A Call to the Joy of living, (Joie de vivre) Dr. A. John Siluvai, Head, Postgraduate Department of English, St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysore. Abstract The objective of this write-up is to explore from Literature the secret to the joy of living. In the words of Mathew Arnold, the study of Literature, more so English literature has the universality of its appeal to man as man and offers consolation and stay in life. Poems, stories, dramas and fiction help us work through the challenges we face from every day irritations to loneliness, heartache and death. Literature is as vital to our lives as food and shelter. It is a call to make our life happy and to drink it to its lees. The real,perpetual, undying and eternal joy is assured for all the just only in the life after life, although one can already have the taste of it in this mundane life itself. This is the tenacious conviction of a few thinkers and poets and it is imperative for us to unpack and unfold their thoughts and feelings so that we can also live a life of joy (la joie de vivre). Keywords:joie de vivre – the joy of living; carpe diem – Seize the day or pluck the day; parousiac joy – the supreme spiritual or eternal or perennial joy in life after life. Philos Multi –Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e- Journal April 2018 Page 1

Primary Data: Primary data was collected from students and …  · Web view2018-06-27 · I will drink life to the lees.” 3 He intends to drain ... The poet, Eliot calls London,

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Page 1: Primary Data: Primary data was collected from students and …  · Web view2018-06-27 · I will drink life to the lees.” 3 He intends to drain ... The poet, Eliot calls London,

A Call to the Joy of living, (Joie de vivre)

Dr. A. John Siluvai,Head, Postgraduate Department of English,

St.Philomena’s College (Autonomous), Mysore.


The objective of this write-up is to explore from Literature the secret to the

joy of living. In the words of Mathew Arnold, the study of Literature, more

so English literature has the universality of its appeal to man as man and

offers consolation and stay in life. Poems, stories, dramas and fiction help

us work through the challenges we face from every day irritations to

loneliness, heartache and death. Literature is as vital to our lives as food

and shelter. It is a call to make our life happy and to drink it to its lees. The

real,perpetual, undying and eternal joy is assured for all the just only in the

life after life, although one can already have the taste of it in this mundane

life itself. This is the tenacious conviction of a few thinkers and poets and it

is imperative for us to unpack and unfold their thoughts and feelings so that

we can also live a life of joy (la joie de vivre).

Keywords:joie de vivre – the joy of living; carpe diem – Seize the day or

pluck the day; parousiac joy – the supreme spiritual or eternal or perennial

joy in life after life.

Introduction: The topic sentence is an invitation to man as a man to a life of

joy.Immediately the question arises to what kind of joy we are called? Is it a physical or

sensual joy? Or Is it an intellectual joy? Or is it a spiritual joy, the supreme bliss, the undying

eternal joy beyond the temporal? These are the questions that come uppermost to our

minds.Let us approach this string of questions in a literary perspective, for the simple reason

that great poets enjoy more sensibility than most of us and they manifest the truth remarkably

of what they have felt profoundly in their head and heart. For an example, you and I have

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Page 2: Primary Data: Primary data was collected from students and …  · Web view2018-06-27 · I will drink life to the lees.” 3 He intends to drain ... The poet, Eliot calls London,

seen very often the rainbow. And it does not sensitize us as it does with men of sensibility.

When Wordsworth saw it, he shouted out of joy:

My heart leaps up when I behold

A rainbow in the sky:

So was it when my life began,

So is it now I am a man,

So be it when I grow old.

Or let me die!

The child is the father of the man

And I could wish my days

Bound each to each by natural piety

John Keats expressed his joy while seeing beauty embedded in all we behold and believe:

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.

G.M. Hopkins was a Jesuit priest and poet. When he saw a falcon, soaring in the sky in the

morning, he bursts out: My heart in hiding stirred for a bird. He calls it the windhover. “I

caught this morning morning’s minion, kingdom of daylight’s dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn

Falcon in his riding, the achieve of, the mastery of, the mystery of the thing, brute beauty and

valour and act, pride and plume: O my chevalier! He then slips into a deep meditation of the

beauty of Christ’s passion and death on the cross, which is more beautiful, a billion times told

lovelier and more dangerous because of the gash gold-vermillion of his precious blood.”

Most of us have read or heard several times the first miracle of Christ at the wedding party in

Cana in Galilee. But it does not stir us. When young Lord Byron in his class was asked by the

teacher to write a composition on the first miracle of Jesus, he did not write pages after pages

as expected by the teacher. He just wrote a single line: ‘The water saw its master and

blushed’ to the great intellectual joy of the teacher.

The joy of ‘Carpe Diem’:The Roman poet Horace in 65 B.C with his Epicurean background

declared: “while we're talking, envious time is fleeing: “Seize the day”, put no trust in the

future”.1 His famous saying ‘Carpe diem’, “Seize the day”, “Pluck the Day” has its

repercussions and reverberations in the life of priests, religious and the lay persons even to

this day. People repeat the words: Enjoy yourself while you have the chance. Enjoy the

pleasures of the moment without any concern for the future. In his poem, “Mignonne,

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allonsvoirsi la rose”, Pierre Ronsard (1524-1585) advises a young girl that her age is like a

beautiful rose that has bloomed in the morning. Before it gets withered by the cruel sun, she

should pluck and enjoy it; otherwise, old age will soon dull and dim, sully, tarnish and ruin

her beauty. Similarly in his poem ‘To the Virgins, to Make Much Time’, Robert Herrick

advises us to gather the moments like the flowers:

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,

  Old Time is still a-flying;

And this same flower that smiles today

   Tomorrow will be dying.

Andrew Marvell in his poem “To his Coy Mistress” says

  But at my back I always hear 

Time’s winged chariot hurrying near; 

Now let us sport us while we may, 

And now, like amorous birds of prey, 

Rather at once our time devour 

Than languish in his slow-chapped power. 

This ‘carpe diem’ philosophy continues to haunt the present generation because we tend to

seek our joy in www (wealth, wine and women). Firstly most people are mad after money,

wealth, pelf and power. As Ben Jonson puts in his play ‘Volpone’, we seek joy in the

accumulation and possession of the shrine of gold and money which is nothing but the bane

of bliss. That is why D.H. Lawrence said: ‘Money is our madness, our vast and collective

madness’. You will all agree with me that the dirty money and wealth can never give us a

permanent joy of life. With money, one can procure a cart load of books, big libraries and

bookstalls. But can one get knowledge with money? With money one can buy tons of tablets.

But can one buy good health? One can buy and possess the whole world, but one cannot buy


Secondly most people these days find real joy and happiness in drinking wine and alcohol.

Even the ancients believed that when the wine is in, the wit is out. And to corroborate this

statement, the reputed French poet Charles Baudelaire (1821 – 1867) rightly said: “You have

to be always drunk. That’s all there is to it.., it’s the only way. So as not to feel the horrible

burden of time that breaks you to earth, you have to be continually drunk. But on what?

Wine, poetry or virtue, as you wish. But be drunk!” 2

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I am reminded of the Victorian poet Alfred Lord Tennyson who wants us to enjoy by

drinking in a different way. In “Ulysses” he makes the speaker state bluntly and baldly: “I

cannot rest from travel. I will drink life to the lees.” 3 He intends to drain the whole wine

glass of life, bottoms up, and swallow even the grainy dregs and sediments. Similarly in the

play, “The Admirable Crichton”, James Barrie makes one of the characters say: “Life is like a

cup of tea; the more heartily we drink, the sooner we reach the dregs”. Life must be enjoyed

to its last drop, to the maximum possible extent with its implications and ramifications.

Thirdly we are baffled at the sad situation of the pursuit of man on the carnal and sexual joy,

libidinal and erotic pleasure as stipulated by Sigmund Fraud. He says that people who are

behaviourally abnormal are always sexually abnormal, but many people who are normal

behaviourally are otherwise sexually abnormal. T. S. Eliot also blames sex, or rather

its commercialization, as both the cause and the symptom of the decay of Western

civilization in his famous poem ‘The Waste Land’(1922). He says that modern man seeking

after sex and wealth and neglecting his faith in God is a hollow man stuffed with straw. There

is in the present world a total pell-mell, a spiritual sterility and vacuum, loss of faith and

moral values, commercialization of life, and the paranoia of sexual perversion and

abnormality as postulated by Sigmund Freud.

At one time sex was considered sacramental, a consummation of conjugal love and means of

human development. But unfortunately in modern time, sex has become an animal urge with

no moral or social commitment. It is perverted and is utilized for carnal pleasure and

monetary benefits. It has therefore, become a source of degeneration and disease. It has also

led to the erosion of moral values and has turned to be a hurdle in man’s spiritual joy and

progress. Easy sexual relationship is found among all sections of society high or low, lay or

religious.Sex is the same as any other commodity. It could be bought and enjoyed without

any sense of morality. The poet, Eliot calls London, unreal city just like Baudelaire called

Paris unreal, because unbelievable things happen in such cities. Rape, lust, molestation and

cheating and corruption prevail without any hindrance.

In ‘Sailing to Byzantium,’ W. B. Yeats affirms that in the land of sexually charged youth in

Ireland, it is not suitable for old people to live there. “That is no country for old man. An aged

man is a paltry thing, / A tattered coat upon a stick,”4 because the young in one another’s

arms are caught in that sensual music and neglect the monuments of unaging intellect. Life

over there is all physical and sensual. He longs to sail to Byzantium and live in a place of

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wisdom, devoid of sex, where he may once again feel at ease and devote his mind to things of

beauty which is a joy for ever in Byzantium.

A number of modernist poets and writers have expressed their social alienation and the

necessity to a life of joy in different terms. Therefore, ‘ acall to joy’ means for them not

wealth, wine and women. To E. Forster, it means“ aneternal moment”; James Joyce calls it

“epiphany”; Virginia Wolf terms it “a moment of being” and T. S. Eliot feels it as “a

moment in and out of time” as a possible means of salvation in the face of the

meaninglessness of a spiritually and emotionally arid, modern existence. These modern

writers and poets are almost reflecting what the metaphysical poet, Henry Vaughan

visualized in the 17th century in his famous poem ‘The World’. He expressed the real joy of

life by saying so beautifully: “I saw eternity the other night like a great ring of pure and

endless light, all calm, as it was bright” 6.Similarly in the poem ‘The Retreat’, he declares:

“Happy are those early days when I shined in my angel infancy….Oh! how I long to travel

back and tread that ancient track.... But ah, my soul with too much stay is drunk and staggers

in the way.” He seeks nothing but eternal joy. It is what the theologians call ‘Parousia’ the

effulgent light. It is undoubtedly the joy of accepting God and his teachings as revealed in the

sacred scriptures. Happy is the man who has placed his trust in the Lord. The poet firmly

believes that all men and women are liberated from the slavery of sin and Satan by Christ’s

death on the cross and the joy of resurrection and the assurance of eternal life by Christ. The

paradise lost has been regained and restored to man by the suffering and death of Christ on

the cross which has turned out to be the power and wisdom for the believers.

What is this perpetual, eternal life of joy promised to us and to which all of us are called? I

am really fascinated by the Victorian poet Robert Browning who says: “Life is probation and

the earth no goal, but a starting point of man”5. After the death of his wife, Elizabeth in 1861,

the poet is not dismayed and frustrated but has the hope and optimism of meeting her in the

life after life. He puts the appropriate Latin title to his poem “Prospice” (Look forward).

Taking death as a challenge, he makes a naked declaration: Fear death! To feel the fog in my

throat! the press of the storm, the power of the night, the post of the foe, the black minute!

Let death come in any form. He will confront it fully with indomitable courage, taste the

whole of it, endure its pain and misery and fight to the finish the full fury of death, not like a

dastard but heroes of the past. Like a true Christian, he has the optimism to fight gallantly the

black minute of death, because it is only a gate way to that illuminated peaceful world where

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he will meet the ‘soul of his soul’, his wife and experience a profound joy and peace. This is

the ultimate joy and promise to which all of us are called, with no discrimination.

It may be difficult for us to comprehend the eternal and parousiac joy. It is an indwelling in

the triune God. It is something like a plunge in the immensity of God’s life and love which is

infinite and inexhaustible. God’s inexhaustible riches will never be comprehensibly seen,

enjoyed and loved by man. If you drop a stone on the surface of the ocean, the stone will

slowly sink down but eventually its downward trend will cease, once the bottom is reached.

But God being a bottomless abyss of Trinitarian life and love, man will sink ever deeper into

it without ever reaching the end of the process. Man will drink in life, God’s own life, and he

will never be entirely satiated, for as he drinks, his capacity of reception will further expand

and this newly expanded capacity will be the receptacle and repertoire of a further outpouring

of divine life Eternity is not a concept an abstraction. It is a person. It is an immersion into

the ever present Now of God’s own love and life7 (Bermejos). Past and future tenses are

incompatible with God who is simply is in the present. “Before Abraham was, I am” (John

8:58). Nor eternity is a frozen immobility, for God is essential Life replete with love. He is

the eternal present in whom we live and love mutually in a state of immortal and immense

joy (Mine).

Shakespeare has put it in short and succinct expression the secret of the joy of living in three

important phrases: firstly ‘Perfection is all.’ Be ye perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect.

Secondly ‘Ripeness is all’ 9. In King Lear, Edgar says to his Father “What! In ill thoughts

again, men must endure their going hence, even as their coming hither: ripeness is all” (King

Lear V, ii) and thirdly, “There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be not

now, yet it will come. “The readiness is all” 10.

Finally it all depends upon our attitude to make life either blissful like heaven or horrible like

hell. As Milton says: “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a

hell of heaven”11. Hamlet thought of the World as a prison with different cells, wards and

dungeons and Denmark as one of the worst dungeons. But there is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so. One must think well and work well, be righteous and upright,

honest, just, candid, sincere and outspoken, because ‘perfection is all’, ‘ripeness is all’ and

‘readiness is all’.

Works cited:

1. Horace: ‘Odes’ Book 1.112. Baudelaire Charles: ‘Enivrez-vous’ Les fleurs du Mal .

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3. Tennyson Alfred Lord: ‘Ulysses’ 6-7

4. Yeats, W.B: ‘Sailing to Byzantium’ 9-10

5. Browning Robert: ‘The Ring and Book’, the Pope 1435 f.

6. Vaughan Henry: ‘The World’ 1-4.

7. Bermajos, A. M. Eschatology, Pune: JnanaDeepa, 1976.

8. Shakespeare: King Lear V, ii, 8-10

9. Shakespeare: Hamlet, V, ii, 234.

10. Milton John: ‘Paradise Lost’ Book I, 22.

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DR. Sukanya

Head, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

St. Philomena’s College, Mysore -570015

Email: [email protected]


These technological advances of the Internet and mobile phones have created

a new global culture and seem to impact on people’s perspectives. The

Internet culture has dared to take on to unbeaten paths to initiate educational,

cultural and psychological revolutions. Internet technology has raised the

level of awareness to hitherto unknown levels. A cursory glance at the studies

conducted across the globe compels one to take notice of the 'digital divide'

that has come about in the society. Usage of Mass Media in contemporary

society is considered for study because, to understand which medium is more

used by the public and to analyze whether the new media have made any

inroad into the existing media. This study was confined to four districts in

Karnataka (IT bowl of India). The sample consisted of 801 respondents. The

Survey method was found to be appropriate to conduct a study of this nature.

1. The print media is still a more popular medium than the new media. There

is no significant relation between age and newspaper and magazine reading

which means irrespective of age everybody reads newspapers and magazines

with few exceptions. 2. Television is watched by everyone irrespective of age

unlike radio which is being listened to more by youngsters than adults. 3.

There is a correlation between age and listening to the radio, age and using

computer, and age and surfing Internet both at home and office. 4. There is no

relation between age and owning personal mobile phone

Key terms: Society, Internet, Surfing, Browser, To chat, Social Networking


Mass media which have proved to be the most successful channels of communication

excelled in creating a common culture. The advent of TV, in particular promoted the isolation

of human beings. Now, finally, there is a counter-trend. Howard Rheingold framed it

beautifully, when he wrote The Virtual Community, nearly 15 years ago: "Perhaps cyberspace

Philos Multi –Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e- Journal April 2018 Page 8

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is one of those informal public places, where people can rebuild the aspects of community

that were lost when the malt shop became a mall. Theorists such as Louis Wirth and Talcott

Parsons have emphasized the importance of mass media as instruments of social control. In

the 21st century, with the rise of the internet, the two-way relationship between mass media

and public opinion is beginning to change.1

The mass media constitute a powerful and pervading force in our lives. We are exposed daily

to a bombardment of media messages. Most of the information we receive about our

community, our state, the nation and the world comes to us through newspapers, magazines,

television and radio.

The information and views communicated through these media have great impact on our

attitudes toward people, events and problems. Mass media expose people to a flood of

information almost narcotic sing reader, listener or viewer. Due to mass media the range and

amount of information available to the people has vastly increased.2

Significance of the Study: The new generation is now being raised with widespread

availability of Internet connectivity, with consequences on privacy, identity, and copyright

concerns. These "Digital natives" or netizens face a whole set of concerns that was not

present for earlier generations. Karnataka is one of the more advanced states with Bangalore

being the IT capital of the country. It is the right time to study whether people still are

exposed to traditional mass media when they have access to new media for more than a

decade now.

In the mid1990s one of the hot topics that dominated the sphere of discourse was regarding

sociability and the Internet. On the one hand people argued that there was something

innovative about the virtual communities whereas others were of the opinion that online

social networking would adversely affect the real life relationships of people.3

With the extending impact of media of mass communication on individuals and groups, the

Indian society overall is reacting swiftly. The pervasive effects of the various media on the

various spheres of the Indian life- economic, social, cultural, intellectual, religious and even

moral values are transforming rapidly.

Mass media are capable of creating various kinds of impact on mankind. They play a crucial

role in the function and change of any society. A study of social change cannot be done

without studying mass media. Therefore, in the present times when technology has brought

about changes in the society, mass media studies have become important.4

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Research Methodology: The study makes an effort to measure the exposure of the

respondents to various media. The statistical techniques employed for data analysis are


Primary Data: Primary data was collected from students and people by the use of structured

questionnaire method.

Sample Profile: The sample (800) was selected on the basis simple random sampling

technique. Since the study also pertains to Internet, it requires respondents who are the users

of Internet as well. Therefore the sample consists of users of media like newspapers, Radio,

magazines, TV and new media and excludes non users.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives are as follows:

1. To analyze the frequency of utilization of mass media

2. To analyze the exposure to various media

Table-1:Showing frequency of media exposure by respondents:


Frequency Percent Frequency Percent t-value

Newspaper 706 88.1 95 11.9 21’.58

Magazine 447 55.8 354 44.2 3.29

Radio 508 63.4 293 36.6 7.59

TV 708 88.4 93 11.6 21.73

Computer 472 58.9 329 41.1 5.05

Internet at Home 312 39.0 489 61.0 -6.05

Internet at Office 239 29.8 562 70.2 -11.41

Personal Mobile Phone 600 74.9 201 25.1 14.09

t=21.58, p<0.01 df:799

From the table it can be deciphered the print media is still a more popular medium than the

new media. The reasons could be newspapers are cheap, easily available, portable, anywhere

and everywhere could be read, personal touch towards newspaper and people have been used

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Page 11: Primary Data: Primary data was collected from students and …  · Web view2018-06-27 · I will drink life to the lees.” 3 He intends to drain ... The poet, Eliot calls London,

to read newspaper since their childhood as against new media . It is interesting to note that

TV as well as newspapers has the highest viewership and readership. A good percentage of

people (75%) own mobile phone whereas only 39% of them have Internet connection at


Table- 2: shows reading of newspapers by respondents of different age groups


TotalYes No

18-24 485 74 559

25-34 128 18 146

35-44 38 2 40

45-54 41 1 42

55 and Above 14 0 14

Total 706 95 801

2 = 8.34; NS; p > 0.05, df: 4There is no significant relationship between age of the respondents and the newspaper

reading (2 = 8.34; NS; p > 0.05 df: 4). It may be inferred that irrespective of age, people of

all age groups read newspapers. Age is independent of newspaper reading.

Table-3: shows the reading of magazines by respondents of different age groups


TotalYes No

18-24 296 263 559

25-34 81 65 146

35-44 27 13 40

45-54 31 11 42

55 and Above 12 2 14

Total 447 354 801

2 = 15; NS; p > 0.05, df: 4Magazines are read by everybody irrespective of age. But the type of magazines read may

vary from one age group to another so also time spent on reading. The table also reveals that

the number of youth who read newspaper and those who don’t is almost equal. But age is not

the factor for reading or not reading magazine

Philos Multi –Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e- Journal April 2018 Page 11

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Table-4: shows listening radio by respondents of different age groups


TotalYes No

18-24 367 192 559

25-34 74 72 146

35-44 28 12 40

45-54 27 15 42

55 and Above 12 2 14

Total 508 292 801

2 = 15.76; p < 0.05 df: 4It may be inferred that listening to radio varies from one age group to another. Younger the

age higher is the listening pattern. Radio appears to be more popular among the younger

people than older ones. There is high listening in the age group of 18-35 years.

Table-5: shows watching TV by respondents of different age groups


TotalYes No

18-24 490 69 559

25-34 129 17 146

35-44 35 5 40

45-54 41 1 42

55 and Above 13 1 14

Total 708 93 8012 = 4.09; NS; p > 0.05 df: 4,

Television is watched by everybody irrespective of age as it is an attractive audio visual

medium unlike radio where youngsters listen more compared to adults.

Table-6 shows using of Computers by respondents of different age groups

Philos Multi –Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e- Journal April 2018 Page 12

Page 13: Primary Data: Primary data was collected from students and …  · Web view2018-06-27 · I will drink life to the lees.” 3 He intends to drain ... The poet, Eliot calls London,


TotalYes No

18-24 307 252 559

25-34 95 51 146

35-44 26 14 40

45-54 32 10 42

55 and Above 12 2 14

Total 472 329 8012 = 15.92; p < 0.05, df: 4

The reasons for the popularity of computers among the youngsters could be attributed to the

fact that they are exposed to computers since their childhood days where as adults were not,

as the computers set strong foot in India only after 1990s and the present adults most of them

are computer illiterates and or not computer savvy.

Table-7: shows owning personal mobile phone by respondents age wise

AgePersonal Mobile Phone

TotalYes No

18-24 412 147 559

25-34 109 37 146

35-44 34 6 40

45-54 34 8 42

55 and Above 11 3 14

Total 600 201 801

2 = 3.52; NS; p > 0.05, df: 4 The data shows that mobile phones are owned by everybody irrespective of age. Though it is

an assumed notion that youth are the maximum users of mobile phones the data indicates

there is no relation between age and owning personal mobile phone.

Analysis and Discussion:

The analysis of data was done by using percentage analysis and graphical representation. The

interpretation of data was done using chi-square and t- tests.

1. The print media is still a more popular medium than the new media. There is no significant

relation between age and newspaper and magazine reading which means irrespective of age

everybody reads newspapers and magazines with few exceptions.

Philos Multi –Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e- Journal April 2018 Page 13

Page 14: Primary Data: Primary data was collected from students and …  · Web view2018-06-27 · I will drink life to the lees.” 3 He intends to drain ... The poet, Eliot calls London,

2. Television is watched by everyone irrespective of age unlike radio which is being listened

to more by youngsters than adults.

3. There is a correlation between age and listening to the radio, age and using computer, and age and surfing Internet both at home and office.

4. There is no relation between age and owning personal mobile phone.

Inferences and Implications of the StudyMedia have many facets in our daily life. It affects our thoughts, feelings and emotions

sometimes it affects our total behavior. The study in general reveals that though internet has

grown exponentially in India, surprisingly access to Internet among the respondents is very

limited. While newspapers and television rule the roost, radio and magazine follow suit. But

computers are still a far cry.

There is no significant relation between age and newspaper, magazine reading and television

viewing. But there is a significant relation between age and exposure to computers.

New media (Internet and mobile phone) are considered to be the marvels of the twentieth

century. It is an assumption that exposure to Internet is high among the younger generation.

The data revealed that people have embraced computers as one among mass media in their

day-to-day life.



2 PayalKamat, Essay on the Impact of Mass Media on people,http://www.preservearticles.com/2012011721059/essay-on-the-impact-of-mass-media-on-people.html

3 “Sociability and the Internet,” http://www.netinfluencer.com/mediapedia/sociability-and -

the internet, accessed September 18, 2011.


