at Alghero Sardinia, just in time to sail back to UK for operations (based at Little Snoring, in Nor- folk), over Europe after D Day. They flew 50 Ops over Germany and occupied Europe, from July, to Dec, 1944, and were shipped back home, to instruct at Greenwood, NS, until the war ended. Both were awarded the DFC. Post war flying continued with 424S Sqdn RCAT (Aux), and George, with Moose Fumerton and Jack Turnbull, plus ground staff, went to Chi- na as a flying instructor on Mosquitoes Chaing Kai Shek purchased to fight the Communists. Mao Tse Tung won, and the Cana- dians left in a hurry, by train to Hong Kong in Dec 1948, returned home to 424 Squadron where George flew on until 1956 Www.probusclubofburlington.ca Newsletter Probus Club of Burlington U pcoming Speakers April 18th, George Stewart—Flying and the Missing Link. May 16th- Eric Vande- wall—Joseph Brant Hospital's Future . June 20th—Sandra Joyce—author Street Arab (Homeless Chil- dren) Born in Hamilton in1924, son of Edward Stewart well known as a promi- nent local musician and photoengraver. George later continued in his fa- ther’s business, operating Standard Engravers in Hamilton. As a youngster, his pas- sion for flying began as a modeler, and never dimmed, as he read all available info from ‘Flying Aces’, and ‘Air Trails’ magazines. He learned a lot. He joined the RCAF in March, 1942, and began pilot training at Goderich, on Tiger Moths, and then to Centralia flying Ansons, where he earned his Wings, a year later. At Centralia, George was involved in a mid-air colli- sion, late in this course, under very hazy condi- tions at 300 feet he ran into another Anson, au- thorized to do practice precautionary landings in the same farmer’s field. Fortunately although the two in the other aircraft were injured, no one was killed, or blamed. Posted overseas, and a short course on Blen- heims, went to High Er- call for Mosquito ‘Night Intruder’ training. Next, he and his navigator Paul Beaudet, flew four MKVI Mosquito Fighter- Bomber from England, to the Middle East, and fi- nally joined 23 Sqdn RAF, Flying and the Missing Link April 2013 T he next meeting of the Probus Club of Burlington will be held on Thurs- day April 18th, at 10:00AM at the Bur- lington Arts Centre. E xtending the hand of wel- come… What better way to begin our morning than with a firm handshake and a friendly smile from our four greeters of the month, Eric Mayo; Jim Mahon; Bob Hockin; David Dawson guaran- tee this and will set the tone for the morning in true Probuscian style. Thanks Gentlemen. When asked why he was referred to as 'Ace': Because during World War Two I was responsi- ble for the destruction of six aircraft, fortunately three were enemy. Captain Ray Lancaster Haney’s Cheapies But Goodies—Wine Picks for April My recom- mendations for December of 2010 in- cluded a smashing white - Viog- nier from Cono Sur in Chile. This is a regular in our house and cottage. Over the last few months it has been praised by many wine writ- ers and appeared in the best under $20 list in Toronto Life. It is so good and such a good value that it is worth recommending again. White - Cono Sur Bicicleta Viognier - Chile - LCBO # 64287 - $9.95 This years' vintage is even better than when I first recommended it with lots of flavour and richness. Bursting with tropical and citrus fruit. Medium body and good finish. Great val- ue for the price! Red - Mezzomondo Ne- groamaro 2011 - Puglia - Italy - LCBO # 588962 - Continued on page 6 Continued on page 6

Probus Club of Burlington Newsletterprobusclubofburlington.ca/Newsletters/April 13.pdftrain to Hong Kong in Dec 1948, returned home to 424 Squadron where George flew on until 1956

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Page 1: Probus Club of Burlington Newsletterprobusclubofburlington.ca/Newsletters/April 13.pdftrain to Hong Kong in Dec 1948, returned home to 424 Squadron where George flew on until 1956

at Alghero Sardinia, just in time to sail back to UK for operations (based at Little Snoring, in Nor-folk), over Europe after D Day.

They flew 50 Ops over Germany and occupied Europe, from July, to Dec, 1944, and were shipped back home, to instruct at Greenwood, NS, until the war ended. Both were awarded the DFC.

Post war flying continued with 424S Sqdn RCAT(Aux), and George, with Moose Fumerton and Jack Turnbull, plus ground staff, went to Chi-na as a flying instructor on Mosquitoes Chaing Kai Shek purchased to fight the Communists. Mao Tse Tung won, and the Cana-dians left in a hurry, by train to Hong Kong in Dec 1948, returned home to 424 Squadron where George flew on until 1956


Newsletter Probus Club of Burl ington

U pcoming


April 18th, George Stewart—Flying and the Missing Link.

