PRIMER ENCONTRE COMENIUS AMB ALUMNES: TOT UN ÈXIT SICÍLIA, 27 MARÇ-2 ABRIL 2011 Després de la trobada de coordinació amb els diferents socis del projecte Comenius en què per primera vegada participa l’IES Comarcal que es va realitzar al nostre centre al mes d’octubre de 2011 i en la qual participaven únicament els professors implicats, com ja vos informàrem en el seu moment, el 27 de març de 2011 les alumnes de 4t ESO de l'IES COMARCAL Paula Gamboa, Alba Miñano, Sofía Sanjuán i Alba Valenciano, junt a les professores Concepció Marí i Begoña Miranda, van partir cap a Patti (Sicília) per participar en la nostra primera trobada d’aquest projecte amb alumnat dels diferents països participants (Suècia, Irlanda, Itàlia i Espanya). L' estància ha sigut de sis dies i l'experiència ha resultat molt enriquidora tant pel professorat implicat com per l'alumnat que de seguida va començar a interrelacionar-se. El primer dia vam ser rebudes per l'institut de Patti i l'alumnat va fer les presentacions dels seus centres seguida d’una nit cultural on cada grup va fer conèixer als altres aspectes culturals significatius del seu país per acabar amb una presentació i degustació de menjars típics de cada lloc. Aquestes primeres activitats van trencar el gel i van servir perquè els estudiants començaren a obrir- se i relacionar-se entre ells. A partir d'aquest moment les activitats no van parar i van poder visitar zones de Sicília com Palermo, amb una visita al seu Parlament , l'ajuntament de Patti, on vam ser rebuts per l’alcalde, Ucria, Syracusa, Taormina i Brolo, on varem assistir a un consell format per alumnes de l'escola de primària de la zona. A més d'aquestes excursions culturals, el dia 30 de març els estudiants, reunits en l'escola de Patti, van fer les seues exposicions sobre el sistema polític de cada país participant i van mostrar uns treballs d'un alt nivell, sempre acompanyats d'unes qüestions que s'havien de respondre sobre els aspectes fonamentals de cada exposició. També varen tenir temps de millorar el seus coneixement lingüístics tant de l'anglès, llengua en la qual es van fer totes les exposicions, presentacions i debats, com de l'italià, el valencià, l'espanyol i el suec, llengües pròpies dels països participants. El dia del comiat els petons, els intercanvis de números de telèfons, adreces de correu electrònic i les llàgrimes van marcar la jornada, però totes nosaltres vam tornar a les nostres classes amb una experiència inoblidable: la d'haver compartit amb gent d'altres cultures uns moments molt agradables i enriquidors.

PRIMER ENCONTRE COMENIUS AMB ALUMNES: TOT UN ÈXIT · participants in the front hall we all went to the “Comenius” classroom. Here Professoressa Grazia Gullotti Scalisi the Principal

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Page 1: PRIMER ENCONTRE COMENIUS AMB ALUMNES: TOT UN ÈXIT · participants in the front hall we all went to the “Comenius” classroom. Here Professoressa Grazia Gullotti Scalisi the Principal