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RanjaniRao**, Gagan Patel**, Prof. Orthbert Pinto** and Dr. Asha M.S**Department of chemistry, St. Philomena’s College, Mysore-570015


The M(II) complexes derived from hydroxyl benzophenone and o-

phenylenediamine have been synthesised. All the compounds were

characterized by elemental analysis, 1H NMR, FT-IR, UV-visible, Mass

spectroscopy, molar conductometry, magnetic susceptibility and thermal

analysis study. The FT-IR spectral study reveals that the ligand behaves as a

dibasic tetradentate ligand with N2O2 donor atoms sequence towards central

metal ion. The physico-chemical study reveals octahedral geometry for the

complexes. The results show the formation of 2:1(ligand: metal chloride)

complexes with amine and screened for anti-diabetic activity.


During the past two decades, considerable attention has been paid to the chemistry of metal

complexes containing nitrogen and other donor1. The tetradentate Schiff base complexes are

well known to form stable complexes, where coordination takes place through the N2O2

donor set2-4. N, O- bidentate and N2O2 -tetradentate ligands (soft and hard donor) possess

many, advantages such as facile approach, relative tolerance, readily adjusted ancillary

ligands, and tunable steric and electronic coordination environments on the metal center5.

This may be attributed to their potential application in many fields such as oxidation

catalysis6 and electrochemistry7. Transition metals are involved in many biological processes

which are essential to life process. The metals can coordinate with O- or N-terminals from

proteins in a variety of models and play a crucial role in the conformation and function of

biological macromolecules8, 9. This paper reports the synthesis, characterization, thermal and

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biological studies of metal(II) complexes derived from the reaction of hydroxyl

benzophenone and o-phenylenediamine in alcohol.Diabetes mellitus (DM), which develops

many secondary complications such as atherosclerosis, microangiopathy, renal dysfunction

and failure, cardiac abnormality, diabetes retinopathy and ocular disorders, is classified as

either insulin-dependent type 1 or non-insulin-dependent type 2, according to the definition

of WHO. Although several types of insulin preparations for type 1 DM and those of synthetic

drugs for type 2 DM have been developed and clinically used, they have several problems

such as physical and mental pain due to daily insulin injections and defects involving side

effects, respectively. Over thousands of years, people have produced many types of inorganic

compounds, and the modern concept of chemotherapy was achieved by Ehrlich, who used an

arsenic-containing compound to treat syphilis. In the 21st century, a new class of

pharmaceuticals should be introduced. For this reason, metallopharmaceutical compounds

containing vanadium and zinc ions are expected to treat both types of DM, by making

effective use of unique characteristics of the metals. Focusing on the preparations and

coordination structures of the complexes and in vitro and in vivo evaluations as well as the

possible mechanism. Since then, many metallopharmaceutics have been developed

worldwide. This review will be helpful to researchers who are interested in the current states

of anti-diabetic metal complexes.


Materials and Methods:

All the chemicals used in the preparation of Schiff base and its metal complexes were of AR

grade. A Perkin-Elmer CHN analyzer (model 2400) was used for C, H and N analyses.. The

electronic absorption spectra of the complexes were recorded as dilute solutions on a

Shimadzu 160A/240A UV-visible spectrophotometer. The 1H NMR spectra were recorded

using Bruker DRX 400 spectrometer at 400 MHz with TMS as the internal standard. Mass

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spectra were obtained with a VG70-70H spectrophotometer. The infrared spectra of the solid

samples were recorded in the range 4000-500 cm-1 on a Perkin-Elmer 597/1650

spectrophotometer using KBr pellets.


A mixture of o-phenylenediamine (iii) and substituted hydroxybenzophenone (ii) in 1:2 molar

ratio in methanol was refluxed with constant stirring. This condensation reaction was carried

by using 3 drops of acetic acid for 5 hours. The formed water was removed from the reaction

mixture by using sodium sulphate as dehydrating agent. After completion of the reaction, the

mixture was reduced to half of its original volume and kept aside at room temperature. The

white precipitate (iv) was formed on slow evaporation.

iv: Yield 85%; M.p. 167oC; IR (Nujol): (C=N) 1665, (O-H) 3505 cm-1, 1H NMR (DMSO):

6.9-8.1 (m, 20H, Ar-H), 10.7 (bs, 2H, -OH phenolic). MS: m/z 536Anal.Calcd.for

C32H22Cl2N2O2: C, 71.51; H, 4.13; N, 5.21. Found: C, 71.63; H, 4.22; N, 5.62%.

A solution of ligand (iv) and cobalt(II) chloride hexa hydrate in 1:1 molar ratio in ethanol was

refluxed for 6 hours. The resulting solution was reduced to half of its volume and kept aside.

On standing, the obtained solid product was filtered off and washed with water and ethanol.

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All the complexes vM1-M5 are colored, stable at room temperature, soluble in DMSO and

melt with decomposition above 250°C. Therefore the ligands and their complexes were

characterized on the basis of elemental analysis, 1H NMR, IR, magnetic susceptibility

measurement, electronic spectra data, melting point, partial elemental analyses and molar

conductivities.Benzophenone derivatives showed inhibition for alpha glucosidase. The

inhibition was measured by IC50 value calculation. The compound V-M5 showed maximum

inhibition at a concentration of 6.4µg/ml

BIOLOGY:Antidiabetic Activity:Some of the reported antidiabetic metal complexes are

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The activity was performed using assay mixture of 5μl of enzyme alpha-glucosidase, 50μl of

substrate p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-glycopyranoside and 10μg concentrations of different

inhibitors were taken in test tubes and they were incubated for 30mins at 30°c.Then, the

volume was made upto 1ml using phosphate buffer(0.1M,pH7). A tube containing only the

enzyme and substrate was used as the control. The absorbance was measured at 405nm.

Inhibitory activity was calculated by,

Inhibition(%)=Absorbance of the control-Absorbance of the sample/ Absorbance of the

control× 100


IC50 value (μg/ml)

iv Ligand 7.7

V-M1 Co(II) 7.1

V-M2 Ni(II) 8

V-M3 Cd(II) 8.6

V-M4 Cu(II) 8.1

V-M5 Ag(I) 6.4

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In conclusion, we have achieved efficient method for the preparations of Schiff bases and

evaluated antidiabetic activity. Some of the compounds exhibit minimum inhibition and

compound VM5 prove to be important antidiabetic agent.


1. K. Y. ,A.Mayer , K.K.Cheung , Inorg, Chem, Acta. 1999, 285:223-232.

2. A.A.A. Emara, B.A. El-Sayed, et al. SpectrochimicaActaA 2008, 69 , 757–769.

3. H. Keypour, M. Shayesteh, et al. Molecu. Stru.2013,1032, 62.

4. A.A. El-Sherif, M.R. Shehata, et al. SpectrochimicaActa A.2012, 96, 889.

5. Mei Wang, Hongjun Zhu, et al. J. Catal.2003, 220, 392-398.

6. S. S. Djebbar , B. O Benanli, et al. Trans.Met. 1998, 23, 443-447.

7. Y. J. Hamada , Electron Transition. 1997 , 44 , 1208.

8. E. Colacio, M. Ghazi, et al. Inorg.Chem. 2000, 39, 2882.

9. A. Karaliota, O. Kresti, et al. J. Inorg. Biochem.2001, 84, 33.

10. Asha M S, Bushra Begum A, et al. International Journal of Medicine and

pharmaceuticalSciences. 2014,4, 3, 41-52.

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Financial Performance of Private Sector Banks With Reference to ICICI Bank And

Selected Private Banks.

Dr. Oshma Rosette Pinto & Mr. Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-ShaweshDept. of Commerce St Philomena’s College Mysore


For the development of the economy of the country, a sound, effective and

hassle- free banking system is important. A study is conducted to compare the

financial performance of the ICICI bank with major selected banks in the same

private sector.The objective of the study was to compare the performance of

ICICI bank with major selected banks. The selected banks for the study are

AXIS, HDFC and Kotak Mahindra. The ratios taken for the study are Interest

spread, Net profit margin, return on net worth, Total assets turnover ratio,

return on assets, Credit deposit ratio, Cash deposit ratio and Liquid assets to

demand deposit. The sample for the study taken was 5 years (2012 to 2017) of

financial statements. To analyze the variance of the mean among the selected

banks, Variance analysis and ANOVA test has been conducted. Through

analysis it is found that the ICICI bank has achieved a better position on net

profit margin and debt coverage ratio with positive differences in comparison

of ICICI Bank and selected private banks. On the contrary it has not fared well

in terms of Return on Assets, Return on Net worth, total assets ratio. The main

recommendation of the study is Merger of Axis bank and ICICI which has more

potential in terms net worth and return on assets. The combination of these two

banks will become the greatest private bank in India and shall be easy to

expand in the world.


Key words-Banks, Performance, Ratios, Variance Analysis, ANOVA,


The banking sector plays an important role in efficient functioning of the economy of the

country. It plays an essential role our day to day transactions. They act as intermediaries, help

us to pool and channelize the savings. From past few years Indian banks have made

achievements which are outstanding. Since a diversity of models and advance technology

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have been emerged among finance industries, some of the traditional banking eminences

between banks, insurance companies, and securities firms have belittled. Though there are

changes in the banking sector still banks maintain and perform their primary role of accepting

deposits and lending funds from these deposits. In India the banks have been sported by an

expectant network of branches that cater the financial needs of all walks of people. Today

those who have no education or minimal literacy are keen to know the financial performance

of the banks in which they deposit or make an invest. Earlier financial analysis was done

through only by going through the records and files but now we use tools or techniques to

make analysis. Some of them are Ratio Analysis, Comparative statement analysis, Time

series analysis, Common size analysis. The selection of these tools is mere choice of the user

as well as interpretation of the same depends on the need and intelligence of the user.

Literature Review

1. Biswal, B. P., & Gopalakrishnan, R. (2014). Here the author examines the factors and their

effect on profitability in banks which is estimated by Net Interest Margin. By using

secondary data, the study classifies banks operating in India under high Credit Deposit ratio

and low Credit Deposit ratio.

2. Chandran, D., & Francis, P. (2014).Here the authors in their study have made an attempt to

analyze the relationship between inflation rate and prime lending rate in India. Comparison of

inflation with prime lending rates of SBI and ICICI Bank with the help of tools like

correlation, regression, and ANOVA. The results showed that the lending and inflation rates

are negatively correlated.

3. D. Padma and V.Arulmathi (2013)- The authors have conducted study to compare the

efficiency and solvency position of SBI and ICICI banks. The findings of the study are both

the banks are maintaining required standards and running smoothly. Further study of SBI

shows that there are significant differences on the performance of SBI and ICICI Bank in

terms of Deposits, Advances, Investments, Net profit, and Total assets

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4. Jaiswal, A., Jain, C (2016)- To study the financial performance between SBI and ICICI

banks, the author has not only compared financial performance through ratio analysis but also

found the market position of the both banks.

5. Malhotra, N. (2015). Here the author has explained the financial soundness of the three

banks SBI, ICICI and Standard Bank. The data used is secondary for the study. The study

results in terming that growth of assets is more in ICICI bank. The SBI shows growth in

advances and deposits whereas standard charted bank efficiently controls expenditure as well

income compared to the other banks. The study suggests that SBI has to improve its financial

position to match with these two banks.

6. Prakash P., Sundararajan, S. (2016) The study is quantitative analytical research with

fundamental and technical analysis. Here the research is based on the secondary data and the

tools used for analysis are Ratio analysis, Beta Analysis (β), Relative Strength Index (RSI)

and Rate of Change (ROC).

7. Sharma, R., Goswami, A., & Kumar, P. (2014). The authors have made an evaluation of

performance of Indian privatization. Since liberalization, the banking system in India has

under gone a various reform. Current new privatization has best technology, manpower and

efficiency. It is managed by professionals. Due to the new era of banking system it has

attracted customers and marketed the financial products.

8. Singh, A. K. (2015). The author has conducted study in analysis of profitability position of

private bank in India like AXIS, ICICI, Karur Vysa bank (KVB), YesBank,and highlight the

overall profitability of bank (i.e.) Interest spread, Net profit margin, return on long term fund,

return on net worth & Return on assets, Adjusted cash margin.

9. Singh, A., & Tandon, P. (2012). The authors conducted a study in financial performance: a

comparative analysis of SBI and ICICI bank. The study found that the mean of Credit

Deposit Ratio and interest expenses in ICICI was higher than in SBI. The interest income in

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SBI was higher as compared to ICICI. This clearly indicated that people prefer ICICI to

invest their savings and SBI to take loans & advances.

10. Singh, J. P., Seth, M. (2017)- The author has taken CAMEL approach to compare the

Capital Adequacy with public and private sector banks. He has selected only one parameter

from Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management Quality, Earning Quality and Liquidity.


Though there is much studies on this sector, the researchers have not focused on comparison

of Banks interms of total assets and Market Capitalization. There is no research on the study

of mean differences performance among the selected private sector banks.


1. To analyze and comparethe financial performance of ICICI bank with selected private sector


2. To find the variance of mean among selected private sector banks.

Hypotheses of The Study

H01: There is no significant difference between net profit margin among different selected

private sector banks in India.

H02: There is no significant difference between Return on net worth among different selected

private sector banks in India.

H03: There is no significant different between Return on assets among different selected

private sector banks in India.

H04: There is no significant difference between interests spread among different selected

private sector banks in India.

H05: There is no significant difference between credit deposit ratio among different selected

private sector banks in India.

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H06: There is no significant difference between cash deposit ratio among different selected

private sector banks in India

H07: There is no significant difference between asset turnover ratio among different selected

private sector banks in India.

H08: There is no significant difference between liquid assets to demand deposit among

different selected private sector banks in India.


The research design adopted for the study are experimental and Descriptive in nature. The

data collected is based on secondary data. It is collected from Financial Statements published

from 2012-2017, books Magazines, thesis and websites of the banks taken for the study and

from Reserve Bank of India.

To analyze and interpret the collected data, the financial and statistical tools are used to find

the financial performance of the ICICI bank in comparison with selected private sector banks.

The financial tools used for the study is Ratio analysis. The ratios are selected for this Study.

Interest spread, Net profit margin, return on net worth, Total assets turnover ratio Return on

assets Credit deposit ratio, Cash deposit ratio and Liquid assets to demand deposit. he

Statistical tools used for the study are Mean, Standard deviation, Co-efficient of variance and


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Table-1 Financial Performance of Private Sector Banks with Reference to ICICI Bank and Selected Private Banks

Banks Net Profit Margin

Return on Net worth

Return on Assets

Interest spread

Credit deposit Ratio


Total AssetsTurnover ratio

Liquid assets todemand deposit ratio

ICICI 20.65 13.294 1.5 7.304 106.818 6.678 6.878 111.136HDFC 19.93 18.006 1.858 8.092 83.808 6.51 9.26 38.698AXIS 19.99 16.59 1.68 7.206 82.552 5.942 8.3 50.976Kotak Mahindra 20.438 13.116 2.092 8.788 130.434 5.37 10.36 62.674

Source: Annual Reports Of ICICI, HDFC, AXIS AND KOTAK MAHINDRA Banks

Graph- 1 Financial Performance of Private Sector Banks with Reference toICICI Bankand Selected Private Banks













1.5 7.




















6.51 9.26









1.68 7.



















5.37 10





ICICI HDFC AXIS Kotak Mahindra

Interpretation: In the table we can find that the average net profit margin of ICICI bank is

more than the other private banks, followed by Kotak Mahindra Bank, Axis and HDFC bank

respectively. The average return on net worth of HDFC bank is the highest compare to other

banks followed by Axis Bank, ICICI Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank respectively. From

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the table. it’s clear that Kotak Mahindra bank has highest average return on assets compared

to other banks, followed by HDFC bank, Axis Bank and ICICI bank respectively. It

indicates the weak position of the ICICI bank in return on total assets. It is clear that Kotak

Mahindra Bank has got highest average interest spread compared to other banks, followed by

HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Axis Bank respectively. It indicates the weakness of ICICI

bank in total interest income and expenses to average working fund.

Kotak Mahindra Bank has the average highest Credit deposit ratio compared to other banks,

followed by ICICI bank, HDFC Bank and Axis Bank respectively. Though ICICI bank is

second in line for Credit deposit ratio, it still shows that ICICI bank is able to generate more

loans for the deposit received as compared to HDFC and AXIS banks. ICICI Bank has

highest Cash deposit ratio compared to other banks, followed by HDFC Bank, Axis Bank and

Kotak Mahindra Bank respectively. It indicates that ICICI Bank has more deposit compared

to other banks. Kotak Mahindra Bank has highest total assets turnover ratio compared to

other banks, followed by HDFC bank, Axis Bank and ICICI Bank respectively. It shows that

ICICI bank is less efficient in generating revenue from their assets. The ICICI Bank has

highest Liquid assets demand deposit ratio compared to Kotak Mahindra Bank, Axis Bank

and HDFC Bank respectively. It shows that ICICI bank has the highest ability to meet

immediately and short-term deposit by cash or online banking or ATM. But in another side

the high percentage will reflect that the bank did not mobilize the cash effectively in short-

term investment.


PARTICULARS ICICI HDFC AXIS KOTAK MAHINDRAMEAN 20.65 19.93 19.99 20.438SD 2.147 1.022 0.752 2.210CV 0.104 0.051 0.038 0.108

Table-2 Analysis of mean Standard deviation, Coefficient of Variance of Net profit marginSource: Annual reports of ICICI,HDFC,AXISAND KOTAK MAHINDRA banks

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Interpretation-From the table, it has been evident that ICICI has the highest mean valueof

net profit margin (20.65) compare to other banks. Kotak Mahindra bank has the highest

standard deviation of net profit margin (2.210) as well as co efficient of variance (0.108)

compared with other banks, followed by ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Axis Bank

respectively. ICICI Bank has highest Mean value (20.65) with moderate standard deviation

(2.147) and co-efficient of variance (0.104) on Net Profit Margin.

Table -3 Analysis of mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variance of Return on net worthPARTICULARS ICICI HDFC AXIS KOTAK MAHINDRAMEAN 13.294 18.006 16.59 13.116SD 1.446 1.218 1.198 1.638CV 10.877 6.764 7.221 12.488Source:Annual reports of ICICI, HDFC, AXISAND KOTAK MAHINDRA banks

Interpretation- As per the table it has been found that Axis Bank has highest Mean value of

returns on net worth compare to other banks. The Standard Deviation and Coefficient

variance of Kotak Mahindra BankF Return on Net worth is higher than other banks. ICICI

Bank has moderate Mean Value(13.294) which is lesser than HDFC and AXIS Banks,

moderate Standard deviation (1.446) and co-efficient variance (10.877) lesser than Kotak

Mahindra bank followed by AXIS and HDFC Bank respectively on Return on Net worth.

Table-4 Analysis of Mean,Standard deviation, co-efficient of variance of Return on assets

PARTICULARS ICICI HDFC AXIS KOTAK MAHINDRAMEAN 1.5 1.858 1.68 2.092CD 0.173 0.095 0.06 0.197CV 11.556 5.083 3.572 9.424Source: Annual reports of ICICI, HDFC, AXISAND KOTAK MAHINDRA banks

InterpretationFrom the table, it has been evident that the return on assets of Axis Bank has

highest mean value (2.092) of Return on assets compare to the other banks.The Standard

deviation of Kotak Mahindra bank (0.197) of Return on assets is highest compare to ICICI

bank, followed by HDFC and Axis Banks.ICICI Bank has the lowest mean value (1.5),

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moderate standard deviation (0.173) and highest coefficient variance (11.556) compared to

other banks on Return on assets.

Table 5: Analysis of Mean, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variance of Interests SpreadPARTICULARS ICICI HDFC AXIS KOTAK MAHINDRAMean 7.304 8.092 7.206 8.788SD 0.322 0.528 0.650 0.643CV 4.413 6.525 9.016 7.317Source: Annual reports of ICICI, HDFC, AXISAND KOTAK MAHINDRA banks

Interpretation-From the table, it has been evident that The Kotak Mahindra Bank has the

highest interest spread (8.788) compare to other banks The Axis Bank has highest standard

deviation (0.650) and co efficient of variance (9.016) of interests spread compare to other

banks, followed by Kotak Mahindra Bank, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank respectively. The

ICICI Bank has moderate Mean value (7.304) with lowest standard deviation (0.322)and Co

efficient Variance (4.413) compare to other banks on Interests spread.

Table 6: Analysis of Mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variance Credit deposit ratioPARTICULARS ICICI HDFC AXIS KOTAK MAHINDRAMEAN 106.818 83.808 82.552 130.434SD 4.288 3.233 6.606 13.951CV 4.014 3.858 8.002 10.696Source: Annual reports of ICICI, HDFC, AXIS AND KOTAK MAHINDRA banks

Interpretation As per Table, it has been found that Kotak Mahindra Bank has highest Mean

value (130.434), Standard deviation (13.951) and Co-efficient of variance (10.696)of Credit

deposit compare to other banks. ICICI Bank has the moderate mean value (106.818),

Standard deviation (4.288) and Co efficient of variance (4.014) compare to other banks on

credit deposit

Table 7: Analysis of Mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variance of cash to deposit

PARTICULARS ICICI HDFC AXIS KOTAK MAHINDRAMEAN 6.678 6.51 5.942 5.37SD 0.638 1.338 0.316 0.658

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CV 9.559 20.547 5.309 12.251Source:Annual reports of ICICI, HDFC, AXIS, AND KOTAK MAHINDRA banks Interpretation- As per Table it has been found that ICICI bank has the highest mean value

(6.678) of cash to deposit compared to other banks. The standard deviation of the Kotak

Mahindra bank (0.658) is the highest compared to others and has the highest coefficient of

variance (12.251) of cash to deposit. ICICI Bank has highest mean value (6.678), Moderate

Standard deviation (0.638) and lower co efficient of variance (9.559) on cash deposit

Table -8 Analysis of mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variance of Total assets turnover ratio

PARTICULARS ICICI HDFC AXIS KOTAK MAHINDRAMEAN 6.87 9.26 8.3 10.36CD 0.14 0.2 0.22 0.43CV 2.038 2.160 2.650 4.151Source: Annual reports of ICICI, HDFC, AXISAND KOTAK MAHINDRA banks

Interpretation As per the table it has been found that Kotak Mahindra bank has the highest

mean value (20.36), highest standard deviation and Co efficient of variance (4.151) of total

assets ratio. ICICI bank has the lowest mean value (6.87), standard deviation of Asset

turnover ratio of the ICICI bank (0.14) with the coefficient of variance (2.037846) when

compared to other banks

Table-9 Analysis of mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variance of liquid assets to demand depositPARTICULARS ICICI HDFC AXIS KOTAK MAHINDRAMEAN 111.136 51.77 50.976 62.674CD 12.9 8.251 12.189 11.98CV 11.60 15.93 23.91 19.11Source: Annual reports of ICICI, HDFC, AXIS AND KOTAK MAHINDRA banks

Interpretation From the above table it is clear that ICICI Bank (111.136) has the highest

mean value, Standard deviation (1.290) and co efficient of variance (1.160) of liquid assets to

demand deposit compare to the other banks. it is clear that the position of ICICI Bank is

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better in compassion with HDFC, AXIS, KOTAK bank because high liquid assets indicate

better position to meet the immediate and short-term deposits



H01 : There is no significant difference between Net profit margin among selected private

sector banks in India.

Table 10Sources of variation

Sum of Squares

Degrees of freedom

Mean Square

F(calculated value)

Table value (at 5% level of significant)

Between Groups 1.827 3 .609 0.219 0.881Within Groups 44.400 16 2.775Total 46.227 19

Interpretation- As per the table the calculated value of F (0.219) is less than the table value

(0.881). We accept Null Hypothesis and conclude that, there is no significant difference

between net profit margin amongICICI, HDFC, AXIS and KOTAK Mahindra private sector

banks in India.

H02: There is no significant difference between Return on net worth among different selected

private sector banks in India.

Table 11:

Sources of variation

Sum of Squares

Degrees of freedom

Mean Square

F(calculated value)

Table value (at 5% level of significant ).

Between Groups

88.855 3 29.618 15.395 .000

Within Groups

30.781 16 1.924

Total 119.636 19Interpretation: As per the table, the calculated value of F test (15.395) is more than the

tabulated value, hence reject null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant

difference between Return on net worth among ICICI, HDFC, AXIS and KOTAK Mahindra

private sector banks in India.

H03: There is no significant difference between Return on assets among selected private

sector banks in India.

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Table 12:Sources of variation

Sum of Squares

Degrees of freedom

Mean Square

F(calculated value)

Table value (at 5% level of significant ).

