/ 30 f ' '~E' ~~;~~ :: ~~ ~~ GE; ,, IT. WITHOUT FEAR OR " FAVOR - ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION TO OUR POLICY __ .... __ ........ G .... _ .. Kriek to Address Garden Center at Neighborhood Club pupIls regIstered out of a capaCIty of 1425 The new JunIor hIgh school opened fdled more nearly to capaCIty than any preVIOusly opened new buddmg In the system Over five SIxths of ItS 900. pupIl capacIty was used up by the fIrst day s regIstration Asked whether further schoolhouse constr'-!ctlon was contemplated 111the Pomte m the near future, Dr Van Kleeck ~:ud that the ans,\\e" was' N'o 'l I Schools cost money the Superm" tendent replied; We try to buIld them so they wIll last and so they WIll be cheap to mamta111 and operate Under the Mlchlgan law we have to pay for the PIerce School 111 flYe years al. though It must be granted that 111 the case of that bUlldmg the $395 100 grant from the P W A, whIch we do not have to repay at any time helps tre .. mendously The MaIre School whIch also under the law had to be paId fot 1n fIve years IS still not entIrely paId for In a communIty growmg as fast as Grosse POl11te the fmanc1al problems are most dIffICUlt We do not want to get agaIn as far behmd 111 buddmg as we unaVOIdably got durmg the depres .. ston but at the same hme In vIew of the factors I have outlmed and m vIew also of the unsettled world condItIons. I frankly do not see how we can do any bulldmg 10 the next couple of years at least" On Monday evenmg, October 2nd, at 8 PM, at the NeIghborhood Club, 17145 Waterloo Ave, Grosse Pomte, the DetrOit Garden Center wIll hold the fIrst of ItS senes of mformal talks and round tables Mr N IW Krlek, of Lansmg, Mlch, well known hybn- dlzer and grower of peOnIes WIll talk on 'Peol11es' WIth colored slides of many of the fmest of these lovely flowers. Mrs Horace B Peabody, preSIdent of the Garden Center WIll preslde and It 1S hoped that many growers of pe011les WIll come and help by gIvmg theIr expenences as well as those who Vl'lsh to learn how to grow them ThIS lecture IS free and open to the publtc Dance In Style-Elaine Marie Arndt Dance StudIO 919 Barrtngton Rei.. Library to Close Friday Sept. 29 Aural Guild Country Fair September The Grosse Pomte PublIc LIbrary, whIch has mamtamed Its headquarters III the Grosse POInte Park mU111clpal buddmg for the past ten years, WIll close FrIday September 29 ThIS lIbrary was hrst opened as a branch of the Wayne County LIbrary on December 19 1928 WIth a collectIon of 895 books When the reSidents of Grosse Pomte voted to establish a public library under the dIrectIon of the Board of EducatIon, thIS branch wa$ the mam lIbrary for the entIre school dtstrIct Dunng the ten years smce It has been orgamzed, the book collection has mcreased to over 1000l} volumes There are 4369 registered borrowers and dunng the past fIscal year 86619 books wet e borrowed for home use from thIS library The hbrary WIll be closed for two days, September 29th and 30th, so that the book collectIon may be moved and arranged In the new quarters 111the John D. PIerce JunIor Hlgh School. The new lIbrary, WIll be for the present the Mal11 Llbrary for the Grosse Pomte Publtc LIbrary The openmg date wtll be Monday, October 2nd and the hours WIll be from 10 A M untll 9 PM, daIly except Sundays and holidays The Aural GUIld wIll hold their fourth annual Country Fair, WIth a dmner and dance at the GUIld Hall, 305 W Fort St corner of Wayne, en Saturday September 30th, startl11g at 4 0 clock AdmiSSIon 10c whtch wl1l en .. title holder to a chance on a 12 pound ham to be gIven away There WIll be An Old CUrIOSIty Shop Dart throwmg and Guessl11g Contests Booths of Fancy Goods, Baked Goods, Candy, Fortune Telhng Dmner will be served FrUIt and Flowers QUIlt Show and from 6 to 7 P M and 1s m charge of Mn Ed Strasburg Pnce 50c All hard of heanng persons and theIr frIends are most cordIally 111vlted. Ballet Mothers' Club Holds First Meeting Both mornmg and afternoon however, both kmdergarten classes and both teachers are shanng the same class. room at the RIchard School and an end of corndor room IS also bemg used for a classroom The plan to partitIon the thIrd hoor lunch and actiVIty room at RIchard for classrooms has been abandoned for the present, the Super. mtendent explamed Two teachers have been added at the Mason elementary school and sIxty addItIonal chIldren regIstered there the first day New reSIdentIal constructIOn IS gomg on at a very rapId rate 111 the Grosse Pomte Woods area whIch IS served by the Mason School Every room In the bUlldmg IS occupIed and the lIbrary has been con. verted mto a classroom The thIrd floor actiVIty room has also been made over mto a classroom and a fire escape has been bUIlt on the outSIde of the bUild- mg leadmg to It The three year old MaIre Schoo! also had enrollment tn. creases In several grades Meanwhtle the Supenntendent de elared despite the openmg of the new John D PIerce JunIor HIgh School the semor hIgh school bU11dmg at FIsher and Maumee contmues ftlled to 9570 of capacIty The much cntlclzed an. nex system has however, been ahan. doned for the present through the re- hef afforded by the junIOr hIgh butld. 111g The semor hIgh school has 1 364 The Mothers' Club of the Grosse Pomte HIgh School wt1l open ItS flrst regular meetmg In the school hbrary Monday evenmg, September 25, at 7 46 o clock Mrs Charles Elhs ,,111 preSIde at a short busmess meetlOg followed by a program arramged by Mrs Manon \1 Scheaffer InterestIng talks on theIr summer tour of European countnes will be gIven by t" 0 of our hIgh school teachers Mrs Fred Flom and MISS LOUIse Karpmskt MISS Vandermu1en the head of the DetrOit VISItIng nurses Will tell of theIr fme work m the metropolitan area The ReView IS the only advertiSing medium cover111gthe entire Township of Grosse POinte, which 15 read In every home for Its local news. De 10 "Pinocchio" White Mice School Roll Is Up 410 H. S. Is 95 Pct. Filled New Classrooms Opened Modern Music for Entertainment SWIng-time, Dance TIme, StilI time For Job Printing of the Better KInd I to enroll at the ElaUl.e MarIe Arndt Call Grosse POlute ReView,Lenox 1162 Dance StudIO. Paul De Carlo popular plamst and accordlomst, who ha'> appeared WIth many fme orchestras IS now engaged excluslYely m the professlOn of mod ern mUSIcal mstruct10n In the past few years Paul has act. u«lly refused many of the fInest offers In the orchestra and radiO field In order that he may devote hlS tIme en~ tlrely toward creatmg the fInest meth ods of modern teachmg As the result he IS now conSIdered one of MIchIgan s most successful teachers of modern mUSIC by promm Cj'nt profeSSional muslcmns The many students", ho have already learned by thIS fme methOd say WIth enthuslasm that It IS mterestmg sur pnsmgly SImple, very reasonable and lots of fun You are mvtted to hear Paul Carlo play by callmg Murray 5733 day No obltgatIon whatsoever Western State Next On University of Detroit's Schedule Kay Parcher Shop Adds New Items RespondIng to popular demand, the Kay Parcher Shop, 371 FIsher Road, has added to ItS already charmmg and complete seIectlon of Scandmavian ob- Jects d art, many new and mtrlgumg Items Among these are the Brow~Ie Block PrInt hne of colorful notepd.pers of unIque deSIgn bIrthday, anntver. sary, convalescent cards bIrth an. noun cements, weddmg congratulatIons etc For parhes MISS Parcher suggests paper towels, cocktaIl napkms, coasters or table mats to gIve 'that extra touch' After spendmg an hour 'Ibrowslng around' MISS Parcher s truly amaZIng collection of unusual gIfts, thIS re. porter left WIth the feeling that It must be pleasant mdeed to plan a party when there IS avaIlable close at hand so many party aIds J. Lee Barrett Spoke J Lee Barrett a member of the Grosse pomte Board of Education and a charter trustee of the new NatIonal ASSOCIatIOn of Public School Boards and School Board Members was one of the prmclpal speakers at the orgam- zation s second annu",l convention at Knoxville Tennessee last "eek Mr Barrett spoke on 'Why a NatIonal Or- ganIzatIon." ........... and labor dIsturbances To many the personahty of Dorothy McFadden, foQunder and dIrector of JUl1lor Pro. grams IS the soluhon Mrs McFadden, herself the mother of two chl1dren Simply and SUCClOCtlyanswers I There IS lIttle cultural entertalOment worth a contInental to be had for chIldren 111 thiS country We are supplymg thIS need, beSIdes gIvmg highly talented artists new audIences" JunIOr Programs has been approved by natlOnally known educators, wrIters, mUSICIans, artIsts and dIrectors of stage and radIO The hst of organIzatIons represented on ItS adVIsory councll IS a cross sectlon o~ the nahan s or. gamzed mterest In chIldren and m. eludes among many others Teachers' College New York Clty General Fed. erahon of Women's Clubs NatIonal Congress of Parents and Teachers, American JUnIor Red Cross Parents' Magazme, Museum of Natura1 HIstory, NatIOnal and ColumbIa BroadcastIng Systems, etc TIcket chaIrman for season's tIckets IS Mrs Bert WIckmg, 960 Westchester Road, Grosse Pomte She has these tickets placed m each -school offIce selling for only one dollar for the fIve performances Do let us take advantage of thIS op. portunlty to gIve our chlldren worth .. whIle enteTtamment at a cost so much below slmlltar performance pre- sented m the past Mary E. Kelkenney Dance StudIO Classes Begin October 2nd The Grosse POInte Pubhc LIbrary announces Its Formal OpenIng In the new quarters In the John D PIerce Junlor HIgh School, Kercheval Avenue at NottIngham The Board of Educahon and hbrary staff InVIte all Grosse POlUte reSIdents I to a tea In the new lIbrary on Sunday, Grosse Pomte public schools opened October 1st, !rom 3 untl1 6 o'clock. tlus year WIth 410 more pupIls than on the openmg day a year ago, Dr E R \ an K lee c k, Supenntendent, an nounced today Part of thIS gam, he added was mlsleadmg as probably due to the later openmg date a larger pro. portIon of chIldren reblstered t1.e fIrst By E A BATCHELOR day than was true a }ear ago Western State Teachers Coi.1ege, a 'heverthe ess he saId, the fact re. team that frequently has proved very mams that the mcrease 10 enrollment troublesome for the UnIversIty of De- 111 the whole system each year IS about trolt TItans WIll come to town I eqUlvalent to the total enrollment of Frtday evemng September 29 for the such of our dementary schools as fmal post prandIal battle of the De. Mason or Kerby Probably Grosse trOit schedule Pomt IS the fastest growmg metropoh Naturally Coach Charles E t Gus" tan suburb of ItS type m the country DOrIS expects to keep mtact hlS VIC. Larger enrollment has forced the tory record over the teacher, but at the partItIon of the Kerby School audi same tIme he has a wholesome respect tonum mto two classrooms thIS for them because of theIr good show. summer, the Supermtendent added A mg In the last two seasons In 1937, fourth room was opened at the Ver Mlke Gary s team led the TItans at Oler School but th s was dlscO{1tmued one tIme and It wasn t until Andy last week In order to £ur11lsh an extra Farkas began to 'perc' m the second teacher for the Defer elementary half that DoraIS' people were able to school where a half grade had an the toughest kmd of time wmnmg 7 to ongmal enrollment of 45 pupils The take charge A year ago DetrOIt had Defer School now has two more o despite the fact that It had a bIg teachers than a year ago Enrollment IS advantage In the matter of ground up 111 several grades In the Trombly gamed and passes completed School In \Vmdmill Pomte Kmder. The fact that Western State was garten enrollment hgures m the a1 good enough to WhlP Central State ready crowded RIchard School 10 35 to 0 last fall after the Mount Pleas. creased so much that half the time of ant team had run up score of 270 an addItIOnal kmdergarten teacher had pomts to 9 agamst ItS other opponents to he prOVIded after school began leads to