Després de la trobada de coordinació amb els diferents socis del projecte Comenius en què per primera vegada participa l’IES Comarcal que es va realitzar al nostre centre al mes d’octubre de 2011 i en la qual participaven únicament els professors implicats, com ja vos informàrem en el seu moment, el 27 de març de 2011 les alumnes de 4t ESO de l'IES COMARCAL Paula Gamboa, Alba Miñano, Sofía Sanjuán i Alba Valenciano, junt a les professores Concepció Marí i Begoña Miranda, van partir cap a Patti (Sicília) per participar en la nostra primera trobada d’aquest projecte amb alumnat dels diferents països participants (Suècia, Irlanda, Itàlia i Espanya). L' estància ha sigut de sis dies i l'experiència ha resultat molt enriquidora tant pel professorat implicat com per l'alumnat que de seguida va començar a interrelacionar-se. El primer dia vam ser rebudes per l'institut de Patti i l'alumnat va fer les presentacions dels seus centres seguida d’una nit cultural on cada grup va fer conèixer als altres aspectes culturals significatius del seu país per acabar amb una presentació i degustació de menjars típics de cada lloc. Aquestes primeres activitats van trencar el gel i van servir perquè els estudiants començaren a obrir-se i relacionar-se entre ells. A partir d'aquest moment les activitats no van parar i van poder visitar zones de Sicília com Palermo, amb una visita al seu Parlament , l'ajuntament de Patti, on vam ser rebuts per l’alcalde, Ucria, Syracusa, Taormina i Brolo, on varem assistir a un consell format per alumnes de l'escola de primària de la zona. A més d'aquestes excursions culturals, el dia 30 de març els estudiants, reunits en l'escola de Patti, van fer les seues exposicions sobre el sistema polític de cada país participant i van mostrar uns treballs d'un alt nivell, sempre acompanyats d'unes qüestions que s'havien de respondre sobre els aspectes fonamentals de cada exposició. També varen tenir temps de millorar el seus coneixement lingüístics tant de l'anglès, llengua en la qual es van fer totes les exposicions, presentacions i debats, com de l'italià, el valencià, l'espanyol i el suec, llengües pròpies dels països participants. El dia del comiat els petons, els intercanvis de números de telèfons, adreces de correu electrònic i les llàgrimes van marcar la jornada, però totes nosaltres vam tornar a les nostres classes amb una experiència inoblidable: la d'haver compartit amb gent d'altres cultures uns moments molt agradables i enriquidors.

Page 2: PRIMER ENCONTRE COMENIUS AMB ALUMNES: TOT UN ÈXIT · participants in the front hall we all went to the “Comenius” classroom. Here Professoressa Grazia Gullotti Scalisi the Principal

Hem d’agrair des d’ací la càlida rebuda del centre sicilià, la dedicació dels seus estudiants i professors –en especial a la coordinadora del projecte, Paola Nardo- i esperar que el pròxim encontre amb estudiants –que serà a Suècia el curs que ve- isca tan bé o millor que aquest!

Les alumnes i professores del Comarcal durant la visita a Palerm

Sofia, Alba V., Alba M. i Paula en l’exposició sobre els nostres sistemes polítics

Page 3: PRIMER ENCONTRE COMENIUS AMB ALUMNES: TOT UN ÈXIT · participants in the front hall we all went to the “Comenius” classroom. Here Professoressa Grazia Gullotti Scalisi the Principal

Les estudiants preparades per a la nit cultural i la dansà.

El grup quasi al complet al teatre de Taormina

Page 4: PRIMER ENCONTRE COMENIUS AMB ALUMNES: TOT UN ÈXIT · participants in the front hall we all went to the “Comenius” classroom. Here Professoressa Grazia Gullotti Scalisi the Principal

I si encara voleu saber més –i de llegir en anglès-, ací teniu el “report” sobre la trobada de la coordinadora irlandesa:


Patti, Sicily 28th March TO 3rd April 2011 Theme “TOWARDS EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP THROUGH EQUAL

