Principles of Probabilistic Programming Lectures at EWSCS 2020 Winter School Joost-Pieter Katoen EWSCS 2020, Palmse, Estonia Joost-Pieter Katoen Principles of Probabilistic Programming 1/222

Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

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Page 1: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Principles of Probabilistic ProgrammingLectures at EWSCS 2020 Winter School

Joost-Pieter Katoen

EWSCS 2020, Palmse, Estonia

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Page 2: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?

Probabilistic programs

What?Programs with random assignments, conditioning and usualcontrol-flow constructs

Why?Z Random assignments: to describe randomised algorithmsZ Conditioning: to describe stochastic decision making

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Page 3: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?


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Page 4: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?

Planning in AI: robot navigation

Uncertainty: noisy sensors and actuators, unknown environment5

5Evans et al., Modeling Agents with Probabilistic Programs, 2019Joost-Pieter Katoen Principles of Probabilistic Programming 14/222

Page 5: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?

Security: The RSA-OAEP protocol

Correctness proof took more than 20 years

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Page 6: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?

Printer troubleshooting in Windows 95

How likely is it that your print is garbled given thatthe ps-file is not and the page orientation is portrait?

[Ramanna et al., Emerging Paradigms in Machine Learning, 2013]

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Page 7: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?


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Page 8: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?

Issue 1: Program correctness

Z Classical programs:Z A program is correct with respect to a (formal) specification

“for input array A, the output array B is sorted andcontains all elements contained in A”

Z Defines a deterministic input-output relationZ Partial correctness: if an output is produced, it is correctZ Total correctness: in addition, the program terminates

Z Probabilistic programs:Z They do not always generate the same outputZ They generate a probability distribution over possible outputs

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Page 9: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?

Issue 2: Termination

Z Classical programs:Z They terminate (on a given/all inputs), or they do notZ If they terminate, they take finitely many steps to do soZ Showing program termination is undecidable (halting problem)

Z Probabilistic programs:Z They terminate (or not) with a certain likelihoodZ They may have diverging runs whose likelihood is zeroZ They may take infinitely many steps (on average) to terminate

even if they terminate with probability one!Z Showing “probability-one” termination is “more” undecidable

Z and showing they do in finite time on average, even more!

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Page 10: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?

Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Z Classical programs:Z They have a deterministic, fixed run-time for a given inputZ Runtimes of terminating programs in sequence are compositional:

if P and Q terminate in n and k steps, then P;Q halts in n+k stepsZ Analysis techniques: recurrence equations, tree analysis, etc.

Z Probabilistic programs:Z Every runtime has a probability; their runtime is a distributionZ Runtimes of “probability-one” terminating programs may not sum up

if P and Q terminate in n and k steps on average,then P;Q may need infinitely many steps on average

Z Analysis techniques: involve reasoning about expected values etc.

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Page 11: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?

This EWSCS 2020 tutorialZ The probabilistic guarded command language pGCL

Z examples, syntax, semantics (Markov chains), conditioning, recursion

Z Proving correctness of probabilistic programsZ weakest pre-conditions, loop invariants, post-conditions, conditioning

Z Almost-sure terminationZ positive a.s.-termination, (a bit of) hardness, stochastic ranking


Z Analysing runtimes of probabilistic programsZ examples, finite versus infinite expected runtime, wp-reasoning

Z Verifying and runtime analysis of Bayesian networks

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Page 12: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

What is probabilistic programming?


1 What is probabilistic programming?

2 Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

3 Weakest preconditions

4 Conditioning

5 Expected runtime analysis

6 Analysing Bayesian networks

7 Recursion

8 Loop invariant synthesis

9 Epilogue

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Page 13: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language


1 What is probabilistic programming?

2 Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

3 Weakest preconditions

4 Conditioning

5 Expected runtime analysis

6 Analysing Bayesian networks

7 Recursion

8 Loop invariant synthesis

9 Epilogue

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Page 14: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Dijkstra’s guarded command language

Z skip empty statementZ diverge divergenceZ x := E assignmentZ prog1 ; prog2 sequential compositionZ if (G) prog1 else prog2 choiceZ prog1 [] prog2 non-deterministic choiceZ while (G) prog iteration

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Page 15: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Probabilistic GCL

Kozen McIver Morgan

Z skip empty statementZ diverge divergenceZ x := E assignmentZ observe (G) conditioningZ prog1 ; prog2 sequential compositionZ if (G) prog1 else prog2 choiceZ prog1 [p] prog2 probabilistic choiceZ while (G) prog iteration

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Page 16: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Let’s start simple

x := 0 [0.5] x := 1;y := -1 [0.5] y := 0

This program admits four runs and yields the outcome:

Pr[x =0, y =0] = Pr[x =0, y =�1] = Pr[x =1, y =0] = Pr[x =1, y =�1] = 1/4

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Page 17: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

A loopy program

For 0 < p < 1 an arbitrary probability:

bool c := true;int i := 0;while (c) {

i++;(c := false [p] c := true)


The loopy program models a geometric distribution with parameter p.