the belief that Gary steam WIll agam prove tough It has lost many of last fall s regu1ars~ to be sure but Mary E Kelkenney WIU conduct It has receIved the average run of aC. classes In her spaCIOUS new dance ceptable matenal m the new sophomore StudIO on the second floor of the class It IS always well coached and It PIllar Lodge Bmldmg 14529 Kerche. always fights Its hardest agamst the val Ave, at Marlborough, on Mon. TItans days, Wednesdays, Thursdays and j ThIS game should see DetrOIt WIth Saturdays commencmg October 2nd more pohshed offense than was ex- There wlll be courses for aU ages hlblted agamst the Central State from three and over-for begmners, eleven last even ng DoraIS had to send f hIS men mto the openmg game WIth only 15 practice sessIons behmd them and sOme of these had to be curtaIled on account of exceedmly warm weather PractIce will be hmIted to one seSSIon clally hereafter on account of the opemng of college but even so, a week makes a lot of dlfference at thIS stage of the season DoraIS was much Impressed by the showmg of some of the sophomores 111the openmg game and It ISbecommg more and more certam that several of last year s regulars wIll have to fIght for theIr Jobs So far as the backfIeld IS concerned there seems httle cause for worry DoraIS has enough good backs to put four effective combma- tlons m the held If necessary He plans however, to operate only two teams as playmg entitles and to keep the balance of the squad as mdIvldual replacements for theSe two The problem of fmdmg enough tt'ckles: to keep a pair of good ones constantly on duty IS stdl unsolved Dorals IS gIvmg everyone on the squad \\ho has the reqUIred build a chance at the tackle pOSItion, but It looks as If hIS IS gomg to be the weak spot 111 the team, once Ted Pave1ec and Bdl Nlen. stedt, the starhng combmatIon, have left the fIeld The end SituatIon, whIch was causmg some worry at the start of practIce, seems to be c1e,nng up, (ContInued from Page One) advanced and professIOnq.l pupIls, 10 ballet, character and mterpretlve danc- mg and also In ballroom and tap The study of the dance not only greatly benefIts the chIld phYSIcally m regard to posture and grace but It also tends to develop such quahtIes as pOIse concentratIOn alertness and presence of mInd, while at the same tlme cuI. hvatmg a deep appreclahon of beauty, art and mUsIC MISS Kelkenney IS the DetrOIt rep. resentatlve of the Donald Savage School of Ballroom Dancmg 111 New York CIty and IS named as such m The Amencan Dancer' Hav10g renewed her studIes 111 New York thIS summer she IS able to offer the very latest steps In the Polka, Rhumba Tango, VIennese Waltz and Fox Trot MISS Kelkenney has studIed each type of danCIng WIth a dIstInguIshed teacher and has had speCIal mstruc M hon m methods of teachmg Among rer mstructors have been Mlkhatl NordkIn Ivan Tarasoff, Mrs Marglt TarasoH, Mme Soma Serova Bdl Meeker BIll Pl1lich, Mme Marta Yakovleff and AleXIS Dohnoff Tom's Market Pleasing Housewives Of conslderable news mterest, we bebeve, to Grosse Pomte houseWIves, IS the serVIce now avadable at Tom s Market, 14922 Kercheval Ave, at Alter Road After a thorough tryout of of the serve self IJea, Tom s has returned to the system of clerk as- SIstance to grocery buyers The re suIts we are mformed, Itave been phenomenal Tom reports a steady tn. crease 111 patronage and he has been the reCIpIent of congratulations from all SIdes And 110 wonder I The dtsplay of fancy grocerIes, fresh vegetables and quahty meats at Tom s Market IS enough to tempt the most Jaded appehte I ReSIdents of th~ Pomte WIll do fwell to watch fo" Tom s regular announcements. They are bound to proht thereby. / '" Mason School P. T. A. When Pmocchlo appears at PIerce Jumor HIgh School, under the au. spIces of Parent Teal.hers' Orgamza .. tIon on Saturday, October 14th, close program readers wIll note that the pro. ductron was made by I J untor Pro grams, lnc ' whose slogan IS 'ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR CHILDREN" Here IS a fascmahng story of a young orgamza tIon bnngmg hvmg, worthwhIle entertamment to the children of AmerIca Born three years ago, In a small one room New York offIce, as a non proht foundatIon, J untor Programs has had a meteOrlC growth The first year saw Its opera ballet and play compames tounng eleven states ThIS year the children of more than thIrty states wIll learn that Drama, MUSICand Ballet, as pre- sented by Juntor Programs, are not dull and meaningless, but enjoyable and stlmulatIve to thought, as well as meanmgful tq hfe The subject of com monplace entertamment and Its effect upon young mmds, has long been a matter of deep concern to those en. trusted WIth the trammg of tomorrow s men and women It IS to their aId and understandmg that JUnIor Programs owes much of hs growth People are contmually askmg the 'how and why" of thIS orgamzatIon Runmng afoul of powerful commercial mterests, how does It eXlst-especlally In these days of economIC upheaval GROSSE POINTE FARMS PROPERTY OWNERS HOLD MEETING A meeting of the Grosse Pomte Farms Property Owners Ass n was held 111 room 114 of the Grosse Pomte High School, and was attended by a conSIderable group of enthUSIastIc resl. dents The next regular meetmg of the Grosse Pomte Farms Property Owners Ass n WIll be held at the same place on Monday, Oct 9, 1939 at 8 P M. Eugene's Dining Room Daughters of American Colonists Hold Meeting Dolls and 'Costumes oi several countrIes were on exhIbIt at the Mason School Tuesday, September 25 when the fIrst meeting of the Parent- Teacher ASSOCiatIon of the year was held The varIOUS countrIes represented were Sweden, Scotland, France Hol land, MeXICO, SWItzerland, Alaska, Hungary and J apan~ All of the artIcles were secured last year though the efforts of the room mothers, teachers and prmclpal of the school Thev WIll be donated to the Chtldren's Museum of the Grosse Pomte Board of Education and wIll be avaIlable for exhIbIt In any of the other schools. Nonprofessional Blood Donors A HeckersvIlle, Pa, club has m. augurated a non-profeSSIonal blood donors serVIce The blood of the members, well dIstrIbuted among all four types, IS donated free Names of club members have been filed WIth all nearby hospItals, and mem. bers are avaIlable for call at any tIme Save time and money with a depend... able, competent teachero Elame MUle Arndt Dante Sluch.. ..-- The Daughters of Amencan Colon. IStS held theIr first meetmg of the year Tuesday, September 19, m Lansmg Luncheon at the porter Hotel was followed by an mformal program and receptIon of new memgers at the home of Mrs Otto C HartIg One of the many mterestmg features of the pro .. 01 gram was an open dISCUSSIon of the ConstItutIon of the Umted States of of AmerIca Mrs Lynn T Mtller of Ithlca Mrs Gl1bert VV Hebblewhlte and Mrs HartIg of Lansmg were the hostesses for the day I •• 4 hard tImes, he has all he keep the wolf away from plank of hIS yacht' tHE GROSSE POINTZ PRINTING CO. PaIoU ...... PHONE LENOX It. ,. .... , .. -_ .. THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT --------------------------------------- '------------------------- ~OL, 14-No, 6 L. B. OLDHAM, Pubhsher GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMB:CR 28, 1939 By Mall $200 per year, Smgle Copies 5 Cents .. Grosse Exaggerations Children's Entertainment 'Residents Invited to By A. PRYOR Library Opening Being Met By Junior Programs of New York That SIncerest form of flattery, '1Im_ itahon," has been sneakmg up on us One of the columnIsts on a DetroIt dally paper, has 'copped' one or two of our pet expreSSions, (WhIch WE copped from the New Yorker), and not less than four of our Items were ltfted baddy and prmted m saId paper last Sunday Ho hum and fIddle-de dee I Why don t those big shots pick (In a gal thell' own SIZe? Russell Swan, the magIC maker, was 1ft our mIdst agam last week at the Club Royale (whoops I), which used to be the Chalet In hIS spare hme, he became the current pet' of many ehte households, where he entertalOed the guests by pullIng bunmes out of theIr high hats and the stIver spoons fIght ()ut of theIr mouths Some of the "hlte °tIe set even went to the Royale to see hIm prestIdigitate, and 'tIs rumQred that even though they were armed to the teeth WIth 'talis' and orchIds, they dId some obVIOUSfumpl mg for cash to pay the pIper, oops I, 'We mean the check. Mrs. Ralph Jordan, whose orIgmal bon mots. are quoted m our veddy best cOlcles, has Grosse Pomte chuckling over her latest At a dmner party she recently gave, two ()f her guests stayed on long after everyone else had gone home When they hna.lly made a move to go, at about four AM, Mn lordan, yawnIng dIscreetly but 51n. cerely, saId 'Oh, the eat and run type, eh";!)) , WHAT'S IN A NAME? In these mad days of questioning everythmg, the things we can be rea. aonably sure of are that all bttle girls named Dolores and all little boys named Carlos, grow up to be half of a d.ance team, that one out of every fIve female haIrdressers, 15 called Mart~, tliat tJte sodal reglsfers allover- -the Country are fdled WIth Barharas and J oans and all good chefs are called HenrI, usually pronounced IOn ree' even In Greek restaurants. Dept of pIlfered copy / In these can do to the gang (Winchell) QuestIons put to motorIsts apply. rng for drIVer s lIcense, brought out the followmg answers One man gave hIS age as 179 and ahother, hIS heIght as 11 feet, 11 Inches As theIr occupa .. bon, one woman wrote f WIdow' and another ('ex-wIfe' As for sex, one ap- pltcant wro,te 'AmerIcan' and another, HMedIunr-'" (Coronet) WIlham K Zlegfeld, former De. trolter and nephew of the Great Zleg. feld, started makmg photography hIS hobby about two years ago Today some of hIS photographs have won pnzes In the best known salons here and abroad We ve had the pleasure of seemg some of Mr ZIegfeld s work and thought that hIS tItles mIght m. terest the camera fIends. "Uncle Tom's Carbon'-portralt a coal black plckamnny. tlDesIgn for Leavmg '-close up a hfe boat on a. big hner. (Clouds WIth Feet of Clay"-a street scene In MeXICO, where great whIte douds are swoopmg down on a row of adobe huts. "Journey's End '-a beach, WIth a -- br d th d 1. h h Adventuresome Gr 0 sse Pomters 1r l ge seenI Ink e IS anhce t rhou g a whose habIt It IS to be ever on the go a ge Iron In m an anc or c am ! M Z f ld t b d m search of new and mtngUlfig places h r h ,e d g e IS nlo a °hv.e stan mg to dme have lately been trekkmg to on IS ea or craw 109 on IS stomach I (or ) d t d Eugene s ConvenIently located at 13901 yours, In or er a get a goo f 'shof, but the tItles whIch w call East Je ferson, Just a few moments Bemus, he calls leas '. e dnve from the Pomte Eugene s IS rap y Idly estabhshmg Itself as DetrOIt's out. The fashIon show and tea, which standIng restaurant caterlOg to cosmo. drew a record crowd at the Nelghbor~ pohtan dmers Strange and unusual hood Club on Tuesday, was a very dIshes, together With an unexcelled profeSSIonal lookmg affaIr ArtIst Russ AmerIcan cU!sme, tempt the eplC1,1reat Legge dId a grand Job of stage deco. Eugene's We have It on good author. ratIon and the very styltsh clothes Ity that one must be strong wdled 111- from the J uhe Shop, were expertly deed (and who wants to be strong. modeled by several of Grosse POlflte sWilled";!) to rew:t the temptmg lure of lovltest ladles The whole neIghbor- thIS excellently appomted dmmg room hood turned out WIth bags, bundles and boxes of clothes, WhICh WIll soon be on dIsplay at the ThrIft Shop, where most of Grosse Pomte s expenSIve clothes fmd theIr way sooner or later We rummaged around there the other day and were surpnsed to fmd that you could p1ck out a good lookmg wmter coat and make It yours for a farthmg They also have an amazmg collection of household articles that look brand new Probably some lIttle gIftIes from cousms out West, candIa. ~tl1lJ!0!I Ol\ .P'i~ TJ¥02 .... _ •• ,,4 Ii ~"~~~~~ ~~ " _

