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P IST NECommunity


June 2018

A Newsletter for the Homeowners of Pristine Place

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ARCHITECTURAL CONTROLCarl Pletcher 352-293-3234

BAR CODES, CLUBHOUSE CARDS & FOBSDoris Perez 352-683-9853Hours to be purchased at the clubhouse Monday from10AM to 1PM, Wednesday from 5PM to 8PM and Saturday from 10AM to 1PM.Email: [email protected]


Reservations : Doris Perez 352-683-9853


LIBRARYLinda Knechtges 352-686-8534

[email protected]

[email protected]

SOCIAL COMMITTEERoseanne Zummo 570-412-9645

WELCOME COMMITTEERon & Bernie Klewer 847-894-1914


Rentals/[email protected]


K9 Partners For Patriots Inside Cover

BOD Report 4

HSNC Bark Bingo 6

By The Way 8

Call Box 8


Calendar 10

Birthdays & Anniversaries 11

Green Thumb 12

Barcodes, Clubhouse Cards & FOBS 14

Teen Services 14

For Sale 14

Pg 3

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SECRETARYVirginia Gange

DIRECTORBrad Undestad


Tampa, Florida 33618

Phone 1-800-304-0084(813) 600-1100

Direct Line (813) 936-4117

Community ManagerDenise Schek, CAM, CMCA, AMS, PCAM

email: [email protected]

Note: Please reportall damages, deed restriction

violations, etc. toProperty Management

Newsletter available online www.pristineplace.us

Pg 4

This month we have several topics of discussion. First we’d like

to touch on the medians in particular and the landscape in

general. Right now, the medians looking a little haggard. There

are a variety of factors causing this condition. The overly cold

winter causing grass and plant damage. The dry couple of

months we recently endured and a problem with the watering

schedule. The weather conditions we cannot control, the

watering issues are being reviewed and changed to improve

them. We believe the medians will be fine in about a month. We

are working on a watering variance with the county to help with

this issue. We also signed a contract with Carlson painting to

pressure wash, paint and clean our front entrance to spruce that

up and maintain it.

Next topic, Traffic study. As many of you know this is a top

board priority. We have a bid from an engineering firm that

seems a bit excessive (over 20,000 dollars). Brad has become

involved in this challenge. We are currently working with

Hernando County to find reasonable cost effective solutions.

Our goal is to change location of stop signs and street signs to

make them compliant and then get an idea of the cost and get it

done as soon as possible.

House on Chesterfield. As you may be aware the Association

held title to this property pending a foreclosure action. The

foreclosure is complete and the bank has retaken the property.

This is good news because we are no longer responsible for the

landscaping upkeep on the property. We believe that this house

will be up for sale in the next 90 days. An investor will probably

buy, rehab and sell this property. Good things coming for this

distressed property.

Gates. At our last board meeting we selected a vendor to provide

routine maintenance. American Access. They have been

working on our gate systems for about 90 days and have proven

responsive, capable and proficient. The maintenance contract

provides for quarterly inspections and routine maintenance that

will provide more gate reliability and less down time for our


Final thoughts, across the association things are looking up. Our

legal fees are well down over past years. We are getting some

important things done in terms of gate maintenance, landscaping

concerns and the like. We thank all of our awesome volunteers

and the community for your support.


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Pg 7


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Pg 8

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Tuesday, June 19

7:00 pm

at the Clubhouse

We ah yT .y ..B

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This is our call box and it is located at the main gate (St. Ives). All our residents are listed in the call box directory. The screen allows Vistors/vendors to view an alphabetic listing of all the residents names and their directory numbers/code.

In order for them to enter, the visitor/vendor must press the button with the icon of a phone receiver ( ) then the 3 digit directory number/code, the

system will automatically call you at the phone number you provide. (Your phone number will never be displayed).

Opening the gateWhen you receive the call, you may talk to the visitor for a few seconds and decide if you want to let them in. To open the gate, press “9” on your phone and it will open the gate, or hang up to disconnect.

Remember, you can give your vistors and the vendors the directory number/code ahead of time to save time, avoid delay and prevent back up at the gate.

The Call Box

Please Patronize Our Advertisers,without them thisNewsletter wouldnot be possible.

Please Patronize Our Advertisers,without them thisNewsletter wouldnot be possible.

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book from the “chair” or the “recorder”. No books are left at

the club house. Choose paint colors for your house from the

book and proceed with completion of the ACC request form.

