Prints of Peace Congregational Newsletter Peace Lutheran Church Volume 19 Issue 2 February 2017 Special Sundays & Other Church Events February 5 SOUPer Bowl of Caring February 10-11 Amazing Race Youth Event February 14 Council, 6 PM February 20 Office Closed February 26 Shrove Sunday Fundraiser for Youth March 1 Ash Wednesday Services, 12:00 PM & 6:00 PM SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR FEBRUARY February 5 Isaiah 58:1-9a [9b-12] Psalm 112:1-9 [10] 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 [13-16] Matthew 5:13-20 February 12 Deuteronomy 30:15-20 or Sirach 15:15-20 Psalm 119:1-8 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Matthew 5:21-37 February 19 Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18 Psalm 119:33-40 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23 Matthew 5:38-48 February 26 (Transfiguration of Our Lord) Exodus 24:12-18 Psalm 2 or Psalm 99 2 Peter 1:16-21 Matthew 17:1-9 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Ash Wednesday 10 Birthdays 4 Border Servant Corps 6 Calendar insert Community School 8 Concordia Choir 11 Council Notes 8 Directory Updates 4 Faith Formation 5 Hearts 4 Paws 3 Midweek Lenten Dramas 10 New Pathways 3 Notes from Nursing 7 Pastor’s Message 2 Shrove Sunday Fundraiser For Youth 7 SOUPer Bowl of Caring 3 Stephen Ministry 10 Stewardship Appeal 3 Synod Annual Report insert Thanks! 4 Thrivent 9 Women in Motion 10 Check us out on Facebook! www.facebook.com/peacelutheranlc

Prints of Peace · In a reflection on first century life, the apostle Paul in the letter to the Colossians, warns the community of faith against following human-made regulations,

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Page 1: Prints of Peace · In a reflection on first century life, the apostle Paul in the letter to the Colossians, warns the community of faith against following human-made regulations,

Prints of Peace Congregational Newsletter Peace Lutheran Church Volume 19 Issue 2 February 2017

Special Sundays & Other Church Events February 5 SOUPer Bowl of Caring February 10-11 Amazing Race Youth Event February 14 Council, 6 PM February 20 Office Closed February 26 Shrove Sunday Fundraiser for Youth March 1 Ash Wednesday Services, 12:00 PM & 6:00 PM

SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR FEBRUARY February 5 Isaiah 58:1-9a [9b-12] Psalm 112:1-9 [10] 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 [13-16] Matthew 5:13-20 February 12 Deuteronomy 30:15-20 or Sirach 15:15-20 Psalm 119:1-8 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Matthew 5:21-37 February 19 Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18 Psalm 119:33-40 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23 Matthew 5:38-48 February 26 (Transfiguration of Our Lord) Exodus 24:12-18 Psalm 2 or Psalm 99 2 Peter 1:16-21 Matthew 17:1-9


Ash Wednesday 10 Birthdays 4 Border Servant Corps 6 Calendar insert Community School 8 Concordia Choir 11 Council Notes 8 Directory Updates 4 Faith Formation 5 Hearts 4 Paws 3 Midweek Lenten Dramas 10

New Pathways 3 Notes from Nursing 7 Pastor’s Message 2 Shrove Sunday Fundraiser For Youth 7 SOUPer Bowl of Caring 3 Stephen Ministry 10 Stewardship Appeal 3 Synod Annual Report insert Thanks! 4 Thrivent 9 Women in Motion 10

Check us out on Facebook!


Page 2: Prints of Peace · In a reflection on first century life, the apostle Paul in the letter to the Colossians, warns the community of faith against following human-made regulations,


