Privacy-Preserving Television Audience Measurement using Smart TVs George Drosatos, Aimilia Tasidou, and Pavlos S. Efraimidis Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, University Campus, 67100 Xanthi, Greece {gdrosato, atasidou, pefraimi}@ee.duth.gr Abstract. Internet-enabled television systems, often referred to as Smart TVs, are a new development in television and home entertainment tech- nologies. In this work, we propose a new, privacy-preserving, approach for Television Audience Measurement (TAM), utilizing the capabilities of the Smart TV technologies. We propose a novel application to calculate aggregate audience measurements using Smart TV computation capabil- ities and permanent Internet access. Cryptographic techniques, including homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs, are used to ensure both that the privacy of the participating individuals is preserved and that the computed results are valid. Additionally, participants can be compensated for sharing their information. Preliminary experimental re- sults on an Android-based Smart TV platform show the viability of the approach. Keywords: Privacy, Television Audience Measurement (TAM), Smart TV, Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation, Economics of Privacy. 1 Introduction Television is nowadays one of the dominant mediums for information and en- tertainment. Information about television audiences provide valuable insights to broadcasters and the advertising industry on recent trends. Television Audience Measurement (TAM) systems aim at calculating qualitative and quantitative TV audience measurements. For example, Nielsen 1 , one of the leading compa- nies in the field of media audience measurement, uses measurements from ap- proximately 18,000 households 2 in the U.S.A. to create the estimates the TV networks use. The viewer data is collected by the special metering equipment installed on the TV sets of the participating households; this data is transferred directly to the company’s servers. Apparently, the above measurement process raises important privacy issues for the participants. A person’s viewing record can reveal sensitive information about the person’s preferences and habits. A privacy-preserving method for creating accountable TAMs is needed, in order to 1 http://www.agbnielsen.net 2 February 2010 Privacy-Preserving Television Audience Measurement using Smart TVs 219

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Privacy-Preserving Television AudienceMeasurement using Smart TVs

George Drosatos, Aimilia Tasidou, and Pavlos S. Efraimidis

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus Universityof Thrace, University Campus, 67100 Xanthi, Greece

{gdrosato, atasidou, pefraimi}@ee.duth.gr

Abstract. Internet-enabled television systems, often referred to as SmartTVs, are a new development in television and home entertainment tech-nologies. In this work, we propose a new, privacy-preserving, approachfor Television Audience Measurement (TAM), utilizing the capabilities ofthe Smart TV technologies. We propose a novel application to calculateaggregate audience measurements using Smart TV computation capabil-ities and permanent Internet access. Cryptographic techniques, includinghomomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs, are used to ensureboth that the privacy of the participating individuals is preserved andthat the computed results are valid. Additionally, participants can becompensated for sharing their information. Preliminary experimental re-sults on an Android-based Smart TV platform show the viability of theapproach.

Keywords: Privacy, Television Audience Measurement (TAM), SmartTV, Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation, Economics of Privacy.

1 Introduction

Television is nowadays one of the dominant mediums for information and en-tertainment. Information about television audiences provide valuable insights tobroadcasters and the advertising industry on recent trends. Television AudienceMeasurement (TAM) systems aim at calculating qualitative and quantitativeTV audience measurements. For example, Nielsen1, one of the leading compa-nies in the field of media audience measurement, uses measurements from ap-proximately 18,000 households2 in the U.S.A. to create the estimates the TVnetworks use. The viewer data is collected by the special metering equipmentinstalled on the TV sets of the participating households; this data is transferreddirectly to the company’s servers. Apparently, the above measurement processraises important privacy issues for the participants. A person’s viewing recordcan reveal sensitive information about the person’s preferences and habits. Aprivacy-preserving method for creating accountable TAMs is needed, in order to

1 http://www.agbnielsen.net2 February 2010

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2 George Drosatos, Aimilia Tasidou, and Pavlos S. Efraimidis

utilize television ratings information, while protecting the participants’ privacy.Additionally, since TAM data bring important financial benefits to the indus-try (broadcasters, advertising companies, commercial products and more), somekind of fair financial compensation should be o↵ered to the users that providetheir viewing records.

