Probability weighting function for experience-based decisions Katarzyna Domurat Centre for Economic Psychology and Decision Sciences L. Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management Warsaw, Poland

Probability weighting function for experience-based decisions

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Probability weighting function for experience-based decisions. Katarzyna Domurat Centre for Economic Psychology and Decision Sciences L. Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management Warsaw, Poland. Prospect Theory. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Probability weighting function  for experience-based decisions

Probability weighting function for experience-based decisions

Katarzyna Domurat

Centre for Economic Psychology and Decision SciencesL. Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management

Warsaw, Poland

Page 2: Probability weighting function  for experience-based decisions

Prospect Theory

• when making decisions under risk people use decision weights in such a way that they overweight low probability events and underweight high probability events

• supported in several experiments when people were provided with probabilities of potential outcomes (DD)

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Experience-based Decision (ED)

• DM samples information about risky options (sample the payoff distributions) and then makes a choice

Clicking paradigm

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• In "experience-based" decisions (ED) people behave as if they underweight small probabilities [Hertwig et. al. (2004)]

• Explanation: sampling error [Fox&Hadar (2006)]

or something else?

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The goal of research• Estimate probability weighting function under

experience condition without sampling error

The probability weighting function will be more linear for ED than for DD

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The experiment design

• 54 two-outcome lotteries: with six different pairs of outcomes:(150-0, 300-0, 600-0, 300-150, 450-150, 600-300) and nine levels of probability associated with

maximum outcome in lottery: (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.0, 0.95, 0.99)

• 3 computerized sessions (about 20 gambles per session)

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• Certainty equivalent (CE) method [Kahneman&Tversky, 1992; Wu&Gonzales, 1999]

• LabSee program (labsee.boby.pl)

The experiment design

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First stage: sample a lottery (representive sample/without sampling error)



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Second stage: choosing CE for observed lottery

OutcomeX (PLN)

Prefer SureOutcome X

Prefer Lottery

150 ο

120 ο

90 ο

60 ο

30 ο

0 ο

OutcomeX (PLN)

Prefer SureOutcome X


60 ο

54 ο

48 ο

42 ο

36 ο


CE – approximated by the middle of final interval

Page 10: Probability weighting function  for experience-based decisions

Estimation procedure• Standard parametric fit of the weighting function w(p)

and the value function v(x)

• Cumulative Prospect Theory:

Nonlinear least square regression:

CE-median certainty equivalent

.0),())(1()()()( 2121 xxwherexvpwxvpwCEv

)).())(1()()(( 211 xvpwxvpwvCE

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Estimation procedure

• One functional form of v(x):

• And four parametric specifications of w(p):

(1) (3)

(2) (4)

.0,)( xdlaxxv









))ln(exp()( ppw

))ln(exp()( ppw

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• Estimations for two sets of median data:SET1 (N=15) and SET2 (N=7)

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Model 1:

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Model 2:

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))ln(exp()( ppw Model 3:

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))ln(exp()( ppw Model 4:

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• The higher γ obtained under experience condition means that w(p) is more linear for ED than for DD

the effect of overweighting small probabilities is weaker

• Greater sensitivity to changes in probability in ED