1 Principal’s Report to Governors November 2015 Humpty Dumpty – Early Years

Principal’s Report to Governors November 2015cms.brightonacademiestrust.org.uk/doc-uploads/336... · Principal’s Report to Governors November 2015 Humpty Dumpty – Early Years

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Principal’s Report to Governors

November 2015

Humpty Dumpty – Early Years

Page 2: Principal’s Report to Governors November 2015cms.brightonacademiestrust.org.uk/doc-uploads/336... · Principal’s Report to Governors November 2015 Humpty Dumpty – Early Years


My report will be based around:

1) Linking to the current School/Academy Improvement Plan.

2) Headings of our Self Evaluation Form.

3) Reports from Sports Premium, Gifted and Talented, Pupil premium, School Council

and SEN.

4) Reported incidents.

1) School/Academy Improvement Plan

The School Improvement Plan has been completed for the last academic year. The finalised SIP was shared at the TLC committee in November. The new Academy Improvement Plan is being completed. The Raise on line document has been analysed and Headlines and Actions formulated. There will now be 5 Key Targets rather than the previous 8. They are:

-Improving Mathematics -Improving Writing -Progress of Groups -Improvement of the learning Environment -Development of Social and Spiritual Learning Each Key Target is being led by a teacher. All the staff have a responsibility to work on one Key Target for whole Academy improvement. The new AIP will be finalised later in this term, ready for Jan 2016.

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Effectiveness of Leadership and Management

-Teachers Performance Appraisal has been completed and the targets reported back to the

TLC committee. Support and Admin Staff Appraisal has also begun. Pay recommendations

for teachers have been agreed by the Pay Committee.

-Targets for the forthcoming academic year have been set with the Academy Improvement

partner. See document.

-The Academy Improvement Partner (Lesley Corbett) has visited twice since September.

There will be 6 visits over the year, 1 per term. See documents for the first and second


-Raise online has been analysed and reported to staff. See document.

-Sian Dewdney has been recruited as our new Early Years Teacher. She will be starting in

January 2016.

- Open Morning and Afternoon were successful. Year 6 children were the guides and as

always, did a fabulous job.

-SALT TA conference on Attachment. Very positive conference

-Lindfield Primary Academy organised and ran the first SALT poetry competition. We came


-Finance team, new in post, working incredibly hard in challenging conditions. Trust are

aware of the issues and are trying to remedy the situation.

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-Numbers on roll

Class Name Total Spaces RJC Hazel 30 RKA Chestnut 30 RNC Willow 30 1CW Cherry 30 1HB Apple 30 1JR Pear 29 1 2LD Holly 30 2JP Rowan 30 2SO Maple 30 3SG Silver Birch 30 3JG Copper Beech 30 4HF Lime 26 4RI Laurel 25 4EB Pine 25 5JS Palm 25 5RCo Cedar 25 5RC Juniper 25 6RA Elm 32 6HA Oak 29 541

Staff CPD

Date Time Teacher Course details Venue

16/10/15 All day MS NPQH IoE

19/10/15 All day MS NPQH IoE

05-Oct pm various Epipen & Inhaler training school

12-Oct all day Rupert Ireland

First Aid course school

22-Oct all day Helen Dixon

Autism course Crawley

06-Nov all day Hannah Broad

NQT course - Sussex Uni Sussex Uni

06-Nov all day Ruth Collins

NQT course - Sussex Uni Sussex Uni

09-Nov all day Jess Perkins

NQT course – Sussex Uni

Nov Deb Squibbs

Robust Vocabulary in KS2

Nov Marian Stevens

Robust Vocabulary in KS2

17-Nov all day All 4 NQT's

NQT course

20-Nov 9.30-3.30

Sarah Olive

KS1 Assessment CHN

20-Nov 9.30-3.30

Julie Roworth

KS1 Assessment CHN

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Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

-Teaching audit on Maths has been completed and the conclusions fed back to the TLC

committee. See separate report.

-1 SALT Headteacher joined me on two lesson observations during the observation window.

-Staff have been trained on the use of Target Tracker, the new Academy Tracking tool for

pupil progress and have been inputting data.

-Pupil Progress Meetings for the Autumn term have been completed and have used Target

Tracker information from Autumn 1 Term. Teachers discussed the cohort and any issues

with targets. Since the training for Target Tracker has taken place, the format and frequency

of the Pupil Progress Meetings have changed.

-Year 5 children have had a successful residential to Bowles Activity Centre. Activities

included dry slope skiing and rock climbing.

