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Profi le of Disappeared Persons

Profi le of the persons subjected to enforced disappearances during armed confl ict in Nepal

(From February 13, 1996 to November 5, 2006)

AdvisorsSubodh Raj Pyakurel

Bijay Raj Gautam

EditorsDipendra Prasad Pant

Prashannata WastiNir Lama

Editorial BoardYogish KharelMadan Paudel

Ganesh Bhandari

Data AnalysisPramin Ghimire

Anuj KC

Cover/LayoutGita Mali

ContributorsSrijana Nepal

Binod Gautam

For Human Rights and Social JusticeInformal Sector Service Centre (INSEC)

POBox : 2726, Kathmandu, NepalTel: +977-1-4278770 Fax:+977-1-4270551

Email: [email protected] Website: www.insec.org.np

Profi le ofDisappeared PersonsFirst Edition: 1000 CopiesAugust 29, 2011

PublisherInformal Sector Service Centre (INSEC)

Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC)

ISBN: 978-9937-8265-6-3

Printed at Dream Graphics Press, ! apathali, KTMTel 4102087


! e history of subjecting people to enforced disappearances in Nepal goes back to more than half a century. Such an anti-human rights activity has continued in Nepal for some 60 years until today though its degree has fl uctuated in di" erent periods. ! e fi rst recorded case of enforced disappearances in Nepal took place during the protest programs organized against the Delhi Tripartite Agreement in 1951. Ram Prasad Rai, who was involved in the protest against the agreement, was disappeared by the state and his whereabouts remain un-known. Similarly, Sukdev Singh of Hanumannagar in Saptari district was arrested in Inaruwa in the same district in 2013 B.S. and he also remains disappeared since then.

! e trend of subjecting people to disappearance increased with the introduction of au-tocratic Panchayat regime by the king Mahendra in 1961. A committee led by Surya Bahadur Shakya and comprising of Senior Advocate Basudev Dhungana, Dr Sachche Kumar Pahadi and Late Prakash Kaphle as the members was formed on July 31, 1990 for fi nding out the whereabouts of the people disappeared by Panchayat regime. ! e committee submitted their report to the then Prime Minister Krishna Prasad Bhattarai on April 21, 1991. However, no recommendation of the committee has been implemented as yet.

People were hopeful that the act of disappearing would cease following the restora-tion of democracy. However, the trend of systematic act of enforced disappearance emerged with the spread of armed insurgency. ! e culture of impunity which had been consolidating historically in Nepal, also encouraged the acts of enforced disappearance. As a result of in-stitutional sanctuary provided to impunity, there still exists a tradition where state shuts eyes to grave human rights violations. It is high time that the Government of Nepal ratifi es the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance to prevent such acts of heinous crime in the future.

During the armed insurgency, state proceeded with the act of enforced disappear-ance in a planned manner. On the other hand, the rebelling party, CPN-M, also strived to make people disappear following abductions. Both the confl icting parties of the past adopted abduction and disappearance of persons as a part of war strategy. As a result, Nepal gained the notoriety of being the country with the highest number of enforced disappearances in the world. In light of this record, Chairperson Rapporteur of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances Stephen J Toope and the member of the Working Group Saeed Rajaie Khorasani visited Nepal from 6-14 December in 2004. Prior to the visit, the Working Group had corresponded to the Government of Nepal by expressing concerns

over the 531 people in Nepal, who were subjected to enforced disappearances from 1980 to 2007. Based on the recommendations made by the Working Group, some laws have now been amended. A bill on Disappearance has been tabled in the parliament for the approval. However, there are demands for rectifi cation of many provisions of the bill. ! e signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Government and the CPN-M on November 21, 2006 formally concluded the armed confl ict. However, families of the persons subjected to disappearances are awaiting implementation of the commitments expressed in the CPA. Tellingly, the CPA has a provision of fi nding out the whereabouts of the disap-peared people within 60 days from the day of signature.

! is book contains updated details of 930 people who were subjected to enforced dis-appearance by the state as well as the then rebel, CPN-M. Political parties have failed to make headway as to fi nding out their fate and whereabouts even after completion of four years of the signing of the CPA. So, let’s all ask- What are the fate and whereabouts of the people subjected to enforced disappearances ?

August 29, 2011Subodh Raj Pyakurel



1. Enforced Disappearances in Nepal: A Brief Analysis 12. Eastern Development Region 213. Mid Development Region 614. Western Development Region 1375. Mid-Western Development Region 1936. Far-Western Development Region 373

Annexes1. People Disappeared during Armed Confl ict 3952. International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, 2006 4013. National Standards against Acts of Disappearance and on Protection of People from Disappearances 4264. Government Proposal presented at the Parliament to Amend Civil Code by Adding Provisions on Disappearances 4365. Name of the Persons Who Contributed in Course of Preparing ! is Book 4386. Details of the People Disappeared in Course of Restoration of Democracy 440

About the Book

! is book is translated version of ‘Uniharu Kaha Chhan ? Part 3’, published by IN-SEC in 2010.

It contains only details of persons involuntarily disappeared by the confl icting parties during the armed confl ict that began on from February 13, 1996 and concluded on Novem-ber 21, 2006. It does not contain details of persons, who were involved in the armed confl ict and reported missing. However, their names and addresses are included in Annex 1.

E" orts have been made to make the details used in the book as reliable as possible. 75 district representatives of INSEC visited victims’ homes in order to confi rm and re-confi rm the incidents and details. No incidents of enforced disappearances were found in Tehrathum, Sarlahi, Dolakha, Manang, Mustang, Palpa, Gulmi, Pyuthan, Dolpa, Humla, Bajhang and Darchula districts.

INSEC is continuously monitoring the details of the people subjected to enforced disappearances. ! ere might be some changes in the data presented in this book as records are updated on the basis of fresh information. Since the publication of Nepali version of this book one of the people recorded as disappeared, Dangali Rokaya of Mugu district, has returned home. So, we request you to visit our website- http://www.insec.org.np/victim/ for updated data and details.


ANNISU-R : All Nepal National Independent Students’ Union (Revolutionary) APF : Armed Police ForceBS : Bikram SambatCA : Constituent AssemblyCDO : Chief District O# cerCPA : Comprehensive Peace AgreementCPN-M : Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)CPN-UML : Communist Party of Nepal (Unifi ed Marxist Leninist)DSP : Deputy Superintendent of PoliceFSU : Free Students’ UnionICRC : International Committee of Red CrossINSEC : Informal Sector Service CenterNC : Nepali CongressNHRC : National Human Rights CommissionOHCHR : O# ce of the High Commissioner for Human RightsPLA : People’s Liberation ArmyRNA : Royal Nepalese ArmySP : Superintendent of PoliceSSP : Senior Superintendent of PoliceUCPN-M : Unifi ed Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)UN : United NationsVDC : Village Development Committee





1. Background ! e history of disappearances

carried out by state agencies in Nepal can be traced back to 1951. ! e whereabouts of Ram Prasad Rai, who was actively involved in the protests against the Delhi Agreement signed in 1951, are still unknown. Similarly, the whereabouts of Sukdev Singh of Hanumannagar, Saptari, who was arrested from Inaruwa of the same district in 1956, is still not known. ! e trend of arbitrary arrest and disappearance of people increased in the authoritarian Panchayat era of 1961 - 1989. Such acts have continued, even after the restoration of democracy in 1990.

Incidents of disappearance by the state increased signifi cantly after the CPN-M launched the ‘people’s war’ on February 13, 1996. ! e fi gures soared once the State of Emergency was declared on November 26, 2001 and the Terrorist and Destructive Act (Control and Punishment) Ordinance was issued subsequently. ! e CPN-M was also responsible for the forceful abduction and disappearance of people because they adopted abduction as a part of their war strategy.

One of the major causes of pain to the Nepalese people, in the context of the prevailing state of impunity, is enforced disappearance and the unanswered questions of the victim’s families regarding the act. Although existing national legal provisions do not criminalize the act of enforced disappearance, international laws are in place to protect individuals. ! e acts of enforced disappearance were carried

out in a widespread and organized manner during the armed confl ict.1 Even after four years of the formal conclusion of the armed confl ict, neither has the status of the disappeared persons been made public nor have any formal mechanisms been set up to fi nd the perpetrators.

2. Enforced Disappearance in Nepal2.1 During Panchayat Era

! ere was no evidence of enforced disappearances during the 104 years of the authoritarian Rana Regime or even before that. Rather, the political opponents or anti-government persons were executed by the government. Ram Prasad Rai is the fi rst known victim of enforced disappearance in Nepal. State agencies practiced the act of enforced disappearances in Nepal since 1951.

Historical examples of enforced disappearances will be detailed here. ! e whereabouts of Rudra Prasad Bhattarai from the Ramechhap District and Kalyan Rai, a resident of Ravi in the Panchathar District are still unknown. ! ey were arrested in 1960 and 1961 respectively. Baikuntha Adhikari and Sete Gurung from the Dhading District and Dakman Tamang and Pasang Tamang from the Panchathar District, who were arrested in 1961, remain disappeared to date. ! e whereabouts of Harihar Ray Yadav from the Sarlahi District are also unknown. He was arrested in 1979. Similarly, the whereabouts of Lal Bahadur Rai of Ambarpur VDC in the Panchathar District are still unknown. ! e date of his disappearance has not been

1. Bandi, Govinda. ‘Nepalma Dandahinatako Apasankar Ek Bishleshan’, INSEC, 2065. p 6


Number of Disappeared Persons by Year (in B.S.)

confi rmed. Although it is not known whether

they were arrested or not, the whereabouts of political activists Maheshwar Chaulagain, Govinda Prasad Dahal, Tikaram Adhikari, Ramhari Dahal and Pahalman Sarki from Okhaldhunga, Keshar Bahadur Khadka from Ramechhap, Shri Harsha Khanal from Chitwan, Jit Bahadur Sinjali (Rana) from Syangja, Harsha Bahadur Pradhan from Lamjung, Shankar Prasad Sharma (Regmi) from Salyan, Ganesh Raj Gautam from Banke and Balbhadra Joshi from Baitadi also remain unknown.

Following the Bomb Explosion Scandal of June 20, 1985, Padma Bahadur Moktan (Padam Lama), Ishwar Chandra Lama (Ishwar Lama), Dr Laxmi Narayan Jha, Satyanaran Jha and Surya Nath Ray (Yadav) from Dhanusa and Dilip

Chaudhary and Shaket Chandra Mishra from the Saptari district were arrested and subjected to enforced disappearaces by the security forces.2

A committee was formed on July 31, 1990 comprising of senior advocate Basudev Dhungana, Dr Sachche Kumar Pahadi and Late Prakash Kafl e, with Surya Bahadur Shakya as their chair, to fi nd out about the persons disappeared during the struggle for democracy. Its report, submitted to the then PM Krishna Prasad Bhattarai on April 21, 1991, stated that there were at least 27 persons disappeared after 1960 and seven during the Bomb Attack in 1985. ! e report also mentioned that of those seven, fi ve had been killed. However, the recommendations of their report are yet to be implemented.3

2. Bhandari, Lekhnath. Krishna Gautam and Prakash Gyawali. ‘Uniharu Kahan Chhan ?’ , INSEC 2056. Part II, p 263. Aryal, Kundan Coordinator. ‘Uniharu Kahan Chhan ?’ INSEC 2050. p 3


2.2 Disappearance after the Restoration of Democracy

! e trend of disappearances did not come to an end even after the restoration of democracy in 1990. During the local elections of 1992, police arrested Bhuwan Lal ! apa Magar from Doramba VDC in the Ramechhap District; he remains disappeared since May 23, 1992. ! e government has neither made his status public nor has it informed his family members of the details of the incident.

Similarly, Prabhakar Subedi, 20, a resident of Butwal Municipality-6 in the Rupandehi District was arrested by police from Ratnapark, Kathmandu on June 25, 1993 and was subsequently disappeared. A student of the Pulchowk Engineering Campus in Lalitpur, Subedi was arrested by police in connection with a protest which had been organised by the Communist Party of Nepal-UML (CPN-UML) and supported by other communist parties in

Number of Disappearances by Region

Kathmandu. He was seriously beaten up and injured by the police. Photographs of unconscious Subedi being dragged away by the police were published in media reports. A case was fi led at the Supreme Court on October 1, 1993 regarding the incident; however, fi ve years later, the Court dismissed the case on December 1, 1998. Subedi’s whereabouts are still unknown.

Even after the establishment of democracy, state seemed reluctant to take action against the personnel involved in enforced disappearance and to provide justice to the victims. Most probably, this reluctance also encouraged human rights violations, including enforced disappearances.

2.3. Armed Confl ict and the Trend of Enforced Disappearances

! e disappearance of persons occurred in two ways during the armed confl ict. ! e fi rst was that the persons


were forced to disappear by the confl icting parties and the second is the disappearance that occurred when a person went missing while voluntarily participating in the struggle. Both categories of disappearances are of the state’s concern.

! e incident reported in the media regarding the disappearance of Bikas Gandharva during the UCPN-M’s plenum in Palungtar, Gorkha, falls into the second category. ! e incidents of disappearance should be examined in the context of human rights on the basis of the defi nitions provided in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Protection of the Persons against Enforced Disappearance.

! e news that Samundra Kumari

Gandharva of Gorkha fainted in front of the Maoist leaders after learning that her son Bikas, who had joined the rebels, had died in Bhojpur seven years previously received national coverage. “I was living and hoping he would come back one day” She reacted to the information. Her statement represents the sentiment of the families of the disappeared persons. Yet, Bikas was not forcefully disappeared. He was killed in armed confl ict. He is not included in the list of disappeared persons issued by INSEC or the ICRC. However, before the information of his death, he remained as a missing person. ! e status of persons disappeared in such way can be ascertained once the UCPN-M makes available the names of the persons on its side, who were

DistrictBy Non

State By StateTotal

UCPN - M Army Police Security Personnel

Ilam 1 1 2Udaypur 2 1 3Okhaldhunga 4 7 11Khotang 1 1Jhapa 10 1 1 12Taplejung 2 2Dhankuta 2 2Panchthar 1 1 2Bhojpur 4 1 2 7Morang 5 2 6 13Sankhuwasabha 3 1 4Saptari 1 7 8Siraha 2 1 8 11Sunsari 1 14 15Solukhumbhu 3 3Total 18 24 13 41 96

Number of Disappeared Persons in Eastern Region


killed during the confl ict. ! e decade of 1996 – 2006 marked

the history in Nepal as the period with the largest number of people disappeared by both the confl icting parties. During this time, Nepal even topped the list of countries with the largest number of disappearances. ! e government introduced the ‘Kilo Sera II’ operation in May 1998 to stop the nascent ‘People’s War’. Special commando forces were mobilised in districts. In 1998, two persons had been forcefully disappeared by the state and one by the Maoists. Within a year, the number went up to 58 by the state and three by the Maoists. During the fi rst ceasefi re and dialogue between the government and the rebels in 2002, the number of disappearances came down to eight and fi ve respectively.

Nanda Prasad Neupane, 34, of Tripura VDC-2 and Prasad Budha of Sarmi VDC-3 in the Dolpa District were arrested and disappeared by security forces from Ghyar Khola in Ragda VDC, Jajarkot District on May 26, 1998. Mohan Lal Oli, 32, a teacher from Mahadevpuri VDC-4 in the Banke District was arrested in the night of June 12, 1998, as he was sleeping in his house, and was then disappeared by police. Advocate Rajendra Dhakal, a resident of Harmi VDC in Gorkha District, was arrested by police in Jamdi Khola of Khairenitar VDC-6, Tanahu District on January 8, 1999. His whereabouts are still unknown.

Even in Kathmandu, numbers of people were arrested and disappeared by

security forces. Dandapani Neupane, Navin Gautam, Gore Bahadur Purkoti, Milan Nepali, Palsang Lama and Dundu Tiwari were arrested from Tebahal, Bagbazar and other places in Kathmandu on May 16 and 21, 1999 and were subsequently disappeared by the police. ! eir whereabouts have not yet been made public. Protesting against the series of enforced disappearance, the then INSEC chairperson Sushil Pyakurel, Kapil Shrestha and Krishna Pahadi, among others, announced a two-month long protest demanding the whereabouts of the persons forcefully disappeared be made available. ! e number of enforced disappearance increased once the State of Emergency was imposed on November 26, 2001 along with the implementation of TADO. ! is increase continued until the restoration of the parliament in 2007.4

During the armed confl ict, the security authorities arrested the persons

Number of Persons Disappeared by State

4. Ojha, Prekshya, Bidhya Chapagain. ‘Impaired Accountability’, INSEC 2008. p 5


who were suspected of being Maoists, but did not inform their family of the actual charge being levied against them. ! e act of arresting people from anywhere without providing any information became a norm. Enforced disappearance also continued because the state was not acting in a responsible manner. A total of 663 persons were forcefully disappeared by the state and 56 by the Maoists from 2001 to 2007. When the family went to the security authorities after fi nding out about the arrest

of their loved ones, they would be told that no such person had been arrested. ! e Royal Nepalese Army was also mobilised during this period. After its mobilization, the army was mainly responsible for the enforced disappearances of people.

On October 29, 2003, Ayodhdhya Prasad Godiya, 20, of Gangapur VDC-4, was arrested by a team of the Unifi ed Command. His father, Bihari Godiya, was also arrested and disappeared. Family members were told by the soldier at the sentry post at Sonbarsa Camp that Ayodhdhya was there and some clothes were sent to him. After one month, however, his status remained unknown. ! is shows the security authority’s lack of concern for its citizens. ! e number of cases of enforced disappearance declined from 2005 to 2007. During this time, 73

Age Group Male Female Total0–18 88 44 13219–60 730 57 78761+ 2 - 2N/A 9 - 9Total 829 101 930

DistrictBy Non State By State

TotalBy UCPN - M By

ArmyBy Police

By Unifi ed Command

Arghakhanchi 1 1 2Kapilvastu 4 5 2 11Kaski 1 6 1 8 16Gorkha 13 10 23Tanahun 2 8 10Nawalparasi 3 4 4 2 13Parvat 3 1 4Baglung 2 2 15 19Myagdi 1 1 2Rupandehi 1 1 2Lamjung 2 4 5 7 18Syangja 3 3 2 8Total 15 45 28 40 128

Number of Disappeared Persons in the Western Region

Disappearances by Age Group


persons were disappeared by the state and 48 by the Maoists. ! is was the time when the political parties and the Maoists forged an alliance against the authoritarian regime of the then king, Gyanendra.

If we analyse the data from the regions, we can see that majority of the people disappeared are from the Mid-Western Region. ! is was also the region most a" ected by the armed confl ict. Within this region, the Bardiya district was the most a" ected, where a total of 206 and 13 people were disappeared by the state and the Maoists respectively. ! e details in the Yearbook show that Nepal Army’s Chisapani Barrack was responsible for most of the cases of enforced disappearance in Bardiya. Dang and Banke have the second and third highest number of disappearances after Bardiya. While

DistrictBy Non State By State

TotalBy UCPN - M By Armed

PoliceBy Army

By Police

By Unifi ed Command

Kalikot 6 1 9 2 7 25Jajarkot 3 4 14 21Jumla 1 1 2Dolpa 2 2Dang 8 3 37 4 17 69Dailekh 1 1Bardiya 13 169 19 18 219Banke 4 1 21 24 11 61Mugu 1 1Rolpa 4 12 11 27Salyan 2 17 7 1 27Surkhet 3 6 4 1 14Total 45 5 278 86 55 469

Number of People Disappeared in Mid-Western Region

analysing the number of disappearances on the basis of caste and ethnicity, people from nationalities accounted for 407 cases, there were 363 cases involving Brahmin/Chhetri people, while there were 160 cases involving di" erent castes.

With regards to gender, the Maoists have disappeared relatively fewer women. Out of 101 forcefully disappeared women, eight were by the Maoists. ! e district with the highest number of disappearances of women is Bardiya, where the whereabouts of 28 women remain unknown. From February 13, 1996 to November 21, 2006, 829 men and 101 women were disappeared. ! e Maoists were responsible for the disappearance of 109 people including eight women. ! e total number of disappearances has been 930, after INSEC updated the number. Dangali Rokaya


from Mugu, whose name was in the list of disappeared persons, returned home after eight years. Rokaya had headed for India after being released from military custody, and had remained out of touch with his family - leading the family to believe that he was among the disappeared persons.

3. Disappearances and International Human Rights Law

As stressed by the United Nations General Assembly, the act of enforced disappearance constitutes a grave violation of human rights. It violates certain human rights as contained in the treaties to which Nepal is a party, including the right of an individual to recognition everywhere as a person before the law (Article 16) and the right to freedom and security (Article 7) of the ICCPR. Additionally, a detainee faces the violation of his rights, including the right to life (Article 6), and extra-judicial killing or torture (Article 7 of ICCPR and CAT). Provisions within the UN Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance,

1992 and the International Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (2006) have recognized enforced disappearance as a grave breach. According to these documents, the following elements are essential for an act to constitute an ‘enforced disappearance’:a. A person is either arrested, detained,

abducted or otherwise deprived of their freedom

b. Such deprivation of freedom is carried out by the state representatives/o# cials or by an individual or group, authorized or supported by or in collusion of the state, and

c. ! e condition or the whereabouts of a person who has been deprived of their freedom is refused to be acknowledged, which puts such person out of the ambit of legal protection

Although Nepal is yet to ratify the Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, it is the responsibility of Nepal to refrain from committing enforced disappearances,

as per the ICCPR. ! ese obligations of international human rights laws are applicable in both times of war and peace. ! e state has the obligation to investigate the incidents of enforced disappearance and to bring to justice those individuals or groups responsible for

DistrictBy Non State By State

TotalBy UCPN - M By

ArmyBy Police

By Unifi ed Command

Achham 3 3Kanchanpur 22 4 26Kailai 3 4 1 4 12Dadeldhura 3 1 4Doti 1 2 3Bajura 1 1Baitadi 3 1 4Total 10 30 1 12 53

Number of Disappeared Persons in Far-Western Region


the acts undertaken without permission, consent or connivance.

International humanitarian laws bind all sides during a “non-international armed confl ict”. Nepal is a state party to the four Geneva Conventions, which are the foundations of international humanitarian law. Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions recognizes the rights of the persons taking no active part in hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those deemed to be ‘hors de combat’ as a result of sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, to be treated humanely in all circumstances.

All sides are prohibited from committing violence that would contravene human rights including; murder; mutilation; cruel treatment and torture; the taking of hostages; outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment; and the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without a judgment being pronounced by a regularly constituted court. ! e customary laws which regulate non-international armed confl ict have been developed to ensure the prohibition of the arbitrary denial of freedom, the documentation of detainees and the respect for a detainee’s family life, and thus meeting and contacts with family members or close relatives should be allowed. As per the customary laws, each side of the confl ict has to

adopt all possible measures to maintain a record of all the persons who go missing during combat, and to share with the persons’ families any information they have about those missing persons. In sum, international humanitarian law prohibits the act of enforced disappearance.

4.1 Provisions of the Law on Government Cases

Following procedures should be followed to arrest any person:

! e police can arrest an individual if 1. they have substantial evidence to back up their suspicions. Such person shall not be detained without being fi rst informed of the reason behind their arrestAny person witnessing a crime can 2. hand over the person committing such a crime by taking them to the nearest police stationPolice should not generally use any 3. force when arresting a person. While arresting a person, the reason for the arrest should be advised, the person should be detained and asked to

DistrictBy State By Non

State TotalBy Army

By Police

By Unifi ed Command

By Maoist

Bardiya 169 19 18 13 219Dang 37 4 20 8 69Banke 21 24 12 4 61Salyan 17 7 1 2 27Rolpa 12 11 4 27Total 256 65 51 31 403

Districts With Highest Number of Disappearances


surrender. If the individual tries to avoid arrest or fl ee, then the police can use force to arrest them. If the police require that they search 4. a person at the time of arrest, any evidence or weapon recovered from him should be documented

4.2 Country CodeNumber 116 of the Country Code

contains a provision, which says that to arrest a person after obtaining a warrant in an arms and ammunitions related case, the suspects possible escape routes should be blocked before entering the house to arrest them. If the person could not be arrested during that attempt, they can be arrested

after entering the house from sunrise to the sunset. ! is shows that there should be no night-time arrests in cases where a warrant has fi rst been obtained. Other provisions state that a female police o# cer should be present when a woman is arrested and that the men should not touch her. If she resists, the police can hold her wrist. ! us, the legal provision shows that light force can be used if the situation demands.

Twelfth Amendment of the Country Code had included provisions on enforced disappearance in Chapter 8 (a) (1). It says that a person is considered guilty of kidnapping if he compels another person to go to any place by using force or threatening to use force or showing fear or

DistrictBy Non State By State

TotalBy UCPN - M By Army By Police By Unifi ed Command

Kathmandu 1 1 4 14 20Kaverpalanchowk 5 4 3 8 20Chitawan 4 4 6 14Dhanusha 2 8 10Dhading 1 19 1 5 26Nuwakot 14 4 18Parsa 1 1 2Bara 1 1Bhaktapur 3 2 5Makawanpur 4 1 7 12Mahottari 2 2Rasuwa 1 1Ramechhap 1 4 2 2 9Rautahat 1 2 2 5Lalitpur 2 2 1 3 8Sindhupalchowk 5 10 1 1 17Sindhuli 1 5 2 6 14Total 21 69 26 68 184

Number of Persons Disappeared in Mid Region


threat or overpowering or showing weapons or by using deceitful means or by using intoxicating or stimulant/psychotropic substance or by seizing or controlling any means of transportation by any means or take a person to any place without his or her consent. 8 (a) (2) says an act would be an o" ence of hostage taking if a person is detained by another person, by using force or threatening to use force or showing fear and threat, or by overpowering or by any deceitful means or by seizing or illegally controlling any means of transportation or any place. Any person convicted of such crime would be sentenced to seven to 15 years in jail and fi ned Rs 50,000 to Rs 200,000 or both. Anyone abetting to such act would be liable for similar punishment.

4.3 Police ActSeveral provisions exist to ensure

that an individual’s freedom is not stifl ed even after his arrest. Generally, an individual cannot be arrested without an arrest warrant. However, a person who has committed or was about a commit a crime that would result in a prison sentence of three or more years, or a person who has absconded to avoid arrest, or against whom a judicial warrant has been issued, anyone defying the curfew, or those in possession of arms and ammunition or equipment that can be used to break into a house without any justifi cation, or a person who had fl ed from the jail, or an army or police deserter can be arrested without an arrest warrant.

4.4 Torture and Provision of CompensationSection 3 of the Compensation for

Torture Act says that no person who is

in detention in the course of an inquiry, investigation or hearing, or for any other reason, shall be tortured. It further demands that while placing in detention or releasing any person, their physical or mental condition shall be examined by a physician under the government service as far as possible, and by a concerned o# cial himself in circumstances in which no such physician is available, and that a record thereof shall be prepared and maintained. ! e Act, however, does not criminalize torture as the CAT does.

5. Supreme Court on Issue of Enforced Disappearance

Disappointed by the government’s inaction, the families of victims did not fi nd any remedy from the Supreme Court to international bodies. ! e Supreme Court’s verdict of June 1, 2007 is considered a landmark one on making the whereabouts of the disappeared persons public. ! e Supreme Court, responding to the 83 Habeas Corpus writ petitions fi led on di" erent dates, on June 1, 2007 ordered the government to establish a high-level commission of inquiry on disappearance, to enact a law which would criminalize enforced disappearance and to provide compensation to the families of the disappeared.5

Responding to a writ which claimed that people arrested on di" erent dates were severely tortured and then disappeared by the army at the Bhariavnath Battalion in Kathmandu, the Supreme Court, on January 9, 2007, gave an order to a panel of judges to submit a report after investigating

5. SC, 2007, Supreme Court Bulletin, Kathmandu: Supreme Court


the whereabouts of the 49 detainees who had been disappeared from the battalion, as had also been mentioned in the report of OHCHR in January 2007. ! e Supreme Court, for the fi rst time on August 28, 2006, gave an order to investigate the whereabouts of four disappeared persons arrested in 1999 and 2002. A panel which was headed by the Appellate Court Judge, Lokendra Bahadur Mallik, was formed in September 2006 as per the order of the Supreme Court.

! e panel recommended that the government create a law that defi nes disappearance as an act amounting to a criminal o" ence and that they should form a high-level commission to investigate the cases of disappeared persons.

Two government committees were formed a few years ago to publicise the whereabouts of persons allegedly disappeared by the state. ! e committees publicised the whereabouts of a total of 581 persons. However, the lists publicised by these committees mentioned nothing about hundreds of other disappeared persons. A later e" ort by the government was the formation of a one member committee on May 25, 2006, to publicise the status of disappeared persons. ! is committee stated that the status of 602 persons was unknown and it had information on only 174 persons.

! e government did not set up any judicial commissions to fi nd out the whereabouts of the disappeared persons and to make them public during the armed confl ict. Bowing to the increasing pressure to take action regarding the issue, the government announced a 3-member high

level investigatory commission under the coordination of former Supreme Court justice, Narendra Neupane, on June 26, 2007. ! e other two members were the Nepal Bar Association’s former chairperson, Sher Bahadur KC, and its general secretary, Raman Shrestha.

! e government has disregarded the demand raised by the human rights community for the formation of a law against disappearance as directed by the Supreme Court, and for the formation of a powerful commission on the basis of that law. However, there has not even been a letter of appointment provided to the personnel of the commission. Hence, the commission, which was created without the formation of laws against disappearance, and was only announced to show the government’s intention, has lead to a situation where actual action regarding the disappeared persons remains practically nonexistent.

! e government has proposed the ‘Disappearances of Persons (Crime and Punishment) Bill’ with the Legislature Parliament to try to fi nd and investigate the whereabouts of disappeared persons as per the provisions mentioned in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the Supreme Court verdict, and the desire of national and international community and the victims to form a commission to investigate cases of enforced disappearances. ! e proposed Bill mentions that ‘A high level commission will be formed to investigate the whereabouts of disappeared, missing persons and those responsible in such acts that occurred during the armed confl ict


from February 13, 1996 to November 21, 2006.’ ! e human rights community, however, presented recommendations from their sides that showed that the bill is insu# cient. In this regard, human rights organisations, including INSEC, submitted recommendations for the amendment of some sections of the proposed bill. ! e report presented by the United Nations Secretary General on January 10, 2010 stated that the draft Bill was not in line with the international standards.6

6. Enforced Disappearance and United Nations’ Concern

No steps have been taken towards initiating legal proceedings in incidents of human rights violations and abuses committed in the past, towards providing compensation to the victims, or towards prosecuting the perpetrators. As a result of the institutionally protected impunity, the state mechanisms have remained completely silent, even on incidents of grave human rights violations. It is obvious that such apathy drew the global community’s attention. Regular concerns from the United Nations Secretary General’s human rights mechanisms, including O# ce of High Commissioner for Human Rights, have increased on the deteriorating human rights situation.

In this regard, special rapporteurs and working groups on di" erent thematic issues under the Special Procedures of the United Nations on Human Rights, appealed to the Government of Nepal to invite them to visit Nepal and examine the real situation of the country. ! ere

was no alternative for the Government of Nepal but to formally accept the request of the United Nations Human Rights mechanisms, due to the increasing international concern, and to extend to them an invitation.

! e Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID) received a total of 531 cases of disappearance from 1980 to 2007 and it referred them to the Government of Nepal seeking status and clarifi cation. It has received clarifi cation on 211 cases – 132 by the government and 79 by non-governmental sources. Of the cases submitted by the Working Group, the Government of Nepal is yet to clarify details of at least 320 outstanding cases. Of the cases clarifi ed, 150 persons were living freely, 59 persons were in detention and one person was dead at the date of clarifi cation. At least 61 women were reportedly disappeared in the cases transmitted to the government. However, the WGEID has not received clarifi cation on 47 of them. At the invitation of the Government of Nepal, the WGEID carried out a mission to the country from 6 to 14 December 2004. ! e Working Group was represented by the Chairman-Rapporteur, Stephen J. Toope, and Working Group member Saied Rajaie Khorasani. ! e purpose of the visit was to discuss the cases of enforced or involuntary disappearance received and transmitted by the Working Group to the Government of Nepal and to examine the situation of disappearances in Nepal in the light of international human rights standards.

! e OHCHR-Nepal has been 6. http://www.insec.org.np/pics/1251717394.pdf


raising its concerns over the cases and patterns of disappearances right from the beginning of its establishment in Nepal in May 2005. It has also been working with various stakeholders, including non-governmental organisations, the NHRC, and families of disappeared people etc. ! e contribution of the O# ce to the capacity building of national institutions and civil society organisations has been of signifi cant importance. ! e O# ce has been calling for the government to put an end to impunity and bring those responsible for crimes of disappearance and other grave violations of human rights to justice. In May 2006, the OHCHR-Nepal publicised a report of its investigations into the arrest, detention, torture and continuing disappearances of individuals arrested by the then Royal Nepal Army (RNA, now the Nepal Army, NA) and then held at the Maharajgunj barracks in Kathmandu in 2003, on the suspicion of being linked to the CPN-M. ! e report was submitted to the Prime Minister, in his capacity as the Minister of Defence, as well as to the Chief of Army Sta" . In the report, the OHCHR-Nepal included a list of 49 persons allegedly disappeared by the army in 2003 from the Bhairavnath barrack.

In a landmark decision passed on October 28, 2008, the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC), which monitors the implementation of the Civil and Political rights, directed the Government of Nepal to thoroughly investigate the solitary confi nement and subsequent disappearance of Surya Prasad Sharma, a resident of Kalika VDC- in the Baglung District, by army personnel after his arrest on January

14, 2002. Sharma was arrested from his home by a group of 10-15 uniformed army personnel at around 5 am in the morning of January 14, 2002. On February 4, 2003, his wife Jashoda Sharma fi led a writ petition of habeas corpus but the Supreme Court, in its verdict passed on February 16, 2005, quashed the petition based on the information provided by the civil and military authorities; who had stated that the victim “was not in the custody or control of the state” at the time of his death as he had drowned after jumping into a nearby river to avoid having to identify a Maoist hideout. As all of the existing legal provisions of Nepal were exhausted, Sharma’s wife had decided to submit the case to the HRC.

! e HRC, an independent body of experts, also directed the government to provide an “e" ective and enforceable remedy” and report to it as to the measures it has taken within 180 days. ! e HRC, in its decision, outlined violations of Article 2(3) (the right to an e" ective remedy), Article 7 (the right not to be tortured), 9 (the right to liberty and security of person) and 10 (respect for the inherent dignity of a human person) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

7. Progress on Bill on Commission on Inquiry of Disappeared

On June 1, 2007, the Supreme Court directed the government to form a powerful commission to investigate the whereabouts of the disappeared persons after compiling 83 habeas corpus writs fi led on behalf of people detained and


disappeared at di" erent times, to draft and implement the law criminalizing enforced disappearance and to provide compensation to the families of the victims subjected to enforced disappearance.

In the same ruling, the Court also had recommended the government to immediately become the party to the Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. ! e government made its stance clear on the Convention rejecting the recommendation for the ratifi cation of the Convention during the UPR Review.

In the course of implementation of the court order, the government tabled an amendment Bill comprising of “enforcing disappearance” in Country Code Chapter 8 (1) and “abducting and taking the body hostage” in 8 (2). ! e Bill was presented as a provision of Country Code and it was also written so. ! e parliament management committee returned the Bill saying it fails to criminalize the act of enforced disappearance and prosecute those responsible and asked the government to make public the new draft Bill incorporating the said concerns within one month.

Bill on disappearance commission was tabled after pressure from national and international actors but is pending in the parliament since April 2010 due to di" erences in the political parties’ stand and some outstanding contentious issues in the Bill. ! ese mainly pertain to things like language of the Bill in terms of whether to put certain key words within the preamble

such that their execution will not necessarily be binding or within the main text where it will be binding. Witness protection is also another issue where there is still di" erence about the types of protection measures to guarantee through this forthcoming Act. ! e temporal jurisdiction of the Bill is also in the process of discussion.

Proposed criminal code and a penal code have, for the fi rst time, tried to bring the act of enforced disappearance in the category of crime.7 ! e draft was tabled at the parliament in June 2011, however, it has not been debated. ! e provision of the criminal code contradicts with the provisions of the draft Disappearance Commission bill.8

8. Frustration among Victims’ Families! e decade long armed confl ict

formally came to an end after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the government and the CPN-Maoists on November 21, 2006. From that day, there have been many written agreements regarding enforced disappearances. Various commitments such as fi nding the whereabouts of disappeared persons, publicizing their whereabouts, establishing a high-level commission of inquiry on disappearance and providing compensation/relief to the families of the disappeared have been expressed in the Code of Conduct for Ceasefi re, 2006, the Decisions of the Seven Political Parties and Maoist Summit Meeting, 2006, the Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA), 2006, the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2007,

7. Articles 200 and 201 of the draft criminal and penal code, 20108. Criminal Code imposes a maximum penalty of 15 years but the Draft Disappearance Commission Bill imposes 7 yea


the Common Minimum Program of the Interim Government, 2007 and the 23-point agreement between seven political parties including CPN-Maoist, 2007.

However, neither the government nor the main political parties appear to be serious about fulfi lling these commitments. A comment made by the then Prime Minister (PM), Girija Prasad Koirala, to a team including Sharmila Tripathi from the family of a disappeared people ,as the team was submitting a memorandum is an example of this. PM Koirala said that the government would make public whereabouts of those disappeared by state only after the Maoists disclosed details of those they disappeared. He further said that the government was only prepared to publicise the ‘list’ of persons disappeared by state.9

On the other hand, saying that his party was not in the government, UCPN-M Chairman Prachanda reiterated his commitment to fi nding out the truth by forming a Commission of Inquiry on Disappearance.10 Prachanda, who had held the post of Prime Minister himself, said that he had to tender his resignation for trying to take action against those involved in enforced disappearances.11

! e above instances show that the parties are not serious and sensitive towards the whereabouts of disappeared persons. ! e concern for the victims has been inconsistent. ! e most tangible response has been interim compensation payments

to families of those who died or were disappeared. Yet this has been weakened by political manipulation and the lack of e" ective oversight of fund distribution. For relatives of the more than 1,000 people still missing, distress, frustration and a sense of betrayal has grown.12

Owing to this feeling and the decreasing hope of fi nding their relatives alive, the victim’s families have started registering their death certifi cates to get a sense of closure. In Banke, Bardiya and Surkhet, death certifi cates of 96 persons disappeared by the state and the Maoists have been registered.13

Yet, the concerned o# cials keep on reiterating their commitments. Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal expressed his commitment to fi nding the whereabouts of disappeared persons and take action against the culprits after receiving the fi ve-point memorandum submitted by the family of the disappeared persons on March 18, 2010. Despite the willingness of all three Prime Ministers after the CPA to make the status of disappeared persons public and to take action against the culprits, this has not yet happened. Is it that the leaders of the parties are of the opinion that the past will be forgotten with the passage of time? ! erefore, the following actions should be taken to make the status of persons disappeared public and not to allow such acts to be repeated in the future. Only then will the victims get justice.

9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/nepali/news/story/2006/09/060912_disappearance.shtml10. http://nagariknews.com/politics/party-politics/20828-2010-11-28-14-39-26.html11. http://cmprachanda.com/samachar-detail.php?id=56558314322612. http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/fi les/asia/south-asia/nepal/184%20nepal%20peace%20and%20justice.ashx13.


Form a high-level commission to • investigate the cases of disappearance, their causes and the status of those allegedly disappeared by the state and parties to the confl ict.! e UCPN-M should publish a list of • all its cadres killed during the armed confl ict.Implement immediately the directive • order of the Supreme Court of June 1, 2007 and provide, without any discrimination, the compensation and assistance package to the families of victims.Ratify the International Convention • for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, 2006.Establish enforced disappearances • as a crime and promulgate a law on disappearance in compliance with the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, 2006.Amend the Army Act to provide that • army personnel accused of enforced or involuntary disappearances can be tried only in civilian courts.Release the full and complete details, • including any written judgements, of all court-martial proceedings undertaken by the Nepal Army in the past, and that the Judges and Attorney General undertake, in the future. ! ere should be aggressive prosecution of army personnel accused of abducting/disappearing and torturing civilians.Keep accessible, complete, accurate and • fully up-to-date lists of detainees and share these with the families of the detainees, civil society organisations,

NHRC and others concerned.! e Supreme Court should adopt a • more active application of its inherent contempt power to hold accountable and punish o# cials who are not truthful before the Court.Take steps immediately to strengthen • the NHRC and to facilitate its work; and give the Commission access to all places of detention, including all army barracks, without prior notifi cation or permission.Implement immediately the NHRC’s • conclusions and recommendations regarding the cases of disappearance and of those allegedly disappeared.! e UN DPKO should evaluate the • future participation of Nepali security forces in UN peacekeeping missions, assessing the suitability of such participation against progress made in the reduction of disappearances and other human rights violations attributed to the Nepali security forces, and seek the cooperation of the OHCHR to review progress.Extend a standing invitation to the • WGEID for its follow-up mission to Nepal.Implement immediately the provisions • of the CPA, IC and the 23-point agreement, among other agreements, so as to investigate the cases of disappearance and make public the whereabouts of the allegedly disappeared persons.

Bijay Raj GautamExecutive Director


Eastern Development Region1.1 Jhapa/231.2 Ilam/281.3 Panchthar/281.4 Taplejung/291.5 Morang/301.6 Sunsari/351.7 Dhankuta/411.9 Bhojpur/421.10 Sankhuwasabha/441.11 Saptari/461.12 Siraha/491.13 Udaypur/531.14 Khotang/551.15 Okhaldhunga/551.16 Solukhumbu/59


By State By Uni ed Command1. Raj Kumar MecheDate of Birth/Age : 1991/13 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : 2004Place of Incident : Biratnagar Sub-Metropolis, MorangOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Goldhap VDC-2Father’s Name : Ibulichan MecheMother’s Name : Jalshree MecheMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Raj Kumar Meche, 13, of Goldhap VDC-2 was arrested in Biratnagar Sub-Metropolis in the Morang district by a team of Uni-fi ed Command in 2004. He had joined the CPN-M while working in a carpet factory in Kathmandu. His mother said he was ar-rested in Biratnagar while he was there on party business. His whereabouts are still unknown.

By Royal Nepalese Army2. Ghana SubediDate of Birth/Age : August 12, 1977/25 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 28, 2002Place of Incident : Bahundangi VDC-5, JhapaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Bahundangi VDC-5 Golatar

1.1 Jhapa Father’s Name : Ram Prasad SubediMother’s Name : Rohini Devi SubediMarital Status : Unmarried

Details CPN-M cadre, Ghana Subedi, was ar-rested in Silgudi by the Indian police on December 28, 2002 and was handed over to the Charali Barrack of the Royal Nep-alese Army. She has remained disappeared since then. ! e victim’s family has received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

3. Shantiram BhattaraiDate of Birth/Age : December 3, 1969/34 yrs Sex : Male Date of Incident : November 21, 2003Place of Incident : New Baneshwor, Kathmandu Metropolis-10, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Private ServicePermanent Address : Baigundhara VDC-9Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tanka BhattaraiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2

Details A member of a labor union a# liated to the CPN-M, Shantiram Bhattarai, 34, was ar-rested in his room at New Baneshwor in Kathmandu by plain clothe members of the Royal Nepalese Army on November 21, 2003. His whereabouts are still unknown.


! e victim had been working in and looking into the labor section of a garment company in Kathmandu. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Gov-

ernment of Nepal as an interim relief.

4. Dhirendra BasnetDate of Birth/Age : January 30, 1984/20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 14, 2003Place of Incident : Kalanki, Kathmandu Metropolis-14, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Student, CPN-M Lalitpur District MemberPermanent Address : Damak Municipality-2 Father’s Name : Bhim Bahadur BasnetMother’s Name : Chandra Kumari BasnetMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A Lalitpur dis-trict member of the CPN-M a# liated student organization, Dhirendra Basnet, 20, was arrested at Ka-lanki in Kathmandu

Metropolis-14 by the Royal Nepalese Army

on December 14, 2003 and was taken to Bhairavnath Battalion. He has remained disappeared since then. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief. 5. Puspa BasnetDate of Birth/Age : January 1, 1979/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 5, 2003Place of Incident : Kalimatichok, Kathmandu Metropolis-13, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Kathmandu District MemberPermanent Address : Damak Municipality-2Father’s Name : Bhim Bahadur B asnetMother’s Name : Chandra Kumari BasnetMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A Kathmandu dis-trict member of the CPN-M, Puspa Bas-net, 25, was arrested at Kalimati Chok in Kathmandu Metrop-olis-13 by members of the Royal Nepalese Army and was tak-en to Bhairavnath Battalion. He remains disappeared since then. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


6. Chaturman Singh RajbanshiDate of Birth/Age : October 4, 1976/26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 28, 2002Place of Incident : Charali Army Barrack, Duwagadi VDC-4, JhapaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Haldiwari VDC-2Father’s Name : Patalu RajbanshiMother’s Name : Andri RajbanshiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Geeta RajbanshiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

Details A CPN- Maoist cadre, Chaturman Singh Rajbanshi, 26, was arrested on December 28, 2002 at Silgudi Bus Park in India by the

Indian police on charge of being a Maoist and was extradited to Nepal. Afterwards, he was taken to Charali Barrack by the army. His whereabouts are still unknown. Six other people were also arrested along with him in the same incident. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

7. Suresh Pokhrel (Dhruba)Date of Birth/Age : November15, 1971/31 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 28, 2002 Place of Incident : Charali Army Barrack, Duwagadi VDC-4, JhapaOccupation/A# liation : Politics (In- charge, CPN-M)Permanent Address : Surunga VDC-1Father’s Name : Puspa Raj PokhrelMother’s Name : Radha Devi PokhrelMarital Status : Unmarried

Details ! e CPN-M in-charge, Suresh Pokhrel, 31, of Surunga VDC-1 was arrested at Silgudi Buspark in India by Indian Police on December 28, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. He was extradited to Nepal on the same day and the Royal Nepalese Army took him to Charali Army Barrack. His whereabouts are still unknown. Along with him, other six people were also arrested in the same incident. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 as an interim relief to the victim’s family.

8. Samjhana AdhikariDate of Birth/Age : December 16, 1971 /31 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 28, 2002


Place of Incident : Charali Army Barrack at Duwagadi VDC-4, JhapaOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Surunga VDC-9, JamunabadiFather’s Name : Puspalal AdhikariMother’s Name : Prem Kumari AdhikariMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A CPN-M cadre, Samjhana Adhikari, 31, of Surunga VDC-9 was arrested at Silgudi Bus Park in India by Indian Police on December 28, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. She was extradited to Nepal on the same day and was taken to Charali Barrack by Royal Nepalese Army. Her whereabouts are still unknown. Along with her, other six people were also arrested in the same incident. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 as an interim relief to the victim’s family.

9. Chunamani ChaulagainDate of Birth/Age : June 22, 1946/58 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 17, 2004

Place of Incident : Jorpati, Jorpati VDC-5, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Goldhap VDC-7

Father’s Name : Ramchandra ChaulagainMother’s Name : Narmaya ChaulagainMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Reeta ChaulagainNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

Details Chunamani Chaulagain, 58, of Goldhap VDC-7 was arrested by plain clothe members of Royal Nepalese Army on July 17, 2004. His whereabouts are still unknown. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

10. Tara RijalDate of Birth/Age : December 8, 1974 /28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 28, 2002 Place of Incident : Batukdal Army Barrack, Duwagadi VDC-4, JhapaOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Gauradaha VDCFather’s Name : Jaya Prasad RijalMother’s Name : Chandrakala RijalMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A CPN-M cadre, Tara Rijal, 28, of Gauradaha VDC was arrested at Silgudi Buspark in India by Indian Police on December 28, 2002 and was extradited to


Nepal. Following the extradition he was handed over to the Batukdal Barrack at Charali and he remains disappeared to date. Other six people were also arrested alongwith him in the incident. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

11. Mishrilal DhimalDate of Birth/Age : June 29, 1966 / 36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 28, 2002 Place of Incident : Batukdal Army Barrack, Duwagadi VDC-4, JhapaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Shanishchare VDC-7Father’s Name : Napilal DhimalMother’s Name : Narmaya DhimalMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A CPNM cadre, Mishrilal Dhimal, 36, of Sahishchare VDC-7 was arrested at Silgudi Buspark in India by Indian Police on December 28, 2002 and was extradited to Nepal. Dhimal was handed over to the Batukdal Barrack at Charali and his whereabouts are still unknown. Other six persons were also arrested along with him

in the incident. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as interim relief.

By Nepal Police12. Rajendra Ghimire (Chandra)Date of Birth/Age : September 6, 1982/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 7, 2003 Place of Incident : Mrigaula VDC, MorangOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Rajgadh VDC-5, ButabariFather’s Name : Ratna Bahadur GhimireMother’s Name : Shobha GhimireMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A CPN-M cadre, Rajendra Ghimire, 21, of Rajgadh VDC-5 was arrested in Mrigaulia VDC in Morang district by Nepal Police on September 7, 2003 and was taken to the Regional Police O# ce in Biratnagar Sub-metropolis. He remains disappeared since then. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


By State By Uni ed Command1. Gokul NiraulaDate of Birth/Age : August 26, 1979 /23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2002Place of Incident : Bagbazaar, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Student, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : ! igepur at Phakphok VDC-1Father’s Name : Gyan Bahadur NiraulaMother’s Name : Dipmaya NiraulaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A CPN-M cadre, Gokul Niraula, 23, of ! igepur in Phakphok VDC-1 was arrested at Bagbazaar in Kathmandu by security forces in 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M2. Agamsingh RaiDate of Birth/Age : July 22, 1983 / 21yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 20, 2004 Place of Incident : Mabu VDC, IlamOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture CPN-MPermanent Address : Puwamajuwa VDC-8

Father’s Name : Tej Bahadur RaiMother’s Name : Nari Maya RaiMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Agamsingh Rai, 21, of Puwamajuwa VDC-8 was abducted from Mathillo Gumba of Mabu VDC by CPN-M on May 20, 2004. His whereabouts are still unknown. Prior to his abduction, Rai was planning to go abroad due to pressure from the Maoists to join their party. Being aware of his plan to go abroad, the Maoists had told him not to go and had threatened that even the victim’s family members would be abducted if they failed to stop the victim from leaving the country. ! e victim left his home at night when he heard about the planned abduction from his brother. However, the Maoists abducted him and took him with them for party business. ! e victim has been missing since then. ! e family of the victim had registered a complaint in the District Administration O# ce against the enforced disappearance.

1.3 Panchthar

By StateBy Uni ed Command1. Padam Kumar RaiDate of Birth/Age : July19, 1980/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 12, 2003 Place of Incident : Phidim VDC-1, District Administration O# ce, Panchthar

1.2 Ilam


Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Prangbung VDC-4Father’s Name : Devi Prasad RaiMother’s Name : Shyam Maya RaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kabita RaiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2

Details Padam Kumar Rai, 23, of Prangbung VDC-4 was arrested at the District Administration O# ce located at Phidim VDC-1 by security

forces on November 12, 2003 and was taken to Batukdal Barrack. His whereabouts are still unknown. According to his father, who witnessed the incident, the victim was arrested on the suspicion of being a Maoist, while he was at the District Administration O# ce obtaining his citizenship identity card.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M2. Hemanta BhattaraiDate of Birth/Age : November 19, 1990/12 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 29, 2002 Place of Incident : Puwa, Yasok VDC-7, PanchtharOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Yasok VDC-7Father’s Name : Kishor Chandra Bhattarai

1.4 TaplejungBy Non-StateBy CPN-M1. Kiran LimbuDate of Birth/Age : 1976/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 5, 2003 Place of Incident : Eisembu, Namkholang VDC, TaplejungPermanent Address : Limkhim VDC-6Father’s Name : Prem Bahadur LimbuMarital Status : Married

Details Kiran Limbu, 27, of Limkhim VDC-6 was arrested at Eisembu in Namkholang VDC by CPN-M cadres on October 5, 2003. He is still missing whereas two other people abducted by the Maoists along with him were released on October 9, 2003, several days after the arrest.

Mother’s Name : Sitadevi BhattaraiMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Hemanta Bhattarai, 12, of Yasok VDC-7 was abducted from Prithvi Higher Secondary School of the same VDC by CPN-M on November 29, 2002. He remains disappeared.


2. Lok Bahadur SamsohangDate of Birth/Age : 1964/39 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 5, 2003 Place of Incident : Oyam VDC-6, PanchtharPermanent Address : Dumrise VDC-6Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ram Kumari SamsohangNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsLok Bahadur Samsohang, 39, of Dumrise VDC-6 was abducted from Oyam VDC-6 in Panchthar district by Maoist cadres on October 5, 2003, while he was in his in-law’s home. His whereabouts are still unknown.

1.5 Morang

By StateBy Uni ed Command1. Dataram TimsinaDate of Birth/Age : February 10, 1971/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 27, 2003 Place of Incident : Bargachhi, Biratnagar Submetropolis-5, MorangOccupation/A# liation : TeachingPermanent Address : Shanishchare VDC-1Father’s Name : Til Prasad Timsina

Mother’s Name : Bishnu Maya TimsinaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details ! e central vice-president of a cultural federation a# liated to the CPN-M, Dataram Timsina, 33, of Sanishchare VDC-1 was arrested at Pujari Dhakal’s home located behind the Achyut Rice Mill at Biratnagar Submetropolis-5 by the Unifi ed Command on September 27, 2003. ! e force, about 50 in number, arrested the victim while he was drinking water from a water tap. Following his arrest he was taken to Laxmi Adhikari’s home, nearby the area where the arrest took place; his hands were bound with a plastic rope and was taken towards Biratnagar airport in a van. He was taken to the Royal Nepalese Army’s Eastern Division Headquarters in Itahari on September 29, 2003. As Hari Prasad Dangal of Indrapur VDC-4, had seen the victim while having food in the Division headquarters’ mess hall, he confi rmed that the victim was there in the Eastern Division Headquarters on October 9, 2003. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

2. Pannalal PaswanDate of Birth/Age : 1971/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 30, 2004 Place of Incident : Indo-Nepal border, Rangeli VDC, Morang


Occupation/A# liation : Wage earning, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Kalabazaar, Dadarbairiya VDC-3Father’s Name : Sebilal PaswanMother’s Name : Urmila Devi PaswanMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kalpana Devi PaswanNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3

Details A CPN-M cadre, Pannalal Paswan, 33, of Dadarbairiya VDC-3 was arrested in India by the Unifi ed Command from Rangeli area on October 30, 2004. He was arrested with the support of Indian police while he was in India in connection with party business. He remains disappeared since then. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

3. Mina LimbuDate of Birth/Age : August 29, 1981/23 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : May 2, 2004 Place of Incident : Motipur VDC, MorangOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Dabravita, Itahara VDC-6Father’s Name : Chandrajit LimbuMother’s Name : Bishnu Maya LimbuMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A cadre of the All Nepal Women’s Association, which is a# liated to the CPN-M party, Mina Limbu, 23, of Itahara VDC-6 was arrested in Motipur VDC by security forces on May 2, 2004 while she was there in connection with the party’s work. She remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

4. Tanka LamaDate of Birth/Age : September 30, 1973/30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 19, 2003 Place of Incident : Keraunja, Govindapur VDC-5, MorangOccupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent Address : Govindapur VDC-1Father’s Name : Jibnath TamangMother’s Name : Mana Maya TamangMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Lila Maya TamangNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/ 2 Other Dependent : 1

Details Tanka Lama, 30, of Govindapur VDC-1 was arrested at Keraunja of the same VDC by a group of plain clothe and masked security persons on October 19, 2003. ! e


victim was arrested while he was going to see the health worker, Rameshwor Mandal, in his neighborhood, to get treatment as he was feeling unwell.

His whereabouts are still unknown and his family members received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

5. Laxmi KhatiwadaDate of Birth/Age : December 30, 1979/23 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 10, 2002 Place of Incident : Khanar VDC, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Hasandaha VDC-1Father’s Name : Janaklal KhatiwadaMother’s Name : Ratna Maya KhatiwadaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A cadre of CPN-M, Laxmi Khatiwada, 23, of Hasandaha VDC-1 was arrested by security forces deployed from Itahari on September 10, 2002. ! e victim was arrested while she was in the VDC in connection with the party’s work. She remains missing since the arrest and Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to her family as an interim relief.

6. Kuber ApagainDate of Birth/Age : June 14, 1980/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 16, 2003 Place of Incident : Samjhanachok, Biratnagar Sub-Metropolis-6, MorangOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Schooldanda, Urlabari VDC-2Father’s Name : Tulsi Prasad ApagainMother’s Name : Subhadra ApagainMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A member of pro-CPN-M trade union, Kuber Apagain, 23, of Urlabari VDC-2 was arrested at Samjhanachok in Biratnagar Sub-Metropolis-6 by security forces on October 16, 2003. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police7. Nabaraj LimbuDate of Birth/Age : August 21, 1983/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 7, 2003 Place of Incident : Haraicha Bazaar, Haraicha VDC, Morang


Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Shisawani VDC-6Father’s Name : Amrit Bahadur LimbuMother’s Name : Maitimaya LimbuMarital Status : Unmarried

Details An Area Committee Secretary of the CPN-M, Nabaraj Limbu, 20, of Shiswani VDC-6 was arrested at Haraicha Bazaar in Haraicha VDC by police who were led by ASI Arjun Pokhrel, the o# cer in-charge of the Area Police Post at Haraicha, on September 7, 2003. His whereabouts are still unknown. While searching his house on the same day of his arrest, the police had seized some documents and photos related with the Maoists.

8. Gopal DangalDate of Birth/Age : June 26, 1978/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 27, 2003 Place of Incident : Madhumara, Biratnagar Sub- Metropolis-11, MorangPermanent Address : Govindapur VDC-1Father’s Name : Dilli Prasad DangalMother’s Name : Tulasa DangalMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Gopal Dangal, 25, of Gobindapur VDC-1 was arrested at Madhumara in Biratnagar Sub-Metropolis-11 by police on September 27, 2003; he has remained missing since his arrest. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M9. Khemraj SardarDate of Birth/Age : February 10, 1969/37 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 9, 2006 Place of Incident : Bairiya, Dadbairaiya VDC-1, MorangOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Dadbairiya VDC-1Father’s Name : Murilal SardarMother’s Name : Suna SardarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shyamwati SardarNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3Other dependents : 4

Details Khemraj Sardar, 37, of Dadbairiya VDC-1 was abducted from his home by Maoist cadres on March 9, 2006. He was taken away at night, while he was sleeping; claiming that the Maoists needed to ask him something. He is still missing. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 as an interim relief.


10. Arjun KhawasDate of Birth/Age : September 20, 1967/38 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 6, 2005 Place of Incident : Takiya, ! alaha VDC-1, MorangPermanent Address : ! alaha VDC-2Father’s Name : Bishnu KhawasMother’s Name : Anodevi KhawasMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Gahiwati Kumari KhawasNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3

Details Arjun Khawas, 38, of ! alaha VDC-1 was abducted from his neighbor Madan Khawas’s home by masked cadres of the CPN-M while he was

there to celebrate a marriage party on May 6, 2005. His whereabouts are still unknown. ! e victim’s wife stated that her husband was abducted by the CPN-M cadres in the direction of district committee member of CPN-M, Baleshwor Kamat. Ajit Khawas, 6, the son of the victim was also abducted in the same incident and is also missing. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

11. Ajit KhawasDate of Birth/Age : April 12, 1999 /6 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 6, 2005

Place of Incident : Takiya, ! alaha VDC-1, MorangPermanent Address : ! alaha VDC-2Father’s Name : Arjun KhawasMother’s Name : Gahiwati Kumari KhawasMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Ajit Khawas, 6, of Takiya in ! alaha VDC-1 was abducted from the home of his neighbor Madan Khawas by a group of masked CPN-M cadres on May 6, 2005 while he was attending a marriage party with his father. He remains disappeared and Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

12. Chandra ShahiDate of Birth/Age : 1957/47 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 15, 2004 Place of Incident : Shanishchare VDC, MorangOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Pathari VDC-3Father’s Name : Bhim Bahadur ShahiMother’s Name : Ganga ShahiMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/4

Details Chandra Shahi, 47, of Pathari VDC-3 was abducted from Shanishchare VDC by six Maoist cadres including Mukti Rai of Shanishchare VDC on August 15, 2004 on


charge of smuggling timber. ! e victim was abducted while he was accompanying his neighbor Badri Maya Tamang, who was visiting her son. ! e

victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

13. Rajan RaiDate of Birth/Age : December 30, 1969 /35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 31, 2004 Place of Incident : Pathari VDC-9, MorangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Pathari VDC-9Father’s Name : Mani Kumar RaiMother’s Name : Ram Maya RaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Harka Maya RaiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1Other dependents : 2

Details Rajan Rai, 35, of Pathari VDC-3 was abducted from his own home by CPN-M on October 31, 2004. His whereabouts are unknown since the

abduction. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

1.6 SunsariBy State By Uni ed Command1. Rana Samsher (Tara)Date of Birth/Age : June 17, 1977/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2002 Place of Incident : Bhaktapur Municipality, BhaktapurOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent Address : Bishnupaduka VDCFather’s Name : Chhatra Bahadur SamsherMother’s Name : Man Kumari SamsherMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A CPN-M district member Rana Samsher, 25, of Bishnupaduka VDC-5 was arrested in Bhaktapur Municipality by security forces in 2002 and his whereabouts are still unknown. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

2. Jaya Kumar Shah (Risak)Date of Birth/Age : June 15, 1970/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 29, 2002 Place of Incident : Baklauri VDC-4, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics,CPN-M Permanent Address : Dumraha VDC-5


Details An Area Committee Member of CPN-M, Puspa Bhandari, also known as Shashi, 38, of Itahari Municipality-4 was arrested at Dharan Bazaar by security forces on October 20, 2003 while he was walking there. His whereabouts are still unknown.

4. Chiranjibi Gautam (Trilok)Date of Birth/Age : November 2, 1949/53 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 29, 2002 Place of Incident : Baklauri VDC-4, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent Address : Bhadgaun Sinuwari VDC-5Father’s Name : Shribishal GautamMother’s Name : Ayodhya Gautam Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Goma GautamNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/1Other dependents : 4

Details A district member of CPN-M, Chiranjibi Gautam aka Trilok, 53, of Bhadgaun Sinuwari VDC-5 was arrested at his friend Deepak’s home at Baklauri VDC-4 by security forces on May 29, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest.

Father’s Name : Dil Bahadur ShahMother’s Name : Padam Kumari ShahMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A CPN-M Area Committee Member Jaya Kumar Shah (Risak) of Dumraha VDC-5 was arrested at his home at Baklauri VDC-4 by security

forces on May 29, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

3. Puspa Bhandari (Shashi)Date of Birth/Age : December 30, 1965/38 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2003 Place of Incident : Dharan Municipality, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent Address : Itahari Municipality-4Father’s Name : Samir Bahadur BhandariMother’s Name : Man Kumari BhandariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jamuna BhandariOther dependents : 7


6. Chet Nath Dhungana (CN)Date of Birth/Age : September 23, 1975/28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 24, 2003 Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Singiya VDC-9Father’s Name : Punya Prasad DhunganaMother’s Name : Khagendra Devi DhunganaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Anu Pradhan DhunganaOther dependent : 1

Details A CPN-M cadre, Chet Nath Dhungana, also known as CN, 28, of Singiya VDC-9 was arrested in Kathmandu Metropolis by security forces on August 24, 2003 while he was coming to Kathmandu after getting medicine from Kavre district. Following his arrest he was taken to Bhairavnath Battalion and he remains missing since then. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

5. Jaya Prakash PahadiDate of Birth/Age : 1944/60 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 16, 2004 Place of Incident : Bhadgaun Sinuwari VDC-5, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics (supporter of the CPN-M)Permanent Address : Bhadgaun Sinuwari VDC-5Father’s Name : Krishna Prasad PahadiMother’s Name : Dhana Maya PahadiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Hari Maya PahadiNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0Other dependent : 4

Details A supporter of the CPN-M, Jaya Prakash Pahadi, 60, of Bhadgaun Sinuwari VDC-6 was arrested on the way to Chatara in his VDC by a group of plain clothe security

forces on April 16, 2004. He remains missing. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


7. Uttam LimbuDate of Birth/Age : July 9, 1977 /25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 28, 2002 Place of Incident : Chakraghadi, Mahendranagar VDC-4, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M) Permanent Address : Chakraghadi, Mahendranagar VDC-4Father’s Name : Machendra Kumar LimbuMother’s Name : Dan Maya LimbuMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A PLA commander of CPN-M, Uttam Limbu, 25, Chakraghadi, Mahendranagar VDC-4, was arrested at his home by security forces on May 28, 2002 while he was

sleeping at night. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

8. Hari Bahadur MagarDate of Birth/Age : March 20, 1978/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 28, 2002 Place of Incident : Chakraghadi, Mahendranagar VDC-4, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadre

Permanent Address : Chakraghadi, Mahendranagar VDC-4Father’s Name : Dal Bahadur MagarMother’s Name : Hari Maya MagarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sushma MagarNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0Other dependents : 4

Details A cadre of CPN-M, Hari Bahadur Magar, 25, of Mahendranagar VDC-4 was arrested at his home by security forces on May 28, 2002. ! e victim was awakened from his sleep and taken away by the security force; they were ordering him to show them the home of Uttam Limbu. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

9. Harka MajhiDate of Birth/Age : June 20, 1968/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 28, 2002 Place of Incident : Chakraghati, Mahendranagar VDC-4, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Chakraghayi, Mahendranagar VDC-4Father’s Name : Mangal Bahadur MajhiMother’s Name : Nanda Kumari Majhi


Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Santa Maya MajhiNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/0Other dependents : 4

Details A CPN-M cadre, Harka Majhi, 34, of Chakraghati at Mahendranagar VDC-4 was arrested at his home by security forces on May 28, 2002. ! e victim was woken up by the security force who stated that they needed to ask him something. He remains missing. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

10. Dipak BK (Prajwal)Date of Birth/Age : 1980/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 28, 2002 Place of Incident : Baklauri VDC-4, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics,CPN-M Permanent Address : Baklauri VDC-4Father’s Name : Birudas BKMother’s Name : Parbati BKMarital Status : UnmarriedOther dependents : 2

Details An Area Committee Member of CPN-M, Dipak BK, also known as Prajwal, 22, of Baklauri VDC- 4 was arrested at his home by security forces on May

28, 2002 while he was with his two friends. He remains disappeared. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

11. Nirajan PathakDate of Birth/Age : June 1, 1980/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 30, 2003 Place of Incident : Yadavtole, Shreepurjabdi VDC-6, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent Address : Haripur VDC-3Father’s Name : Nityanda PathakMother’s Name : Bina Devi PathakMarital Status : UnmarriedOther dependents : 4

Details A village committee in-charge of the CPN-M, Nirajan Pathak, 23, of Haripur VDC-3 was arrested at Shreepur VDC-6 by security forces on July 30, 2003. ! e victim was arrested while he was at the place of arrest in connection with a party meeting and he remains missing since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


12. Dinesh ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : November 20, 1982/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 6, 2006 Place of Incident : Duhabi VDC, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics CPN-MPermanent Address : Purbakushaha VDC-5Father’s Name : Bhajan Lal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Reli Devi ChaudharyMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Bhutti Devi ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1Other dependents : 3

Details A cadre of CPN-M, Dinesh Chaudhary, 23, of Purbakushawa VDC-5 was arrested in Duhabi VDC by security forces while he was returning

home from a fl our mill at Duhabi Bazaar, where he worked. He remains disappeared. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

13. Phul Kumar BK (Surya)Date of Birth/Age : August 28, 1975 /29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 9, 2004

Place of Incident : Ghopa Camp, Dharan Municipality, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics CPN-M Permanent Address : Budhanagar, Singiya VDC-7Father’s Name : Amarlal BKMother’s Name : Lila Maya BKMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Pampha BKNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1Other dependents : 3

Details A cadre of CPN-M, Phul Kumar BK also known as Surya, 29, of Budhanagar in Singiya VDC-7 was arrested from the BPKIHS at Ghopa camp in Dharan Municipality by security forces on August 9, 2004 while he was returning following his treatment at the hospital. He remains missing since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Royal Nepalese Army14. Devhari Rijal (Kshitiz)Date of Birth/Age : October 5, 1979/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 9, 2002 Place of Incident : Aanpgachhi, Hansposa VDC-2, Sunsari


Occupation/A# liation : Politics CPN-M Central Member)Permanent Address : Madhesa VDC-5 Father’s Name : Bholanath RijalMother’s Name : Chhamayanti Devi RijalMarital Status : UnmarriedOther dependents : 3

Details A central member of CPN-M, Devhari Rijal, also known as Kshitiz, 23, of Madhesa VDC-5 was arrested from his friend’s home at Aapgachhi

in Hansposa VDC-2 by Royal Nepalese Army which had been deployed from the Eastern Division Headquarters in Itahari on September 9, 2002 . His whereabouts are still unknown.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M15. Bhoj Raj TimsinaDate of Birth/Age : December 25, 1982/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 10, 2006 Place of Incident : Salbandi, Mahendranagar VDC-9, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Salbandi, Mahendranagar VDC-9

Father’s Name : Mehani Prasad TimsinaMother’s Name : Kausila TimsinaMarital Status : UnmarriedOther dependents : 2

Details Bhojraj Timsina, 22, of Mahendranagar VDC-9 was abducted by CPN-M from the VDC on January 10, 2006 and his whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. ! e victim was a 12th grader at Mahendra Higher Secondary School.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M1. Jaya Kumar Rai (Shyam)Date of Birth/Age : August 7, 1970/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 9, 2005 Place of Incident : Aahale VDC-4, DhankutaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Aahale VDC-4Father’s Name : Chaturman RaiMarital Status : Married

Details Jaya Kumar Rai, 35, of Aahale VDC-4 was abducted from his home by the CPN-M on August 9, 2005 and his whereabouts are unknown since the arrest.

1.7 Dhankuta


2. Bir Bahadur TamangDate of Birth/Age : 1969/36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 30, 2005Place of Incident : Belhara VDC-1, DhankutaPermanent Address : Belhara VDC-1Father’s Name : Ikh Bahadur TamangMarital Status : Unmarried Details A former combatant of the CPN-M, Bir Bahadur Tamang, 36, of Belhara VDC-1 was abducted from his home by CPN-M on January 30, 2005. He remains missing following the abduction. He was abducted when he came back to his home after deciding that he would no longer work for the PLA.

1.9 Bhojpur

By State By Uni ed Command1. Biban RaiDate of Birth/Age : 1988/17 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 22, 2005 Place of Incident : Bhulke, Lekharka VDC-7Occupation/A# liation : Politics Permanent Address: : Bhulke, Lekharka VDC-7Marital Status : Unmarried Details A militia member of CPN-M, Biban Rai, 17, of Bhulke VDC-7 was arrested at the

Panchghare area in Lekharka VDC-4 by the Unifi ed Command on June 22, 2005 at the time of an encounter between the Unifi ed Command and CPN-M. He remains disappeared. Government of Nepal has not provided any relief to the victim’s family.

2. Dhan Bahadur TamangDate of Birth/Age : 1962/40 yrsSex : Male Date of Incident : February 13, 2002Place of Incident : Khadbari Municipality, Sankhuwasabha Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Boya, Boya VDC-6Father’s Name : Padam Bahadur Tamang

Details A Maoist cadre Dhan Bahadur Tamang, 40, of Boya VDC-3 was arrested at Khadbari Municipality-2 by a patrolling security force on November 29, 2002. He remains disappeared. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Royal Nepalese Army3. Gambhir YonjanDate of Birth/Age : April 13, 1966 /36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 15, 2002 Place of Incident : Kirtipur Municipality -12, Kathmandu


Occupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent Address : Bokhim VDC-8Father’s Name : Bhakta Bahadur YonjanHusband/Wife : Padam Maya TamangNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1Other dependents : 2

Details Gambhir Yonjan, 36, of Bokhim VDC-8 was arrested at Kirtipur Municipality-12 by Royal Nepalese Army on May 15, 2002. ! e Maoist cadre

Yonjan was a vegetable grocer in Kirtipur Municipality. Government of Nepal has not provided any relief to the victim’s family.

4. Nabin RaiDate of Birth/Age : 1967/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 13, 2002 Place of Incident : Kalimati, Kathmandu Metropolis-13Occupation/A# liation : Politics (ANNISU-R)Permanent Address : Nagi VDC-6

Father’s Name : Rana Bahadur RaiHusband/Wife : Krishna Kumari RaiMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Nabin Rai, 25, of Nagi VDC-6 was arrested at Kalimati in Kathmandu Metropolis-13 by Royal Nepalese Army on February 13, 2002 and was taken to the Bhairavnath Battalion at Maharajganj. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

5. Ram Bahadur KarkiDate of Birth/Age : April 14, 1982/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 3, 2004 Place of Incident : ! ankot VDC- KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Nepaledanda VDC-6Father’s Name : Khadga Bahadur KarkiHusband/Wife : Manju KarkiNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1Other Dependents : 1

Details Ram Bahadur Karki, 21, of Nepaledanda VDC-6 was arrested at ! ankot by Royal Nepalese Army which had been deployed at the ! ankot Checkpost on April 2, 2004. ! e victim was arrested while he was heading towards Kathmandu on charge of being a Maoist cadre. He remains missing. Durga Bista and Nanda Bista, who were arrested in the same incident along with the victim, were released in the same month following the infl iction of physical torture.


Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

6. Deshbhakta ChapagainDate of Birth/Age : 1982/21yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 12, 2003 Place of Incident : BhaktapurOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Nepaledanda, Nepaledanda VDC-7Father’s Name : Mohan ChapagainMother’s Name : Bishnu Maya ChapagainMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Deshbhakta Cha-pagain, 21, of Nepaledanda VDC-7 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army on November 12, 2003 and was taken to the

Bhairavnath Battalion at Maharajganj. He has remained disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police7. Indra Kumari RaiDate of Birth/Age : 1984/20 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : January 16, 2004 Place of Incident : Bhanuchok, Dharan Municipality-1, Sunsari

Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Phalamdhunga, Kherang VDC-1Father’s Name : Haikamsingh RaiMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Indra Kumari Rai, 20, of Kherang VDC-1 was arrested at Bus Park in Dharan Municipality-2 by a team of police which had been deployed from the Zonal Police O# ce on January 16, 2004. She was arrested on charge of being a Maoist cadre. ! e victim, who was a 10th grader at Sagarmatha Higher Secondary School at Ghodetar, was in Dharan in connection with preparing for her S.L.C examination. Government of Nepal has not provided any relief to the victim’s family.

By State By Royal Nepalese Army1. Tilak Adhikari KC (Ramesh)Date of Birth/Age : March 25, 1979/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 27, 2003 Place of Incident : Biratnagar Subm-Metropolis-3, MorangOccupation/A# liation : Student (ANNISU-R member)

1.10 Sankhuwasabha


Permanent Address : Baneshwor VDC-2Father’s Name : Shankar AdhikariMother’s Name : Madanlaxmi AdhikariMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Tilak Adhikari, also known as Ramesh, 25, of Baneshwor VDC-2 was arrested near Janata Secondary School located in Biratnagar Sub-Metropolis-4 by a team of security forces

on September 27, 2003. He remains disappeared. ! e victim, who was studying at Mahendra Morang Campus, was also a member of ANNISU-R. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

2. Hari KhadkaDate of Birth/Age : November 13, 1976 / 26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 3, 2003 Place of Incident : Shivaganj VDC, JhapaPermanent Address : Chainpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Bhim Bahadur KhadkaDetails Hari Khadka, 26, of Chainpur VDC-4 was arrested at Shivaganj by Royal Nepalese Army on March 3, 2003. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal

has not provided any relief to the victim’s family.

3. Chandra Bahadur KatuwalDate of Birth/Age : August 26, 1980/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 27, 2003 Place of Incident : Itahari Municipality-5, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Kharang VDC-6Father’s Name : Samar Bahadur KatuwalMother’s Name : Yashoda KatuwalMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A Maoist cadre, Chandra Bahadur Katuwal, 23, of Kharang VDC-6 was arrested from his rented room in Itahari Municipality-5 by Royal Nepalese Army on June 27, 2003. ! e victim remains disappeared. Government of Nepal has not provided any compensation to the victim’s family.

4. Man Maya PuriDate of Birth/Age : July 1, 1980/21 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : November 28, 2001Place of Incident : Rumjatar VDC-6, OkhaldhungaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Syabun VDC-4Father’s Name : Chandra Puri


2. Binod SahDate of Birth/Age : April 24, 1992/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 27, 2001 Place of Incident : Phulkahi VDC-4, SaptariOccupation/A# liation : Student, ANNISU-R cadrePermanent Address : Phulkahi VDC-4Father’s Name : Krishna Lal SahMother’s Name : Ramsunair Devi SahMarital Status : UnmarriedOther dependents : 2

DetailsBinod Sah, 19, of Phulkahi VDC-4 was arrested at Bairiyatole in Nengda VDC-5 by security forces on November 27, 2001 while he was heading towards his home from Rajbiraj. He remains disappeared. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

3. Dwarika TimsinaDate of Birth/Age : 1969/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 3, 2002 Place of Incident : Bhagani Bazaar, Kamalpur VDC-6, SaptariOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture

Mother’s Name : Maya PuriMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA Maoist cadre, Man Maya Puri, 21, of Syabun VDC-4 was arrested at Rumjatar by Royal Nepalese Army on November 28, 2002. She was arrested while returning after a clash between the CPN-M and the Royal Nepalese Army in the area. Her whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal has not provided any relief to the victim’s family.

1.11 Saptari

By StateBy Uni ed Command1. Ramakanta SahDate of Birth/Age : 1979/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 27, 2001 Place of Incident : Nengda VDC-5, SaptariOccupation/A# liation : Student (ANNISU- R cadre)Permanent Address : Phulkahi VDC-4Mother’s Name : Newali Devi SahMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRama Kanta Sah, 22, of Phulkahi VDC-4 was arrested at Bairiyatole at Nengda VDC-5 by security forces on November 27, 2001. ! e victim was arrested while he was heading towards his home from Rajbiraj. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


Permanent Address : Phattepur VDC-9, GangajaliFather’s Name : Dilli Ram TimsinaMother’s Name : Saraswati TimsinaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Urmila TimsinaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsDwarika Timsina, 33, of Phattepur VDC-9 was arrested at Bhaganibazar in Kamalpur VDC-6 by two security personnel on motorbikes on March 3, 2002. ! e

victim remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal has not provided any kind of relief to the victim’s family.

4. Rajendra SahDate of Birth/Age : 1961/40 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 27, 2001Place of Incident : Madhawapur VDC-8, SaptariOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Arjitole, Madhabapur VDC-8Father’s Name : Nathu SahMother’s Name : Jhaliya Devi SahMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Lalita Devi SahNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0Other Dependents : 2

DetailsA Maoist cadre, Rajendra Sah, 40, of Madhabapur VDC-8 was taken away by security forces, who stated that they needed to know something about him. ! e victim remains disappeared since the incident. Government of Nepal has not provided any sorts of relief to the victim’s family.

By Nepal Police5. Nara Singh ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1958/43 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 29, 2001 Place of Incident : Khadagpur VDC-4, SaptariOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Khadagpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Bhagawati ChaudharyMother’s Name : Garbhi Devi ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shanti Devi ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0Other dependents : 2

DetailsA Maoist cadre, Nara Singh Chaudhary, 43, of Khadagpur VDC-4 was arrested at his home by Nepal Police on November 29, 2001. He remains disappeared


since the arrest. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

6. Anita ShresthaDate of Birth/Age : 1973/28 yrsSex : FealeDate of Incident : November 23, 2001 Place of Incident : Bhagawatpur VDC, SaptariOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Joganiya (2) VDC-4Father’s Name : Swahasta Bahadur ShresthaMother’s Name : Tulsi Maya ShresthaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsAnita Shrestha, 28, of Joganiya (2) VDC-4 was arrested and taken away from Bhagawatpur Boarding School in Bhagawatpur VDC by police on November 23,

2001. She was kept in custody of the District Police O# ce in Saptari. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

7. Rajendra Prasad ChaudhariDate of Birth/Age : 1974 / 28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 11, 2002 Place of Incident : Khadagpur VDC-4, Saptari

Occupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Khadagpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Samanlal ChaudhariMother’s Name : Aghori Devi ChaudhariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shobha Devi ChaudhariNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/1Other dependents : 1

DetailsA Maoist cadre, Rajendra Prasad Chaudhari, 28, of Khadagpur VDC-4 was arrested by Madhubani police in India and was extradited to the District Police O# ce in Saptari on January 11, 2002. ! e victim remains disappeared since then. ! e Government of Nepal has not provided any sorts of reliefto the victim’s family.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M8. Tetar Sada MusaharDate of Birth/Age : July 21, 1953 /52 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 9 2005 Place of Incident : Shambhunath VDC-1, SaptariOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Malekpur VDC-1Father’s Name : Chingiya Sada MusharMother’s Name : Lalo DeviMarital Status : Married


Husband/Wife : Maniya Devi SadaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/3

DetailsTetar Sada Mushar, 52, of Malekpur VDC-1 was abducted from Sakhuwa in Shambhunath VDC-1 by a group of Maoists on May 9 2005 and he

remains disappeared since the abduction. Government of Nepal has not provided any any sorts of relief to the victim’s family.

By State By Uni ed Command1. Ganesh Sada MusharDate of Birth/Age : June 28, 1957 /35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2002Place of Incident : Rajpur VDC-6, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Rajpur VDC-6Father’s Name : Abadh MusharMother’s Name : Runchi MusharMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Basmatiya MusharNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/2Other dependents : 5

1.12 Siraha

DetailsGanesh Sada Mushar, 35, of Rajpur VDC-6 was arrested at his village by Unifi ed Command in 1992. He remains disappeared to date. In the night of Jitiya festival, when the victim was arrested, the security forces had cordoned o" the village and had made all the males, females and children of the Mushartole stand in line. Subsequently, four persons, including Rambhagat Sada Mushar, were arrested as security informer claimed that the Musahars were a# liated with the Maoists. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

2. Raghubir SahDate of Birth/Age : July 1, 1970 /34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2004 Place of Incident : Rajpur VDC-3, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Rajpur VDC-3Father’s Name : Basudev SahMother’s Name : Ram Pyari SahMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Phekani SahNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2Other Dependents : 6 DetailsRaghubir Sah, 34, of Rajpur VDC-6 was arrested at his own village by the Unifi ed


Command in 2005 and his whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. He was a supporter of the CPN-M. Government of Nepal has not

provided any sorts of relief to the victim’s family.

3. Binod MahatoDate of Birth/Age : 1969/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 17, 2003 Place of Incident : Arnama Papri VDC-2, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Arnama Papri VDC-2Father’s Name : Raj Dev MahatoMother’s Name : Urmila MahatoMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shakuntala MahatoNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1Other Dependents : 8

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Binod Mahato, 34, of Arnama Papri VDC-2 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command on October 17, 2003. Following the

arrest he was taken to Indradhwoj Battalion at Choharwa. He remains disappeared since then. Government of Nepal has not

provided any sorts of relief to the victim’s family.

4. Ramkhelawan MahatoDate of Birth/Age : May 31, 1966/36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 7, 2002 Place of Incident : Mahadewa Portaha VDC, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Gorchhari, Bramhangochhari VDC-9Father’s Name : Harichan MahatoMother’s Name : Sugawati Devi MahatoMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kusma Devi MahatoNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1Other Dependents : 8

DetailsRamkhelawan Mahato,36, of Bramhangochhari VDC-9 was arrested in Mahadevportaha VDC by Unifi ed Command on December 7, 2002 while he was walking.His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. However, Asheshwor Yadav, who was arrested along with him in the incident, was released after some days from the


army post in Lahan. Government of Nepal has not provided any sorts of relief to the victim’s family.

5. Shreeram SadaDate of Birth/Age : June 29, 1967/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2002 Place of Incident : Rajpur VDC-6, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Rajpur VDC-6Father’s Name : Badri SadaMother’s Name : Bijala SadaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1Other Dependents : 7

DetailsShreeram Sada, 35, of Rajpur VDC-6 was arrested at his village by security forces in 2002 on the day of the Jitiya festival. He remains disappeared to date. In the night of the Jitiya festival, when the victim was arrested, the security force had cordoned o" the village and had made all the males, females and children of the Mushartole stand in line.Subsequently, four persons, including Rambhagat Sada Mushar, were arrested as the spies who were with the forces said that the former were Maoists. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

6. Chandreshwor Prasad SinghDate of Birth/Age : 1958/45 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 21, 2003

Place of Incident : Arnama VDC-2, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Brahmapuri, Arnama Papri VDC-2Father’s Name : Damodar MahatoMother’s Name : Bhuliya Devi MahatoMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Urmila MahatoNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1Other dependents : 5

DetailsA Maoist cadre, Chandreshwor Prasad Singh, 45, of Arnama Papri VDC-2 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command on August 21, 2003. He remains missing since the arrest. ! e victim’s family stated that the security forces also took away Rs 20,000 in the incident. Government of Nepal has not provided any sorts of relief to the victim’s family.

