FPRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. William A. Schaefer, Pastor Living, Learning, and Growing in the Word of God 1325 Mission Road, Latrobe, PA 15650 Webpage: www.princeofpeacelatrobe.com Phone: 724-537-7273 Fax: 724-537-6039 Email: [email protected] P.O.P. NOTES April 2012 Volume 50 Issue 4 Passion, Death and Resurrection We are about to enter the Great and Holy Week of our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection. This is the holiest time in the Church. In this time, we follow our Lord Jesus from his triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem to his Last Supper with his disciples to his capture and trial before the Sanhedrin to his march up Golgotha to his crucifixion and death and finally to see his triumphant resurrection on Easter. It is in this time that we see our Lord Jesus at his best. We see him as King, servant, prisoner, convicted criminal, condemned man, dying King, and resurrected Savior of us all. We see him living out all the emotions of humanity and shining in his loving divinity. Jesus, in his Passion, gives us a glimpse of how we should live our lives. We should live in humble service to others and share the Gospel message through word and deed, glorifying God and inspiring others with each movement of our lives. In Jesus’ Passion, we are called each year to see this example lived out again and again before us. I ask that you would give yourself the opportunity to walk through this Holy Week with Jesus so that you can more clearly see him as an example for you to strive to live toward. Allow Christ to strengthen your faith and grow in your love of him. He died for you so that you might have life. This year beginning April 1 st , you can journey with your Savior and see him at his greatest, dying on a cross to give us life through his resurrection. Make time to be with God during this Holy Week. Yours in Christ,

PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCHprinceofpeacelatrobe.com/Newsletter/April Newsletter 20…  · Web viewFPRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rev. William A. Schaefer, Pastor. Living,

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Rev. William A. Schaefer, Pastor

Living, Learning, and Growing in the Word of God1325 Mission Road, Latrobe, PA 15650 Webpage: www.princeofpeacelatrobe.com

Phone: 724-537-7273 Fax: 724-537-6039 Email: [email protected]

♫ P.O.P. NOTES ♫April 2012 Volume 50 Issue 4

Passion, Death and Resurrection

We are about to enter the Great and Holy Week of our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection. This is the holiest time in the Church. In this time, we follow our Lord Jesus from his triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem to his Last Supper with his disciples to his capture and trial before the Sanhedrin to his march up Golgotha to his crucifixion and death and finally to see his triumphant resurrection on Easter.

It is in this time that we see our Lord Jesus at his best. We see him as King, servant, prisoner, convicted criminal, condemned man, dying King, and resurrected Savior of us all. We see him living out all the emotions of humanity and shining in his loving divinity.

Jesus, in his Passion, gives us a glimpse of how we should live our lives. We should live in humble service to others and share the Gospel message through word and deed, glorifying God and inspiring others with each movement of our lives. In Jesus’ Passion, we are called each year to see this example lived out again and again before us.

I ask that you would give yourself the opportunity to walk through this Holy Week with Jesus so that you can more clearly see him as an example for you to strive to live toward. Allow Christ to strengthen your faith and grow in your love of him. He died for you so that you might have life. This year beginning April 1st, you can journey with your Savior and see him at his greatest, dying on a cross to give us life through his resurrection. Make time to be with God during this Holy Week.

Yours in Christ,

The Great and Holy WeekHoly Wednesday Taizé Healing Service 7:00 PM

(No Simple Supper will be served)

Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 PMHoly Communion, Stripping of the Altar

Good Friday Tenebrae Service at 7:30 PMThe Church will be open throughout the day for you to come and reflect on the Crucified Christ.

Easter Sunday WorshipEaster Sunrise at 7:00 AM

Festival Celebration of Easter at 10:30 AM

CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONRosie Nickle – Ministry Chair

Christian Education Meeting – April 12th at 7:30p.m.