Pr[i = N] = (1�p)N�1 � p for N > 0

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- ↳ one time C ie false

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Page 18: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

On termination

bool c := true;int i := 0;while (c) {

i++;(c := false [p] c := true)


This program does not always terminate. It almost surely terminates.

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Page 19: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language


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Page 20: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Let’s start simple

x := 0 [0.5] x := 1;y := -1 [0.5] y := 0;observe (x+y = 0)

This program blocks two runs as they violate x+y = 0. Outcome:

Pr[x =0, y =0] = Pr[x =1, y =�1] = 1/2

Observations thus normalize the probability of the “feasible” program runs

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Page 21: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Let’s start simple

x := 0 [0.5] x := 1;y := -1 [0.5] y := 0;observe (x+y = 0)

This program blocks two runs as they violate x+y = 0. Outcome:

Pr[x =0, y =0] = Pr[x =1, y =�1] = 1/2

Observations thus normalize the probability of the “feasible” program runs

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Page 22: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

A loopy programFor 0 < p < 1 an arbitrary probability:

bool c := true;int i : = 0;while (c) {

i++;(c := false [p] c := true)

}observe (odd(i))

The feasible program runs have a probability 8N'0 (1�p)2N �p = 1

2 � p

This program models the distribution:Pr[i = 2N+1] = (1�p)2N � p � (2�p) for N ' 0

Pr[i = 2N] = 0

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Page 23: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

A loopy programFor 0 < p < 1 an arbitrary probability:

bool c := true;int i : = 0;while (c) {

i++;(c := false [p] c := true)

}observe (odd(i))

The feasible program runs have a probability 8N'0 (1�p)2N �p = 1

2 � p

This program models the distribution:Pr[i = 2N+1] = (1�p)2N � p � (2�p) for N ' 0

Pr[i = 2N] = 0

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Page 24: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Why formal semantics matters

Z Unambiguous meaning to (almost) all probabilistic programs

Z Operational interpretation to weakest pre-expectations

Z Basis for proving correctnessZ of programsZ of program transformationsZ of program equivalenceZ of static analysisZ of compilersZ . . . . . .

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Page 25: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Andrei Andrejewitsch Markow

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Page 26: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Markov chains

A Markov chain (MC) is a triple (�, ‡I , P) with:Z � being a countable set of statesZ ‡I " � the initial state, andZ P ⇥ � � Dist(�) the transition probability function

where Dist(�) is a discrete probability measure on �.

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Page 27: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Operational semanticsAim: Model the behaviour of a program P by the MC [[P ]].

This can be defined using Plotkin’s SOS-style semantics

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Page 28: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Operational semanticsAim: Model the behaviour of a program P by the MC [[P ]].

This can be defined using Plotkin’s SOS-style semantics

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Page 29: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Operational semantics

Aim: Model the behaviour of a program P by the MC [[P ]].Approach:Z Take states of the form

Z ÖQ, sã with program Q or ⇤, and variable valuation s ⇥ Var � QZ Ö≤ã models the violation of an observation, andZ Ösinkã models program termination (successful or violated observation)

Z Take initial state ÖP, sã where s fulfils the initial conditionsZ Take transition relation � as smallest relation satisfying the SOS rules

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Page 30: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Some SOS rules

Öskip, sã � Ö⇤, sã Ödiverge, sã � Ödiverge, sã

s Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö⇤, sã s /Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö≤ãÖ⇤, sã � Ösinkã Ö≤ã � Ösinkã Ösinkã � Ösinkã

Öx ⇥= E , sã � Ö⇤, s[x ⇥= s([[E ]])]ãÖP[ p]Q, sã � µ with µ(ÖP, sã) = p and µ(ÖQ, sã) = 1�p

