^TWir^ vol.. 4.- NO. 240. I i mm - imsiiiFt, ) ,v Lloyd George, in Remark^le I Speech Declares Ititernation- j al Conferences Bound to Fur- ,, ther World Peace' SAYS miSHioVERNMEHT , i HAS UNIVERSAL SANCTION r toteniatibnal Confidence Basis n ; of International Trade— ^ Washington Oonfereiica a WorldTorce for Good, --------- , ' ' ' LONDON. <fl>)Preralcr Lloyd GcorRC, , . addrcsslncr the Btttlonn! liberal cnnfcr- 1 <jaeo todftjr, deeltntd thnt nil the nnliont ,. ol Europe, without dlitlnetlon. hni II V' boon invited to tho Ocnoa oeonomlo eon- l||| ! - forcncc. "beenuio wo want to pnl an Ulj cad to conrtnnt vron aad nuitor* o( Trtim.” DlJiruMlnR tbe Waahlnuton fonfercnca bo aaldi "The poaoo of the world larse- \5 itpW iafamTi sjw i uadft«.tandl»R iweea the Fnlted State* and our«elve*. - , ’The eonfcrcnee haa done more than y. anjrtlilnff .eUtf W rcJtore that under- irtinataj." ..The prcialor in rffcrrinu to interna- tional confercneo in Oennft snid if thpro bad beea a eonfereneo in Julyi £x there wonld havo been no war in Aur- - tfit, M R Fmc* 1* AdrancM i . “ No iatwiiaVionai mfmato ever -I getHed Enropo'a problems,” ho aald, , ,• , "but they ha»T) advanced the eaUM of ; i*eaeo oil earlh. I have prolound con- I . y le tj^ n d faith-ift the ultimate tea- C ^ *jj»»i(rinanltiad." rop A M r. Lloyd OcorRO wai ;jrcetcd .with tnti B itonn of chMTt when ho appeared on lod the platfonn in Central hall, where the prR I conference wa* held. All tho coalition diti , joinUtert w d liberal membera of p” - I'oo ,/ Uatnent w m m K S t. After being in- 1 1 trodueed .by the ehalnainiFI^rdr’Wvor' me bubne, thft-wsmier iwmedlntoly .begaa (he w. dlMUMlM or- tbfl\(ar#iit#ge,' oewTdiilB /'(iJtbB cmplra.ftpo tho W»h .«ttlo; AVa r* » zaent^ . _ tho / "It il the flnrt'tioTifor o eent^W ’ ‘od hearted aanetien of tho people of Great nro Orltain.” ' ■•• • . ' Befoftdlzlib'SAtUemnt que r U r. LToya otorwaiUdthBt thc Iriih , 1 ; iMUlement hod Bnftneed tbe prertiRo of end f Oreat Britaln Jn tho world aad.h«l de- mni prlvad her ea«nioa,of.‘!the’ 'fore« nnd of , taunt that wo;war«’alw*)'a’wllltn(j to i 5ve exalted.Wvlco'lo othef,'.natloni, wo' whieh wo novor followed onfMlvca." ^ «Ky .■‘SoutWuK on! tho w b i« t 6f ft R«a- era! oleetion, he diulaimed that ho hnd , •• it^irtedthaUlkof it, aaylnrhehad not pp { ^ d o up'U i«lttd la.Wittttt-to auta fto hA oWtioa'and that it would ^ot bn hi* ', ’ bnrinoti to do rt until the laet adnute. “ Whether the election eofflei early or Ute." ho4idded,“ wo,iball bavc bot one “*■ poUey to put before the, conntry— a ^U ey not dictated hr flectloneerinij exlgoaeles, bnt » policy dooanded by the need! of tho country and of ' world.'* . World Trado DamoraUwd - • WotW trade, ho MOd,.waa la a wotto plifjht than anyone preieat had over *>“ •*rilne»ied...IIe continued;. ; . W “ Intomatlonar confidence 1* the bail* of international trade, Tho prob. «* e'oafrbnllog Oreat BrlUin and the . wotld aay be aammed np ia oao.phraae J — restoration • o f iatematlopal^ eonfl- “ Order irtl re*toro confidence.. Wo JP* fl)nit.o»t4blUl..;>Al:.pqaM ,,in the J" Wttld.*’ ................... • - ’ I.- >. . . ,nr ■U t . Lloyd Oebrje aaid'be wm took- iM to tbe Qoaoa eonferoaM to rettore neaee in the «att HI . Eednco-Anataimt Ooit . ..If-permanaat peae* ia ' Mtabli*hod JJ, • there moit,bo great wductionjn it^s eoit of araainent*,” Ji*.adde3r*^‘T he ...... Briliab w a y i* belnff reduced to below ' prewar standard and tho -na^-y nnd tho air force aro-beinff redue?d. The bn- ^sii U<iR» miut b« prepared to tako riiki *Ai'- for poace.” , '. -The prime minister lald ho wa» a bo- * rievfli'in the league of uatloni. *-*aad I I ... wish loao of iti frienda woold not ma U at U \i were a sort of mtle party ” »how,»' be added. ng, ,ju With reference to . Qettnan repara- ^ tions he aaldt. ” !. aab ono of thoie who-think Qer- * many ouRht not to })# let off from pay- ' ment, but Oerm tnyii iufferinj from oxhauition, like other nation*, and de- «« , . .Jay l*‘inevlUble. Tho sooner, howoVer, « *ettlcment la reached, the better.*.' ’ JJ®' WINS IN STRAIGHT FALLS' '> / , . •_ ___ the ' I f i Bern .IMfeats -Chulet Seatiop of liol Eonstoa, Texai, In BocorA Stylo tln< atSaltLtkt me , . . . nijj SALT liAKB c m ', Utah, IJern nf'Bnlt Ij«kf. rlaimant of tne , world’* mlddlpwelfrhl wresUinR rjiam- ^ pionihlp, lant nlRht defeated 'CbaHct gf nentrop of Uouiion, 'Tcxa*. in (tralght fall*. ' noi The flr*t was obiaJned in fii mlnuto* „i, .with a toe hold and tho-iccond-ifl. four .j , , , nltintc* with a hfadlack' and cmdlc. ... n^nlrop weighed 160 and T>etb 15D 1-S IDJkSO WB4THH& the ' • Tonight , aind Sonday itoow flnr- rlr«.' •' ' ttir TB)e dNLY AS8QC < FAI HoTyRoli^Head is Roughly Handled by Irate Citizens Leader of Soot Sponds Night in Jail to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar ’ ■and Pcathera cEDAii raW ds; :ti., ijt)~k mob o f '200 stormed tlio “ lioly . Roller'’ eliurcli lii-n- last nlRht, si'lred tlic Hev. H. A. I'crjfUMin, n.i Irnder of the scrl.niid with crlea . of “ throw him in the river” and ' “ tar nnd fciither him,” , mnrchcd him throliah' tlio liiwlncM* iertlon, ( of tlic city nntll.police with drawn . revolver* »llipcrM'd the jnob nml I . rcscuc'l FerRUSon. A local newspaper's cliarKe* of MA Korfnmon'* influen.cs on his disci- pie*, nllec'^d- to hnvo liccii' tlm riiiite nf the d't.irupiron nf ecveml fnmllicK, Imd nreiuied the feolinif nRalnil llio prenrlicr. ' ' No weapons were used by the ] mob, but lilow* wero freely uz-, rhnnjTJd a»id ffrftuson suffered the' . j loss of two'tcpth 'vhcu struck nfter •he attempted to eseapo by juraplnB t throuch ‘a window of tho church. lle_*pcnt the nlglit In jnll lo bo j> *ftfo from furthtfr' vlolonre. jfcli IGilSl 1 fitiiL ii I iGnSISi ______ r,l I Executives Representing Over , ti One Hundred Railroads Meetj ta" to- Plan Return to Methods ‘'j; of Pre-War Days ti»' _______ - CHICAOb'(iP) — Rallwny executWca reprcsentlnp mere than 100 transjwrt ^oW tntlon line* of tho ;country m e p ^ ft XI today, to dlwuss.n: proposed returp.tc ;,ini prRotlation nf wago* and witrkinR cox tTiir ditbns with the train servire brother! hood* on n refflonal basla. , . . ouo TIj6 mettinR fOUowti wveral ronUr* t<.ns rnfcM by a rotnmltteo>f rail head* and tion the big.fou? btOthfrtpod ehleff.wlth com flet'ftlffrV ' of Conihieree. Hooyer in njen Wasldnifton last week. A, report of r. the aetloh of tho cxCfotlTes' meetln.fj tho today''win 'hp-forWarted to Beereta>» -fcnt lloover'nnd if favorable fo Iho region;' a « . al negdtlationj plau,'Impi'-dLnte iteb'a nro crpeeled to not up regional hottrds ‘h p winch will liandle all wage nnd ’rale |,k tiucstioB*. - UL It was ezpceted that thn body would endorse Iho regionnl proposal, which li ' merely n relurn to the pre-war method nf negotlatinn. The.propowd TCgional- rommlttce* would be a stronger attempt to rcaeh agrocment* beforo farrj-io;i the d!|. 1 putes to the board. It was m Ii I. FREIGHT REDUCTIONS e ARE ASKED FOR MINES --------- etal Utah Traffic Borean Dodaros Utay Properties HaTo Closed Bocatdo ^ » WiSJIINOTOK, D. C, m-V. W. 5"; Prlekett, appearing today for tho Utnh traffic bureatJ nt the Interstate eom- , merce cofiiml*»lon.Tate inquiry, read a j.if statement declaring thht freight p. ' chjirge* on ore of ■ vnrioiu-kind* were bndly'''out of lino” ai compared with ,,*• cost" of prodnctlon and Inbor charge* In the territory. Mines had dosed down in many cttser he, »ald, w:(th <onwf|iient .reduction'in smolter opemtlon* nnd he crpresied the ■ ' . opinion that it would bo pomiblo for tlu> rood* lo increaiip traffic by mak- jj ing-cffcpdve rediii'tion*. on/the ores j concerned. <ji„ HUGE FACTORY DESTROYED - ll(|ht Bubdred Uea Uoro or Leas So- Torrty Wnrwi-PToporty Dam. ”v ... ^ ^ Biionnctts lie BKRIjIN, (fl*)—The bvgent rhocolate ,lnv faetory at Tejnpalo, n suburb of Berlin, I V was almost de»tro>Td by flro yesterday, ^hoi A largo quantity of raw materials, and thli nearby warehouses were destroyed. It jto was said loday ROO worker* ^rre more ing or les* severely Injured durlniftho fire, bati The damage ii estimated at from 40,. V 000,000 to r>0.000,000 mark*. ' war • ------------- . ^ vb) BIfiOIPlilRC IB LXmSO. Den Wnu-ESLETY, Mas*. (JPi- Tho ftcsli- tern men of WeUiiley collegj powdered their nose* ajyiin today—tho same with _BT moro than the uinal reaMn. For 24 H hour*.the dainty nose* hnd been under ing rover of green crepe. , nigl The iMitche* were lapoMd b^.mcm- lion hers of the. Hophomorn elau Itf cause 3501 they thought'.thf freemen had. been fin Holding thrir noses high. Tliclr haugh- hro .tines* supposedly subdued, the fresh- coni men-were .allownl to expone the no*es foui again. nnd . J0B8 go 'TO BEaXDBNTS.' : , • WARIIING.WN. n. C.. (/P)-Issu;uice H of rulings whereby locnl resident* will vie< get rural mnil rarrjrr jobs, wa* an- *rlil nounred today by the rM l ser\-lce com- '*'P' mbslon.' Ros 'Uereafter under the 'ml'ijg of the commission, which has beeh approved by tho poitofflce department.- oniy per- A sons who.have their resldenefl within le^^ the delivery of the office in wbi^b the tire ▼acancy exIit« wlU be eortlfled for mot turil carrier Appointment. ' Eot S QCtATMb PRESS m wi LLS TWIN FALLS. IDAnO. SATU iiS iEllllE mmt Delegates From Ail 'Over'the World and From Almost E v - ery State in the Union Arrive for Important Session i MARKS RESUMPTION OF CENTURIES OLD CUSTOM , Eonomic iDtorosts of Emorald i lalo Oonfltitute Entire Pro- ^ . gram— Politics and BeligiioQ ' are Declared Barred ' < I’ARIS. {/Pt — Bflim and aauRlili'M of J Irclnnd nnd their desccndnnts from nil eorni«r«.f>f llio globe begnu nrrlving.in l|ari» thi« morning l« lake port In tho wor'd conference of the Iri'h race, net • lo begin here today. ; rriie ••rgunlscr* of the i.O'tfcrcncc for hWcIi nrrnngement* havi' been In progreiw povi' m I months, expect dele gntcs frtim ].'> eoiintries nnd from nearly ever.v state in Iho United Slates. , Tho, Amerirnn,,. delegnfe*, some of ,• H-liom'nlready nre’ in Kjnojie, are ex. peeled to arrive today'nnd tomorrow. The lord niayor'of Dublin arrived thU morning. Eamonn de Valera 1* expect- ed lo pul in his nppeamnce next w ek. BulnsB SessloD Uonday. 0 ,.TIie rongress wa* sclieduled to open .with an Infnhibil xeiuilon this afternoon but the first business meeting will be , heU ^r)»d«. Politlcs.nnd. religion nre b.irri'd from the program.' say tbo organizerli. the fltject bMng to promote the economl-! Interest* of the Irish free atato- and [Interrit in Irish art throughout, the Ki |W0>Iti^- X fo: , .The-'ronventlon will mark tlje ro- tu siimptioVrof nn event which unlll tho da jtTiirtecnili .century wa* sn important tci lurnual fcniuro of Irish life. Tho laat Ai ouo' wa* belli In Ireland In the, four pe teonth pfntury. I l 1* rmrcly cdtjcr.- ha tional in .character and in nn way is nc connected wllji tbe Blnn-Feln-move- Bo raenl. ; hi, The iuvltatlopj, .to tho “ aonlae^' a^ in tbo convention I* known in GaoUc, were fa •*nf'oiirbr“W.'ne-V(rtrrn *oniB;tlfflf -• iiiflii 1 DrnBHs 0. A..Oordon, 101 Tomorrow, . Lived-in Lifolim.e of Evo^ zc President Bnt Firat^ ' EimUKA, Kan'., — Qeorgo A. ?'! Gordon, who haa lived In the lifetime |[ of every pre*iaent of Ihe United’' etalc*, exeopt Wa*hington, will be 101 !!]' yeara old'tomorrow. Membera of. Iho family claim Mr. Gordin Is the only grandfather of ft p Civil whr «lemn slilj living, and one of the few, If not the only man, living today who heard Kevolutlonary stories, ^rom bis '. grandfhther wbo j. fonght for Independence. “ JJy.pmnd- falhM,- Oterge 0»n)on of CnmbtrtftDd, Pa., wa* ft soldier in the American rev- olution.” U r. Gordon related recently. “ It wa* my great uncle, Mr. Arm- strong, who captured Ihe'slx nesnans and (ooii (hem inlo Wnshington's fnmp' and In’ reply to the gcneml’s fjnestlon as to how he enplurcd them, he said 'He snmundfd them.’ '' . J*’ Loads Tompwato Ufo. Ur, Gordon when 7d year* old nnd •* In ill |etUK made ati overland trip t« *'r Texa* and had such experience* ng be- ® Itig canclitla n buffalo stampede and being cbnseii bv Indians. He attributed hi* longevity' In temperate habltii and J'* nn active outdoor life. iTc never nsed ® tobacco nr liquor. f! Menlnily and phv*lcally alert, he ao- prove* most modem progress. “ But,” he na«cMed, “ thero aro somo present J* dny system* of wblch I don’t approvo? y ’ I refer to style of women’s dres*— *“ short skirt*, low necked dresses; also “ Ihl* bobbed hair fad. Perhaps more Jt Iliin anything else I deplore the grow- J' ing lack of observation of the- Sab bath.” . Mr. Gordon lost two sens in the Civil u war. Mr*. Hypatia B. Hart of Seattlo. ^ Wash., and Mr*. I jIzzIo P. Johnson of | Denver, arc two of hi* six living dough- . C, BTJBIIftBS flBOnOK WIPED OUT noHSTON, TexaB.'C'R — Fire start- ing in tho po*tofflce block late la*t night, wiped ouj th^ main bnsineu see' tlon of \vt»t'Columbl*. an oil town of jj 3500 peonlo In Brajoria county and the \i fint,capital of tho TexaiT republic, irha to flro thi* morning reported under y control Tlio mwn- business, street is 1,1 four hlockti long nnd crowded with onn .. and twn-story frame building*. It, : , • SOVIET tOECES DEFEATED p, TIEI.8i.S’GP0R8. Finland, (/P) — Ad- - k; vices from Mosocw rci»rt that the In white nr antl-bolshevlk forces hive tu < *ipt^d' IJlogavlcschtchensk, Aslatl* th Rq« i^ , ^ _ of AUTOUOBILES FOft' StmOFB. , AKRON. 0., Twfnly-thrto cnr- lotds of pleasure cars tuid motor truck "c Ifrci, th,j largest single *fiipmenf ever H, mado .oat at Akron left here todAv for a( Eorope.^ ' - tc ysPA PER m Twm fa H S U rtTBDATi jA W A ay ai, 1022, llii flffilii ( weather PREDICTIONS 1 FOR THECOMING WEEK WASniNOTON^ prodlctlon* for (ho week bcginnlni: Monday nro: » « tapper .Mia^uippi nnd lower Mia- »oui-, valley*,_northern Rocky moun. lain and plcatcau region*:;. ClianBO- nlilo tcmpcrnlure; much eoldcr flrst v iiiilf; considerable cloudiness with ll yconsionnl suow*. ^ ____ •Homlicrn itock.v. mou'ntain n o -1 pintcnu regloc, generally fair und roW. .. Pacific slates generally fal»'~er-' for mucli cloudlnesa affa'rftfiiir '■ nnd tnowi in Washington nnd Ore- Ron; told. p lElfi r lESIlii M CmiilTII: Defense in Arbuekle Trial flot j Permitted to Go Into Bodily Condition of Dead, Moving Pibtuiie Actress « SAN- mjfcisco, a i, - ji™ « K .l, (im,,,' hi;,..k.S S for M lu Virginia,, Rappo, motion pie- — turn Mtress. was the first witnes* to- , day in the second trlnl of a flianslauith. JH ter charge ngalnst Roscoe a (Tnltr' Arhuckle In connection vnth Miss Rjitv po * dpJiIJj. ■SIjo JdenflfJeW th r rldlnp ViaWV .worn by Ulss B«w.c whtn thn sclWM motored front Lo* Angole. to ^ Ranclico two days b-fom Attend- Ir -Kotef at. Franei.- : through Urt. Ilardobock. th a t' Mls« .Bappe wn# th6 f»« of. #: pjiwj. i cian prevloo* to-llie psYtr-' wai hi'*4; ' out. The do{cJ)»e 'tMlendi, ffiat Ml*, , Rtypo’f Injorlca w«t6 *10 to & cbrotvl», 1 atfeetlou of ono of her sMtfmlnal or- 1 Puw. 1 Fatittr UtanoTT Aisln. 1 Wolter R, TrpfU. lecretorv to tlm 1 nfstrict attorney, wa* callel In nn ei- fort by tho .prosecntlon: fo I'ovo Mlsii Zoy Preyost, ono df its princlpol wit- ncases, deckwed hostile. MUs prerMt P “ did not remember” certain evidence I on w hl^ she lesllf/ed At fhe, former tJon hAd been law for (he Jmpeacfi- ment of Mil* Prevost and ruled igarnst (ne prosccnifon. POLITICAL UNREST IS: SUBJECT OF meeting ! Indlta Oonsdl of Stat# ia Session os <}iie«tlon o f C t a a n l . coi . Aaouf KtUvti . Y* DB].nt. T«ai.7m _ Tte inSn “ I council Of stato held t long *cision to- " J da.v nnd debnjed the whole political sit' ^ ■ uation of India. Thn councJI rojwlod fl resolution offered bv Bustnmll-Dhanl- jibhal flrthnn, rrpiitrar of (f.e high court of Bnmbay, providing for a joint M/wIon n f ho(fi hnrticf* o f <f,o r£gi*lat- I' uro to dctermlno condltloni for holdine ), a confcrenre of representatives of all shades of political opinion; Sir Miihammnd Shnfi. member of the viceroy's council, mud Home Secretary O ’Donnell, defended tho covernwant n,” ’’ ‘J'o ff fh M.-K. Glinndl. nnn.co-opemtionlsi lead- ni i>r, a . dI*c}o,ed hy Sir Sanbiran N .w - ram of the viceroy'* council at Bom- ^ *sy. n e v ittfd that the Icgfataluro was tno,p)ace for dlscutiion of qnestloas bo- irilh Ohajidi unless bo suspended all Jf hi* activ.tic* ond requested ittcb & eoa- f ference. •, : th HIGHWAY OFFICIALS JOIN • IN DEMAND FOR REDUCTION i" ._ In Om m m nnfK tetn n m uu J' Prl» cf Ptodurt ot Mooh Wwk ff Will atop of tho .hjRhway dciwrloipnt, of Hlboi., , Jorti, K .„« UU,I„, .M fe.Si Miuootl 8;»th D ak.^ ,,4 wl«onU» to^y at tho opening of tho Mississippi valley conference of state * Wghwa.r deps^roenl* d(<ctBrfld a buy- '•'» er s strike ngnlnit the cemcot monufae larcra of tfio country. ml A flat 10 per cent derrpsjie Jn. ihe *'> price of cement ts wanted hy the bljlj. TI J^ay official, nnd Ihelr refu*aM» enicr •« nto necn iatlons with cement mnnufne- pf turer* wll) retard cen«trnrJjoo of ante than on,' hundred million Jnllar* worth of blgbwn.v*, they saJd. . TAKES o m oiiL pdamoK. bl U'AHHINGTON. D. C.. Up\ - An- N' ’Ointment of 8»m Rnwroan nf Iro ato ^ th n.. a* general federation prehlbitlon ri nfcent for Now, Mnclfo' waa onnonacod lb today by fominiwlener J/synet rc FALLS COVNTY LYNt OTESIfli fliCEim ii END IN SIG SEVERAL I ADVANCE! Impressive Scenes M; in Life of Pontiff ^ Patient Ebbs Si PUBLIC a NNOUNCEME IS NOT YET MADl ANNO0NOBMBNT IB EBOEIVE LONDON. (/P>-(0:30 p. nL)-0«tli minster, statAl tbl« oronlsg he,had boa .from Bono. tJait Pope Bonodlct w u do*d.. Cudioal Bonna'i annomcomant of ontljf la confomlty with tho custom by i i sacred ooUogo aro firat Infopnod of the de Uon U oido known to tho, foBam-pttbUi E0ME-(B:3S p. ja.)—A t 6:10 o'cl< .parri. papal of ftat^ said:. "Tbs catastropbo U tisnlnast,''isdtc EOMB, VJV-Tbo a c ^ at Taticu of Ufa of Pop* Tenadlei sMSWd to b* ma Is tha alnpl^fmziisbod n o s vtaro lu aot* rapid of jw W with mnuOr noth; . airatt th# end, tho aftoodin* canUaaU !la • poattwttary In black. w«ro In sUa ' MartiatLdu! is °o* Put Into Effect Z ; in Dublin Area Iriah -EeptibUoaii Army. lakei,*" Stopi to Stop Blotiig and. DiMrdor . f" ^ ^ 0UBUN,VP>•rU6rtl5H^<b«f 5w been .doelarttl^iti-'tbf'Kiirafll” ** lh, ' arta, hy- UJe brlgido tbo ItUb topubIlcanittfttiit''at X aat' • ^ ljSmerUk,.aetoTdi»B toift'tojoipiun received hcrS today from Cbarlo- * vlllo. County Cork. ThU H. tlon wa* Inkcn, said tbo message, because of luiy burning and other disorders in . tho arc#. k , i H me ■] toa QuUook in Hortbom Hemi- sphere Disappointing ' in j . I Sonth America wo » ----------- . boj . WASHINGTON, D. C., (ff) - C ro p ?*■. • conditions in tho northern hemUpbero •wtjo Tcpoiled today by the ngrlcnUural department to be iitill ‘•(inlto varla-. ^ Me” while Ihe harvestings In the p ' snuthera hemlspherti were said to be In ^ • general sllglitly bolow cslimntci. ^ ' Whllo wheat harvesting In Argenr ' llna was said lo bo innklng good prog- • res*, reccnt rc|lort*, tho department ' ' s(nte<l, were Ici* optlmiKti'* than earllor “J t iinrsji* lo the ]iT0bnWc yleW. Tho crop wns srtld to be of generally good nual- Itv, lifiwcver, with the area phateil c»- *"' lltrmtttcA 'M approslmlvtcly a million ^ acre* lc>* than for the preceding} year. ** n Tho Australlaa wheat harveit, now P{" f practlcaify completed, nIso wn* orpeet. • ed lo show somo reduction, it was aald. ( from the first official estimate of lifl,- i- 014,000 bushels which approximately '• cqunls the J9M-21 crop. ; Wint*r Wroat Vartea. j;°l The condition of winter wheat .wa» reported to be gcneratlf good throuBb- » out thp eastern' nnd northern section II of the United States and nl*o Canada '• but wa* i\estilbeil a* poor In ttosl of tho southwestern states. Winter rye . ' fsndltioiis were reported-to bo very ' aciod la this couatry. , ' •Winter rrops woio-aaid lo bo show- '. ! J Ing som- dcteriortitlpn In Germany aad ' Irregulsr growth In' Primco. due to > drougiit, while thoy were reported ae • favorable In Hnogn^ and, several, of 1 iho nelghboriag itatcf. Tho rice crop* of both .. Indi»' and , . “■S '• last vcnr- ' 1, -------- -- ----- -- COI ' MAT ISStTB UILBAGE BOOES. BL I r WAflinNOTON, m -T h e Interstate “ eommcrce commission would be direct- eil to'oriler rallroads-to isno railroad mllcngo book# nnder a'Wl\ ^»*ed todsy j bv tho senate and sept to th< house. . ' , Tho measure would lenvo to'the Inter- , •tato cotammo toBittlsaloB Wthorlty to . prescribe “ fair and rea*on«blo rates.'* PBEaaroRPATO^ JJ . BOGOTA. Cdltaabla, (JPi —' General lloluln, nravUIonal president of Coloip,' bla,.mado It "knowiv .today that seveW ,. North American.firras werci w^lwstinff ' a the na«nent of certain debt* eotitirMV n ed In the Uslted. States under tbo i\x j threnf of oakinjf .eo'nplalot to the sc«Mi- rclnry of *tal& 1 EWS . PRICE PIVB'^.TS flH f iCHES ;iD i ^HTFOR HOURS IN ^DEATH» Warlc Final Chapter ff As Vitaltoof Slowly Away lENT BY VATICAN DE IN CITY OF ROME [VED IN OITT or LONDON udlBil Boum#, aichbUhop ot Wort- boon «ffld*Uy Mtlflod by t«l8 *raph *L- - , "of Ul# doath of thajjop* ts tppiw*. If wh*fh tw cardinal* Amptlstnc the 8 daath of » pop«. bofon thAlnfotmtr ibllCTT'"':' T v'cLotk t U i afMnooa Oazdlail'Ow-' yw u moatat bf meouDt, tho'nadi n u u ^ oat, mn mott ImpmilT*. # hoUy Biflwlwaboitor ofbroath Bid- .. . Athi&s ttsulfiinc to b« dono osoopt to ;ia thalr porpl* cassock*, and th* pap^ ill«ttprtT«* - Tbe oniy'sounds'heard wcro the aob* of'Uio popo’* personal attc&daatS);th« loWlchaWlng bf. the penlteatial'ps^m* or' M oceaslonal word in doltrioa frotn iUpontiff a* bl, malady alowly under- tulafd' tbo wonderful alore. of .norroia ooi»(B’ which wM''«tUI rfslstloir ' thft Vatkan, »wmi lisgeted «]1 nlrtt ' before, tbo hn«e breaw laiterwtll oT:l\L; .flo»6 -«.thfr lat«f « U d . watchera; { 50 k * position '»ea’ tht Ekyptlaa toluina l i the .tonter I f * » . l f f^im tho light ia the MOtiff'* »oo« they toMld p in any tnklini of wbat waa going on. Thon, u ^yligbt btoio. tbe forma of. tho eardUiall could be seep posing th* adjolnbg Rcportu from the papal chamber, this BioVning wero that when thn wpo.awalc- onbd from hi* alecp around,0 o’clock bo'aeomed nidoter, aaked for nbnrish- m e u tW took lanloca, aonp and a lit- tu wlno. Notwltutandlng this tho at- tondaoU upon hi* bolloesa. did not per- . B it thomselvc* to hope. . _ waak « Hooa. Pope Itcnedltt beeamo approelaWy weaker nbont midday tod.ny and ,the bope* whlcb hai.Misen.afte? hl» period of slumber In tho roeminj; dispersed. - H I* general cOBdlllon bad b-jfome wot*o and be aeeped to be atowly expiring. Ptteco Chlgl-A\b»l entorod tbe pope’* apartment at 12:80-0 clock. It U hii iutr to l«l« l»«»io» of tho npartmcnt In ca*o of death of the pon tiff aod to act aa roamhal of the coo- clave. * /-— As aoOn a» it wm learned that bu.. hoUnei* wa*.»ufforing from pneumonia. eouult&tloQs of physicians weto eallea and ovtfry attempt knowp. lo medical UcletiM iRM.mado to combiU tUo dttad malady Feani fer the worst, howovcri were ontertalned. for al'hough tho pontiff’* temperature waa not blgh nor tu pnlao-.ovar'rapid, he expotleBced Igreat dlfflcuUy in broathlng. tho re*plr- nllon . rnte 'bdng 'oicosrivoly hl|b, rrflching;00.-to the raltwtc. Proffsiof. Battl»tlnl .exsmlned tho i«po ngala Bt 12:30 p. tt.,^nd on leav- ing tho-room, declared tbo. altoallon . of.tVo pnvcit, tbo ponUff’»,condition, hft' liald,' wa» hopeletj; ' • Bnmafl'SdniM Pov«ilai«. Tho only hopo remaining, said , Cardinal Plmrdo, nad«-»oerct*r7 of atate, in Iho pre*«neo of a eo»- panV, of pWates-and-diplomat^ lay in the prayer* “ that w#and all the faithful tbrooghont the world offer for the recovrry of. tho holy father.” “ A * to human *clenco.'’ he added, “ it ha.i exhausted it* A t P o p o &nedlct. on ace- - lilgironslgnor, Naalll'Roeca, the .new __ arehbbhop of Bologna, where tho popo formerly w«s archbUhop,‘ enttfred 1 "^ ------ converaatlon wllh him nnd .. Bishop Mjtfxanl, the’ bishop ot PtoJs*- nlo, speflifoa Just a*. If giving a rfgti,- laT'andlencC-'lv' ' ' BaUloavDozlos'-Uot^ ' ImmKllatfly ftfter tbm'raoming'con- snltntlon.-of- bU physician, the popel had a nulct speU. H I* reipltatJon was', les* IrrcgnUr, and after ho had « • K sied tt dcs\re to rest, bo tpmed on, lido and fell asleep Irnmediatoli*. ■ Tho lAyslclab* wert atmtrlsM 'zi tM»; tort la thr-caso nnd thoight thcrt ; ioli^t be somo bopr for Ms .boUstst,: ,, I f ho- wcro Jibte to »lecp thrco. or "fonr 'i popo doifld from R nntll 6 o'clock , wbw KeordW wa*,tdmlja»t«?H W • , j l B ..-Today belnff.thp feto . d v 8^- :■ I . (CbaUanod on Pa|o T o « )

