to take

the Pharmacist Qualifying Examination-

Part II (OSCE). The Board of Directors

approved a cap of 3000 for 2016 and at

the February 2016 Annual Meeting, the

Board of Directors recommended that the

same cap be applied for 2017 and future

yearly offering of the Part II (OSCE).

Priority will be given to first time

Canadian and IPGs test takers. It was

reported that the number of candidates

applying for the Spring 2016 Qualifying

Examination-Part II (OSCE) was lower

than anticipated. The Board also

approved a policy that candidates who

fail the Part II (OSCE) on the first

attempt will be required to pass the Part I

(MCQ) before taking a second attempt at

Part II (OSCE). This policy will be

implemented for the Fall 2017

Qualifying Examination.

Needs Assessment of Specialization in Pharmacy Study PEBC continues to explore potential

involvement in assessments related to

specialty certification and is working with

the Specialization in Pharmacy Task

Group to help better define the definitions

of specialty practice and a model of

specialty practice. The Board of Directors

at the 2016 Mid-Year meeting will give

further consideration to conducting a

business case analysis for involvement in

specialty certification.

Feasibility Study on Computerized Testing PEBC has conducted a feasibility study on

the use of computerized testing in the

delivery of PEBC multiple choice

examinations. The PEBC Board of

Directors was supportive in principle of

moving forward with computerized testing

and further exploration of costs for

administering written examinations via

computers. This past year, further work

was conducted to explore the length of

testing needed for the Pharmacist

Qualifying Examination Part I (MCQ).

PEBC has recently issued an RFP to

computerized testing vendors to determine

testing site capacity and costs to

administer the Pharmacist Qualifying

Examination-Part I (MCQ). This RFP will

allow us to assess how many candidates

we can accommodate across Canada on a

given day.

CCAPP International Accreditation

In view of the new designation of CCAPP

International for internationally accredited

programs and the possibility of separate

accreditation standards for international

programs, the Board confirmed that

graduates of a CCAPP Internationally

accredited program would not be

permitted direct entry into the Qualifying


Board Meetings The next Board meeting and Committee

Meetings will be held on October 20-22,

2016 (Mid-Year Meeting). The date of the

next Annual Meeting is tentatively set for

February 25, 2017, with Committee

Meetings preceding. 94

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Edmonton, AB


December 3 I, 20 I 5




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To the Members ofthe Association of Faculties of Pharmacy ofCanada:

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the Association of Faculties of Phannacy of Canada, which comprise the balance sheet as at December 31, 2015 , and the statement of revenue, expenditures and changes in net assets, and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a sumnrary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor's Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opm10n on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the fmancial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe· that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, the financial statements present fair ly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada as at December 31 , 2015 , and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations.

W~t 'Ma-6 L(f


May 26,2016 Vancouver, B.C.

, An independent member of



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For the yea r ended December 31 , 20 15

2015 20! 4 $ $

Revenu e, Schedule I 367,745 449,391

Ex penditures, Schedule 2 425,296 359,236

Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures (57,551) 90,155

Net assets, beginning 337,275 247,120

Net assets, ending 279,724 337,275

The accompanying notes are an integral par/ of these financial s/atemenls.


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December 3 I, 20 I 5

Asse ts

Current Cash Restricted cash (Note 3) Investments (Note 2) Rece ivab les

Investments (Note 2)

Lia bilities

Current Payab1es and accruals Deferred contributions (Note 3) Deferred revenue

Net Assets

2015 $

7,625 29,495

280,624 3,599

321 ,343

321 ,343

12,739 27,880


41 ,619


321 ,343

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

20 14 $

39,500 37,739

265 ,676 20,120

363,035 46,388


3,938 53,2 10 15,000

72, 148





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For the year ended December 31 , 20 15

Cash flows related to operating activities Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expend itures Changes in non-cash working capita l:

Receivables Deposit and prepaid expenses Payab les and accruals Deferred contributions Deferred revenue

Cash flows r elated to investing activities Redemption of investments Purchase of investments

Net increase (decrease) in cash Cash, beginning

Cash, ending

Cash represented by: Cash Restricted cash

2015 $



8,801 (25,330) (14,000)


265,675 (234,235)


(40,119) 77,239


7,625 29,495


The accompanying noles are an imegral par/ of these financial slatements_

2014 $


(14,675) 5,000

(7,784) 41 ,758 15 ,000


160,694 (235,804)

(75 ,110)

54,344 22,895


39,500 37,739




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For the year ended December 3 I, 20 15

The Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada ("Association") is a national association of faculties of pharmacy whose members are committed to the promotion and recognition of excellence in pharmacy education and scholarly activities . The Association is exempt from income tax under Section 149 ofthe Income Tax Act.