PRINTING CO. PaIoU tHE GROSSE POINTZ - It. Idigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1935-39/... · 2006. 7. 15. · and round tables Mr N I W Krlek, of Lansmg, Mlch, well

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    f' '~E' ~~;~~ :: ~~ ~~ GE; , ,




    OUR POLICY__ .... __ ........ G .... _ ..

    Kriek to AddressGarden Center at

    Neighborhood Club

    pupIls regIstered out of a capaCIty of1425

    The new JunIor hIgh school openedfdled more nearly to capaCIty than anypreVIOusly opened new buddmg In thesystem Over five SIxths of ItS 900.pupIl capacIty was used up by the fIrstday s regIstration

    Asked whether further schoolhouseconstr'-!ctlon was contemplated 111thePomte m the near future, Dr VanKleeck ~:ud that the ans,\\e" was' N'o 'l

    I Schools cost money the Superm"tendent replied; We try to buIld themso they wIll last and so they WIll becheap to mamta111 and operate Underthe Mlchlgan law we have to pay forthe PIerce School 111 flYe years al.though It must be granted that 111 thecase of that bUlldmg the $395 100 grantfrom the P W A, whIch we do nothave to repay at any time helps tre ..mendously The MaIre School whIchalso under the law had to be paId fot1n fIve years IS still not entIrely paIdfor In a communIty growmg as fastas Grosse POl11te the fmanc1al problemsare most dIffICUlt We do not want toget agaIn as far behmd 111 buddmg aswe unaVOIdably got durmg the depres ..ston but at the same hme In vIew ofthe factors I have outlmed and m vIewalso of the unsettled world condItIons.I frankly do not see how we can doany bulldmg 10 the next couple ofyears at least"

    On Monday evenmg, October 2nd, at8 PM, at the NeIghborhood Club,17145 Waterloo Ave, Grosse Pomte,the DetrOit Garden Center wIll holdthe fIrst of ItS senes of mformal talksand round tables Mr N I W Krlek,of Lansmg, Mlch, well known hybn-dlzer and grower of peOnIes WIll talkon 'Peol11es' WIth colored slides ofmany of the fmest of these lovelyflowers.

    Mrs Horace B Peabody, preSIdentof the Garden Center WIll preslde andIt 1S hoped that many growers ofpe011les WIll come and help by gIvmgtheIr expenences as well as those whoVl'lsh to learn how to grow them

    ThIS lecture IS free and open to thepubltc

    Dance In Style-Elaine Marie ArndtDance StudIO 919 Barrtngton Rei..

    Library to CloseFriday Sept. 29

    Aural Guild CountryFair September

    The Grosse Pomte PublIc LIbrary,whIch has mamtamed Its headquartersIII the Grosse POInte Park mU111clpalbuddmg for the past ten years, WIllclose FrIday September 29

    ThIS lIbrary was hrst opened as abranch of the Wayne County LIbraryon December 19 1928 WIth a collectIonof 895 books When the reSidents ofGrosse Pomte voted to establish apublic library under the dIrectIon ofthe Board of EducatIon, thIS branchwa$ the mam lIbrary for the entIreschool dtstrIct Dunng the ten yearssmce It has been orgamzed, the bookcollection has mcreased to over 1000l}volumes There are 4369 registeredborrowers and dunng the past fIscalyear 86619 books wet e borrowed forhome use from thIS library

    The hbrary WIll be closed for twodays, September 29th and 30th, so thatthe book collectIon may be moved andarranged In the new quarters 111theJohn D. PIerce JunIor Hlgh School.The new lIbrary, WIll be for the presentthe Mal11 Llbrary for the Grosse PomtePubltc LIbrary

    The openmg date wtll be Monday,October 2nd and the hours WIll be from10 A M untll 9 PM, daIly exceptSundays and holidays

    The Aural GUIld wIll hold theirfourth annual Country Fair, WIth admner and dance at the GUIld Hall,305 W Fort St corner of Wayne, enSaturday September 30th, startl11g at4 0 clock AdmiSSIon 10c whtch wl1l en ..title holder to a chance on a 12 poundham to be gIven away There WIll beAn Old CUrIOSIty Shop Dart throwmgand Guessl11g Contests Booths ofFancy Goods, Baked Goods, Candy,Fortune Telhng Dmner will be servedFrUIt and Flowers QUIlt Show andfrom 6 to 7 P M and 1s m charge ofMn Ed Strasburg Pnce 50c All hardof heanng persons and theIr frIendsare most cordIally 111vlted.


    Mothers' ClubHolds First Meeting

    Both mornmg and afternoon however,both kmdergarten classes and bothteachers are shanng the same class.room at the RIchard School and anend of corndor room IS also bemg usedfor a classroom The plan to partitIonthe thIrd hoor lunch and actiVIty roomat RIchard for classrooms has beenabandoned for the present, the Super.mtendent explamed

    Two teachers have been added atthe Mason elementary school andsIxty addItIonal chIldren regIsteredthere the first day New reSIdentIalconstructIOn IS gomg on at a veryrapId rate 111 the Grosse Pomte Woodsarea whIch IS served by the MasonSchool Every room In the bUlldmg ISoccupIed and the lIbrary has been con.verted mto a classroom The thIrd flooractiVIty room has also been made overmto a classroom and a fire escape hasbeen bUIlt on the outSIde of the bUild-mg leadmg to It The three year oldMaIre Schoo! also had enrollment tn.creases In several grades

    Meanwhtle the Supenntendent deelared despite the openmg of the newJohn D PIerce JunIor HIgh School thesemor hIgh school bU11dmg at FIsherand Maumee contmues ftlled to 9570of capacIty The much cntlclzed an.nex system has however, been ahan.doned for the present through the re-hef afforded by the junIOr hIgh butld.111g The semor hIgh school has 1 364

    The Mothers' Club of the GrossePomte HIgh School wt1l open ItS flrstregular meetmg In the school hbraryMonday evenmg, September 25, at 7 46o clock

    Mrs Charles Elhs ,,111 preSIde ata short busmess meetlOg followed bya program arramged by Mrs Manon\1 Scheaffer

    InterestIng talks on theIr summertour of European countnes will begIven by t" 0 of our hIgh schoolteachers Mrs Fred Flom and MISSLOUIse Karpmskt

    MISS Vandermu1en the head of theDetrOit VISItIng nurses Will tell of theIrfme work m the metropolitan area

    The ReView IS the only advertiSingmedium cover111gthe entire Townshipof Grosse POinte, which 15 read Inevery home for Its local news.




    White Mice

    School Roll Is Up 410H. S. Is 95 Pct. Filled

    New Classrooms Opened

    Modern Musicfor Entertainment

    SWIng-time, Dance TIme, StilI timeFor Job Printing of the Better KInd I to enroll at the ElaUl.e MarIe Arndt

    Call Grosse POlute ReView,Lenox 1162 Dance StudIO.

    Paul De Carlo popular plamst andaccordlomst, who ha'> appeared WIthmany fme orchestras IS now engagedexcluslYely m the professlOn of modern mUSIcal mstruct10n

    In the past few years Paul has act.u«lly refused many of the fInest offersIn the orchestra and radiO field Inorder that he may devote hlS tIme en~tlrely toward creatmg the fInest methods of modern teachmg

    As the result he IS now conSIderedone of MIchIgan s most successfulteachers of modern mUSIC by prommCj'ntprofeSSional muslcmns

    The many students", ho have alreadylearned by thIS fme methOd say WIthenthuslasm that It IS mterestmg surpnsmgly SImple, very reasonable andlots of fun

    You are mvtted to hear PaulCarlo play by callmg Murray 5733day No obltgatIon whatsoever

    Western State NextOn University of

    Detroit's Schedule

    Kay Parcher ShopAdds New Items

    RespondIng to popular demand, theKay Parcher Shop, 371 FIsher Road,has added to ItS already charmmg andcomplete seIectlon of Scandmavian ob-Jects d art, many new and mtrlgumgItems Among these are the Brow~IeBlock PrInt hne of colorful notepd.persof unIque deSIgn bIrthday, anntver.sary, convalescent cards bIrth an.noun cements, weddmg congratulatIonsetc

    For parhes MISS Parcher suggestspaper towels, cocktaIl napkms, coastersor table mats to gIve 'that extratouch'

    After spendmg an hour 'Ibrowslngaround' MISS Parcher s truly amaZIngcollection of unusual gIfts, thIS re.porter left WIth the feeling that Itmust be pleasant mdeed to plan aparty when there IS avaIlable close athand so many party aIds

    J. Lee Barrett SpokeJ Lee Barrett a member of the

    Grosse pomte Board of Education anda charter trustee of the new NatIonalASSOCIatIOn of Public School Boardsand School Board Members was oneof the prmclpal speakers at the orgam-zation s second annu",l convention atKnoxville Tennessee last "eek MrBarrett spoke on 'Why a NatIonal Or-ganIzatIon." ...........

    and labor dIsturbances To many thepersonahty of Dorothy McFadden,foQunder and dIrector of JUl1lor Pro.grams IS the soluhon Mrs McFadden,herself the mother of two chl1drenSimply and SUCClOCtlyanswers I ThereIS lIttle cultural entertalOment worth acontInental to be had for chIldren 111thiS country We are supplymg thISneed, beSIdes gIvmg highly talentedartists new audIences"

    JunIOr Programs has been approvedby natlOnally known educators, wrIters,mUSICIans, artIsts and dIrectors of stageand radIO The hst of organIzatIonsrepresented on ItS adVIsory councll ISa cross sectlon o~ the nahan s or.gamzed mterest In chIldren and m.eludes among many others Teachers'College New York Clty General Fed.erahon of Women's Clubs NatIonalCongress of Parents and Teachers,American JUnIor Red Cross Parents'Magazme, Museum of N a t u r a 1HIstory, NatIOnal and ColumbIaBroadcastIng Systems, etc

    TIcket chaIrman for season's tIcketsIS Mrs Bert WIckmg, 960 WestchesterRoad, Grosse Pomte She has thesetickets placed m each -school offIceselling for only one dollar for the fIveperformances

    Do let us take advantage of thIS op.portunlty to gIve our chlldren worth ..whIle enteTtamment at a cost so muchbelow slmlltar performance pre-sented m the past

    Mary E. KelkenneyDance StudIO Classes

    Begin October 2nd

    The Grosse POInte Pubhc LIbraryannounces Its Formal OpenIng In thenew quarters In the John D PIerce •Junlor HIgh School, Kercheval Avenueat NottIngham

    The Board of Educahon and hbrary •staff InVIte all Grosse POlUte reSIdents Ito a tea In the new lIbrary on Sunday, Grosse Pomte public schools openedOctober 1st, !rom 3 untl1 6 o'clock. tlus year WIth 410 more pupIls than on

    the openmg day a year ago, Dr E R\ an K lee c k, Supenntendent, announced today Part of thIS gam, headded was mlsleadmg as probably dueto the later openmg date a larger pro.portIon of chIldren reblstered t1.e fIrst

    By E A BATCHELOR day than was true a }ear agoWestern State Teachers Coi.1ege, a 'heverthe ess he saId, the fact re.

    team that frequently has proved very mams that the mcrease 10 enrollmenttroublesome for the UnIversIty of De- 111 the whole system each year IS abouttrolt TItans WIll come to town I eqUlvalent to the total enrollment ofFrtday evemng September 29 for the such of our dementary schools asfmal post prandIal battle of the De. Mason or Kerby Probably GrossetrOit schedule Pomt IS the fastest growmg metropoh

    Naturally Coach Charles E t Gus" tan suburb of ItS type m the countryDOrIS expects to keep mtact hlS VIC. Larger enrollment has forced thetory record over the teacher, but at the partItIon of the Kerby School audisame tIme he has a wholesome respect tonum mto two classrooms thISfor them because of theIr good show. summer, the Supermtendent added Amg In the last two seasons In 1937, fourth room was opened at the VerMlke Gary s team led the TItans at Oler School but th s was dlscO{1tmuedone tIme and It wasn t until Andy last week In order to £ur11lsh an extraFarkas began to 'perc' m the second teacher for the Defer elementaryhalf that DoraIS' people were able to school where a half grade had anthe toughest kmd of time wmnmg 7 to ongmal enrollment of 45 pupils Thetake charge A year ago DetrOIt had Defer School now has two moreo despite the fact that It had a bIg teachers than a year ago Enrollment ISadvantage In the matter of ground up 111 several grades In the Tromblygamed and passes completed School In \Vmdmill Pomte Kmder.