PRICE PIVB'^.TS Jail to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar mmt fliCEimii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · ^TW ir^ vol.. 4.- NO. 240. I i mm - imsiiiFt,)

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Page 1: PRICE PIVB'^.TS Jail to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar mmt fliCEimii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · ^TW ir^ vol.. 4.- NO. 240. I i mm - imsiiiFt,)

^ T W ir ^v o l . . 4 .- NO. 240.

I i mm - imsiiiFt,) ,v L lo y d G e o r g e , in R e m a r k ^ l e I

S p e e c h D e c la r e s I t i t e r n a t i o n - j

• ■ a l C o n f e r e n c e s B o u n d t o F u r -

,, t h e r W o r ld P e a c e ' ”

S A Y S m i S H i o V E R N M E H T ,

i H A S U N IV E R S A L S A N C T IO N r

t o t e n i a t i b n a l C o n f id e n c e B a s i s n

; o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l T r a d e — ^

■ W a s h in g t o n O o n fe r e i i c a a

W o r l d T o r c e f o r G o o d ,• --------- ,

' ' ' • LONDON. <fl>)Preralcr Lloyd GcorRC, ,. addrcsslncr the Btttlonn! liberal cnnfcr-

1 <jaeo todftjr, deeltntd thn t nil the nnliont , .ol Europe, w ithout d litlnetlon. h n i I I

V' boon invited to tho Ocnoa oeonomlo eon- l | | | ! - forcncc. "beenuio wo w an t to pn l an Ulj

cad to conrtnnt vron aad nuitor* o( Trtim.”

DlJiruMlnR tbe W aahlnuton fonfercnca bo aaldi "T he poaoo of the world larse- \5 itpW iafam T i s jw i uadft«.tandl»R iweea the Fn lted State* and our«elve*. -

, ’The eonfcrcnee haa done more than y. anjrtlilnff .eUtf W rcJtore th a t under-

ir tin a ta j."..T he prcialor in rffcrrinu to interna-

tional confercneo in Oennft snid if thpro bad beea a eonfereneo in Julyi £ x there wonld havo been no w ar in Aur-

- tfit, M RF m c* 1* A drancM

i . “ N o iatwiiaVionai m f m a t o ever-I getHed Enropo'a problems,” ho aald, , ,• , " b u t they ha»T) advanced the eaUM of ; i*eaeo o il earlh . I have prolound con- I . y l e t j ^ n d fa ith -if t the ultim ate tea- C

^ *jj»»i(rinanltiad." ropA M r . Lloyd OcorRO w ai ;jrcetcd .with tnti B itonn o f chMTt when ho appeared on lod the pla tfonn in Central hall, where the prR

I conference wa* held. All tho coalition diti , joinU tert w d liberal membera of p ” - I'oo

, / Uatnent w m m K S t . A fter being in- 1 1 trodueed .by th e ehalnainiF I^rdr’W vor' m e

bubne, thft-w sm ier iwmedlntoly .begaa (hew . dlMUMlM or- tb fl\(ar# iit#ge,' oewTdiilB

/ ' ( i J t b B c m p lra .f tp o tho W »h .« t t l o ; AVa r * » z ae n t^ ■ . _ tho/ " I t i l the f ln r t'tio T ifo r o e e n t^ W ’ ‘od

hearted aanetien of tho people of Great nro O rltain .” ‘ ' ■•• • . '

B e f o f td l z l i b 'S A tU e m n t quer U r . LToya o to rw a iU d th B t th c I ri ih , 1; iMUlement hod Bnftneed tbe prertiRo of endf O reat B rita ln Jn tho world a a d .h « l de- mni

prlvad her e a« n io a ,o f.‘ !th e ’'fore« nnd of, ta u n t th a t w o;w ar«’alw*)'a’wllltn(j to i

5 v e ex alte d .W v lco 'lo o the f,'.n atlon i, wo' whieh wo novor followed onfM lvca." ^ «Ky

.■‘SoutWuK on! th o w b i « t 6f ft R«a- era! oleetion, he diula im ed th a t ho hnd

, •• i t^ ir te d th a U lk o f it , a a y ln rh e h a d no t p p{ ^ d o u p 'U i« l t t d la .W ittttt-to au ta fto hA o W tio a 'a n d th a t i t would ^ o t bn hi*' , ’ bn rino ti to do r t u n til the laet adnute.

“ W hether the election eofflei early orU te ." ho 4idded ,“ w o,iball bavc bo t one “ *■ poUey to p u t before the, conn try— a ^ U e y not dic tated h r flectloneerinij exlgoaeles, b n t » policy dooanded by the need! o f tho country and of 'w orld.'* ™

. W orld Trado DamoraUwd - • WotW trade , ho MOd,.waa la a wotto

plifjht than anyone p re iea t had over *>“ •*rilne»ied...IIe continued;. ; . W

“ In tom atlona r confidence 1* the bail* of in ternational trade, Tho prob. « *

e'oafrbnllog O reat BrlU in and the . wotld a a y be aammed np ia oao.phraae J — restoration • o f iatem atlopal^ eonfl-

“ Order i r t l re*toro confidence.. Wo JP* f l)n it .o » t4 b lU l..;> A l:.p q a M ,,in the J"Wttld.*’ ................... • - ’ I .- > . . . ,nr■Ut. Lloyd O ebrje aa id 'b e w m took- iM to tb e Qoaoa eonferoaM to retto re neaee in the « a t t HI

. E ednco-A nata im t O oit. ..If-perm anaat peae* i a ' Mtabli*hod JJ, • there m o it ,b o g rea t w d u c tio n jn it^s

eoit o f araainen t* ,” Ji* .adde3 r*^‘ T h e ......B riliab w a y i* belnff reduced to below

' p rew ar standard and tho -na^-y nnd tho a ir force aro-beinff redue?d. The bn- ‘

^sii U<iR» m iu t b« prepared to tako riik i *Ai'- for poace.” ,' . -The prime m inister la ld ho wa» a bo- *

rievfli'in the league o f uatloni. *-*aad I I ... wish lo a o o f i t i frienda woold no t m a

U a t U \i w ere a so rt o f m tl e p a rty ” »how,»' be added. ng,

,ju W ith reference t o . Qettnan repara- ^ tions he a a ld t.

” !. aab ono of tho ie w ho-think Qer- * many ouRht no t to })# le t o ff from pay- '

ment, b u t O e r m tn y i i iu f fe r in j from oxhauition, like other nation*, and de- « «

, . .Jay l*‘ inevlU ble. T ho sooner, howoVer,« *ettlcment la reached, the b etter.*.' ’ JJ®'

W IN S IN S T R A IG H T F A L L S '' > / , . • _ ___ the

' I f i B ern .IM feats -C h u le t S e a tio p o f liolEonstoa, T exai, In BocorA Stylo tln<

a t S a l t L t k t • me, . . . nijj

■ SALT liA K B c m ' , U tah,IJern n f 'B n lt Ij«kf. rlaim ant o f tn e ,w orld’* mlddlpwelfrhl wresUinR rjiam- ^pionihlp, lant nlRht defeated 'CbaHct gf nen trop o f U ouiion, 'Tcxa*. in ( tralghtfall*. ' noi

The flr*t was obiaJned in fii mlnuto* „ i ,.w ith a toe hold and tho-iccond-ifl. four . j

, , , n ltintc* w ith a h fad lack ' and cmdlc. . . . n^nlrop weighed 160 and T>etb 15D 1-S

IDJkSO W B 4T H H & the' • Tonight , aind Sonday itoow flnr- rlr«.' • ' ' ttir


< FAIHoTyRoli^Head

is Roughly Handled by Irate Citizens

L eader of Soot Sponds Night in Ja il to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar

’ ■ and P cathera

■ cED A ii r a W d s ; : t i . , ijt)~kmob o f '200 stormed tlio “ lioly

. R o ller '’ eliurcli lii-n- last nlRht, si'lred tlic Hev. H. A. I'crjfUMin, n . i Irnder o f the sc rl.n iid with crlea . o f “ throw him in the r iv e r” and ' “ ta r nnd fciither h im ,” , mnrchcd him th ro liah ' tlio liiwlncM* iertlon, ( o f tlic c ity nntll.police w ith drawn . revolver* »llipcrM'd the jnob nml I

. rcscuc'l FerRUSon.A local newspaper's cliarKe* of MA

Korfnmon'* influen.cs on his disci- pie*, nllec'^d- to hnvo liccii' tlm riiiite nf the d't.irupiron nf ecveml fnmllicK, Imd nreiuied the feolinif ™ nRalnil llio prenrlicr. ' '

No weapons were used by the ] mob, bu t lilow* wero freely uz-, rhnnjTJd a»id ffrftuson suffered th e ' . j loss o f tw o'tcpth 'vhcu struck nfter

•he attem pted to eseapo by juraplnB t throuch ‘a window of tho church. lle_*pcnt the nlglit In jnll lo bo j> *ftfo from furthtfr' vlolonre. jfcli

IG ilS l 1 f i t i i L i i I

■ iGnSISi______ r ,l I

E x e c u t iv e s R e p r e s e n t in g O v e r , ti

O n e H u n d r e d R a i l r o a d s M e e t j t a "

to - P l a n R e tu r n t o M e th o d s ‘ ' j ;

o f P r e - W a r D a y s t i » '_______ -

CHICAOb'(iP) — Rallwny executWca reprcsentlnp mere than 100 transjw rt ^oW tntlon line* of tho ;country m e p ^ f t XI today, to dlw uss.n: proposed re tu rp .tc ;,ini prRotlation nf wago* and witrkinR c o x tTiir d itb n s with the train servire brother! hood* on n refflonal basla. , . . ouo

TIj6 m ettinR fOUowti w veral ronUr* t<.ns rnfcM by a ro tn m ltteo > f rail head* and tion the b ig .fo u ? btO thfrtpod eh le ff .w lth com flet'ftlffrV ' o f Conihieree. Hooyer in njen Wasldnifton last week. A , report of r. the aetloh o f tho cxCfotlTes' meetln.fj tho today ''w in 'hp-forW arted to Beereta>» -fcnt lloover'nnd if favorable fo Iho region;' a « . a l negdtlationj plau,'Impi'-dLnte iteb'a nro crpeeled to not up regional hottrds ‘h p winch will liandle all wage nnd ’rale | , k tiucstioB*. ■ • - U L

I t was ezpceted th a t thn body would endorse Iho regionnl proposal, which l i ' merely n relurn to the pre-war method nf negotlatinn.

T he.propow d TCgional- rommlttce* would be a stronger a ttem p t to rcaeh agrocment* beforo farrj-io;i the d ! |. 1 putes to the board. It was m IiI.


A R E A S K E D F O R M IN E S--------- e ta l

U tah T raffic Borean D odaros U ta y P roperties HaTo Closed Bocatdo ^ »

W iSJIINO TO K , D. C , m - V . W. 5 " ; Prlekett, appearing today fo r tho Utnh tra ffic bureatJ n t the Interstate eom- , merce cofiiml*»lon.Tate inquiry, read a j . i f statem ent declaring th h t fre igh t p . ' chjirge* on ore o f ■ vnrioiu-kind* were b n d ly '''o u t o f lino” ai compared with ,,*• cost" of prodnctlon and Inbor charge*In the territory. ‘■ Mines had dosed down in many cttser

he, »ald, w:(th <onwf|iient .reduction 'in sm olter opemtlon* nnd he crpresied the ■' . opinion th a t it would bo pomiblo fortlu> rood* lo increaiip traffic by mak- jj ing -cffcpdve rediii'tion*. o n /th e ores j concerned. <ji„

H U G E F A C T O R Y D E S T R O Y E D— -

l l ( |h t B ubdred U e a U oro o r Leas So-Torrty W nrw i-P T o p o rty Dam. ” v

... ^ ^ Biionnctts

lieBKRIjIN, (fl*)— The bvgent rhocolate ,lnv

faetory a t Tejnpalo, n suburb of Berlin, I Vwas almost de»tro>Td by flro yesterday, ^hoiA largo quantity o f raw materials, and thlinearby warehouses were destroyed. I t j t owas said loday ROO worker* ^ r r e more ingor les* severely Injured du rln iftho fire, batiThe damage ii estimated a t from 40,. V000,000 to r>0.000,000 mark*. ' war

• ------------- . vb)B IfiO IP lilR C IB L X m SO . Den

Wnu-ESLETY, Mas*. (JPi- Tho ftcsli- tern men of W eUiiley collegj powderedthe ir nose* ajyiin today—tho same with _BTmoro than the u inal reaMn. F o r 24 Hhour*.the dainty nose* hnd been under ingrover of green crepe. , nigl

The iMitche* were lapoM d b^.m cm - lionhers of th e . Hophomorn e la u Itf cause 3501they tho u g h t'.th f fre e m e n had. been f inHolding th r ir noses high. Tliclr haugh- hro.tines* supposedly subdued, the fresh- conimen-were .allow nl to expone the no*es fouiagain. nnd

. J0 B 8 g o 'TO BEaXDBNTS.' : , • W ARIIING.W N. n . C.. (/P )-Issu;uice H

of rulings whereby locnl resident* will vie< get rura l mnil ra r r j r r jobs, wa* an- *rlil nounred today by the r M l ser\-lce com- '*'P' m bslon.' Ros

'U ereafte r under the 'm l'ijg of the commission, which has beeh approved ‘ by tho poitofflce department.- oniy per- A sons w ho.have the ir resldenefl w ithin le^^ the delivery o f the office in wbi^b the tire ▼acancy exIit« wlU be eortlfled for mot t u r i l carrier Appointment. ' Eot





Delegates From Ail 'Over'the World and From Almost Ev­ery State in the Union Arrive for Important Session i


Eonomic iDtorosts of Em orald ilalo Oonfltitute E n tire Pro- ^

. gram — Politics and BeligiioQ 'a re Declared B arred ' <

I’ARIS. {/Pt — Bflim and aauRlili'M of J Irclnnd nnd the ir desccndnnts from nil eorni«r«.f>f llio globe begnu nrrlv ing .in l|ari» thi« morning l« lake port In tho wor'd conference of the I r i 'h race, net • lo begin here today.

; rriie ••rgunlscr* of the i.O'tfcrcncc for h WcIi nrrnngement* havi' been In progreiw povi'm I months, expect dele gntcs frtim ].'> eoiintries nnd from nearly ever.v s ta te in Iho United Slates. ,

Tho, Amerirnn,,. delegnfe*, some of ,• H-liom'nlready nre’ in Kjnojie, are ex. peeled to arrive today 'nnd tomorrow.The lord n iayo r'o f Dublin arrived thU morning. Eamonn de Valera 1* expect­ed lo pul in his nppeamnce next w e k .

B u ln s B SessloD U onday. 0,.TIie rongress wa* sclieduled to open

.with an Infnhibil xeiuilon this afternoon bu t the f irs t business meeting will be , heU ^ r)» d « .

Politlcs.nnd. religion nre b.irri'd from the program .' say tbo organizerli. the f ltjec t bMng to promote the economl-! Interest* o f the Irish free atato- and

[In territ in Irish a rt throughout, the Ki |W0>Iti^- X fo:, .T he- 'ronven tlon will mark tlje ro- tu siimptioVrof nn event which unlll tho da jtTiirtecnili .cen tury wa* sn im portant tci lurnual fcniuro of Irish life. Tho laat Ai ouo' wa* belli In Ireland In the, fo u r pe teonth pfntury. I l 1* rmrcly cdtjcr.- ha tional in .character and in nn way is nc connected w llji tbe B lnn-F eln-m ove- Bo raenl. • • ; • hi,

The iuvltatlopj, .to tho “ aonlae^' a^ in tbo convention I* known in GaoUc, were fa • * n f 'o i i r b r “W .'n e -V (r tr rn *oniB;tlfflf -•

i i i f l i i 1 D r n B H s

0 . A..Oordon, 101 Tomorrow,. Lived-in Lifolim.e of E v o ^ zc

P resident B nt Firat^ ”

' E im U K A , Kan'., — Qeorgo A. ?'! Gordon, who haa lived In th e life tim e | [ of every pre*iaent of Ihe U n i te d ’' e talc*, exeopt Wa*hington, will be 101 !!]' yeara old'tomorrow.