7. Rambhagat Sada MusharDate of Birth/Age : 1974 /28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2002 Place of Incident : Rajpur VDC-6, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Rajpur VDC-6Marital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2Other Dependents : 3


DetailsRambhagat Sada Mushar, 28, of Rajpur VDC-6 was arrested by the Unifi ed Command in 2002. He remains disappeared so far. In the night of Jitiya festival, when the victim was arrested, the security forces had cordoned o" the village and had made all the villagers of Mushartole stand in line. Subsequently, four persons, including Rambhagat Sada Mushar, were arrested as the spies who were with the forces said that the former were Maoists. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

8. Jageshwor Sada MusharDate of Birth/Age : 1974 /28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2002 Place of Incident : Rajpur VDC-6, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Rajpur VDC-6Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Hira Devi SadaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1Other dependents : 2

DetailsJageshwor Sada Mushar, 28, of Rajpur VDC-6 was arrested at his village by the Unifi ed Command in 2002. In the night of the Jitiya festival, when the victim was arrested, the security force had cordoned o" the village and made all the males, females and children of the Mushartole stand in line. Subsequently, four persons, including Rambhagat Sada Mushar, were arrested as the spies who were with the forces said that the former were Maoists. Government

of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police9. Ramkhelawan SahDate of Birth/Age : July 18, 1956 /45 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 3, 2001 Place of Incident : Mirchaiya VDC-2, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : Teaching, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Matihawa, Ramnagar Mirchaiya VDC-2Father’s Name : Mathwar SahMother’s Name : Daya Devi SahMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dharamshila ShahNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1Other dependents : 4

DetailsRamkhelawan Sah, 45, of Mirchaiya VDC-2 was arrested at his home by the police deployed from the Area Police O# ce at Mirchaiya on December 3, 2001. He remains disappeared following the arrest. ! e victim, who was a teacher at Bhawani Higher Secondary School at Bhimsthan in Sindhuli district was also a Maoist cadre. Government of Nepal has not provided any sorts of relief to the victim’s family.


By Non-StateBy CPN-M10. Sangita SenDate of Birth/Age : 1985/19 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : October 4, 2004 Place of Incident : Dhangadhi VDC-1, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent Address : Muksar VDC-1Father’s Name : Prithvi Bahadur SenMother’s Name : Tika Kumari SenMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsSangita Sen, 19, of Muksar VDC-1 was abducted from Dhangadhi VDC-2 by two Maoist cadres on motorbike on october 4, 2004. She remains disappeared since the abduction. She had

been running a poultry farm in Dhangadhi VDC. ! e Government of Nepal has not provided any sorts of reliefto the victim’s family.

11. Hari Prasad YadavDate of Birth/Age : 1963/41 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 5, 2004 Place of Incident : Inarwa VDC, SirahaOccupation/A# liation : Business, Nepali Congress cadrePermanent Address : Mahadewa Portaha VDC-5Father’s Name : Shreechan YadavMother’s Name : Gajari Devi

Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ramsuner Devi YadavNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/0Other Dependents : 6

DetailsHari Prasad Yadav, 41, of Mahadewa Portaha VDC-5 was abducted from Inrawa bazaar by Maoist cadres on June 5, 2004. He was coming back to his home from Laukaha Bazar in India after selling his goods. Government of Nepal has not provided any sorts of relief to the victim’s family.

1.13 UdaypurBy State By Uni ed Command1. Lila Raj AcharyaDate of Birth/Age : August 21, 1978 /25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 25, 2003 Place of Incident : Kathmandu MetropolisOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Saridartole, Triyuga Municipality-1Father’s Name : Barja Lal Acharya


Mother’s Name : Lachhu Maya AcharyaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsLila Raj Acharya, 25, of Triyuga Municipality-1 was arrested at Chabahil in Kathmandu Metropolis-2 on December 25, 2003. He remains missing since the arrest. He was

a# liated to a labor organization of CPN-M. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Royal Nepalese Army2. Prakash TamangDate of Birth/Age : 1982/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 7, 2004 Place of Incident : Tinkune, Dharan Municipality, SunsariOccupation/A# liation :Politics ( CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Lamidanda, Katunjebabala VDC-7Father’s Name : Dik Bahadur TamangDetailsA district member of the ‘People’s Government’ formed by the Maoists, Prakash Tamang, also known as Barpawa,22, of Lamidanda Katunjebabala

VDC-7 was arrested at Tinkune in Dharan Municipality by Royal Nepalese Army on January 7, 2004. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police3. Megh Bahadur KatuwalDate of Birth/Age : May 9, 1960/41 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2001Place of Incident : Puritole, Triveni VDC-1, UdayapurOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Puritole, Triveni VDC-1Father’s Name : Kanak Singh KatuwalMother’s Name : Mana Maya KatuwalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bade Maya KatuwalNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2Other dependents : 6

DetailsA Maoist cadre, Megh Bahadur Katuwal, 41, of Triveni VDC-1 was arrested in Triveni VDC-6 by Nepal Police in 2001. His whereabouts are unknown so far. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


1.14 KhotangBy StateBy Royal Nepalese Army1. Pratap Lal PariyarDate of Birth/Age : March 25, 1971/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 4, 2002 Place of Incident : Diktel VDC-6 Occupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Hachur VDC-5 Father’s Name : Man Bahadur PariyarMother’s Name : Julphi Maya P PariyarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPratap Lal Pariyar, 31, of Hachur VDC-5 was arrested from near Mude Barrack by members of Bhawanidal Company of the Royal Nepalese

Army on April 4, 2002. ! e victim was returning home from Diktel VDC-6 at the time of arrest. He remains missing since the arrest. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

1.15 OkhaldhungaBy State By Uni ed Command1. Himal Kaji KarkiDate of Birth/Age : 1976/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 30, 2001 Place of Incident : Katari, Udayapur Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Bhadaure VDC-2Father’s Name : Chakra Bahadur KarkiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Pashupati KarkiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsHimal Kaji Karki, 25, of Bhadaure VDC-2 was arrested at Dolma Hotel located at Katari Bazaar in Udayapur district on November 30, 2001. He remains missing. ! e victim, along with his wife Pashupati Karki and their daughters was kept at the police post in Mirchaiya for 15 days. Afterwards Pashupati Karki was sent to Okhaldhunga prison and was released from there after three months whereas Himal Kaji was disappeared from Mirchaiya. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

2. Rajendra KhadkaDate of Incident : August 24, 2004 Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis, Kathmandu Permanent Address : Kalikadevi VDC-8


Father’s Name : Ganesh Bahadur KhadkaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRajendra Khadka of Kalikadevi VDC-8 was arrested in Kathmandu Municipality on August 24, 2004. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

3. Gaj Raj RaiDate of Birth/Age : December 23, 1984/17 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 30, 2001 Place of Incident : Katari VDC, Udayapur Occupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Mamkha VDC-5Father’s Name : Gokarna RaiMother’s Name : Kunti Maya RaiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsGaj Raj Rai, 17, of Mamkha VDC-5 was arrested from Dolma Hotel located at Katari Bazaar in Udayapur on November 30, 2001. He remains missing following the arrest. Himal Kaji Karki, his wife Pashupati Karki and their daughter, were also arrested along with him and kept in the Mirchaiya Police Post for 15 days. Pashupati was later transferred to Okhaldhunga prison and released after three months. Whereabouts of Gaj Raj and others remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

4. Chakra Bahadur KatuwalDate of Birth/Age : August 24, 1953/48 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 16, 2001 Place of Incident : Kuibhir VDC-2, OkhaldhungaOccupation/A# liation : Teaching, Permanent Address : Kuibhir VDC-2Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Piwa Kumari KatuwalNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsChakra Bahadur Katuwal, 48, of Kuibhir VDC-2 was arrested at the gate of the District Education O# ce (DEO) in Okhaldhunga by a team of plain clothe army personnel on December 13, 2001. ! e victim had gone to the DEO as per the letter sent by District Education O# cer calling him there to provide information on certain issues regarding the school. ! e victim was the principal of the school. ! e victim had received the letter through Bir Bahadur Adhikari, a teacher at his school. Bir Bahadur was an eye witness of the arrest. Following the arrest the victim was taken to the army barrack, kept in extrajudicial detention there and subjected to physical torture and was fi nally taken to the District Police O# ce in Okhaldhunga. ! e victim was kept in a room with Udaya Bahadur Rai on December 17, 2001. Later Udaya was released and the victim’s family was informed about the incident. ! e victim remains missing to date. Government of


Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Royal Nepalese Army5. Hem Narayan ShresthaDate of Birth/Age : 1973/ 30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 25, 2003 Place of Incident : Dhapasi VDC, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Gamnangtar VDC-6Father’s Name : Giri Bahadur ShresthaMother’s Name : Indra Maya ShresthaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsHem Narayan Shrestha, 30, of Gamnangtar VDC-6 was arrested at Dhapasi VDC in Kathmandu by the Royal Nepalese Army on September 25, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as interim relief.

6. Rewkala Tiwari (Dhamala)Date of Birth/Age : 1983/ 20 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : October 30, 2003 Place of Incident : Chabahil, Kathmandu Metropolis-7, Kathmandu

Occupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Betini VDC-9Father’s Name : Dhanlal TiwariHusband/Wife : Bhabnath Dhamala

DetailsRewkala Tiwari (Dhamala), 20, of Betini VDC-9 was arrested at Chabhil in Kathmandu Metropolis-7 by Royal Nepalese Army on October 30, 2003. Her whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

7. Bhawanath DhamalaDate of Birth/Age : 1981/ 22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 29, 2003 Place of Incident : Chabahil, Kathmandu Metropolis-7, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Betini VDC-9Father’s Name : Gobinda DhamalaHusband/Wife : Rewakala Tiwari (Dhamala)

DetailsBhawanath Dhamala, 22, of Betini VDC-9 was arrested at Chabahil in Kathmandu Metropolis-7 by Royal Nepalese Army on October 30, 2003. He remains missing since the arrest. Government of Nepal


provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

8. Dinesh GautamDate of Birth/Age : January 16, 1983 /21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 5, 2004 Place of Incident : SindhupalchokPermanent Address : Pokali VDC-1Father’s Name : Ganesh Bahadur Gautam

DetailsDinesh Gautam, 21, of Pokali VDC-1 was arrested in Sindhupalchok district by Royal Nepalese Army on December 16, 2003 and he remains missing since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police9. Shambhu KatuwalDate of Birth/Age : 1973 /28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 30, 2001 Place of Incident : Katari VDC, Udaypur Occupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : ! ulachap VDC-1 Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsShambhu Katuwal, 28, of ! ulachhap VDC-1 was arrested from Dolma Hotel at Katari Bazaar in Udayapur distirict on November 30, 2001 and he remains

disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

10. Pradip RaiDate of Birth/Age : 1976/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 30, 2001 Place of Incident : Katari VDC, UdayapurOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Barnalu VDC-4Mother’s Name : Dhankumari Rai

DetailsPradip Rai, 25, of Barnalu VDC-4 was arrested at a hotel at Katari Bazaar by police on November 30, 2001 while he was on his way to Kathmandu. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

11. Prachanda KatuwalDate of Birth/Age : November 10, 1981 /20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 30, 2001Place of Incident : Katari VDC, UdayapurOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : ! ulachhap VDC-4Father’s Name : Gyan Bahadur KatuwalMarital Status : Unmarried


DetailsPrachanda Katuwal, 20, of ! ulachhap VDC-4 was arrested at a hotel at Katari Bazaar in Udayapur district by police on November 30, 2001. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

1.16 Solukhumbu

By Non-StateBy CPN-M1. Kamidawa SherpaDate of Birth/Age : 1984/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 3, 2006 Place of Incident : Kerung VDC- 3, SolukhumbuOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Kerung VDC-3Father’s Name : Pemba SherpaMarital Status : Unmarried DetailsKamidawa Sherpa, 22, of Kerung VDC-3 was abducted by a group of Maoists on March 3, 2006 on charge of theft and he remains missing since the abduction. Government of Nepal has not provided any sorts of relief to the victim’s family.

2. Gyaljen SherpaDate of Birth/Age : 1986/ 20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 8, 2006 Place of Incident : Kerung VDC-4, Solukhumbu

Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Kerung VDC-4Father’s Name : Nima SherpaMarital Status : Unmarried DetailsGyaljen Sherpa, 20, of Kerung VDC-4 was abducted by a group of CPN-M on March 8, 2006 on charge of theft and he remains missing since the abduction. Government of Nepal has not provided any sorts of relief to the victim’s family.

3. Pemba SherpaDate of Birth/Age : February 22, 1986 /20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 3, 2006 Place of Incident : Kerung VDC-3, SolukhumbuOccupation/A# liation: Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Kerung VDC-3Mother’s Name : Kamini SherpaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Pemba Sherpa, 20, of Kerung VDC-3 was abducted by a group of Maoist cadres on March 3, 2006 on charge of theft and the victim remains disappeared since the abduction. ! e Government of Nepal has not provided any sorts of reliefto the victim’s family.


Mid Development Region2.1 Dhanusha/632.2 Mahottari/672.4 Sindhuli/682.5 Ramechhap/732.7 Rautahat/772.8 Bara/792.9 Parsa/792.10 Chitwan/802.11 Makawanpur/852.12 Lalitpur/892.13 Kavre/932.14 Bhaktapur/1022.15 Kathmandu/1052.16 Dhading/1122.17 Sindhupalchok/1222.18 Nuwakot/1292.19 Rasuwa/135


By StateBy Uni ed Command1. Sanjeev Kumar Karna (Dipu)Date of Birth/Age : March 9, 1979/25 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 8, 2003Place of Incident : Kataiyachauri, Janakpur Municipality-4, DhanushaOccupation/A# liation : Student, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Sahid Chok, Janakpur Municipality-10Father’s Name : Jaya Kishor KarnaMother’s Name : Bimaladevi KarnaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre Sanjeev Kumar Karna (Dipu), 25, of Sahid Chok, Janakpur Municipality-10 was arrested by Unifi ed Command from Kataiyachauri of ward

no. 4 of the same Municipality and was disappeared on October 8, 2003. Along with the victim, other 10/11 people were also arrested by the Unifi ed Command and brought to the Regional Police O# ce. SSP Dr Chuda Bahadur Shrestha had assured the victim’s family members of their safety in the presence of the then

2.1 Dhanusha SP Kuber Singh Rana, Kheti Raj Kafl e, Major Anup Adhikari, DSP of National Investigation Bishnu Pokharel and other members of security committee adding that investigation on his disappearances was underway. But, on the enquiry in the evening, they were told that all the arrestees were transferred from there but not told where. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

2. Manoj DuttDate of Birth/Age : January 5, 1965/39 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 12, 2003Place of Incident : Saketnagar, Janakpur Municipality-9, DhanushaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent/Address : Saketnagar, Janakpur Municipality-9Father’s Name : Ugra Narayan DuttMother’s Name : Uma Devi DuttMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Anjudevi DuttNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsA CPN-M Area in-charge, Manoj Dutt, 39, of Saketnagar, Janakpur Municipality-9 was arrested and beaten up by the Unifi ed Command at his home


on October 12, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

3. Amar BishwakarmaDate of Birth/Age : January 29, 1978 /27 yrs Sex : Male Date of Incident : November 20, 2004Place of Incident : Teku, Kathmandu Metropolis-12, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Lalgadh, Bengadabar VDC-9Father’s Name : Talaram BishwakarmaMother’s Name : Phulmaya BishwakarmaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Srijana ShahiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Amar Bishwakarma, 27, of Lalgadh, Bengadabar VDC-9 was arrested at Teku in Kathmandu Metropolis-12 by Unifi ed Command

on November 20, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s mother had sought help and appealed to di" erent organizations for the release of her son. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

4. Pramod Narayan MandalDate of Birth/Age : May 24, 1986 /17 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 8, 2003Place of Incident : Kataiyachauri area, Janakpur Municipality-4, DahnushaOccupation/A# liation : Student, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Kurtha VDC-1Father’s Name : Ramavatar MandalMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Pramod Narayan Mandal, 17, of Kurtha VDC-1 was arrested by Unifi ed Command at Kataiyachauri of ward no. 4 of the same Municipality on October 8, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown. Along with the victim, other 10/11 people were arrested by the Unifi ed Command and brought to the Regional Police Unit O# ce. SSP Dr Chuda Bahadur Shrestha had assured the victims’ family members of the victims’ safety in the presence of the then SP Kuber Singh Rana, Kheti Raj Kafl e, Major Anup Adhikari, DSP of National Investigation Bishnu Pokharel and other members of security committee adding that investigation was underway. But, upon enquiry in the evening, they were told that all the arrestees were transferred from there but not told where. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


5. ShailendraYadavDate of Birth/Age : February 18, 1986 / 18 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 8, 2003Place of Incident : Kataiyachauri area, Janakpur Municipality-4, Dahnusha Occupation/A# liation : Student CPN-MPermanent/Address : Karmahi, Dhuhabi VDC-7Father’s Name : BaueramYadavMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Shailendra Yadav, 18, of Karmahi, Dhuhabi VDC-7 was arrested by Unifi ed Command at Kataiyachauri in ward

no. 4 of the same Municipality on October 8, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown. Along with the victim, other 10/11 people were arrested by the Unifi ed Command and brought to the Regional Police Unit O# ce. SSP Dr Chuda Bahadur Shrestha had assured the victims’ family members of their safety in the presence of the then SP Kuber Singh Rana, Kheti Raj Kafl e, Major Anup Adhikari, DSP of National Investigation Bishnu Pokharel and other members of security committee adding that investigation was underway. But, upon enquiry in the evening, they were told that all the arrestees were transferred from there but not told where. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

6. Durgesh Kumar LalDate of Birth/Age : September 7, 1973 /30 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 8, 2003Place of Incident : Kataiyachauri area, Janakpur Municipality-4, Dahnusha Occupation/A# liation : Student, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Sahid Chok, Janakpur Municipality-10Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDurgesh Kumar Lal, 30, of Sahid Chok, Janakpur Municipality-10 was arrested by Unifi ed Command at Kataiyachauri of the same VDC on October 8, 2003.His whereabouts remain unknown. Along with the victim, other 10/11 people were arrested by the Unifi ed Command and brought to the Regional Police Unit O# ce. SSP Dr Chuda Bahadur Shrestha had assured the victims’ family members of their safety in the presence of the then SP Kuber Singh Rana, Kheti Raj Kafl e, Major Anup Adhikari, DSP of National Investigation Bishnu Pokharel and other members of security committee adding that investigation was underway. But, upon enquiry in the evening, they were told that all the arrestees were transferred from there but not told where. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


7. Jitendra Jha (Machhali)Date of Birth/Age : October 8, 1982 /21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 8, 2003Place of Incident : Kataiyachauri area, Janakpur Municipality-4, Dahnusha Occupation/A# liation : Politics, ANNISU-RPermanent/Address : Near Kataiyachauri, Janakpur Municipality-4Father’s Name : Paribodh JhaMother’s Name : Indiradevi JhaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsJitendra Jha (Machali), 21, of Janakpur VDC-4 was arrested by Unifi ed Command in the same area on October 8, 2003. His whereabouts remain

unknown. Along with the victim, other 10/11 people were arrested by the Unifi ed Command and brought to the Regional Police Unit O# ce. SSP Dr Chuda Bahadur Shrestha had assured the victims’ family members of their safety in the presence of the then SP Kuber Singh Rana, Kheti Raj Kafl e, Major Anup Adhikari, DSP of National Investigation Bishnu Pokharel and other members of security committee adding that investigation was underway.

But, upon enquiry in the evening, they were told that all the arrestees were transferred from there but not told where. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

8. Ramchandra Lal KarnaDate of Birth/Age : June 18, 1960 /43 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 12, 2003Place of Incident : Saketnagar, Janakpur Municipality-9, DhanushaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M memberPermanent/Address : Dashinbari Tole, Nagrain VDC-1Father’s Name : Kedarlal KarnaMother’s Name : Nagina Devi KarnaMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsA CPN-M member, Ramchandra Lal Karna, 43, of Dashinbari Tole in Nagrain VDC-1 was arrested and beaten up by Unifi ed Command at the home of Manoj Dutt on October 12, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


By Non-StateBy CPN-M9. Kameshwar ThakurDate of Birth/Age : 1963/40 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 30, 2003Place of Incident : Ekrahi VDC-7, DhanushaPermanent/Address : Ekrahi VDC-7Father’s Name : Kari ! akurMother’s Name : Dana Devi ! akurMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dukhani Devi ! akurNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/2

DetailsKameshwor ! akur, 40, of Ekrahi VDC-7 was abducted by the cadres of CPN-M from Tinkauriya Chok of the same VDC on charge of robbery on April 30, 2003. ! e victim was beaten up severely and carried away as he became unconscious. His whereabouts remain unknown.

10. Dip Narayan YadavDate of Birth/Age : 1972/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 6, 2006Place of Incident : Barmajhiya VDC-6, DhanushaOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : Barmajhiya VDC-6Father’s Name : Bataha YadavMother’s Name : Deshiya Devi YadavMarital Status : Married

DetailsDip NarayanYadav, 34, of Barmajhiya VDC-6 was abducted by the cadres of CPN-M on August 6, 2006 on charge of spying against them. His whereabouts remain unknown.His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By State By Uni ed Command1. Dipak RikhamDate of Birth/Age : 1973/30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2003Place of Incident : ! ana Chok, Gaushala VDC-2, MahottariOccupation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : Rajkhor, Gaushala VDC-5

Details Dipak Rikham, 30, of Gaushala VDC-5 was arrested by Gaushala Area Police O# ce in 2003. He remains disappeared since the arrest. All of his family members were displaced following his arrest.

2. Biltu YadavDate of Birth/Age : 1963/40 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 1, 2003Place of Incident : ! ana Chok, Gaushala VDC-2, MahottariOccupation : Wage-earning

2.2 Mahottari


Permanent/Address : Shivabhakti, Gaushala VDC-5Father’s Name : Paltan YadavMother’s Name : Mihachhi Devi YadavMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kamali Devi Yadav

Details Biltu Yadav, 40, of Gaushala VDC-5 was arrested at ! anachok in Gaushala VDC-2 by security forces on October 1, 2003. He

remains disappeared since the arrest.

2.4 Sindhuli

By State By Uni ed Command1. Tejman BishwakarmaDate of Birth/Age : June 29, 1972 /31 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 2003Place of Incident : Chabahil, Kathmandu Metropolis-7, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent/Address : Hatpate VDC-4Father’s Name : Jagatman BishwakarmaMother’s Name : Sanaulimaya BishwakarmaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsTejman Bishwakarma, 31, of Hatpate VDC-4 was arrested by Unifi ed Command at Chabahil in Kathmandu Metropolis-7 on November 26, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s mother Sunaulimaya said that he had been to home after completing 15 months’ jail term and was again disappeared when he went to Kathmandu. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

2. Santoshi DhamiDate of Birth/Age : December 29, 1989 /14 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 5, 2003Place of Incident : Bhiman, Kamalamai Municipality-11, SindhuliOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent/Address : Shirthauli VDC-1Father’s Name : Birju DhamiMother’s Name : Laharewati DhamiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsSantoshi Dhami, 14, of Shirthauli VDC-1 was arrested by Unifi ed Command of Bhiman Security Check Post in Kamalamai Municipality-11 on November 5, 2003. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


3. Rajan Bahadur BudhathokiDate of Birth/Age : April 13, 1973/30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 17, 2003Place of Incident : Bhiman, Kamalamai Municipality-11, SindhuliPermanent/Address : Kamalamai Municipality-15Father’s Name : Chandra Bahadur BudhathokiMother’s Name : Yashodha BudhathokiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRajan Bahadur Budhathoki, 30, of Kamalamai Municipality-15 was arrested by Unifi ed Command in Bhiman on October 17, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

4. Ramchandra KafleDate of Birth/Age : 1975/28 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 29, 2003Place of Incident : Bauddha, Kathmandu Metropolis-6, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Suwara, Dadigurans VDC-5Father’s Name : Kedar Prasad Kafl e

Mother’s Name : Sabitri Kafl eMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Shanta AdhikariNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Ramchandra Kafl e, 28, of Suwara in Dadigurans VDC-5 was arrested by Unifi ed Command at Bauddha in Kathmandu Metropolis-6 on charge of being a Maoist and was taken to Bhairabnath Battalion on October 29, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown.

5. Shamsher Bahadur BishwakarmaDate of Birth/Age : October 31, 1964/35 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 25, 1999Place of Incident : Kirate, Tinkanya VDC-9, SindhuliOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Kirate, Tinkanya VDC-9Father’s Name : Krishna Bahadur Sapkota BKMother’s Name : Sukumaya Sapkota BKMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dil Kumari BK No. of Son/Daughter : 3/3

DetailsShamsher Bahadur Bishwakarma, 35, of Kirate, Tinkanya VDC-9 was arrested by riot police on charge of making guns and selling to Maoists on April 25, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown. According to his family members, along with the victim, other two arrestees were taken to


Sugure of Basheshwar VDC. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Royal Nepalese Army6. Hari Bahadur Thapa Magar (Umesh)Date of Birth/Age : 1981/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 2002Place of Incident : ! aiba, ! aiba VDC-7, LalitpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent/Address : Balajor VDC-7Father’s Name : Bhakta Bahadur ! apaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tilmaya ! apa MagarNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsHari Bahadur ! apa Magar (Umesh), 21, of Balajor VDC-7 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army at ! aiba VDC-7, Lalitpur on June 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. He was a# liated to the pro-CPN-M trade union and was a worker in a carpet factory. ! e victim’s father said that they did not know about details of the arrest as they were living in the village.

7. Rit Bahadur GurungDate of Birth/Age : November 1, 1967/36 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 29, 2003Place of Incident : Stal Bazar, Kamalamai Municipality, Sindhuli

Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Ranikhola, Tinkanya VDC-8Father’s Name : Mukti Bahadur GurungMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsRit Bahadur Gurung, 36, of Ranikhola, Tinkanya VDC-8 was arrested at Stal bazaar in Kamalamai Municipality-6 on October 29, 2003 on charge of being a Maoist. He had been to district headquarters to collect his passport. His whereabouts remain unknown.

8. Hom Bahadur Rana (Bigyan)Date of Birth/Age : August 25, 1984 /19 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 11, 2003Place of Incident : Lalbandi VDC, SarlahiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent/Address : Bijaypur, Balajor VDC-2Father’s Name : Toya Bahadur Rana MagarMother’s Name : Balkumari Rana MagarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA member of PLA, Hom Bahadur Rana (Bigyan), 19, of Bijaypur in Balajor VDC-2 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army in Lalbandi VDC of Sarlahi district on


November 11, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown.

9. Ambika BK (Sharmila)Date of Birth/Age : January 24, 1989/17 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 2005Place of Incident : Bhaktapur DistrictOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent/Address : Kyaneshwar VDC-4Father’s Name : Man Bahadur BKMother’s Name : Sukumaya BKMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M supporter, Ambika BK (Sharmila), 17, of Kyaneshwar VDC-4 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army in Bhaktapur district in September 2005. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

10. Jalandhar BanstolaDate of Birth/Age : September 20, 1974 /30 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 5, 2004Place of Incident : Maharajgunj, Kathmandu Metropolis-3, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent/Address : Dudhauli VDC-2Father’s Name : Chitra Prasad Banstola

Mother’s Name : Suvadra BanstolaMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Sita BanstolaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2No. of Dependents : 3

Details! e Chiarman of Nepal Trade Union/Carpet Weaver Union, Jalandhar Banstola, 30, of Dudhauli VDC-2 was arrested at Maharajgunj in Kathmandu Metropolis-3 by a team of army from Bhairabnath Battalion on November 5, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s father said that army made public that he was killed in a bomb blast while planting the bomb in Nuwakot. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Nepal Police11. Shyam Bir MajhiDate of Birth/Age : November 25, 1962/38 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 2, 2000Place of Incident : Hariban VDC-6, SarlahiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, PLAPermanent/Address : Ghata, Mahadevsthan VDC-9Father’s Name : Prem Bahadur MajhiMother’s Name : Santamaya Majhi


Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kalimaya MajhiNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/3

DetailsA PLA member, Shyam Bir Majhi, 38, of Ghata, Mahadevsthan VDC-9 was arrested by police at Haribaun VDC-6 in Sarlahi district as he was heading towards Nuwakot on a bus on June 2, 2000. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

12. Chitra Narayan ShresthaDate of Birth/Age : November 14, 1948 /52 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 30, 2000Place of Incident : Hariban VDC-6, SarlahiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent/Address : Dhungrebas, Kamalamai Municipality-9Father’s Name : Madhu Narayan ShresthaMother’s Name : Janmaya ShresthaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sabitri ShresthaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/3

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Chitra Narayan Shrestha, 52, of Dhungrebas in Kamalamai Municipality-9 was arrested by Nepal Police in Haribaun VDC-6 of Sarlahi district on May 30, 2000 when he was

heading towards Sindhuli on a bus. Along with him other two were also arrested and their whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s side said that they were arrested following the order from the CDO Tahneshwor Devkota and SP Chhokpa Sherpa. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

13. Dilli Bahadur Sapkota BKDate of Birth/Age : January 23, 1970 /30 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 25, 1999Place of Incident : Kirate, Tinkanya VDC-9, SindhuliOccupation/A# liation : Wage earning Permanent/Address : Kirate, Tinkanya VDC-9Father’s Name : Khamba Singh Sapkota Kami Mother’s Name : Jyotimaya Sapkota Kami Marital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsDilli Bahadur Sapkota BK, 30, of Kirate in Tinkanya VDC-9 was arrested at his home by riot police on April 25, 1999 on charge of making guns and selling them to Maoists. His whereabouts remain unknown. According to his family members they got information that along with the victim other two arrestees were taken to Sugure of Basheshwor VDC. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


By Non-StateBy CPN-M14. Suresh Chandra Koirala (Basistha)Date of Birth/Age : October 30, 1957/46 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 13, 2003Place of Incident : Deuralitar, Basheshwar VDC-1, SindhuliOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture, NC Permanent/Address : Deuralitar, Basheshwar VDC-1Father’s Name : ! etraj KoiralaMother’s Name : Kuntadevi KoiralaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Urmila Koirala

DetailsAn NC member, Suresh Chandra Koirala (Basistha), 46, of Deuralitar in Basheshwar VDC-1 was abducted by the Maoists from his home

on October 13, 2003 on charge of spying against them. Maoists informed that he was killed during interrogation on the third day of abduction in Tinkanya VDC. But, his family haven’t got the body of the victim and they are still for the investigation and search of disappeared Koirala.

2.5 Ramechhap

By StateBy Uni ed Command1. Padam Bahadur SarkiDate of Birth/Age : May 14, 1960/40 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 26, 2000Place of Incident : Jhingamali, Priti VDC-9, RamechhapOccupation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Jhingamali, Priti VDC-9Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Taki SarkiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/4

Details Padam Bahadur Sarki, 40, of Priti VDC-9 was arrested at his home by police from Bamti Police Post on October 26, 2000 on charge of his involvement in the Maoist party. He was taken towards the police post saying that the police had to inquire about him; however, he was disappeared before reaching to the police post. Police say that he fl ed on way to police post, but the victim remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family have not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

2. Pushpa Kumar GiriDate of Birth/Age : June 18, 1975/28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 7, 2003


Place of Incident : Bagbazaar, Kathmandu Metropolis-31, KathmanduOccupation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Puranagaun, Puranagaun VDC-6Father’s Name : Nanda Lal GiriMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhakta Kumari Giri (Mina Giri)No. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

Details Pushpa Kumar Giri, 28, of Puranagaun VDC-6, was arrested at his room at Bagbazaar in Kathmandu Metropolis-31 by a group of people which seemed like

army men on November 7, 2003. Earlier too, he was arrested by army and kept in custody for a long time. ! e victim, who had deteriorating health condition due to the army’s torture, was in Kathmandu for the treatment. His landlord had witnessed his arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

3. Kiran Kumar TamangDate of Birth/Age : August 1, 1980/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 25, 2004Place of Incident : Chehere VDC, Sindhupalchok

Permanent/Address : Phusre, Chuchure VDC-7Mother’s Name : Kul Maya TamangMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Kiran Kumar Tamang, 24, of Phusre in Chuchure VDC-7 was arrested at Chehere in the Sindhupalchok district by security forces on August 25, 2004 while he was going to Kathmandu from the place of arrest. ! e army and the Maoists had been involved in an encounter when the vehicle he was travelling on arrived at the scene. He was arrested by security forces following the encounter.

4. Chandra Bahadur BhujelDate of Birth/Age : 1976/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 29, 1999Occupation : Wage-earningPlace of Incident : Baneshwar, Kathmandu Metropolis-10Permanent/Address : Phalante, Pakarbas VDC-5Father’s Name : Mukta Bahadur GhartiMother’s Name : Bhagawati GhartiMarital Status : Unmarried


Details Chandra Bahadur Bhujel, 23, of Phalante in Pakarbas VDC-5 was arrested at Baneshwar in Kathmandu Metropolis-10 by security forces in plain clothes on January 29, 1999 while he was asleep in his room. His co-worker of a hotel had witnessed his arrest. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest.

5. Raj Kumar Thapa MagarDate of Birth/Age : April 13, 1984/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 5, 2005Occupation : StudentPlace of Incident : District Jail, Chautara VDC-8, Sindhupalchok Permanent/Address : Khotapa, Hiledevi VDC-2Father’s Name : Man Bahadur ! apa MagarMother’s Name : Dhanalaxmi ! apa MagarMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Raj Kumar ! apa Magar, 18, of Hiledevi VDC-2 was disappeared from the District Jail in the Sindhupalchok district on January 5, 2005 by security forces. ! e victim, who was in jail, was last seen by his father between mid-April and mid-May in 2004 and he had sent a letter to his family dated October 6, 2004. ! e family claimed he was disappeared on January 5, 2005 in the pretext of transferring to other jail.

By Royal Nepalese Army 6. Dil Bahadur Thapa MagarDate of Birth/Age : March 2, 984/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 5, 2005Place of Incident : Chautara VDC-8, SindhupalchokOccupation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent/Address : Majh, Himganga VDC-1Father’s Name : Lok Bahadur ! apa MagarMother’s Name : Dhan Kumari ! apa MagarMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Dil Bahadur ! apa Magar, 19, of Himganga VDC-1 was arrested at Chautara VDC-8 in the Sindhupalchok district by Royal Nepalese Army on January 5, 2005. He was kept in Chautara Jail for sometimes before being taken to Sundarijal jail. He remains disappeared since then.

7. Dandu Prasad TiwariDate of Birth/Age : October 30, 1962/36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 5, 1999Place of Incident : Patandhoka, Lalitpur Sub- Metropolis, LalitpurOccupation : TeachingPermanent/Address : Dhande, Lakhanpur VDC-3


Father’s Name : Dilli Prasad TiwariMother’s Name : Mana Maya TiwariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sita Tiwari

Details A teacher, Dandu Prasad Tiwari, 36, of Lakhanur VDC-3 was arrested at Patandhoka in Lalitpur Sub-Metropolis on February 5, 1999 by police on

charge of being a Maoist. Although his wife Sita Tiwari was informed that the victim was no longer alive, it has not been confi rmed and he remains disappeared.

By Royal Nepalese Army 8. Ishwar Kumar LamaDate of Birth/Age : July 4, 1982/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 26, 2002Place of Incident : Kalanki, Kathmandu Metropolis-14, KathmanduOccupation : PoliticsPermanent/Address : Dhuware, Rakathum VDC-3Father’s Name : Padam Singh LamaMother’s Name : Dolma LamaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Ishwar Kumar Lama, 20, of Rakathum VDC-3 was arrested at Kalanki in Kathmandu Metropolis by the Royal Nepalese Army on April 26, 2002. His family stated that he was disappeared along with other two people while he was asleep in the room of Purna Paudel, an ANNISU-R leader.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M9. Upendra Prasad GuragainDate of Birth/Age : 1962/40 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 27, 2002Place of Incident : Bhasme, Priti VDC-6, RamechhapOccupation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Tulepu, Priti VDC-6Father’s Name : Til Hari GuragainMother’s Name : Pabitra UpadhayaMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 5/0

Details Upendra Prasad Guragain, 40, of Tulepu in Priti VDC-6 was abducted from Indra Bahadur Katwal’s home in the same VDC on


December 27, 2002 by Maoists while he was there to perform death rites of Indra Bahadur’s wife. Maoists stated that he was abducted because his son was a job holder in the army. Although an area level Maoist cadre stated, after the Peace Agreement, that he was killed in Tarkerabari VDC in the Okhaldhunga district, Maoists have not confi rmed it.

2.7 Rautahat

By StateBy Police1. Kamalmani DahalDate of Birth/Age : August 6, 1977/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 2001Place of Incident : Beldi, Chandranigahapur VDC-9, RautahatOccupation : Student, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Jagal Tole, Chandranigahapur VDC-2Father’s Name : Lokhari DahalMother’s Name : Rudra Kumari DahalMarital Status : Unmarried Details

A Maoist cadre, Kamalmani Dahal, 24, of Chandranigahapur VDC-2 was arrested in Santapur VDC by police on November 26, 2001

while he was going to Chandranigahapur. He remains disappeared since the arrest.

2. Rupa SapkotaDate of Birth/Age : 1965/37 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 2, 2002Place of Incident : Dholabajakhor, Bhasedawa VDC-6, RautahatOccupation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Sindhurekhari, Dumriya- Matioun VDC-2Father’s Name : Netra Bahadur KhatriMother’s Name : Shibha Kumari KhatriMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Hari Bahadur Sapkota

Details Rupa Sapkota, 37, of Dumriya VDC-2 was arrested at her daughter’s home located in Bhasedawa VDC-6 on September 2, 2002 by plain-clothe police from District Police O# ce. Her daughter Menuka was also arrested along with her by the police. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


3. Menuka Kumari Sapkota PokharelDate of Birth/Age : January 23, 1986/17 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 2, 2002Place of Incident : Dholabajakhor, Bhasedawa VDC-6, RautahatOccupation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Dholabazar, Bhasedawa VDC-6Father’s Name : Hari Bahadur SapkotaMother’s Name : Rupa SapkotaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rupesh Pokahrel

Details ! e district secretary of women’s organization a# liated to the CPN-M, Menuka Kumari Sapkota, 17, of Dholabajakhor in Bhasedawa VDC-6

was arrested at her home by plain-clothe police on September 2, 2002. She remains disappeared since the arrest. Her mother Rupa was also arrested along with her on the same day. ! e victim was nine-month pregnant and her mother had gone to her home for her post-natal care and to care for the newborn.

4. Chet Bahadur BasnetDate of Birth/Age : February 16, 1982/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 2001Place of Incident : Betauna, Santapur- Matiaun VDC-4, RautahatOccupation : Student, CPN-M cadrePermanent/Address : Betauna, Santapur- Matiaun VDC-4Father’s Name : Bhupal Bahadur BasnetMother’s Name : Chandra Maya Devi BasnetMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A CPN-M cadre, Chet Bahadur Basnet, 20, of Santapur-Matiaun VDC-4 was arrested at his home by police on November 26, 2001 while he was going to Chandranigahapur. He remains disappeared since the arrest.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M5. Gopi LimbuDate of Birth/Age : 1972/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 12, 2006Place of Incident : Chandranigahapur VDC-1, Rautahat


Occupation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : Chandraniga- hapur VDC-3Father’s Name : Man Bahadur LimbuMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Uma LimbuNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/3

Details Gopi Limbu, 31, of C h a n d r a n i g a h a p u r VDC-3 was abducted from his home by CPN-M cadres on April 12, 2006. He remains

disappeared since the abduction.

2.8 Bara

By Non-StateBy CPN-M1. Hiralal Yadav (Ramsagar Yadav)Date of Birth/Age : 1983/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 4, 2004Place of Incident : Uchidih VDC, BaraOccupation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Basbariya, Kachorwa VDC-9Father’s Name : Ram Keshwar YadavMother’s Name : Sugiya Devi YadavMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sathjha Devi YadavNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

2.9 Parsa

By State By Royal Nepalese Army1. Basanta BhandariDate of Birth/Age : March 26, 1966/38 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 1, 2003Place of Incident : Bagbanna VDC-4, ParsaOccupation/A# liation : Politics CPN-MPermanent/Address : ! ori VDC-6Father’s Name : Meghnath BahndariMother’s Name : Bishnumaya BhandariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Maina BhandariNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsA cadre of CPN-M, Basanta Bhandari, 38, of ! ori VDC-6 was arrested in Banwanna VDC-4 in Parsa district by a team of

Details Hiralal Yadav (Ramsagar Yadav), 21, of Kachorwa VDC-9 was abducted by CPN-M cadres in Uchidih VDC on August 4, 2004 as he was heading for Simraungadh on personal business. ! e family has not yet got any relief.


Royal Nepalese Army on November 1, 2003. He was arrested while he was asleep at an acquaintance’s home in Pashupatinagar Tole. His family got Rs 100,000 as relief from Government of Nepal.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M2. Ramakanta GiriDate of Birth/Age : 1945/58 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April, 2003 Place of Incident : Gadi VDC, ParsaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, NCPermanent/Address : Sonbarsa VDC-6, ParsaFather’s Name : Mahabir GiriMother’s Name : Chandrakala GiriMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Basmati Giri and Maya GiriNo. of Son/Daughter : 4/3No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsRamakanta Giri, 58, of Sonbarsa VDC-6 was abducted from Gadi VDC in Parsa district by the CPN-M cadres on April, 2003. He was abducted while he

was attending a picnic. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

2.10 ChitwanBy State By Uni ed Command1. Rupak AdhikariDate of Birth/Age : February 13, 1983/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 21, 2003Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Student, ANNISU-RPermanent/Address : Pithuwa VDC-9Father’s Name : Nil Parasad AdhikariMother’s Name : Saraswati AdhikariMarital Status : Unmarried DetailsRupak Adhikari, 21, of Pithuwa VDC-9 was arrested at Narayan Gopal Chok in Kathmandu district by a team of Unifi ed Command on October 21, 2003. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

2. Bholaraj SedhaiDate of Birth/Age : October 1, 1958/43 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 28, 2001Place of Incident : Birendranagar VDC-2, ChitwanOccupation/A# liation : Politics CPN-M


Permanent/Address : Bhandara VDC-5Father’s Name : Nil Bahadur SedhaiMother’s Name : Nanda Kumari SedhaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jamuna SedhaiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Bholaraj Sedhai, 43, of Bhandara VDC-5 left his home on November 18, 2001 for party business. According to witnesses, he was seen

at Khurkhure in Birendranagar VDC-2 in Chitwan district on November 28, 2001 but his whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family claimed that he was arrested by Unifi ed Command. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

3. Krishna PyakurelDate of Birth/Age : June 8, 1969/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 26, 2004Place of Incident : Barahachhetra VDC, SunsariOccupation/A# liation : Politics Permanent/Address : Bharatpur Municipality-12Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Saraswati Pyakurel

DetailsKrishna Pyakurel, 34, of Bharatpur Municipality-12 was arrested in Barahachhetra VDC in the Sunsari district by a team of Unifi ed Command on February 26, 2004. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

4. Khemlal Acharya Date of Birth/Age : September 8, 1965/38 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 12, 2004Place of Incident : Jamunatole, Bagbanna VDC-9, ParsaOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Bharatpur Municipality-12Father’s Name : Kashmakhar AcharyaMother’s Name : Bhaktimaya AcharyaMarital Status : Married

DetailsKhemlal Acharya, 38, of Bharatpur Municipality-12 was arrested at Jamunatole in Bagbanna VDC-9 by a joint team of Royal Nepalese Army and Nepal Police on February 12, 2004.

By Royal Nepalese Army5. Rajan Neupane Date of Birth/Age : October 12, 1969/32 yrs


Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 17, 2002Place of Incident : Mangalpur VDC-5, ChitwanOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture

Permanent/Address : Mangalpur VDC-5Father’s Name : Bhawanath NeupaneMother’s Name : Nanimaiya NeupaneMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsRajan Neupane, 32, of Mangalpur VDC-5 was arrested at his residence by Royal Nepalese Army on February 17, 2002 asking him to show the residences of the CPN-M cadres. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

6. Bhojraj GiriDate of Birth/Age : February 17, 1951/51 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 29, 2002Place of Incident : Bharatpur Municipality-4, ChitwanOccupation/A# liation : Wage earning Permanent/Address : Bharatpur Municipality-11Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhojmaya Giri

DetailsBhojraj Giri, 51, who lived at a rented home at Chhetrapur in Bharatpur Municipality-2, was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army on March 29, 2002. Giri was on duty at a home in Anandamarga in Bharatpur Municipality-4. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

7. Aaite SunarDate of Birth/Age : May 31, 1967/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 3, 2002Place of Incident : Patihani VDC-8, Chitwan Occupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : Patihani VDC-8Father’s Name : Lalit Bahadur Sunar Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ninu Sunar

DetailsAaite Sunar, 35, of Patihani VDC-8 was arrested at his residence by a team of Royal Nepalese Army on June 3, 2002. ! e victim, along with 10 other people, was kept at the Army Barrack in Bharatpur. Although the condition of all others was made public, his whereabouts remain unknown.

8. Gyanendra TripathiDate of Birth/Age : May 27, 1968/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 27, 2003


Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-35, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Student Permanent/Address : Ratnanagar Municipality-13Father’s Name : Dolnath TripathiMother’s Name : Bhagawati TripathiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sharmila Tripathi Panta

DetailsGyanendra Tripathi, 35, of Ratnanagar Municipality-13 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army on September 27, 2003. He was a a# liated to

ANNISU-R. He was kept at the custody at Bhairavnath Battalion in Kathmandu. His whereabouts remain unknown.

9. Krishna Bahadur BK Date of Birth : 1973/ 21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 16, 2002Place of Incident : Champanagar, Gitanagar VDC-3, ChitwanOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : Ganganagar, Patihani VDC-8Marital Status : Married

DetailsKrishna Bahadur BK, 21, of Ganganagar, Patihani VDC-8 was arrested at Champanagar in Gitanagar VDC-3

in Chitwan district by a team of Royal Nepalese Army on September 16, 2002. His daughter Sushila informed that the army followed and arrested him while he was having tea at a hotel. His whereabouts remain unknown. Dhan Prasad Gurung, who was with him at the time of incident, was killed in the fi ring as he tried to fl ee from the hotel. By Nepal Police10. Lalit Bahadur GurungDate of Birth : February 28, 1970/ 33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 8, 2002Place of Incident : Bharatpur Municipality-10, ChitwanPermanent/Address : Bharatpur Municipality-8Father’s Name : Nanda Prasad GurungMother’s Name : Narmaya GurungMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Anita GurungDetailsLalit Bahadur Gurung, 33, of Sharadpur in Bharatpur Municipality-8 was arrested at Balmandir Tole in Bharatpur Municipality-10 in the Chitwan district by a team of Nepal Police on June 8, 2002. He was charged of being a Maoist and kept at First Rifl e Battalion at Bahratpur Barrack. His family informed that the army inquired them on the same night over telephone on whether or not the victim belonged to the family. According to the family, the victim was mentally sick. However, the police claimed that he accepted the fact that he was a CPN-M cadre. His whereabouts


remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal as interim relief.

11. Dandapani NeupaneDate of Birth : March 25, 1947/53 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 21, 1999Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Gitanagar VDC-2Father’s Name : Buddhisagar NeupaneMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shanta Neupane No. of Son/Daughter : 1/3

DetailsDandapani Neupane, 53, of Gitanagar VDC-2 was arrested at Kalanki in Kathmandu by a team of Nepal Police on May 21, 1999. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

12. Ait Bahadur Thapa MagarDate of Birth : November 11, 1973/28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2001Place of Incident : Pokhara Sub-Metropolis, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Chainpur VDC-2Father’s Name : Nar Bahadur ! apa

Mother’s Name : Pewala DeviMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsAita Bahadur ! apa Magar, 28, of Jyamire in Chainpur VDC-2 was arrested at his rented room at Chipledhunga in Pokhara, Kaski by a team of Royal Nepalese Army from Phulbari Barrack in between mid-November and mid-December of 2001. According to his friend, the army also torched a pharmacy at the place where he was staying. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal. 13. Phanindra SimkhadaDate of Birth : 1969/30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 15, 1999Place of Incident : Bharatpur Municipality-4, ChitwanOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Pithuwa VDC-5Father’s Name : Bhodatta SimkhadaMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1DetailsPhanindra Sinkhada, 30, of Pithuwa VDC-5 was arrested by a team of Police from District Police O# ce at Narayangarh on February 15, 1999. He was arrested while he was taking bath in the Narayani River below the Narayani Bridge. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.


By State By Uni ed Command1. Ranjit DarnalDate of Birth : September 29, 1982/ 21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 9, 2004Place of Incident : Kapan VDC, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Wage earning, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Hatiya VDC-4Father’s Name : Netra Bahadur DarnalMother’s Name : Subhadra Darnal

2.11 Makwanpur

Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ranju DranalNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsRanjit Darnal, 21, of Hatiya VDC-4 was arrested at Kapan in Kathmandu district by a team of Unifi ed Command on January 9, 2004. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

2. Amrit DarnalDate of Birth : July 5, 1985/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 12, 2004Place of Incident : Kapan VDC, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : Hatiya VDC-4Father’s Name : Netra Bahadur DarnalMother’s Name : Subhadra DarnalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsAmrit Darnal, 18, of Hatiya VDC-4 was arrested at Kapan in Kathmandu district by a team of Unifi ed Command on January 12, 2004. His family

14. Tararaj DhakalDate of Birth/Age : November 21, 1975/23 yrsSex : Male Date of Incident : July 9, 1998Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : ANNISU-R Permanent Address : Birendranagar, Patihani VDC-2Father’s Name : Kaladhar DhakalMother’s Name : Dil Kumari DhakalMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsTararaj Dhakal, 23, of Patihani VDC-2 and ANNISU-R cadre, was disappeared after policemen intervened during an ANNISU-R meeting on July 9, 1998. His family said they learnt later that he left for the meeting but never came back.


received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

3. Krishna Bahadur GhalanDate of Birth : May 3, 1948/56 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 11, 2004Place of Incident : Manhari VDC-3, MakwanpurOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Manhari VDC-3Father’s Name : Man Bahadur GhalanMother’s Name : ! ulimaya GhalanMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Manmaya GhalanNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/3

DetailsKrishna Bahadur Ghalan, 56, of Manhari VDC-3 was arrested by a team of Unifi ed Command on August 11, 2004. His wife Manmaya went to Sunachuri Barrack at Parsa Wildlife Reserve but seeking information about him in vain. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

4. Santa Bahadur WaiwaDate of Birth : August 24, 1954/49 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 30, 2003Place of Incident : Makwanpurgadhi VDC-3, Makwanpur

Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Gogane VDC-3Father’s Name : Padam Bahadur WaiwaMother’s Name : Balkumari WaiwaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chhulthim Dolma WaiwaNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/2No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsSanta Bahadur Waiwa, 49, of Makwanpurgadhi VDC-3 was arrested by a team of Unifi ed Command on October 30, 2003 while he was on his way to Hetauda. His family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

5. Nomnath Shriram LamichhaneDate of Birth : May 1, 1979/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 2, 2004Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Wage earning, CPN-M Permanent/Address : Hetauda Municipality-6Father’s Name : Phanindra Prasad LamichhaneMother’s Name : Tika Kumari LamichhaneMarital Status : Unmarried


DetailsNomnath Shriram Lamichhane, 25, of Hetauda Municipality-6 was arrested at Bageshwari in Kathmandu by a team of Unifi ed Command on December 2, 2004. He

was charged of being a Maoist. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Royal Nepalese Army6. Gyanendra KalakhetiDate of Birth : March 19, 1976/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 2, 2002Place of Incident : Manahari VDC-4, MakwanpurOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Manahari VDC-4Father’s Name : Dolnath KalakhetiMother’s Name : Ram Devi KalakhetiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsGyanendra Kalakheti, 27, of Manahari VDC-4 was arrested in Manahari VDC-4 by a team of Royal Nepalese Army on July 2, 2002. Although his relatives went to District Administration O# ce Hetauda, District Police O# ce Hetauda and Sunachuri Barrack time and again

seeking information about the victim, the authorities denied arresting him. However, the villagers informed that they saw police in plain clothes arrest him. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

7. Suk Lal ThingDate of Birth : November 20, 1989/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 11, 2006Place of Incident : Bagwanna VDC-9, ParsaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Padampokhari VDC-3Father’s Name : Man Bahadur ! ingMother’s Name : Kanchhimaya ! ingMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Manmaya ! ingNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsSuklal ! ing, 20 of Padampokhari VDC-3 was arrested in Bagwanna VDC-9 in Parsa district by a team of Royal Nepalese Army on February 11, 2006. Although his family requested the District Police O# ce and the District Administration O# ce to search for him several times, his whereabouts still remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


8. Arjun RakhalDate of Birth : November 16, 1976/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 14, 2002Place of Incident : Paurai VDC, Rautahat Permanent/Address : Betini VDC-3Father’s Name : Bhim Bahadur RakhalMother’s Name : Barta Maya RakhalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Saraswati RakhalNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsArjun Rakhal, 25, of Betini VDC-3 was arrested in Punauri VDC in Rautahat by Royal Nepalese Army on March 14, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

9. Rajendra ChaurelDate of Birth : October 21, 1979/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 9, 2004Place of Incident : Kapan VDC, KathmanduOccupation/a# liation : StudentPermanent/Address : Dhiyal VDC-9Father’s Name : Jaya Bahadur ChaurelMother’s Name : Saraswoti ChaurelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Gayatri Chaurel

No. of Son/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsRajendra Chaurel, 24, of Dhiyal VDC-9 was arrested at Kapan in Kathmandu on January 9, 2004. Other two persons were also arrested along with him. He remains disappeared since the arrest. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

10. Deshi BlonDate of Birth : October 29, 1953/50 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 30, 2003Place of Incident : Makwanpurgadhi VDC-3, MakwanpurOccupation/a# liation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Makwanpurgadhi VDC-2Father’s Name : Bibai BlonMother’s Name : Som Maya BlonMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tartha Kumari BlonNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/5No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsDeshi Blon, 50, of Makwanpurgadhi VDC-2 was arrested at ward no. 3 of the same VDC by Royal Nepalese Army on October 30, 2003 while he was going to Hetauda on a bus. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as interim relief.


11. Sukram BK (Bikram)Date of Birth : April 28, 1983/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 21, 2005Place of Incident : Hetauda Municipality-4, MakwanpurOccupation/a# liation : BusinessPermanent/Address : Phaparbari VDC-2Father’s Name : Tul Bahadur BKMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2

DetailsSukram BK, 22, of Phaparbari VDC-2 was arrested on the Kanti Highway in Hetauda Municipality by Royal Nepalese Army in plain clothes on September

21, 2005. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police12. Ram Bahadur BlonDate of Birth : January 24, 1983/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 23, 2004Place of Incident : Nagdhunga, Bhimdhunga VDC, Kathmandu

2.12 LalitpurBy State By Uni ed Command1. Baburaja MaliDate of Birth : May 6, 1981/23 yearsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 18, 2004Place of Incident : Lalitpur Sub-Metropolis, LalitpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent/Address : ! echo VDC-6Father’s Name : Dharma MaliMother’s Name : Ratna Kumari MaliMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBaburaja Mali, 23, of ! echo VDC-6 was arrested at Natol in Lalitpur Sub-

Occupation/a# liation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Gogane VDC-8Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur BlonMother’s Name : Mahili Maya BlonMarital Status : Married

DetailsRam Bahadur Blon, 22, of Gogane VDC-8 was arrested at Nagdhunga in Bhimdhunga VDC in Kathmandu by police on November 23, 2004. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Gyan Bahadur Lama and Raj Kumar Lama, who were restrained along with him were interrogated by police and released later.


Metropolis by a team of Unifi ed Command on December 18, 2004. He was charged of being a Maoist. He was arrested at Ugrachandi Temple when he went

there for some work related to statue making. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

2. Nanda Gopal MaliDate of Birth : May 21, 1976/ 28 yrsSex : MaleDate of incident : June 22, 2004Place of incident : Tahachal, Kathmandu Metropolis-16, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Wage earning, CPN-M Permanent address : ! echo VDC-6, LalitpurFather’s name : Sanu MaliMother’s name : Mishra MaliMarital status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shova MaliNo. of son/daughter : 0/2Other dependants : 1

DetailsNanda Gopal Mali, 28, of ! echo VDC-6 was arrested at Tahachal in Kathmandu Metropolis-16 by a team of Unifi ed Command on June 22, 2004 while he was

working. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

3. Rajendra MaliDate of Birth : September 18, 1977/ 26 yearsSex : MaleDate of incident : October 2, 2003Place of incident : Lalitpur Sub-Metropolis, LalitpurOccupation/A# liation : CPN-M Permanent address : ! echo VDC-6, LalitpurFather’s name : Bhai Mali

Mother’s name : Mohanmaya MaliMarital status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rubi ShresthaNo. of son/daughter : 0/1

DetailsRajendra Mali, 26, of ! echo VDC-6 was arrested at Chaugal in Lalitpur Sub-Metropolis by a team of Unifi ed Command on October2, 2003. He was arrested while he was working for the CPN-M. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal. 4. Gopal NagarkotiDate of Birth : 1977/25 yearsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 3, 2002


Place of Incident : Lalitpur Sub- Metropolis 13, LalitpurOccupation/A# liation : Wage earning, CPN-M Permanent/Address : Chhampi VDC-4Father’s Name : Ram Krishna NagarkotiMother’s Name : Kanchhi NagatkotiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsGopal Nagarkoti, 25, of Chhampi VDC-4 was arrested from a garment factory at Kusunti in Lalitpur Sub-Metropolis-13 by a team of Royal

Nepalese Army on January 3, 2002. He was charged of being a Maoist. His family received Rs 220,000 as relief from Government of Nepal.

By Royal Nepalese Army5. Padamnarayan NakarmiDate of Birth : April 17, 1976/ 27 yearsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September22, 2003Place of Incident : Bungmati VDC-3, LalitpurOccupation/A# liation : CPN-M Permanent/Address : Bungmati VDC-3

Father’s Name : Krishna Narayan NakarmiMother’s Name : Rajmaya NakarmiMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1 DetailsPadam Narayan Nakarmi, 27, of Bungmati VDC-3 was arrested at his residence, while he was sleeping, by a team of Royal Nepalese Army on September 22, 2003. ! e army personnel, who were masked, surrounded him saying they had to interrogate with him. His family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

By Nepal Police6. Milan NepaliDate of Birth : 1968/31 yearsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 21, 1999Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-11, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Journalism, CPN-M Permanent/Address : Imadol VDC-8Father’s Name : Til Bahadur KhawasMother’s Name : Bhagawati KhawasMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sabita BasnetNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1


DetailsMilan Nepali, 31, of Imadol VDC-8 who was the chief editor of Janadesh Weekly was arrested by a team of Nepal Police in plain clothes on May 21,

1999 while he was on his way to buy papers for the newspaper. About eight police personnel put him on a van and took to an undisclosed location. ! ough his family had fi led a writ in the Supreme Court on May 24, 1999, it was quashed. When the family re-fi led the writ, it was quashed again by the court. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Non-State By CPN-M7. Ashok Lama TamangDate of Birth : February 10, 1978/27 yearsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 10, 2004Place of Incident : Devichour VDC-2, LalitpurOccupation/A# liation : Bussiness Permanent/Address : Devichour VDC-2Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur TamangMother’s Name : China Maya TamangMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Anjana TamangNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsAshok Tamang, 27, of Devichaur VDC-2 was abducted by the cadres of CPN-M in the evening of July 10, 2004 at around 8 pm while he was staying at his shop. About one year after the abduction, his family fi led an application at the National Human Rights Commission on July 28, 2005, giving all the details regarding the incident and requesting for his search. In the Commission, the application was registered at No. 188 and his fi le No. is 1086. When the Commission inquired with the District Administration O# ce, Lalitpur regarding the incident, it was told that he was abducted by the cadres of CPN-M.

8. Ravi KhadkaDate of Birth : July 10, 1974/30 yearsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 20, 2004Place of Incident : Devichour VDC-5, LalitpurPermanent/Address : Devichour VDC-5Father’s Name : Jagat Bahadur KhadkaMother’s Name : Bal Kumari KhadkaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Renuka KhadkaNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 4


DetailsRavi Khadka, 30, of Devichaur VDC-5 was abducted from his residence by the cadres of CPN-M on May 20, 2004. He was taken to

Manthali VDC but his whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family did not receive any relief from Government of Nepal.

2.13 Kavre

By stateBy Uni ed Command1. Kanchhaman Blon ‘Lal Kumar’ Date of Birth/ Age : January 24, 1980/26yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 18, 2003Place of Incident : Bhaktapur Municipality-17, BhaktapurOccupation/a# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Chhapgaun, Mechchhe VDC-9Father’s Name : Chandra Bahadur BlonMother’s Name : Ramri TamangMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife name : Dolmo Tamang No. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsKanchhaman Tamang aka Lal Kumar, 26, of Mechchhe VDC-8 was disappeared since December 18, 2003 ! e CPN-M party informed to the victim’s family that Tamang, who was the whole timer party cadre , was disappeared by the security force. ! e victim’s family members fi led complaints at di" erent Human Rights Organizations seeking help to locate the victim, who was working as a porter for the CPN-M party during the insurgency. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

2. Sagun ShresthaDate of Birth/ Age : July 14, 1978/26yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 30, 2004Place of Incident : Dhulikhel Municipality-3Occupation/a# liation : BusinessPermanent/Address : Sanjibani Bazaar, Dhulikhel Municipality-3, Kavrepalanchok,Father’s Name : Purnaman ShresthaMother’s Name : Laxmi Shrestha Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Durga ShresthaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1


DetailsSagun Shrestha, 26, of Dhulikhel Municipality-3 was disappeared since December 30, 2004 from his home. ! e detainees released from the Surya Binayak Barrak

informed the victim’s family that they had witnessed the victim at the same Barrack. ! e Army personnel accompanying him had searched the victim’s relatives’ homes in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Sanepa. Security force has not yet provided any information about the whereabouts of the victim. ! e victim’s family had requested with di" erent human rights organizations such as the OHCHR-Nepal, ICRC, NHRC, Amnesty International and INSEC for the investigation of the whereabouts of the victim. However, local administration claimed that it was unaware of his arrest. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 200,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

3. Indra Bahadur PathakDate of Birth/ Age : January 26, 1979/25yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 8, 2004Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-20Occupation/a# liation : Social Worker/ Permanent/Address : Winathali, Madankundari VDC-6Father’s Name : Tahal Bahadur Pathak Mother’s Name : Krishna Kumari Pathak

Marital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

Details A health worker, Indra Bahadur Pathak, 25, of Winathali of Madankundari VDC-6 was arrested by the plain clothe police from Bhimsensthan in Kathmandu on March 8, 2004, while he was heading to Kathmandu from Dhading. He was disappeared following the arrest. According to the Dhulikhel Hospital, the victim, who was a CMA at a hospital in Dhulikhel, had been taken away in a vehicle, no. Ba 1 Jha 7262. ! e victim was coming to Kathmandu for his treatment from Dhading with Chiranjibi Khakurel and Raju Khakurel. ! e victim was a CPN-M member. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

4. Indra Bahadur Shrestha ‘Babukaji’Date of Birth/ Age : September 7, 1974/29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 29, 2003Place of Incident : Chittapol VDC-1, Bhaktapur Occupation/a# liation : CPN-MPermanent/Address : Tinpiple, Panchkhal VDC-9Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur Shrestha


Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife name : Gyani Maya ShresthaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Indra Bahadur Shrestha aka Babukaji, 29, of Panchkhal VDC-9 was arrested and disappeared by security force from the check point at Nalinchok of

Bhaktapur on December 29, 2003. Issuing a press statement on August 16, 2004, the CPN-M demanded his release. He was a sub-in-charge of the people’s government and the central member of the Nepal Rastriya Mukti Morcha. Government of Nepal provided Rs 200,000 to the victim family as an interim relief.

5. Prakash Ghimire ‘Subash’ Date of Birth/ Age : May 31, 1979/25yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 22, 2004Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-35Occupation/a# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent/Address : Sinagal, Ugratara Janagal VDC-6Father’s Name : Bed Prasad GhimireMother’s Name : Sabitri GhimireMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPrakash Ghimire, 25, of Sinagal of Ugratara Janagal VDC-6 was arrested at his friend’s house at Koteshwar in Kathmandu on November 22, 2004. According to Sabitri Ghimire, the victim’s mother, he was arrested by the plain clothe security force which had come in a van. ! e victim’s mother, who approached di" erent army barracks seeking information of his son, said that the victim was studying journalism in Kathmandu and was not a# liated with any political party. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

6. Krishnanath Chimauriya Date of Birth/ Age : January 10, 1985/18yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 29, 2002Place of Incident : Nepalgunj Municipality-1, BankeOccupation/a# liation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Arutar, Methinkot VDC-2Father’s Name : Padamnath Chimauriya Mother’s Name : Min Kumari ChimauriyaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sabina Chimauriya


\Details Krishnanath Chimauriya, 18, of Arutar of Methinkot VDC-2 was disappeared since October 29, 2002. ! e victim, who is the 8th grader from Janak Secondary School,

never returned after he went to Nepalgunj saying he was joining a Poultry Farm there. According to the locals of Nepalgunj, the victim was taken away by the security force in a vehicle. His famly received Rs 100,000 from government of Nepal.

7. Umesh Kumar SedhaiDate of Birth/ Age : January 14, 1974/29yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 10, 2001Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-31Occupation/a# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Patigaira, Birtadeurali VDC-6Father’s Name : Bhimdatta SedhaiMother’s Name : Bhagawati SedhaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Usha ShedaiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

Details Umesh Kumar Sedhai aka Kopil, 29, of Patigaira of Birtadeurali VDC-6 was arrested and disappeared by security forces on June 10,

2001. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family. By Royal Nepalese Army 8. Kumar Dahal Date of Birth/ Age : May 1, 1974/30yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 6, 2004Place of Incident : Ugrachandi Nala VDC-9, Kavrepalanchok Occupation/a# liation : CPN- MPermanent/Address : Ugrachandi VDC-9Father’s Name : Sadananda Dahal

Mother’s Name : Chitra Kumari DhakalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Devaki DahalNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

Details Kumar Dahal, 30, of Ugrachandi Nala VDC-9 was disappeared since June 6, 2004. According to the victim’s family members, he had gone to a tea shop and was disappeared from there. According to Sitaram, the victim’s nephew, he was told before his disappearance to leave the village after the rumor that he was being looked for by the police. Before the incident happened, the victim had threatened one soldier from Rabiwapi. His family believes that he was arrested by the Royal Nepalese


Army after the soldier was found murdered. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

9. Taraman Tamang, (Joike’, ‘Rupak’)Date of Birth/ Age : April 28, 1972/31yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 2003Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-15Occupation/a# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent/Address : Pangu, Khaharepangu VDC-3Father’s Name : Paman Bahadur LamaMother’s Name : Naksal Dolma LamaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife name : Maya TamangNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

Details A CPN-M cadre, Taraman Tamang aka Rupak, 31, of Pangu of Khahare VDC-3 disappeared since November 26, 2003. During the second week

of November, 2003 the victim had met with his wife at the room in Bhaktapur. On that day he had gone outside for the party business. ! e victim’s wife was threatened by Royal Nepalese Army on November 20 and 22, while she was knitting carpet at

the Baglung Carpet Center in Bhaktapur. According to the victim’s wife, the army had also searched her room. She further said that her husband was taken away from Dallu in Kathmandu by four fat men with long hair in a taxi. ! e relatives of the victim told her at sometime that he was detained and other time that he was disappeared. According to the victim’s family they had requested to CPN-M party, Human Rights organizations and Society of the families of disappeared person for the victim’s search. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

10. Buddhi Bahadur TamangDate of Birth/ Age : 1970/33yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 29, 2003Place of Incident : Ikudol VDC-5, LalitpurOccupation/a# liation : PoliticsPermanent/Address : Hardan, Madankundari VDC-3Father’s Name : Panja Bahadur TamangMother’s Name : Maiya TamangMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife name : Basun Lama

Details A CPN-M cadre, Buddhi Bahadur Tamang, 33, of Hardan of Madankundari VDC-3 was disappeared since November 29, 2003. ! e OHCHR report on arbitrary


arrest, torture and disappearance has consistent mentioning of three former detainees on how he was tortured at Royal Nepalese Army’s Bhairavnath Battalion at Maharajgunj in Kathmandu. According to the report, there is consistent explanation of the three arrestees who witnessed Tamang’s torture. ! e report states that he could not sleep on the straw mat provided to him due to the torture and that the mat stuck to his back because of his blood and pus and that all the fi nger nails had pus where pins had been inserted. ! e victim was arrested at Dukuchhap VDC. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

11. Chandra Kumar DhakalDate of Birth/ Age : April 15, 1979/24yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 12, 2003Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-16Occupation/a# liation : StudentPermanent/Address : Khar, Pokharichauri VDC-9Father’s Name : Krishna Prasad DhakalMother’s Name : Tukumai DhakalMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsChandra Kumar Dha-kal, 24, of Khar of Pokharichauri VDC-9 was disappeared on November 12, 2003. According to the victim’s

family members they had heard the news the following day of the incident on the Radio Nepal that the victim was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army while he was going to Saraswati Campus. ! ey later found out that the victim was a# liated to ANNFSU-R. ! e local leaders of the CPN-M told them about the arrest of the victim. According to the victim’s father, the victim had gone to his house a year before his disappearance. . Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

12. Dawa Lama ‘Gaurav’Date of Birth/ Age : April 29, 1982/21yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 21, 2003Place of Incident : Netragunj VDC-5Occupation/a# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Pinthali, Mangaltar VDC-7Father’s Name : Bahadur Singh TamangMother’s Name : Maili TamangMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife name : Remarried

Details Dawa Lama aka Gaurav, 21, of Pinthali in Mangaltar VDC-7 was disappeared since August 21, 2003. ! e CPN-M informed the victim’s family that he


was arrested by the Royal Nepalese Army from Nawalpur of Sarlahi, where he had gone for party business. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

By Nepal Police 13. Kamala Sharma Date of Birth/ Age : 1966/33yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : May 21, 1999Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-11Occupation/a# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent/Address : Majhipheda VDC-1 KavrepalnchokFather’s Name : Paramananda GautamMother’s Name : Saraswati Gautam Marital Status : Married Husband/ Wife : Dinesh Sharma

Details Kamala Sharma, 33, of Majhipheda VDC-1 and residing at Tebahal in Kathmandu was arrested in Kathmandu on May 21, 1999 by police. Although the

victim’s family members fi led a complaint at the Supreme Court, the police claimed that they had not arrested the victim. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

14. Nabin Kumar Gautam Date of Birth/ Age : December 8, 1968/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 21, 1999Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-11, KathmanduOccupation/a# liation : Politics, PLAPermanent/Address : Bojhe, Pokhari Chouri VDC-7, KavrepalanchokFather’s Name : Paramananda GautamMother’s Name : Saraswati Gautam Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife name : Renuka Gautam ChemjongNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

Details Nabin Gautam, 31, of Bojhe of Poharichouri VDC-7 and temporarily living at Tebahal, Katha-mandu was arrested by police on May 21, 1999. He was disappeared since the arrest. Although his family fi led a complaint at the Supreme Court the police claimed that they had not arrested the victim. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as interim relief.

15. Palsang Lama ‘Sagar’ Date of Birth/ Age : May 15, 1973/26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 16, 1999


Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-35, KathmanduOccupation/a# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Bhangeri Tole, Hoksebazar VDC-5, KavrepalnchokFather’s Name : Dhana Bahadur TamangMother’s Name : Maili TamangMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife name : Kumari LamaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Palsang Lama aka Sagar, 26, of Bhangeri of Hoksebazar VDC-5 was arrested and disapp-eared by police on May 16, 1999, while he was walking at Bagbazar.

Nirmala Phurkoti and Jagat Lama fi led a Habeas Corpus Writ at the Supreme Court on May 21, 1999. However, the police, during the hearing on show cause plea on May 24, 1999, claimed that they had not arrested the victim. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M16. Dhana Bahadur Tamang Date of Birth/ Age : May 17, 1984/20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 20, 2004

Place of Incident : Khanigaun tole, Kusheswardumja VDC-9Occupation/a# liation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : ! uloparsel VDC-3, KavrepalanchokFather’s Name : Man Bahadur TamangMother’s Name : Maili TamangMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Dhana Bahadur Tamang, 20, of ! uloparsel VDC-3 was disappeared by CPN-M on June 20, 2004 while was at his relative’s house. Although the victim’s family fi led a complaint at the Maoist District O# ce, the Maoists have not yet answered to the family.

17. Surjaman Thing ‘Tasbir’Date of Birth/ Age : April 14, 1978/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 10, 2002Place of Incident : Phalametar VDC-5 KavrepalanchokOccupation/a# liation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Singaritar, Phalamitar VDC-5, KavrepalnchokFather’s Name : Man Bahadur Tamang Mother’s Name : Maili Tamang


Details Purnaman Tamang, 38, of Kurgaun VDC-7 including other four locals was abducted by the CPN-M party on April 2, 2003, while he was hiding after robbery at Mukunda Pathak’s home. His whereabouts remain unknown since the abduction. He was abducted on charge of looting after being a fake Maoist. ! e party has not yet informed about the whereabouts of the victim to his family. His family received Rs 100,000 from Goverment of Nepal.

19. Arjun Sapkota ‘Jadu’Date of Birth/ Age : February 27, 1975/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 24, 2001Place of Incident : Jaisithok VDC-4, KavrepalanchokOccupation/a# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent/Address : Ramchebensi Tole, Jaisithok VDC-4Father’s Name : Kabi Prasad SapkotaMother’s Name : Khadga Kumari Sapkota Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Nirmala SapkotaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

Details Arjun Saokota aka Jadu, 27, of Jaisithok VDC-4 was disappeared by the CPN-M even though he was a# liated with Maoist

Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Laxmi Maya ! ingNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Surjaman ! ing aka Tasbir, 24 of Phalametar VDC-5 was disappeared by CPN-M cadres on May 10, 2002 on charge of looting a house in the village. ! e family

members of the victim said that they could not fi le any complaint due to the fear and initimatation of the CPN-M cadres. His villagers believe he was buried alive at Syarte in Salmechakal VDC. Although the Maoists accepted abducting him, it claimed that he fl ed from their captivity.

18. Purnaman TamangDate of Birth/ Age : April 3, 1975/38yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 2, 2003 Place of Incident : Syampati VDC-7, KavrepalanchokOccupation/a# liation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Kurgaun, Shyampati VDC-7Father’s Name : Sher Bahadur TamangMother’s Name : Moti Maya TamangMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sita Maya TamangNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1


party. ! e CPN-M had pasted many pamphlets, informing that he was killed for betraying the party. Before his abdctuion from his own house,

two CPN-M cadres had come to inquire about the victim. A local newspaper had published news about the killing of the victim, quoting the Maoist as saying that he died outright when was slapped. According to the victim’s family, they did not fi le any complaint at the police administration soon after the abduction because there were rumors that he was alive in the Maoist captivity. ! e victim’s wife Nirmala said that she has not seen her husband since June 24, 2001.

20. Jit Bahadur Tamang Date of Birth/ Age : 1969/32yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 1, 2001 Place of Incident : Jhaisithok VDC-4, KavrepalanchokOccupation/a# liation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Rambenshi Tole, Jhaisithok VDC-4Father’s Name : Sete TamangMother’s Name : Biru Maya TamangMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Kamala Tamang (Remarried and later committed suicide)No. of Son/Daughter : 3/0No. of Dependents : 1

2.14 BhaktapurBy StateBy Uni ed Command1. Basu Dev ChuwalDate of Birth/Age : March 25, 1974/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 18, 2004Place of Incident : Lalitpur Sub- Metropolis-19, LalitpurOccupation : Politics CPN-MPermanent/Address : Subarneshwar, Katunje VDC-6Father’s Name : Gyan Bahadur ChuwalMother’s Name : Chandra Maya ChuwalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Narayan Devi ShresthaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 2

Details Jit Bahadur Tamang, 32, of Jaisithok VDC-5 was abducted and beaten up by the CPN-M on April 1, 2001, on charge of being involved in violent activities in the village. ! e victim was beaten up with stick, and punched after being stripping o" his clothes at Panchakanya Primary School in Jaisithok VDC-4 and disappeared from the same place.


Details A Lalitpur district member of the CPN-M, Basu Dev Chuwal, 31, of Subarneshwor Maha-dev in Katunje VDC-6 was arrested in Lalitpur Municipality-19 by

security forces on December 18, 2004 on charge of being a Maoist cadre. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family has received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

2. Durga BisunkheDate of Birth/Age : March 31, 1980/24 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 17, 2002Place of Incident : Bhairavnath Battalion, Kathmandu Metropolis-3, KathmanduOccupation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Katunje VDC-7Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur NeupaneMother’s Name : Jamuna NeupaneMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ram Gopal BisungkheNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 3 Details Durga Bisungkhe, 24, of Katunje VDC-7 was arrested at Bhairavnath Battalion by security forces on December 17, 2002. ! e National Human Rights Commission

had sent a letter to the victim’s mother Jamuna Neupane confi rming her disappearance by Bhairavnath Battalion. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Police3. Satya Narayan PrajapatiDate of Birth/Age : July 9, 1969/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 26, 2002Place of Incident : Nangkhel VDC-1, BhaktapurOccupation : Politics CPN-MPermanent/Address : Bhaktapur Municipality -1Father’s Name : Askumar PrajapatiMother’s Name : Krishnabeti PrajapatiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Krishna Devi PrajapatiNo. of Son/Daughter: 1/5No. of Dependents : 7 Details A Bhaktapur District Member of the CPN-M, Satya Narayan Prajapati, 33, of Bhaktapur Munici-pality-1 was arrested at Sangabhanyang in Nangkhel VDC-1 by police from Bhaktapur District


Police O# ce on April 26, 2002. He was handed over to Naya Gorakh Battalion in Suryabinayak following the arrest. He remains disappeared since then. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

4. Ganga Ram ShresthaDate of Birth/Age : August 31, 1983/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 25, 2005Place of Incident : Bhaktapur Municipality-11Occupation : Politics CPN-MPermanent/Address : Bhaktapur Municipality-17Father’s Name : Tulsi Narayan ShresthaMother’s Name : Indra Keshari ShresthaMarital Status : Unmarried Details

A Maoist cadre, Ganga Ram Shrestha, 21, of Bhaktapur Municipality-17 was arrested in ward no. 11 of the same Municipality by police arriving from District

Police O# ce in Bhaktapur on March 25, 2005 on charge of being a Maoist cadre. Police had handed him over to the army at Suryabinayak Barrack and he remains disappeared since then. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

5. Badri Narayan NwayanaDate of Birth/Age : January 10, 1982/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 25, 2002Place of Incident : Bhaktapur Municipality-4Occupation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Bhaktapur Municipality-13Father’s Name : Narayan Bhakta NwayanaMother’s Name : Pancha Maya NwayanaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A Maoist cadre, Badri Narayan Nwayana, 20, of Bhaktapur Municipality-13 was arrested in Bhaktapur Municipality-4 by police from the Bhaktapur District Police O# ce on March 25, 2002. He was handed over to the army at Naya Gorakh Battalion in Surya Binayak following the arrest and he remains disappeared since then. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


By StateBy Uni ed Command1. Meena ShresthaDate of Birth : December 10, 1980/24 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : November, 2004Place of Incident : KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : CPN-M cadrePermanent/Address : Benigaon, Naikap Naya Bhanjyang-6Father’s Name : Baikuntha ShresthaMother’s Name : Motimaya Shrestha

Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsMeena Shrestha, 24, of Benigaon in Naikap Naya Bhanjyang VDC-6

was arrested by the security forces on November, 2004. Her whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

2. Suchendra Shrestha Date of Birth : 1975/29 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 6, 2004Place of Incident : Satungal VDC-9, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : CPN-M cadrePermanent/Address : Satungal VDC-9Father’s Name : Kedar ShresthaMarital Status : Married

Husband/Wife : Rupa ShresthaNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsS u c h e n d r a Shrestha, 29, of Satungal VDC-9 was arrested at Itumbahal in Kathmandu by the security forces on December 6, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family fi led appeals at the NHRC and District Administration O# ce, Kathmandu looking for his whereabouts but to no avail. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

3. Devraj Dangal Date of Birth : 1983/20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 15, 2003 Place of Incident : KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : ANNISU-RPermanent/Address : Nanglebhir VDC-8Father’s Name : Khil Prasad DangalMother’s Name : Bhagwati DangalMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDevraj Dangal, 20, of Nanglebhir VDC-8 was arrested at Dakshin Dhoka in Kathmandu by security persons on December 15, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown.

2.15 Kahtmandu


4. Aite Lama Date of Birth : 1985/18 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 2, 2003Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-7, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture, UCPN-M cadrePermanent/Address : Nanglebhir VDC-9Father’s Name : Ram LamaMother’s Name : Hir Maya LamaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chatari LamaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 4

DetailsAite Lama, 18, of Nanglebhir VDC-9 was arrested at Chabahil in Kathmandu Metropolis-7 by the security forces on December 2, 2003 on charge of being involved

in the Maoist activities. He was a# liated to CPN-M. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

5. Dhruba NepalDate of Birth : February 6, 1984/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 1, 2004Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-16, Kathmandu

Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Nanglebhir VDC-7Father’s Name : Khil Prasad Nepal

DetailsDhruba Nepal, 21, of Nanglebhir VDC-7 was arrested at Gaushala by the security forces on December 1, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as interim relief.

6. Dinesh Lamichhane Date of Birth : April 29, 1981/20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 8, 2002Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-14, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : ANNISU-RPermanent/Address : Mahadevsthan VDC-7Father’s Name : Shyam Prasad LamichhaneMother’s Name : Tanka Kumari LamichhaneMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDinesh Lamichhane, 20, of Mahadevsthan VDC-7 was arrested at Kalanki in Kathmandu Metropolis-14 by the security persons on April


8, 2002. His family fi led an appeal on 2003 at the NHRC seeking steps for his safe release. His whereabouts remain unknown.

6. Pipal Shrestha Date of Birth : July 1986/18 Yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : 2004Place of Incident : Kavre Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent/Address : Sitapaila VDC-2Father’s Name : Baburam NagarkotiMother’s Name : Laxmi NagarkotiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPipal Shrestha, 18, of Sitapaila VDC-2 was arrested in Kavre district on 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from

Government of Nepal.

8. Hari Sharan Maharjan Date of Birth : December 30, 1981/23 Yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : July 2, 2004Place of Incident : Satungal VDC-4, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent/Address : Bhusigaon, Satungal VDC-3Father’s Name : Hari Krishna MaharjanMother’s Name : Babhani MaharjanMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsHari Sharan Maharjan, 23, of Bhusigaon in Satungal VDC-3 was arrested at Machhindranath Brick Factory in Satungal VDC-3 on July 2, 2004. His family fi led appeals at the NHRC and the police o# ce at Balambu. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

9. Ajay Shahi Date of Birth : 1973/31 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : July 19, 2004Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-6, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent/Address : Kirtipur Municipality-11Father’s Name : Indra Bahadur ShahiMother’s Name : Ram Kumari ShahiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsAjay Shahi, 31, of Kirtipur Municipality-11 was arrested and disappeared by the security persons on July 19, 2004.