Pastor’s Message Love, Love, Love I have officiated and solemnized enough marriages to know that there are good readings in the Bible about love. And at those blissful moments of marriage, the feeling of love can be so palpable for the happy couple, their family and friends, and those who are invited to celebrate with them. In the month of February, when many people will have their mind fixed on the love between two people, I want to draw your attention to the love of God for us and through us to the world. It is this love from God that we strive to communicate and articulate in the community of faith through the proclamation of the Gospel. The love of the Gospel we proclaim is demonstrated throughout scripture, and most assuredly in the witness to the life of Jesus. In a reflection on first century life, the apostle Paul in the letter to the Colossians, warns the community of faith against following human-made regulations, which merely have the appearance of wisdom (2:6-23) and at the same time urges them not to conform to the culture, but to be utterly distinct from the world around them (3:1-10). Paul urges them, and by extension us, to put aside or rid ourselves of old patterns of living. Embrace a new alternative way of living that is for all people, “Greeks or Jews, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.”(3:11) And Paul describes this alternative way of living in the world as an action of “clothing” those who are “holy and dearly loved” with virtues. For Paul, God clothes the people with virtues of “compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,” bearing with one another and forgiving whatever grievances are held against others. (3:12-13) And the virtue supreme, for the people of God to “put on” above all other virtues, is love. For it is Love that “binds all of them together in perfect unity.” (3:14) In the Gospel according to John, Jesus is reported saying, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” (15:9) Jesus goes on to talk about obedience to his commands as the demonstration that his disciple are remaining in his love. Living obediently to Christ’s commands might even be described as an alternate way of living, that might reflect the virtues that Paul outlined in his letter. For Jesus, “Greater love has no one than this, that [they] lay down [their] life for [their] friends.” (15:13) For your consideration, I suggest that Jesus binds a virtue of self-giving to the virtue of love, through his ministry, suffering, passion, death, and resurrection. While the Beatles were not specifically writing for a Christian audience with their song, All You Need Is Love, the sentiment rings true. For a Christian community, it is the conviction that God is the source of love that enlivens and animates our lives. We are freed in Christ to love God, to love ourselves, and love others. This message about love and its source might resonate with people who have stayed away from church, as we practice the virtue of self-giving love which binds all other virtues together. Love, Love, Love…Love is all we need. The love of God is all we need. Faithfully, Jared Carson

Pr. Jared Carson

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During the month of February, we will be participating in Hearts 4 Paws. A large box for collecting dog and cat food, kitty litter, and any other pet related products will be placed out in the Narthex. The food and other pet items will go to two area programs: Food 4 Paws, a volunteer-run program of the City of Las Cruces that provides dog and cat food to area Meals on Wheels recipients so that seniors do not have to share their daily meal with their four-legged friends (our very own Eileen Monihan is one of our faithful volunteers), and ACTion Program for Animals, a non-profit serving animals in our community. Any donations for this project will be greatly appreciated!

SOUPer Bowl of Caring Peace Lutheran Youth are asking for your support again in tackling hunger through this year's Souper Bowl of Caring. On Souper Bowl Sunday, February 5, we are asking everyone to bring at least one non-perishable food item (or more) to church or make a monetary donation. The food collected will be distributed to those in need in the greater Las Cruces area through Casa de Peregrinos.

Stewardship Appeal – “Rejoice!” All members and friends are invited to participate in the “Rejoice!” Stewardship Appeal. We rejoice in the knowledge that God has given us everything that we are and everything that we have. We are entrusted with these gifts and called to use all of them to care for the world. God doesn’t care about 10% of our stewardship, God cares about 100% of our stewardship. This of course involves our finances, but it is far more than our

finances. Please take time to complete the 2016 Stewardship Appeal Form and return it to the church office. The stewardship form has two parts. 1) the top part asks each person (or family giving unit) to re-evaluate their financial stewardship and renew their commitment to sharing generously. If you are able, would you consider increasing your generosity by 3% above what you gave in 2016? Increased financial support to Peace Lutheran Church makes it easier to expand the work we have committed to do in the congregation and in the Las Cruces Community for 2017. 2) the bottom part asks each person to consider their Stewardship of Time, by answering the question, “What ways would you like to be more involved in the leadership at Peace Lutheran Church?” Thank you for participating in this community of faith and for sharing your gifts. Together we can Rejoice! in all the blessings that God has given to individuals and to our congregation.

New Pathways - A Divorce/Separation Support Group Peace Lutheran Church is offering this group for those who are facing divorce or have finished the process and are adjusting to many big changes. The legal process can be daunting. When children are involved, the process gets even more complicated. Let's rally together! We will be going through the book Spiritually Healthy Divorce by Carolyne Call. The format will be structured with time allowed for sharing struggles and encouragement. Sunday Afternoons 1-2:30 pm - February 5 - April 30, 2017. (No meetings over scholastic Spring Break nor on Easter Sunday.) Childcare can be provided on request. Contact the church office (575) 522-7119, Janine Smith at (575) 635-9653, or Amanda Tuthill (575) 202-0060 for more information.