Membera of. Iho fam ily claim Mr. Gordin Is the only grandfather o f ft p Civil whr « le m n slilj living, and one o f th e few, If no t the only man, living today who heard Kevolutlonary stories, ^rom bis '. grandfhther wbo j . fonght for Independence. “ JJy .pm nd- falhM,- O terge 0»n)on o f CnmbtrtftDd,Pa., wa* ft soldier in the American rev ­olution.” U r . Gordon related recently.“ I t wa* my g reat uncle, Mr. Arm­strong, who captured Ih e 's lx n e sn an s and (ooii (hem inlo W nshington's fnm p' and I n ’ reply to the gcnem l’s fjnestlon as to how he enplurcd them, he said 'H e sn m undfd them .’ ' ' . J*’

Loads Tompwato U fo .U r, Gordon when 7d year* old nnd •*

In ill |e tU K made ati overland t r ip t« *'r Texa* and had such experience* ng be- ® Itig c a n c l i t la n buffalo stampede and being cbnseii bv Indians. He attribu ted hi* longevity' In temperate habltii and J'* nn active outdoor life. iTc never nsed ® tobacco nr liquor. f!

Menlnily and phv*lcally alert, he ao- prove* most modem progress. “ B ut,” he na«cMed, “ thero aro somo present J* dny system* o f wblch I don’t approvo? y ’ I refer to style o f women’s dres*— *“ short skirt*, low necked dresses; also “ Ihl* bobbed hair fad . Perhaps more Jt Iliin anything else I deplore the grow- J ' ing lack of observation of the- Sab ” b a th .” .

Mr. Gordon lost two sens in the Civil u war. Mr*. H ypatia B. H art o f Seattlo. ^ Wash., and Mr*. IjIzzIo P . Johnson o f | Denver, arc two of hi* six living dough-

. C,

BTJBIIftBS f lB O nO K W IPED O UT noH STO N , TexaB.'C'R — Fire s ta r t­

ing in tho po*tofflce block late la*t night, wiped ouj th^ main bnsineu see ' tlon of \vt»t'Colum bl*. an oil town o f j j 3500 peonlo In B rajoria county and the \ i f in t,c ap ita l o f tho TexaiT republic, irha to flro thi* morning reported under y c on tro l Tlio mwn- business, s tree t is 1,1 four hlockti long nnd crowded with onn . . and twn-story fram e building*. It,

: , • SOVIET tO E C E S DEFEATED p,TIEI.8i.S’G P0R8. Finland, (/P) — Ad- -k ;

vices from Mosocw rc i» r t tha t the In white nr antl-bolshevlk forces h iv e tu < * ip t^ d ' IJlogavlcschtchensk, Aslatl* th Rq« i^ , _ of

A UTOUOBILES FO ft' S tm O FB ., AKRON. 0 ., T w fnly-thrto cnr-

lo td s o f pleasure cars tuid m otor truck "c Ifrci, th ,j largest single *fiipmenf ever H, mado .oat a t Akron le ft here todAv for a( E o r o p e . ^ ' - tc

ysPA PER m T w m fa

H S UrtTBDATi jA W A a y a i , 1022,

l l i iflffilii


WASniNOTON^ prodlctlon* for (ho week bcginnlni: M onday nro: » «

tapper .M ia^uippi nnd lower Mia- »oui-, valley*,_ northern Rocky moun. lain and plcatcau region*:;. ClianBO- nlilo tcm pcrnlure; much eoldcr f lrs t v iiiilf; considerable cloudiness w ith l lyconsionnl suow*. ^ ____

•Homlicrn itock.v. mou'ntain no-1 pintcnu regloc, generally fa ir und roW. ..

Pacific slates generally f a l» '~ e r - 'fo r mucli cloudlnesa affa 'rftfiiir '■

nnd tnow i in Washington nnd Ore- Ron; told. p

lElfi rlESIlii M CmiilTII:

Defense in Arbuekle Trial flot j Permitted to Go Into Bodily Condition of Dead, Moving Pibtuiie Actress «

SAN- mjfcisco, a i , - ji™ « K . l , ( im , , , ' h i ; , . . k . S Sfo r M lu Virginia,, Rappo, motion pie- — turn M tress. was the f irs t witnes* to- , day in the second trlnl o f a flianslauith. JH te r charge ngalnst Roscoe a (Tnltr' Arhuckle In connection vnth Miss Rjitv po * dpJiIJj. ■ SIjo JdenflfJeW th r rldlnp ViaWV .worn by U lss B«w.c w h tn thn sclW M motored front Lo* A ngole. to ^ R anclico two days b-fom Attend- I r

-Kotef at. Franei.- :

through U rt . Ilardobock. t h a t ' Mls«.Bappe wn# th6 f » « of. #: p jiw j. i c ian prevloo* to -llie psYtr-' w a i hi'*4; 'out. The do{cJ)»e 'tMlendi, ffiat M l*, ,R typo ’f Injorlca w«t6 *10 to & cbrotvl», 1atfeetlou o f ono o f he r sM tfmlnal or- 1Puw. ■ ■ • 1

F a ti t t r UtanoTT A is ln . ■ 1 W olter R, TrpfU. lecretorv to tlm 1

nfstrict attorney, wa* calle l In nn ei- fo rt by tho .prosecntlon: fo I'ovo Mlsii Zoy Preyost, ono df its princlpol wit- ncases, deckwed hostile. MUs p re rM t P “ did not remember” certain evidence I on w h l^ she lesllf/ed At fhe, form er

tJon hAd been law fo r (he Jmpeacfi- ment o f Mil* Prevost and ruled igarnst (ne prosccnifon.


I n d l ta O onsdl o f S ta t# i a Session o s <}iie«tlon of C ta a n l . coi

. A a o u f K tU v t i . Y*

DB].nt. T«ai.7m _ Tte inSn “ Icouncil Of sta to held t long *cision to- " J da.v nnd debnjed the whole political s i t ' ^ ■ uation o f India. Thn councJI rojw lod fl resolution offered bv Bustnmll-Dhanl- jib h a l flrthnn, rrpiitrar o f (f.e high court o f Bnmbay, providing for a jo in t • M/wIon n f ho(fi hnrticf* o f <f,o r£gi*lat- I' uro to dctermlno condltloni for holdine ) , a confcrenre o f representatives o f all shades o f political opinion;

S ir Miihammnd Shnfi. member o f the viceroy's council, mud Home Secre tary O ’Donnell, defended tho covernwant

n,” ’’ ‘J'o f f fhM.-K. Glinndl. nnn.co-opemtionlsi lead- ni i>r, a . dI*c}o,ed hy S i r Sa n b iran N .w - ram of the viceroy'* council a t Bom- ^ * sy . n e v ittfd th a t th e Icgfataluro was tno,p)ace for dlscutiion of qnestloas bo-

irilh Ohajidi unless bo suspended a ll Jfhi* activ .tic* ond requested ittcb & eoa- f ference. • , : th


._ InO m m m n n f K t e t n n m u u J '

P r l » c f P to d u rt o t M ooh W w k f f Will atop

of tho .hjRhway dciwrloipnt, of H lb o i., , J o r ti , K . „ « U U , I „ , . M f e . S i M iuootl 8 ;» th D a k .^ , , 4 w l«onU » t o ^ y a t tho opening o f thoM ississippi valley conference o f s ta te * Wghwa.r deps^roenl* d(<ctBrfld a buy- '•'» e r s s trike ngnlnit the cemcot monufae larcra o f tfio country. ml

A fla t 10 per cent derrpsjie Jn. ihe *'> price o f cement ts wanted hy the b ljlj. TI J^ay offic ia l, nnd Ihelr refu*aM » enicr •« nto necn iatlons w ith cement mnnufne- pf

turer* wll) re ta rd cen«trnrJjoo o f an te th an on,' hundred million Jnllar* worth of blgbwn.v*, they saJd. • .

T A KES o m o i i L pdamoK. blU'AHHINGTON. D. C.. Up\ - An- N'

’O intm ent of 8»m Rnwroan nf I r o a t o ^ thn . . a* general federation prehlbitlon rinfcent fo r Now, M nclfo' waa onnonacod lbtoday by fominiwlener J /sy n e t rc



Impressive Scenes M;in Life of Pontiff




LONDON. (/P > -(0 :30 p. n L ) - 0 « t l i minster, statA l tbl« oron lsg h e ,h ad boa .from Bono. tJait Pope Bonodlct w u do*d..

C udioal B o n n a 'i annom com ant o f ontljf la confom lty w ith th o custom by i

i sacred ooUogo aro fira t Infopnod o f th e de Uon U o id o know n to tho, foBam -pttbU i

E 0M E -(B :3S p. ja .)—A t 6:10 o'cl<• .parri. papal o f f ta t ^ s a id : . ■

" T b s catastropbo U t is n ln a s t , '' i s d tc

EOMB, V JV -Tbo a c ^ a t T a t icu o f Ufa of Pop* T enadle i sMSWd to b* m a

I s tha a lnp l^ fm z iisbod n o s v ta r o lu a o t* rap id o f jw W w ith m n u O r noth;

. a ira tt th# end, tho aftoodin* canUaaU !la• poa ttw tta ry In black. w«ro In sUa

' MartiatLdu! is °o*Put Into E ffect Z

; in Dublin Area

■ I r i a h - E e p tib U o a ii A r m y . l a k e i , * "■ S t o p i t o S t o p B l o t i i g a n d .

D i M r d o r . f "^ ^

0 U B U N ,V P > • rU 6 r tl5 H ^ < b « f 5w been .do e larttl^ iti- 'tb f 'K iirafll” ** lh ,

' a rta , hy- UJe b rlg ido tb o ItU b topubIlcanittfttiit ''a t X a a t ' • ^ljSmerUk,.aetoTdi»B to ift'to jo ip iunreceived hcrS today from Cbarlo- * vlllo. County Cork. ThU H. tlon wa*Inkcn, said tbo message, because of luiy burning and other disorders in

. tho arc#.

k ,i H m e ■ ]• toa

Q u U o o k i n H o r t b o m H e m i - s p h e r e D is a p p o in t in g ' i n j

. I S o n t h A m e r i c a wo» ----------- . boj. WASHINGTON, D. C., (ff) - Crop ?*■.• conditions in tho northern hemUpbero

•wtjo Tcpoiled today by the ngrlcnUural department to be iitill ‘•(inlto varla-. ^

■ M e” while Ihe harvestings In the p ' snuthera hemlspherti were said to be In ^• general sllglitly bolow cslim ntci. ^' Whllo wheat harvesting In Argenr ' l ln a was said lo bo innklng good prog-• res*, reccnt rc|lort*, tho departm ent ' ' s(nte<l, were Ici* optlmiKti'* than earllor “J t iinrsji* lo th e ]iT0bnWc yleW. T ho crop

wns srtld to be o f generally good nual- Itv , lifiwcver, w ith the area p h a te il c»- *" '

lltrmtttcA 'M approslmlvtcly a million ^ acre* lc>* than for the preceding} year. **

n Tho Australlaa w heat ha rve it, now P{" f practlcaify completed, nIso wn* orpeet.• ed lo show somo reduction, i t was aald.( from the firs t o fficial estimate o f lifl,- i- 014,000 bushels which approxim ately'• cqunls the J9M-21 crop. ;

W int*r W roat V artea. j;°l• The condition of w inter w heat .wa»

reported to be gcneratlf good throuBb-» out thp eastern' nnd northern section II of the United S tates and nl*o Canada '• b u t wa* i\estilbeil a* poor In t to s l o f

tho southwestern sta tes. W inter rye . ' fsndltioiis were rep o rte d -to bo very ' aciod la th is couatry . , '

•W inter rrops woio-aaid lo bo show- '. ! J Ing som- dcteriortitlpn In Germany aad '

Irregulsr growth In' Primco. due to > drougiit, while thoy were reported ae

• favorable In H n o g n ^ an d , several, o f 1 iho nelghboriag ita tc f.

Tho rice crop* o f bo th .. Indi»' and ,

. “ ■ S'• la s t vcnr- '1, ■ ---------- ----- -- COI' MAT ISStTB U ILB A G E B O O E S. BLI r WAflinNOTON, m - T h e In tersta te “ eommcrce commission would be direct-

eil to 'o rile r ra llroads-to is n o railroad mllcngo book# nnder a 'W l\ ^ » * e d todsy j bv tho senate and sept to th< house. . '

, Tho measure would lenvo to 'th e Inter- , • ta to co tam m o toBittlsaloB W thorlty to

. prescribe “ fair and rea*on«blo rates.'*

P B E a a r o R P A T O ^ J J. BOGOTA. Cdltaabla, (JPi — ' General

lloluln, nravUIonal president o f Coloip,' bla,.m ado I t "knowiv .today th a t seveW

,. North Am erican.firras werci w^lwstinff ' a the na«nen t o f certain debt* eotitirMV n ed In the U s lte d . S tates under tbo i\x j threnf of oak in jf .eo'nplalot to the sc«M i-

rclnry of *tal& 1


f l H fiCHES;iDi^HTFOR HOURS IN ^ D E A T H »Warlc Final Chapter ff As Vitaltoof Slowly AwaylENT B Y VATICAN DE IN CITY OF ROME

[VED IN OITT o r LONDON udlBil Boum#, aichbUhop ot Wort- boon «ffld*Uy Mtlflod by t«l8*raph*L- - ,

"of Ul# doath of thajjop* ts tppiw*.If wh*fh tw cardinal* Amptlstnc the8 daath of » pop«. bofon thAlnfotmtrib llC T T '" ': ' Tv'cLotk tU i afMnooa Oazdlail'Ow-'

y w u moatat b f meouDt, tho'nadi n u u ^ oat, m n mott ImpmilT*. •# hoUy Biflwlwaboitor ofbroath Bid- .. . Athi&s ttsulfiinc to b« dono osoopt to ;ia thalr porpl* cassock*, and th* pap^ ill«ttprtT«* -• Tbe oniy'sounds'heard wcro the aob* of'Uio popo’* personal attc&daatS);th« loWlchaWlng bf. the penlteatial'ps^m* or' M oceaslonal word in doltrioa frotn iU pontiff a* bl, malady alowly under- tulafd' tbo wonderful alore. of .norroia ooi»(B’ which wM''«tUI rfslstloir '

thft Vatkan, » wmi lisgeted «]1 nlrtt ' before, tbo hn«e breaw

laiterwtll oT:l\L; .flo»6-«.th fr lat«f « U d . watchera; {50k * position '»ea’ tht Ekyptlaa toluina l i the .tonter If * » . l f f im tho light ia the MOtiff'*»oo« they toMld pin any tnklini of wbat waa going on. Thon, u ^yligbt btoio. tbe forma of. tho eardUiall could be seep posing th* adjolnbg

Rcportu from the papal chamber, this BioVning wero that when thn wpo.awalc- onbd from hi* alecp around,0 o’clock bo'aeomed nidoter, aaked for nbnrish- m eutW took lanloca, aonp and a lit- tu wlno. Notwltutandlng this tho at- tondaoU upon hi* bolloesa. did not per- .B it thomselvc* to hope. . _

• waak « Hooa.Pope Itcnedltt beeamo approelaWy

weaker nbont midday tod.ny and ,the bope* whlcb hai.Misen.afte? hl» period of slumber In tho roeminj; dispersed. - H I* general cOBdlllon bad b-jfome wot*o and be aeeped to be atowly expiring.

Ptteco Chlgl-A\b»l entorod tbepope’* apartment at 12:80-0 clock. ItU h ii i u t r to l« l« l » « » i o » o f tho npartm cnt In ca*o of death of the pon

■ t i f f aod to a c t aa roamhal o f th e coo- clave. * /-—

A s aoOn a» i t w m learned th a t b u .. hoUnei* wa*.»ufforing from pneumonia. eouult&tloQs o f physicians weto eallea and ovtfry attem pt knowp. lo medical

U cletiM iRM.mado to combiU tUo d tta d m alady Feani fer the worst, howovcri w ere ontertalned. fo r a l'hough tho pon tiff’* temperature waa not blgh nor t u pn lao-.ovar'rap id , he expotleBced

Ig re a t dlfflcuUy in broathlng. tho re*plr- n llon . rn te 'b d n g 'oicosrivoly h l |b , rrflching;00.-to the raltwtc.

Proffsiof. Battl»tlnl .exsmlned tho i«po ngala Bt 12:30 p. tt.,^nd on leav­ing tho-room, declared tbo. altoallon . of.tVo pnvcit, tbo ponUff’»,condition, hft' liald,' wa» hopeletj; ' •

Bnmafl'SdniM Pov«ilai«.Tho only hopo remaining, said

, Cardinal Plmrdo, nad«-»oerct*r7 of atate, in Iho pre*«neo of a eo»- panV, of pWates-and-diplomat^• lay in the prayer* “ that w# and all the faithful tbrooghont the world offer for the recovrry of. tho holy father.” “ A* to human *clenco.'’ he added, “ it ha.i exhausted it*A t P o p o &nedlct. on ace- -lilgironslgnor, Naalll'Roeca, the .new __

arehbbhop of Bologna, where tho popoformerly w«s archbUhop,‘ enttfred 1" ^ ------converaatlon wllh him nnd ..Bishop Mjtfxanl, the’ bishop ot PtoJs*- nlo, speflifoa Just a*. If giving a rfgti,- laT'andlencC-'lv'' ' B a U lo a v D o z lo s '-U o t^ '

ImmKllatfly ftfter tbm'raoming'con- snltntlon.-of- bU physician, the popel had a nulct speU. HI* reipltatJon was', les* IrrcgnUr, and after ho had « •Ksied tt dcs\re to rest, bo tpmed on,

lido and fell asleep Irnmediatoli*. ■Tho lAyslclab* wert atmtrlsM 'zi tM »; tort la thr-caso nnd thoight thcrt;; ioli^t be somo bopr for Ms .boUstst,: ,,If ho- wcro Jibte to »lecp thrco. or "fonr 'i

popo doifld from R nntll 6 o'clock , wbw K eordW wa*,tdmlja»t«?H W •, j l B ..-Today belnff.thp feto .d v 8 - :■

I . (CbaUanod on Pa|o To«)

Page 2: PRICE PIVB'^.TS Jail to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar mmt fliCEimii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · ^TW ir^ vol.. 4.- NO. 240. I i mm - imsiiiFt,)


ir E [iis - ' mmmiI STlipilR[l■ C ra z e f o r S p e c u la t i o n A p p e a r s

i t o H a v e E n g u l f e d R ic li a n d

I P o o r — H a b i t D e c la re d a N eo -

I ' e s s i t y N o t a L u x u r y

BE H U V , — Thoui,m(]i of Ger- nians Iiavc 1‘rcn liankniplfd by the ro

I r t n t rra-.o for apcculfltlnR in the itock; . m arket. The letera' wcr'p no t Jimited ^< to w sf^ earners iin<I profcnsional mon< v i th Inndrquato ineomcn bnt Included

many fonipnrotivcly wealthy, men.Tbe workmen and profeulonal ^ c n

« ctni]|» U a t *petula(Ion Is not n vice bu< a nC fffiitv for men whoio Income* are aooo mnrk# a month or |cai. T h e y ia y they •‘ p 'linjted" in the mtirk?t In thn ho j^ o f heini; able to win enongb tn pay the ir b lllt and to -buy clothing for thpmiclvci er a d reas 'fo r their »rivc*.

Uanjr. Lose J o 'j i . SoDle’a f those who le it their carnlnR^

in this n-iy hsve (liiBppeared from thoir > jwiitionu. O thcri aru moklriR tho round of the ir hcquaintanrcf In an e ffo rt to borrow and the remjilndcr nre stolidly facinp debt* which they can;iot hopv to p a y .. Orocera and hutchem ifenerally have r.'oscil all i^cdli accounts.

Ono of the epcculator* w ho,to rt h1^ u ion tli^ rotary of ^000 marks in ntock ‘ itm rkrt icjwcutation ifaid:

“ Wc tiavo to ifambto. We cannot buy anything bu t tho ba re il nocewl; ties on vrhat we earn snd when prices l!0 up and money for even the necci- ] anrics U tacking, we tako a chance ra- r t e i hopc\t»i\y tU nking th» t ou t ton- , .

• ditlon rannot bo much w one and tb a t u e .u iffh t have luck .” • '

• , I'n

- T W E N T Y -O N E S T A T E S T O


O ver O n t T lio n su d Te»mi to be o a I I H u d for Opening o f A n in lc u t .

- B o v l ^ Confreti

• TOLEDO. 0 ., , yPH A pproxlD ste l,te i:n s ropreienlinEr 21 s ta irs and

Canada will be entered In tho annual . A nerlcao Dowlln;; ronKreu tourna* m eat to lie held here during the month of M srrh , A . L. Langtry of Milwaukee. ' serre^irjr o f the eonpese , announced g taday. Th,

_ w ith the c lo iin f entry, da te bu t a week awsy, more than 500 te sm i bsve been listed and date« astlRned. T hf final lo post s e u o n i baa brought a g rea ter nnmber o f enlriei tban dur- |gQ in(! tho remainder o f the pre-tonnm meBti perioi. The number o l U am i ■a.,

lo believe th is year-'will be no ezeep- tle a to tbe role «aa tb s t a tteadaaee

. will le t a new record. >■ Three now its te s a r t added th is y « r

to tho li l t o f A. B. C. entries. They *, nre Alabama, GeorRia and Californio.Two tearai will represent Mobile, an- nther two 'a ro coming from A tlan ta, . ifhlte B.-U1 FninelK o will send one. ,' Tbe to ta l entries for the >7irlous

■italeji aro p lacod 'by Secretary LonRtiy ' ns follows: *1,1■ Ohio « 0 team s; Illlnoli, 150; Mlehl- cnn, 100; Now Y ork ..78; Fndlsna, 75; t'n’nniiTlvanIa, 00; Wisconsin, CO; MU* -riiiri. I’O: K entufky, 15; Canada 16; H'., MlnnVwta, 12; Iowa, 10; W cit VlrRinln " .•>: KVinm nnd Ncbranka. ,'i; Colorado, • ”

]' A labama, 2; GoorKla, 2 ; Florida, 2; .New Jorfcy, 2; Connecticut; 1; Cali-

■ .fo rn la 1. .

F letcher fleloctod aa Belfflnxa I'o" t E n v o y

1 ^

ofHenrj' ? .• l le tc h e r , under M crctary o f Sa tate , aa atBbsuador to Betffium w ai = hinted-as fanaincnt in official quarters = :In WashlnfitoQ. . Mr. H etcber wonld j s•oceecd Brand \Vhltlock. who has been t fthe AmerleSn ambassador to Brntsels. g

r = : r — ~ r — r - ~ ° r . §. TW IN FA LLS • ^

. . . m t m m m p a r l o r |W BST U A IN A 7B . S .

