PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set) PRiMOS Process Industry Manpower Optimization System https://www.primos.com.sg USER MANUAL Test Centre (Non-Welding Skill Set) Perspective Version 0.1 18 November 2002 iMOS Holdings Pte Ltd Page 1 of 22

PRiMOS · PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set) 7. Reporting This module allow user to generate useful management reports. 8. Notification and Monitoring This

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    PRiMOS Process Industry Manpower Optimization System


    USER MANUAL Test Centre (Non-Welding Skill Set) Perspective

    Version 0.1

    18 November 2002

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction Page 3

    Chapter 2 Membership Registration Page 5

    Chapter 3 User Management Page 9

    Chapter 4 Industry Tester Management Page 13

    Chapter 5 Test Management Page 15

    Chapter 6 Reporting Page 20

    Chapter 7 Billing Page 21

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION The Process Industry Manpower Optimization System (PRiMOS) is an Internet Web-based Optimization System for management and utilization of workforces in the Process Industry. This system provides online information that can be utilized efficiently across the Process Industry. The system allows you to monitor and keep track of worker’s information, qualification, worksite assignment, job performance and more. The PRiMOS System consist of the following modules:

    1. Membership Registration This module allows user to complete application form online for printout and submission to PRiMOS for processing upon duly signed by authorized personnel. User must satisfy the necessary pre-requisite of membership in ASPRI or SWS before approving the application.

    2. Worker Information Management This module streamlines the process of worker registration by including Worker Employment Transfer, Worker Termination, and Worker Qualification. It allow user to register worker into the system via online data or through batch file transfer basis. It also allows user to update and enquiry worker information.

    3. Worker OJT Management This module serves as a logbook that maintains the OJT records of workers. OJT record is created only for the skill set as registered in the Worker Information Management module.

    4. Test Management This module provides the functionality of test management processing flow that includes: Test Slot Allocation Test Scheduling Test Application Test Result Update Test Fee Collection and Distribution (not applicable to welding skill set)

    5. Worker Assignment Management

    This module support multiple categories and multi-level of worker assignment in the Process Industry. Sub-Contractor may assign workers to Main-Contractor, which in turns may assign the workers to Turnkey-Contractor, which will assign the worker to the Industry.

    6. Welder Performance Update This module streamlines the Radiography Test (RT) Reporting process flow with functionality for Non-Destructive Test Centre to input the RT reports. This is then put through a business logic that determined the acceptability of performance standard, which will be routed to appropriate participants. Each RT report will be consolidated and routed to designated welding inspector for review and endorsement in order to extend the welder’s qualification.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    7. Reporting This module allow user to generate useful management reports.

    8. Notification and Monitoring

    This module will generate email notification for certain tasks that requires action by users. Workbench design approach allows user to retrieve necessary data directly for immediate actions.

    9. User Management This module allows the administrator of a company to maintain the user accounts and assign user functionality, access rights and authorization power to individual users.

    10. Billing GIRO collection and payment mechanism is implemented for easier transaction.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    CHAPTER 2 – MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION 2.1. To register as a corporate entity – “Test Centre - ASPRI”

    i. Click on the URL hyperlink “Register” on the PRiMOS main page. The “PRiMOS Registration” page is displayed.

    ii. Click on the hyperlink “Test Centre”. The “Test Centre” registration page is displayed.

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    iii. Fill in the necessary information: Corporate Name – The name of the corporate. Compulsory field. Address – The address of the corporate. Compulsory field. Country – The country where the corporate reside. Compulsory field. Postal Code – The postal code where the corporate reside. Compulsory field. Administrator Name – The name of the corporate administrator. Compulsory field. Designation of Administrator – The designation of the corporate administrator. Compulsory field. Telephone No. – The contact telephone number of the corporate administrator. Compulsory field. Ext – The telephone extension number. Optional field. Fax No. – The facsimile number of the corporate administrator. Compulsory field. Email Address – The email address of the corporate administrator. Compulsory field. Mobile Contact No. – The mobile phone number of the corporate administrator. Optional field. Pager No. – The pager number of the corporate administrator. Optional field. Trade Skills – The available test for skill set provided by the test centre. At least one selection. Capacity of Test Centre – The maximum capacity available for test. At least one selection. Minimum Capacity for Test – The minimum capacity to conduct a test. At least one selection. ASPRI Member Name – The membership name in the Association of Process Industry. Compulsory

    field. Name of Financial Institution – The name of the financial institution for Giro application.

    Compulsory field. Branch – The branch name of the financial institution for Giro application. Compulsory field. Account Number – The financial institution account number for Giro application. Compulsory field. Account Holder Name – The name of the account holder of the financial institution for Giro

    application. Compulsory field. Account Holder Contact Number – The contact number of the account holder of the financial

    institution for Giro application. Compulsory field.

    iv. Click on the “Submit” button. If the ASPRI membership is expired, terminated or non-registered, an agreement form to settle the

    outstanding membership fee will be displayed. Click on the “Agree” button to accept the agreement. Please note that the outstanding ASPRI membership fee has to be paid to ASPRI directly.