The Sunday School will again collect items for the Westmoreland Food Bank Back Pack Program. This program fills backpacks on Friday, with snack, for children in need so they have some food over the weekend. Our goal is to collect 400 items to contribute to the program from our POP Family. The collection period is February 22 – April 8, 2012. Items can be dropped at the church any time. SINGLE SERVING/POP TOP PACKAGES100% FRUIT JUICE, SPAGHETTI & MEATBALLS, CRACKERS, FRUIT/APPLESAUCE CUPS, RAVIOLI, BEEFARONI, GRANOLA BARS, PUDDING CUPS, BEEF STEW, PRETZELS, INDIVIDUAL CEREAL BOXES, SOUPS/RAMEN NOODLES, TRAIL MIX,CEREAL BARS, MAC N’ CHEESE, RAISINS AND POP TARTSIf you would prefer to make a monetary donation instead of purchasing the above items, envelopes are available near the donation tub.

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Lenten Community Service Project


OUTREACHVickie Onusko – Ministry Chair

Thank you to our amazing volunteers who helped with the food bank distribution at St. Vincent Grove on March 27th.

FINANCEDwight Sarson – Ministry Chair

MONEY COUNTERS:  A schedule has been made for April and May.  Check it out in the office; if you cannot count on the day you are scheduled, please find a replacement from the list and let Kellie know. Thanks. TREASURER’S REPORTFebruary 2012

CURRENT FUNDBeginning Balance $6,710.62Receipts $ 8,535.86Disbursements $ 7,710.24Ending Balance $7,536.24

BENEVOLENCE2012 Pledge $15,500Amount Pledged to Date $2,583.33Amount Received to Date $2,853.70Difference Over/(Under) 270.37

BUILDING FUNDBeginning Balance $27,886.79Receipts $ 754.12Total Available $28,604.91Less Disbursements - $0Ending Balance $28,640.91

Women of the ELCA

Women of the ELCA Annual convention will be held the weekend of May 18-19, 2012 at the Bishop Connare Center in Greensburg. If you are interested in attending, please let Jen Schaefer know by Sunday April 1, 2012.

Prince of Peace Women of the ELCA will have a meeting and Bible Study on Friday April 13th at 6:30pm. We will discuss plans for the Mother/Daughter Banquet and have fellowship time. Jen Schaefer will be leading the Bible Study from "Gather" the magazine of the Women of the ELCA.Women of the ELCA Cluster meeting will be on Saturday April 21st at St. Matthias Lutheran Church in Greensburg. The meeting will be from 9:00am-1:00pm. The cost of lunch will be $6.00. Please let Shirley Kelley or Jen Schaefer know if you are interested in attending.

MUSIC AND WORSHIPPam Yuhaniak – Ministry Chair



Greeters: The Hay FamilyAcolyte: Rachel DouglasLay Reader: Becky Davis

Lay Assistants: Ed and Carolyne SparberCounters: Dwight Sarson/Vickie Onusko

APRIL 5 TH – MAUNDY THURSDAY Lay Reader: Kathy Bangor

Lay Assistants: Dave and Jenny Bowser

APRIL 6 TH – GOOD FRIDAY Lay Readers: Dave Bowser/J.T. Douglas


SUNRISE SERVICE- 7:00a.m.Greeters: Gus and Esther Toth

Lay Reader: Pam YuhaniakLay Assistants: Jim Colaianne/Marlene Walters

FESTIVAL CELEBRATION- 10:30a.m.Greeters: Wesley and Phyllis Orange

Acolyte: Zakary JellisonLay Reader: Rosie Nickle

Lay Assistants: Jack and Kathy BangorCounters: Kellie Douglas/Vickie Onusko

APRIL 15TH Greeters: Don, Ginger and Courtney Warren

Acolyte: Courtney WarrenLay Reader: Noah Hemminger

Lay Assistants: Pam Yuhaniak/Heather Schmitt Counters: Ed Sparber/

APRIL 21 st Lay Reader: Pam Yuhaniak

APRIL 22 nd Greeters: Jim and Shirley Moretti

Acolyte: Marc WeltzLay reader: Pam Yuhaniak

Lay Assistant: Jim and Shirley MorettiCounters: Glenn Thompson/Shirley Kelley

APRIL 29 th Greeters: Youth Group

Acolyte: Rachel DouglasLay reader: Kellie Douglas

Lay Assistant: Shirley Kelley/Dennis GuyerCounters: Kellie Douglas/R.R. Schmitt

Head Usher for April is R.R. SchmittAltar Care for April is Pam Yuhaniak/Ginger Warren

STEWARDSHIPSusann Tschupp – Ministry Chair

The Last WeekMany people sitting in a doctor’s office

have heard the grim announcement: “You have

six weeks to live.” What if you received that news? What if you were told, “one week”? How would you spend it? Take a minute to think about it.