2. Pavers or painting of driveway needs samples or charts of

what pavers will look like and driveway colors need selected

from the paint book.

Applicat ions for any and al l 3. Fencing or landscaping needs drawings or diagrams

improvements or changes to the exterior of a home or its attached to the request showing how work will be done in

grounds must be submitted to the ACC for review and relation to your house and set backs. No wooden or vinyl

approval, as provided for in the Community Documents or fencing is permitted. Only black or green chain link fences

Covenants. These applications and permits do not cost you can be approved.

anything, but if you do not apply for them, you can be fined 4. If removing a tree please take a photograph and attach to

$1,000.00. the request and tell us of what you intend to use as a

The examples listed below are only some of the things that replacement. Remember to check for county requirements to

require a permit. Remember anything done other than replace trees.

mowing, trimming trees and plants, power washing 5. For flag pole requests please take a photo or make a

driveways, sidewalks and gutters need a permit. If you have drawing of the location where the pole will go noting the

any questions about something needing a permit just call me height and lighting you intend to use.

(352-293-3234) or any other member of the ACC committee. 6. Changes to driveways or walks need drawings or

ACC applications are available in the lobby of the Pristine diagrams showing us the changes you intend to make.

Place Clubhouse. Applications must be completed in full 7. Screenings for your pool, lanai and spa areas need

and accompanied by samples of materials to be used and drawings and color charts. You can attach a photo or drawing

drawings or photo's to help explain your project. showing the area and how you plan to screen.

Applications may be submitted anytime up to the start of the 8. Gutters need color and style, including downspouts

regularly scheduled monthly meeting by placing them in the locations.

mailbox labeled ACC in the lobby of the Pristine Place 9. Attic fans need drawing of the location.

Clubhouse or handed to any ACC member. The ACC meets 10. Garage door or garage door screens need color and photo

on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Any of door/or screening choice.

application received after that time will be held until the next 11. Irrigation wells need drawing of location in relation to

monthly meeting. your yard/house.

If approved, the ACC will issue a Pristine Place Building 12. Curbing needs color/style along with drawings showing

Permit. This permit is to be posted where it is clearly visible where it will be placed in your yard.

from the street. If a Hernando County Permit is required, 13. Satellite dish must be mounted on rear or side of house.

posting of the ACC Permit can be near to it. The ACC Permit 14. Antennas must be approved as to placement on the

must be completed and returned to the ACC within three days house/attach a photo or drawing of where you want to put it.

following the completion of the approved work. This is done 15. Skylights or solar panels including pool heater need

by placing the ACC permit in the ACC mailbox in the club location, drawings, color.

house or returning it to any member of the ACC. All 16. Water softener needs location where it will be installed.

completed approved work is subject to inspection by a 17. POD's need approval.

member of the ACC. 18. Children's gym sets, play sets and trampolines need to

Work must start within 60 days following the issuance of an show a picture or drawing of placement in your yard.

ACC permit. Work should be completed within 90 days of 19. Basketball nets need to show a picture of placement

the issuance of the permit. New home and major additions showing where in your driveway you want to locate the net.

are not subject to the completion requirement. If work is not This list shows only some examples ….. if you have any

started or completed during these periods, a one time questions, need any clarifications, contact any ACC member

extension of 45 days may be requested in writing. If work is for help. Be sure to complete the ACC request form for

not completed during these periods an extension is not permission to do projects and get them in the box by the

granted, the Permit is void and a new application must be second Wednesday of each month so your approval can be

submitted. granted. Once your project is complete return the request to

Examples requiring ACC approval and necessary paper the Club house ACC box nothing on the form your project is

work required are as follows: completed and the date.

1. Any exterior painting must follow the “Procedure for Thank you for your continued adherence to the rules and

Selecting and Approval of Home Paint Colors.” Get the paint regulations established for Pristine Place.


COMMITTEECarl Pletcher

Pg 9

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Mexican Train 10:00 amBOD Meeting 7 pm

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 amACC 7pm

Inputs, Comments, Questions & AdsEmail to [email protected]

or call 352-688-5203

P IST NE news


The Board of Directors usually meet on the THIRD Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the clubhouse. The agenda for the Board of Directors meeting will be posted 48 hours in advance.

The Architectural Review Committee meets the SECOND Wednesday of each month at 7 pm at the clubhouse.