10. Deepak Pokharel Date of Birth : 1974/29 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : July 23, 2003Place of Incident : Balkhu, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Service


Permanent/Address : Bansbari, Kathmandu Metropolis-3Father’s Name : Durga Prasad PokharelMother’s Name : Ganga Maya PokharelMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDeepak Pokharel, 29, of Bansbari in Kathmandu Metropolis-3 was arrested at Balkhu in Kathmandu by the security persons on July 23, 2003 on

charge of being a Maoist. He was kept at Bhairabnath Battalion. Prior to this, he was also arrested in 2002 and was released after 20 days. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

11. Nishchal Nakarmi Date of Birth : May 31, 1981/22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 3, 2003Place of Incident : ! ankot Check Post, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : CPN-MPermanent/Address : Mahadevsthan VDC-5Father’s Name : Surya Bahadur NarkarmiMother’s Name : Manorama NarkarmiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kamala Narkami

DetailsNishchal Nakarmi, 22, of Mahadevsthan VDC-5 was arrested by security persons at the check post at ! ankot in Kathmandu on December 3, 2003. ! ree other men- Ganesh Dhakal, Krishna Lal KC and Ramesh Guragain, arrested along with him, were released but Nishchal’s whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

12. Arjun Maharjan Date of Birth : January 15, 1972/32 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 29, 2003Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-14, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Business, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Sagal Tole, Kirtipur Municipality-5Father’s Name : Ram MaharjanMother’s Name : Krishna Maya MaharjanMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Ramati MaharjanNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsArjun Maharjan, 32, of Sagal Tole in Kirtipur Municipality-5 was arrested at Kalimati in


14. Renuka Dulal Date of Birth : May 5, 1985/18 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : November 20, 2003Place of Incident : Chabahil, Kathmandu Metropolis-7, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Student, ANNISU-RPermanent/Address : Teenthana VDC-5Father’s Name : Chandra DulalMother’s Name : Nanimaiya DulalMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRenuka Dulal, 18, of Teenthana VDC-5 was arrested by Unifi ed Command at Chabahil in Kathmandu Metropolis-7 on November 20, 2003. She was kept at Bhairabnath Battalion. She was the treasurer for CPN-M’s student wing ANNISU-R. ! e family fi led a writ petition at the Supreme Court and the Court issued an order to concerned authorities to make her status public. But, her whereabouts remain unknown until now. Her family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

15. Tirtha Bishwakarma Date of Birth : February 27, 1972/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 2003

Kathmandu Metropolis-14 by the security forces on October 29, 2003. ! e family fi led appeals at the NHRC, INSEC, and the Supreme Court. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

13. Buddhi Prasad Pokharel Date of Birth : March 20, 1983/22 yrs Sex : Male Date of Incident : December 17, 2004Place of Incident : Kami Danda, Sallaghari, Sudal VDC, BhaktapurOccupation/A# liation : Wage Earning, CPN-MPermanent/Address : Mulpani VDC-8Father’s Name : Guru Prasad PokharelMother’s Name : Yashoda Devi PokharelMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBuddhi Prasad Pokharel, 22, of Mulpani VDC-8 was arrested at Kami Danda, Sallaghari in Sudal VDC in Bhaktapur district on December 17, 2004. ! e family had

fi led an appeal at the NHRC on April 4 2005. After six moths of the arrest, the relatives found out that Pokharel was kept at Chhauni Barrack, Kathmandu and that he, along with 17 others, was airlifted in helicopter to an undisclosed location. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family has received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.


Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-35Permanent/Address : Mulpani VDC-7Father’s Name : Gyan Bahadur BishwakarmaMother’s Name : Masali BishwakarmaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsTirtha Bishkarma, 23, of Mulpani VDC-7 was arrested by the security persons in Kathmandu Metropolis-35 on January 2003. ! e family received Rs 100,000

from Government of Nepal.

By Nepal Police16. Thakur LamichhaneDate of Birth : 1980/22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 27, 2002Place of Incident : Bhaktapur Municipality-4, Bhaktapur Occupation/A# liation : ANNISU-R district vice- chairpersonPermanent/Address : Jhor Mahankal VDC-9Father’s Name : Surya Prasad LamichhaneMother’s Name : Kanchhi LamichhaneMarital Status : Unmarried

Details! akur Lamichhane, 22, of Jhor Mahankal VDC-9 was arrested by police at Mahalaxmisthan in Bhaktapur

Municipality-4 on March 27, 2002. He was taken to the Royal Nepalese Army’s Surya Binayak Barrack. His whereabouts remain unknown.

17. Dil Bahadur Rai ‘Prabin’ Date of Birth : March 12, 1975/28 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 17, 2002Place of Incident : KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : ANNISU-R Permanent/Address : Saraswatinagar, Kapan VDC-6Father’s Name : Uday RaiMother’s Name : Uma RaiDetailsDil Bahadur Rai, 28, of Saraswatinagar, Kapan VDC-6 was arrested in the same place on June 17, 2002. He was kept at Sorhakhutte Police O# ce for 16 days where he was subjected to severe torture. He was then transferred to Balaju Police O# ce and was kept in a sack and beaten up. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 250,000 to his family as interim relief.

18. Bhimraj MaharjanDate of Birth : October 19, 19813/22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 21, 2003Place of Incident : Gongabu VDC-4, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : CPN-M


Permanent/Address : Gongabu VDC-3Father’s Name : Bhindeya MaharjanMother’s Name : Basmaya MaharjanMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sanu MaharjanNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsBhimraj Maharjan, 22, of Saraswatinagar in Kapan VDC-6 was arrested by Nepal Police at Barahi in Kathmandu on October 21, 2003. He

was kept at Bhairavnath Battalion from where he was disappeared. ! e family had fi led a writ at the Supreme Court on November 5, 2003. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

19. Bipin Bhandari Date of Birth : January 7, 1981/22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 17, 2002Place of Incident : Sukedhara, Kathmandu Metropolis-7, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : ANNISU-RPermanent/Address : Goldhunga, Kathmandu Metropolis-7Father’s Name : Ekraj BhandariMother’s Name : Shanta BhandariMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBipin Bhandari, 22, of Goldhunga in Kathmandu Metropolis-1 was arrested at Sukedhara in Kathmandu Metro-polis-5 by a police team led by Balaju Police O# ce in-charge Bikram Singh on June 17, 2002. Bhandari was an ANNISU-R central committee member and joint-secretary of FSU at Amrit Science Campus. ! e family fi led appeals at the NHRC, INSEC, Amnesty International and a writ petition at the Supreme Court. ! e family also fi led an appeal at the Supreme Court demanding action against the leader of arresting team Bikram Singh ! apa. His family received Rs 250,000 from Government of Nepal.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M20. Shyam BhattaDate of Birth : December 8, 1971/30 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 2, 2001Place of Incident : Purano Bhanjyang, Naikap VDC-4, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : ServicePermanent/Address : Purano Bhanjyang, Naikap VDC-4Father’s Name : Balram Bhatta Mother’s Name : Bishnu Devi BhattaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shova Bhatta


DetailsBidur Regmi, 27, of Bhahedanda in Jeevanpur VDC-2 was arrested by a group of four plain clothe members of Unifi ed Cammand from in front of the Suraj Arcade at Makhan Tole in Kathamandu Metropolis-18, Kathmandu on January 13, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from the government as an interim relief.

2. Kedar Kunwar Date of Birth/Age : 1978/25 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2003Place of Incident : Gaurighat, Kathmandu Metropolis-7, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics, UML cadre and ward chairpersonPermanent/Address : Jeevanpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Premdhoj KunwarMother’s Name : Maiya KunwarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shova Kumari KunwarNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsKedar Kunwar, 25, of Jeevanpur VDC-4 was arrested by Unifi ed Cammand at Gaurighat in

2.16 Dhading

By StateBy Uni ed Cammand1. Bidur RegmiDate of Birth/Age : July 9, 1976/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 13, 2004Place of Incident : Makhan Tole, Kathamandu Metropolis-18, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Service Permanent/Address : Bhahedanda, Jeevanpur VDC-2Father’s Name : Baturam RegmiMother’s Name : Durga Devi RegmiMarital Status : Unmarried

No. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Other Dependents : 1

DetailsShyam Bhatta, 30, of Purano Bhanjyang VDC-4, was abducted from home by a group of Maoist cadres at around 8.30 pm on October 2, 2001 in

the pretext of having some queries. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family has received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.


Kathmandu Metropolis-7 on October 20, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

3. Lila Pandey Date of Birth/Age : April 30, 1984/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 9, 2003 Place of Incident : Bagbazaar, Kathmandu Metropolis-31, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : ANNISU-R Permanent/Address : Gajuri VDC-2Father’s Name : Ranganath PandeyMother’s Name : Netra Maya PandeyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsLila Pandey, 19, of Gajuri VDC-2 was arrested by security persons at Bagbazaar, Kathmandu Metropolis-31 on Novem-ber 9, 2003. His family found out that he was kept at Surya

Binayak Barrack, Bhaktapur. ! e family was in telephone contact with him until October 19, 2003. He was not well at the time of the arrest. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

4. Ram Prasad Acharya Date of Birth/Age : January 5, 1964/40 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 30, 2003Place of Incident : Dharke, Naubise VDC-1, DhadingOccupation/A# liation : Business Permanent/Address : Dharke, Naubise VDC-1Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ruku AcharyaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/3 DetailsRam Prasad Acharya, 40, of Dharke in Naubise VDC-1 was arrested by security personnel on October 30, 2003 on charge of helping the Maoists. His whereabouts remain unknown since his arrest. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

5. Indra Bahadur Aryal Date of Birth/Age : April 16, 1966/37 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 11, 2003Place of Incident : Mahadevbesi, ! akre VDC-3, DhadingOccupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent/Address : Mahadevbesi, ! akre VDC-3Father’s Name : Amar Bahadur Aryal


Mother’s Name : Chandra Kumari AryalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Radhika AryalNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsIndra Bahadur Aryal, 37, of Mahadevbesi in ! akre VDC-3 was arrested by security personnel in the same locality on November 11, 2003. Aryal’s wife

Radhika said when the family went to Chhauni Barrack seeking information for him, the soldiers said Aryal was not there. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

6. Diwakar Luintel Date of Birth/Age : February 1, 1963/40 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 14, 2002Occupation/A# liation : BusinessPlace of Incident : Kalimati, KathmaduPermanent/Address : Aanpchaur, Chhatre Deurali VDC-5Father’s Name : Ramji LuintelMother’s Name : Bala Devi LuintelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rama LuintelNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsDiwakar Luintel, 40, of Aanpchaur in Chhatre Deurali VDC-5 was arrested by security personnel from Kalimati in Kathmadu on September 14, 2002. A major at the Royal Nepalese Army’s Chhauni Barrack confi rmed that Luintel was brought to that barrack upon arrest. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

7. Hari Sharan Thapa Date of Birth/Age : September 1, 1966/37 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 30, 2004Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePlace of Incident : ! akre VDC-9, DhadingPermanent/Address : Baniyatar, ! akre VDC-9Father’s Name : Bhairab Bahadur ! apaMother’s Name : Binda ! apaMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Sharada ! apaNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/1

DetailsHari Sharan ! apa, 37, of Baniyatar in ! akre VDC-9 was arrested by security forces in the same area on January 30, 2004. His father Bhairab Bahadur said that the


security forces called him several times to the barrack but did not disclose his son’s whereabouts. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

8. Naniram Kafle Date of Birth/Age : October 24, 1981/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 20, 2004Occupation/A# liation : StudentPlace of Incident : Naubise VDC-1, Dhading Permanent/Address : Dharke, Naubise VDC-1Father’s Name : Narayan Prasad Kafl eMother’s Name : Devaki Kafl eMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsNaniram Kafl e, 22, of Dharke in Naubise VDC-1 was arrested from the same place by security forces on September 20, 2004. His family members informed that they

were repeatedly called to Baireni Barrack, Bhairavnath Battalion and District Police O# ce but were not given any information regarding Naniram. He was also arrested on February 12, 2001 and was released after few days. He was again arrested on February 20, 2002 and was released after three months. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Royal Nepalese Army 9. Mukunda SedainDate of Birth/Age : September 1966/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 19, 2003Occupation/A# liation : BusinessPlace of Incident : Bhimsensthan, Kathamandu Metropolis, KathmanduPermanent/Address : Jeevanpur VDC-6Father’s Name : Bhawani Prasad SedainMother’s Name : Chunu Devi SedainMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shanta SedainNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsMukunda Sedain, 34, of Jeevanpur VDC-6 was arrested by a Royal Nepalese Army team at Bhimsensthan in Kathamandu Metropolis on December 19, 2003. His wife said that she received three letters written by Mukunda from Jagdal Battalion at Chhauni in Kathmandu. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.


10. Suchandra Bhandari Date of Birth/Age : August 17, 1984/17 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Occupation/A# liation : PLAPlace of Incident : Dhodeni, Budhathum VDC, DhadingPermanent/Address : Hasepasal, Aginchok VDC-1Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur BhandariMarital Status : Unmarried Details

Suchandra Bhandari, 17, of Hasepasal in Aginchok VDC-1 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army team arriving from Arughat Barrack VDC-1

when he had gone to attend a meeting of CPN-M on April 11, 2002. His family members met him once after the arrest. ICRC had shared the suspicion about him being killed near Ghyampesal in Gorkha but there was no verifi cation of the killing. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

11. Kedar Rupakheti Date of Birth/Age : June 2, 985/18 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 30, 2003 Occupation/A# liation : Business

Place of Incident : Kalimati Kuleshwar, Kathmandu Permanent/Address : Subedichok, Kewalpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Hari Prasad RupakhetiMother’s Name : Ganga RupakhetiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsKedar Rupakheti, 18, of Subedichok in Kewalpur VDC-4 was arrested by a Royal Nepalese Army team at Kalimati Kuleshwar in Kathmandu on November 30, 2003. His family members went to Bhairavnath Battalion several times looking for him but every time they were turned back. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

12. Baikuntha Bhujel Date of Birth/Age : June 16, 1979/24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 30, 2003Occupation/A# liation : BusinessPlace of Incident : Bhujelgaon, Jeevanpur VDC-9, DhadingPermanent/Address : Bhujelgaon, Jeevanpur VDC-9Father’s Name : Jabar Singh


Mother’s Name : Tirtha Kumari BhujelMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBaikuntha Bhujel, 24, of Bhujelgaon in Jeevanpur VDC-9 was arrested at his home by a Royal Nepalese Army team during a search on October 30, 2003. He was sleeping

at home at the time of arrest. His family members went to Baireni Barrack looking for him but were asked to come later and turned back. ! ey could never meet him. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

13. Madhav Adhikari Date of Birth/Age : March 3, 1984/22 yrsSex : Male Date of Incident : August 4, 2005Occupation/A# liation : StudentPlace of Incident : Bus Park, Balaju, KathmanduPermanent/Address : Borang, Marpak VDC-7Father’s Name : Lal Bahadur AdhikariMother’s Name : Rin Kumari AdhikariMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsMadhav Adhikari, 22, of Borang in Marpak VDC-7 was arrested at Balaju Bus Park by a Royal Nepalese Army team arriving from Balaju Barrack on August 4, 2005. ! e ICRC report said he was at the

Bhairavnath Battalion, Maharajgunj. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

14. Subas Bhandari Date of Birth/Age : January 4, 1983/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 16, 2003Occupation/A# liation : PLAPlace of Incident : Naya Bazaar, Kathmandu Metropolis-16, KathmanduPermanent/Address : Hasepasal, Aginchok VDC-1Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur BhandariMarital Status : Unmarried DetailsSubas Bhandari, 21, of Hasepasal in Aginchok VDC-1 was arrested at Naya Bazaar in Kathmandu Metropolis-16 by a Royal Nepalese Army team on October 16, 2003. A fellow villager serving in Royal Nepalese Army told the family that he was taken to several detention centers including in Gorkha and Pokhara and was subjected to torture. His father Ram Bahadur Bhandari said the army did not provide any information regarding Subas. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


15. Deepak Subedi Date of Birth/Age : June 7, 1982/20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Occupation/A# liation : ServicePlace of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis, KathmanduPermanent/Address : Subedithok, Kewalpur VDC-6Father’s Name : Jagnath SubediMother’s Name : Durga Devi SubediMarital Status : Married

DetailsDeepak Subedi, 20, of Subedithok in Kewalpur VDC-6 was arrested by three soldiers in plain clothes in Kathmandu Metropolis on April 11, 2002. One of the men was carrying SLR. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

16. Rajendra Baram Date of Birth/Age : June 22, 1983/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 2, 2004Occupation/A# liation : CPN-M area memberPlace of Incident : Chabahil, Kathmandu Metropolis-7, KathmanduPermanent/Address : Benighat VDC-2Father’s Name : Santa Bahadur Baram

Mother’s Name : Dhan Maya BaramMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Muna Shrestha

DetailsRajendra Baram, 21, of Benighat VDC-2 was arrested by Unifi ed Cammand at Chabahil, Kathmandu Metropolis-7 on December 2, 2004. His family members said the security persons had told them that he would be released soon like in the past, as he was arrested and released couple of times, but later they said that they did not know about his arrest. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

17. Amrit Kandel Date of Birth/Age : August 28, 1977/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 10, 2003Occupation/A# liation : StudentPlace of Incident : Chabahil, Kathmandu Metropolis Permanent/Address : Benighat VDC-2Father’s Name : Tika KandelMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsAmrit Kandel, 26, of Benighat VDC-2 was arrested at Chabahil in Kathmandu Metropolis on October 10, 2003. His father Tika Kandel


said that he had met his son at 6th Brigade in Baireni Barrack on December 10, 2003 and claimed that the army had disappeared Amrit.

18. Op Bahadur TamangDate of Birth/Age : July 24, 1987/16 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 2, 2003Occupation/A# liation : Wage earnerPlace of Incident : Bhimdhunga, KathmanduPermanent/Address : Baireni VDC-4

DetailsOp Bahadur Tamang, 16, of Baireni VDC-4 was arrested at Bhimdhunga in Kathmandu by a Royal Nepalese Army team on September 2, 2003. When his family members went to Baireni

Barrack to meet him, they were told to contact o# cials in Kathmandu but they could not fi nd out his whereabouts. Tamang remains disappeared.

19. Hari Prasad Acharya Date of Birth/Age : May 28, 1958/45 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 6, 2003Occupation/A# liation : BusinessPlace of Incident : Chalise, Naubise VDC-1, DhadingPermanent/Address : Chalise, Naubise VDC-1

Father’s Name : Bhawanath AcharyaMother’s Name : Sannani AcharyaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sabitri AcharyaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1 No. of Dependents : 4

DetailsHari Prasad Acharya, 45, of Chalise in Naubise VDC-1was arrested in the same locality by the Royal Nepalese Army team arriving from Bairenighat on October 6, 2003. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

20. Raj Kumar ManandharDate of Birth/Age : January 1972/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 18, 2004 Occupation/A# liation : PoliticsPlace of Incident : Jeevanpur VDC-9, DhadingPermanent/Address : Jeevanpur VDC-9Father’s Name : Kul Bahadur Manandhar Mother’s Name : Radhika ManandharMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kalpana ManadharNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsRaj Kumar Manandhar, 32, of Jeevanpur VDC-9 was arrested on June 18, 2004. His


family members went to Baireni Barrack and in the barracks in Kathmandu searching for him but they were told that no such person was brought

there. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

21. Shiva Sapkota Date of Birth/Age : August 14, 1974/29 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 5, 2003Occupation/A# liation : StudentPlace of Incident : Kirtipur Municipality, KathmanduPermanent/Address : Jeevanpur VDC-1Father’s Name : Bhairab Bahadur SapkotaMother’s Name : Malatimaiya SapkotaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsShiva Sapkota, 29, of Jeevanpur VDC-1 was arrested in Kirtipur Municipality in Kathmandu district on November 5, 2003. His family

members went to Bhairabnath Battalion seeking information about him but were told that the barrack had no idea about him. According to his father, police, told him that the latter did not know about

him because he was arrested by army. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

22. Ramhari Rupakheti Date of Birth/Age : 1976/26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 17, 2002Occupation/A# liation : StudentPlace of Incident : Siphal, Kathmandu Permanent/Address : Pida VDC-4Father’s Name : Toyaraj RupakhetiMother’s Name : Ratna Kumar RupakhetiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRamhari Rupakheti, 26, of Pida VDC-4 was arrested by a group of armed men in combat dress from Siphal, Kathmandu on June 17, 2002. ! e witnesses said he was arrested by a Royal Nepalese Army team. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

23. Nawaraj Thapa Date of Birth/Age : July 16, 1973/30 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 12, 2003Occupation/A# liation : BusinessPlace of Incident : Charkilo, ! akre VDC-2, Dhading


Permanent/Address : ! akre VDC-2Father’s Name : Madan ! apaMother’s Name : Tara ! apaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Srijana ! apaNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/3

DetailsNabraj ! apa, 30, of ! akre VDC-2 was arrested by a Royal Nepalese Army team at his shop at Charkilo in ! akre VDC-2 on November 12, 2003. His

whereabouts remain unknown since his arrest. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

24. Gopal Mijar Date of Birth/Age : 1969/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 17, 2004Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture, CPN-M Place of Incident : Kewalpur VDC-8, DhadingPermanent/Address : Chhapdanda, Kewalpur VDC-8Father’s Name : Bhakta Bahadur MijarMother’s Name : Aiti MijarMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Suntali MijarNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2 No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsGopal Mijar, 30, of Chhapdanda in Kewalpur VDC-8 was arrested in Kewalpur VDC-8 by a Royal Nepalese Army team

on July 17, 2004. His family said they knew that Gopal was kept at Baireni Barrack but were turned back whenever they went to meet him. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

25. Hari Prasad Luintel Date of Birth/Age : March 15, 1968/36 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 28, 2004Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePlace of Incident : Naubise VDC-2, DhadingPermanent/Address : Bhadaure, Naubise VDC-2Father’s Name : Loknath LuintelMother’s Name : Maiya LuintelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sita LuintelNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsHari Prasad Luintel, 36, of Bhadaure in Naubise VDC-2 was arrested in the same VDC by a Royal Nepalese Army team on February 28, 2004. ! e family went to police station and army barracks looking for him but was told that there was no such person. He was a CPN-M supporter. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


By State By Uni ed Command1. Bishnu Prasad NeupaneDate of Birth/Age : July 5, 1975/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 4, 2001Place of Incident : Koteshwor, Kathmandu Metropolis-35Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Kalleri, Phulpingkot VDC-3Father’s Name : Ram Prasad NeupaneMother’s Name : Yogmaya NeupaneMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Laxmi NeupaneNo. of Son/Daughter: 2/0 Details Bishnu Prasad Neupane, 26, of Phulpingkot VDC-3 was arrested at Koteshwar in Kathmandu Metropolis-35 by security forces on July 4, 2001. ! e victim, who was an ordinary person remains disappeared since the arrest.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M 25. Goma Koirala Date of Birth/Age : August 21, 1967/36 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : January 13, 2004Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePlace of Incident : Podare Gaido, Kewalpur VDC-2, DhadingPermanent/Address : Podare Gaido, Kewalpur VDC-2Father’s Name : Bhuwaraj DahalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Parashuram KoiralaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3

DetailsGoma Koirala, 36, of Podare Gaido in Kewalpur VDC-2 was abducted by the cadres of CPN-M from the same VDC on January 13, 2004. Her husband

Parashuram said the Maoists used to threaten to eliminate her. He added that Maoist cadres Ram Sharan Subedi, Srijana Rijal and Narayan KC had taken her away on January 13, 2004 evening in the pretext of some business. He further said the Maoists had been telling him even after her arrest that she was safe and would be released soon. Her family fi led appeals at human rights organizations. One year later, however, the maoists said that she had already been killed. ! e family is not ready to accept her death and is demanding the

2.17 Sindhupalchok

body. Her family has received Rs 175,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


By Royal Nepalese Army2. Dipak RautDate of Birth/Age : May 2, 1973/30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 9, 2002Place of Incident : Bhaktapur Municipality-15, BhaktapurOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : Barhabise VDC-6Father’s Name : Yukta Bahadur RautMother’s Name : Harka Kumar RautMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Dipak Raut, 30, of Barhabise VDC-6 was arrested in Bhaktapur Municipality-15 by the army from Bhaktapur Darbar Square on November 9, 2002 on

charge of being a Maoist. ! e victim, who was an ordinary person remains disappeared since the arrest.

3. Keshav BhattaraiDate of Birth/Age : July 23, 1974/28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 10, 2003Place of Incident : Bajrayogini, Sankhu, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture

Permanent/Address : Sindhukot VDC-5Father’s Name : Rishi Ram BhattaraiMother’s Name : Radha BhattaraiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Renuka BhattaraiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details A Maoist cadre, Keshav Bhattarai, 29, of Sindhukot VDC-5 was arrested in Sankhu in the Kathmandu district by Royal Nepalese Army on December 10, 2003. He remains disappeared so far. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

4. Swatantra ChaulagainDate of Birth/Age : October 23, 1978/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 28, 2003Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-9, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : CPN-MPermanent/Address : Satmane, Bhotechaur VDC-3Father’s Name : Guru Prasad ChaulagainMother’s Name : Tika Devi ChaulagainMarital Status : Unmarried


Details Swatantra Chaulagain, 25, of Bhotechaur VDC-3 was arrested at Gaushala in Kathmandu by Royal Nepalese Army on November 28, 2003. His whereabouts are unknown.

! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

5. Hira Tamang (Gokte)Date of Birth/Age : August 30, 1984/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 21, 2004Place of Incident : Bhaktapur Municipality-1, BhaktapurOccupation/A# liation : CPN-MPermanent/Address : Karthali VDC-6Father’s Name : Khamsung TamangMother’s Name : Purna Maya TamangMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A PLA combatant of the Maoist party, Hira Tamang aka Gokte, 20, of Karthali VDC-6 was arrested at Chyamasing in the Bhaktapur district on August 21, 2004 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest.

6. Madhav Nepal (Akhil)Date of Birth/Age : February 12, 1983/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 28, 2003

Place of Incident : Koteshwor, Kathmandu Metropolis-35Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent/Address : Tallotole, Kubhinde VDC-7Father’s Name : Krishna Hari NepalMother’s Name : Tulsi Kumari NepalMarital Status : Unmarried

Details ! e district committee president of the ANNISU-R, Madhav Nepal aka Akhil, 21, of Tallotole in Kubhinde VDC-7 was arrested at Koteshwor in Kathmandu by the Royal Nepalese Army on November 28, 2003 on charge of being a Maoist cadre. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

7. Priti TamangDate of Birth/Age : April 21, 1987/17 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : August 7, 2004Place of Incident : Ghamthang VDC-7, SindhupalchokOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent/Address : Lamatole, Maneshwara VDC-3Father’s Name : Dhan Bahadur Tamang


Mother’s Name : Kamala Kumari TamangMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A Maoist cadre, Priti Tamang, 17, of Maneshwara VDC-3 was arrested at Ghamthang VDC-7 by the Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Barhabise on

August 7, 2004. She remains disappeared since the arrest.

8. Netrakaji ShresthaDate of Birth/Age : July 11, 1985/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 18, 2004Place of Incident : Madhyapur! imi Municipality-16, BhaktapurOccupation : PLA Permanent/Address : Sikre, Attarpur VDC-8Father’s Name : Akkal Bahadur ShresthaMother’s Name : Purna Maya ShresthaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A PLA combatant, Netrakaji Shrestha, 18, of Attarpur VDC-8 was arrested at Lokanthali in Madhyapur ! imi Municipality by the Royal Nepalese Army on

January 18, 2004. He remains disappeared since the arrest.

9. Nakkali ShresthaDate of Birth/Age : February 9, 1986/18 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : November 7, 2003Place of Incident : Chautara VDC-8, SindhupalchokOccupation : CPN-MPermanent/Address : Barna, Jethal VDC-6

Father’s Name : Ratna Bahadur ShresthaMother’s Name : Kalimaya ShresthaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Nakkali Shrestha, 18, of Jethal VDC-6 was arrested at Chautara Jail by the Royal Nepalese Army from Shreenath Battalion on November 7, 2003. Before her arrest, the District Administration O# ce had released her on the same day after placing in preventive detention for nine months

10. Durga Bahadur TamangDate of Birth/Age : October 11, 1976/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 7, 2003Place of Incident : Chautara VDC-8, SindhupalchokPermanent/Address : Jure, Ramche VDC-5


Father’s Name : Som Bahadur TamangMother’s Name : Dil Maya TamangMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : SamitaTamangNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

Details Durga Bahadur Tamang, 27, of Ramche VDC-5 was arrested in Chautara VDC-8 by the Royal Nepalese Army from the New Shreenath Battalion on November 7, 2003. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

11. Bishal LamaDate of Birth/Age : 1969/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 1, 2002Occupation : Wage earningPlace of Incident : Bode, Madhyapur! imi Municipality-1Permanent/Address : Chhap, Sangachok VDC-4Father’s Name : Kul Bahadur LamaMother’s Name : Suntali LamaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Bishal Lama 33, of Chhap in Sangachok VDC-4 was arrested at Bode in Madhyapur ! imi Municipality-1 by the Royal

Nepalese Army on June 1, 2002. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police12. Gore Bahadur PurkotiDate of Birth/Age : July 3, 1977/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 16, 1999Occupation : StudentPlace of Incident : Bagbazaar, Kathmandu Metropolis-31Permanent/Address : Kotdanda, ! ulosirubari VDC-2Father’s Name : Buddhibal SarkiMother’s Name : Dalli SarkiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Maiya SarkiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

Details A Maoist supporter, Gore Bahadur Purkoti, 22, of ! ulo Sirubari VDC-2 was arrested at Bagbazaar in Kathmandu Metropolis-31 by police on May 16, 1999. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


By Non-StateBy CPN-M13. Krishna Bahadur BasnetDate of Birth/Age : December 30, 1961/43 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 24, 2005Occupation : Police servicePlace of Incident : Sangabhanjyang, Sangachok-4, SindhupalchokPermanent/Address : Pidalubari, Pipaldanda VDC-2Father’s Name : Dambar Bahadur BasnetMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sita BasnetNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Krishna Bahadur Basnet, 43, of Pidalubari in Pipaldanda VDC-2 was abducted from Sangachok VDC-4 on February 24, 2005. He was abducted for being a policeman.

His whereabouts are unknown since the abduction.

14. Krishna Bahadur ShresthaDate of Birth/Age : September 24, 1949/53 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 5, 2002Occupation : Agriculture Place of Incident : Kubhinde VDC-3, Sindhupalchok

Permanent/Address : Basapati, Kubhinde VDC-3Father’s Name : Dhan Bahadur ShresthaMother’s Name : Dhan Maya ShresthaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sancha Maya Shrestha and Krishna Maya ShresthaNo. of Son/Daughter : 4/1

Details Krishna Bahadur Shrestha, 53, of Kubhinde VDC-3 was abducted from his home by CPN-M on October 5, 2002. ! e victim, who was an ordinary person, remains disappeared since the abduction. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

15. Ramsaran GiriDate of Birth/Age : March 25, 1962/42 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 10, 2003Occupation : Agriculture Place of Incident : Pokhare, Sangachok VDC-9, SindhupalchokPermanent/Address : Pokhare, Sangachok VDC-9Father’s Name : Dadhiraj Giri


Mother’s Name : Dudhmaya GiriMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shanta GiriNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

Details Ramsaran Giri, 42, of Sangachok VDC-9 was abducted from his home by the CPN-M on September 10, 2003. He remains disappeared since the

abduction. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

16. Sange LamaDate of Birth/Age : March 13, 1976/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 11, 2001Occupation : Agriculture Place of Incident : Mahankal VDC-2, SindhupalchokPermanent/Address : Lamatole, Bandegaun VDC-6Father’s Name : Mijur Gyamjo LamaMother’s Name : Suku LamaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chandra LamaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Sange Lama, 26, of Lamatole in Bandegaun VDC-6 was abducted at Gyalthum in

Mahankal VDC-2 by the CPN-M on January 11, 2001 on charge of theft. His whereabouts are unknown since the abduction.

17. Ged Bahadur BasnetDate of Birth/Age : November 7, 1970/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 7, 2003Occupation : Royal Nepalese ArmyPlace of Incident : Chhauni, Kathmandu Metropolis-15, Permanent/Address : Kharitar, Batase VDC-4Father’s Name : Jaya Bahadur BasnetMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Anita Kumari BasnetNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Ged Bahadur Basnet, 32, of Batase VDC-4 was abducted by the CPN-M on March 7, 2003 while he was going to his home from Kathmandu. He remains disappeared since the abduction.


2.18 NuwakotBy StateBy Uni ed Command1. Arjun Lal Shrestha (Shailesh)Date of Birth/Age : September 12, 1970/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 18, 2004Place of Incident : Manamaiju VDC, KathmanduOccupation : Politics CPN-MPermanent/Address : Sundaradevi VDC-1Father’s Name : Purna Bahadur ShresthaMother’s Name : Purna Kumari ShresthaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Gamala ShresthaNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/4No. of dependents : 2

Details Arjun Lal Shrestha aka Shailesh 34, of Sundaradevi VDC-1 was arrested at Prem Bahadur Shrestha’s home located in Manamaiju VDC in the Kathmandu district by security forces on December 18, 2004. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

2. Devi Prasad DhungelDate of Birth/Age : July 23, 1981/22 yrsSex : Male

Date of Incident : January 29, 2004Place of Incident : Kalanki, Kathmandu Metropolis-14Occupation : StudentPermanent/Address : Kumari VDC-5Father’s Name : Radhunath DhungelMother’s Name : Haripriya DhungelMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Devi Prasad Dhungel, 22, of Kumari VDC-5 was arrested at Kalanki in Kathmandu Metropolis-14 by security forces in plain clothes on January 29, 2004. Some eye witnesses said that he was taken to a hotel located at Machhapokhari in Balaju following the arrest; however, he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as interim relief.

3. Hira Bahadur Roka (Sanjib)Date of Birth/Age : 1968/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 6, 2003Place of Incident : Hanumanchok, KathmanduOccupation : PoliticsPermanent/Address : Kakani VDC-5Father’s Name : Tul Bahadur RokaMother’s Name : Bishnu RokaMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0


Dukuchhap VDC in Lalitpur district by the Royal Nepalese Army on November 29, 2002. She was seen at Bhairavnath Battalion for six month after her arrest but remains disappeared since then. ! e victim’s family registered her as dead and claimed the relief accordingly. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

5. Arjun PokharelDate of Birth/Age : January 15, 1979/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 2002Place of Incident : Kirtipur Municipality-7, KathmanduOccupation : StudentPermanent/Address : Khaniyachaur, ! anapati VDC-9Father’s Name : Raj Chandra PokharelMother’s Name : Hiramaya PokharelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Remarried

Details A district committee member of the CPN-M, Arjun Pokharel, 24, of ! anapati VDC-9 was arrested in Kirtipur

Details Hira Bahadur Roka, 35, of Kakani VDC-5 was arrested at Hanumanchok in Kathmandu by Unifi ed Command on December 6, 2003 while he was in Kathmandu

for party business. It was learnt later that for six months after arrest, he was kept at Bhariravnath Battalion but he remains disappeared since then. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Royal Nepalese Army4. Kaushalya Pokharel (Sarita)Date of Birth/Age : May 23, 1980/22 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : November 29, 2002Place of Incident : Dukchhap VDC, Lalitpur Occupation : StudentPermanent/Address : Khaniyachaur, ! anapati VDC-9Father’s Name : Ram Prasad PokharelMother’s Name : Hira Maya PokharelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sadhuram Devkota (Prashanta)

Details A district committee member of the CPN-M, Kaushalya Pokharel aka Sarita, 22, of ! anapati VDC-9 was arrested in


Municipality-7 in the Kathmandu district by Royal Nepalese Army on November 26, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

6. Ram Prasad RimalDate of Birth/Age : 1983/21 yrs.Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 20, 2004Place of Incident : Nayabazaar, Kathmandu-16, KathmanduOccupation : StudentPermanent/Address : Bhanmara, Gorsyang VDC-9Father’s Name : Indra Prasad RimalMother’s Name : Dhan Kumari RimalMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Ram Prasad Rimal, 21, of Bhanmara in Gorsyang VDC-9 was arrested at Nayabazaar in the Kathmandu district by the Royal Nepalese Army on December 20, 2004. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. ! e victim was a CPN-M supporter. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

7. Rajan DangolDate of Birth/Age : July 31, 1984/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 23, 2004Place of Incident : Chabhil, Kathmandu Metropolis, KathmanduOccupation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : Samari VDC-4, NuwakotFather’s Name : Devi Lal DangolMother’s Name : Dhana Maya DangolMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Rajan Dangol, 20, of Samari VDC-4 was arrested at Chabahil in Kathmandu Metropolis-7 by Royal Nepalese Army on June 23, 2004. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

8. Krishna Bahadur Tamang (Kanchha)Date of Birth/Age : 1978/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 13, 2003Place of Incident : Mahakali VDC-1, NuwakotOccupation : Agriculture


Permanent/Address : Mahakali VDC-1Father’s Name : Kedarman TamangMother’s Name : ! ula Maya TamangMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sukmaya TamangNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

Details Krishna Bahadur Tamang aka Kanchha, 25, of Mahakali VDC-1 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army on October 13, 2003 while he was asleep. His

whereabouts remain unknown so far. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

9. Kedar Pariyar DarjiDate of Birth/Age : 1983/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2001Place of Incident : Sangla VDC, KathmanduOccupation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : ! aprek VDC-3Father’s Name : Tul Bahadur DarjiMother’s Name : Tika Kumari DarjiMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Kedar Pariyar Darji, 18, of ! aprek VDC-3 was arrested in Sangla VDC by the Royal Nepalese Army between mid-

September and mid-October while he was going to Kathmandu. His whereabouts are unknown. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

10. Hari NepaliDate of Birth/Age : 1974/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 7, 2005Place of Incident : Gongabu, Kathmandu Metropolis-29Occupation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : Taruka VDC-2Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Madhu PariyarNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details A Maoist member, Hari Nepali, 31, of Taruka VDC-2 was arrested at Gongabu in Kathmandu Metropolis-29 by the Royal Nepalese Army on January 7, 2005. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

11. Rameshwar MudbhariDate of Birth/Age : January 28, 1971/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 7, 2005Place of Incident : Kaushaltar, Madhyapur! imi Municipality-15, BhaktapurOccupation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Dandagaun, Kumari VDC-4


district by Royal Nepalese Army on January 29, 2004 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

13. Rajendra ThapaDate of Birth/Age : 1967/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 18, 2002Place of Incident : Imadol VDC-9, LalitpurOccupation : Wage-earningPermanent/Address : Likhu VDC-7Father’s Name : Toran Bahadur ! apaMother’s Name : Shanta ! apaMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

Details Rajendra ! apa, 35, of Likhu VDC-7 was arrested in Imadol VDC-9 by Royal Nepalese Army on December 18, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist cadre. He was a construction worker. He remains disappeared since the arrest.

14. Ram Chandra BhandariDate of Birth/Age : October 28, 1970/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 7, 2002Place of Incident : Baphal, Kathmandu Metropolis-13

Father’s Name : Bhubaneshwar MudbhariMother’s Name : Pabitra Devi MudbhariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Menuka MudbhariHusband/Wife : 1/2

Details Rameshwar Mudbhari, 34, of Kumari VDC-4 was arrested at Kaushaltar in Madhyapur! imi Municipality -15 by Royal Nepalese Army on

January 7, 2005. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

12. Prakash DhungelDate of Birth/Age : December 29, 1980/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 29, 2004Place of Incident : Kalanki, Kathmandu Metropolis-14Occupation : StudentPermanent/Address : Kumari VDC-4Father’s Name : Ram Prasad DhungelMother’s Name : Shiva Maya DhungelMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Prakash Dhungel, 23, of Kumari VDC-4 was arrested at Kalanki in the Kathmandu


Occupation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : ! ansing VDC-2Father’s Name : Krishna Datta BhandariMother’s Name : Goma BhandariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rita BhandariNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Ram Chandra Bhandari, 33, of ! ansing VDC-2 was arrested at Baphal in Kathmandu Metropolis-13 by Royal Nepalese Army on December 7, 2002. His whereabouts are unknown since

the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

15. Lekhnath Paudel (Ishwar)Date of Birth/Age : 1978/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 27, 2004Place of Incident : Kundrakhola, Jayanagar VDC-7, KapilvastuOccupation : Wage earningPermanent/Address : ! ansing VDC-8Father’s Name : Chandrakanta PaudelMother’s Name : Bal Kumari PaudelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Gayatri PaudelNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

Details A Maoist cadre, Lekhnath Paudel aka Ishwar, 26, of ! ansingh VDC-8 was arrested at Kundrakhola in Jayanagar in the Kapilvastu district by Royal Nepalese Army on January 27, 2004. He remains disappeared.

16. Rajendra LamichhaneDate of Birth/Age : 1976/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 13, 2003Place of Incident : Bhadratar VDC-3, NuwakotOccupation : Agriculture Permanent/Address : Bhadratar VDC-3Father’s Name : Agni LamichhaneMother’s Name : Agni Kumari LamichhaneMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Rajendra Lamichhane, 27, of Bhadratar VDC-3 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army on October 13, 2003 and his whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


17. Mahila NepaliDate of Birth/Age : 1978/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 25, 2002Place of Incident : Narjamandap VDC-8, NuwakotOccupation : Wage-earningPermanent/Address : Narjamandap VDC-8Father’s Name : Kanchha NepaliMother’s Name : Sanikanchhi NepaliMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Mahila Nepali, 24, of Narjamandap VDC-8 was arrested at his home by the Royal Nepalese Army on August 25, 2002. His whereabouts are


18. Yuddha Nath NepalDate of Birth/Age : 1979/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 28, 2002Place of Incident : Gongabu, KathmanduOccupation : AgriculturePermanent/Address : Bageshwari VDC-7Father’s Name : Tul Raj NepalMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Yuddha Nath Nepal, 23, of Bageshwari VDC-7 was arrested in Gongabu area in

Kathmandu by Royal Nepalese Army on December 28, 2002. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest.

By StateBy Uni ed Command1. Narendra Bahadur TamangDate of Birth/Age : November 24, 1984/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 20, 2004Place of Incident : Kalanki, Kathmandu Metropolis-14Occupation : StudentPermanent/Address : Dharapani, Dhaibung VDC-3Father’s Name : Amrit Bahadur TamangMother’s Name : Dev Laxmi TamangMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter: 1/0

Details A CPN-M cadre, Narendra Bahadur Tamang, 20, of Dharapani in Dhaibung VDC-3 was arrested at Kalanki in the Kathmandu district by security forces on November 20, 2004. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

2.19 Rasuwa


Western Development Region3.1 Tanahun/1393.2 Gorkha/1423.3 Lamjung/1523.4 Syangja/1603.5 Kaski/1633.7 Nawalparasi/1713.8 Rupandehi/1773.10 Kapilvastu/1783.11 Arghakhanchi/1823.13 Baglung/1833.14 Parvat/1903.15 Myagdi/192


3.1 TanahunBy StateBy Royal Nepalese Army1. Bijaya BudhathokiDate of Birth/Age : September 25, 1979/24 yrsSex : Female Date of Incident : March 15, 2004Place of Incident : Byas Municipality-6, TanahunOccupation/A# liation : Politics Permanent Address : Phusretar, Bhanu VDC-6Mother’s Name : Sintu Maya BudhathokiMarital status : Widow

DetailsBijaya Budhathoki, 30, of Phusretar, Bhanu VDC-6 and a CPN-M cadre was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army from in front of the army barrack

at Chapaghat of Byas Municipality-8 in Tanahun district on March 15, 2004 as she was heading for party business. Her whereabouts are still unknown. Her family received Rs 100,000 as interim relief from Government of Nepal.

2. Parbati PaudelDate of Birth/Age : May 5, 1990/23 yrsSex : Female Date of Incident : April 12, 2004

Place of Incident : Simalchaur, Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-8, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Nareshwar, Bhanu VDC-1Father’s Name : Om Prasad Paudel Mother’s Name : Saraswati PaudelMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsParbati Paudel, 23, of Bhanu VDC-1 and a CPN-M cadre was arrested from Simalchaur of Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-8 in Kaski district on April 12, 2004. Her status remains unknown. Her family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Nepal Police3. Keshav Singh ThakuriDate of Birth/Age : November 23, 1974/29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 28, 2003Place of Incident : Bharatpokhari VDC, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Nabrung, Barbhajyang VDC-6Father’s Name : Chakraraj Singh ! akuriMother’s Name : Kamala ! akuriMarital Status : Unmarried


DetailsKeshav Singh ! akuri, 29, of Nabrung in Barbhajyang VDC-6 was arrested in Bharatpokhari VDC, Kaski on October 28, 2003 where he had

gone for party business. He was a# liated to ANNISU-R, the student wing of CPN-M. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

4. Narayan Prasad PanditDate of Birth/Age : December 26, 1974/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 14, 1999Place of Incident : Nagnagini, Barbhanjyang VDC-7, TanahunOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Ratanpur, Mirlung VDC-2Father’s Name : Pashupati PanditMother’s Name : Kalidevi PanditMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Narayan Prasad Pandit, 25, of Ratanpur, Mirlung VDC-2 was arrested at Nagnagini, Barbhanjyang VDC-7, Tanahun by a team

of Nepal Police on April 14, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s family got Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

5. Shriram GhimireDate of Birth/Age : August 11, 1966/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 14, 1999Place of Incident : Nagnagini, Barbhanjyang VDC-7, TanahunOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Khairenitar VDC-8Father’s Name : Nil Kantha GhimireMother’s Name : Jamuna GhimireMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sarbada GhimireNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

Details! e district chairperson of ANNISU-R, Shriram Ghimire, 33, of Khairenitar VDC-8 was arrested by Riot Police at Nagnagini, Barbhanjyang VDC-7 in Tanahun on April 14, 1999. His whereabouts are not known since that day. His family received Rs 100,000 as interim relief from Government of Nepal.

6. Kalpana Panta Date of Birth/Age : September 17, 1976/22 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 8, 1998Place of Incident : Tamung, Ghansikuwa VDC-9, Tanahun


Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Belghari, Ghansikuwa VDC-2Father’s Name : Suk Bahadur PantaMother’s Name : Madhumaya PantaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Kalpana Panta, 22, of Belghari, Ghansikuwa VDC-2 was arrested from Tamung, Ghansikuwa VDC-9 in Tanahun by police on December 8, 1998. Her

whereabouts remain unknown. Her family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief amount.

7. Ramchandra Mishra Date of Birth/Age : February 17, 1976/23 yrs

Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 13, 1999Place of Incident : Mukundapur VDC-5, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Sudaurikhola, Bhanu VDC-5Father’s Name : Shikharnath MishraMother’s Name : Mithumaya MishraMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Ramchandra Mishra, 23, of Bhanu VDC-5 was arrested by police from Mukundapur VDC-5 in Nawalparasi district on January 13, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

8. Saraswati AdhikariDate of Birth/Age : January 19, 1970/29 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 8, 1998Place of Incident : Tamung, Ghansikuwa VDC-7, TanahunOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Belbhanjyang, Ghansikuwa VDC-1Father’s Name : Krishna Bahadur AdhikariMother’s Name : Juna AdhikariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ishwar BishtaNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Saraswati Adhikari, 29, of Belbhanjyang, Ghansikuwa VDC-1 was arrested by police from Tamung, Ghansikuwa VDC-7 in Tanahun on December 8, 1998. Her status remains unknown till now. ! e victim’s


family got Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

9. Madhumalati LamsalDate of Birth/Age : April 28, 1981/18 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : April 14, 1999Place of Incident : Nagnagini, Barbhanjyang VDC-7, TanahunOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : ! idu, Kihun VDC-2Father’s Name : Krishna Prasad LamsalMother’s Name : Bhesh Kumari LamsalMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA member of ANNISU-R, Madhumalati Lamsal, 18, of Kihun VDC-2 was arrested by police on charge of being a Maoist at Nagnagini, Barbhanjyang VDC-7 in Tanahun on

April 14, 1999. Following the arrest, her family was displaced to Belchautara of Tanahun and returned to the village on March 10, 2000. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Her family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

10. Ishwar KafleDate of Birth/Age : June 30, 1970/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 5, 2003

Place of Incident : Dandakonak, Lekhnath Municipality-8, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Jamune VDC-8Father’s Name : Durganath Kafl eMother’s Name : Subhadra Kafl eMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dharma Kumari Kafl eNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Ishwar Kafl e, 33, of Jamune VDC-8 was arrested at Dandakonak, Lekhnath Municipality-8 in Kaski by police on October 5, 2003 as he was heading towards Lekhnath Municipality from Pokhara on a bus. He remains disappeared since that day. His family got Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

3.2 Gorkha

By StateBy Royal Nepalese Army 1. Hirakaji Pyakurel (Sandip) Date of Birth/Age : September 21, 1973/28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 31, 2001Place of Incident : Butwal Municipality, Rupandehi


Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sushila DahalNo. of Dependents : 4

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Rajendra Raman Khanal, 25, of Arupokhari VDC-8 was arrested in Anbukhaireni VDC-3 in Tahanun on December 31, 2001. He was kept at the army barrack at Ghyampesal for one month. However, the family members could not fi nd him after that. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief. 3. Pushparaj Devkota (Janak)Date of Birth/Age : December 27, 1972/31 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 24, 2003Place of Incident : Rajhar VDC-7, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Simpani, Anppipal VDC-7Father’s Name : Devi Prasad DevkotaMother’s Name : Devi Maya Devkota Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPushparaj Devkota ( Janak), 31, of Anppipal VDC-7 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army at Rajhar VDC-7 in Nawalparasi

Occupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Baddanda, Dhawa VDC-5No. Son/Daughter : 1

DetailsHirakaji Pyakurel (Sandip), 28, of Baddanda, Dhawa VDC-5 was arrested from Butwal Municipality in Rupandehi district on December 31, 2001 by Royal Nepalese Army.

A company commander of the CPN-M, Pyakurel was kept in military custody at Army barrack at ! igureswara in Gorkha. His family members had met him till August 2002 but after that they were told that Pyakurel was taken to Kathmandu for treatment. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

2. Rajendra Raman Khanal Date of Birth/Age : February 7, 1977/28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 31, 2001Place of Incident : Anbukhaireni VDC-3, TahanunOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Dandagaon, Arupokhari VDC-8Father’s Name : Nanda Prasad KhanalMother’s Name : Ganesh Kumari Khanal


on December 24, 2003. ! e district chairperson of ANNISU-R, Devkota was arrested on charge of being a Maoist. CPN-M, Gorkha declared him a martyr in 2010. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

4. Ashok Sunar (Akela)Date of Birth/Age : May 25, 1980/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 22, 2003Place of Incident : Chabahil, Kathmandu Metropolis, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Chandithok, Borlang VDC-5Father’s Name : Dil Bahadur SunarMother’s Name : Samundra Kumari SunarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA central committee member of Dalit Mukti Morcha, Ashok Sunar (Akela), 23, of Borlang VDC-5 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army at Chabahil,

Kathmandu Metropolis in Kathmandu on November 22, 2003. He was arrested on charge of being a Maoist as he was walking on the road. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

5. Baburam Kumal (Thakur) Date of Birth/Age : February 4, 1985/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 22, 2004Place of Incident : Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-11, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Kamalabari, Chhoprak VDC-9Father’s Name : Krishna Bahadur KumalMother’s Name : Manmaya Kumal Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Nima KumalNo. of Dependents : 3

DetailsBaburam Kumal (! akur), 20, of Chhoprak VDC-9 was arrested in Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-11 in Kaski district by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Phoolbari Barrack on September 22, 2004. A member of ANNISU-R, Kumal, is missing since his arrest. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

6. Dipendra Panta Date of Birth/Age : April 4, 1979/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 13, 2003Place of Incident : Naya Bazaar, Kathmandu Metropolis-16,


Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Kamaltar, Gaikhur VDC-5Father’s Name : Resham Bahadur PantaMother’s Name : Him Kumari PantaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDipendra Panta, 25, of Kamaltar in Gaikhur VDC-5 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army from Naya Bazaar, Kathmandu Metropolis-16 in

Kathmandu on October 13, 2003 as he was heading for college. He was kept at Bhairabhnath Battalion at Maharajgunj in Kathmandu. He was seen by ANNISU-R leaders Himal Sharma and Krishna KC in the Battalion but his whereabouts remain unknown since then.

7. Deepak Chandra Neupane (Muktideep) Date of Birth/Age : December 22, 1971/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 17, 2003Place of Incident : Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara Sub-Metropolis- 1, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Pokharabesi, Khoplang VDC-2

Father’s Name : Dilliram NeupaneMother’s Name : Tilak Kumari NeupaneMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDeepak Chandra Neupane (Muktideep), 31, of Pokharabesi, Khoplang VDC-2 in Gorkha was arrested from near Prithvi Narayan Campus at Bagar, Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-1 in Kaski district by Royal Nepalese Army on February 17, 2003. He was arrested as he was coming back from the Campus after holding a meeting concerning elections of the student union. He was kept at Phoolbari Barrack for two days but disappeared after that. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

8. Jamuna Kumal (Amrita) Date of Birth/Age : 1982/22 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : March 15, 2004Place of Incident : Chapaghat, Damauli, Byas Municipality-8, TanahunOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Prithvi Narayan Municipality-10Father’s Name : Gam Bahadur KumalMother’s Name : Renu KumalMarital Status : Unmarried


DetailsJamuna Kumal (Amrita), 22, of Prithvi Narayan Municipality-10 was arrested at Chapaghat, in Byasnagar Municipality-8 in Tanahun by Royal Nepalese Army on

March 15, 2004. Her whereabouts remain unknown since then. Her family got Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

9. Tul Bahadur Nepali Date of Birth/Age : September 30, 1981/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 10, 2002Place of Incident : Prithvi Narayan Municipality-3, GorkhaOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Chhoprak VDC-7Father’s Name : Keshar Bahadur NepaliMother’s Name : Tika NepaliMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsTul Bahadur Nepali, 20, of Chhoprak VDC-7 was arrested in Prithvi Narayan Municipality-3, Gorkha by Royal Nepalese Army on January 10, 2002. ! e

victim had come to the place of incident for personal business. Arrested on charge of being a Maoist, his status has been

unknown since his arrest. Nepali’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

10. Subarna Paudel (Sanjay) Date of Birth/Age : October 14, 1974/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 28, 2001 Place of Incident : Phisling, Darechok VDC, ChitwanOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Alkachilaune, Palungtar VDC-2Father’s Name : Pitambar PaudelMother’s Name : Ramawati PaudelMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsSubarna Paudel (Sanjay), 27, of Alkachilaune, Palungtar VDC-2 in Gorkha was arrested at Phisling, Darechok VDC in Chitwan district by Royal Nepalese Army on December 28, 2001. He was arrested as he was heading to Ghyalchok in Gorkha from Pokhara. His whereabouts remain unknown. Paudel’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal. 11. Gyan Bahadur Tamu Date of Birth/Age : 1961/40 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 17, 2001


Place of Incident : Baisjagar, Purkot VDC-7, TanahunOccupation/A# liation : Politics Permanent Address : Dhabadi, Ghyalchok VDC-5Father’s Name : Phattasingh TamuMother’s Name : Sukmaya TamuMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhumaya TamuNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsGyan Bahadur Tamu, 40, of Dhabadi in Ghyalchok VDC-5 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army at Baisjagar, Purkot VDC-7 in Tanahun

on November 17, 2001. Tamu was a district committee member of the CPN-M. His whereabouts are unknown since the day he was arrested. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

12. Purna Chandra Acharya (Pushpa) Date of Birth/Age : July 11, 1978/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 2, 2002Place of Incident : Bharatpur, Bharatpur Municipality, ChitwanOccupation/A# liation : Student

Permanent Address : Pokharabesi, Khoplang VDC-2Father’s Name : Khila Sharma AcharyaMother’s Name : Ramadevi AcharyaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPurna Chandra Acharya (Pushpa), 23, of Khoplang VDC-2 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army in Bharatpur, Bharatpur Municipality in Chitwan district on January 2, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief amount.

13. Bhimsen DhitalDate of Birth : August 15, 1967/ 30 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 20, 2004Place of Incident : Lazimpat, Kathmandu Metropolis-2, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Gairichhap, Pandrung VDC-7Father’s Name : Krishnamaya Dhital


Mother’s Name : Jyadumaya DhitalMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA Platoon Commander of the PLA, Bhimsen Dhital, 30, of Pandrung VDC-7was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army from Kathmandu Metropolis-2 in

Kathmandu on November 20, 2004 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police14. Gita Thapa Magar (Pragati) Date of Birth/Age : March 16, 1976/23 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 24, 1998Place of Incident : Chitrepokhari, Chhoprak VDC-1, GorkhaOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Teenghare, Ghairung VDC-1Father’s Name : Pahalman ! apaMother’s Name : Ran Kumari ! apaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsGita ! apa Magar (Pragati), 23, of Ghairung VDC-1 was arrested by Nepal

Police at Chitrepokhari, Chhoprak VDC-1 in Gorkha on December 24, 1998 on charge of being a Maoist. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Her family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

15. Lila Khanal (Bindu)Date of Birth/Age : January 1, 1982/17 yrs

Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : October 26, 1998Place of Incident : Deutapani, Chandreshwar VDC-7, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Khamdi, Bungkot VDC-2Father’s Name : Rudralal KhanalMother’s Name : Harimaya KhanalMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsLila Khanal, 17, of Khamdi in Bungkot VDC-2 was arrested by Nepal Police at Deutapani in Chandreshwar VDC-7 in Lamjung district on October 26, 1998 on charge of being a Maoist. Her status is unknown since then. Her family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


16. Sanjay DhakalDate of Birth/Age : August 5, 1984/14 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 26, 1998Place of Incident : ! umki, Chhoprak VDC-2, GorkhaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, ANNISU-R Permanent Address : Baguwa VDC-7Father’s Name : Tikaram DhakalMother’s Name : Khina Kumari DhakalMarital Status : Unmarried

Details! e district chairperson of ANNISU-R, Sanjay Dhakal, 14, of Baguwa VDC-7 was arrested by Nepal Police at ! umki, Chhoprak VDC-2 in Gorkha on

December 26, 1998. He was arrested on charge of being a Maoist as he was walking on the street. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

17. Kumar DhakalDate of Birth/Age : March 1, 1981/18 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 28, 1998Place of Incident : ! umi, Chhoprak VDC-2, Gorkha

Occupation/A# liation : Politics (ANNISU-R)Permanent Address : Tallo Gohore, Shreenathkot VDC-2Father’s Name : Bhuwan Bahadur DhakalMother’s Name : Goma Devi DhakalMarital Status : Unmarried

Details! e vice chairperson of ANNISU-R, Kumar Dhakal, 18, of Tallo Gohore, Shreenathkot was arrested by Nepal Police at ! umki in Chhoprak VDC-2, Gorkha as he was heading towards his sister’s home on December 28, 1998. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

18. Raju Gurung (Bijay)Date of Birth/Age : January 1, 1973/26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 27, 1998Place of Incident : Chandreshwar VDC-7, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : Politics, ANNISU-RPermanent Address : Belbas, Khoplang VDC-4Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur GurungMother’s Name : Sukmaya GurungMarital Status : Unmarried


DetailsRaju Gurung (Bijay), 26, of Belbas in Khoplang VDC-4 and ANNISU-R member was arrested by Nepal Police at Deutapani of Chandreshwar VDC-7

in Lamjung on October 27, 1998 on charge of being a Maoist. He remains disappeared since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

19. Mija Rijal (Niru)Date of Birth/Age : January 1, 1977/22 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : October 25, 1998Place of Incident : Handetar, Parewadanda VDC-2, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Chyangli VDC-4Father’s Name : Jit Bahadur KumalMother’s Name : Putali KumalMarital status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M member, Mija Kumal (Niru), 25, of Chyangli VDC-4 was arrested by Nepal Police from Handetar of Parewatar VDC-2 in Lamjung on October

25, 1998 on charge of being a Maoist.

Her status remains unknown since then. Her family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

20. Nirmala MarhaththaDate of Birth/Age : May 21, 1977/21 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : November 1, 1998Place of Incident : Anppipal Bazaar, Anppipal VDC-6, GorkhaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Simpani, Anppipal Bazaar, Anppipal VDC-6Father’s Name : Nawraj MarhaththaMother’s Name : Nanda Kumari MarhaththaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsNirmala Marhaththa (Sirjana), 21, of Simpani, Anppipal VDC-6 was arrested by Nepal Police on November 1, 1998 on charge of being a Maoist. ! e police team that arrested Nirmala had arrived from police post based in Harmi VDC. Her whereabouts remain unknown since her arrest. Her family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


21. Ram Bahadur Ghimire (Prabin)Date of Birth/Age : November 21, 1976/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 31, 1998Place of Incident : Bakrang VDC-6, GorkhaOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Ghimirethok, Gaikhur VDC-7Father’s Name : Keshar Bahadur GhimireMother’s Name : Shir Kumari GhimireMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRam Bahadur Ghimire (Prabin), 21, of Ghimirethok, Gaikhur VDC-7 was arrested at the house of Shir Bahadur Aryal of Bakrang VDC-6

in Gorkha on October 31, 1998 by Nepal Police on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

22. Rajendra DhakalDate of Birth/Age : November 13, 1968/30 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 8, 1999Place of Incident : Jamdikhola, Kharenitar VDC-6, Tanahun

Occupation/A# liation : Legal practitioner, NBA Gorkha chairpersonPermanent Address : Harmi VDC-8Father’s Name : Kaladhar Sharma DhakalMother’s Name : Prabha DhakalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bimala DhakalNo. of Son/Daughter : 1 / 2No. of Dependents : 5

DetailsRajendra Dhakal, 30, of Harmi VDC-8 was arrested by Nepal Police from Jamdikhola, Khairenitar VDC-6 in Tanahun district on January 8, 1999 on charge of being a Maoist. He was arrested as he was taking a bath in Jamdi River. After the arrest, he was kept at Dulegaunda Area Police O# ce and was disappeared from there. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

23. Phanindra Simkhada Date of Birth/Age : November 6, 1964/24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 17, 1999Place of Incident : Narayangadh Bazaar, ChitwanOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Dhawa VDC-4Father’s Name : Bhawadutta Simkhada


Father’s Name : Bishwanath GhimireMother’s Name : Sabitra GhimireMaritall Status : Unmarried

DetailsRajan Ghimire, 23, of Chishanku, Ishaneshwar VDC-3 was arrested in Hanshapur VDC in Kaski district by Unifi ed Command based at Bijaypur Barrack on June 22, 2002. He was kept for sometime at the Army Barrack at Bhorletar in Lamjung, however, nothing is known about his whereabouts since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

2. Sita Adhikari Date of Birth/Age : July 29, 1979/22 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : March 27, 2002Place of Incident : Nalma VDC-5, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : Student, CPN-MPermanent Address : Gotamechok, Chandisthan VDC-2Father’s Name : Bhoj Bahadur AdhikariMother’s Name : Mithi AdhikariMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Sita Adhikari, 22, of Chandisthan VDC-2 was arrested by Unifi ed Command in Nalma VDC-5 in Lamjung on March 27, 2002 on charge

Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Radhika SimkhadaSon/Daughter : 2/2No. of Dependents : 5 Details

An area committee member of CPN-M, Phanindra Simkhada, 24, of Dhawa VDC-4 was arrested by the police in Narayangadh Bazaar in Bharatpur

Municipality, Chitwan where he had gone on personal business on February 17, 1999. He was living temporarily at Shiva Tole near Bus Park in Pokhara Sub-Metropolis. ! e family fi led appeal to human rights activists to help them locate him. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

3.3 LamjungBy StateBy Uni ed Command1. Rajan GhimireDate of Birth/Age : October 9, 1979/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 22, 2002Place of Incident : Hanshapur VDC, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M memberPermanent Address : Chishanku, Ishaneshwar VDC-3


of being a Maoist. According to her mother, she was last seen in the custody of the security persons at Ganga Milan Secondary

School at Makaidanda by her friends on April 20, 2002. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Her family got Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

3. Ramesh Paudel Date of Birth/Age : September 17, 1966/35 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 19, 2002Place of Incident : Mijure Danda VDC, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Jitabesi, Jita VDC-9Father’s Name : Ram Chandra Paudel Mother’s Name : Kusum Devi PaudelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shakuntala PaudelNo. of Son/Daughter : 1 /2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Ramesh Paudel, 35, of Jita VDC-9 was arrested in Mijuredanda VDC in Kaski district by the Unifi ed Command

on March 19, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. His family members said the authority had informed them about his arrest after few days but nothing is known about him since then. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Royal Nepalese Army 4. Dhruba Babu TiwariDate of Birth/Age : August 1, 1996/42 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 26, 2002Place of Incident : Khairenitar VDC, TanahunOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Chiti, Chiti VDC-8Father’s Name : Dambarnidhi TiwariMother’s Name : Rameshwari TiwariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Laxmi TiwariNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/ 2No. of Dependant : 1

DetailsA district committee member of All Revolutionary Peasants Association Dhruba Babu Tiwari, 42, of Chiti VDC-8 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army from Khairenitar VDC in Tanahun district as he was traveling to Gorkha from Bhorletar of Lamjung on December 26,


6. Bishnu Prasad Adhikari Date of Birth/Age : 1954 July/47 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 1, 2002Place of Incident : Sanhilitar, Bhalayakharka VDC-3, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sanhilitar, Bhalayakharka VDC-3Father’s Name : Shridhar AdhikariMother’s Name : Lalit Kumari AdhikariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rewati AdhikariNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

Details Bishnu Prasad Adhikari, 47, of Sanhilitar in Bhalayakharka VDC-3 was arrested at his home by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Harmi VDC, Gorkha on March 1, 2002. He was arrested on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

7. Suk Bahadur Pariyar Date of Birth/Age : July 25, 1983/18 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 4, 2002Place of Incident : Baisjanghar, Purkot VDC-4, Tanahun

2002. His whereabouts remain unknown till now. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

5. Dal Bahadur BhujelDate of Birth/Age : February 22, 1979/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 3, 2002Place of Incident : Baisjanghar, Purkot VDC-6, TanahunOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture, CPN-MPermanent Address : Pallejara, Barte VDC-6Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur BhujelMother’s Name : Padam Kumari BhujelMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre Dal Bahadur Bhujel, 23, of Barte VDC-6 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army from an army post at Baisjanghar of Purkot

VDC-6 in Tanahun on February 3, 2002. ! e family had inquired about him with CDO Shiva Prasad Nepal on February 7, 2002 however, his whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


Mother’s Name : Basundhara TiwariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ganga TiwariNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/ 2No. of DDependents : 2

DetailsA member of CPN-M, Bishnu Prasad Tiwari of Tiwari Gaon in Duradanda VDC-2 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army on January 13, 2002. CDO Chandra Prasad Panta informed the family that Tiwari was arrested from Byas Municipality-4 in Tanahun and was kept at Bhorletar Army Camp, Lamjung. Panta added that Tiwari was shot dead by the soldiers after he tried to escape while being taken along with them for search operation. INSEC district representative had met him at Bhorletar Barrack on March 12, 2002, a few days before he was disappeared. Following the incident, Tiwari’s wife and children were displaced to Chitwan, where they are still living. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police9. Bishal MallaDate of Birth/Age : December 9, 1981/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 20, 2000Place of Incident : Barghat, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture

Occupation/A# liation : Politics, Pro-Maoist Dalit Mukti MorchaPermanent Address : Teenpiple, Chakratirtha VDC-6Father’s Name : Gun Bahadur PariyarMother’s Name : Dil Maya PariyarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA member of Dalit Mukti Morcha, Suk Bahadur Pariyar, 18, of Chakratirtha VDC-6 was arrested on January 4, 2002 by the army personnel from

Baisjaghar Company in Purkot VDC in Tanahun as he was heading for Kathmandu from home. When his family members went to the barrack to inquire about him, they were told that Pariyar would be released in few days but his whereabouts remain unknown. Pariyar’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

8. Bishnu Prasad TiwariDate of Birth/Age : 1970/32 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 13, 2002Place of Incident : Bhorletar Army Camp, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Tiwari Gaon, Duradanda VDC-2Father’s Name : Rishiram Tiwari


Permanent Address : Ahale, Parewadanda VDC-3Father’s Name : Bhagwan MallaMother’s Name : Parthana Devi MallaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBishal Malla, 19, of Ahale in Parewadanda VDC-3 was arrested by police from Barghat in Nawalparasi when he was heading for Butwal on December 20,

2000. He was arrested on charge of being a Maoist. His family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

10. Rameshwari Bhattarai Date of Birth/Age : April 13, 1981/20 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : January 15, 2002Place of Incident : Sera, Simpani VDC-2, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Phedikuna, Bhoteodar VDC-9Father’s Name : Padam Prasad BhattaraiMother’s Name : Goma Kumari BhattaraiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Rameshwari Bhattarai, 20, of Bhoteodar VDC-9 was arrested at

Sera in Simpani VDC-2, Lamjung district by Nepal Police arriving from District Police O# ce on January 15, 2002, on charge of being a Maoist. According to Bhattarai’s mother Goma Kumari, Dhanmati Gurung, who was arrested along with her daughter, had seen her in the police custody on the day of arrest. Her whereabouts remain unknown since then. Her family has not received relief money from Government of Nepal.

11. Krishna Bahadur BasnetDate of Birth/Age : January 16, 1960/40 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 17, 1999Place of Incident : Basnet Gaon, Tandrangtaksar VDC-9, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M a# liated Teachers’ UnionPermanent Address : Suryapal VDC-5Father’s Name : Rup Bahadur BasnetMother’s Name : Santa Kumari BasnetMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Maiyan BasnetNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/8

DetailsKrishna Bahadur Basnet, 40, of Suryapal VDC-5, who was active in CPN-M a# liated Teachers’ Union was arrested by Nepal Police


arriving from Suryapal Police Post on June 17, 1999. When his wife along with some villagers tried to fi le a complaint the next day, the police refused to register it. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Royal Nepalese Army12. Toyanath PokharelDate of Birth/Age : November 19, 1960/41 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 1, 2002Place of Incident : Sahilitar, Bhalayakharka VDC-3, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : TeachingPermanent Address : Sahilitar, Bhalayakharka VDC-3Father’s Name : Laxmi Prasad PokharelMother’s Name : Tara Devi PokharelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhawani PokharelNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsA teacher at Shaubha-gyadaya Secondary School, Toyanath Pokharel, 41, of Bhalayakharka VDC-3 was arrested at Sahilitar in Bhalayakharka VDC-3 of Lamjung district by a

team of army arriving from Harmi Barrack in Gorkha on March 1, 2002. He was

arrested at his home on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown since his arrest. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief.

13. Tirthraj Ghimire Date of Birth/Age : Novmeber 1951/51 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 1, 2002Place of Incident : Bhalayakharka VDC-4, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M memberPermanent Address : Sahilitar, Bhalayakharka VDC-4Father’s Name : Devidas GhimireMother’s Name : Damanta GhimireMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shova Devi GhimireNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Tirthraj Ghimire, 51, of Bhalayakharka VDC-4 was arrested by a team of army from a school near his home on March 1, 2002. ! e army team had arrived there from the Harmi Base Camp in Gorkha. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


14. Lilraj Kattel Date of Birth/Age : August 9, 1965/36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 1, 2002Place of Incident : Purkot VDC-4, Tanahun Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Alkatar, Chakratirtha VDC-6Father’s Name : Meghnath KattelMother’s Name : Basundhara KattelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Parbati KattelNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsLilraj Kattel, 36, of Chakratirtha VDC-6 was arrested at Baisjagar army post in Purkot VDC-4 in Tanahun district on April 1, 2002 as he

was heading for Kathmandu along with his son, Bijay. According to his wife Parbati, whereabouts of Lilraj are unknown since then. She added the army had seized Rs 80,000 that her husband was carrying with him and did not return. Kattel family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

15. Tej Bahadur Bhandari Date of Birth/Age : February 23, 1946/56 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 31, 2001

Place of Incident : Manange Chautara, Besisahar VDC-2, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : Social WorkPermanent Address : Bhalam, Simpani VDC-3Father’s Name : Lekhnath BhandariMother’s Name : Sabitra BhandariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Laxmi BhandariNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsTej Bahadur Bhandari, 56, of Simpani VDC-3 and a# liated with Teachers’ Union was arrested on December 31, 2001. His family said CDO Shiva Prasad Nepal had issued warrant for his arrest and DSP Pitambar Adhikari had held him at 11.30 am. Severe torture was infl icted against Tej Bahadur in the custody. It is said that the team that arrested Tej Bahadur was led by Major Santosh Singh ! akuri but in a written reply to the Court it was stated that Tej Bahadur was not arrested but was killed in an encounter in Simpani Jungle on January 1, 2002. His family was displaced to Kathmandu after the incident and is residing in Kathmandu. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


By Police16. Devraj Paudel Date of Birth/Age : March 25, 1959/41 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 17, 1999Place of Incident : Jitbesi, Suryapal VDC-5, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Sotipasal, Jita VDC-9Father’s Name : Manikanta PaudelMother’s Name : Chudabalu PaudelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Radha Devi PaudelNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Devraj Paudel, 41, of Jita VDC-9 was arrested at Ramchandra Giri’s home located in Suryapal VDC-9 by police on June

17, 1999 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown. Paudel’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as interim relief.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M17. Kul Bahadur Thapa Date of Birth/Age : December 30, 1947/58 yrs Sex : Male

Date of Incident : October 2, 2005Place of Incident : Satbirsa, Besisahar VDC-2, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Dandagaon, Bajhakhet VDC-7Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sanu Kumari ! apaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3

DetailsA UML cadre and the former VDC chairperson, Kul Bahadur ! apa, 58, of Dandagaon in Bajhakhet VDC-7 was abducted by the CPN-M cadres from Satbirsa of Besisahar VDC-2 on October 2, 2005 as he was returning home from Besisahar. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! apa’s family has received money as an interim relief from Government of Nepal, however, the amount could not be confi rmed.

18. Raj Kumar Rimal Date of Birth/Age : November 3, 1985/18 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 17, 2004Place of Incident : Dhangai, Chandisthan VDC-8, LamjungOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Makaidanda, Chandisthan VDC-8Father’s Name : Santa Bahadur RimalMother’s Name : Ukhamaya RimalMarital Status : Unmarried


DetailsRaj Kumar Rimal, 19, of Makaidanda in Chandisthan VDC-8 was abducted by the CPN-M cadres from Khudi VDC-3 on August 17, 2004 on

charge of going to join Royal Nepalese Army. His whereabouts remain unknown. Rimal’s family received Rs 175,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

3.4 SyangjaBy StateBy Uni ed Command1. Anup ThapaDate of Birth : June 1, 1982/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 20, 2006Place of Incident : Nagdanda, Putalibazar Municipality-7, SyangjaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, UML cadrePermanent Address : Setidovan VDC-7Father’s Name : Bed Bahadur ! apaMother’s Name : Tika Kumari ! apaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Hira Devi ! apaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0Other Dependents : 2

DetailsA UML cadre and student, Anup ! apa, 23, of Seti Dovan VDC-7 was arrested by a team of Unifi ed Command in Putalibazar Municipality-7 on January 20, 2006 as he was heading for his uncle’s house in Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan city. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

2. Ramesh Bhattarai (Gautam)Date of Birth : May 22, 1981/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 30, 2002Place of Incident : Butwal Municipality, RupandehiOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Shreekrishna- gandaki VDC-9Father’s Name : Rameshwar BhattaraiMother’s Name : Purnakala BhattaraiMarital Status : UnmarriedOther DDependents : 2

DetailsRamesh Bhattarai, 20, of Shreekrishnagandaki VDC-9, was arrested at the main gate of Butwal Multiple Campus by a patrolling team of


Unifi ed Command on January 30, 2002 as he was heading to his rented room. His whereabouts remain unknown till date. Bhattarai’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief. By Royal Nepalese Army 3. Tanka SharmaDate of Birth : February 11, 1971/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 22, 2002Place of Incident : Lekhnath Municipality-12, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent Address : Khairikot, Kichanas VDC-6Father’s Name : Durgadutta SharmaMother’s Name : Manrupa SharmaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Arati SharmaNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1Other DDependents : 3

DetailsA member of the CPN-M a# liated trade uninon, Tanka Sharma, 31, of Kichnas VDC-6 was arrested at Gagan Bazar by a team of Royal

Nepalese Army arriving from Bijaypur Barrack on January 22, 2002. He was fi rst kept at Phulbari Barrack in Pokhara and then transferred to Bijayapur Barrack. His family members went to Bijayapur Barrack

inquiring about Sharma, but, Captain Raksha KC refused to give any information. In an NHRC report, it was said that Sharma had been killed at Bhalupahad of Syangja district a day after his arrest but the family is refusing to take this version. ! e family was displaced to Dulegaunda of Tanahun following the incident and returned to the village in 2006. ! e family got Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

4. Hari Prasad DumreDate of Birth : December 29, 1976/25 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 17, 2002Place of Incident : Hulkang, Kalikakot VDC-1, SyangjaOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Hulkang, Kalikakot VDC-1Father’s Name : Laxmipati DumreMother’s Name : Chandrakala DumreMarital Status : UnmarriedOther Dependents : 2

DetailsHari Prasad Dumre, 25, of Hulkang, Kalikakot VDC-1 in Syangja was arrested from near his house by an army team arriving from Pokhara on January 17, 2002. He was arrested on


charge of being a Maoist. He was airlifted to Pokhara in a helicopter. Dumre’s whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Nepal Police5. Deepak RijalDate of Birth : January 15, 1981/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 10, 2001Place of Incident : Waling Municipality-5, SyangjaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Jagatbhanjyang VDC-1Father’s Name : Rukmagat RijalMother’s Name : Ganga Kumari RijalMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDeepak Rijal, 21, of Jagatbhanjyang VDC-1 was arrested at Mirmi by an Army team as he was heading for Waling Municipality to buy

corrugated iron sheets on December 10, 2001. His whereabouts are unknown since then. His family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal yet.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M6. Krishna Bahadur AdhikariDate of Birth : January 2, 1964/39 yrs

Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 18, 2002Place of Incident : Bayarghari, Darsinghdaha- thum VDC-1, SyangjaOccupation/A# liation : Government ServicePermanent Address : Banethokdeurali VDC-1Father’s Name : Liptaman AdhikariMother’s Name : Saraswati AdhikariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Parbati AdhikariNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2Other Dependents : 1

DetailsKrishna Bahadur Adhikari, 39, of Banethokdeurali VDC-1 and working as an accountant at District Public Health O# ce, situated at Darsinghgahathum VDC-7 was abducted by the cadres of CPN-M from Darsinghgahathum VDC-1 at around 11 am on August 18, 2002. According to his family members, the Maoists had threatened to kill him after he refused to give them a ride from Galyang Bazaar to Tallo Galyang Bazaar fearing army action. He had left home for his brother’s house in Waling Municipality-8 but never reached the place. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.


7. Rajendra Prasad DhakalDate of Birth : January 25, 1979/ 27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 13, 2006Place of Incident : Ramnagar Municipality-1, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : Armed Police ForcePermanent Address : Nibuwakot, Phaparthum VDC-3Father’s Name : Jiwakhar DhakalMother’s Name : Khim Maya DhakalMarital Status : Unmarried Other Dependents : 2

DetailsA head constable of the Armed Police Force, Rajendra Prasad Dhakal, 27, of Nibuwakot, Phaparthum VDC-3 in Syangja was abducted from Bhumbai of

Ramnagar Municipality-1 as he was heading to his home on home leave on March 13, 2006. He was arrested by female CPN-M cadres and remains disappeared since then. His family has not received any relief amount from Government of Nepal.

7. Padam Prasad TiwariDate of Birth : August 20, 1973/32 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 25, 2005

Place of Incident : Naya Gaon, Dhodhari VDC, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Royal Nepal Army Permanent Address : Arghadi, Panchamul VDC-1Father’s Name : Dhanpati TiwariMother’s Name : Rewati TiwariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Pabitra TiwariNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0Other Dependents : 1

DetailsLance Corporal Padam Prasad Tiwari, 32, of Arghadi, Panchamul VDC-1 was abducted by the CPN-M cadres at Karnali Bridge on October 25, 2005. Tiwari was posted at Raneshwar Battalion, Kusum Barrack. His family members said Tiwari was abducted as he was going to buy vegetables in plain clothes. ! e victim’s family has not got any relief from Government of Nepal.