May 16th- Eric Vande-wall—Joseph Brant Hospital's Future .

June 20th—Sandra Joyce—author Street Arab (Homeless Chil-dren)

Born in Hamilton in1924, son of Edward Stewart well known as a promi-nent local musician and photoengraver. George later continued in his fa-ther’s business, operating Standard Engravers in Hamilton.

As a youngster, his pas-sion for flying began as a modeler, and never dimmed, as he read all available info from ‘Flying Aces’, and ‘Air Trails’ magazines. He learned a lot.

He joined the RCAF in March, 1942, and began pilot training at Goderich, on Tiger Moths, and then to Centralia flying Ansons, where he earned his Wings, a year later.

At Centralia, George was involved in a mid-air colli-sion, late in this course, under very hazy condi-tions at 300 feet he ran into another Anson, au-thorized to do practice precautionary landings in the same farmer’s field. Fortunately although the two in the other aircraft were injured, no one was killed, or blamed.

Posted overseas, and a short course on Blen-heims, went to High Er-call for Mosquito ‘Night Intruder’ training.

Next, he and his navigator Paul Beaudet, flew four MKVI Mosquito Fighter-Bomber from England, to the Middle East, and fi-nally joined 23 Sqdn RAF,

Flying and the Missing Link

April 2013

T he next meeting of the Probus

Club of Burlington will be held on Thurs-day April 18th, at 10:00AM at the Bur-lington Arts Centre.

E xtending the

hand of wel-


What better way to begin our morning than with a firm handshake and a friendly smile from our four greeters of the month, Eric Mayo; Jim Mahon; Bob Hockin; David Dawson guaran-tee this and will set the tone for the morning in true Probuscian style.

Thanks Gentlemen.

When asked why he was referred to as 'Ace': Because during World War Two I was responsi-ble for the destruction of six aircraft, fortunately three were enemy. Captain Ray Lancaster

Haney’s Cheapies But Goodies—Wine Picks for April

My recom-mendations for December of 2010 in-cluded a smashing white - Viog-

nier from Cono Sur in Chile. This is a regular in our house and cottage. Over the last few months it has been

praised by many wine writ-ers and appeared in the best under $20 list in Toronto Life. It is so good and such a good value that it is worth recommending again.

White - Cono Sur Bicicleta Viognier - Chile - LCBO # 64287 - $9.95

This years' vintage is even

better than when I first recommended it with lots of flavour and richness. Bursting with tropical and citrus fruit. Medium body and good finish. Great val-ue for the price!

Red - Mezzomondo Ne-groamaro 2011 - Puglia -Italy - LCBO # 588962 -

Continued on page 6

Continued on page 6

Page 2: Probus Club of Burlington Newsletterprobusclubofburlington.ca/Newsletters/April 13.pdftrain to Hong Kong in Dec 1948, returned home to 424 Squadron where George flew on until 1956

On Thursday, March 21, author Ter-ry Fallis talked to the 108 generous Probuscans gathered in front of him, about his life since graduating from McMaster Engineering in 1983. Before I go any further I will explain what I mean by a "generous" gath-ering. Required by strict club rules to drop a buck in the kitty before every meeting, these 108 guys had actually coughed up more, over $15.00 more --- $123.20. Obviously some wives had let their spouses out of the house that morning without the usual X-ray wallet inspection. Now, back to speaker Fallis. Not heeding the calling to exercise his engineering degree, he proceeded into politics on John Chretien's staff in 1983, then into Public Relations. He spent little of his talk on the au-thoring of his two satirical novels on Canadian politics. His attention now is on his newest novel, "Up and Down", a piece of fiction about space travel and public relations. I would think it may have been easier to stay on Parliament Hill and mine the mother lode of humour and sat-ire oozing from that place. But no, for some reason he has switched to an unusu-al literary genre that mixes factually correct space travel with PR hu-mour. To make sure he had the facts of space travel accurate, he met with Marc Garneau, Canada's first Liber-al to officially reach outer space. Seemingly viewing Garneau with some sort of combination of awe and reverence, Fallis asked him to

Members Pages

Page 2 The Probus Club of Burlington Newsletter Www.probusclubofburl ington.ca

vet the manuscript, which Garneau did with enthusiasm. He read us a long excerpt. Was it funny? Did I like it? Would you like it? Did the 71-year old Alaskan fe-male bush pilot ever get into space? Did our hero ever have to steal a Beaver floatplane to escape? Or, like Terry Fallis, am I writing fact or fic-tion? You'll have to look at his book to get the answers to most of these questions.