We’re about to enter Holy Week, the last week of Jesus’ life on earth. How did He spend it? Luke 19 describes Jesus’ Triumphal Entry in Jerusalem on the day we commonly call Palm Sunday. The next three chapters record Jesus’ activities during that Holy Week. If you look at the headings in your Bible, you may see the following subjects: “Jesus Cleanses the Temple”; “The Parable of the Wicked Tenants”; “Paying Taxes to Caesar”; “Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection”; “Whose Son is the Christ?”; “The Widow’s Offering”; “Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple, Wars and Persecution, Destruction of Jerusalem”; “The Coming of the Son of Man”; “The Lesson of the Fig Tree”; “Watch Yourselves”.

It appears that Jesus was pretty busy that last week. He was busy about His Father’s business, as He had been since the age of 12 when His parents found Him in the temple teaching the teachers. By stories and parables, through questions and answers, He was trying to reach the hearts of all, calling them to repentance and faith, warning them about the days to come, and promising His presence and help during times of persecution. He was doing during His last week what He had done throughout His ministry.

We, too, should be about our Father’s business. We should lead our lives so that whether we have years or just days we will be helping the helpless, befriending the lonely, visiting the sick, sharing the Gospel in word and deed. Every week should be lived as if it were the last week.

“I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will not ask, 'How many good things have you done in your life?' rather he will ask, 'How much love did you put into what you did?” ― Mother Teresa

Fellowship Shirley Kelley – Ministry Chair

Church Picnic - mark your calendar now… June 10th, Pavilion #4 be there for the annual church picnic.

1962-2012 50th Anniversary

Living, Learning and Growingin the Word of God

50 Years of Ministry – On November 25, 2012, Prince of Peace will celebrate 50 years of Ministry.  The First services were on June 3, 1962 and the Congregation was officially formed on November 25, 1962.  For 50 years, we have served the people of Lawson Heights, Latrobe, Unity Township and the Synods of Southwestern PA. The committee would like to plan a special event for each month of the year, so this does not have to be a year-long commitment.  If you would like to be involved for a certain month, or have an idea you would like to share, contact Vickie Onusko, Shirley Kelley, Pam Yuhaniak, or Pastor Bill.  

The anniversary committee is looking for photos, movies, slides, programs, or any items that would help to archive the history of Prince of Peace.  We would like to make a digital "movie" to put onto our web site, and would also like to use these items for our monthly celebrations starting in January.  If you have something we could use, please get it to Pastor or to Kellie in the office.  If you would like it back, please mark it with your name and phone number so we can return it when we are finished. For the Anniversary celebration, Sue Tschupp has undertaken a huge project. She has researched our 50 year history and has recorded important events on a monthly calendar which is on display in the Narthex. Although she has gone to Florida she requests that if you have additions/changes/corrections to the calendar that you please write them down and give them to Kellie. Sue will update the calendar when she returns. She has spent a lot of time and has a system of her own so please do not write on the actual calendar.

On April 15, Pastor Person will return to help celebrate our 50th Anniversary by delivering the sermon that day. Prince of Peace will be also welcome the Westmoreland County College Community Choir on April 29th for an evening concert. On May 20th, we will be joined by Pastor Robert Marks, our interim Pastor before Pastor Schaefer. Please plan to be with us for these celebrations of our history as Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.

The anniversary committee will offer for sale wooden replicas of our church building from the Cat’s Meow Company as a memento of our anniversary celebration. They will be available soon for a cost of only $15. Feel free to pick up a few for family members who no longer live in the area, and one for yourself.