3.5 KaskiBy StateBy Royal Nepalese Army1. Rishiram LamichhaneDate of Birth : September 4, 1984/10 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 8, 2002Place of Incident : Bindabasini Chok, Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-2, Kaski


Place of Incident : Saripakha, Machhapuch- chhre VDC-4, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Bhurjung Khola, Sardikhola VDC-1Father’s Name : Dandapani AcharyaMother’s name : Lokmaya AcharyaMarital status : UnmarriedOther Dependents : 4

Details! e district chairperson of ANNISU-R, Ananda Acharya, 22, of Sardikhola VDC-1 was held by the locals of Machhapuchchhre VDC-4 and handed over to the security persons of Phulbari Barrack on December 7, 2001. When the relatives of Acharya asked about him at the Barrack, they were told that Acharya was not arrested. ! e family fi led an appeal at NHRC and also a habeas corpus writ at the Appellate Court. ! e Barrack told the court that Acharya was not arrested. After learning of the possibility of Acharya being at District Police O# ce, the family members went there after fi ve days of his arrest. But the police did not allow them to meet him. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

Occupation/A# liation : Student Permanent Address : Pathre Khahare, Ribhan VDC-7Father’s Name : Devilal LamichhaneMother’s Name : Sharada LamichhaneMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRishiram Lamichhane, 17, of Ribhan VDC-7, was arrested at Bindhaba-sinichok in Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-2 by an army team from Phulbari Barrack on January 8,

2002. He was the chairperson of Bhedabari Technical School unit of ANNISU-R. ! e family members who went to inquire about him did not get to enter the barrack. ! e family had fi led applications at human rights organizations including INSEC after his arrest. His family held a sit-in for 17 days in front of Kali Bahadur Battalion in Kathmandu but to no avail. ! e family members also went to the district prisons in Kaski, Lamjung, Parbat and Tanahun, among others, looking for him. ! ey were told that Lamichhane was not brought there. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

2. Ananda AcharyaDate of Birth/Age : April 27, 1979/22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 7, 2001


4. Om Bahadur TamangDate of Birth/Age : April 14, 1978/ 23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 11, 2002Place of Incident : ! anti, Lwangkhel VDC-4, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : ! anti, Lwangkhel VDC-4Father’s Name : Sete TamangMother’s Name : Dil Kumari TamangMarital Status : MarriedSon/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 7

DetailsOm Bahadur Tamang, 23, of ! anti in Lwangkhel VDC-4 was arrested from home by security forces from Phulbari Barrack on January 11, 2002. ! e family fi led appeals at various human rights organizations. ! e victims’ family members went to Phulbari Barrack and Bijayapur Barrack inquiring about him but they were told that Om Bahadur had not been brought there. ! e family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

5. Tika BKDate of Birth/Age : November 3, 1985/15 Yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : January 2, 2002

3. Santosh RanabhatDate of Birth/Age : August 20, 1983/20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 18, 2004Place of Incident : Lekhnath Municipality-8, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Politics (ANNISU-R)Permanent Address : Dhrubapur, Kalika VDC-2Father’s Name : Dil Bahadur RanabhatMother’s Name : Mithulaxmi RanabhatMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 7

Details! e district secretary of ANNISU-R, Santosh Ranabhat, 20, of Dhrubapur, Kalika VDC-2 was arrested in Lekhnath VDC-8, Kaski on February 18, 2004 by

a team of security forces from Phulbari Barrack of Shishuwachok in Lekhnath Municipality. Ranabhat’s elder brother Surya Ranabhat had seen him being taken to Bijaypur Barrack on February 20, 2004 but could not approach him due to fear. ! e family fi led appeals at human rights organizations informing about his arrest. His whereabouts remain unknown till date. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from the Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


Place of Incident : Sarangkot VDC, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Politics CPN-MPermanent Address : Majhgaon, Lumle VDC-1Father’s Name : Bal Bahadur BK Mother’s Name : Bindu Maya BKMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsTika BK, 15, of Majhgao in Lumle VDC-1 was arrested on January 2, 2002 from Sarangkot VDC in Kaski by security forces arriving from

Phulbari Barrack. ! e victim had gone to the place of arrest for her party business. She was kept at Gandaki Western Regional Hospital for sometime before she was disappeared. ! e victim’s family said BK was brought to the party by the CA member Durga BK. Her status remains unknown. ! e family has not yet received any relief. 6. Netra Prasad BaralDate of Birth/Age : October 12, 1980/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 3, 2004Place of Incident : Dandagaon, Bharatpokhari VDC-7, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Arghaun Bazaar, Lekhnath Municipality-2

Father’s Name : Ananath BaralMother’s Name : Buddhimaya BaralMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 4

DetailsA district committee member of the CPN-M, Netra Prasad Baral, 23, of Arghaun Bazaar, in Lekhnath Municipality-2 was arrested at Dandagaon in Bharatpokhari VDC-7 by security forces arriving from Phulbari Barrack at around 5 am on January 3, 2004. His family went to Bijaypur Barrack searching for him but was told that Baral was not brought there. One year later, the Royal Nepalese Army informed the family that Baral had died. ! e family members said that they could not go to di" erent places searching for him because of fear. Baral was arrested along with three other people. ! ey were made public one year after the arrest but Baral’s whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

7. Devraj BastakotiDate of Birth/Age : March 19, 1964/41 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 5, 2005Place of Incident : Industrial Area, Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-10, Kaski Occupation/A# liation : Politics, All Nepal


Trade Union Federation district memberPermanent Address : Rakhidanda, Lekhnath Municipality-4Father’s Name : Homnath BastakotiMother’s Name : Mewa BastakotiMarital Status : Sita BastakotiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2Other Dependents : 2

DetailsDevraj Bastakoti, 41, of Rakhidanda in Lekhnath Municipality-4 was arrested at Pokhara industrial area in Pokhara S u b - M e t r o p o l i s - 1 0 by the security forces

arriving from Bijaypur Barrack on February 5, 2005. His family fi led appeals at several human rights organizations, including INSEC to locate him. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

8. Shiva Prasad ParajuliDate of Birth/Age : November 13, 1979/ 22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 2, 2002Place of Incident : Kalimati, Pumdibhumdi VDC-1, Kaski Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M memberPermanent Address : Hariyali Tole, Lekhnath Municipality-2

Father’s Name : Krishna Prasad ParajuliMother’s Name : Sita ParajuliMarital Status : UnmarriedOther Dependents : 5

DetailsA member of CPN-M, Shiva Prasad Parajuli, 22, of Hariyali Tole in Lekhnath Municipality-2 was arrested by security forces arriving from Pokhara on January 2, 2002 from Pumdibhumdi VDC-1, Kaski. His family said they went to Bijaypur Barrack after getting information that he was kept there but when they inquired, they were told that Parajuli was not there. ! e family fi led appeals at several o# ces including, District Administration O# ce. No information about his whereabouts has been known until now. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

9. Pradeep KhanalDate of Birth/Age : April 25, 1979/ 24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 18, 2003Place of Incident : Sirjana Chok, Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-8, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Syatri, ! umki VDC-5


Father’s Name : Chandra Prasad KhanalMother’s Name : Radhika KhanalMarital Status : UnmarriedOther Dependents : 3

DetailsA platoon commander of PLA, Pradeep Khanal, 24, of ! umki VDC-5 was arrested by a team of Unifi ed Command from Sirjana Chok in

Pokhara on October 18, 2003. ! e victim’s family said they did not try to search for him thinking that nothing would come out of the search and that party would fi nd out his whereabouts. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

10. Chaman Lal BaralDate of Birth/Age : July 9, 1958/ 44 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 5, 2002Place of Incident : Kundahar, Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-13, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Driving CPN-MPermanent Address : Naudanda, Sindujure VDC-8Father’s Name : Chintamani BaralMother’s Name : Nandakali BaralMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Anurupa Baral/ Jamuna Baral

No. of Son/Daughter : 2/1Other Dependents : 5

Details! e district secretary of Maoist a# liated All Nepal Transport Labor Organization, Chaman Lal Baral, 44, of Naudanda, Sindujure VDC-8 was arrested at Kundahar in Pokhara Submetropolis-13 by the Unifi ed Command arriving from Phulbari Barrack on August 5, 2002. . He was arrested twice prior to this arrest. ! e family members came to know about his arrest three days later and went to Phulbari Barrack but they were told that Baral had not been arrested. During the Dashain of the same year, they were told by the police at Hanumandokha in Kathmandu that he went missing while being investigated by the police. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Royal Nepalese Army 11. Khim Bahadur GurungDate of Birth/Age : 1963/ 38 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 2, 2002Place of Incident : Bhadrakali Chok, Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-13, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Pargyu, Mijure Danda VDC-3Father’s Name : Manraj Gurung


Mother’s Name : Rup Kumari Gurung Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sustak GurungSon/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 4

DetailsKhim Bahadur Gurung, 38, of Pargyu in Mijure Danda VDC-3 in Kaski district was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army from Bhadrakali Chok in

Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-13 on January 2, 2002. He was heading to a relative’s home carrying millet fl our and yam when he was arrested. ! e family came to know about the arrest only after two months. ! e family did not fi le any appeal anywhere because they were unaware of the process. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

12. Nor Jung GurungDate of Birth/Age : 1967/ 35 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 2, 2002Place of Incident : Bhadrakali Chok, Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-13, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Pargyu, Mijure Danda VDC-3Father’s Name : Karna Bahadur GurungMother’s Name : Som Maya Gurung

Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Padam Maya GurungNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/3No. of Dependents : 7

DetailsNor Jung Gurung, 38, of Pargyu in Mijure Danda VDC-3 in Kaski district was arrested at Bhadrakalichok in Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-13 by Royal Nepalese Army on January 2, 2002. He was heading to his relative’s home carrying millet fl our and yam when he was arrested. ! e family heard that he was taken to Bijaypur Barrack but did not go to inquire about him due to fear as the state of emergency was ongoing in the country. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

13. Purna PaudelDate of Birth/Age : January 8, 1972/ 31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 26, 2002Place of Incident : Kalimati, Kathmandu Metropolis-14, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Politics, ANNISU-RPermanent Address : Jalparoad, Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-8, Kaski


Father’s Iame : Gangadhar PaudelMother’s Name : Moti Maya PaudelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/ Wife : Sabitri DuraNo. of Dependents : 3

Details! e Central Gene-ral Secretary of ANNISU-R, Purna Paudel, 31, of Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-8 was arrested at Kalimati in Kathmandu by Royal

Nepalese Army on April 26, 2002. When the family members went to Chhauni Barrack after getting information about his arrest, they were told by a sergeant that he was not there. ! e family, however, managed to gather information later that Paudel was in the Chhauni Barrack for 20 days and then was taken to Bijaypur Barrack in Pokhara before taking to Baglung, Lamjung and Gorkha. He is in the list of 49 people disappeared from Bhairabnath Battalion. ! e family has not got any relief from the Government of Nepal yet.

14. Som Bahadur BKDate of Birth/Age : May 12, 1975/27 Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 5, 2002Place of Incident : Hospital Chok, Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-10, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M

Permanent Address : Sukumbasi Tole, Lekhnath Municipality-13Father’s Name : Man Bahadur BKMother’s Name : Om Kumari BKMarital Status : UnmarriedOther Dependents : 2

DetailsAn Area Committee member of CPN-M, Som Bahadur BK, 27, of Khudi Khola in Sukumbasi Tole, Lekhnath Municipality-13 was arrested at Western Regional Hospital in Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-10 on August 5, 2002. He had gone to the hospital accompanying a relative when he was arrested by a Royal Nepalese Army team arriving from Phulbari Barrack. ! e family found out about his arrest after a week but could not go to the Barrack out of fear. In 2006, when the family members went to the Barrack, they were asked to contact District Police O# ce. ! e District Police O# ce, however, sent them back saying they could not see the old report. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Nepal Police15. Hari Prasad PaudelDate of Birth/Age : November 12, 1976/25 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 11, 2001


Permanent Address : Kuiredanda, Bhadauretamagi VDC-7Father’s Name : Dhankaji SunarMother’s Name : Santa Maya SunarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dil Maya SunarNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2Other Dependents : 6

DetailsKhim Bahadur Sunar, 33, of Majhgaon in Lumle VDC-1 was handed over to the CPN-M by the locals of Kuiredanda in Bhadauretamagi VDC-3 on September 25, 2006, charging him with theft. He had gone to Kuiredanda to meet his sister en route abroad for employment. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. ! e CPN-M has not made party’s stand public regarding his status. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

Place of Incident : Pame, Kaskikot VDC-6, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : ANNISU-R district memberPermanent Address : Dopahare, Kaskikot VDC-2Father’s Name : Shalikram PaudelMother’s Name : Tulasi PaudelMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 10

DetailsA district member of the ANNISU-R, Hari Prasad Paudel, 25, of Kaskikot VDC-2 was arrested at Pame in Kaskikot VDC-6 by the police from the

Ward Police O# ce on December 11, 2001. When family members went to the Bijaypur Barrack to fi nd out about his arrest, the soldiers said that they had no information about Paudel. ! e family members said to have heard that Paudel was taken to a forest in Parbat district where he was shot dead; they could not verify the information. His whereabouts remain unknown till date. ! e family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from the Government of Nepal.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M16. Khim Bahadur SunarDate of Birth/Age : 1971/33 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 25, 2006Place of Incident : Majhgaon, Lumle VDC-7, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture

3.7 NawalparasiBy StateBy Uni ed Command1. Toyanath Neupane Date of Birth/Age : August, 1951/50 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 14, 2002Place of Incident : Pragatinagar VDC-2, Nawalparasi


Father’s Name : Nandalal ShresthaMother’s Name : Indramaya ShresthaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsKrishna Kumar Shrestha, 21, of Pragatinagar VDC-3 was arrested at Poltyang in Risti VDC in Tanahun district by police from Rising Police Post of Tanahun district on January 13, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

3. Jit Bahadur BK Date of Birth/Age : May 5, 1966/ 32 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 4, 2002Place of Incident : Tallo Jyamire, Dumkibas VDC-5, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : Politics CPN-MPermanent Address : Tallo Jyamire, Dumkibas VDC-5Father’s Name : Lok Bahadur BK Mother’s Name : Nima BKMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Dependents : 1

DetailsJit Bahadur BK, 32, of Tallo Jyamire in Dumkibas VDC-5 was arrested from the

Occupation/A# liation : TeachingPermanent Address : Pragatinagar Tole, Pragatinagar VDC-2Father’s Name : Khadananda NeupaneMother’s Name : Harimaya NeupaneMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ishwari Neupane No. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsToyanath Neupane, 50, of Pragatinagar Tole, Pragatinagar VDC-2 and temporarily residing at Pokharabesi in Khoplang VDC in Gorkha district was arrested by Unifi ed

Command on January 14, 2002. A teacher by profession, he was also an advisor of pro-CPN-M Intellectuals Council. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police2. Krishna Kumar ShresthaDate of Birth/Age : July 19, 1977/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 13, 1999Place of Incident : Poltyang, Risti VDC, TanahunOccupation/A# liation : Politics, ANNISU-R memberPermanent Address : Pragatinagar, Pragatinagar VDC-3


same place by the army arriving from Kasara Barrack in Chitwan district on March 4, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown till date. ! e victim’s family

has not received any fi nancial support from Government of Nepal.

4. Baijanath Chaudhary Date of Birth/Age : November 1, 1985/ 24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 21, 2005Place of Incident : Bardaghat, Makar VDC-4, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : Student, ANNISU-R memberPermanent Address : Amaraud, Amaraud VDC-7Father’s Name : Chandrika ChaudharyMother’s Name : Kewaldevi ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBaijanath Chaudhary, 24, of Amaraud VDC-7 has been disappeared from Bardaghat of Makar VDC-4 from April 21, 2005. Chaudhary was a# liated with


By Royal Nepalese Army 5. Raj Kumar BK Date of Birth/Age : November 25, 1972/16 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 2, 1999Place of Incident : Agrauli VDC-7, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Girubari, Deurali VDC-3Father’s Name : Nainsing BKMother’s Name : Chandrawati BKMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRaj Kumar BK, 16, of Girubari in Deurali VDC-3 was arrested at Agrauli VDC-7 in Nawalparasi district by a patrol team of Royal Nepalese Army from Kawasoti Camp on April 2, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

6. Parikshit RegmiDate of Birth/Age : August 14, 1981/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 22, 2002Place of Incident : Purano Baneshwor, Kathmandu Metropolis-9, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Harkapur, Mukundapur VDC-7


Father’s Name : Hari Sharma Regmi Mother’s Name : Tara Devi RegmiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsParikshit Regmi, 21, of Harkapur in Mukundapur VDC-7 was arrested at Purano Baneshwor in Kathmandu Metropolis-9 by Royal Nepalese Army as he was heading to

college from his room on August 22, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

7. Rajuram Paudel Date of Birth/Age : December 29, 1978/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 12, 2002Place of Incident : Nadipur, Pokhara Sub-Metropolis- 3, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Student, ANNISU-RPermanent Address : Bardaghat, Makar VDC-1Father’s Name : Ghannath PaudelMother’s Name : Durga PaudelMarital status : Unmarried

DetailsRajuram Paudel, 23, of Bardaghat in Makar VDC-1 was arrested at his rented room located at Nadipur in Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-3 in Kaski district by a team

of army arriving from Phulbari Barrack on December 29, 1978. He was a student at Prithvi Narayan Campus in Pokhara. Paudel’s family had migrated to Nawalparasi from Jhowang of Salyan VDC-9 in Kaski district. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police 8. Tika RanabhatDate of Birth/Age : April 16, 1981/17 yrs Sex : Male Date of Incident : January 13, 1999Place of Incident : Ratanpur VDC-8, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Pragatinagar VDC-3, NawalparasiFather’s Name : Santa Bahadur RanabhatMother’s Name : Lilamaya RanabhatMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsTika Ranabhat, 17, of Pragatinagar VDC-3 was arrested at his home located at Ahale village in Ratanpur VDC-8 in Nawalparasi district by a team of Nepal Police on January 13, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


9. Dharmaraj Parajuli Date of Birth/Age : November 12, 1971/27 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 13, 1999Place of Incident : Baunthar Tole, Ratanpur VDC-8, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Baunthar Tole, Ruchang VDC-9Father’s Name : Moti Prasad ParajuliMother’s Name : Miththu ParajuliMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Parbati ParajuliNo. of Dependents : 1/0

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Dhramaraj Parajuli, 27, of Baunthar Tole, Ruchang VDC-9 was arrested in Ratanpur VDC-8 in the district by the Police team led by

Gaindakot Area Police O# ce’s inspector Dhiraj Pratap Singh on January 13, 1999. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an nterim relief.

10. Janaki Ranabhat Date of Birth/Age : November 20, 1982/16 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : January 13, 1999Place of Incident : Ahale, Ratanpur VDC-8, Nawalparasi

Occupation/A# liation : Politics, ANNISU-RPermanent Address : Pragatinagar VDC-3Father’s Name : Balkrishna RanabhatMother’s Name : Mina RanabhatMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsJanaki Ranabhat, 16, of Pragatinagar VDC-3 was arrested at Ahale in Ratanpur VDC-8, Nawalparasi district by a team of Nepal Police on January 13, 1999. Her mother said when the family members went to ask about her, the policemen said no such person was arrested. His family received Rs 100,000 from the Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M11. Rup Narayan TharuDate of Birth/Age : December 21, 1981 Sex : Male Date of Incident : December 15, 2004Place of Incident : Sisnekhola, Siddhadhara VDC-1, ArghakhanchiOccupation/A# liation : Armed Police Force, Head ConstablePermanent Address : Chanauli, Kolhuwa VDC-5


Father’s Name : Bishwanath ! aruMother’s Name : Prem Kumari ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRup Narayan ! aru, 23, of Chanauli, Kolhuwa VDC-5 and posted at Bindbasini APF Battalion in Chandrauta of Kapilbastu district got involved in an exchange

of fi re with the Maoists at Sisnekhola of Siddhadhara VDC-1 in Arghakhanchi district as his team was in a search patrol on December 15, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown since the incident. His family has not yet received any relief from Government of Nepal.

12. Jun Soti Date of Birth/Age : November 29, 1986/23 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 19, 2004Place of Incident : Suntaudi, Dumkibas VDC-2, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Hupsedamar, Dhurkot VDC-8Father’s Name : Deu Bahadur SotiMother’s Name : Phulmaya SotiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsJun Soti, 23, of Dhurkot VDC-8 was abducted by CPN-M from Suntaudi,

Dumkibas VDC-2 in Nawalparasi on December 19, 2004. Her whereabouts remain unknown till now. Although her family heard of that she was killed after abduction, the information has not been verifi ed yet. Her family has not got any relief support from Government of Nepal.

13. Santosh Kumar Pandey Date of Birth/Age : October 30, 1981/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : July 10, 2004Place of Incident : Bhumahi Bazaar, Ramnagar VDC-1, NawalparasiOccupation/A# liation : Police ServicePermanent Address : Chhotki Sunari, Rampurwa VDC-3Father’s Name : Chandra Keshar PandeyMother’s Name : Champa Devi PandeyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsSantosh Kumar Pandey, 23, of Chhotki Sunari, Rampurwa VDC-3 was abducted by CPN-M as he was in duty at the District Police O# ce at Bhumahi Bazaar of Ramnagar VDC-1 in Nawalparasi in the night of July 10, 2004. His whereabouts


3.8 RupandehiBy StateBy Uni ed Command1. Rampaltu Pasi (Lahu Pasi)Date of Birth/Age : November 11, 1982/22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 30, 2004Place of Incident : Bodwar VDC-3, RupandehiOccupation/A# liation : CPN-M Permanent Address : Buchi, Bodwar VDC-3Father’s Name : Naresh PasiMother’s Name : Parbati PasiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chanarabati PasiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 4

Details! e CPN-M village in-charge, Rampaltu Pasi, 22, of Buchi, Bodwar VDC-3 was disappeared on November 30, 2004. Pasi, who went to India

after frequent Army raids at his home, was arrested from Sawerat in India and handed over to the Nepali security forces at Nautanawa. Pasi was brought to Butwal

by the security forces; after that he remains disappeared. ! e victim’s family has not received any support from Government of Nepal.

2. Yuvraj Pandey Date of Birth/Age : September 21, 1979/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 16, 2003Place of Incident : Marchwar Area, Kamhariya VDC-2, RupandehiOccupation/A# liation : ANNISU-RPermanent Address : Bansgadi, Dudharaksha VDC-2Father’s Name : Jhabindralal PandeyMother’s Name : Tulasi Devi PandeyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsYuvraj Pandey, 23, of Bansgadi in Dudharaksha VDC-2 was arrested in Kamhariya VDC-2 by a team of Joint security forces on October 16, 2003. He was brought to the District Police O# ce but disappeared after that. ! e then CDO Dhruba Sharma stated that a Maoist cadre named Yuvraj Pandey of Bansgadi in Dhudraksha VDC was arrested but he didn’t know about his whereabouts. He remains missing till date.

remain unknown. His family has not received support from Government of Nepal.


By State By Uni ed Command1. Krishna MukhiyaDate of Birth/Age : November 26, 1980/20yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 2000Place of Incident : Simalpani VDC, ArghakhanchiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Rajapani, Gajehada VDC- 7Father’s Name : Patiram MukhiyaMother’s Name : Indira Kumal

DetailsKrishna Mukhiya, 20, of Gajehada VDC-7 was arrested in Simalpani VDC in Arghakhanchi district in an injured state by a team of Unifi ed Command from Gorusinghe Shivadal Battalion on November 26, 2000. He was injured in a clash between CPN-M and Unifi ed Command as he had gone to the Simalpani VDC of Agrakanchi District to attend his party work. His whereabouts remain still unknown.

By Royal Nepalese Army2. Shrikisun LodhDate of Birth/Age : August 28, 1978 /25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 23, 2003Place of Incident : Ama VDC, Rupandehi

3.10 Kapilvastu Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Nandanagar VDC-4Father’s Name : Ramharak LodhMother’s Name : Sumitra LodhMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Mudhuni LodhSon/ Daughter : 1/3

DetailsShrikisun Lodh, 25, of Nandanagar VDC-4 was asked for Rs 50,000 as a donation by CPN-M on July 2003. CPN- Maoist abducted Lodh’s son and recruited him in the party after he refused to pay the donation. Royal Nepalese Army shot two people dead in Ama VDC in Rupandehi and arrested Lodh on September 23, 2003. Lodh was kept in police o# ce for 24 hours. After that he was sent to Bethuri Post. Family members were informed about Lodh’s disappearance after 10 days and they received Rs 100,000 as a relief from Government of Nepal.

3. Tulsiram Bhusal Date of Birth/Age : December 24, 1967 /34 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 4, 2002Place of Incident : Kopua VDC-7, Kapilvastu Occupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M))Permanent Address : Baikanthapur, Kopua VDC-7Father’s Name : Tejuram Bhusal


Mother’s Name : Umakala BhusalMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Dhankala Bhusal Son/Daughter : 2/1

Details Tulsiram Bhusal, 34, of Kopua VDC-7 was abducted by a group of 10/12 people in Army Uniform from his house on February 4, 2002. His whereabouts

are still unknown. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from the Government of Nepal.

4. Nandalal ChauhanDate of Birth/Age : July 14, 1977/ 28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 7, 2006Place of Incident : Khuruhuriya VDC-4, Kapilvastu Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Khuruhuriya VDC-7Father’s Name : Brije Loniya Mother’s Name : Yogjyoti LoniyaMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Kabita LoniyaSon/ Daughter : 1/1

Details Nandalal Chauhan, 28, of Khuruhuriya VDC-7 was arrested on April 7, 2006 and kept at Police Station on charge of being a CPN-M cadre by Royal Nepalese Army. Chauhan was disappeared as CPN-M

attacked the district prison in course of attacking the district headquaters on April 7, 2006. According to the prisoners; Royal Nepalese Army took away two prisoners after hearing a rumor of the Maoist attack in the district headquarters.

5. Tulsiram MarasiniDate of Birth/Age : July 29, 1980 /23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 30, 2004Place of Incident : Butwal Municipality-5, RupandehiOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Hariharpur VDCFather’s Name : Dhundiraj MarasiniMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

Details Tulsiram Marasini, 23, of Harihar VDC-1 was arrested in Butwal by Royal Nepalese Army on May 30, 2004 while he was at the place of incident in course of the party business. ! e victim was an intermediate level student in Butwal Multiple Campus in Rupandehi district. He was also a# liated to CPN-M student’s wing- ANNISU-R. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members haven’t received relief from Government of Nepal.

6. Narishwar GautamDate of Birth/Age : December 20, 1958 /43 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 30, 2004


Place of Incident : Dobhan VDC, PalpaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Patna VDC-5Father’s Name : Tulsiram GautamMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dil Kumari GautamNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsA cadre of CPN-M, Narishwar Gautam, 43, of Patna VDC-5 was arrested in Dobhan VDC in Palpa district by Royal Nepalese Army on May 30, 2004 when CPN-M and Unifi ed Armed Force clashed there. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief amount from Government of Nepal.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M7. Padam Prasad KhanalDate of Birth/Age : August 20, 1977/25yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 19, 2002Place of Incident : Jaluke VDC- 3, Arghakhanchi Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Chanauta, Shivapur VDC-6Father’s Name : Buddhiram KhanalMother’s Name : Jumakala KhanalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kamal Khanal

DetailsPadam Prasad Khanal, 25, of Chanauta in Shivapur VDC-6 was taken to Lamatal to attend a program on September 19, 2002 and was disappeared from there. According to the victim’s family, the victim had been taken to the program as demanded by CPN-M that at least one member from a family had to join them. His whereabouts remain unknown.

8. Radheshyam KalwarDate of Birth/Age : April 28, 1963 / 39 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 1, 2002Place of Incident : Gugauli VDC- 7, KapilvastuOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Khankhajani, Khuruhuriya VDC-7Father’s Name : Janak Prasad KalwarMother’s Name : Shivapati KalwarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Paruni Kalwar

DetailsRadheshyam Kalwar, 39, of Khuruhuriya VDC-7 was abducted by CPN-M from the forest on December 1, 2002. Although his whereabouts remain


still unknown VDC has registered his death. When Government of Nepal made provision of relief of Rs 100,000 for each person dead during confl ict, the family of the victim had made Kalwar’s death certifi cate.

9. Hariram KurmiDate of Birth/Age : October 22, 1967 / 37 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 19, 2004Place of Incident : Dhanakauli VDC-2, KapilvastuOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Malawa, Dhanakauli VDC-2Father’s Name : Ramrakshya KurmiMother’s Name : Gyanmati KurmiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Urmila KurmiNo. of Son/Daughter : 2

DetailsHariram Kurmi, 37, of Dhankauli VDC-2 was abducted by CPN-M on October 19, 2004.On the same day CPN- M had attacked and killed three people

in the village and abducted Kurmi. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 1,00000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

10. Musthapha Darji MusalmanDate of Birth/Age : June 3, 1951 / 54 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 7, 2006Place of Incident : Taulihawa Municipality-4, KapilvastuOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Chanai VDC-1Father’s Name : Rahamullah MusalmanMother’s Name : Jalekha MusalmanMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jainam Nisa DarjiSon/Daughter : 1/3

DetailsMusthapaha Darji, 54, of Chanai VDC-1 was arrested on charge of being Maoist by Unifi ed Command from Shivadal Battalion, Gorusinghe in 2005 and was remanded in prison according to Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA). He was taken by army of Taulihawa Barrack before CPN-M launched attack at the headquarters- Taulihawa on April 7, 2006.On the very day CPN-M had caused to fl ee the prisoners after the attack. ! e whereabouts of Darji remain unknown. When Government of Nepal began providing relief to the victims, Darji’s family members registered him as dead and received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


11. Rakesh Prasad MishraDate of Birth/Age : September 22, 1980 /24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 5, 2004Place of Incident : Shirshihawa VDC-3, KapilvastuOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Shirshihawa VDC-3Father’s Name : Kulbul MishraMother’s Name : Mutura Mishra

DetailsRakesh Prasad Mishra, 24, of Shirshihawa VDC-3 was abducted by CPN-M on December 5, 2004. He was called outside the house in the pretext

of having some work and was abducted. He was kept at Gugauli VDC for 10-15 days and was made to disappear. His whereabouts remain still unknown.

3.11 Arghakhanchi

By State By Uni ed Command1. Mina KhadkaDate of Birth/Age : March 7, 1987 /18 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : October 11, 2004Place of Incident : Jaynagar VDC- 7, KapilvastuOccupation/A# liation : Student

Permanent Address : Bangi VDC-3Father’s Name : Rishiram KhadkaMother’s Name : Lurki Khadka Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsMina Khadka, 18, of Alshamare in Bangi VDC-3 was arrested at Takura in Jaluke VDC-4 by Unifi ed Command from Gorusinge Barrack on October 11, 2004. She was kept at Shivadal Battalion and was released on date. She was disappeared on December 29, 2004 while going to the Battalion for follow-up.

By Royal Nepalese Army2. Bishnu Prasad AdhikariDate of Birth/Age : November 8, 1977 / 23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 5, 2000Place of Incident : KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Hansapur VDC-2, Arghakhanchi Father’s Name : Udiram AdhikariMother’s Name : Gangadevi AdhikariMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBishnu Prasad Adhikari, 23, of Dobata, Hansapur VDC-2 was arrested at Kalanki in Kathmandu Metropolis-14 and made to disappear by Royal Nepalese Army on June 5, 2000. ! e victim’s family has fi led a case at the District Administration O# ce.


3.13 Baglung

By State By Uni ed Command1. Gaushari BKDate of Birth/Age : 1989 /15 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 20, 2004Place of Incident : Arthunge VDC-1, MyagdiOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Pakhathar, Bobang VDC-1Father’s Name : Kale KamiMother’s Name : Puni BK

DetailsGausari BK, 15, of Bobang VDC-9 and a CPN-M cadre was disappeared following the CPN-M attack at the headquarters of Myagdi district on March 20, 2004.According to her father Kale, her whereabouts remain unknown.

2. Tejendra DarlamiDate of Birth/Age : 1979 /24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 2003Place of Incident : Ramua, Pandavkhani VDC, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : Politics Permanent Address : Chin, Malma VDC-1Father’s Name : Chudabahadur DarlamiMother’s Name : Putali Magar

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Tejendra Darlami, 24, of Malma VDC was arrested by Unifi ed Command in the forest of Ramua, Pandavkahni VDC where he had gone for party business on November 26, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

3. Gori BKDate of Birth/Age : May 19, 1963 / 39yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 6, 2002Place of Incident : Bungadhovan VDC-7, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bungadhovan VDC-8Father’s Name : Gopilal BKMother’s Name : Ramsara BKMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Harka Bahadur BKSon/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsGori BK, 39, of ! adaswora Bhaluwang in Bungadhovan VDC was arrested by Unifi ed Command on June 6, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. Her daughter Dilmaya and sister Pramila were also arrested and disappeared along with her. Her family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


By Uni ed Command4. Pramila BKDate of Birth/Age : January 22 1958/45 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 6, 2002Place of Incident : Bungadhovan VDC-7, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bungadhovan VDC-8Father’s Name : Gopilal BKMother’s Name : Ramsara BKMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Harka Bahadur BKSon/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsPramila BK, 45, of ! adaswora Bhaluwang in Bungadhovan VDC was arrested by Unifi ed Command on June 6, 2002 on charge of being a CPN-M cadre.

! e security persons took her away after burning her house. Her family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

5. Durga Bahadur SahaniDate of Birth/Age : February 3, 1964/38 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 15, 2002Place of Incident : Butwal Municipality, Rupandehi

Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Ghustung, Hatiya VDC-3Father’s Name : Pahalsingh SahaniMother’s Name : Tilkumari SahaniMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dambar Kumari SahaniSon/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsDurga Bahadur Sahani, 38, of Ghumtung, Hatiya VDC-3 was arrested by Unifi ed Command while returning hometown Butwal from India on February 15, 2002. According to his wife Dambar Kumari, he was made to disappear when he had gone out to make a call to Baglung from Butwal. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

6. Rambahadur BKDate of Birth/Age : February 3, 1982 /20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 11, 2002Place of Incident : Bhingghithe VDC-1, BaglungPermanent Address : Darling VDC-2

DetailsRam Bahadur BK, 20, of Darling VDC-2 was arrested by Unifi ed Command on charge of being a CPN-M cadre on January 11, 2002. He was kept in army camp at Bhingghithe for about a month and half and was made to disappear. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family


members received Rs1 00,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

7. Naresh ChantyalDate of Birth/Age : April 13, 1976 / 27yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 20, 2004Place of Incident : Lammela, Taman VDC, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Lammela, Taman VDCFather’s Name : Gyanbahadur ChantyalMother’s Name : Chandramati Chantyal

DetailsNaresh Chantyal, 27, of Taman VDC-9 remains disappeared since March 20, 2004. His family members have charged Unifi ed Command for

disappearing Chantyal as Unifi ed armed Force had patrolled the village on the same day of his disappearance. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

8. Dilmaya BKDate of Birth/Age : April 24, 1985 / 17yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 6, 2002Place of Incident : Bungadobhan VDC-7, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture

Permanent Address : Khunkhani VDC-3Father’s Name : Harka Bahadur BKMother’s Name : Gorikala BKMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bharat Bahadur BK

DetailsDilmaya BK, 17, of Bhaluwang in Khunkhani VDC-3 was arrested by Unifi ed Command while she was in her parental home located at Bungadobhan VDC-7, on June 6, 2002. According to the family members, she was pregnant at the time of arrest. Her whereabouts remain still unknown. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

9. Ganga Bahadur Pun MagarDate of Birth/Age : December, 1974 /28yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 6, 2002Place of Incident : Bungadhovan VDC-7, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Liga, Bungado- bhan VDC-7Father’s Name : Brishman Pun MagarMother’s Name : Chabkila Pun MagarMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Remarried No. of Son/Daughter : 1/0


DetailsGanga Bahadur Pun Magar 28, of Liga in Bungadobhan VDC-8 was arrested at Mansilphung in ward no. 9 of the same VDC by Unifi ed Command on June 6, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. He was mentally handicapped. He was arrested when he had gone to a neighbor’s house. He remains disappeared since the arrest. .Victim’s wife remarried and his son Tilak Pun Magar has been staying at maternal house. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

10. Kul Bahadur Khattri ChhettriDate of Birth/Age : October 1, 1971 / 31yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 6, 2002Place of Incident : Bungadhovan VDC-9, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bungadobhan VDC-9Father’s Name : Rewatilal KhattriMother’s Name : Tara Kumari KhattriMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Jitkumari KhattriNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3

DetailsKul Bahadur Chhettri, 31, of Mansun Silfung in Bungadobhan VDC-9 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command on charge of being a Maoist on June 6, 2002. Five people including Khattri were

arrested; all of them remain disappeared.! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

11. Hemlal KhattriDate of Birth/Age : November 6, 1974 / 28 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 6, 2002Place of Incident : Bungadhovan VDC-9, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bungadhovan VDC-9Father’s Name : Rewatilal KhattriMother’s Name : Tara Kumari KhattriMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Lal Kumari KhattriNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsHemlal Khattri, 28, of Bungadobhan VDC-9 was arrested by Unifi ed Command while he was working on a farmland on June 6, 2002 on charge of being Maoist and was kept at Bhimgithe barrack. According to his wife Lalkumari Khattri, he remains disappeared since the day of arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


12. Dhak Bahadur BasnetDate of Birth/Age : March, 1969 / 33 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 10, 2002Place of Incident : Narthati VDC-1, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Chinamali, Narthanti VDC-1Father’s Name : Shivalal BasnetMother’s Name : Tika Kumari BasnetMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Cham Kumari BasnetDetails

Dhak Bahadur Basnet, 33, of Chinamali in Narthanti VDC-1 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command on March 15, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist cadre. He was

kept at army battalion at Harichaur for 26 days and was then taken to District Police O# ce on April 10, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

13. Suresh BKDate of Birth/Age : July 31, 1983 / 27 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 23, 2002Place of Incident : Dang districtOccupation/A# liation : Politics, ANNISU-R

Permanent Address : Kalika Municipality- 6, BaglungFather’s Name : Anakman BKMother’s Name : Maina Kumari BK

DetailsA central member of ANNISU-R, Suresh BK, 27, of Dhikkichaur in Baglung Municipality-6 had left his home in the morning to attend his party work on December 19, 2001. He was arrested in Dang district by Unifi ed Command on May 23, 2002.! ough, it was said that he was kept at Dang prison on the day of arrest, his whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

14. Bhim Kumari GauchanDate of Birth/Age : June 24, 1961 / 40 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 4, 2001Place of Incident : Tara VDC-1, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Tara VDC-1Father’s Name : Dalprashad SherchanMother’s Name : Remkumari SherchanMarital Status : Married


Husband/Wife : Hem Prasad GauchanNo. of Son/Daughter : 4/1

DetailsCPN-M cadre, Bhim Kumari Gauchan, 40, of Tara VDC-1 was arrested from home by Unifi ed Command on charge of being a Maoist on December 4,

2001 and was kept at District Police O# ce before being sent to the district prison on December 12, 2001. ! e victim’s brother Sher Bahadur Sherchan was called at District Police O# ce and she was released on March 11, 2002. She was re-arrested immediately and made to disappear. Her whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Royal Nepalese Army15. Wajindra Gharti MagarDate of Birth/Age : June 24, 1979 /22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 4, 2001Place of Incident : Tara VDC-7, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Tara VDC-7Father’s Name : Balbir Gharti MagarMother’s Name : Dila Gharti MagarMarital Status : Married No. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsWajindra Gharti Magar, 22, of Tara VDC-7 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command and taken to the district headquarters on December 4, 2001. His family members were called and asked to sign to witness his release; however he was rearrested on March 11, 2002 and was disappeared. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

16. Ganesh KCDate of Birth/Age : May 19, 1987 /14 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 24, 2002 Place of Incident : Narayansthan VDC, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Dadapata, Rangkhani VDC- 7Father’s Name : Bimal KCMother’s Name : Nandakali KCMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsGanesh KC, 14, of Dadapata in Rangkhani VDC-7 was taken away by CPN-M at his home in the pretext of having some party work on 2002. He was with them for about 6/7 months attending party work and was again taken by Royal Nepalese


Army and kept in Baglung for 6/7 months. He was also seen in Pokhara. However, according to his father Bimal KC, his whereabouts remain unknown since then. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

17. Surya Prasad SharmaDate of Birth/Age : September 27, 1963 /38 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 14, 2002Place of Incident : Kalika Municipality, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Shrinagar Tole, Kalika Municipality-2Father’s Name : Nandaram SharmaMother’s Name : Nandakali SharmaMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Jasodha SharmaSon/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsSurya Prasad Sharma, 38, of Kalika Municipality-2 was taken away by Royal Nepalese Army from his home in the pretext of asking some questions

on January 14, 2002. Family members were assured that he was alive. Later, they were told by the army that the victim jumped into the river while he was taken to identify

the Maoists. His wife Jasoda Sharma fi led a complaint on the incident in the UN’s Human Rights Committee. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By NonStateBy CPN-M18. Tulsiram KandelDate of Birth/Age : October 18, 1981 /23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 15, 2004Place of Incident : Sidhhara VDC, AghrakhanchiOccupation/A# liation : PolicePermanent Address : Paiyyu ! anthap VDC-8Father’s Name : Laxmi Prasad KandelMother’s Name : Basandhiri KandelMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsTulsiram Kandel, 23, of Maidandada in ! anthap VDC-8 was disappeared during the clash between CPN-M and Unifi ed Command at Shistrekhole Area in Shidhhadahra VDC, Aghrakhanchi on December 15, 2004. He was deputed at the Armed Police Force Kalika Battalion in Malepatan of Pokhara and was working at APF Training Base, Chandrauta in Kaplivastu. APF SP, Dilip Bahadur Basnet of APF Traniing Base in Chandrauta wrote


a letter to the victim’s father Laxmi Prasad Kandel informing about the disappearance of his son. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

19. Bijuli Devi KandelDate of Birth/Age : December 11, 1983 /22 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : August 19, 2005Place of Incident : Damek VDC-3, BaglungOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Paiyuthanthap VDC-8Father’s Name : Tikaram SapkotaMother’s Name : Bhagirathi SapkotaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dandapani KandelSon/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsBijuli Devi Kandel, 22, of Paiyuthanthap VDC was abducted by CPN-M on charge of having an illicit a" air with a Dalit boy on August 19, 2005.

! e victim’s family had fi led a complaint at CPN-M about the a" air. Although CPN-M said that she was sent to their labor camp for one year, her whereabouts remain still unknown after her abduction. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

3.14 ParbatBy StateBy Uni ed Command1. Bel Bahadur ChhetriDate of Birth/Age : February 27, 1976 /26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 10, 2001Place of Incident : Pang VDC-9, Parbat Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Sidali, Pang VDC-9,Father’s Name : Sher Bahadur Chhetri Mother’s Name : Lila Kumari ChhetriMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Bel Bahadur Chhetri, 26, of Pang VDC-9 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command from Durgadal Company at around 4 am on June 10, 2001 and was

taken to Khurkot VDC. His father Sher Bahadur was also arrested along with him. However, his father was released with the help of locals whereas whereabouts of Bel Bahadur remain unknown. A complaint has been fi led at NHRC on Bel Bahadur’s disappeareance.


2. Suraj GiriDate of Birth/Age : February 21, 1989 /17 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 14, 2006Place of Incident : Shivalaya VDC-2, ParbatOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Rohate, Shivalaya VDC-2Father’s Name : Devananda Giri Mother’s Name : Punyawati GiriMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Suraj Giri, 17, of Shivalaya VDC-2 was arrested by an operation team of Unifi ed Command while he was on way to his sister’s house in Tilahar VDC-6

on February 14, 2006. His whereabouts remain unkown.

By Royal Nepalese Army 3. Tek Bahadur Malla Date of Birth/Age : April 4, 1962 /43 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 25, 2004Place of Incident : Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-10, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Khop, Lunkhudeurali VDC-8

Father’s Name : Lal Bahadur Malla Mother’s Name : Lalit Kumari Malla Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Jamuna Kumari Malla No. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

Details Tek Bahadur Malla, 43, of Lunkhudeurali VDC-8 was arrested at a hotel located at Rambazaar in Pokhara Submetropolis- 10 by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Phulbari Barrack. He was arrested while he was there for collecting his pension on May 25, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown.

4. Anil Paudel Date of Birth/Age : July 27, 1981 /22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 18, 2004Place of Incident : Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-1, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Khore, ! ulipokhari VDC-9Father’s Name : Dashrath PaudelMother’s Name : Guma Devi PaudelMarital Status : Unmarried


home on March, 2004 at around 7 pm. His whereabouts still remain unknown.

By Royal Nepalese Army2. Dil Bahadur Thapa MagarDate of Birth/Age : July 4, 1968 /27 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 14, 2006Place of Incident : Chitrabhanjyang VDC, SyangjaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent address : Baranja VDC-2Father’s Name : Indra Bahadur ! apa MagarMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Dil Bahadur ! apa Magar, 27, of Pakher in Baranja VDC-2 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army as he had gone to attack Jaubari in Syangja district on February 14, 2006. He was a member of PLA. CPN-M, however, said that Royal Nepalese Army arrested and disappeared ! apa while he was working as a sentry at Chitrebhanjyang in Syangja district.

By StateBy Uni ed Command1. Om Prasad PunDate of Birth/Age : May 15, 1984 / 19yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March, 2004Place of Incident : Pokhara Sub- Metropolis-8, KaskiOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Baranja VDC-4Father’s Name : Padam Pun Marital Status : Unmarried

Details Om Prasad Pun, 19, of Baranja VDC-4 was arrested by Unifi ed Command at Mustang Chok in Pokhara while he was on his way to

Details Anil Paudel, 22, of ! ulipokhari VDC-9 Parbat district was arrested at Bagar in Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-1 by a team of Royal

Nepalese Army arriving from Phulbari Barrack on February 18, 2004 on charge of being involved in ANNISU-R. He was a student from Pokhara University. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 as interim relief from Government of Nepal.

3.15 Myagdi


Mid-Western Development Region4.1 Dang/1954.3 Rolpa/2214.4 Salyan/2314.6 Banke/2414.7 Bardiya/2654.8 Surkhet/3504.9 Jajarkot/3554.10 Dailekh/3624.11 Dolpa/3634.12 Jumla/3634.13 Kalikot/3644.14 Mugu/372


4.1 DangBy State By Uni ed Command1. Dil Bahadur KamiDate of Birth/Age : May 23, 1984 /17 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 25, 2001 Place of Incident : Ratapahara, Halwar VDC-9, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Halwar VDC-9Father’s Name : Chitra Bahadur KamiMother’s Name : Chitra KamiNo. of Dependents : 4

DetailsDil Bahadur Kami, 17, of Halwar VDC-9 was arrested at Ratapahara in Halwar VDC-9 by Unifi ed Command on April 25, 2001. His whereabouts are still unknown since the arrest. ! e victim was a CPN-M cadre. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

2. Giri Raj PokharelDate of Birth/Age : May 11, 1985 /18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 2, 2003 Place of Incident : Bhaisekhutti, Gobardiha VDC-9, DangOccupation/A# liation : Student

Permanent Address : Ghataini, Gobardiha VDC-7Father’s Name : Chudamani PokharelMother’s Name : Ishwora PokharelNo. of Dependents : 7

DetailsGiriraj Pokharel, 18, of Gobardiha VDC-7 was arrested at Bhaisekhutti area in Gobardiha VDC-9 by Unifi ed Command that had reached the place of incident searching for Maoists. ! e victim was a cadre of the student organization a# liated to CPN-M. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

3. Kedar Nath ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : December 1, 1975 /27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 19, 2002 Place of Incident : Kateberuwa, Bela VDC-2, DangOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Kateberuwa, Bela VDC-2Father’s Name : Ommasta Chaudhary Mother’s Name : Krishna Kumari ChaudharyMarital Status : Sumitra ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 7


DetailsKedar Nath Chaudhary, 27, of Bela VDC-2 was arrested at his village by Unifi ed Command on April 19, 2002 while he was preparing to thatch a roof. He was

arrested on charge of being a Maoist cadre. He remains missing since the arrest. Seven people, including Chudhari, were arrested and disappeared by the security forces in the same incident. ! e family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

4. Gyanu ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : August 21, 1986 /15 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : January 11, 2002 Place of Incident : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2, DangOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2Father’s Name : Jiurakhan ChaudharyMother’s Name : Bisni ChaudharyNo. of Dependents : 5

DetailsGyanu Chaudhary, 15, of Bela VDC-2 was arrested at Bankatti of Rajpur VDC-9 by security forces on January 6, 2002 who suspected her of being a CPN-M cadre. She remains disappeared since the arrest. She was a cadre of a student organization a# liated to CPN-M. ! e family has

accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering her as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

5. Khim Bahadur PunDate of Birth/Age : August 31, 1952 /50 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 19, 2002 Place of Incident : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2, DangFather’s Name : Sahabir PunMother’s Name : Dhani PunMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Amrita Pun and Mechi PunNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/5 No. of Dependents : 7 DetailsKhim Bahadur Pun, 50, of Bela VDC-2 was arrested at his village by security forces on April 19, 2002 while he was preparing to thatch the roof of a house. His whereabouts are unknown to date. ! e family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

6. Dhani Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1978 /26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 19, 2002 Place of Incident : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2


Father’s Name : Kali Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Bistri ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Mina ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2 No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsDhani Ram Chaudhary, 26, of Bela VDC-2 was arrested at his villager’s home by security forces from Lamahi and the other forces that had arrived there in a helicopter on April 19, 2002. He was arrested while thatching the roof of a house in the village. He remains disappeared. ! e family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

7. Udaya Ram Chaudhary (Udairam)Date of Birth/Age : July 30, 1965 /37 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 19, 2002 Place of Incident : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2, DangFather’s Name : Ganga Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Shiupati ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kalimaiya ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 5/0

DetailsUdaya Ram Chaudhary, 37, of Bela VDC-2 was arrested at his village by the security forces from Lamahi and the other forces that had appeared in a helicopter on April 19, 2002. He was arrested while thatching the roof of a house in the village. He remains disappeared. His family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

8. Prem Bahadur NepaliDate of Birth/Age : March 28, 1968 /35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 19, 2002 Place of Incident : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2Father’s Name : Somante DamaiMother’s Name : Radha DamaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dipa NepaliNo. of Son/Daughter :1/0

DetailsPrem Bahadur Nepali, 35, of Bela VDC-2 was arrested at his village by the security force arriving from Lamahi and the other team which had appeared there in a helicopter on April 19, 2002. He


was arrested while thatching the roof of a house in the village. He remains disappeared. ! e family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

9. Bhim Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : August 22, 1971 /31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 19, 2002 Place of Incident : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2Father’s Name : Santu Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Sundari ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sita ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/3

DetailsBhim Bahadur Chaudhary, 31, of Bela VDC-2 was arrested by the security forces from Lamahi and the other force that had appeared in a helicopter on April 19, 2002. He was arrested while thatching the roof of a house in the village. He remains disappeared. ! e family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

10. Hari Lal ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1972/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 19, 2002

Place of Incident : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2, DangOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Katberuwa, Bela VDC-2Father’s Name : Ram Lal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Dukhani ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsHari Lal Chaudhary, 31, of Bela VDC-2 was arrested at his village by the security forces from Lamahi and the other force that had appeared in a helicopter on April 19, 2002. He was arrested while thatching the roof of a house in the village. He remains disappeared. ! e family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

11. Nirmal RawatDate of Birth/Age : June 16, 1983 /18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 17, 2001 Place of Incident : Sunadawari, Sonpur VDC-6, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Supaiya, Gobardiya VDC-9Father’s Name : Bishnu Bahadur Rawat


Mother’s Name : Jiba Devi RawatMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Roshani RawatNo. of Dependents : 4 Details

Nirmal Rawat, 18, of Gobardiya VDC-9 was arrested at Sundagari in Sonpur VDC-6 by a team of security forces deployed from Lamahi on December

17, 2001 on charge of being a Maoist cadre.He remains disappeared since the arrest. He was a CPN-M cadre. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee. 12. Roshani Thapa ChhetriDate of Birth/Age : March 19, 1982 /20 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : May 23, 2002 Place of Incident : Bela Jungle, Bela VDC-4, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Khaireni, Dhanauri VDC-7Father’s Name : Muralimanohar ! apa ChhetriMother’s Name : Bimala ! apa ChhetriMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Nirmal RawatDetailsRoshani ! apa Chhetri, 21, of Dhanauri VDC-7 was arrested from Bela Jungle in

Bela VDC by Unifi ed Command on May 23, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. She remains disappeared since the arrest. She was a combatant in the PLA. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

13. Gita Gharti MagarDate of Birth/Age : July 16, 1984/17 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : February 22, 2002 Place of Incident : Chandanpur, Gadhawa VDC-9, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Supaila, Gobardiha VDC-9Father’s Name : Jit Bahadur Gharti MagarMother’s Name : Gaumati Gharti Magar

DetailsA Maoist cadre, Gita Gharti Magar, 17, of Gobardiya VDC-9 was arrested at Chandanpur in Gobardiya VDC-9 by security forces on February 22, 2002 and she remains disappeared to this date. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered her as killed at the Local Peace Committee.


14. Maya ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : December 23, 1984 /17 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 5, 2001 Place of Incident : Bela VDC, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Gobardiha VDC-8Father’s Name : Bharat ChaudharyMother’s Name : Dasahari Chaudhary

DetailsMaya Chaudhary, 17, of Gobardiha VDC-8 was arrested at Bela by security forces which had been deployed in the search for Maoists on June 5, 2001. She

remains disappeared so far. ! e family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering her as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

15. Baldev ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : November 1, 1982 /19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 17, 2001 Place of Incident : Sunadbari, Sonpur VDC-2, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Gobardiha VDC-7Father’s Name : Laxman Chaudhary

Mother’s Name : Putali ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBal Dev Chaudhary, 19, of Gobardiha VDC-7 was arrested at Sonpur VDC-2 by security forces on December 17, 2001 on charge of being a Maoist cadre. His whereabouts are unknown. He was a Maoist cadre. ! e family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

16. Man Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1974/28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 27, 2002 Place of Incident : Nepalganj Municipality, BankeOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Goltakuri VDC-4, DangFather’s Name : Gurilal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Basanti Chaudhary Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Phulpati ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 5

DetailsMan Bahadur Chaudhary, 31, of Goltakuri VDC-4 was arrested in Nepalganj by


security forces on November 27, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest.He was a Maoist cadre.

By Royal Nepalese Army17. Khopi Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : May 18, 1979 /23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 24, 2002 Place of Incident : Urhari VDC-3, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Urhari, Urhari VDC-3, DangFather’s Name : Khim Lal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Runchi ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Laxmi ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsKhopi Ram Chaudhary, 23, of Urhari VDC-3 was arrested in his home by members of Royal Nepalese Army which had been deployed

from Tulsipur Barrack on April 24, 2002. ! e force arrested him on suspicion of being a Maoist cadre. ! e victim remains disappeared. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

18. Ruk Bahadur Pun MagarDate of Birth/Age : March 19, 1979/ 23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 30, 2001 Place of Incident : Bojhpokhara, Siuja VDC-7, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Khara, Siuja VDC-7, DangFather’s Name : Chalsingh PunMother’s Name : Hima Devi Pun

DetailsRuk Bahadur Pun Magar, 23, of Siuja VDC-4 was arrested at Bojhpokhara of the same VDC by Royal Nepalese Army and he remains disappeared since the arrest. He was a Maoist cadre.

19. Resham GhartiDate of Birth/Age : 2026/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Dodhare, Bijauri VDC-6, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Dodhare, Bijauri VDC-6Father’s Name : Nirwapal GhartiMother’s Name : Aaiti GhartiHusband/daughter : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsResham Gharti, 23, of Bijauri VDC-6 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army which had been deployed from


Tulsipur on June 6, 2002. ! e victim was arrested on charge of being a Maoist cadre. He remains disappeared. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

20. Debare ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : March 28, 1981 /22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2003Place of Incident : Halwar Parseni, Halwar VDC-3, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Halwar VDC-3Father’s Name : Badhu ChaudharyMother’s Name : Somati ChaudharyNo. of Dependents : 6

DetailsDebare Chaudhary, 22, of Halwar VDC-3 and a Maoist cadre was arrested at Parseni in Halwar VDC-3 in 2003 by Royal Nepalese Army, which had been

deployed from Tulsipur. ! e victim remains disappeared and Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

21. Rewati ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : October 5, 1984 /19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 25, 2003

Place of Incident : Subaiya, Gobardiha VDC-9, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Sonpur VDC-4

DetailsRewati Chaudhary, 19, of Sonpur VDC-4 and a Maoist cadre was arrested at Gobardiha VDC-9 by Royal Nepalese Army on November 25, 2003. He remains missing. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

22. Dil Bahadur BKDate of Birth/Age : June 20, 1979/22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 28, 2001 Place of Incident : Kapurkot, SalyanPermanent Address : Halwar VDC-9Father’s Name : Chet Bahadur BKMother’s Name : Maiti BK

DetailsDil Bahadur BK, 22, of Halwar VDC-9 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army, which had been deployed from Kapurkot in Salyan on December 28, 2001. ! e victim remains disappeared. His family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

23. Babu Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1984/18 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 16, 2002


Place of Incident : Pareni, Hapur VDC-4, DangOccupation/A# liation : Politics, ANNISU-RPermanent Address : Hadime, Bijauri VDC-6, DangFather’s Name : Madhu Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Phusani Chaudhary

DetailsBabu Ram Chaudhary, 18, of Bijauri VDC-6 was arrested at Pareni in Hapur VDC- 8 by Royal Nepalese Army, which had been deployed

from Ghorahi on May 16, 2002. His whereabouts are still unknown. He was a cadre of ANNISU-R, the student wing of the CPN-M. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

24. Ghanashyam ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : April 25, 1969 /33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 17, 2002 Place of Incident : Bijulipur, Satbariya VDC-7, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bijulipur, Satbariya VDC-7Father’s Name : Janak Lal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Gogi Chaudhary

Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ghana DC and Huma DCNo. of Dependents : 7

DetailsGhanashyam Chaudhary, 33, of Satbariya VDC-7 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army, which had been deployed from Arjunkhola Base camp on May 17, 2002. He was arrested on charge of being a Maoist cadre and his whereabouts are still unknown. His displaced family members returned to their village on April 10, 2008.

25. Raghupati ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1962/40 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 10, 2002 Place of Incident : Majgaun, Manpur VDC-3, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Jagaun, Manpur VDC-3, DangFather’s Name : Tilak Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Kumari ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chhali ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/0No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsRaghupati Chaudhary, 40, of Manpur VDC-3 was arrested by Royal Nepalese


Army, which had been deployed from Tulsipur on April 10, 2002. He was arrested on charge of being a Maoist. victim remains disappeared since the arrest.! e Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

26. Nanda Bahadur KCDate of Birth/Age : August 5, 1980 /19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 22, 2003 Place of Incident : Chandanpur, Gadhawa VDC-9, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Supaiya, Gobardiha VDC-9Father’s Name : Dandabir K.CMother’s Name : Khadak Kumari KCMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 5

DetailsNanda Bahadur K.C, 19, of Gobardiya VDC-9 and a CPN-M cadre was arrested at Chandanpur in Gadhawa VDC by Royal Nepalese Army

on February 22, 2003. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. His family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

27. Hari Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1981/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2002Place of Incident : Tulsipur Municipality-5, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Chinanpur, Hekuli VDC-3, DangFather’s Name : Mohan Lal ChaudharyMother’s Name : ! agani ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Pramila ChaudharyNo. Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsHari Ram Chaudhary, 21, of Hekuli VDC-3 was arrested at Dadhare in Tulsipur by Royal Nepalese Army on June 12, 2002 while he was heading towards Tulsipur to buy fertilizer. ! e army arrested the victim on suspicion of being a Maoist cadre. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

28. Chhatak Lal ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1973/30 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 15, 2003 Place of Incident : Tulsipur Municipality-5, Dang


Permanent Address : Rawatgaun, Hekuli VDC-3Father’s Name : Ruplal ChaudhayMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sunkumari ChaudharyNo. Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsChhatak Lal Chaudhary, 30, of Hekuli VDC-3 was arrested at Tulsipur Municipality-5 by Royal Nepalese Army on February 15, 2003 on charge of being a

Maoist cadre. He remains missing and Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

29. Ram Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1983/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2002Place of Incident : Tulsipur Municipality-5, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Chinanpur, Hekuli VDC-3Father’s Name : Manku ChaudharyMother’s Name : Lahiya ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRam Bahadur Chaudhary, 19, of Hekuli VDC-3 was arrested at Tulsipur Municipality-5 by Royal Nepalese Army on June 12, 2002. He was arrested on

charge of being a Maoist while heading towards Tulsipur to buy fertilizer. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

30. Biraju ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : January 29, 1980 /22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002 Place of Incident : Ghorahi Municipality-10, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Pachurkha, Ghorahi Municipality -2Father’s Name : Labaru ChaudharyMother’s Name : Jiuni ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Krishni ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 9

DetailsBiraju Chaudhary, 22, of Ghorahi Municipality-2 was arrested at the Nepal Telecommunication O# ce in Ghorahi by Royal Nepalese Army on April 11, 2002 while he was at the o# ce to pay a telephone bill. He remains disappeared to date. Government of


Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

31. Hira Lal BhandariDate of Birth/Age : 1974/28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 28, 2002 Place of Incident : Tulsipur Municipality-5, DangOccupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent Address : Barbariya, Phulbari VDC, DangFather’s Name : Khim lal BhandariMother’s Name : Lalita BhandariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tika BhandariNo. of Dependents : 7

DetailsHira Lal Bhandari, 30, of Phulbari VDC was arrested from his rented room in Tulsipur on April 28, 2002 by the patrolling Royal Nepalese Army

from Bhairav Battalion in Tulsipur. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim was a former CPN-M cadre. His family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

32. Kodu Lal ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1957/46 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 4, 2001 Place of Incident : Bijauri VDC-8, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Basgadhi, Bijauri VDC-8Father’s Name : Kandu ChaudharyMother’s Name : Musya ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bishrami ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsKodu Lal Chaudhary, 46, of Bijauri VDC-8 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army from Tulsipur on December 4, 2001. ! e army arrested him on suspicion of being a Maoist cadre and his whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. His family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

33. Rampura GhartiDate of Birth/Age : 1983/19 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : November 29, 2002


Place of Incident : Ghorahi Municipality-8, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Badahara, Ghorahi Municipality-8Father’s Nam : Kesh Bahadur GhartiMother’s Name : Bhakti Devi GhartiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRampura Gharti, 19, of Ghorahi Municipality-8 was arrested at her home by the army which had been deployed from Ghorahi Barrack on

November 29, 2002. She was arrested on charge of being a Maoist cadre and her whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. She was a combatant of the PLA.

34. Madhav BhandariDate of Birth/Age : July 27, 1965 /36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 30, 2001 Place of Incident : Manpur VDC, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Parsahawa, Shreegaun VDC-4Father’s Name : Rudrabir BhandariMother’s Name : Bhabi BhandariMarital Status : Married

Husband/Wife : Lila BhandariNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/4No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsMadhav Bhandari, 36, of Shreegaun VDC-4 was arrested on April 30, 2001 by Royal Nepalese Army which had been deployed at the airport in Tulsipur. He was arrested while returning towards his home from Kasariya in Manpur VDC. He was a civilian. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest.

35. Sharad ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : April 21, 1983 /19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 16, 2002 Place of Incident : Narayanpur VDC-9, DangOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Hadime, Bijauri VDC-6Father’s Name : Ghumlal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Laxmi ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsSharad Chaudhary 19, of Bijauri VDC-6 was arrested at Pareni in Narayan VDC by Royal Nepalese Army which had been deployed from the barrack in Ghorahi on May 16, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest.


Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

36. Bir Bahadur ThapaDate of Birth/Age : 1983/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 28, 2002 Place of Incident : Bijauri VDC-8, DangOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Bijauri VDC-8Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur ! apaMother’s Name : Sushila ! apaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBir Bahadur ! apa, 19, of Bijauri VDC-8 was arrested at his home by members of Royal Nepalese Army from Tulsipur on May 2, 2002. ! e victim

was a cadre of ANNISU-R and remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

37. Basanta SubediDate of Birth/Age : March 15, 1982 /21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2003Place of Incident : Laxmipur VDC, DangOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Beruwagaun, Soudiyar VDC-2Father’s Name : Chhabilal Subedi

Mother’s Name : Khima SubediMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 3

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Basanta Subedi, 19, of Saudiyar VDC-2 was arrested on 2003 in Laxmipur VDC by the army, who had reached there from Ghorahi. He remains missing since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

38. Laxman ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : June 9, 1972 /29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 15, 2001 Place of Incident : Shreegaun VDC- 5, DangOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Shreegaun VDC-5, SimthaniFather’s Name : Kirim Lal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Dashani ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sunita ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Laxman Chaudhary, 29, of Shreegaun VDC-5 was arrested at his village by Royal Nepalese Army on June 2, 2001 while he was in the village digging an


Date of Incident : January 1, 2003 Place of Incident : Ghorahi Municipality-10, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Hapur, Hapur VDC-6Father’s Name : Kamara YogiMother’s Name : Chanda YogiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1No. of Dependents : 6

DetailsBal Bahadur Yogi, 25, of Hapur VDC-6 was arrested from the Sagar Hotel at Ghorahi Municipality-10 by Royal Nepalese Army on January 1, 2003; he was at the hotel before he was due to head towards Kathmandu. His whereabouts are unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

41. Chanaku Chaudhary (Chanaklal)Date of Birth/Age : April 15, 1971/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Duruwa VDC-5, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Paharuwa, Duruwa VDC-5

irrigation channel. ! e victim was a Maoist cadre and remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s

family as an interim relief.

39. Bikash BohoraDate of Birth/Age : January 30, 1988 /18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2004Place of Incident : Narayanpur VDC-4, DangOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Sauntikuwa, Narayanpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Guru Prasad BohoraMother’s Name : Pema Kumari BohoraMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBikas Bohora, 18, of Narayanpur VDC-4 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army in 2004 while he was heading towards Ghorahi. ! e

army had arrested the victim on suspicion of being a CPN-M cadre and he remains disappeared since the arrest.

40. Bal Bahadur YogiDate of Birth/Age : December 25, 1977 /25 yrsSex : Male


Father’s Name : Jokhu Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Durgi ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/3No. of Dependents : 8

DetailsChanaku Chaudhary 31, of Duruwa VDC-5 was arrested at Chauwakhola by Royal Nepalese Army who had arrived there from Tulsipur on September

6, 2002. His whereabouts are unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

42. Som Raj ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : March 11, 1979 /24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Duruwa VDC-5, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Paharuwa, Duruwa VDC-5Father’s Name : Tika Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Laraini ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ratikalamati ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsSom Raj Chaudhary, 24, of Duruwa VDC-5 was arrested at Chauwakhola in his village

by Royal Nepalese Army on September 6. 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

43. Kuira ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : October 19, 1967 /35 yearsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Duruwa VDC-5, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Paharuwa, Duruwa VDC-5Father’s Name : Man Bahadur ChaudharyMother’s Name : Ghunya ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shomali ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 4/4No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsKuira Chaudhary, 35, of Duruwa VDC-5 was arrested at Chauwakhola in his village by Royal Nepalese Army on September 6, 2002. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


44. Sohan Lal ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : July 16, 1963 /39 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Duruwa VDC-5, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Paharuwa, Duruwa VDC-5Father’s Name : Dhani Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Chhanki ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Lahiya ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsSohan Lal Chaudhary, 39, of Duruwa VDC-5 was arrested at Duruwa VDC-5 by Royal Nepalese Army which had been deployed in the

area from Tulsipur on September 6, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

45. Jagi ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : September 5, 198 /19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 6, 2002

Place of Incident : Duruwa VDC-5, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Duruwa VDC-5Father’s Name : Krishna Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Sharmila ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsJagi Chaudhary, 19, of Duruwa VDC-5 was arrested on September 6, 2002 by the army which was deployed from Tulsipur. His whereabouts are unknown to date.

46. Khushi Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : February 17, 1987 /16 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Duruwa VDC-5, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Manoharpur, Duruwa VDC-5, DangFather’s Name : Saltaiya ChaudharyMother’s Name : Ujyali ChaudharyMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependent : 8


DetailsKhushi Ram Chaudhary, 16, of Duruwa VDC-5 was arrested at Chauwakhola in his village by Royal Nepalese Army which had been deployed

from Tulsipur on September 6, 2002. His whereabouts are unknown. Government of Nepal provded Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

47. Shyam Kumar ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : May 7, 1969 /23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Duruwa VDC-7, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Gathdaha, Duruwa VDC-7Father’s Name : Tek Bahadur ChaudharyMother’s Name : Jaganya ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chandajit ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3

DetailsShyam Kumar Chaudhary, 23, of Daruwa VDC-7 was arrested in the same VDC on September 6, 2002 by Royal

Nepalese Army, which had been deployed from Tulsipur. ! e army had arrested the victim on the suspicion of him being a Maoist cadre. His whereabouts are unknown to date. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

48. Laxman ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : September 26, 1961 /41 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 6, 2002Place of Incident : Duruwa VDC-7, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Gathdawa, Duruwa VDC-7, DangFather’s Name : Ishwari Lal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Chuliya ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Surji ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 4/0No. of Dependents : 10

DetailsLaxman Chaudhary, 41, of Duruwa VDC-7 was arrested in Duruwa VDC-7 by Army personnel on September 6, 2002. ! e army had arrested the victim on suspicion of being a Maoist cadre and his whereabouts are unknown so far. ! e army had also arrested the victim’s


son Binod, Shyam Chaudhary and the villagers Leb Bahadur Bishta and Krishna Bishta in the same incident. Binod and Krishna were later released. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

49. Leb Bahadur BishtaDate of Birth/Age : October 1, 1957 /45 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Duruwa VDC-7, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Gathdawa, Duruwa VDC-7Father’s Name : Kalu Bishta ChhetriMother’s Name : Aaiti BishtaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Gyanu BishtaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsLeb Bahadur Bishta, 45, of Daruwa VDC-7 was arrested in the same VDC by Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Tulsipur on September 6, 2002.

! e army had arrested him on the suspicion of being a Maoist and his whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

50. Obiraj DangiDate of Birth/Age : May 18, 1976 /26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 2002Place of Incident : Kaski districtOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Hemnagar, Urhari VDC-4, DangFather’s Name : Gehendra Bahadur DangiMother’s Name : Tika DangiMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 7

DetailsObiraj Dangi, 26, of Urhari VDC-4 was arrested in Pokhara by the army between mid August and mid-September of 2002. He was studying in Pokhara. Although he was said to have been killed at Putali Bazaar in Syngja district during cross fi re, his whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

51. Buddhi Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : February 19, 1967 /36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 16, 2002 Place of Incident : Satbariya VDC-7, DangOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture


Permanent Address : Bijulipur, Satbariya VDC-7, DangFather’s Name : Kallu ChaudharyMother’s Name : Saraswoti ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Moti ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 4/1

DetailsBuddhi Ram Chaudhary, 36, of Satbariya VDC-7 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army which had arrived there from Arjunkhola Base

Camp on May 16, 2002. He was arrested on charge of being a CPN-M commander and his whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. His brother ! agiram Chaudhary was also arrested and disappeared in the same incident. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

52. Thagi Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : June 17, 1977 /25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 16, 2002 Place of Incident : Satbariya VDC-7, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bijulipur, Satbariya VDC-7

Father’s Name : Kallu ChaudharyMother’s Name : Saraswoti ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

Details ! agi Ram Chaudhary, 25, of Satbariya VDC-7 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army which had arrived there from Arjunkhola Base Camp on May 16, 2002. He was arrested on charge of being a CPN-M cadre and his whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

53. Buddhi Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1972/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 25, 2002 Place of Incident : Urhari, Urhari VDC-3, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Urhari, Urhari VDC-3Father’s Name : Gopi ! aruHusband/Wife : Baburami ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

Details Buddhi Ram Chaudhary, 31, of Urhari VDC-3 and a UML cadre was arrested at the same place by Royal Nepalese Army, which had arrived there from Tulsipur


in search of Maoist cadres on May 16, 2002. His whereabouts are unknown to date. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family

as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police54. Nim Lal BishwakarmaDate of Birth/Age : February 19, 1969 /34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 17, 2001 Place of Incident : Rajpur VDC-4, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Solghati, Rajpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Hari Lal BishwakarmaMother’s Name : Patidevi BishworkarmaHusband/Wife : Gita BKNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/0

Details Nim Lal Bishwakarma, 34, of Rajpur VDC-4 was arrested at his home by Armed Police Force arriving from Lamahi on June 17, 2001 while

he was doing iron work in his forge.His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

55. Dhanbir ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : May 16, 1977 /26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 13, 2003 Place of Incident : Ghorahi Municipality, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Karmatiya, Dhikpur VDC-9Father’s Name : Bujhauna ! aruMother’s Name : Guliya ChaudharyHusband/Wife : Tulya ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/1No. of Dependents : 1

Details A CPN-M cadre, Dhanbir Chaudhary, 26, of Dhikpur VDC-9 was arrested in Ghorahi by District Police O# ce on October 13, 2003. ! e Police arrested him on suspicion of being a Maoist. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

56. Tek Bahadur BishwakarmaDate of Birth/Age : March 1, 1980/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 20, 2003 Place of Incident : Rajpur VDC-9, DangOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture


Permanent Address : Laibaruwa, Rajpur VDC-9, DangFather’s Name : Saurikala BKMother’s Name : Tila BKHusband/Wife : Nima BKNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

Details Tek Bahadur BK, 23, of Rajpur VDC-9 was arrested by a team of Armed Police Force while he was grazing cattle at the bank of Rapti River on

January 20, 2003. His whereabouts are still unknown.

57. Bikash SharmaDate of Birth/Age : May 28, 1974 /24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 3, 1999 Place of Incident : Chaulika, Nepalganj Municipality, BankeOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Sunadbari, Sonpur VDC-8Father’s Name : Narayan Prasad SharmaNo. of Dependents : 6

Details Bikash Sharma, 24, of Sonpur VDC-8 was arrested by the SSB of Inida on April 3, 1999 on charge of being a Maoist cadre and he was extradited to Nepal Police in Banke. He remains disappeared since

then. ! e victim was a member of District Secretariat of the CPN-M. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

58. Mahesh ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1972/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 2, 2004 Place of Incident : Samsherganj, Samsherganj VDC-2, BankeOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Matera, Duruwa VDC-9Father’s Name : Kalla ChaudharyMother’s Name : Shosi ChaudharyHusband/Wife : Sukanya ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

Details Mahesh Chaudhary, 32, of Duruwa VDC-9 was arrested by the Armed Police Force of Samsherganj on July 2, 2004 while he was heading towards India from his home. He remains disappeared since the arrest.

59. Andolan ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1981/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 9, 2001 Place of Incident : Karagar, Tulsipur Municipality-3, Dang


Occupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Rajpur VDC-6Father’s Name : Ranga Bahadur ChaudharyMother’s Name : Prempati ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 7

Details Andolan Chaudhary, 20, of Rajpur VDC-6 was arrested in Tulsipur Municipality-3 by police on June 9, 2001 and was sent to Tulsipur prison.

! e victim was a CPN-M cadre and his whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. ! e family has taken the interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering his death at the Local Peace Committee.

60. Kiran Kumari GiriDate of Birth/Age : January 5, 1980 /23 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : May 23, 2002 Place of Incident : Bela, Bela VDC-4, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Bela, Bela VDC-4Father’s Name : Yagya Bahadur GiriMother’s Name : Sukumi GiriMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 5

Details Kiran Kumari Giri, 23, of Bela VDC-4 was arrested at Rampur Bankatti by police on

May 23, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. She was a Maoist cadre and her whereabouts remain unknown to date. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. ! e family has registered her as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

61. Khim Lal GaireDate of Birth/Age : August 12, 1966 /36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 19, 2002 Place of Incident : Sunpur, Pawannagar VDC-4, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Sunpur, Pawannagar VDC-4, DangFather’s Name : Ranjit GaireMother’s Name : Ramita GaireMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Luma GaireNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 4

Details Khim Lal Gaire, 36, of Pawanpur VDC-4 was arrested at his home by police that had arrived there from Tulsipur on November 19, 2002. ! e victim was a CPN-M cadre and his whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


By Non-StateBy CPN-M62. Ramesh ThapaDate of Birth/Age : December 9, 1984/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 10, 2005 Place of Incident : Salyan districtOccupation/A# liation : Royal Nepalese Army Permanent Address : Narenang, Hapur VDC-9Father’s Name : Basu Dev ! apaMother’s Name : Maya ! apaMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 3

Details Ramesh ! apa, 20, of Hapur VDC-9 was abducted from Salyan district on February 10, 2005. ! e victim was working at the Simkharka Barrack in

Salyan district. His whereabouts remain unknown.

63. Ghanashyam KCDate of Birth/Age : January 1, 1983/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 24, 2004 Place of Incident : Gongabu, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : Royal Nepalese Army Permanent Address : Shivapur, Hapur VDC-6

Father’s Name : Tej Bahadur K.CMother’s Name : Mahonmali K.CNo. of Dependents : 7

Details Ghanashyam K.C, 22, of Shivapur VDC-6 was abducted by the CPN-M cadres on April 24, 2004 while he was heading for Jiri from Kathmandu. ! e victim was an army person and was posted in Solukhumbu. He remains disappeared since the abduction.

64. Pratap ShahDate of Birth/Age : December 27, 1978/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 9, 2002 Place of Incident : Tulsipur Municipality-11, DangOccupation/A# liation : PolicePermanent Address : Ashwar, Tulsipur Municipality-11Father’s Name : Krishna Bahadur ShahMother’s Name : Bhim Kumari ShahMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 6

Details Pratap Shah, 23, of Tulsipur Municipality-11 was abducted from Tulsipur by the CPN-M cadres on January 9, 2002. He


remains disappeared since the abduction. He was working at the Area Police O# ce in Jajarkot. His family was displaced and living at Tulsipur Municipality-5 since January 8, 2002. ! e family has accepted an interim relief of Rs 100,000 after registering him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

65. Bhimsen ShahDate of Birth/Age : July 3, 1962 /39 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 9, 2002 Place of Incident : Tulsipur Municipality-11, DangOccupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent Address : Tulsipur Municipality-11Father’s Name : Tej Bahadur ShahMother’s Name : Dilleshwori ShahMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Punam Shah and Kamala ShahNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/2No. of Dependents : 2

Details Bhimsen Shah, 39, of Tulsipur Municipality-11 was abducted from his home by the Maoist cadres on December 30, 2001. ! e Maoists abducted the victim

stating that they had to see him for some time for various reasons. ! e victim who was a civilian remains disappeared since the abduction.

66. Tek Bahadur WaliDate of Birth/Age : 1972/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 19, 2006 Place of Incident : Panchakule VDC, DangOccupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent Address : Takiyapur, Pawannagar VDC-7Father’s Name : Bhagi Ram WaliHusband/Wife : Sabitri WaliNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Tek Bahadur Wali, 32, of Pawannagar VDC-7 was abducted from Chisapani in Panchakule VDC by a group of CPN-M cadres on April 19, 2006. He remains disappeared since the abduction. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

67. Dilli Bahadur SubediDate of Birth/Age : July 1, 1967/34 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 23, 2001 Place of Incident : Birganj Sub-Metropolis, ParsaOccupation/A# liation : PolicePermanent Address : Golgi, Laxmipur VDC-4Father’s Name : Buddhi Prakash Subedi


Mother’s Name : Sushila SubediHusband/Wife : Lila SubediNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 2

Details Dilli Ram Subedi of Laxmipur VDC-4 was abducted by CPN-M cadres on November 23, 2001 while he was traveling to his deputed o# ce from Dang. He

had been working at the District Police O# ce as a police constable. He remains disappeared since the arrest.

68. Lilam ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : October 24, 1983 /22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 27, 2005 Place of Incident : Tulsipur Municipality, DangOccupation/A# liation : Royal Nepalese Army Permanent Address : Dhakana, Phulbari VDC-5Father’s Name : Unalal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Dashani ChaudharyHusband/Wife : Pushna ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2No. of Dependents : 14

Details Lilam Chaudhary, 22, of Phulbari VDC-5 was abducted by a group of unidentifi ed on December 27, 2005 while he was heading towards the barrack. He remains disappeared to date. He was a rifl eman at Sabuj Battalion in Salyan district.

69. Shiva Kumar BhandariDate of Birth/Age : October 18, 1971 /29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 11, 2000 Place of Incident : Chailahi VDC-2, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Saldhari, Bela VDC-4Father’s Name : Siddhi Man BhandariMother’s Name : Kanchhi BhandariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhagirati BhandariNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

Details Shiva Kumar Bhandari, 29, of Bela VDC-4 was abducted by CPN-M cadres on August 15, 2000 on charge of being involved in politics. He was released after three days due to the pressure exerted by the villagers for his release. However, he was abducted again at the bank of the Rapti River by them on August 11, 2000 while he was heading towards Lamahi from his home. ! e victim was a supporter of UML. He remains disappeared since the abduction.


4.3 RolpaBy State By Royal Nepalese Army1. Harka Lal Thapa Magar (Yuddha)Date of Birth/Age : March 8, 1959/45 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 2, 2002 Place of Incident : Liwang VDC-1, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : Politics

70. Yubaraj SharmaDate of Birth/Age : September 6, 1954 /48 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 2, 2002 Place of Incident : Liwang VDC-1, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Hekuli VDC-4Father’s Name : Jibaraj SharmaMother’s Name : Bhima Kumari UpadhayaMarital Status : Sarwa Devi SharmaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3

Details An NC cadre, Yubaraj Sharma, 48, of Hekuli VDC-4 was abducted from his home by CPN-M cadres on January 28, 2002 on charge of spying against them.! e victim remains missing since the abduction. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. His family has registered him as killed at the Local Peace Committee.

Permanent Address : Harigatina, Liwang VDC-1Father’s Name : Durge ! apaMother’s Name : Maisari ! apaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Gothi ! apa MagarNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2No. of Dependents : 11

DetailsHarkalal ! apa Magar, 45, of Liwang VDC-1 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army on April 2, 2002 while he was having food. He was arrested on charge of being a Maoist and was taken to the district headquarters in Liwang. ! e victim remains disappeared. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

2. Rachan KhatriDate of Birth/Age : 1976/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 8, 2002 Place of Incident : Liwang VDC-1, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Harigatina, Liwang VDC-1Father’s Name : Tike KhatriMother’s Name : Mani KhatriMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dilsara KhatriNo. of Dependents : 2 DetailsRachan Khatri, 26, of Liwang VDC-1 was taken as a company for his fellow villager Kabiram Khatri who was shot injured by


Royal Nepalese Army from near Chyandhar in his village on March 8, 2002. ! e Army had told that they were taking Khtri to the district headquarters

Liwang for treatment. ! e whereabouts of Khatri remain unknown since then. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

3. Tejbir Pun MagarDate of Birth/Age : June 28, 1980/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 16, 2003 Place of Incident : Phulbari VDC, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Uma, Jaimakasala VDC-7Father’s Name : Kamara PunMother’s Name : Sapana PunMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Namkali PunNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsAn area committee member of the CPN-M, Tejbir Pun Magar, 23, of Jaimakasala VDC-7 was arrested in Phulbari VDC in the Dang district by Royal Nepalese Army

on October 16, on charge of being a Maoist.

He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

4. Dhaniram Budha MagarDate of Birth/Age : May 21, 1955/46 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 27, 2001Place of Incident : Bhabang VDC-9, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Saruwa, Bhabang VDC-9Father’s Name : Harka Singh BudhaMother’s Name : Sampurna BudhaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kalla BudhaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsAn NC member, Dhaniram Budha Magar, 46, of Bhabang VDC-7 was arrested at Baulakhola in Bhabang VDC-9 by Royal Nepalese Army on December 27, 2001. Following the arrest, he was taken to temporary security base camp at Ghartigaun and remains disappeared since then. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


5. Lalmani Roka Magar (Atom)Date of Birth/Age : December 16, 1976/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 20, 2002 Place of Incident : Ghorahi Municipality-10, DangOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Rachiwang, Dhawang VDC-2Father’s Name : Dhute RokaMother’s Name : Shrijana RokaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Purna Roka MagarNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsLalmani Roka Magar, 26, of ! awang VDC-2 was arrested in Ghorahi Municipality-10 by Royal Nepalese Army on August 20, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist

and he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim was a Company Commander of the CPN-M. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

6. Ganbir GhartiDate of Birth/Age : 1985/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 26, 2006Place of Incident : Talabang VDC-5, Rolpa

Occupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Hile, Talabang VDC-5Marital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsA PLA member, Ganbir Ghartimagar, 21, of Talabang VDC-5 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army on May 26, 2006 and was taken to temporary security base camp at Ghartipur. He remains disappeared since then. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

7. Shreeman Roka MagarDate of Birth/Age : June 20, 1978/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 16, 2002Place of Incident : Khumel VDC-4, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Dhangsi, Dhawang VDC-5Father’s Name : Gana RokaMother’s Name : Punisara RokaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dhanajiba Roka MagarNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Shreeman Roka Magar, 25, of Dhawang VDC-5 was arrested at Sangdol in Khumel VDC by Royal Nepalese Army on December 16, 2002.


He was arrested, while going to Kathmandu, on charge of being a Maoist. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs

100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

8. Dhaniram OliDate of Birth/Age : September 2, 1962/ Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 8, 2002 Place of Incident : Liwang VDC-1, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Harigatia, Liwang VDC-1 Father’s Name : Pelawa OliMother’s Name : Rajmata OliMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Pamu WaliNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsDhaniram Wali, 39, of Liwang VDC-1 was shot and wounded at Chyandhara near his village by Royal Nepalese Army on March 8, 2002 while he was collecting fi rewood. Following the incident the army took him to Liwang. He remains disappeared since then. He was suspected to have been killed by the army at Dharhalne Jungle of the same VDC on the very day of his arrest. He was a# liated to pro-Maoist All Nepal Peasants Association. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

9. Man Bahadur Pun MagarDate of Birth/Age : November 8, 1956/35 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Ot VDC-5, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Bhitawang, Ot VDC-5 Father’s Name : Bhakte Pun MagarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tilsara Pun MagarNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsMan Bahadur Pun Magar, 45, of Ot VDC-5 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army on April 6, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist cadre. Following the arrest, he was taken to Madichaur temporary security base camp at Kotgaun. He remains disappeared since then. He was a cadre of the CPN-M party. It is suspected that he has been killed. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

10. Man Kumari Budha MagarDate of Birth/Age : June 29, 1966 Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : April 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Ot VDC-7, Rolpa


Occupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Bhitawang, Ot VDC-7Father’s Name : Mansingh Gharti MagarMother’s Name : Gajuli Gharti MagarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sher Bahadur Bhudha MagarNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsMan Kumari Budha Magar, 35, of Ot VDC-5 was arrested at her home by Royal Nepalese Army on April 6, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist.