Note 1 Significant Accounting Policies

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations ("ASNPO") and include the following significant accounting policies:

Revenue Recognition

Membership fees are invoiced annually and memberships expire on December 31. Membership fees are recorded once collection is reasonably assured and are recognized as revenue during the applicable membership period. Annual conference revenues, along with related sponsorship funds, are reported in the fiscal year in which the conference is held. Amounts received in advance from members, sponsors and attendees for meetiings occurring in the following fi scal year are recorded as deferred revenue.

The Association follows the deferral method of accounting for award and grant contributions. Restricted contributions are recognized as revenue in the year in which the related expenses are incurred, until then they are reported as deferred contributions. Unrestricted contributions are recognized as revenue when received or receivable, if the amount to be received can be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured.

Interest income is accrued on a time prop01tion basis, by reference to the principal outstanding and at the interest rate applicable. Other miscellaneous income items are recorded once the amount is readily determinable and collection is reasonably assured.

Financia l Instruments

Measurement of financial instruments

The Association measures its financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value at the acquisition date, except for financial assets and financial liabilities acquired in related party transactions. Transaction costs related to the acquisition of financial instruments subsequently measured at fair value are recognized in excess of revenues over expenditures when incurred. The carrying amounts of financial instruments not subsequently measured at fair value are adjusted by the amount of the transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of the instrument.

The Association subsequently measures all of its financial assets and financial li abilit ies at amortized cost.


Financial assets measured at amortized cost are assessed for indications of impaim1ent at the end of each reporting period. If impairment is identified, the amount of the write-down is recogn ized as an impairment loss in excess of revenues over expend itures. Previously recognized impairment losses are reversed when the extent of the impairment decreases, provided that the adjusted carrying amount is no greater than the amount that would have been reported at the date of the reversal had the impairment not been recognized previously. The amount of the reversal is recognized in excess of revenues and expend itures.



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For the year ended December 3 1, 20 15

Note I Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Use of Estimates

The preparat ion of financia l statements in conf01mity with Canadian acco unting standards for not­for-profit organizations requires management to make est imates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and li ab ilities at the date of the financial statements and the reponed amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.

Note 2 Investments

2015 20 14 $ $

CIBC GIC - November4, 2015 1.20% 35,000 C IBC G IC - April 16,2015 1.00% I 00,000 C IBC G IC- April 15 ,20 16 0.85% 101 ,000 C IBC GIC- May 5, 2015 1.00% I 00 ,804 C IBC GIC- May 4, 2016 1.05% 101 ,812 CIBC GIC - June 29, 20 15 I .70% 29,871 CIBC GIC- June 29,20 16 1.05% 31,423 C IBC GIC - January 4, 20 16 2.55% 20,149 20, 149 CIBC GIC- January 28 , 2016 2.55% 26,240 26,240

280,624 3 12,064

Less: Cunent p011ion - maturities within one year 280,624 265 ,676


Note 3 Deferred Contributions

Defen ed contributions represent govemment contributions received to implement and eval uate a comprehensive national educational program that prepares undergraduate pharmacy students to optimize the use of pharmacy and hea lth information and information technology. These funds have been set aside in a separate bank account and amounts will be recorded as revenue when the related expend itures are incurred.

Balance, beginning Grant received during period

Expenses incun·ed during the period Transfer

Balance, ending

Infotech Project


43 ,367

( 43 ,367)


Project Total $ $

9,843 53 ,210 I 09 ,852 I 09,852

( 135 , 182) (135 , 182)

43 ,367

27,880 27,880



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For the year ended December 3 1, 2015

Note 4 Financial Instruments

Items that meet the definition of a financial instrument include cash , restricted cash , investments, receivables and payables and accruals.

It is management's opinion that the association is not exposed to significant credit risk arising from these financial instruments.

The following is a summary of the significant financial instrument risks:

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that an ent ity wil l encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities. The Association is exposed to liquidity risk arising primarily from its payables and accruals.

Market risk

Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. Market risk comprises three types of ri sk: currency risk, interest rate risk and other price risk. It is management's opinion that the Association is not exposed to significant currency risk or other price ri sk.

Note 5

Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The fair values of fixed rate fmancial instruments are subject to change, since fair values fluctuate inversely with changes in market interest rates. The cash flows related to floating rate financial instruments change as market interest rates change. The Association is exposed to interest rate risk with respect to its investments, which bear interest at fixed rates.

Capital Management

The Association maintains adequate cash to meet current payment ob ligations and planned program expenditures. Pending actual disbursements for budgeted program expend itures, funds are invested in securities designed to maximize return whi le minimizing risk and maintaining flexibility. The investment objectives are subject to limitations defined by the Association's Board of Directors and are set to provide maximum current income within the approved risk parameters.