Between Groups .959 3 .320 15.701 .000Within Groups .326 16 .020Total 1.285 19

Interpretation: As per the table, the calculated value of F test (15.701) is more than the

tabulated value, hence reject null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant

difference between Return on Return on assets among ICICI, HDFC, AXIS and KOTAK

Mahindra private sector banks in India.

H04: There is no significant difference between Interests spread among selected private

sector banks in India.

Table 13:

Sources of variationSum of Squares

Degrees of freedom

Mean Square

F(calculated value)

Table value (at 5% level of significant ).

Between Groups 8.256 3 2.752 9.034 0.001Within Groups 4.874 16 .305Total 13.130 19Interpretation:As per the table, the calculated value of F test (9.034) is more than the

tabulated value, hence reject null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant

difference between Interest spread among ICICI, HDFC, AXIS and KOTAK Mahindra

private sector banks in India.

H05: There is no significant difference between credit deposit ratio among selected private

sector banks in India.

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Table 14: Sources of variation

Sum of Squares

Degrees of freedom

Mean Square

F(calculated value)

Table value (at 5% level of significant ).

Between Groups 7680.327 3 2560.109 38.337 .000Within Groups 1068.461 16 66.779Total 8748.788 19Interpretation- As per the table, the calculated value of F test (38.337) is more than the

tabulated value, hence reject null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant

difference between credit deposit ratio among ICICI, HDFC, AXIS and KOTAK Mahindra

private sector banks in India

H06: There is no significant difference between cash deposit ratio among selected private

sector banks in India.

Table 20: Sources of variation

Sum of Squares

Degrees of freedom

Mean Square

F(calculated value)

Table value (at 5% level of significant ).

Between Groups 5.287 3 1.762 2.583 .089

Within Groups 10.917 16 .682

Total 16.205 19

Interpretation- As per the table, the calculated value of F test (2.583) is more than the

tabulated value (0.089), hence reject null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant

difference between cash deposit ratio among ICICI, HDFC, AXIS and KOTAK Mahindra

private sector banks in India.

H07: There is no significant difference between Asset Turnover ratio among selected

private sector banks in India.

Table 21:

Sources of variation Sum of

SquaresDegrees of freedom

Mean Square

F(calculated value)

Table value (at 5% level of significant ).

Between Groups 32.744 3 10.915 144.869 .000Within Groups 1.205 16 .075Total 33.950 19

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Interpretation-As per the table, the calculated value of F test 144.869) is more than the

tabulated value (0.000), hence reject null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant

difference between Asset Turnover ratio among ICICI, HDFC, AXIS and KOTAK

Mahindra private sector banks in India.

H08: There is no significant difference between liquid assets to demand deposit among

different selected private sector banks in India

Table 22:

Sources of variation Sum of

SquaresDegrees of freedom

Mean Square

F(calculated value)

Table value (at 5% level of significant ).

Between Groups 12184.216 3 4061.405 30.849 .000Within Groups 2106.475 16 131.655Total 14290.691 19Interpretation-As per the table, the calculated value of F test (30.849) is more than the

tabulated value (0.000), hence reject null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant

difference between liquid assets to demand deposit among ICICI, HDFC, AXIS and KOTAK

Mahindra private sector banks in India.


1. Ratio Analysis

a. The average net profit margin of ICICI bank is more than the other private banks, followed

by Kotak Mahindra Bank, Axis and HDFC bank respectively.

b. The average return on net worth of HDFC bank is the highest compare to other banks

followed by Axis Bank, ICICI Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank respectively.

c. The Kotak Mahindra bank has highest average return on assets compared to other banks,

followed by HDFC bank, Axis Bank and ICICI bank respectively. It indicates the weak

position of the ICICI bank in return on total assets.

d. The Kotak Mahindra Bank has got highest average interest spread compared to other banks,

followed by HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Axis Bank respectively. It indicates the weakness

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of ICICI bank in total interest income and expenses to average working fund.

e. Kotak Mahindra Bank has the average highest Credit deposit ratio compared to other banks,

followed by ICICI bank, HDFC Bank and Axis Bank respectively. Though ICICI bank is

second in line for Credit deposit ratio, it still shows that ICICI bank is able to generate more

loans for the deposit received as compared to HDFC and AXIS banks.

f. ICICI Bank has highest Cash deposit ratio compared to other banks, followed by HDFC

Bank, Axis Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank respectively. It indicates that ICICI Bank has

more deposit compared to other banks.

g. Kotak Mahindra Bank has highest total assets turnover ratio compared to other banks,

followed by HDFC bank, Axis Bank and ICICI Bank respectively. It shows that ICICI bank

is less efficient in generating revenue from their assets.

h. The ICICI Bank has highest Liquid assets demand deposit ratio compared to Kotak Mahindra

Bank, Axis Bank and HDFC Bank respectively. It shows that ICICI bank has the highest

ability to meet immediately and short-term deposit by cash or online banking or ATM. But in

another side the high percentage will reflect that the bank did not mobilize the cash

effectively in short-term investment.

2. Analysis of Variances

a. The ICICI has the highest mean value of net profit margin (20.65) compare to other banks.

Kotak Mahindra bank has the highest standard deviation of net profit margin (2.210) as well

as co efficient of variance (0.108) compared with other banks, followed by ICICI Bank,

HDFC Bank and Axis Bank respectively. ICICI Bank has highest Mean value (20.65) with

moderate standard deviation (2.147) and co-efficient of variance (0.104) on Net Profit


b. The Axis Bank has highest Mean value of returns on net worth compare to other banks. The

Standard Deviation and Coefficient variance of Kotak Mahindra Bank of Return on Net

worth is higher than other banks. ICICI Bank has moderate Mean Value (13.294) which is

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lesser than HDFC and AXIS Banks, moderate Standard deviation (1.446) and co-efficient

variance (10.877) lesser than Kotak Mahindra bank followed by AXIS and HDFC Bank

respectively on Return on Net worth.

c. The return on assets of Axis Bank has highest mean value (2.092) of Return on assets

compare to the other banks. The Standard deviation of Kotak Mahindra bank (0.197) of

Return on assets is highest compare to ICICI bank, followed by HDFC and Axis Banks.

ICICI Bank has the lowest mean value (1.5), moderate standard deviation (0.173) and highest

coefficient variance (11.556) compared to other banks on Return on assets.

d. The Kotak Mahindra Bank has the highest interest spread (8.788) compare to other banks The

Axis Bank has highest standard deviation (0.650) and co efficient of variance (9.016) of

interests spread compare to other banks, followed by Kotak Mahindra Bank, HDFC Bank and

ICICI Bank respectively. The ICICI Bank has moderate Mean value (7.304) with lowest

standard deviation (0.322) and Co efficient Variance (4.413) compare to other banks on

Interests spread.

e. The Kotak Mahindra Bank has highest Mean value (130.434), Standard deviation (13.951)

and Co-efficient of variance (10.696) of Credit deposit compare to other banks. ICICI Bank

has the moderate mean value (106.818), Standard deviation (4.288) and Co efficient of

variance (4.014) compare to other banks on credit deposit

f. The ICICI bank has the highest mean value (6.678) of cash to deposit compared to other

banks. The standard deviation of the Kotak Mahindra bank (0.658) is the highest compared to

others and has the highest coefficient of variance (12.251) of cash to deposit. ICICI Bank has

highest mean value (6.678), Moderate Standard deviation (0.638) and lower co efficient of

variance (9.559) on cash deposit

g. The Kotak Mahindra bank has the highest mean value (20.36), highest standard deviation and

Co efficient of variance (4.151) of total assets ratio. ICICI bank has the lowest mean value

Philos Multi –Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e- Journal April 2018 Page 36

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(6.87), standard deviation of Asset turnover ratio of the ICICI bank (0.14) with the coefficient

of variance (2.037846) when compared to other banks

h. The ICICI Bank (111.136) has the highest mean value, Standard deviation (1.290) and co

efficient of variance (1.160) of liquid assets to demand deposit compare to the other banks. it

is clear that the position of ICICI Bank is better in compassion with HDFC, AXIS, KOTAK

bank because high liquid assets indicate better position to meet the immediate and short-term


3. Hypothesis Testing

There is no significant difference between net profit margin among ICICI, HDFC, AXIS and

KOTAK Mahindra private sector banks in India, Since the calculated value of F is less than

the table value. We accept Null Hypothesis. The other hypothesis (H02 to H08)there is a

significant difference between Return on net worth, return on assets, Interests spread, credit

deposit ratio, cash deposit ratio, Asset turnover ratio and liquid assets to demand deposit

among ICICI, HDFC, AXIS and KOTAK Mahindra private sector banks in India, Since the

calculated values are higher than the table value. Hence, we reject the null hypothesis (H0 2 to

H08) and accept the alternate hypothesis. This clearly indicates that there are positive

differences in comparison of ICICI Bank and selected private banks.


1. ICICI Bank has to increase its net profit margin.

2. ICICI bank has to increase its return on equity percentage by buying back their stock,

increasing earning, or using more debt to fund operation.

3. ICICI bank should review the managerial performance to improve the efficiency of

management in the future and increase generating revenue from its assets because it has the

lowest return on assets and Asset turnover ratio

4. In credit and cash deposit ratio ICICI bank has good position. So, the bank has to continue in

the same policy and standard to successes.

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5. It’s important for ICICI bank to mobilize the cash effectively in short-term investments

6. It’s important to conduct study in depth financial analysis adequacy capital of ICICI bank

with its peers.

7. In depth merger of ICICI bank with AXIS bank which has more potential in terms net worth

and return on assets. The combination of these two banks will become the greatest private

bank in India and shall be easy to expand in the world.


With various techniques applied in finding the financial performance of the ICICI Bank,

HDFC Bank, AXIS Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank, we find that ICICI bank has got the

highest net profit margin, Cash deposit ratio and liquid assets demand ratio with the positive

differences in terms of the variances and ANOVA testing for Hypothesis. Overall ICICI bank

has got satisfactory financial position irrespectiveof having moderate and lowest ratios in

terms of return on net worth, return on assets, interest spread and assets turnover ratio. In

order to achieve best financial position in all factors, it must make efforts to increase its

current assets and maintain a safety margin which will provide better liquidity position.

Reduce the dependence on external equities for meeting capital requirementsby focusing on

internal equities and other sources of internal financing. Introduce schemes for public that

provides higher rate of interest and shorter maturity period. In order to bring confidence and

build their image, banks need to provide finance to more projects. The banks should simplify

the procedure of advances for quick disbursement.


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Automated Attendance System Using IOT

*Wasim Ali, **Manasa K.N & **Dr. Basit. A. Darem

*Research Scholar, Department of MCA, VTU-RC, Mysore,

**Department of Computer Science, St.Pholimena’s College, Mysore

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected]


In this modern era with Internet and Web, everything is possible, which made the entire world as a small global village. With the help of Internet and web, people can access required valuable information and communicate with others through verbal chat, instant messaging, email etc… This paper proposes an approach which can be applied in Universities, schools, colleges and various Organizations. With the aid of Proposed work employees can be monitored automatically without any conventional methods and with a reasonable price compared to already existing programs. The proposed work depends on smart devices which are inclined to members of schools, organizations, where each smart device has a special MAC (physical) address. Students can be connected to the application through MAC address and results can be saved finally, we can generate the report on daily or weekly or Monthly basis. The proposed system consists of two parts; the first one is a website, which can be accessed through the main screen of the system management like registration of student data, adding the admin to the system and so on. The second part is a system work environment which is a controller (Raspberry Pi) and running the main script of the system.Finally results can be obtained automatically based on students MAC address. For some exceptional cases, an Android application has been developed for admin to update all future plans. At present the system can be operated by itself and also can be a part of other integrated systems.

Keywords: IOT, Raspberry Pi, MAC address, Android Application.


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Nowadays with the concept of the Internet of Things, it is possible to

connect millions of devices and let them to communicate with each other. As

almost all organizations have the IoT infrastructure they can make use of

this facility to monitor the attendance of employees automatically. Some of

the benefits of automatic attendance over manual and semi automated

attendance are: saves manpower, time, easier reporting, and lower margins

of error. This paper proposes a system known as Automated Attendance

System using IoT which can record the attendance of students automatically

with less human interaction. The Automated Attendance System works on

the basis of Machine to Machine (M2M) interactions. By using the unique

MAC (Media Access Control) address of Wi-Fi devices, such as a laptop

network card, phone, media player etc. the proposed system automatically

records the user. When this is done, manual verification of the user can be

easily performed by the administrator. This system will use the MAC

address of each student which will be stored in the beginning. The Proposed

System also allows a teacher to add attendance manually for the student who

doesn’t have a smart phone. The Automated Attendance System includes

some other features like print the final attendance report directly from the

website, monthly notification about the attendance for each student and the

ability to remark the student as present in case of any emergency.

Literature Review

Studies so far show that automated attendance system without human

intervention is important and gaining more attention. Mahesh Sutar et. al

[1] proposed Smart Attendance System Using RFID in IOT. In This system,

an effort is made to solve regular lecture attendance monitoring problem in

developing countries using RFID technology. This system will ease is

school/collage to monitor the student as it reduces manpower, gives time

saving, easy control and reliability.

Chethana Gosal S et. al [2] proposed a method of taking attendance using

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in Specific Region has been presented here which is

automatic, paperless, quick, and accurate. A Bluetooth receiver along with a

camera for face detection is used to overcome the disadvantage of proxy and


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Mahesh P et. al [3] presented an automated attendance management system

using Raspberry Pi and NFC which is a smarter and more efficient way .with

the help of such system the attendance management system in

school/colleges/universities and hence reducing the time required for

attendance in class. This system is applicable to not only students but also

teachers, employees, workers.

Rajat Chaudhary et. al [4] developed a wireless automatic attendance

system using fingerprint identification technique which automates the whole

process of taking attendance and maintaining it. The fingerprint

identification technique was used for maintaining the attendance record.

K.Lakshmi et. al [5] Authors proposed system is to help the teachers in

college to avoid maintaining the registry book. This project uses a barcode

scanner. B.B.S.A.S uses Barcode scanner to take the attendance of students

entering the lab. Each student’s ID card will have a barcode at the back side

of it which contains unique data of the student such as roll number, branch

and year. Etc. It will reduce the teacher’s efforts to manually mark

attendance and their headache of maintaining the register since everything

would be stored in the database. It will also help in generating the defaulters

list on its own and send email to those students whose attendance is below

the required amount.


The system architecture shown in Figure consists of the students (MAC

addresses), wireless router (getaway), Raspberry pi3 (system), Internet (web

server), and administrator for the web application

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Figure1 : System Architecture.

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Students (MAC addresses): Each student must open his/her WIFI network when he

reaches the college morning and he must be pre-registered in the college network by

Admission and Registration Department.

Wireless router (getaway): A wireless router is an electronic device that works as a

router meaning it sends data from the internet cable to a device and as a wireless access

point. The students devices will connect with this device via WiFi service, the wireless

router is responsible to identify the MAC addresses of all phones which is connected and

sent it to the system.

Raspberry pi3 (System): The Pi is a tiny computer about the size of a credit-card, the

board features a processor, RAM and typical hardware ports you find with most

computers. This means you’re able to do most things a desktop computer can do such as

document editing, playing HD video, and playing games, coding and much more. In this

part we have installed the system, which is responsible to make most of tasks in project,

such as sending a request to the router to ask about connected devices and bring them

MAC addresses, store those MACs in a database to do some of the processes in case of

future ,this card can be a web server , getaway also.

Internet (web server) : The Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks - a

network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission,

get information from any other computer, to achieve the principle of Internet of things

(IOT). We have built our server in the network and will make a simple website on it to

do some tasks on our system such as generate reports and add student’s details to the

system including the MAC addresses.

Administrator (admin): is a person who is responsible for the systems which are

behind our Web sites. Admin will be responsible of add student details and generate the

reports any time through internet from anywhere.

The Proposed system will start every day morning at 9:00AM to scan college network.

When a Student enters into the college campus, he must connect with college network;

in turn Router is connected to Raspberry Pi which has system. When a student enters

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into a college campus, system checks database to ensure whether the student’s MAC

address is stored or not. If a Particular student has been registered with his MAC

address, then the system is going to monitor the student by his MAC address for a

particular period of time (9:00 AM to 1:00 PM).

System can automatically record all traffic for each MAC address i.e. how many classes

a student has attend and store this information into a database.

System Administrator can access the interface from anywhere, at anytime via website

and he can generate daily report, monthly report. He can also add new students, admin,

teachers into the system. An Admin can also add new Admin, teachers, students and

delete & update existing users in the system.

There may be some exceptional cases like if a student does not have Smartphone, if a

student loss his/her phone, if a student has to leave the class in middle in some

emergency situation. To handle these issues an Android Application has been

developed, with the help this Android Application teachers can mark the student’s

attendance manually.

Module Description

Proposed system consists of two modules

[1] Administrator Module[2] Confirmation Module

Administrator Module

In this module Admin is responsible for adding a new Admin, Teachers, and Students;

remove and display information about the people who are included into the system. Also

it is the responsibility of the Admin to maintain Attendance report and if necessary, print

the reports monthly.

Confirmation Module

This module is designed for teacher to update the student’s attendance in exceptional

cases. If any student does not have Smartphone like a phone without WiFi facility, if a

student loss his phone then their attendance can be updated manually by the teacher.

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Conclusion and Future Work

Traditionally student attendance has to taken by professor and it is wastage of time and

much proxy attendance can be recorded in manual system. This can be replaced with

computerized system. Most of the existing system needs some techniques or some

applications have to be installed in student’s phone.

In proposed system application just needs personal phone MAC address of each student

and that make the system cost is low. In this work , the web based Automated attendance

system is developed using python object oriented programming language , PHP server-

side scripting language and CSS,HTML ,JavaScript for designing which is fully meet

the system’s goals.

This system represents the machine to machine interaction (M2M), which is the basic

concept of internet of things (IOT) and take the advances of this new techniques to

simplify management works in organizations. The system has overcome many

limitations incorporated in attendance, and saves a great amount of time and reduces

errors which may occur during attendance calculation.

The proposed system is fully responsive which can be used flexibly in mobile, tablets

and different operating systems.

As a future work Evasion of the attendance in organizations and colleges can be

implemented. For this seek it is better to use IP camera to recognize the student face and

connect it with collage database to improve the system’s accuracy.

As we get huge amount of data from IoT platform, so with the concept Big data we can

Analyze the collected data, Predict the future based on historical data and ease the

organizations management work.

In some organizations manager need to track the employees. For this purpose we have to

develop model which uses GPRS module to track the location of employee within

organization only.

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ICT Programmes and Policies for Agricultural Extension in India: A Review on Karnataka

*Dr. Nandeesha H K &*Ms. Sowmyashree* Dept. of Economics, St. Philomena’s College, [email protected]


An information and communication technology (ICT) in agriculture is an emerging

field focusing on the enhancement of agricultural sector in India. It involves

application of innovative ways to use ICT in the rural domain. It can provide with

accurate information necessary for the farmers which facilitates better Agricultural

output. In recent year farmers attitude to access to agricultural information have

been changed because of very fast networking of information and communication

technology. Farmers can get the information regarding fertilizers, pesticides, crop

patterns and weather forecasting and other information through zero affordable cost

or low cost. Many of the organizations like government, private, co-operatives and

public have also attempted to facilitate the information technology transfer in the

agriculture sector. ICT is crucial in facilitating communication and access to

information for agriculture and rural development. With this perspective present

study is going to find out the relevant ICT applications for agricultural extension in

India with respect to Karnataka government initiative policies and programmes


Keywords: ICT (Information and Communication Technology), Agriculture,

Farmers, Policy and programmes.

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Agriculture sector is predominant sector in Indian economy. Most of the families are depending

on agriculture sector; nearly 60 % of the Indian populations are engaged in agriculture sector in India.

Agriculture sector contribution is 16% of total GDP in India. The performance of agriculture basically

means the performance of small holder farming. It is only by empowering small and marginal farmers to

overcome their handicaps that, they can become instruments of evergreen revolution and growth in

agriculture sector. ICT in agricultural extension will provide much needed impetus to agricultural sector

and ICT can complement the traditional extension system for “Knowledge Resource” delivery to the

millions of the farmers. Present study deals with the Karnataka’s agriculture profile and performance of

ICT tools in Karnataka with respect to agriculture sector. Study also reviews on successful ICT

programmes in agriculture and allied activities.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) consists of three main technologies. They

are: Computer Technology, Communication Technology and Information Management Technology.

These technologies are applied for processing, exchanging and managing data, information and


Any system applied for getting information and knowledge for making decisions in any industry

should deliver accurate, complete, concise information in time or on time. The information provided by

the system must be in user-friendly form, easy to access, cost-effective and well protected from

unauthorized accesses. ICT can play a significant role in maintaining the above mentioned properties of

information as it consists of three main technologies. ICT is the integration of technologies and the

processes to distribute and communicate the desired information to the target audience and making the

target audience more participative in nature.

Special Features of Information and Communication Technology

Some of special features are can be summarized as follows;

Speed is one of the special features of ICT; the tremendous progress of telecommunication has killed

the vast distance in between, and turned the world to a global village.

It is an astounding store-house of information which enhances the knowledge of people for new

innovation and ability to access them for free.

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Saves time and opens up new vistas in various agricultural activities.

Unifying and magnifying features of digital technology. The technology of virtual reality is helping

areas of research in certain disciplines.

The information is available instantaneously from any point on the globe round the year and twenty

four hours a day

Here communication is interactive as it also involves the farmers

The communication is dynamic and ever growing.

Improving Information Availability and Delivery of Services for sustainable agricultural growth

and livelihood are the main aims of providing ICT services to the farming community. The well

accessed information by the ICT results in increasing productivity thereby increasing sustainability of

agriculture. The importance of ICTs application is summarized on the following accounts;

Improved information access and delivery of services to the farming community.

Improved productivity and profitability of farmers through better advisory systems.

Efficient and Increased utilization of information by stakeholders for their decision


Faster and efficient redressal of farmers’ grievances.

Better monitoring of government schemes, which directly impact the farmers.

Improved transparency and accountability.

Direct feedback from farming community to the decision makers in the state.

Efficient management (Development, Conservation, allocation and utilization) of


Reasons for Delay in Agricultural Information in India:

The main purpose of extension is to transfer the agricultural advanced technology and research to

the farmer, and feedback of field problems to the research system. Latest information and knowledge on

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the subject play a major role to full fill this purpose. There is an information delay between farmers and

agriculture researcher in India because:

• Media, Information Management and ICT are not properly used

• Lack of adequate extension workers

• Lack of Agricultural information literacy in India

• Lack of updated agriculture information with the farmers and most of the extension workers

• Poor technological knowledge of farmers and village level extension personnel

• Economic problems of rural people

• The top-down approach is adapted for extension activity. So the linkages between research-

extension and farmer remained weak etc.

Significance of the Present Study

The present study forms part of agricultural economics by emplacing on the primary sector

growth and development. Services and facilities those are available for farmers to become efficient and

smart to enhance their agriculture production particularly. Information and Communication Technology

is of utmost importance which determines the effectiveness and utilization of services and facilities to

improve farmer. In particularly the agricultural production of the nations and farmers cultivation method

and knowledge depends on innovation technology as well as information technology. Thereby,

Information and Communication Technology is very important variable in determining agricultural

production and farmers’ efficiency in farming activities. So present study focuses on how ICT

programmes and policies are emphasized in agriculture sector and awareness to the farmers in


Literature Review

Rabindra Kumar M (2012) in the work entitled, “Role of Information in Agricultural

Development of Odisha”, aims to discuss areas of information needs for various stakeholders in

agricultural sector in the developing state of Odisha. Access to right information and its proper

utilization for the farming community is the order of the day which needs to be practiced in the state.

Author suggested that extension professionals should carry publicity materials and distribute success

stories in agriculture so that it may make great impact upon farmers with needed information. Hence,

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extension professionals working in agricultural sector should develop better visioning and empower the

farmers with latest technology and farming practices.

R.Saravanan (2012) worked on “ICT for agricultural extension in India: Policy implications for

developing countries”, This article was concise reviewed ICT projects implemented since 1990’s in

India, elaborating best practices and its ingredients for success and also draws policy implications for

the effective ICT based agricultural advisory services in developing countries. Study revealed the

national policies with respect to ICT in agricultural extension services in India. It also found the impact

of information and communication technology on agricultural sector with the view of the successful

implemented programs.