Following the arrest she was taken to a temporary security base camp at Madichaur and she remains disappeared since then. She was a Maoist cadre and is suspected to have been killed. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

11. Libraj Gharti MagarDate of Birth/Age : September 26, 1988/15 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : July 2, 2003 Place of Incident : Liwang VDC-6, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Tewang, Tewang VDC-2Father’s Name : Dhanaraj Gharti Magar

Mother’s Name : Nama Gharti MagarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsLibraj Gharti Magar, 15, of Tewang VDC-2 was arrested at an army check post at Deupuje in Liwang VDC by Royal Nepalese Army on July 2, 2003 while he was heading towards his home from Korchawang VDC. ! e victim, who was a section commander of the CPN-M, remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

12. Kaman Singh Rana MagarDate of Birth/Age : January 24, 1 974/28 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 13, 2002 Place of Incident : Ghartigaun VDC-1, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Jangwang, Bhawang VDC-9Father’s Name : Kharka Singh Rana MagarMother’s Name : Kausila Rana MagarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailKaman Singh Rana Magar, 28, of Bhawang VDC-9 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army on February 13, 2002 while he


was in Ghartigaun buying commodities. Following the arrest, he was taken to search CPN-M cadres in army dress in Bhawang VDC by the army and

was taken back to Ghartigaun. It has been suspected that he was killed on February 14, 2002 following infl iction of torture. He remains disappeared. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police13. Dil Bahadur Pun Magar (Dinesh)Date of Birth/Age : July 22, 1972/26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 13, 1998 Place of Incident : Kotgaun VDC-6, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Dabot, Kotgaun VDC-6Father’s Name : Dali Pun MagarMother’s Name : Birma Pun MagarMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailA CPN-M cadre, Dil Bahadur Pun Magar, 26, of Kotgaun VDC-6 was arrested at his village by police on May 13, 1998. Following the arrest

he was kept at Madichour Police Post for a day and was sent to the District Police O# ce the next day. He remains disappeared since then. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

14. Bir Bahadur Batha MagarDate of Birth/Age : May 25, 1965/33 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 10 1998 Place of Incident : Kotgaun VDC-7, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Dangbang, Kotgaun VDC-8Father’s Name : Rancha Batha MagarMother’s Name : Kawala Batha MagarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chija Batha MagarNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Bir Bahadur Batha Magar, 33, of Kotgaun VDC-8 was arrested by police on August 10, 1998, while he was fi shing at a stream, on charge of being a CPN-M cadre. He remains disappeared since the arrest. He is also suspected to have been killed at Madichaur police post. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


15. Nar Bahadur Pun Magar (Surya Prakash)Date of Birth/Age : June 21, 1969/33 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 13, 1998 Place of Incident : Kotgaun VDC-6, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Darbot, Kotgaun VDC-6Father’s Name : Dali Pun MagarMother’s Name : Birma Pun Magar

DetailsNar Bahadur Pun Magar, 26, of Kotgaun VDC-6 was arrested in his VDC by police on May 13, 1998 on charge of being a Maoist. Following the

arrest he was kept at Madichaur Police Post for a day and was sent to the District Police O# ce in Liwang. He remains disappeared since then. He was a district committee member of the CPN-M. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

16. Ujar Singh DangiDate of Birth/Age : 1972/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 7, 1999 Place of Incident : Rangsi VDC-4, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Chaur, Rangsi VDC-4

Father’s Name : Bir Bahadur DangiHusband/Wife : Manarakha DangiNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsAn NC cadre, Ujar Singh Dangi, 27, of Rangsi VDC-4 was arrested at his home by police on July 7, 1999 on charge of being a Maoist. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

17. Kamal Pun Magar (Pawan)Date of Birth/Age : May 6, 1977/26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : 2005Place of Incident : Piparhawa VDC-1, BankeOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Bhanbhane, Rangsi VDC-9 Father’s Name : Ramsur PunMother’s Name : Mansara PunHusband/Wife : Renuka (Remarried)No. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsKamal Pun Magar, 26, of Rangsi VDC-9 was arrested at Piparhawa VDC-1 in Banke district by police in 2005 on charge of


being a Maoist. He was arrested while going to India and remains disappeared since the arrest. He was a DCM of the CPN-M. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

18. Amarejit Roka MagarDate of Birth/Age : December 2, 1987/16 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 5, 2003 Place of Incident : Liwang VDC-5, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Dham, Dhawang VDC-5Father’s Name : Ram Lal RokaMother’s Name : Bin Maya RokaMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

Details A seventh grader, Amarjit Roka Magar, 16, of Dhawang VDC-4 was arrested at his rented room at Pipalchaur in Liwang VDC-5 by the police

arriving from District Police O# ce on November 5, 2003. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

19. Amar Roka MagarDate of Birth/Age : December 1, 1985/18 yrsSex : Male

Date of Incident : November 5, 2003 Place of Incident : Liwang VDC-5, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Dhangsi, Dhawang VDC-4Father’s Name : Tul Bahadur RokaMother’s Name : Ram Maya RokaMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsA sixth grader, Amar Roka Magar, 18, of Dhawang VDC-4 was arrested at his rented room at Pipal Chautara in Liwang VDC-5 by the police arriving from District Police O# ce on November 5, 2003. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

20. Mina BK (Kalpana)Date of Birth/Age : 1981/18 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : March 9, 1999 Place of Incident : Nuwagaun VDC-6, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Hawang, Nuwagaun VDC-6Father’s Name : Bhim Bahadur BK


Mother’s Name : Krishnee BKMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsMina BK, aka Kalpana, 18, of Nuwagaun VDC-6 was arrested at her maternal uncle’s home in her village by the Area Police O# ce on March 9, 1999 while she was sleeping. She remains disappeared since the arrest. She was an area member of the CPN-M. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

21. Bhumisara Pun MagarDate of Birth/Age : October 23, 1968/30 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : July 6, 1998 Place of Incident : Korchawang VDC-5, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Tallodhap, Korchawang VDC-5Father’s Name : Tula PunMother’s Name : Dilsari PunMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Bhumisara Pun Magar, 30, of Korchabang VDC-5 was arrested from near her home by the police, which had been deployed

from the temporary security base camp at Madichaur on July 6, 1998. She was arrested

while weeding and digging a fi eld of maize. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

22. Man Bahadur Thapa MagarDate of Birth/Age : June 29, 1974/ 24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 27, 1999 Place of Incident : Phattepur VDC, BankeOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Madichaur, Kotgaun VDC-1Father’s Name : Karbir ! apa MagarMother’s Name : Dilma ! apamagarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Man Bahadur ! apa Magar, 24, of Kotgaun VDC-1 was arrested in Phattepur VDC in Banke district by police on January 27, 1999. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

23. Kul Prasad Budha MagarDate of Birth/Age : September 23, 1981/ 17 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 23, 1999 Place of Incident : Jankot VDC-4, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Madichaur, Jankot VDC-4, Rolpa


Father’s Name : Bhansingh BudhaMother’s Name : Madhu BudhaMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsKul Prasad Budhamagar, 17, of Jankot VDC-1 was arrested at Jankot in Jankot VDC by police on January 23, 1999 on charge of being

a Maoist cadre. Following the arrest, he was taken to District Police O# ce in Liwang. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. He was a PLA member of the CPN-M party. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M24. Lanai Budha MagarDate of Birth/Age : August 17, 1985/13 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 22, 1999Place of Incident : Jelbang VDC-5, RolpaPermanent Address : ! ulogaun, Jelbang VDC-4Father’s Name : Shankhare BudhamagarMother’s Name : Gauna BudhamagarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsLanai Budha Magar, 13, of Jelbang VDC-4 was abducted from a cowshed located at Burtibang in his VDC by the CPN-M cadres on February 22, 1999 on charge of spying against them. His whereabouts are unknown since the abduction.

25. Ramchandra Thapa ChhetriDate of Birth/Age : May 21, 1960/42 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 30, 2002 Place of Incident : Tewang VDC-1, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Dharagharti Tole, Tewang VDC-1Father’s Name : Gajendra ! apaMother’s Name : Kalu ! apaMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Tamkali ! apaNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/3

DetailsRamchandra ! apa Chhetri, 42, of Tewang VDC-3 was abducted from his home by Maoist cadres on April 30, 2002 on charge of spying against the Maoists. ! e victim was a member of RPP Nepal and his whereabouts are unknown since the abduction. He is suspected to have been killed. Government of Nepal provided Rs 150,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

26. Trishan Gharti MagarDate of Birth/Age : 1963/39 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 24, 2002


Place of Incident : Ghartigaun VDC, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : ServicePermanent Address : Ghartigaun, Ghartigaun VDC-1, RolpaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tripana GhartipurNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/3

DetailsTrishan Ghartimagar, 39, of Ghartigaun VDC-1 was abducted by Maoist cadres on November 4, 2002 on charge of spying against them. ! e victim was a postman in District Post O# ce at Ghartigaun. He is suspected to have been killed; however, the Maoists have not made the killing public. His whereabouts are unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

27. Mul Kumar Budha MagarDate of Birth/Age : 1976/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 10, 1997 Place of Incident : ! awang VDC-9, RolpaOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Koijang, ! awang VDC-7Marital Status : Dil Bahadur Budha

DetailsMul Bahadur Budhamagar, 21, of ! awang VDC-7 was abducted by CPN-M cadres on July 10, 1997 while he was walking. At the time of abduction he was heading towards

Agewang, in the same VDC-8. He was an NC cadre and was abducted on charge of working against the Maoist. He remains disappeared since the abduction.

4.4 SalyanBy State By Uni ed Command1. Dotiram PariyarDate of Birth/Age : January 9, 1984/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 3, 2002Place of Incident : Dhanwang VDC-1, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Dandakateri, Siddheshwori VDC-6Father’s Name : Nar Bahadur DamaiMother’s Name : Mani DamaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dabali PariyarNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsDotiram Pariyar, 18, of Siddheshwori VDC-6 was arrested at Kapurkot in Dhanwang VDC-1 by the security force on March 3, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e army personnel at the Kapurkot repeater tower told the family that the victim was with them learning garment stitching and he would be in trouble for another 4-5 years. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


2. Chhabi Lal DCDate of Birth/Age : 1972/ 28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 11, 2004Place of Incident : Mahadevpuri VDC-8, BankeOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : ! ulokharka, Korbang Jhimpe VDC-4Father’s Name : Bholal DangiMother’s Name : Rupi DangiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsChhabiLal D.C, 28, of Korbang Jhimpe VDC-7 was arrested at Perari of Mahadevpuri VDC in Banke district by Unifi ed Command on February 11, 2004. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Following his arrest, his family was displaced from their place on February 11, 2004 and was living at Sukedhara in Kathmandu. ! e family was rehabilitated in 2007. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Royal Nepalese Army3. Shobhe RanaDate of Birth/Age : April 17, 1969/41 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 14, 2002Place of Incident : Bardiya districtOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Ragechaur, Marmaparikanda VDC-6

Father’s Name : Nauro RanaMother’s Name : Seti RanaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Doti Rana

DetailsShobhe Rana, 41, of Marmaparikanda VDC-6 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army stationed at Chisapani in September 14, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. He remains disappeared since the arrest. He was an ordinary person. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

4. Chopi Ram SarkiDate of Birth/Age : December 24, 1972/30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 1, 2002Place of Incident : Khalanga VDC-6, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Lamadanda, ! armare VDC-4Father’s Name : Lok Bahadur SarkiMother’s Name : Buddhi SarkiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sashili SarkiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsChopi Ram Sarki, 30, of ! armare VDC-4 was arrested at Khalanga VDC-6 by Royal Nepalese


Army on July 1, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts are still unknown. He was an ordinary person. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

5. Dilaram KhatriDate of Birth/Age : February 13, 1975/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 30, 2001Place of Incident : Khalanga VDC-5, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Syaulagaun, Pipalneta VDC-5Father’s Name : Bed Prasad KhatriMother’s Name : Shobi KhatriMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dabbali Devi KhatriNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/3No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsDilaram Khatri, 27, of Pipalneta VDC-5 was arrested at Khalanga VDC-5 by Royal Nepalese Army on December 30, 2001. He had already left

the CPN-M party when he was arrested. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

6. Bed Bahadur BudhathokiDate of Birth/Age : April 18, 1982/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 9, 2002Place of Incident : Marke VDC-7, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Melkot, Bajhkanda VDC-5Father’s Name : Khim Bahadur BudhathokiMother’s Name : Kaushila BudhathokiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsBed Bahadur Budhathoki, 20, of Bajhkanda VDC-5 was arrested at Marke VDC-7 by Royal Nepalese Army on July 9, 2002 and he remains disappeared since then. He was the chief in his ward at the time of his arrest. ! e victim’s mother Kaushila confi rmed that he was arrested by the army. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

7. Harilal DamaiDate of Birth/Age : November 15, 1970/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 9, 2002Place of Incident : Kupindedaha VDC-9, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : Wage earning


Permanent Address : Jyamire, Kupindedaha VDC-4Father’s Name : Sarke DamaiMother’s Name : Rati DamaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : BijauriNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsHarilal Damai, 31, of Jyamire, Kupindedaha VDC-4 was arrested at ward no. 9 of the same VDC by Royal Nepalese Army on February 9, 2002. His

whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

8. Ghanashyam DangiDate of Birth/Age : 1949/56 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 17, 2009 Place of Incident : Kalimatikalche VDC-7, SalyanPermanent Address : Saltakura, Kalimatikalche VDC-9Father’s Name : Shobhu DangiMother’s Name : Kalekalchu DangiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Nannakali DangiNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/3

DetailsGhanashyam Dangi, 56, of Kalimatikalche VDC-9 was arrested at ward no. 7 of the same VDC by Royal Nepalese Army on September 17, 2009. He remains disappeared since the arrest. He was an ordinary person. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

9. Buddhi BudhathokiDate of Birth/Age : January 19, 1976/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 15, 2002Place of Incident : Triveni VDC-1, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Khoryakhola, Kalagaun VDC-9Father’s Name : Kalu BudhathokiMother’s Name : Gangi BudhathokiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsBuddhi Budhathoki, 27, of Kalagaun VDC-9 was arrested at Triveni VDC-1 by Royal Nepalese Army on September 15, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. He was a member of a student organization a# liated to the CPN-M. Tilu Malla of Kalagaun VDC-2 confi rmed


that the victim was arrested by the army. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

10. Nim Bahadur WaliSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 25, 2002Place of Incident : Bijauri VDC-5, DangOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : ! ulapokhara, Kotbara VDC-4Father’s Name : Karna BahadurWaliMother’s Name : Basanti WaliMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Mina WaliNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsNim Bahadur Wali of Kotbara VDC-4 was arrested in Bijauri VDC-4 in Dang district by Royal Nepalese Army on January 25, 2002.

He was an ordinary person and remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

11. Dal Bahadur BKDate of Birth/Age : October 3, 1982/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 7, 2002

Place of Incident : Khalanga VDC-2, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Gatina, Damachour VDC-8Father’s Name : Dewe KamiMother’s Name : Sukma BKMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tulsi BKNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsDal Bahadur BK, 20, of Damachaur VDC-8 was arrested at Khalanga VDC-2 by Royal Nepalese Army on October 7, 2002 and remains disappeared since the arrest. He was a platoon commander of CPN-M. Krishna Bahadur Basnet of Ramche at Damachaur VDC-8 confi rmed that the victim was arrested by the army. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

12. Pokharaj BudhathokiDate of Birth/Age : April 15, 1975/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 8, 2002Place of Incident : Kathmandu Metropolis-35, KathmanduOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Bhatbhite, Pipalneta VDC-9Father’s Name : Ghamanda Bahadur BudhathokiMother’s Name : Bhebhi Budhathoki


Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Parbati BudhathokiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsPokharaj Budhathoki, 26, of Pipalneta VDC-9 was arrested in Kathmandu Metropolis-35 in Kathmandu by plain clothe army personnel on April 8, 2002. He

was the coordinator of Valley Coordination Committee of the ANNISU-R. According to Motiram Basnet of Pipalneta VDC-9, the victim was kept at the army barrack at Suryabinayak in Bhaktapur district. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

13. Raj Kumar BudhathokiDate of Birth/Age : October 1, 1974/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 9, 2002Place of Incident : Triveni VDC, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Chaur, Sinwang VDC-2Father’s Name : Ratibhan BudhathokiMother’s Name : Doti BudhathokiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Patali BudhathokiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsRaj Kumar Budhathoki, 27, of Sinbang VDC-2 was arrested in Triveni VDC by Royal Nepalese Army on April 9, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. When the victim’s wife went to army’s to receive information about her husband, it was said that the victim was arrested by the patrolling army deployed from the repeater tower security base camp at Kapurkot. However, she was rebu" ed stating that she was not allowed to go to the camp for information due to being the wife of a Maoist. He was an ordinary person. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

14. Bed Bahadur BoharaDate of Birth/Age : August 20, 1971/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 3, 2003 Place of Incident : Sinwang VDC-6, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : TeachingPermanent Address : Sanikhola, Sinwang VDC-6Father’s Name : Man Bahadur BoharaMother’s Name : Aaiti BoharaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Padhmi BoharaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsBed Bahadur Bohara, 31, of Sinwang VDC-6 was arrested at his home by


Royal Nepalese Army on January 3, 2003 and his whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. He was a teacher at Janaki Lower Secondary

School in Sinwang. Sushila Khadka of Sinwang VDC-6 stated that they had seen the victim at the army barrack in Dang district on January 8, 2003. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

15. Resham BoharaDate of Birth/Age : November 24, 1987/15 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 3, 2002Place of Incident : Dhanwang VDC-1, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Ratmata, Sinwang VDC-6Father’s Name : Lok Bahadur BoharaMother’s Name : Rupa BoharaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsResham Bohara, 15, of Sinwang VDC-6 was arrested by the army on May 3, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal

provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

16. Ratna Bahadur DamaiDate of Birth/Age : February 1, 1979/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 3, 2002Place of Incident : Kapurkot, Dhanwang VDC-1, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Goltakura, Siddheshwori VDC-3 Father’s Name : Jogi DamaiMother’s Name : Gauri DamaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : PamphiDamaiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsRatna Bahadur Damai, 23, of Siddheshwori VDC-3 was arrested in Dhanwang VDC-1 by Royal Nepalese Army on March 3, 2002. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. ! e family stated that it didn’t complain anywhere due to fear and terror. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

17. Gauri Lal PariyarDate of Birth/Age : June 4, 1972/39 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 3, 2003Place of Incident : Kapurkot, Dhanawang VDC-1, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Dandakateri, Siddheshwori VDC-6


Father’s Name : Gopi Lal DamaiMother’s Name : Kumari DamaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Suki PariyarNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsGauri Lal Pariyar, 39, of Siddheshwori VDC-6 was arrested at Dhanwang VDC-1 Royal Nepalese Army on March 3, 2003.He remains disappeared since the arrest. He was an elected ward member of the CPN-UML. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police18. Jit Bahadur DamaiDate of Birth/Age : January 19, 1984/15 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 6, 1998Place of Incident : Marmaparikanda VDC, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Kotbara, Marmaparikanda VDC-2Father’s Name : Ghane DamaiMother’s Name : Mewalata DamaiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsJit Bahadur Damai, 15, of Marmaparikanda VDC-2 was arrested at ward no. 6 of the same VDC by the police from the Area Police O# ce at Ragechaur on December 6, 1998. ! e victim, who was an ordinary person, was arrested on charge of being a Maoist cadre. He remains disappeared

since the arrest. His family was displaced and went to live in Bardiya a month after his arrest but returned to the village after two months. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

19. Ghane DamaiDate of Birth/Age : 1949/49 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 6, 1998Place of Incident : Marmaparikanda VDC-6, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Kotbara, Marmaparikanda VDC-2Father’s Name : Maite DamaiMother’s Name : Panchi DamaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Mewalata DamaiNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/4

DetailsGhane Damai, 49, of Marmaparikanda VDC-2 was arrested at ward no. 6 of the same VDC by the police from the Area Police O# ce at Ragechaur on December 6, 1998. ! e victim, who was an ordinary person, was arrested on charge of being a Maoist. He remains disappeared since the arrest. His family was displaced and went to live


in Bardiya a month after his arrest but returned to the village after two months. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

20. Deulal ThapaDate of Birth/Age : July 20, 1964/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 28, 1997Place of Incident : Majhkanda VDC-9, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Aapchaur, Majhkanda VDC-8Father’s Name : Pipar ! apaMother’s Name : Khirmi Devi ! apaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Remarried

DetailsDeulal ! apa, 33, of Majhkanda VDC-8 was arrested by the Area Police o# ce of Baluwasangrahi on December 28, 1997 on charge of being

a Maoist. His whereabouts are so far unknown. He was an organized member of the CPN-UML. Although the police have denied their involvement in the victim’s arrest, Hari ! apa of MajhkandaVDC confi rmed that the victim was arrested by the police. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

21. Bhadra Bahadur KhatriSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 23, 1998Place of Incident : Dhakadam VDC-2, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent Address : Adherikhola, Dhakadam VDC-1Father’s Name : Nainsingh KhatriMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhuili KhatriNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/3

DetailsBhadra Bahadur Khatri of Dhakadam VDC-1 was arrested at Bagkhor Bazaar of the same VDC by patrolling police who had been deployed from the Area Police O# ce at Pharula on June 23, 1998. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Lalbir Khatri of Kakadam in Dhakadam VDC-1 stated that the victim was arrested by the police. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

22. Bijaya BhandariDate of Birth/Age : June 19, 1979/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 29, 1999Place of Incident : ! armare VDC-4, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Satpahara, ! armare VDC-7, Salyan


Father’s Name : Chitra Bahadur BhandariMother’s Name : Ghini BhandariMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBijaya Bhandari, 20 of ! armare VDC-7 was arrested by police on July 29, 1999.! e victim, who was an area committee member of ANNISU-R remains

disappeared since the arrest. His father stated that the victim was arrested by the police. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

23. Raju BhandariDate of Birth/Age : January 21, 1980/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 19, 1999Place of Incident : Bangadh VDC-1, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bame Bahungaun, Bangadhbame VDC-4Father’s Name : Tilak BhandariMother’s Name : Basundhara BhandariMarital Status : UnmarriedDetailsRaju Bhandari, 19, of Bangadhbame VDC-4 was arrested at ward no.1 of the same VDC by police on February 19, 1999. He remains disappeared since the arrest.

24. Gyan Prakash NepaliDate of Birth/Age : April 28, 1983/15 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 13, 1999Place of Incident : Siddheshwori VDC-5, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Kajeri VDC-3Father’s Name : Lal Bahadur BadiMother’s Name : Tiki BadiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsGyan Prakash Nepali, 15, of Kajeri VDC-3 was arrested at Kunyajhol Kalalekh in Siddheshwori VDC-5 by police on March 13, 1999. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Lal Bahadur Badi of Chande VDC-6 stated that he had seen the victim at the Area Police O# ce at Shreenagar on March 16, 1999. However, while inquiring about the victim his family was told by the area police that he had already been taken to the District Police O# ce in Khalanga. ! e Khalanga police o# ce again rebu" ed the family stating that the victim was not there. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

25. Megh Bahadur BudathokiDetailsMegh Bahadur Budathoki, 22, of Draberi in Bajhkanda VDC-6 was arrested at Marke VDC-7 by Royal Nepalese Army on March 27, 2002. His whereabouts are still


unknown since the arrest. ! e Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as interim relief.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M26. Mohan Lal KhatriDate of Birth/Age : July 29, 1957/48 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 9, 2005Place of Incident : Kalimatikalche VDC-8, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Katigaun, Marke VDC-4Father’s Name : Tej Bahadur KhatriMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Nokhani Kumari KhatriNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsMohan Lal Khatri, 48, of Marke VDC-4 was abducted from Kalche VDC-8 by the CPN-M cadres on December 9, 2005 on charge of

killing his daughter-in-law. He remains disappeared since the abduction.

27. Nime BudhaDate of Birth/Age : November 6, 1965/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 27, 1998Place of Incident : Devasthal VDC-9, Salyan

Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bureli, Devasthal VDC-9Father’s Name : Birbal BudhaMother’s Name : Basanti BudhaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Mankumari BudhaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsNime Budha, 33, of Devasthal VDC-9 was abducted from his home by the CPN-M cadres on October 27, 1998. He remains disappeared since the abduction. While seeking information about the victim, CPN-M said that he was already killed.

4.5 BankeBy State By Uni ed Command1. Lalbir ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1979/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 13, 2002Place of Incident : Baijapur VDC-1, BankeOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Baijapur VDC-1 Father’s Name : Chandra Lal ! aruMother’s Name : Setulya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Madhuwa ! aru

Details Lalbir Chaudhary, 23, of Baijapur VDC-1 was arrested at his home by security forces on February 13, 2002 while he was sleeping.


He was arrested on charge of being a Maoist cadre. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

2. Ayodhaya Prasad GodiyaDate of Birth/Age : August 17, 1983/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 29, 2003Place of Incident : Gangapur VDC-4, BankeOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Gangapur VDC-4 Father’s Name : Bihari GodiyaMother’s Name : Sabitri Godiya

Details Ayodhaya Prasad Godiya, 20, of Gangapur VDC-4 was arrested by security forces on October 29, 2003 on charge of being a Maoist. His

father Bihari Godiya was also arrested on the same day. A sentry at the Unifi ed Security base camp at Sonbarsa had told the family that the victim was inside the camp. ! e family members even sent clothes for the victim in the camp. He was kept at the camp for one month; however, he remains disappeared since then.

3. Bihari GodiyaDate of Birth/Age : 1953/50 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October, 29, 2003

Place of Incident : Gangapur VDC-4, BankeOccupation/A# liation : SrevicePermanent Address : Gangapur VDC-4Husband/Wife : Sabitri GodiyaDetails A postman of Area Post O# ce at Bhojbhagwanpur, Bihari Godiya, 50, of Gangapur VDC-4 was arrested at his home by security forces on October 29, 2003 on charge of being a Maoist. His son Ayodhaya Godiya was also arrested in the incident. ! e family members had met the victim at security base camp at Sonbarsa on November 1, 2003 and even sent clothes for him. He was kept at the camp for one month; however, after that he remains disappeared.

4. Shitala RanaDate of Birth/Age : March 31, 1986/18 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : October 14, 2003Place of Incident : Gangapur VDC-4, BankeOccupation/A# liation : ServicePermanent Address : Matehiya VDC-5Father’s Name : Chyaso RanaMother’s Name : Sumita Rana

Details Shitala Rana, 18, of Matehiya VDC-5 was arrested at Sonbarsa in Gangapur VDC-2 by the Unifi ed Command on October 14, 2003 on charge of being a Maoist.


Due to fear and terror the family members couldn’t inquire about the victim taken away by the security forces. After she was arrested, her father Chyaso Rana

went to India for 10 months due to fear. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

5. Manoj Rokaya (Sudip)Date of Birth/Age : February 12, 1979/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 7, 2002Place of Incident : Agaiya, Kachanapur VDC-1, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Uddyain Paschimpuruwa, Mahadevpuri VDC-2Father’s Name : Ashok RokayaMother’s Name : Pabitra RokayaMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

Details A district committee member of CPN-M, Manoj Rokaya, 24, of Mahadevpuri VDC-2 was arrested at Agaiya in Kachanapur VDC-1 by

security forces on May 7, 2002. Even his brother was killed by the security forces. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

6. Baburam Adhikari (Amarnath)Date of Birth/Age : January 5, 1974/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 2, 2002Place of Incident : Bhandariya, Bageshwari VDC-9, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Egaun, Sitapur VDC-7Father’s Name : Bhanubhakta AdhikariMother’s Name : Sabitri Devi AdhikariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tulasa AdhikariNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 3

Details A commander of CPN-M combatants, Baburam Adhikari aka Amarnath, 26, of Sitapur VDC-7 was arrested at Prem Budha’s home at Bhandariya Village in Bageshwari VDC-9 by security forces on June 2, 2002. Ishwori Subedi of Kohalpur VDC-3, Dal Bahadur Pun of Phattepur VDC and Udaya Chaudhary of Bardiya district were also arrested on the same day. Similarly, Prem Budha of Bhandariya Village was killed on that day. ! e victim’s family does not accept with the statement made by the security forces that the victim was killed in a confrontation in Bageshwari VDC on


June 2, 2002. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief.

7. Chhabi Lal DCDate of Birth/Age : October 14, 1971/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 11, 2004Place of Incident : Peradi Dandagaur, Mahadevpuri VDC-8, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Peradi Dandagaur, Mahadevpuri VDC-8Father’s Name : Bholal DCMother’s Name : Rumi DangiMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

Details Chhabi Lal DC, 32, of Mahadevpuri VDC-8 was arrested at his home by security forces on February 11, 2004 while he was asleep. He was arrested on charge of being a CPN-M. ! e victim’s family members didn’t try to fi nd out any information about the victim from the perpetrators due to insecurity they felt. It has not received any relief relief from the Government of Nepal.

8. Gagan Gharti MagarDate of Birth/Age : 1986/16 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 10, 2002Place of Incident : Lakhanbar, Kohalpur VDC-6, Banke

Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Lakhana, Kohalpur VDC-6Father’s Name : Lok Bahadur GhartiMother’s Name : Shitali Gharti MagarMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Gagan Gharti Magar, 16, of Kohalpur VDC-6 was arrested at his home by security forces, deployed from the Area Police O# ce in Kohalpur on June 10, 2002, while he was asleep. Following the arrest, he was fi rst taken to the Area Police O# ce and then to Chisapani Army Barrack. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

9. Sabitram TharuDate of Birth/Age : April 13, 1985/17 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 6, 2002Place of Incident : Phattepur VDC-7Occupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M cadre)Permanent Address : Phattepur VDC-7Father’s Name : Kashi Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Sadi Kumari ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Sabitram ! aru, 17, of Phattepur VDC-7 was arrested at Sonparuwa in Phattepur


VDC-7 by security forces from the joint security base camp on September 6, 2002. His whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

10. Bishnu TharuDate of Birth/Age : January 24, 1980/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 15, 2003Place of Incident : Phattepur VDC-7Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Phattepur VDC-7Father’s Name : Shreeram ! aruMother’s Name : Sita ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tilaki ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

Details An Area Committee member of the CPN-M, Bishnu ! aru, 24, of Phattepur VDC-7 was arrested at Bishampur by security forces from the

Unifi ed Security Base Camp on September 15, 2003 while he was working in the fi eld. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family.

11. Barmadin GodiyaDate of Birth/Age : May 9, 1988/15 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 9, 2003Place of Incident : Gangapur VDC-4Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Phattepur VDC-9Father’s Name : Ramsagar GodiyaMother’s Name : Rajrani GodiyaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Barmadin Godiya, 15, of Phattepur VDC-9 was arrested at Gangapur VDC-4 by security forces from the Unifi ed Security Base Camp at Sonbarsha on November 9, 2003. He remains disappeared following the arrest. Government of Nepal has not provided any relief to the victim’s family.

By Royal Nepalese Army12. Nagendra KusariDate of Birth/Age : August 1, 1976/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 23, 2002Place of Incident : Dhakauri, Mahadevpur VDC-5, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Balapur, Mahadevpur VDC-6Father’s Name : Haste Kusari


Mother’s Name : Amriti KusariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Muwa KusariNo of Son/Daughter : 1/2

Details An Area Committee Member of CPN-M party, Nagendra Kusari, 22, of Mahadevpuri VDC-6 was arrested at Dhakeri in ward no. 5 of the same VDC

by the army from Chisapani Barrack that was led by Ramesh Swar on February 23, 2002. When the victim’s family went to the army barrack on March 23, 2002 seeking information about the victim, the army persons at the gate of the barrack rebu" ed them, stating that neither had they arrested the victim nor knew about him. ! e victim was seen at Chisapani Barrack on February 23, 2002 for the last time. Following the arrest of the victim, police from Bageshwari Armed Police Battalion started to persistently harass the victim’s wife so she left her home and went to live at her brother-in-law’s home, in the same village, for 3 months. ! e Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family.

13. Mohammad Jakir ShekhDate of Birth/Age : 1964/38 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 13, 2002Place of Incident : Bhurigaun, Neulapur VDC-7, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Business (NC)

Permanent Address : Godana, Sonpur VDC-9Father’s Name : Abdul Latif ShekhMother’s Name : Tasalima ShekhMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Alibul ShekhNo of son/daughter : 2/3No. of Dependents : 1

Details A pharmacist, Mohammad Jakir Shekh, 38, of Sonpur VDC-9, running a pharmacy at Bhurigaun, Neulapur VDC-7 in Bardiya was arrested at Bhurigaun bazaar by the army which had been deployed from the ! akurdwara army barrack on April 13, 2002. He was arrested along with other fi ve people on charge of being a Maoist. When the victim’s family reached the army barrack on April 14, 2002 seeking information about the victim, the army personnel at the gate of the barrack rebu" ed them, stating that the victim was not there. When the family wanted to talk with the main persons of the barrack it was also told that there was no one in the barrack available for them to talk to at that time. ! erefore, the victim’s family could not enter into the barrack. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief from the Government of Nepal.

14. Ishwori Subedi (Bipul)Date of Birth/Age : January 26, 1969/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 2, 2002


Place of Incident : Bhandariya, Bageshwari VDC-9, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Bus Park, Kohalpur VDC-3Father’s Name : Chamu Prasad SubediMother’s Name : Rishi Maya SubediMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Mahima SubediNo. of Dependents : 1

Details A District Committee Member of CPN-M, Ishwori Subedi aka Bipul, 34, of Kohalpur VDC-3 was arrested in Bageshwari VDC-9 by the army which had been deployed from the Bageshwari army barrack on June 2, 2002. He was arrested while sleeping at Prem Budha’s home in Bhandariya village. ! e army had also shot Prem Budha dead on the day of incident on charge of allowing shelter to Maoist cadres, and other three people were arrested. When the victim’s family reached the army barrack on June 8, 2002 seeking information about the victim, it was told that the victim was not arrested. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family.

15. Bhangi TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1929/ 73 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 29, 2002Place of Incident : Rajhena, Rajhena VDC-6, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture

Permanent Address : Rajhena, Rajhena VDC-6Father’s Name : Mahesh ! aruMother’s Name : Sonchiriya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Budhani ! aruniNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/1No. of Dependents : 1

Details Bhangi ! aru, 73, of Rajhena in Rajhena VDC- 6 was arrested at his home by the Army from Chisapani on March 29, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist cadre. ! e victim’s side went to the army barrack located at Chisapani on March 30 seeking information about the victim but the army personnel there told that he was not taken to the barrack. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

16. Kamal Bahadur Dahal ChhetriDate of Birth/Age : August 28, 1966/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 1, 2002Place of Incident : Jigaun, Bankatuwa VDC-4, BankeOccupation/A# liation : TeachingPermanent Address : Jigaun, Bankatuwa VDC-4Father’s Name : Bhim Bahadur Dahal


Mother’s Name : Abhi Maya DahalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Yug Maya DahalNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsA teacher, Kamal Bahadur Dahal Chhetri of Jigaun in Bankatuwa VDC-4 was arrested at Prabhat Secondary School by the army from

Chisapani Barrack on January 1, 2002 when he was there in connection with immunization program. He was taken to the Chisapani Army Barrack following the arrest. Kuber Rijal of Bankatuwa VDC-4, who was also arrested on the same day by the army and released after six months, stated that he saw Kamal Bahadur at the Barrack in the night of his arrest. His two children took shelter at Sahara Balgriha in Nepalganj for two months due to fear of the army following the arrest. ! e victim’s side that went to the barrack seeking information about the victim on January 10, 2002 was told that he was not brought there. Although the army stated the victim was already killed, family of the victim has not accepted it for not receiving his dead body. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

17. Damanti Pun (Rahar)Date of Birth/Age : March 16, 1984/ 18 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : February 23, 2002Place of Incident : Mahadevpuri VDC-2Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Musarikhet, Kohalpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Jagatman PunMother’s Name : Gaumati PunMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDamanti Pun aka Rahar, 18, of Kohalpur VDC-4 was arrested at Dil Bahadur Wali’s home located at Mahadevpuri VDC-2 on February 23, 2002 by the army from the Chisapani Barrack and she remains disappeared since then. ! e victim who was kept at the Chisapani Barrack for up to February 29 was taken to Manikapur, the Midwestern Division of the army and kept there for three days. She was believed to have been released from the Division on March 8, 2002. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

18. Chandra Bahadur BKDate of Birth/Age : August 17, 1981/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 12, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-4Occupation/A# liation : Student, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Kohalpur VDC-4


Father’s Name : Ganga BKMother’s Name : Sarkeni BKMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsChandra Bahadur BK, 21, of Kohalpur VDC-4 was arrested at Masurikhet in Kohalpur VDC-4 by police from Area Police O# ce in Kohalpur and he remains disappeared

since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

19. Raj Kumar TharuDate of Birth/Age : March 25, 1972/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 17, 2002Place of Incident : Samsherganj VDC-4, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Chanhawa, Samsherganj VDC-4 Father’s Name : Surdin ! aruMother’s Name : ! agiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kumali ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsRaj Kumar ! aru, 31, of Samsherganj VDC-4 arrested at his home by a team of Royal Nepalese Army

from Chisapani Barrack on April 17, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

20. Pahadi TharuDate of Birth/Age : March 18, 1970/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 14, 2002Place of Incident : Chanhawa, Samsherganj VDC-4Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Chanhawa, Samsherganj VDC-4Father’s Name : Chhotelal ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Indari ! aru and Laxmania ! aru

DetailsPahadi ! aru, 33, of Chandahawa in Samsherganj VDC- 4 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army from Chisapani Barrack on April 14, 2002 while he was asleep at his home and he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s side went to the Chisapani Barrack seeking information about the victim after two days of his arrest but the army personnel told them to come after two days. However, when the victim’s side went there on the said day, they were reprimanded and made return without any information. Government of Nepal


provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

21. Bhagauti Prasad TharuDate of Birth/Age : February 23, 1968/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 17, 2002Place of Incident : Samsherganj VDC-4Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Chanhawa, Samsherganj VDC-4Father’s Name : Bishwanath ChaudharyMother’s Name : Duhani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dhan Kumari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/4

DetailsBhagauti Prasad ! aru, 35, of Chanhawa in Samsherganj VDC-4 was arrested at home in the morning by security forces from Chisapani Barrack on April 17, 2002 while

he was asleep and he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s side went to the Chisapani Barrack seeking information about the victim after two days of his arrest but the army personnel told them to come after two days. However, when the victim’s side went there on the said day, they were reprimanded and made return. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

22. Dambar Bahadur Ranabhat (Anup)Date of Birth/Age : April 14, 1978/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 23, 2002Place of Incident : Mahadevpuri VDC-7, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M District MemberPermanent Address : Dhaulagiri Tole, Bageshwari VDC-1Father’s Name : Bam Bahadur RanabhatMother’s Name : Ujeli RanabhatMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDambar Bahadur Ranabhat aka Anup, 23, of Bageshwari VDC was arrested at Dhakeri in Mahadevpuri VDC-7 by a team of Royal Nepalese Army from Chisapani Barrack on February 23, 2002 and his whereabouts are unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

23. Sarada WaliDate of Birth/Age : July 7, 1985/19 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 28, 2004Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-8, Banke


Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Dhakeri, Mahadevpuri VDC-5Father’s Name : Rudra Bahadur WaliMother’s Name : Reema WaliMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre Sarada Wali of Dhakeri in Mahadevpuri VDC- 5 was arrested at Pipari in Kohalpur VDC-8 by the army from Ranjha in Manikapur on June

28, 2004 and she remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

24. Nare Budha MagarDate of Birth/Age : January 29, 1976/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 10, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-6Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Lakhana, Kohalpur VDC-6Father’s Name : Harka Singh Budha MagarMother’s Name : Ravi Budha MagarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sita BudhaNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsNare Budha Magar, 27, of Lakhana in Kohalpur VDC-6 was arrested at his home by a team of army from the Chisapani Barrack while he was asleep at his home on June 10, 2002 and his whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from tGovernment of Nepal as an interim relief.

25. Eke BudhaDate of Birth/Age : 1973/29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 10, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-6Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Lakhana, Kohalpur VDC-6Father’s Name : Harkasingh BudhaMother’s Name : Ravi BudhaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Remarried

DetailsEke Budha, 29, of Lakhana in Kohalpur VDC-6 was arrested at his home by the army from the Chisapani Barrack on June 10, 2002 while he was asleep. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


26. Raj Bahadur TharuDate of Birth/Age : December 27, 1983/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 30, 2002Place of Incident : Naubasta VDC- 8Occupation/A# liation : LaborPermanent Address : Gidarpur, Naubasta VDC-8Father’s Name : Chul Bahadur ! aruMother’s Name : Dhuni ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rupa ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsRaj Bahadur ! aru, 19, of Naubasta VDC-8 was arrested at the same place by the army from Chisapani Barrack on August 30, 2002. He remains

disappeared since the arrest. Although the victim’s father was told by the army that the victim was inside the barrack, the former was not allowed to see his son. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

27. Sita Ram TharuDate of Birth/Age : January 24, 1982/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 4, 2002Place of Incident : Naubasta VDC-8Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture

Permanent Address : Boringbasti, Naubasta VDC-8Father’s Name : Patiram ! aruMother’s Name : Cherenja ! aruMarital Status : UnmarriedDetailsSita Ram ! aru, 21, of Naubasta VDC-8 was arrested at Phakalpur in Naubasta VDC-8 by the army from Chisapani Barrack on August 4, 2002 and his whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.28. Karna Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : January 24, 1982/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 14, 2002Place of Incident : Naubasta VDC-8Occupation/A# liation : LaborPermanent Address : Naubasta VDC-8Father’s Name : Krishna Bahadur ChaudharyMother’s Name : Durpati ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Hira ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1DetailsKarna Bahadur Chaudhary, 21, of Naubasta VDC-8 was arrested at Phakalpur of the same place by the army from Chisapani Barrack on August 14, 2002. He was brought back to his home by the army after seven days of his arrest however, he remains disappeared since then. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


29. Bhupendra UpretiDate of Birth/Age : September 5, 1965/ 38 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 9, 2003Place of Incident : Nepalganj Municipality -1Occupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent Address : Dhamboji, Nepalganj Municipality -1Father’s Name : Nil Prasad UpretiMother’s Name : Tek Maya UpretiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chandra Kala UpretiNo. of Son/Daughter: 2/1

DetailsBhupendra Upreti, 38, of Nepalganj Municipality-1 was arrested in Nepalganj Municipality-1 by the army from Inamnagar Rajha on December 9, 2003. He remains

disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

30. Milani ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1986/16 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 10, 2002Place of Incident : Naubasta VDC-6Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Neulapur, Naubasta VDC-8

Father’s Name : Bishwonath ChaudharyMother’s Name : Bismatiya ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Milani Chaudhary, 16, of Naubasta VDC-8 was arrested at Pedari in Naubasta VDC-6 by a team of Royal Nepalese Army on June 10, 2002 and she remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

31. Rajaram TharuDate of Birth/Age : April 14, 1975/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 3, 2002Place of Incident : Naubasta VDC-7Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Naubasta VDC-7Father’s Name : Kali Prasad ! aruMother’s Name : Gangadaiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Parbati ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2

DetailsRajaram ! aru, 27, of Gavarak in Naubasta VDC-7 was arrested by the army from Bhimkali Companyin Chisapani Barrack on July 3, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. Ramu


Chaudhary, who was arrested on July 4 of the same year and released the next day, stated that he saw Rajaram in Chisapani. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

32. Dhan Kumari ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : October 12, 1977/24 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : January 13, 2002Place of Incident : Chisapani VDC-1Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Krishnanagar, Rajhena VDC-5Father’s Name : Satiram ! aruMother’s Name : Pradeshani ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDhan Kumari Chaudhary, 24, of Rajhena VDC-5 was arrested and disappeared by the army from Chisapani barrack on January

13, 2002. Dhan Kumari had gone to the barrack as summoned by Captain Ramesh Swar who had come to her home a day earlier . When her mother and sister went to the barrack to see her, it was told them that she was not there. Dhan Kumari’s father was beaten on February 10, 2002 and was told to go to the barrack the next day, however, when he was present in the barrack the next day as told, he was beaten with the butt of a gun by the captain reprimanding him not to go there

again. Prem Bahadur ! apa of Rajhena VDC, who was arrested and kept in the barrack, stated that he saw Dhan Kumari in the army camp on the day of her arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

33. Pawan TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1983/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 30, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-4Occupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Maithawa, Rajhena VDC-2Father’s Name : Prasad ! aruMother’s Name : Chamari ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Remarried

DetailsPawan ! aru, 19, of Maithawa in Rajhena VDC-2 was arrested at Chhapargaudi in Kohalpur VDC-4 by the army from Chisapani Barrack on June 30, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from the Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

34. Phul Raj ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : November, 25, 1976/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 29, 2002Place of Incident : Naubasta VDC-8Occupation/A# liation : Business


Permanent Address : Baniyabhar, Naubasta VDC-8Father’s Name : Kalu Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Chaini ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dhaniya ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsPhul Raj Chaudhary, 24, of Naubasta VDC-8 was arrested in the same place by a team of Royal Nepalese Army and he remains disappeared since the

arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

35. Prasharam WaliDate of Birth/Age : September 3, 1962/39 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 9, 2002Place of Incident : Katkuiya VDC-4, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Binauana VDC-1Father’s Name : Arjun WaliMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Laxmi Devi Wali

DetailsPrasharam Wali, 39, of Binauna VDC-1 was arrested at the same place by police from Kutkuiya Police Post on March 9, 2002 and

he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family has registered.

36. Bhim Lal KamiDate of Birth/Age : November 13, 1981/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 9, 2002Place of Incident : Katkuiya-4, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Binauna VDC-1, BankeFather’s Name : Chhabi Lal KamiMother’s Name : Parbati KamiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Hira KamiNo. of Son/Daughter : 2

DetailsBhim Lal Kami, 20, of Gangapur VDC-4 was arrested at Suiya village in Katkuiya VDC on March 9, 2002 by police from border police post on

charge of being a Maoist cadre. ! e victim’s side did not report anywhere about the arrest due to fear.

37. Bir Bahadur Budha MagarDate of Birth/Age : 1969/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 20, 2002Place of Incident : Piparhawa VDC-1, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Binauna VDC-4Father’s Name : Gajje Budha


Mother’s Name : Nansari BudhaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Manjali BudhaNo. of Son/Daughter : 4

DetailsBir Bahadur Budha Magar, 33, of Binauna VDC-4 was arrested at Jamunaha in Piprahawa VDC-1 by police from Jamunaha Police Post on July

20, 2002 accusing him of being a Maoist cadre. However, police there told the family members, who went there seeking information about the victim, that he was not arrested.

38. Ram Prasad PokharelDate of Birth/Age : May 10, 1 970/ 31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 26, 2002Place of Incident : Mahadevpuri VDC-8Occupation/A# liation : Service, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Kohalpur VDC-3Father’s Name : Bednidhi PokharelMother’s Name : Mukti Maya PokharelMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chandrakala SubediNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Ram Prasad Pokharel, 31, Kohalpur VDC-3 was arrested at

Penari in Mahadevpuri VDC-8 by Armed Police Force from Samsherganj on January 26, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. He was kept at the Samsherganj Barrack for a week and was given to Captain Ramesh Swar from Chisapani Barrack. ! e victim’s wife stated that the captain even took away her Rs 700,000 cash and jewelries by coming to her home twice. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

39. Jun Kumari Gharti MagarDate of Birth/Age : July 21, 1978/20 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : February 7, 1999Place of Incident : Bageshwari VDC-1Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Habrahawa, Phattepur VDC-8Father’s Name : Man Bahadur Gharti MagarMother’s Name : Kaushila MagarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Jun Kumari Gharti Magar 20, of Phattepur VDC-8 was arrested at Khajura in Bageshwari VDC-1 by police from Area Police O# ce at Dhanauli on February 7, 1999 and she remains disappeared since the arrest. Her father was also arrested by security forces from Sonbarsha in early 1999 and tortured


for 31 days in 2004 on charge of being a Maoist cadre. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

40. Man Bahadur ThapaDate of Birth/Age : July 4, 1977/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 28, 1999Place of Incident : Phattepur VDC-8Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Phattepur VDC-8Father’s Name : Karbir ! apaMother’s Name : Dilla GhartiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Man Bahadur ! apa, 21, of Phattepur VDC-8 was arrested at Bhainsikhola in Phattepur VDC-8 by police from Phattepur Police Post on January 28, 1999 and he remains

disappeared since the arrest.

41. Tek Bahadur BKDate of Birth/ Age : November 2, 1979 /23yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 26, 2002 Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-3Occupation : StudentPermanent Address : Kohalpur VDC-3Father’s Name : Lal Bahadur BKMother’s Name : Rewati BKMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsTek Bahadur BK, 23, of Kohalpur VDC-3 was arrested at Pipalchautara in Kohalpur VDC-3 by police from Kohalpur Area Police O# ce on April 26, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Goma Shahi, who was also arrested along with him, was released after fi ve days of the arrest by the police. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

42. Gopal BKDate of Birth/ Age : April 14, 1983 /19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 26, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-3Occupation : Labor Permanent Address : Kohalpur VDC-3Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur BKMother’s Name : Suntali BKMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsGopal BK, 19, of Kohalpur VDC-3 was arrested at his home by a team of police from Kohalpur Area Police O# ce on April 26, 2002 while he was asleep. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Goma Shahi, who was also arrested along with him, was released by the police after fi ve days from the arrest.

43. Mahendra WaliDate of Birth/ Age : October 24, 1983/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 8, 2002


Place of Incident : Piparhawa, VDC-1Occupation : StudentPermanent Address : Hospital Road, Kohalpur VDC-3Father’s Name : Janga Bahadur WaliMother’s Name : Jhuma Devi WaliMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsMahendra Wali, 18, of Hospital Road in Kohalpur VDC-3 was arrested at Jamunahachowk in Piparhawaha VDC-1 by Police from Jamunaha on March 8, 2002. His

whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Captain Ramesh Swar told the victim’s father that Mahendra was not arrested. Swar had beaten up the victim’s parents at their home. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

44. Hikmat BishtaDate of Birth/ Age : April 14, 1983/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 26, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-3Occupation : LaborPermanent Address : Kohalpur VDC-3, Kalikanagar Father’s Name : Dan Bahadur BishtaMother’s Name : ! uma BishtaMarital Status : Married

Husband/Wife : Sharmila BishtaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsHikmat Bishta, 19, of Kohalpur VDC-3 was arrested at his home by police from Kohalpur Area Police O# ce on April 26, 2002 while he was asleep. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Goma Shahi, who was arrested along with him, was released after fi ve days from the arrest. ! e police said they handed the victim to Royal Nepalese Army after the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

45. Ram Milan BalmikiDate of Birth/ Age : 1978/ 24yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 26, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-3Occupation : LaborPermanent Address : Kohalpur VDC-3Father’s Name : Sukailal BalmikiMother’s Name : Maiki BalmikiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/ WEife : Dhanno BalmikiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2

DetailsRam Milan Balmiki, 24, of Kohalpur VDC-3 was arrested at his home by police from the Kohalpur Area Police O# ce on April 26, 2002 as he was asleep. ! e whereabouts of the victim remain unknown since the arrest. Goma Shahi, who was


arrested along with him, was released after fi ve days from the arrest. ! e police claimed that they had handed the victim to Royal Nepalese Army. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

46. Danda Bahadur Karki Date of Birth/ Age : 1958/40 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 26, 1998Place of Incident : Badagaun VDC-5, SalyanOccupation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Drivertole, Rajhena VDC-2Father’s Name : Dila Ram KarkiMother’s Name : Amriti KarkiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Nokhi KarkiNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Danda Bahadur Karki, 40, of Driver Tole in Rajhena VDC-2 was arrested by police from the Ragechaurmarma Area Police O# ce on May 26, 1998. ! e whereabouts of the victim remain unknown since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

47. Dhana Singh KamiDate of Birth/ Age : February 11, 1957/46 yrsSex : Male Date of Incident : April 26, 2002

Place of Incident : Kalinagar, Kohalpur VDC-3 Occupation : Labor Permanent Address : Kohalpur VDC-3Father’s Name : Bire Kami Mother’s Name : Sushila KamiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Deusara KamiNo. of Sons/Daughters : 3/1

DetailsDhan Singh Kami, 46, of Kohalpur VDC-3 was arrested at his home by police from Kohalpur Area Police O# ce on April 26, 2002 while he was asleep. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Goma Shahi, who was arrested along with him, was released after fi ve days from the arrest. According to the victim’s family, the police claimed that they handed over the victim to Royal Nepalese Army after the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

48. Jagabir Pun Date of Birth/ Age : 1972/ 27yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 8, 1999Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-4 NibuwaOccupation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Kohalpur VDC-4, NibuwaFather’s Name : Motilal PunMother’s Name : Devi PunMarital Status : Married


Husband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsJagabir Pun, 40, of Kohalpur VDC-4 was arrested at Basanta Puri’s home located at Nibuwa in Kohalpur VDC-4 by police from the Kohalpur Area Police O# ce on April 8, 1999 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Prem Bahadur BK, who was arrested along with him from the same VDC, was also disappeared by the police. When the victim’s side went there seeking information about the victim on April 10, 1999, the policeman at the gate of the police o# ce rebu" ed and denied them entry into the o# ce. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

49. Pratima GautamDate of Birth/ Age : March 21, 1981/22yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 11, 2002Place of Incident : Udharapur VDC-2, BankeOccupation : Politics, ANNISU-RPermanent Address : B. Boring, Sitapur VDC-7Father’s Name : Kanturam Gautam Mother’s Name : Yamasara Gautam Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsAn ANNISU- R Area Committee member, Pratima Gautam, 22, of Sitapur VDC-7 was arrested at Puraini village in Udharpur VDC-2 by police from Dhanauli Area Police O# ce on December 11, 2002 while she was preparing for the Banke Student Union’s conference. She remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim was arrested when she could not run away from the spot with other Maoist cadres. ! e victim’s family has not yet received any relief.

50. Devi Prasad AdhikariDate of Birth/ Age : August 27, 1972/30 yrsSex : Male Date of Incident : April 27, 2002Place of Incident : Pipari Naya Basti, Kohalpur VDC-8Occupation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Pipari Nayabasti, Kohalpur VDC-8 Father’s Name : Lokanath AdhikariMother’s Name : Chandrakala AdhikariMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dil Kumari AdhikariNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsAn Area Committee Member of the CPN-M, Devi Prasad Adhikari, 30, of


Kohalpur VDC-3 was arrested at Pipari Nayabasti in Kohalpur VDC-8 by police from the Kohalpur Area Police O# ce on April 27, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim was taken to the Kohalpur Area Police O# ce following the arrest. ! e police claimed they had not arrested him. ! e victim’s family said that hey were frequently harrassed at their home by the police following his arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

51. Pabitra WaliDate of Birth/ Age : April 23, 1982/16yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : February 8, 1999Place of Incident : Khajura, Bageshwari VDC-1Occupation : Student, CPN-M memberPermanent Address : Buchapur, Mahadevpuri VDC-2Father’s Name : Bir Bahadur WaliMother’s Name : Lila WaliMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPabitra Wali, 16 of Mahadevpur VDC-2 and Junu Kumari Gharti Magar, 21, of Fattepur VDC-8 were arrested at Khajura in Bageshwari VDC-1 by police from the Nepalganj District Police O# ce on February 8, 1999. ! ey were suspected of being Maoist cadres and remain disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

52. Sunita SapkotaDate of Birth/ Age : May 19, 1976/26yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : October 9, 2002Place of Incident : Jhalari, Jhalari VDC-7, Khanchapur Occupation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Chappargaudi, Kohalpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Om Prakash SapkotaMother’s Name : Sabitra SapkotaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Lekhanath PaudelNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsSunita Sapkota, 26, of Kohalpur VDC-7 was arrested in the same place by police from the Jhalari Area Police O# ce on October 9, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. She remains disappeared since the arrest. Similarly, Ganesh Chaudhary of Rambilapur VDC-5 and another unknown person were arrested on the same day along with him. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

53. Prem Bahadur BKDate of Birth/ Age : February 8, 1980/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 8, 1999Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-4Occupation : StudentPermanent Address : Masurikhet, Kohalpur VDC-4


Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur BKMother’s Name : Dholani BKMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPrem Bahadur BK, 19, of Masurikhet of Kohalpur VDC-4 was arrested at Basanta Puri’s home located at Nibuwa in Kohalpur VDC-4 by Kohalpur Area Police O# ce on February 8, 1999. ! e police had arrested both of them. Although Basanta Puri was released after some days from the arrest, the whereabouts of Prem are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

54. Kaman Singh PunDate of Birth/ Age : January 11, 1980/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 3, 2002Place of Incident : ! apuwa, Titihiriya VDC-7Occupation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Musurikhet, Kohalpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Jagatman PunMother’s Name : Goumati PunMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA PLA member, Kaman Singh Pun, 19, of Kohalpur VDC-4 was arrested at NCCN premises by police on May 3, 2002. His whereabouts are still unknown. ! e victim was kept at Kohalpur Area Police O# ce till May 8. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

55. Madan Tharu (Rohit)Date of Birth/ Age : October 18, 1978/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 12, 2002Place of Incident : ! apuwa, Titihariya VDC-7Occupation : Politics, PLA Member Permanent Address : Gurudayalpur, Titihariya VDC-7Father’s Name : Lal Bahadur ! aruMother’s Name : Ramkali ! aruMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsMadan ! aru aka Rohit, 24, of Titihiriya VDC-4 was arrested at ! apuwa in Titihariya VDC-7 by police from the Kohalpur Area Police O# ce on May 12, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist cadre. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs100, 000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

56. Jeet Bahadur Pun (Saran)Date of Birth/ Age : 1980/22yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 12, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-4Occupation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Musurikhet, Kohalpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Motilal PunMother’s Name : Devi PunMarital Status : Unmarried


DetailsAn Area Member of the CPN-M, Jeet Bahadur Pun aka Saran, 22, of Musurikhet of Kohalpur VDC-4 was arrested at his home by police

from the Kohalpur Area Police O# ce on May 12, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim was detained in the Banke Jail, from where he had taken SLC examination, for one and a half years. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

57. Mohan Lal WaliDate of Birth/ Age : June 14, 1967/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 11, 1971Place of Incident : Dhakari, Mahadevpuri VDC-5Occupation : Teaching, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Dhakari, Mahadevpuri VDC-5Father’s Name : Chudasingh WaliMother’s Name : Setee WaliMarital Status : UnmarriedHusband/Wife : Reeta WaliNo. of Son/Daughter : 1

DetailsMohan Lal Wali, 31, of Dhakeri in Mahadevpuri V DC-5 was arrested at his home by police from the Sameshergunj Police O# ce on June 11, 1971 while

he was asleep. ! e whereabouts of the victim are unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M58. Lal Bahadur DangiDate of Birth/ Age : 1948/55 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 19, 2003Place of Incident : Kachanapur VDC-1Occupation : Business, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Agaiya, Kachanapur VDC-1Father’s Name : Chandrabir Dangi Marital Status : MarriedHusband/ wife : Ganamatee DangiNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsLal Bahadur Dangi, 55 of Agaiya of Kachanapur VDC-1 was abducted from his home by a group of the PLA from the Mangalsen Battalion on September 19, 2003. His whereabouts are unknown. ! e group had looted Rs 7,000 and other goods in his shop after vandalizing the victim’s house. Government


of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

59. Dhruba Prakash ShresthaDate of Birth/ Age : June 27, 1961/42yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 4, 2003Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-4Occupation : BusinessPermanent Address : Chappargaundi, Kohalpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Bharatman ShresthaMother’s Name : Chandra Kumari ShresthaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Koushilya ShresthaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsDhruba Prakash Shrestha, 42, of Chappargaudi of Kohalpur VDC-4 was abducted from his home by CPN-M cadres on August 4, 2003 while he was asleep. His

whereabouts are unknown. Government of Nepal has not provided any relief to the victim’s family.

60. Bhoj Raj DhakalDate of Birth/ Age : February 23, 1967/37 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 11, 2003

Place of Incident : Piparee, Kohalpur VDC-8Occupation : Agriculture, CPN-UML cadrePermanent Address : Piparee, Kohalpur VDC-8 Father’s Name : Coodamani Dhakal Mother’s Name : Bishnu Maya DhakalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsA UML cadre Bhoj Raj Dhakal, 37, of Kohalpur VDC-5 was abducted from his home by CPN-M cadres on September 11, 2003 while he was performing his father’s annual death rite. He was abducted accusing him of working against the interest of the Maoists. Basanta Shrestha of Kohalpur VDC-8 stated to have seen the victim at the same night of abduction near the woods of Rajduwa in Kohalpur VDC-7. Basanta Shrestha and Dandapani Sharma of the same VDC, who were abducted along with him, returned home by fl eeing from the captivity of the abductors. Basanta and Dandapani said that the victim could not return with them because he was injured in severe beatings by the Maoists. According to the victim’s mother, the villagers persuaded her to


perform his death rite claiming that they found the victim’s dead body. However, she was not ready to accept his death for not seeing the dead body. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief yet.

61. Bhagiram TharuDate of Birth/ Age : January 4, 1979/26yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 14, 2005Place of Incident : Fattepur VDC-7Occupation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Jhapartallee, Fattepur VDC-7Father’s Name : Madhuram ! aruMother’s Name : Kalee ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jugmani and Uma Kumari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsBhagiram ! akur, 26, of Phattepur VDC-7 was abducted from his village by the Maoists on January 14, 2005 accusing him of acting politically against

the CPN-M desire. His whereabouts are unknown since the abduction. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

4.6 BardiyaBy State By Uni ed Command1. Basantu TharuDate of Birth/Age : November 27, 1978/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002Place of Incident : Badalapur, Badalapur VDC-9Permanent Address : Badalapur, Badalapur VDC-9Father’s Name : Bharatmani ! aruMother’s Name : Laxmi ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bandhi ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1No. of Dependents : 6

Details Basantu ! aru, 24, of Badalapur VDC-9 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command on October 20, 2002 while he was asleep. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family stated that locals saw the victim in a school in Manpur VDC on October 20. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


2. Dushpati TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 20, 1964/39 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 1, 2003Place of Incident : Dhanaura, Dhodhari VDC-4Permanent Address : Dalla, Suryapatuwa VDC-4Father’s Name : Chhedu ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Pahari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

Details A PLA member, Dushpati ! aru, 39, of Suryapatuwa VDC-4 was arrested at Nepal Rastriya Primary School located at Dhanaura in Dhodhari VDC-4 by Unifi ed Command from Belawa Police Post on November 1, 2003. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

By Royal Nepalese Army 3. Bhuwan Kumar TharuDate of Birth/Age : January 6, 1982/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 1, 2002Place of Incident : Magaragadi VDC-8Permanent Address : Motipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Amrit Lal ! aruMother’s Name : Ramkrishni ! aru

Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rismani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 4

DetailsBhuwan Kumar ! aru, 21, of Motipur VDC-7 was arrested by a team of army at Rammapur in Magaragadi VDC-8 on September 1, 2002 while he was on a bus and traveling through Makwanpur in search of job. Six other persons were also arrested along with him. Tengnu ! aru, who was arrested along with him and released after a month of his arrest, reported that he had seen Bhuwan at Rammapur Barrack. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

4. Bhukhalal TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1976/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 1, 2002Place of Incident : Magargadi VDC-8Permanent Address : Motipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Jagat Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Patya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Dependents : 12

DetailsBhukha Lal ! aru, 26, of Motipur VDC-7 was arrested by a team of army at Rammapur in Magaragadi VDC-8 on September 1, 2002 while he was on a bus


and leaving through Makwanpur in search of job. Other six persons were also arrested along with him. Tengnu ! aru, who was arrested along

with Bhukhala and released after a month of his arrest, stated that he saw Bhukha Lal at Rammapur Barrack. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

5. Sukhaliya TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1976/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 8, 2002Place of Incident : Daudkala VDC-3, BardiyaOccupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Manau VDC-3Father’s Name : Mohan Lal ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Phulkeshari ! aruNo. of Dependents : 0/3

DetailsSudhaliya ! aru, 26, of Manau VDC-3 was arrested at Shantinagar in Daudkala VDC-3 by a team of army on October 8, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

6. Dipak RokaDate of Birth/Age : January 23, 1975/28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 25, 2002

Place of Incident : Dhodhari VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Dharmabasti, Taratal VDC-7Father’s Name : Min Bahadur RokaMother’s Name : Lali Devi RokaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDipak Roka, 28, of Dharmabasti in Taratal VDC-7 was arrested at Bandaratiya village by Unifi ed Command from Dhodhari VDC-7 on May 25, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

7. Shyam Bahadur ThapaDate of Birth/Age : 1960/38 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 9, 1998Place of Incident : Magaragadhi VDC-8Occupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Singhabahini, Neulapur VDC-5Father’s Name : Lohari ! apaMother’s Name : Jasi ! apaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sabitri ! apaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsShyam Bahadur ! apa, 38, of Singhabahini in Neulapur VDC-5 was arrested at Budharam ! aru’s home located at Magaradhi VDC-8 on August 9, 1998 and


he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal as relief.

8. Chamari TharuDate of Birth/Age : May 18, 1958/44 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 16, 2002Place of Incident : Dhadhbar VDC-7, BardiyaOccupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Dhadhbar VDC-7, DudhaFather’s Name : Bhikhari ! aruMother’s Name : Jagani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Manturiya ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsChamari ! aru, 44, of Dhadhbar VDC-7 was arrested by security forces from

Rammapur Barrack on May 16, 2002 while he was plowing his fi eld. He remains disappeared since the arrest and his family has not received any

relief from Government of Nepal.

9. Raj Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : January 23, 1975/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 20, 2002Place of Incident : Dhadhabar VDC-7, BardiyaOccupation : AgriculturePermanent Address : ! anphena, Dhadhabar VDC-7Father’s Name : Bhagauti ! aruMother’s Name : Ponni ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Santarani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsRaj Bahadur Chaudhary, 27, of Dhadhabar VDC-7 was arrested at his home by security forces from Rammapur Barrack on March 20, 2002. He was taken away from his home stating that there was training at the army barrack and he remains disappeared since the arrest. Gopal Chaudhary and Maniram ! aru of Dhadhabar VDC-2 and Man Bahadur Bhandari of ward no. 7 of the same VDC, who were arrested along with him, were released on the day of arrest. ! e army at the barrack stated that he was not taken there. ! e victim’s family has received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.


10. Dhani Ram TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 26, 1981/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 9, 2002Place of Incident : Dhadhabar VDC-7Occupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Dhadhabar VDC-7, DudhaFather’s Name : Ramlautan ! aruMother’s Name : Phulmati ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 5

DetailsDhani Ram ! aru, 20, of Dhadhabar VDC-7 was arrested at his home by security forces from Rammapur Barrack on April 9, 2002. He was taken away stating that

the forces had to interrogate about him. ! e family of the victim was told the next day Dhani Ram was not arrested by them. However, the victim’s family claims that Captain Ramesh Swar from Chisapani Barrack had told them over telephone that Dhaniram was inquired and released. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

11. Bhim Bahadur TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1961/41 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 17, 2002Place of Incident : Dhadhbar

VDC-3, BardiyaOccupation : TeachingPermanent Address : Kartaniya, Dhadhabar VDC-3Father’s Name : Lalu ! aruMother’s Name : Jhutharmundi ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sonapati ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsBhim Bahadur ! aru, 41, of Dhadhabar VDC-3 was arrested by a patrolling team of security forces from Rammapur Barrack on April 17, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest.! e victim’s wife, who went to the barrack the next day seeking information about her husband, was scolded and turned back without any information. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

12. Raj Kumar TharuDate of Birth/Age : December 19, 1980/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 16, 2002Place of Incident : Dhadhabar VDCOccupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Gumasta, Dhadhabar VDC-4Father’s Name : Juglal ! aruMother’s Name : Jugmani ! aru


Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Anita ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsRaj Kumar ! aru, 22, of Gumasta in Dhadhabar VDC-4 was arrested at Kartaniya in Dhadhabar VDC-3 by a patrolling team of army from Rammapur Barrack on

August 16, 2002 while he was returning to his home from Dhadhabar Basgadhi in Motipur VDC. However, the army in the barrack had told the family members, who went to the barrack the next day that the victim was not arrested. ! e victim remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal has not provided any relief to the victim’s family.

13. Bhokara TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1970/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 8, 2002Place of Incident : Magaragadhi VDC-4, BardiyaOccupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Balati, Neulapur VDC-1Father’s Name : Duwari ! aruMother’s Name : Raniya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ram Kumari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 3

DetailsBhokara ! aru, 32, of Balati in Neulapur VDC-1 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army from Rammapur Barrack on June 8, 2002 while he was at Manikapur in Magargadhi VDC-4. He was taken to an army barrack located at ! akurdwara and he remains disappeared since then. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

14. Lallu TharuDate of Birth/Age : June 7, 1985/16 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 19, 2002Place of Incident : ! akurdwara VDC-6, BardiyaOccupation : StudentPermanent Address : Sujanpur, Neulapur VDC-4Father’s Name : Dharma ! aruMother’s Name : Samapti ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsLallu ! aru, 16, of Sujanpur in Neulapur VDC-4 remains disappeared since he went to Royal Nepalese Army’s barrack located at ! akurdwara on February 19, 2002 where he was called by the army. Earlier, Lallu was arrested


on February 16 and released on 18 of the month on date. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

15. Saite TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1978/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 4, 2002Place of Incident : Bagnaha VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Tindharuwa, Neulapur VDC-8Father’s Name : Bandhu ! aruMother’s Name : Phulbasiya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Saite ! aru, 24, of Neulapur VDC-8 was arrested at Shahipur in Bagnaha VDC-1 by the Police Post from Dhodhari VDC-7 on

June 4, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as interim relief.

16. Shobha Ram TharuDate of Birth/Age : June 2, 1985/17 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 25, 2002Place of Incident : Dhodhari VDC-2Occupation : Politics, CPN-M cadre

Permanent Address : Madhuban, Dhodhari VDC-8Father’s Name : Bhikhu ! aruMother’s Name : Tegani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kamala ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 6

DetailsA CPN-M cadre Shobha Ram ! aru, 17, of Dhodhari VDC-8 was arrested at Bandarbhariya in Dhodhari VDC-2 by police from Dhodhari Area Police O# ce on May 25, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

17. Chandra Bahadur TharuDate of Birth/Age : November 10, 1976/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 13, 2002Place of Incident : Shibhapur VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bhudkaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1Father’s Name : Hira Singh ! aruMother’s Name : Lauti ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Reshma ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2


DetailsChandra Bahadur ! aru, 25, of Bhudkaiya in ! akurdwara VDC-1 was arrested by a team of patrolling army from ! akurdwara on April 13, 2002 while he was working at Shivapur VDC-9. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

18. Asharani TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1982/22 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : February 28, 2004Place of Incident : Shibhapur VDC-8Occupation : Politics, PLA Permanent Address : Neulapur, Neulapur VDC-9Father’s Name : Bhim Lal ! aruMother’s Name : Prabhi ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsAsharani ! aru, 22, of Neulapur VDC-9 was arrested at Mohanpur in Shibhapur VDC-8 by a team of army from ! akurdwara on February 28, 2004 and

she remains disappeared since the arrest.! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

19. Lautan TharuDate of Birth/Age : December 24, 1983/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002Place of Incident : Badalapur VDC-9Occupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Jayapur, Badalapur VDC-9Father’s Name : Kishanlal ! aruMother’s Name : Kaiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sabitra ! aru

DetailsLautan ! aru, 19, of Badalapur VDC-9 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army on October 20, 2002. Following the arrest, he was kept at the temporary army camp established in the premises of Tapara School but he remains disappeared since then. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

20. Mahesh ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : December 12, 1979/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 11, 2002Place of Incident : Jayapur, Badalapur VDC-9


Occupation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Jayapur, Badalapur VDC-9Father’s Name : Sahanlal ShahMother’s Name : Khundaliya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Puspa ChaudharyNo. son/daughter : 1

DetailsMahesh Chaudhary, 23, of Jayapur in Badalapur VDC-9 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army from Tapara temporary camp on November 11, 2002 and he

remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

21. Motilal TharuDate of Birth/Age : November 5, 1963/38 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 31, 2001Place of Incident : Badalapur VDC-3, BardiyaOccupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Pahadipur, Badalapur VDC-3Father’s Name : Hinda Lal ! aruMother’s Name : Sonchiriya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhojiya ! aruNo. son/daughter : 2/2

DetailsMotilal ! aru, 38, of Pahadipur in Badalapur VDC-3 was arrested by a team of army from Tapara temporary camp which was located in Badalapur VDC-9 on October 31, 2001. ! e army arrested him while he was working in his fi eld. His whereabouts are unknown till date however; his family was provided Rs 100,000 by Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

22. Mangaru TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 22, 1973/29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 21, 2002Place of Incident : Badalapur VDC-4, BardiyaOccupation : BusinessPermanent Address : Jhampti, Badalapur VDC-4Father’s Name : Man Bahadur ! aruMother’s Name : Phakli ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ananta ! aruNo. Son/Saughter : 0/2

DetailsMangaru ! aru, 29, of Jhampti in Badalapur VDC-4 was arrested at his home by the army from Tapara temporary army camp on October 21, 2002


and he remains disappeared since the arrest. His relatives and the locals stated that they saw him in the camp for four days. ! e Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as interim relief.

23. Gopal TharuDate of Birth/Age : 2044/15 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 21, 2002Place of Incident : Manpur, Tapara VDC-9Permanent Address : Jhampti, Badalapur VDC-4Father’s Name : Pawan ! aruMother’s Name : Raj Kumari ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsGopal ! aru, 15, of Jhampti in Badalapur VDC-4 was arrested at his home by the army from Tapara temporary army camp on October 21, 2002

and he remains disappeared since the arrest. His relatives and the locals stated that they saw him for seven days in the army camp. However, army told his family members that he was not kept in the camp. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

24. Patiram TharuDate of Birth/Age : May 12, 1966/36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Place of Incident : Khairi Chandanpur VDC-2Occupation : BusinessPermanent Address : Mangalpur, Khairichandanpur VDC-2Father’s Name : Hiutlal ! aruMother’s Name : Ningali ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Phakli ! aru and Lautan ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsPatiram ! aru, 36, of Mangalpur in Khairi Chandanpur VDC-2 was arrested at his home by the army from ! akurdwara on April 11, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

25. Bhagauti Prasad TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 28, 1959/42 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Place of Incident : Khairi Chandanpur VDC-2, Bardiya


Occupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Khairi Chandanpur VDC-2Father’s Name : Kebal Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Mangari ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ganga ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsBhagauti Prasad ! aru, 42, of Mangalpur in Khairi Chandanpur VDC-2 was arrested at his home by a team of army from ! akurdwara on April

11, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief. 26. Mohan TharuDate of Birth/Age : February 14, 1984/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Place of Incident : Manau VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Nauranga, Manau VDC-8Father’s Name : Mahangu ! aruMother’s Name : Prameshwari ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Prem Kumari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1

DetailsMohan ! aru, 18, of Nauranga in Manau VDC-8 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command on April 11, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

27. Sonuram TharuDate of Birth/Age : December 25, 1988/14 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 12, 2003Place of Incident : Manau VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Nauranga, Manau VDC-8Father’s Name : Chhedu ! aruMother’s Name : Kukanya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsSonuram ! aru, 14, of Nauranga in Manau VDC-8 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command on April 12, 2003. He remains disappeared since the arrest and Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


28. Raghulal TharuDate of Birth/Age : February 13, 1983/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Place of Incident : Manau VDC-8Occupation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Nauranga, Manau VDC-8Father’s Name : Padam ! aruMother’s Name : Sonchariya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Remarried

DetailsRaghulal ! aru, 19, of Nauranga in Manau VDC-8 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command on April 11, 2002 while he was asleep. His whereabouts

are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

29. Ramkaran TharuDate of Birth/Age : October 9, 1981/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002Place of Incident : Manpur Tapara VDC-8Occupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Manpur Tapara VDC-8Father’s Name : Bisram ! aruMother’s Name : Amitri ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRamkaran ! aru, 21, of Jamunabojhi in Manpur Tapara VDC-8 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command, which was camped at Tapara School on October 20, 2002 while he was asleep. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

30. Phaklu TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1975/ 23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 24, 2002Place of Incident : Manpur Tapara VDC-2Occupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Mahuwa, Manpur Tapara VDC-2Father’s Name : Pepawa ! aruMother’s Name : Botiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bedi ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2

DetailsPhaklu ! aru, 23, of Mahuwa in Manpur VDC-2 was arrested by Unifi ed Command on October 24, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


31. Phularam TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 28, 1982/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002Place of Incident : Manpur Tapara VDC-8Occupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Jamunabojhi, Manpur Tapara VDC-8Father’s Name : Chinta Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Lahani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shiba ! aruNo. of Dependents : 5

DetailsPhularam ! aru, 20, of Manpur Tapara VDC-8 was arrested at his home by security forces from Manpur Tapara camp on October 20, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family stated that he was kept at the temporary camp for four days. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

32. Raj Kumar TharuDate of Birth/Age : May 18, 1971/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002Place of Incident : Manpur Tapara VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Bikrampur, Manpur Tapara VDC-8Father’s Name : Gangadhar ! aru

Mother’s Name : Punya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Hira Kumari ! aru

DetailsRaj Kumar ! aru, 31, of Manpur Tapara VDC-8 was arrested at his home by security forces on October 20, 2002 and he remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

33. Radheshyam TharuDate of Birth/Age : June 17, 1962/40 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002Place of Incident : Manpur Tapara VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Bikrampur, Manpur Tapara VDC-8Father’s Name : Chhabi Lal ! aruMother’s Name : Manbujhauni ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jagrani ! aru

DetailsRadheshyam ! aru, 40, of Manpur Tapara VDC-8 was arrested at his home by a team of security forces from temporary security


camp, which was established at a school on October 20, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e family has received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

34. Antaram TharuDate of Birth/Age : November 17, 1967/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002Place of Incident : Manpur Tapara VDC-1Occupation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Jogipur, Manpur Tapara VDC-9Father’s Name : Basu Dev ! aruMother’s Name : Ashi ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Laxmi ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsAntaram ! aru, 35, of Manpur Tapara VDC-9 was arrested at his home by security forces which were camped at Tapara School on October 20,

2002. ! e whereabouts of the victim are still unknown. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

35. Kamala Chaudhary Date of Birth/Age : November 27, 1983/18 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002

Place of Incident : Manau VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation : StudentPermanent Address : Nauranga, Manau VDC-8Father’s Name : Tulsi Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Phaganya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsKamala Chaudhary, 18, of Manau VDC-8 was arrested by Unifi ed Command on April 11, 2002 and she remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

36. Nirmala YogiDate of Birth/Age : August 4, 1980/23 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 30, 2002Place of Incident : Neulapur VDC-2, BardiyaOccupation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Dalla, Suryapatuwa VDC-4Father’s Name : Madhiram ! aruMother’s Name : Sahebi ! aru YogiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ajit ShahNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0No. of Dependents : 4


etailsA CPN-M cadre, Nirmala Yogi, 23, of Suryapatuwa VDC-4 was arrested at Kuntalawa ! aru’s home located at Perahani in Neulapur VDC-2 by the police

team from Bhurigaun Area Police O# ce on September 30, 2002. She was handed over to a team of army from ! akurdwara following the arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

37. Bandhuram TharuDate of Birth/Age : November 6, 1975/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 3, 2002Place of Incident : Baganaha VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Neulapur VDC-4Father’s Name : Indra Lal ! aruMother’s Name : Chhapli ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shanti ! aruNo. of Dependents : 15

DetailsBandhuram ! aru, 27, of Neulapur VDC-4 was arrested at Shahipur in Baganaha VDC-1 by Unifi ed Command from Dhodhari VDC on June 3, 2002. He

remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e

victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

38. Purni TharuDate of Birth/Age : November 18, 1983/19 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : May 18, 2002Place of Incident : Mahamadpur VDCOccupation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Muraha, Baniyabhar VDC-9Father’s Name : Molada ! aruMother’s Name : Jugrani ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPurni ! aru, 19, of Baniyabhar VDC-9 was arrested in Mahammadpur VDC-6 by Unifi ed Command from Gulariya on May 18, 2002 while she was working in Duddha Mill. She remains disappeared since the arrest. She was kept at the District Police O# ce on the day of arrest. ! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

39. Himmat Kumar ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : June 23, 1980/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 18, 2002Place of Incident : Mahammadpur VDC


Occupation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Balapur, Gulariya Municipality -3Father’s Name : Punaram ! aruMother’s Name : Kanchhi ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Himmat Kumar Chaudhary, 22, of Gulariya Municipality-3 was arrested at Duddha in Mahammadpur VDC-6 by Unifi ed

Command from Gulariya. He remains disappeared since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

40. Rammati TharuDate of Birth/Age : November 24, 1991/11 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : May 18, 2002Place of Incident : Mahammadpur VDC-6Occupation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Gulariya Municipality -6Father’s Name : Lal Bahadur ! aruMother’s Name : Suguni ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Ramrati ! aru, 11, of Gulariya Municipality-6 was arrested at Duddha Lalpur in Mahammadpur VDC-6

by security forces on May 18, 2002. He remains disappeared since the arrest.! e victim’s family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By Uni ed Command41. Dhaniram TharuDate of Birth/Age : December 24, 1986/15yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Place of Incident : Manau VDC-8Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Manau VDC-8Father’s Name : Chhedoo ! aruMother’s Name : Kukanya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Remarried

DetailsDhaniram ! aru, 15, of Manau VDC-8 was arrested by a team of Unifi ed Command at home where he was sleeping on April 11, 2002 night. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

By Royal Nepalese Army 42. Jagatram TharuDate of Birth/Age : February 29, 1979/24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 18, 2002


Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-3, BankeOccupation/A# liation : CPN-M memberPermanent Address : Atgharuwa, Motipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Karna Bahadur ChaudharyMother’s Name : Belmatiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Puspa Adhikari ! aruNo. of Dependents : 14

DetailsJagatram ! aru, 24, of Atgharuwa in Motipur VDC-7 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army at Kohalpur VDC-3 as he was returning home after

visiting Teaching Hospital in Kohalpur on January 18, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family was provided with Rs 100,000 by Government of Nepal.

43. Ruplal TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 27, 1960/41 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 5, 2002Place of Incident : Dhadhawasr VDC-7, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Teacher, Rastriya Yuwak Primary SchoolPermanent Address : Dhadhawar VDC-6Father’s Name : Mahanga ! aruMother’s Name : Dadi ! aru

Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Hingiya ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3

DetailsRuplal ! aru, 41, of Dhadhawar VDC-6 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Chisapani Barrack at his house on January 5, 2002. Phulram ! aru, Indra Kumari ! aru and Om Prakash ! aru, who were arrested along with him, were released on January 9. ! ey said that Ruplal was at the Chisapani Barrack when they were released. Few days later, Radio Nepal news reported that Ruplal was killed in an encounter. INSEC publications reported a fact fi nding mission as conducted by the local human rights defenders, which concluded that Ruplal was killed by the security forces. ! e family received Rs 100,000 as interim relief from Government of Nepal.

44. Jilla Sandesh Tharu Date of Birth/Age : 2035-10-5/24 yrs Sex : Male Date of Incident : January 19, 1979Place of Incident : Sadasi, Magaragadi VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sadasi, Magaragadi VDC-1, BardiyaFather’s Name : Kalu ! aruMother’s Name : Ramkali ! aruMarital Status : Married


Husband/Wife : Ram Kumari ! aru and Sita ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3

DetailsJilla Sandesh ! aru, 24, of Sadasi, Magaragadi VDC-1 was arrested in the same village by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur on January

19, 1979. He was taken to the barrack. His family said he was kept at Ranjha of Banke, ! akurdwara and Chisapani Barrack at National Park in Bardiya after the arrest. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

45. Birbal TharuDate of Birth/Age : September 16, 1978/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 4, 2002Place of Incident : Akalgharuwa, Shamshergunj VDC-1, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics, PLAPermanent Address : Jayanagar, Magaradi VDC-2, BardiyaFather’s Name : Bishnulal ! aruMother’s Name : Lalmoti ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Manphuli ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2

DetailsBirbal ! aru, 23, of Jayanagar in Magaradi VDC-2 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army at Akalgharuwa of Shamshergunj VDC-1 in Banke on April 4, 2002. His family members found out about the arrest only after the party informed them about it. ! e family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief.

46. Ram Kisan Tharu Date of Birth/Age : January 18, 1981/22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 30, 2002Place of Incident : Tarkapur, Magaragadi VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Tarkapur, Magaragadi VDC-1Father’s Name : Suinarayan ! aruMother’s Name : Ram Dulari ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Goma ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsRam Kisan ! aru, 22, of Tarkapur, Magaragadi VDC-1 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army as he was


sleeping at his home on September 30, 2002. He was taken to the army barrack in Rammapur saying he needed to go there for some time. Jagat

Ram ! aru of the same place told Ram Kisan’s family members that he had seen Ram Kisan at Chisapani Barrack one month after his arrest. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family has received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

47. Raj Dev Mandal Date of Birth/Age : 1962/40 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 30, 2002Place of Incident : Magaramadi, Magaramadi VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : TeachingPermanent Address : Magaramadi, Magaramadi VDC-1Father’s Name : Rajendra MandalMother’s Name : Mantoriya MandalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sonapati MandalNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/3

DetailsRaj Dev Mandal, 40, of Magaramadi in Magaramadi VDC-1 was arrested by a team of about 50 soldiers arriving from Rammapur Barrack located in the same VDC on September 30, 2002. He was

taken to show them the house of the principal of Shree Anshubarma Higher Secondary School. ! e village watchman who returned home from the barrack after a month of detention told Mandal family that the victim was still at the barrack. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

48. Nar Bahadur Rana MagarDate of Birth/Age : September 3, 1962/40 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 30, 2002Place of Incident : Giri Tole, Magaradi VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Giri Tole, Magaradi VDC-1Father’s Name : Bir Bahadur Rana MagarMother’s Name : Chhal Kumari Rana MagarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsNar Bahadur Rana Magar, 40, of Magaradi VDC-2 was arrested at his home by army on September 30, 2002 as he was sleeping,


saying they would send him back soon. His family member said he was seen by a local at Chisapani Barrack who came back from his detention at the same barrack. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family has received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

49. Jit Bahadur TharuDate of Birth/Age : June 24, 1979/24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 4, 2003 Place of Incident : Rammapur, Magaragadi VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Rammapur, Magaragadi VDC-8Father’s Name : Chulhawa ! aruMother’s Name : Chhedanya ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Ratni ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsJit Bahadur ! aru, 24, of Rammapur in Magaragadi VDC-8 was arrested at his home by the soldiers arriving from Rammapur Barrack on October 4, 2003. He

was dragged from the bed and blindfolded before being taken away. His whereabouts remain unknown since then.

50. Man Bahadur Saud Date of Birth/Age : April 4, 1957/45 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 1, 2001Place of Incident : Auri, Magaragadi VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Auri, Magaragadi VDC-9 Father’s Name : Salimane SaudMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Budhisara SaudNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/1

DetailsMan Bahadur Saud, 45, of Magaragadi VDC-9 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur Barrack on September 1, 2001. He was working in his house when the soldiers surrounded his house and took him away after tying his hands behind the back. ! e family members said they later found out that Man Bahadur was taken to ! akurdwara Barrack from Rammapur Barrack; however, his whereabouts remain unknown since then.

51. Ram Bharose TharuDate of Birth/Age : Aril 15, 1973/29 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 11, 2002Place of Incident : Sonpur, Magaragadi VDC-5, Bardiya


Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sonpur, Magaragadi VDC-5Father’s Name : Rajaram ! aruMother’s Name : Asarfi ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sumatrani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsRam Bharose ! aru, 29, of Sonpur in Magaragadi VDC-5 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur Barrack

on August 11, 2002. He was arrested while he was sleeping at home. When the family members went to Rammapur Barrack seeking information about Ram Bharose, they were told that no such person was arrested. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief.