    The fact that Western State was garten enrollment hgures m the a1good enough to WhlP Central State ready crowded RIchard School 1035 to 0 last fall after the Mount Pleas. creased so much that half the time ofant team had run up score of 270 an addItIOnal kmdergarten teacher hadpomts to 9 agamst ItS other opponents to he prOVIded after school beganleads to the belief that Gary steamWIll agam prove tough It has lost manyof last fall s regu1ars~ to be sure but

    Mary E Kelkenney WIU conduct It has receIved the average run of aC.classes In her spaCIOUS new dance ceptable matenal m the new sophomoreStudIO on the second floor of the class It IS always well coached and ItPIllar Lodge Bmldmg 14529 Kerche. always fights Its hardest agamst theval Ave, at Marlborough, on Mon. TItansdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and j ThIS game should see DetrOIt WIthSaturdays commencmg October 2nd more pohshed offense than was ex-

    There wlll be courses for aU ages hlblted agamst the Central Statefrom three and over-for begmners, eleven last even ng DoraIS had to send

    f hIS men mto the openmg game WIthonly 15 practice sessIons behmd themand sOme of these had to be curtaIledon account of exceedmly warmweather PractIce will be hmIted to oneseSSIon clally hereafter on account ofthe opemng of college but even so,a week makes a lot of dlfference at thISstage of the season

    DoraIS was much Impressed by theshowmg of some of the sophomores111the openmg game and It IS becommgmore and more certam that several oflast year s regulars wIll have to fIghtfor theIr Jobs So far as the backfIeldIS concerned there seems httle causefor worry DoraIS has enough goodbacks to put four effective combma-tlons m the held If necessary He planshowever, to operate only two teams asplaymg entitles and to keep the balanceof the squad as mdIvldual replacementsfor theSe two

    The problem of fmdmg enoughtt'ckles: to keep a pair of good onesconstantly on duty IS stdl unsolvedDorals IS gIvmg everyone on the squad\\ho has the reqUIred build a chanceat the tackle pOSItion, but It looks as IfhIS IS gomg to be the weak spot 111 theteam, once Ted Pave1ec and Bdl Nlen.stedt, the starhng combmatIon, haveleft the fIeld The end SituatIon, whIchwas causmg some worry at the startof practIce, seems to be c1e,nng up,

    (ContInued from Page One)

    advanced and professIOnq.l pupIls, 10ballet, character and mterpretlve danc-mg and also In ballroom and tap

    The study of the dance not onlygreatly benefIts the chIld phYSIcally mregard to posture and grace but It alsotends to develop such quahtIes as pOIseconcentratIOn alertness and presenceof mInd, while at the same tlme cuI.hvatmg a deep appreclahon of beauty,art and mUsIC

    MISS Kelkenney IS the DetrOIt rep.resentatlve of the Donald SavageSchool of Ballroom Dancmg 111 NewYork CIty and IS named as such mThe Amencan Dancer'Hav10g renewed her studIes 111 New

    York thIS summer she IS able to offerthe very latest steps In the Polka,Rhumba Tango, VIennese Waltz andFox Trot

    MISS Kelkenney has studIed eachtype of danCIng WIth a dIstInguIshedteacher and has had speCIal mstrucMhon m methods of teachmg Amongrer mstructors have been MlkhatlNordkIn Ivan Tarasoff, Mrs MargltTarasoH, Mme Soma Serova BdlMeeker BIll Pl1lich, Mme MartaYakovleff and AleXIS Dohnoff

    Tom's MarketPleasing Housewives

    Of conslderable news mterest, webebeve, to Grosse Pomte houseWIves,IS the serVIce now avadable at Tom sMarket, 14922 Kercheval Ave, at AlterRoad After a thorough tryout ofof the serve self IJea, Tom s hasreturned to the system of clerk as-SIstance to grocery buyers The resuIts we are mformed, Itave beenphenomenal Tom reports a steady tn.crease 111 patronage and he has beenthe reCIpIent of congratulations fromall SIdes And 110 wonder I The dtsplayof fancy grocerIes, fresh vegetablesand quahty meats at Tom s MarketIS enough to tempt the most Jadedappehte I ReSIdents of th~ Pomte WIlldo fwell to watch fo" Tom s regularannouncements. They are bound toproht thereby. / '"

    Mason School P. T. A.

    When Pmocchlo appears at PIerceJumor HIgh School, under the au.spIces of Parent Teal.hers' Orgamza ..tIon on Saturday, October 14th, closeprogram readers wIll note that the pro.ductron was made by I J untor Programs, lnc ' whose slogan IS 'ONLYTHE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGHFOR CHILDREN"

    Here IS a fascmahng story of ayoung orgamza tIon bnngmg hvmg,worthwhIle entertamment to thechildren of AmerIca Born three yearsago, In a small one room New YorkoffIce, as a non proht foundatIon,J untor Programs has had a meteOrlCgrowth The first year saw Its operaballet and play compames tounngeleven states ThIS year the childrenof more than thIrty states wIll learnthat Drama, MUSICand Ballet, as pre-sented by Juntor Programs, are notdull and meaningless, but enjoyableand stlmulatIve to thought, as well asmeanmgful tq hfe The subject of commonplace entertamment and Its effectupon young mmds, has long been amatter of deep concern to those en.trusted WIth the trammg of tomorrow smen and women It IS to their aId andunderstandmg that JUnIor Programsowes much of hs growth

    People are contmually askmg the'how and why" of thIS orgamzatIonRunmng afoul of powerful commercialmterests, how does It eXlst-especlallyIn these days of economIC upheaval



    A meeting of the Grosse PomteFarms Property Owners Ass n washeld 111 room 114 of the Grosse PomteHigh School, and was attended by aconSIderable group of enthUSIastIc resl.dents

    The next regular meetmg of theGrosse Pomte Farms Property OwnersAss n WIll be held at the same placeon Monday, Oct 9, 1939 at 8 P M.

    Eugene's Dining Room

    Daughters of AmericanColonists Hold Meeting

    Dolls and 'Costumes oi severalcountrIes were on exhIbIt at the MasonSchool Tuesday, September 25 whenthe fIrst meeting of the Parent-Teacher ASSOCiatIon of the year washeld

    The varIOUS countrIes representedwere Sweden, Scotland, France Holland, MeXICO, SWItzerland, Alaska,Hungary and J apan~

    All of the artIcles were secured lastyear though the efforts of the roommothers, teachers and prmclpal of theschool Thev WIll be donated to theChtldren's Museum of the GrossePomte Board of Education and wIll beavaIlable for exhIbIt In any of the otherschools.

    Nonprofessional Blood DonorsA HeckersvIlle, Pa, club has m.

    augurated a non-profeSSIonal blooddonors serVIce The blood of themembers, well dIstrIbuted among allfour types, IS donated free Namesof club members have been filedWIth all nearby hospItals, and mem.bers are avaIlable for call at anytIme

    Save time and money with a depend...able, competent teachero Elame MUleArndt Dante Sluch.. ..--

    The Daughters of Amencan Colon.IStS held theIr first meetmg of the yearTuesday, September 19, m LansmgLuncheon at the porter Hotel wasfollowed by an mformal program andreceptIon of new memgers at the homeof Mrs Otto C HartIg One of themany mterestmg features of the pro ..01 gram was an open dISCUSSIon of theConstItutIon of the Umted States of

    of AmerIca Mrs Lynn T Mtller ofIthlca Mrs Gl1bert VV Hebblewhlteand Mrs HartIg of Lansmg were thehostesses for the day

    I•• 4

    hard tImes, he has all hekeep the wolf away fromplank of hIS yacht'


    PHONE LENOX It.,.....,..-_ ..

    THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT--------------------------------------- '-------------------------~OL, 14-No, 6 L. B. OLDHAM, Pubhsher GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMB:CR 28, 1939 By Mall $200 per year, Smgle Copies 5 Cents..Grosse Exaggerations Children's Entertainment 'Residents Invited to

    By A. PRYOR Library OpeningBeing Met By Junior

    Programs of New YorkThat SIncerest form of flattery, '1Im_

    itahon," has been sneakmg up on usOne of the columnIsts on a DetroItdally paper, has 'copped' one or twoof our pet expreSSions, (WhIch WEcopped from the New Yorker), andnot less than four of our Items wereltfted baddy and prmted m saId paperlast Sunday Ho hum and fIddle-dedee I Why don t those big shots pick(In a gal thell' own SIZe?

    Russell Swan, the magIC maker, was1ft our mIdst agam last week at theClub Royale (whoops I), which used

    to be the Chalet In hIS spare hme, hebecame the current pet' of many ehtehouseholds, where he entertalOed theguests by pullIng bunmes out of theIrhigh hats and the stIver spoons fIght()ut of theIr mouths Some of the"hlte °tIe set even went to the Royaleto see hIm prestIdigitate, and 'tIsrumQred that even though they werearmed to the teeth WIth 'talis' andorchIds, they dId some obVIOUSfumplmg for cash to pay the pIper, oops I,'We mean the check.

    Mrs. Ralph Jordan, whose orIgmalbon mots. are quoted m our veddy bestcOlcles, has Grosse Pomte chucklingover her latest At a dmner party sherecently gave, two ()f her guests stayedon long after everyone else had gonehome When they hna.lly made a moveto go, at about four AM, Mnlordan, yawnIng dIscreetly but 51n.cerely, saId 'Oh, the eat and run type,eh";!)), WHAT'S IN A NAME?In these mad days of questioning

    everythmg, the things we can be rea.aonably sure of are that all bttle girlsnamed Dolores and all little boysnamed Carlos, grow up to be half of ad.ance team, that one out of every fIvefemale haIrdressers, 15 called Mart~,tliat tJte sodal reglsfers allover- -theCountry are fdled WIth Barharas andJoans and all good chefs are calledHenrI, usually pronounced IOn ree'even In Greek restaurants.Dept of pIlfered copy /

    In thesecan do tothe gang(Winchell)

    QuestIons put to motorIsts apply.rng for drIVer s lIcense, brought outthe followmg answers One man gavehIS age as 179 and ahother, hIS heIghtas 11 feet, 11 Inches As theIr occupa ..bon, one woman wrote f WIdow' andanother ('ex-wIfe' As for sex, one ap-pltcant wro,te 'AmerIcan' and another,HMedIunr-'" (Coronet)

    WIlham K Zlegfeld, former De.trolter and nephew of the Great Zleg.feld, started makmg photography hIShobby about two years ago Todaysome of hIS photographs have wonpnzes In the best known salons hereand abroad We ve had the pleasureof seemg some of Mr ZIegfeld s workand thought that hIS tItles mIght m.terest the camera fIends.

    "Uncle Tom's Carbon'-portralta coal black plckamnny.

    tlDesIgn for Leavmg '-close upa hfe boat on a. big hner.

    (Clouds WIth Feet of Clay"-a streetscene In MeXICO, where great whItedouds are swoopmg down on a row ofadobe huts.

    "Journey's End '-a beach, WIth a --br d th d 1. h h Adventuresome G r 0 sse Pomters1 rl ge seenI Ink e IS anhce t rhou

    g a whose habIt It IS to be ever on the goa ge Iron In m an anc or c am !

    M Z f ld t b d m search of new and mtngUlfig placeshr h ,ed

    ge IS nlo a °hv.e stan mg to dme have lately been trekkmg toon IS ea or craw 109 on IS stomach I(or ) d t d Eugene s ConvenIently located at 13901yours, In or er a get a goo f'shof, but the tItles whIch w call East Je ferson, Just a few momentsBemus, he calls leas '. e dnve from the Pomte Eugene s IS rap

    y Idly estabhshmg Itself as DetrOIt's out.The fashIon show and tea, which standIng restaurant caterlOg to cosmo.

    drew a record crowd at the Nelghbor~ pohtan dmers Strange and unusualhood Club on Tuesday, was a very dIshes, together With an unexcelledprofeSSIonal lookmg affaIr ArtIst Russ AmerIcan cU!sme, tempt the eplC1,1reatLegge dId a grand Job of stage deco. Eugene's We have It on good author.ratIon and the very styltsh clothes Ity that one must be strong wdled 111-from the J uhe Shop, were expertly deed (and who wants to be strong.modeled by several of Grosse POlflte sWilled";!) to rew:t the temptmg lure oflovltest ladles The whole neIghbor- thIS excellently appomted dmmg roomhood turned out WIth bags, bundlesand boxes of clothes, WhICh WIll soonbe on dIsplay at the ThrIft Shop, wheremost of Grosse Pomte s expenSIveclothes fmd theIr way sooner or laterWe rummaged around there the otherday and were surpnsed to fmd thatyou could p1ck out a good lookmgwmter coat and make It yours for afarthmg They also have an amazmgcollection of household articles thatlook brand new Probably some lIttlegIftIes from cousms out West, candIa.

