Principles and Practtces of Management

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  • 8/8/2019 Principles and Practtces of Management





  • 8/8/2019 Principles and Practtces of Management


    Q1. Compare the three schools of management thought and discuss which theory as per

    you is most important and why ?

    Ans. Different school of thought have emerged and all of them defined management intheir own way :


    Management is ordering people to do the job. Management is designing job structure.To manage is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control.

    Body of management thought based on the belief that employees have only enconomical

    and physical needs, and that social needs and needs for job- satisfaction either dont existor are unimportant.


    Management is managing men. Management is the development of people and notthe direction. Body of management thought based on the belief that use of psychological

    techniques in motivating employees works better than rules and regulations proposed by

    classical school of management see also contingency school of management , quantitives

    school of management, and system school of management.

    * MODERN DEFINITION Management is a multipurpose organ of the society, which aims at utilizing the resources

    of the country for creating a situation of plenty and comfort instead of scarcity and


    * The theory as we think is the most important is modern school of management;

    The marketization of education can not serve as the guiding principle in constructing the

    modern school system nor can it be directly transplanted from modern enterprise systembecause the modern school system is a kind of educational institution rather than an

    economical institution what it should focus on is not the ownership of property or the

    distinction of property, but on the core educational issue, that is the students developmentsuch a kind of modern school system requires that the government delegates power to

    schools to realize academic autonomy in school ( self governance).

    Q2. Discuss the 14 general principles of management given by fayol. Which principle doyou think is the most important?

    Ans. Fayol called the real father of the modern management theory; he also gave 14

    general principles of management:1.) Division of work Fayol applies this principle to all kinds of work, managerial as

    well as technical.

    2.) Authority and responsibility Fayol found these are related, with the latter arisingfrom the former.

    3.) Discipline Fayol said discipline requires good superior s at all levels.

    4.) Unity of command Single superior should give orders.

  • 8/8/2019 Principles and Practtces of Management


    5.) Unity of direction Each group of activities with the same objectives must have one

    head and one plan.

    6.) Subordination of individual to general intrest7.) Remuneration Must be fair giving maximum possible satisfaction to employees and


    8.) Centralisation Fayol says individual circumstances will determine the degree towhich authority is concentrated or dispersed.

    9.) Scalar chain Fayol belived that chain of superiors from highest to lowest ranks

    should not be departed from needlessly but can be short circuited when the need be.10.) Order A place for everything and everyone.

    11.) Equity Loyalty can be elicited from personal by combination of kindliness and


    12.) Stability of tenure Unnecessary turnover can have high danger and cost.13.) Initiative Managers must sacrifice personal vanity to permit subordinates to

    exercise initiative.

    14.) Espirit-de-corps In union there is strength emphasizing the needs for team work

    and importance of communication in obtaining it.

    * The most important principle we think is the Scalar chain (line of authority) Ahierarchy is necessary for unity of direction. But lateral communication is also

    fundamental, as long as superiors known that such communication is taking place. Scalar

    chain refers to the number of levels in the hierarchy from the ultimate authority to the

    lowest level in the organization. It should not be over stretched and consist of too- manylevels.

    Q3.) Decision making is the most critical managerial task. Discuss the above statement

    in light of decision- making steps?Ans.- It is the selection of the appropriate alternative from a set of alternative course of

    action. It is the core of all of planning. Decision making is at the core of all planned

    activities. Seldom can 100% rationality be achieved as future entails uncertainties so themanager must settle for limited rationality. Limitations are in terms of information, time

    and certainty.

    Selection is done based on experience, experimentation or research and analysis. The

    decision may be programmed eg.- repetitive and routine or non- programmed(unstructured) ie- unique, strategic. Decision are made under different conditions-

    Certainty conditions- Cause effect known

    Risk conditions- Probabilities can be drawn Uncertainty conditions Meager database unsure weather situation will change


    The degree of risk varies from decision to decision.

    Decision making process requires a structured approach involving six steps-

    1.) Identify and select the problem-2.) Analyse the causes of the problem-

  • 8/8/2019 Principles and Practtces of Management


    3.) Generate potential decision -

    4.) Select and plan the decision to be implemented-

    5.) Decide and implement-6.) Evaluating the decision-