The Association considers its capital structure to consist of members' net assets. The Association is not subject to externa l restrictions on its net assets.



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For the year ended December 31 , 20 15

Memberships Facu lty memberships Affi li ate membersh ip Assoc iate membersh ip

Awards Merck Rx&D Pfizer Janssen Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada

Other PEPLN Project Contract (Note 3) CPERC income Interest Website advertising Other income Info Tech Project grant (Note 3) Experi ential Education Project grant

2015 $

179,578 4,800


15,000 5,000 1,000 1,000


135,131 18,377 3,652 2,500



The accompanying notes are an integral pan of these financial s/0/emen/s.

2014 $

179,834 3,600

10,000 1,000 1,000 1,601 2,643

96,691 26,567

3, 172 1,5 00

323 61 ,460 60,000

449,3 91



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For the year ended December 3 1, 2015

2015 20 14 $ $

Meetings AGM Council facu lties 22,789 II ,467 Blueprint meeting 364 1,529 Board of Directors 1,839 CCCEP 550 Council of Deans 8,693 7,552 Mid-Year Counci l faculties 6,572 7,803 PEP Canada 1,433

Operating Adm inistrative ass istant 19,700 19,073 Audit services 4,299 4,3 16 Bank charges 539 567 Business licenses and dues 80 Execu tive director - honorarium 73,473 74,334 Executi ve director- office charges 1,662 1,799 Executive director- travel grant 3,292 2,048 G ifts and gratuities 297 Insurance 1,305 1,305 Membership - CCAPP 9,996 9,896

- Canadian Pharmacists Association 8,799 -Volunteer Canada 100 100 - other 578 578

Miscellaneous 731 5,257 Office supplies 570 626 Postage 91 7 383 Printing and copying 158 423 Suppli es 151 343 Teleconferencing 2,923 1,272 Translat ion services 60 Website host ing and maintenance 313 37 1

Other Experi entia l education project 88,234 32 ,677 Info Tech project expenses (Note 3) 61,460 PEPLN project expenses (Note 3) 135,181 96,691

Awards AFPC student travel grants 10,890 7,339 AFPC Whit Matthews 500 500 Bri sto l-Meyer Squibb 680 Canad ian Foundation for Pharmacy 683 I ,433 Grad student research award 305 1,502 Janssen 500 Merck 15,000 New in vestigator 580 500 PEBC 2,829 2,643 Pfizer 680 500

425,296 359,236

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



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PO Box 21053 Terwilligar, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6R 2V4

Phone: 780-868-5530 – Fax: 780-492-1217 – [email protected]

2016 AFPC OPERATING BUDGET PRELIMINARY FORECAST Prepared by Harold Lopatka for November 26, 2015 AFPC Board of Directors Meeting



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2016 AFPC Operating Budget Preliminary Forecast Context The following strategic plan (vision, mission and goals) was approved in 2014.


Shaping the future of pharmacy to optimize health through excellence in education and scholarship.


National voice for academic pharmacy in Canada. Achieve excellence through collective leadership, expertise and advocacy, and effective partnerships.


• Inspire faculties and members to develop innovative pharmacy education strategies and scholarship.

• Develop and share national frameworks to facilitate best practices in education delivery and evaluation.

• Establish and maintain effective collaborations with external partners. • Advocate for adequate strategic and fiscal support for pharmacy education and

scholarship. • Ensure necessary financial resources and infrastructure to achieve mission.

The activities presented in the 2016 AFPC operating budget are congruent with the AFPC strategic plan. Key AFPC Activities and Initiatives in 2016 The following are the major operational initiatives planned for 2016:

1. Complete activities and initiatives related to the pharmacy educator peer leader network (PEPLN) project.

2. Complete activities and initiatives related national experiential education project. 3. Continuation of national support model for faculty program evaluation and

assessment. 4. Conduct review of AFPC educational outcomes (2010). 5. Partner with the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (CSPS) to plan

and conduct 2016 Annual conference and business meetings.


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Forecasting Assumptions for 2016 budget

1. No expected service reduction to AFPC core services in 2016. 2. AFPC member volunteering and faculty in-kind contributions will continue to

occur for AFPC activities and initiatives. 3. The organizational financial objective is to operate in breakeven or surplus

position in 2016. 4. Investments – A new investment strategy was continued in 2014 to maximize

revenues from fees, etc. AFPC investments were stated as $312,064 in the 2014 audited financial statements. On October 5, 2015, GIC investments (with 2016 maturity dates) were valued at $280,624. In 2016 an investment layering strategy will be developed, e.g., invest approximately $100-150K in long range GICs, invest $50-75K in mid-range GICs, and invest the remainder in short range GICs.