52. Hariram TharuDate of Birth/Age : October 10, 1978/24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 9, 2002Place of Incident : Sonpur, Magaramadi VDC-5, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sonpur, Magaramadi VDC-5Father’s Name : Bhokari ! aru

Mother’s Name : Lauti ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Phul Kumari ! aruSon/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsHariram ! aru, 24, of Magaramadi VDC-5 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur Barrack on August 9, 2002. He was arrested while he was sleeping at home. He was beaten with the butt of the gun and baton before being taken away. Hariram and his uncle Ramwali ! aru were arrested along with him but Ramwali was left in a jungle. Other people who were kept in a locked toilet along with Hariram were later released and they informed his family about his condition but Hariram’s whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

53. Tateram Tharu Date of Birth/Age : July 20, 1964/38 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 9, 2002Place of Incident : Sonpur, Magaramadi VDC-5, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sonpur, Magaramadi VDC-5


Father’s Name : Chigau ! aruMother’s Name : Dhimya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Janagi ! aru and Ram Dulari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/4

DetailsTateram ! aru, 38, of Sonpur in Magaramadi VDC-5 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur Barrack on August 9, 2002. He was

arrested while he was sleeping at home. ! e army took him away saying he would be sent back in three hours. ! ose released by the army informed that Tateram was kept in a toilet with Hariram. A case was fi led in the district court on June 1, 2007 but was quashed. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

54. Bal Kisun Tharu Date of Birth/Age : November 5, 1966/35 yrs Sex : Male Date of Incident : February 24, 2002Place of Incident : Auri, Magaragadi VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Auri, Magaragadi VDC-9Father’s Name : Dwarika ! aruMother’s Name : Jodhani ! aruMarital Status : Married

Husband/Wife : Manturni ! aruSon/Daughter : 1/3

DetailsBal Kisun ! aru, 35, of Auri in Magaragadi VDC-9 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur Barrack on February 24, 2002. He was arrested when he was in a meeting at Care Nepal and was taken away with his hands tied at the back. When his family members went to the Barrack asking about him, they were told that no such person was brought there. Dhaniram ! aru, who was detained at Rammapur Barrack for three months, said he had seen Bal Kisun there. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

55. Jagat Ram Tharu Date of Birth/Age : August 23, 1968/34 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 11, 2002Place of Incident : Sonpur, Magaragadi VDC-5, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sonpur, Magaragadi VDC-5 Father’s Name : Mosu ! aruMother’s Name : Bandhiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Pauti ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2


DetailsJagat Ram ! aru, 34, of Sonpur in Magaragadi VDC-5 was arrested by the soldiers arriving from Rammapur Barrack on August 11, 2002. He was sleeping

at home where the army arrived to arrest him saying he would be released soon. His family did not go to the barrack fearing further action. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

56. Ram Prasad Tharu Date of Birth/Age : March 24, 1978/25 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 2, 2002Place of Incident : Magaragadi, Magaragadi VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Magaragadi, Magaragadi VDC-1Father’s Name : Basudev ! aruMother’s Name : Sudi ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sangita ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/3

DetailsRam Prasad ! aru, 25, of Magaragadi in Magaragadi VDC-1 was arrested by the soldiers arriving from Rammapur Barrack on September 2, 2002. He was sleeping at home where the army arrived to arrest

him. He was a teacher at the RRN-run child class. His wife said she could not go searching for him due to fear. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

57. Jagana Tharu Date of Birth/Age : April 17, 1978/31 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 11, 2002Place of Incident : Sonpur, Magaragadi VDC-5, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sonpur, Magaragadi VDC-5Father’s Name : Chinka ! aruMother’s Name : Dhashani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Manturni ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsJagana ! aru, 31, of Sonpur in Magaragadi VDC-5 was arrested by the soldiers arriving from Rammapur Barrack on August 11, 2002. He was sleeping at home where the army arrived to arrest him. ! ree other persons were arrested along with him. ! e family members said they had found out that Jagana was kept at Rammapur Barrack. His whereabouts remain unknown.


58. Jaggu Tharu Date of Birth/Age : 1967/35 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 11, 2002Place of Incident : Sonpur, Magaragadi VDC-5, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sonpur, Magaragadi VDC-5Father’s Name : Ghirau ! aruMother’s Name : Akhiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Phiriya ! aru, Ram Dulari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 4/3No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsJaggu ! aru, 35, of Sonpur, Magaragadi VDC-5 in Bardiya was arrested by the soldiers arriving from Rammapur Barrack on August 11, 2002.

He was sleeping at home where the army arrived to arrest him. ! ree other persons were arrested along with him. Army denied having arrested any person with that name. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

59. Basanta Prasad TharuDate of Birth/Age : June 7, 1971/31 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 17, 2002

Place of Incident : Manpur, Magaragadi VDC-4, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Manpur, Magaragadi VDC-4Father’s Name : Dongla ! aruMother’s Name : Phakiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Remarried

DetailsBasanta Prasad ! aru, 31, was arrested at his home by the soldiers arriving from Rammapur Barrack on August 17, 2002. Raju ! aru of the same place was also arrested along with him. ! e victim’s family members said that when they went to Rammapur and Chisapani Barracks the next day, asking for him, they were told that he was not brought there. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

60. Raju Tharu Date of Birth/Age : May 23, 1981/24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 17, 2002Place of Incident : Manpur, Magaragadi VDC-4, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Manpur, Magaragadi VDC-4


Father’s Name : Madtu ! aruMother’s Name : Durjani ! aruMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 1

DetailsRaju ! aru was arrested at his home by the soldiers arriving from Rammapur Barrack on August 17, 2002. Basanta Prasad ! aru of the same

place was also arrested along with him. ! e victim’s family members said that when they went to Rammapur and Chisapani Barracks the next day asking for him, they were told he was not brought there. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

61. Sitaram Tharu Date of Birth/Age : 1966/36 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 16, 2001 Place of Incident : Manpur, Magaragadi VDC-4, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Manpur, Magaragadi VDC-4Father’s Name : Mangnu ! aruMother’s Name : Durjani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ramjanaki ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsSitaram ! aru, 36, of Manpur in Magaragadi VDC-4 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur Barrack on December 16, 2001. Along with him, his younger sisters Sharmila and Renu were also arrested. Renu was released the next day while Sharmila was released one month later. Sharmila said she had seen her brother at Chisapani Barrack. Government of Nepal provided the family with Rs 100,000 as an interim relief.

62. Chulba Tharu Date of Birth/Age : January 17, 1967/36 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 17, 2002Place of Incident : Sadasi, Magaragadi VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sadasi, Magaragadi VDC-1, BardiyaFather’s Name : Tilak Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Sarlajul ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sonya ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsChulba ! aru, 36, of Sadasi in Magaragadi VDC-1 was arrested by the soldiers arriving from Rammapur Barrack on August 17, 2002. He was sleeping at home where


the army arrived to arrest him. ! e victim family said he was taken to Chisapani Barrack in Belawa VDC from Rammapur and on October 20, 2002, he was taken to ! akurdwara Barrack. ! e family members said three other persons were also arrested along with Chulba. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

63. Tirtha Bahadur ThapaDate of Birth/Age : June 15, 1981/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 23, 2002Place of Incident : Machhagadh, Deudkala VDC-3, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Machhagadh, Deudkala VDC-3Father’s Name : Khadak Bahadur ! apaMother’s Name : Bishnumaya ! apaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Mina ! apaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsTirtha Bahadur ! apa, 21, of Machhagadh in Deudkala VDC-3 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army on May 23, 2002. His mother Bishnu Maya

said she had no idea where he was taken after his arrest. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

64. Hira Singh Batha Magar Date of Birth/Age : April 12, 1982/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 22, 2002Place of Incident : Machhagadh, Duedkala VDC-3, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Machhagadh, Duedkala VDC-3, BardiyaFather’s Name : Ase Batha MagarMother’s Name : Nuki Bathat MagarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Khushila Batha Magar No. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsHira Singh Batha Magar, 21, of Machhagadh in Duedkala VDC-3 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army on May 23, 2002 as he was sleeping at home. His whereabouts have remained unknown. It was not known where he was taken to after arrest. According to his family members, one of the soldiers put gun into his month when the victim tried to utter something at the time of arrest. ! e family members said they went to army barracks at Rammapur, Chisapani and Rammapur looking for him but to no avail. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.


65. Bir Bahadur Bhandari Date of Birth/Age : 1961/41 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 8, 2002Place of Incident : Indrapur, Sanoshree VDC-2, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Indrapur, Sanoshree VDC-2Father’s Name : Kalu BhandariMother’s Name : Devisara BhandariMarital Status : MarreidHusband/Wife : Pushpa BhandariSon/Daughter : 2/1No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsBir Bahadur Bhandari, 41, of Indrapur in Sanoshree VDC-2 was arrested by army while he was sleeping at home on June 8, 2002. ! e army surrounded

the house before arresting him. One of the people arrested along with Bhandari told the family upon his release that he had seen Bhandari at Chisapani Barrack. When the family went to Chisapani Barrack to meet him, they were told that Bhandari was not there.

66. Sita Janaki Tharu Date of Birth/Age : 1979/23 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 20, 2002

Place of Incident : Jabdahawa, Magaragadi VDC-3, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, PLAPermanent Address : Bikri, Mahamadpur VDC-9Father’s Name : Kul Prasad ! aruMother’s Name : Jagani ! aruMarital Status : Married

DetailsSita Janaki ! aru, 23, of Bikri in Mahamadpur VDC-9 was arrested from Jabdahawa, Magaragadi VDC-3 by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur army post on December 20, 2002. She was taken to Chisapani Barrack. Two women of Manpur in Magaragadi VDC-4 who were detained at the Barrack told the family after they were released that they had seen Sita Janaki in the barrack. Her whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

67. Chillu Tharu Date of Birth/Age : January 11, 1986/16 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Place of Incident : Nauranga, Manau VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Student


Permanent Address : Bijaynagar, Dhadhawar VDC-8Father’s Name : Gariba ! aruMother’s Name : Bichanya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsChillu ! aru, 16, of Bijaynagar in Dhadhawar VDC-8 was arrested from Nauranga in Manau VDC-9 on April 11, 2002 where he had gone to his maternal

uncle’s home. Arrested by an army patrol team, his whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

68. Yagya Bahadur Rawal Date of Birth/Age : June 30, 1978/24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 12, 2002Place of Incident : Bhurigaon, Neulapur VDC-5, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : PhotographyPermanent Address : Shantipur, Belawa VDC-3Father’s Name : Jay Bahadur RawalMother’s Name : Ram Kumari RawalMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Laxmi RawalNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsYagya Bahadur Rawal, 24, of Shantipur in Belawa VDC-3 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army from his studio at Bhurigaon in Neulapur VDC-5 on April 12, 2002 for taking the pictures of CPN-M cadres. ! e soldiers arriving from ! akurdwara Barrack had taken him away from the studio in an army vehicle. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. ! e family members said they could not search him fearing the army.

69. Kallu Tharu Date of Birth/Age : September 28, 1963/38 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Place of Incident : Baganaha, Baganaha VDC-7, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Baganaha, Baganaha VDC-7Father’s Name : ! agga ! aruMother’s Name : Kamala ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dashani ! aru

DetailsKallu ! aru, 38, of Bagnaha in Bagnaha VDC-7 was arrested at his home by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from ! akurdwara Barrack on April 11, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. He was sleeping at the time of arrest. Following the arrest, the army took him away in an army vehicle. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.


70. Tej Bahadur Tharu Date of Birth/Age : April 9, 1988/14 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 9, 2002Place of Incident : Dhudhthanphena, Dhadhawar VDC-7, BardiyaPermanent Address : Dhudhthanphena, Dhadhawar VDC-7Father’s Name : Ram Dulare ! aruMother’s Name : Jagi ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsTej Bahadur ! aru, 14, of Dhadhawar VDC-7 was arrested by the army at his village on April 9, 2002 and was taken to Rammapur Barrack. Six witnesses

including Dhaniram ! aru and Prabhat ! aru had seen him being taken away with his hands tied behind his back. But, when the family members went to the Barrack looking for him, they were told that no such arrest was made. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

71. Laxmi Prasad AdhikariDate of Birth/Age : November 23, 1977/24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 20, 2002Place of Incident : Dhanphena, Dhadhawar VDC-7, Bardiya

Occupation/A# liation : Nepal PolicePermanent Address : Dhanphena, Dhadhawar VDC-7Father’s Name : Prabhakar AdhikariMother’s Name : Pabitra AdhikariMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 4

DetailsLaxmi Prasad Adhikari, 24, of Dhadhawar VDC-7 and working as a policeman in Nepal Police, was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army from Rammapur Barrack on March 20, 2002. He was arrested when he had come home on leave from his posting in the Kalikot district. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

72. Sita Kumari Tharu Date of Birth/Age : 1983/18 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 10, 2001Place of Incident : Lalpur, Bankatuwa VDC-9, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Satariya, Motipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Karam Lal ! aruMother’s Name : Pahari ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried


DetailsSita Kumari ! aru, 18, of Satariya in Motipur VDC-7 was arrested at Lalpur of Bankatuwa VDC-9 in Banke district on December 10, 2001. She was

arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Chisapani Barrack. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Her family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

73. Sagun Lal Chaudhary Date of Birth/Age : January 22, 1953/49 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 16, 2001Place of Incident : Simarhawa, Dhadhawar VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : TeachingPermanent Address : Dhadhawar VDC-9Father’s Name : Asharam ChaudharyMother’s Name : Guiti ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jagmohini ChaudharyNo of Son/Daughter : 4/1No. of Dependents : 9

DetailsSagun Lal Chaudhary, 49, of Dhadhawar VDC-9 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army led by Captain Ramesh Swanr which arrived from the Chisapani

Barrack on December 16, 2001. A teacher at Janasewa Higher Secondary School, Sagun Lal was arrested while he was returning home from school. He was a# liated with Teachers’ Union, ! aru Kalyankari Sabha and the Nepal Red Cross Society.

74. Padam Bahadur Darlami Date of Birth/Age : November 28, 1979/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 7, 2002Place of Incident : Amreni, Neulapur VDC-1, BardiyaPermanent Address : Amreni, Neulapur VDC-1Father’s Name : Kabiram DarlamiMother’s Name : Basandari DarlamiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Remarried No. of Son/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 6

DetailsPadam Bahadur Darlami, 23, of Neulapur VDC-1 was arrested at his home by a team of Bhimkali Battalion at around 7 pm on June 7, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family has not got any relief from Government of Nepal yet.


By Uni ed Command75. Runchya Tharu (Ram Lal) Date of Birth/Age : December 25, 1971 Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002/31 yrsPlace of Incident : Jamunabojhi, Manpur Tapara VDC-8, BardiyaPermanent Address : Jamunabojhi, Manpur Tarapara VDC-8Father’s Name : Lohani ! aruMother’s Name : Bandhi ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Garbhi ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/3No. of Dependents : 4

DetailsRunchya ! aru, 31, of Jamunabojhi in Manpur Tapara VDC-8 was arrested by a team of Unifi ed Command as he was sleeping at home on October 20,

2002. He was kept at local Manpur Tapara School along with some 10-12 persons for seven days. He was disappeared after that. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal.

76. Janak Bahadur ShahiDate of Birth/Age : August 17, 1956/46 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 7, 2002

Place of Incident : Amreni, Neulapur VDC-1, BardiyaPermanent Address : Amreni, Neulapur VDC-1Father’s Name : Bir Bahadur ShahiMother’s Name : Jaisara ShahiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Raj Kumari ShahiSon/Daughter : 3/1No. of Dependents : 4

DetailsJanak Bahadhur Shahi, 46, of Neulapur VDC-1 was arrested at his home by a team of Royal Nepalese Army from Bhimkali Battalion at Chisapani Barrack on June 7, 2002. His family received a letter from ! akurdwara Barrack telling them that Shahi was killed. But, family refused to accept his death. ! e family has not received any support from Government of Nepal.

77. Basudev SharmaDate of Birth/Age : March 25, 1963/40 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 25, 2002Place of Incident : Sejwaltakura VDC-8, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : TeachingPermanent Address : Siuniya Tole, Magaragadi VDC-6


Father’s Name : Bed Prasad SharmaMother’s Name : Chhunuma Devi SharmaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Hira Kumari SharmaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0No. of Dependents : 2/0

DetailsBasudev Sharma, 40, of Magaragadi VDC-6 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army from Sejwaltakura VDC-8 in Salyan district on June 25, 2002. He was working there as a teacher. His family has not received any support from the Government of Nepal.

78. Jung Bahadur Wali Date of Birth/Age : February 26, 1969/44 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 7, 2002Place of Incident : Magaragadi VDC-8, BardiyaPermanent Address : Sanoshree VDCFather’s Name : Bal Bahadur WaliMother’s Name : Ratnakali WaliMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Matikala WaliNo. of Dependents : 10

DetailsJung Bahadur Wali, 44, of Sanoshree VDC was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur Barrack on

June 7, 2002 when he had gone to a relative’s place in Magaragadi VDC-8. When the family members went to the Barrack asking about him, they were told that no such person was brought there.

79. Prem Prakash Tharu Date of Birth/Age : June 28, 1978/23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 25, 2002Place of Incident : Nauranga, Manau VDC-3, BardiyaPermanent Address : Nauranga, Manau VDC-3Father’s Name : Birbal ! aruMother’s Name : ! agani ! aru Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedSon/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsPrem Prakash ! aru, 23, of Nauranga in Manau VDC-3 was arrested at his home by a team of Royal Nepalese Army where he was sleeping on February 25, 2002. ! e witnesses reported seeing him being taken towards Rajapur. Government of Nepal provided the family with Rs 100,000 as an interim relief.

80. Rajendra Raj Bharati Date of Birth/Age : March 15, 1971/32 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 12, 2002


Place of Incident : Magaragadi VDC-8, BardiyaPermanent Address : Village no. 2, Sanoshree VDC-7Father’s Name : Chandra Dev BharatiMother’s Name : Hila BharatiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bimala BharatiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

Details Rajendra Raj Bharati, 32, of Sanoshree VDC-7 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur Barrack when he had

gone to a relative’s place in Magaragadi VDC-8 on June 7, 2002. When the family members went to the Barrack asking about him, they were told that no such person was brought there. ! e family has not yet received any support from Government of Nepal.

81. Budhani Tharu (Uma)Date of Birth/Age : 1984/18 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : March 31, 2002Place of Incident : Sonaha, Suryapatuwa VDC-9Permanent Address : Sonaha, Suryapatuwa VDC-9Father’s Name : Lautan! aru

Mother’s Name : Jokhani! aruMarital Status : Married No. of Dependents : 6

DetailsMaoist cadre Budhuni ! aru (Uma), 18, of Sonaha, Suryapatuwa VDC-9 was arrested and disappeared by a team of patrolling army from ! akurdwara Barrack. She was arrested while she was in her farmland on March 31, 2002. ! ough the victim’s family was called at the Barrack on April 6, ! aru was not released. ! e family members have not received any kind of relief.

82. Jayaram TharuDate of Birth/Age : October 31, 1981/21yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 21, 2002Place of Incident : Nayagaun, Nayagaun VDC-1, BardiyaPermanent Address : Nayagaun, Nayagaun VDC-1Father’s Name : Gahanu! aruMother’s Name : Amauti! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Remarried Son/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsMaoist cadre Jayram! aru, 21, of Nayagaun VDC-1 was arrested and beaten up at his


home by a team of army and taken away in a vehicle on October 21, 2002. When his family members enquired in the several barracks including Rammapur,

! akurdwara, Chisapani, they were informed that he was not brought there. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

83. KaluramTharuDate of Birth/Age : August 21, 1983/19yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 21, 2002Place of Incident : Nayagaun, Nayagaun VDC-1, BardiyaPermanent Address : Nayagaun, Nayagaun VDC-1Father’s Name : HariPrasad ! aruMother’s Name : Bhikhani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Dependents : 10

DetailsKaluram! aru, 19, of Nayagaun, Nayagaun VDC-1 was arrested at his home by a team of army and disappeared on October 21, 2002. His family members

received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

84. Phula Prasad TharuDate of Birth/Age : January 26, 1972 /30yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 19, 2002Place of Incident : Bankatti, Patabhar VDC-9, BardiyaPermanent Address : Bankatti, Patabhar VDC-9Father’s Name : Kukari ! aru Mother’s Name : Anggani ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Ramjanaki ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsA teacher, Phula Prasad ! aru, 30, of Bankatti in Patabhar VDC-9 was arrested at his home by a team of army and disappeared on March 19, 2002. He was a teacher from Pashupati English Boarding School.

85. Ram Narayan TharuDate of Birth/Age : May 28, 1985 /16yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 22, 2001Place of Incident : Dhobinpur, Rajapur VDCPermanent Address : Patharaiya, Pashupatinagar VDC-8Father’s Name : Kulbir ! aru


Mother’s Name : Rampyari ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Ramkumari ! aruSon/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsRam Narayan ! aru, 16, of Patharaiya in Pashupatinagar VDC-8 was arrested at Dhobinpur of Rajapur VDC, where he was sleeping, and disappeared by a team

of police from Rajapur on December 22, 2001. His family members had met him at the District Police O# ce in Gulariya on January 18, 2002 and after some days at jail. But, when they went to the jail in 2003 they were informed that ! aru was not in the jail. ! e family received Rs 100,000 as relief from Government of Nepal.

86. Lauti TharuDate of Birth/Age : June 4, 1983 /18yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Place of Incident : Nauranga, Manau VDC-8, BardiyaPermanent Address : Nauranga, Manau VDC-8Father’s Name : Jaggu ! aruMother’s Name : Dulari ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried No. of Dependents : 7

DetailsLauti ! aru, 21, of Nauranga in Manau VDC-8 was arrested at her home and disappeared by the team of army on April 11, 2002. Her family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

87. Bagale TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 21, 1984 /18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002Place of Incident : Jaypur, Badalpur VDC-9, BardiyaPermanent Address : Jaypur, Badalpur VDC-9Father’s Name : Dhanbir! aruMother’s Name : Chulhiya! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBagale ! aru, 18, of Jaypur in Badalpur VDC-9 was arrested at his home, where he was sleeping, by a joint team of army and Unifi ed Command and was kept at a school in Manpur Tapara on October 20, 2002. His family had seen him at the school until October 22. But, the army denied arresting him. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


88. KaliramTharuDate of Birth/Age : 1975 /27 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 2, 2002Place of Incident : Labada, Motipur VDC-2, Bardiya Permanent Address : Labada, Motipur VDC-2Father’s Name : kalchu ! aruMother’s Name : Beli ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Rasaili ! aruSon/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsKaliram ! aru, 27, of Labada, Motipur VDC-2 was arrested at his home and disappeared by a team of army at night on October 2, 2002. His

family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

89. ShriramTharuDate of Birth/Age : August 17, 1989 /13yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 17, 2002Place of Incident : Tarkapur, Magaragadi VDC-1, BardiyaPermanent Address : Tarkapur, Magaragadi VDC-1Father’s Name : Kothari ! aruMother’s Name : Makhuni! aruMarital Status : Unmarried No. of Dependents : 16

DetailsShriram ! aru, 13, of Tarkapur, Magaragadi VDC-1 was arrested at his house and disappeared by a team of army of Rammapur in Magaragadi VDC-8 on August 17, 2002. He was arrested in the night as he was sleeping. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

90. Mahesh TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 9, 1983 /19yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 26, 2002Place of Incident : Chitkaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-3, BardiyaPermanent Address : Chitkaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-3Father’s Name : Kulbir ! aruMother’s Name : Garbhi ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried No. of Dependents : 4

DetailsMahesh ! aru, 19, of Chitkaiya in ! akurdwara VDC-3 was arrested at his home at around midnight on August 26, 2002 and disappeared by a team of army arriving from ! akudwara. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


91. Haricharan TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1951/51yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 22, 2002Place of Incident : Labada, Motipur VDC-2, BardiyaPermanent Address : Labada, Motipur VDC-2Father’s Name : Shiva Prasad ! aruMother’s Name : ! athi ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Asarfi ! aruNo. of Dependents : 14

DetailsHaricharan ! aru, 51, of Labada, Motipur VDC-2 was arrested at his home by a team of Royal Nepalese Army, who were around 50 in number and was

disappeared on August 22, 2002. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Royal Nepalese Army 92. Lalbihari TharuDate of Birth/Age : October 31, 1981/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 22, 2002Place of Incident : Nebada, Motipur VDC-2, BardiyaPermanent Address : Nebada, Motipur VDC-2Father’s Name : Chinku ! aruMother’s Name : Bhuri ! aru

Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Jiriya ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsLalbihari ! aru, 21, of Nebada, Motipur VDC-2 was arrested at his home by a team of Royal Nepalese Army by surrounding the house and locking other members in the house on August 22, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

93. Phiru TharuDate of Birth/Age : May 31, 1979/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 20, 2002Place of Incident : Kakaura, Deudakala VDC-9, BardiyaPermanent Address : Kakaura, Deudakala VDC-9Father’s Name : Badal ! aruMother’s Name : Sauni ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Remarried

DetailsPhiru ! aru, 23, of Kakaura, Deudakala VDC-9 was arrested at his home by army on May 20, 2002. Ramesh ! aru, who was arrested the same day, upon his release


seven months later told the family that he had seen Phiru in blindfolded state at Chisapani Barrack. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e

family members haven’t received any kind of relief yet.

94. Bam Bahadur ShahiDate of Birth/Age : October 19, 1978 /24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 22, 2002Place of Incident : Machagada, Deudakala VDC-3, Bardiya Permanent Address : Machagada, Deudakala VDC-3Father’s Name : Bhim Bahadur ShahiMother’s Name : Harikala ShahiMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Sarita ShahiNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/3

DetailsBam Bahadur Shahi, 24, of Machagada in Deudakala VDC-3 was arrested by a team of army on May 22, 2002 with a promise of releasing him in short time. His whereabouts

remain unknown. His family hasn’t received any kind of relief yet.

By Royal Nepalese Army 95. Shriram TharuDate of Birth/Age : May 29, 1977 /25yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 22, 2002Place of Incident : Machagada, Deudakala VDC-3, BardiyaPermanent Address : Machagada, Deudakala VDC-3Father’s Name : Kirim ! aruMother’s Name : Betuli ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Gauri ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsShriram! aru, 25, of Machagada, Deudakala VDC-3 was arrested by a team of army at his house on May 22, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

96. Shriram TharuDate of Birth/Age : March 1, 1979/24yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 22, 2002Place of Incident : Machagada, Deudakala VDC-3, BardiyaPermanent Address : Machagada, Deudakala VDC-3


Father’s Name : Baburam ! aruMother’s Name : Parabi ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Anita ! aruSon/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsShriram! aru, 24, of Machagada in Deudakala VDC-3 was arrested at his house by a team of army, who were around 500 in number, on May 22, 2002. He

was arrested while he was sleeping at home. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family hasn’t received any kind of relief yet.

97. Janak Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : January 25, 1984 /18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 7, 2002Place of Incident : Ganeshpur, Patabhar VDC-2, BardiyaPermanent Address : Ganeshpur, Patabhar VDC-2Father’s Name : Gopal ! aruMother’s Name : Bhartharaniya ! aruMarital Status : Married

DetailsJanak Bahadur Chaudhary, 18, of Ganeshpur in Patabhar VDC-2 was severely beaten by a team of army as he was sleeping in the house and was taken away in a vehicle on March

7, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Along with him, his brother Ganesh Bahadur was also arrested. His family hasn’t received any kind of relief yet.

98. Ganesh Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : April 11, 1982 /20yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 7, 2002Place of Incident : Ganeshpur, Patabhar VDC-2, BardiyaPermanent Address : Ganeshpur, Patabhar VDC-2Father’s Name : Gopal ! aruMother’s Name : Bhartharaniya ! aruMarital Status : Married

DetailsGanesh Bahadur Chaudhary, 20, of Ganeshpur in Patabhar VDC-2 was severely beaten by a team of army as he was sleeping in the house and was taken away in a vehicle on March 7, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Along with him, his younger brother Janak Bahadur was also arrested. His family hasn’t received any kind of relief yet.

99. Dilram BanDate of Birth/Age : August 25, 1966 /35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 8, 2002


Place of Incident : Janaknagar, Patabhar VDC-6, BardiyaPermanent Address : Janaknagar, Patabhar VDC-6Father’s Name : Jogeshwar BanMother’s Name : Lalita BanMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Hira ShahiSon/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 5

DetailsDilram Ban, 35, of Janaknagar in Patabhar VDC-6 was arrested at his home by a team of army arriving from ! akurdwara on March

8, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members told that they were threatened by the army when they went to ! akurdwara looking for him. ! e victim’s family hasn’t received any kind of relief yet.

100. Som Prasad TharuDate of Birth/Age : April 14, 1979 /23yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 5, 2002Place of Incident : Pathabhar VDC-6, BardiyaPermanent Address : Pathabhar VDC-6Father’s Name : Runche ! aruMother’s Name : Khidiya ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Dependents : 5

DetailsSom Prasad ! aru, 23, of Pathabhar VDC-6 was arrested at his house by a team of army on December 5, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

101. Yubraj BhandariDate of Birth/Age : November 18, 1982/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 7, 2002Place of Incident : Tingharuwa, Gola VDC-7, BardiyaPermanent Address : Tingharuwa, Gola VDC-7Father’s Name : Bale BhandariMother’s Name : Belpura BhandariMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsYubraj Bhandari, 19, of Tingharuwa, Gola VDC-7 was arrested by army at his home when he was sleeping on March 7, 2002 and disappeared on the same day. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


By Nepal Police 102. Saraswati Chaudhary (Tara)Date of Birth/Age : August, 1983 /19yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : December 23, 2001Place of Incident : Belasabat, Bhimapur VDC-7, BardiyaPermanent Address : Dakshingola, Gola VDC-8Father’s Name : Dhanuram ! aruMother’s Name : Surabhi ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried No. of Dependents : 8

DetailsSaraswati Chaudhary (Tara), 19, of Dakshingola in Gola VDC-8 was arrested in Belasabat of Bhimapur VDC-7 by Rajapur Police on December

23, 2001 and was kept at the Rajapur Police O# ce for a month. After that, she was kept at District Police O# ce in Gulariya for a month where her family members also had met with her. Her whereabouts remain unknown since June, 2002. ! e family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

103. Chainram TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1975 /27yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 26, 2002

Place of Incident : Nepalgung Municipality, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Government ServicePermanent Address : Shantipur, Gola VDC-1Father’s Name : Shivaraj! aruMother’s Name : Medi Kumari ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : RemarriedSon/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsChainram! aru, 27, of Shantipur, Gola VDC-1 was arrested in Nepalganj Municipality by a team of army and disappeared on August 26, 2002. He was working as an assistant at Hydrology and Meteorology Department in Nepalganj. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

104. Pradeshini TharuDate of Birth/Age : December 31, 1986 /16yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 8, 2002Place of Incident : Bhudaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1, BardiyaPermanent Address : Bhudaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1Father’s Name : Bagaru ! aruMother’s Name : Shyani ! aruMarital Status : Married


DetailsPradeshini ! aru, 16, of Bhudaiya in ! akurdwara VDC-1 was arrested at home by a team of army while she was sleeping and was taken away in

a vehicle on June 8, 2002. It was said that she was killed in a jungle of the same VDC but her killing has not been confi rmed yet. Her family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

105. Janak Bahadur UpadhayaDate of Birth/Age : October 25, 1974 /28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 18, 2002Place of Incident : Machagada, Deukala VDC-3, BardiyaPermanent Address : Machagada, Deukala VDC-3Father’s Name : Dharma UpadhayaMother’s Name : Sitala UpadhayaMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Sushila UpadhayaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsJanak Bahadur Upadhaya, 28, of Machagada, Deukala VDC-3 was arrested at his house by a team of army of Sammapur on June 18, 2002 with the assurance that he would

be back in short time. His whereabouts remain unknown. According to the family members, he was kept at Chisapani barrack for three months. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal. 106. Sushila ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : January 25, 1985 /18 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 8, 2002Place of Incident : Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1, BardiyaPermanent Address : Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1Father’s Name : Jangilal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Kurli ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsSushila Chaudhary, 18, of Bhurkuiya in ! akurdwara VDC-1 was arrested and taken away in a vehicle by a team of army arriving from ! akurdwara on June 8, 2002. According to her family members, they were told that she was killed at Sutaiya jungle in the same VDC but her killing has not been verifi ed. ! e family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


107. Kalpati TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1962/40yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : August 22, 2002Place of Incident : Nebada, Motipur VDC-2, BardiyaPermanent Address : Nebada, Motipur VDC-2Father’s Name : Chamari ! aruMother’s Name : ! aganiya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried Husband/Wife : Janak ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsKalpati ! aru, 40, of Nebada in Motipur VDC-2 was arrested and taken away in a vehicle by a team of army arriving from Rammapur on August 22, 2002. Her

whereabouts remain unknown. Her family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

108. Bhagram TharuDate of Birth/Age : May 18, 1981/21yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 22, 2002Place of Incident : Labada, Motipur VDC-2, BardiyaPermanent Address : Labada, Motipur VDC-2Father’s Name : Basudev ! aruMother’s Name : Badali ! aruMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsBhagram ! aru, 21, of Labada in Motipur VDC-2 was arrested and taken away in a vehicle by a team of army on August 22, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

109. Hiramani TharuDate of Birth/Age : February 27, 1980 /22yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 13, 2002Place of Incident : Bhurkaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1, BardiyaPermanent Address : Bhurkaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1Father’s Name : Chinku ! aruMother’s Name : Kanchi ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Manju ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsHiramani ! aru, 22, of Bhurkaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1 was arrested and taken away in a vehicle by a team of army from ! akurdwara Barkhadal Battalion Company while he was working as a carpenter in the village on August 22, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000


as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

110. Ram Bahadur TharuDate of Birth/Age : June 9, 1983/19yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 8, 2002Place of Incident : Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1, BardiyaPermanent Address : Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1Father’s Name : Chinku ! aruMother’s Name : Kanchi ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsRam Bahadur ! aru, 19, of Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1 was arrested and taken away in a vehicle by a team of army from ! akurdwara on June

8, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

111. Kalapati ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : April 24, 1984/18yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 8, 2002Place of Incident : Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1, Bardiya

Permanent Address : Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1Father’s Name : Khusiya ! aruMother’s Name : Phiriya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsKalapati Chaudhary, 18, of Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1 was arrested and taken away in a vehicle by a team of army arriving from ! akurdwara on June 8, 2002. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Her family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

112. Sanchuram TharuDate of Birth/Age : April 21, 1978 /25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 11, 2002Place of Incident : Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1, BardiyaPermanent Address : Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1Father’s Name : Khusiram ! aruMother’s Name : Bhukhali ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Punasya ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsSanchuram ! aru, 25, of Bhurkuiya, ! akurdwara VDC-1 was arrested at


his home after being surrounded by a patrolling team of army arriving from Ranasher Company on June 11, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His

family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

113. Top Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : August 26, 1961/41yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 14, 2002Place of Incident : ! akurdwara, Tahkurduara VDC-6, BardiyaPermanent Address : ! akurdwara, ! akurdwara VDC-6Father’s Name : Dal Bahadur ChaudharyMother’s Name : Khati ChaudharyMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Jagmoti ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/4

DetailsTop Bahadur Chaudhary, 41, of ! akurdwara in ! akurdwara VDC-6 was arrested by a team of army arriving from ! akurdwara on April 14, 2002. His whereabouts

remain unknown. ! e family members had known that he was at ! akurdwara Barrack until one month of the arrest. ! ey

were, however, informed that he committed suicide on June 15, 2002. Top Bahadur was a deputy head of the people’s village government formed by the CPN-M. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

114. Tengani TharuDate of Birth/Age : May 8, 1987/15yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 29, 2002Place of Incident : Shivapur, ! akurdwara VDC-9, BardiyaPermanent Address : Shivapur, ! akurdwara VDC-9Father’s Name : Patiram ! aruMother’s Name : Totya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsTengani ! aru, 15, of Shivapur, ! akurdwara VDC-9 was arrested by a team of army arriving from Ransher Company in ! akurdwara on June 29, 2002 with a promise of releasing him after some time. Her whereabouts remain unknown. She was blindfolded and taken to the villages on the second day after the arrest. Geeta Darlami and Tulasi ! aru, who were arrested along with the victim, were released on the next day. Her family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


115. Amar BudaDate of Birth/Age : 1962 /40yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 11, 2002Place of Incident : Sutaiya, ! akudwara VDC-4, BardiyaPermanent Address : Sutaiya, ! akudwara VDC-4Father’s Name : Bhakta Bahadur BudhaMother’s Name : Setudevi BudhaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jwaladevi BudhaSon/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsAmar Buda, 40, of Sutaiya, ! akudwara VDC-4 was arrested at his home by a team of army of Barakhdal Company based at ! akurdwara Barrack on March 11, 2002.

His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

116. Sumitra TharuDate of Birth/Age : April 18, 1979 /22yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : April 7, 2002Place of Incident : Chitkaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-3, Bardiya

Permanent Address : Chitkaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-3Father’s Name : Sohanlal ! aruMother’s Name : Chichya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsSumitra ! aru, 22, of Chitkaiya in ! akurdwara VDC-3 was arrested by a team of army arriving from ! akurdwara from the house of Janga Bahadur Sijapati of the same place on April 7, 2002. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Her family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

117. Jiulal TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 30, 1977 /24yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 2, 2002Permanent Address : Hattisar, ! akurdwara VDC-9Father’s Name : Gurilal ! aruMother’s Name : Khirmani ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsJiulal ! aru, 24, of Hattisar, ! akurdwara VDC-9 was arrested at his house by the team of army of Barakhdal Company of ! akurdwara on


March 2, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

118. Dharma Prakash ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : December 7, 1985 /16yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 7, 2002Place of Incident : Sukhar, Pashupatinagar VDC-2, BardiyaPermanent Address : Sukhar, Pashupatinagar VDC-2Father’s Name : Jhuthari ! aruMother’s Name : Dashani ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDharma Prakash Chaudhary, 16, of Sukhar in Pashupatinagar VDC-2 was arrested at his home by a team of army arriving frm ! akurdwara on

March 7, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members said that Major Ajit ! apa and Captain Ramesh Swar had arrested him. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

119. Punram TharuDate of Birth/Age : October 26, 1973 /28yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 7, 2002

Place of Incident : Patabhar VDC-2, BardiyaPermanent Address : Sukhar, Pashupatinagar VDC-2Father’s Name : Gayadin ! aruMother’s Name : Chokniya! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ganga Kumari ! aruSon/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 6

DetailsPunram ! aru, 28, of Sukhar in Pashupatinagar VDC-2 was arrested at a local’s home by a team of army arriving from ! akurdwara by breaking in while he was sleeping on March 7, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

120. Thakur Prasad TharuDate of Birth/Age : October 21, 1974 /27yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 19, 2002Place of Incident : Patharaiya, Pashupatinagar VDC-8, BardiyaPermanent Address : Patharaiya, Pashupatinagar VDC-8Father’s Name : Parna ! aruMother’s Name : Bhojiya ! aruMarital Status : Married


Husband/Wife : Gauri ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details! akur Prasad ! aru, 27, of Patharaiya in Pashupatinagar VDC-8 was arrested by a team of army arriving from ! akurdwara which had come in

a white-and-blue color vehicle and was disappeared on March 19, 2002. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

121. Manju TharuDate of Birth/Age : March 22, 1985/17 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : March 13, 2002Place of Incident : Shahipur, Bagnaha VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : PLA Permanent Address : Sukhar, ! akurdwara VDC-4Father’s Name : Buddhiram ! aruMother’s Name : Budhani ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsManju ! aru, 17, of Sukhar in ! akurdwara VDC-4 and a PLA member was arrested from Shahipur in Bagnaha VDC-1 and taken to the police post

in Dhodhari VDC on March 13, 2002. She was later taken to ! akurdwara barrack. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to her family as an interim relief.

122. Chaitelal ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : August 18, 1971/30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 20, 2002Place of Incident : Magaragadi VDC-3, BardiyaPermanent Address : Belbhar, Dhadhabar VDC-8Father’s Name : ! aggulal ! aruMother’s Name : Piyari ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sita Janaki ChaudharyNo. of Dependents : 3

DetailsChaitelal Chaudhary, 30, of Dhadhabar VDC-8 was arrested by the army from Rammapur while he was walking at Magaragadi VDC-3 on December 20, 2002. He was arrested along with four CPN-M cadres. According to his family, a local from Manpur had informed that he had seen him at the Chisapani Barrack for a month. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.


123. Hum Bahadur ShahiDate of Birth/Age : July 2, 1974/27 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 6, 2002Place of Incident : ! akurdwara Barrack, BardiyaPermanent Address : Sutaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-4Father’s Name : Dal Bhakta ShahiMother’s Name : Laxmi ShahiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jayanti ShahiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsWhereabouts of Hum Bahadur Shahi, 27, of Sukaiya in ! akurdwara VDC-4 remain unknown since April 6, 2002. He had gone inside the

! akurdwara-based Barakhdal battalion to attend a date called by the army on that day. He was released earlier on condition of attending date. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

124. Bhupendra KCDate of Birth/Age : August 22, 1972/29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 7, 2002Place of Incident : Sutaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-4, Bardiya

Occupation/A# liation : TeachingPermanent Address : Sutaiya, ! akurdwara VDC-4Father’s Name : Padam Bahadur KCMother’s Name : Surja KCMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Janaki KCNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsBhupendra KC, 29, of Sutaiya in ! akurdwara VDC-4 and a teacher at Suryodaya Primary School was arrested and blindfolded before being taken away from home by army personnel arriving from Barakhdal Company based in ! akurdwara VDC on April 7, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Earlier, KC was also arrested on December 14, 2001 and released two days later. His family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

125. Mohan Singh BanjaraDate of Birth/Age : August 6, 1973/39 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 29, 2005Place of Incident : Sirkuiya, Gulariya Municipality-4, BardiyaPermanent Address : Sirkuiya, Gulariya Municipality-4Father’s Name : Banshalal Banjara


Mother’s Name : Imati BanjaraMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chameli ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/5

DetailsMohan Singh Banjara, 39, of Sirkuiya in Gulariya Municipality-4 was arrested at his home by plain-clothe army personnel on May 29, 2005. ! ey took

him away from his home saying that they had some work with him. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

126. Rajani TharuDate of Birth/Age : September 5, 1976/16 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : April 17, 2002Place of Incident : Barka Taduwa, Suryapatawa VDC-4, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : PLA, CPN-M,Permanent Address : Barka Taduwa, Suryapatawa VDC-4Father’s Name : Gopal ! aruMother’s Name : Heeramoti ! aruMarital Status : Married

DetailsRajani ! aru, 16, of Barka Taduwa, Suryapatawa VDC-4 and PLA combatatant was arrested at her home by army arriving from ! akurdwara on April

17, 2002. Her family said that they were threatened by army when they went to the army Barrack in ! akurdwara the next day. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to her family as an interim relief.

127. Jyoti TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1982/20 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : February 25, 2003Place of Incident : Mahendranagar Municipality, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : CPN-M, PLAPermanent Address : Janaknagar, Paatabhar VDC-5, BardiyaFather’s Name : Ram Charan ChaudharyMother’s Name : Shreejala ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shiva Prasad ChaudharyNo. of Dependents : 4

DetailsJyoti ! aru, 20, of Janaknagar in Paatabhar VDC-5 and PLA member was arrested by army personnel at a local’s house in Mahendranagar Municipality in Kanchanpur district on February 25, 2003. Her whereabouts remain unknown since then.


128. Sitapati TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1986/16 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 14, 2002Place of Incident : Mahadev Village, Belawa VDC-5, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : CPN-MPermanent Address : Dakshin Bhakari, Sorahawa VDC-4Father’s Name : Surya Prasad ! aruMother’s Name : Shanti ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsSitapati ! aru, 16, of Dakshin Bhakari in Sorahawa VDC-4 and CPN-M cadre was arrested by army personnel from Chisapani Barrack while she was returning

home after conducting a party program at the Mahadev Village of Belawa VDC-5 on September 14, 2002. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to her family as an interim relief.

129. Santa Ram TharuDate of Birth/Age : April 13, 1920/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 23, 2002Place of Incident : Lakhana, Belawa VDC-4, Bardiya

Permanent Address : Lakhana, Belawa VDC-4Father’s Name : Badaita ! aruMother’s Name : Ram Janiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Asarfi ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsSanta Ram ! aru, 21, of Lakhana in Belawa VDC-4 was arrested by a group of army personnel while he was having his hair cut in the village on March

23, 2002. Army personnel had come in three vehicles. His family said that other villagers, who were kept in the Chisapani Barrack with him for 20 days were released three months later. According to the victim’s family, the army personnel came frequently at their home after the incident and beat them up. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

130. Badhu Ram TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1961/41 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 2, 2002Place of Incident : Gadaaha, Motipur VDC-5, BardiyaPermanent Address : Gadaaha, Motipur VDC-5Father’s Name : Purai ! aruMother’s Name : Kirihi ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bephuni ! aru


No. of Son/Daughter : 2/2No. of Dependents : 2

DetailsBadhu Ram ! aru, 41, of Gadaha in Motipur VDC-5 was taken away by army personnel from Rammapur on October 2, 2002 to carry his neighbor

! agga ! aru, who was injured after they shot at him. Badu Ram was taken along with other three villagers. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

131. Kala Ram TharuDate of Birth/Age : December 19, 1980/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 2, 2002Place of Incident : Madaha, Motipur VDC-5, BardiyaPermanent Address : Madaha, Motipur VDC-5Father’s Name : Pahari ! aruMother’s Name : Parwatani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ram Pyari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsKala Ram ! aru, 22, of Madaha in Motipur VDC-5 was taken away by army personnel from Rammapur on October

2, 2002 to carry his brother ! agga ! aru, who was injured when they shot at him. He was taken by army along with other three villagers. One of those arrested, after being released, informed that Kala Ram was detained at Chisapani barrack, but the army denied bringing him there when his family asked the Barrack personnel about his whereabouts.

132. Pati Ram TharuDate of Birth/Age : January 26, 1976/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 1, 2002Place of Incident : Rammapur, Magaragadi VDC-8, BardiyaPermanent Address : Damauli, Motipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Jaya Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Bhikhani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 3

DetailsPati Ram ! aru, 27, of Damauli in Motipur VDC-7 was arrested by army personnel at Rammapur in Magaragadi VDC-8 while he was traveling on a bus on September 1, 2002. Six other persons, who were traveling on the same bus were also arrested by the army personnel. His whereabouts remain unknown. Tengnu


! aru, who was arrested with Pati Ram, was released a month later.

133. Lahanu TharuDate of Birth/Age : January 15, 1979/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 1, 2002Place of Incident : Magaragadi VDC-8, BardiyaPermanent Address : Damauli, Motipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Kali Prasad ! aruMother’s Name : Budhani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kamala ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsLahanu ! aru, 24, of Damauli in Motipur VDC-7 was arrested by the army personnel from Rammapur in Magaragadi VDC-8 while he was traveling

to Mahendranagar in search of job on September 1, 2002. Six other persons, who were also traveling in the same bus were arrested with him. His whereabouts remain unknown.Tengnu, one of those arrested, was released a month later.

134. Sher Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : June 19, 1980/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 1, 2002

Place of Incident : Magaragadi VDC-8, BardiyaPermanent Address : Motipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Parashuram ! aruMother’s Name : Bandhiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsSher Bahadur Chaudhary, 22, of Motipur VDC-7 was arrested by army personnel arriving from Rammapur in Magaragadi VDC-8 while he was traveling to Mahendranagar in search of job on September 1, 2002. Six other persons, who were also traveling on the same bus, were arrested with him. His whereabouts remain unknown. Tengnu, one of those arrested, was released a month later.

135. Keshav Kumar ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : July 19, 1987/14 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 2002Place of Incident : Mangalpur, Khairi Chandanpur VDC-2, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Mangalpur, Khairi Chandanpur VDC-2Father’s Name : Jumli ! aru


Mother’s Name : Pulhaya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsKeshav Kumar Chaudhary, 14, of Mangalpur in Khairi Chandanpur VDC-2 was arrested at his home by army personnel from ! akurdwara on

April 11, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

136. Chhunuwa TharuDate of Birth/Age : June 11, 1967/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002Place of Incident : Khairi Chandanpur VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Harinagar, Khairi Chandanpur VDC-8Father’s Name : Kanta ! aruMother’s Name : Nageshwari ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Devnarayani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/2

DetailsChhunuwa ! aru, 35, of Harinagar in Khairi Chandanpur VDC-8 was arrested by army personnel while he was working in his

fi eld on October 20, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

137. Bhagi Ram TharuDate of Birth/Age : April 13, 1977/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 20, 2002Place of Incident : Khairi Chandanpur VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Anandnagar, Khairi Chandanpur VDC-3Father’s Name : ! umka ! aruMother’s Name : Heeramoti ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBhagi Ram ! aru, 25, of Anandnagar in Khairi Chandanpur VDC-3 was arrested by army personnel while he was harvesting paddy in his fi eld at ward no. 9 of same VDC on October 20, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

138. Krim Kumar ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : July 20, 1979/22 yrsSex : Male


Date of Incident : February 26, 2002Place of Incident : Pipaharawa VDC-1, BankeOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Uttarkhairi, Khairi Chandanpur VDC-5Father’s Name : Chulhawa ! aruMother’s Name : Sonchariya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rabeena Cahudhary

DetailsKrim Kumar Chaudhary, 22, of Uttarkhairi in Khairi Chandanpur VDC-5 was arrested by army personnel from Surkhet Road near the customs o# ce in

Pipaharawa VDC-1 of Banke on February 26, 2002. He was studying in Nepalgunj. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

139. Kiran AcharyaDate of Birth/Age : 1979/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 26, 2002Place of Incident : Khairi Chandanpur VDC-4, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent Address : Lalpur, Khairi Chandanpur VDC-1

Father’s Name : Lok Bahadur AcharyaMother’s Name : Tika AcharyaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Heera AcharyaNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsKiran Acharya, 22, of Lalpur in Khairi Chandanpur VDC-1 was arrested by army personnel while he was in Kothiyaghat of ward no. 4 of the same VDC for his business on August 26, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family, which was displaced to Nepalgunj after the incident, returned home three years later. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

140. Bishnu ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : October 4, 1976/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 9, 2002Place of Incident : Manpur Tapara VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Belbhariya, Manau VDC-7Father’s Name : Sundar Prasad ChaudharyMother’s Name : Shanti ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Raj Kumari ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2


DetailsBishnu Chaudhary, 26, of Belbhariya in Manau VDC-7 was arrested by army personnel at Jogipur in Manpur Tapara VDC-9 on November 9, 2002. He

had gone to Jogipur for a picnic. His family lived a displaced life for a year in Ampur village after the incident. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

141. Nirmal ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : June 17, 1981/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 25, 2002Place of Incident : Manau VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Bajpur, Manau VDC-9Father’s Name : Cheru Prasad ChaudharyMother’s Name : Shyam Kumari ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dil Mohani ! aru

DetailsNirmal Chaudhary, 20, of Bajpur in Manau VDC-9 was arrested by army personnel from ! akurdwara on February 25, 2002 while

he was sleeping at home. He was taken to ! akurdwara Barrack. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as relief.

142. Asha Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : August 20, 1985/17 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 9, 2002Place of Incident : Manpur Tapara VDC-9Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Belbhariya, Manau VDC-7Father’s Name : Devi Prasad ChaudharyMother’s Name : Jhuthari ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsAsha Ram Chaudhary, 24, of Belbhariya in Manau VDC-7 was arrested by army personnel at Jogipur while he was going for a picnic on November 9, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

143. Jagat Prasad TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 17, 1965/36 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 25, 2002


Place of Incident : Manau VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bajpur, Manau VDC-9Father’s Name : Ram Avtar ! aruMother’s Name : Kalapati ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Janaki ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsJagat Prasad ! aru, 36, of Bajpur in Manau VDC-9 was arrested by army personnel at his home on February 25, 2002. He was kept in the ! akurdwara

Barrack. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

144. Ghana Shyam ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : May 3, 1970/31 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 8, 2002Place of Incident : Nepalgunj Municipality-12, BankeOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Nauranga, Manau VDC-8Father’s Name : Atbari ! aruMother’s Name : Nangari ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Champhi ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsGhana Shyam Chaudhary, 31, of Nauranga in Manau VDC-8 was arrested by army personnel while he was going to work at a local’s house in Gosaigaun of Nepalgunj Municipality-12 on March 8, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. According to his family, he was kept at Ranjha Barrack for some days and taken to Chisapani Barrack later. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

145. Dilraj Yogi TharuDate of Birth/Age : November 25, 1972/29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 12, 2002Place of Incident : Neulapur VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent Address : Dalla, Suryapatawa VDC-4Father’s Name : Jur Prasad Yogi ! aruMother’s Name : Charki YogiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDilraj Yogi ! aru, 29, of Dalla in Suryapatawa VDC-9 and CPN-M cadre was arrested by the army personnel at Godan in Neulapur VDC-9 on


March 12, 2002. Locals reported of army taking him round the village three days after the arrest. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

146. Likha Ram TharuDate of Birth/Age : November 6, 1983/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 10, 2002Place of Incident : Manikapur VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Mahammadpur VDC-8Father’s Name : Hari Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Surja Daiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Belarani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsLikha Ram ! aru, 19, of Mahammadpur VDC-8 was arrested following an order from Captain Ramesh Swar while the former was standing in a

queue for army recruitment on June 10, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

147. Durga Bahadur SapkotaDate of Birth/Age : June 14, 1949/53 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 20, 2002Place of Incident : Suryapatuwa VDC-4, BardiyaPermanent Address : Durganagar, Suryapatuwa VDC-4Father’s Name : Lok Raj SapkotaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Nanda Kala SapkotaNo. of Son/Daughter : 4/6

DetailsDurga Bahadur Sapkota, 53, of Durganagar in Suryapatuwa VDC-4 was arrested at home by army personnel who had come from ! akurdwara on April 20, 2002. ! e army barrack said that Sapkota was not brought there when his family visited the barrack the next day. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as relief.

148. Khadak Bahadur SapkotaDate of Birth/Age : September 11, 1945/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 20, 2002Place of Incident : Suryapatuwa VDC-4, BardiyaPermanent Address : Durganagar, Suryapatuwa VDC-4


Father’s Name : Durga Bahadur SapkotaMother’s Name : Nanda Kala SapkotaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Padma Kala SapkotaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsKhadak Bahadur Sapkota, 33, of Durganagar in Suryapatuwa VDC-4 was arrested from home by army personnel who had come from ! akurdwara on April 20, 2002. When

his family visited the Barrack the next day the army barrack said that Sapkota was not brought there. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as relief.

149. Hari Prasad TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 24, 1955/47 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 20, 2002Place of Incident : Suryapatuwa VDC-4, BardiyaPermanent Address : Durganagar, Suryapatuwa VDC-4Father’s Name : Chulhawa ! aruMother’s Name : Sanchariya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Aashi ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 4/3

DetailsHari Prasad ! aru, 47, of Durganagar in Suryapatuwa VDC-4 was arrested at his home by army men who had come from ! akurdwara on April 20, 2002. When his family visited the Barrack the next day, the army said that ! aru was not brought there. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

150. Bharat TharuDate of Birth/Age : August 21, 1985/17 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 1, 2003Place of Incident : Suryapatawa VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sonaha, Suryapatawa VDC-9Father’s Name : Bishwa ! aruMother’s Name : ! agani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ram Kumari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsBharat ! aru, 17, of Sonaha in Suryapatawa VDC-9 was arrested at his home by army personnel who had come from ! akurdwara


on April 1, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

151. Gomati TharuDate of Birth/Age : September 1, 1983/18 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : March 31, 2002Place of Incident : Suryapatuwa VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Chhotaki Taduwa, Suryapatuwa VDC-5Father’s Name : Laxmi ! aruMother’s Name : Chulhiya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsGomati ! aru, 18, of Chhotaki Taduwa in Suryapatuwa VDC-5 and CPN-M cadre was arrested at Sonaha of the same ward on March 31, 2002 by army personnel

who had come from ! akurdwara. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to her family as an interim relief.

152. Ruplal TharuDate of Birth/Age : April 23, 1967/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 20, 2002

Place of Incident : Suryapatuwa VDC-4, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : LaborPermanent Address : Durganagar, Suryapatuwa VDC-4Father’s Name : Parnu ! aruMother’s Name : Khurkaliya ! aruMarital Status : MariedHusband/Wife : Rupani ! aru

DetailsRuplal ! aru, 35, of Durganagar in Suryapatuwa VDC-4 was arrested in Dalla village on April 20, 2002 by army personnel, who had come from ! akurdwara. Ruplal was working as a Kamaiya (bonded labor) in a local Chailawa ! aru’s house. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

153. Durga Nath Tharu YogiDate of Birth/Age : December 28, 1981/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 18, 2002Place of Incident : Suryapatuwa VDC-4, BardiyaPermanent Address : Badaka Taduwa, Suryapatuwa VDC-4Father’s Name : Guru Prasad ! aruMother’s Name : Gohini ! aruMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1


DetailsDurga Nath ! aru Yogi, 21, of Badaka Taduwa in Suryapatuwa VDC-4 was arrested by army personnel while he was sleeping at his home on April 18,

2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has not provided any relief to his family.

154. Basanti TharuDate of Birth/Age : March 28, 1988/15 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : March 11, 2002Place of Incident : Neulapur VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : PLAPermanent Address : Chhotaki, Taduwa, Suryapatuwa VDC-5Father’s Name : Chulhawa ! aruMother’s Name : Parni ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBasanti ! aru, 15, of Chhotaki Taduwa in Suryapatuwa VDC-5 and PLA member was arrested at Godana in Neualpur VDC-9 on March 11, 2002 by army personnel led by Laba Singh Rayamajhi of ! akurdwara Barrack. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to her family as an interim relief.

155. Nil Prasad Yogi TharuDate of Birth/Age : April 18, 1959/42 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 7, 2002Place of Incident : ! akurdwara VDC-6, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Health worker, Local health postPermanent Address : Dalla, Suryapatuwa VDC-4Father’s Name : Shiva Das Yogi ! aruMother’s Name : Udasi ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Neeta and Manotri Yogi ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsNil Prasad Yogi ! aru, 42, of Dalla in Suryapatuwa VDC-4 and a health worker was arrested while he was sleeping at his home on April 7, 2002 by army personnel who had come from the ! akurdwara Barrack. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

156. Ajay Shah (Ajit)Date of Birth/Age : 1970/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 11, 2002Place of Incident : ! akurdwara VDC-4, Bardiya


Occupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Gidarpur, Baganaha VDC-9Father’s Name : Chakra Bahadur ShahMother’s Name : Bishna ShahMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Reena Shah and Nirmala YogiNo. of Son/Daughter : 2No. of Dependents : 4

DetailsAjay Shahi alias Ajit, 32, of Gidarpur in Bagnaha VDC-9 was arrested by army personnel who had come from ! akurdwara

while he was sleeping at the house of Bhakta Bahadur Buda from Sutaiya in ! akurdwara VDC-4 on March 11, 2002. According to the victim’s family, he was kept at the ! akurdwara Barrack for a month and at Ranjha of Banke for another 45 days before taking to Chisapani Barrack. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief. 157. Ram Das TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1968/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 8, 2002Place of Incident : Neulapur VDC-7, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Government O# ce, Post O# ce Bhurigaun

Permanent Address : Bhurigaun, Neulapur VDC-7Father’s Name : Phaguram ! aruMother’s Name : Ganga Daiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sugamati ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsRam Das ! aru, 34, of Bhurigaun in Neulapur VDC-7 and an employee at the Post O# ce Bhurigaun was beaten up and taken away in a vehicle by army personnel while he was working at the post o# ce on April 8, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family has not received any relief from Government of Nepal.

158. Dhan Bahadur KamiDate of Birth/Age : January 21, 1941/63 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 30, 2002Place of Incident : Kailasi, Suryapatuwa VDC-3, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Kailasi, Suryapatuwa VDC-3Father’s Name : Raghubeer KamiMother’s Name : MarriedMarital Status : Bhabisara KamiHusband/Wife : 4/0


DetailsDhan Bahadur Kami, 63, of Kailasi in Suryapatuwa VDC-3 was arrested at his home on April 30, 2002 by the army personnel who had come from ! akurdwara. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

159. Sher Singh TharuDate of Birth/Age : Ocotber 11, 1979/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 29, 2002Place of Incident : Bagnaha VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Shahipur, Bagnaha VDC-1Father’s Name : Dilli Bahadur ! aruMother’s Name : Pharari ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Atorni ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsSher Singh ! aru, 23, of Shahipur in Bagnaha VDC-1 was arrested while he was tilling his fi eld, on June 29, 2002 by army personnel who had

come from ! akurdwara. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

160. Chandra LamichhaneDate of Birth/Age : January 30, 1983/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 17, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-3, BankeOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Shahipur, Bagnaha VDC-1Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsChandra Lamichhane, 20, of Shahipur in Bagnaha VDC-1 and CPN-M cadre was arrested in Kohalpur VDC-3 in Banke while he was at Medical College for treatment on May 17, 2002. He was arrested by army personnel who had come from Chisapani Barrack. According to his family, the local Maoist cadres had told them that the army had killed him at Bageshwari area in Banke. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

161. Ramdin TharuDate of Birth/ Age : August 26, 1969/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 10, 2002Place of Incident : Baganah VDC-1, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Shahipur, Baganah VDC-1Father’s Name : Likhandas ! aruMother’s Name : Teskariya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Manarani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2


DetailsRamdin ! aru, 32, of Shahipur of Baganah VDC-1 was arrested by a group of Royal Nepalese Army arriving from ! akurduwara VDC on April 10, 2002,

as he was sleeping at his home. He was taken away in the pretext of some business.! e victim’s whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

162. Khushiram TharuDate of Birth/ Age : 1978/25yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 11, 2002Place of Incident : Neulapur VDC-9, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent Address : Takiya, Baganaha VDC-6Father’s Name : Manbir ! aruMother’s Name : Nosari ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bujhouni ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Khushiram ! aru, 25, of Baganaha VDC-6 was arrested at Godan in Neulapur VDC-9 by ! akurdwara-based Royal Nepalese Army

on March 11, 2002. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal

provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

163. Bal Bahadur Tharu Date of Birth/ Age : August 23, 1983/18 yrsSex : Male

Date of Incident : April 10, 2002Place of Incident : Bagunaha VDC-7 BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Baganaha VDC-7Father’s Name : Antaram ! aruMother’s Name : Bandhiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhusani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsBal Bahadur ! aru, 18, of Baganaha VDC-7 was arrested by ! akurduwara-based Royal Nepalese Army on April 10, 2002, saying he would return soon as he was sleeping in his house. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

164. Dhamu TharuDate of Birth/ Age : January 24, 1981/21 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 10, 2002Place of Incident : Baganaha VDC-7 Bardiya


Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Baganaha VDC-7Father’s Name : Rabilal ! aruMother’s Name : Bouri ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Panu ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsDhamu ! aru, 21, of Baganaha VDC-7 was arrested by Thkurduwara-based Royal Nepalese Army on April 10, 2002, saying he would return

soon. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 as an interim relief to the victim’s family.

165. Deep Bahadur ChandDate of Birth/ Age : February 23, 1983 /20 yrsSex : Male Date of Incident : April 23, 2002Place of Incident : Magargadhi VDC-8 Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Khailar, Baganaha VDC-7Father’s Name : Dhan Bahadur ChandMother’s Name : Dhanasara ChandMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Chandra Chand

No. of Son/Daughter : 1/1Number of Dependent : 1

DetailsDeep Bahadur Chand, 20, of Baganaha VDC-7 was arrested at the army check post, located at Rammapur and then kept at the army barrack at Magaragadhi of Rammapur VDC- 8 on April 23, 2002. According to the victim’s family, he had been kept at Rammapur Barrack for 13 days and disappeared from the same barrack. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

166. Hari Prasad TharuDate of Birth/ Age : January 24, 1979/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 19, 2003Place of Incident : Baganaha VDC-8Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Baganaha VDC-2Father’s Name : Sukaiya ! aruMother’s Name : Budiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Phulrani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/3

DetailsHari Prasad ! aru, 25, of Baganaha VDC-2 was taken into control after being shot and injured by Royal Nepalese Army from the same VDC-8 on April


19, 2003. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim was heading to seeing o" his brother Prem ! aru, who worked at the Armed Police

Force. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

167. Kumari Asarani TharuDate of Birth/ Age : September 5, 1979/21 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 30, 2002Place of Incident : Neulapur VDC-5Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadre Permanent Address : Bardagaha, Badagaha VDC-2Father’s Name : Ram Bharose ! aruMother’s Name : Mahabiriya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Kuamri Asarani ! aru, 21, of Bardagaha in Baganaha VDC-2 was arrested at Peharani of Neulapur VDC-2 by

Royal Nepalese Army on September 30, 2002. He was then kept at Royal Nepalese Army Camp in ! akurdwara. ! e victim’s whereabouts remain unknown since the

day. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

168. Masur TharuDate of Birth/ Age : April 24, 1981/20yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 22, 2002Place of Incident : Suryapatuwa VDCPermanent Address : Bahunpur, Baganaha VDC-8Father’s Name : Loutaram ! aru Mother’s Name : Pauri ! aru Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsMasur ! aru, 20, of Bahunpur of Baganaha VDC-8 was arrested in Suryapatuwa VDC by Royal Nepalese Army on January 22, 2002. He was then kept at the ! akurduwara Barrack for one night and was sent to the Gulariya District Jail on the following day. ! e victim’s family had frequently met with him at the same jail for 3 months. Suddenly, he was disappeared from the jail. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

169. Karmalal TharuDate of Birth/ Age : August 26, 1963/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : 1998Place of Incident : Dhadhabar VDC-4, Bardiya


Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent Address : Dhadhabar VDC-4Father’s Name : Ramdas ! aruMother’s Name : Gudmahi ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsKarmalal ! aru, 34, of Dhadhabar VDC-4 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur of Dhadhabar VDC-4 in 1998. ! e whereabouts

of the victim remain unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

170. Nanda Bahadur SunarDate of Birth/ Age : 1973/30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 2, 2003Place of Incident : Motipur VDC-8 BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Daphe, Jamuni VDC-7 Father’s Name : Chhabilal SunarMother’s Name : Manisara SunarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tulasa SunarNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Nanda Bahadur Sunar, 30, of Jamuni VDC-7 was arrested by a team of Royal Nepalese Army at Basgadhi of Motipur VDC-8 on December 2, 2003. He had

been taken away to the Chisapani Barrack following the arrest. ! e whereabouts of the victim are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

171. Jagat Bahadur Bhandari Date of Birth/ Age : May 30, 1978/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 8, 2002Place of Incident : Neulapur VDC-3 Bardiya Occupation/A# liation : TeachingPermanent Address : Motipur, Shivapur VDC-2 Father’s Name : Sher Bahadur BhanadariMother’s Name : Bela Devi BhandariMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsJagat Bahadur Bhandari, 24, of Shivapur VDC-2 was arrested at Karmala of Neulapur VDC-3 by Thakurduwara-based Royal Nepalese Army on April 8, 2002, while he was teaching at a school. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


172. Buddhi Maya SapkotaDate of Birth/ Age : 1984/ 17yrs Sex : Female Date of Incident : July 12, 2001Place of Incident : Titihiriya VDC- BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent Address : Jangaliya, Sourahawa VDC -2Father’s Name : Ghana Shyam SapkotaMother’s Name : Hikura Sapkota Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Buddhi Maya Sapkota, 17, of Sourahawa VDC-2 was arrested in Titihiriya VDC of Banke by a group of Royal Nepalese Army on July 12, 2001 while he was undergoing treatment. Her whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

173. Krishna Prasad Tharu Date of Birth/ Age : 1963/36yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 6, 1999Place of Incident : Nepalgunj Municipality, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Bikri, Mahamdpur VDC -9Father’s Name : Dibu ! aruMother’s Name : MarriedMarital Status : Gunyaree ! aru

Husband/Wife : 3/0No. of Son/Daughter : 2

Details Krishna Prasad ! aru, 36, of Bikri of Mahamadpur VDC-9 was arrested on April 6, 1999 while being in in Nepalgunj of Banke district for party business. His arrest was informed to his family by the party. ! e whereabouts of the victim are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

174. Ananda PariyarDate of Birth/ Age : July 31, 1975/27yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 29, 2001Place of Incident : Belawa VDC-7Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Betahani, Belawa VDC-7 Father’s Name : Parabir DamaiMother’s Name : Radha DamaiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Sabita PariyarNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsAnanda Pariyar, 27, of Betahani, Belawa VDC-7 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army of Chisapani Barrack on December 29, 2001. A total of 19 people were arrested on the same day of which15


were released after some days. When the victim’s family went to the Barrack seeking information about the victim, it was said that he was already

released. However, his whereabouts are still unknown.

175. Sarju TharuDate of Birth/ Age : 1972/29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 29, 2001Place of Incident : Belawa VDC-7, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Betahani, Belawa VDC-7Father’s Name : Kanhai ! aruMother’s Name : Hangya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhojiya ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsSarju ! aru, 29, of Betani in Belawa VDC-7 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army from the Chisapani Barrack on December 29, 2001, as he was

sleeping at his home. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

176. Patta TharuDate of Birth/ Age : 1980 /21yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 29, 2001Place of Incident : Belawa VDC-7Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Betahani, Belawa VDC-7Father’s Name : Bhagan ! aruMother’s Name : Batasiya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPatta ! aru, 21 of Betahani of Belawa VDC-7 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army based at Chisapani Barrack in the night of December 29, 2001. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. A total of 19 people were arrested on the same day of which 15 were released after some days. According to Kaluram ! aru, who was arrested with the victim, Patta was kept at the Chisapani Barrack. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

177. Shibaraj TharuDate of Birth/ Age : April 21, 1983/18yrsSex : Male Date of Incident : April 3, 2002Place of Incident : Neulapur VDC-4Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M Permanent Address : Bathanpur, Shivapur VDC-8


Father’s Name : Tikalal ! aruMother’s Name : Tejmani ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Shibaraj ! aru, 18 of Batahanpur of Shivapur VDC-8 was arrested in Neulapur VDC-4 on April 3, 2002 and was taken

away in an army vehicle by Royal Nepalese Army based at ! akurdwara VDC. ! e victim’s whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. ! e victim’s family claimed that he was arrested by the Army team of the Barakhdal Battalion. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

178. Laxman TharuDate of Birth/ Age : December 24, 1977/24yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 8, 2002Place of Incident : Shivapur VDC-9, Bardiya Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Vadeli, Shivapur VDC-9Father’s Name : Dhaniram ! aruMother’s Name : Seti ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Louti ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/1

DetailsLaxman ! aru, 24, of Bhadeli of Shivapur VDC-9 was arrested at his home by Royal

Nepalese Army arriving from ! akurdwara Barrack on March 8, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Major Laba Singh Rayamajhi of the same barrack informed the victim’s family that he was kept at ! akurdwara Barrack until April 8, 2002. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

179. Hari Bahadur TharuDate of Birth/ Age : 1984/ 20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 7, 2004Place of Incident : Nepalgunj Municipality-4, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Belbhar, Dhadhawar VDC-8Father’s Name : Ruplal ! aru Mother’s Name : Mankumari ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsHari Bahadur ! aru, 20, of Dhadhawar VDC-8 was arrested at Tribhuvan Chok in Nepalgunj Municipality-4 by Royal Nepalese Army on January 7, 2004 and was kept at the Ranjha Army Post. It is stated that the victim was taken to the Chisapani Barrack on February 10. ! e whereabouts of


the victim, who was CPN-M cadre, remain unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

180. Rajan Kumar ChaudharyDate of Birth/ Age : January 18, 1984/18yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 20, 2001Place of Incident : Magargadi VDC-3Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Dhadhawar VDC-8Father’s Name : Khushiram ! aruMother’s Name : Phakali ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Rajan Kumar Chaudhary, 18, of Dhadhawar VDC-8 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Chisapani and Rammapur on December

20, 2001 while he was walking on the road. Ramesh ! aru of Magaragadi VDC-3, who was arrested along with the victim, informed after his release that the victim was kept at the Chisapani Barrack for 10 days. However, the whereabouts of the victim are still unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

181. Jit Bahadur TharuDate of Birth/ Age : November 5, 1985/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 27, 2004Place of Incident : Shivapur VDC-8Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Karmala, Neulapur VDC-3Father’s Name : Sadhuram ! aruMother’s Name : Rupani ! aru Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Maya ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

DetailsJit Bahadur ! aru, 18, of Neulapur VDC-3 was arrested in Shivapur VDC-8 by Royal Nepalese Army of ! akurdwara on February 27, 2004. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

182. Bhukhalal TharuDate of Birth/ Age : 1978/26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 1, 2002Place of Incident : Magaragadhi VDC-8Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Damouli, Motipur VDC-7


Father’s Name : Jagat Ram ! aru ! aruMother’s Name : Panya ! aruMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 16

DetailsBhukhalal ! aru, 26, of Motipur VDC-7 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur of Magaragadhi VDC-8 on September 1,

2002 while he was heading to India for employment. Tennu ! aru, who was arrested along with him, was released after one month from the arrest. According to her, Bukhalal was released from the barrack after four days. ! e victim remains unknown since then. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

183. Buddhiram TharuDate of Birth/ Age : January 19, 1982 /21yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 1, 2002Place of Incident : Magaragadhi VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Damouli, Motipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Lahanu ! aruMother’s Name : Runchi ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBuddhiram ! aru, 21, of Damouli of Motipur VDC-7 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur Barrack on September 1, 2002. His whereabouts are still unknown. ! e victim was arrested while heading to India for employment. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

184. Lautan TharuDate of Birth/ Age : Januaruy 24, 1979/24yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 21, 2002Place of Incident : Nayagaun VDC-1Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Nayagaun, Nayagaun VDC-1Father’s Name : ! akurram ! aruMother’s Name : Laraini ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jabamani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsLautan ! aru, 24 of Nayagaun of Nayagaun VDC-1 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army while he was harvesting paddy on October 21, 2002. He was released for sometimes and arrested


again at around 10 pm. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

185. Baburam TharuDate of Birth/ Age : August 24, 1975/27yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 2, 2002Place of Incident : Motipur VDC-5Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Madaha, Motipur VDC-5Father’s Name : Prasad ! aruMother’s Name : Ratni ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Shovarani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1

DetailsBaburam ! aru, 27, of Madaha of Motipur VDC-5 was arrested at his home by Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur on October

2, 2002. ! agga ! aru, who was arrested along with him and released fi ve days later, said that the victim told the family to bring food and clothes for him when he had gone for date. However, the victim’s family was not permitted to meet with him. ! e whereabouts of the victim are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

186. Krishna Chaudhary Date of Birth/ Age : August 26, 1979/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 23, 2002Place of Incident : Titihiiriya VDC, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Satariya, Motipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Gopal ! aru Mother’s Name : Phudiya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsKrishna Chaudhary, 23, of Satariya of Motipur VDC-7 was arrested at ! apuwa, Titihariya VDC-7 in Banke by Royal Nepalese Army on April 23, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. According to a person from Kohalpur who was arrested along with the victim, Krishna was detained at the Chisapani Barrack for fi ve days after the arrest. ! e victim’s family is yet to get relief from Government of Nepal.

187. Gita TharuDate of Birth/ Age : December 5, 1970/32yrs

Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 4, 2004Place of Incident : Motipur VDC-7, Bardiya


Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Atagharuwa, Motipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Dhaniram ! aruMother’s Name : Tulashi ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhuwan ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Gita ! aru, 32, of Ataruwa of Motipur VDC-7 was arrested at Damauli of the same ward by Royal Nepalese Army of Rammapur on

September 4, 2004.She was sleeping in a neighbor’s home when shewas arrested by surrounding the house. ! e whereabouts of the victim are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

188. Kali Prasad TharuDate of Birth/ Age : 1987/13yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 20, 2001Place of Incident : Magaragadi VDC-3, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Baniyabhar VDC-7Father’s Name : Ramkisun ! aruMother’s Name : Rampati ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Kali Prasad ! aru, 13, of Baniyabhar VDC-7 was arrested at Jabdahawa in Magaragadi VDC-3 by Royal Nepalese Army arriving from Rammapur on November 20, 2001, while he was walking on the road. ! e victim’s whereabouts remain unknown. ! e victim’s family is yet to get relief from Government of Nepal.

189. Janak TharuDate of Birth/ Age : May 19, 1982/20yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 20, 2002Place of Incident : Magagadi VDC-3Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Baniyabhar VDC-5Father’s Name : Khusiram ! aruMother’s Name : Kujmani ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A CPN-M cadre, Janak ! aru, 20, of Baniyabhar VDC-5 including other fi ve CPN-M cadres, was arrested from Jabdahawa of Magaragadi VDC -3 by the patrolling Royal Nepalese Army from Rammapur on December 20, 2002. But, his whereabouts are still unknown. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.


190. Ramkaran ChaudharyDate of Birth/ Age : July 22, 1966/36yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 4, 2003Place of Incident : Bhimmapur VDC-7Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Belasa, Bhimmapur VDC-7Father’s Name : Dore ! aruMother’s Name : Chechiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Louti ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsRamkaran Chaudhary, 36, Belasa of Bhimmapur VDC-7 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army on January 4, 2003. His whereabouts are still unknown. Government

of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

191. Nepali ChaudharyDate of Birth/ Age : August 26, 1986/ 15yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : January 4, 2003 Place of Incident : Manpur Tapara VDC-1Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Bhimmapur VDC-7Father’s Name : Jaggu ! aruMother’s Name : Jasi ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsNepali Chaudhary, 15, of Bhimmapur VDC-7 was arrested at her home by Royal Nepalese Army from Tapara Temporary Camp in the night on January 4, 2003. Her whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M192. Prem Bahadur TharuDate of Birth/ Age : 1982/22yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 17, 2004Place of Incident : Kakoura, Deudhakala VDC-9Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Kakoura, Deudhakala VDC-9Father’s Name : Botana ! aru Mother’s Name : Dashani ! aru Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Prem Kumari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsPrem Bahadur ! aru, 22, of Kakoura of Dudhkala VDC-9 was abducted from his house on March 17, 2004 and then


disappeared by CPN-M. Government of Nepal has not provided any relief to the victim’s family yet.

193. Janaki Tharu Date of Birth/ Age : October 17, 1981/21yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : April 23, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-3Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Biki, Mahammadpur VDC-8Father’s Name : Krishna Prasad ! aruMother’s Name : Gulyani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Laxmi Narayan Sharma

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Janaki ! aru, 21, of Biki in Mahammadpur VDC-8 was arrested in the premises of Kohalpur Hospital on April 23, 2002 by Royal Nepalese Army

of Chisapani Barrack. Her whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. She had come to the Medical College Hospital of Kohalpur for treatment. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By StateBy Uni ed Command194. Baliram TharuDate of Birth/ Age : January 17, 1982/21yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 18, 2002Place of Incident : Mahammadpur VDC-6Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture, CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Bhainsari, Mahammadpur VDC-8Father’s Name : Phattu ! aruMother’s Name : Dhanashya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Baliram ! aru, 21, of Bhaisahari of Mahmmadpur VDC-8 was arrested from Dudha of the same VDC-6 by the Unifi ed Command of the District Police O# ce on May 18, 2002 when he had gone to thrash paddy. ! e whereabouts of the victim, bundled away in a vehicle, remain unknown since the arrest. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

195. Premlal TharuDate of Birth/ Age : June 27, 1983/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 25, 2002Place of Incident : Mahammadpur VDC-8


DetailsKaliram ! aru, 16, of Bhaisahi of Mahammadpur VDC-8 was arrested by police on April 25, 2002, and was taken away in the vehicle of the District Police O# ce. ! e whereabouts of the victim remain unknown since the arrest. Radio Nepal had broadcast the news the following day of his arrest reporting that he was killed in a crossfi re in Gulariya Municipality. INSEC, citing the conclusion of the local human rights activists who had conducted a fact fi nding mission on the incident, states that he was killed by the police and his dead body was taken away by them. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

197. Tribhuvan Giri Date of Birth/ Age : June 2, 1979/22yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 17, 2001Place of Incident : Pipalchoutara, Kohalpur VDC -3Occupation/A# liation : ANNISU-R Permanent Address : Bansgadhi, Motipur VDC-8Father’s Name : Laxman GiriMother’s Name : Pasha Devi GiriMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Parbati Giri

DetailsTribhuvan Giri, 22, of Bansgadhi of Motipur VDC-8 was arrested at

Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Mahammadpur VDC-8 Father’s Name : Rahaman ! aru Mother’s Name : Pahari ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPremlal ! aru, 19, of Mahammadpur VDC-8 was arrested and taken away with them by the Unifi ed Command on April 25, 2002, while he

was working in the farm. Although the family members heard the news of the victim being killed along with some others, the former have demanded to verify the incident. Government of Nepal provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

By Nepal Police196. Kaliram TharuDate of Birth/ Age : January 15, 1987/16 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 25, 2002Place of Incident : Mahammadpur VDCOccupation/A# liation : Student Permanent Address : Bhaisahi, Mahammadpur VDC-8Father’s Name : Dhaniram ! aruMother’s Name : Manturiya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried


Pipalchoutara in Kohalpur VDC-3 by police from the Kohalpur Area Police O# ce at 7.00 am on December 17, 2001 on charge of being a Maoist.

He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim was kept at Bardiya District Jail until May 2, 2002. He was disappeared along with other nine detainees after the police handed them over to a team of Royal Nepalese Army.! e jailor told the victim’s family that he was already released from the jail. Before that day, Laxman ! aru had frequently met with the victim in the same jail. Similarly, the victim’s parents had met with him at Bardiya Jail on April 28, 2002. ! e victim’s family, displaced to Batakatuwa VDC-7 in Banke, has returned to the former residence. 198. Shakuram TharuDate of Birth/ Age : 1949/ 50yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 22, 1999 Place of Incident : Khusalpatuwa, ! akurdwara VDC-7, Bardiya Permanent Address : Khusalpatuwa, ! akurdwara VDC-7Father’s Name : Jugram ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Puniya ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/5No. of Dependents : 4

Details Shakuram ! aru, 50, of Khusalpatuwa of ! akurdwara VDC-7 was arrested by police arriving from Bhurikot Police O# ce on November 22, 1999. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family is yet to get relief from Government of Nepal.

199. Lachhiman TharuDate of Birth/ Age : December 1, 1968/33yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 25, 2002Place of Incident : Bansgadhi, BardiyaPermanent Address : Mudaha, Motipur VDC-5Father’s Name : Pancharam ! aruMother’s Name : ! agiya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Menarani ! aru No. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

Details Lachhiman ! aru, 33, of Madaha of Motipur VDC-5 was arrested by the police from Area Police O# ce of the same place on January 25, 2002, while he was going to Bansagadhi Bazaar for work. He was sent to Gulariya after fi ve days in detention in the same place. His family members had met with the victim when they had gone to the jail carrying


food and clothes for him. Although the police claimed that he was released on May 3, 2002, the whereabouts of the victim are still unknown. ! e victim’s family is yet to get relief from Government of Nepal.

200. Tulasiram TharuDate of Birth/ Age : October 4, 1980/21yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 23, 2002Place of Incident : Bansgadhi, BardiyaPermanent Address : Madaha, Motipur VDC-5Father’s Name : Nepali ! aruMother’s Name : Gohani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Anita ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0No. of others Dependent : 3

DetailsTulasiram ! aru, 21, of Madaha of Motipur VDC-5 was arrested by the police arriving from the Area Police O# ce on January 23, 2002, while he was going to Bansgadhi Bazaar for work. After fi ve days in detention in the Area Police O# ce custody, he was sent to the District Police O# ce, Gulariya. ! e victim’s family had met with him on the fi rst week of April 2002 at the same o# ce. According to Mangal ! aru aka Sadhu, who was arrested along with the victim and released after some days, three others including Tulasiram did not return to the prison after they were taken out one night. Government of Nepal has not yet provided relief to the victim’s family.

201. Darbari Tharu Date of Birth/Age : December 25, 1977/24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 25, 2002 Place of Incident : Bansgadi, BardiyaPermanent Address : Madaha, Motipur VDC-5Father’s Name : Pyare ! aruMother’s Name : Budhaniya ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rampyari ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/3

Details Darbari ! aru, 24, of Madaha, Motipur VDC-5 was arrested by a police team arriving from the Bansgadi Area Police O# ce in Bansgadi Bazaar on January 25, 2002. He was kept there for fi ve days and then transferred to the District Police O# ce in Gulariya. He was disappeared after being kept there for 20 days. His family has not received relief from Government of Nepal.