    ~tl1lJ!0!I Ol\ .P'i~TJ¥02 .... _


    •,,4 Ii ~"~~~~~ ~~ " _

  • I

    .. ',' ..

    and enJo,


    Ask to see our 1ar-man Style Charts .,as first shown in Es-qUIre MagazineThey show you• whIch shoes towear With what.'

    Figure 0Esquire Coronet IDe.





    Bohemian BEER

    R.. ldon .... 130S Bu.k1nlh_TUxedo 2.1717




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    Lenox 5885

    Cooper Bros.

    Electric Motor RellllU'DUNCAN " McNICOL14127CharleVOIXat We"''''

    NI,bil, S-. •

    Tu. 2.1150 T~~&2~S::'



    Thursday, S" tember 28, 1'39

    I' ., •••••••~.

    Specialized Service


    $5 10 $750MOST


    Here's a shoe you'llwant to wear the mo-ment you try 1t on-the Jarman {MIllIon-AIre' I In every pa1rlS a spec1al cushlOn m-nersole under thewhole length of thesole-r es 111 e n t andsprmgy 1t CUShlOnsev-ery step!

    /9uLtih 'If

    "M~ A \tJAR-MAN ILLlON- IR.E


    St~e1, for permanencyPicket, for beaut,Wire, for econom,

    Materials or ereotion

    Clotlws Line Posts, Steel or Wood, Permanent or ....movabI•

    MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO.10403 Harper E.tllbli.hed 19119 Pwa 2850

    Grou. POinte'. Representatives of the Og,lvie Slsters

    NIagara 3753 Punch" Judy Theatre Bldg.

    Felix Francois Bea uty Salon

    Skill counts in Beauty Service. For that reason many GrossePointe women come to Felix Francois'. Let an experiencedstylist adapt a new hair.do to your personal features •

    17114 KERCHEVAL AVE.near 5t Clair

    AIsq Cameras and Camera SupphesOpen 9 to 9

    tumUl' tj 111111111'1'I 111111'111IIIIttttttttllllllllllllli '1IIUllllll: I .!!.!!.!!lJUIIIIIIIII I 11'1111

    Clem Searle

    AU Shades-Light &. MedIum Greys,Blue Greys, Greens and Browns.

    For the Young Man's Dad-Same Selections at $385

    Our' Renovating Prt)ce.s Makes OldHats Look Like New-75c.

    "-m:m:Ummmlll 11::111II IIluum:::::::UU:mlmlll i1,IUllllllUUihllllllll:mmma

    New Fall Hatsfor the Young Man

    t" • _............ .. - s

    I ACE IIi THE PERFECT CLEANER 11: ANTISEPTIC-SANITARY i'i You've tried aU others, , I~ now try ACE. i

    iA.CEP;O;;~CTS CO. Ii14527 E. Jefferson LE. 8148~ I" loa I I I •••• I I .


    Scavenger Hunt

    Llthuaman CurrencyIn Llthuama the umt of currency

    lS the 1.J.t, worth about 17 cents 111Amer1can currency. -y


    The RlchardlOnnes of GabnelRIchard Councd, Kl11ghts of Colu.mb IS Iare sponsorIng a scavenger hUllt c: 1.1Ilday, October 1, 111 theIr c1u1.Jho 1.. (, IThe startmg pomt '" 111be from theclubhouse at 8 P M and WIll be arranged m groups of four Forty articleswIll comprIse the I1st The fIrst groupsback wtlt be awarded Dancmg WIllfollow the hunt In the clubrooms Allour Catholic frIends are mVlted to attend MIss Mary Kay 0 Bnen IS 10general charge MISS 0 Bnen Iq fromSt Martm's Pansh There IS no chargefor thIS party

    Neighborhood ClubActivities

    The Annual Fall Conference;' forCommIssIoners of the Detrult AreaCounCIl Boy Scouts of AmerIca "111be held thIS Saturday afternoon andeHmng, September 30 at the BotsfordTavern, Grand RIver and htgbt \hleRoad DIstrIct CommISSIOners ar d ,t'l..Sslstants, FIeld CommissIoners andNeIghborhood CommIssIoners WIll 1)epresent The Counell CommIssioner, ADouglas JamIeson, Will preSide C JCarlson, RegIonal Scout ExecutIve ofChIcago, Wilt be speaker at the evenmg dmner ------

    Playmates. The fIrst meetmg of thePlaymates Club WIll be held Saturday,Sept 30th, at 1 30 P M Any gIrlSbetween the ages of 6 9 are mVlted toattend.

    The JUnIor ::;- MIdget football \teams have been havmg warm upga,mes before the league starts ThemajorIty of the teams seem to be mgood shape, and from all mdlcatIonsthe league games shQuld be wrorthwhde seemg Any team mterested mJommg the league should get m touchWith the authOrIties of the leagueApplyat NeIghborhoodClub,17145Waterloo

    GIrl Guards The Guards flrst meetmg thIS fall Will be held WednesdaySeptember 27 New Ideas and plansare bemg formulated for a most 10terestmg program thIS year.

    A 0 C'S TheA 0 C'shaveplanned for thIS commg Thursdayevenmg, Sept 28th, a Treasure Huntand Wemle Roast at Belle Isle Thegirls have been busy workmg on theirnew Club room, formerly known as theTower Room, anc1 all are lookmg forward to ItS fmal completlOn whichpront1ses to be a mor;t charmmg andcomfortable meetmg place

    FallClassesThefallschedule01classes for 1939 wll1 begm at the Nelgh ..borhood Cub the first week 111 OctoberThere w 11 be classes for Jumor Glrl.,and Boys mterested In gymnaslUm andHandcraft classes A busmess men sgym class WIll also be conducted

    Enclosed was the achievement scaleWIth comments by the judges For themost part these remarks were veryfavorable The style of the Tower hequently attams almost professlOnalcahber and has a hIgh reader 1Oterest,In the opmlOn of the Judges

    Journabsts, tn awardmg the Tower,Grosse Pomte Hlgh School studentnewspaper, mternatIonal honor ratmgfor the f1fth consecutive tIme.

    A letter of notIfIcatlon of the awardrecelved last week by MISS Dons KTrott, adVIser, from Edward Nell, ex-eccuhve secretary for QUIll and Scroll,saId m part I The Judges of thlS year sserVice under the ausptces of the MedlllSchool of J ournahsm recog11lze you~paper as one of outsld.rldmg achIeve ..ments"

    :+ The Tower also holds an All Amer1~can ratmg from the NatIonal Scholashc* Press ASSOCIation.


    Me.aiab Lutheran

    * * * * *Public Letter 11B-O--X* * * **

    Southeast corner of Kercheval andLakewood Avenues A H A Loeber,pastor, 1434 Lakewood Avenue TelephoneLEnox2121

    "The BIble on War" Will be thesubs-ect to be dIscussed m the sermonnext Sunday, October 1 The serVIceWIll begm at 11 15 A MTheSundaySchoolWIllmeetat 10

    o'clockThe first of the Monthly Blb!e Hours

    of the 1939 1940 season will be heldon the commg Sunday at 5 15 P MVarIous church denomlOatlOs Wll1 betreated In these Hours The subject forOctober 1 will be The CongregatIonalChurch"

    Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church

    LADIESI ThefalldassIn Dress-mak10g wll1 start on Monday, October3rd, at the NeIghborhood Club, from7 00 9 00 P M MrsRobertson,whoIS well known for Dressmakmg aboutthe Pomte wdl be the Instructor Inorder to enrolls, all ladles are re ..qUired to SIgn up f6t a serIes of SIXseSSIons. For further mformahon, call !theCI~a:;:ire Girlsi +

    The WItaklya Campfire group wlth •theIr guardian, Mrs Royce Gartung I"'111 open theIr fIrst regular meetmg atthe John F Clark School Fnday, Sep~ 1tember 29\ MISS Janet Hay and MISS IDorothy Bangs wIll aSSIst the guardIan

    The group wIll make plans for allprojects to be completed thIS fall and

    The Reverend Wayland ZW

  • 'Ij



    Page Three-

    • lb. 25c

    Orange 37Pekoe C*.Ibpkg.



    3 ~~~10eouncecans

    Strictly Fresh.

    Pork Loin


    MichIgan Guaranteed Fresh Dre••ed

    Small and Lean


    CHICKENSI~ 25c

    35c Dozen

    12811 Woodward at Glendale8110 Mack near Maxwell7624 W. McNichols at Pennington

    New 1939crop

    ~:a 225c Lux Flakes I•• 21c lbox\

    bar Se Rinso Z Jar!'e 35cboxesHllI's Bro•• or Beechnut

    lall 6c COfFEE I-lb. 251A ecan • can 2

    Genuine SprIng

    Leg of


    Honey Brand Baked Ready-to-Serve



    Cut from Tender Cood Quabty Steer :Beef

    Sun Ray

    World's Finest

    Pure TomatoJUICE

    Lipton's Tea



    Llbhy'. Pure Evaporated


    7 Giant De-LuxeSuper Markets

    .. Saturday, Sept. 28 .. 29 .. 30


    Spry New Croll'

    Shortening 3 lb. 49c NAVY BEANS lb. Secan •Van Camp's White Meat Aunt JemJma

    TUNA FLAKE full 10c Pan Cake Flour box 10eSizecan .Pure GrapefrUit All Flavors Kre-Mel

    JUICE • 4 ~:ns2 25c DE.SSERT • 3 pkgs. 10cPure Egl' Campbell'•

    NOODLES • I.Ib cello 12c Tomato Soup 4 can. 27epkg•

    LIbby's Fancy Sugar Carden

    PEAS • • 2~Life Buoy orLux SOAP



    Del Maize

    Cut From Good QualIty Steer Beef



    Rump or standing RibRoast of

    BEEFI~ _23c


    Strlctly Fre.h




    14200 E. Jefferson at Newport7938 Kercheval at Van Dyke

    16322 E. Warren nr. 3.Mile Drive

    Detroit's Greatest Independent Super Markets

    14922 Kercheval Ave. Alte:Road

    Unlimited Visibility

    I Man Created Gods' w1l1be the sub-Ject of the sermon at the Grosse PomteLutheran Church. worshlpmg In t1"eRichard School audlto"1Um, Kerche,


    } ;;;'lk ';>2 i"iW¥l~ i}"M 14 '?Jer- .... (

    !yt ;;quiV %W ems Wit ""~"'4"~


    Thursday, September 28, 1939


    $2;0 to $1000




    ----- ---

    Grosse Pointe City

    781Notre Dame

    24.Hour Service


    LE 8150



    PrivateViolin Instruction


    in Grosse PointeLoraine M. Newhall TU 2.9566



    MARY COSTINE, fo~m.rly w.thCardinal Beauty Shop, Will bepleased to serve her patron,.

    16029 Mack, near DevonshireOpen Thurs, Frl and Sat till 9 p In

    Ntagara 6408

    PaU Permanent Speciatfor Chtldrefi

    Regular $500 Od ..Permanent

    coffee and doughnut party the Satur-day evemllg before IIaIlowe en. Ab-solutely no lIqUid refreshments otherthan coffe and cldel (soft) Brmgyour youngsters Real old fashIonedhoe down NeIghborhood Club Moreabout thIS later

    For the beneht of Veterans who lIveIII thIS area bu.t are not affIlIated Withany veterans organIzatIon, we meetthe 1st and 3rd Wednesday of eachmonth Come out and meet the boys.

    ART WindowCleaning Co.


    _ .............. _ ..,l


    Open Tuesday, Wedne'day, Thursday and Frlc1;lyEvenings








    REQUEST - BRYANTConversion Burnera • Air Conditioners and Boilers


    Miller Mattress Co.

    Rilling Machine PermanentShampoo and FlngerwaveHair StylingPeggy Sage Manicure

    With hand massageOther Permanents from



    415 Brainard at Cass, Detroit

    t~t , %~LADIES-REDUCE I'~t;\

    W.th the W.rld'. Foremo.t Slenderizer , tThe Ring Roller Reducer !