5. In 2016, there will be an income recovery for AFPC support expenses incurred over the PIT and PEPLN projects.

6. Revenue forecast a. Forecasting method is to roll over 2015 budget or actual incomes and

where required adjust individual revenue for new sources. b. No changes are planned in the rates for annual faculty AFPC fees (2014

faculty fee formula to be employed). c. Additional revenue includes full cost recovery from Canada Health Infoway

funding for the PIT/PEPLN projects and funding for the 2016 Merck award. 7. Expenditure forecast

a. Forecasting method is to roll over 2015 budget or actual expenditures and where required adjust expenditures for increased cost or volume of activities.

b. Additional expenses are projected for the activities associated with the 2016 Merck award, 2016 communications expenditures, and extended activities to complete the Canadian Experiential education project.


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2016 Budget Explanations The 2016 AFPC operating budget is presented in 2 tables. Table 1 is a summary version and table 2 is a more detailed version with a 2015 analysis and an explanation column. The table 1 budget summary is presented with 4 columns (budget item, 2015 budget, 2015 actual projections and 2016 budget). The 2016 income budget forecast is $268,731 and the expense budget is $237,950 with a projected surplus of $27,987. The 2016 major source of revenue is faculty fees (68%) of revenue. The 2016 major expenses are Executive Director / Administrative Assistant contracts (36%) and Awards (13%). In the 2015 actual revenue, $56,354 was allocated from reserves for the Canadian Experiential Education project. For 2016, an additional $16,335 is recommended to complete activities associated with the Experiential Education project. The 2015 AFPC contribution for the ExEd project was approved at a previous Board of Directors meeting. The table 2 budget is a more detailed version and is presented with the following columns (budget item, 2015 budget, 2015 actual [at the end of September 2015], variance comparison column budget/actual, 2016 budget, variance comparison 2015/2016 budgets, 2016 budget explanation). Key budgetary assumptions are noted in the explanation section.


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Item 2015 Budget 2015 Actual (P) 2016 Budget


Affiliate / associate fees $3,600 4,950$               4,950$               

Awards $16,245 22,683$             31,500$             

Conference $0 17,800$             12,000$             

Faculty membership fees $179,834 179,578$           179,578$           

Projects ‐ Info tech ‐ cost recovery $0 ‐$                    33,408$             

Website advertising $1,000 2,500$               2,500$               

Other ‐ interest $2,000 2,000$               2,000$               

Blueprint recovery $60,000 ‐$                    ‐$                       

Reserve transfer (Ex Ed Project) $0 $56,354 ‐$                       

Recoveries $0 $866 ‐$                       

Subtotal Income $262,679 $286,731 265,936$           

Item 2015 Budget 2015 Actual (P) 2016 Budget


Accounting / audit fees $4,316 4,299                 4,299                  

Administrative assistant ‐ contract $20,000 19,200              19,200               

Awards expenses $20,417 31,190              31,190               

Bank / credit card charges $584 529                    529                    

Board of Directors $1,839 ‐                         ‐                         

Communications (includes telephone, website) $1,214 3,327                 15,327               

Council of Deans $5,830 6,475                 6,475                  

Council of Faculties $20,973 29,360              22,000               

Executive Director ‐ contract $72,388 73,474              63,474               

Executive Director ‐ travel and expenses $8,173 7,568                 7,568                  

External meetings $2,079 4,668                 4,668                  

Insurance $1,305 1,305                 1,305                  

Legal fees $0 ‐                         ‐                         

Office expenses $1,737 4,192                 4,192                  

Professional fees, memberships, licenses $18,074 21,022              21,022               

Project expenses ‐ Prog Ev and Mm, edu outcomes $12,000 ‐                         15,000               

Special interest groups ‐ PEPC $80,314 88,234              16,335               

Info Tech Project  $0 ‐                         5,000                  

Translation $60 ‐                         ‐                         

Other expenses $0 365                    365                    

Subtotal expenses $271,303 $295,209 237,950             

NET INCOME ‐ EXPENSES ‐$8,624 ‐$8,478 $27,986


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Table 2 ‐ AFPC Operating Budget 2016 Preliminary Forecast (Detailed)Item 2015 Budget 2015 Actual 2015 B/A 2016 Budget 16 B/15B 2016 Budget Explanations


Affiliate / associate fees $3,600 4,950$          ‐$1,350 4,950$           1,350$          

Awards $16,245 22,683$        ‐$6,438 31,500$         15,255$         Merck award flowed to AFPC

Conference $0 17,800$        ‐$17,800 12,000$         12,000$         estimated as MOU with CSPS in progress

Faculty membership fees $179,834 179,578$      $256 179,578$      (256)$             no change to 2015 formula and rates

Projects ‐ Info tech PEPLN ‐ cost recovery $0 $0 33,408$         33,408$         PEPLN completed 1st quarter / funds transfer for AFPC support