Advances in communication and entertainment technologies have recently ledto the introduction of Smart TVs, which are Internet enabled devices that sup-port standard computer functionality (i.e., calculations, application execution,etc). This combination of traditional TV functionality with computational andnetworking capabilities, makes Smart TV technology capable of a whole new setof applications.

In this work, we present PrivTAM, a system for privacy-preserving TAMusing Smart TV technology. The core of PrivTAM is a privacy-preserving cryp-tographic protocol, which accepts as input the viewing records from users’ SmartTVs and performs secure multi-party computations [23] to calculate the TAMs.PrivTAM satisfies the following requirements for a reliable, privacy-preserving,TAM:

– Privacy - all records must be secret.– Completeness - all valid records must be counted correctly.– Soundness - dishonest records cannot disrupt the measurement process.– Unreusability - no user can submit their record more than once.– Eligibility - only those who are allowed to participate can submit their

records.– Verifiability - nobody can falsify the result of the TAM process.

The above requirements are a subset of the typical requirements of e-votingsystems [15] and thus, our system borrows techniques from this field [4, 9, 12].In addition, functionalities for the financial compensation of the participantsare supported. The computations of PrivTAM are performed between softwareagents, which are located at the participants’ Smart TVs, and a Trusted Author-ity (TA). Each Smart TV has an agent which continuously collects the viewingrecords of its owners.

The Trusted Authority coordinates the computation, verifies the validity ofthe records, collects the encrypted results and provides the compensation to theparticipants. This process is performed using encrypted viewing records, hencethe record contents are never revealed to the Trusted Authority. Finally, wedevelop a prototype implementation and perform experiments that confirm thefeasibility of the approach.

Some of the advantages of our approach in comparison to traditional TAMsystems are:

– Preserving the privacy of participants’ viewing records.– More reliable measurements can be achieved, since a practically unrestricted

number of participants can produce the PrivTAM results.– Supports fine grained measurements which can be automatically calculated

in small time intervals as well as specific one-time queries.

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– Reducing the cost for conducting a TAM. No specialized equipment is re-quired and only the participants in a calculation need to be compensated.

– Supporting measurements using records from any Internet-enabled broad-casting medium (e.g., Broadcast TV, Cable TV, IPTV and Satellite TV).

Our solution requires Smart TV’s to have permanent Internet access, a re-quirement which is satisfied by default. Moreover, the computational and net-working requirements of PrivTAM can be easily fulfilled by modern embeddedAndroid-based platforms.

Related Work. To our knowledge this is the first attempt at creating a privacy-preserving TAM system, particularly one that supports an arbitrarily largeamount of participants. In general, TAMs are products of aggregation operationsand therefore our work is related to common privacy-preserving aggregation sys-tems. For example, in [17], privacy-preserving data aggregation in people-centricurban sensing systems is discussed. A market for personal data, supportinganonymous data aggregation operations is presented in [3]. The economic as-pects of personal privacy are discussed in [22, 1]. The fact that individuals needto be in control and be compensated when their personal information is usedfor commercial purposes, is discussed in [11, 18]. The sensitivity of the viewingrecords is stressed by both the Video Privacy Protection Act [20] and the CableTV Privacy Act [19].

Overall, we consider that PrivTAM lies between privacy-preserving aggrega-tion systems and e-voting systems, o↵ering verifiable, privacy-preserving, aggre-gation functionalities. Additionally, PrivTAM takes into account the economicaspects of privacy and supports compensation functionalities for the measure-ment subjects.

2 The PrivTAM System

An overview of the PrivTAM system architecture, built on top of Smart TVtechnology, is shown in Figure 1. The main parts of the architecture are theparticipating Smart TVs, the Television Audience Measurement Service (TAMService) and the Trusted Authority (TA). Every Smart TV contains a softwareagent that collects and stores its viewing records and maintains a set of demo-graphic elements, such as gender, age and educational level of the viewers. Theagent manages the viewers’ personal data, provides controlled access to the data,and has the ability to participate in distributed protocols and computations.