Clubhouse Committee meets on the SECOND Tuesday of each month at 4:30 pm. Contact Dave Epler at 352-201-2555


Mexican Train: If you want to join the fun playing Mexican Train, every Tuesday at 10:00 am, contact Rosalie Montemagno at 200-6481

Aqua Aerobics: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 am contact Rosalie Montemagno at 200-6481

Low Impact Exercise: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 am contact Gaile Dyer at 683-2678

Social Events: Contact Roseanne Zummo at 570-412-9645

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

Mexican Train 10:00 amClubhouse Comm. 4:30 pm

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

Pg 10

Please Patronize Our Advertisers

without them this newsletter wouldn’t be possible!

Please Patronize Our Advertisers

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

Mexican Train 10:00 am Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

Mexican Train 10:00 am

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

Exercise 10 amAqua Aerobics 10:00 am

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Please forgive us if there are any errors in names or dates, it is not intentional. Please contact Bill Dyer to correct this error for future issues.

Pg 11

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Anniversaries

Birthdays6/1 Ruben Aguayo 6/7 Bill Tompkins 6/12 Joan Sferratore 6/19 Mary Zuk6/1 Addison Arisman 6/7 Erica Zehall 6/13 Erik Anderson 6/20 Danika Abbadessa6/1 Janice Canavan 6/8 Husam Abuzarad 6/13 Anthony DeMarco 6/20 Mohammad Haloua6/1 Kathy Cassese 6/8 Noah Baja 6/13 Frank Kennedy 6/20 Carol Ranfone6/1 Rocco Gagliardi 6/8 Ethan Kruszynski 6/13 Don Steinway 6/20 Phyllis Tompkins6/1 Lauren Jolly 6/8 John Paolino 6/14 Libby Aumack 6/22 Ricky Garrett6/1 Dominic Lopez 6/9 McKaila Aguiar 6/14 Larry Kidwell 6/22 Georgette Vargo6/2 Rich Ruland 6/9 Walter Crocker 6/14 Gustavo Rodriguez 6/24 Arleen Rzechula6/2 Brooke Starz 6/9 Tracy Daly 6/14 Danny Walsh 6/24 Vin Vadala6/2 Jack Thomas 6/9 Richsrd Glowacki 6/15 Lois Churchin 6/24 Ken Warta6/2 John Walters 6/9 Sam Valiquette 6/15 Jim Dankowski 6/25 Eileen Colleran6/3 Jillian Aldrich 6/10 Jake Barron 6/15 Randy Jr. Evans 6/25 Gaurav Malhotra6/3 Sue Mackert 6/10 Shirley Bernard 6/15 Gibson Harp 6/26 Ruth Bush6/3 Michael Noonan 6/10 Lindsay Blevens 6/15 Alvin Nguyen 6/27 Richard Aulet6/3 Alan Ray 6/10 Denise Corsi 6/15 Terry Ogden 6/27 Robert Becker6/3 Jacob Rzechula 6/10 Tara Gray 6/15 Butch Uzzo 6/27 Thomas Feuillebois6/4 Wilma Collado 6/10 Jenna Haloua 6/15 Eric Wey 6/27 Selena Quach6/4 Yevette Hanrahan 6/11 Jack Bouman 6/16 Frank Balogh 6/28 Stanley Beresford6/4 Alexandra Romano 6/11 Janice Krnjaich 6/16 Christopher Grazidei 6/28 Joseph Demma6/5 Randy Evans 6/11 Xiu Qiu 6/17 Margaret Epler 6/28 Savannah Imhof6/5 Mike Joerger 6/11 Ciera Teague 6/17 Barbara Garfolo 6/28 Lex Kolllias6/5 Gabriella Sanvenero 6/11 Chris Urso 6/17 Bill Hytree 6/28 Kathleen Reed6/5 Kim Whitaker 6/12 Dave Brown 6/18 Velda Brown 6/29 Jean Frankson6/5 Howard White 6/12 Melissa Crowell 6/18 Dean Judkins 6/29 Louis Timmerman6/6 Sierra Hill 6/12 John DiPilla 6/18 Max Valiquette 6/30 Marisa Aguiar6/7 Linda Kidwell 6/12 Matthew Laskoski 6/19 Terre Dougherty 6/30 Tony Rizzo6/7 Koty Roby 6/12 Linda Plunk 6/19 Janelle Montalbano

