Primary Electio n Day!

Primary Election Day! AGENDA February 4/5, 2013 Today’s topics Primary Election Day! Caucus vs. Ballot elections U.S. Constitutional Analysis —

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Primary Election Day!Anticipatory set12/4/2013G&P -- StuckartAGENDAFebruary 4/5, 2013Todays topicsPrimary Election Day!Caucus vs. Ballot electionsU.S. Constitutional Analysis Article II

AdministrativeStamps: U.S. Constitutional Analysis Article IIKing Corn shopping assignment

HomeworkRead Chapter 13, sections 3-5 (pgs 374-394)

Bring Textbook + Portfolio to class every day

You will be taking notes today be prepared/get Portfolios out

Any questions about our agenda today?22/4/2013G&P -- StuckartLearning GoalsUnit 5 GuideUnderstand the presidential selection processIdentify the Constitutional and statutory basis for presidential electionsExplain, evaluate and critique the current system of presidential elections and presidential succession

Teacher goes through goals and relates them to the days activities.

32/4/2013G&P -- StuckartSTAMPS

Reminder:STAMPS only for work completed on time

While stamping, Teacher leads discussion of students answers to King Corn homework

42/4/2013G&P -- Stuckart

Primary Election Day!Today were going to compare ballot voting with caucus voting.Teacher defines ballot: a slip or sheet of paper, cardboard, or the like, on which a voter marks his or her vote.

Teacher displays candidates -- PIES52/4/2013G&P -- StuckartImage from: http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/IMAGES/Vermont/apple_pie_usda-380.jpg

Apple PieYummy! Nutritious! All-American!

Im Apple Pie and I approved this message because every American deserves a good dessert.VOTE APPLE!Ad supplied courtesy of Geoff Stuckart Media Productions62/4/2013G&P -- StuckartPeach PieAd supplied courtesy of Geoff Stuckart Media Productions

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Paid for by the Friends Reunited for American Uniformed Defense72/4/2013G&P -- StuckartVOTE! Blueberry Pie

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Ad supplied courtesy of Geoff Stuckart Media Productions

82/4/2013G&P -- StuckartKey Lime Piethe green choice for America

Vote green!

Vote sustainability!

Endorsed byImage from: http://brightestblue.wordpress.com/2009/06/04/things-i-wuv/

Ralph NaderSierra ClubThe Green Party of GuamLeague of Conservation VotersKermit the FrogPaid for by Green is Great committee. Not authorized by any pie or any pies committee.Ad supplied courtesy of Geoff Stuckart Media Productions92/4/2013G&P -- StuckartPumpkin PieThe REAL American Pie!

VOTE4-A-Real American!Ad supplied courtesy of Geoff Stuckart Media Productions

Make no mistake: Apple Pie might claim to be All American, but apples are not native to America.

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Vote Pumpkin Pie!102/4/2013G&P -- StuckartMincemeat PieA cut above the rest!Ad supplied courtesy of Geoff Stuckart Media Productions

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112/4/2013G&P -- Stuckart

Primary Election Day!Classroom voting procedures: Mark ballot with name of pie, fold in half, hold ballots until collectedStudents begin voting. Teacher observes students to see who votes secretly and who collaborates.Teacher collects and tallies ballots and writes results on whiteboardEliminate pie(s) with lowest vote total, then revote until 1 pie has a majorityTeacher asks for observations from students -- possible seed questions from teacher:Some of you talked while voting. Would that happen in a real election in Oregon while people are voting? Could that affect the outcome? How?Did anyone try to convince someone else to vote in a certain way? What happened?Did we see any groups forming in support of one pie or another?What are the possible barriers for someone who wants to vote in this type of election?

122/4/2013G&P -- StuckartWhat is a caucus?NPR: Ken Rudin's Guide to the Iowa Caucuseshttp://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=17261569

NPR: Just How Do the Iowa Caucuses Work?

Students should take notes.

What is a caucus? (pre-assessment) One definition: A meeting of the local members of a political party especially to select delegates to a convention or register preferences for candidates running for office Teacher plays NPR video and/or story: Just How Do the Iowa Caucuses Work?

Teacher asks for student observations possible seed questions:How do the Democratic and Republican processes differ? How are they similar?Which caucus process is better? Why?

132/4/2013G&P -- StuckartTime to Caucus!Form into groups by your preferred pie:Discuss / try to persuade others to join you or Move to another viable group

Groups withlow numberswill be eliminated one at a time

Teacher discusses classroom caucus voting proceduresTeacher moves among groups, offers suggestions and encouragement, tries to engage students who are not engaged.When done, students move back to their seats while teacher tallies results and posts on whiteboardCompare with results from ballot-style election.

Teacher asks for observations from students -- possible seed questions:Did anyone try to convince someone else to vote in a certain way? What happened?In a caucus, you have to identify who you support. Did that affect anyones vote? Do you think it might in a U.S. presidential election?What are the possible barriers for someone who wants to vote in this type of election? Who might be left out? [disabled, people who work, etc.]Which do you think is better a caucus or a ballot election? Why?

142/4/2013G&P -- StuckartAnalysis of the U.S. Constitution

Article IICall on students / Discuss answers152/4/2013G&P -- StuckartHomeworkBefore you leavePick up your belongings Straighten up the tables and chairs

HomeworkRead Chapter 13, sections 3-5 (pgs 374-394)

Bring Textbook + Portfolio to class every day

16G&P -- Stuckart2/4/2013