-Pupil conferencing and book scrutiny will be taking place this term.

-Curriculum activities and key dates since last report

Date Year group


07-Oct School Counci


Visit to Sky Garden, London

07-Oct 2 Topic based workshop 'Great Fire of London'

09-Oct 2 Aboriginal dance performance to parents

12-Oct 2 Visit from WS Fire Service

13-Oct 6 Topic based DT Day building Anderson shelters

14-Oct R 6 weeks in event for parents

20-Oct all School photographer

21-Oct 3 Topic based workshop 'Blackbeard Pirate'

21-Oct 4 Visit from Bishop of Uganda

22-Oct all Walk Once a Week assembly

23-Oct all Harvest assembly

03-Nov 5 Parent information evening - Bowles residential visit

5, 6,10,12No


R EY Parent consultations

05-Nov 3 Same Sky visit

08-Nov School Counci


Lindfield Remembrance Day service

10-Nov 6 Visit to Newhaven Fort

10 & 17Nov

R School health team screening

12 & Open days

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12-Nov 1 Topic based walk around Lindfield & visit to All Saints Church

20-Nov Host SALT poetry competition

23-27Nov 5 2 night residential visit to Bowles Activity Centre

23 & 25Nov

6 WWII topic based guided walk around Lindfield with Richard Bryant

23-Nov 6 Drug education session with guest speaker

24-Nov 6 School health team height & weight screening

Personal development, behaviour and welfare

-Clubs continue to take place as the previous Principal Report.

-Estates from the Trust have compiled a comprehensive Health and Safety action plan for

the Academy to develop. Premises Officer and Finance team are working on this.

-6 Weeks in (EYRS) was a success with a great deal of positive feedback. Actions from any

feedback have already been addressed.

-New behaviour policy and good conduct code have been written in consultation with

stakeholders. These have been introduced to children and staff alike.

-Staff yoga has proved to be successful with the programme continuing.

-6 Children Protection Training sessions have been arranged to cover all the staff that work

and volunteer at the Academy. Last two sessions this week.

-Successful Fire Drill took place with 2 actions resulting in the drill.

Outcomes for children and learners

-Baseline assessment for Early Years has been completed and the data analysed. This

formed the main discussion in the second Academy Improvement partner visit. See

Academy Improvement Partner report 2.

-Academy Code and Playground Behaviour Code has been implemented in the school and

reported to Governors.

-Conclusion from the Pupil Progress Meeting is that children are making progress and

having interventions were possible. However the pull on resources to assist and support our

vulnerable children is having a negative effect on these interventions. The continuing issue

with our finances also means we are unable to purchase any additional support that we

might require.

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Year 5- Climbing at Bowles

3) Reports

Sports Premium-Rupert Ireland

Since the last report, an additional four members of staff have had the opportunity to

observe the CPD sports teaching provided by Premier Sports. I have observed these

sessions and discussed with the company’s educational consultant ways to ensure modelled

teaching is tailored to provide the best experience for our staff. We now have a greater

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range of plans encompassing different sports and year groups and these will be re-uploaded

onto the Staff U-drive for all to access in the upcoming weeks.

Our four NQTs have participated in their first training day which is paid for out of our Sports

Premium budget and provided by Mid-Sussex Active. From the feedback I have received, I

can see they have learnt activities, assessment skills and PE organisational ideas that can

be immediately implemented into their lessons. Furthermore, we have reviewed the

resources given and demonstrated by Rachel MacKinney (Chichester University PE

Lecturer) as a group and have drafted a good practice session to share with all staff in a staff

meeting before the Christmas holidays.

As part of our Mid-Sussex Active subscription, we have been able to take eight children to

Oathall to learn leadership skills to enable them to become Sport Leaders. Like last year,

these leaders will then help run and organise intra and inter-school events throughout the

year. These children will also be sharing what they have learnt with a group of 8 Year 4

children so they can also help mentor and coach younger age groups.

This term, Lindfield has performed exceptionally well in sporting competitions. Both our Boys

and Girls Year 5/6 football team qualified from the Haywards Heath football tournament and

are due to take part in the Mid-Sussex Final on Tuesday 24th November. Additionally, in the

Year 4 cross-country event, we had 4 top 10 finishers (2 girls, 2 boys). Both the boys and

girls race had over 65 children racing and our placing shows a significant improvement from

last year’s performance. On Wednesday 18th November, the Year 5/6 Netball League started

with a victory over Harlands. Finally, children from Year 4, 5 and 6 participated in an indoor

athletics competition. On the day, Lindfield placed first but our times are to be compared

against other schools and we should receive our overall placing before Christmas to see if

we qualify for the finals. Over 30% of students in KS2 have already had the opportunity to

participate in an Inter school event.