. ' F o r Ladies anil Gentlemen 1; U nder new m a n a jt tm e n f ' S ,

' We clc4n nnd block hat*; £• We dye any kind of iheefr-b lick , = :

- ta n ahoei, brown or bron*e. ^

•Try our ic rvlee;--'' 5



Figures in Frances i

■ f e i I I


' J UE ^ m o n d - . ? b

H ere oro tbe three leading flgu rfs in of the’Fronch governm ent'i preient politi- cal orisl*. Following the collapse nnd realgnalion of the Briand government I'resident A lexander Millernnd Appoint- crc: xd Baymond Polncnrc. former Prealdent


T rank T. McAuley snd Arnold ini F: Oswald'Kow ia Boise i

H ospital for-A14

SEATTLE. Waahlngton (Bpeclal to h Tho N cw i)— Prank T . MeAuley „ „ cf. Twin Fa lli , dUabled war vet- eran, now confined In the govern- ment hospital o t Bolie, was today awarded government lompensatlon of •80 a month by the flistJift office of the Unltod 6 ta tes V eteran i' bnreau in Seattle . The rating board alao award- . 4 «1 to.M eAtiJe3r.»-totBfoM 501Tt, mak.T*“ Ing the aw ard retroactive to Mav 31,1921. The i^ar veteran was rated ni * ” hoving u to ta l temporary dlaabltlty.

. Arnold F . Oswald, S44 Fourth avenue Twin Falls, was awarded compensation of »0 ft m onth beginnln)' immediately, P®,, becauie of d iiab illtle i received in the w ar servlco.

Announcement-was mnde tha t claim- , * nnts aro receiving quirk action on thu 'Ii ' I 'n rt o f tho V eterana’ bureau n t the preaent lim e, beeauto of the flict thnt elalina hnvo .been deccntraliicd f ro m ifj* WashlRRton, D. C.j and awards nro now-lV® being made in tlie gentile diatriet flee. Tlio bureau U now making every ,"® ' e ffo rt to adjudleato alt elaim* of hoa-* _ p ila liw d wnr vetemns in tliin di>itrlpl,'

------------- * ; MPA SapO E T S DISPENSED W ITH , lea,

MEXICO CITY. ( / P ) - T h e decree 'th ro slk’tied by President Obrepon last Wed- la c( ncsdny otiowing United R tntes rilii-oiia ims^ lo entoi;_ Mesieo wllhoul pas»i>orts w ni-jn tlc VnWWied .vcstordny by the tornlgn of 'd e llt firo. I t bcpome» cf/o rtlve in R 'b ru- i-cnl nry. . whri

---------- — :------- HonC Innirio l ndvrrtUInft i<i Ihe rhr!i|. thei>

rnt thing you ean buy—measured b.v llie iirofils it m ayTiring you. - RI


I T h e L u b r i c a n t o;

S The manufacturer, t g the retailer—all ha^e = channels of commerc= .. . Each of the three d = banker to aid him in f S raw materials, in the ^ ■ goods and finally in i = ished product in the f = timate consumer, •g Bank credit is the li g causes the wheels oi I move smoothly.I ' Like all good banks w I in furthering the com 3 ties of the communit;

I Twin Falli I & Trust C(I T W I N F A L L S .

i y Member ol Federal Ri


’ g Political Upheaval

l i i l M



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m a m t z i m i' J*;

. F b i f lC M * * . ■ trpi

o f France, to form a new cab inet to w succeed tho realgsed Briand ra ln ls tr j. oi According to reports, P iem ler Po ln tare will mako nn e ffo rt to create A strong pi natlonaliat government, which will cx- m ercisc a policy of. utm oit i to m n e u to- ol n'nrd Germany. 0

B S S S E S S S B S B B S » = B = 3 S a a S S


In itial s te p in Ohasfre of Oer- J,” m an Arohiteoture Likely to ,e

Beanit in H any More

IIAMBUBG, (ff) - T he f irs t « y - scraper in Germany will soon bo eoa. atrnetod in tbe old buslneu leetion ' o f q . tho e ity of I lan b u rg . Tt will bo \<} dr stories h ish , topping the blKheit build- Ki ing In Qermany a t th is tim e by. tivo ito rie ii ' - . ' . 1b

ATcbUeets believe tb e erection o f tbU «aU dJD g^ w U K ku lU a»»-tli«^ of->«k7^ -F lieraper* in G e m u y , u d expect to «ev a nombor o f ilm llar buildings cui. ■ tncted v ith io tho nex t .few y ean .

U nosatl d lfflenltles n u i t be . over eome. T hs e i t ; w ater p lan t u ecpiip- ped to fo m ltb w ater only to tho elev­en th story nnd th is brought up tbe qo^e-' tion o f fire danger and inaurance, as; well a s the probability o f financlnl loyi; in view of dlfflenltles In renting of­fices OB tho fivo higher floon .

Despite theso difficulties the proreot- e n havo secured permlation to orci^; tho structure “ provided the bull'H"-; docs no t deatroy tho orchiteeiiim l <ii- m e try” of tho streets. ■ [

O m O IA L PA IN TOLLY IN JU E E D .MEXICO CITY. (fl>) - P . Elln* Cal-

lea, aeerotary of the in terior, was I th row n 'from his horse yesterday nnd 'Is eondncd to his bed su ife rin g from! imsMbto. tiroki'ii hones and Inlernnt In-j juries. The secretary, who hn* liei-n in de llrate health for many monthii, ro- i-cnily rctnrned from th e ’Uniled Stnti-a where he rnnxulled several phvai'-inns., H orseback riding w)ui preacrihed liv theiV a* nn exerclie.


iiiiiipiiiiiiliiii o f C o m m e r c e 1

r, the wholesaler, Si^e their places in gerce. g5 depends on his ff!in the purchase of s |he distribution of g n placing the fin-, sle hands of the ul- s |

■ ■ " ' =

I lubricant which Sof commerce to 2

i we play our part 1 ommercial activi- a lity we serve. , 3

Is Bank I Company I,s . ID A H O . =

. s

Resfrve System*’ . 1


fflOiPLB l l U < iilP B f.

Exploring Steamer Maud Being • Prepared for Seven Year Ji Voyage Under Cemmand o f ."Captain Amundson - <1

• • h'

SEATTLE, W aah.,.(ff) — Plnsl pro- j, \-IaIonf rnd equipping of the esptuiing V ih ip Mau l, in wblch ^sptiUr. Bo^ihl Amundaeit, noted Norwn;;lan ot|>li>rerl and dlacuverer o f the Sontb Pole will ” rciume bis interrupted Arctic e x p fli -L : tlon next Mny, i i being comnlete-I m 1 . ' the stoot little ship >Iies In the laud- ‘ locked w a t tis o f ta k e ' U n lo a ,h en . 1“

A am vhed propellor blade, lost in the ice o ff the northeastern 8 th e r> in '^ coait, la it year forced Cant:aln Amun-l-' sen to bring the Maud to Seattto ff>r repair*. ■ Whon tho joorney i i resuwi d , the venel will tarry foiir extra h lnd is '10 th a t a slmitAr neeidenl mny e<tii'e only a tem porary ha lt to the expedi­tion. Tho Maud will enrry provialon* r for seven y e ^ , nIthouRh tho explorer does no t e x r a i n l ^ trip to occupy morn thnn fivfl yAoiii nh^He moat. '

Oanles Two Airplanes.,T h e SKiKt tm porlant of the M nud'i

equipment. 'In Captain Amnndaen/s oplnlnn, -.«il? bo the tw o nirphnei, pur- ehnaed In Vorway nnd shipped hero re ­cently tn d whifli will be uied in the making of oitenslve (reographle and hydrographh- survey* for n -thouannd mile's on either side of tho v e u e t’s track through the Northern seas. The prim ary purpo*e of. thn expedition.-

' w hifh I* operating under Iho ousplees . c f tbo Konveglan government. I* tt> r-alnrty th-5 m ovem ent-nf the AretSc Iro : park , the effect o f oecan eiirrents, itm't-

netle Influenre/i nnd othe: phenomena of the polar region*. The nirplnnea. Captain Amiindaen exrwct*, will he of g rea t vaiuo in th is work, tie aajd th*:l he would f.robnbly ii*« them to rT-'iirJP the N'nrth Pole <ih’outd hla plan In d rif t pnst the t-o'p with the Ipp nnrk nrovn not fes^iti’o. A wlre'e** e<i'iipr"enl in stnlled nbotird the Mn<'il will b r iined t o . broa-tcn*f a nKssaco when he

ireaeh.f* ll.e lop o f the world.C a p ta 'i Amundaen expeetw to " tril'o

immediately Into the bntn-nrd or north­ern drif t o f the ieo a* It tdaves Bering sea nezt-*pring, and to swing with tho northeastfrlv eurreni e n rl/ In the sum-

W ith the explorer vrill be Captain O ikar Wi»ting,_*aitlng mnirter, who stood a tih is side " o n ” the Sonth pole-'O. Otonkin, engineer; Dr. IT. V. Sver- drupj K i«ntIats:o f the expedition, twu Norwesian avintdrs and n rrew of si^ 8iberia;i patlvei' wbo joined tho Mtiud I n m p , '

A b e r d e

, This is a Photog

“Aberdeen Cot2C

Don’t Pay] f

Lump Coal.........Egg.Lump........N u t .....................

. Yard 5

We receive fi of eoal—as a resi for heat and last good, high-grade

T h e s e F

' P o s i t i \

S h a n liP H O N E 43(

3AY, JANUARY 21,1922^

lEiMLESiyiUl " IIFBIimElN.S01IlElir

O ff ic ia l D o s o r i b e s E v id e n c e o f ^

r E n c o u n t e r B e tw e e n S w o r d , i,

f i s h a n d W h a le s ^

I LONDON, (/F) — T hat monaters o f | , U he decD fig h t in grouss as well os ‘

ig engage in peraonal oneonnters, is tea- | tifled to by Captain 0 . Evi-rd Poole, a ,

I* eommlttlober In tho gold coaat colony, ir i f who w ntes tbo following to hls.brother; F

“ Between Blerra Lcono and Bekon- d l wo a teuned th ro n jh , fo r ovor M 0; hour, a blood red sea. nnd <nw some N

J, hundreds of wholes dead or a y l ig «b i^ ’ tho-surfftco of iTie n-ater. Some wcn^ II | . ju s t ablo to move slowi.i along; few lc , j | i f any would move quickly. Thero II m uit have been a Mnguinorv battle, j, j supposed to havo been pu t up uy sword y I fish. I t waa a moat appalling sight b' , , 'a n d the .ex ten t o f tho bloody oxponie oi

muat have repreien ted tho death of l< l„ .m ooy more whales than «vro visible. ^ iN o one on, onr ship had ever seen or l,:e v en heard o f aji)^hlnR approaching n

such ft apectoclo before. tl

' I I f youi property la deilrable and Is ; advortijcd In the elaa tlflfd — yonni j, J. find yoor bnyer, ^I* I __

'n . •

Lowest Price i:FORD


■ Announced Jt’ T o u r i n g , r e g u l a r ..................

I R u n a b o u t , r e g u l a r ............

, C h a s s i s , r e g u l a r . . , ..............

■; T o u r i n g , s t a r t e r a n d - d l

I r i m s ........................... ........... ................

t Runabout, Starter and I" rims ........ ....................\ Coupe, starter and den*

rim s............................ ..." Sedan, starter and deniI rims .............................. .•, Truck Chassis........... .1 --------- A B O V E P E I O E S F .

; Western j1 ___

e e n C o a l

; 6 g i ' a p h o f t h e S h a n k e l C o a

T w i n F a l l s , I d a h o . ■

Hoal," t h e B e s t b y G o v e r n n r

2001 P o u n d s t o t h e T o n

7 More Than Thes for Good Coal

............$10 0 M i n e R u n C o

. . . . . . $IO^S P e a C o a l ..........

............ $9.00 M i n e R u n S I

d S l a c k C o a l .......... ........... ' ....... $3.7,

f r o m t h e m i n e s d a i l y , n e v

e s u l t p u r c o a l i s a l w a y s u p

i s t i n g q u a l i t i e s t h a t a r e a

d e c o a l s . ■

I ^ c e s A r e S p o t (

l i v e l y ^ ^ 0 G o a l C h a r g e

k e l G o a36, TWIN FALLS 01


Sm ntU lied by tli« Twin Falls H tl* a ad

A bitzM t O oapan j ’’

Q ult.c ltim dood: Thomna Dovory to• F red Sm ith <1700, N half SB 2S-18-ia* Q uit elalm deed: Fred tjm lth e t nx

lo Uispor N /gord 11,-iarao land.Deed: F . L. Stephan to A. T . Oralg

13200, lot 3, block 75, Tw in Pa lli .Deed: C -C . Wood to A .V . Craig 11.

loU 20, 20, block CO, Twin Falla.* Deed: E ay E. IJrown to A . T . Craig I- IlCOO, lot 5, block 30, Twin m i s .1 , Deed: Charici Dixon to J . W. Kohl- '■ man 12000, lot 7, block 114; Tw in! Folia.■ Deed: Benjamin Hammond to Dry-1 o n t Willis «1, N half NW 21; E , t a l f B N E N E 2 M 0 -H .) Deed: Bryant Willis to B onjaain Hammond ♦!, 8 W f 33-15-18; SB 9 ;

r loU 3 and 4; 8 ha lf NW 5-16-18.3 Deed: Benjamin Haalmond to W ort, W est « r . l .W , S E 33-1W8J SE l»-lff-18.? Deed: Oeorge W. Hammond to P tes- Ift byterian Biahop a n r c h of Je iaa Chriat

o f L . D. B. 15500, lo ts 13, 14, 16 aaiC 1C, block .IS, Twin Pa lli . .

r I f Debs goes to Eussia be will hsTg ; an oxeelient opportunity to cbionro hla ,

theories In operation:

• T h e 'e d ic t th a t eheek-to-eboek daaa-I in g m ust RO indicates th a t ' i ts sppo-

nen ti go t the ir hea^a together. .

in History forCARS

Jan. 15, 1922...... z:zz$34s.00


........ ........................ ........:::$m.00d e m o u n t a b l e ■ _ ^

..... ............$443.00d d e m o u n t a b l e

..............$414.00s m o u n t a b l e .

......... $580.00j m o u n t a b l e .

...... .... -$645.00................$430M

r . 0 . B . D B I B O I T ------ --

Auto Co.

J Only

,- ' r

o a l C o m p a n y ,

i m e n t T e s t .

3se Prices3 o a l ............$7.75 •'..........$6,75S l a c k ........$4M ■ -M175/l e w , s h i p m e n t s ,

u p t o t h e t e s t -

a m a r k O f a l l '

C a s h

g e d


Page 3: PRICE PIVB'^.TS Jail to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar mmt fliCEimii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · ^TW ir^ vol.. 4.- NO. 240. I i mm - imsiiiFt,)

' ■ l E I MSCORED n m

; B U I FIS 'B o y s ’ T e a m T a k e s B u h l I n to

C a m p w i t h S c d r e o f 3 2 l o 1 7 ,

. — G i r l s D e f e a t O p p o n e n t s b y

S c o r e o f 2 0 t o 6

Twin Fnlli hlRh schottt b u h c tb s ti toang -m n a double victory l&at flvo- Binu a t Tluhl, when the (ffrl* aquail de-

^ f«tat«d TliiM'» f n lr «cx by tho «eore o f - t ^ ' . t O ‘tb - 0 , and tho lofftl lad i took Ihp

■ ' w eaiure f>( Buhl hoonitor* by the Korp o f 32 to 17.

« Bot1f^;.me« jrero f u t , aod well play­ed, and Mlsi Mooro h u j:athoro<1 a rcnl tfam to H'prciient Twin Falls thU rom-

) j i injf'• Mlnnlp Pafto, rJfjht forvrard for Jho

Cirli vn riity u^tAd, w ai by fa r th>< b righ t Kpol OD the lornl team, her upeod waa daztiliiF;, and whon It romra to aeeorary ia ihootliifr baaketi, Mlnnto le d 'th e nhotfl field, with the pOMibIc oieeptlon of Crom. of the boya team ; M artha Ptenrni a t le ft ^orwaid, also

V played n rlover'f^m o, and In fact, all tho p r l* pave a wonderful account o f themMtvi'*,

, Twin i V l i jfirli dl*plaTcd more team /? , \ work, nnd neemed to havo a be tter

koowledipi of tho (tame. T heir fcuard- wa*' welt executed .and b u t one .

b w e t w at made by EUihl durloK th e , “ «nUre' n m e . The olher four polnti ;•

wero n id e with foul iroati ahot by U im ' ‘°l KDinr- Thla Rutrg Fll],-«t right forw ard twi for CqW played a p retty game, mak^ ye:

; ' lo g a ll the potntu for the W0Rt-enden.Bo7« ' Gam* • Battlo.

I * n > ^ o y a Kamo w u a ba ttle from i si ta r t to (Inlah. the Buhl lad i working f r e n tho opening; w hlitle to b eat l ^ 'l n * -

^ ■ EWl«, aa‘.l Twin Pall#-lad< dolnjf their ^ very bpul to koep up thoir cicaa rec- Tw

I . <Td. . ll.'I. The f i n t 'b a l f ended w ith lha local Kli

la d t leadiQK w itb a ]5 to S acore, and Ja tI t looked a i tboueh I t .wsa going to be Crca laodallde, bn t Buhl .woke up In tbe Cotla it ha lf, th a t U, for a fow m lnutei, My

' only to lot Twin Falla recover loat(tronnd. fl

^ Beferce Bracken warned tho crowd (■ ev rn l tim et ( i ^ n t t ye lling whllo ebiTw in FalU waa try ing for a free throw forb n t hU Iffo r ti were In vnIn, until, w ith j

I Orom tr>-ing for a free throw, th e ref- i / «ree gQ7o him aa many cbancM n t was

needed to mako tho baakeU 'A f t e r du]Crom .did mako It,-the n'>Ua inb tlded . Ry.and from then on tho playoJ gh(oa a^l Inl^r-achool games ahould bo tQt

/ , played. . ••(Stanley Crom, who thu< for thU len- qi,|

•OD has iibown w onderfal ipw d Jn a lt 0u;m tho game*, acaln d e m ou tin ted th a t be k Ii

l l a com ir. H li w ork la i t n igh t i t a a p iK bim a i ihd b i r m t find of the year. n

ireiidlcappo3 by - - ^ Sclltey, who le ft fo r M o n ta u earlier

is th« week, I t looked ra the r d lim al p , , fo r the Ipcal lada, bu t Crom’i pUyinft

. «aidly mnde the fan i i^orget th a t tho Q[g tram had boen weakened.

SQuvt B «ttcr Taarn W o it. Adi.*n)e team in general dUpUyed more Iiu

team work thaa l u t week in ita (pun«* Ho<V with Fll*r. U a

I ^ n Scott played a erackerjack of ngame, anJ h li b u k e t In the l u t mm- 1

. oto o f play waa a beautiful pieeo of *work. **

Moroni JamUen a t center a lio ihow- Bi' ed g reat Improvement, nlthough he Tw

- w o rk ^ under' moro difflcattiea. Put- for*• nam, who ptayed oppoilte hlfa, meaa- for

u re i 6 fee t 3 is'chei, and U ex tra f u t . I K ing and Myori a rc a lw roaodiag

la to f a i t p tayen , u d a ll in a ll i t c c Jooki v .)rr much u though Tw in f t l l i will b« repreaented against thia y n r arith a ehampionihlp Uam.

,T h« lum m ary for the boys’ game:Field Foul Tota;

Bohl— P o rtio n Q.’ 0 . F\»uU PU.U nltin i, It. ____ 3 2 1 0 •D unn, If. _______2 , 1 2 5 ,Potnam , e , ____.... 3 0 1 fl I

I Uaehacek, r j . 0 ■ 0 0 0 snpWUion, r i . ...1 .. . . 0 0 1 C o f 'Moor®, >g......... ... 0 '0 4 . 0 iog

, • T o ta tf ......... .. 7* 3 9 IT' *

” ' thflAppeals to Uaited S ta te s fo r the r B o o o ^ tio n of QcatemalA


thh fon Th( pra

It 1 C



( b

Francisco Bodrlgnez C utille jo , mln- iitter o f foreign affair* ,fo r the do facto government pf. Quatomala, wbo la ta B tk o an appaal to tbo n a ile d Btates government fo r offU lal recognltlDn': of lha do facto regime. Coniatti appolnt- •d by tbo old Guatemalan n v e m m en t a re iti l l aecepted a t W aahington, and

,.,f . Caatiltejo U u k ln g th a t the n o tf repre- aen ta tive i o f h li goveram eat bo per- n itto d to n e to ed .U ia s .

Tlie N 'rw i.U read by tb«< penniaont rarnlnit rlawM . - ■ ■

■ . . f — -

TWIN FALLS DAILY fw S is E x p e e t 't^ L

'M S S S m

,. Mra.- Mae j ’eako and U n . Bell flit- non lingi, rep 'oted 'to be the oldeat living tw in i In the c o n a try l 'T h e y aro 83y e a n old and expect to ;ivo to bo 100. i,ellT beir hutbandi fought on oppoilte sides la iduring ths civil w*r, botb died about eigt16 y e a n ago, and tbo tw in widows aro grei

. - F ie ld . Fool . JT otal . | i T w in - Poiltion 0 . 0 . Fouli Pta. I I IL. 8 e o lt ,- r f . ......4 a 0 10 U lKing, I f . 0 0 . 2 . 0 n lJamUon, .......... .. 2 0 • a I •Orom, r g .- . .......... 5 Q 4 16Cote, rg. ............. 1 0 1 2Myora, Ig. ............ 0 0 2 0 -

OVilaU .L ,„._ ..-12 8 11 32 8 u b ititu tc s -B u h l: W llioa for JCa-

ebaeek, Uachaeek for Wilion, W i'm n * for Mooro; Twin Fall*: Cole fo r Crom.

Ileferei'—Bracken.Tbe lunm ary of tbo g ir li’ game: i f .

Field }'onl Total VIC Buhl— Poiitlon 0 . Q. Fouli Ptfc IRugg, rf. ............1 . 4 O f l 'Shew ing, If. ....... 0 0 1 0 I•Sandmeyer, r . 0 0 0 0 , ••C linton, c. .0 0 • 0 0 IChilds, rg ........... 0 0 0 -<J —Dunn, rg. ______ 0 0 0 0 rK inyoa, Ig. .........._0 J lie,

.T ota l* ........1..... I > 4 0' -T lo ld -T o n l— 'T W a r n h i

Tw in— Position- 0 . 0 . Fouli PU . far-.Pago, rf. ..... 7 2 3 10B tcam i, If. ......... 2 0 1 4Black, If. ..... - .... 0 0 0 0 *•“ScUIey, e....... .— 0 0 0 P TAdama, c....... ........ 0 0 - 0 0 MoiHumphrey, rg ....... 0 0 2 0 dlipHoops, rg. ..... 0 0 0 0 ropiU alnei, Ir.............. 0 1 0 cum

- - - - theiT otals ............ 9 ‘ S 7 SO U in

• •Center (jnmplng). to i•♦C enter'{standing). * I*Bubalitutlons—Bnhl; Dunn for Childs; o f 1

Twin FalU; Dunning for Scilloyj W ynn funi fo r Adama; Black for S tean ii; Hoopi o f afor numphroy. for.

lU fe^ee^Brireken.


viv(E lT ib y B rtw w a tho ‘ 'O alifo rn ia '' tn d

' “ K o v U aH eo '” Add* S e n to '>'7>tho 0^ a“ o

LOS ANOELER, Cat., (ff) — Tho nrw superdreM naught, Caliromia. flagahlp r “ o f tho Paclfie fleet and m'.''htleat f loa t­ing fortreaa la tho Paclfio H-ui started ojit to .tako the gunnery efficiency pen­nan t away from the New Mexico, which the .Colifxrnia displaced u flagship of Nc the fleet. Bhort range, battle prac ticf 'No and short range director practice with big gum of the new w arcraft wcro held thU month, aad the ilfty torpedo do- Nc fonie practice will i t a r t February 14. N< Tho California has to crond a y e a r’s practice in gunnery into six months, ‘ fo r b a l f th e scaMn had pawed befor«s it w ent into commiuion. u ,

O ther itrcadnaughta o f the rn eific . flee t havo ben giving M ulhern Callfor- nfci c itle i aome of the audible aonaa- fjc tions of n iva l w arfare by ROing throuali tbe nigh gunnery practlcea a short dli- tknco offihore. Night torpedo ipo tting practice, detecting by leaichllghln and ita r nhelU, main bn ttcry spotting prac- (lee to locate the placement of tbe pro- Jcctitci of tbe big gum , n ight ba tt'e praeUco run i were am on; the eventi* in tbo January program. The warer&f! w en t 'fa r bnough to H a to prevent dam- i n nge to the beach towna by the roncui- eoi sion effects. shi

• uliI f yonr‘property Is deilrablo and U til

adveriUpd In the elaitlfii«d — you 'll nn find your buyer. .