    That REMOVESEXCESS FAT Only Where t J "You Want It Removed t ¥:

    TREATMENT~, $1 00 ~"Results Guaranteed-We Also Feature :::...i'


    It s not what you weIgh, It'S what you look hkeFRANCES HEALTH INST.

    -FOR LADIES ONL)_14138E. Jefferson

    Radio Tubes Tested FREEin Our Modern Laboratory

    All Work GuaranteedROBERTS RADIO SERVICE

    16126E. Warren at BedfordTU. 2.4550

    Grosse POinte References

    _Pi' ., ~"J .'"......e:~

    IF TODAY ISYOUR MAID's DAY OUTBring the Fanuly to the


    THURSDAYNIGHT SPECIALSouthern Style Chicken Dinner

    Lunch 11.2 Dinner 5~8

    17140 KERCHEVAL AVE.Between St Clair and Neff

    for the dedIcation oI theIr Colours lastSaturdayevenmg Out of a membershIpof one hundred and thIrty, !l-X postmembers attended

    Keep In mInd Charhe Bishop's CIder,



    Renovabng of all kinds of MattressesPIllows .. Box Springs

    One Day ServiceNew Mattreases Bed Springs

    9908Kercheval Lt"nox 7994


    PINT BRICKS-l5cSodas-l0c Sundaes-12c

    Impenal Grade (FIts Your RefrlS"erator Tray), Plltt, Z3c

    .,At the 5l1n of The Big Cone»17728 MACK AVENUE

    'i Between UnlTet'llty and RivardCity of Grosse POinte..._--- ..._ ....... _ ..~_._........... "

    ,- ~'4.','•.•~.-••••••_••• "4 ••••••• ~.4_.44__ •••4_. _

    i The Pointe Bari ~ 15218East Jefferson Ave.II' II REMINDING YOU OF OUR

    ~ Special Sunday Matinee Dance

    i BUD HANAWAY'SI ORCHESTRAI Also Dancing Every Nightf You'll enjoy dancing to the music of Bud and his Boya.. .......- .._ .._ ........ ........ ... I ... • .... •....1_'" ..... •..." ....1'.1 Ie ....... *" ............

    Major Burns HenryPost News

    spectator sports dress eentere DIdyou JOIn m the hunt for a FOST Ct;>m-mander? Turn out at these meetings,we may fmd one yet

    Your Post has III nl1nd slIght revI.Slons of the Consbtutlon and by-lawsIf you have any objections be at themeetmgs m the near future to regIsteryour protest

    The ladles of our unlt were not sowell pleased WIth the Post turnout


    Christian ScienceChurch

    New Look Is Given to AutumnStyles hy Bustle Silhouette

    WHAT'S m a name' Well, plen ..ty, Judgmg from the conster ..

    natIon and furore the mentIon ofIbustle ' In connectIon WIth the new

    fashIons for fall and wmter hascaused ImmedIately, at the meresuggestIon of bustles bemg revlvedIn modern styltng, came VISIons ofthe amUSIng monstrosItIes we of thlSday have come to aSSOCIate WIth the"has been" fashlons of the long ago

    As a matter of fact the bustlemotlf that has succeeded lU glvmgto contemporary fashIons such a de ..cldedly new look IS far and awayfrom the antIquated bustle of ourancestresses A more accurateway of expressmg the bustle tl atrIeas 15 today, IS to speak of It asback fullness, to achIeve whIch de ..SIgners are most Ingeniously mtro.ducmg clever drapes, bows, andpeplum effects done In a conserva.tive manner

    The emphaSIS gIven to back full.ness In current stylmg has openedavenues of thought to deSIgners. Inconsequence of whIch the dressesand coats and Jackets shown In theseason s collectIons have taken onan entirely dIfferent and refreshmgnote of mterest WIth the new back-fullness the slmple black dress that15 heralded as a perfect autumn"first' becomes a model of rugh ..Style dlstmct!on

    The varlOUS treatments of theback.fullness theme as demonstrat-ed In the lliustratIon conveys themessage that there are back.fttllnesses and back.fulinesses bemgmterpreted throughout the mode,WIth not necesse.rl1y any two beInga!lke

    See the afternoon dress of voguishvelveteen shown to the left In thePlc:ture It shows clever mamp ..ulatlon VIa the peplum method. The

    Chaplam, Mary Jane StroudExecutIve CommIttee Hazel Allor)

    CatherInen Porter, Helen EndresSylVIa Sharpe had c large of the reg.

    Istermg bookWe want to thank the foUowmg

    UnIts and Posts that attended ourDedicatIon of colors and mstallatIonof o£flces Red Anow, Larned, Antler,Beaudry, WIlson Roose Vanker, Westward and also the Burns Henry Postmem.bers mcludlllg our past post com.mander, AI Zarb

    Our comrade, DaVId Porter made agavel WhICh was presented to PreSI-dent Elva }.ne1sen by Catherme PorterthIS gavel WIll be her s to keep In ad.d1tlOn to the gavel Elva als6 recen eda lovely bouquet of red roses from herdear pal. Martm NIelsen

    We WIsh to thank Comrade TedEndres for all hIS hard work on ourbeautrful stands to hold our colors Wecertamly appreCIate thIS

    There will be no meetl11g unhl afterthe Convenhon then we shall hold ourfIrst meetmg In the Veteran's BuIld.mg. 704 East Jeffe-rson

    Our SocIa1 ChaIrman. Helen Endres)IS hold,ng a luncheon and card paTtyOctober 5, at 1 30 P 11 In the Pent-house of the Metropohtan BUIldmgAnyone WIshlUg to attend please callHelen Endres Drexel 4283 for reser.vahons as she has to make sure tohave "proper accomodcltIons

    III be see111g you there'Mary Del Barba

    r UnrealIty' will be the subject ofthe Lesson Sermon In all ChnshanSCIence Churches throughout the worldon Sunday, October 1 1939

    The Golden Text (Proverbs 13 7)

    liS 'There IS that maketh hImself nehyet hath nothmg there 1Sthat makethDel Barba hImself poor, yet hath great rIches')


    Detroit Garden Center

    ,Oldest Horse Rae.

    Oldest horse race In the world stlllrunnmg IS the Pallo race at SIena,whIch was run for the second tunethIS year on August 16. Jockeysuse the Identlcal costumes worn mthe first race run m 1659

    Sador's AdventureTlred of waltmg for a New York

    subway tram, a saIlor from the US S Seattle-after a", excltmg nIghtIn Brooklyn - walked down thetracks, p~d out a depressIon be~tween the ralls, went to sleep HISslumber was not dIsturbed, althoughseveral trams roared over lurn, un ..tll a statIon agent, ridmg to work,saw the figure between the ralls Theseaman, awakened by the traIn Jolt-mg to a stop, opened a sleepy eye,saId wearIly uGood mornmg Howare you?"-------,

    Birth ReglStratlonsOfficialbIrth reglstra!lons IndICat.

    that one pSlr of twms are born toabout every hundred bIrths TrIp"lets occur once 111about ten thou ..sand bIrths, quadruplets once 10about one mllllon, whIle qumtupletsare so rare that only a few casesare of record

    Western State NextOn University of

    Detroit's Schedule

    come at all tImes. The foUow111ggroupsare scheduled to V1S1ton the days as"SIgned Monday, October 9th, Feder ..ated Women s Clubs, Tuesday October10th, Non Federated Women s Clubs;Wednesday, October 11th, Churchgroups, Thursday, October 12th, Fatn ..otIc groups and Internattonal Day,F rId a y, O~er 13th. Futernalgroups) Saturday, October 14th) P. T.A and schools

    These recephons are belng arrangedby the Women s ASSOCIatIon, Mrs.James Edwm Hancock, PreSIdent

    (Continuedfrom Page One)though there IS no danger that theTitans WIll have a superfluIty o£ goodflankers Several of the sophomoreends are workll1g out better than hadbeen expected and WIth experIence theyshould j,rove adequate If not bnlliant

    Left-halfback, a pOSItIon that wassplendIdlyl!lled by J:d Palumbo lastseason agam promIses to be strong, Inspite of the loss of thiS £me pass:er andkIcker Al GhesqUlere, who alternatedWIth Palumbo last season) andMIckey" McLaughhn, Charhe Brogen

    and Harry Groth, sophomore) all arelookmg good All Iour are better thanaverage passers and all but Groth canquahfy as punters For that matter,Groth, too. can punt well enonugh toget by m an emergency

    FollOWIng the Western State gal.11e,the TItans WIll have a two weeks) restTheIr next ba,ttle after that wIll be w1thCathohc Umverslty at Wa,shmgton.D C un October 14

    The fIrst of the senes of Informaltalks anQ lectures to be gIven by theDetrOIt Garden Center wIll be held onMonday, Oct 2nd, at 8 PM) at theNeIghborhood Cluh, 17145 WaterlooAve, Grosse romte

    Mr N I W Knek of the CottageGardens In Lansmg WIll talk onPeomes ' Illustrated With colored

    sbdes. Free to the Fubbc

    Algonac Eleven Will BeFirst Home Opppnent

    Major Burns HenryPost, 303, Auxiliary

    Unsuccessful In three prevIous at.tempts to conquer the Blue DevIl grIdsquad, the Algonac Muskrats Will tryagam next Saturday ~fternoon on theGrosse Pomte Hlgh SchOOl held

    Defeated In -1935 by the score of 20.7, Ih 1937 by 27 0, aijd aga;n Jast year18 8 the Algonac boys WIll be trymghard to gam their fIrst trIumph.

    ThIS IS the mltIal home game on the1939 schedule and gIves most studentstheIr fIrst oppor'tumty to see the newBlue DeVIl team In achon

    The kIckoff IS set Ior 2 o.clock andthe school band wtll furmsh enter ..tamment durmg the game and at halftIme

    We are startmg our 1940 year WIthour colors whIch were donated to ourUmt by Mrs WIlham Hendrie forwhIch we are most grateful

    On the mght of Sep+emb~r 16 It' theballroom of the Vetetan's Bulicmg,Dons NIelsen and Manon BIshop ,,,erecolor guards and each gave a toast tothe Flags In the absence ot Mrs\VIlham HendrIe, Comrade "\talterHoyt, Sentor VIce Commander of ourPost presented the colors to oUr PreSI-dent Elva NIelsen, Gertrude HdbrandtDlstnct s PreSIdent elect, dedIcated ourcolors Comrade Walter Hoyt, alsoacted In the absence of our Com.mander, Clem Whately. Dorothy Pearl,Department VIce PreSIdent, !nstC'Pe1our PreSIdent Elva NIelsen and theRed Arrow InstaHmg Team mstalledthe followmg

    FIrst VIce PreSIdent) Betty HoytSecond VIce PreSident, Eleanor

    ThomasSecretary) Clara BIsIJopTreasurer. Gladys CraIgHIstOrIan. GI ace BrownSeargant at Alms, Mary

    PL. 8500




    household equIpment to supply em ..ployment to more handIcapped menand women, as well as to make theserehablhtated thmgs avallable to thoseof lImIted mcome, through the Good ..wIll stores

    Under dIrection of The Women's As ..soe1hen at Goodw111 Industnes an C In ..spectlon Week' WIll be staged In theGoodwIll bUIldIng, 356 E Congressstreet, corner of Brush, each day fromOctober 9th through October 14th Adoll show, presentIng some of the ftnestcdllectlons of dolls 10 Amenca, and afashIOn show w111be two of the attrac-hons Refreshments WIll be servedeach afternoon

    SpeCIal arrangements al e bemg madeto entertaIn vanous gt oups on dlf.ferent days, but V1S1tors wIll be we!

    The Ctty.Wlde Famous


    •••with sweeping curls. The newfall hair styles do amazing things•••They give Radiant Beauty andCharm.


    Good Meals Need Not Be Expenstve!We specULltzein Frog, FIsh, Steak and

    Chicken dlnnen at moderate prices.

    CASH & CARRYSlightly Higher Dehvered

    tt; ,-.. %,\'."..... bt,t ,"1If'? .tv J'tfsP' t:ttt'j


    Baker-Whildin Coal Co.