This is the first of a series of reviews to give our members an understand-ing of what the various committees do. The Speakers Committee has the responsibility to provide a variety of programs throughout the year. These need to be informative or entertain-ing, topical, newsworthy, challenging and or any of these points, yet avoid partisan politics, religious criticism or bias that is construed as negative. Speakers need to be contacted well in advance of a presentation in order to have committee member input, and the duties assigned to verify the presentation requirements, projec-tor, computer, etc. Also extracting the Speaker's Bio, re-writing it and/or researching the internet for fur-ther information. Very challenging at times. For the day of the meeting, contact the treasurer for the honou-rarium cheque, parking pass. Ar-range for an Introduction and Thanker. The Chair also participates in the monthly Management meet-ings.The entire committee can con-tribute ideas and make the arrange-ments from time to time. This is a synopsis of the Speakers Committee and how being a member contributes to Probus Club of Bur-lington's successful monthly meet-ings.

As with any association, member participation creates fulfillment and draws on the unlimited talents within our membership. So think about it, and consider participat-ing. Chair of 2013 Speakers Committee, Jim Csordas; Members are Jack Arno, Dennis Roy, Andrew Hallett, Frank Clarke and Tom Bochsler

Why does the Easter bunny have a shiny nose? His powder puff is on the wrong end.

Is it true that bunnies have good eyesight? Well you never see a bun-ny wearing glasses, do you?

What is the difference between a crazy bunny and a counterfeit banknote? One is bad money and the other is a mad bunny!

Why did the Easter egg hide? He was a little chicken!

Why did a fellow rabbit say that the Easter Bunny was self-centered? Because he was eggo-centric!

Why is a bunny the luckiest animal in the world? It has four rabbits' feet.

What do you get when you cross a bunny with an onion? A bunion.

What did the bunny want to do when he grew up? Join the Hare Force.

What do you call a bunny with a large brain? Egghead!

What does a bunny use when it goes swimming? A hare-net.

How do you make a rabbit stew? Make it wait for three hours!

What did the grey rabbit say to the blue rabbit? Cheer up!

Meeting Review

By Bob Chambers

Humour Probus Committee


Page 3: Probus Club of Burlington Newsletterprobusclubofburlington.ca/Newsletters/April 13.pdftrain to Hong Kong in Dec 1948, returned home to 424 Squadron where George flew on until 1956

What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? A hot cross bunny.

How do you post a bunny? Hare mail

How does the Easter Bunny say Happy Easter? Hoppy Easter

Larry was born in 1939, schooled in Hamilton and graduated from HIT in its first graduating Class of 1960. He went on to University of

Waterloo graduat-ing with an honours degree in me-chanical engineering while working work terms with International Har-vester

He served in the army forces cadet corps and obtained an officer’s com-mission in the 8th Field Regt, RCA.

His career spanned 42 years and he has held many positions, working with several companies in many positions in manufacturing and consulting. A key position was Director of Physical Planning, Design and Construction at the University of Guelph.

He is married to Nancy (49 years and counting) and has three wonderful adult children. He has been very in-volved in the Board of the Burlington Association for Community Living for several years. His hobbies are exten-sive with travel, theatre and now an opportunity to get back to sport shoot-ing in the near future.

Larry Hoy

Page 3 The Probus Club of Burlington Newsletter Www.probusclubofburl ington.ca

Bill O’Brien is a


Engineer, spe-

cializing in the

field of trans-

portation plan-

ning and engi-

neering. His for-

mal education

includes a B.A.Sc. and Masc. in Civil

Engineering from the University of

Waterloo plus other post graduate

courses in the same vein.

Bill has had experience in both the

public and private sectors and also

worked as a consultant. He retired

from full time consulting in 2010 but

still works part time with preferred


Bill grew up in on a farm near Coe

Hill before attending post secondary

studies He is married to Nancy and

they have two children and one


Bill moved to Burlington in 1990,

after living in many places across

Canada. He enjoys a variety of recre-

ational activities, including golf, curl-

ing, hunting and playing cards. His

wife Nancy is an active member of

the Appleby Women's Probus


Do You Know? Do You Know? Do You Know?

Reading, railroading, Reading, railroading, Reading, railroading, renovations, running, renovations, running, renovations, running, and RVing are activities and RVing are activities and RVing are activities some of our members some of our members some of our members pursue.pursue.pursue.