As part of our aim to raise the profile of intra-school competitions, all classes, from Year 1 to

6, have completed an Intra-School competition. This means that all children have had the

opportunity to earn points for their house. These scores will be added to future intra-school

results and combined with scores from Sports Day with the winners receiving the House


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Gifted and Talented-Helen Francis

(G and T Teachers: Christine Lea and Sue Homewood)

At present Christine is teaching Gifted and Talented/More Able children in Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

and 6. She is focusing on Mathematics.

Sue is teaching Philosophy to our Gifted and Talented/More Able Readers. Children in Year

3 are working with Year 5 and children in Year 4 are working with Year 6.

The children are progressing well in these sessions.

Pupil Premium-Helen Francis

This term Claire Crook, Sue Homewood and Jane Phillips are working with our children in

Key Stage 1 and 2. The children are either working individually or with a partner, to improve

their writing and reading or skills in Mathematics (depending on their specific areas of

development identified).

Our Year 2 child on our Pupil Premium register continues to get 1:1 support from a TA on

specific areas identified by the class teacher.

This year, at present, we have 23 children on our Pupil Premium register; only 3 of these

children receive Free School Meals.

Last week, each class teacher, who has children on the Pupil Premium register, met with

myself and the Pupil Premium teacher. We discussed how the children were progressing

and the child’s individual next steps. These meetings were beneficial to find out how the

Pupil Premium teachers could help further and to show what the child’s achievements are

this academic year.

School Council-Anna Bain The School Council and House Captains organised a successful Harvest Festival Collection for the Family Support Workers and have received a certificate from the Charity to display. The past few weeks have been focussed on discussion around our school behaviour policy and sharing the children’s ideas and views to Mrs Smith. The children have seen a direct link between their discussion and the new policy and we can celebrate this effective example of ‘pupil voice’. In addition, the House Captains have been considering a suitable and appropriate reward for the winning House this term. The ideas include, a movie afternoon, extra playground and astro time, dress down / pyjama day, tea and biscuits with the Principal, a trip to the park, a disco. The provisional date for the reward to take place is the first Friday back after the Christmas Holidays, 8th January. The winning house will be announced in the final assembly of term. We have also ordered House Captain and School Council badges that have the Academy name on, they should be arriving any day now. The children have also been asked to choose a trophy or shield to become the Attendance Reward, which they thoroughly enjoy doing.

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The School Council / House Captains are also excited about being the pupil helpers at the Christmas Lunch, scheduled for Thursday 17th Dec. It has been a really positive and vocal group this year and the children recognise their part in the development of our school.

SEN-Helen Dixon

It has been a busy time for the SEN department. During October I met with each teacher to

discuss the needs of pupils in their class, identifying where additional interventions or

assessments are necessary. Pupil progress meetings confirmed that those making least

progress had been identified and support was being provided.

Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and review meetings are currently taking place. Once again

the response from parents has been excellent and children, parents, teachers and TAs are

meeting with me to discuss the needs of individual pupils and to plan for their support.

Feedback following the meetings has been very positive.

The new role of SEN TA was working successfully during the first part of the autumn term

however, in order to provide for the needs of an individual pupil, the role of this TA has

temporarily changed. The individual pupil is well supported but this has had a knock on

effect for other intervention programmes. Wherever possible the interventions have been

taken over by class TAs but steps are being taken to re-establish the SEN TA role after the

Christmas holiday.

A request has been made for an Educational Health and Care Needs Assessment. A panel

of professionals is due to meet shortly to consider the request; it is hoped that an Education

Health and Care Plan is deemed necessary and additional funds provided to support the

needs of this pupil. Following the receipt of additional medical information regarding two

other pupils, two further EHC Needs assessments will be requested.

It has been confirmed by the Institute of Education (UCL) that I have now gained my Post

Graduate Certificate of Special Educational Needs. The university is to be moderated in

December with certificates being presented in January.

4) Reports

There has been 1 ‘cyber’ bullying incident to report about. (Year 6)

There have been no racial incidents to report about.

There have been no Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) incidents to report


There has been 1 short term fixed exclusion to report about. (Year 5)

Marcus Still

November 2015