    2 application forms (PRiMOS application and Giro application form) will be generated automatically. Applicants have to print out these 2 forms and submit to PRiMOS with authorized signature.

    The online application is completed. Upon received the signed application form from applicants, PRiMOS will verify the information and

    assign a corporate administrator account to the applicant.

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    2.2. To register as a individual entity – “Industry Tester” i. Click on the URL hyperlink “Register” on the PRiMOS main page.

    The “PRiMOS Registration” page is displayed.

    ii. Click on the hyperlink “Industry Tester”. The “Industry Tester” registration page is displayed.

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    iii. Fill in the necessary information: Corporate Name – The name of the corporate. Compulsory field. Administrator Name – The name of the administrator who will be coordinating with the industry

    tester. Compulsory field. Designation of Administrator – The designation of the administrator who will be coordinating with

    the industry tester. Compulsory field. Telephone No. – The contact telephone number of the administrator who will be coordinating with

    the industry tester. Compulsory field. Ext – The telephone extension number. Optional field. Fax No. – The facsimile number of the administrator who will be coordinating with the industry

    tester. Compulsory field. Email Address – The email address of the administrator who will be coordinating with the industry

    tester. Compulsory field. Mobile Contact No. – The mobile phone number of the administrator who will be coordinating with

    the industry tester. Optional field. Pager No. – The pager number of the administrator who will be coordinating with the industry tester.

    Optional field. Industry Tester Name – The name of the industry tester. Compulsory field. Designation of Industry Tester – The designation of the industry tester. Compulsory field. Trade Skills – The skillset which the industry tester can perform the test. Compulsory field. Name of Financial Institution – The name of the financial institution for Giro application.

    Compulsory field. Branch – The branch name of the financial institution for Giro application. Compulsory field. Account Number – The financial institution account number for Giro application. Compulsory field. Account Holder Name – The name of the account holder of the financial institution for Giro

    application. Compulsory field. Account Holder Contact Number – The contact number of the account holder of the financial

    institution for Giro application. Compulsory field.

    iv. Click on “Next Industry Tester” button if you want to register another Industry Tester. Another Industry Tester registration page with a total number of Industry Testers in the registration

    list and the administrative information (same as previous industry tester) will be displayed Back to step (iii).

    v. Click on the “Finish” button.

    A PRiMOS application form will be generated automatically. Applicants have to print out this form and submit to PRiMOS with authorized signature.

    The online application is completed. Upon received the signed application form from applicant, PRiMOS will verify the information and

    assign user accounts to the industry tester.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    CHAPTER 3 – USER MANAGEMENT 3.1. To update own User Profile

    i. Click on “User Management – Own Profile” menu. The “Update Profile” page is displayed.

    ii. Update the necessary information Name – The name of the user. Email Address – The email address of the user. Password – The password to login with the user id. To change a password, you need to provide both

    the old and new password. Please note that the User ID is not editable.

    iii. Click on the “Submit” button.

    The user profile is updated.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    3.2. To create a Corporate Login User Account i. Click on “User Management – User Accounts” menu.

    The “User Administration” page with a list of existing user account is displayed.

    ii. Click on the “Add New” button The “New User Registration” page is displayed

    iii. Fill in the necessary information

    User ID – The User ID for the user to login to the PRiMOS system. Must be unique within the corporate entity. Compulsory field.

    Name – The name of the user. Compulsory field. Password – The password for the user to login to the PRiMOS system. Must be at least 6 characters.

    Compulsory field. Confirm Password – Retype the password to confirm. Must be at least 6 characters. Compulsory field. Email Address – The email address of the user. Compulsory field. Group Type – The group type to be assigned to this user. The selection varies depends on the

    corporate account type. Sub Type – The sub-group type to be assigned to this user. (e.g. Admin, User, Supervisor, Payment).

    When this sub-type is being selected, the “User Accessibility” section will be displayed. Select the appropriate access rights for this user.

    Status – The status of this user. Either Active or Suspended. Default is Active. If the status is suspended, this particular user is not able to login to PRiMOS system.

    iv. Click on the “Submit” button.

    The user account is created.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    3.3. To update a Corporate Login User Account i. Click on “User Management – User Accounts” menu.

    The “User Administration” page with a list of existing user account is displayed.

    ii. Click on the User ID that you want to update. The “User Details” page is displayed

    iii. Update the necessary information Name – The name of the user. Compulsory field. Password – The password for the user to login to the PRiMOS system. Must be at least 6 characters.

    Compulsory field. Confirm Password – Retype the password to confirm. Must be at least 6 characters. Compulsory field. Email Address – The email address of the user. Compulsory field. Group Type – The group type to be assigned to this user. The selection varies depends on the

    corporate account type. Sub Type – The sub-group type to be assigned to this user. (e.g. Admin, User, Supervisor, Payment). Status – The status of this user. Either Active or Suspended. If the status is suspended, this particular

    user is not able to login to PRiMOS system. User Accessibility – The access permission to each function.

    iv. Click on the “Submit” button.