Members Pages Joe moved to Burlington 1982 from Sydney Aus-tralia, married to Pat and they have three daugh-ters Pauline ,

Lorna and Rona all living in vari-

ous parts of the world. He was educated in Scotland and worked for 3M at first in Sales and Marketing. In 1962 he moved to Diversey UK Ltd. working in the specialized Industrial Chemical markets. Moved to London in a senior role 1968, returned to Scotland as Man-aging Director of a subsidiary com-pany. In 1974 moved to the Euro-pean Corporate offices later spend-ing two years in Athens, Greece. After this went to Australia as the Regional Vice President Asia Pacif-ic. and then in 1982 came to Cana-da in the role of President Diversey Wyandotte Inc., He returned to Asia 1994, living in Singapore responsible for the Asian Regions. He retired in 1996 and came back to Canada. He enjoys golf at the Burling-ton Golf & CC.

Bill O’Brien Joe Kane

Page 4: Probus Club of Burlington Newsletterprobusclubofburlington.ca/Newsletters/April 13.pdftrain to Hong Kong in Dec 1948, returned home to 424 Squadron where George flew on until 1956

Page 4 The Probus Club of Burlington Newsletter Www.probusclubofburl ington.ca

Special Events

Lighthouse Theatre

Port Dover

Tuesday July 30

"The 39 Steps": Comedy/

Mystery This adaptation was

the Winner of 2007 Lau-

rence Olivier Award for Best


Lunch: Erie Beach Hotel

U drive

Price: ticket and lunch: $53

On-line registration is now open for this event.








(Playing groups to be decided by the committee) DRAW PRIZES

We need 14 more Golfers—so lets signup









EMAIL BOB ENGLISH 905 332-4545

[email protected]


Cup Golf

Note this date

Christmas Gala December 10th 2013

at the RBG.

Page 5: Probus Club of Burlington Newsletterprobusclubofburlington.ca/Newsletters/April 13.pdftrain to Hong Kong in Dec 1948, returned home to 424 Squadron where George flew on until 1956


Interest Group

Our next meeting will be Thursday April 11th, 2013.

Don’t forget to email Robert Lalonde your questions for the next meeting at [email protected]. This meeting Robert will demo Word 2013, and answer your questions.

Interest Group Activities

Page : 5 Www.probusclubofburlington.ca The Probus Club of Burlington Newsletter

Published monthly by The Probus Club of Burlington, Box 85098, Brant Plaza P.O., Burlington ON, L7R 4K3

Editing & Distribution: Bob Lalonde, 905-332-1383.


I recommended this in May last year when it was only $7.95. Even at the slightly higher price it is a real value. John Szabo MS of Wine Align said recently - " Hands down one of the most delicious and food friendly, kill-er values in the country - One has to wonder how it's possible to make such consistently tasty wine at such a low price." I couldn't agree more!

Both these wine are generally availa-ble throughout the LCBO in Burling-ton and most other areas.

Probus Bridge Club

Probus Bridge Club Starts Monday October 15th Play Party Bridge every Monday at the Legion Hall From 1:00pm-3:00pm

Entrance Fee $2 Lunch is available at Noon More Info- Contact Jack Montgomery at 905 637 6838

John McCarthy at 905 632 6556



You haven’t joined our INVESTMENT GROUP

yet? Will you outlive your wealth, or will your

wealth outlive you? Our Probus Club has an Investment Group that meets every second month to listen to experts discuss FINANCIAL PLANNING, and ESTATE PLANNING topics. While joining our group can’t guar-antee your wealth will outlive you, you might obtain some useful advice that might help. Are there some aspects of financial planning you would like to under-stand better? Let us know what it is, and perhaps we can obtain an ex-pert, as a speaker, for one of our meetings. So, come and join our group. Our next meeting is on May 2, 2013, 10:30 AM, at Appleby Place Retire-ment Residence. Please contact Doug Walker, at [email protected] or 905-637-8091.

Hiking Group

Meet at 9am on Tues-

day April 16th in the

west parking area of

Coronation Park in

Oakville, just East of Third Line off

Lakeshore. We will do a car shuffle

back to Shell Park and hike through

Shell Park and down the Bronte Creek

Trail to Bronte and the Waterfront

Trail through the harbour and back to

Coronation. Virtually no hills and smooth footing. Should be dry underfoot. A GOOD

and retired.

He missed flying for ten years, then jumped back in and continued for many years more.

He flew Harvard air shows for years, and then when Canadian Warplane Heritage was formed joined immedi-ately and flew with them into the 90’s. He’s been talking ever since !!!!, lately to New Zealand, about their Mosquito!!!!!

STEWART, F/O George Edward

Distinguished Flying Cross – No.23 Squadron

Flying Continued from page 1 Wine Picks Continued from page 1

Hiking Group…. Continued

HIKE FOR ANYONE CONSIDERING JOINING THE GROUP or for those that haven't hiked since last fall! Tim's in Bronte for fellowship after completion.

If the Pope were Canadian