Website advertising $1,000 2,500$          ‐$1,500 2,500$           1,500$          

Other ‐ interest $2,000 2,000$          $0 2,000$           ‐$              

Blueprint recovery/ AFPC reserve $60,000 56,354$        $3,646 ‐$               (60,000)$       Ex Ed project project completed 1st quarter

ADPC transfer $0 ‐$               $0 ‐$               ‐$              

Recoveries $0 866$              ‐$866 ‐$               ‐$              

Subtotal Income $262,679 286,731$      ‐$24,052 265,936$      3,257$          

Item 2015 Budget 2015 Actual 2015 B/A 2016 Budget 16B/15B 2016 Budget Explanations


Accounting / audit fees 4,316$         4,299$          $17 4,299$           (17)$              

Administrative assistant ‐ contract 20,000$       19,200$        $800 19,200$         (800)$            

Awards expenses 20,417$       31,190$        ‐$10,773 31,190$         10,773$         Merck Award direct flow to AFPC

Bank / credit card charges 584$             529$              $55 529$              (55)$              

Board of Directors 1,839$         ‐$               $1,839 ‐$               (1,839)$        

Communications (includes telephone, website) 1,214$         3,327$          ‐$2,113 15,327$         14,113$         Website / LMS system maintenance and support

Council of Deans 5,830$         6,475$          ‐$645 6,475$           645$             

Council of Faculties 20,973$       29,360$        ‐$8,387 22,000$         1,027$           Annual meeting to be held in Vancouver

Executive Director ‐ contract 72,388$       73,474$        ‐$1,086 63,474$         (8,914)$         Reduce contract by 1 day per week (3rd and 4th quarters)

Executive Director ‐ travel and expenses 8,173$         7,568$          $605 7,568$           (605)$            

External meetings 2,079$         4,668$          ‐$2,589 4,668$           2,589$          

Insurance 1,305$         1,305$          $0 1,305$           ‐$              

Legal fees ‐$              ‐$               $0 ‐$               ‐$              

Office expenses 1,737$         4,192$          ‐$2,455 4,192$           2,455$          

Professional fees, memberships, licenses 18,074$       21,022$        ‐$2,948 21,022$         2,948$           CPHA membership

Project expenses ‐ Prog Ev and Mm / Ed outcomes 12,000$       ‐$               $12,000 15,000$         3,000$           Ed outcomes ‐ outsource evaluation

Special interest group ‐ PEPC / Ex Ed Project 80,314$       88,234$        ‐$7,920 16,335$         (63,979)$       extend Ex Ed Project by 3 months

Info Tech Project / PEPLN ‐$              ‐$               $0 5,000$           5,000$           Content revisions / additional module

Translation 60$               $60 ‐$               (60)$              

Other expenses ‐$              365$              ‐$365 365$              365$             

Subtotal expenses 271,303$      295,208$      ‐$23,905 237,949$      (33,354)$      

Net Income ‐ expenses ‐$8,624 ‐$8,477 ‐$147 27,987$         36,611$        


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2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT


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Successful 2015 joint AFPC / AACP annual conference held.

Pharmacy educator peer leader network (PEPLN) project completed.

Canadian experiential education project completed.

Planning and preparations completed for 2016 AFPC Annual conference (CPERC).


Board of Directors

The AFPC Board of Directors met three times in 2015/16 (July 11, November 26, February 9). The 2015/16 Board of Directors members are as follows:

Michael Coughtrie (President) British Columbia

Ann Thompson (Vice President) Alberta

Jean Lefebvre (Treasurer) Laval

Kerry Mansell (Past President) Saskatchewan

Kishor Wasan Saskatchewan

Silvia Alessi-Severini Manitoba

Dave Edwards Waterloo

Jamie Kellar Toronto

Gilles Leclerc Montreal

Carlo Marra Memorial

Tannis Jurgens Dalhousie

Council of Faculties voting members

The Council of Faculties voting members had two meetings in 2015/16 (July 11, February 4). The 2015/16 Council of Faculties voting members are:

Tannis Jurgens (Chair) Dalhousie

Ann Thompson (Vice Chair) Alberta

Carla Dillon Memorial

Julie Methot Laval

Gilles Leclerc Montreal

Jamie Kellar Toronto

Cynthia Richard Waterloo


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Silvia Alessi-Severini Manitoba

Ed Krol Saskatchewan

Marion Pearson British Columbia

Council of Deans

The Council of Deans met three times in 2015/16 (July 13, November 15, February 25). The Council of Deans members are:

Kishor Wasan (Chair) Saskatchewan

Heather Boon (Vice Chair) Toronto

Carlo Marra Memorial

Susan Mansour Dalhousie

Jean Lefebvre Laval

Lyne Lalonde Montreal

Dave Edwards Waterloo

Neal Davies Manitoba

James Kehrer Alberta

Michael Coughtrie British Columbia


Statistics – The following are selected AFPC comparative statistics obtained from the AFPC benchmark reports. Statistics 2013/14 2014/15 # faculty & support staff (excludes external and unpaid) 701 732 # undergraduate students enrolled in professional degree programs

5210 5326

# post graduate students (all categories) 947 1028 Research and other income (from government sources excludes operating grant)

$27.5 million

$28.4 million

Office – Doreen Sproule and Harold Lopatka provided administrative support for AFPC operations and planning activities. Doreen provides bookkeeping activities and provides administrative support to the Executive Director, committee chairs and project managers. Harold provides leadership and management expertise to AFPC. . Financial – The 2015 preparation of financial statements and financial audit was completed by the auditing firm Wolrige Mahon. In 2015 the AFPC contribution for the Canadian Experiential Education project was funded from AFPC reserves.


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Awards Congratulations to our 2016 AFPC Award winners.


New Investigator Research Award Mark Harrison British Columbia

Pfizer Research Career Award Shirley Wu Toronto Janssen Award for Innovation in Education Derek Jorgenson Saskatchewan National Award for Excellence in Education Jean-François Bussières Montreal Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada Award for Excellence in Research or Innovation in Assessment of Competence

Anne Marie Whelan Dalhousie

Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy Graduate Student Award for Pharmacy Practice Research

Robert Pammett Saskatchewan

Merck Canada Ltd. Postgraduate Pharmacy Fellowship Award

Katherine Koroluk Toronto

Graduate Student Research Award Warren Viricel Montreal Pharmacy Student Research Poster Award (1 per faculty)

Marilyn Sun Naif Alujhani Pedram Rafiei Divna Calic Nyasha Gondora Chesarahmia Dojo Soeandy Anna Cieślak Marc-André Renaud Mia Losier Waseem Abu-Ashour

British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Waterloo Toronto Laval Montreal Dalhousie Memorial

Twenty six award nominations were received for student and faculty awards. The number of nominations were greater than the previous year. In addition, 10 students were nominated for the pharmacy student research poster award. AFPC received multiple nominations for the CPhA Pharmacist of the Year Award. Nominee submissions were reviewed by peers and one faculty member’s name was submitted by AFPC to CPhA. The awards will be presented at the June 1 AFPC Awards banquet. Thank you to Marion Pearson (Committee Chair), awards nomination reviewers, and members of the AFPC awards committee for their 2015/16 contributions to this important AFPC program. The other members of the awards committee are: Frédéric Calon (Laval), Andrea Cameron (Toronto), Carla Dillon (Memorial), and Praveen Nekkar (Waterloo). Also, thank you to the following reviewers: Silvia Alessi-Severini (Manitoba), Laleh Alisaraie (Memorial), Ildiko Badea (Saskatchewan), Michael Beazley (Waterloo), Reina Bendayan (Toronto), Suzanne Cadarette (Toronto), Frédéric Calon (Laval), Andrea Cameron (Toronto),