ÖP, sã � Ö≤ãÖP; Q, sã � Ö≤ã ÖP, sã � µÖP; Q, sã � ‹with ‹(ÖP ¨; Q ¨, s ¨ã) = µ(ÖP ¨, s ¨ã) where ⇤; Q = Q

s Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � ÖP; while (G){P}, sã s /Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � Ö⇤, sã

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Page 31: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Some SOS rules

Öskip, sã � Ö⇤, sã Ödiverge, sã � Ödiverge, sãs Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö⇤, sã s /Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö≤ã

Ö⇤, sã � Ösinkã Ö≤ã � Ösinkã Ösinkã � ÖsinkãÖx ⇥= E , sã � Ö⇤, s[x ⇥= s([[E ]])]ã

ÖP[ p]Q, sã � µ with µ(ÖP, sã) = p and µ(ÖQ, sã) = 1�p

ÖP, sã � Ö≤ãÖP; Q, sã � Ö≤ã ÖP, sã � µÖP; Q, sã � ‹with ‹(ÖP ¨; Q ¨, s ¨ã) = µ(ÖP ¨, s ¨ã) where ⇤; Q = Q

s Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � ÖP; while (G){P}, sã s /Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � Ö⇤, sã

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I -

Page 32: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Some SOS rules

Öskip, sã � Ö⇤, sã Ödiverge, sã � Ödiverge, sãs Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö⇤, sã s /Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö≤ã

Ö⇤, sã � Ösinkã Ö≤ã � Ösinkã Ösinkã � Ösinkã

Öx ⇥= E , sã � Ö⇤, s[x ⇥= s([[E ]])]ãÖP[ p]Q, sã � µ with µ(ÖP, sã) = p and µ(ÖQ, sã) = 1�p

ÖP, sã � Ö≤ãÖP; Q, sã � Ö≤ã ÖP, sã � µÖP; Q, sã � ‹with ‹(ÖP ¨; Q ¨, s ¨ã) = µ(ÖP ¨, s ¨ã) where ⇤; Q = Q

s Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � ÖP; while (G){P}, sã s /Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � Ö⇤, sã

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1 1

Page 33: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Some SOS rules

Öskip, sã � Ö⇤, sã Ödiverge, sã � Ödiverge, sãs Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö⇤, sã s /Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö≤ã

Ö⇤, sã � Ösinkã Ö≤ã � Ösinkã Ösinkã � ÖsinkãÖx ⇥= E , sã � Ö⇤, s[x ⇥= s([[E ]])]ã

ÖP[ p]Q, sã � µ with µ(ÖP, sã) = p and µ(ÖQ, sã) = 1�p

ÖP, sã � Ö≤ãÖP; Q, sã � Ö≤ã ÖP, sã � µÖP; Q, sã � ‹with ‹(ÖP ¨; Q ¨, s ¨ã) = µ(ÖP ¨, s ¨ã) where ⇤; Q = Q

s Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � ÖP; while (G){P}, sã s /Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � Ö⇤, sã

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Page 34: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Some SOS rules

Öskip, sã � Ö⇤, sã Ödiverge, sã � Ödiverge, sãs Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö⇤, sã s /Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö≤ã

Ö⇤, sã � Ösinkã Ö≤ã � Ösinkã Ösinkã � ÖsinkãÖx ⇥= E , sã � Ö⇤, s[x ⇥= s([[E ]])]ã

ÖP[ p]Q, sã � µ with µ(ÖP, sã) = p and µ(ÖQ, sã) = 1�p

ÖP, sã � Ö≤ãÖP; Q, sã � Ö≤ã ÖP, sã � µÖP; Q, sã � ‹with ‹(ÖP ¨; Q ¨, s ¨ã) = µ(ÖP ¨, s ¨ã) where ⇤; Q = Q

s Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � ÖP; while (G){P}, sã s /Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � Ö⇤, sã

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Page 35: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Some SOS rules

Öskip, sã � Ö⇤, sã Ödiverge, sã � Ödiverge, sãs Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö⇤, sã s /Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö≤ã

Ö⇤, sã � Ösinkã Ö≤ã � Ösinkã Ösinkã � ÖsinkãÖx ⇥= E , sã � Ö⇤, s[x ⇥= s([[E ]])]ã