Jenny C. Aker (2011) in the article entitled “Dial “A” for agriculture: a Review of information

and communication technologies for agricultural extension in developing countries”, outlines the

potential mechanisms through which ICT could facilitate agricultural adoption and the provision of

extension services in developing countries. Public sector programs have attempted to overcome

information-related barriers to technological adoption by providing agricultural extension services. They

reviewed existing programs using ICT for agriculture, categorized by the mechanism and the type of

services provided. According to author identifying potential constraints to such programs in terms of

design and implementation is important. It concluded with some recommendations for implementing

field-based research on the impact of these programs on farmers’ knowledge, technological adoption,

and welfare.

Claire J.et.al (2010) in their work entitled, “Review of Agricultural Extension in India”

ascertain why farmers are not accessing information and where information gaps exist, despite the

variety of extension approaches in India. They focused on some of the major agricultural extension

programs in India by considering their ability to provide information and facilitate information sharing

and use in farming communities. Author examines the challenges and constraints of each agricultural

extension approach as it attempts to provide farmers with access to information that is relevant to their

farm enterprises. They concluded that there is an increasing need to work in partnership and to share

knowledge and skills in order to provide locally relevant services that meet the information needs of

marginal and smallholder farmers in India.

Objectives of the Study

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To review the various Government policies and programmes in promoting ICT in agriculture sector in



The present study is based on the secondary source of information

Secondary sources were collected from various government reports, i.e., Ministry of Agriculture and

Allied activities of both Central and State governments. Karnataka State agricultural policies, which are

Karnataka Agriculture Policy 2006, Integrated Agribusiness Policy 2011, Karnataka Agriculture Market

Policy 2013 and Karnataka Agribusiness & Food Processing Policy 2015.

Karnataka Agriculture Sector

Agriculture plays a vital role in economy of Karnataka. Karnataka is heavily dependent on the

agricultural sector. About 1.8 m ha (million hectare) area of the state is under irrigation which

constitutes about 16 percent of the gross cropped area. Karnataka with its diversified agro climatic

conditions is home for the production of variety of agriculture crops such as Sunflower, Maize, Tur,

Jowar, Sugarcane, Bengal gram, Soybean, Groundnut, Green gram, Black gram, Sunflower, Paddy,

Cotton etc. The State also grows variety of small and minor millets such as Foxtail Millet (Navane),

Little Millet (Sawe), Finger Millet (Ragi), Bajra (Sajje), Haraka etc.

Karnataka State Agricultural Policies Review

Karnataka agricultural policies reviewed here are with respect to importance of ICT applications for

agricultural development in Karnataka.

Karnataka Agriculture Policy 2006

The Policy stated a “Farmers Centric” approach, which means policy, would have concern on farmers,

how to empower the farmers and how to enhance the production capacity with available resources and

mainly on eradicating or address the impediments of agricultural sector.

The philosophy of the 2006 agricultural policy lies in the concept of ‘Pancha Sutra’. The five

components of sutra’s are: 1) to protect and improve soil health. 2) Conservation of natural resources,

with special emphasis on water and micro irrigation 3) Timely availability of credit and other inputs to

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the farmers, 4) Integrated post-harvest processing with the production process, and 5) Reducing the

distance between “Lab to Land” in transfer of technology.

With these five components policy has given the more importance for ICT to enrich the knowledge of

farmers on farm cultivation, input supply, pre and post harvesting of the agriculture and allied activities

etc. IT being a ‘farmer centric’ policy, the focuses of the policy has to generate an honorable level of

growth in the net income of the farmer through value addition and agro-processing. ICT has taken a

prominent role in this policy to provide accurate and adequate information and to make skilled

agricultural laborer. Policy has recommended a scheme of Raitha Mithra Pusthaka (RMP) it has

information about the farmers and many other agricultural related information has Consisted .Another

step of the policy was to strengthen the Bhoomi project which is one of the ICT based project, this

project has the information about the computerized land records from the information kiosks in this

direction farmers can easily get land records. Another major program is Soil Health Card, it has

consisted the information regarding soil health Nutrition, it would help to farmers to maintain the soil

health. Therefore ICT play a prominent role in the Agriculture Sector.

Integrated Agribusiness development Policy 2011

The Karnataka government has taken a lead initiative in developing sustainable agriculture or

agribusiness enabled through an ‘Integrated Agribusiness Development policy’, covering agriculture

and allied activities (like horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, sericulture and food processing) both

in infrastructure and industrial segments on an end to end concept. In this view policy aims to create an

enabling institutional structure for addressing the aforesaid thrust areas, facilitates flow of information,

technologies, skill sets and modern management practices. In order to facilitate agribusiness in

Karnataka and to keep abreast of latest technology and information in the sector, central product

information, cultivation knowledge support cell and market intelligence cell shall be established. This

knowledge support cell would cover creation of agri- portal, university-farmer interaction ,knowledge

dissemination, corporate knowledge and farmer FAQ, technologies, guidance solution support, schemes

and services of GoK and GoI, key events, e-extension, distribution of literature, soil and water testing

services, single window delivery system for technology products, diagnostic services and information

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through hub and spoken model, creating awareness of improved agricultural technologies among the

farmers ,promotion of IT in agriculture.

Karnataka Agricultural Marketing Policy 2013

The Policy stated that Information Technology contribution is very high in providing better market

practices. Harnessing information technology for marketing extension will receive high point in the

policy agenda. Effectively use of modern ICT, it would be promote the transparency and avoided the

malpractices in marketing activities. Extensive use of information technology will be promoted for

communication between farmers and stakeholders. Online marketing system is one of the effective

programme for generating the price competition and in encourage the use of effective modern

technology and also make use to get good price, accurate weighting and timely accessibility of the

payment etc. Farmers easily can get the information on agricultural commodities through the well-

known ICT programmes of KrishiMarataVahini, online marketing, e-tendering etc. In order to this role

of ICT in agriculture market, policy initiative has been concern on regulated marketing, increasing

competition and empowering farmers and so on.

Karnataka Agribusiness & Food Processing Policy 2015

The Agribusiness and Food Processing sector in the State requires a special focus and thrust.

There is a need to have an exclusive Agribusiness and Food Processing Policy to give focused attention

for the overall development of Agribusiness and Food Processing sector to give value addition to farm

produce for the benefit of farmers.

Vision of the Policy, ‘to position Karnataka in a sustained growth path in the field of agricultural and

allied sectors through global technologies and innovative tools, by creating enabling frameworks and

state of the art infrastructure facilities, thereby generating higher returns to farming communities’.

Mission of the Policy, to make Karnataka as the most sought after investment destination for the

agribusiness and food processing with focused attention and landholding.

To provide more and more opportunities for the agribusiness and food processing sector, there by

generating large scale employment in rural and semi urban areas of the State.

Information & Knowledge Support Centres

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Under 2015 policy ICT has been given much importance to enrich the activities in agribusiness. This

support shall include website management containing information relevant for agribusiness & food

processing sector in Karnataka. The information centre shall maintained at abases on agribusiness and

food processing enterprises, infrastructure providers, key export destinations from Karnataka, and other

such knowledge on agribusiness and food processing in the State. Raitha Samparka Kendras (RSK) /

District Industries Centres in Karnataka will be utilised as information centers.

Karnataka Agribusiness Development Corporation (KABDC) shall be empowered to empanel

consultants who can prepare bankable project reports. The supporting institutions like University of

Agriculture Sciences, Horticulture Sciences University, Veterinary Sciences University, National Bank

for Agriculture and Rural Development, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Defence Food

Research Laboratory and other accredited institutions, etc. shall be pooled to the fold of knowledge


Karnataka State Agricultural Portal

SAP(State Agricultural Portal) is one of the ICT based programme in Karnataka. A farmer would

typically come to SAP to find information / avail any service through CSC / Internet. SAP would be in

English and local language, and have easy to use navigation, search and browse features. SAP would be

connected to the State gateway through firewall and SWAN / Internet and would be accessible to

department, SAUs, KVKs for information update and to various service delivery channels like CSCs /

State Call Centre, Kisan Call Centers, RSK’s (Raita Samparka Kendra) and internet for public access.

The State Agricultural Portal is a conceptual design of service delivery channel at the state level.


The Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM) had requested the NIC for the design and

development of software for activities of Agricultural Produces Marketing Committee (APMC). After

studying the requirements and activities in the APMC, National Informatics Centre (NIC), Karnataka

had developed the e-tendering application in 2006 to automate the process of tendering of farmers’

agricultural produces in the APMC. Subsequently, this system is improved and called as e-Mandi

system, which captures all the activities of the APMC, from in-gate entry to out-gate entry including

tendering, billing, DCB (Digital Cash Bill) preparation.

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e-Mandi is a web-based application with 3-tier architecture. The e-Mandi system is a comprehensive

system, meeting all the requirements of the APMCs. It has been built with number of features for easier

use by the APMC staff, traders and Commission Agents. e-Mandi has been designed by incorporating

the rules and regulations defined in APMC Act.

Advantages of e-mandi

An electronically unified agriculture market will introduce transparency and reduce

intermediation and multiple handling costs.

It facilitates efficient price discovery and utilizes transaction functions of the marketplace

It enables participation and benefits for the entire agri value chain. i.e. from farmer to consumer.

It eliminates multiple tax levies and licences.

Better logistics and infrastructure facilities will be made available to the farmers as it will

encourage private sectors to invest.

It is a single licensing system, and thus the farmers/trader need not register in all APMC’s of the


Karnataka’s system has accommodated lakhs of farmers, traders and commission agents for

trading in all the 92 regulated commodities.


Historically, maintenance of land records system in India has been a prime social activity for land

owners, tenants and the state for land reforms, taxes, administration, survey and various other purposes.

Land records contain geophysical data of the land e.g. land size, forms and soil, information on crops,

irrigation, land use, legal entitlements, liabilities and taxation. State land reform measures, thus, depend

much on the land records management system. Further, it helps in protecting the legal ownership,

assignment and settlement of land titles. Farmers utilise land records also to obtain bank loans, resolve

legal disputes, collection of accurate crop data, insurance and ensuring efficient land markets. The need

to reform the land record management system has long been recognised because in its current state, the

system breeds bribery and corruption. In this project, the Department of Revenue in Karnataka has

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computerised 20 million records of land ownership belonging to 6.7 million farmers in the state.

Computerisation of land records allowed the farmers to sidestep the village accountants for acquiring a

copy of the Record of Rights, Tenancy and Crops (RTC), a process that earlier entailed delays,

harassment and payment of bribes. Farmers today can obtain a print RTC copy for a fee of Rs.15 from a

computerised land record kiosks (Bhoomi centers) located in 177 taluka offices.


Radio is one of the most important and cheapest mass media. It has been one of the traditional media for

information seekers. Information revolution in rural India through radio has helped green revolution. It

is very useful in rural development programme. It has a great variety content related to farm, home,

community and entertainment.

Hassan Akashwani is one of the creative radio program stations in Hassan district. This station is

broadcasting farmers centric programmes like Dhumbi- on agricultural commodity price disseminating

program; Krishikarigemahithi- providing information on agriculture with personal interview of

progressive farmers; Petevishleshane, Ritharigesalahe, Manninamahathva, Maralibaamannige etc., are

broadcasted by Hassan Akashvani. In Hassan district this radio station is trying to create good

agriculture awareness among the farmers with the help of Kandly krishiVigyan Kendra. Farmers are

showing positive response and radio station is also conducting interactive sessions for farmers with the

support of concerned officers in the district. Akashwani this is trying to enrich farmers knowledge in


AIR Mysore is unique in broadcasting regular farmer friendly programmes like KrishiChinthana,

Raitarigesalahe, KrushiNudimuttu, KrishiPathagalu, Krishikare, Krishivani, which are all motivating

and bringing them to single platform for sharing ideas, to learn and adopt latest technologies and pursue

agriculture as a profession under the banner of Banuli Krishi Belagu programme. Under this programme

one day training programme is conducted at the farmers’ field on the last Monday of every month by the

progressive farmers themselves. Importance is given for promoting organic farming and reduce the

usages of fertilizers and other chemicals in agriculture apart from income generating allied activities.

Krishi Community Radio

The first krishi community radio in Karnataka was established in 2007 under University of Agricultural

Science, Dharwad. It is recognized as one of the FM medium for transfer of agricultural technology to

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the needy farmers in coverage area. Krishi radio produces the programmes like interview with the

farmers, successful events of farmers, Krishi Chintana, feedback of farmers’ trainee, market

information, weather report, seasonal hints for agricultural operation, etc. The Krishi community radio

produces and broadcasts latest information like cropping pattern, improved agricultural practices, animal

husbandry, fisheries, environment, poultry farming etc.


Agricultural programmes on television started with introduction of Krishi Darshan programme in DD

National channel on January 26, 1967. With the launching of satellite instructional television experiment

in 1975 and Indian satellite in 1982, these programmes became familiar to a vast majority of rural

viewers and Krishi Darshan was the first rural program. This programme created awareness among the

rural viewers and acquainted them with the latest technical and scientific knowledge with regard to crop

cultivation practices, use of fertilizers, soil testing, dairying animal husbandry, sericulture, horticulture,

fishery, poultry, weather forecasts, etc.

In Karnataka DD Chandana Channel has been telecasting Krishi Darshan program for farmers, daily

twice in morning 6.00-6.30 am and evening 5.30 to 6.00pm. ETV Kannada News channel also has been

telecasting the farmer centric programme known as Annadata (Kannada). The programme telecasting

time is morning 6.30-7.00AM many other TV channels also provide the information on Market price,

subsidy related issues and some special programmes of success stories etc. These television

programmes are creating awareness on farm activities to farmers with adequate and affordable


FAO (2001) reported that television is the most important medium for communicating information

among rural people of developing countries in rural area as people are facing many problems and

hindrances to get information relating to agriculture.


Mobile access to technology is one of the most important enablers for small holders to improve

productivity sustainably. Innovative mechanisms for technology transfer are required to bring relevant

tools, knowledge and knowhow to farmers. ICT applications can foster dissemination of information on

technology, market demand, price information, weather, pest, and risk-management information, best

practices to meet quality and certification standards. Farmer Call Centre (Kissan Call Centre) the

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Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DoA&C), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India

launched Farmer Call Centres across the country on January 21, 2004, to deliver extension services to

the farming community. The purpose of these call centres is to respond to issues raised by farmers,

instantly, in the local language. National level universal eleven digit number 1800-180-1551 has been

allotted for Kissan Call Centre. The number is accessible through all mobile phones and landlines of all

telecom networks including private service providers. Calls are attended from 6.00 AM to 10.00 PM on

all seven days of the week at each KCC location.

Krishi Vigyan Kendras and State Agriculture Universities

Agriculture research and education in India is spearheaded by the Indian Council of Agricultural

Research (ICAR), an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and

Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture and farmers Welfare, Government of India. This apex body

is mandated for coordinating, guiding and managing research and education in agriculture and allied

activities. It has the largest network of agricultural research and education in the world with 109

institutes, 78 all India coordinated projects/networks,642 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), 71state

agricultural/ veterinary /horticultural /fishery universities and four general universities with agricultural

faculty spread across the country. There are 31 Krishi Viogyan Kendras and 05 Agricultural Universities

are in Karnataka. They have been working for enhance the technological innovation in farming


Raita Samparka Kendrs (RSKs)

The Department of Agriculture established Raitha Samparka Kendras at hobli level with the objective of

providing updated crop production related knowhow, arrangement of critical agricultural inputs, primary

soil and seed testing facilities and arranging interface with public and private sector technologies.

Developing country like India is carrying forward nationwide programmes of modernizing agriculture

with a view to achieve food security and to bring about socio-economic changes among farming

community since majority of population in the country depend on agriculture for their livelihood.

Karnataka’s agriculture, as in the rest of the country, has been making impressive strides, since mid-60s.

Out of the total population, rural contributes to about 70 percent and most of them are engaged in

agriculture and allied activities. According to the recent Economic Survey report of 2011, the

contribution of agriculture and allied activities accounts to 16.78 percent of the state income.

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Considering the importance of the need to provide effective extension services to the farmers, Raitha

Mitra Yojane, a demand driven Agricultural Extension System was initiated in Karnataka state in 2001,

replacing the earlier extension system by establishing agricultural extension centers at hobli level called

Raitha Samparka Kendras (RSKs). So far in Karnataka state, 745 Raitha Samparka Kendras

(Agricultural Extension centers) are established at Hobli/Sub-block level in 177 taluks (Anon., 2000)

These RSKs cater to the need of 5628 Gram Panchayaths covering 78 lakh farmer families. These RSKs

located in proximity to the farming community are aimed at addressing wide range of local issues

related to agriculture. They also act as a common platform and create terminal linkage to the farmers to

access and interact about agriculture based technology and information at the grass root level.


The study reviewed some of the agricultural extension approaches currently in operation in Karnataka

and also revealed policy interventions that promote ICT for agricultural extension in Karnataka.

In the contest of providing information system, an innovation can emerge from many sources and

through complex interactions and knowledge flows, with the farmer being at the center of the process.

Some of them are Kissan Call Centre, Karnataka Government Websites of Agriculture and allied sector,

innovative mobile applications like e-mandi, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, All India Radio, television,

agricultural magazines, newspaper and so on. There is no scarcity of information sources, but the

receivers are very less because of lack of awareness on ICT programmes and their utilization. Hence,

public sector should provide information at grass root level for accessing innovative technologies and

innovative knowledge to create smart farming community.


Aker, J. C. (2011). Dial “A” for agriculture: a review of information and communication technologies

for agricultural extension in developing countries. Agricultural Economics, 42(6), 631-647.

Claire, J., Glendenning, S. B., & Kwadwo, A. (2010). Review of Agricultural Extension in India, Are

Farmers’ Information Needs Being Met. IFPRI Discussion Paper 01048.

Ghatak, P. (2010). Development of mass media and its extension in agriculture: a feedback review of

audience research survey in Air, Murshidabad, West Bengal. Global Media Journal: Indian

Edition, 21.

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The Analysis of Different Types of IoT Sensors for smart agriculture and Management

Sureshkumar P.H & Maria Akshatha

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PG Dept. of Computer Science,

St. Philomena’s College, Mysore


The human life on planet highly depends on agriculture and management. The sensors can be utilized for smart agricultural management. So this study deeply reviews various sensors available that can be used for smart agricultural management. Remote sensor hubs are regularly minimal effort, low-control; little gadgets outfitted with sensors, information preparing and remote correspondence abilities. Step by step, these are getting to be plainly littler, less expensive, while all the more effective and more inescapable. Sensors of numerous kinds attempt to copy certain sense organs of living creatures talented by nature keeping in mind the end goal to associate with the environment [3].. Sensor innovation speaks to one of the developing zones of material science, hardware and biotechnologies, and is the one that can be used for the applications like Smart agriculture management. As of late sensors have been considered as an exceedingly potential field of logical research. Be that as it may, biosensors likewise have rising now days. The IoT sensors can be adequately utilized for water, transport, garbage, environment and so for smart farming that assumes an indispensable part being developed of the nation keeping in thought this paper clarifies about various sensors utilized as a part of the field for development and yield enhancement and smart management. . This consist of guaranteeing standard methodology with latest advances as web about things with also remote sensor Networks could provoke farming modernization.

Keywords: Internet of Things, IoT Sensors, Smart agriculture


The words 'sensor' and 'transducer' are both broadly utilized as a part of the portrayal of estimating

frameworks and IoT's(Internet of Things).A sensor is a gadget that measures a physical amount and

changes over it into a flag which can be perused by an onlooker or by an instrument. For instance a

thermocouple [1], Which changes over temperature to the yield voltage which can be sustained to an

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IoT framework. A sensor is a gadget that gets a boost and reacts with an electrical signal

response .Sensors are utilized as a part of various fields of science and innovation. Numerous sensors

are utilized as a part of agribusiness fields, sensors like physical sensors, dampness sensors, synthetic

sensors, biosensors, and so on are utilized for assurance of harvests. The IoT sensors can be adequately

utilized for water, transport, garbage, environment and so for farming


A word reference meaning of 'sensor' is a gadget that identifies an adjustment in a physical boost and

transforms it into a flag which can be estimated or recorded. Another relating meaning of 'transducer' is

'a gadget that exchanges control starting with one framework then onto the next in the same or in the

diverse shape [2]. A sensible qualification is to utilize 'sensor' for the detecting component itself and

'transducer' for the detecting component with the related circuits. All transducers would subsequently

contain a sensor and the greater part of the sensors likewise transducers. By and large terms, the

transduction procedure includes the change of one type of vitality into another frame. A sensor is a

gadget that distinguishes or measures an outer boost and records, shows or generally reacts to it [3]. As

indicated by the idea of outside boost sensors can be of two essential composes viz. physical sensor and

substance sensor. Every electrical transducer are comprehensively arranged under two classes, viz.

dynamic and detached. Dynamic transducers are self-generators, working under vitality transformation

standards. They create a comparable electrical yield motion without utilizing any outside vitality source.

Sensors in farming and ranger service assume a vital part today. In farming , the requirement for

expanding the generation and at the same time the endeavors for limiting the natural effect and for

sparing costs make the sensor frameworks the best united device. The utilization of sensors misuses

every accessible asset fittingly and to apply perilous items modestly. At the point when supplements in

the dirt, moistness, sun based radiation, thickness of weeds and all components influencing the creation

are known, this shows signs of improvement and the utilization of concoction items, for example,

composts, herbicides and other contamination items can be diminished impressively. These exercises

fall inside the developing zone known as Precision Agriculture. a great deal of number of exercises is

arranged towards wood creation or woodland inventories with the points of controlling parameters of

intrigue, for example, width of trees, stature, crown tallness, bark thickness and different factors, for

example, shade, stickiness, brightening, CO2transformation, where the social approval is of intrigue. in

charge of changing over any physical wonder into an amount quantifiable by an information obtaining

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framework. Latent transducers work under vitality controlling standards. They rely on the adjustment in

the electrical parameter like protection, inductance or capacitance excitation and requires optional

electrical vitality from an outside source. A portion of the more typical transducers are talked about in

underneath segments. system. Passive transducers work under vitality controlling standards. They rely

on the adjustment in the electrical parameter like protection, inductance or capacitance excitation and

requires auxiliary electrical vitality from an outside source. A portion of the more typical transducers are

talked about in underneath segments..

Physical sensor

Physical sensor are for the most part estimating for physical amounts, for example, length, temperature

weight, power, weight, sound and so on. It can be characterized as a gadget which react to physical

property, called boost, and create a corresponding measurable electrical flag [4, 5].these sensors help

agriculture system to maintain the physical property of the field.

Chemical sensor

A gadget which reacts to a specific way by a synthetic response and that can be utilized for the

quantitative or subjective assurance of the change is called compound sensor. Such sensor is worried

about distinguishing and estimating a particular synthetic substance or set of chemicals [4].in the

agriculture fields to maintain the chemical components in the pesticides sprinkled and fertilizers used.

Micro sensors

Micro sensor are group of sensors that extremely small type and capable of picking up and relaying

various environmental information. Such devices capable of measuring biological, thermal, chemical,

and other types of relevant data and send them to a processor, which then converts to a meaningful

form to allow access to it for a variety of purposes [8]. The various Micro sensor devices types of

accelerometers, , combo sensor, pressure sensor, gyroscope sensor, proximity sensor, humidity sensor

and magnetic sensor etc available in market for IoT. This categories of sensors can be used for air

temperature, soil temperature at a different profundities, precipitation, leaf wetness, chlorophyll, wind

speed, dew point temperature, wind heading, relative moistness, sun based radiation, and environmental

weight are estimated and recorded at foreordained interims. This information is aggregated and sent

remotely to a focal information lumberjack at customized interims. Their convenience and diminishing

costs make climate stations alluring for ranches of all sizes.

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Biosensor is subset of synthetic sensor yet is regularly regarded as a different territory. It is an

interdisciplinary territory with correct breaking points can't be characterized effortlessly [3].

Fundamentally the biosensor is an independent logical gadget which reacts specifically and reversibly to

the focus or movement of synthetic types of natural examples, which implies any sensor physically or

artificially worked in organic examples can be considered as a biosensor utilizing living segments or a

result of living things for the estimation. Sensor range can be from extremely easy to the complex. They

are characterized in light of their properties that what it quantifies, what are its determinations, what

physical marvel it is detecting, what change strategy is utilized, what material it is made, and what is the

field of utilization [3]. Any electrical transducer is a detecting gadget that a physical, mechanical or

optical amount to be estimated and changed specifically with an instrument to an electrical voltage or

current that is relative to the information measurand.