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Ken Cor (Alberta), Erin Davis (Memorial), Benôit Drolet (Laval), Beverley Fitzpatrick (Memorial), Urs Hafeli (British Columbia), David Jakeman (Dalhousie), Tannis Jurgens (Dalhousie), Ed Krol (Saskatchewan), Gilles Leclerc (Montreal), Shyh-Dar Li (British Columbia), Sharon Marsh (Alberta), Julie Méthot (Laval), George Pachev (British Columbia), Marion Pearson (UBC), Chantale Simard (Laval), Cheryl Sadowski (Alberta), Jeff Taylor (Saskatchewan), Ellen Wasan (Saskatchewan), and Stephanie Young (Memorial). Communications The main 2015-16 activities of the AFPC communications committee were to review and update the AFPC communications plan, conduct an on-line member’s survey about AFPC communications, initiate the new member welcome letter, and review the usage information related to the AFPC website. The members of the AFPC communications committee are: Ann Thompson (Chair – Alberta), Jimi Galvao (British Columbia), Jason Perepelkin (Saskatchewan), Rebecca Law (Memorial), Doreen Sproule, and Harold Lopatka. A special thanks to Rebecca Law for her continuation as the newsletter editor. Education The education committee members are: Jamie Kellar (Chair - Toronto), Pat Gerber (British Columbia), Peter Loewen (British Columbia), Ingrid Price (British Columbia), Robert Renaud (Manitoba), Lavern Vercaigne (Manitoba), Heidi Deal (Dalhousie). J. Kellar participated in planning sessions related to the 2016 CPERC. The review of the AFPC educational outcomes was initiated. A list of potential review questions was developed. An external evaluator was hired to conduct two focus groups of key stakeholders (one participant from each faculty) to collect views about the current AFPC outcomes (e.g., how they are used, strengths, weaknesses, etc.). The results from the focus group sessions will be reviewed by the education committee and the next steps will be identified (e.g., no changes, collect more data, make revisions to current version of educational outcomes). Research The research committee members are: Silvia Alessi-Severini (Chair – Manitoba), Tannis Jurgens (Dalhousie), Gilles Leclerc (Montreal), Marion Pearson (British Columbia), and Frédéric Calon (Laval). The main activity addressed through the committee was to review the value of faculty members having access to IMS Brogan data. Based on the chair’s review it was concluded that access to these data was of benefit to faculty members for conducting pan Canadian drug utilization reviews. Access to these data has been negotiated by CPhA as a member benefit. 2015 Joint AFPC / AACP Annual Conference The 2015 conference was an educational and financial success. Approximately 65 AFPC members attended the conference and attendees appeared satisfied with the content and format. Three Canadian special presentations (90 minutes) and more than 40 posters were accepted. The following URL provides a summary of presentation and poster abstracts http://www.aacp.org/meetingsandevents/AM/2015/Pages/Abstracts.aspx. The financial results from the conference were positive with the amount received from AACP as what was initially forecasted. 2016 Annual Conference (CPERC) The 2016 CPERC “Building the future of pharmacy: We are the agents of change” is planned for May 31, June 1-2 in Richmond, BC at the River Rock Hotel and Resort. Most planning activities


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are completed. The education program features 7 educational sessions with 19 speakers, 14 concurrent sessions with 29 speakers and more than 60 poster presentations. The focus is on the changing landscape of both pharmacy practice and education. Peter Zed, the Dean of Practice Innovation at UBC opens the conference. Other sessions focus on Experiential Education, Program Assessment and Evaluation and Pharmacy Informatics. There are roundtable sessions, mini-sessions as well as a joint-session discussing the integration of the pharmaceutical sciences into the PharmD curriculum given by Scott Singleton from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Sandra Jarvis-Selinger, Associate Professor and Associate Dean Academic (UBC) closes the program with a session about curriculum design and Innovation. Thanks to the local planning committee composed of Charles Park (Chair), Fong Chan, Lynda Eccott, Mark Harrison, Angie Kim-Sing, Tessa Nicholl, George Pachev, Marion Pearson, and Tony Seet. Also thank you to Jimi Galvao, Ivan Yastrebov and Julia Kreger from the UBC PharmSci Marketing team for their assistance. The URL for the final program brochure is http://afpc.info/content/2016-cperc-full-program. Poster viewing will take place on June 1 and 2. On-line conference registration was set up through the UBC registration system. Canadian experiential education project / PEPC The Can Ex Ed project was officially completed March 31, 2016. Special thanks to the project manager, Katrina Mulherin, for the great work she did. Also, thanks to the project steering committee members; Kelly Drummond, Harriet Davies, Phil Emberley, Ann Thompson, Jason Howorko, Craig Cox, Ray Joubert, Parveen Mangat, Margot Priddle, and Courtney Secord. A perpetuation plan was developed to continue activities on the action priorities. Four working groups have been established: i) making the grade work group; ii) teaching and learning models work group; iii) partnership development work group; and iv) recruitment and retention work group. Nine written reports were prepared as part of the Can Ex Ed project and are posted on the AFPC website. The reports can be accessed through the following URL http://afpc.info/content/canexed-reports. Dissemination of results from the Canadian experiential education project occurred at the 2016 CSHP Professional practice conference. Further dissemination will occur at the 2016 CPERC session, 2016 Canadian Pharmacists Conference, and through a 2016 CPhA webinar session. In addition, a number of articles based on the project findings are being considered for publication in professional and academic publications. PEPC met a number of times in 2015-16. The focus of discussions was on the Can Ex Ed project and follow-up. The current chair is Kelly Drummond, and Andrew Tolmie is the incoming chair. Program evaluation / assessment SIG Ken Cor (Alberta) chairs the program evaluation SIG and Gilles Leclerc (Montreal) chairs the assessment SIG. The program evaluation SIG has developed a national exit survey. The exit survey is being pilot tested in a number of faculties. A regular SIG evaluation / assessment educational webinar is being provided to the SIG members and it is open to other faculty