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2/1 Earlene Vander Ham 2/2 Rono Danakili 2/2 Carol Peterson 2/4 Jeanne Abkes 2/4 Marcie Loven 2/5 Bob Mitchell 2/6 Adam Winkles 2/7 Laura Carson 2/7 Katie Tomicek 2/8 John Powers 2/8 Dorothy Steiner 2/10 Peter Young 2/11 Kendra Hernandez

2/13 Allan Benting 2/13 Laroy Borchert 2/13 Chris Sanders 2/15 Dale Rittenbach 2/19 Marcus Dunbar-Foy 2/19 Scott Smith 2/22 Mary Lou Bosshardt 2/22 Eleanor Eiserling 2/24 Shirley Steinmetz 2/25 Julia Baumgarn 2/25 Troy Watson 2/27 Liz Schirmer


February Birthdays

Please let us know if we missed

your birthday!

Church Directory Updates Please notify the office if you have any address,

email or phone number changes.

Please call the office for this information.

Fundraiser for European Refugees Peace Lutheran pianists thank you for listening to Christmas piano solos in the Fellowship Hall during Advent Suppers and on Sundays during Coffee Hours. Donations totaled $300.66 to benefit the European Refugee Crisis and will be donated in the name of PLC through the ELCA. Thank you to all of you and a Happy New Year.

Thank You…. The Peace Lutheran Church Council along with Pr. Carson would like to express a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to some faithful servants who are concluding responsibilities for various ministries of this congregation. Freddie Winn is ending his service as a member of the congregation’s Counting Team. Freddie and Katie Winn are also stepping aside from ushering responsibilities. I’m told that they have been ushering for nearly 20 years! Shirley Stotz is also ending her ministry of entering giving data into the congregation’s accounting software. Mark Stuve and LaJune Smith are both stepping down from the Memorials Committee after helping found/organize this committee in 2011. Please join our council and staff in sharing your thankfulness and appreciation for all their ministry and dedicated service to Peace Lutheran Church. With sincere gratitude, Pr. Jared Carson

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Animate: Practices Sundays at 10:30am

February 5, 12, 19; March 5, 19, 26; April 2

Adults and Youth

Amazing Race Borderlands

SPARK Sunday School

(3 years – 5th grade)

“Confirmation is a great experience,” shared Elias Borchert (entering his second year). It is “an awesome, fun, and educational time.” I would agree with that sentiment, and add that the young people at Peace make it a joy to lead. Two years ago, the Faith Formation Mission Team went through a visioning process for what Confirmation could look like at Peace Lutheran—how could we help young

people grow and claim their faith. I’m happy to report that we are a full year into that plan and now have 4 confirmands (we welcomed our 4th in January). Together, we talk about various aspects of faith, ask LOTS of great questions, learn how our faith can apply to our lives, pray together, support one another, and have some fun along the way. In January, we studied Church History

and the Lutheran Reformation. Last Fall, we had a Unit on World Religions and Christian Denominations, and our Bible Overview video/storytelling curriculum was really engaging in early 2016.

-Deacon Laura Carson

On February 10th-11th, we will have youth from all over New Mexico and El Paso in

Las Cruces (at Peace Lutheran) together for a New Mexico Youth Retreat, “The Amazing Race Borderlands”. We are still in need of volunteers and donations. Volunteers can help at

challenge sites, with meals and more! Donations of white shoe polish and snack foods (chips, cookies, candy, etc…) are greatly appreciated. If you would like to learn more, contact Deacon Laura.

Confirmation Ministry at Peace Peace Lutheran Church

Faith Formation News

Upcoming Events: 2/1—Mid-Week Book Study Continues (through March 1st)

2/5—Animate: Practices begins (10:30am, Sundays)


2/10-11—Amazing Race Youth Event


2/26—Shrove Sunday Fundraiser for Youth

2/26—Youth Group (11:30am-1:00pm)

February 2017

Feb. Bible Story Daniel & the Lions

Daniel 6:1-28

Animate: Practices church and faith.

Come for 1, 3, or all 7 of these sessions on Sunday mornings. Each week will focus on a different practice: Prayer, Food, Worship, Service, Sacraments, Money, and Community.