202. Sita Janaki Tharu Date of Birth/Age : April 13, 1964/38 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : October 2, 2001 Place of Incident : Dhodari VDC-7, BardiyaPermanent Address : Mahuwa, Manpur Tapara VDC-2, BardiyaMother’s Name : Chhuniya ! aruMarital Status : Married


Husband/Wife : Laxmi Narayan ! aruSon/Daughter : 2/1

Details Sita Janaki ! aru, 38, of Mahuwa in Manpur Tapara VDC-2 was arrested from Dhodhari Chok of Dhodari VDC-7 in Bardiya by the police

October 2, 2001 as she was heading for Nepalgunj. She was kept at the District Police O# ce in Gulariya for four days. Her whereabouts remain unknown since then. Her family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

203. Bed Prasad Yogi Date of Birth/Age : September 2, 1956/42 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 24, 1998Place of Incident : Shivapur VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : CPN-M cadrePermanent Address : Dalla, Suryapatuwa VDC-4Father’s Name : Kaliram ! aru YogiMother’s Name : Shyam Kumari ! aru YogiMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhikhani ! aru YogiSon/Daughter : 2/2

Details Bed Prasad Yogi, 42, of Dalla in

Suryapatuwa VDC-4 was arrested in Shivapur VDC-3 by a police team led by Gopal KC which arrived from the Area Police O# ce at Bhurigaon in Neulapur on August 24, 1998. His family fi led a habeas corpus writ at Nepalgunj Appellate Court on August 26, 1998. Police, claiming that there was discrepancy of one alphabet in the name, denied the arrest of Bed Prasad Yogi. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

204. Shiva Prasad Tharu Date of Birth/Age : July 26, 1981/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 25, 2002 Place of Incident : Mahamadpur VDC-8, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bhaisahi, Mahamadpur VDC-4Father’s Name : Gohram ! aruMother’s Name : ! agni ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Shiva Prasad ! aru, 21, of Bhaisahi in Mahamadpur VDC-4 was arrested in Mahamadpur VDC-8 in Bardiya by police on April 25, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. Gohram, Shiva Prasad ! aru’s father, went


to the District Police O# ce to meet his son on April 29, but he was turned back saying that his son was there, Ghoram was not allowed to meet him. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

205. Dashram TharuDate of Birth/Age : October 20, 1983/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 1, 2001 Place of Incident : Motipur VDC-8, BardiyaPermanent Address : Motipur VDC-8Occupation/A# liation : PLA Father’s Name : Kanai ! aruMother’s Name : Tikiya ! aruMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Dashram ! aru, 18, of Motipur VDC-8 was arrested at Bansgadi in Motipur VDC-8 by a police team on December 1, 2001. He was taken to District Police O# ce

in Gulariya. His family members met with him at the DPO on December 22, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

206. Suresh Wali Date of Birth/Age : April 18, 1971/31 yrsSex : Male

Date of Incident : December 22, 2002 Place of Incident : Neulapur VDC-5, BardiyaPermanent Address : Rajipur, Baniyabhar VDC-1Father’s Name : Padam Bahadur WaliMother’s Name : Hari Maya WaliMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Devisara WaliNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/3

Details Suresh Wali, 31, of Rajipur, Baniyabhar VDC-1 was arrested by a police team arriving from Area Police O# ce, Neulapur which was led by inspector Yam Bahadur Gaire, on December 22, 2002. His father Padam, arrested along with Suresh, was released on December 26. Suresh’s family met him at the DPO for the last time. Police later told the family that Suresh was shot dead while he was trying to escape from the custody, however, they did not provide his body. At that time, SP Rabi Pratap Rana, DSP Rana Bahadur Gautam and Inspector Kedar Koirala were posted at the DPO. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

207. Shivacharan TharuDate of Birth/Age : 1967/34 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 12, 2001


Place of Incident : Motipur VDC-8Occupation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Jagatiya, Sorhawa VDC-2, BardiyaFather’s Name : Laxiram ! aruMother’s Name : ! agni ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Mangati ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Shivacharan ! aru, 34, of Sorhawa VDC-2 was arrested by a police team arriving from Motipur Area Police O# ce on December 12, 2001.

He was arrested at Bansgadi Bazaar and was kept at the APO for three days. He was taken through Jagatiya village and was kept at Mainapokhar Area Police O# ce for another three days. ! ence, he was taken to the District Police O# ce in Gulariya, where he was detained for 90 days. ! e family members had met him at the DPO till April 29, 2002 but were not allowed to meet him since May 4, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

208. Roina Tharu Date of Birth/Age : November 6, 1974/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 29, 2001 Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-3, Banke

Permanent Address : Betahani, Belawa VDC-7Father’s Name : Bhagan ! aruMother’s Name : Batasiya ! aru Marital Status : UnmarriedDetails Roina ! aru, 27, of Betahani in Belawa VDC-7 was arrested in Kohalpur VDC-3 by the Belawa Area Police O# ce on December 29, 2001 where he was working as laborer. His brother was also arrested from his home by a team of Royal Nepalese Army on the same day. Whereabouts of both brothers remain unknown. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

By StateBy CPN-M209. Anita BK Date of Birth/Age : 1985/19 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : October 21, 2004 Place of Incident : Taratal VDC-5, BardiyaOccupation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Taratal VDC-5Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Raju BKSon/Daughter : 1/0No. of Dependents : 9


Details Anita BK, 19, of Taratal VDC-5 was abducted by CPN-M cadres on October 21, 2004 on charge of collecting money

in the name of Maoists. ! e Maoists told the family members that she would be back in few hours. While taking her away, the Maoist cadres handed her four-month-old son to her mother-in-law. ! e Maoists later told that she was killed following a decision by their court but her whereabouts remain unknown.

210. Lal Bahadur Tharu Date of Birth/Age : 1970/52 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 27, 2002Place of Incident : Dhodhari VDC-3, BardiyaOccupation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Dhodhari VDC-3Father’s Name : Aganu ! aruMother’s Name : Bhojsani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Dashani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2

Details Lal Bahadur ! aru, 52, of Dhodhari VDC-3 was abducted from home by CPN-M cadres on June 27, 2002. His family has information that he was seen with the Maoists in Padnaha VDC. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e family has not received any support from Government of Nepal.

211. Kanhaiya Tharu Date of Birth/Age : August 24, 1981/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : August 13, 2003 Place of Incident : Padnaha VDC-3, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : CPN-M Permanent Address : Takiya, Bagnaha VDC-6Father’s Name : Phulram ! aruMother’s Name : Lauti ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Indrani ! aruNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details Kanhaiya ! aru, 22, of Takiya in Bagnaha VDC-6 was abducted from Padnaha VDC-3 by the then CPN-M in-charge Ram Bahadur ! aru on August 13, 2003 on charge of betraying the party. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family has not received any support from Government of Nepal.

212. Ramesh Bahadur Yadav (Niraj) Date of Birth/Age : November 22, 1983/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 28, 2004Place of Incident : Gulariya Municipality-2, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Jaypur, Gulariya Municipality-2


as CPN-M cadres on June 18, 2003. He was sleeping at home when the group arrived. His father Kali Bahadur Bishta was also abducted along with him. ! e men told the family that they were taking them away to inquire about a case fi led in Rukum. Where abouts of both father and son remain unknown.

214. Sagar Gautam Date of Birth/Age : 1980/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 2002 Place of Incident : Kunathari, Baniyabhar VDC-5, BardiyaPermanent Address : Sanoshree VDC-9Father’s Name : Baburam Gautam Mother’s Name : Mina GautamMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Lila /Nirmala GautamNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

Details Sagar Gautam, 22, of Baniyabhar VDC-5 was abducted by CPN-M cadres on November 26, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family has not received any support from Government of Nepal.

215. Bhimraj Srivastab Date of Birth/Age : 1955/48 yrs Sex : Male

Father’s Name : Samser YadavMother’s Name : Sarbesh YadavMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Ramesh Bahadur Yadav alias Niraj, 20, of Jaypur in Gulariya Municipality-2 was abducted by a group of CPN-M cadres led by Padam Rijal on October 28, 2004.

His whereabouts remain unknown. His family has not received any support from Government of Nepal till date.

213. Bhim Bahadur Bishta Date of Birth/Age : December 6, 1977/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 18, 2003 Place of Incident : Belawa VDC-7, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Betahani, Belawa VDC-7Father’s Name : Kali Bahadur BishtaMother’s Name : Pimakali BishtaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Piwali BishtaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/0

Details Bhim Bahadur Bishta, 26, of Betahani in Belawa VDC-7 was abducted by a group of about 50 men identifying themselves


Date of Incident : April 1, 2004 Place of Incident : Jamuni VDC-4Occupation/A# liation : NC cadrePermanent Address : Jamuni, Jamuni VDC-4Father’s Name : Maharajbax SrivastabMother’s Name : Malati Devi SrivastabMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rajkumari and Suraj Moti ! aru SrivastabNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/1No. of Dependents : 2

Details Bhim Raj Srivastab, 48, of Jamuni in Jamuni VDC-4 was abducted by a group of CPN-M cadres on April 1, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown. Maoist cadres told the family one

month after the abduction that he was killed but did not give the details of the location or the date. His family received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

216. Krishna Raj Adhikari Date of Birth/Age : April 28, 1978/26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : July 18, 2004 Place of Incident : Duedkala VDCOccupation/A# liation : Royal Nepalese Army Permanent Address : Deudkala VDC-9

Father’s Name : Chet Narayan AdhikariMother’s Name : Sabitri Devi AdhikariMarital Status : UnmarriedDetails Krishna Raj Adhikari, 26, of Deudkala VDC-9 was abducted by CPN-M cadres from Laxman Chok of the same VDC-9 on July 18, 2004. He was abducted while he was at home on leave. His family has not received support from Government of Nepal.

217. Rojan Ali Date of Birth/Age : 1968/34 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 10, 2002Place of Incident : Deudkala VDC-7Occupation/A# liation : BusinessPermanent Address : Reshampur, Deudkala VDC-7Father’s Name : Ibrahim AliMother’s Name : Gapura AliMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jayanak Ali JagaNo. of Son/Daughter : 5/0

Details Rojan Ali, 34, of Duedkala, VDC-7 was abducted from home by CPN-M cadre on November 10, 2002. His


whereabouts remain unknown. His family has received Rs 100,000 from Government of Nepal as an interim relief.

218. Uttam Tharu Date of Birth/Age : April 12, 1982/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 17, 2004Place of Incident : Duedkala VDC-9Occupation/A# liation : Royal Nepalese ArmyPermanent Address : Kakaura, Deudkala VDC-9Father’s Name : Ramsharan ! aru Mother’s Name : Tilak Rani ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Man Maya ! aruSon/Daughter : 0/1

Details Uttam ! aru, 22, of Kakaura in Deudkala VDC-9 and deputed at Siddhibax Battalion was abducted by the CPN-M cadres on March 17, 2004.

His whereabouts remain unknown. His family has not received any support from Government of Nepal.

219. Rajendra Chaudhary Date of Birth/Age : 1980/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 18, 2004 Occupation/A# liation : PolicePlace of Incident : Baidi, Dhadhawar

VDC-4, BardiyaPermanent Address : Dhadhawar VDC-4Father’s Name : Rup Lal ! aruMother’s Name : Tejuli ! aruMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Urmila ! aruSon/Daughter : 0/1

Details Rajendra Chaudhary, 22 of Baidi in Dhadhawar VDC-4 was abducted by the CPN-M cadres on January 18, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family received Rs 850,000 from Government of Nepal.

4.8 Surkhet

By State By Uni ed Command 1. Madan Raj Khanal Date of Birth/ Age : August 23, 1977/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 25, 2004Place of Incident : Birendranagar Municipality-5Occupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Barainche, Babiyachaur VDC-8Father’s Name : Laxmi Prasad Khanal Mother’s Name : Debaki Khanal


DetailsA district member of the ANNISU-R Madan Raj Khanal, 26, of Babiyachaur VDC-8 was arrested in Birendranagar

Municipality-5 by the security forces on February 25, 2004. He remains disappeared since the arrest. His whereabouts are still unknown.

By Royal Nepalese Army2. Deviram Roka MagarDate of Birth/ Age : September 26, 1982 /20 yrsSex : Male Date of Incident : June 29, 2002 Place of Incident : Birendranagar Municipality-5 SurkhetOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Bayalkod, Gadhi VDC-5Father’s Name : Balam Bahadur Roka MagarMother’s Name : Padamkali Roka Magar

DetailsA daily wage earner in Kanchanpur, Deviram Rokmagar of Gadhi VDC-5, was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army on June 29, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. He

remains disappeared since the arrest.

3. Deepa WaliDate of Birth/ Age : April 1, 1986 /18 yrsSex : Female Date of Incident : August 6, 2003 Place of Incident : Ramghat VDC-5 SurkhetOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Latikoilee VDC-9Father’s Name : Purna Singh WaliMother’s Name : Sushila Wali

DetailsA Maoist cadre, Deepa Wali, 18, of Latikoilee VDC-5 was arrested by a patrolling team of Royal Nepalese Army on August 6, 2003 accusing her of being a Maoist. She remains disappeared since the arrest.

4. Gangaram WaliDate of Birth/ Age : 1971/ 29yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 28, 2002Place of Incident : Geruwani Babai, Chhinchu VDC-1Occupation/A# liation : Wage EarningPermanent Address : Latikoilee VDC-9 SurkhetFather’s Name : Devram WaliMother’s Name : Pabi WaliWife’s name : Tilsari WaliNo. of Son/Daughter : 2


DetailsGangaram Wali, 29, of Chhinchu VDC-1 was arrested at his home by a patrolling Team of Royal Nepalese Army on September 28, 2002

accusing him of being a Maoist cadre. His whereabouts are still unknown.

5. Chandra Bahadur DamaiDate of Birth/ Age : 1975/ 27yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 28, 2002Place of Incident : Kohalpur VDC-5 BankeOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Dahachaur VDC-7Father’s Name : Kabiram DamaiMother’s Name : Mankumari DamaiWife’s name : Koushila DamaiNo. of Son/Daughter : 2

DetailsA Maoist cadre, Chandra Bahadur Damai, 27, of Dahachaur VDC-7 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army in Kohalpur in the Banke district on June 28, 2002.

He remains disappeared since the arrest.

6. Geeta BohoraDate of Birth/ Age : March 29, 1990/14yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 19, 2003

Place of Incident : Talloghumne, Dasharathpur VDC-5, SurkhetOccupation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Dasharathpur VDC-5 Father’s Name : Gagan Bahadur Bohora

DetailsGeeta Bohora, a Maoist cadre, 14, of Dasharathpur VDC-5 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army at Dasharathpur on September 19, 2003 on charge of being a Maoist. She remains disappeared since the arrest.

7. Jagat Bahadur Chunara Date of Birth/ Age : 1984/18yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 20, 2002 Place of Incident : Satakhani VDC-8 SurkhetOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Pamka VDC-4, SurkhetFather’s Name : Bir Bahadur ChunaraMother’s Name : Jamuna Chunara

DetailsJagat Bahadur Chunara, a Maoist cadre, 18, of Pamka VDC-4 was arrested by patrolling team of Royal Nepalese Army on February 20, 2002, on charge of being a Maoist. He remains disappeared since the arrest.


By Nepal Police8. Shanta PokharelDate of Birth/ Age : February 23, 1980/20 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Inciden : February 15, 2000Place of Incident : Birendranagar Municipality-12 or 2Occupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Birendranagar Municipality-11Father’s Name : Mitralal PokharelMother’s Name : Nandakala PokharelWife’s name : Rishi PokharelNo. of Son/Daughter : 1

DetailsA member of All Nepal Women Organization in the Surkhet district Shanta Pokharel, 20, of Birendranagar-11 was arrested by Nepal Police on February

15, 2000 on charge of being a Maoist. Her whereabouts are unknown since the arrest.

9. Sharan ThapaDate of Birth/ Age : August 21, 1979/22 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 26, 2001 Place of Incident : Parbatipur VDC, Banke Occupation/A# liation : Wage-earning

Permanent Address : Piple, Dahachaur VDC-5 Father’s Name : Sete ! apaMother’s Name : Sumila ! apaWife’s name : Mankumari ! apaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1

DetailsSharan ! apa, a labor in a company located at Parbatipur in Banke and permanent resident of Dahachaur VDC-5 was arrested at Parbatipur by police on May 26, 2001. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim had gone to Banke for the job after renouncing the party.

10. Dhir Bahadur ThapaDate of Birth/ Age : June 26, 1983/ 20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : on May 1, 2003 Place of Incident : Nepalganj Municipality, BankeOccupation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Dasharathpur VDC-2 Father’s Name : Bir Bahadur ! apa

DetailsA Maoist cadre, Dhir Bahadur ! apa, 20, of Dasharathpur VDC-2 was arrested in Nepalganj of Banke by police on May 1, 2003 on charge of being a Maoist. He was


disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s whereabouts are still unknown.

11. Prem Bahadur RasailiDate of Birth/ Age : December 21, 1976/ 25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 20, 2002Place of Incident : Lekhparajul VDC- 6 SurkhetOccupation/A# liation : PoliticsPermanent Address : Ramghat VDC-7 Father’s Name : Jasbir RasailiMother’s Name : Channakala Rasaili

Details A member of PLA, Prem Bahadur Rasaili, 25, of Ramghat VDC-7 was arrested by police in Lekhparajul VDC-5 on charge of being a Maoist. ! e victim’s whereabouts are not known since then.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M12. Prem Bahadur Karki Date of Birth/ Age : July 20, 1975/ 28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 7, 2004 Place of Incident : Patabhar VDC-7, BardiyaOccupation/A# liation : Armed Police ForcePermanent Address : Bijaura VDC-5 Father’s Name : Bala Karki Mother’s Name : ! oli KarkiHusband/Wife : Nanda Karki

DetailsA constable in Armed Police Force, Prem Bahadur Karki, 28, of Bijaura VDC-5 was abducted from Patajhara of Bardiya by the CPN-M cadres on January 7, 2004. ! e whereabouts of the victim are still unknown.

13. Man Bahadur KhadkaDate of Birth/ Age : November 24, 1975/ 30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 20, 2005Place of Incident : Lekhparajul VDC-1 SurkhetPermanent Address : Lekhparajul VDC-1Father’s Name : Gopal KhadkaMother’s Name : Chandrakala KhadkaWife’s name : Abisara KhadkaNo. of sons/daughters : 2/1

DetailsMan Bahadur Khadka, 30, of Lekhparajul VDC-1 was abducted from his village by CPN-M cadres on November 20, 2005 accusing him of having di" erent political ideology. He remains disappeared since the arrest. ! e victim’s family was living as squatters at Dhungrikhola in Lekhparajul VDC-8. A local cadre of Maoist and Maoist district committee member, Narendra Karki claimed that Khadka had gone to India after his prompt release following the abduction adding that his


wife Bina Khadka accepted it in an all-party meeting held in Lakhaparajul VDC following the end the armed confl ict. However, Karki has not provided the agreement paper supposedly signed in the meeting. ! e victim’s wife Bina claims that she signed the paper because of the pressure from the CPN-M.

14. Yam Bahadur Khatri Date of Birth/ Age : May 3, 1980/21yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 16, 2001Place of Incident : Khanikhola VDC-7, SurkhetOccupation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Khanikhola VDC-7Father’s Name : Takar Bahadur KhatriMother’s Name : Dhanasari Khatri

Details Former CPN-M cadre, Yam Bahadur Khatri, of Khanikhola VDC-7 was abducted from his home by fellow CPN-M cadres on November 16, 2001on charge of spying

against the Maoist. ! e whereabouts of the victim are still unknown.

4.9 JajarkotBy State By Royal Nepalese Army1. Birendra Prasad KCDate of Birth/Age : May 29, 1978 /25 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 22, 2003Place of Incident : Rakam, Rakam VDC-2, SurkhetOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Suwanauli, Suwanauli VDC-4Father’s Name : Lal Bahadur KCMother’s Name : Mina KCMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBirendra Prasad KC, 25, of Suwanauli VDC-4 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army in Rakam VDC-2, Surkhet on December 22, 2003.His whereabouts remain unknown.

2. Chandra RokayaDate of Birth/Age : November 1, 1979 / 22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 25, 2002 Place of Incident : Kapashe Barrack, Birendranagar Municipality-7, SurkhetOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : ! alaraikar VDC-9


Father’s Name : Gagan Singh RokayaMother’s Name : Lali RokayaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Chandra Rokaya, 22, of ! alaraikar VDC-9 was arrested at his home by a team of Royal Nepalese Army from Surkhet district and was taken to Birendranagar municipality-7, Surkhet in a helicopter on January 25, 2002 .His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest.

3. Laxmi Prasad AdhikariDate of Birth/Age : October 13, 1983/ 20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 30, 2003Place of Incident : Chisapani, Chisapani VDC-1, BankeOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Hadetola, Dashera VDC-1Father’s Name : Gyani Prasad Adhikari Mother’s Name : Harikala Adhikari Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsLaxmi Prasad Adhikari, 20, of Hadetola, Dashera VDC-1 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army on charge of being a Maoist and was taken to Chisapani Barrack on April 30, 2003. He was heading for India when he was arrested. His whereabouts remain unknown.

4. Karna BasnetDate of Birth/Age : September 4, 1967 / 32 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 10, 1999Place of Incident : Garkhakot, Garkhakot VDC-2, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Neta, Kortang VDC-6Father’s Name : Amar BasnetMother’s Name : Rupa Basnet Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Bimala Basnet No. of Son/Daughter : 2/2No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsKarna Basnet, 32, of Neta in Kortang VDC-6 was arrested in Garkhakot VDC-2 by police on charge of being a Maoist as he was there for his business. He was taken to Garkhakot Area Police O# ce on October 10, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown. Police said he was released on the same day of his arrest. His family members received Rs1 00,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Nepal Police5. Kus Bahadur ShahiDate of Birth/Age : September 2, 1974 /26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 29, 2000 Place of Incident : Jamunahachauki, Jaispur VDC-1, Banke


Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture, Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Yerari, Laha VDC-8Father’s Name : Dal Bahadur ShahiMother’s Name : Parbati ShahiMarital Status : UnmarriedNo. of Dependents : 2

DetailsKus Bahadur Shahi, 26, of Yerari in Laha VDC-8 was arrested by the police from Jamunaha Check Post of Jaispur VDC-1 in Banke while he was on his way to India on August 29, 2000. His whereabouts remain unknown.

6. Bhuplal GautamDate of Birth/Age : October 29, 1973 / 25 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 11, 1999Place of Incident : Khalchaur, Laha VDC-4, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Dadagaun, Dadagaun VDC-5Father’s Name : Shivalal GautamMother’s Name : Parbati GautamMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBhuplal Gautam, 25, of Dadagaun in Dadagaun VDC-5 was arrested at his home by a police team from of Area Police O# ce, Khalchaur on charge of being a Maoist on April 11, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest.

7. Keshab KhadkaDate of Birth/Age : June 3, 1974 / 24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : July 30, 1998Place of Incident : Shepukhola, Sakla VDC-3, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Labisha, Laha VDC-8Father’s Name : Datte KhadkaMother’s Name : Lalu KhadkaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Keshab Khadka, 24, of Labisha, Laha VDC-8 was arrested at his home on charge of being a Maoist by a team of Police of Area Police O# ce, Shepukhola and Ramidada and was taken to Area Police O# ce, Shepukhola on July 30, 1998.His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 1 00,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

8. Lalu BudhaDate of Birth/Age : September 4, 1973 / 25 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 13, 1998Place of Incident : Bahlikuiya, Majkot VDC-7, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Jurka, Daha VDC-2Father’s Name : Lile BudhaMother’s Name : Phistee BudhaMarital Status : Unmarried


DetailsLalu Budha, 25, of Jurka in Daha VDC-2 was arrested by a police team of Area Police O# ce in the pretext of investigation and was dissappeared after reaching Bahlukuiya in Majkot VDC-7 on the way to Dashera Police O# ce on November 13, 1998.His whereabouts remain unknown.

9. Khim Bahadur BKDate of Birth/Age : May 28, 1965 /33 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 30, 1999Place of Incident : Bhagwatitole, Khalanga VDC-1, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Kolchaur, Khalanga VDC-9Father’s Name : Hauro KamiMother’s Name : Kali KameniMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Deepa BkNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/0No. of Dependents : 1

DetailsKhim Bahadur BK, 33, of Kolchaur in Khalanga VDC-9 was arrested at his home by police and was taken to District Police O# ce on March 30, 1999. His

whereabouts remain unknown since then. ! e police said they did’t arrest anyone with such name. His family members received

Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

10. Guman Singh RanaDate of Birth/Age : November 28, 1972 / 26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 14, 1998Place of Incident : Bhagwatitole, Kahalanga VDC-1Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Pipe, Khalanga VDC-8Father’s Name : Takbir RanaMother’s Name : Dhani RanaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsGuman Singh Rana, 26, of Pipe, Khalanga VDC-8 was arrested by police from Rakam in Surkhet District and was taken to District Police O# ce, Jajarkot in a helicopter on March 23, 1998. He was in the custody of District Police O# ce, Jajarkot till April 14, 1998. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

11. Man Bahadur KarkiDate of Birth/Age : October 23, 1977 /21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 9, 1999Place of Incident : Bhagwatitole, Khalanga VDC-1, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : Student


Permanent Address : Risanga, Khalanga VDC-6Father’s Name : Dhuleshwor KarkiMother’s Name : Dhani KarkiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsMan Bahadur Karki, 21, of Risangaka in Khalanga VDC-6 was arrested by police at his home on February 9, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown since

the arrest. ! e DSP of District Police O# ce informed the family members of the victim that he was already released on February 10, 1999. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

12. Keshe BasnetDate of Birth/Age : June 1, 1979 /20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 10, 1999Place of Incident : Garkhakot, Garkhakot VDC-2, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Neta, Kortang VDC-6Father’s Name : Dal Bahadur BasnetMother’s Name : Kali BasnetMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsKeshe Basnet, 20, of Nete in Kortang VDC-6 was arrested by Police on charge of being a Maoist while he was on Garghakot VDC-2 on business and was taken to Area Police O# ce, Garkhakot on October 10, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown since then. Police said he was released on the same day of his arrest. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

13. Shiva Prasad SharmaDate of Birth/Age : October 26, 1967 / 33 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 28, 2000Place of Incident : Dhamboji, Nepalgunj Municipality-1, BankeOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Risang, Khalkanga VDC-6Father’s Name : Chudamani SharmaMother’s Name : Mohankumari SharmaMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Premkala SharmaNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2No. of Dependents : 1

Details Shiva Prasad Sharma, 33, of Risang in Khalkanga VDC-6 was arrested at Dhamboji, Nepalgunj Municipality-1 in Banke district by police on charge of being


a Maoist-1 on November 28, 2000. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

14. Kali Bahadur BKDate of Birth/Age : August 10, 1974 /24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 29, 1998Place of Incident : Kotkhola, Khalanga VDC-1, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Porkha, Khalanga VDC-5Father’s Name : Amrit KamiMother’s Name : Kali KamiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsKali Bahadur BK, 24, of Porkha in Khalanga VDC-5 was arrested at his house by a team of Police arriving from District Police O# ce on charge of being a Maoist on December 29, 1998. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

15. Ratiban BKDate of Birth/Age : October 18, 1974 /24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 1998Place of Incident : Kotkhola, Kahalanga VDC-1, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture

Permanent Address : Darnota, Khalanga VDC-6Father’s Name : Choche KamiMother’s Name : Noti KamiMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2No. of Dependents : 3

Details Ratiban BK, 24, of Darnota, Khalanga VDC-6 was arrested at his house by police on charge of being a Maoist on November 26, 1998. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

16. Dalbir PariyarDate of Birth/Age : December 20, 1974 / 24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 1998Place of Incident : Kotkhola, Kahalanga VDC-1, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Darnota, Khalanga VDC-6Father’s Name : Rudra Bahadur PariyarMother’s Name : Amrita PariyarMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDalbir Pariyar, 24, of Darnota in Khalanga VDC-6 was arrested at his house by police on charge of being a Maoist on November


26, 1998. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

17. Makdal KamiDate of Birth/Age : September 29, 1976 / 22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 1, 1999Place of Incident : Kotkhola, Kahalanga VDC-1, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Porkha, Khalanga VDC-5Father’s Name : Dhanbir KamiMother’s Name : Jayashila KamiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsMakdal Kami, 22, of Porkha in Khalanga VDC-5 was arrested at his home by a team of police from District Police O# ce on charge of being a Maoist on January 1, 1999. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

18. Arjun RanaDate of Birth/Age : August 19, 1983 /15 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 20, 1998Place of Incident : Rimna, Khalanga VDC-8, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Rimna, Khalanga VDC-8

Father’s Name : Jaya Bahadur RanaMother’s Name : Bishni RanaMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Arjun Rana, 15, of Rimna, Khalanga VDC-8 was arrested by police on charge of being a Maoist on November 20, 1998 and was taken to Rimna Police Station. His whereabouts remain unknown. When the victim’s family enquired at Police Station on November 22, 1998, the police said that he was taken to District Police O# ce for investigation. But on November 23, District Police O# ce said no one was sent there. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M19. Aite RanaDate of Birth/Age : August 6, 1974 /26 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 1, 2000Place of Incident : Pipe, Khalanga VDC-8, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : Politics, NCPermanent Address : Pipe, Khalanga VDC-8Father’s Name : Tikaram RanaMother’s Name : Bhabhisara RanaMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : RemarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/1

DetailsAite Rana, 26, of Pipe, Khalanga VDC-8 was taken away by Maoists on charge of


spying against them on May 1, 2000.His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

20. Jay Prasad JaishiDate of Birth/Age : August 4, 1979 /23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 13, 2002Place of Incident : Chubadeuli, Dashora VDC-2, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Ghingri, Pajaru VDC-7Father’s Name : Lal Prasad JaishiMother’s Name : Panshari JaishiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsJay Prasad Jaishi, 23, of Ghingri, Pajaru VDC-7 was abducted by CPN-M cadres on October 13, 2002 on charge of violating their code of conduct. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

21. Birbal PunDate of Birth/Age : December 19, 1976 /18 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 3, 1998Place of Incident : Porkha Jungle, Khalanga VDC-5, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Porkha, Khalanga VDC-5

Father’s Name : Narbir PunMother’s Name : Kalauti PunMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Birbal Pun, 18, of Porkha, Khalanga VDC-5 was abducted by CPN-M on charge of working against them on May 3, 1998. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

4.10 DailekhBy Non-StateBy CPN-M1. Balaram BishtaDate of Birth/Age : August 28, 1955 / 48 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 29, 2003Place of Incident : Ramkarnali VDC-4, DailekhOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Rawatkot VDC -4Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur BishtaMother’s Name : Indrakala Bishta

DetailsBalaram Bishta, 48, of Rawatkot VDC-4 was abducted and made disappeared by the CPN-M cadres on August 29, 2003 on charge of spying against them.


4.11 Dolpa

By StateBy Royal Nepalese Army1. Man Bahadur SarkiDate of Birth/Age : February 14, 1983 /19 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 15, 2001Place of Incident : Kalika VDC-7, DolpaOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Sarmi VDC-7Father’s Name : Lagune SarkiMother’s Name : Kaldhari Sarki

DetailsMan Bahadur Sarki, 19, of Sarmi VDC-7 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army from Kalika VDC. He was disappeared on December 15, 2001.

2. Ram Bahadur BoharaDate of Birth/Age : February 22, 1969 / 33 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 14, 2002Place of Incident : Kalika VDC-7, DolpaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Kalika VDC-2Father’s Name : Paile BoharaMother’s Name : Sauni BoharaMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Dhup Kumari BoharaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsRam Bahadur Bohara, 33, of Kalika VDC-2 was arrested and disappeared by Royal Nepalese Army from Kalika VDC-7 on February 14, 2002.

By StateBy Royal Nepalese Army1. Dhanjit KamiDate of Birth/Age : September 24, 1979 / 23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 14, 2002Place of Incident : Chandannath VDC-6, JumlaOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Kudari VDC-4Father’s Name : Balrup KamiMother’s Name : Bishnu KamiMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Gahukala KamiNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsDhanjit Kami, 23, of Sapulli in Kudari VDC-4 was arrested and dissappeared by a team of Royal Nepalese Army when he was on his way to Garjyankot with the goods belonging to the CPN-M on November 14, 2002.

4.12 Jumla


By Nepal Police2. Purna Bahadur BhandariSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 17, 1999Place of Incident : Guthichaur, JumlaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Garjyangkot VDC-9Father’s Name : Apure BhandariMother’s Name : UnknownMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ammakali BhandariNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1DetailsPurna Bahadur Bhandari of Garjyangkot VDC-9 was arrested and disappeared on charge of being a Maoist by a team at the Police O# ce at Munisangu on June 17, 1999.

4.13 KalikotBy StateBy Uni ed Command1. Raju PariyarDate of Birth/Age : March 12, 1987 / 18 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : July 20, 2004Place of Incident : Tatopani VDC, JumlaOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Chhapre VDC-6Father’s Name : Rage PariyarMother’s Name : Pulti PariyarMarital Status : Unmarried No. of Dependents : 10

DetailsRaju Pariyar, 18, of Chhapre VDC-6 was disappeared in clash between CPN-M and Unifi ed Command on July 20, 2004. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

By Uni ed Command2. Kismata Kumari ShahiDate of Birth/Age : December 19, 1984 /19 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : July 17, 2003Place of Incident : Alital VDC, DadeldhuraOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Regil, Badalkot VDC-2Father’s Name : Kul Bahadur ShahiMother’s Name : Sharadha ShahiMarital Status : Unmarried

Details Kismata Kumari Shahi, 19, of Regil in Badalkot VDC-2 was arrested by Unifi ed Command of Dadeldhura on July 17, 2003. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.


3. Raghudhan ShahiDate of Birth/Age : May 19, 1972 /30 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 26, 2002Place of Incident : Khadachakra, Manmakhadachakra VDC-5, KalikotOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bachkot, Ramnakot VDC-4Father’s Name : Padam Bahadur ShahiMother’s Name : Laxmi ShahiMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Shabala ShahiNo. of Son/Daughter : 1

Details Raghudhan Shahi, 30, of Bachkot in Ramnakot VDC-4 was arrested by Unifi ed Command from Khadachakra in M a n m a k h a d a c h a k r a VDC-5 on May 26, 2002.

His whereabouts remain unknown. HIs family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

4. Harke SarkiDate of Birth/Age : January 28, 1985 / 20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : January 23, 2005Place of Incident : Junga ! apachaur VDC-5, JajarkotOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M

Permanent Address : Pankha VDC-4Father’s Name : Mane SarkiMother’s Name : Rupdara SarkiMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Ishawara SarkiNo. of Dependents : 6

DetailsHarke Sarki, 20, of Pankha VDC-4 was arrested by Unifi ed Command from Junga ! apachaur VDC-5 of Jajarkot district on January 23, 2005. His whereabouts remain unknown.

5. Rajendra KCDate of Birth/Age : June 4, 1984 / 20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 20, 2005Place of Incident : Khiratadi VDC, BajhangOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Parghar, Mumra VDC-4Father’s Name : Lalman Khatri KCMother’s Name : Dhani Khatri KCMarital Status : Unmarried No. of Dependents : 5

DetailsRajendra KC, 20, of Parghar in Mumra VDC-4 and cadre of CPN-M was arrested by Unifi ed Command from Khiratadi VDC in Bajhang district on February 20, 2005. His whereabouts remain unknown.


6. Janam Bahadur Shahi (Nirdosh)Date of Birth/Age : April 7, 1983 /27 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 6, 2005Place of Incident : Khara VDC-2, RukumOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Manu, Jubidha VDC-9Father’s Name : Padam Bahadur ShahiMother’s Name : Laishari ShahiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsJanam Bahadur Shahi alias Nirdos, 27, of Manu in Jubidha VDC-9 and member of CPN-M 6th division battalion was taken under control by Unifi ed Command after

the clash at Khara Police Station in Rukum on April 6, 2005.His whereabouts remain unknown since then.

7. Bhadra Bahadur BogatiDate of Birth/Age : July 13, 1969 /32 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 9, 2002Place of Incident : Manmakhada- chakra VDC-5, KalikotOccupation/A# liation : TeacherPermanent Address : Gairagaun, Manmakhada- chakra VDC-5, Kalikot

Father’s Name : Nandaram BogatiMother’s Name : Sarkeni Bogati Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Abhisara Bogati No. of Son/Daughter : 2/2No. of Dependents : 6

Details Bhadra Bahadur Bogati, 32, of Gairagaun in Manmakhadachakra VDC-5 was arrested by a joint team of police and Army arriving from District Police O# ce on March 9, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown.

8. Nirmalraj BogatiDate of Birth/Age : April 20, 1985 / 17 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 6, 2002 Place of Incident : Gairagaun, Manmakhada- chakra VDC-1, KalikotOccupation/A# liation : Student Permanent Address : Gairagaun, Manmakhada- chakra VDC-1Father’s Name : Bal Bahadur Bogati Mother’s Name : Jira Bogati Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Surbi Bogati No. of Son/Daughter : 0/1 No. of Dependents : 13


Details Nirmalraj Bogati, 17, of Manmakhadachakra VDC-1 was arrested at his house by a joint team of police from District Police O# ce and from Bhairabdal

Company on October 6, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown.

9. Bishnunath YogiDate of Birth/Age : June 29, 1969 / 32 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 27, 2002 Place of Incident : Juhlagad, Baitadi Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Koligada, Sipkhana VDC-7Father’s Name : Darpannath Yogi Mother’s Name : Pamyanath Yogi Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Madenath Yogi No. of Son/Daughter : 1/ 2 No. of Dependents : 4

Details Bishnunath Yogi, 32, of Koligada in Sipkhana VDC-7 was arrested at Juhlagad, Baitadi on charge of being a Maoist by Unifi ed Command while returning

from India on February 27, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown since then.

By Royal Nepalese Army 10. Panche Sarki Date of Birth/Age : December 29, 1981/20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 1, 2002 Place of Incident : Mehalmudi VDC-7, Kalikot Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Mehalmudi VDC-7Father’s Name : Nande Sarki Mother’s Name : Magi SarkiMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Remarried No. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 8

Details Panche Sarki, 20, of Mehalmudi VDC-7 was arrested at his home by a team of army from Bhairabdal Company and was taken away in a helicopter on March 1, 2002. He was arrested for being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown.

11. Dhansure DamaiDate of Birth/Age : August 3, 1979 /22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 1, 2002 Place of Incident : Mehalmudi VDC-7, KalikotOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : Mehalmudi VDC-7Father’s Name : Nar Damai Mother’s Name : Chaiti Damai Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Mima Damai


No. of Son/Daughter : 0/2 No. of Dependents : 7

Details Dhansure Damai, 22, of Mehalmudi VDC-7 was arrested at his home, on charge of being a Maoist, by a team of army from Bhairabdal Company and was taken away in a helicopter on March 1, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

12. Dale SarkiDate of Birth/Age : June 25, 1986 /13 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 1, 2002 Place of Incident : Mehalmudi VDC-7, KalikotOccupation/A# liation : Student Permanent Address : Mehalmudi VDC-7Father’s Name : Nande Sarki Mother’s Name : Magi Sarki Marital Status : Unmarried

Details Dale Sarki, 13, of Mehalmudi VDC-7 was arrested at his house on charge of being a Maoist, by a team of army from Bhairabdal Company on March 1, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown since then.

13. Dan Bahadur Sahakari Date of Birth/Age : January 25, 1988 /14 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 28, 2002

Place of Incident : Rupasa VDC-4, Kalikot Occupation/A# liation : Student Permanent Address : Rupasa VDC-3Father’s Name : Danda Sahakari Mother’s Name : Pyauka Sahakari Marital Status : Unmarried

Details Danbahadur Sahakari, 14, of Rupasa VDC- 3 was arrested at his house on charge of being a Maoist, by a team of army from the district headquarters, Manma. He was arrested after a clash between CPN-M and Army in Mangalsen, the district headquarters of Achham district on February 28, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown.

By Royal Nepalese Army 14. Amar Sahakari Date of Birth/Age : March 9, 1983 /19 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 28, 2002 Place of Incident : Rupasa VDC-4, Kalikot Occupation/A# liation : Student Permanent Address : Rupasa VDC-6Father’s Name : Jashe SahakariMother’s Name : Jupri Sahakari

DetailsAmar Sahakari, 14, of Rupasa VDC- 6 was arrested at his house by an army team arriving from Mangalsen, Achham on February 28, 2002. He was arrested on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown since the arrest. His


family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

15. Ganesh Bahadur Shahi Date of Birth/Age : August 23, 1961 /40 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 31, 2002 Place of Incident : Manmakhada- chakra VDC-5, KalikotOccupation/A# liation : Teaching Permanent Address : Sipkhana VDC-9Father’s Name : Kammar Bahadur ShahiMother’s Name : Belkosha Shahi Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Sabitri Shahi No. of Son/Daughter : 1/2No. of Dependents : 5

Details Ganesh Bahadur Shahi, 40, of Sipkhana VDC-9 was arrested on charge of being a Maoist by a team of army from Bhairabdal Company, Kalikot on

March 31, 2002. He was arrested while he was on his way to the headquarters to claim his salary. His whereabouts remain unknown.

16. Hari ChaulagainDate of Birth/Age : April 17, 1964 / 48 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 26, 2001

Place of Incident : Budisini, Sipkhana VDC-6, KalikotOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Badu, Sipkhana VDC-6Father’s Name : Nandalal Chaulagain Mother’s Name : Bisha Chaulagain Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Jhauri Chaulagain No. of Son/Daughter : 2/0 No. of Dependents : 5

DetailsHari Chaulagain, 48, of Badu, Sipkhana VDC-6 was arrested by army on November 26, 2001 and was kept at Bhairabdal Company of Arupat, Kalikot. His whereabouts remain unknown.

17. Harichandra NeupaneDate of Birth/Age : December 7, 1974 / 28 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 29, 2003Place of Incident : Chisapani, Baliya VDC, Kailali Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : Chutikot, Phukot VDC-2Father’s Name : Prabhananda Neupane Mother’s Name : Surji Neupane Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Pura Neupane No. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 3


DetailsHarichandra Neupane, 28, of Chutikot in Phukot VDC-2 was arrested by Royal Nepalese Army arriving from the headquarters of Kailali in course of

patrolling at Chisapani of Baliya VDC in Kailai on March 29, 2003. Neupane was going to Dhangadhi to meet his family. His whereabouts remain unknown.

18. Ram Luhar Date of Birth/Age : November 29, 1978 / 23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 1, 2002 Place of Incident : Mathillo Tole, Mehalmudi VDC-7, Kalikot Occupation/A# liation : Student Permanent Address : Mathillo Tole, Mehalmudi VDC-7Father’s Name : Deumale Luhar Mother’s Name : Sauri Luhar Marital Status : Married Son/Daughter : 0/1 No. of Dependents : 1

Details Ram Bahadur Luhar, 23, of Mathillo Tole, Mehalmudi VDC-7 was arrested at his house on charge of being a Maoist, by Army of Bhairadal

Company, Manma on March 1, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown.

By Nepal Police 19. Parbu Lal Dhamala Date of Birth/Age : June 6, 1976 /25 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 25, 2001 Place of Incident : Nepalgunj Municipality, Banke Occupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-MPermanent Address : ! anwada, Phukot VDC-4Father’s Name : Jaya Dhamala Mother’s Name : Hasi Dhamala Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Remarried No. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 8

Details Parbu Lal Dhamala, 25, of ! anwada, Phukot VDC-4 was arrested at Seti Hotel of Nepalgunj Municipality by a team of Police from District Police O# ce on October 25, 2001. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

20. Hasta Bahadur Shahi Date of Birth/Age : April 18, 1982 / 20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 24, 2002 Place of Incident : Chhinchu VDC, SurkhetOccupation/A# liation : Politics, CPN-M


Permanent Address : Kotila, Nanikot VDC-8Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Bimala Shahi No. of Dependents : 16

Details Hasta Bahadur Shahi, 20, of Kotila in Nanikot VDC-8 and District Committee member of CPN-M 6th division battalion was arrested by police from Chhinchu base camp on June 24, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. His family members received Rs 100,000 as an interim relief from Government of Nepal.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M 21. Purna ShahiDate of Birth/Age : November 3, 1972 /32 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 28, 2004Place of Incident : Puneri Wada, Jubidha VDC-8, Kalikot Permanent Address : Puneri Wada, Jubidha VDC-8Father’s Name : Man Bahadur Shahi Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Birjit Shahi No. of Son/Daughter : 0/1No. of Dependents : 6

Details Purna Shahi, 32, of Puneri Wada, Jubidha VDC-8 was abducted by cadres of CPN-M of the same place on June 28, 2004. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

22. Mahendra Bahadur Shahi Date of Birth/Age : October 26, 1980 / 22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 4, 2002 Place of Incident : Pili, Dahaphatgaun VDC-7, Kalikot Occupation/A# liation : Student Permanent Address : Ghodena, Dahaphatgaun VDC-7Father’s Name : Birkha Bahadur ShahiMother’s Name : Pancha Shahi Marital Status : Unmarried

DetailsMahendra Bahadur Shahi, 22, of Ghodena, Dahaphatgaun VDC-7 was abducted by cadres of CPN-M on June 4, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown.

23. Khadananda Chaulagain Date of Birth/Age : April 30, 1971 /21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : October 22, 2000 Place of Incident : Sukatiya VDC-2, Kalikot Occupation/A# liation : Politics, UML Permanent Address : Sukatiya VDC-2Father’s Name : Bishnu Prasad Chaulagain Mother’s Name : Bachu Chaulagain Marital Status : Unmarried

Details Khadananda Chaulagain, 21, of Sukatiya VDC-2 and UML cadre was abducted


from his house by CPN-M cadres on October 22, 2000. He was abducted following a family dispute. His whereabouts remain unknown.

24. Hansa Bahadur Bam Date of Birth/Age : November 2, 1979 /23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 4, 2002 Place of Incident : ! irpu VDC-4, Kalikot Occupation/A# liation : Agriculture Permanent Address : ! irpu VDC-2Father’s Name : Janak Bahadur Bam Mother’s Name : Lalita Bam Marital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Hiuchuli BamNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1No. of Dependents : 11

Details Hansa Bahadur Bom, 23, of ! irpu VDC-2 was abducted from ! irpu VDC-4 by CPN-M cadres for refusing to join their party on February 4, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. 25. Tilak Bahadur Rokaya Date of Birth/Age : September 22, 1966 /37 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 16, 2003 Place of Incident : Dholuwada, Bharta VDC-3, Kalikot Occupation/A# liation : Service Permanent Address : Bharta VDC-3

Father’s Name : Kal Bahadur Rokaya Mother’s Name : Tulki RokayaMarital Status : Married Husband/Wife : Radhika Rokaya No. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsTilak Bahadur Rokaya, 37, of Bharta VDC-3 was abducted by CPN-M cadres on May 16, 2003 as he was on his way home from o# ce. His whereabouts remain unknown.

4.14 MuguBy Non-StateBy CPN-M1. Karma Singh BudhaDate of Birth/Age : July 25, 1981 /23 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 20, 2004 Place of Incident : Sheri VDC-3, MuguPermanent Address : Sheri VDC-3Father’s Name : Rame Budha Mother’s Name : Oshara Budha Marital Status : Unmarried

Details Karma Singh Budha, 23, of Sheri VDC-3 was abducted by cadres of the CPN-M on charge of spying on December 20, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown. Victim’s families haven’t received any kind of support from Government of Nepal.


Far Western Development Region5.1 Kailali/3755.2 Achham/3795.3 Doti/3805.4 Bajura/3815.6 Kanchanpur/3815.7 Dadeldhura/3915.8 Baitadi/392


By State By Uni ed Command1. Karan Singh Gharti MagarDate of Birth/Age : 1953/50 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 6, 2003Place of Incident : Jimitte, Mohanyal VDC-5, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Jimitte, Mohanyal VDC-5Father’s Name : Rampati Gharti MagarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ramita Devi Gharti MagarDetailsA CPN-M cadre Karan Singh Gharti Magar, 50, of Jimitte, Mohanyal VDC-5 was arrested at home by security personnel on May 6, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown.

2. Bhim GiriDate of Birth/Age : 1968/35 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 3, 2003Place of Incident : Swayambhu, Kathmandu Metropolis-16Occupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Phulbari VDC-7Father’s Name : Dhani Giri

5.1 Kailali Mother’s Name : Harkamati GiriMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre Bhim Giri, 35, of Phulbari VDC-7 was arrested by plain-clothe security personnel in Swayambhu in Kathmandu Metropolis-16 on December 3, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown.

3. Binod Kumar ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : September 22, 1971/30 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 11, 2002Place of Incident : Ratipur, Ramshikharjhala VDC-7, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Udasipur VDC-7Father’s name : Bhaguram Datta ChaudharyMother’s Name : Parbati Devi ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Krishna Devi ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 1

DetailsA CPN-M cadre Binod Kumar Chaudhary, 30, of Udasipur VDC-7 was arrested at Ratipur of Ramshikharjhala VDC-7 by Unifi ed Command on March 11, 2002 while he was on his way to attend a training, organized by the CPN-M. His whereabouts remain unknown.


4. Janaki ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : December 2, 1981/20 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : March 22, 2002Place of Incident : Padampur, Narayanpur VDC-8, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Padampur, Narayanpur VDC-8 Father’s Name : Guraha ChaudharyMother’s Name : Seti Devi ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre Janaki Chaudhary, 20, of Padampur in Narayanpur VDC-8 was arrested at home by Unifi ed Command on March 22, 2002.

Her whereabouts remain unknown. Her family received Rs 100,000 as relief from the Government of Nepal after registering her death, claiming that the security persons killed her after arrest.

5. Badhuram DagauraDate of Birth/Age : 1971/31 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 29, 2002Place of Incident : Darakh VDC-5, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : Agriculture

Permanent Address : Subarkhal, Kotatulsipur VDC-7Father’s Name : Sohan Lal DagauraMother’s Name : Sanami DagauraMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Belauti Devi DagauraNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1No. of Dependents : 4

DetailsBadhuram Dagaura, 31, of Subarkhal in Kotatulsipur VDC-7 was arrested by police on August 29, 2002 and taken to the Sukhkhad barrack. His whereabouts remain unknown. Although his wife believes that he was killed in a jungle in Darakh VDC-5 few days after his arrest, his body has not been found. Family of the victim has received Rs 100,000 from the Government of Nepal as relief after making his death certifi cate.

By Royal Nepalese Army6. Asha Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : April 23, 1985/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 11, 2003Place of Incident : Malakheti VDC-8, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Pabera VDC-6


Father’s Name : Helu Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Somati ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Asha Ram Chaudhary,

18, of Pabera VDC-6 was arrested by army personnel of Teghari barrack on September 11, 2003 while he was walking through the Attariya bazaar. His

whereabouts remain unknown.

7. Kusum Kumari ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : 1984/18 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : November 13, 2002Place of Incident : Kada, Bhajani VDC-8, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Kada, Bhajani VDC-8Father’s Name : Mahesh Ram DagauraMother’s Name : Rapa Devi DagauraMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre Kusum Kumari Chaudhary, 18, of Kada in Bhajani VDC-8 was arrested at her home by army men on November 13, 2002. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

8. Kumari DamaiDate of Birth/Age : September 22, 1989/13 yrs Sex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 24, 2002Place of Incident : Andaiya, Masuriya VDC-1, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Andaiya, Masuriya VDC-1Father’s Name : Gagan DamaiMother’s Name : Bati DamaiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsKumari Damai, 13, of Andaiya in Masuriya VDC-1 was arrested at home by army personnel while she was cooking food on September 24, 2002. She was arrested on charge of being a Maoist cadre. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

9. Prasadi DagauraDate of Birth/Age : 1955/49 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 6, 2004Place of Incident : Bhajani VDC-3, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bhajani VDC-7Mother’s Name : Bujhauni ChaudharyMarital Status : Married


DetailsPrasadi Dagaura, 49, of Bhajani VDC-7 was arrested at ward no. 3 of the same VDC by army personnel arriving from Bhajani barrack on April 6, 2004 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M10. Ganesh Bahadur BamDate of Birth/Age : 1971/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 19, 2003Place of Incident : Nigali VDC-7, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : Politics (UML)Permanent Address : Nigali VDC-7Father’s Name : Tara Singh BamMother’s Name : Dharu Devi BamMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Padma Devi BamNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

Details! e UML Village Committee Secretary Ganesh Bahadur Bam, 32, of Nigali VDC-7 was abducted by the CPN-M on May 19, 2003 for not joining their party. His whereabouts remain unknown.

11. Laxmi Prasad ChaudharyDate of Birth/Age : October 1, 1983/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : April 6, 2004Place of Incident : Masuriya VDC-5, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Semaripur, Hasuliya VDC-6

Father’s Name : Mani Ram ! aruMother’s Name : Shila Kumari Devi ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsLaxmi Prasad Chaudhary, 20, of Semaripur in Hasuliya VDC-6 was abducted by the CPN-M cadres on April 6, 2004. ! e CPN-M cadres told him before his abduction that they had a work with him in Masuriya.

12. Man Bahadur BamDate of Birth/Age : February 8, 1983/19 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : July 5, 2003Place of Incident : Ramshikharjhala VDC-8, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : Nepal PolicePermanent Address : Ramshikharjhala VDC-8Father’s Name : Dip Bahadur BamMarital Status : Unmarried

Details A police constable at the District Police O# ce in Bajura, Man Bahadur Bam, 19, of Ramshikharjhala VDC-8 was abducted from his home by the CPN-M on July 5, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown. Bam had come to his


home to meet family members as he was due to attend a training of Unifi ed Command at the Teghari Barrack in the Kailali district. ! e Government of Nepal has provided Rs 750,000 to the victims’

5.2 Achham

By State By Royal Nepalese Army1. Chandra Raj PandeyaDate of Birth/Age : April 14, 1974/30 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 12, 2005Place of Incident : Chhatiban VDC-2, DotiOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Lunga VDC-3Marital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsChandra Raj Pandeya, 30, of Lunga VDC-3 was arrested by army personnel on April 12, 2005 while he was standing in a queue for security check at the

Budar Barrack in Chhatiban VDC-2 in Doti district. He was returning home from India. His whereabouts remain unknown.

2. Bhoj MijarDate of Birth/Age : June 17, 1972/32 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 23, 2004

Place of Incident : Dipayal Silgadi Municipality-7, DotiOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Timilsen VDC-4Father’s Name : Bhaire MijarMother’s Name : Kaushila MijarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Amrita MijarNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2No. of Dependents : 15

DetailsBhoj Mijar, 32, of Timilsen VDC-4 was arrested at Pipalla Bazaar in Dipayal Silgadi Municipality-7 in Doti district by army personnel while he was returning home from India on September 23, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown.

3. Ammar RokayaDate of Birth/Age : July 20, 1955/46 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 18, 2002Place of Incident : Malakheti VDC-8, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Paatal, Raamaroshan VDC-9Father’s Name : Manrom RokayaMarital Status : Married

DetailsAmmar Rokaya, 46, of Ramroshan VDC-9 was arrested at a security check at the


Teghari Barrack in Malakheti VDC-8 of Kailali district by army personnel on February 18, 2002. He was traveling on bus to Kailali. His

whereabouts remain unknown.

5.3 Dotifamily as relief.By Uni ed Command1. Ganga Ram SarkiDate of Birth/Age : 1966/36 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : May 2, 2002Place of Incident : Barchhein VDC-8, DotiOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Mulechaur, Ghangal VDC-5Father’s Name : Bal Bahadur SarkiMarital Status : MarriedNo. of Son/Daughter : 4/7No. of Dependents : 5

DetailsGanga Ram Sarki, 36, of Mulechaur in Ghangal VDC-5 was arrested at his home by security personnel on May 2, 2002 while he was working.

His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

2. Devi Kumari AcharyaDate of Birth/Age : September 11, 1965/37 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : May 2, 2002Place of Incident : Ghangal VDC-5, DotiOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Ghangal VDC-5Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Tekraj AcharyaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/5No. of Dependents : 8

DetailsDevi Kumari Acharya, 37, of Ghangal VDC-5 was arrested at her home by security personnel on May 2, 2002. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

By NonStateBy CPN-M3. Tej Raj BinadiDate of Birth/Age : May 8, 1978/24 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 12, 2002Place of Incident : Ramshikharjhala VDC-7, KailaliOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Joraghat, Satpheri VDC-7Father’s Name : Padam Raj BinadiMother’s Name : Laxmi Devi BinadiMarital Status : Unmarried


5.4 Bajura

5.6 Kanchanpur

By State By Uni ed Command1. Sarjun RanaDate of Birth/Age : March 18, 1980/23 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 26, 2002Place of Incident : Ranadaiji, Daiji VDC-9, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Randaiji, Daiji VDC-9Father’s Name : Ram Nath RanaMother’s Name : Billa RanaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Ghumani Rana

DetailsSarjun Rana, 23, of Ranadaiji in Daiji VDC-9 was arrested at his home by Unifi ed Command on September 26, 2002.His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

2. Krishna Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth : September 8, 1981/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 22, 2002

By State By Royal Nepalese Army1. Hari BKDate of Birth/Age : July 21, 1983/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 25, 2003Place of Incident : DarchulaOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Muktikot, Sappata VDC-9Father’s Name : Gare BKMother’s Name : Lalsara BKMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA section commander of the PLA combatant, Hari BK, 20, of Muktikot in Sappata VDC-9 was arrested in Darchula district by army personnel on November 25, 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown.

DetailsTej Raj Binadi, 24, of Jorghat, Satpheri VDC-7 was abducted by the CPN-M cadres from his home at Ramshikharjhala VDC-7 of Kailali on December 12, 2002. ! ey took him saying that they had some business with him. His whereabouts remain unknown.


Place of Incident : Shankarpur VDC-1, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Sikalpatti, Dekhatbhuli VDC-6Father’s Name : Ram Bahadur ChaudharyMother’s Name : Nohari ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Krishna Bahadur Chaudhary, 20, of Sikalpatti in Dekhatbhuli VDC-6 was arrested by Unifi ed Command at Kanja in Shankarpur VDC-1 on February 22, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

3. Suresh RanaDate of Birth : August 26, 1975/22 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 26, 2002Place of Incident : Ranadaiji, Daiji VDC-9, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : CPN-MPermanent Address : Ranadaiji, Daiji VDC-9Father’s Name : Anirudra RanaMother’s Name : Nandakali RanaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Phuldevi RanaNo. of Son/Daughter : 2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Suresh Rana, 22, of Ranadaiji in Daiji VDC-9 was arrested at his home by security personnel on September 26, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

By Royal Nepalese Army4. Dhani Ram Chaudhary Date of Birth : August 5, 1988/14 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : December 12, 2002Place of Incident : Shreepur VDC-2, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Wage earningPermanent Address : Motipur, Shreepur VDC-4Father’s Name : Chillu Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Ram Kali ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsDhani Ram Chaudhary, 14, of Motipur in Shreepur VDC-4 was arrested by army personnel while he was working at Bhakunda Kolu in ward no. 2 of the same VDC on December 12, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.


5. Raj Kumar ChaudharyDate of Birth : November 18, 1981/20 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 29, 2002Place of Incident : Dunga, Shankarpur VDC-8, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Dunga, Shankarpur VDC-8Father’s Name : Saghan Bahadur ChaudharyMother’s Name : Ram Kumari ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Anita ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsRaj Kumar Chaudhary, 20, of Dunga in Shankarpur VDC-8 was arrested at his home by army on March 29, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e

Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as interim relief.

6. Gyanu Singh ChaudharyDate of Birth : August 28, 1984/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 21, 2002

Place of Incident : Katan, Dekhatbhuli VDC-9, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Katan, Dekhatbhuli VDC-9Father’s Name : Jagat Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Jokhani ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre Gyanu Singh, 18, of Katan in Dekhatbhuli VDC-9 was arrested at his home by army on November 21, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

7. Raju RanaDate of Birth : April 25, 1983/19 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : November 21, 2002Place of Incident : Bhuli, Dekhatbhuli VDC-8, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)


Permanent Address : Bhuli, Dekhatbhuli VDC-8Father’s Name : Chamaru RanaMother’s Name : Ghumni Devi RanaMarital status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Raju Rana, 19, of Bhuli in Dekhatbhuli VDC-8, was arrested at his home by army personnel on November 21, 2002. His whereabouts

remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

8. Shyam Raj RanaDate of Birth : May 28, 1981/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : August 28, 2002Place of Incident : Shankarpur VDC-1, Kanchanpur Occupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Bhuli, Dekhatbhuli VDC-8Father’s Name : Bhadu RanaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Parbati RanaNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/1

DetailsShyam Raj Rana, 21, of Dekhatbhuli VDC-8 was arrested at home by army personnel on

August 28, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

9.Paramlauti Kumari ChaudharyDate of Birth : October 30, 1986/15 yrsSe1x : FemaleDate of Incident : February 25, 2002Place of Incident : Baibahpatti, Dekhatbhuli VDC-9, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Katan, Dekhatbhuli VDC-9Father’s Name : Sundar Prasad ChaudharyMother’s Name : Laxmi ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Paramlauti Kumari Chaudhary, 15, of Katan in Dekhatbhuli VDC-9 was arrested at Baibahpatti in the same VDC by army personnel on February 25, 2002. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to her family as an interim relief.


10. Bhagi Ram ChaudharyDate of Birth : August 21, 1984/18 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : December 12, 2002Place of Incident : Shreepur VDC-5, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent Address : Motipur, Shreepur VDC-5Father’s Name : Chintu Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Ram Dulari ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBhagi Ram Chaudhary, 18, of Motipur in Shreepur VDC-5 was arrested at home by army personnel on December 12, 2002 while he was sleeping. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

11. Sundar ChaudharyDate of Birth : November 6, 1988/14 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : September 14, 2002Place of Incident : Pipaladi, Pipaladi VDC-6, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Pipaladi, Pipaladi VDC-6Father’s Name : Kalanga Bahadur Chaudhary

Mother’s Name : Risiya ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsSundar Chaudhary, 14, of Pipaladi in Pipaladi VDC-6 was arrested at home by army personnel on September 14, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

12. Prakash ChaudharyDate of Birth : February 4, 1990/13 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 14, 2002Place of Incident : Pipaladi, Pipaladi VDC-6, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Student Permanent Address : Pipaladi, Pipaladi VDC-6Father’s Name : Surat ChaudharyMother’s Name : Bephaniya ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsPrakash Chaudhary, 13, of Pipaladi in Pipaladi VDC-6 was arrested at home by army personnel on September 14, 2002 on charge of being a Maoist. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.


13. Milap RanaDate of Birth : May 27, 1973/29 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 1, 2002Place of Incident : Dekhatbhuli VDC-2, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : CPN-MPermanent Address : Ranadaiji, Daiji VDC-9Father’s Name : Ranga Nandan RanaMother’s Name : Silochana RanaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Kamala RanaNo. of Son/Daughter : 0/2

DetailsAn Area Committee Member of the CPN-M, Milap Rana, 29, of Ranadaiji in Daiji VDC-9 was arrested at a shelter at Parsiya in Dekhatbhuli VDC-9 by army personnel on November 1, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as interim relief.

14. Bhuwan BistaDate of Birth : October 9, 1989/12 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : March 15, 2002Place of Incident : Ratanpur, Beldandi VDC-4, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Ratanpur, Beldandi VDC-4

Father’s Name : Keshav BistaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBhuwan Bista, 12, of Ratanpur in Beldandi VDC-4 was arrested at his home by army personnel on March 15, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

15. Bahadur ChaudharyDate of Birth : 1968/34 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 6, 2002Place of Incident : Rampur Bilaspur VDC-1, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Baibah, Beldandi VDC-2Father’s Name : Bijalya ChaudharyMother’s Name : Tahiya ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Jayamati ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Bahadur Chaudhary, 34, of Baibah in Beldandi VDC-2 was arrested at Rampur Bilaspur VDC-1 by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) on March 6, 2002 and handed over to the Royal Nepalese Army. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.


16. Jiudhan ChaudharyDate of Birth : April 22, 1976/25 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 6, 2002Place of Incident : Rampur Bilaspur VDC-1, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Baibaha, Beldandi VDC-2Father’s Name : Buddhi Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Bhethani ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bhathaniya ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/1

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Jiudhan Chaudhary, 25, of Baibah in Beldandi VDC-2 was arrested by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) on March 6, 2002 and handed over to the Royal Nepalese Army. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

17. Arjun DhamiDate of Birth : August 6, 981/21 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 10, 2002Place of Incident : Nepalganj Municipality, Banke

Occupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Juda, Jhalari VDC-2Father’s Name : Jaya Dev DhamiMother’s Name : Shanti DhamiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Arjun Dhami, 21, of Juda in Jhalari VDC-2 was arrested in Nepalganj by army personnel on February 10, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

18. Laltu ChaudharyDate of Birth : December 7, 1982/19 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : February 24, 2002Place of Incident : Balewaphanta, Krishnapur VDC-9, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Krishnapur VDC-6Father’s Name : Labaru ChaudharyMother’s Name : Shovamati ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Laltu Chaudhary, 19, of Krishnapur VDC-6 was arrested at Balewaphanta in Krishnapur VDC-9 by


army personnel on February 24, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

19. Kishan ChaudharyDate of Birth : December 1, 1987/14 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 25, 2002Place of Incident : Sundariphanta, Krishnapur VDC-1, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Student (ANNISU-R)Permanent Address : Krishnapur VDC-9Father’s Name : Chandra Lal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Champhi ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsAn ANNISU-R cadre, Kishan Chaudhary, 14, of Krishnapur VDC-9 was arrested at Sundariphanta in Krishnapur VDC-1 by army personnel on

February 25, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

20. Sitaram ChaudharyDate of Birth : June 4, 1984/18 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : September 19, 2002Place of Incident : Naukhari, Jhalari VDC-4, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Naukhari, Jhalari VDC-4Father’s Name : Baburam ChaudharyMother’s Name : Ashi ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Sitaram Chaudhary, 18, of Naukhari in Jhalari VDC-4 was arrested at his home by army personnel on September 19, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to the victim’s family as an interim relief.

21. Hirman ChaudharyDate of Birth : November 12, 1968/33 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : February 25, 2002Place of Incident : Baibahpatti, Dekhatbhuli VDC-9, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : CPN-MPermanent Address : Mauwaphanta, Krishnapur VDC-6


Father’s Name : Duwali ChaudharyMother’s Name : Santoli ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Niramala ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/2

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Hirman Chaudhary, 33, of Krishnapur VDC-6 was arrested by army personnel a shelter in Baibahpatti of Dekhatbhuli VDC-9

on February 25, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

22. Hari Singh ChaudharyDate of Birth : 1983/18 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 7, 2001Place of Incident : Katan, Dekhatbhuli VDC-9, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Banjariya, Krishnapur VDC-9Father’s Name : Dhanjiu ChaudharyMother’s Name : Punya Devi ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsHari Singh Chaudhary, 18, of Banjariya in Krishnapur VDC-9 was arrested at Katan in Dekhatbhuli VDC-9 by army personnel on November 7, 2001 while he was working. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

23. Punaram ChaudharyDate of Birth : August 11, 1973/28 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : March 5, 2002Place of Incident : Padab, Pipaladi VDC-2, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Baluwaphanta, Krishnapur VDC-9Father’s Name : Manbujhauna ChaudharyMother’s Name : Bhojali ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Faguni Devi ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 1/2

DetailsAn area committee member of the CPN-M, Punaram Chaudhary, 28, of Baluwa-phanta in Pipaladi VDC-9 was arrested at a shelter at Padab of Pipaladi VDC-2 by army


personnel on March 5, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

24. Taranath ChaudharyDate of Birth : May 18, 1976/26 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 21, 2002Place of Incident : Baluwaphanta, Krishnapur VDC-9, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Baluwaphanta, Krishnapur VDC-9Father’s Name : Tanak Ram ChaudharyMother’s Name : Anganiya ChaudharyMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Bideshani Devi ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/0

DetailsAn area committee member of the CPN-M, Taranath Chaudhary, 26, of Baluwaphanta in Krishnapur VDC-9 was arrested at his home by army personnel on November 21, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

25. Jugaram Chaudhary Date of Birth : August 4, 1964/38 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : November 21, 2002Place of Incident : Baluwaphanta, Krishnapur VDC-9, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Baluwaphanta, Krishnapur VDC-9Marital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Parameshwari ChaudharyNo. of Son/Daughter : 2/0

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Jugaram Chaudhary, 38, of Baluwaphanta in Krishnapur VDC-9 was arrested at his home by army on November 21, 2002 while he was asleep. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

26. Madhu Kumari ChaudharyDate of Birth : June 5, 1988/14 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : September 14, 2002Place of Incident : Pipaladi, Pipaladi VDC-6, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Pipaladi, Pipaladi VDC-6


Father’s Name : Chhedulal ChaudharyMother’s Name : Asturiya ChaudharyMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsMadhu Kumari Chaudhary, 14, of Pipaladi in Pipaladi VDC-6 was arrested at her home by the army on September 14, 2002 on charge of being a

Maoist. Her whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to her family as an interim relief.

5.7 DadeldhuraBy StateBy Uni ed Command1. Harka Bahadur Budha MagarDate of Birth : October 27, 1979/25 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : May 23, 2004Place of Incident : Dodhara VDC-1, KanchanpurOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Shirsha VDC-2, DadeldhuraFather’s Name : Kaman Budha MagarMother’s Name : Dhanasari Budha MagarMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Rupa Devi Budha MagarNo. of Son/Daughter : 3/1

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Harka Bahadur Budha Magar, 25, of Shirsha VDC-2 was arrested in Dodhara VDC-1 in Kanchanpur district by the security personnel on May 23, 2004. His whereabouts remain unknown. Government of Nepal has provided Rs 100,000 to his family as an interim relief.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M2. Bhim Bahadur DangaDate of Birth : August 10, 1985/17 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : April 10, 2002Place of Incident : Bagarkot, Bagarkot VDC-7, DadeldhuraOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Sela, Bagarkot VDC-4Father’s Name : Dan Singh DangaMother’s Name : Haru Devi DangaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsBhim Bahadur Danga, 17, of Sela in Bagarkot VDC-4 was abducted from Saraswati Secondary School at Bagarkot by the area in-charge of the CPN-M on April 10, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. However, the CPN-M leaders say that he did not return after he went to Phaparbari of Makawanpur to buy goods.


3. Man Bahadur SaudDate of Birth : February 1, 1979/24 yrs Sex : MaleDate of Incident : June 12, 2002Place of Incident : Damachaur VDC-9, SalyanOccupation/A# liation : Nepal PolicePermanent Address : Katal, Shirsha VDC-7Father’s Name : Lal Bahadur SaudMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsMan Bahadur Saud, 24, of Katal in Shirsha VDC-7 was abducted by the CPN-M cadres following a crossfi re with Unifi ed Command at Damachaur VDC-9 in Salyan district on June 12, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown.

4. Madan Bahadur BoharaDate of Birth : March 10, 1978/27 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : January 11, 2005Place of Incident : Dobato, Jogbuda VDC-9, DadeldhuraOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Japhati, Jogbuda VDC-6Father’s Name : Gagan Singh BoharaMother’s Name : Champha Devi BoharaMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA platoon commander of the CPN-M, Madan Bahadur Bohara, 27, of Japhati in Jogbuda VDC-6 was abducted from Dobato labor camp in Jogbuda VDC-9 by the CPN-M on January 11, 2005. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e CPN-M had kept him in the labor camp on charge of sexual miscunduct.

5.8 Baitadi

By State By Royal Nepalese Army1. Ramesh Bahadur ChandDate of Birth : December 10, 1982/20 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : October 21, 2002Place of Incident : Matela, Mahakali VDC-6, BaitadiOccupation/A# liation : Politics (CPN-M)Permanent Address : Matela, Mahakali VDC-6Father’s Name : Madan Bahadur ChandMother’s Name : Jayanti Devi ChandMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsA CPN-M cadre, Ramesh Bahadur Chand, 20, of Matela in Mahakali VDC-6 was arrested at his home by security personnel on October 21, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown.


Mother’s Name : Tulasi BogatiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsManoj Bogati, 15, of Bhulgaun in Dashrathchand Municipality-2 was abducted by the CPN-M cadres from Siddhanath Higher Secondary School Jayapur in Jogbuda VDC-1 on June 19, 2002. His whereabouts remain unknown. ! e local peace committee in Baitadi has recommended his name for relief confi rming him as a disappeared person.

4. Chandra BogatiDate of Birth : June 21, 1989/13 yrsSex : FemaleDate of Incident : June 19, 2002Place of Incident : Jogbuda, Jogbuda VDC-1, DadeldhuraOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Bhulgaun, Dashrathchand Municipality-2Father’s Name : Ram Prasad BogatiMother’s Name : Tulasi BogatiMarital Status : Unmarried

DetailsChandra Bogati, 13, of Bhulgaun in Dashrathchand Municipality-2 was abducted by the CPN-M cadres from Siddhanath Higher Secondary School, Jayapur in Jogbuda VDC-1 on June 19, 2002. Her whereabouts remain unknown. ! e local peace committee in Baitadi has recommended her name for relief confi rming her as a disappeared person.

By Non-StateBy CPN-M2. Kabiraj BhattaDate of Birth : May 22, 1971/28 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 5, 1999Place of Incident : Bijula, Bhauneli VDC-9, BaitadiOccupation/A# liation : AgriculturePermanent address : Bijula, Bhauneli VDC-9Father’s Name : Ganga Datta BhattaMother’s Name : Koshila BhattaMarital Status : MarriedHusband/Wife : Parbati BhattaNo. of Dependants : 4

DetailsKabiraj Bhatta, 28, of Bijula in Bhauneli VDC-9 was abducted by the CPN-M from his home on June 5, 1999 on charge of working like an astrologer. His whereabouts remain unknown.

3. Manoj BogatiDate of Birth : June 24, 1987/15 yrsSex : MaleDate of Incident : June 19, 2002Place of Incident : Jogbuda, Jogbuda VDC-1, DadeldhuraOccupation/A# liation : StudentPermanent Address : Bhulgaun, Dashrathchand Municipality-2Father’s Name : Ram Prasad Bogati


ANNEX: 1People Disappeared during Armed Confl ict

People reported by INSEC representatives as disappeared or subjected to enforced disappearances during confl ict era but not known whether state, non-state or unidentifi ed groups were the perpetrators have been enlisted below:

Eastern RegionIlam

S.No Name Age District Permanent Address

Place of Incident

Disappeared date

1 Dilliram Maden 25 yrs Ilam Banjho VDC-8

His Own Home

February 22, 2002

2 Neer Bahadur Rijal 34 yrs Ilam Jirmale

VDC-4His Own Home

February 25, 2005

Panchthar3 Nisan Rai 7 yrs Panchthar Arubote

VDC-2His Own Home

April 15, 2003


4 Shibanarayan Ganagain 44 yrs Morang Binijahada

VDC-5Binijahada VDC-5, Morang

February 23, 200411


5 Dil Bahadur Makhara Dhankuta Dandagaun

VDC-9Chainpur VDC, Sankhuwasabha

February 12, 2003

6 Bam Bahadur Magar 48 yrs Dhankuta Bhedetar

VDC-9 Kathmandu Bhojpur

7 Jagannath Parajuli 28 yrs Bhojpur

Anktep VDC, Mulabari

Charambi VDC-5, Bhojpur

June 15, 2000

8 Lokendra Dahal 27 yrs Bhojpur Gupteshwar VDC-9

Phattepur VDC-9, Saptari

June 4, 2003

Saptari9 Ramabatar Yadav 42 yrs Saptari Phakira

VDC-8Rajbiraj Municipality-5 June 27, 2006


UdayapurS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

10 Tika Bahadur Basnet 39 yrs Udayapur Waha VDC-1 Waha VDC-9,

UdayapurJanuary 22, 2002

Solukhumbu11 Ram Kumar

Karki Solukhumbu Nele VDC-4 Jumin VDC-3, Solukhumbu June 4, 2001

12 Sitaram Rai 27 yrs Solukhumbu Deusa VDC-5 His Own Home May 10,


Mid Region Ramechhap

S.No Name Age District Permanent Address

Place of Incident

Disappeared date

13 Sankar Budhathoki Ramechhap Gelu VDC-1,

BholeGelu VDC-1, Ramechhap

August 5, 2005

14 Rol Bahadur Khadka 27 yrs Ramechhap Chuchure

VDC-4Gorkha District

15 Bipin Kumar KC 23 yrs Ramechhap Betali VDC-8

Sinamangal, Kathmandu Metroplolis-34

June 28, 2003

16 Om Bahadur Biswakarma 24 yrs Ramechhap Himganga

VDC-7Syangja District

September 19,2002

17Resham Khadka (Subba)

24 yrs Ramechhap Namadi VDC-5

Phapu VDC, Ramechhap

October 12, 2004

18 ! am Kumari 12 yrs Ramechhap Namadi VDC-3

His Own Home

October 1, 2001

19 Lok Bahadur Khadka 37 yrs Ramechhap Namadi

VDC-7Khimti VDC-2, Ramechhap

September 4, 2003

20 Ramjee Khadka 44 yrs Ramechhap Namadi

VDC-5Bharatpur Municipality, Chitwan

June 20, 2002

21 Jamuna Karki 37 yrs Ramechhap Gothgaun VDC-7

His Own Home

October 29, 2002

22Harka Bahadur Tamang

19 yrs Ramechhap Nagadaha VDC-8 Dang District January 26,


S.No Name Age District Permanent Address Place of Incident Disappeared

date23 Santoshprad Shah 21yrs Bara Telkuwa

VDC-1Birgunj sub-Metropolis, Parsa


ChitawanS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

24Girendra Kumar Shrestha

21 yrs Chitwan Mangalpur VDC-3

Beshisahar VDC-1, Lamjung

September 30, 2004

25 Deepak ! ing 24 yrs Chitwan Jutpani VDC-3 His Own Home April 30, 2005

KavreS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident

Disappeared date

26 Achyut Prasad Padel 39 yrs Kavre Saradabatashe

VDC-8Bidur Municipality, Nuwakot

August 13, 2003

27 Prem Prasad Gautam 32 yrs Kavre Pokharichauri

VDC-7His Own Home

August 7, 1993

28 Ram Prasad Dahal 34 yrs Kavre Kavre VDC-6 Panchkhal

VDC, KavreAugust 21, 1996

29 Bidur Raj Liwal 19 yrs Kavre Methinkot VDC-2 Kathmandu September

3, 200230 Dev Bahadur

Shrestha 26 yrs Kavre Sallebhumlu VDC-7

Swayambhu, Kathmandu

November 29, 2005

31 Santosh Lama 22 yrs Kavre Boldephediche VDC-4

Lajimpat, Kathmandu

October 7, 2004

32 Raj Kumar Karki 38 yrs Kavre Chalan

Ganeshsthan-5His Own Home

August, 2, 2000

33 Sanukaji Shrestha 39 yrs Kavre Panchkhal VDC-9

Panchkhal VDC-1, Kabhre

November 19, 2002

34Narendra Bahadur Khadka

59 yrs KavreChalal Ganeshsthan VDC-6

His Own Home

November 14, 1997

35 Kajibabu Chouhan 32 yrs Kavre Chalal Ganesthan

VDC-6Panuti Municipality-10, Kavre

July 4, 1996

36 Raghunath Badal 24 yrs Kavre Mangaltar VDC-5 Koteshwar,

Kathmandu May 5, 2002

37Laxman Prasad Adhikari

45 Kavre Lamdi, Panchkhal VDC-4

Lamdi, Panchkhal VDC-4

July 31, 2002

38Chandra Prasad Shrestha

36 Kavre Shankhupa-tichaur VDC-8

Sinamangal, Kathmandu Metropolis-35

October 29, 1999

39 Shiva Prasad Gautam 36 Kavre Pokharichaur

VDC-8 Kathmandu March 30, 2006

40 Prem Narayan Shrestha 18 Kavre Bhumlutar VDC-8 Bhumlutar

VDC-8August 1, 2000


DhadingS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

41 Pemba Tamang 37 yrs Dhading Marpak

VDC-1Kirtipur Municipality, Kathmandu

June 27, 2002

42 Sitaram Baral (Kiran) 26 yrs Dhading Kiranchok

VDC-1Kabilas VDC, Chitwan

February 19, 2006

SindhupalchowkS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident

Disappeared date

43 Pasang Tamang 19 yrs Sindhupalchowk Ramche

VDC-2Bagbazaar, Kathmandu Metropolis-31


44 Sitaram Nepal Sindhupalchowk Phulpinkot

VDC-3 Rupandehi April 27, 2002

45 Binod Bhattarai Sindhupalchowk Bodegaun

VDC-3Singmangal, Kathmandu Metropolis-34

April 22, 1999

Western RegionTanahun

S.No Name Age District Permanent Address

Place of Incident

Disappeared date

46 Dilipchandra Hadkhale 21 yrs Tanahun Byash

Municipaliy-1Samakhushi, Kathmandu

January 21, 2004

SyangjaS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

47 Dasiram Sharma 22 yrs Syangja Bhatkhola

VDC-6Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-1 Kaski

September 4, 1999

KaskiS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

48 Ramchandra Giri 44 yrs Kaski Kaskikot VDC-6 Pokhara February 4, 2004

NawalparasiS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident

Disappeared date

49 Baijanath Chaudhari 24 yrs Nawalparasi Amarad

VDC-7Makar VDC-7, Nawalparasi

April 21, 2005

50 Ramlal Bhattarai 28 yrs Nawalparasi Shivamandir

VDC-8 His Own Home October 20, 1998

51 Nabaratna Singh 24 yrs Nawalparasi Trivenisusta

VDC-7 His Own Home October 3, 2005


PalpaS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident

Disappeared date

52 Shiva Bahadur Godar 32 yrs Palpa Bandipokhara

VDC-5Deurali VDC, Palpa

February 27, 1999

GulmiS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

53 Birendra KC 38 yrs Gulmi Bhanbhane VDC-7

Kirtipur, Kathmandu May 3, 2004

54 Nawaraj Panthee 28 yrs Gulmi Tamkhas VDC Jhingithe VDC,

BaglungSeptember 23, 1999

ParbatS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

55 Surya Prasad Poudel 22 yrs Parbat Karkineta

VDC-3Pokhara Sub-Metropolis-3, Kaski

July 17, 2005

56 Shyam Prasad Poudel 26 yrs Parbat Limithana

VDC-4Gongabu, Kathmandu June 20, 2003

MyagdiS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

57 Gaisari BK 15 yrs Myagdi Bewang VDC-9

Arthunge VDC-1, Myagdee

March 20, 2004

Mid Western Region Dang

S.No Name Age District Permanent Address Place of Incident Disappeared

date58 Lilam

Chaudhari 22 yrs Dang Phulbari VDC-5 Make VDC-7, Salyan

December 27, 2005

59 Harilal Chaudhari 33 yrs Dang Phulbari VDC-7 His Own Home August 17,


60Dev Bahadur Paudel

33 yrs Dang Sunadwari, Sonpur VDC-8 Bhaktapur September

20, 2005

PyuthanS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident

Disappeared date

61 Kumari BK - Pyuthan Gothiwang VDC-3 - -

62 Koshali Giri - Pyuthan Torewan VDC-1 - -

63 Gir Bahadur KC - Pyuthan Maranthana

VDC-6 - -Salyan

64 Tilak Khatri 22 Salyan Bangad Bame VDC-3

Raira Bangad Bame VDC-1

February 19, 1999


Rolpa S.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

65 Dal Bahadur Budha Magar 48 yrs Rolpa Kochawang

VDC-7Kochawang VDC-1, Rolpa

May 14, 2002

BardiyaS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

66 Mahngu ! aru 52 yrs Bardiya Baganaha VDC-9 His Own Home October 8,

200367 Dhamaraj

Rijal 20 yrs Bardiya Dhadhawar VDC-2 His Own Home August 25,

200268 Man Bahadur

Wali 44 yrs Bardiya Kalika VDC-8

Kohalpur VDC-3, Banke July 23, 2004

69 Man Bahadur Budha 34 yrs Bardiya Neulapur

VDC-5Narakot VDC-9, Jumla

April 22, 2004

JumlaS.No Name Age District Permanent

Address Place of Incident Disappeared date

70 Ram Bahadur Shahi - Jumla Kalikakhetu

VDCKalikakhetu VDC, Jumla -

71 Hari Prasad Panday 38 yrs Jumla Garjyarnkot

VDCKalikakhetu VDC, Jumla -

Far Western RegionKailali

S.No Name Age District Permanent Address

Place of Incident

Disappeared date

72Karna Bahadur Singh

56 yrs Kailali Muriya VDC-9

Muriya VDC-9, Kailali January 5, 2002

Achham73 Hira Pariyar 19 yrs Achham Jalpadevi

VDC-5 His Own Home October 27, 2005

74 Madan Bahadur Shah 34 yrs Achham Bajanath

VDC-6 His Own Home March 30, 2002

Bajura75 Janak Bahadur

Singh 37 yrs Bajura Bramhatola VDC-3 His Own Home January 17,


Kanchanpur 76 Rayabhan

Dhami 21 yrs Kanchanpur Suda VDC-6

His Own Home

October 13, 2001


77 Prem Bahadur BK 14 yrs Dadeldhura Jogbudha

VDC-5 His Own Home June 29, 2003



International Convention for the Protec-tion of All Persons from Enforced Disap-


Adopted by UN General Assembly Reso-lution 61/177 on 20 December 2006


! e States Parties to this Convention,Considering the obligation of States

under the Charter of the United Nations to promote universal respect for, and ob-servance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Having regard to the Universal Dec-laration of Human Rights,

Recalling the International Cov-enant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the other relevant international instruments in the fi elds of human rights, humanitarian law and inter-national criminal law,

Also recalling the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance adopted by the General As-sembly of the United Nations in its resolu-tion 47/133 of 18 December 1992 ,

Aware of the extreme seriousness of enforced disappearance, which constitutes a crime and, in certain circumstances defi ned

International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced

Disappearance, 2006in international law, a crime against human-ity,

Determined to prevent enforced disappearances and to combat impunity for the crime of enforced disappearance,

Considering the right of any person not to be subjected to enforced disappear-ance, the right of victims to justice and to reparation,

A# rming the right of any victim to know the truth about the circumstances of an enforced disappearance and the fate of the disappeared person, and the right to freedom to seek, receive and impart infor-mation to this end,

Have agreed on the following articles:

Part IArticle 11. No one shall be subjected to enforced

disappearance. 2. No exceptional circumstances whatso-

ever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justifi cation for enforced disappearance.