    Cleaned and Form PressedMINOR REPAIRS FREE

    Punch & Judy TheatreJ,ercheval at Fisher Road NI 3898Friday.Saturday September 29 and 30


    "THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES"Sat. 11 P. M.-George Raft in ''The Lady's From Kentucky"Sunday. Monday. Tuesday October 1, 2 and 3


    Wedneaday. Thursday October 4 and 5WALTER PIDGEON. RITA JOHNSON

    "6,000 ENEMIES"


    That Good Coal iSINCE 1924 ~

    AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS IAs a bfe.long reSident of Grosse

    Semet Solvay Coke POinte I respectfully sohclt yourFord Coke fuel order and guarantee 100%Ongulal Pocahontas value and service.Grenadier Stoker Nut SIncerely yours,Ol&,aStoker NutKopper. Stoker NutL.htgh Valley AnthraCite

    Your Ordera Are Appreciated


    Ladies' Plain Coats or DressesCleaned and Hand Finished

    We Also Do Altering, Repairing and Reliningat Reasonable Prices

    When in Need of Quick Cleaning or PressingService Call


    .. ,.... batt h

    Goodwill IndustriesSeek Discarded



    As One Good Cookto Another

    Executtves at Goodw1l1 Industnes ofDetrOIt state that they have the roomand the equipment to gIve employmentto double the present number of handl.capped workers, but the great need ISfOr more dIscarded materIals for theemployees to work on

    • Accordmgly, a campaign under thename of dGoodw111s Fall Roundup"~dl be launched, starhng the secondweek In October the purpose of WhIChWIll be to acquaint the houseWIves ofthe DetrOIt area With the urgent needcf more dIscarded clothmg, shoes,blankets, quIlts, furnIture, rugs and

    I1,1Jacqueline Beauty Salon

    2nd Floor EsqUire Theatre BId,.NI. 2335 i

    Open Evenings by AppOintment ;.._- _---_ '


    r,-.. - ---&. b ..... ~ ---&. 10 - 1 --a. -- tr" ---&. fa t • I I11III-- t 1 --..L" L;V UIA b\ v~ ... he avIV.; 4 no: ."U$L , .... ""


    (~\\,lfmTI~'tk~iwel.k't?tt13kg;,"f:7ibs5Yst>{.r.o {,., ,,*t-nl *,")0,;#,~

    qp.,~Ji't'1(~.J tt~ ~ ;3*&)1#46 N1t

  • Pa!\'

  • I,




    Plaza 6317



    hcL 10clb. Se

    head 8eSc


    alsoDogs With


    Mr. & Mrs.


    5248Harvard Rcl

    p.I,1 DcI

    3~:.: 25c


    2 ~:n:27c

    2 '::: 29c

    ,.p ..... L.'I' __ ".1)» 4 c. ~ .. \ ;CVPh


    Save This Ad-Save $ $ NowP.I.A.N.O

    ~~ )r ti \.4,."'fi- -Ii: ""\'''fJ'lll'lil'il'liill!iii!'ill''',

    I/ Thursda1. September 28, 1939

    Free Pick.up & Delivery Servoice All Work Guar.."teed


    401 Gd. River RA 0691At Square Deal Miller'.After 6 pm. NI 5695

    28 Years Factory Experience

    No More Schoolma:cmsThe!e wl1l be no more school

    marms in DanVIlle, Pa The locaf'school board, troubled over the can ..troversy as to whether womenschool teachers should reSIgn -aftermarrIage, has deCIded that onlymale teachers would be hIred here-after.

    Tuning, $250, repair, part!, supplt.s.25% discount 26 years' experlen.ce,ten With factory, workmanship guar.anteed.Fred Merry

    12 can'95c

    Here's. Guaranteed ValueKroger'. Country CIQb


    You can't afford 5to ~~i~.th1s pkg C

    we .... ...,..

    HEREARE-without a doubt. aomeof the nations biggest values-Sensational speCial offers, boughtparticuiarly for thiS gigantic sale!

    Country Cluh90 score roll, lb.


    Home Grown

    CauliflowerGolden RipeBANANASIceherg HeadLETTUCEToka:tGRAPES

    FREE DELIVERY17037 Kerch ..... 1 A'll'" 16117 Mack Aft1lMfho ..... i'lL iSOO.6501 NI 0167

    ~ 20788 Mack A Lo~


    O't;;J, "PI:r~FO't WALl~AMPI

    Ruby See Pure Grape

    10c JAM


    Country Club Fancy

    TINY PEAS \ 6c.n.79cCountry Club Guaranteed

    FANCY PEACHES 6 .. n.87c N~.~Vs15cCountry Club Packed In Sauce

    KIDNEY BEANS .12,on.89c 2 ~:n:15cTOMATOES N';a;:'9 4 ~:n"25cARMOUR'S CORNED BEEF 2 .. n.33c

    Kroger s Country Club Guaranteed

    TOMATO JUICE 6 .. ,,85cCountry Club Cream Style. Golden Bantam.


    lb. 35clb. 2lc

    links 43cII>.


    .hank 27chalf. Ib

    Massageand body treatments to main- ~e~:~~~: ~:;~tain vitality for fall activities. el"vlsed hy Mrs.

    ........ Bauldy.

    Donna's Hair and Health Studio16912 KERCHEVAL TU 2.2160


    -, >v ........ 1\' ,'.f.;:t .$$/ .tJpr'




    spread acclaIm from mUSIC lovers andcrt tics ahke for the outstandmg leader-shIp he furn1shed the musiCtans

    There are VaCaf"J.ClesIII all sectionsof the orchestra and any promtsmgyoung mUSICian With a good musicalbackground IS mvtted to have an audt ..tIon These tryouts and rehearsals wlllbe held every mght startIng at 7 30 on1vfonday mght (October 2) and con-hnumg throughout the week Bothyoung men and young women are ehg-tble for membershtp tn th~ orchestrawhtch wlll be maugurahng tts twelfthseason In DetrOIt

    r ... Russ.ELL ....1 rI CURTAIN I

    I We ~~:~~~nR~uan. !i dering and Cleaning Cur. iI tains and Draperies tI,','14727 Kercheval LE. 8275l. at Ashland .Ii" I I __ •••••••• -- _ .. -

    I Donna ~i Suggests ..,V~I

    344 Rift"" Blvd.15ZZ1 Kerch ..... 1 A•• _

    M1IITa, .341

    The year's greatesthome hghtnllZ value

    Use as handsome tablelamp or pm It-up for



    Dehdous 13 Egg Recelpe Cake

    ANGEL FOOD ...h29cYour Child will love this' Reverie'

    CHILD'S SETIncludes holIow 7

    knife vlande 9fork teaspoon

    and cereal C.poon

    See thiS glamorous f Reverie' pattern ondisplay at Krogers today

    CAfsupT.m.~o • ~:t~,C C Smoked Tender

    HAMSBoneless RolledBEEF


    1;:}:t~i~~w:~~::i-;: 5 9Ish hardwood front CBracket and face ill

    mellow two toneivoryl

    While (heyLast ••• Only Worth SI.9'5

    WITH DOLLAR PURCHASE'VIlHt Krogers during thu: great Fall Carnival Sale andmake tremendous savings1

    Country Club Guaranteed

    APPLE BUTTER ~.~ 14\'.ocFresb Tasty

    fIG BARS • 3 lb. 25cKrager & Hot Dated

    SPOTlIGHT 3~:. 39cPopular BrandCigarettes

    •MICh Fresh Dressed

    Chickens .t:;~nlJust Arrived-JonesSAUSAGES

    I Fresh ButterCANVAS GLOVES



    1(315 Mack AvenueNIagara 0054

    15ZZZ .E Jeffusoll Av ..Mil. 9057 ~


    Fresh graded poultry eggs directfrom country tWIceweekly Alsopoultry dreued, while you walt,on Saturday

    Try Our DeliCIOUSButter

    We speclahze In freshly caughtLake Huron £lsh Trout - White-fish _ Pickerel - Perch.

    Radio ServiceLaboratory

    Operate.d byFormer Factory Research Engineer

    17215 Mack

    I.-Check set for sensitivity, selec-tivity and fldehty 2-Test tubes3-Check for speaker rattles 4-Check power connections. 5_Checkaerial and ground 6-Clean cabInetInterior 7 -Abgn antenna, detectorand. OSCillatorCirCUitswhere acces~Sible (All wave sets additional)8 -Adjust dial to normal kilocyclereadIng 9.-Check causes of outsidenOises 10-Make C'st1mate of anyadditional repairs needed.


    Complete for $1.50

    E. J HOELZER. Prop.17290 MACK

    Bet St Clair and Notre Dame \~ Grosse pOinte City

    ~t!!Ii!!Ii!!JO!IO!Jij1Ii£1i!!f=!IO!Jij1IWi!ili~ " ~"-'



    Mr Losan announced that ZmovlBlstntzky would agatn be the Con-ductor for the commg season MrBntntzky held the baton last year forhIS hrst season and receIVed wlde-

    Tryouts for vacancies In the ASSOCia-tIon Symphony Orchestra, Will be heldat the Downtown 'Y' auditonum dur-tng the \\ eek of October 2, It IS an-nounced by WellIngton M Logan, Incharge of Y. M C. A cultural actlVlttes

    Costly RushAt 9 30 o'clock one mght Irvmg

    Ungar was arrested for driVing 50mIles an hour near Lakewood, N JH" was fined $5 and costs At 10 20P m hIS brother, Edward, was ar-rested for makmg 65 nules Hewas fined $10 and costs At II 45P m SIdney Ungar, another brother, was arrested m Forked RIver,20 mIles south at here He v. as go-mg -50 The fine was $2 and costsThe three young mj!n were return-Ing to theIr New York homes In separate cars from a famIly reumon atAtlantIC Clty.


    Dlsraeli's HomeHughenden manor, home of Ben-

    JamIn DisraelI, earl of BeaconsfieldprIme mmlster of Bntam durmgVIctOrIa s reIgn has been opened tothe publIc as a museum. ~_ ___

    She's Whole SchoolIf there were a parent~teacher as-

    BOciatlOn In Alba, CalIf, MrsGladys Peterson would be 1t SheIS prInCIpal and teacher at the pIC-turesque lIttle school and also themother of ltS only four pupIlsShe s teacher to DaVId, John, Dollyand Sammy, but m her role ofmother she also has JImmy andTIPPY, too young for classes Thehlghest number of pupIls she hashad IS nme, but she had to see themthrough eight grades and It wasqUIte a Job The schoolhouse bUIltIn the style of the mneties, pamtedred and featurmg a belfry, servesalso as a dance hall and branchItbrary.

    Chinese RadioLong before radlo filled the ether

    WIth everythmg from swmg to sym-phomes the Chmese enJoyed mUSICfrom the aIr by attachmg melodIOUSwhIstles to the taIls of hundreds ofpIgeons released over theIr CItIesOne of these pIgeons, outfitted WIthsuch whIstles, IS on exhIbItion In theChmese sectIOn of the anthropologIc-al collectlons at FIeld Museum ofNatural HIstory. ExhIbIted With Itare varIOUS other whIstles of the typemade from reeds and small gourdsand haVIng from two to eIght pIpeseach SIttmg m a garden or rId-Ing through the streets of Plepmgone hears these aenal concertsmmgled WIth the calls and soundsof street venders.-.

    'Keep to the Right' Is4f,; Early American Saying

    Why do AmerIcans dnve to thenght Instead of to the left, as EnglIshmen and Frenchmen do and aseven CanadIans dId untIl the lefthand steenng wheel on Amencancars reformed them"

    The practIce dates from the 1750s.according to researchers of theAmerIcan Road BUIlders' aSSOCIahon The drIver of the great lumbermg Conestoga wagons WhiCcame mto general use about thatime sat on the left wheel horse,the better to use hIS WhIP hand onthe others of the team when necessary.

    When two of these wagons met,therefore, they moved from the mId-dle of the narrow road to the nghtso ethe drIvers, sIttmg on the leftSIde, could be sure the left wheelsgot safely by Smaner, lIghter vehleles, naturally followed the deepruts marked by the bIg freIghtvans.

    These same dnvers who so arbitrarily decreed that future generahons of AmerJcan CItIzens shoulddrIve to the rIght also fathered another famlhar AmerIcan mstltuhonThey wanted a long smoke, and acheap ohe Ingemous PIttsburgh to-baccoOlsts were qUIck to oblIgeThey named theIr product HCones~togas" and the teamsters carrIedstocks of them m theIr boats That1$ how stogIes were born.