■ V‘:er '

.y NEWS. TWIN FALLS r i i v e T F B J I O O ' ' .1

now living on a fru it farm near El Paso, Texas. Thi^ lis ters have lived in ce eight a ta te i o f U e union, and traco of their ancestry back to the original Tar- In bells o f .Maine arUtocraey. M rt. Peake **' Il tb s m other or grandmolher o f th irty - eight children and a seoro o r more of.


victories Against Greeks May Result In Retrenching Sphere of Influence of the Soviet Forces ' '

BAKU, A iorlfiijan, Soviet Ropub- lie, (ff) — The lucee ii o f T u rk lih arms a g a ln it the 'Qreeks U stirr ing ;h s Uus-

far-reaching effect on Russian Influ ence throughout the C aucuni, Turkci- ta n and P e n la . .

Thero ii a tendency oa tho pa rt of Moscow, tired of le ttlln g Intermlnabtc disputes, to let these various outlying republici, sovietUcd by force o f cir- cumstanr.is, aod Red arm y greed, go* the ir own way, temporarily, and cer­tain ly the republic* have not beea stow to rea ise rt the ir old.local power.

' Im perial RuisIa formerly had a sort of btantiet rule, called a vice-royalty, functioning in the C an ruu i, con iU t'ng of seven provinces and fi^’e torritorlos. for. a region populaUd by 12,000,000- M riona, threo times the site o f Now.. England, and throe-fourtba as large a t Teza&

U a y S e r e Old Foim.Moscow b u lately propoMd to re­

vive Ihl* old central form, of govern­ment, In order to eradicate tho bound­ary , comtnerclal nnd cuitoms disputea Among thn .-republlci o^ A terbaijan, Georgia, D agheitan, and A nneol*, In-

RAILEOAD TIME TABLK(C ity or M ^ a U la T la e )

E aitbonsdNo. IM -----------D epart 7:20 a. m..No. 64 . D epart 6:10 p. at-

W eftbonadNo. 83 ...................D epart 1:M p. m .No. 1S5 ----------- D epart 4i46 pi Bf.-


SoQthbenndNo. 439 ________Depart 1:45 ^ b ,

NorthboundNo. 340 ________ A rrive 6:00 p. m.

K A IL liA K B-U P

No. 166 a t 7 a. n . w No. 6S a t 1:0S p. m.

No. 156 a t 4:15 p. « .No. 64 a t 6:80 p. m.B ogsrH n braneh a t 1:06 p. m.

Tbe foregoing m ail m akenp-lt op- in it lv e and effectivs under o rd ln a n eondilion; I f a g rea t a a o n o t o f a a i( should be d r o p ^ a t about the reg­u lar elosing tw e i t would be Impos- tib ts to diipaU h tb s Bail on .the preelto hour.


th is tire u your old one, bu t sucb U the caie'; Our vulcanizing b a i transfonned I t entirely, and a t small coat. More lurprUed itt ll you will bo when you place th li reconstructed tire on your ear and

. ieo the service you will ge l from It. t

GEN! SJATE VULC. CO.i s e Socosd Ava. W est

: i S , I D A H O , S A T U R D A Y , I

eluding ’ lively ddelinil dUpute* w ith ’ T urkey nnd .P o rila . . !

But i f ‘(here ia nny union, it mny l.o ' . rntbor against than for Moscow, O ut-' nlclt' of CforKiii. ff,c_ve'n uot there, thb T urk and I’cncratly'spcaklng, tho Jslmn | '

I influence U stronger than thn t of Bus. t • U ia, ,

!anm i™ ’rpttalnly once more in -tlie I saddio of Baku. Even the conrlimcni refuse to h'[H>ak tho Kuai^nn lBngita;,\-| Kiivor l ’<u.liB, former Turl.isli wnr min- i»(or, wh.i wns acRtcnreJ lo dcnth by a : Turkiab MUtt-mntlial for plunging Hint I country lato the world wnr, haa Ihyk

'J ioro lately appfirenlly try .a g to-«hov/ i th a t duo roancct to Moiwow should l:r tconllnue'l. Ills plon of cnmpnign I* j row to bold on for a while longer with iRukain. He claims tha t tlio British

influetirfi rnn be clcared ju l of nil of {Turkey I’l'rala and tbo Islamic peopWj ;o f Turkcstun and India, by worklnj* {with tho Ruiuilnm. Ho argues that {when .Britain h u been defeated and I Turkey U once moro politlraltv Indp' pendent, Itusiia can be dealt w jtb. the anvlct rule overthrown here ond in T u rkeitjn , and the old order re-citab- lUhcd.

Eesentment Qtowlog.CommunUm,' barked up hy Die EIov-

enth Red nnny, la still Inclined to jo" 'r id e in T iflU but In Baku tho worm is . i tu rning. I t h u had enough of tlu<' Cheka .-\nl the s 'nughter of ita buslnea^ •men. A adricv, Ita minister of f o re ip 'a f fa ira , U a rommunist in name only w ;nnd Moscow is obeyed In»ofnr'ns MoV-, 'coH-’s mandate* suit Hnkii. Dr. N ari­man Nnrlrnnnov, Installed an president "■'* n f the A u rb a i ju n p u b li; by Moscow a Beeauso cf his communism, is a fte r a ’l va

I a Mussulman and cannot klde with the l . a tra n g e r ll ,a ^ m t his own r.cople. Tliere aro no t only bread, lines, b u t oil linei [ J in Baku, the ricbVst oil rogloa of tbo ^ c u t .

Por tbcM and other renions, If sue- ” cess crow ni, definitoly, tho long fight o f Mnstapha Kemhl P u h a , In 'Hirkev, the cards witl bo shuffled anew hero and the C a u c u u mountains w ill again becomo potitlcal hoadlinrn.

i H M ftt Keola’t M tny .O vt^nak* .I T here h a re been 28 cn ip llans o t wiMount flecla. the fam oni leelntid vol- Corann. Mn'-e IhP dUeover.v nf tin* lnliirnl ot

W atlnum . Colntge. ofBetwttQ 1S2S tn d IR4.’( I tu u la used

■.lut'nimi ••nllingf. '


Thnrsday-■The Greatest Rush

- T h a t I


sand REMO\

Boys’ Clo. which opened last T the store. Hundred hundreds of the val

' to cotae. If you hai your requirements i

COME- that this stock inclui

ing and furnishings Women’s,-Misses’ ai


FRJJE M(The First Twenty $2.00 or More Wii 10 Cents.


S i nYOU WOi

y,JAfJUARY21,1922' Woman Ohargos Govornmont Bt

,! Noeloct of Indians11 '

; MUa E lliabclh Ilaup t, Indian mis- 1 slonnry and- literary authority , of

WftshlqRtoa, D. C., now- visillnR Cali- fol^la, chnrgoi tha t Rovernment neglect

t h.is deprived In d lan i .o f California of p a home and^tnaintenance. Tho reier.I vation near Chico. Cal., onee i their home, h u been taken from the nativa

redakina becauso of noBpaymeot of tax-, ea, and Miss U aup t’a report to tb< gov. ernm eni will include many other eharg-

. e s o f ncgleot. Tho territory gran t osar i Chico was the g if t of the lato M n . Bid- . well, widow of th s famoui General Bid- B well. No government K ie rra t io s baa , over been granted, MIm U aupt allege*.


BURLEY, Id a lio -B . 0 . McCuilocb “ was re-elected p reildsn t of the Burloy Comtierciai club a t an annual meeting of tbe memberihip Friday. W. L. Bur- - ton, Frauke Parke and 0 . 0 . Paulson were ehiiKen u memben of the board of directors.

b e a d t h e DAII.Y NEWB.

R M E D{y b u y ;r - — P r i d a y - ^ ^

ih of Business in the Histo t Briefly Is the Record of


H O E {>VAL SALE of lothing and Furnt Thursday. Enthusiastic ( ■eds of pleased buyers evid ralues we offered, folr;the have not .already shared to is in these tru ly remarkab

NOW AND REMEIUBliludes every thing in Men’s igs. Also our entire stock and Children’s Shoes.


lO N D A Y M O ](ty-Five Customers Making Vill Receipe a Pair of Holt


t c l a iW r FORGET THE VAI



UUIIL A f tho annual meotlng. of , IhB stoVkholders o f the F in t National bank the following o f fi^ m woro to

'rk 'i 'Iril; C t'. I’erk , president; M.' j Mctrii-k, n e e prealdcnt| B. T . ' t o d - |iiic,»tr. vii-ii ptcaldcnl; Jt, B;irkcr, jeo ih ie ri J W. Jfwkson, C. 1). Boring and K. II. Ta.vlor illrcctork.

Tho F.-irmcta N ational book, a t tli- nnnual meeHnc of the stockholdon. licid th is week ro-etoctod tbe sane board

,o t directura and officora who maoaged I the affiiirs of th a t institution last'yonr.|n a fdllowi: A. E. K iln , prcsIdsut)/W . l it . lla lf le ld , vjco president; J . Ci H un .i 'tn n , riushli'r: W. A. QImcow, Thton I Olson. P. W. PUher and A. G .'C outao t,


Line* to 8 s Remembered.. The orlctn of oH mankind was tb«

j'lnn ie ; It in nnljr a clear and good coosclcnce ihnt innkex n ninii nnhle, for. llm t l« derlvwl from beavpn I tsc lt —Rriipm

Bulck; and Oodge OwKWhen Yon Think

S E R V IC Em i l k ■

“ SLIM and BILL"Lyons & Helm

BUIO^. and DODOS . M otor Service

W« O uarin tse to be tba B n i ia the City. We a n with

t h e Gem S ta te Vole. Oo.196 sa d A rt . WsM

PHONE 6 5 8 '- :: -------

I ■■m s i 'S a t u r d a yitory of This Store if Our


sMen’s and

nishingsc c r 0 w d s pwked ridently told other le crowds continue to the full limit of able savingsB M

I’s and Boys’ cloth- ck of Men’s, Boys’,



)RNING!ng a Purchase of yUproof Hose for


r ’ S •ALUES

■ ■ - ' • ' ' '•

... j

Page 4: PRICE PIVB'^.TS Jail to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar mmt fliCEimii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · ^TW ir^ vol.. 4.- NO. 240. I i mm - imsiiiFt,)

i Hii listi: m i i F i i i i j

L o s s D u e t o R e c e n t C o ld S n a p

j , N o w P l a c e d a t F r o m 3 0 to

7 5 P e r C e n t

: ^ BAN PRANCTSCO, Cnl., W ^-E » tl- m a tc i on fco tt dnuvaj^c to orBngcs and tcmdna In Soutlii.-rn Callfiirnin durln;;

' tlio prcvint polli n»ti|> run frntn 30 to 73 per rvnt lii Rotnc ncrllonit. (U'rorclint;

;; ' t o hlatcm cnt Uaurd liy Ihp atnlo illvi- Rion nf inarkpt* toiliiy. In oilxra very liltlp lims in roportoil. L irc i' ilintribii-

'I tom 'aro nnlii lu Iiqvo williiliawn tliolr |vrlr«».

Dnmn|!o to Icttiico, ticrnrilinf' to tlio m arket dlvlnon’* mlvicfg, !« r(>j)orti;<l

;■ "frm sU Iijrabli'.'’ Iu »onn< ucction* of I m Angeles roiiiily rw [ii aro dcclaMit

‘ ru!n«il.' CftlibaK^r npiniK'U' nml nrlirliokcjt

Nuffcro<t tlamnKo in tliv Kan Krandarn I HCftlOB.

P O P E B E N E D IC T P A S S E S '

T O G R E A T B E Y O N D ,

” (CoDlinned from Pago Dm )

Asnr«, pntron o f Capranlca col^of^, In lioi whlfii ho win ft youtlifut /tu ilcn t, thfl un pu]>o iuki'<I to lie uiiown a Kintill ita tue of tlio nalnt with whloh the atudonti n,,

I, o f thp c»llc(jo hnd prcionteii h b i. TbeRtalnp n tu plaecd on tlio tiltiir^of tb» = eliBiwI where n num ber'of ninwieii wero

Day S rii«s,Q opB . ' IThe womt pi'rlnil ■fur’ Hir i»i|>i' diTr- I

Injr Jhe nictit p.cxurrcW jiist V (n ro day.- •I liroak. ITii \r tis iixtremolv jpvV B t''lh li

lim e. Shortlj- ftf trr '7 :.li) o 'c loek t(i9 mill liPKtin to tJnoutth tlie >ul»U nn Iho A lbaB 'h ilN /ihcddinu n ’rose^to kIow IhrouRhUho cloud*.. Tlio.uttond- • Anta will prcliitc*. who <»c'r0vpre*8nl P j w ru t to tho window, onn o f thom n* indrkinK: '.‘Xow it 1* day ; it brinw hope."

■ tiirdloBl O fliparrt. wifo wnn wIlU the Iiope from 6:30 o 'rlock u r tll D:-I5 mot in tho Bnlo-chambcr »horHy a fte r thnt ■ ; hnnr withe a ll tho dlploniat* In Bomu i,„, who cjillfd jwraonally fo r now*. Ho> „ ferrlni: (o tho pope’* dozJni: «pcH which ?t.' «vt> ph f» ltk n * Interpreted faTorably, thl’ rardiiiai said, the *ituatlon unfort- iiiiatoly remnlucd c itrcm oly Rravo.

Throughout tho nl/fht there wa* al. ,■ nio*t, abiioluto Bllcneo M the v a tita a , , ,

w lth .on ly a few (piards paring up and down an-J hero and there varlooi .*t- ttn d a n li perfonninjf the ir toika. • , .,Thb. top floor,, w h cr i.th o poM ’i

npartm onU are , wju olraoit deeertefl, Mvo fo r ono Biuud, who w ai oa do ty hchr th j., oBtraaee’ to th # 'p o n tif f '* chofflben.

W ord P « « n g Frw n Common Um o ^; U m UM o t fare i i n \-orti M rapi .-Mly te c o m in t obsolete. .wa. Mldom X ..■ p « k of a .lm v clD r “rurltiB" iiii hi* „|j, ',w«y. jret aoch usorb Ii ptTfcctlj-^cor b,,| - ro c t We still BOX thnl iiii'‘ i‘iitcrprls<i lik ’r fa rc i" well. alihoucU \lw radian Um tpndeney la to u w “uirii <iut." Then ‘'I'' there U the lueunliiK "ri'i-ij" »* we fared well. Furc imij' In* Imih ilie ■aumr paW for n

, M reo iiv cy n l. nml ililx • Ncnsf |n ,,1 wjiich the wonl Is rlii.'.iy t--.'il nmvn- y y * - ■ Ht'Ui'rnii'ii u l;i .I'l -iruUi- ili« -j

a t ll ifn ii '1 I'.i i.> ll. i„.ii. iiii. jij. • " - . j l i l Bni'iunt <'*’ i ' 'J ' -iiiii'ii' ...... ... tl'u'

A Frog Concert ' Ab I Mil on Ihe lilutui ilnii evrnlnit.

- I 'no tlccd llrat an ituilnnti). iil>*<'n« of co . b ird Voices, and, next lh<* .p rc se n « ,o f

k nuuicroui frail piipiilnlliin iiboul thellttio lake closu hy. The munlcnt pri^ brforznaiicea of t h e K ' votuhtr rqitlte*. ) « 'besao about lunisei and laorcaBcd'In peVolume end power ttU nQiUlnc ulae rfitjODld be beard. If a ll the ihrufihcs In knt i t itn lo bad aeaembled In th a t xpol Hito d .a u n j tticlr.loudc«t,-ihcy could doi Itl\ a m beeo b t t r d abo^e tho aw tu l vol- _

■ “ nine of f r o f ’ toIccs.—O live T hom e .Miller. . . * ■

G irl OfforB to P o Any S in d " W ork fo r 18 Uonthfi-for

^ $500.00 ,

P--1 i: •D eatitute'^ln n .«traaRb c ity , Ornco ' itobc rti, twenty-one;'mndo tbe offer, in f lia tVaacUco, t t work a t nny kind flf

. B tfl#k for liRhtecn juonthi fo r tho »um of / ^ 0 0 , stieu laU us' th a t half o t tho rota be,paid n t tho outse t In order tha t ih ij'pop jd s^ t tho ' mbney for a slek D id d e r Tbo other hnlf iho ^ o d d w ait

'a y id r and # half fo^ and pay her board ' oi)t;of th a VBoeer B nonst^ /

i )A itY '.Y K w a | -

T W I N F A L L S D A I L l

These Oh

I ‘


I ra * > bIC r jU M r

*fI%e«o vct«, 10 bunU lar on th r fleld i hoy

of iport, BKalu tau|(b a t old > 'athcr Timo ovoaa the year to:;* i i uahercd Ini T liey 're ofhoQtlDK'the old iboy ou t of tim e, and catuniOBK Iho noiiii'9t who uru (^iviii't; Old theMan-Tlmo tho .raM wo find Zbyasko, fo rtho world!* wrcallini; ohamp, o bald, bnd him

i i n nI K JIIGE]

, ___ L - • mil

Famous Fight Promoter Accus- ed of Offense Committed I DKfl

Last Summer ■I

' NBW yO »K , (/P) — Tex Rlekart!. bozln^ promoter toilay w.i* arrested on the a choTRo of rtlniEnal a*saiilt miidii | y the ehildreu'* loeiety on th e complaint r of a 15-year-old Rirl. Two other Kirl.« ' were iielJ n* witneiae*.

I t wnn learned tlm t-a lioneh w nrrnnt * " hnd been i«*ued yesterday ndcrnooii. *"’* Uearlnjf .of It Uil* morolnj;, Itickhrd promptly lurremleri'd h iniiH f in n West T Bide court wilh coiinnel. Iio wa* held niai in #10UU bait fnr flxaiuination .tnuu: toil »>y.25. . 'In''.nieVard.*aid )n< hnd no statem nnt to

mnke nl thl* time. ' ' ' ‘ . q Offered OlrU Wine. u t

Ari'ordlnK to V lnrrnl i‘,r.nrrn, lupor- nv( int.'n«l.-nt o f tho cliildri'ii V nnriety, tlie («n pmiuiiti'r of tlio lluniiiwy-CariM'ntier „,n nintch nnd 'o thcr temooi lioiit* ne.^p"teil tliiee I’lr ti ln*t nuinmer nl the'Hwbu- iiilrii; pwl- wLtili hr-;rji»i in Madliiflu Biiunru (liirden. He nW aili'Ked Ihut Illrknrd took two of the-K if'» ." All('o ', ,”

tn . and Atina R vm , l l . to tm ■« ii|iarlnient nnd lator offorcd them »ome tfini', lifter w hlrh ho wa* laid to hnve nMniiltod lhi> Hurk jdrl In the t(nr<len '’®'' tower. Inn

A fter n omnplalot had been made t» doo the Kirli-ly, tile three 'tfirN wero hold U < bn a lihitikVt i-hnrge of incurrlciliillty.' tha

The Kiri* were (iue*tioned la*t nlRht o,„ iiy the d lit ric t a ttoriieyN offiro and thli w urrant wns thon.-iiiucd.

Chinese Cbndemni Bribe. pn u T . ' |H n fimii»i- orleniul w rin g

’condemiiInK lirlticry. K 1" -(flOBn )iiicl'’nt nnne>u‘ MRe who lived Wh Jri Ih*- Si'Cimil ecnturj- wa* offered a Mir brilii-. HI* *ltenr«* heinc accepted n* 2.0:

jWfflintton. ho wn» e*»urpd thn t he wa* perfectly cafe, n i no, one knew It. l i e ^ repllwl: ••Uenven knows IL Knrih -- know* it. Vou know IL I know I t How enn you *ny th a t no ooe know*I t r .

1 ^to a s te d t o £x:al in the delicioua B u rle y ' fla v o r—

[ L Y N E W S , T W I N . F A L L

Old Bogs Laugk at Fathe

k L ^ ' 1B p -'z V

■ I ' I

l l l lboy aS forty-*lx. H e hn* been w re*tlln« I ovor th irty yeari and It bHII n t tho top of tho heap. I ’rank K ram er won tho national p rofciilonal eycUnu tltl.e fo r p the ul;>hleenlh time. ha i jm iicd tlio ui forty mnrk, bu t tlmo hn* not robbed g: bhii uf hia ipeed. Jim Thorjiu, thu g rea t y

7 ^ “ : : RIVERS . ■

. 'nil! D anube flowit thruuch countrica in w h ic h G2 lunj.'uuKi'ji UDil dli^ecU ure hjHikcn. ^ "

— g Tlic Jurilan Ir the world's- .most

criiokiii river. I t wnndera o e a r l; 220 mile* to covcr CO. ' !

Tiw A tB M o n J ju w U ro a ltd to;, be Di>arly 700.fect deep a t o point 1,000 niltea from the tea.

Tbe iDOUlh of th e Ntle I t 165 tatle* wide between the extrem e poln ta .oo the U edllerm nean ro o a t B

— C(. The lUilne Is iia^litnblft to r a t le aa t oltwo m onlbi o f the year fo r a o r e . tb a s r< .'■ou miles oc* UB f a r up s t r e a a asI!n*cl. Swltxerland. , J"'

The volume of w ater Id tlie Poto- mac r l r e r which flows paat W aablof* ton Is sometimes 250 tim es aa greiit- In Oood aa' a t low w ater. (,j

The M I is l i s ^ l . with tb e M issouri, nla Ihe lODfeit m e r In the world. T he \rtiro ore conildervd aa one river sys- fttern, the len*th of which I* 4.200 0 mllei. „

------------- 9^-------1 - 1,:

•“Sporting One'# Oak." • . . . ‘.'Xo ap o n one'* oak^’- l l a pbraM sli;nlfyliii; th a t uuu is no t a t bome w ltb viilior*. The Ba}liij; originated a t th e ! Enfillfih unlverKlilcs. w here the stu- dent*' ehniubera have two Unora—an J j Inner und an ou ter une. 11ie ou ter ^ door Ih made of uuk. nnd when th li U dosed o r '•iporriHl’ il denotes e lth ar ^ tha t Ihc occupniii o f ihe upartuienl is 2 i out or tha t he (ioe* not u'lxli io he (tis- ki tnrheil.

Po tato U a ik e t ^CHICAGO, yp)—I’ointoe* — Wuakv h'

receipt* 30 c n n ; to ta l U. 8. iihi|>ment* •(RO ear*; W lK on in sacked Bound ]■ M'hltei $2 Io 2.10. Mlnneaota aod V Mirhiunn *acke.I llonnd W hito »l.00 to «] 2.0S. ____________


H a v e Y o u T r i e d

S n o w jF

i n t h e, You know Aou' food Sn:

cri»p and tasty? You car . wafer* on *o m.iny occ.isio

lamily-site f/n.'»vhlcl( wil • supply? Your ijrocer r-m J

^ | n p D Don't BI* h r cn

P. C B. ciNGER SNi• AnethtiP C D pieiuci

Pixxuliily tn ip mil hn«-Ri' Yaur froctr cti^uippljr ye-j .