ÖP[ p]Q, sã � µ with µ(ÖP, sã) = p and µ(ÖQ, sã) = 1�p

ÖP, sã � Ö≤ãÖP; Q, sã � Ö≤ã ÖP, sã � µÖP; Q, sã � ‹with ‹(ÖP ¨; Q ¨, s ¨ã) = µ(ÖP ¨, s ¨ã) where ⇤; Q = Q

s Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � ÖP; while (G){P}, sã s /Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � Ö⇤, sã

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Page 36: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Some SOS rules

Öskip, sã � Ö⇤, sã Ödiverge, sã � Ödiverge, sãs Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö⇤, sã s /Ï GÖobserve(G), sã � Ö≤ã

Ö⇤, sã � Ösinkã Ö≤ã � Ösinkã Ösinkã � ÖsinkãÖx ⇥= E , sã � Ö⇤, s[x ⇥= s([[E ]])]ã

ÖP[ p]Q, sã � µ with µ(ÖP, sã) = p and µ(ÖQ, sã) = 1�p

ÖP, sã � Ö≤ãÖP; Q, sã � Ö≤ã ÖP, sã � µÖP; Q, sã � ‹with ‹(ÖP ¨; Q ¨, s ¨ã) = µ(ÖP ¨, s ¨ã) where ⇤; Q = Q

s Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � ÖP; while (G){P}, sã s /Ï GÖwhile(G){P}, sã � Ö⇤, sãJoost-Pieter Katoen Principles of Probabilistic Programming 42/222

Page 37: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

The piranha problem [Tijms, 2004]

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Page 38: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

The operational semantics

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Page 39: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

The operational semantics

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Page 40: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

The good, the bad, and the ugly

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Page 41: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Example operational semantics

int cowboyDuel(float a, b) {int t := A [0.5] t := B;bool c := true;while (c) {

if (t = A) {(c := false [a] t := B);

} else {(c := false [b] t := A);

}}return t;


This (parametric) MC is finite. Once we count the number of shots before one of thecowboys dies, the MC becomes countably infinite.

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Page 42: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Example operational semantics

int cowboyDuel(float a, b) {int t := A [0.5] t := B;bool c := true;while (c) {

if (t = A) {(c := false [a] t := B);

} else {(c := false [b] t := A);

}}return t;


11 A 0

4 A 0

6 A 1


! 2 • •H--+13 B •

3 A * I 8



1- b

4 A 1 8 B I

5A l \ 581

\ 6 A l 4 B I

1 - a

6 /\


8 B 1

4 B 0

I I B 0

This (parametric) MC is finite. Once we count the number of shots before one of thecowboys dies, the MC becomes countably infinite.

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' k

I Yz


Page 43: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Example operational semantics

int cowboyDuel(float a, b) {int t := A [0.5] t := B;bool c := true;while (c) {

if (t = A) {(c := false [a] t := B);

} else {(c := false [b] t := A);

}}return t;


11 A 0

4 A 0

6 A 1


! 2 • •H--+13 B •

3 A * I 8



1- b

4 A 1 8 B I

5A l \ 581

\ 6 A l 4 B I

1 - a

6 /\


8 B 1

4 B 0

I I B 0

This (parametric) MC is finite. Once we count the number of shots before one of thecowboys dies, the MC becomes countably infinite.

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^ 12

A ' h


Page 44: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Duelling cowboys

int cowboyDuel(float a, b) { // 0 < a < 1, 0 < b < 1int t := A [1] t := B; // decide who shoots firstbool c := true;while (c) {

if (t = A) {(c := false [a] t := B); // A shoots B with prob. a

} else {(c := false [b] t := A); // B shoots A with prob. b


return t; // the survivor}

Claim:Cowboy A wins the duel with probability a

a+b�a�b .

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Wa = a t fr - a) In - b ) . Wa

Page 45: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

The piranha puzzle

What is the probability that the original fish in the bowl was a piranha?

Equip the Markov chain with rewards. Consider expected rewards.

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InotV * VBoo go

Page 46: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

The piranha puzzle

What is the probability that the original fish in the bowl was a piranha?

Equip the Markov chain with rewards. Consider expected rewards.

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b✓ r& rq*

Page 47: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

RewardsReasoning about expectations using the operational semantics: userewards.MC with rewardsAn MC with rewards is a pair (M, r ) with M an MC with state space �and r ⇥ � � R a function assigning a real reward to each state.The reward r (‡) stands for the reward earned on leaving state ‡.

Cumulative reward for reachabilityLet fi = ‡0 . . . ‡n be a finite path in (M, r ) and T N � a set of targetstates.