Led by Pastor Jared Carson

All adults and youth are invited to explore seven central practices of the Christian faith through video, discussion, and personal reflection. This study is good for people at all stages of their faith journey, whether you’ve been coming to church your whole life or are new to the

VBS: June 19-23

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UPCOMING EVENTS Join the Open House at Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey. Tuesday, February 7th from 6:30-8:30pm at Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey (1010 East Yandell Drive, El Paso, TX 79902). Hosts: Michael Dickson (BSCer) & Cristo Rey staff and community. Potluck: Please bring a dish to share! RSVP: [email protected] by Monday, February 6th! The event is free & open to the public. BSCers host Community Nights at/about their service site throughout the service year. Includes a meal, experiential learning, and reflection – bridging direct service and social justice. Everyone is invited to attend to learn more about organizations in the region! Join Issues Night with the Sisters of the Assumption. BSC presents Issues Night: A series of education evenings featuring guest speakers from the community. “Reconciliation & Appreciation” guest speakers: Sisters of the Assumption. Tuesday, February 21st from 6:30-8:30pm at 629 Mesilla View Drive, Chaparral, NM 88081. Potluck – Please bring a dish to share! RSVP: [email protected] by Sunday, February 19th. REFLECTION January 2017 Issues Night Theme: Governance & Community Engagement At the January 2017 Issues Night, Arturo Aguila, Lead Organizer of Border Interfaith, shared about their organization’s work in the community as related to BSC’s theme for the month: Governance & Community Engagement. Border Interfaith is a broad-based community organization located in El Paso, Texas. They develop leadership through education and interfaith relationships to encourage democratic practices and meaningful community action. When speaking about Border Interfaith’s theory of engagement, he talked about the importance of developing trust and authentic relationship to create meaningful change, “Stories are who we are. We need to create a relational culture.” SUPPORTING BSC BSC Prayer Petition. BSC invites partners to support BSC, volunteers, and service sites through intentional prayer. Each month, BSC shares a prayer petition for a different volunteer – corresponding with the Service Sites Open House Community Night that each volunteer hosts once a year. Please feel free to share; we are grateful for your continued partnership and support. February 2017Prayer Petition: For Michael Dickson, Border Servant Corps volunteer serving as the After School Program and Border Immersion Coordinator at the Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey, which ministers to people on both sides of the international border and provides an inclusive place for cultures to meet and share their gifts.

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Notes from Nursing February 14th is National Donor Day One American dies nearly every hour waiting for a transplant - yet one donor can save as many eight lives, according to the national Health Resources and Services Administration. All major religions in the United States support organ and tissue donation as expressions of generosity and love. 95 percent of US adults support donation. You have the power to donate life! Signing up takes just seconds, but can mean years of life for someone else, and their family and loved ones. There is no cost to donors or their families for organ or tissue donation.

What Can Be Donated The list of organs and tissue that can be donated grows as research and surgical techniques advance. The success rate of a transplant is now about 80 percent. One third of Americans waiting for a transplant (120,000) will die each year before a donor can be found. More than 600 of these are chil-dren. Another name is added to the waiting list every 13 minutes. Transplantation is no longer considered experimental. Over 28,000 organ

transplants are done in the US each year. HRSA found that 96% of families were willing to donate a deceased family member’s organs IF he/she had expressed this wish prior to death. (HRSA) It is SO important to sign up on the Donate Life Registry through the MVD when you apply for or

renew your driver’s license or at: www.NMdonor.org or www.donatelife.net. MYTHS and FACTS - - You Can Help EDUCATE - I have a medical condition/I am too old so I can't be a donor. Anyone, regardless of age or medical history, can sign up to be a donor. There are very few conditions that would prevent a person from becoming a donor (HIV, active cancer, systemic infection). The oldest US donor was 92. What matters is health of the organ(s). - If they see I'm a donor at the hospital, they won't save me. When you are admitted to a hospital, the only priority is to save your life. Donation is not considered until all lifesaving methods have failed. - My family won't be able to have an open casket funeral if I'm a donor. An open casket funeral is usually possible for organ, eye, and tissue donors. The body is treated with care, respect, and dignity, throughout the entire donation process. Revelation 21:4-5 – “In eternity we will neither have nor need our earthly bodies; former things will pass away; all things will be made new.” Please check the websites listed above for so much great information. Contact the church office if you’d like any health-related help: Carol Winkles [email protected].

Shrove Sunday – February 26th Join us after worship on Sunday, February 26th for a Shrove Sunday breakfast fundraiser. The funds raised will go to our Youth who will be attending Camp this summer ($430 per person for camp). If you are unable to come to Shrove Sunday and would like to make a donation to our Youth, please make checks out to Peace Lutheran and memo: Youth – Camp.