Commonly used sensors in Internet of Things (IoT)

The large varieties and sort of sensors accessible in the market at show day. They are utilized for the

change of nature of human way of life. The significance of IoT rises step by step, a sensor in its part is

planned the estimation of physical outside jolt and records, demonstrates or reacts to it that can be

perused by a client or another gadget. The most ordinarily utilized sensors in Internet of things are

depicted in the accompanying.

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1 Types of Sensors

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Temperature sensors

These are one of the common utilizing sensors that measure the temperature or warmth of a given

medium. These sensors utilizes various methods for decide and evaluate the temperature. Some of the

Temperature sensors required a physical contact with the object while others not require contact as they

can distinguish fluid or gases that discharge brilliant vitality like emitting radiant energy like spike in

heat .Highly touchy semiconductors accessible in Market, which are sufficiently skilled to show slight

variety in temperature [9,10]

Proximity sensors

Proximity sensors are the best to identify any sort of movement. They are widely using in applications

such as security, safety, or efficiency. They are generally utilizing as , for example, security, wellbeing,

or productivity. These sensors are utilized to find out Pets ,Insects, Rats or any animal movement in

agricultural field so it can utilize effectively in smart agriculture management. Closeness sensors utilizes

electromagnetic radiation like radar signs to recognize movement or habitation. Proximity sensors have

best use in numerous types industry [10,11]. The retailers utilize closeness sensors to discover region of

the clients once they are close to their premises by sending them a few offers on their IoT gadgets. It

additionally can be utilized as a part of stopping frameworks, exhibition halls, airplane terminals, and so


Pressure sensors

Pressure sensors are utilized for estimating weight of a gas or fluid. Weight sensors changing over the

physical power into an electrical signal. They are additionally can be successfully utilized for estimating

different factors like speed and height or comparable circumstance somehow. Indicators and weight

checks are the normal utilizing weight sensors utilized for IoT framework. Indicators are useful in

climate estimating as it can give exact estimation of encompassing air. Weight checks are for the most

part utilized as a part of mechanical destinations as it is useful for the monitoring of weight in shut

environments. Pressure sensors are extreme answer for IoT gadgets as it can be utilized for different

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territories, for example, touch screen gadgets, bio medicinal gadgets, car systems and fabricating

industry .Micro weight sensors are kind of little size sensors for the estimation of weight. The principal

small scale sensor was produced and utilized by industry preservative pressure sensors.

Optical Sensors

Optic detecting innovation is utilized to distinguish electromagnetic energies like light.It use idea of the

photoelectric impact, says that there will be a launch of electrons, when a contrarily charged plate of

some proper light-delicate material, is strike by a light emission. The electrons would then be able to be

made to stream as a current from the plate nourish as a flag. The greatness of the electric current

delivered is specifically corresponding to the light force or number of photons [9,10]. They can transmit,

get, and change over light vitality into electrical flag. The fiber optic sensor IoT interface is associated

with web and can collects various data for checking diverse parameters .These optical sensors generally

use in various sorts advanced cameras which go about as one of the major physical gadgets of an IoT

framework.. As they are uninvolved to all types of electrical interfaces, they are considered as the much

adored sensors for IoT. Optical sensors are useful for vitality, social insurance, aviation, chemicals,

natural IoT frameworks. Optical sensors can be perfect for conditions, for example, oil refineries,

mining activities, pharmaceutical organizations, and compound enterprises because of its norisk


Fiber optic sensors

Most remote detecting frameworks are intended to quantify photons. The indicator is most basic

segment in any optical detecting framework. It use idea of the photoelectric impact, says that there will

be a launch of electrons, when a contrarily charged plate of some suitable light-delicate material, is

strike by a light emission. The electrons would then be able to be made to stream as a current from the

plate bolster as a flag. The greatness of the electric current created is specifically relative to the light

power or number of photons. The dynamic vitality of the discharged photoelectrons shifts with

recurrence of the episode radiation. Be that as it may, distinctive materials has a limit wavelength at

which the wonder begins and a more drawn out wavelength at which it ends.[13] . The previous two

decades have seen a developing enthusiasm for the field of fiber-optic sensors. This pattern made by the

advances made in the related fields like opto hardware and optical flag preparing and the far reaching

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utilization of optical fiber specialized gadgets in the media transmission industry caused decrease in

optical fiber sensor cost. So the optical fiber sensors have been produced for an assortment of

utilizations in industry, solution, guard and research [14].Optical fiber sensor framework comprises of

optical source, detecting component and optical locator . Data about the measurand is predominantly

passed on in all optical fiber sensors by a difference in either polarization, stage, recurrence, power or

can be mix of the above. The measurand like temperature, dislodging, or strain, and so forth can adjusts

at least one optical parameters of the light, for example, power, stage, and adequacy. A returning fiber

controls counter proliferating light to an optical identifier. This is then flag handled to give the

estimation of the measurand

Humidity sensor

Humidity is the nearness of water in air. The measure of water vapor in air can influence human livings

and numerous assembling forms. The nearness of water vapor likewise impacts different physical,

concoction, and natural exercises and its estimation in enterprises is basic since it might influence the

quality and cost of the item, the wellbeing and security of the staff. So humidity detecting is imperative

in the control frameworks for modern procedures and human livings [8]. Controlling or checking of

moistness is of imperative in numerous industrial, agriculture and residential applications. In

semiconductor producing process, the moistness or dampness levels should be appropriately controlled

and checked while wafer preparing. In medical science humidity control is required for respiratory

supporting framework, sterilizers, hatcheries, pharmaceutical preparing and numerous other organic

items. humidity sensor is additionally important in compound gas sanitization, dryers, broilers, paper,

material creation and nourishment preparing industry. In horticulture estimation of mugginess is

essential for plant insurance, such as dew control, soil dampness testing and checking. Residential

applications requires humidity control for living condition in structures and for microwave stoves, and

so on. So moistness sensors are utilized to give basic administrations in Agriculture field management.

Accelerometer and gyroscope

Accelerometer is utilized to distinguish vibration, tilt and straight speeding up. It is utilized for

execution of pedometer, leveling, vibration alert, anti-burglary and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Whirligig is utilized to gauge rakish speed. Whirligig is for the most part utilized as a part of 3D mouse,

games and competitor preparing [9].It has been generally utilizing for identifying any tilt in the position

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in the field, for example, Robotics and Industrial mechanization. It can be used in Agriculture robots that

supports the smart agriculture management.

Airflow Sensors 

Air flow sensors in Agriculture field ensures the flow of air and eventually balances the amount of

CO2,O2etc in Green House. Agricultural Weather Stations can measure soil air penetrability.

Estimations can be made at particular areas or powerfully while in movement. The coveted yield is the

weight required to push a foreordained measure of air into the ground at an endorsed profundity.

Choosing a sensor

Factors that has to be considered when choosing a sensor [9,10]

Accuracy - The statistical variation from the exact reading.

Calibration - Required for most measuring systems since their readings will change over time.

Cost of the sensor

Environmental - Sensors typically have temperature and/or humidity limits.

Range - Limits of measurement of the sensor.

Sensors application in agriculture

Here are the various ways that accurately use above explained sensors in Smart agriculture management

for cultivating crops:

Yield Monitoring frameworks are set on edit collecting vehicles, for example,

consolidates and corn reapers. They give a product weight yield by time, separation, or

GPS area estimated and recorded to inside 30cm.

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Yield Mapping utilizes spatial organize information from GPS sensors mounted on

reaping hardware. Yield observing information is joined with the directions to make yield

maps. Variable Rate Fertilizer application apparatuses utilize yield maps and maybe

optical overviews of plant wellbeing controlled by hue to control granular, fluid, and

vaporous manure materials. Variable rate controllers can either be physically controlled

or naturally controlled utilizing an on-board PC guided by genuine GPS area.

Weed Mapping presently utilizes administrator translation and contribution to produce

maps by rapidly denoting the area with a GPS recipient and data logger. The weed events

would then be able to be covered with yield maps, manure maps, and splash maps. As

visual acknowledgment frameworks enhance, the manual section will soon be supplanted

via robotized, visual frameworks mounted to working gear[18].

Variable Spraying controllers turn herbicide shower blasts on and off, and redo the sum

(and mix) of the splash connected. When weed areas are distinguished and mapped, the

volume and blend of the splash can be resolved.

Topography and Boundaries can be recorded utilizing high-accuracy GPS, which takes

into account an extremely exact topographic portrayal to be made of any field. These

accuracy maps are helpful when translating yield maps and weed maps. Field limits,

existing streets, and wetlands can be precisely situated to help in cultivate arranging.

Salinity Mapping is finished with a saltiness meter on a sled towed crosswise over fields

influenced by saltiness. Saltiness mapping translates new issues and additionally change

in saltiness after some time.

Guidance Systems can precisely position a moving vehicle inside 30cm or less utilizing

GPS. Direction frameworks swap regular hardware for splashing or seeding. Self-ruling

vehicles are at present a work in progress and will probably be put into utilization in the

exact not so distant future.

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SL No.

Sensors Application

1 Air PollutionMonitoring of CO2or CO emissions of factories , Vehicles and toxic gases generated in farms.

2 Forest Fire DetectionMonitoring of combustion gases and fire conditions in Agriculture farms near to Forest areas

3 Farmer CareVital health signs monitoring during working in field

4 Structural HealthMonitoring of vibrations and other material conditions in buildings ,bridges and other monuments in fields

5 Agricultural EngineeringMonitoring soil moisture and Humidity and Temperature for healthy vegetation

6 Offspring CareControl of growing conditions of the offspring in animal farms for its better survival and health

7 Water QualityAnalysis of water quality and suitability in rivers and the sea for fauna and checking for drinkable

8 Quality of Shipment ConditionsMonitoring of vibrations ,Cracks, strokes, containers opening in supply chain maintenance

9 Waste Management For better waste management

10 Smartphones DetectionDetection of smartphones or any devices and in general any device which works with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth interfaces etc.

11 Perimeter Access ControlAccess control for restricted areas and detection of people in non-authorized areas

12 Electromagnetic LevelsMeasurement of the energy radiated by Radio stations or Cell towers and Wi-Fi routes

13 Smart ParkingMonitoring of vehicle parking spaces availability in the field and congestion avoidance

14 Radiation LevelsMeasurement and analysis of radiation levels in nuclear power stations surroundings to generate any leakage alerts

15 Water LeakagesDetection of liquid presence roads, Tanks, Pipe leak and canal overflow etc.

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Table 1.0 Some suggestions of Sensors based on the analysis and testing in smart agricultural


Conclusion and Future work

The IoT sensors can be successfully utilized for Agriculture management effectively and so forth

administration in Smart agriculture areas Sensor innovation will discover numerous more application in

Smart agriculture administration in future. So this territory requires additionally inquire about in IoT

sensors and availability. Sensors are one of the rising territories of material science, hardware and

biotechnologies, and is the one that has most incredibly abused by the developments in the individual



One model of smart agriculture

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Here we have clearly analyzed in detail about various type of sensors available for smart agriculture. In

future, we want to study by implementing these type of IOT sensors for smart agricultural management

in crop cultivation for the arid environment in Mysuru district


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Automated Speed Governor

*Akhil Chandran & **Manasa K N PG Department of Computer scienceSt. Philomena’s college, [email protected], [email protected]


In 2016 there was 4, 80,652 accidents reported and by these accidents 1, 50,785 deaths occurred on Indian roads. Highway authority of India reported these accidents were mainly occurred because of over speed. In 2016 speeding caused 66.5% accidents and 61% deaths. Some of the existing systems reducing the accident ratio but it is not acting in a sensible way. This paper aims to make a sensible and driver friendly speed governing system with the help of GPS technology.

This paper proposes an embedded system which works based on geo-fencing technology. The vehicle speed will reduce when a vehicle enters the geo-fenced area. This kind of area details is stored in a database, and it is maintained online by the admin. This is the one part of this system and another important part of this system is a raspberry pi with a GPS module. The vehicle’s current latitude and longitude plotted by a GPS module and these values compared with the data which stored in a database by raspberry pi. If the values are matching it tells that now the vehicle is in the geo-fenced area. Then the raspberry pi will communicate with the ECU, and ECU will control the fuel injection system and it will reduce the speed of the vehicle. This embedded system used python and MySQL to connect the raspberry pi with GPS module and ECU. The other programs like PHP and SQL are used to store the values and make a website for this system.

Key Words: Raspberry pi, GPS, ECU, Geo-Fencing, Fuel Injection system.


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The speed governing systems has been implemented India since 2009. In that system, the speed is

limited to a constant range. So for all type of roads, the driver should drive within this fixed range of

speed. By because of these limitation drivers and the vehicle owners are hesitated to implement this


Automated Speed Governor System is an improvisation of the existing system. The system performing

according to the condition and character of roads. That means the speed limitation of the vehicle is

restricted according to the character of road. The technology known Geo-Fencing is used to accomplish

this functionality effectively. Geo-Fencing technology allows us to fence an area. GPS module is

monitoring the system whether it enter into the fenced area or not. A database is used to store the Geo-

Fenced area details.

The Raspberry Pi is controlling all these components and make a communication between the modules.

The GPS module tracks the vehicle position continuously. The Raspberry Pi analyze the data’s what got

from the GPS with stored Geo-Fence data. When the data seems to be equal, the raspberry pi produces a

trigger to ECU. This component named ECU is the central controlling system of a vehicle. All the

operations done in a vehicle is the part of the ECU. The ECU sensors are monitoring and controlling the

system. When ECU got a trigger from Raspberry Pi, ECU will control the flow of fuel injection system

and it reduces the acceleration of the vehicle. The raspberry pi will not produce a trigger if the vehicle is

running under the speed limit which mentioned in the database. The goal of this system is when the

vehicle enters the geo-fenced area the speed should be controlled by raspberry pi.

The Automated Speed Governor giving a rapid response to control the speed of the vehicle. There is no

calculation needed to calculate the speed of the vehicle. Because of this calculation, the existing system

has accuracy problem. The data are stored in a database through online. The responsible person can add

new data, delete existing data, and they can adjust the speed of the vehicles within minutes.

Literature Review

Studies so far shows that Automated Speed Governor is gaining much more attention.

Aamir Sarwar Jahan et al. [1] proposed a GPS Enabled Speed Control Embedded System This is an

embedded speed control system, using AVR ATM mega128 microcontroller connected to EM-406A

GPS receiver. The large location data’s are stored in this system by offline. The GPS module will locate

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the current location of the system. It will compare the GPS value with the data’s stored in this system. If

the data’s are matching the system output will communicate with ECU of the vehicle and that will limit

the speed of the vehicle.

Sneha Kamble et al. [2] proposed a Vehicle Tracking System. This paper tells how to track a vehicle in

an effective way. In this project, two modules are used to locate the vehicle one is GPS and another one

is GSM module. The GPS will send the location and with the help of GSM module. The data’s show in

an electronic medium via the internet or a specialized software.

Teduh Dirgahayu et al [3] proposed Location-based Request Forwarding in A Geo-fencing Application

with Multiple Providers. Geo-fencing is a technology that allows some functionality when users enter

into the specified area. In this project plotting the user current position and checking is he in this

premises and provide some functions. The user can use their mobile application to do these functions.

Fabrice RECLUS et al. [4] proposed Geo-fencing for Fleet & Freight Management [4]. This paper is

based on geo-fencing technology. They are saying about the fundamental concept of geo-fencing and

some advanced applications of this technology. In this they mentioned some applications like let the

drivers know about the weight and height restriction of the road, dangerous goods transport restriction,

etc. .

P. Mondal et al. [5] did this paper A Silent Tsunami on Indian Road: A Comprehensive Analysis of

Epidemiological Aspects of Road Traffic Accidents. This is the Indian road accident and the effect of

these accidents. The road accident reason, how to reduce it, the ratio of the accident, percentage of the

accident all the data are mentioned in this paper.

Prashant A. Shinde [6] proposed Advanced Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System based on

Raspberry Pi. This vehicle tracking system based on Raspberry used to track a school vehicle position at

the time and provide a facility to the driver. The raspberry pi is connected GPS, GSM, and GPRS

module. Both are used to track the vehicle. The GPS is using to identify the current location; GPRS is

used to send the information to server and GSM is using to send information to the driver. The system

monitoring the vehicle speed and location. Raspberry Pi the GPS value and verify the speed and if it is

higher it will send the information to the owner.

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Mani Partheesh et al. [7] proposed Use of Geo-fences for Location-Based Activation and Control of

Services. In this project various automatic operations and various remote controls based on current

geographic location. The geo-fence enables the user to define the areas and when the user into the geo-

fence area it will automatically control the system.

System Description

Raspberry Pi

The raspberry pi is built with Quad Core 64 bit processor. Is used to control the entire system

and it collect the data from GPS module and compare with the database data. If the data’s are matching

it will connect with ECU.


The Global Positioning System is used to track the vehicle. It will plot the latitude and longitude

of the object. It can identify any location in the earth. The GPS module have antenna and receiver to

identify and collect the values.

Engine Control Unit

ECU is a programmable microprocessor. It is controlling all the engine part of the vehicle. All

vehicle sensors are connected with this ECU and act according to instruction. The Raspberry pi is

connected to ECU and it send instruction to ECU to control the fuel injection. When it gets instruction

from the Raspberry pi it will act according to the instruction.


Databases are used to store the values like latitude, longitude and speed. The data which stored

in the database is well ordered. The Raspberry pi is connected with the database and continuously

communicating each other. The data get from GPS will compare with the data stored in the database.

Id Speed Latitude longitude

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1 30 11.568975 76.254878

2 30 12.587854 77.369582

3 50 10.256879 79.214569

4 40 15.258794 75.369745

5 55 16.587987 75.125489

6 55 13.568794 78.254697


Figure 1: System Architecture

The above figure 1 shows the system architecture.

Automated Speed Governor built with three hardware component and one website. The major hardware

components are Raspberry Pi, GPS module and ECU. Raspberry Pi 3 model B is used in this system to

establish a connection between these components and control the components. The power supply for

raspberry pi is getting from the car.

Another important component of Automated Speed Governor is GPS module. The Geo-Fencing

technology is accomplished with the help of this module. The latitude and longitude of a vehicle plotted

by GPS module and this values used to calculate whether the vehicle is in the fenced area or not. The

website is providing the data to check the details.

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The engine control unit is microcontroller used in modern vehicle to monitor the function. This is very

highly sensitive and costly equipment. Raspberry pi is communicating with this equipment. When the

GPS data and the data stored in database seems to be equal Raspberry Pi will communicate with ECU.

There is port in ECU to communicate with fuel injection system. When ECU got message from

Raspberry Pi the fuel injection port will produce a trigger to fuel injection system and that system will

reduce the fuel injection to the engine. It reduces the acceleration of the vehicle. These operations

happen when the vehicle speed is more than the assumed speed in the database. If it is less than the

speed no need of this operation.

Conclusion and Future Enhancement

Automated Speed Governor is an efficient system to control the speed. It is using geo-fencing

technology for better efficiency because the GPS module is used only to plot the location and there is no

speed calculation based on this module. All data are stored in online source and the admin can change,

add and modify the data. According to another system, there are no facilities like this. So it will be a

better solution for the Indian road accident and it will be driver friendly.

Automated Speed Governor is using Raspberry Pi and it is a programmable device. In future we can add

some more programs to this Raspberry to improve the existing system. We can add motion censoring

system to avoid collision, theft protection system, collision detection system etc


Aamir Sarwar Jahan, Imdadul Hoq, and David Westerfeld , “GPS Enabled Speed Control Embedded

System Speed Limiting Device with Display and Engine Control Interface” Department of Electrical

and Computer Engineering Stony Brook University,Stony Brook, USA

Sneha Kamble, Chinmaya Godbole and Rohini Gaikwad “Vehicle Tracking System”, IJIRST –

International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, Volume 2 (11), 2016, ISSN

(online): 2349-6010.

Teduh Dirgahayu and Feri Wijayanto, “Location-based Request Forwarding in A Geo-fencing

Application with Multiple Providers” , 2015 International Conference on

Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering & Environment (TIME-E) Samosir Island,

North Sumatra, Indonesia, September 7-9, 2015

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Page 85: Primary Data: Primary data was collected from students and …  · Web view2018-06-27 · I will drink life to the lees.” 3 He intends to drain ... The poet, Eliot calls London,

Fabrice RECLUS and Kristen DROUARD, “Geofencing for Fleet & Freight Management”

P. Mondal, Abhishek Kumar, U. D. Bhangale, and Dinesh Tyagi, “A Silent Tsunami on Indian Road: A

Comprehensive Analysis of Epidemiological Aspects of Road

Traffic Accidents”, British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 1(1): 14-23, 2011.

Prashant A. Shinde, “Advanced Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System based on Raspberry Pi”, IEEE

Sponsored 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO) 2015.

Mani Partheesh, Kirupa Pushpamj , “Use of Geofences for Location-Based Activation and Control of

Services”, Pub. N0. US 2012/0172027 A1.


Akshay SidharthDepartment of Journalism and Mass Communication,

St. Philomena's College, Mysuru

Anurag Kashyap is a prominent offbeat Bollywood filmmaker and screenwriter

who have received acclaim for his gritty and realistic films. He is considered to be

the wonder kid of modern new wave Hindi cinema. The study deals with the

deconstruction and in-depth content analysis of all his 8 films. The deconstruction

is in terms of various aspects such as the characterization, themes, the dominant

traits and other technical aspects. The researcher also aims to determine the

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similar pattern or the blue print followed by all his films and look at them in a

different and unique perspective.

Keywords: Bollywood, New wave cinema, Characterisation, Auteur


Anurag Kashyap is often termed as an auteur.Auteur is a French word which translated in English

means ‘author’, the creator of the work.The ‘Auteur Theory’ suggests that there is one prime force that

leads to the creation of the film and that individual guides all the processes of filmmaking.

(madaboutmoviez.com, 2012)The ‘Auteur Theory’ was born out of the French New Wave movement in

cinema pioneered by the critic and filmmaker Francoise Truffaut which was actually intended to be a

protest to free the global medium of cinema from its old and traditional conventions, consequently

asking for the liberation for the film maker to express himself beyond the reliance and dependence on

the literature and it also demanded due respect for the director who is to be looked as an independent

and self-reliant artist in the area and field of cinema enabling the director to invent a body of work,

similar to any other ordinary artist, focussed on themes and creating his own distinctive style.

The dark and gritty themes are the main highlight of Anurag Kashyap films. There is a different and

unique way in which the director sets the entire story which is entirely different from other

contemporary film makers of his contemporary era. The style in which the film has been portrayed will

have the typical Anurag Kashyap watermark on the entire films. There is often both off beat and

commercial flavour in all his films. It is impossible to call Anurag Kashyap films as solely offbeat or

solely commercial. Kashyap has created a new style which is one of a kind and which itself is a new

genre. Kashyap's films are always involved in controversies as most of his films are so real and they

explore the dark depths of the human conscious and it also portray the ruthless and cruel character and

behaviour of the contemporary society or world.

The genre of Kashyap films varies from romantic drama to neo- noir psychological thrillers. But the

traits in the films are following the same pattern. The nine films he has made have a new and distinctive

style on his own.

All the films are peculiar and distinct. The most notable one will be the remake of the classic Bengali

novel ‘Devdas’ by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay published in 1917. This movie has been chosen as it

successfully explores the space between the edges of commercial and parallel cinema. It fixes, like other

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films human subject the film mainly constitutes the state apparatuses of extreme capitalism which

provided him or her with a place in relations of the production. The film explores the human emotions

such as guilt, jealousy and others in a new and distinctive style through a way which has not been

undertaken by any other film maker.

Kashyap also enthrals and also disturbs the audience by showcasing the intimidating and demeaning

nature of the contemporary society without any mercy. The audience are struck with such an impact that

they will have a whole new perception and clarity about the matters or entities portrayed in the film. He

is said to be influenced by different film forms and the narrative style of some of his films also have

similarity between western film makers such as Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorcese. The films

selected are The Paanch (2003), Black Friday (2007), Gulaal(2009), No smoking (2007) , Dev D (2009),

Gangs of Wasseypur part 1 (2012) and part 2 ( 2012) and that girl in yellow boots (2011).

Review of Literature

Dinesh Bhugra, and Susham Gupta in their book “psychoanalysis and the Hindi cinema” says

“Psychoanalysis raises notions of individual's growth and development, and defence mechanisms are

used to suppress anxiety and stress. Portrayal of psychoanalysis in modern Hindi cinema is rare.