The TAM Service collects the measurements and is responsible for coordinat-ing the distributed key generation [13] for the public-key cryptosystem betweenitself and a group of L TV agents. These L agents are chosen with a verifi-able random selection [7] and participate in both the public-key creation phaseand the decryption of the results phase. The TA is responsible for coordinatingthe PrivTAM computation process. Time is divided into consecutive intervals,and for each interval, an aggregate result is periodically calculated using inputfrom the participating Smart TV’s. The TAM Broker is used to facilitate the

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Smart TV1

TAM Service

Trusted Authority

Smart TV Agent

Smart TV2


Smart TVN

Participating Smart TVs



TV Viewer

TAM Broker

Fig. 1. The general architecture of our system.

(optional) payment functionality described in Section 3.2. Each Smart TV agentencrypts its viewership vector with the public-key of the measurement and sendsit to the TA for verification. Following a successful verification, the TA adds thisvector to the current encrypted result of the measurement. The final encryptedTAM is transmitted to the participants in the distributed key generation fordecryption and announcement of the result.

3 The PrivTAM Protocol

In this section, we present the cryptographic protocol used in PrivTAM. Thecommunication between the entities in our protocol is performed over securesockets (SSL/TLS) with both server and client authentication enabled. Our pro-tocol is secure in the Malicious Model, assuming that the TA and the TAMService are Honest-But-Curious (HBC) (see Section 4). During the calculationthe actual users’ personal data are not disclosed in any stage of the process, butonly the final results are revealed at the end.

3.1 Problem Definition

We define the PrivTAM problem for verifiable, privacy-preserving TAM. A Priv-TAM problem instance consists of:

– N Smart TVs - TV1, TV2, . . . , TVN and the viewing records of their owners.• Input: The viewership vector of each owner.• Output: The TAM for the participating viewership vectors.

We assume that one viewership vector is submitted per Smart TV. We do notconsider user identification issues within family members, as this is an existingissue in TAM systems and is out of the scope of this work.

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3.2 Outline of the Computation

The computation consists of three main phases. In Figure 2, the participatingentities of each phase are illustrated. The full descriptions of the three phasesare given in the following paragraphs.

– In Phase 1 a distributed key generation for a Threshold Paillier Cryptosys-tem is performed.

– In Phase 2 the privacy-preserving TAM calculation takes place.– In Phase 3 the final encrypted TAM is forwarded for decryption and the

result is announced.

Participating TV Agents

Group of Agents in Phase 1 & 3Group of Agents in Phase 2Trusted


TAM Service

Fig. 2. Illustration of protocol participants.

Phase 1. During Phase 1 the TAM Service selects an L-sized subset of the N -sized set of all the participating TV agents with a verifiably random procedure.An example of a publicly verifiable random selection process is described in [7].This technique prevents the TAM Service from making a biased or impeachablegroup selection. Then, the TAM Service and the L selected TV agents executea cryptographic protocol for the distributed key generation of the ThresholdPaillier Cryptosystem [6]. We use the following Threshold Decryption Model,which is an adaptation of the corresponding definition in [4] to our needs, so thatthe distributed key generation can be performed without a trusted dealer [13].

Definition 1 (Threshold Decryption Model). In a threshold cryptosystem,instead of merely decrypting the encrypted message, we use n parties Pi withtheir secret keys, so that at least t parties, where t n, are required to decryptthe message. The decryption process includes the following players: a combiner(can be one of the n parties), a set of n parties Pi, and users. We consider thefollowing scenario:

– In an initialization phase, the parties use a distributed key generation algo-rithm to create the public key PK of their private keys SKi. Next the partiespublish their verification keys V Ki.

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– To encrypt a message, any user can run the encryption algorithm using thepublic key PK.

– To decrypt a ciphertext c, we forward c to the combiner and n parties. Us-ing their secret keys SKi and their verification keys V Ki, each party runsthe decryption algorithm and outputs a partial decryption ci with a proofof validity of the partial decryption proofi. Finally, the combiner uses thecombining algorithm to recover the cleartext, provided that at least t partialdecryptions are valid.

In PrivTAM, we use the Paillier public key generated in Phase 1 for the en-cryption of the viewership vectors and utilize the Pailler Cryptosystem’s homo-morphic property in Phase 2. In addition, we specify that t is equal to n inour Threshold Decryption Model, meaning that all the parties are required todecrypt a message. Setting t = n is important to ensure that the final result can-not be decrypted without the active participation of the TAM Service. Phase 1should be repeated occasionally, to renew the keys and the set of L agents.