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Council Meeting Notes - January 10, 2017 Pastor Jared shared worship attendance trends which show increases each year. While we have 35 new members, our worship increase hasn’t been 35, reminding us to recognize that regular worship may not mean weekly attendance for everyone. We can do better connecting with those members (new and old) who are not regular worship attenders. Several committees will see membership changes, and the nominating committee will begin its work, identifying people’s gifts to encourage a good fit. Deacon Laura shared that over 70 people participated in the Advent mural intergenerational coloring event. During Lent there will be a smaller size coloring event of the stations of the cross for Good Friday. The Christmas Pageant went well and a video has been posted online. The youth went caroling with other members of the congregation and had a Christmas party. Deacon Laura is now officially rostered as a Minister of Word and Service. She is beginning a two-year online Certificate in Faith Formation for the 21st Century. She had the council members complete an Assessment which she will analyze as her first assignment. The treasurer’s report showed that we ended the year with receipts $1,500 behind expenses. The $7,000 raised with our Give-an-extra-Sunday appeal really helped us come close to balancing. Mission Teams are ready to kick off the new year with meetings to look at fundraising ideas and ongoing functions. One example is the Sale to Serve Others which we could do on May 6. We approved the Food-4-Paws Project and will be working with the Memorials Committee on our Towel Award. With the house across the street going up for sale, we will look at it to see if it might serve any of our future goals for service to the community. Sandy Johnson, Peace Council Secretary

Thrivent Action Team—Community School! Volunteers are needed to help stuff envelopes and put stamps and labels on questionnaires that are being sent to businesses close to Lynn Middle School for their input to ensure that every member of the Lynn Community has a voice in how our community school should look, and make this another success story. Sign-up in the narthex to join us on Saturday, February 4 from 11 am-12:00 noon. Snacks will be provided. Please ask Carol Blaschka if you have any questions.

Lynn Community School Ribbon Cutting

January 20

The new Community School

Coordinator, Vanessa Mendez, was introduced.

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“I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” – Isaiah 43:19

New things often lead to change, and many of us resist change because we find it uncomfortable. We fear change when we don’t know, or feel in control of, the outcome. But God calls us to walk in faith – not in fear – and trust him when the time comes for change.

When it comes to your financial life, small changes can make a big difference. Spending your income more carefully or making plans to care for your family can result in greater peace of mind and security. Instead of making numerous changes at once, commit to changing just one thing in your finances in 2017.

Consider these ideas for making a change:

Brown bag your lunch. Instead of going out to eat for lunch during the week, try bringing your own lunch as a money-saving alternative. Not only will it help you pinch pennies, last night’s leftovers might even taste better than the original! Start by packing a lunch just once or twice a week as you make the transition.

Save more. If your employer offers a retirement savings plan, contribute 1% more this year. Or, consider having money automatically withdrawn every month to go directly to a savings account. Over time, these changes can make a big difference in the amount you accumulate.

Meet with a financial professional. Seek out guidance from a professional to help you plan your future. A financial representative can help you set goals, manage your funds, protect your family and show you how to leave a legacy.

Ask your friends for help and encouragement. Tell your friends what you are doing and ask them for suggestions and encouragement. They might have some great recommendations and may even join you in making a change themselves.

Don’t be afraid – just do one new thing and see how your life changes!

This article provided compliments of Thrivent Financial and Joanne Rodriguez, FIC, 575-523-1879, [email protected] . 29388A N1-17

Thrivent Members — BSC Needs You!!

Did you know that you have $250 just waiting for you to claim and use to help Border Servant Corps? There are lots of events identified that are perfect for Thrivent Action Team projects. As a Thrivent member, you can do two action teams (one if an associate member) per year. Using Thrivent Action Teams allows BSC to use those funds to meet its programming requirements, freeing up resources for other things. Kari and Sophia will even help you apply! Feel free to call either of them at 575-522-7119, extension 16 for all the information you need to help. We appreciate you!!!

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Ash Wednesday ~ Soup Suppers ~ Lent Services Ash Wednesday Services will take place on Wednesday, March 1st at 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM. Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes will be offered at both services. There is no soup supper on Ash Wednesday. Wednesday evening services will be a part of our Lenten worship and fellowship. Services will be at 6:00 PM on Wednesdays during Lent.

Soup Suppers will begin on Wednesday, March 8 at 5:30 PM. Please sign up in the narthex to bring soup any Wednesday to share. Groups/Mission Teams may sign up to be the “Host” for the evening. Responsibilities of the host are available on the sign-up table as well. Any questions, please ask Carol in the office.