Psychoanalysis can determine the relationships between individuals and personalities.” (Gupta, 2008)

In another book by Ravinder Kaur “Viewing the West through Bollywood: A celluloid Occident in the

making” says that “The films sport a fantasy-like, rich look, trendy locations and designer clothes worn

by young men and women. The Hindi films are now placed in the realm of fast-changing contemporary

India with its new market-friendly economy, a globalised and upwardly mobile middle class, a vast

diaspora that constantly searches for authentic Indian values, and a huge, exportable, techno-savvy

workforce that thrives on growing western pop-dominated cultural forms such as Bhangra/Indi pop-

music and Hinglish theatre. (Mishra, 2002) The search for authentic Indian values, however

unintentionally, reveals the long-held images of the West and the eventual making of a celluloid

Occident.” (Kaur, 2002)

In a paper by M. Madhava Prasad “Realism and fantasy in representations of metropolitan life in Indian

Cinema” says that “Bollywood is dealing with the representations of metropolitan life, and it is

appropriate that we should focus at the outset, on what appears to be an intimate relation between the

city and the logic of fictional representation.” (Prasad)

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In his book’ John David Slocum says that violence has been portrayed in different countries in different

ways and most of them included political violence. He talks about the cinematic representation of

violence and they have tended to represent violence as pathological. (Slocum, 2005)

In the article ‘ Sensuality , sexuality and belonging: Representations of the Anglo Indian and the western

women in Hindi Cinema’, Geetanjali Gangoli says that the Anglo Asian women represented in Hindi

films were seen as liminal as compared to Indian women. The literary projections of Anglo Indian

women saw a similar pattern. They are projected as promiscuous, sexually active, disrupting the colonial

agenda or as pathetic victims of decrement and boredom.


The researcher is doing qualitative analysis. The researcher has analysed eight different films of Anurag

Kashyap for the purpose of deconstruction and content analysis. The researcher analyses every dominant

aspects of the film and the different crucial components of the film by comparing the films of the

director and extract the similarities and dissimilarities among all the films. The researcher has used the

coding sheet to bring out the common elements of the films or the parameters to study and analyse the

films. The analysis will be based on the parameters

Dominant traits of the male and female characteristic

Running time


Psychological aspects of thefilm

Overall setting of the story

Dominant traits of the film

Theme and genre of the film

Rationale of the Study

The study intends to find out the common strain or the basic pattern of Anurag kashyap films by

deconstructing the films in different aspects such as characterization, background of the story, execution,

and treatment etc. The study also aims to find out the existence of a common ‘blue print’ in his way of


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Analysis and findings

The eight films chosen for the research are Paanch (2003), Black Friday (2007), Gulaal(2009), No

smoking(2007) , Dev D (2009), Gangs of Wasseypur part 1 (2012) and part 2 ( 2012) and that girl in

yellow boots (2011).

Running Time

The eight films are all above120 minutes of running time which follows the same track of the all other

Indian films.


The genre of the films are predominantly drama and but the sub-genre vary greatly from

romance,action,crime, thriller, political thriller and psychological thriller. All the eight films has the

dramatic element as the main genre mainly for its dramatization effect.7 out of 8 films ie apart from Dev

D are thrillers. They have a gripping story line which has an intense effect on the audience. The

characters also go through different harsh and extreme phases. They face many obstacles and

psychological trauma. Even though there are different genres the traits in the films are following a

similar pattern evidently.

Background of the story

The settings and background of the film is very crucial for any story or a narrative. The same is

applicable for Anurag Kashyap films. He has beautifully narrated the incidents and happenings of

different locales or areas with sufficient intensity and impact. The dark and the cruel atmosphere of the

modern contemporary society has been efficiently portrayed in the films.2 of the 8 films that is the two

parts of Gangs of Wasseypur has been shot entirely in the rural area of Wasseypur and the remaining of

the films are set in the backdrop of Urban locales especially the city of Mumbai which is the heart of

Indian economy and the hub of different cultures and diversities. Only one of the 8 films (DEV D) is

shot overseas that too around 10% of the entire film.


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The films of Anurag Kashyap follow a common trait in terms of characterizationas the lead characters

are having the similar traits and the emotional and psychological trauma they go through is also similar

processes. The male characters especially the lead characters have similar traits. The lead characters of

Gangs of Wasseypur,Paanch ,Gulaal and No Smoking They all have common traits.

In the films Gulaal, Paanch, No smoking, Gangs of Wasseypur the lead characters all have a similar

traitsas they are rich, spoilt, ruthless and arrogant and violent attitudes. On the other side the female

characters also have similar attitudes and character traits. The dominant traits of the female character are

manipulative,beautiful, seductive and ruthless.There are also traits of femme fatale which is a crucial

element of film – noir.

On the whole the characterization follows a same blue print which is evident from the similar and

common traits of male and female leads.

Table No.1-Dominant Male Characteristics

Characters Traits

Ransa (Gulaal) Spoilt,Rich,Carefree,

Dev (DEV D) Rich,Spoilt, Carefree,

Faizal (GOW) Authoritative, Violent

K (No



Luke (Paanch) Arrogant,Bold,Violent


(Black Friday)


Table No.2- Dominant Female Characteristics

Female Characters TraitsChanda(DEV D)

Seductive, Manipulative,

Kiran (Gulaal) Seductive, Manipulative,

Shiuli(Paanch) Seductive, Manipulative

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Durga(GOW) Seductive, Manipulative

Ruth (That Girl in yellow boots)

Bold , Helpless


The films have a number of recurring traits which are dominant and crucial for the proceeding for the

story. In all his films there is a constant play between the human emotions and other psychological

feelings they go through in different situations and consequences. The emotions are so stark that the

characters feel so real and which also says that the characters are actually facing a problem. The

characters in the films have emotional outbursts.The emotions anger and frustration are dominant and

the characters are so much controlled by these emotions that they end up doing undesirable things which

tend to be hazardous for both the male and female characters. The emotion happiness is not at all present

in the films whereas grief also plays a crucial role in the fate of the characters along with the other

dominant emotions. This is evident from the films such as Gulaal, DevD and that girl in yellow boots as

the lead characters go through a number of relationship crises and other obstacles which tends to test

their emotional stabilities.

Psychological Abnormalities

The characters also show some psychological abnormalities. In No Smoking the character K played by

John Abraham shows extreme Narcissism which is evident from the scenes which is similar to the

original Narcissus who admires his own reflection and takes great care to preserve his own good looks.

The other major abnormality which is dominant is the ant- social personality disorder which can be

noticed in all the major characters in most of the movies especially the movies such as Gulaal, both the

parts of Gangs of Wasseypur, Paanch and Black Friday.This are mainly evident from the incidents they

get into tend the hideous and cruel things they do which are clearly unacceptable by the society.

Substance abuse

The other major trait of the films are the substance abuse which are very much recurring as the lead

main characters always indulge in substance abuse which vary from alcohol to narcotic drugs. Most of

his films portray substance abuse and the lead characters are having either extreme addiction or they

always use the intoxicants. ‘Dev D’ is the film which portrays the extensive alcohol addiction of the lead

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character Dev due to his emotional breakdown which was caused by the relationship crises. The film

also portrays the usage of narcotic drugs in some part of the film.

The film ‘No Smoking’ entirely focuses on the smoking addiction and how the lead character is affected

by the consequences caused by the addiction and the cat and mouse game he himself gets entrapped into.

The film ‘Paanch’ also portrays a number of scenes in which shows the substance addiction which

forced them to do crimes and other anti-social activities especially the protagonist Luke which forces

him to fall into many undesired situations and consequently moves the story forward. The researcher as

also find out the inter relation between the crimes and the substance abuse.

Treatment and execution

The overall mood of all the films is dark. Most of the lead characters go through a series of emotional

outbursts and these outbursts result in various consequences which gives rise to a number of conflicts.

The films can also be said as the metaphor for the dark and disturbing mind-sets of the characters in the

film. The audience can feel the tension in the air as the characters go through different situations and


In ‘No smoking’ the neo realistic atmosphere is evident all over with the unusual settings and the

colouring of the film also enhances the overall impact of the film on the audience and the character ‘K’s

mind-set also has been vividly portrayed in the film through the consequence and situation. Likewise the

films show the psychological tensions and pressure the characters go through.

Violent Content

The researcher also found out the extensive portrayal of violence in the films. All the films show

extensive verbal abuse between the characters and the high profanity is common in all the films. The

profane words differ in dialects of the respective areas. The profane words are like the integral part of a

normal conversation and The words are of Hindi origin and they vary according to the

Physical violence is also very significant in most of his films. The‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ films entirely

rely upon physical violence through arms such as guns, pistols and other variants of weapons. The blood

and gore is also very apparent in those films. The first film of Anurag Kashyap, ‘Paanch’ has intense

physical violence where the protagonist himself indulges into criminal activities such as murder and

hand assaults. Blood and gore is also apparent in this film. Similarly the film ‘Gulaal’ also has a number

of physical violence and gore.Which shows the common trait of violence is present in most of his

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films.‘No smoking’ too shows extreme gore wherein the finger of one of the characters has been cut off.

In films ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’, Black Friday, ‘Paanch’ and ‘Gulaal’ the innate human violence and the

human atrocities are vividly portrayed and shown.

There are a number of films in which there is a dominant trait of political violence where the power is

misused and it is reflected through violence and other means of aggression. The movies also reflect how

politics cannot survive without violence and aggression. The significance of violence is that it is vital in

all aspects as the films which vary from different genres such from romance to political thriller there is a

significant amount of violence in the films portray how violence is dominant in the society now.

The human negativities such as manipulation,betrayal,greed and violence are portrayed in a stark

manner which actually has an impact on the audience. Kashyap has also tried to show the consequences

of the conflict areas as in all the films’ lead characters get consumed by the ill effects or the

consequences of the negativities and find their own doom. The plot of the films majorly involves these

conflicts which actually pushes the story forward. The corruption of the characters (political and non-

political) also has a great impact on the story. The films also depict the misuse of authority and power

and use them for their own selfish purposes.

The female characters are the main play a major role in the manipulation and other negativities. In the

film ‘Gulaal’ there are the character Kiran manipulates the protagonist Dilip Singh and other characters

for her own selfish purposes. They use their seductive nature to enhance their manipulative abilities. The

films are dark moral stories and they convey a message in the end.The violence of the films are too

brutal and most of the films are actually true life incidents which have marked some impact on the

history. (Booth, 1995)

The psychological aspects of the film are very crucial as there are a number of psychological elements

are dominant in the films and they have influence on the characters.The researcher has found out a

pattern followed by Anurag Kashyap in making films.


As per the analysis and findings the researcher has found out that all the eight films of Anurag Kashyap

have recurring themes and they portray different emotional variations of the characters portrayed in the

film. The researcher has also found that the films have tried to convey different messages or

implications to the audience. They have tried to cater to the specific needs of the audience which applies

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to the uses and gratification theory.The films take the audience to a whole new level of cinematic

experience which disturbs the very perception and the basic understanding of the audience.

The researcher has analysed all the films follow a same pattern and it has a unique style pertained to the

director Anurag Kashyap.


(2012). Retrieved from madaboutmoviez.com.

Booth, G. D. (1995). Traditional content and narrative structure in Hindi commercial cinema.Gupta,

D. B. (2008). Psychoanalysis and the Hindi Cinema. Acta Neuropsychiatrica , 96- 97.

Kaur, R. (2002). Viewing the West through Bollywood: A celluloid Occident in the making.

Contemporary South India , 199-209.

Mishra, V. (2002). Bollywood cinema:Temples of desire.

Prasad, M. M. (n.d.). Realism and fantasy in representations of metropolitan life in Inian


Slocum, J. D. (2005). terrorism, media, libaration. London: Rutgers University Press.

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Suhan Poovaiah, Carolyn Malsawmtluangi & Arjun PrakashPG Dept. of English, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) Mysore


Modernism has played an important role in ushering Literature into a new

era. The works be it in the form of literature, arts or architecture produced during the

period reflected the thoughts, ideals, doubts and anguish which are the results of

scientific, political and economic influence brought about by the advancement in

science and technology. This paper aims to highlight the shift in literary works

produced during Modernism and the participation of prominent figures during the


Keywords: modernism, ideals, prominent figures.


The term ‘modernism’ is not as simple a question as getting a date or a time period and labelling

everything that falls within the time frame as ‘modern’. It does not specifically have an exact date as to

its historical emergence with not much evidence of spirited scholarly discussion about when or how it

actually began. However, its standard definition would be:

“a general term applied retrospectively to the wide range of experimental and avant-garde trends in the

literature(and other arts) of the early twentieth century”

According to M.H.Abrams;

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“The term ‘modernism’ is widely used to identify new and distinctive features in subjects, forms,

concepts and styles of literature and other art in early decades of the present century”

But what about the artists who already thought of their art as “modern”.Witcombe in his essay, What is

art? What is an artist?(1997) points out to the 14th century artist who in his 1437 book “Il

Librodell’Art” describes Giatto as having made painting ‘modern’. This dilemma of what modernity or

‘modernism’ exactly means raises the question to the level that it becomes a necessity to have a broader

perspective of its true nature.

Roots of Modernism:

Modernism was said to have begun during the Renaissance as a revolt against the conservative values of

Realism. It was a traditional pattern to use God or nature as the centre of all the measures of life, but the

spirit of Renaissance already evoked the modernist trend of thought that human beings ultimately held

the power to “create, improve, and reshape their environment with the aid of Scientific Knowledge,

technology and practical experimentation”. It evolved and expanded as the Age of Enlightenment and

Scientific Revolution of the 18th century formalized this belief as credible. The open-mindedness of the

18th century allowed the people to think freely and apply reason to find truth. Arguably the most

paradigmatic motive of modernism is the rejection of the traditional forms of art, the rejection of the

certainty in Enlightenment thinking and the existence of the Omnipotent God.

Important intellectual precursors of Modernism in this sense are thinkers that questioned the certainties

that had supported traditional modes of social organisation, religion and morality and the traditional

ways of conceiving the human self. In biology, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural

selection undermines the religious certainty creating an aura of doubt regarding human being’s

superiority and the creation of man. Other thinkers and philosophers like Karl Marx in the field of

economics, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer radically question the truth and of

the individual’s place in the society.Nietzsche offered the notion in 1883 that ‘God is dead’, and

questioned where this has left humanity and its morality. He concluded that we live in a meaningless

universe and are therefore truly free to explore the capabilities of human endeavour. Psychoanalysts

such as Sigmund Freud provided society with the means or the blueprint to go about this re-examination

of society and the self and Carl Jung further expanded on the exploration of the subconscious to find the

connection and bond among all individuals.

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Prominent Figures and their influence in Modernism:

Sigmund Freud:

Virginia Woolf said, “On or about Dec 1910, human character changed”. However,the whole of an

individual character or of the society cannot be changed within a day or even a month. But the statement

rings the truth. Character has been changed not because personality has altered, but literature had. By

1910, Modernism reached its peak with the emergence of new knowledge and technology and the

culture of that era began to look at things in an entirely different yet original way. Therefore, human

character didn’t really change but what really changes was the way it was perceived and the way that

perception has been put into written form. This brings light to the theory brought forth by Sigmund

Freud when he gave the ideas of the subconscious and the conscious state of mind. This single

hypothesis about the human mind can have the power to change an entire literary era. The subconscious

is the area of mind that is the deep feelings and desires that we are often unaware of. He goes on to

mention the different developments within our psyche which he labelled as id, ego and superego.

Writers up to the point before the notion of modernism were mainly concerned with the plot and their

descriptions, things that take place externally. Though they did not leave the internal human thought

completely they did not give extended attention to the internal workings of the individual mind. T.S.

Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is a modernist poem which reflected the influence of Freud

on Modernism by the use of ‘Stream of consciousness’ technique. In the poem, Prufock fell in love with

a girl, but his shyness prevented him from pouring out his feelings. He is often caught in an endless

dilemma, to either confess his feelings or not. The reader is allowed to open a window into the thoughts

and desires of the protagonist. Freud’s concept of the role of the conscious and the subconscious within

the mind of an individual is presented in this poem.

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven” wrote John Milton

in his Book 1 of Paradise Lost. This presented the notion that the internal mind and thought itself is a

powerful weapon.

Karl Marx:

Karl Marx’s Philosophy is known as, “Dialectical Materialism” where no place is being given by him to

the soul and spirit. Being the ‘Father of Communism’, his basic concept lies with the class conflict. He

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wanted to eliminate the hierarchical structure in the society and has concerns for the poor exploited

masses. His teachings inspired many revolutions like the Russian and Chinese Revolution and deeply

influenced the writings of D.H. Lawrence and George Orwell. Animal Farm, a novel written by George

Orwell is a 1945 modernist novel that has the influence of Marxism. It’s an allegory written in the form

of a fable, where animals are used as a metaphor to represent a satire on the Bolshevik Revolution.

There are class differences and inequality among the animals themselves. This shows the influence of

Marxism in Modernist Novel.

Modernism, which had been a minority taste before the war, came to define the 1920s. It appeared in

Europe in such critical movements as Dada and then in constructive movements such as surrealism, as

well as in smaller movements such as the Bloomsbury Group.The 1920s were known as the "Jazz Age",

or ‘the roaring twenties’ and the public showed considerable enthusiasm for cars, air travel, the

telephone and other technological advances. The “Jazz Age” is most identified in the novels of F. Scott

Fitzgerald, especially in The Great Gatsby.

A prominent feature of Modernism is the phenomenon called the avant-garde that is a small, self-

conscious group of artists who deliberately undertake Ezra Pound’s, ‘make it new’. These famous words

reflect the modernist movement approach to the old ways which they saw as obsolete. These Avant-

garde artists represented themselves as ‘alienated’ from the established order.Among these artists are

writers that include James Joyce, Luigi Pirandello and Samuel Beckett.

The literary trends of Modernism change to a certain extent within the field of poetry, novel and drama.

Major modernist poets include T.S.Eliot, Stephen Spender, Dylan Thomas, W.H.Auden, W.B. Yeats and

Robert Brook. Prominent novelists are Virginia Woolf, Aldous Huxley, James Joyce, Joseph Conrad,

D.H. Lawrence, H.G.Wells and Franz Kafka. They wrote about human conditions at its worst and at its

best while the woman counterparts began to champion the causes of women as an important influence to

a truly modern age.

Poetry in Modernism has no set rules and patterns like sonnets or the poems of John Keats and

P.B.Shelley which has rhyme schemes and definite metre. Free verse came into existence with the

breaking away from this tradition followed by the ‘stream of consciousness’ technique which is found in

the poem of T.S. Eliot, The Wasteland.


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Modernism has affected the individual and the society as a whole by its elevation into a new level of

development and creation of a new mode of thought and a way of life. It has genuinely proved the

dynamic nature of human life in this world and how we are not to be bound by a singular and absolute

law. It has played an important role in ushering ‘optimism’ in the part of literature.

Works Cited

Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms.New Delhi; Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory.Bengaluru; Viva Books, 2010. Print.

Computer Security Folder with Image Processing

*Bashir Omar Ali & **Manasa K NDepartment of Computer ScienceSt.philomena’s college, Mysore.

[email protected] [email protected]


Folder security protection is one of most important system that can save and protect your

data. Folder security is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure,

disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information , information

security is the balanced protection of the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of data .

folder security its allow to protect your sensitive information from unauthorized users

using folder password and image comparison and detection (image processing) that

allow to enhance the security of the system , when user is pass the password form it will

display another form that check his/her image is recognized already if it match will

display the files but if it not match it will capture the image of the un authentication user

and send that image to authorized user using sms and also its provide locking, encryption

decryption, and hidden the files. you will provide the method that allow to encrypt and

decrypt the data , files , images and documents that allow to protect your data from un

authorized users, this encrypt method we use AES algorithm that its strong and advanced

other algorithm. The Advanced Encryption Standard, or AES, is a symmetric block cipher

to protect classified information and is implemented in software and hardware

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throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data. The process of decryption of an AES

cipher text is similar to the encryption process in the reverse order.

Keywords: Cryptography, Face Reorganization, Face Compression and Detection, Security


Secure Folders provides protection for your sensitive files and documents by hiding them or locking

them, and creating password-only access authorized user. No matter what you're trying to keep safe, this

system gives you the tools to do it the way you want through its intuitive and streamlined interface and

provide a good security system for computer folders. This proposed system provides various features

like authorized face register or save , receive notification about un authorized access your folder via

message, and keeping the un authorized image captured encryption decryption method and data hiding


Image processing is a method to convert an image into digital form and perform some operations on it,

in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it.

This paper proposes a System to provide a security for folders. After passing the password will provide

next form of image compression and image detection this image compression will need to detect the

original image if it match the images you will get the file but if it’s not match it will capture and

recognize your face and send message to authorized user about someone tried to access your

information. The face recognition is a good authentication system which makes your confidential files or

folders more secured. Having the face recognition login system with the Windows computer folders

ensures that no one can break into your system without you as there is no chance of stealing your log-in

password. In the earlier of this decade, this was a myth for the general computer users since the use of

webcams or any security camera with compute was rare.

But, from the last 2-3 years, the usage of webcam has been grown significantly. Almost every laptop or

note book is now featured with an inbuilt webcam which can be used for not only communicating with

your friends but also integrating the face recognition log-in system with Windows or other operating

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systems easily and costless. If you do not have any inbuilt webcam with your computer (Desktop PC or

older laptops) you can always assemble a webcam (is not so much costly these days) with it.

Literature Review

Studies so far shows that Folder Security by using Image processing is becoming popular.

San Jose et.al [1] proposed Fingerprint Authenticated Secure Android Notes. This System is Simple used

to secure notes via Finger Print Authentication. This System can also be referred as Keyless

Authentication unlike traditional way where it needed a password to enter. This System doesn’t have

any Registration but only the owner of the phone can access these notes as it searches for the owners


Findphone.cmcm.com. [2] implemented CM Security. It will ask you to set a CM Security password and

you will be able to locate your phone on a map you can also lock your device to protect your privacy. If

anyone tries to break into your phone and enters the incorrect password 3 or more times, the app will

take a picture of the infiltrator and keep it.

Raikoti Sharanabasappa1 et al.[3] A Unique Document Security Technique using Face Biometric

Template Human face is generally viewed as most flexible model when it comes to the field of

biometric applications. A unique binary string generated out of facial features of a person is called a

template. This template is used in several applications like network security, public key cryptography

and so on. A framework needs users to register with the system along with their face instances. The

instances are used for training samples. Once a user selects a folder for encryption, all the files of the

folders are encrypted with the templates generated from users face data. A decryption request needs to

be authenticated through the face data and the template generated at the time of decryption is used for

decrypting the encrypted files.

Ms. Achla Devi1 [4]: Implemented an Iris Based Security System Using Matlab Based Image Processing,

Biometrics is technology of identifying human subjects by means of measuring & analyzing more than

one intrinsic behavioral / physical traits. Iris recognition is method of biometric to be identify its use

Philos Multi –Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e- Journal April 2018 Page 101

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mathematical recognition techniques on video images of one or both of irises of an individual eye,

whose difficult random patterns are unique, stable, & could be seen from some distance.

Mr. Saurabh Mitra2 [5] proposed a Secure Data Hiding Technique Using Video Steganography

Emergence of internet has made it possible to transfer the data from one place to another place rapidly

and accurately. This data when goes through the internet may become a victim of the hackers who can

steal, modify and misuse the information. Therefore it is necessary to transfer the data with utmost

security. Steganography is one such solution to this problem.


Figure 1: System Architecture

The new system provides to protection for your sensitive information and documents by locking of the

faces, and provide to capture face from unauthorized user access . No matter what you're trying to keep

safe, this app gives you the tools to manage your computer folder efficiency and integrity. In this system

using simple service to take photo of when unauthorized user trying to access my sensitive information,

the are two cases might take either

Philos Multi –Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e- Journal April 2018 Page 102

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[3] When the user insert the correct password will pass next face of the image compression and

detection of the faces if it detect the face user will get the files and also user can lock , unlock,

hidden, un hidden ,encrypt and decrypt the files, but if the user insert wrong

password can’t pass the password phase and web camera will be turned on and capture the face of

the unauthorized user that tried to access your files, and it will send you the text message about

someone tried to access your information

[3] When the user insert the correct password and pass this phase it will provide another phase of

image compression and detection that allow to detect the faces if the face is registered already, but

if the user is not registered his face already he/she will get another forms that check the code no

and birth date of the user if it match the birth date and code no the user will get the files but the

web camera will capture his face and store.