6/1 George & Mary Basso 6/14 Vern & Lisa Anderson 6/21 Wayne & Debbie Suttner6/1 Brian & Michelle Cole 6/14 Patrick & Melanie Arisman 6/22 Ed & Jean Frankson6/2 George & Annette Kalapos 6/14 Mark & Kim Whitaker 6/22 Vincent & Susan Torre6/2 Mujib & Raghed Shuayb 6/15 Michael & Lisa Pannone 6/23 Bruce & Tanya Craft6/4 Tony & Adrea Passanesi 6/15 Yohanna & Magda Salib 6/24 Don & Julie Stantz6/5 Thomas & Gayle Davis 6/16 Bob & Cheryl Coyle 6/24 SJ "Dick" & Flo Williams6/5 Mike & Genevieve Joerger 6/17 Ron & Faith Baldwin 6/25 Tom & Nola Langley6/6 Gary & RoseAnn Lescio 6/17 Darin & Melanie Engle 6/26 Michael & Rose Pentimone6/9 Tom & Maryann Montalbano 6/17 Syed & Tazyeen Hasan 6/27 Paul & Laura Hill6/9 David & Sandra Moreno 6/18 Mark & Susan Hirschberg 6/29 Mel & Loretta Haines6/10 Tom & Joanne Glodzik 6/19 Craig & Kelly Ann Edwards 6/30 Michael & Marion Dorman6/10 Mohammad & Brittany Haloua 6/19 Roger & Connie Wendrzycki 6/30 Tom & Vivian Keating6/10 Glenn & Barbara Jordan 6/20 Frank & Carol Billy 6/30 Al & Lola Mattis6/11 Joe & Billie Smolenaars 6/20 Richard & Deborah Carter 6/30 Mark & Melissa Tilli6/13 Denis & Carolyn Riley 6/21 Gordon A. & Ivana Lienau

Page 12: Pristine Newspristineplace.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Pristine News june 18.pdfis Peak Termite Season LAWN SPRAYING GUARANTEED Insect & Weed Control Every Other Month $49 up to

Remember the almost daily summer rains? Well, June is the

start of the rainy season in central Florida. If the rains come this

year, adjust your irrigation system so you don’t overwater your

plants. If your landscape is well established, you may not even

need any supplemental irrigation. Water only when rainfall isn’t Knock Out roses are the hottest plants to hit the market in years. received and the soil begins to dry out. Make sure you follow the Gardeners love these colorful shrub roses because they bloom watering restrictions and conditions in Hernando county.profusely with minimal care. The original Knock Out Rose was

introduced in 2000 and has since become the most widely sold If rains are frequent, watch for gray leaf spot on St. Augustine rose in North America. lawns and use Bayer Advanced Fungus Control for Lawns if it

becomes severe. In areas of full sun, chinch bugs can cause Knock Out roses can be grown throughout Florida and will straw-colored patches in the lawn. Use an insecticide such as bloom practically year round in most of the state. They are Spectracide Triazicide Once Done! Insect Killer to control drought tolerant, self cleaning, and resistant to black spot and chinch bugs. powdery mildew. Since they require little maintenance, they are

ideal for gardeners who enjoy roses but who aren't interested in Do not, do not, do not apply an herbicide to your lawn, for any the upkeep required to grow hybrid tea roses. The only reason, when the temperature is going to reach or exceed 85 drawbacks of Knock Out roses are that they don't have a strong degrees during a 24 hour period, it will kill your lawn.fragrance and they don't last long as cut flowers.

The Knock Out family of roses was started by rose breeder Bill June’s Landscaping TipsRadler when he crossed seedlings of 'Carefree Beauty' with

'Razzle Dazzle' to create the original Knock Out rose. The Deep soak your lawn and landscape plants each time you water.

family now includes varieties that range from blush to vibrant Water potted plants every day.red, and even yellow:

Do not fertilize (except roses) when it’s hot. This encourages Knock Out (Rosa 'Radrazz') rapid plant growth and increases a plant’s need for water.

Double Knock Out (Rosa 'Radtko') Mow your lawn frequently but never remove more than one-

Pink Knock Out (Rosa 'Radcon') third of the leaf blade length at any one time.

Pink Double Knock Out (Rosa 'Radtkopink')Mulch.

Rainbow Knock Out (Rosa 'Radcor')

Blushing Knock Out (Rosa 'Radyod')Free Landscaping Courses

Sunny Knock Out (Rosa 'Radsunny') The University of Florida’s Hernando County Extension Office

Both the original Knock Out and the Rainbow Knock Out roses has not published times and locations of free courses for the were named All-America Rose Selections (2000 and month of June.2007).Grafted and non-grafted plants are available, and both

Happy Gardening!should perform well.