Pacific Coa.'tt BistOU

X S , E > A H O , ; S A T U R D A Y ,

f t e r r i m e ' ' •

T ~ ------ . ,1 --------- T l , . tb


., ’■a

■' m

' VI

------------------- ^ ly s g J io . yIndian, l i *1111 rou^tliist,' thu younger fellqwB up a t football. I’a t M cDoudd, - fo t, fa ir nud forty , won the weight event flj,usual at tho N’atitinal Cliam- pionships, nn^ Pop Q ecr'i baud i i ju st u* ateady with tho >oIas a i when he' be­gan dilvioff barneM hone's some forty ,> years.Bgo. - •

" . . " ncS E N S A T IO N A L F E A T U R E S

A R E N O L O N G E R A P P A R E N TI . . . . . w

Prices,D eT oIojrim sB lsrltjr Shortly Af- te r Opening—Food Bi^eetsUlM '

(M n S l r a n a i kj

NKW YOUK, (;F>—Uecont Jenintlon- al feature* were lacking n t tho opening o{-todny’i'st«ok mnrket bu t pricc* loon dovoio|«d irrogutarlty n* Gulf StatiTs Bicol repeated ll* recent uncertain coune. T hat stock mado an early i;<iin of ) 1-3 polnti, bu t nlmoat imm ediately i t reacted thn-e j« itits to 70. Toxai Qulf, Iy Kleclric Btorsge B attery, M aahattnn te Klevnted and M anhattan S h irt wero one or to 2 3-4 Pood speelal* nities, Ineluuinf; corn product*, na well nB chumicali bIio hardened,, bu t the m ar- ' ke t for ipecinltic* became, somowhat ly unsottU d'ott AmctlctJa S a g ir ’s dttWno nf of 1 1-2 point*. *t' mVN YORK, ( f l ^ e l l i n g ' of *leeU, fft

enpeeialty thono l**ueii w hich .eon trib - vt nted largely to ye*lenlny’» deallnRi, featured today'a brief m arket soiaion. _ Oiilf States extended Itit rcaelion by tivvr seven poinii,..mttldnff, OvlQtAl.'«f more thnn ”S jwlDlg from yesterday 's hijih price.' Hcplncto loat four point* nnd decline* of 1 to 2 ‘ l-2 wero sui- tnliu'd hv H eth lchm ., R rueible,'O reat Northern Ore, StMs-SheffielJ, .Jlcpob- lie. ..md Vnnniliuin. Losae* of one to ihreii point* were Kuatolned hy thu principal olla, motors,, cqnipment*,

i^einlcnl*, tcsUIoa und ju iilo r rnil*. CDp]>m,.*hlppb|’s and chain Itoro is- *uea MrenKtlicned. Closing price* were Keuerally Intver. Hale*, npproximatud 500,000 iihares. L iberty bon<lK.fMfld and otlu'i liottds wcic ^

L iberty Bondi 'NEW YOHK, m — L iberty bond*

cloned: 3 1-2’* firat 4 ‘s M7J;0hill; «(V.fl2; f i n t 4 1-4'*♦07.110; (.econd 4 N M ’i f07.50; third 4 1-4’* $0r.80; fniirih 4 41-4'fl lOTJO; V irtiirv .1 .1-4*1 $iOOnC; Victory 4 3-4’* ^100.18. ■.

Ohlcsjo a ra ln *CIIIOACO, (/P>-'trndori on the Chi-

ciurp board of trade woro ia a wnlting

I B ■

•d ■

F l a k e s

h e F a m i l y T i n ? ‘Sn5w Flake*. « e —how can icrvc lbc»e dainty isioiiK. Why not buyswill Iruure a eonitant ............m Mipp5y you.

crjcJkeri—.AKES. 1

;n a p § n g o ^

i.IUvoftd, I M r T ^ ^ »

OU Go.

L Y . J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 1 9 2 2

mood a t the i t ^ ' o r t o d a y ’s sesalao. ccl Trado was light, sentim ent mixed oad pa

. tbe o a rk e t sotmed UaUesL U a y w heat to started l-So lower to uneboaged a t 9L13 £5 7-8 to 1.14. In itia l figaros fo r Ju ly 7Si were 1*0 low er a t 11-01 to ,1.02. spi

'Price* sagged to tho.low level o f tbeie .. ranges theo recovered to stop n t tho:. end of tho f irs t hour. '

finylog by strong commlulon h o u sfi’' mado fo r highor prlees la te r o n d 'a norri

high for tho picsont upturn was ro-j ' corded. P ro fit tak ing checked J h o ad-i

' v&Qtc b u t the undetloae was* stiont!. U ay eloied a t 11.16 7-6 to 1.10 nnd Ju ly a t ei.02 7-8 to 1.03.

' Ilotders o f corn woro inclined ti> trado lii favor o f »ata a t the .* tart. 8 cll

. ing wns no t wide .nnd prlcca aoon re ­covered. U ay s ta rted l-6e.lower to un­changed a t 03 1-4 to 63 3-9 to l-2c. Ju ly bejron a t Mo, la ter gaining l-8c.

\^ riv strengthened w ith w heat bu t flc . WM held to narrow range by conmis- '■ Blon, house selling. P inal prices woro

S8 S-8 to 63 6 -B to 3-4e fo r U ay and H<• 65 8-8 July.• .O ats wcr< firm er nnd unchanged to

, l - 8c highor n t the opening, w ith May . . 38 3-4 and July. 80 C-8c. Thoro-was ftgain of l - 8c in tbo f irs t ty u r .

Prorislofls reflected a stronger, mar- , ke t In livo’ hogs. T rade 'w as ligh t .nnd prices generally 2 1-2 lo 6c higher., W h ta t 'N o . i te d .» l.lO ; Ko. '4 hard

« J ) 7 - 3 - t 8a, .Corn No. 2 mixed 49 to 40 l-4 c | No. 2

yellaw.4i> 1-4 to 40c .' » 'O nti N«i..2 whllo 37 1-2 to 88 l-So; ta

' N 0.-3 w hite 34 J.2 to 3Se. - « V Hyo No. 2 82 to 88 l-2c.

. Ba«oy. 01 to OZe. 1Timothy seed |5 to 7. ' C lo v cr,^c eirfK t o ' 22;

’■ P o fk n o ta ln a l.y . . 'U f d *0.05. -V ■ al

‘B lb*<8J0 to'^.51). ■: ' ' " , Portland L lv e r to ^

‘POKTLAND. Ca'ttlp, liogs ani\ ro sheep nnmihally steady; no receipt*.'•

■ Omoba U v e tto d :• O.MAIIA, W >-H ogs — Bccfllpts 000; V n d lv e , tn lOo higher) medium, weight kl butchers up moat; tn p 'tB ; ba lk o f sale *7.70, to 7,00. —, ........... —

C’litttn — Receipt»?^2 in>.j_Compared n« ' w llh week ago: beef i}?i^s”‘m ostly'25c

f. lower; aho'Stock Meady to 50c lower'', bulla about 25c. lower; vcnis SS to 50c hlBhcr; *lorkcrs and feeders 15 to 25c

• higher. . 'Sheep — Heceipts 200; compared with

,, week agti: liiimb* 75e higheri'ycaxllngs "I Q ond feeders CO to 7.1c higher. '

Chicago Livestock n Cm C A aO , y P ) -C a ttlo — Receipts n 600; compared 'with week ngo, beef , 1 y steers and fn t rows and heifers most- ,b< r, Iy 25 to COc lower; canncrs and cut- at a tern fully stendy; bulls 15 to 25e'low- B 0 e r; vcal calve* 75c hrgbcr; common nnd [• nW \uni grades feeder steer* weak to B 2Cc lower; others and *tockera sleady. „ : Hogs — Beeoipts 11,000; active, meet- ,t ly 10 to 15c higher thnn M d a y 's ovor- .j, 0 n g t; packing bows nnd p5gn nbout , l

*teady; ehlpperi bought ubout 6,500;(, good clearance top tS .76 on light llRhls; t- very few over >8.60; bUlk $8 t? 8 J5 . .I, flheep — Eeeolpts 3,000; today '# W

1. e a » = a » = s = a s « : ^ = : = ^ K = = ^v

S • '

Q n e s t i o n s G e n e r a l l y M e


® 1. /JfjtfM O i7 (.•OHfHJtJ <,t iiioforf

M I l tA O L U O I L i s a b s o lu t e , i) iit liiii ( ; t l m t w o u ld I i n n n th e iiii 0 w c lc iin ie y o u r o w n c l i c m i s t ’a a n

4 2. V i/l J/iritc/c ()il foul s/iarl;

; _ M I I { A C L E .O IL w i l l n o t fiHil _ j» ro v c l h i ^ . t a k a « ' \ J i o n e o f y o u ■ m l i n .M IK A C L K O I L «o t l m t I

J ' o m i w i th o i l , r t 'p l a c e u n t l c o n n . f in d yo u V p h i p , \ n l l f i r e r e n u la i

U’i/l 'j f irn d c Oil a ffp c t carl

.M IH A C L K O I L w i l l n o U lo K t l i e c i i r b u r e to r , i n f « i ; t i t M 'ill in e r a l w o r k i n g p a r t s o f t h o c a r b u i li r in v t io n

4 . J x k vcccH'sari/ io in s ta l l a ^ c k O ii f

T l i e r e i s i iy a d d e d o .x p eu « c ft ■ iisi! t h o fuc‘1 f o r o o n v e y in ; ; t h o - A C L K O I L i s p o u r e d i n t o t h e

w tc 'h f iv o {jjilldiiH o f p n so li iio - ”A i t mi.xe.H w i th tJ ie < :n .s« line n n d ' r 'i t c li ,oxplt).Hion c a r r i c s i t s o w n 1

• 5 . Iu tr lia l'ii 'fty w i l l M iracleiiiif u io to r f

.U II tA C L l-] O I L i s d r a w n in ti i l i n n i j i l t till* i a t a k c - v u lv d lu l t r i c n s t e m s , w li ic h a r o n o t ro a c h 'c d l)\ l i r i i - a t io n . A t t h e t im e o f o a o h o a n d f ip ra y o d ( iv e r t l i o u p p e r c y li l i n g s , le s .s e n iiii: f n r l i o u a n d :

A f t o r p e r f o n i i i n ; f i t s d a t y i n t h o i t i s h liiw n o u t l l i r o u y l t t l i e e.xliii ra lrc.s n n d riilrc--'<ici}is, I c a v in jr t h e fr ir l i im o n tljc.'^o pnrL>j, i t w i I 'io n f v tlf I Ik ' n io to r ;

.Mr. A fk in w in , t- li ie f on"in iM *r : d o p a r l n i e n t , M a x w o l l .M o to r (!o .

■‘Y o u r th i!o r 5- ( i f U P r C K L U H o a o , a n t i th i! m o t o r p u b l i c sh n ii l w i th o p o n a rn iH .”

_ArrowheadSer. . , . Wholesale an


' . , l i '

ceipts pearly all poekers d iree t; com­pared with' ovweek sgtJ: f a t lam bs » to 40e higher; fn t tbeep aad yearling*£5 to . BOc hlgber; feeder lBmb» 60 toi .75o • higher; weok elosiag o;t tho hlgb «Pot... • • , [

i AUTOMOE ADVICE! -Keep cool." snya the F a a

! - I l^ t l re early.” aaya th e Caslnfc

“Brighten np.” w ja U>o O ead llgh t

“Avoid friction'" M ys the Beartp*.

“Bfi a ■ ^ ■ fe l lo e ," n y a the TOieeL

“Cut out tbe noise," aaya th e M u^ “ fter. . " ■

"Don’t blow, too nueb ," «ay t tb*Horn. ' ■ ■

"He ft good n iue r.- BoyB Uio Carbn- ^ retor. . ^

"Don’t bo a knocker," rayrf’ th e Cy­linder; ^

“A (iul<ik turnover ta whtit connta," saya the Crank.'

•‘Onuc«oo^ deaerrea anothw,*' ‘ lay* tbe Coaucctlns Ilod.—S denee and iD'i'cntlon. ’ -

,GEHS OF THOl/OHT I■ aen lu s beglna r e a t w orks; l a t o alono CnlBhea th e m .'^ o o b e r t

Imssolntlon fraiRea.a'thousaD d htB>. to n , embodying » J h / r - J . U artyn.

■ -ATOiin has ReneraUy the good o r Ul qualities which he a tW bntes to man­kind.—Shcnstone. , ' ^

— A klftd h e a r t - t r a fo u aU ltf f t t f id - nc*s. ninklng CTerylhtng'ln IU r ld n l ty to freshen Into 8 n l l » —W asblngted

'f r ^ g . - : - - - ,’ . 'V • ‘

. H e th a t la go*od tnay hope to be eo d * ' b e tte r ;T ic 'lh n t le bad o n y fe a r tb a t he will bccome w orse; fo r t Icc, Tlrtne ahd tim e never stand «UH.—CoUen. . . ...

If we would bave oaythlng of bene- BL we rau*t-eam It, and fam in g It Become shrewd, inventlre, tngen^ons.'active, enterprising.—U en_^,. W a rd _____Beecher.,

U ^ r l i rest from the 80rrow»>that ’ g reet M l from all tb e petty vexaUon* th a t mt>et o s ; from the sln-prompUng* th a t assail u s ; from the world t l r t a t th a t lur* na to 111.—P . & Aagotfd. ,

■What IB usoleir to you may ho valu- ablo to o th e n — advertlie U in tho e lw lfle d cqIm u h . . ,.

' - '1

k e d a n d T h e i r A n s w e r s

iClE OILtJ any iiif/redienl Itafmfiil to

utely {guaranteed to contain, m otor in any way, and,would analysia* ^

jrk plngsf - . m il spark plugs. In order to o\\r spark pUigft, in sert lower ut the en tire lower, e n i i s cov-.. mneot your wire and you will ilarly. •

■arbiirctor or clotj it up flog o r interfere any way vatli ,I improve i t, a s there are bcv- buretor operating without l u - ';?IL will reach and lubricate. ^

a mivlianical deincc for Mir-

3 for nicclianic'ul devico,- We ho Oil to tlie.90 part3. AIIK- ) Kn«'>iitio tank, two ounces to 'AVIicn poured into tho lank

id will notTOpariitfi o r w'ttlo.•n hibrlcatjoii; , ' ,

I Qit increase Ihc e jfincw y of :

into tlio combiistioii chaniher 'i ‘ ^ •icating lUc vtvlvcH anti valyti-‘ *; by tho jjrcfieut s'v’Ktem of lu*; h oxpldsion tho oil Is releaswl,.•ylindi^r cham bers an d piston,,1 uiaiiitoiuin;' cotnpretitiou.' ^

cylinder clitunbers,' xlmiist Tnlves, Iubricatin{r tlic njr MO residue. B y lessenin" will <{rL'fltly increase the offi-

iM* ill (’Ifaruo of motaIliir;ncal f!o., Di'troit, !Mich., says: ' UHUICATION is tho (^orrecl iittld rct^piyo MJHACLJJ OIL- ' --

s r v i c e S t a t i p n

and Retail s, roAHO

■ ■ / : _______

Page 5: PRICE PIVB'^.TS Jail to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar mmt fliCEimii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · ^TW ir^ vol.. 4.- NO. 240. I i mm - imsiiiFt,)

^ o c i a l j ^ o ' l e s

'K .llt'- l hy Mm . E. B. Willlom* Tctephono 303

Tlic Artcriftm W ar Mo\»imh n irlw l Mr*. Hcnrj- I’c tc r i on Priday afti noori, a t her homu on 3ccDntl nvcn cast, with ciRliUcn mi!ml)cra pri'wi

“ A liaif hour wna spent on tho cntcehifof the Cunslitiitluii of the U nilcd.titat wUlqli ia t o 'U Uie study (or tlvo i innindcr ot the yonr. Mrs. Tliom'a'ii' 1 win, who ig to nupervino the atmlyi-gn a eoniprtShcnslvi) nnd intcrpsllnff om injiry of tho; history of Hip coloni Ieaditi(( up to Uio niloj)H«n of the co stItuUon. FoiSnwinK this .tlic rncmbc wero 1in»y w ilh'ju 'odtowoflt ni|(i dc

• fioua refrMhrni'htB wurc si’r\-C(l by f .liostdasfs, Mr*. I 'o tcrs, Mrs. O. P .’Sti

■' k-cli nntl-M ri. J . IMlRorrlm. n ic nc nicetinif will he hold witli Mm . W. ]

^ Karis, 1S| i-Jighth avenuo iinrtii.

The fira t iiiinual 5i!uniuic rh .irity In 0 ^ civon under tho niiiplcc# wf th o ’Tw

Fdlfl..81|rino club woa n most surrei• ,• ; fui nffa ir. Tlio hnli w iu honuUfu^

« ’ ' , . (Iceorntvd'in red and wliite with a bae ^ ^ Jtround of evorpccns. M n ond Mi

M. J . Swcetcy, U r. nnd Mra. Qcori L'aaiey aud Mr. and Mra. Roy A. Bci

• formed thp rcccivin'jr Hue. Tlio bcnui flit {towns of tho laJics and tlto Bjirl cra in th r ir d ro u aults nnd red f e u fo m cd a dcirmSnif'VBlulrtcs'copo ol ci ora. T lio re .w n a n iar((o atteniionc

. .. mnny foniln/j from* jiciffhbflrioy lowi uniiinjr them bcinjt Mr. and Mrs. J . '

• Godklll, Mr. nnd Mr*. Jn rk Roylc n» M M r.,anil Mt*. M ..A .'W onc* of Burlo ^ Doliplilftii. iBuric, Biwl lU«v MTvlnjj <

delicbu* puneli (uldcU to tho pleasu of tho,occa«jon;.

Mm . l i . 'R ! Churelilll ontOrtaioDd'i- ilinricr, nml ni|o a t. an rvi*ninK i*irl

yortcrdnv-Jn honor of th» birthday i iict' !iuslinnii,'.- T h f .romiis'Vcro clmrr iiiff In lU 'cnrationy 'of'.rcd flnd -ffri'o Tlio'piiistH ntidlnDi-r, jvhich'w aa scrvi o t:o n o -c iey ic ,.'W p rp -M r- nnd Mi

. ,Iamt» ilnrry nnil Mi.M T/'iui nnd Mn p ic rito Rnrrv< unil-thu follotvint; {riom from F iler: M r. ana Mrs. II. 0 . Ha«l

' 7 ' anii.xm.ill daughter and M r..and Mi KarKMiilor. Iloolt .wan thc ninujemi- ■for fho fvcn ing nnd thp.(iuest(i wr Ucwm, ood w 'R o tiie j \Yillinm 8<ot

. . 0 . M. Birtipaim, W. A. Hownnl.' Dnvi • FronV 8. lieU nai*. V. E . Mo

- Knn-

. The W. C. T.- II. niet ni the honii't Mrs. .Jnmcii M. Wall on Viftji rircni; no rth .F riday nflernnoii. 'The* prograi

•• was oMned wUli tho RltiRbj of n hymi dcv'otlonaJn wVro fondncted l y Mr .Innep!] Hliikc nnd by Klviuc a paper n

/ thp teachinK 'o f th« blhle to chlldrpi j ' / follovreit by several iiitiyrrii for chi

f y ' Jron 'ft work. * iTho prpsldent, M rf j f . - Grieve, p rcsiilcd-n t tho haainpu . sn J. ■- . slon. M rt^ McGuire san,» two tieaut

I / fui aotoa, accompanied b r Mra. F . ' KoIIobe. Mre. E. V. Bor^ g ivo a eon prehcnalvo and instruptivo paper o

^ .4 the w ork, o f '. th n . . children 'a bureai • Miaa E tizabetti'Bhotw oll. talked intci• eaUnnlv on "ClilM L abor vereua Chi

I- i i wrndcd th a t tho crRnnlrationa workia for child wolforo covcr the Rround a once and lose no .e ffo rt in 'ca rin g fo

. thn work. A social hour followed nn tcftvslvBitnla w e n nerved i>v the hosi PMDs, Mrs. Wall, Mrs. J . M. Claar, Mn May Glandon nad M ri. Jack Clalbori

, Members o f tho Optimist club ani

AROUNb THE WORLD' India U ooe of the In r je it irow en

of wheat In tiie world.

The estim ated ahortORc of housci 1 . . in England and Wales la m.OOO.

' Japanese women usually . beginT imoklDc wiicn nbout ten years old.

A, Chinese ploy COO ycnra old wni recently perform ed lo Engllsli In LoQ' doB.

I Nearly ha lf tlie shell-torn land In the Somttic area Ib a lready being cul­tivated.'

' Switzerland h a s 'f e w e r motion-plc tu rc houses than any oUier clvlllie<l

4 country.

. Mexico h/is a tribe b f Indians whoso language Is lim ited to about 300 wordu

, and who cuniioc count n o re than ten.

Mexican rope-soled shoes a re now sold In England, and for dry weather

' « o a r Uii-y uro said to be cool and comfortable. . .

' Jta,ly baa sen t a steomsJiIp “em*

f n 'porlura" lo the ports on the Mcdltc•^ C' . raneau .lo hdvertise pjo goods o£ ItoU

_lan nann factu rc ra .’




I . JAMEB AND JESSIE ; ' ' B ttisatlciiul T igh t W ire r

■ DEISKO ANDEA ' bomodj;—8onff»~Bao

. L o m s LYI04raod7 P U y lft

JEEE SANFOR] .,> Tba YodoUng r t r c w t


. - - : i > . : , T W I N . - F A L f S , I ) .

— 1 A Favorite i

'I w ith after- :

l a s l rVSnvr —

' ' ' j f l

9I dpli- '- '- S 'jv th-< \ ' 4 l

m ro . 1

I I H i H L K ' ' ' ' ' ^■’iS

Twinippesfi ’


leorgu I eBead j[i -

' ’ n i y i ? 'Bjirlnfetzp9 • y iL 1 ^ 1 3l cnl-iianco, | y w yiDwuf. HP | i ^ { W i r * * ^ ■ ^ ■ 1 J . T. I

c nnd I lurloy. l l J VH I Heasuro

Dd' i P f tS K A "ay 0 ^

(Tfi'an- | rnorvnd ' j

Mar- y y,;-rlondiilouler \

cmi-iit j n jk T ^ w

' S ' ^ ^ C D R - l N N E^ • v rT A C R /

| S 8EIB • edromedlenno or on e m I j " * th a t la belog oakeU conc«mln{f )m n i w eb r e r ia t l l l t j In be r njccnt pro

Q oanlliy" to d “Tho G lri Problem' Mrg. Vltflgrapb. h ta oo t ye t de tcnnlned ,

>or on howover, b u an tnellnatloD for ll | Idrpn trill snork lo 'Id UCM. W haterer th

chi)-, c c ru fo to MO a bcaotU ol gbrl beat Mr*. . . . . . . . _ * .

i.u rs . “m i l - otbor frienda surprisci) Mr. and Mr» F . T. John K im ci last ovouinK Iif honor u com- th e ir wflddinff anolyenrarv. Tlio cvrn

r on in(( was spent ptoylof; ri!d-fn<h'oiie ircad. Rafflps; Delielous refreahiupnts jircpar inter- I'd by tiie ladies-ffivjnjf tho .surprise Chli; were enjoyed n t a la t- lioi-r.

iTohi-* .........-

Tho Aelremiv club met l-'ridnv after noon wUh Mrs. William Bflk.-r on 8 ix l‘

? , nvenuo pnst. Eleven uiopihers rfajioinl t. * I'd to roll calL- Tho proRrntii wns li

eharRO of Mrs. L. A. Wnriii-r nud tli. iub ject was un bnnkin^'. Mrs. Mr Guire, aceompanjed by Mrn. K. T. Ki''

. 10},% sane two numbers.. Doth ladiw wpfP BUCJis o f tho club. r'ollowin« lh

= proKram Iho afternooB wns ajtrut »o . rlally aud the hontPAg Rprved di'llpiatn


w a n - '*® Wagon.When two littlo Irlxli linvn uMkcil rt

wonmn In nn c lcclric innchliiL- for n ■ ride, she looked Into the uptumpd

dirty faces and couldn’t resist. While drivin;; lo tliu atroci Ibcy li'nd desls*

I natcd tliey sut perfectly still “ 'Uh ] eyes focused s tm tg b i ahead, but when

they got o u t sUc heard ooe s ty . "Qcc, « . . . Uiol’* bctter’n rld in ' a Ice-w agour

cSensltlva Instrum'snt.

j |[j The liiHtniinpnl known an Ihc nidlr>> cui. mlcroiriPter Is ko M niltlvc thnt ll will

mensuro the hciit from n hand lii ld .thlriy, .Xpct awny fntiu It and will

.p jf. record The li.rnt given nff by n fixed lie<l ih n t- . l id t t - f rb rn -I t ;

tmvPlInR a t n.*ppp<l <if *80.000 mJli's- a spcorid. inl:e« many ycnnt t(i rriiph

hose 0*-ords " 'ten. Ths FJrst LauQh.