For this activity you will provide the high and strong security because we are used for the face

reorganization and detection that can allow your system can not open unless your face only , in the

password security can break and guess but in this method no one can break and guess your face unless

for you only.

And this systems will provide a lot of services that is allow to lock your folder using your password and

your face, and also you can unlock your information and hidden , un hidden , encryption and decryption

your files for you only ,no one can open your files because its require your face except some user that

provide permission for you , for those they will get extra security for checking the code no and birth

date. Also, provide SMS services that allow to notification about accessing your information from un

authorized user and also it will capture the face of the un authorized user that can allow to know who

accessed your files.

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Figure 2: Activity diagram

Conclusion and Future Work

This system provide high security protection using the password and image processing that it allow the

user to keep his information safely and reliability , if the unauthorized user pass the loging form he/she

cannot pass the image detection form because its required image of the user authentication

This application provides various features like an authorized face recognition, receive notification about

an authorized access your folder via message, and keeping the authorized image captured and encryption

decryption method and data hiding methods.


2 SAN JOSE “proposed Fingerprint Authenticated Secure Android Notes”, Google Scholar U.S.

Pat. Nos. 3,938,091, 3,587,051, 3,611,293 and 4,198,619 Owner name: Atalla Corporation,

2363 bering drive.

3 Findphone.cmcm.com.” CM Security” , findphone.cmcm.com

4 Raikoti Sharanabasappa1 and Sanjaypande M. B. 2 1 Research Scholar, “A Unique Document

Security Technique using Face Biometric Template”, IEEE Journals and Informatios.

5 Ms. Achla Devi1 , Mr. Kuldeep Kumar2 “]: Implemented an Iris Based Security System Using

Matlab Based Image Processing” , IEEE Journals and Informatios.

6 Miss. Uma Sahu1 , Mr. Saurabh Mitra2 1 M.Tech. Scholar, “proposed a Secure Data Hiding

Technique Using Video Steganography”, IEEE Journals and Informations.

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Usage of K-means Algorithm to Analyze Crime Dataset

*Husam Alalloush, **Manasa K.N & ***Wasim AliPG Department of Computer Scicence

St.Philomena’s College, Mysore.***Research Scholar, Department of MCA, VTU-RC, Mysore.

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Crime analysis is a set of techniques that assist the police

departments to become more effective though better

information. Our Proposed system help to predict the

probability of crime occurrence in a city by analyzing the

crime dataset and visualize the results on a google map for

better understanding.Here we can predict the most places

where the crime might occur. This is done by using K-means

clustering algorithm which group the similar objects into

clusters. This system can be used by police forcrime

prediction cases and proactive steps for catching criminals.

Keywords —Crime, Data mining, Clustering, K-Means, Google Map, Web application.


Nowadays, the crime rate is increasing day by day and all the efforts of the

government’s worldwide aim to reduce the crime rate. With the help of data mining

which is a great field of applying high volume of dataset and it proved that it helps

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to take advantages of historical data with its techniques and it is going to benefit the

police departments with analyzing the data and extract the knowledge from it. Data

mining consists of many techniques like clustering, classification, prediction, etc.

Clustering used to cluster (group) objects with similar attributes from dataset for

further analysis and one of the algorithm used in clustering is k-means algorithm.

Most of the crimes are unsolved and contained empty values so that restrict us to

choose clustering over classification. Clustering is known as the simplest and fastest

algorithm for clustering compared to other algorithms and it is the best choice when

It comes to cluster high volume of data due to its less computational speed. In this

project we are going to create a web application with five features that can be

helpful for police and this project use crime dataset that belongs to Chicago city in

USA and we implemented k-means algorithm in NetBeans software, to cluster the

crime datasetand give the results which is going to show us the crime prone areas

with the rate of crime occurred there, and it is going to determine the percentage of a

particular crime occurring in particular area as well as it is going to visualize the

results of each crime on google map including the type, number and the time so the

police can take advanced strategies for crime reduction.

Literature Review

Jyoti Agarwal et al [1] proposed a system which includes steps for crime analysis

starting with extraction of crime patterns and prediction the crime using k-means

algorithm and that lead to detection of the crime at the end with the use of Rapid

miner tool.

Manish Gupta et. al. [2] study the existing system in use by Indian police and

highlighted the basic features of the system, then he introduced a criminal analysis

tool which is based on data mining techniques that helps police department to carry

out the activities efficiently.

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Maloti and Santhosh Baboo [3] proposed a crime analysis tool for Indian scenario

and proved that it is effective for identifying crime patterns and prediction. To develop

the tool, he develops a data cleaning algorithm and he enhanced clustering algorithm

(Kmeans, DBScan).

Kadhim Swadi Al-Janabi [4] proposed a framework for crime and criminal data

analysis. For data classification, he used decision tree algorithms and simple K-means

for data clustering. The result is used for prediction of trends and behavior between

crimes and criminals.

Chris Delaney [5] he pointed out about the importance of identifying and make

tactical analysis of crime trends and patterns by criminal investigators all over the


Priyanka Gera and Rajan Vohra [6] did a study at the use of clustering technique in

data mining to analyze the crime patterns which helped to recognize which type of

crime is more occurring and showed the distribution of each crime type in every area



Data mining techniques can be applied in crime analysis and it help to take advantage

of historical data and extract knowledge from it therefor help to take better decisions.

A data mining approach such as clustering is used to cluster the data into groups

where similar objects are placed together and in this system, clustering helps to group

the same crime types together which means crime like “murder” are grouped together

and same for “rape” cases and so on. In addition to that, the system determines the

low, medium and high areas of crime based on the dataset

K-means process consist of the following steps:

[4] choose k number of clusters as initial step.

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[5] choose a set of K instances as centers of the clusters.

[6] each instance assigned by the algorithm to the cluster which is closest.

[7] The cluster centroids are recalculated either after whole cycle of re-assignment

or each instance assignment.

[8] The process is iterated.

The algorithm requires to specify k number of clusters in advance. It is unable to

handle noisy data and outliers and not suitable to discover clusters with non-convex



Fig. 1. K-means Clustering Algorithm

K-means is chosen to be used here because the ease of implementing it using java, plus its

simplicity and speed which is very appealing in practice and it is suitable for high volume

crime dataset and can help to extract useful information.

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Fig. 2. System Architecture

The dataset imported from Chicago police department included 6.54M rows of committed crimes

from 2011 until present and 22 columns such as (id, date, type, location...).

We are going to take this data and imported into NetBeans software and implement the k-

means algorithm in java and here we aimed to implement the algorithm in the best way with

an optimized code to ensure the efficacy and speed as well as the accuracy in the work.The

next part is to choose the number of clusters and it is somehow subjective in general. As we

saw, that we are dealing with a huge dataset, we decided to choose 10 clusters for better

prediction. Then we can visualize the clusters that are created by k-means on the google map

and determine the crime prone areas and each cluster is going to be denoted with a number

indicates the crimes included in it. Then it will visualize the places where a specific crime

occurs(such as there more theftincidents occurs at tourist destinations and that is the main

work which is going to help the police to focus on some areas and take more precautions to

prevent any future crimes and hence reduce the crime rate.we can also visualize all the crime

locations of the city on the google map for good understanding of the situation. Additional

feature is implemented to show the percentage of a specific crime that occur in specific part of

the city and an example of that is “rape” incidents are twice in villages than cities. In addition

to that, implementing a performance features are necessary to help to monitor the rate of the

crime to see if it is increasing or decreasing.

Finally, reports must be generated and can be download that contains the crime rate graphs and

map images.

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Module Description

Proposed system consists of two modules, Admin Module and User Module.

Admin module where his work is to train the dataset and uploaded to make it available to the

authorized users. The crime dataset should not contain any empty values and some dataset

contain a lot of attributes so here we filter our dataset according to some requirements to

ensure the accuracy in the clustering process.

The user module is about the user’s work of determining the cluster number which is depends

on the method used for measuring similarities and the parameters used for partitioning. Then

applying the k-means algorithm on the dataset and starting his job for analyzing the crime

patterns and monitoring the crime rate. Then generating the required reports that is going to

be demanded by the employees in the police department. So here, many users can share the

same work on analyzing the clustering results and trying with different number of clusters to

ensure the accuracy and finally they can identify common crime patterns with the help of the


Conclusion and Future Work

This system is mainly used to cluster the dataset and apply k-means algorithm on the crime

dataset for crime analysis purpose and visualizing the clustering results and crime incidents

on the map and preparing reports of the crime rate. This process is to help to predict future

crime based on this historical dataset.

As a future work more features can be added to this project in the future which can be more

helpful and give more information about the crimes and criminals. For better predicting

results, different techniques can be used in crime analysis field or using a different algorithm

and comparing the results and efficiency between the different algorithms.


Philos Multi –Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e- Journal April 2018 Page 110

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[5] Jyoti Agarwal, RenukaNagpal, Rajni Sehgal, “Crime Analysis using K-Means Clustering”, International Journal of Comupter Applications (0975-8887), Vol. 83, No. 04, 2013

[6] Manish Gupta, B. Chandra and M. P. Gupta, “Crime Data Mining for Indian Police Information

System”, Computer Society of India, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 388-397, 2008

[7] A. Malathi, Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo, Algorithmic Crime Prediction Model Based on the Analysis

of Crime Clusters, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology Volume 11 Issue 11

Version 1.0 July 2011.

[8] KadhimB.Swadi al-Janabi . A Proposed Framework for Analyzing Crime DataSet using

Decision Tree and Simple K-means Mining Algorithms, Journal of Kufa for Mathematics and

Computer, Vol.1, No.3, may 2011Y.

[9] Chris Delaney, Crime Pattern Definitions for Tactical Analysis, International Association of

Crime Analysts (IACA), August 2011.

[10] Priyanka Gera and Rajan Vohra, City Crime Profiling Using Cluster Analysis, International

Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies IJCSIT, Vol. 5 (4), 2014.

[11] Chicago Police Department (Crime dataset in Chicago city in USA).



E-Bakery shop System

*Tahmeem Saba, **Manasa K N & ***Wasim AliPG Dept of Computer Science

St.Philomena’s College, Mysore.

Philos Multi –Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e- Journal April 2018 Page 111

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***Research Scholar, Department of MCA, VTU-RC, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


This paper proposes an e-commerce bakery shop system that allows both

bakery owners and customers to manage their daily activities of online

buying and selling product by incorporating data mining technique. This

system develops an Android application for customer to purchase the

online product of their choice from different bakeries, get suggestions

based on their choices and also to get notification /bill through email

once the product delivered and a website is built for bakery owners to

predict some of the features such as Fast, Slow moving products based on

each day, area, are predicted and the system calculates which products

are sold more, depending on their respective season/period products sold

more in (monthly, yearly )are tabulated.

Keywords- Online bakery shop, data mining-classification, Decision tree classifier Notification/bill through email.


Nowadays most of the people are purchasing the product online rather than going to the

shop to save time and to purchase the product of their choice in cheap rate anywhere and

at any time but they are so many different websites that offer the same product in cheap

price and the customer have to search in each website about the product and compare the

product price which is time consuming. The examples of online business are food

ordering, bus booking, flight ticket booking, hotel booking and others. Electronic or e-

commerce food ordering systems are one of the popular online businesses.. Various

items of food can now shop through the internet such as fast food, bakery and others.

Customers can view and select the product from bakery shop, add to cart, choose the

delivery types, make payment, give rating and the order is complete.

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However, most of the existing online bakery items ordering system was done only for single bakery

shop and user have to download another app to compare the items, till now they have not included data

mining technique in bakery shop system that helps both the bakery owner and customer to increase their

efficiency and reduce the cost and time and also they do not have proper notification/bill services

through email. To solve the above problem of existing system the e-bakery shop system is been


The aim of this proposed system is to build a website for bakery shop that include n-number of bakeries

and help them to increase their sales and improve efficiency by predicting some features such as Fast,

Slow moving product based on each day, depending on area which product have sold more and based on

respective season/period which product have sold more (monthly, yearly)by incorporating data mining

technique and also to develop an android application for user to purchase the product, search the product

from different bakeries, get suggestion about the product of their choice and also to get notification/bill

through email after delivery.

Literature Review

Venkata Rajeev P et al.[1]proposed a web base system for recommending and comparing products

which is sold online, and use natural language processing that automatically read reviews and to

determine the polarity of reviews and used Naive Bayesian classification.

Rana Alaa El-Deen Ahmeda et al.[2] included eleven data mining classification techniques to find the

best classifier for consumer online shopping attitudes and also to build a recommender system using

decision table classifier to find the products that user is searching for in some websites.

Noorfa H. Mustaffa et al.[3]: build a system using rational unified process for bakery shop that provide

the Short Message Service to notify customer when the order is ready for delivered and give flexibility

in delivery options to the customer.

Dr. Bharti Joshi et al.[4]

user to buy the books

build a recommender system for online book shopping that helps the as per

the user needs and interest and this system helps to solve data

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Sparsity problem and combined two algorithms that is the collaborative-based filtering and

association rule mining to get better performance .

Ming-Hsiung Ying et al.[5] proposed an online shopping website to search the commodity using

ontology, and web mining technique to track consumer demand like when the commodity price

of any website is lower than the consumer price conditions, then the system will notify to



Data mining techniques can be applied in any online business to increase their sales because it

helps in extracting and identifying useful information from large amount of data that is why

retailing companies operate purchase databases in a long way, such that all transactions are

stored in arranged order.

A classification technique called decision tree classifier is used to predict some of the features

which help the bakeries to increase their efficiency and helps them to reduce time and cost such

as fast , slow moving products sold based on each day, based on area which product have sold

more, depending on respective season which product have sold more in month and year, and

customer can search items based on availability and overall rating of product and also get

suggestion of products as per user needs and interest .

Module Description

In E-bakery shop system, there are 3 modules. Admin will login through the website and he

add/view the bakeries. Once the bakery register, the admin can add the bakeries through the


once the bakery is accepted from admin the bakeries can add product ,update the product ,give

discount, and also they can predict products such as fast moving, slow moving product based on

each day, depending on area which product sold more, based on respective season/period which

product have sold more in month and year using data mining technique.

User will login through android application and they can search the item, view n number of

bakeries and order different product of their choice, they can get suggestions of product based on

their interest and also they can rate the product.

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Figure 1 System Architecture


There are 3 modules


Admin will login using user id and password.

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[9] Admin will add/delete/view bakeries.Bakery shop

7 Bakery shop will register and login

8 They can add, update the product

9 They can discount on products and view the products

10 They can predict products like(fast moving, slow moving, Area wise, Season wise)


[12] User will register and login

[13] User can view the bakeries.

[14] Search items.

[15] User can give the suggestion and rating

Conclusion and Future Work

The E-Bakery Shop System helps both the bakery owners and users to improve the efficiency

and reduce the time and cost. Predicting features like which products have Sold More, Sold Less,

in each day ,based on area predicting particular product sold more, based on respective

season/period predict most sold products in month and year .through this the bakery owner will

improve efficiency, save time and cost. The customer will also get benefits to search product

from different bakeries and buy the best product from best bakeries with their appropriate cost

based on rating and availability of product and also get suggestions about the product based on

their choice and get notification/bill through email once the item delivered.

For further work prediction can be applied to other data mining technique and also they can add

extra features to the proposed system to help both the bakery owner and customers.


[1] Rana Alaa El-Deen Ahmeda, M.Elemam.Shehaba, Shereen Morsya, Nermeen Mekawiea

Arab academy for science and technology(AASTMT),“Performance study of

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classification algorithms for consumer online shopping attributes and behavior using data

mining”, Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network

Technologies 978-1-4799-1797-6/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE DOI 10.1109/CSNT.2015.50

[2] Dr. Bharti Joshi ,Suhasini Parvatikar ” online book recommendation system by using

collaborative filtering and association mining”, IEEE International Conference on

Computational Intelligence and Computing Research 978-1-4799-7849-6/15/$31.00

©2015 IEEE

[3] Noorfa H. Mustaffa*, Nur Farahin A.Razak, Nor Haizan M. Radzi, Roselina

Sallehhuddin, Erne N. Bazin, “online food ordering system with short message

notification” International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology

ISSN: 2278-9359 (Volume-4, Issue-12)

[4] Ming-Hsiung Ying*, Yeh-Yen Hsu† “commodity search system for online shopping

based on ontology and web mining” Department of Information Management, Chung Hua

University, Hsinchu, Taiwan , Print ISBN: 978-1-84919-970-4,INSPEC Accession

Number: 15197126 ,DOI: 10.1049/cp.2014.1526 4-6 Dec. 2014

[5] Venkata Rajeev P, Smrithi Rekha V “ Recommending Products to Customers using

Opinion Mining of Online Product Reviews and Features”, International Conference on

Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]978-1-4799-7075-9/15/$31.00

©2015 IEEE

IOT Based SLT (Smart Line Transmission) Pole wth Electrical Lineman Safety

*Jayashree H R & **Mansa K NP G Department of Computer Science

St.Philomena’s Collge, [email protected] [email protected]

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Most of the times in TV, Newspapers we read and hear

that someone died in electrical pole accidents and it may

be a child, student, farmers, animals etc. Thus we need a

solution to avoid accidents due to electric broken lines.

As we need a solution for avoiding accidents due to

electric broken lines, the system includes smartness

where if electrical lines are broken its location should

be sent to the authorities automatically with the help of

IoT technology without any human intervention as well

as it should include a mechanism to avoid accidents and

death caused by stepping on that broken electrical line.

To modify the existing power distribution system for an

automatic electrical line breakage detection and power

supply breaking mechanism, a remote telemetry system

is implemented in which RF transceivers are used to

detect electrical line breakage. Also, the location where

electrical line is broken will be sent to the authorities

using GPS via IoT technology i.e., Wi-Fi along with the

notification of SMS using GSM. To provide localized

safety measurements of a lineman the system provides a

password protected electrical line breakage system if

automatic line breakage fails. Also to protect the entire

system, a password protected door locks is implemented.

The switching of the electrical line will be done by the

Relay. All components in the proposed system are

controlled by the Arduino Microcontroller.

Keywords: Arduino Microcontroller, GSM, GPS, Wi-Fi, RF transceivers, Relay.

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Electricity is one of the basic needs in every field. Electrical power system is non-linear and has

complex system which is very difficult to detect and monitor regarding electrical line breakage in

entire glob. Day by day the ratio of people who die due to Electrical accidents is increasing and

in that major reason is by unknowingly stepping on a broken electric line which is caused by

natural calamities, accidents, etc.

Idea of the proposed system in module1 is that every pole is designed in such a way that it is connected to each other through wireless communication (RF-Radio Frequency modules)

Consider we are having 5 poles. If the 4th pole line is broken, 5th pole senses the signal from 4th,

if there is no signal, it will alerts the public with a buzzer alarm so that anyone can get information that some danger aroused.

Once it acknowledges the breakage of the line occurred, it sends message to predefined numbers

and also disconnects the power line automatically from substation poles 1 to 4 in order to ensure

that no harm occurs to anyone. Also it sends location of that area where the line has broken to the

authorities through GPS via Wi-Fi i.e. IoT technology and the location will be displayed on web


Critical electrical accidents to line men are on the rise during electric line repair, due to lack of

communication and co-ordination between the maintenance staff and electric substation staff.

The idea of the system in module 2 provides a solution that ensures safety of maintenance staff,

i.e., line man and the control to turn ON/OFF of the line will be maintained by the line man only,

because this system has an arrangement in such a way that a password is required to operate the

circuit breaker (ON/OFF). Also to ensure the safety of the developed system, another system

which is a password protected door lock system is included. It helps in protecting the accessing

of the password protected circuit breaker system, such that only authenticated people can get

access to the system.

Literature Review

Studies so far show that there is a need to automate the existing electrical power system by

including IOT.

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Dr.k.Sathiyasekar et al.[1] Proposed a scheme for minimizing the delay caused by traffic

congestion and to provide the smooth flow of emergency vehicle by providing green signal to the

path where emergency vehicle travels and also the system identifies accident location and sends

that location immediately to the main server. The main server finds the nearest ambulance to the

accident zone and sends the exact accident location to the emergency vehicle so that it reaches

the nearest hospital soon.

B.A. Jan proposed [2] Proposed a new technique of detection of faults on EHV electrical lines

up to and above 800 KV .The paper presents GPS (Global Positioning System) for detection of

faults and protection of EHV lines both + 800 KV. Relays are located at each bus bar in a

transmission network. These relays detect the fault and generate high transact signals and trace

the time instant corresponding to different fault occurring at bus bar and it generates initial

travelling wave.

Ing. Komi Agbesi et al.[3] Proposed a smart GSM based fault detection and location system

was used to adequately and accurately indicate and locates the exact spot where fault had

occurred which will ensure a shorter response time for technical crew to rectify these faults and

thus help save transformers from damage and disasters. The system automatically detects faults,

analyses and classifies these faults and then, calculates the fault distance from the control room

using an impedance-based algorithm method. Finally, the fault information is transmitted to the

control room.

Mr. Pravinkumar et al. [4] Focused on critical an electrical accident which happens to line men

which are on the rise during electric line repair due to lack of communication and co-ordination

between the maintenance staff and electric substation Staff. The proposed system provides a

solution that ensures safety of maintenance staff, i.e., line man. On detecting a fault in electric

line, the line man sends SMS and the main line is switched OFF which is again switched ON

after solving the fault.

Anjana A S et al. [5] proposed a concept where the electric line man safety system makes use of

a new concept of one time password (OTP). When the user put a request, the system generates

passwords and a relay switches to turn ON or OFF the circuit breaker. OTP plays a major role in

this system. The one-time passwords mean the generated passwords are different at each time

and also the activation or deactivation of the circuit breaker is indicating by a lamp (ON/OFF).

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Prof. Manik et al. [6] proposed a system which describes a modification to existing power

distribution system with remote telemetry unit for wire break detection and a power supply

breaking mechanism. The circuit breaker with shunt trip mechanism breaks the supply and

avoids damages from electrical accidents due to overhead transmission lines conductor breakage

problems which will operate on open circuit principle rather than short circuit.


System architecture

Figure 1.1: System Architecture

The system architecture shown in the figure 1.1

Activity Area: It is the place where the components involved in the proposed system are

implemented. It checks for electric line hazards and sends the SMS to authority

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substation and line man.

Wi-Fi: It is an Internet of Thing (IoT) responsible in finding the Location of the occurred electrical line.

Authority of Substation: Authority which is responsible in viewing and maintaining the confidentiality.

Line Man: Controls ON/OFF of the particular location’s electrical line. Where, authority gets the SMS of the electrical line controlling.

The Internet: GPS location’s activity area.

Google Map: Map the location of the electrical hazard which can be viewed by the authority of substation.

Activity area sends the message about the electrical line breakage to the authority and the

lineman where, authority can access the location via Wi-Fi module through the internet. Also,

the message will be sent to the authority when the lineman tries to switch ON and OFF the

electrical line.

3.1 Block Diagram

Module 1: Automatic Lines Break Detection System Using IOT Technology

Figure 1.2 (Transmitter part)

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Figure 1.3 (Reciever part)

The block diagram of module 1 is shown in the figure 1.2 and 1.3.

In the figure1.2 ie.At the transmitter part RF transmitter is connected to the Microcontroller for

sending the data to the RF receiver and also a Relay is connected to the Microcontroller for

switching ON and OFF the load line.

Whereas in the figure 1.3 ie.At the receiver part it contains a Microcontroller, GPS, Wi-Fi,GSM

and Buzzer. The RF receiver receives the data sent from RF transmitter if that load line is not

broken. When the load line gets broken, RF Transmitter won’t send the data to the RF receiver.

Then the receiver will actuate GSM to send the notification and actuates GPS to fetch the

coordinates and that coordinates will be sent to the Wi-Fi module. Wi-Fi module will be

connected to the local network and using an IP address of that Wi-Fi module we can fetch the

data of the coordinates through the web browser. For the purpose of safety we are using the

Buzzer to indicate about the hazard.

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Module 2: Password Automated Circuit Breaking Mechanism with Password Based Door Lock

Figure (Door lock) 1.4

Figure (Power control ON/OFF) 1.5

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The block diagram of module 2 is shown in the figure 1.4 and 1.5

The figure 1.4 ie,. Password based doorlock will contain a Microcontroller with an matrix

keypad. It will allow only the authorized person to access through the system. Another system

inside this module 2 ie,. figure 1.5 contains a block of arduino which is connected to the keypad

to enter the password and an LCD display to visualize the password and other messages. LEDs

like Red and Green are connected for the indication of activation and deactivation of the

electrical lines and also a Buzzer is connected to give sound to the matrix keypad. When the

entered password is correct and the circuit breaks theelectrical line and GSM connected will send

a message to the authorization about someone accessing the system.