Like all roses, Knock Out roses need to be planted where they

will receive at least six to eight hours of sun each day. It also

helps to have a site with good air movement and well-drained

soil that falls between pH 6.0 and pH 6.5.

Knock Out roses generally grow three to five feet tall and

equally as wide, but some sources say they can reach eight feet

tall if not pruned, so be sure to space them appropriately.

After planting, water them regularly until they get established.

Also apply a three-inch layer of mulch to help retain moisture in

the soil, pulling the mulch back from the stem of the plants.

These roses are winter hardy and also have good heat and

humidity tolerance.


Hernando County Master Gardener

Pg 12

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Pg 13

Licensed & InsuredBryan SeemanOwner/[email protected]

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Pg 14


SERVICESKim Whitaker

Name Age Service

Kimberly D’Ambrosia 17 Babysitting


Molly Campbell 16 Dog Walking and

352-232-0927 Watering/Caring for plants

Danielle Daly 16 Babysitting *CPR Certified*

352-684-6243 Dog Walking

Sarah Majka 18 Dog Walking and

352-688-2898 Watering/Caring for plants

Priscilla Marquez 19 Babysitting, Dog Walking

813-454-5115 & Dog Sitting

Tyler Morgis 16 Weed Pulling & Dog Walking


Paige Pfent 16 Babysitting (Certified in

352-556-3076 CPR, First-Aid & AED) and Dog Walking

Landon Webster 13 Dog Walking & Dog Sitting352-584-1494

Any Pristine Place teen interested in providing services which include babysitting, dog walking, weed pulling, lawn care, etc. please contact Kim Whitaker at 352-688-2898 to have your name and number listed in the bulletin.

Purchasing of Access ControlDevices...

Bar Codes, Clubhouse Cardsand Fobs

Bar Codes, Clubhouse Cards, & Fobs are methods of entry to gates or clubhouse, and are purchased by Owners of properties in Pristine Place, or Renters with submission proof of leasing agreements.

A Bar code is a bar-faced adhesive sticker that attaches to the outside passenger side window of a car, allowing entry to the three (3) entrances into Pristine Place via scanner reading.

A Clubhouse Card is similar to the size of a credit card, and allows entry to the Clubhouse main entrance and the exercise/pool entrance. Pass card by scanner at door to allow entry.

A Fob is a small (2”) key ring attachment that allows entry to the Clubhouse main entrance and exercise/pool entrance. Pass Fob by scanner at door to allow entry.

Additionally, the Clubhouse Card & FOB allows entry at the main gate (St. Ives and Minnie Drive) by utilizing the Small Reader Box attached to the regular Call Box. Pass the Clubhouse Card or FOB near the eye of the small scanner for it to read and open gate.

Cost per Access Control Device: Bar Code $15.00 Bar Code Replacement $5.00(Replacement requires advisement of old bar code number at time of purchase.)Fob $10.00

Deletion of DevicesDevice numbers are automatically deleted from our system upon: end of ownership of property; moving out of the community at end of lease; or end of occupancy with another home owner. We ask for your cooperation in maintaining the deletion of numbers by advisement of persons moving out of our community.

P u r c h a s i n g R e s i d e n t D e v i c e sPlease contact Doris Perez at 683-9853 to purchase any of the above devices.

NOTE: VENDORS ACCESS BAR CODES MUST BE PURCHASED BY THE VENDOR, as admittance restrictions are attached to those Bar Codes for the added security of our community. Doris Perez also handles the Vendor Bar Codes.

Bag Boy Golf pull cart $20.00 dollars.

Davidson 16 foot extension ladder, used 3 times, $40.00

Bird plates-encyclopedia Britannica Series (birds of your garden collection) all 10 plates are numbered with documentation. (total value 250-300 dollars in 1986) will sell for $225 dollars.

If interested call 352-666-5840 between 8 and 10AM any weekday

FOR SALEAll For Sale items run for 2 issues. Email [email protected] by the 10th of the month. Please email if your item sells before the second month’s listing comes out in order to make room for other ads. There is no charge to Pristine Place residents for ads. When sending email specify For Sale Item in the subject line. We do not list yard or moving sales, only individual items. PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN ALL CAPS.

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