Mid-Week Lenten Dramas – Actors Needed We will use Holden Evening Prayer for our Lenten Midweek Worship services. Our service will be enriched by the addition of a Scripture Tableau. We need actors who are willing to participate in our Scripture Tableaus, all age and drama skill levels are welcome to participate. The actors will not have any spoken lines, the actors will stand in still motion scenes as the scripture is read aloud. The audience is an integral part of making the Scripture Tableau successful, since their eye lids are the curtains that open and close as the actors change the Tableau scenes. The Scripture Tableau was used by Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan at the 2016 Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly. It was very powerful to see how the actors composed each scene. To see an example of a Scripture Tableau visit: https://vimeo.com/147636449

Stephen Ministry In the fall of 2016, Kathryn Hill and Pr. Jared participated in Stephen Ministry training through a partnership with University United Methodist Church (UUMC). On January 8th, Kathryn was commissioned as a Stephen Minister. Congratulations to Kathryn for completing the Stephen Ministry Training! UUMC is beginning another round of training for Stephen Ministers beginning in

March. The training is once a week for about 13-weeks, with two weekend retreats (Friday night and all day Saturday). They have invited Peace Lutheran to send two more congregation members through the Training Program, as we prepare to become a Stephen Ministry congregation. If you are interested in learning more about one-on-one caregiving as part of your personal ministry, contact Pr. Jared Carson.

Women in Motion All women are invited to the next potluck gathering in the Clubhouse at Trails West, hosted by Nancy Greene, Arlyss Skari, and Judy Tofte on February 16 at 6:00 PM. Please call any one of them with questions or to RSVP.

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Composer Of Grammy Winning Choral CD To Conduct His Choir In Collaboration With Oñate High School Concert Choir

The recording “Life and Breath: Choral Works by René Clausen” received the GRAMMY for Best Choral Performance recently. Now, Clausen will bring The Concordia Choir from Moorhead, MN, to perform in Las Cruces, NM, at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 2, 2017, at First Presbyterian Church, 200 E Boutz Rd. The concert stage will be shared with the Oñate High School Concert Choir under the direction of Ryan Fellman. Tickets are available online at ConcordiaTickets.com, by calling (800) 838-3006 or at the door. The concert is part of the choir’s 15-day, 2017 tour of the Southwestern U.S. which includes performances in the Denver metro and Colorado Springs, Colo.; Santa Fe and Las Cruces, N.M.; Tucson, Ariz.; Scottsdale, Ariz.; Sun City, Ariz.; Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.; Dana Point, Calif.; Palm Desert, Calif.; Thousand Oaks, Calif.; and Moorhead, Minn. Clausen, a world-renowned composer and conductor conducts the 72-voice a cappella choir and is the artistic director of the Emmy®-winning Concordia Christmas Concerts seen by audiences of 18,000 each year and televised nationally through PBS (Public Broadcasting Service). Clausen has written more than 100 commissioned compositions for ensembles across the world including the St. Olaf Choir and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. On the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 national tragedy he conducted his composition “MEMORIAL” in Lincoln Center, New York City – a piece originally commissioned by the American Choral Director’s Association. A February 2010 performance and recording session with the Grammy Award-winning King’s Singers and multiple performances on Garrison Keillor’s “Prairie Home Companion” radio show highlight the choir’s world-class quality. Conductor Rene Clausen, celebrating his 31st year at Concordia, has programmed a varied set including a section titled, ‘How Can I Keep From Singing,' which includes works by Pete Seeger, Norman Luboff and Shawn Kirchener. Other composers include Hugo Distler, Heinrich Schutz, Krystof Penderecki, Alexandre Gretchaninoff, J.S. Bach and René Clausen. The final set includes a number of hymns, folk songs and spirituals. Touring nationally and internationally since 1918, the choir has performed in nearly every major hall in the United States and continues to affirm its reputation as one of the nation’s finest a cappella choirs. Paul J. Christiansen, son of F. Melius Christiansen, was the conductor of The Concordia Choir for 49 years. Concordia College is a four-year liberal arts college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America offering more than 60 majors, including 18 honors majors and 12 pre-professional programs.

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Peace Lutheran Church 1701 E. Missouri Ave. Las Cruces, NM 88001 Address Service Requested Phone: 575-522-7119 Fax: 575-522-0050 E-mail: [email protected]

Mission Statement

We of Peace Lutheran Church, as an ELCA missional congregation, are called

By God’s grace, to grow and share our faith, welcoming all and striving to live in the spirit

and love of Christ.

February 2017

Sunday Worship

9:00 AM

Sunday Morning


10:30 AM


Coffee Hour

Following Worship

Every Sunday

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February 2017

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Page 15: Prints of Peace · In a reflection on first century life, the apostle Paul in the letter to the Colossians, warns the community of faith against following human-made regulations,