If you or someone you know from the congregation is in the hospital or is at home and sick and needs a visit from Pastor Bill, please call the office so that he can schedule a visit. The Pastor is only told by the hospital when a person is a patient if they ask for the church to be notified.

Prayer is an essential part of who we are as a people of God. Below is a list of people from our congregation to keep in your daily prayers. If you know of others who should be added to these lists, please contact the church office with the names.

From our congregation: Julie Zeltner, Bev Guyer, Mary Jane Hayden, Vi McIlnay, Verna Allen, Elaine Woller, Dave Williams, Ron Carey, Phyllis Stewart, George Lindsey, Bob Shaw, Shirley Kelley, Myles Douglas, Dwight Sarson, Norie Schrecengost, and R.R. Schmitt.

Others in need of our prayers: Rev. Susan Luttner, Dan Schaefer, Bill Hauger, Betty Onusko, Nickolas Gehlman, Debbie Gehlman, Mary Jane Bangor, Jane Kerr, Nash Sinchak, Donald Dick, Mary Evelyn and Gene Miller, Cecil Metz, Jim Greene, Helen Lowman, John Horton, Lillian Santone, Matthew Pickering, Dorothy Layko, Robert Semmens, Lonnie Lenhart, Maureen Black, Jason Fabian, Frank Jubara, Carol Keim, Jennifer, Joshua Shank, Father Gilbert Burke, Twila Naggy and Julia Kozar.

Our Shut-in members: Louise Johns(Emeritus), Frieda Nehls (Nature Park Commons), Helen Albright(at home), Phyllis Stewart (Redstone Highlands), Marie Hill(at home), Betty Felbaum (at home) Barney and

Dolores Helfferich (Emeritus), Thomas Washnock (at home) and Violet Myers (Barnes House).

Those in the Military: Sean Stewart, Justin Kowatch, Jessica Miller, Jordan Omlor, Troy Golden, Richard Schall, Erik Sarson, and the 28th Military Police Battalion.

AnnouncementsSupporting our own members – Each year we, as a church collect various things to help others. We collect blankets, we have the angel tree, mitten tree, etc. which all goes into the community which is a good thing. A couple times a year we collect food and our last food drive was very successful. The food was divided among three families, one in the community and two from our congregation. This made us realize that we do have some of our own members who could use support through rough times from time to time. So we decided to collect change and food items throughout the year for our own members. When enough change is collected, a gift card will be bought and then given to a member who is in need. The food will be collected until a need arises. If you are in need or know of one of our members who is struggling and could use this help please let Kellie or Pastor know. This information is strictly confidential. “The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done.” ― Mother Teresa

ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES: Time is running out to sign up for your spring Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend. April 20-22 at Park Inn by Radisson-Sharon in West Middlesex, PA. This popular facility boasts a tropical atrium with king beds and in-room hot tubs in all the rooms and is located just an hour north of Pittsburgh. What better way for you and your spouse to spend a weekend than escaping all

the daily pressures and responsibilities to search out and discover an even warmer, closer, more joyful marital relationship! Weekends are for ALL married couples and run from Friday at 8 PM to Sunday at 5 PM. Two nights lodging, 5 meals for each of you, and all supplies are included. If the spring weekends don’t fit into your schedule, you may also register for one of the fall Weekends which are:  September 14-16 at Olmsted Mansion and Retreat Center, Ludlow, PA -- 20 miles southeast of Warren, PA; or October 19-21 at The Mountain Laurel Resort, White Haven, PA -- just off Interstate 80, two hours north of Philadelphia. There is a $45 per couple registration fee, plus toward the end of the weekend, you will be given an opportunity to make a confidential contribution of whatever amount you wish toward the continuation of the program. Register now to avoid being disappointed--simply go to the website: www.GodLovesMarriage.org and sign up. For questions, or if you would like a brochure with registration form mailed to you, contact PA Directors of Lutheran Marriage Encounter, Fred & Julie Schamber, at [email protected] or 724-325-31


This page features our members that are doing positive things within the congregation and in the community. If you catch someone being “good” please let Kellie know so they can be featured in this new section.