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members. The SIGs have an educational session planned within the main 2016 CPERC program. The SIGs are holding an in-person business meeting at the 2016 CPERC. Members of the SIGs provided expertise to the PEPLN and Canadian experiential education projects. Skills lab SIG The skills lab SIG was created in early 2016. The Chair of the skills lab SIG is Cynthia Richard (Waterloo) and the Vice Chair is Theresa Charrois (Alberta). The SIG is creating a membership list of faculty members who are teaching skills labs and identifying one voting member from each faculty. The SIG is holding regular telephone meetings and an in-person business meeting at the 2016 CPERC. Pharmacy educator peer leader network (PEPLN) / Informatics SIG The PEPLN project was officially completed March 31, 2016. Thanks to the project leadership group; Lisa Bishop, Marie Rocchi, Donna Pipa and Valerie Leung. Also, thank you to the peer leaders who participated in the project: Marion Pearson (British Columbia), Teri Charrois (Alberta), Jeff Taylor (Saskatchewan), Terry Damm (Saskatchewan), Casey Sayre (Manitoba), Christopher Louizos (Manitoba), Kelly Grindrod (Waterloo), Marie Rocchi (Toronto), Gilles Leclerc (Montreal), and Lisa Bishop (Memorial). An informatics SIG has been formed to continue with activities related to education about digital and e-health. Lisa Bishop is the chair and Kelly Grindrod the vice chair. The PEPLN project built upon the work completed in the pharmacists-in-training project by using a peer-to-peer leader network to facilitate the integration of informatics competencies and the e-resource “informatics for pharmacy students” into pharmacy faculty curricula. Eight peer leaders (from 8/10 faculties) participated in the full project. Over one half of the pharmacy students enrolled in faculties used the e-resource. The network, PEPLN, created conditions considered essential to produce a collective impact. Thirty-four local integration projects were conducted in a 1 year period. Integration activities were conducted in seven different types of courses with pharmacy skills labs being the most frequent. The most common learning activity was pre-reading for labs or lectures. A number of non-course integration activities occurred. Twenty integration best practices were identified. Overall results illustrated that version 1 of the e-resource was a useful and valuable tool for integrating important concepts and principles about digital and e-health into pharmacy curricula. Twelve major and ten minor changes to version 1 of the resource were made to improve access / use, navigation / layout, and specific learning / teaching activities. Version 2 of the e-resource is available May 2016. A copy of the evaluation report is posted on the AFPC website (see http://afpc.info/content/pepln-evaluation-report). Poster and panel presentations about PEPLN were made at the Canada Health Infoway peer leader symposium. Abstracts were accepted for presentations at 2016 AACP annual conference and the 2016 E Health conferences. The 2016 CPERC session about PEPLN is entitled “Pharmacy Informatics: Reflecting on the project and considering the next steps”. Canadian Pharmacists Association – AFPC continues as an organizational member of CPhA. Over 250 AFPC faculty members qualify to receive member benefits with CPhA. Detailed information about CPhA member benefits is available on the AFPC website. Regular push emails are being sent out to AFPC faculty members who are CPhA members. At the administrative level, regular monthly briefings are held between the AFPC Executive Director and the CPhA CEO and senior CPhA staff. CPhA has provided assistance and expertise to AFPC in developing an AFPC advocacy plan. AFPC participated in discussions with CPhA on the following topics: national advocacy plans and strategies, establishment of pharmacy workforce working group, revised position statement concerning medical marijuana, document


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on assisted dying framework, and national approach to image collaboration. The following faculty members participated in CPhA work groups: John Hawboldt, Cheryl Sadowski, Christine Hughes, Mike Namaka, and Glenda MacDonald. AFPC representatives to external organizations / committees - The following individuals represented AFPC: Susan Mansour (CPhA), Carla Dillon (PEBC), Gary Wong (PEBC), Chantal Pharand (CCAPP), Glenda MacDonald (CCCEP), Olavo Fernandes (NPSC education roundtable), Marc Perreault (CPRB), and Harold Lopatka (CPhA work groups, Specialization task group). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CORPORATE SPONSORS Canadian Pharmacy Education & Research Conference Sponsors Innovative Medicines Canada – Platinum Sponsor Teva Canada – Platinum Sponsor BD Canada – Gold Sponsor Loblaw / Shoppers Drug Mart – Gold Sponsor Pfizer Canada Inc – Silver Sponsor Pharmasave – Bronze Sponsor Award Sponsors Merck Canada Ltd – AFPC / Merck Postgraduate Pharmacy Fellowship Award Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy – AFPC / CFP Graduate Student Award for Pharmacy Practice Research Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada – AFPC / PEBC Award for Excellence in Research or Innovation in Assessment of Competence Janssen Inc (J&J Shared Services) – AFPC / Janssen Award for Innovation in Education Pfizer Canada Inc – AFPC / Pfizer Research Career Award Also, thank you to Canada Health Infoway for their ongoing support for the activities associated with advancing digital and e-health within pharmacy curricula.

Submitted by

Executive Director

May 23, 2016