OPPORTUNITIES” Participating countries: Ireland, Italy (Frosinone and Patti), Spain and Sweden On the 27th March 2011 each country was warmly welcomed at the airport by staff from “Ferdinando Borghese” Patti. Ireland / Spain & Frosinone all arrived at Catania airport, and Sweden arrived at Palermo – Ireland and Sweden were the first to arrive and had dinner together – Marcus (student from Sweden, opened the exchange with a toast of water during the meal). Spain waited at Catania airport on the group from Frosinone they travelled together and had dinner together at the hotel on arrival –words of welcome were exchanged by those present from Ireland, Sweden and all were glad to get of to bed – it took Sweden almost 24 hours to reach Patti. Monday 28TH March Following breakfast Paola (our programme coordinator) brought us by bus to the school “FERDINANDO BORGHESE” PATTI where we once again were warmly welcomed by staff and students. Following a look at our own photos and the photos of the other participants in the front hall we all went to the “Comenius” classroom. Here Professoressa Grazia Gullotti Scalisi the Principal of the school welcomed us all and informed both students and staff that she was delighted to host this Comenius project which was a first for her school. The students from “Ferdinando Borghese” Patti gave all participants their identification badges which included their name and country) folders, pens and writing materials. The students from Ireland then facilitated some “Get To Know Games” this helped to break down any nervousness and we as staff were impressed how all students participated. This session was then followed by refreshments, given by the hosting school a sign of the hospitality that we were to experience all week from everyone we encountered at the school and outside the school in Patti and the towns we visited. To start of the presentations the hosting school showed short films including each National anthem and scenes of each country these had been prepared by Paola and were of a very high standard Each school then took some time to present power point presentations about their country, school and their education system. Following this the participants were given a guided tour of the school. To conclude the tour all students participated in “Volley Ball and other sporting activities in the PE hall with the class present thanks to the teacher of Physical education. The walk back to the hotel gave us a feel for this historic part of the city, and the hills prepared us for lunch at the hotel from 1:30. Following a most substantial lunch we headed off to visit a Roman Villa and visit of the historic part of Patti. Our tour guide was Professoressa Laura from “Ferdinando Borghese” and Angela teachers from the school in Patti

Page 5: PRIMER ENCONTRE COMENIUS AMB ALUMNES: TOT UN ÈXIT · participants in the front hall we all went to the “Comenius” classroom. Here Professoressa Grazia Gullotti Scalisi the Principal

At 7:00 pm we gathered with some guests for our cultural night which included celebration of dance, singing, theater, and the sharing of a small gift from our countries to a participant from one of the other country. All visiting schools made a small presentation of gratitude to Professoressa Grazia Gullotti Scalisi. We were entertained by a typical folk group from Patti. This proved to be an excellent celebration and was followed by dinner which was a selection of typical foods from each country. During this time both students and staff got to know each other. Local musicians gave students and staff the opportunity to dance and get to know each other. Without a doubt friendship were already made on the first night of our exchange and cultural difference were shared and accepted before we all went off to bed for a well earned rest!!! Tuesday 29th March Following an early breakfast at 7am we left PATTI 7:30 am to visit to the Regional Parliament in PALERMO where Paola and Giuseppe gave us a guided tour of the Parliament and what seemed like all of Palermo. The sites visited included Saint John’s of the Heremites, Palermo Cathedral, Quattro Canti, Piazza Pretoria and so on. Following lunch we visited Monreale where visit the Cathedral and the Chiostro (Norman Cloisters). On the bus journey back the students entertained each other with fun, laughter and songs from each country and common “pop” and rave songs. We arrived back to the hotel after 9pm following dinner, students and staff chatted until bed time... Wednesday 30th March After breakfast, we all headed to the school in preparation for our presentations on the theme of our political systems in each of our countries and women in politics. The presentation were of a very high standard and the students presentation skills and use of computer skills was exemplar. Each group had prepared some questions on their presentations which assisted in helping students and staff to pay attention and understand each other’s country. Pens, pencils and small symbols of each country were shared at this time. This proved to be a very good activity as it helped total participation Following a short break of refreshments offered by the hosting school, Paola gave a brief presentation on Sicily and its products. We then visited Town Hall in the municipality of Patti where were received by the mayor. The students had the opportunity to sit in the council chamber and discuss women in politics Following lunch at the hotel we travelled to Tindari where we visited the Church, both old and new. We also visited the Greek theater and museum After this we went to UCRIA where we were received by the Mayor, visited the Museum, which include items of history, modern artifacts and masks. The local community group provided us with dinner of typical risotto of mushrooms and cakes. We were each presented with a certificate from the Associazione Turistica pro Loco Ucria “Citta di Monte Castello in Valdemone Ucria”. We returned to the hotel and all went straight to bed. Thursday 31ST MARCH Following and early breakfast we set off to visit Syracuse where we had a guided visit of the following: Archealogical Park (Teatro Greco,Anfiteatro Romano,Orecchio Di Dionisio E Ara Di ierone II )+Isola Di Ortigia(Tempio Di Apollo, Piazza Archimede,Piazza Duomo,Cattedrale,Ex Tempio Di Atena e Fonte Aretusa)

