Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA

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  • 7/31/2019 Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA


    The Nature of Organizing,

    Entrepreneuring,and Reengineering

  • 7/31/2019 Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA


    Organizational Roles

    For an organizational roleto exist and be meaningful, it must


    1. Verifiable objectives, which are a major part of planning.

    2. A clear idea of the major duties or activities involved.3. An understood area of discretion or authority so that the person

    filling the role knows what he or she can do to accomplish goals.

  • 7/31/2019 Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA


    Organizing involves:

    1. The identification and classification of required activities.

    2. The grouping of activities necessary to attain objectives.

    3. The assignment of each grouping to a manager with the authority

    (delegation) necessary to supervise it.4. The provision for coordination horizontally (on the same or a

    similar organizational level) and vertically (for example, corporate

    headquarters, division, and department) in the organization


  • 7/31/2019 Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA


    Definition of Organization

    Organization implies a formalized intentional structure of roles or


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    Formal and Informal Organization

  • 7/31/2019 Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA


    Formal and Informal Organization

    Formal organization pertains to the intentional structure of roles

    in a formally-organized enterprise.

    The informal organization is a network of interpersonal

    relationships that arise when people associate with each other.

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    Organization Chart

    A graphical representation of an organization.

    Conveys four kinds of information:

    Includes different units of organization

    Work performed by different personnel

    Reporting relationships indicated by connecting lines

    Number of hierarchy levels.

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    What is a Department?

    The department designates a distinct area, division, or branch of

    an organization over which a manager has authority for the

    performance of specified activities.

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    Organization with Narrow Spans

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    Organization with Wide Spans

  • 7/31/2019 Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA


    What is the Principle of the Span ofManagement?

    The principle of the span of management states that there is a

    limit to the number of subordinates a manager can effectively

    supervise, but the exact number will depend on the impact of

    underlying factors.

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    What Determines an Effective Spanof management?

  • 7/31/2019 Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA


    Types of Business Organization

    Criterion or basis Types of business organizations

    Size SME, Large organizations

    Ownership Sole proprietorship, partnership, Pvt. Ltd., Public Ltd., Co-

    operatives, Trusts & associations

    Purpose For-profit, not for profit

    Activity Manufacturing, trading & services

    Origin Domestic & Multinational, transnational or global, joint ventures

    and alliances

    Sector Public sector & Private sector

    Style of management Traditionally managed, managed as per the western models,

    using adapted or hybrid management models.

    Reach of markets Local, regional, national, international or multi-national, global

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    Types of Business Organization(contd.)

    Criterion or basis Types of businessorganizations

    Decision making Centralized, decentralized

    Product offering Standard and coordinated product offering indifferent markets or uncoordinated product

    offering in different markets adapted to the

    local conditions & preferences

    Sources of finance Ownership capital or debt-financed, domestic

    funds or financed through FDI

    Listing on the stock exchange Listed or unlisted

  • 7/31/2019 Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA


    Difference between an Intrapreneurand an Entrepreneur

    An intrapreneur is a person who focuses on innovation and

    creativity and who transforms a dream or an idea into a profitable

    venture by operating within the organizational environment.

    The entrepreneur is a person who does similar things as theintrapreneur, but outside the organizational setting.

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    Environment for Entrepreneurship

    Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs at Apple Computers

    Entrepreneurship programs

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    Situations for Innovations

    An unexpected event, failure, or success

    An incongruity between what is assumed and what really is

    A process or task that needs improvement

    Changes in the market or industry structure

    Changes in demographics

    Changes in meaning or in the way things are perceived

    Newly acquired knowledge

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    Definition of Reengineering

    The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of businessprocesses to achieve dramatic improvements in criticalcontemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality,service, and speed.

    The underlined words are considered key aspects ofreengineering by Hammer and Champy.

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    Key Aspects of Reengineering

    Fundamental rethinking of what the organization is doing andwhy.

    Radical redesign of the business processes.

    (Note: Downsizing or rightsizing is not the primary purpose ofreengineering, although in many cases it does result in a need forfewer people.)

    Aim for dramatic results

    Careful analysis of business processes

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    Management by Processes

  • 7/31/2019 Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA


    The Steps in the Organizing Process:

    1. Establishing enterprise objectives.

    2. Formulating supporting objectives, policies, and plans.

    3. Identifying, analyzing, and classifying the activities necessary toaccomplish these objectives.

    4. Grouping these activities in light of the human and materialresources available and the best way, under the

    circumstances, of using them.

    5. Delegating to the head of each group the authority necessary toperform the activities.

    6. Tying the groups together horizontally and vertically, throughauthority relationships and information flows.

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    The Organizing Process

  • 7/31/2019 Principles Of Management Chapter 6 GTU MBA


    Basic Questions for EffectiveOrganizing

    It is useful to analyze the managerial function of organizing byraising and answering the following questions:

    1. What determines the span of management and hence the levels oforganization?

    2. What determines the basic framework of departmentation, and whatare the strengths and weaknesses of the basic forms?

    3. What kinds of authority relationships exist in organizations?

    4. How should authority be dispersed throughout the organization

    structure, and what determines the extent of this dispersion?5. How should the manager make organization theory work in practice?