Phase 2. During this phase, the TA coordinates the voting process, and collectsand verifies the encrypted viewership vectors of the participants. Upon successfulverification, the TA adds the submitted viewership vector to the current TAMresult, and sends the compensation to the participant.

In detail, Phase 2 begins with the TV agents that hold viewing records forthe particular time period, creating their viewership vectors (Figure 3). Eachsuch vector is submitted to the TA for the verification. The verification processis based on a zero-knowledge proof that an encrypted message lies in a given setof messages [4]. This way, when encrypting a message, it is possible to appenda proof that the message lies in a public set S = {m1, · · · ,mp} of p messageswithout revealing any further information. This proof is described in detail inSection 4.

Channel1 Channel2 Channelm...




0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Fig. 3. Example of a viewership vector.

In Figure 3, the viewership vector form TV channels is illustrated. The vectorsection for each channel consists of a number of ciphertexts, which result fromthe number of demographic elements used in the vector. In our example, theseelements are the age group and the gender of the viewer. The gender categoriesare male and female and the age groups are “Age1 24”, “25 Age2 40”,“41 Age3 55” and “Age4 > 55”. Consequently, a combination of 8 cipher-texts is created to represent these elements. In order to indicate the channel the

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viewer was watching, the representation of their demographic elements are addedto the viewership vector section for the corresponding channel. For example, inour case the gender is female, the age is between 25 and 40 years old and shewas watching Channel1. All the values in the viewership vector lie in the publicset S = {0, 1} and they are encrypted using the public key that is generated inPhase 1. Every participant should prove that their vector is valid so that the TAcan avoid any malicious behavior from them. More specifically, the participantsshould prove that:

1. Every ciphertext in the viewership vector should lie in the set S = {0, 1}.2. The multiplication of the ciphertexts in every channel should lie in the set

S = {0, 1}.3. Finally, the multiplication of all ciphertexts in the viewership vector should

equal to “1”. This means that the participant was watching TV.

The multiplication of the ciphertexts in the above proofs utilizes the homo-morphic property of the Paillier Cryptosystem [14]. Using homomorphic encryp-tion one can perform a specific algebraic operation on the plaintext by performinga (possibly di↵erent) algebraic operation on the ciphertext. The additive homo-morphic property of the Paillier cryptosystem, if the public key is modulus m,is shown in the following equation:

E(x1) · E(x2) = E(x1 + x2 mod m)

Once the viewership vector is confirmed by the TA, the vector is multiplied,using the homomorphic property, with the current TAM result. We assume thatthe TA only logs the participants in a measurement in order to ensure unreusabil-ity of the vectors. However, even if the vectors were stored, the TA would not beable to reveal their contents, unless all the participants of the threshold decryp-tion are malicious and collude towards this purpose. The final result of Phase 2is the encrypted TAM of the particular query, which ensures k-anonymity (seeSection 4).

Payments in PrivTAM. The PrivTAM system can support functionalitiesfor the compensation of participants, either in the form of financial paymentsor in the form of vouchers or points. The requirement for a participant to becompensated is that they provide a valid viewership vector to the computation.After the successful verification of a participant’s viewership vector, the TA sendsthe compensation to the participant.

In case of financial compensation, the payment scheme within PrivTAMneeds to be e�cient enough to facilitate large numbers of small amount pay-ments, without entailing substantial transaction costs. Therefore, we draw tech-niques along the lines of micropayments, as proposed in [16]. The main actors inmicropayment schemes are Brokers, Vendors and Users. A User becomes autho-rized to make micropayments by the Broker. A Vendor receives micropaymentsfrom authorized users and redeems them through the Broker. Relationships ofUsers and Vendors with the Broker are long term. In PrivTAM, the Smart TV

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owners can act as Vendors and the TA can act as a user making micropayments.The TAM Broker is introduced in the architecture to facilitate the payments(Figure 1). A micropayment scheme suitable for PrivTAM is Payword, presentedin [16]. Payword is a credit-based scheme, based on chains of hash values (calledPaywords) and the Broker does not need to be online in order for a transactionbetween a User and a Vendor to take place. Due to lack of space, the Paywordprotocol is not presented here.