Article 2For the purposes of this Convention,

“enforced disappearance” is considered to be


the arrest, detention, abduction or any other form of deprivation of liberty by agents of the State or by persons or groups of persons acting with the authorisation, support or ac-quiescence of the State, followed by a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of liberty or by concealment of the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared person, which place such a person outside the protection of the law.

Article 3Each State Party shall take appro-

priate measures to investigate acts defi ned in article 2 committed by persons or groups of persons acting without the authorisation, support or acquiescence of the State and to bring those responsible to justice.

Article 4Each State Party shall take the nec-

essary measures to ensure that enforced dis-appearance constitutes an o" ence under its criminal law.

Article 5! e widespread or systematic prac-

tice of enforced disappearance constitutes a crime against humanity as defi ned in ap-plicable international law and shall attract the consequences provided for under such applicable international law.

Article 61. Each State Party shall take the neces-

sary measures to hold criminally re-sponsible at least:

(a) Any person who commits, orders, so-licits or induces the commission of, attempts to commit, is an accomplice to or participates in an enforced disap-pearance;

(b) A superior who: (i) Knew, or consciously disregarded in-

formation which clearly indicated, that subordinates under his or her e" ective authority and control were committing or about to commit a crime of enforced disappearance;

(ii) Exercised e" ective responsibility for and control over activities which were concerned with the crime of enforced disappearance; and

(iii) Failed to take all necessary and reason-able measures within his or her power to prevent or repress the commission of an enforced disappearance or to submit the matter to the competent authorities for investigation and pros-ecution;

(c) Subparagraph (b) above is without prejudice to the higher standards of responsibility applicable under rel-evant international law to a military commander or to a person e" ectively acting as a military commander.

2. No order or instruction from any pub-lic authority, civilian, military or other, may be invoked to justify an o" ence of enforced disappearance.

Article 71. Each State Party shall make the of-

fence of enforced disappearance pun-ishable by appropriate penalties which take into account its extreme serious-ness.

2. Each State Party may establish: (a) Mitigating circumstances, in particular

for persons who, having been implicat-ed in the commission of an enforced disappearance, e" ectively contribute to


bringing the disappeared person for-ward alive or make it possible to clarify cases of enforced disappearance or to identify the perpetrators of an enforced disappearance;

(b) Without prejudice to other criminal procedures, aggravating circumstances, in particular in the event of the death of the disappeared person or the com-mission of an enforced disappearance in respect of pregnant women, minors, persons with disabilities or other par-ticularly vulnerable persons.

Article 8Without prejudice to article 5, 1. A State Party which applies a statute

of limitations in respect of enforced disappearance shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the term of limitation for criminal proceedings:

(a) Is of long duration and is proportion-ate to the extreme seriousness of this o" ence;

(b) Commences from the moment when the o" ence of enforced disappearance ceases, taking into account its continu-ous nature.

2. Each State Party shall guarantee the right of victims of enforced disappear-ance to an e" ective remedy during the term of limitation.

Article 9 1. Each State Party shall take the neces-

sary measures to establish its compe-tence to exercise jurisdiction over the o" ence of enforced disappearance:

(a) When the o" ence is committed in any territory under its jurisdiction or on

board a ship or aircraft registered in that State;

(b) When the alleged o" ender is one of its nationals;

(c) When the disappeared person is one of its nationals and the State Party con-siders it appropriate.

2. Each State Party shall likewise take such measures as may be necessary to establish its competence to exercise ju-risdiction over the o" ence of enforced disappearance when the alleged of-fender is present in any territory under its jurisdiction, unless it extradites or surrenders him or her to another State in accordance with its international obligations or surrenders him or her to an international criminal tribunal whose jurisdiction it has recognized.

3. ! is Convention does not exclude any additional criminal jurisdiction exer-cised in accordance with national law.

Article 101. Upon being satisfi ed, after an exami-

nation of the information available to it, that the circumstances so warrant, any State Party in whose territory a person suspected of having commit-ted an o" ence of enforced disappear-ance is present shall take him or her into custody or take such other legal measures as are necessary to ensure his or her presence. ! e custody and other legal measures shall be as provided for in the law of that State Party but may be maintained only for such time as is necessary to ensure the person’s pres-ence at criminal, surrender or extradi-tion proceedings.


2. A State Party which has taken the measures referred to in paragraph 1 of this article shall immediately carry out a preliminary inquiry or investigations to establish the facts. It shall notify the States Parties referred to in article 9, paragraph 1, of the measures it has taken in pursuance of paragraph 1 of this article, including detention and the circumstances warranting deten-tion, and of the fi ndings of its prelimi-nary inquiry or its investigations, indi-cating whether it intends to exercise its jurisdiction.

3. Any person in custody pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article may com-municate immediately with the nearest appropriate representative of the State of which he or she is a national, or, if he or she is a stateless person, with the representative of the State where he or she usually resides.

Article 111. ! e State Party in the territory under

whose jurisdiction a person alleged to have committed an o" ence of enforced disappearance is found shall, if it does not extradite that person or surrender him or her to another State in accor-dance with its international obliga-tions or surrender him or her to an international criminal tribunal whose jurisdiction it has recognized, submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution.

2. ! ese authorities shall take their deci-sion in the same manner as in the case of any ordinary o" ence of a serious na-ture under the law of that State Party.

In the cases referred to in article 9, paragraph 2, the standards of evidence required for prosecution and convic-tion shall in no way be less stringent than those which apply in the cases referred to in article 9, paragraph 1.

3. Any person against whom proceedings are brought in connection with an of-fence of enforced disappearance shall be guaranteed fair treatment at all stages of the proceedings. Any person tried for an o" ence of enforced disap-pearance shall benefi t from a fair trial before a competent, independent and impartial court or tribunal established by law.

Article 121. Each State Party shall ensure that any

individual who alleges that a person has been subjected to enforced disappear-ance has the right to report the facts to the competent authorities, which shall examine the allegation promptly and impartially and, where necessary, un-dertake without delay a thorough and impartial investigation. Appropriate steps shall be taken, where necessary, to ensure that the complainant, witnesses, relatives of the disappeared person and their defence counsel, as well as per-sons participating in the investigation, are protected against all ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequence of the complaint or any evidence given.

2. Where there are reasonable grounds for believing that a person has been subjected to enforced disappearance, the authorities referred to in para-graph 1 of this article shall undertake


an investigation, even if there has been no formal complaint.

3. Each State Party shall ensure that the authorities referred to in paragraph 1 of this article:

(a) Have the necessary powers and re-sources to conduct the investigation e" ectively, including access to the documentation and other information relevant to their investigation;

(b) Have access, if necessary with the prior authorisation of a judicial authority, which shall rule promptly on the mat-ter, to any place of detention or any other place where there are reasonable grounds to believe that the disappeared person may be present.

4. Each State Party shall take the neces-sary measures to prevent and sanction acts that hinder the conduct of an in-vestigation. It shall ensure in particu-lar that persons suspected of having committed an o" ence of enforced disappearance are not in a position to infl uence the progress of an investiga-tion by means of pressure or acts of intimidation or reprisal aimed at the complainant, witnesses, relatives of the disappeared person or their defence counsel, or at persons participating in the investigation.

Article 131. For the purposes of extradition between

States Parties, the o" ence of enforced disappearance shall not be regarded as a political o" ence or as an o" ence con-nected with a political o" ence or as an o" ence inspired by political motives. Accordingly, a request for extradition

based on such an o" ence may not be refused on these grounds alone.

2. ! e o" ence of enforced disappearance shall be deemed to be included as an extraditable o" ence in any extradition treaty existing between States Parties before the entry into force of this Con-vention.

3. States Parties undertake to include the o" ence of enforced disappearance as an extraditable o" ence in any extradi-tion treaty subsequently to be conclud-ed between them.

4. If a State Party which makes extradi-tion conditional on the existence of a treaty receives a request for extradition from another State Party with which it has no extradition treaty, it may con-sider this Convention as the necessary legal basis for extradition in respect of the o" ence of enforced disappearance.

5. States Parties which do not make ex-tradition conditional on the existence of a treaty shall recognize the o" ence of enforced disappearance as an extra-ditable o" ence between themselves.

6. Extradition shall, in all cases, be sub-ject to the conditions provided for by the law of the requested State Party or by applicable extradition treaties, in-cluding, in particular, conditions relat-ing to the minimum penalty require-ment for extradition and the grounds upon which the requested State Party may refuse extradition or make it sub-ject to certain conditions.

7. Nothing in this Convention shall be interpreted as imposing an obligation to extradite if the requested State Par-ty has substantial grounds for believing


that the request has been made for the purpose of prosecuting or punishing a person on account of that person’s sex, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, political opinions or membership of a particular social group, or that com-pliance with the request would cause harm to that person for any one of these reasons.

Article 141. States Parties shall a" ord one another

the greatest measure of mutual legal assistance in connection with crimi-nal proceedings brought in respect of an o" ence of enforced disappearance, including the supply of all evidence at their disposal that is necessary for the proceedings.

2. Such mutual legal assistance shall be subject to the conditions provided for by the domestic law of the requested State Party or by applicable treaties on mutual legal assistance, including, in particular, the conditions in relation to the grounds upon which the requested State Party may refuse to grant mutual legal assistance or may make it subject to conditions.

Article 15States Parties shall cooperate with each oth-er and shall a" ord one another the greatest measure of mutual assistance with a view to assisting victims of enforced disappearance, and in searching for, locating and releasing disappeared persons and, in the event of death, in exhuming and identifying them and returning their remains.

Article 161. No State Party shall expel, return (“re-

fouler”), surrender or extradite a per-son to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would be in danger of being subjected to enforced disappearance.

2. For the purpose of determining wheth-er there are such grounds, the compe-tent authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations, including, where applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, fl agrant or mass violations of human rights or of serious violations of international humanitarian law.

Article 171. No one shall be held in secret deten-

tion. 2. Without prejudice to other interna-

tional obligations of the State Party with regard to the deprivation of lib-erty, each State Party shall, in its legis-lation:

(a) Establish the conditions under which orders of deprivation of liberty may be given;

(b) Indicate those authorities authorized to order the deprivation of liberty;

(c) Guarantee that any person deprived of liberty shall be held solely in o# cially recognized and supervised places of deprivation of liberty;

(d) Guarantee that any person deprived of liberty shall be authorized to commu-nicate with and be visited by his or her family, counsel or any other person of his or her choice, subject only to the


conditions established by law, or, if he or she is a foreigner, to communicate with his or her consular authorities, in accordance with applicable interna-tional law;

(e) Guarantee access by the competent and legally authorized authorities and institutions to the places where per-sons are deprived of liberty, if neces-sary with prior authorisation from a judicial authority;

(f ) Guarantee that any person deprived of liberty or, in the case of a suspected enforced disappearance, since the per-son deprived of liberty is not able to exercise this right, any persons with a legitimate interest, such as relatives of the person deprived of liberty, their representatives or their counsel, shall, in all circumstances, be entitled to take proceedings before a court, in order that the court may decide without de-lay on the lawfulness of the depriva-tion of liberty and order the person’s release if such deprivation of liberty is not lawful.

3. Each State Party shall assure the com-pilation and maintenance of one or more up-to-date o# cial registers and/or records of persons deprived of lib-erty, which shall be made promptly available, upon request, to any judicial or other competent authority or insti-tution authorized for that purpose by the law of the State Party concerned or any relevant international legal in-strument to which the State concerned is a party. ! e information contained therein shall include, as a minimum:

(a) ! e identity of the person deprived of

liberty; (b) ! e date, time and place where the

person was deprived of liberty and the identity of the authority that deprived the person of liberty;

(c) ! e authority that ordered the depri-vation of liberty and the grounds for the deprivation of liberty;

(d) ! e authority responsible for supervis-ing the deprivation of liberty;

(e) ! e place of deprivation of liberty, the date and time of admission to the place of deprivation of liberty and the authority responsible for the place of deprivation of liberty;

(f ) Elements relating to the state of health of the person deprived of liberty;

(g) In the event of death during the depri-vation of liberty, the circumstances and cause of death and the destination of the remains;

(h) ! e date and time of release or transfer to another place of detention, the des-tination and the authority responsible for the transfer.

Article 181. Subject to articles 19 and 20, each

State Party shall guarantee to any per-son with a legitimate interest in this information, such as relatives of the person deprived of liberty, their repre-sentatives or their counsel, access to at least the following information:

(a) ! e authority that ordered the depri-vation of liberty;

(b) ! e date, time and place where the person was deprived of liberty and ad-mitted to the place of deprivation of liberty;


(c) ! e authority responsible for supervis-ing the deprivation of liberty;

(d) ! e whereabouts of the person de-prived of liberty, including, in the event of a transfer to another place of deprivation of liberty, the destination and the authority responsible for the transfer;

(e) ! e date, time and place of release; (f ) Elements relating to the state of health

of the person deprived of liberty;

(g) In the event of death during the depri-vation of liberty, the circumstances and cause of death and the destination of the remains.

2. Appropriate measures shall be taken, where necessary, to protect the persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, as well as persons participating in the investigation, from any ill-treatment, intimidation or sanction as a result of the search for information concerning a person deprived of liberty.

Article 191. Personal information, including medi-

cal and genetic data, which is collected and/or transmitted within the frame-work of the search for a disappeared person shall not be used or made available for purposes other than the search for the disappeared person. ! is is without prejudice to the use of such information in criminal proceedings relating to an o" ence of enforced dis-appearance or the exercise of the right to obtain reparation.

2. ! e collection, processing, use and storage of personal information, in-

cluding medical and genetic data, shall not infringe or have the e" ect of in-fringing the human rights, fundamen-tal freedoms or human dignity of an individual.

Article 201. Only where a person is under the pro-

tection of the law and the deprivation of liberty is subject to judicial control may the right to information referred to in article 18 be restricted, on an ex-ceptional basis, where strictly necessary and where provided for by law, and if the transmission of the information would adversely a" ect the privacy or safety of the person, hinder a criminal investigation, or for other equivalent reasons in accordance with the law, and in conformity with applicable interna-tional law and with the objectives of this Convention. In no case shall there be restrictions on the right to informa-tion referred to in article 18 that could constitute conduct defi ned in article 2 or be in violation of article 17, para-graph 1.

2. Without prejudice to consideration of the lawfulness of the deprivation of a person’s liberty, States Parties shall guarantee to the persons referred to in article 18, paragraph 1, the right to a prompt and e" ective judicial remedy as a means of obtaining without delay the information referred to in article 18, paragraph 1. ! is right to a remedy may not be suspended or restricted in any circumstances.


Article 21Each State Party shall take the nec-

essary measures to ensure that persons de-prived of liberty are released in a manner permitting reliable verifi cation that they have actually been released. Each State Par-ty shall also take the necessary measures to assure the physical integrity of such persons and their ability to exercise fully their rights at the time of release, without prejudice to any obligations to which such persons may be subject under national law.

Article 22Without prejudice to article 6, each

State Party shall take the necessary mea-sures to prevent and impose sanctions for the following conduct: (a) Delaying or obstructing the remedies

referred to in article 17, paragraph 2 (f ), and article 20, paragraph 2;

(b) Failure to record the deprivation of liberty of any person, or the recording of any information which the o# cial responsible for the o# cial register knew or should have known to be in-accurate;

(c) Refusal to provide information on the deprivation of liberty of a person, or the provision of inaccurate informa-tion, even though the legal require-ments for providing such information have been met.

Article 231. Each State Party shall ensure that the

training of law enforcement person-nel, civil or military, medical person-nel, public o# cials and other persons who may be involved in the custody

or treatment of any person deprived of liberty includes the necessary edu-cation and information regarding the relevant provisions of this Convention, in order to:

(a) Prevent the involvement of such o# -cials in enforced disappearances;

(b) Emphasize the importance of preven-tion and investigations in relation to enforced disappearances;

(c) Ensure that the urgent need to resolve cases of enforced disappearance is rec-ognized.

2. Each State Party shall ensure that orders or instructions prescribing, au-thorizing or encouraging enforced dis-appearance are prohibited. Each State Party shall guarantee that a person who refuses to obey such an order will not be punished.

3. Each State Party shall take the nec-essary measures to ensure that the persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this article who have reason to believe that an enforced disappearance has oc-curred or is planned report the matter to their superiors and, where neces-sary, to the appropriate authorities or bodies vested with powers of review or remedy.

Article 241. For the purposes of this Convention,

“victim” means the disappeared person and any individual who has su" ered harm as the direct result of an enforced disappearance.

2. Each victim has the right to know the truth regarding the circumstances of the enforced disappearance, the prog-


ress and results of the investigation and the fate of the disappeared person. Each State Party shall take appropriate measures in this regard.

3. Each State Party shall take all appro-priate measures to search for, locate and release disappeared persons and, in the event of death, to locate, respect and return their remains.

4. Each State Party shall ensure in its le-gal system that the victims of enforced disappearance have the right to obtain reparation and prompt, fair and ad-equate compensation.

5. ! e right to obtain reparation referred to in paragraph 4 of this article cov-ers material and moral damages and, where appropriate, other forms of rep-aration such as:

(a) Restitution; (b) Rehabilitation; (c) Satisfaction, including restoration of

dignity and reputation; (d) Guarantees of non-repetition. 6. Without prejudice to the obligation

to continue the investigation until the fate of the disappeared person has been clarifi ed, each State Party shall take the appropriate steps with regard to the legal situation of disappeared persons whose fate has not been clarifi ed and that of their relatives, in fi elds such as social welfare, fi nancial matters, family law and property rights.

7. Each State Party shall guarantee the right to form and participate freely in organisations and associations con-cerned with attempting to establish the circumstances of enforced disap-pearances and the fate of disappeared

persons, and to assist victims of en-forced disappearance.

Article 251. Each State Party shall take the necessary

measures to prevent and punish under its criminal law:

(a) ! e wrongful removal of children who are subjected to enforced disappear-ance, children whose father, mother or legal guardian is subjected to enforced disappearance or children born during the captivity of a mother subjected to enforced disappearance;

(b) ! e falsifi cation, concealment or de-struction of documents attesting to the true identity of the children referred to in subparagraph (a) above.

2. Each State Party shall take the neces-sary measures to search for and iden-tify the children referred to in para-graph 1 (a) of this article and to return them to their families of origin, in accordance with legal procedures and applicable international agreements.

3. States Parties shall assist one another in searching for, identifying and locat-ing the children referred to in para-graph 1 (a) of this article.

4. Given the need to protect the best in-terests of the children referred to in paragraph 1 (a) of this article and their right to preserve, or to have re-estab-lished, their identity, including their nationality, name and family relations as recognized by law, States Parties which recognize a system of adoption or other form of placement of children shall have legal procedures in place to review the adoption or placement


procedure, and, where appropriate, to annul any adoption or placement of children that originated in an enforced disappearance.

5. In all cases, and in particular in all matters relating to this article, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration, and a child who is ca-pable of forming his or her own views shall have the right to express those views freely, the views of the child be-ing given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child.

Part IIArticle 261. A Committee on Enforced Disap-

pearances (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”) shall be established to carry out the functions provided for under this Convention. ! e Commit-tee shall consist of ten experts of high moral character and recognized com-petence in the fi eld of human rights, who shall serve in their personal capac-ity and be independent and impartial. ! e members of the Committee shall be elected by the States Parties accord-ing to equitable geographical distribu-tion. Due account shall be taken of the usefulness of the participation in the work of the Committee of persons having relevant legal experience and of balanced gender representation.

2. ! e members of the Committee shall be elected by secret ballot from a list of persons nominated by States Par-ties from among their nationals, at biennial meetings of the States Parties convened by the Secretary-General of

the United Nations for this purpose. At those meetings, for which two thirds of the States Parties shall con-stitute a quorum, the persons elected to the Committee shall be those who obtain the largest number of votes and an absolute majority of the votes of the representatives of States Parties pres-ent and voting.

3. ! e initial election shall be held no later than six months after the date of entry into force of this Convention. Four months before the date of each election, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall address a let-ter to the States Parties inviting them to submit nominations within three months. ! e Secretary-General shall prepare a list in alphabetical order of all persons thus nominated, indicating the State Party which nominated each candidate, and shall submit this list to all States Parties.

4. ! e members of the Committee shall be elected for a term of four years. ! ey shall be eligible for re-election once. However, the term of fi ve of the mem-bers elected at the fi rst election shall expire at the end of two years; immedi-ately after the fi rst election, the names of these fi ve members shall be chosen by lot by the chairman of the meeting referred to in paragraph 2 of this ar-ticle.

5. If a member of the Committee dies or resigns or for any other reason can no longer perform his or her Committee duties, the State Party which nominat-ed him or her shall, in accordance with the criteria set out in paragraph 1 of


this article, appoint another candidate from among its nationals to serve out his or her term, subject to the approval of the majority of the States Parties. Such approval shall be considered to have been obtained unless half or more of the States Parties respond nega-tively within six weeks of having been informed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the proposed appointment.

6. ! e Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure.

7. ! e Secretary-General of the United Nations shall provide the Committee with the necessary means, sta" and fa-cilities for the e" ective performance of its functions. ! e Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene the initial meeting of the Committee.

8. ! e members of the Committee shall be entitled to the facilities, privileges and immunities of experts on mission for the United Nations, as laid down in the relevant sections of the Conven-tion on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations.

9. Each State Party shall cooperate with the Committee and assist its members in the fulfi lment of their mandate, to the extent of the Committee’s func-tions that the State Party has accept-ed.

Article 27A Conference of the States Parties

will take place at the earliest four years and at the latest six years following the entry into force of this Convention to evaluate the functioning of the Committee and to

decide, in accordance with the procedure described in article 44, paragraph 2, wheth-er it is appropriate to transfer to another body - without excluding any possibility - the monitoring of this Convention, in ac-cordance with the functions defi ned in ar-ticles 28 to 36.

Article 281. In the framework of the competencies

granted by this Convention, the Com-mittee shall cooperate with all relevant organs, o# ces and specialized agencies and funds of the United Nations, with the treaty bodies instituted by inter-national instruments, with the special procedures of the United Nations and with the relevant regional intergovern-mental organisations or bodies, as well as with all relevant State institutions, agencies or o# ces working towards the protection of all persons against enforced disappearances.

2. As it discharges its mandate, the Com-mittee shall consult other treaty bodies instituted by relevant international hu-man rights instruments, in particular the Human Rights Committee insti-tuted by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, with a view to ensuring the consistency of their respective observations and rec-ommendations.

Article 291. Each State Party shall submit to the

Committee, through the Secretary-General of the United Nations, a report on the measures taken to give e" ect to its obligations under this Convention,


within two years after the entry into force of this Convention for the State Party concerned.

2. ! e Secretary-General of the United Nations shall make this report avail-able to all States Parties.

3. Each report shall be considered by the Committee, which shall issue such comments, observations or recommen-dations as it may deem appropriate. ! e comments, observations or recom-mendations shall be communicated to the State Party concerned, which may respond to them, on its own initiative or at the request of the Committee.

4. ! e Committee may also request States Parties to provide additional information on the implementation of this Convention.

Article 301. A request that a disappeared person

should be sought and found may be submitted to the Committee, as a mat-ter of urgency, by relatives of the dis-appeared person or their legal repre-sentatives, their counsel or any person authorized by them, as well as by any other person having a legitimate inter-est.

2. If the Committee considers that a re-quest for urgent action submitted in pursuance of paragraph 1 of this ar-ticle:

(a) Is not manifestly unfounded; (b) Does not constitute an abuse of the

right of submission of such requests; (c) Has already been duly presented to the

competent bodies of the State Party

concerned, such as those authorized to undertake investigations, where such a possibility exists;

(d) Is not incompatible with the provi-sions of this Convention; and

(e) ! e same matter is not being exam-ined under another procedure of inter-national investigation or settlement of the same nature;

it shall request the State Party con-cerned to provide it with information on the situation of the persons sought, within a time limit set by the Commit-tee.

3. In the light of the information pro-vided by the State Party concerned in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, the Committee may transmit recommendations to the State Party, including a request that the State Party should take all the necessary measures, including interim measures, to locate and protect the person concerned in ac-cordance with this Convention and to inform the Committee, within a speci-fi ed period of time, of measures taken, taking into account the urgency of the situation. ! e Committee shall inform the person submitting the urgent ac-tion request of its recommendations and of the information provided to it by the State as it becomes available.

4. ! e Committee shall continue its ef-forts to work with the State Party con-cerned for as long as the fate of the person sought remains unresolved. ! e person presenting the request shall be kept informed.


Article 311. A State Party may at the time of rati-

fi cation of this Convention or at any time afterwards declare that it recog-nizes the competence of the Com-mittee to receive and consider com-munications from or on behalf of individuals subject to its jurisdiction claiming to be victims of a violation by this State Party of provisions of this Convention. ! e Committee shall not admit any communication concerning a State Party which has not made such a declaration.

2. ! e Committee shall consider a com-munication inadmissible where:

(a) ! e communication is anonymous; (b) ! e communication constitutes an

abuse of the right of submission of such communications or is incompat-ible with the provisions of this Con-vention;

(c) ! e same matter is being examined under another procedure of interna-tional investigation or settlement of the same nature; or where

(d) All e" ective available domestic reme-dies have not been exhausted. ! is rule shall not apply where the application of the remedies is unreasonably pro-longed.

3. If the Committee considers that the communication meets the require-ments set out in paragraph 2 of this article, it shall transmit the commu-nication to the State Party concerned, requesting it to provide observations and comments within a time limit set by the Committee.

4. At any time after the receipt of a com-

munication and before a determina-tion on the merits has been reached, the Committee may transmit to the State Party concerned for its urgent consideration a request that the State Party will take such interim measures as may be necessary to avoid possible irreparable damage to the victims of the alleged violation. Where the Com-mittee exercises its discretion, this does not imply a determination on admis-sibility or on the merits of the com-munication.

5. ! e Committee shall hold closed meetings when examining commu-nications under the present article. It shall inform the author of a commu-nication of the responses provided by the State Party concerned. When the Committee decides to fi nalize the pro-cedure, it shall communicate its views to the State Party and to the author of the communication.

Article 32A State Party to this Convention may at any time declare that it recognizes the com-petence of the Committee to receive and consider communications in which a State Party claims that another State Party is not fulfi lling its obligations under this Con-vention. ! e Committee shall not receive communications concerning a State Party which has not made such a declaration, nor communications from a State Party which has not made such a declaration.

Article 331. If the Committee receives reliable in-

formation indicating that a State Party is seriously violating the provisions of


this Convention, it may, after consul-tation with the State Party concerned, request one or more of its members to undertake a visit and report back to it without delay.

2. ! e Committee shall notify the State Party concerned, in writing, of its in-tention to organize a visit, indicating the composition of the delegation and the purpose of the visit. ! e State Par-ty shall answer the Committee within a reasonable time.

3. Upon a substantiated request by the State Party, the Committee may de-cide to postpone or cancel its visit.

4. If the State Party agrees to the visit, the Committee and the State Party concerned shall work together to de-fi ne the modalities of the visit and the State Party shall provide the Commit-tee with all the facilities needed for the successful completion of the visit.

5. Following its visit, the Committee shall communicate to the State Party concerned its observations and recom-mendations.

Article 34If the Committee receives informa-

tion which appears to it to contain well-founded indications that enforced disap-pearance is being practised on a widespread or systematic basis in the territory under the jurisdiction of a State Party, it may, af-ter seeking from the State Party concerned all relevant information on the situation, urgently bring the matter to the attention of the General Assembly of the United Na-tions, through the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 351. ! e Committee shall have competence

solely in respect of enforced disappear-ances which commenced after the en-try into force of this Convention.

2. If a State becomes a party to this Con-vention after its entry into force, the obligations of that State vis-à-vis the Committee shall relate only to enforced disappearances which commenced af-ter the entry into force of this Conven-tion for the State concerned.

Article 361. ! e Committee shall submit an an-

nual report on its activities under this Convention to the States Par ties and to the General Assembly of the United Nations.

2. Before an observation on a State Party is published in the annual report, the State Party concerned shall be in-formed in advance and shall be given reasonable time to answer. ! is State Party may request the publication of its comments or observations in the report.

Part IIIArticle 37

Nothing in this Convention shall a" ect any provisions which are more con-ducive to the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance and which may be contained in: (a) ! e law of a State Party; (b) International law in force for that



Article 381. ! is Convention is open for signature

by all Member States of the United Nations.

2. ! is Convention is subject to ratifi ca-tion by all Member States of the Unit-ed Nations. Instruments of ratifi cation shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

3. ! is Convention is open to accession by all Member States of the United Nations. Accession shall be e" ected by the deposit of an instrument of acces-sion with the Secretary-General.

Article 391. ! is Convention shall enter into force

on the thirtieth day after the date of deposit with the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the twentieth instrument of ratifi cation or accession.

2. For each State ratifying or acceding to this Convention after the deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratifi -cation or accession, this Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date of the deposit of that State’s instrument of ratifi cation or ac-cession.

Article 40! e Secretary-General of the Unit-

ed Nations shall notify all States Members of the United Nations and all States which have signed or acceded to this Convention of the following: (a) Signatures, ratifi cations and accessions

under article 38; (b) ! e date of entry into force of this

Convention under article 39.

Article 41! e provisions of this Convention shall ap-ply to all parts of federal States without any limitations or exceptions.

Article 421. Any dispute between two or more

States Parties concerning the interpre-tation or application of this Conven-tion which cannot be settled through negotiation or by the procedures ex-pressly provided for in this Convention shall, at the request of one of them, be submitted to arbitration. If within six months from the date of the request for arbitration the Parties are unable to agree on the organisation of the arbi-tration, any one of those Parties may refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice by request in confor-mity with the Statute of the Court.

2. A State may, at the time of signature or ratifi cation of this Convention or ac-cession thereto, declare that it does not consider itself bound by paragraph 1 of this article. ! e other States Parties shall not be bound by paragraph 1 of this article with respect to any State Party having made such a declaration.

3. Any State Party having made a dec-laration in accordance with the provi-sions of paragraph 2 of this article may at any time withdraw this declaration by notifi cation to the Secretary-Gen-eral of the United Nations.

Article 43! is Convention is without preju-

dice to the provisions of international hu-manitarian law, including the obligations


of the High Contracting Parties to the four Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and the two Additional Protocols thereto of 8 June 1977, or to the opportunity available to any State Party to authorize the Interna-tional Committee of the Red Cross to visit places of detention in situations not covered by international humanitarian law.

Article 441. Any State Party to this Convention

may propose an amendment and fi le it with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. ! e Secretary-Gen-eral shall thereupon communicate the proposed amendment to the States Parties to this Convention with a re-quest that they indicate whether they favour a conference of States Parties for the purpose of considering and voting upon the proposal. In the event that within four months from the date of such communication at least one third of the States Parties favour such a conference, the Secretary-General shall convene the conference under the auspices of the United Nations.

2. Any amendment adopted by a majority of two thirds of the States Parties pres-ent and voting at the conference shall be submitted by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to all the States Parties for acceptance.

3. An amendment adopted in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article shall enter into force when two thirds of the States Parties to this Convention have accepted it in accordance with their re-spective constitutional processes.

4. When amendments enter into force, they shall be binding on those States Parties which have accepted them, other States Parties still being bound by the provisions of this Convention and any earlier amendment which they have accepted.

Article 451. ! is Convention, of which the Arabic,

Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

2. ! e Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit certifi ed cop-ies of this Convention to all States re-ferred to in article 38.

Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance, 1992Declaration on the Protection of all Per-sons from Enforced Disappearance

General Assembly resolution 47/133 of 18 December 1992

! e General Assembly,Considering that, in accordance with

the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations and other international instruments, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human fam-ily is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,


Bearing in mind the obligation of States under the Charter, in particular Ar-ticle 55, to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fun-damental freedoms,

Deeply concerned that in many countries, often in a persistent manner, en-forced disappearances occur, in the sense that persons are arrested, detained or ab-ducted against their will or otherwise de-prived of their liberty by o# cials of di" er-ent branches or levels of Government, or by organized groups or private individuals acting on behalf of, or with the support, direct or indirect, consent or acquiescence of the Government, followed by a refusal to disclose the fate or whereabouts of the persons concerned or a refusal to acknowl-edge the deprivation of their liberty, which places such persons outside the protection of the law,

Considering that enforced disap-pearance undermines the deepest values of any society committed to respect for the rule of law, human rights and fundamen-tal freedoms, and that the systematic prac-tice of such acts is of the nature of a crime against humanity,

Recalling its resolution 33/173 of 22 December 1978, in which it expressed con-cern about the reports from various parts of the world relating to enforced or invol-untary disappearances, as well as about the anguish and sorrows caused by those disap-pearances, and called upon Governments to hold law enforcement and security forces legally responsible for excesses which might lead to enforced or involuntary disappear-ances of persons,

Recalling also the protection a" ord-

ed to victims of armed confl icts by the Ge-neva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and the Additional Protocols thereto, of 1977,

Having regard in particular to the relevant articles of the Universal Declara-tion of Human Rights and the Internation-al Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which protect the right to life, the right to liberty and security of the person, the right not to be subjected to torture and the right to recognition as a person before the law,

Having regard also to the Conven-tion against Torture and Other Cruel, In-human or Degrading Treatment or Pun-ishment, which provides that States parties shall take e" ective measures to prevent and punish acts of torture,

Bearing in mind the Code of Con-duct for Law Enforcement O# cials, the Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement O# cials, the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power and the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners,

A# rming that, in order to prevent enforced disappearances, it is necessary to ensure strict compliance with the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprison-ment contained in the annex to its resolu-tion 43/173 of 9 December 1988, and with the Principles on the E" ective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions, set forth in the annex to Economic and Social Council resolution 1989/65 of 24 May 1989 and en-dorsed by the General Assembly in its reso-lution 44/162 of 15 December 1989,

Bearing in mind that, while the acts


which comprise enforced disappearance constitute a violation of the prohibitions found in the aforementioned international instruments, it is none the less important to devise an instrument which characterizes all acts of enforce disappearance of persons as very serious o" ences and sets forth stan-dards designed to punish and prevent their commission,

Proclaims the present Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from En-forced Disappearance, as a body of prin-ciples for all States;

Urges that all e" orts be made so that the Declaration becomes generally known and respected;

Article 11. Any act of enforced disappearance is

an o" ence to human dignity. It is con-demned as a denial of the purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and as a grave and fl agrant violation of the human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and re-a# rmed and developed in internation-al instruments in this fi eld.

2. Any act of enforced disappearance places the persons subjected thereto outside the protection of the law and infl icts severe su" ering on them and their families. It constitutes a violation of the rules of international law guar-anteeing, inter alia, the right to recog-nition as a person before the law, the right to liberty and security of the per-son and the right not to be subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

It also violates or constitutes a grave threat to the right to life.

Article 21. No State shall practise, permit or tol-

erate enforced disappearances. 2. States shall act at the national and re-

gional levels and in cooperation with the United Nations to contribute by all means to the prevention and eradica-tion of enforce disappearance.

Article 3Each State shall take e" ective legis-

lative, administrative, judicial or other mea-sures to prevent and terminate acts of en-forced disappearance in any territory under its jurisdiction.

Article 41. All acts of enforced disappearance

shall be o" ences under criminal law punishable by appropriate penalties which shall take into account their ex-treme seriousness.

2. Mitigating circumstances may be es-tablished in national legislation for persons who, having participated in enforced disappearances, are instru-mental in bringing the victims forward alive or in providing voluntarily in-formation which would contribute to clarifying cases of enforced disappear-ance.

Article 5In addition to such criminal penal-

ties as are applicable, enforced disappear-ances render their perpetrators and the State or State authorities which organize,


acquiesce in or tolerate such disappearances liable under civil law, without prejudice to the international responsibility of the State concerned in accordance with the principles of international law.

Article 61. No order or instruction of any public

authority, civilian, military or other, may be invoked to justify an enforced disappearance. Any person receiving such an order or instruction shall have the right and duty not to obey it.

2. Each State shall ensure that orders or instructions directing, authorizing or encouraging any enforced disappear-ance are prohibited.

3. Training of law enforcement o# cials shall emphasize the provisions in para-graphs 1 and 2 of the present article.

Article 7No circumstances whatsoever,

whether a threat of war, a state of war, inter-nal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked to justify en-forced disappearances.

Article 81. No State shall expel, return (refouler)

or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds to believe that he would be in danger of enforced disappearance.

2. For the purpose of determining wheth-er there are such grounds, the compe-tent authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern

of gross, fl agrant or mass violations of human rights.

Article 91. ! e right to a prompt and e" ective ju-

dicial remedy as a means of determin-ing the whereabouts or state of health of persons deprived of their liberty and/or identifying the authority or-dering or carry out the deprivation of liberty is required to prevent enforced disappearances under all circumstanc-es, including those referred to in article 7 above.

2. In such proceedings, competent na-tional authorities shall have access to all places where persons deprived of their liberty are being held and to each part of those places, as well as to any place in which there are grounds to be-lieve that such persons may be found.

3. Any other competent authority en-titled under the law of the State or by any international legal instrument to which the State is a party may also have access to such places.

Article 101. Any person deprived of liberty shall be

held in an o# cially recognized place of detention and, in conformity with na-tional law, be brought before a judicial authority promptly after detention.

2. Accurate information on the deten-tion of such persons and their place or places of detention, including trans-fers, shall be made promptly available to their family members, their counsel or to any other persons having a legiti-mate interest in the information unless


a wish to the contrary has been mani-fested by the persons concerned.

3. An o# cial up-to-date register of all persons deprived of their liberty shall be maintained in every place of deten-tion. Additionally, each State shall take steps to maintain similar centralized registers. ! e information contained in these registers shall be made avail-able to the persons mentioned in the preceding paragraph, to any judicial or other competent and independent na-tional authority and to any other com-petent authority entitled under the law of the State concerned or any inter-national legal instrument to which a State concerned is a party, seeking to trace the whereabouts of a detained person.

Article 11All persons deprived of liberty must

be released in a manner permitting reliable verifi cation that they have actually been re-leased and, further, have been released in conditions in which their physical integrity and ability fully to exercise their rights are assured.

Article 121. Each State shall establish rules under

its national law indicating those o# -cials authorized to order deprivation of liberty, establishing the conditions under which such orders may be given, and stipulating penalties for o# cials who, without legal justifi cation, refuse to provide information on any deten-tion.

2. Each State shall likewise ensure strict

supervision, including a clear chain of command, of all law enforcement of-fi cials responsible for apprehensions, arrests, detentions, custody, transfers and imprisonment, and of other o# -cials authorized by law to use force and fi rearms.

Article 131. Each State shall ensure that any per-

son having knowledge or a legitimate interest who alleges that a person has been subjected to enforced disappear-ance has the right to complain to a competent and independent State authority and to have that complaint promptly, thoroughly and impartially investigated by that authority. When-ever there are reasonable grounds to believe that an enforced disappearance has been committed, the State shall promptly refer the matter to that au-thority for such an investigation, even if there has been no formal complaint. No measure shall be taken to curtail or impede the investigation.

2. Each State shall ensure that the com-petent authority shall have the neces-sary powers and resources to conduct the investigation e" ectively, includ-ing powers to compel attendance of witnesses and production of relevant documents and to make immediate on-site visits.

3. Steps shall be taken to ensure that all involved in the investigation, including the complainant, counsel, witnesses and those conducting the investigation, are protected against ill-treatment, intimi-dation or reprisal.


4. ! e fi ndings of such an investigation shall be made available upon request to all persons concerned, unless doing so would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation.

5. Steps shall be taken to ensure that any ill-treatment, intimidation or reprisal or any other form of interference on the occasion of the lodging of a com-plaint or during the investigation pro-cedure is appropriately punished.

6. An investigation, in accordance with the procedures described above, should be able to be conducted for as long as the fate of the victim of enforced dis-appearance remains unclarifi ed.

Article 14Any person alleged to have perpe-

trated an act of enforced disappearance in a particular State shall, when the facts dis-closed by an o# cial investigation so war-rant, be brought before the competent civil authorities of that State for the purpose of prosecution and trial unless he has been ex-tradited to another State wishing to exercise jurisdiction in accordance with the relevant international agreements in force. All States should take any lawful and appropriate ac-tion available to them to bring to justice all persons presumed responsible for an act of enforced disappearance, who are found to be within their jurisdiction or under their control.

Article 15! e fact that there are grounds to

believe that a person has participated in acts of an extremely serious nature such as those referred to in article 4, paragraph 1, above,

regardless of the motives, shall be taken into account when the competent authorities of the State decide whether or not to grant asylum.

Article 161. Persons alleged to have committed

any of the acts referred to in article 4, paragraph 1, above, shall be suspended from any o# cial duties during the investigation referred to in article 13 above.

2. ! ey shall be tried only by the com-petent ordinary courts in each State, and not by any other special tribunal, in particular military courts.

3. No privileges, immunities or special exemptions shall be admitted in such trials, without prejudice to the provi-sions contained in the Vienna Con-vention on Diplomatic Relations.

4. ! e persons presumed responsible for such acts shall be guaranteed fair treat-ment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Universal Declara-tion of Human Rights and other rele-vant international agreements in force at all stages of the investigation and eventual prosecution and trial.

Article 171. Acts constituting enforced disappear-

ance shall be considered a continu-ing o" ence as long as the perpetra-tors continue to conceal the fate and the whereabouts of persons who have disappeared and these facts remain un-clarifi ed.

2. When the remedies provided for in ar-ticle 2 of the International Covenant


on Civil and Political Rights are no longer e" ective, the statute of limita-tions relating to acts of enforced dis-appearance shall be suspended until these remedies are re-established.

3. Statutes of limitations, where they exist, relating to acts of enforced dis-appearance shall be substantial and commensurate with the extreme seri-ousness of the o" ence.

Article 181. Persons who have or are alleged to

have committed o" ences referred to in article 4, paragraph 1, above, shall not benefi t from any special amnesty law or similar measures that might have the e" ect of exempting them from any criminal proceedings or sanction.

2. In the exercise of the right of pardon, the extreme seriousness of acts of en-forced disappearance shall be taken into account.

Article 19! e victims of acts of enforced dis-

appearance and their family shall obtain redress and shall have the right to adequate compensation, including the means for as complete a rehabilitation as possible. In the event of the death of the victim as a result of an act of enforced disappearance, their dependents shall also be entitled to com-pensation.

Article 201. States shall prevent and suppress the

abduction of children of parents sub-jected to enforced disappearance and

of children born during their mother’s enforced disappearance, and shall de-vote their e" orts to the search for and identifi cation of such children and to the restitution of the children to their families of origin.

2. Considering the need to protect the best interests of children referred to in the preceding paragraph, there shall be an opportunity, in States which recog-nize a system of adoption, for a review of the adoption of such children and, in particular, for annulment of any adoption which originated in enforced disappearance. Such adoption should, however, continue to be in force if con-sent is given, at the time of the review, by the child’s closest relatives.

3. ! e abduction of children of parents subjected to enforced disappearance or of children born during their mother’s enforced disappearance, and the act of altering or suppressing documents at-testing to their true identity, shall con-stitute an extremely serious o" ence, which shall be punished as such.

4. For these purpose, States shall, where appropriate, conclude bilateral and multilateral agreements.

Article 21! e provisions of the present Dec-

laration are without prejudice to the pro-visions enunciated in the Universal Dec-laration of Human Rights or in any other international instrument, and shall not be construed as restricting or derogating from any of those provisions.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 1948Article 3

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 5No one shall be subjected to torture

or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 9No one shall be subjected to arbi-

trary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10Everyone is entitled in full equality

to a fair and public hearing by an indepen-dent and impartial tribunal, in the determi-nation of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), 1966Article 11. All peoples have the right of self-

determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their econom-ic, social and cultural development.

Article 61. Every human being has the inherent

right to life. ! is right shall be protect-ed by law. No one shall be arbitrarily

deprived of his life.Article 7

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medi-cal or scientifi c experimentation.

Article 91. Everyone has the right to liberty and

security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or deten-tion. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law.

2. Anyone who is arrested shall be in-formed, at the time of arrest, of the reasons for his arrest and shall be promptly informed of any charges against him.

4. Anyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention shall be entitled to take proceedings before a court, in order that that court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of his detention and order his release if the detention is not lawful.

5. Anyone who has been the victim of unlawful arrest or detention shall have an enforceable right to compensation.

Article 141. All persons shall be equal before the

courts and tribunals. In the determi-nation of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a com-petent, independent and impartial tri-


bunal established by law. ! e press and the public may be excluded from all or part of a trial for reasons of morals, public order (ordre public) or national security in a democratic society, or when the interest of the private lives of the parties so requires, or to the extent strictly necessary in the opinion of the court in special circumstances where publicity would prejudice the interests of justice; but any judgement rendered in a criminal case or in a suit at law shall be made public except where the interest of juvenile persons otherwise requires or the proceedings concern matrimonial disputes or the guardian-ship of children.

Article 26All persons are equal before the law

and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law. In this re-spect, the law shall prohibit any discrimina-tion and guarantee to all persons equal and e" ective protection against discrimination on any ground such as race, colour, sex, lan-guage, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), 1984Article 21. Each State Party shall take e" ective

legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of tor-ture in any territory under its jurisdic-

tion. 2. No exceptional circumstances whatso-

ever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political in stability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justifi cation of torture.

3. An order from a superior o# cer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justifi cation of torture.

Article 141. Each State Party shall ensure in its legal system that the victim of an act of tor-ture obtains redress and has an enforceable right to fair and adequate compensation, in-cluding the means for as full rehabilitation as possible. In the event of the death of the victim as a result of an act of torture, his de-pendants shall be entitled to compensation.

Common Article 3 of Geneva Conventions, 1949

In the case of armed confl ict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each Party to the confl ict shall be bound to apply, as a minimum, the follow-ing provisions: (1) Persons taking no active part in the

hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed ‘ hors de combat ‘ by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any ad-verse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.

To this end, the following acts are and


shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:

(a) violence to life and person, in par-ticular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;

(b) taking of hostages; (c) outrages upon personal dignity, in

particular humiliating and degrading treatment;

(d) the passing of sentences and the carry-ing out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, a" ording all the ju-dicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.

(2) ! e wounded and sick shall be col-lected and cared for.

An impartial humanitarian body, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, may o" er its services to the Par-ties to the confl ict.

! e Parties to the confl ict should further endeavour to bring into force, by means of special agreements, all or part of the other provisions of the present Conven-tion.

! e application of the preceding provisions shall not a" ect the legal status of the Parties to the confl ict.

Interim Constitution, 2063 (2007)Part 3: Fundamental Rights12. Right to freedom (1) Every person shall have the right to

live with dignity, and no law which provides for capital punishment shall be made.

(2) Except as provided for by law no per-son shall be deprived of his/her per-sonal liberty.

(3) Every citizen shall have the following freedoms

(a) freedom of opinion and expression;(b) freedom to assemble peaceably and

without arms;

National Standards against Acts of Disappearance and on Protection of People from



(c) freedom to form political party;(d) freedom to form unions and associa-

tions;(e) freedom to move and reside in any part

of Nepal; and(f ) freedom to engage in any occupation

or be engaged in employment, indus-try and trade.

24. Rights regarding justice (1) No person shall be detained without

being informed of the ground for such an arrest.

(2) ! e person who is arrested shall have the right to consult a legal practitioner


of his/her choice at the time of the ar-rest. ! e consultation made by such a person with the legal practitioner and the advice given thereon shall remain confi dential, and such a person shall not be denied the right to be defended by his/her legal practitioner.

(3) Every person who is arrested shall be produced before a judicial authority within a period of twenty-four hours after such arrest, excluding the time necessary for the journey from the place of arrest to such authority, and the ar-rested person shall not be detained in custody beyond the said period except on the order of such authority.

(5) No person accused of any o" ence shall be assumed to be an o" ender until proven guilty.

(8) Every person undergoing trial shall have the right to be informed about the proceedings of the trial.

(9) Every person shall be entitled to a fair trial by a competent court or judicial authority.

25. Right against preventive detention (1) No person shall be held under preven-

tive detention unless there is su# cient ground to believe in the existence of an immediate threat to the sovereignty and integrity of, or the law and order situation in, Nepal.

(2) If an authority detains a person under preventive detention contrary to law or in bad faith, the person detained is en-titled to compensation under the law.

26. Right against torture (1) No person who is detained during in-

vestigation, or for trial or for any other reason, shall be subjected to physical or mental torture, or be treated in a cruel, inhuman or degrading manner.

(2) Any such an act pursuant to clause (1) shall be punishable by law, and any person so treated shall be compensated in a manner determined by law.

Part 4: Responsibilities, Directive Prin-ciples and Policies of the StateArticle 33. Responsibilities of the State! e State shall have the following respon-sibilities: (q) to provide relief to the families of the

victims, on the basis of the report of the Investigation Commission consti-tuted to investigate the cases of per-sons who were the subject of enforced disappearance during the course of the confl ict.

Part 19: Emergency PowersArticle 143 Emergency Powers(7) ………… Provided that clauses (1),

(2) of article 12 and sub-clauses (c) and (d) of clause (3), Article 13 and 14, clause (2) and (3) of Article 15, Article 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30 and 31 and the right to constitutional remedy related to Article 32 and the right to Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended.

Civil Liberties Act, 2012 (1955)

Section 3 Equality Before the LawSubject to current Nepal Law, no

citizen shall be denied equality before the law and equal protection of the law.


Section 11 Penalty to be Awarded in Case O! ense is Proved

No person shall be punished for do-ing anything which is not punishable under current Nepal law or awarded higher pun-ishment than that prescribed in the Nepal law current at the time the o" ense was committed.

No person shall be prosecuted or punished more than once for the same of-fense.

No person who is charged or any of-fense shall be compelled to testify against himself

Section 12 Individual Liberty! e life or individual liberty of any

person shall not be taken away except in ac-cordance with current Nepal law.

Section 15 Protection in Respect to Ar-rest (1) Except when otherwise provided for in

current Nepal law no arrested person- (a) shall be kept under detention with-

out serving him with a notice contain-ing the reason for his arrest as early as possible.

(b) shall be deprived of the right to consult legal practitioner or agents of his choice (appointed) according to law and to have his case pleaded by them.

(2) Except when otherwise provided for in current Nepal law, every person who is arrested and kept under detention shall be produced before the appro-priate authority within twenty-four hours, excluding the time required for the journey, and no person shall

be kept under detention for a longer period except under the order of such authority.

Torture Compensation Act, 2053 (1996)


Whereas it is essential to provide for compensation to a person for having been subjected to physical or mental tor-ture or, cruel, inhuman or degrading treat-ment while in detention for investigation or awaiting trial or for any other reason.

Section 3 Torture not be infl icted1) Torture shall not be infl icted on any

person who is in detention for investi-gation or awaiting trail or for any other reason.

Explanation: For the purpose of this sub-section, the term ‘in detention” shall include being taken into custody in accordance with the existing law.

2) ! e concerned o# cer, at the time of detention and release of any person shall have that person’s physical con-dition examined, as far as possible by a doctor in government service, and, when the doctor is not available, by himself, and shall keep and maintain records thereof.

Some Public (O! ence and Punish-ment) Act, 2027 (1970)

Section 3: Power to Arrest! e person arrested shall be produced be-fore the adjudicating authority within 24


hours after making allowance from the time required for journey, and he shall not be kept in detention for a longer period except through an order of such authority.

Army Act, 2063 (2006)Section 61: O! ence related to irregular arrest or detention

Committing any of the following acts shall be considered an o" ence related to irregular arrest or detention: a) In arresting any person or holding him

in detention but failing to submit the case before the relevant o# cer for in-vestigation or in delaying the proceed-ing of a case without reason;

b) In holding any person in military cus-tody, failing to submit an account mak-ing known the appropriate reasons for placement into custody, immediately or as soon as possible or regardless of condition within twenty four hours ex-cept in the event of reasonable grounds of those who have the right to place into military custody and the Prad Vi-wak.

62. Special provisions on o! ences of cor-ruption, theft, torture and disappearance: 1) Committing any acts which are de-

fi ned an o" ence of corruption, theft, torture and disappearance by existing law, shall be deemed to have commit-ted o" ences of corruption, theft, tor-ture and disappearance.

2) ! ere shall be a committee comprised of the following for the purpose of conducting an investigation and in-quiry into the o" ences provided by Subsection (1):

a) Deputy Attorney General prescribed by the Nepal Government - Chairper-son,

b) Chief of legal section of the Ministry of Defense -- Member,

c) Representative of Prad Viwak not be-low the rank of Major-- Member.

3) ! e representative mentioned in Clause (c) of Subsection (2) shall be a person who is not involved to the Court Martial of the related case.

4) ! e jurisdiction to try and proceed with cases mentioned under Subsec-tion (1) shall be vested with a Special Court Martial formed in accordance with Subsection (1) of Section 119.

5) ! e committee formed under Subsec-tion (2) shall have the power equiva-lent to the power conferred by relevant existing laws in relation to an investi-gating and inquiry o# cer in respect to those cases.

Agreements and Understand-ings to Make Public the Sta-tus of Disappeared PersonsCeasefi re Code of Conduct, 2063 (2006)

Point No. 17 of the Ceasefi re Code of Conduct of 2006 reiterates commitments of the state and CPN-M immediately make public the status of disappeared persons. ! e Code of Conduct was agreed upon and enforced by the Government of Nepal and the CPN-M during a peace talk held at Gokarna, Kathmandu on 26 May 2006.

Decision of Supreme Leaders of SPA and CPN-M, 2063 (2006)A meeting of the supreme leaders of the


SPA and CPN-M on 8 November 2006 agreed, in the Decision No. 1(b) and 4(2), to form a high-level probe commission to investigate into the cases of disappearance and make public the whereabouts of the persons disappeared by both the state and CPN-M in the past, and provide relief to the families of disappeared persons on the basis of report of the high-level probe com-mission.

Comprehensive Peace Agreement, 2063 (2006)

Point No. 5.2.2 of the CPA con-cluded between the GoN and CPN-M on 21 November 2006 states that both sides agreed to make public the status of the people taken in their custody and to release them within a period of 15 days.

Both sides agreed to make public the information about the real name, surname and address of the people who were disap-peared by both sides and who were killed during the war and to inform also the fam-ily about it within 60 days from the date on which this Accord has been signed (Point No. 5.2.3).

Point No. 7.3.1 of the CPA states that sides respect and protect the right to individual dignity. In this connection, no person including those deprived of their freedom in accordance with the law shall be subjected to torture or any other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punish-ment. ! e citizens’ right to privacy shall be respected by law.

Point No. 7.3.2 states that both sides shall, respecting fully the individual’s right to freedom and security, not keep anyone

under arbitrary or illegal detention, kidnap or take hostages. Both sides agreed to make public the status of every disappeared per-son and those held captive and inform the family members, legal advisors and other authorized persons of matters related there-to.

Both sides agreed to immediately put an end to activities like taking educa-tional institutions under control and using them, causing teachers and students to be disappeared or taking them under control or abduction (Point No. 7.5.4).

Common Minimum Programme of Interim Government, 2063 (2007)

! e then Interim Government, in the Point No. B(3) of its Common Mini-mum Programme (CMP) of April 2007 stated that investigations would be made to fi nd out the status of allegedly disappeared persons during the confl ict.

23-Point Agreement by Six Po-litical Parties and CPN-M, 2064 (2007)

A meeting of the top leaders of the seven political parties, including the CPN-M was held on 23 December 2007 at the Prime Minister’s residence in Balu-watar, Kathmandu. ! e meeting reached to the decision, among other things, to form a Commission for the Investigation of the Disappeared by the government within a month as mentioned in Point 6(a). Deci-sions of the meeting are widely known as ‘23-point agreement’.


Summary of the Supreme Court’s Directive Order

Directive Order ruled by the Supreme Court to the government of Nepal to immediately investigate all allegations of enforced disap-pearances with the following instructions: (A) ! e report of the investigation team constituted by this court clarifi es the events regarding the following persons among the people said to be disappeared. Chakra Bahadur Katuwal died in the custody due to torture. Regarding Rajendera Prasad Dhakal, Bipin Bhandari and Dil Baha-dur Rai, their initial point of the arrest by the security forces has been determined as stated above, but their conditions after that have not been clarifi ed till date. In the case of Chakra Bahadur Katuwal, it is necessary that due process of prosecution will be ad-opted, pursuant to existing laws and a writ of mandamus, on his subject, will be issued. It should be issued in the name of the re-spondent Ministry of Home A" airs, as well as the Government of Nepal. It should order that any agency, o# cial or employee, any other person who was involved in the process, or any other person who was inves-tigated and processed by Departmental ac-tion and punishment will be subject to the concerned o# ce chief and employees. ! is order is also issued to give necessary order to the concerned agency or employees. Regarding the case of Rajendra Dhakal, Bipin Bhandari and Dil Bahadur Rai, they have been identifi ed by the ju-dicial investigation team as being arrested by security forces. However, their status remained as unknown till date. O# cials or employees involved in the process should

be prosecuted on the basis of additional research and thereby justice should be pro-vided to the victims. In order to launch im-mediate prosecution, other measures, such as defi ning the crime of disappearance, sanctioning the same and providing com-pensation, should be ensured. If they are not, there is no possibility of obtaining full justice. ! erefore, an order is issued in the name of the respondent regarding the nec-essary action to be taken for prosecuting the erstwhile chief of security agency, as well as other employees who were responsible. ! e order also regards that the concerned person and victims must be provided compensation on the basis of the law, pursuant to section (B) hereunder. It must be completed as well the additional necessary investigation, as suggested by the report of the investigation team constituted by this court. ! e conclusion of the investiga-tion team is that the mentioned people were arrested by the security force and taken to a certain point and thereafter their status re-mained unknown. As it is not appropriate for the responsible person to enjoy impu-nity and unaccountability, a writ of manda-mus is issued in the name of respondents including Ministry of Home A" airs, as well as the Government of Nepal. Accordingly, immediate Departmental action must be taken against the chief and employees who are identifi ed as responsible by the report of investigation team and other necessary in-quiry must be done.

(B) ! is court has taken note of the petitions by Lekhnath Neupane asking for mandamus and other cases of habeas corpus where additional investigation is yet to be carried out. Similar demands by other pe-


titioners in similar circumstances have been received claiming of acts of disappearance. Also in this case the petitioners have asked for special provisions.

! e written statement regarding the people who are said to be disappeared did not help to determine their status and a formal investigation has not been under-taken yet. ! erefore, it is not easy to express a certain opinion on the status of these people. ! e legal, structural and remedial measures are not su# cient to especially ad-dress the e" ects caused to the disappeared persons and their families. It does not seem that the prevailing legal structure is enough to address the problems. ! erefore, a direc-tive order is hereby issued in the name of the respondent Government of Nepal to address these problems by making the pro-visions mentioned hereunder.

i. It is found that there is no law in our country with respect to the address of the series of disappearance occurred during the time of confl ict. ! ere is absence of law as well on other matters, such as: arrest, deten-tion, hostage taking, and conditions during the time of detention and related measures, rights of the victims, remedies available for them and their families, provisions for ef-fective investigation, etc. Even though there is an Act for carrying out inquiry on a mat-ter of public importance, this Act does not cover the inquiry on matter pertaining to disappearance. In the absence of law, no real, e" ective and practical investigation can be carried out. Additionally, under the existing criminal law no provision is found to address legal and institutional questions relating to the issue. With the purpose of e" ectively addressing this problem, it is necessary to

establish a law with priority. ! is law should include the provisions that the act of dis-appearance is a criminal o" ence. It should defi ne the act of disappearance pursuant to the defi nition in the International Conven-tion for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance of 2006. It should also incorporate provisions, such as: rights of detainees; liability of those who keep in detention; determination of the place of de-tention; access of the lawyer and families of the detainees; right to be informed of the reason of detention; judicial remedy; right to remedy for the detainee who is put in il-legal detention, or for the concerned per-sons and their families who have become victim of illegal detention or disappearance; right to compensation; a fl exible provision of limitation that does not adversely a" ect investigation process; complaint hearing agency and its liability with respect to il-legal detention or disappearance; provi-sion for the creation of a formal detention centre and provision for putting detained people in such detention centre: right to humanitarian treatment while in detention, descriptions such as length of the detention, condition, name, title, address and other rel-evant details of the person who is ordered in detention: liability of making arrangements while transferring the detainee: right of the families to know all conditions of the de-tainee and development of the process, as well as easy access to the same: terms re-garding the condition of being released: the provisions regarding the record of his/her mental and physical condition. It is equally important to attract the attention towards international standards. ! ey included that no pardon can be granted with respect to a


person who are prosecuted for allegedly be-ing involved in the act of disappearance and to a person who is convicted for the same crime. For this purpose, the International Convention for the Protection of all Per-sons from Enforced Disappearance should be adopted as a guideline.

ii. For the purpose of implementa-tion of the Act made pursuant to here above for the purpose of protection of the persons forcefully disappeared, it is also expedient to provide for an arrangement in the Act for a separate Commission of Inquiry with respect to such disappeared persons. Given that separate powers, skills and procedures are deemed necessary for probing such kinds of problems. It is needed to determine the Criteria for Commission on Enforced Dis-appearance developed under the guidelines of the United Nations O# ce of the High Commission for Human Rights.

It is needed to include provisions such as, that: all related incidents are in-quired: the jurisdiction of the Commission is clarifi ed: the inquiry does not replace the jurisdiction of the court: the persons nomi-nated for such commission are appropriate and competent for the work: provisions re-garding terms of o# ce and conditions of service and facilities are provided: represen-tation of women, lower caste and communi-ties are provided: powers, duties and func-tions of the Commission are prescribed in the Act: considering the nature of the prob-lem of inquiry, it could be initiated on the basis of the information received from any source. It is necessary to include provisions such as: the continuity of the inquiry until the status is made clear: security of victims, witness, plainti" , advocate and investigator

assisting in the probe: rights of the victims about recording their statements and rais-ing their concerns and rights to keep their statements confi dential: the power of the commission to inspect necessary places, of-fi ces, etc. and to question all persons who it deems necessary to inquire. It is also neces-sary to ensure the availability of means and resources necessary for such Commission in order to accomplish its performance. It is expedient to consider all these matters while enacting the law.

It is expected that the law will be en-acted in a wise manner and under legislative power entrusted by sovereign Nepali people. When the mentioned issues will be given expedient scope, all people facing problems will be benefi ted.

(C) A directive order is hereby issued in the name of respondents- government of Nepal, Ministry of Home A" airs and the O# ce of the Attorney General. It takes the decisions to enact an Act for the protection of the disappeared persons, which will pro-vide for a Commission of Inquiry for the disclosure of the causes of their disappear-ance and their status. It will be achieved by forming a powerful commission in order to carry out an in-depth and comprehen-sive inquiry of the mentioned persons and thereby, submitting the report. A criminal investigation on the basis of the report will be undertaken. ! ereby, it will be decided to prosecute concerned persons on the basis.

(D) It will certainly take a long time to complete the mentioned steps. ! ey in-volve making new law, constituting a Com-mission of Inquiry, taking report from it,


and launching prosecution on that basis. However, considering the complexities of the problem and the imperative to resolve it as soon as possible, the solution would be facilitated only if the Executive and Legis-lature put this matter on their high priori-ties. All organs of the State have the obliga-tion to protect the disappeared persons and provide them justice. We consider that it is a natural expectation to be confi dent about the fact that the responsible organs will play a positive role for a work delineated by the Constitution. It seems necessary that the Government of Nepal takes special initia-tion to expedite the process of making law.

! e persons stated in the petitions and their families can feel the sense of jus-tice only when the mentioned stages are completed. It is imperative to put forward this process with expedient priority.

(E) As stated in Section (D), the petitioners of this case have been de-manding and waiting various kinds of rem-edies from this court for a long time (some of them since 1999. It is likely to take more time to provide them e" ective remedy by completing the above mentioned stages. In addition to the e" ect that the concerned person has to bear due to disappearance, their family members have to continuously face several social, economic and mental suf-ferings. Factors such as, the time spent for the search of the disappeared person, labour and expenditure, psychological distress, loss of labour productivity and security due to the absence of disappeared person, must be considered for reaching social and economic results. On the one hand, the State has not been able to make public the status of the

persons who are said to be disappeared. On the other hand, families of the disappeared persons have been continuously bearing the loss and liability in connection to the inci-dent. As the pain created by this situation will continue until the status of the person who are said to be disappeared becomes evi-dent, it seems essential to address the prob-lem.

! e demands of the petitioners can be appropriately addressed and their fi nal status can be clarifi ed in the course of the implementation of the Act as men-tioned above. In other words, if the status of concerned person is clarifi ed, and the culprit is also determined, he/she would get the punishment determined by the law. Similarly, when the petitioner is entitled of compensation, he/she may receive it as per the procedures determined by the same law. However, it does not seem possible for the family members who are searching for their loved ones to travel the long road to justice with their own resources and with a dis-tressed mind. ! is Bench is confi dent that immediate relief, even if partial, should be provided to them. ! is will save them from discarding the tiring the path of justice ow-ing to frustration. It will also provide them with support and cooperation in adopting the legitimate path of searching their loved ones.

It is not possible to provide specifi c legal remedy, such as punishment or com-pensation, in the situation when the real condition of detainee is not clarifi ed. How-ever, it seems expedient to provide relief as a grant even though in symbolic form in view of the situation at the time of deciding this case. It is grant with the limited purpose of


assisting the victim family to bear the liabil-ity undertaken by them while seeking access to justice. It will not a" ect the amount and nature of the remedy to be provided as per the law as to be found by a further investi-gation.

! e incident of violation of right to freedom and security of life is not a mat-ter that can be compensated in monetary or economic terms. However, this court considers the obligation of the State to pro-vide assistance to the victim. ! is court also considers that the rights would be mean-ingless in the absence of e" ective remedy. ! is court, therefore, in order to respect the right of victims’ families to seek remedy, has positively considered the need of providing immediate relief of interim nature.

Accordingly, this order is hereby issued in the name of the Government of Nepal, as well as the Cabinet Secretariat pursuant to Article 100 and 107 (2) of the Interim Constitution of Nepal of 2007. ! is order provides: to give immediate relief of two hundred thousand rupees (200,000

NRP) for the nearest claimant of Chakra Bahadur Shahi, who is considered to be dead and whose death is verifi ed by the in-vestigation of the DIT constituted by the order of this court; to give two hundred thousand rupees (200,000 NRP) to each member of the families of those who are declared dead; to give Rs 150,000 to each family member of Rajendra Prasad Dhakal, Bipin Bhandari and Dil Bahadur Rai, who have been found by the DIT constituted by this court to be arrested by security forces and disappeared; and to give Rs 100,000 to each family member to the remaining per-sons stated in the petition, whose status has not been clarifi ed.

A directive order is hereby issued in the name of the Government of Nepal to frame and implement appropriate relief package. It includes the employment with-out any adverse e" ect relating to matters mentioned above. It also considers the status of the victims till date and the loss and dif-fi culties that might have to be continuously borne due to the cause of disappearance.


Bill to provide for amendment to the Country Codes

Whereas it is desirable to amend the Coun-try Code,

Be it enacted by the Parliament-Legislature. 1. Short title and commencement: 1) ! is Act shall be called the “Coun-

try Code (twelfth amendment) Act, 2007”.

2) ! is Act shall come into force at once. 2. Adding the Chapters 8A. and 8B. to

Part 4 of the Country Code: ! e fol-lowing Chapters 8A. are added to Part 4 of the Country Code:

Chapter 8A. On causing disappearance

1. one shall cause or bring about the dis-appearance of another person.

Explanation: For the purpose of this Chapter, “causing disappearance” means, with respect to a person who has been arrested, detained or taken into custody in any way by a person or security personnel having the au-thorisation under the law to arrest, carry out an investigation or inquiry or implement laws, the refusal of visits by family members even after the expiry

ANNEX: 4Government Proposal Presented at the

Parliament to Amend Civil Code by Adding Provisions on Disappearances

of the period [for the detained person] to be produced before a case hearing authority or concealment regarding where and how such person has been detained, including the deprivation of protection guaranteed in accordance with the law during the period of such custody or detention.

2. If a person has been disappeared by more than one person, or a group of persons with shared interests, the per-son who arrested, held in detention or took in custody a person who has been disappeared, shall be held responsible as the principal o" ender for the dis-appearance. If an o" ender for a dis-appearance cannot be identifi ed, the Chief of the o# ce under whose cus-tody or detention such person was held and was disappeared during the period thereof shall be held responsible for the disappearance.

3. If any person causes another person to disappear as provided by this Chapter, the person responsible for such acts shall, taking the period of disappear-ance and conditions of disappearance into consideration, be imprisoned for up to fi ve years and fi ned up to fi fty thousand rupees.

4. Any person who orders the commis-sion of a disappearance shall be subject


to a penalty equal to that for the prin-cipal o" ender for a disappearance.

5. Any person who induces attempts or abets in the commission of a disap-pearance shall be subject to half of the penalty provided for the principal of-fender.

6. If a disappeared person has been sub-jected to physical or mental torture in any form during the period of the dis-appearance, or has been subjected to any acts which constitutes an o" ence under the law, the person who arrested, held in detention or custody such per-son shall, unless proved otherwise, be held responsible for physical or mental torture or such acts. A person respon-sible for such torture or such acts, if a penalty is provided for by existing law, shall be imposed a penalty in addition to the penalty provided by this Chap-ter.

7. If any disappeared person is killed dur-ing the period of disappearance, the person responsible for causing the dis-appearance shall be punished accord-ing to the Chapter on Murder in ad-

dition to the penalty provided by this Act.

8. If a person who had been disappeared is made public or appears [himself ] in public afterwards, he shall be provided with compensation at the rate of fi ve hundred rupees per day from the day that he was disappeared to the day that he is made public, and if he has been subjected to physical or mental torture during such period, he shall be provided reasonable compensation for torture by the person responsible for causing his disappearance. If a dis-appeared person is already dead, such compensation shall be given to his closest heir.

! ere shall be no time-limit for fi ling a complaint for the commission of murder after a disappearance. Otherwise, no complaint shall be entertained which is not lodged within six months after the date [a person] was disappeared, was known to have been disappeared, [or] after a disap-peared person is released or is made public.



INSEC District RepresentativesEastern Region1.1 Jhapa - Arjun Kumar Basnet1.2 Ilam - Asok Kumar Rai1.3 Panchthar - Krishna Ojha1.4 Taplejung - Chandra Prakash Bhattarai1.5 Morang - Deepen Neupane1.6 Sunsari - Sukdev Chaudhary1.7 Dhankuta - Gita Adhikari/ Santosh Ruchal1.8 Tehrathum - Chhatra Rimal1.9 Bhojpur - Gyanendra Khadka1.10 Sankhuwasabha- Kisor Budhathoki1.11 Saptari - Prakash Khatiwada1.12 Siraha - Dev Raj Pokhrel/ - Guru Saran Sada1.13 Udaypur - Kushal Babu Basnet1.14 Khotang - Lok Nath Ghimire1.15 Okhaldhunga - Guru Bahadur Basnet1.16 Solukhumbu - Bed Prasad Rai

Mid Region2.1 Dhanusha - Roshandip Dhakal/ Binod Kumar Rabidas2.2 Mahottari - Ishwari Kaphle2.3 Sarlahi - Bidur Pyakurel2.4 Sindhuli - Anand Prasad Dahal2.5 Ramechhap - Nava Raj Pathik2.6 Dolakha - Uddhav Pokhrel2.7 Rautahat - Bipin Gautam2.8 Bara - Roshan Raj Aryal2.9 Parsa - Niraj Kumar Sah2.10 Chitwan - Mukunda Dahal

Name of the Persons Who Contributed in Course of Preparing " is Book

2.11 Makanwanpur - Pratap Bista2..12 Lalitpur - Gopi Krishna Bhattrai2.13 Kavrepalanchok - Bhoj Raj Timalsina2.14 Bhaktapur - Akur Neupane2.15 Kathmandu - Raju Paswan2.16 Dhading - Sita Ram Adhikari2.17 Sindhupalchok - Natibabu Dhital2.18 Nuwakot - Keshav Mishra2.19 Rasuwa - Hem Nath Khatiwada

Western Region3.1 Tanahun - Prakash Chandra Bhattarai3.2 Gorkha - Bhim Lal Shrestha3.3 Lamjung - Krishna Prasad Adhikari3.4 Syanja - Nirmala Tiwari3.5 Kaski - San Bahadur ! apa3.6 Manang - Kaman Bahadur Gurung3.7 Nawalparasi - Narayan Parajuli3.8 Rupandehi - Amrit Giri3.9 Palpa - Durga Neupane3.10 Kapilbastu - Nanda Ram Poudel3.11 Arghakhanchi - Khim Prasad Marasini/ Narayan Prasad Bhusal3.12 Gulmi - Hira Kunwar/ Naresh Kumar Bhandari3.13 Baglung - Ram Bahadur GC3.14 Parvat - Madhav Raj Pandey3.15 Myagdi - Ghanashyam Khadka3.16 Mustang - Sarmila Gurung


Mid Western Region4.1 Dang - Salik Ram Musaphir4.2 Pyuthan - Rabindra Pandey4.3 Rolpa - Dharendra Dangi4.4 Salyan - Rom Prakash ! apa4.5 Rukum - Jivan Khadka4.6 Banke - Narayan Subedi4.7 Bardiya - Man Bahadur Chaudary4.8 Surkhet - Durga ! apa4.9 Jajarkot - Raju Kumar Shakya4.10 Dailekh - Yaggya Raj ! apa4.11 Dolpa - Bishnu Prasad Devkota 4.12 Jumla - Rajendra Neupane/ Man Datta Rawal4.13 Kalikot - Kali Bahadur Malla

4.14 Mugu - Lokendra Hitan4.15 Humla - Ramesh Aidi

Far Western Region5.1 Kailali - Sur Bahadur Pariyar5.2 Achham - Ratan Bahadur Rawal5.3 Doti - Lav Dev Bhatta5.4 Bajura - Arjun Shah5.5 Bajhang - Prakash BK5.6 Kanchanpur - Komal Niranjan Bhat5.7 Dadeldhura - Keshav Bahadur Bohora5.8 Baitadi - Sher Bahadur Chand5.9 Darchula - Madan Singh Dhami


7. Rudra Prasad BhattaraiAddress: Gaindathok Pakrabas VDC-5, RamechhapDate of Arrest: 1960/61 (2017 B.S.)Place: Jayanagar Border or Siraha or Ramechhap

8. Lal Bahadur RaiAddress: Ambarpur VDC-1, PanchtharDate of Arrest: 1961/62 (2018 or 19 B.S.)Place: Panchthar

9. Sete GurungAddress: Kebalpur VDC-5, DhadingDate of Arrest: 1961/1962 (2018 B.S.)Place: Bhaktapur

Involved in politics and disappeared but not known whether the cause of their disappearances was arrest

1. Keshar Bahadur KhadkaAddress: Khanepani VDC-2, Ramechhap Date of Arrest: 1979Date of Disappeared: 1979Place: Bagbazaar, Kathmandu

2. Maheswar ChaulagainAddress: Siddapokhari VDC-6, SankhuwasabhaDate of Arrest: June 30 or July 8, 1985Place: SankhuwasabhaDate of Disappeared: July 9, 1985


Arrested following security operation or confrontation and subjected to enforced disappearances1. Baikuntha AdhikariAddress: Jogimara Jayapuri, DhadingDate of Arrest: May/June 1961Place: Nagidanda, Dhading

2. Harihar Raya YadavAddress: Harkthawa VDC-3, SarlahiDate of Arrest: December 1, 1979Place: Engineering Institute Pulchok

3. Dakman TamangAddress: Paiwa, Sartap VDC-9, PanchtharDate of Arrest: 1961Place: Deurali Jungle located at the bordering area of Panchthar and Ilam

4. Pasang TamangAddress: Pauwa, Sartap VDC-1 PanchtharDate of Arrest: 1961Place: Pauwa, Sartap

5. Kalyan RaiAddress: Rabi (Hikunamba), PanchtharDate of Arrest: 1961Place: Rabi, Panchthar

6. Sukadev SinghAddress: Hanuman Nagar, SaptariDate of Arrest: 1956/1957 (2013 B.S.)Place: Inraruwa, Sunsari

Details of the People Disappeared in Course of Restoration of Democracy


3. Ganeshraj GautamAddress: Khajura, NepalgunjDate of Arrest: June 6, 1974Place: Nepalgunj

4. Jit Bahadur Sinjali (Rana)Address: Alamdevi VDC-2, SyangjaDate of Arrest: February 16, 1975Place: SyangjaDate of Disappeared: 1975

5. Tikaram AdhikariAddress: Madhavpur VDC-4, Okhald-hungaDate of Arrest: 1984 (Shrawan 2041 B.S.)Place: OkhaldhungaDisappeared Date: 1984 (Shrawan 2041 B.S.)

6. Sankar Prasad Sharma (Regmi)Address: Sankhamul, Chhayachhetra VDC-1, SalyanDate of Arrest: 1986/1987 (2043 B.S.)Place: Kathmandu Disappeared Date: 1986/1987(2043 B.S.)

7. Pahalman KarkiAddress: Diyale VDC-2, OkhaldhungaDate of Arrest: (2031 B.S.)Place: OkhaldhungaDisappeared Date: (2028 B.S.)

8. Ramhari DahalAddress: Rampur, Baruneshwar VDC-2 OkhaldhungaDate of Arrest: 1980/1981 (2037 B.S.)Place: Kathmandu (Assumed) Disappeared Date: 1980/1981 (2037 B.S.)

9. Govinda Prasad DahalAddress: Jaljala VDC-5, SankhuwasabhaDate of Arrest: February 16, 1986Place: Sattahare, Kharang VDC, SankhuwasabhaDisappeared Date: February 16, 1986

10. Harsa Bahadur PradhanAddress: Gaun Sahar VDC, Lamjung Date of Arrest: May 17, 1985Place: While heading to Pokhara from Lamjung Disappeared Date: May 17, 1985

11. Balabhadra JoshiAddress: Sittad VDC, BaitadiDate of Arrest: 1966Place: While returning to Nepal from IndiaDisappeared Date: 1966

12. Khadga Bahadur Lungeli ‘Magar’Address: Uputhumka, Balachour VDC-SindhuliDate of Arrest: 1978/1979 (2034 B.S.)Place: BalachaurDisappeared Date: 1980/1981 (2037 B.S.)

13. Purnalal UdasAddress: Taksar VDC-5, BhojpurDate of Arrest: 1979/1980 (2036 B.S.)Place: BhojpurDisappeared Date: 1979/1980 (2036 B.S.)

14. Shriharsha KhanalAddress: Narayangadh. ChitawanDate of Arrest: 1961/1962 (2018 B.S.)Place: BharatpurDisappeared Date: 1967/1968(2024)


Disappeared After Bomb Attack Incident in 1985

1. Padam Bahadur Moktan (Padam Lama) Address: Uma Prempur VDC-1, DhanushaDate of Arrest: May 24, 1985Disappeared Date: June 5, 1985

2. Ishwar Chandra Lama (Ishwar Lama)Date of Arrest: May 24, 1985Disappeared Date: June 5, 1985

3. Dilip ChaudharyAddress: Phattepur VDC-3, SaptariDate of Arrest: May 4, 1985Disappeared Date: June 21, 1985

4. Shaket Chandra MishraAddress: Tilathi VDC-3, SaptariDate of Arrest: June 21, 1985Disappeared Date: July 19, 1985

5. Dr Laxmi Narayan JhaDate of Arrest: June 28, 1985Disappeared Date: September 9, 1985

6. Satya Narayan ShahArrest: June 24, 1985

7. Surynath Rana (Yadav)Arrest: June 2, 1985Disappeared: September 18, 1985

Disappeared following Restoration of Democracy

1. Bhuwanlal " apa MagarAddress: Doramba VDC, RamechhapDisappeared: May 23, 1992

2. Prabhakar SubediAddress: Laxmipur Butwal Municipality-6, RupandehiDisappeared: June 25, 1993

" e disappeared persons whose death was verifi ed during follow-up investigation

1. Jabar Bahadur RaiAddress: Nirmalidanda, Lamakhu, KhotangDate of Arrest: 1980Place: Damak Municipality, Jhapa

2. Liladhar ChapagainAddress: Pang VDC, ParbatDate of Arrest: April 16, 1986Place: Pokhara, Kaski

3. Majhikhan " akurAddress: Piparpati VDC, BaraDate of Arrest: 1961/1962 (2018)Place: Bara

4. Parichhan " akur LoharAddress: Piparpati VDC, BaraDate of Arrest: 1961/1962 (2018)Place: Bara5. Hari ParajuliAddress: Jitpur VDC, Dhankuta (Now Sunsari)Date of Arrest: 1974Place: Biratnagar, Morang


People who are yet to be confi rmed of being forcefully disappeared

1. Tilak Bahadur " apa ChhetriAddress: Pokhare VDC-2, Okhaldhunga

2. Lila Bahadur KarkiAddress: Diyale VDC-3 Okhaldhunga

3. Bishnu Prasad UpadhyayaAddress: Bishnupur VDC-5, Dhading

4. Bhakti Samsher NemwangAddress: Imbong VDC-3, Panchthar

5. Kul Bahadur NemwangAddress: Ranitar VDC-5, Panchthar

6. Bam Bahadur NemwangImbong VDC-1, Panchthar

7. Jhankaraj PandayAddress: Limithana VDC-3, Parbat

8. Bel Bahadur Tamang aka ChyambaAddress: Namobuddha VDC-9, Kavre

9. Man Bahadur BudhathokiAddress: Mark VDC-8 Salyan

10. Hari Bahadur PunAddress: Mark VDC-5, Salyan

11. Tika Bahadur Rana alias TikeAddress: Mark VDC-5, Salyan

12. Dale DamaiAddress: Jungakhola VDC-3, Salyan

13. Purna Bahadur Gharti MagarAddress: Kavrechaur VDC-3, Salyan

14. Gore Rawat ChhetriAddress: Laxmipur VDC, Salyan15. Dilliram KhadkaAddress: Lokumba VDC, Taplejung

16. Hiralal BhattaraiAddress: Buipa VDC (Now Bijayakharcha VDC-3, Khotang)

17. Ambika AcharyaAddress: Hadiya Budhabare, Jhapa

18. Jit Bahadur BhanariAddress:Khudi Taramu VDC-1, Lamjung

19. Traphi TamangAddress: Paschim no.1, Nuwakot

20. Lila Binod KoiralaAddress: Ragani VDC-6, Okhaldhunga

21. Mangal Singh DhasuAddress: Ragani VDC-4, Okhaldhunga

22. Phul Maya MagarAddress: Rai VDC-7, Makawanpur

23. Til Bahadur RaiAddress: Chungunba VDC, Taplejung

24. Ambar Bahadur KarkiAddress: Lokumba VDC, Taplejung

25. Agam Singh RaiAddress: ! ugumba VDC, Taplejung

26. Jit Bahadur Ghising TamangAddress: Amarpur VDC, Panchthar