    Actual Weight of Germs ,ll1Determined by Science

    Germs are so small that It takes300000000000 of an average germto weIgh a pound Under favorablecondItions they multIply so rapidlythat one germ at the end of a day,would have 16,500,0001000 descend-ants

    Germs, as seen under the mIcro-scope, appear as lIttle round dots,or rod shaped orgamsms or as long,slender filaments They get mto thebody WIth food and water, WIth theaIr we breathe, through openwounds on the skIn, or the bIte ofan msect Some germs producedIsease by developmg a pOlsonwhIch IS absorbed by the bodyOthers break up m the body and theproducts of theIr dlsmtegratIon arepOIsonous SometImes germs floataround lD clumps of the blood andcause death 1:>ydevelopmg mover-whelmmg numbers Some germsattack certam organs of the body,and so ll1Jure them that death re-sults

    Germs pIck the places In the bodyin WhICh they can lIve best Thepneumococcus settles In the lungsand produces pneumoma It mayalso Infect the eye or the spmeGerms of memngltls nearly alwayssettle on the covermgs of the spmalcord and the bram The typhOIdgerm settles In the mteshnes Thegerms of hydrophobIa and epIdemIcencephalItis attack the nervous sys-tem The germs of tuberculosIS, al-though preferably entermg by wayof the lung, may affect any tissueIn the body Thus there IS tuber-CUlOSISof bones, Jomts the eye andthe nervous system The orgamsmthat causes SyphIlIs attacks everyorgan and tIssue In the body

    The best preventlve for anyone ISto keep In such fit condItion thatmfectIous dIsease WIll not readIlyattack hIm That means eatmg aSUItable dIet, gettmg enough exerCIse and su'shme, enough rest andclcanlIness, mcludmg frequent bathmg and plenty of soap and water



    White House Dinner ServiceThe WhIte House dmner serVIce,

    whtch was purchased m 1934, con-SIsts of 1 000 pIeces of IVO,ry coloredLenox chma bordered m dark blueand gold and bearmg the PreSIdent screst The blue border of each pIeceIS studded WIth 48 gold stars andthe gold band IS encrusted WIthmotifs from the Roosevelt coat ofarms The chma serVIce mcludes10 dozen each of lar,ge place plates,luncheon plates, bread and butterplates, coffee cups, tea cups afterdmner coffee cups, soup cups and

    -bOUIllon cups and plates The WhIteHouse uses SlIver serVIce plattersand others to match the gold serv-Ice In consequence no serV1ceplatters were ordered for thla set

    Stops Drafts!A new deVIce to stop drafts en-

    termg under a closed door hasbeen mvented by a Cleveland, OhIO,firm It screws on the bottom of adoor and automatIcally flIpS up andout of the way of carpets when thedoor IS opened, flIPS back agamwhen the door IS closed

    Christening of ShIpsThe custom of chrlstenmg a new

    ShIp IS a surVIval of an ancIent cus-tom of dedIcatmg each ShIp to oneof the protectmg gods UsuaIly ves-sels bore Images of the deItIes towhIch they were consecrated Wmewas always used m such ceremOniesand nowadays champagne IS usuallychosen The chrOnicles of the monksof St Denys refer to a trtp that thebIShop of Bangor made to South-ampton In 1418 to bless one of theking s ShIpS that was about to belaunched In our country the cus-tom 15 still followea and aIrshIps,too are chnstened by breakmg thetradItIonal bottle of champagne onthe propeller-------

    Widows RemarryAlthough cllmatlc and latltudlnal

    varIations probably complIcate thequestlOn, a court case In Sydney,Austraha, In whIch a WIdow claImed$10 000 damages for the ioss of herhusband who had been kIlled whl1eworkmg on the raIlway, has re-vealed from the InvesbgatIons ofcounsel, the surprlsmgly hIgh per-centages of remarrIages An actuarysaId the proporhon of WIdows of 33who would remarry wlthm 23 yearswas 56 per cent~ ~

    Brain Found to ControlThree Phases of Energy

    The all embracmg law of energyIS that It runs In cycles, declaresJoseph Jastrow m hIS artlcle, uTheStory of Human EnergIes" appear-mg m a recent Issue of Hygeia

    LIfe IS a serIes of rhythms Theenergy cycle presents thp threephases of energlzmg, fatlgue, andrest In the core of the bram IS amechamsm that sets your programfrom the cradle to the grave Daym and day out, WIth allowancefor emergenCIes and hohdays, thatportlon of the bram has served youas a momtor of the energy cycle.

    CondltIonmg the energy cycle 11a chemIcal traffic system calledmetabolIsm. The feehngs of energyand fatIgue set up the go, cautionand stop slgns. The body needsmore than rest to keep It gomg,It also needs food Stokmg goes onto supply nourIshment; food 11metabolIzed mto energy.It IS true that muscles hre and

    that nerve fibers do not, any morethan do the WIres of an electrIC Clr-CUlt over WhICh the current runsBut It IS stIll truer that the enhreneuromuscular set~up IS the focus offatigue; the nerve battery runsdown.

    For Rent-----FOR PARTIES-AutomatIc phono-graphs best orchestras, latest rec-

    ords Grosse pomte Mustc NI 5864

    MiscellaneousHATS REMODELED, cleaned and

    blocked, speclaltztng m berets andturbans to match your frock furs andfabncs DR 4168

    Contract BridgeCONTRACT BRIDGI: _ Authorlzed

    Culbertson Teacher Day and Evenmg Classes 50c per lesson Sociablebndgc games get acquamted GrossePotnte Bndge Club Mrs M BesshartMurray 5637 54

    Sound of VoIcem Tre sound of the human VOIce i.~Ias dependent for Its pleasant quali-

    tIes upon the Blr as It IS upon theorgans WhICh produce the soundExperIments were made by DrErnst Barany, of the UnIVerSIty ofUpsala, Sweden, in WhICh the aIrWIth WhICh the lungs are normallyfilled waS replaced by hydrogenThe subJect under expenment ex~haled aIr and breathed In hydrogenfrom a rubber bag USlng the hy.

    , drogen as a medIum for carrymgthe sound waves he spoke manytest syllables whIch were studIedIn many ways and compared WIththe sounds produced when atr wasbreathed The Itghter gas In thebody cavlhes caused some of thesound frequencIes In the VOIce tobe raIsed one to two octaves TestlIsteners were able to understandonly about two.t!llrds of the sylla-bles spoken. I -

    -LE 2351

    Shoe Dyeing

    ENROLL NOWClaISe. Now Bemg FormedIn Ballet, Toe and TapNew SpjlCIOU. StudiO for

    B-.llroom. Classes.

    15010 Mack at Wayburn

    . Rooms for Rent

    EXPERIENCED colored girl wantspractical nursmg or care of children

    by day or week Call MU 8285EX? NURSEMAID-Go borne mghts

    wIlhng to assist MU 8970BELGIAN Laundres" deSires washmgs

    at home -expert Ironer very reasonable call for and deliver, good re'1erences TU 2 8613

    Music-----PIANO LESSONS-ClasSIcal or popular Chddren or adults Your home

    or mme Excelent tnstructlon NI 4287MARGARET-GRANT- teacher ~of

    plano formerly wlth DetrOlt Conservatory of Mustc thorough and ar-tlStlC trammg for begmners or ad-,anced students 37 Mapleton RoadNI 0515

    Help Wanted-FemaleW A'f-{TED-Glr1 fOrllght housework,

    3 III family plam cookmg TV 2 5531GIRL WANTED for general- house

    work small knowledge of cookmgno famlly washmg Thurs and Sunfree Phone TU 2 5472

    Work Wanted-Female

    Wanted to RentIN GROSSE POINTE - Furmsbed

    house three bedrooms FI 0752

    -F or Rent-Furnished-COUPLE will lease lovely 9 rro

    Colomal beauttfully furnished toteachers or other ChrIsttan adults 2-car garage Evemngs or mornmgs be-fore mne LE 0770

    ELWOOD ENGEL, teacher of ptano,Conservatory graduate With Bachelor

    UNIVERSITY Place near Waterloo- of music degree, many years teach-Nice front room, teacher preferred mg expertenc~, begmners, Illtermedl~

    Call NI IZ97 1342 },otttngbam Rd NI 4271RIVARD BLVD, 324-0ne or more J MVSIC-Lelb Conservatory of MUSIC

    rooms III new modern home rehned East Jefferson at city lImits and 989family all conventences near Jeffer- establIshed tn 1912 Votcel Planoson board optional, references re- Vtolm Harmony and Theory 14950 (qUll ed TV 2 1262 Barrmgton J OIU the Grosse PomteFURNISHED room for rent, garage stnng orchestra Vl0lms mandohns

    Oak Street, near Kercheval TU gUitars and banJOS Before purchasmgZ 5514 a strtng mstrument tt tS adV1sable toNOTTINGHAM 1442-Smgle room 1n consult an expertenced teacher Phone

    pnvate home adJommg bath garage Lenox 9301-6 to 9 p m at the LelbConservatory of MUSIC,14514 E Jeffer-son Ave

    Open Evenings

    CLEANED AND RENEWEDVenetian Blinds Cleaned or Made to Order

    BUY NOW Prices Are Rising

    SOFASfrom $47 SOLOUNGE

    Chainfrom $19 75

    ~~115~(1t~~ @~fY~1ft)~~l1t~\O/~.,OPPOSITE US RUBBER CO FITZROY 2035


    DOOR MAN PARKS YOUR CAROpen Every Evening Interior Counselor Servu::eBudget Payment. 5.Year Construction Guarantee

    EIGHTEENTH CENTURYDUNCAN PHYFE-Most IraClCUsm itsappointment of style and beauty Its In-dlvIduahty IS outstandUl' and most adapt-able The frame and legs are sohd ma-hogany, typically carved In a most re~fmed manner Beautifully covered In anegg-shell damask WIth smaH rose andgreen patterns (Many attractive fabrICSavailable for selection)

    Select hard wood frame R £'_full web eon.true"on UPI-lOLSr"'RING-4 rOws 8-way bed t-sprIngs - white curled .6hall' fllbng-muslm un- - y-der eover. $37 25 rACTORYChall' •as .hown EXPERTS

    SALE-Bdhard table regularwtth bllhard balls and snookerreasonable TV 2 1507 or NI

    ~~t~~,!!!~~For Style and Distinction

    1433. E. JeffenollShoe Repair • Hat ClealUnr • Shoe ShinIng •

    We Call for and Dehvw


    Window Shades

    Page Six

    Review LinersFor Sale'

    PAIR PINE beds w'lth box sprmg andmattress $25, baby wardrobe, bur

    eaux. antique provincial French furmture All m good conditIon Call NI2422FOR

    sizeballs.1266WILL-SACRIFICE beaultful perIod

    furnIture, d lllUg room sUite ltvmgroom, rugs tables floor lamps ftre-place fixture new mner sprmg mat-tress 13421 Hampshire fir ChalmersFOR SALE-LlYlng room furmture 15

    all we sell, save 400/0 2 ptece GOYstandard molllur sUite, custom made,$69 Van Tokern 14547 CharlevoIxFOR SAL~5 pcoak breakfast ;e;,

    cost $35 cheap All porcelam WhiteStar gas stove 1ke new $350 Westmghollse refngerator in A 1 condItIOnwill saCrifice 1348 Harvard Rd, G PDOUBLE 4 poster bed double cOil

    spnngs. mattress 1£ deSired goodcondItion 29 Mapleton Rd. GrossePomte Farms NT 1752WINCHESTER pump gun model 12

    12 gauge hke new 1442 }.,ottlOghamWR-OUGHTIRONfrrestde set, hght

    tan Lappan coat, navy blue velvetcoat SUItable for evemng stze 16 841Phtl!p, evenlOgs _FOR - SAL~9 piece dining room

    sUIte walnut, With pad 1152 Mary-land DR 4684FOR - SALE-Bedroom set ... 3 pIece

    walnut bed complete dresser andchest also SImmons bed complete oakdresser large rocker TU 2 2237TWO-SOLID mahogany d~

    -dmette table and four chaIrs NI9194FOR SALE-Large SIZe doll buggy

    girl's bIcycle, large stze 490 PhlhpAve __ "'- _GROSSE POINTE-Washmgton Rd

    4 bedrooms English hbrary recrea-tion room large lot Will sacrlf1ce for$10500 Ervm Sorge. NI 7615