Alternatively, non-monetary compensation, including points that can be re-deemed with participating companies, can be o↵ered to participants. The amountof compensation for each PrivTAM calculation is fixed for simplicity, but meth-ods for providing di↵erent pricing could be introduced into the system. It is im-portant to stress that the collected points of each participant are not recordedin a profile by a centralized service, but are kept at the participant’s side.

Phase 3. In Phase 3, the final encrypted result of Phase 2 is forwarded to theL selected TV agents of Phase 1 and the TAM Service. The L agents performpartial decryptions and send the results to the TAM Service which acts as thefinal participant and combiner of the threshold decryption. This way, only theTAM Service can see the final result of the calculation, which is acceptable if theTAM Service is considered honest and reports accurately the decrypted result. Inorder for the PrivTAM calculation to be protected from inaccurate reporting ofthe results from the TAM Service, a verification mechanism can be introducedto validate the announced results. This verification could be accomplished byusing multiple combiners in the threshold decryption, to confirm the announcedresults from the TAM Service.

4 The Protocol’s Security

In this section, we show that the PrivTAM protocol achieves the requirementsdescribed in the introduction, i.e., privacy, completeness, soundness, unreusabil-ity, eligibility, and verifiability. The security model holds for Malicious viewers,with the assumption that the TA and the TAM Service are Honest-But-Curious(HBC). Malicious users can submit any value as input to the computation oreven abandon the protocol at any step. See the definition of the Malicious Modelgiven in [10] or the more detailed description in [8]. An Honest-But-Curious party(adversary) [2] follows the prescribed protocol properly, but may keep intermedi-ate computation results, e.g. messages exchanged, and try to deduce additionalinformation from them other than the protocol result.

The security of the Threshold Paillier cryptosystem and its homomorphicproperty ensures that the viewing records are never disclosed and cannot beassociated with any particular participant. To prove the privacy attribute ofthe protocol, we show that it satisfies the criterion of k-anonymity [5]. In thecontext of this work, k-anonymity means that no less than k individual userscan be associated with a particular personal viewing record.

The following zero-knowledge proof illustrates the steps of the verificationprocess in Phase 2. The security of this zero-knowledge proof is shown in [4].

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Proof that an encrypted message lies in a given set of messages [4].Let N be a k-bit RSA modulus, S = {m1, · · · ,mp} a public set of p messages,and c = gmirN mod N2 an encryption of mi where i is secret. In the protocol,the prover P convinces the verifier V that c encrypts a message in S.

1. P picks at random ⇢ in Z⇤N . He randomly picks p � 1 values {ej}j 6=i in ZN

and p � 1 values {�j}j 6=i in Z⇤N . Then, he computes ui = ⇢N mod N2 and

{uj = �N (gmj/c)ej mod N2}j 6=i. Finally, he sends {uj}j2{1,··· ,p} to V .2. V chooses a random challenge e in [0, A[ and sends it to P .3. P computes ei = e�

Pj 6=i ej mod N and �i = ⇢reig(e�

Pj 6=i


)÷N mod Nand sends {�j , ej}j2{1,··· ,p} to V .

4. V checks that e =P

j ej mod N and that �Nj = uj(c/gmj )ej mod N2 for

each j 2 {1, · · · , p}.

We note that r is the random number which was used for the encryption ofmessage mi and a ÷ b is the quotient in the division of a by b. According toTheorem 2 of [4], it holds that t iterations of the above protocol is a perfectzero-knowledge proof (against an honest verifier) that the decryption of c is amember of S, for any non-zero parameters A and t such that 1/At is negligible.

The main security features of the protocol are:

– The TA cannot obtain information about the contents of the viewershipvector, since the ciphertexts are encrypted with the Paillier encryption.

– In case the TA stores the viewership vector, the contents cannot be revealedunless all the participants in the threshold decryption are malicious andcollude towards this purpose.

– The participants cannot submit invalid viewership vectors and disrupt thecalculation, due to the verification process.