• SSliif nuirioritlcs sfiy .lhn t tht* first now Inncli 'vncn'l n IniiRb nt nil, liut nu ex* ther cinninilon of trluniiili. Prclilslorip nmn. and hnvlnc enmrjied vlctnrlou* from nn m -

counter with hln nrlch^nr. emitted iho sound •'hn" to expniKs hi* xniHfncthiu

'em* nn'l ri'lltf, ntid frmn till.-* tln i ••Imi" ltc^ our Iniicli hn* irnitvn ItoU ‘ — -



.E ROADSHOW | s m . ! » i“ Comody Drama f

IE BURNS • . r tN o W ty . ------------------:------

p a p r Mljinon Smith .Rcrlio fltcwart

•Dance* Major Fredcrld .\fn r ic lta .......

LYDA ._ John W ewart ..

Clam Stpwnrt I’prry P o tm ...

ORD 1 M-iry In te rsmtBo, j' ''“I ---LEX BEA CH ’S PO W E B -ruL BTOEY " T H I



':e in Twin Falls

/" a / .

G R l F F l T v r ^ ® "jR A P H J - T A f J .

emotional aetrensT T hot la tlio Question nlng Uurlnno Urldith. 8bo lias displayed

productions, *^'hln Icei” ‘T h e Unknown ilem" th a t A lbert EL Sm ith, p resident u f ned.tbo tncGcr of tlila s ta r . Miss UrllUtii, ir light comcdy rolea, so uodoubtedly 'sho er tba play Id wblcb th o o p p c an , yoi] ar« beantlfuUy jow ned. - ■'

~ ODD FACTS ^or of ____t ' ‘ "j Seven dally papers In Louisiana n.pi’’*,, edited by women..rp riso ' • ■ ’

In H olland nil Christlnn naa> • - a fte r th e -f lr tt a re - ta * e d .....................

B^itV gooseberry busli, believed J o 1 ,,0,1,1. tbo la rgest Id England and 20 fe s lu hlBh, I» growing u t Hounslow, Uiddl

tli>' sex.Mr- . — .Ki''- Snull'taking w as a ''cbmtnon pro

adliw (jcc among English Indies o f Quall « ' as lote os the begiD olng'of th e Nln


Njjy.cmbpr haa the ' reputotloo o f b Ing tl fulol month to slogera and m

_ , ■ sidiluK. Jenny L ind,. Mendelssob '' '* KutiliiNieln and niany othecs died I

" Novt-uibfcr." mod . .. _

- F o r rarlouH reaRons, Includlt '•‘® . r ru p l ty 'to animals^ j,Tue*ome detal

^ . In S rliiie , Irreverence, oiiTI e icessl' w s h o o t i n g , the British boai

of Him ccQSore n ls c d objection* i 'SH fllws la s t year. ■

‘ T rees often live to a very grei ■ age, and while they a re standing

'd l^ ! ifl a difllcuit m a tte r lo a rr lre a t Ui will 'a g e of th e se ; bu t when they hai iH ld j been cu t down. I t la said, tho nge ( ’'■"I ; tho treo may be reckoned by coiictin '* ’’.d I the, number o f rings visible lu.tlu* »ci " tira . ” , . • ' ^ ’

Tides Dispose of Sewago.In Boston oud many other coast, cli

lea the tides nre utilized In th dlspoKnt of aewnce. pnrt o f which I held In reservoirs until aironij outsc

' “*■ InK cldnl ru rrcn t# hnve duvelopL'd. IU nun. fore the tu rn of the tide ihit Rewnn

hflH been carried ao fnr iliiit il hn* Ik '■'® couio mixed w ith an Immense Iwdy o

o rtao ivatcr and Is rendun-il harm l« s .

, , ' BEAD T H E CLA SeiPIED A D a


E GIRL IN THE TAXI”It. and Mrs. C arter Do Hayon-l-A 7 -P « t' ma from th o Stage Play—Thla Big Show

BO and Bvening—O rchestm Music

TH E OABIi'lh .....’......... Mrs. Cnrti-r !)<• llnvcnvart .................- .......... .. Cnrtor Do IlnvcriIcrlfk Hmith .......... .. Kiflff HuRKnU '.... ............................................flhvcc CH««,Vd- ................ ................................ Otia I la r iin‘ t - ....... ........... ........... Tnm MrGuiroa rt ................. .. Mnritnrct Cnmpl»oil■r» .................. — .............. Lincoln Plumcr•» ------C.........................Preyn Sterline

........... ...................... John QourIi

THE 1BDI» T E A IL ” ~ 8 PA RT FEA-2 o r a

I Twin FaI ■NIICStTHlSI mOPElTPLi■ I “Tbo Woman God ObasgciI I S taged in Baham a Islands; I I ” Elaborate Soonos

I I luasnuich ua much of thi- xtory H i • “ The Womnn Qoil W uuificd" hni* tn H i with n triijiical iainnd, the rouipr H playiui; Oil- vnrlog* roir* in th is spl. H ' did ' Pnrnuiouut.CoBiuopoUtnu pirli H . «hlch will bp displayed nl the Id« H thenler fu r,tw n dnyn he(;lnnlii|{ in H W ednesday, wa* carried t* thu Uidci' H ialniids n ff thp I’imst nf Florida on H speclnlly chnitcn'd *t<'nni<'r whpro H two weeks. SiTOn Owen nnd E. K. 1. H rolui wliii nro "WU n* rnalawnj'K on ■ ishind n-rrp kept busy Ky D irector R.

ert Q. ViRnnln, hi* rnniernmon iind ^ slitnnts. 'The hiirnint; nml sinklnt; '( a stcnuiKliiji followini; nn cx|ilniil(iu I omiiiuuilion. wn< fnilhfully pic^ni

nnd the pnMmlty (in tho pictnri' onl [irovpd (|uite oxcilin);. O ther ai'uii

’’ notably a remurktihlf i-loiid pffpct, wi : " a h o l " with pxrpllput result*. “ 1

-• Womiin Ood <-han»ed" 1* » henull/ "" 'I “I’f atundiird set by I’arnniount.

I I “ MAUD” IB 'O K TH E WAY.' Mnud m)ikpx’ her nppcnriince. as

stnr In the innvie* n t the Idnho tl A n ter hi'^'iniiluu’ Mondny nexl. .Dotig F MncLcnn i* bllird ns th e stnr iif Mnuc } inrturp, “ I'lmaiiij; T hru ,” nn hiee-l*. t nmount t^idiirllnn. hut Pouk freely i

njitu th a t Mnud iHTTifu nwny firM lit (iri). Douc hnrhom no jirofeiiiliM

I n ii’nlQiiar. On Ihi' cunlrflrv he decln; ’ I th n t ' Mand- ontpln*M '<~l«ir" Ilnr jQ “ P in to ” nml “ Teddy” the womler:

I . iloK', lo ^ n y mithlnR of .toe .Mnrtiii, t , H alraoat-huHiBu cUlmpanrje.

. I,lkp the Htnr thnt hhe ia.’ Mnud, w I !* n pnre'w liite , li>|i.(-nri-d iiyhrid mii - i dl»ifii,v.-d u»miMnka,hlPi evldeii/ erf .I tempernnicfi^ diirlnir the •fitmin]:.

B 0 ‘ ‘ Pnaiini; Tlirfiunli.” Moiid fnut-ed fend of worry to Willlnin A. Belter, w

. i.dl.rei-.ted.the.fentiire. n" well ni. the i • Itire MncLcnn rompnn.v.

^ DOEOTHY DALTON COMING.„ Dorothy Diillon, Ihe fnvoFItir-pni

iiiouiit titnr, in rom lnc' to thi< Idn '** Ihenler rntxt F r l'ln v ln her new pli-tu th. uipiip i,|o | „ f H n.'X (irth.” '- 'rh 1 'f iJ lio Mlory o f t h e Cnnndian northw est a iro U Is, fille,! with thrill* Ralore. A fi

nim papy of plnvetii appear* in «iipp< — r - of the star.

i;A)4M > i\ 'I I . \ . \ |) for v v p rsl mo trace lo.-in«. SIHhi, ♦I.'nu. *4iviin anil ,

1 o n rIoQS otber luma. A rthur I.. 8wmh . Co.—adv.

: PEOGEAMSf l i t ' o r


M a t in e e D aH v a t 2:15proc-lallty!ilne-

WiUiamS.mu- 2 C

wbn,d la . ,--------------------------------------------------

MONDA¥~TU:idlDg ____ _________;________italls


S - 'Passing 'jA small towH'romanco fi

’sec. and paying oi»e hundred lai '■ r - l a T , :

A ndw H oisH aiid? .W hy, cit- She sbaroB honors w ith t tho abo^t laughs— thoro 's two

■> th is dclootablo comodyl - Itso- • , , . , •

,11.!; Mack Sennett C i 's Paramount Meinn- ' _______ .

L £ H B ^ - i m

^ ' p / r u ^ l •'> v»j0

J V ■ ■ > P l i

£.■£ Uncoln'*M Sedita t icBt ftco Um Puancun I >Thfi‘WbmaaOodCh;

I ACosnicpctitaa Paxlu


alis Theatrical 1


P [ f l l f ' “ K oeplna'U p W ith L li i lo ” Declar I to bo Ono of Best of Season 's Of-

• f e t l r ^ So F a r Eeleaeod . o g e d ’ I ---------i d s ; ; Hay nnd Al Rockett, y<iunj!VHt iiii]

;i>»-n(lenl producer* of fenturc*, hn' jcliiison Knid Rennett, H irniiiouut *ti

0.... flf lo sek'ci the title rolo In their »i’coi I* tn (ip 'w l'^ct-star feature, “ Kcvpiiii' U p wl jniitnnv and have *urrnuiuled her wl I i.plflii.-'''"-’ *’i<* Kruntest ro stt ever *een1,|pl,„,. iroiiiedy drninn. .Mis* Ileiinpll, heme

Idnho;*" 1“ ''’ *” rompily nud. n.i,»'U in .j f ’ knnwH how lo wear clothcs ns well tidCiiua womnu on the ncreen. nnd hn* lo a on a “ere for ''“reer In Ihe roleK. I.iu-i on n’l ' "■ll* nppear nl the .Vi-w Orpheii >r Rnb-, " ‘’*1 week..Iind ns-' There 1* uo better lendiuR nmn thi d n e uf Ileori'* kit1i>u*. hnii*l(iu o f , u ' " ' »litliired " idpverer vlUnin Ihnn Leo Whii ‘ onl v) . Ini s ' heen seen to ndvnntn *i'une» acorp* of hlir production* whiI were White '* a* utai'le.n* old wheat. ’“ Tin-' Ijnr'nn. dean of Am rrirnn sin

'nullful coniodiuns ond inleriiationnlly fnmo e hiijh erealor ami mtprjircfer

,, C'hnrles Ilo.vt'n uiiilyinic rhnriicter*, fc Mirr *tar iif the FVIIles RerKere, etc,.

> y 'ch ief fiin nmker, nhiv nsslnted hv vi> ' „ cU friend. lU cfv Twld, l»tc of "V

■c V i';,;'!'. K , ^ n n ” n .id - ’ The Sky I

M nudsI' A ttention to C « tci‘-l’a r - ‘ ’*'*"■ eccentric. Bol Smith Rim*ell-til elv nd I l ’'’ll»‘r I* In the hand* i*t’ linn-!'* ' I-'^nder Stevens, wUuw ueulu* ■*M»unl i '" " '‘•"K Americnn *.-reen clawlectnresl • ■ - - —

i t io a iM ®I n i ' j ! ' . '■■’ ""■ ''''- ''■I•r. whb i , ■ ■tho en-i IiAiichtir nnd novelty . ti)|i the va

Nieville a t the Now Orphciim tlienter i Monday and TnesJpyi

(to. .Tames ;ind J cmIc Burns are Iho no T n r n - cUy headliner of th lt fu H s ln r iiili

Idnho their anmcwhat differen t wire act fe dc ture .j liirlni; Iho ba n o l slide in n commi k i r nl'auiiar hntrel. *riii(('is n comblnatii *t a n d lo f Uel‘1 nnd slack w irfS tilV w alkb A fine rnnninc, jumjiiaR, fancy steps on tl# inpport wiro rind Idcyclo riding. This offerli

U brhnmiiit' over w ith feats th a t sho thtM nrllsta to 'b o a s 'isuch a l bomo '

i mopt the wire as they inre on the stre< m l .•» -lere Sa lfo rd , tha t funny .dinrocter tl wMii ,( llneator -nt Ihe chore ho.", whistlln

ta lk ln f nnd yodellnjf coraedlan. He

v m S S- W l ^ S I S m

N ig h ts — F i r s t


5. Hart in-i‘3E O M A N T IO — T H R D iL I N a — A P P E A


lACLEAN. Im r u ” I0 f iU e d w i tb t h r i l l s l a u g h s o n t h o d o l ;

T iy , s h e — ia a m u le .1 t b o s t a r . T a lk w o e v e r y 8f2c o n d in

t Comedy . . . : CB x ® .lafcHd

_ iPudDj


l o “TheWt' A O O S M

E. K. LU5 n A r o m a n c i

^ a n d t l S o n t h

k j i j i r ' h e a r t s ' f o u n d

■ T h o k i n d

th e n t e l l y o n i

> e e n a O ® fa ' ’ ____ ___o u n iP lc tU tt.C h a n g e d * ' TT c ^x l u c a o D ' '

[RDAY, JANUARY 21,1922

, . rf , ^

AttractionsI'GiTDDELlSfiftSI - OF'TMTCr

Saturday Evoning P ost' S tory inde- - by E varts Made Basis of »ur*! Splendid Production

lecond •- _ .w ith ! A canine »lar is making hia deh«t ia

•w ith “ Tho Silent Call,’’ tho Iju renci-T rb ii- 'en In blo-Jano Xiurfiu prodnction, proaunted I'ruelf, liy II. 0 , D avls'and dlnlrihuted by As- ’I., aocl'ited F its l Niilionni I'irtun-*, Inc., ell ns whirh will hu *hown a t the Orpbeun:II lonn theater tho la tte r part of next w eek .'110 up- The doj^ show* n cnnlnu intclliuenro [lie of thnl ia striking.

JI. 0 . Davis has selucteil for hi* slorv ' iheuin Ilnl 0 , KvarU ’ “ Tho Cross Pnll,^'

which wa* publinlK'd in the Saturday . thnii Evening I’oat.hand- ’'''■c P 'ot deal* with w Htern lifeH, nor nronnd the hijth Sierra* nnd calls (or iVhite. do); in its leading,' delluentiou. Tho intngc I’ri'dueeni *pitili niuntlis-'of in v e a tif^ whili tion *enrchint' H"' fi^remoat kennels o f

this country nnd Europe beforo th e y . slnRi' M|««V BV,foivKlif«t. tl.h IVeljjinff

nmona polic* l^ound who takes tho rolo o t cr ut In llie plrlun*.I, for. Fln*h i* a crom between doi; nnJ tc,. i« '>"<1 Iho development o f tho pic-yiinr lure ahcrw* tho two atralns in h!tv

“T ill ' ''triiKKllnK for mastery^ Because ha*;v |>i. man domination boeomei intolerable ba

breaks his eluilns and eooa to tho mouo- laln* where he mates w ith a full blood-

li-tikeci< ..f . ‘I"-' however, tho human lnr

o f loyalty is too stronR to wilh- | . „ l „ |Stand. When ho sense* tlm t the hu­

man beinpi who claimed his affection I ate, In . danger, Haah return* to th*j,

^ ;fold in time to effect n thritllnj; re*

I the orlftliinl K nights of Columbus ovor- j *i-as ent‘‘rUiinrr, Drisko & Earl/3 fnr- ^ jnlsh tiielr nhnrc of laughter In n ro l- '

lllrkini; rajild fifo comedy nkit o f orijf- limlity am! fnn. This vehicle show only tho hum orous-side of every-day life ,

vou- Loul* aud Lydia open the show w ith ;cr on a lively (omedy-^ontirlalnliiif offering:

ealled “ .'ttockinBsI'* which a h o w .th d r I nov- talents tn jjood advantaRe. “ Tho G Irr •111 In in the Ta^i” .will bo the feature film , t fe.i- — —mmon ' MONTANA hns It/O.OOO a rn 'i of Ir- lation rl|;ated 'and uader U. S. Govertiment I k im /eelamation projects.- Rich productive- U ilf t soil adapted to alfalfa,. SDjtor heeU, po-

f e r lw tltoes,^ Ijroio growinj; and dnlr^ng;. shtijgiLow p'rlces, easy term s to actual set-

mo o im i t^ . For fa ll iDfomiallon and f re ^ itrcet.|rdaBerIptl'’e publications, addro*« K. C. er do-jl>eedy, General Agricultural Develo{W «tU ns;iaen t Aijent. Orent Northern. Railway- He is I St. Paul, Minn.—adv. t

n ' . THHEB aHANO- C E S OF PlOTtTRES3 - - ' £A O H 'W B H E

rst Show 7:1 5 ; Second Show 9:00 iY

iVord Brand”'EALISIOI

A r 'V r - - -‘ ^ 's ■

iSIaj Mifilwnud Madge Bellany. Hcsa Qoa tha Puuaoufit P m iectjfrf fh n j **A tt w




— Wi t h — ^

jincoln and Seena OwenJice of Broadway’s rcokless love- ith Soa Isle wbero tw o .tro u b le md pcacc! •

id of picture you wHI <mjo^ and our ncigbhor not to ’miss.

e’ll Get You Yet”'Two Reel Comedy'

)22 _ rw*

Page 6: PRICE PIVB'^.TS Jail to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar mmt fliCEimii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · ^TW ir^ vol.. 4.- NO. 240. I i mm - imsiiiFt,)

■. TWIN FA LLS DAILY..^t^iuffd tvery attenioon «tc3pt Bt

Twin Fnlla New* ruWUWnt Co., (KtlAbllsbed IMO

R O y A. RBa d ....... ................... P rJOHN C. ......... • • tn

E o lcm l «i* aSMtul > r>n ». 1919. nt uis^poiw m c# B( Falls. Idnlio. under tfa» act o( Ui W J.

BUBSCmPTjON R^TBBOne .......................................... .........« «ioMn»........................... ................a ...........................................................I W B D lh ..,....,..

OP A8S0CUTKD PB • The AssMlfttKl Pmm U «clU»lVO (Hied 10 th# UM tor rtpubllcaUon

cw d»« w U, or aa r rw lu eredllwl In thl« paper, m i Ihe local newn publlihwl herein. AU of rfuubllcallon of » ^ l n l dl»pi h»rein aro b Iu reaerved.

i(!H ,w«in» Aa<wAited F rw .

No rfsponilbllltr U iu*um«l foi c ifc ol ^w llcue<j tnanuK rlpl^U »r»Phe or ottier contributed ma»ef- tw I '. BUlimittea for publication « u«-a or M l a t the tirf’ und no TuanuecrlPt will be fel unleM accompanied by neceiwry«<«• ____________"~The New* la fl member of »he . Uurcuu of Clrcutallon*. fijm wnon

• t»«J5w topjAiiS loeaUy w u e 1‘ < ''" iX 8 T lE irm M tH l3 N T A T IV E -V Oeonco u . Dovid C a, Inc.. tn fl* :

Avc., New yoA j ^ n . KMlor. l « l i /ord UulWJnr. Clila n o .


. tfhm &^rutary iiuffbc* yrojiosal to r tlio “ loropplnR " of ( U l wttrablys tho term cttnveyed a *1 ncaniQK to mo«t pcnoai: »bal tho Mt« w tie to b e d a l to jo d e ith er i y -lag broken up #nd m a t- to tho j pllo or l»y BinWflff*

No doubt th a t w u U t . B uglit* ’ ten tion : th o t tho natlona should m " t t clcon sw oop" o f to n e CS m lg l l g m g #hlp» t» n IjOslftaiBj ot g x tti -ytnV. ot arm w ieBl I ta lU tl A nncj B of tho naval Irefttjr, now <ler dIfcUMion. provJdM iU WV» flealJtiR vWa Iho WMtWpt t h i t a rc

X l o retired from lo rtleo : linking \ « n , hrcflkinff up Jnto aerflp i m , e-

version foT'com morcUi p u tp o m , t> •'f ■vorslou.for harbor or.auxlltM y u»«, ‘

,• u ta rge ts nnJ u « a* gxiooefy sliJj •Three of these schcmos wttuld l>orn

- i h t possible u w uRaln o f 'o “ 'in tho emergency o£ war.

I ; Thfl trea ly provide* tb a t if any tb o ilgtintoTlcs »hou\d b ttom o «««»«' i tt war Involving novul. oporatloBs;, n a y give dbUm to 'tb e others o( tl lusiifoslon o ! i u oWlgtiUon* undor tb; docum ent Qhvloaily tb a la tltudo » hntd .oM ’io m lia d 4. 6t “ Jbpo»al.’ ' ' eoDdeojncd e#pltal ihlpa affo td s 'g io i oppoitunU y to & tyiUon to ovAdo tk jpiriC o f the iijrrocncnf ftflfHUaU to tho le tter,

Amoriea, P ran to and Ita ly t r t le v <(iere ihbu'fJ.bo a ( au ch acJnal ' ' « « F p in g ” , thn t U break ing up or alnkinj a« possible. Q w t B rlla in and Japai *ppafcn t[y , ineltao to the convflraioi poliey. ‘‘Tho way to rM offlo'’ ' u wi were rm tn d e d otJ^an hlstorlc oecaalon " l » tft ic w m o ." T h * w ay to # « i i

.V battlM bJpJ Ifl to a<rap them In oanieil th a t thoy ean never ag:»ln bo uK^

i o r WOT. T he policy, o t ton tc rtlon , o’*- f a wben enrHed cu t ia l i e fu lle tt AUth, would Inovltnbly een ta ia many d itf^ eulUcii and coapllcaU oni and give r lw (0 tfountlcM m iiaadentaad isgs.

The atra lgh t thing U to pu t tbo len- tenced ba ttle ih lp i pennaoently on t o f th « b u tla m . t b t i wo <haU b« Uvisff

. up fufly to the ip lr lt o f tho agreomeot wh'ieh la looked to ao eenfldeatly oa a ■afegubid o f peaeo.