Conclusion and Future Scope

The automatic detection of broken electrical lines of the electrical pole and also automatic power

supply disconnection is very useful to avoid electrical shock hazards. Also, it is very easy to

detect the location where the electrical lines are broken through a local network using Wi-Fi

technology and also the wireless communication technology issued for the detection of broken

electrical lines that can be used over years and years without any maintenance. If any

malfunction occurs in the system and if automatic power supply disconnection is failed then we

can use a password based electrical line disconnection system which is localized i.e., only

authorized lineman who knows the password can disconnect the electrical line locally for certain

number of poles without affecting the main station power supply. This helps to protect linemen

from getting shock due to miscommunication between lineman and the substation authority that

monitors the power control of the electrical lines. The system also includes a password protected

door lock technique which helps to safeguard the password based electrical line disconnection

system from unauthorized people as well as the environmental hazards.

As a future work, the system can be implemented such that we can send the location of the

electrical broken line to an application instead of the web browser, for an easy accessing and

recording regarding electrical line issues, to both authorities and lineman. Also, the

authentication can be done using biometric method i.e., by using finger printer sensor.

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[1] Dr.k.Sathiyasekar, S.Sonika, S.Jaishree, “Intelligent accident identification system using

GPS, GSM modem”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and

Communication Engineering, Vol. 3(2), 2014, ISSN (Online): 2278-1021. ISSN (Print):


[2] B.A. Jan, “Use of G.P.S in EHV Transmission Line Fault and Detection Transmission Line

Protection in Power System”, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention Research

& Development. Vol. 1(10), 2015, e-ISSN: 2349-6185

[3] Ing. Komi Agbesi, Felix Attuquaye Okai, “Automatic Fault Detection and Location in

Power Transmission Lines Using GSM Technology”, International Journal of Advance

Research in Science and Engineering. Vol.5 (01), 2016

[4] Mr. Pravinkumar N.Mahadik, Mr. Pratik A.Yadav, Mr. Suraj B. Ghotpagar, Harsha P.

Pawar (1, 2, 3, Student 1 Assistant Professor ),“Electric Line Man Safety using Micro

Controller with GSM Module”, IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research &

Development, Vol. 4(01), 2016, ISSN (online): 2321-0613.

[4] Athira P Nair, Josephin J, Anjana A S, Athira C P, Sebin J Olickal (4 students, 1

professor), “Electric Line Man Safety System with OTP Based Circuit Breaker”, IJRET:

International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163,

pISSN: 2321-7308. Volume: 04 (03), INCEPTION-2015, Apr-2015.

[5] Prof. Maniket S. Sonawane, Prof. V. N. Karande, “Power Line Conductor Breakage

Accident Avoidance using Wireless Communication”, International Journal of Electronics

Communication and Computer Engineering Vol.5(4), Technovision-2014, ISSN 2249–

071X Technovision-2014: 1st International Conference at SITS, Narhe, Pune in 2014

Published by IJECCE (www.ijecce.org)

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Suhan Poovaiah, Lalthanzami & Arjun PrakashPG Dept. of English, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) Mysore


Post modernism pertains to the deepest aspects of our being and life.

Postmodern approaches antagonize methodological conventions. It

challenges established structures and belief systems in society and culture

from 1960s. It embraces complex and often contradictory layers of

appreciation. It introduced a new wave of freedom and a break from

established rules and regulations.

Key Words: Post Modernism, approaches

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Post Modernism is a theory and practice which has become popular in Literature and the Arts in

a late 20th century characterized by a broad skepticism. Post Modernism, as a Philosophical

movement is largely a reaction against the philosophical assumptions and values of the

Modernism which started after the end of the First World War. Just like post structuralism

followed structuralism, post modernism followed modernism.

Post Modernism

Modernism and Post Modernism are like two opposed moods or attitudes. The modernist is sad

and desperate at the state of affairs and possesses a tone of lament while the post-modernist is

glad and had fun on it. Postmodern philosophy tends to conceptualize the world as being

impossible to strictly define or understand. After the First World War ends, society had lost its

morality and religious faith and hope were fading away, the environment was polluted. Modern

writers wrote in hope of reforming the society and lamenting the glory of the Country’s

past .T.S. Eliot in his poem The Wasteland opened the lines,

“April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs

Out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire

Stirring Dull roots with spring rain.”

The opening lines shows the contrasted situation of the land with its past when Chaucer begins

with a description of April’s “sweetest showers” in his Prologue to The Canterbury Tales. While

modernist writer T.S. Eliot lamenting the present situations with the consciousness of the past

beauty. The modernist generation was often termed as THE LOST GENERATION writers like

Ernest Hemingway,F.Scott Fitzgerald etc. often wrote about the disillusionment and moral

degradation as well as the horror of the aftermath of the war while Post-modernist writers played

with the present situations ironically in reactions to the modernism. As post modernism started

after the end of the Second World War in the 1950s somehow the problems faced with the new

generation were same with the former generation but differs is their perspective.


Exploration and understanding the characteristics of Post modernism through the play

Waiting for Godot

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Waiting for Godot is a play by Samuel Beckett premiered in 1953 which falls both into

the genre of both modernism and postmodernism. The play celebrates the fragmentation in all

dimensions. The language, plot, character, setting and themes are presented in a fragmented

form. The difference between The Wasteland and Waiting for Godot is that the former laments

the glory of the past which has fallen apart, but the latter never laments for the past, it celebrates

the fragmentations.

Secondly, post-modernism holds the view that irrational is real and what is real is

irrational. Post modernism rejected logical thinking. The play with its bizarre characteristics

turns irrationality in the very rationality, the very unreality into the reality.

Thirdly, in post-modernist era, there is changelessness in the life of the people and they

grew bitter towards their monotonous lifestyle. It can also be seen in the play Look Back in

Anger where the writer portrayed the unchanging life of the characters and Jimmy Porter’s

bitterness towards the unchanged. In Waiting for Godot also, there is no plot as well as action in

the play and nothing happens in the play like there is no order in post modernism and life was


Fourthly, in the play, there is no truth, all things are relative. Postmodernism asserts that

truth is not mirrored in human understanding of it, but is rather constructed as the mind tries to

understand its own personal reality. Thus, facts and falsehood are interchangeable.

Fifthly, Identity crisis .In the play, we do not learn anything about the two major

characters Vladimir and Estragon such as their age, status in society, job etc. They do not even

tell about their past, their loss of memory is also associated with their identity crisis. In Act 2,

Pozzo appears blind and he cannot remember that they had met Estragon and Vladimir the

previous day.

Sixthly, Post modernism emphasized the reader than the writer, so most of the themes

have multi meanings which can differ according to the reader’s interpretation. For instance the

name GODOT in the play Waiting for Godotcan have a multi meaning. For some critics asserts

that Godot represents God in life, while some interpreted as change which was eagerly awaited

by the postmodern generation and hopes.

Seventhly, the existential crisis, the characters faced an existential crisis as life seems

nothing to them; Samuel Beckett asserts that at the root of our being there is nothingness. This

frustration is expressed through the repetition of the sentence, “nothing to be done” by Estragon.

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Almost all modern people after two world wars experienced the same feelings; life appears to

them as an absurd thing with full of purposeless, nothingness and meaningless.

Other characteristics of post modernism are liberal ethics which is defending the cause of

feminist and homosexuals, pro-environmentalism defending ‘Mother Earth’ they blamed the

Western society for its destruction, disillusionment and ownership.

Among the best known post-modernism philosophers are Michel Foucault, Jacques

Derrida, Jean Francois Lyotard, Jean Baudrillard, Roland Barthes etc. Lyotard is perhaps one of

the most identifiable postmodernist and he has described Post modernism as a condition of the

present state of culture, social structure and self.

As the aftermath of the Second World War many youngsters grew frustrated at the society and

corrupted authorities, birth of the concept of an ‘Angry Young Man’ to describe frustrated young

men of its era who hopefully waited for a change and security but never arrives. During this age

of despairing, Ernest Hemingway said that man is not made for defeat in his novella The Old

man And the Sea As the post modernism emerge out of skepticism, so did the movement of the

Beat Generation during its era too in America. The writers who were called Beat writers

questioned the materialism of the society, authority and environment pollutions. The Beat

generations hold many similar perspectives with the post-modernist writers and they were quiet

influential as they influenced many frustrated young people there influence was also one of the

many things which stirred the spirit of the youth when the famous ‘Counter Culture Movement’

evolved in the 1960s in America and spread all over Europe.

Works Cited

Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms.New Delhi; Cengage Learning, 2012.

Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory.Bengaluru; Viva Books, 2010.

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Prediction of Student’s Future Interest Using Educational Data Mining.

*Sayyeda Noor Javeria & **Manasa K NDepartment of Computer Science,St.philomena’s College, Mysore.

[email protected] [email protected]


Data mining methodology helps to extract the hidden knowledge and

information which have been inherited in the data used. Educational Data

Mining (EDM) is concerned with mounting methods to determine facts

from data, especially unknown knowledge-driven pattern from educational

repository in order to highlight the strength and weaknesses of the student.

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Students Future prediction is important because it help students to reach

their goal, helps to choose a better carrier. This paper proposes a system

which can categorize the students into grade order to predict their future

Interest. By conducting aptitude test every week and by calculating the

result, systems predict the interest and notification will be send to the

parents. In all their education studies it helps to improve ‘students’

performance. Proposed System uses Educational Data Mining techniques

to improve ‘students’ performance and predict their future interest. For

predicting the student interest we are using data mining concepts like


Keyword: Educational Data Mining (EDM), Classification, Prediction.


Education sector has a lot of data in the form of student information. An educational institution

needs to have an approximate prior knowledge of enrolled students to predict their performance

in future academics. This helps them to identify promising students and also provides them an

opportunity to pay attention to and improve those who has interest in a particular subject.

Application of computers on this data can extract valuable information to provide quality

education. Quality education does not mean high level of knowledge produced. But it means that

education is produced to students in efficient manner so that they learn without any problem. For

this purpose quality education includes features like: methodology of teaching, continuous

evaluation, categorization of student into similar type, so that students have similar objectives,

educational background etc. Educational Data Mining helps to find the hidden information,

where as in proposed system EDM helps to find the hidden talent of the student. EDM helps to

highlight the good performance of the student.

Proposed System can identify student performance in each subject suggesting them and to their

family regarding his/her more interested subject and suggestion related to respective areas of

work, test at risk students and to develop a predictive model to predict student academic

performance in educational institutions, which helps to predict their future results.

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The proposed system consists of two functionalities, this system suggest student’s based on their

interest in subject so that student can think about future areas of working easily.

Literature Review

Studies so far shows that Automated Speed Governor is gaining much more attention Abeer

Badr El Din Ahmed et al. [1] proposed system which explains decision tree method is used on

student's database to predict the student's performance on the basis of student's database. They

use some attribute were collected from the student's database to predict the final grade of

student's. This study will help the student's to improve the student's performance, to identify

those students which needed special attention to reduce failing ration and taking appropriate

action at right time.

Komal Jirage1et.al [2] proposed system that has data clustering technique named k-means

clustering is applied to analyze student’s learning behavior. The student’s evaluation factor like

class quizzes, mid and final exam assignment are studied. It is recommended that all these

correlated information should be conveyed to the class adviser before the conduction of final

exam. This study will help the teachers to reduce the drop out ratio to a significant level and

improve the performance of student. This work may improve student’s performance; reduce

failing ratio by taking appropriate steps at right time to improve the quality of education.

Amjad Abu Saa [3] proposed system here multiple data mining tasks were used to create

qualitative predictive models which were efficiently and effectively able to predict the students’

grades from a collected training dataset. A survey was constructed that has targeted university

students and collected multiple personal and academic data related to them. The collected dataset

was preprocessed and explored to become appropriate for the data mining tasks. Third, the

implementation of data mining tasks was presented on the dataset in hand to generate

classification models and testing them. Then interesting results were drawn from the

classification models, as well as, interesting patterns in the Naïve Bayes model was found. it was

slightly found that the student’s performance is not totally dependent on their academic efforts,

in spite, there are many other factors that have equal to greater influences as well.


Data mining is the process of discovering interesting knowledge, such as associations, patterns,

changes, significant structures and anomalies, from large amounts of data stored in databases.

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Classification is a data mining technique that maps data into predefined groups or classes. It is a

supervised learning method which requires labeled training data to generate rules for classifying

test data into predetermined groups or classes.

Clustering technique is the task of segmenting and arranging a diverse group into a number of

identical subgroups or clusters. Clustering of data is a technique in which we form clusters of

object that are same in function and characteristics.

Proposed system has, admin who will add both students and faculties of the school .faculty is the

one who will conduct a test .students attend the test and get results. Based on the result faculty

predict the student’s future interest and admin is the one who will send the results to the parents.

Module Description

Student Module:

[6] Student register: Registration with basic details for student account.

[7] Student Login: Login with valid username and password.

[8] View performance: Student can view his/her performance based on test marks.

Faculty module:

[10] Faculty register: registration with basic details for faculty account.

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[11] Faculty login: login with valid user name and password.

[12] View result and predict: faculty can view the result and predict.

Admin Module:

11 Admin Login: login with valid username and password.

12 Fill Student and faculty Details: Insert proper details of student and faculty of registered.

13 Send predicted result: marks and predicted result details of student will be send to the parents.

Conclusion and Future Enhancement

The proposed system helps students to learn more about their interested subject also helps

parents to decide their children’s future interest. It helps more to the faculty members that they

can give more concentration on each student based on their interest .This application can predict

in which particular subject the students are good.

As a future enhancement they can develop an android application for this in which parents can use it.


[1] Abeer Badr El Din Ahmed, Ibrahim Sayed Elaraby “Data Mining: A prediction for

Student's Performance Using Classification Method”, World Journal of Computer

Application and Technology 2(2): 43-47, 2014 http://www.hrpub.org DOI:


[2] Komal Jirage1, Rucha Choudhari2, Varsha Gupta3, Anil Patthe4 and Disha Maind5

“Student Performance Analysis Based on Learning”,International journal for research in

emerging science and technology, volume-2, issue-3, march-2015.

Philos Multi- Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e-Journal April 2018 Page 135

Page 136: Primary Data: Primary data was collected from students and …  · Web view2018-06-27 · I will drink life to the lees.” 3 He intends to drain ... The poet, Eliot calls London,

[5] Amjad Abu Saa, “Educational Data Mining & Students’ Performance Prediction”,

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 5,


[6] Ali daud, Naif Radi Aljohani, Rabeeh ayaaz abbasi, Miltiadis D Lytras, Farhat

Abbas,Jalaal S alowibdi, “ Predicting Student Performance using Advanced Learning


[5] Miss .Pooja M .Dhekankar, Dinesh S. Datar ,”Analysis of Student Performance by using

Data Mining Concept”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in

Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321

Intelligent Vehicle T³ System

*Vishwas M S, **Manasa K N & ***Wasim AliPG Department of Computer Science

St.Philomena’s College, Mysore***Research Scholar, Department of MCA, VTU-RC, Mysore

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


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The intelligent vehicle T³ system is a system which is going

to collect toll, anti-theft and track the vehicle using

Raspberry Pi3 and ARM 7 microcontroller with RFID TAG,

RFID TAG, LCD screen, GSM and GPS modules. This

paper proposes a System known as Intelligent Vehicle T3

which provides two facilities: such as Automatic Tool

Collection and Alert about the vehicle theft. Proposed

System uses IR sensors and RFID TAG, a unique id number

which is mounted to a vehicle that will be read by RFID

reader and deduct amount automatically this will be

displayed in the LCD screen and updated to the database.

System also tracks vehicle which indeed recovery vehicle

if it is stolen and it has as a slid switch which is used to

send information of stolen vehicle as it passes through

tool booth so that the user can trace and track the vehicle

online on website or they will receive information

through SMS. Intelligent Vehicle T3 system uses some

modules like GPS, GSM and RFID tag to perform the toll

collection, anti-theft and tracking. All these features are

achieved in an economical price which is afforded and

implemented easily

Keywords: Raspberry Pi3, RFID TAG, RFID READER, IR sensor, GSM and GPS

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Any vehicle in an automobile field, the maximum and high quality of features is given to the

luxury vehicle, even the economy vehicle deservers some features and these days automobiles

are more there are a lot of automobiles these are sometime causing traffic.

Toll gate collection in India is operated manually so it consumes more time, slow process, traffic

jam, and increases vehicle operating cost, power loss due to the continuous turning on of receiver

system, so there is need of automatic toll collection system to overcome the problem.

The security provided for the vehicle is not sufficient, the general security they provide to the

economy vehicles is locking system, few sensors and alarm system all these can be breached and

the vehicle can get stolen so there is need of tracking system which can track vehicle and send

the location.

To overcome this problems Intelligent Vehicle T3 system is IOT (internet of things) system. The system component interacts through IOT with the website, IOT help us to operate and monitor physical device. IOT is network of the device through which system communicates and share data

Intelligent Vehicle T3 system is the combination of automatic toll collection, anti-theft and

tracking. These are going to be implemented using a Raspberry pi along with other module

included in it. Using RFID TAG and Raspberry pi automatically collect toll Using GPS and

GSM in micro controller track vehicle Get vehicle location from web application and through


Nowadays most vehicle are being theft, it is difficult to track and get back the vehicle and there

are lot of issues to deal with the police, to avoid this consequences Intelligent Vehicle T3 system which will alert the user with the SMS when vehicle is on(or start)

Some benefits such as while moving vehicles Toll will be collected and no need for the vehicle

to stop and you can avoids queue at toll booth and Saves time. It gives an additional security to

the existing system of the vehicle. Using web application we track the vehicle. Location is sent

through GSM and can be located using GPS, and Cost is affordable.

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Literature Review

Studies so far show that automatic tool collection system is important and gaining more attention.

Dr. S. Hussain [1] et al. proposed an automatic toll ticketing system using for transportation

system using MSP430 processor. In this work propose a minimal effort and productive system

called electronic toll collection utilizing RFID modules that consequently gathers the toll from

moving vehicles when they cross toll boot it’s pretty old system and it is slow

Atif Ali Khan et al. [2] proposed a RFID based toll collection system using Atmel8051

microcontroller and it uses active tag which consumes more power from vehicle battery and it is

difficult to modify or update the system

V. Sridhar et al. [3] proposed a smart card based toll gate automated system using 8051

microcontroller. This system describes, the smart card removes handy cash-transaction to

eliminate traffic at toll plaza. using smart card even consume time so it’s not that efficient in

saving time , It’s better to use upgraded version like raspberry pi or Arduino

N. Poornima et al. [4] proposed an automated toll plaza verification system for an automobile at

a check point using visual studio .net .08 software. The proposed system uses active RFID tags,

which are placed on the vehicles.

SeokJu Lee et al. [5] proposed a vehicle tracking system using GPS/GSM/GPRS technology and

smart phone application. An in-vehicle gadget, a server and a cell phone application are utilized

for the vehicle tracking framework. In this work in-vehicle gadget is made out of a

microcontroller Atmega328 and GPS/GSM/GPRS module. It uses google map which most of the

time it is inefficient and we don’t three module only two module is enough (GSM and GPS) to

show a vehicle area on google maps.

Pradeep V Mistary et al. [6] proposed a real time vehicle tracking system based on ARM7 GPS

and GSM technology. This system shows a vehicle tracking system to track the correct area of

moving or stationary vehicle in real time. This system is a combination of hardware module and

programming module.

Sanchit Bhargava et al. [7] proposed a Vehicle Tracking System Using “GPS” And “Google

Maps”. It only track the vehicle doesn’t give any alert when a vehicle is stolen or some try to

breach .Google maps are not always accurate

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Figure 1.1: System Architecture

System description

System architecture shown in figure consists of

Raspberry pi: Raspberry pi using RFID identifies and verifies the vehicle and interact with the

database to deduct amount and update. It stores the information that is used to trace the vehicle

IR SENSOR module: IR SENSOR emits IR rays and receiver which receives the IR rays that

falls on object and reflects back.it is used to detect vehicle and led light switch to yellow

RFID module: RFID TAG holds a unique id and can store information from 64bits to 1kb.

System uses a passive tag which is efficient in power saving. Active tag needs a power supply

to be but passive tag uses the power from the RFID tag reader (when the tag comes in the range

of reader it gets activated) RFID reader reads the RFID tag and interacts with database where its

going to verify and deduct amount and update the database

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LCD screen: It is used to display information such has deduction of amount and vehicle

detail .it displays two column

ARM7 microcontroller: With InSystem programming (ISP) and inapplication program 2.0

usb device controller CPU clock up to 60mghz. The GPS and GPS is integrated ,when a user

request for vehicle location through website ,it interact with the microcontroller in which

GPS gives the location and send it through GSM to website and to the number of the user

through SMS

GPS module: Gets the location from satellite and pass this location (longitude and latitude) to GSM

GSM module: GSM is used to send the location via through SMS to user phone number (that

would be registered) and send the location to the website

There are three scenario in Intelligent Vehicle T3 system

[16] Automatic toll collection

[17] Track vehicle: trace and track vehicle to get location through website or through SMS and

store the information in the website database.

[18] Anti-theft the microcontroller will send message when vehicle is switched on

Automatic toll collection is done using raspberry pi including with modules IR SENSOR, RFID

TAG, RFID READER and LCD screen. Led lights are used to indicate vehicle detection and

amount deduction

When a vehicle pass through toll booth IR sensor detect the vehicle and the RFID reader reads the RFID tag

.raspberry pi interact with database and LCD screen display the vehicle details and the amount

deducted. If vehicle is not detected the LED light remains red else if vehicle is detected the led

switch to yellow and after amount deduction it switch to green

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Figure 1.2: Toll Collection

Vehicle tracking and Anti-theft

Vehicle tracking is done using microcontroller with GSM and GPS component .user can send

a request locate their vehicle by logging in to website and send request the website interacts

with the microcontroller, GPS receive location from satellite sends the longitude and latitude

to GSM.

The GSM will send the location (latitude and longitude) through SMS and to website .user can

locate on the website or use the longitude and latitude received through SMS to locate in

different map tool online(or offline) it is best to use with online

Proposed system uses a sliding switch is used which going to send information to authorities

(police) about the stolen vehicle, if it pass through toll booth.

Conclusion and Future Enhancement

The proposed system collects the toll, anti-theft and track the vehicle in an efficient way and

the price to implement is economically affordable. System uses a required and sufficient

module, not more nor less module in the system. Intelligent vehicle t³ system is efficient and

performs well. Future enhancement is to accident detection and operating vehicle component

such as switching on light, indicators and horn through your mobile.



Philos Multi- Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e-Journal April 2018 Page 142

Page 143: Primary Data: Primary data was collected from students and …  · Web view2018-06-27 · I will drink life to the lees.” 3 He intends to drain ... The poet, Eliot calls London,

Dr. S. Asif Hussain, Sana Said Al-Ghawi, Muna Abdullah Al Rabbi, and Zahid Hussain. ”Automatic toll e-ticketing system for transportation systems” IEEE 3rd MEC international conference on big data and smart city, 2016

Atif Ali Khan, Adnan I. Elberjaoui Yakzan ,Maaruf Ali . IEEE 3rd international conference on computational intelligence, communication systems and network 2011 “Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based toll collection system”

[7] V. Sridhar and M Nagendra. International journal of advanced research in computer engineering and technology, Vol1, issue 5, July 2012 “smart card based toll gate automated system”

[8] N. Poornima, M.P.Arvindhan, R.Karthikeyan, S.Gokul Raj International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR) 2015”Automated Toll plaza Verification System for an Automobile at a Check Point”

SeokJu Lee, Girma Tewolde, Jaerock kwon. IEEE world forum of internet of things (WF-IOT) 2014 “design and implementation of vehicle tracking system using GPS/ GSM/ GPRS technology and smart phone application”

Pradeep, V mistary, R .H Chile. IEEE INDICON 2015 “real time vehicle tracking system based on ARM7 GPS & GSM Technology”

Sanchit Bhargava, Vishal Varshney and Vipin .VEHICLE TRACKING SYSTEM USING “GPS” And “GOOGLE MAPS” slideshare.com

Philos Multi- Disciplinary Journal ISSN 2456-9828 e-Journal April 2018 Page 143