– At the end of the protocol, only the aggregate TAM result is revealed. As aresult, no individual can be associated with the viewership vector that theysubmitted. Consequently, the proposed protocol preserves k-anonymity fork = N , where N is the number of all the participants who take part in themeasurement.

– In order to be protected from inaccurate result reporting from the TAMService, multiple combiners can be introduced in Phase 3, to confirm theannounced results.

5 Experimental Results

To evaluate our solution, we developed a prototype that implements the Priv-TAM calculation. The prototype can be separated into two main parts, thefirst being the application on the Smart TVs and the second the application onthe TA. The Smart TV application is implemented using the Google TV plat-form3 and the Java for Android 3.1 SDK. The application on the TA is also

3 http://www.google.com/tv/

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implemented in Java. Both applications use the cryptographic primitives of thePaillier Threshold Encryption Toolbox [21]. In this library, a centralized mech-anism (with a trusted dealer) for threshold key generation [6] is implemented,instead of a distributed Paillier key generation [13]. In our view, this is enoughfor this prototype implementation.

The TV agents use production-ready cryptographic libraries and employ 1024bits RSA X.509 certificates. The communication between agents is performedover secure sockets (SSL/TLS) with both client and server authentication. Atthis stage, the full functionalities of the TV agents described in our proposedsystem are not implemented, rather, we only implement the privacy-preservingcryptographic TAM computation.

We performed an experiment of the PrivTAM calculation, where 6 TV agents,the TA and the TAM Service participated and four channels exist. Each agentgenerated random values for the submitted viewing record, as well as for thegender and the age of the viewer. Initially, the TAM Service randomly choosestwo of the participating TV agents (L = 2), TV Agent2 and TV Agent5, for thefirst phase of the protocol. Therefore, the final encrypted measurement will bedecrypted from TV Agent2, TV Agent5 and the TAM Service (n, t = 3 parties).

Next, each TV agent encrypts the viewership vector and transmits it to theTA for verification. This process in our experiments takes less than 8 seconds.Once the viewership vector is verified, the TA multiplies it with the currentencrypted TAM result. In Table 1 the values used to create the viewership vectorof each agent are shown, along with the resulting current encrypted measurementafter the submitted viewership vector is calculated by the TA.

Table 1. Example of a PrivTAM.

TV Agents Values Current Encrypted TAM

Agent Channel Gender Age Channel1




TV Agent1


Male 23 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000TV Agent



Female 45 0000 0010 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000TV Agent



Male 32 0100 0010 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000TV Agent



Female 29 0100 0010 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0100TV Agent



Female 53 0100 0010 0000 0000 1000 0010 0000 0100TV Agent



Female 22 0100 0010 0000 0000 1000 1010 0000 0100

At the end of the computation, the TA sends the encrypted results to TV A-gent2, TV Agent5 and the TAM Service. The TAM Service collects the partialdecryption results from TV Agent2 and TV Agent5, and combines the partialdecryption results. The decrypted TAM result, is shown in the last row of Table 1,where Channel3 has the highest audience (50%) and the 66.66% of viewers werewomen. A snapshot of the application during the execution of the experiment isshown in Figure 4.

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Fig. 4. A snapshot of the TV Agent5


6 Conclusions

The introduction of Internet connectivity and computation capabilities to con-temporary television systems, opens the possibility of conducting TAMs usinglarger samples of viewers. In this work we design an e�cient protocol for privacy-preserving TAMS and test the applicability of the proposed solution. The accu-racy and trustworthiness of the produced results act as strong incentives for TAMServices to adopt the PrivTAM system. From the viewers’ perspective, PrivTAMo↵ers the privacy assurance necessary for them to participate in a TAM system,while fair compensation can be o↵ered for their participation, returning someof the economic benefits of TAMs back to the viewer. Additionally, PrivTAMcan support alternative kinds of measurements, providing interesting informa-tion about audiences to the TV industry. These results are achieved withoutusing any specialized equipment and can take into account data from multiplebroadcasted sources.

Acknowledgments. This work was performed in the framework of and par-tially funded by the GSRT/CO-OPERATION/SPHINX Project (09SYN-72-419) (http://sphinx.vtrip.net).


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230 George Drosatos, Aimilia Tasidou, Pavlos S. Efraimidis