    The user account information is updated.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    3.4. To update Corporate Profile i. Click on “User Management – Corporate Profile” menu.

    The “Corporate Profile” page is displayed.

    ii. Update the necessary information Address – The address of the company. Compulsory field. Country – The country where the company located. Compulsory field. Postal Code – The postal code of the company. Compulsory field. Administrative Contact – The name of the contact person. Compulsory field. Designation of Contact – The designation of the contact person. Compulsory field. Telephone No. – The phone number of the contact person. Compulsory field. Ext – The extension number of the contact person. Optional field. Fax No. – The facsimile number of the contact person. Compulsory field. Email Address – The email address of the contact person. Compulsory field. Mobile Contact No. – The mobile phone number of the contact person. Optional field. Page No. – The pager number of the contact person. Optional field.

    Please note that the GIRO information cannot be change using the PRiMOS online system. If you want to update the GIRO information, please contact PRiMOS Portal Administrator.

    iii. Click on the “Update” button.

    The corporate profile is updated.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    CHAPTER 4 – INDUSTRY TESTER MANAGEMENT 4.1. To update an Industry Tester information

    i. Click on “User Management – Industry Tester” menu. The “Industry Tester Administration” page with a list of existing Industry Tester is displayed.

    ii. Click on the “Industry Tester” that you want to update. The “Industry Tester Administration” page is displayed.

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    iii. Update the necessary information: Administrative Contact – The name of the administrator that manages this Industry Tester.

    Compulsory Field. Designation of Contact – The designation of the administrator that manages this Industry Tester.

    Compulsory Field. Telephone No. – The telephone number of the administrator that manages this Industry Tester.

    Compulsory Field. Fax No. – The facsimile number of the administrator that manages this Industry Tester. Compulsory

    Field. Email Address – The email address of the administrator that manages this Industry Tester.

    Compulsory Field. Mobile Contact No. – The mobile number of the administrator that manages this Industry Tester. Pager No. – The pager number of the administrator that manages this Industry Tester. Designation of Industry Tester – The designation of the Industry Tester. Compulsory Field. Trade Skills – The skill set of the Industry Tester. At least one selection. Compulsory Field. Name of Financial Institution – The name of the financial institution for Giro application.

    Compulsory field. Branch – The branch name of the financial institution for Giro application. Compulsory field. Account Number – The financial institution account number for Giro application. Compulsory field. Account Holder Name – The name of the account holder of the financial institution for Giro

    application. Compulsory field. Account Holder Contact Number – The contact number of the account holder of the financial

    institution for Giro application. Compulsory field. Status – The status of this Industry Tester. If “Suspend”, this Industry Tester is not able to conduct

    any test.

    iv. Click on the “Update” button. The Industry Tester’s information is updated.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    CHAPTER 5 – TEST MANAGEMENT 5.1. To view a Test Application

    i. Click on the “Test Management – Test Application” menu. The “Test Booked Listing” page is displayed. Note that searching a record by date must be in this format: “MMM DD YYYY”. E.g. “Dec 17 2002”

    ii. Click on the “Test Application” that you want to view.

    A “Test Booked Details” page with the details of the Test Application and a list of Test Candidates is displayed.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    5.2. To acknowledge an Industry Tester Assignment (ITAF) i. Click on the “Test Management – Industry Tester Confirmation” menu.

    The “Test Confirmation – Industry Tester Acknowledgement” page is displayed.

    ii. Select the “Accept” checkbox for the “ITAF” that you want to acknowledge.

    iii. Click on the “Submit Acknowledgement” button. The “ITAF” is acknowledged.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    5.3. To reject an Industry Tester Assignment (ITAF) i. Click on the “Test Management – Industry Tester Confirmation” menu.

    The “Test Confirmation – Industry Tester Acknowledgement” page is displayed.

    ii. Select the “Reject” checkbox for the “ITAF” that you want to acknowledge.

    iii. Click on the “Submit Acknowledgement” button. The “ITAF” is rejected.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    5.4. To view accepted Industry Tester Assignment (ITAF) i. Click on the “Test Management – ITAF Accepted” menu.

    The “ITAF Accepted Listing” page is displayed.

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    5.5. To view rejected Industry Tester Assignment (ITAF) i. Click on the “Test Management – ITAF Rejected” menu.

    The “ITAF Rejected Listing” page is displayed.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    CHAPTER 6 – REPORTING No report available for Test Centre (ASPRI).

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    CHAPTER 7 – BILLING 7.1. To view Invoice

    i. Click on the “Billing – Invoice” menu. A list of Invoice is displayed, if any.

    ii. Click on the Invoice that you want to view.

    The details of the Invoice are displayed.

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  • PRiMOS User Manual (Test Centre – Non-Welding Skill Set)

    7.2. To view Payment Voucher i. Click on the “Billing – Payment Voucher” menu.

    A list of Payment Voucher is displayed, if any.

    ii. Click on the Payment Voucher that you want to view. The details of the Payment Voucher are displayed.

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