The cumulative reward along fi until reaching T is for fi Ï ÉT :

rT (fi) = r (‡0) + . . . + r (‡k�1) where ‡i /" T for all i < k and ‡k " T .

If fi /Ï ÉT , then rT (fi) = ô.

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Page 48: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

RewardsReasoning about expectations using the operational semantics: userewards.MC with rewardsAn MC with rewards is a pair (M, r ) with M an MC with state space �and r ⇥ � � R a function assigning a real reward to each state.The reward r (‡) stands for the reward earned on leaving state ‡.

Cumulative reward for reachabilityLet fi = ‡0 . . . ‡n be a finite path in (M, r ) and T N � a set of targetstates. The cumulative reward along fi until reaching T is for fi Ï ÉT :

rT (fi) = r (‡0) + . . . + r (‡k�1) where ‡i /" T for all i < k and ‡k " T .

If fi /Ï ÉT , then rT (fi) = ô.

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Page 49: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Expected reward reachability

Expected reward for reachabilityThe expected reward until reaching T N � from ‡ " � is:

ERM (‡,ÉT ) = 9fiÏÉT

PrM (rfi) � rT (rfi)where rfi = ‡0 . . . ‡k is the shortest prefix of fi such that ‡k " T and ‡0 = ‡.

Conditional expected rewardLet

ERM (‡,ÉT ∂ ¬ÉF ) =ERM (‡,ÉT 0 ¬ÉF )

1 � Pr(ÉF )be the conditional expected reward until reaching T while avoiding F .

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Page 50: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Expected reward reachability

Expected reward for reachabilityThe expected reward until reaching T N � from ‡ " � is:

ERM (‡,ÉT ) = 9fiÏÉT

PrM (rfi) � rT (rfi)where rfi = ‡0 . . . ‡k is the shortest prefix of fi such that ‡k " T and ‡0 = ‡.

Conditional expected rewardLet

ERM (‡,ÉT ∂ ¬ÉF ) =ERM (‡,ÉT 0 ¬ÉF )

1 � Pr(ÉF )be the conditional expected reward until reaching T while avoiding F .

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Page 51: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

The piranha puzzle

f1 := gf [0.5] f1 := pir;f2 := pir;s := f1 [0.5] s := f2;observe (s = pir)

What is the probability that the original fish in the bowl was a piranha?

Consider the expected reward of successful termination without violating any observation

ER[[P ]](‡I ,ÉÖsinkã ∂ ¬ÉÖ≤ã) = 1�1/2 + 0�1/4

1 � 1/4=


= 2/3.

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✓ r'


#smh >


Page 52: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

The piranha puzzle

f1 := gf [0.5] f1 := pir;f2 := pir;s := f1 [0.5] s := f2;observe (s = pir)

What is the probability that the original fish in the bowl was a piranha?Consider the expected reward of successful termination without violating any observation

ER[[P ]](‡I ,ÉÖsinkã ∂ ¬ÉÖ≤ã) = 1�1/2 + 0�1/4

1 � 1/4=


= 2/3.

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Page 53: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

The piranha puzzle

f1 := gf [0.5] f1 := pir;f2 := pir;s := f1 [0.5] s := f2;observe (s = pir)

What is the probability that the original fish in the bowl was a piranha?Consider the expected reward of successful termination without violating any observation

ER[[P ]](‡I ,ÉÖsinkã ∂ ¬ÉÖ≤ã) = 1�1/2 + 0�1/4

1 � 1/4=


= 2/3.

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O ✓ •


Page 54: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

On computing expected rewards

Expected rewards in finite Markov chains can be computed in polynomial timeby solving a system of linear equations.

The same holds for conditional expected rewards.

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Page 55: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Recursion: pushdown Markov chains

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Page 56: Principles of Probabilistic Programmingcs.ioc.ee/ewscs/2020/katoen/katoen-slides-lecture1.pdf · 2020-03-02 · What is probabilistic programming? Issue 3: The program’s runtime

Probabilistic Guarded Command Language

Take-home messagesProbabilistic programs:

Z extend the expressive power of probabilistic graphical models

Z are claimed to have many applications and great potential

Z are classical programs with random assignment and conditioning

Z have an operational semantics as (countably infinite) Markov chains

Z recursive programs give rise to push-down Markov chains

Next lecture: how to prove properties of probabilistic programs?

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