Blanket Drive Thanks to everyone who donated blankets for the blanket drive through Smith Oil Co. We took 72 blankets to them this year.

“Supporting our Own” has already helped six of our families with money or food.

Lenten Backpack project - has already collected over a 600 hundred items for needy kids to eat over the weekends.

Noah Schaefer, Ayla Sarson and Teagan Schmitt are currently involved in a program called AVOO or Absolute Value of One (description of program below) in which they are serving our community in many ways including working in The Way’s soup kitchen.


o Imagine a world in which people everywhere recognize the value of all human beings and appreciate one another for their differences. 

o Imagine a culture that is more empathetic, compassionate, understanding, and proactive in

helping fellow human beings and making the world a better place in which to live.  

o Imagine beginning the process of developing responsible civic leaders by showing students that their thoughts and opinions not only matter, but can accomplish many things. 

o Imagine planting these seeds of thought in the kindergarten classroom and continuing to sow them until the day of graduation.

 The Absolute Value of One is a 501(c)3 organization that specializes in curriculum design based on the concept of service-learning.  It is our vision to offer our services to educators, schools, and community organizations at an affordable rate by seeking the support of donors so we can empower all students everywhere to give back to their communities many times over.   


"Inspiring and empowering youth to engage actively in the community through service-

learning and educational programs designed to appreciate the absolute value

of every human being."

CONGREGATIONAL LEADERSPASTOR - BILL SCHAEFER Finance - Dwight Sarson (532-3020)President – Vickie Onusko(537-9383) Outreach - Vickie Onusko - (537-9383)Vice President – Dwight Sarson (532-3020) Fellowship - Shirley Kelley - (537-5645)Secretary – Cathie Schall – (539-7164) Worship/Music – Pam Yuhaniak (537-5533)Financial Secretary - Pat Fry (539-7513) Library - Margy Williams - (539-8704)Treasurer – Lisa Mentch (309-3264) W.E.L.C.A. - Shirley Kelley - (537-5645)Stewardship - Susan Tschupp (219-3893) Memorial Committee –Pastor Bill/Pat FryChristian Ed – Rosie Nickle (539-9488) Prayer Chain – Ginger Warren (593-7524)Evangelism – Cathie Schall – (539-7164) Altar Care - Pam Yuhaniak - (537-5533)Property/House – R.R. Schmitt (537-3245) Lee Semasko (537-9164)

Funeral Dinner Coordinators– Sheila Thompson – (537-8010)/Ginger Warren (593-7524)

Birthdays1 Clara Brewer Aaron Zidak2 Glenn Thompson Aaron Volpe 3 Linda Baum 4 Ray West 5 Darla Kotouch Richard Schall7 Adysson Catone 10 Courtney Warren11 Derrick Zidak Michelle Williams12 David McCommons Aaron Semasko13 Renee Downing14 Tony Brewer Stacey Stanko Liam Roddy Terry Onusko Scott Hayden16 Harry Sherer17 Jean Stott Marlyn Ridge18 Judy Kuhns21 Carlene Moyer

Anna Marie Campbell

22 Debra Boskovitch Ron Vid Noah Schaefer23 Ed Sparber Carly Cobrando25 Nick Allen26 Verna Allen28 Mickie West Adam Hoffer29 Jim Prohaska30 Nick Holnaider


2 Margy Williams4 Joel Svehla5 Ron Gerhart Nicholas Ross9 Carolyn Hay10 Shirley Moretti11 Lex Hamerski17 Corey Stanko David Gruebel18 Michael Prohaska, Emily Hay19 Zakary Jellison21 Pam Yuhaniak Debbie Prohaska22 Aaron Volpe Garrett Grimm23 Donna Vitula26 Andria Wood28 Ben Onusko Stacey Stanko Brooke Richards30 Tracey Richards Kathy Bangor

Anniversaries8 Ron & Cindy Gray17 Gus & Esther Toth28 Pastor Bill & Jen Schaefer