Page 6: PRIMER ENCONTRE COMENIUS AMB ALUMNES: TOT UN ÈXIT · participants in the front hall we all went to the “Comenius” classroom. Here Professoressa Grazia Gullotti Scalisi the Principal

Following some lunch and free time we visited Taormina where we spent some time in the Greek theater and park followed by some free time to shop in this most beautiful hill top village. We returned to the hotel for dinner, chat and fun between participants Friday 1st April Following breakfast we attended the school where students had the opportunity to attend classes of their choices with students from the Patti school. The project leaders meet and paid bus bills etc. It was agreed that we would forward answers to evaluation questions to Paola who would collate them. It was suggested that we get the students to write a short essay / evaluation and send to Paola. The hosting school presented all with a certificate of participation for the Comenius exchange. Each school received a DVD of the activities from arrivals on Sunday until Thursday. Following a break of refreshments given by the school we went to Brolo where we met the Mayor who presented each country with a present of a ceramic tile with the image of the Castle of Brolo. The “Baby Council”, formed by students from primary High School, informed us and presented us with their project on the environment and active citizenship. We then visited the beautiful sea side. We were given a fantastic lunch in a school canteen by the municipality of Brolo. We then visited the Brolo Castle with its museum. Here the guide give us a great detailed guide on what went on during the inquisition, we saw firsthand the equipment used throughout Europe to torture those who were believed to be offenders... Late afternoon we travelled to Capo d’Orlando . The night ended with dinner and a presentation of opera singing by a student from the hosting school, and two professional dancers. A book by Beniamino Joppolo was given us on behalf of the Mayor of Patti. All the visiting countries thanked the school community of Patti for their kindness, help, support and commitment during the week. In special way we thanked Paola for her coordination and all the work that she put into such a great exchange. We were all thanked by Grazia for coming to Patti. The students and staff then had sometime to say good bye – and share e-mail addresses etc before heading of to bed – some tears of friendship were shared – a true sign that Comenius had worked this week.. SPAIN departed the hotel at 4am on the 2ND April 2011 to arrive in CATANIA airport for their flight at 7:40 FROSINONE departed at 7.15am to arrive on 2nd April to arrive in CATANIA airport for their flight at 10:40am SWEDEN departed at 2pm on 2nd April to arrive in PALERMO for flight at 20:20- they decided to stop off in Palermo for a last visit before their flight. Due to the fact that there was no flight back to Ireland until Sunday 3rd April the Irish group decided to visit Mount Etna on Saturday 2nd April this turned out to be a trip of a life time and a fantastic experience IRELAND departed Patti on Sunday the 3rd April 2011 at 9.15 for CATANIA airport for their flight at 13:20am. Conclusion As set out in the first few hours of his proramme the main aim of Comenius s to develop friendship within European countries, so that good practice may be shared between teachers

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and students. There is a definite sense that this took place during this exchange- the young people were respectful of each other and the adults present – they had fun, paid attention to information that was shared throughout our visits to many churches and historical sites and carried out the work proposed to them before and during this part of the programme. Accommodation / Food / Hotel Staff – excellent Staff and students from hosting school excellent Programme intense, educational, friendship building and knowledgeable - Excellent coordination Transport excellent – Nonpayment into Museums, Historical Sites, Churches, local bus drives very helpful to all schools financially