■ In 'd c eia ln g to ban tho u so o f jwUoa

: , gna In w affnre , the flv<? m ajor powofa ' took the grea test step yet In the ellm-

! ’ Inatlon .-of~ barbarous method* from'I arm ed bw ^llltlea. I t would hr ileslr-! ablo to ban all In itru o cn ts which kill

or maim men and resort to luncr melU- od» o t »ettHBg Iflternatloofll iWspatet, ood progress mode so for by th r duar-

. m am eat cooforence Is n guarnntiv tha t th l t w l» bo done- when the world J* ready to r o Uio whale dlstauce. ■ j

Tho danger th a t in ca*e of wnr 'In i’ pera tien m a y lead to violation p f all

V p ledg ts I t no l ovtTlookcd. Tlie liiU lah I. t i y plainly thn t they will continue te ^ < ' w atch the derelopment o f w ar gas mak- i U g , as no doubt ,irill Ibo U nH fa Stale#1 ' nnd the o theri, bn t the point of u t l i - ! . fnelloa ia th a t tho preeiute of popular ^ / ' , opJabn hn i coopellfd til 's prohibition j,, I now, rv ca though i a soBc InstaaensI ngalnsl the advleo of tbo tecbaleal oX' h p r r t j . ,l t i* tlJ^^^^o^rliaf-p^PBJar<^C' i tcata tion of w as io te tm lu t lo n le[ end i t by Insisting n jo a dlnnM lon aad toi ndiaitoieBt.of'lD terfl*ff(tn«} d lfte rm a- I ' t l th a t la th e ono t i g . o ttoc t o i tho

’ 'Wnshington eonfereaes. Ui, The p n p o tit lg a to ta rb id the bomb* all i n ; o t opeoi unfortU led tow ni and d t- lea will bo taken op h « t nnd U la p tnV

. obJe tho b « w m bo ptaced on th a t Th / procpdoro nllo. Aa in tb e eaie o f the foi

poUon gaa, th o « « d lt goea.to t U Q « - n a m for {otrodoetng tha t. B y 'th o ir j ra id t hondredj o f Boneombatasta, worn- knj

' n e w sn 's iin d a T ' ’‘ fflfibttul— ------------ >1-1 l l ftvjiUcd only lo ajpus* UnCo.. Inc. to ,],p Nivngo nature

Curuinn wnrfnru nnd to hnilcn V ..PreaW eai „ i,o n jo p jfd jsuch

«U. Kxcludlng uufortlflad c ities all Uio r,mio o f wnrforo would bo at

,<!<'{! ti/u'nril irhat m ost como ultl . ■ . ■ - ly, tho nbolUlon o f nnncd c la?bt

SS Hut liitroductloQ of Intorndtlonal (.......... m J j ie iunlka OM arhUcrt bejwcen <

JAPAM ESB A JO T tn sMlion of all> r 0 ^ T im a«rc«tneal» o f Itio Wasliu All rifhi» l onforenco nro not flexible fc-uam

dU patw .« , elation* In thu Pnr East ai

ntlvnneo in to th e slago o t unsc for the fr.-iternnliaai, Tho growlBg Jntensl'

{ten*’ atI till. iliffiTenccs in China and tbo a

r ihe*cdi* '*■^Miuitied n p iln s l Ja |« ia '» &l>crlaa prograt,

*’*’* ' ‘ t^rime,” nre straw s in the Ofii ,he‘ Audii Hind. The s u j^ m u n tn ry . «t«tci ly^bo ob- «>'“» <iuw»«nlnff o f JppacfW

‘ 'pcrploilttg yuM.1 comprehension” la the blan

Madlaon f<-{'fy tha t t*eUl lU ri- osphnaU on th a t Jupan hai

TiIIjlt (iDiire thap th n t the R uu PS craic the ir inlornal strJge, nnd < odi) hl» Mtnbllshedo l capl- ^ lvo»Uile to p o r a l t Japan a single w ithdraw her troops w ith a senso tbo V04- sound* lo u convincing loday tl . 1,6- 101M M 8. Japan will find some i JO iu a k f lc u l ty 'lu perauad lng 'w yone outa

of/lf ia l ijuartfrs in Toklo lc bell. Ilol’ Ia- th a t Japanese safe ty la ossured only ll make piesenco of a n lll ia ry foree la

®lgW yof t i e number probably to accept, tho ita

Itatlon. *ow nn- IJussisng Ib E astern Slbciaya o f Japan may w ithdraw her »W ii

from Ihnt nunrter. Tliat hangs upon ing a t P’‘J'*lc«l th ro at ngtiinst tho security B eoa- '*''1'?“ "■hl«b no nne c K c p t In tcna t

I* eon- to 10C-io nso I'*'*"'ship*. in to »i>o open. ~,

i M s r v jo E E M O E s r A t t o m s '

U in KiRtt'irhnt niirprislng to be |i mj- o f fnrmod by n uilnlslcr wbo has pdrfom

I'd many matrUgMn th a t ho Uellevea n< ,Bs;,it tnorti, lliaii 15 out o f 100 mnrrlngt )f the which follow elopements ptovn bappj r tb a t T h a i i» the statem ent o f Dr. Oeorge I

al- ffoughton, po ito r of tho famous LU ll j '» o f Church Around tho Corner. In Noi g ieat Vork City.

p th e “ I tu rn 50 cooplea nwny c\-or: ilting m ontb, refusing to m a n f them for r^ r

loui reaMna,” Dr. lloughlon said lo < lilovo rcci;nt interview. " I do not mean thai firap- the riioice e f th e pa reo tt Is alw ays th t Iting, best. Many havo grievances agalnsi apan the selection of the ir aon or daughlri raloa th a t Are uafoanded.”I v e . (If leo ti por cen t o f aoceeuful tnar- alon, riage* from elopements would *e«n to

ho (00 smait n result to w arrant taking m oakithc ebaneoa of running^ counter lo the la j^ lw in h e* of paronta, who In m bita c u q i , e v .im u s t bo given cred it fo r possesalng a tlth^ 'Jadgm ent of the rh am d e r of woh i t l l - * yo'-^ttR womfln of Ultlo txpoTl-

eneo does not have.

f , The exjwrlcnce of Dr. Hou^’blon i* ■ea- pfo^'i'bly tb a t 'o f most other, ministers

who preside .over a matclcnQnlal Q retna Gri«n. Dr. Houghton probably has a

ijn t b r ttc r reeord of refusnU than the av- j a tn ln lsU r who l i aoogh'V by elop-

crt. Volortaaatcly maDy mlnUtefinr*; !»• ready to ntecpX the fee tha t they nro not critica l about tbe 'm otlvea th a t Bf<! back a f th e dwiltc fo r a h » t y war- ,

m ■ _ _ _ _ _ ;A Hhodo Island woman 'wns awarded

$l.t,/»00 because sho was taken from h jjj .1 liD*pit.-il to her homo in an uadertak- J

f r ’* wagon. Someone's judgment prov- ^ V'^'matwre. »

.Uontana'* siiprcmii court held the la * on bachelors unconstitutional, thu* fc,

' ^tfenRthcolnR Iho belief th a t tta niMa. t« liiTfi were single themselves onee. ^

, ; •• - - ccThe K w t Is Retting wlW er.and ir tlJ - to

f t and wilder' whKp tho traditional ■** ^funman of thft “ Wooly \Vfc»t»' jooki on

par.ilyzed w ltb mnazrraent. Cl— Wl

I f the motion picture industry w ants a testim onial as lo Will U a y i’ c«pa< da biUtles t a & d ltttV oi geneT»ii i t enn g » t OOP from tho dcm om U c party..

= = = = 5 Un' W hy skull an Incb th ick reeenliy dla- cbl rovered in Arixona have been credited to an aiicient raco U not clear. to

• - — n e

l'.m oa Ooldmaa now »ay» th a i tiio United Blatea is tbo only eouatO’> a fte r all. T hat makes I t unanlmou*. nip

■ ■ - , mU

Lynching Dill In Congrci*—headllno. T h a t’* w hat happen* to a lot o f bill* ia »ioi

, ■ ■ ■ ” “ 7 foolA ftor tho wedding U ovef he will bo test

known as rr lo c e s j M afy 'a h u ib a ta . on



S F thenews s»' «■") By C H A R L E

■ R«ior,ci,urch “ r a r a r a FO B t h e H D n i

;fl?he* ftndl few;- j roy yc therefore tbe Lo n a lco u r ta ' tho harvest, th a t ho w)uld len d ljp u .' Inborem Inlo hl;i han 'e

To aceun* strong men for tbo tian m inistry Is ju s t now -n in g ''n l n n i world-wido rohforn.

' Ules show th a t thoro lau been i f lilitno ton '*""’" ^ 1“ tl'® twen

^ 'yenr* in tlip number of cnndlda •uam ntees,fcrlng thctnnclvrs for - Iho ml si ore t o ; ^ " ' ' y®t Ibe churches hnvo Ini , i « . » i f u i , m r m b r r s h l p . Tbo ri

^ ^ t b e Cburth liotwren tlitf numbers lenalty o t m inistry j.ad tk - rommuDJeanf Iho s t a t o - b e c o m e widvr nnd

rcf/ulJlBg ot the m inistry 1« ' ' ' • W i t h i vr>y I if , BT„,rth „ , i .x t

sg raa ls : o f the C Jiw b, of C h rlstbnJtv I O fio n ta lL ," ’*’':''"*’'^ leade'r*

®«»‘ bo prenanoff iWtcment for the-Church of tho 1 iCMe ocU' -Vo soel’jt*' ot invn ean hold to xlnir be- t«“ll’--' gront objects without

- fin lifM Jeatiers. TOa ( blandest of Cbrlsl is no exi-optiou. Wh

• l i e Church has proved i.iocJoaui has no'**” ' ‘o inadc

...............I t eho Chareh i» foRussian* ,o ns to inert the growln^f noc^s . nd lh a t *1 «'«»l h«vo able men in' Its ished na '!* ‘ 7'- "^“ '‘" ''t »uch Ifladrrshlii

” M » danger Ihnt I t wJH uUimnterj- I apan to duced lo u tte r wcaknei*. Tho f; lenso o f ,o f tho L,Tiurch to Interest men I) la v tb a n ;w ‘“ '*‘^ ^ " ‘ ''® our I

fongrogatlon* and fat-jHles fo ) n . d i t . l , p tbo c i: r l , l l ,n .m inalry .b .fo r, outaldo « ; I d « n who aro. now 'grow ing up belJev«;f“ ‘l“" ’ teaehcn" ^ ''‘'^‘'iL u iines , men to tnlk ahoul the mln

only b y ; 08 tbougn It wero God’s work a 3 lo 81- worthy^ and hefolc voeatlon, mailer greater failure than not to w in . *tato-,vert* to thu Chru tlan »aith. Al for tho mlMlonarios today *ay w ith

npclod, bu lkS icrlfl nn j equipment are needed, bu t moi wldiers a ll men rm neded. For w hat wll upon a l " ® « tilng* m atter if wo do rffi. n f l ’'",'® tlio m lnlstrvf

of In th a e day* them i . n good frcslod *ald tn dispurngement of the- Chris

Jap- >"‘'’J»try. Most o f tlu- unfavor probably pomci from tl

w ink who nre i,oi vitally interested In work o f ll,.- Church. Some o f tbo r cisni Is very shallow nnd superfh Homp of ll h cyen b ltle r . Tho rainjj is jiidgi'd tou murh in tbe ligh t o f i

, fosslonnll^m, with the emphasisrfnrm T li l'™ ltatlons :rform- homllea;)s, nnd not enough in 'tho IJ es not •’* its nli'ssing* and Its opportunl' rlngos f ‘T Mere,Iness

jbrlnjr dpflnifely the eommUsloned w lappy. ,.f chriM oJir I.ord. “ The pMach rgc C. the CroM,” said (jt. Paul. ‘Ms

N «* T hS 1.^® "P P W ^ 'v c ry VN w And foolM Indeed to thow who imil onI>- rroiH.*!, -w onaiy 'stan jpo lnf:

everv " f . ‘J'® corapcM ^tioaj o f t m inistry in terms of material rewai

* rar- am! iro^ld’y suceess, e f cevito the wr In n m liiiitry h a , no a ttrac tion . 1 th a t Jf ^ not a fa ir comparjsi " “* thus to .uidRo the m inistry ntoog tl

* tho o f most (ithcr occupation* nnd p ro f aln*t "J®''*- The m inistry o f Jesus a r

T " ‘I';'’'’ ' “ foaded -fo -anpeal to o whoso Idea , of m eeeu aro expressed the phraM. " g e t t in g on in the world,

rhar- There is o sense in which tho-nilnlw cannot hn compared w ith 'o th e r voe

n to tio n . (and-1 am Ihloklng^ now of t: king m iafitry in tho sense o f g iv ing one

th e *■'"0 ** ‘^0 work o f tho Chore w hether Ihe mIoUter bo a clergyffl

•MO* or a layiua% man o r woman: « a d y, ig 0 tiB w f* tt way in which wo ean fair! won » “ P « o tho miniatry w ith o the r lim

o f w o rk -a n d lh a t I*, b re»pcet .to tt opportunities and the p riv ilem * an th e b loum gi o f tho m ln^ try . _ ' 1 V opportonity f(

t i .« “ “ ‘‘*” “ 'P -» tM n g . v irile leadernhii We havo seen how most of tho npostlf

itna were e alltd , beoHuio o f thou- v c rfm M* » I H io ti, th ey wer

not m ild w eak-spirited men, b u t eoui a ro u a mid *lro6g In sp irit, e a r n ti

lop. 'h ln g t th a t w e re ’ wortla re th e ir pJaee j,

alw ays found auch a p h ro »b eo th n bat have aoiij^ht fo r I t. Wo n iB h t pousi «r- !? , *^ ,“‘1 ia flnen to a n d lo'ader.

ahlp th a t lueh men oa Phillip* Urooki ' 'n r d Beecher b*ve exert-

ed -D rook* whose sermon* are belnn f i » « » « ,w, tb:ia composed hi* enhg re^tlo ris T / l ' who ditlik- more than nny other Influenco to swinir

of the N irih In tho years o f tho Civil WW. m we do ao t need to e ito ll'u i- trlous fhararle rs who hnve served th.i

« «™a{ ceotera. Some ofthe fln j-it example* o f leiderah lp and fcerolra a v n llj find among th e mini*.

“ • ob*core coontr>- par-

6o f a r 4S the romance o f leadership U concm ni that does and .honld anpesl;

1- to every healthy boy and every t t r o n r ' ,j men. Thero {* nothing In nil history,

be It .ae^ed .or seculaf, th a t can eom'.' paro Irith the hUtory o f th e caroeri o f tlirisU an mlM ionaries. And how llttli'

, wo over hicntion Itf Certainly, If aiiy ono seek* for herole^adventare. thero ftro many pfsfos (n tbo mission field to.

“ m inistry comoarable with t O berlis s could l>e invested. Bat-whero

# « tho boys and men who ra re fd r such ' th ln ^ T We a ll ta lk glibly nbout hero. Um In tim es of w ar; wo enconrato th*

. chi dren lo read book* of adventure,I " w a i in terest in th e rom anc,

o f life , Uld yet ib few of ua ever trr*

n e h aHghU*'* m inU tiy • la

, T here i-cver weto *o m *ny tale* of a o n lv herulsm and fino eonrnce an’*

ie ro le adventuro in any llto re tu re *o much a* In the literatu re o f Cbrisllan mUjlon*. Isn ’t there some w a r of In. W w itlng yonng men of football ago in th e ; th rilling eooflictf th a t o o r ml*' sionnrif* ilc tit todny ore hhvinir with tbo A frican chieftain*^ and tb e Mokam- n edan loader*! Thero wa* nover a football'gam e lo In te re ttb g aa th e ron- te*t fo r *upremaey wWeh f i bow going on betw een tho nU alontriM e f jM oa


SUNDAY SERMONETT.E S G L E N N BAIRD, M. A :h o f th e A s c c n s ic n , E p is c o p a l

N IST E T Chnti sn.l the xehloat leniera . . ' bainmedanisni, each (ocing fo t ll Im rvesl eoiii>Dl-ot the continent

'V-'" rlcn. Tb'rt Is only one o t inonj " l advpniur-!* which the Chuteh U

Ul soad , .Cfjtniniv thero 1*d an t oppurtunity In 'th o mlolst

tbo Chri* Jcsu* for tbe e/serclio of whnt w m ost ur- n-.only eall the m ^nlr qualtlie*. T

a , If we *i»cnt moro time reading u BlfttU- hcr<il»m-to-tho' chn a grea> and lets-lim e te lling them nboul Tpnty-fjpo ifo g u s^ c t ani the handicap* o Idatc* of- rolulsUv, wo wouW ivavo ao*« ministry . „jen olfrriag themselvoa for tho IntitftW 'l tlnn m lnulry in a ll the Cbttrebi I ra lio in jo y . . .era In the Every normal boy like* ndv int mcm- aiKj romunce. Every tiormat boy id wider, to a leader. C a n 't we • Involves to 't h e boy* moro about thi oxtonsliin portunlllj^ for Ipndershlp In y Itself, ehurchf Caa’t wc take time to r* In the to them , or have Ihotn to:<d fa t Ig strong Halves the thrilling biographies o Q fulut<'. \,l«hopa ond lho,.olV er early ml together nrlcs in the g reat west. If they

o u l Ibor- to read an Indian story, wliy nc J Church tbo expeflment o f p lvinc them iVbcfov.*'' j to ry o f th a t g reat nilssl.mary t' f(^(iat«‘ I t ijsdians, Rlthop H aio, whoso life adequate ^ romani-j. Such a th ing >»ould li (0 crow niorc plavntlng than gome uf tho *i

1* of tbu o t 7odi*j oiA iiacrri aod our own IU min- w ith tho Indian*,

ip then- O f coufic, Ih o tt Is no Um»l U y be rr- niiiiortunilie* fo r-fo r uscfulne** it > (ftllme Cbrisllan ministry. U ore and I In tho tho minister is beeoming a commi ir Chris- leader—th a t is, the minister wh

to hold a ic r i to lii* oppotlvinlllt*, fo r a ll ; 'ore th” nor of sor^'ice. And As tbo obwei up, Ihe jioTiuBllles mulllply, Iho older

cr* and juore eomnionly irccognlked field n ln ls try «crvieo :-fo still large. The pastt ; aad &a m afb jiecdtd today o» over. Ion, ?he m ialstry of holpfulncM and eon

b e a nnd goo l ebrer 1* s ill) Jn demand. In con I - -All of

i s BOY SCOUT COLUMNOOM o f - - -will a ll Ja tem u u a A ctfriU aa c f tM Oft do not^ J a , o itiw n i o f Tw l# T$lh.

Id deal ,c t„ rn , o f tho picture ahow.' h ‘ . . .m " n o t a ll liien received yet, bccauso

, , many of the Scoutm asters, cannot thP 8coii»s i'Xfcptliil thoir rcRuIar mi

'*’*y i’®'*® w nlling for “»ui ' meeting !fl order to cheek up the ir tl rflcU l, tgciTtalned,

gross recoipti • will bo from 1175 “ $200, an.l the expense* will U n-fr ’* «T5 to i m ■‘* 1, Whllo these returns are .waaller tl ’ ,®i wa* expelled, and are mori- o r le*« c !!!. . appointing, Iho Seoul* feol they

" J eclved i l l Ihe support th a t they eoi reaM w lilv ask o t tx p e « t in I to t* li these, and they feel th a t a picti

. / 1 ° sbow was a very aallsfaelory wny *, raising the money, aa i t took vory 1

V j ” * Ue of any oae'* tim e 'au a energy, i <«p t4 baU4 t tb * ■849t t t a r ^ o U v * .

; i l exee**, nnd the dftnatlons V ore bor " ‘"® V>y th e eomiannily aa o whole rath

than by Ihe few old w liablcs, who a usually called on to donate wben t

, 1. . - Scout* oe td money. fTbose irtio d td d • n ' ’*'** received full vali

■ fo r lljD mosl- p a rt ior Iho isoney spoi ” " * • Th# now Junior troop of Mr. Nixon '® "» t gpjfl ,l,g „ o s t tifk o t^ turoJog i ' . something over t60 , a n d tha ttoop thi

*i» "f***,‘7 iToop, wblch biougbt in a tonnd *3 ” * * " Th«*o JrfoiM de*crvff #pe<;iil eoam«i '1'^'^ datlon for Ihelr coasliten t and fliitl ‘ *“■' fu l effort* during th e whole Umo tfi

* ticket* Wfro on aale.“J f " ' Troop number four wa* rospoaaibl f”*“ for ticket taking, u*hering, the ro-rol

1 . in g « f 01« r* tln g 0‘ '^ 'y i th e machine. Tbey did the ir moa ’ . fdithfuJ fo rk ofong th is Jluo,' Tbo Seoul Coufttll tsp ttlM ly w lsh t

thank all tho people who lo cordiaJIj

ff l f i ,---------------------------; . . . . ,a . . .= . „ = ='W p.( I — - ■-----;i ..s•tie., I pnan.rore

- I d , - ' ‘w lh

i In EverOks • ‘ ;prt- ■

t ' ‘ » T

. - 1s n

f ; v a n ;

■ a n d ,u -

I .i - p a r t■si;“t.

of . ,

f o r

i t h o u

' ' Ththandj

; plisK;t “ becau1 i d , i s

■ ' , “Wan


^ - - helped VO make thi* venture n I ^ I W . a n a-csp i 'd a lly m ontion.tho eivl 1 1 £ | mIttep o f tbe T w entieth (;cntur

who gavu our picture show aii? llcity , nnJ *oli| tlekcls to hoir J f r . Sfailijon, m anager of the Ida a tro, nnd Mr. Anderson, m a n am

I OrphCuia (lieatro, fo r Iho ti •P’r i t 'o f co-operation ond ucclli

gave tho picturo en t c f A ' «hlch tbey showed

a ; * 'fl i* cngaff- __ ^ ,

r a o o Ma t wc con- Troop number *even, o r the s t Perhaps M r. N lio n ’* hou*,in g stories A» were presetp' chlWrcn, *«> ionibout w hat , Tho Senior Patrol leadoi p* o f .thtj Alvurd.-presJdcd, aad the a loro yoons »«cri!.arlal work were atton< tho Chris- Wobn, *cribe. IjAd a

urehe , to- « 'ooim ltteo on by-law*, wWcl i r S UeAtee, P a t £

adventuro Jonn Mnxwell, with Normt boy likes 'O ” and Lou}, naha.,cx-off/clo, we talk somo correction* tho bthe op- ’7 'i ^ adopted, aad then tho troop In tbn “ • njtitatlon to tak ing in now

0 to rea-l JhflnJ were a number o f ,for them- " “‘O*.-three, of which were voti !e* of Iho i ” ? admilted, Bamcly: A lbert K ' mission Oi«e»Oi Tod BUer. ,^hcy w ant t io membership iy not trv »nd thoy nre 'eonsldonnchem tho ? “*'•*■ "ff » «ew patrol, and ry to tho Jne « n 'a « l» tn n t pntrol leader.

life wa* . dPcWcrt to m eet Sa^iirday r lid be tarho stories “own worn , '^ o o p number' four met Wodni

. n igh t and transacted the usQal It to Iho JM»- Thiro wero sijteen present. SS in th r followintf wer© unanimously vote ■nd more I’O P«t on the Inaftlve list: Fred ] immunity t lu , Alloi} Denton. M nrtus W are,

who i* «on Jachnpn. Paul Baird, Bobert a ll nan - dcnon , Carl ITahn.

ibwer op- Somo cannot a ttend benause thev Ider and ■“ ^“r ou*, this kind o f wcntherj fields o f * '« hav? too mueh school work pastor ll Other Inturc-sis to attend regularly jvor. Tbp lo k e e p t t ; with the neerssar^ o iu : comfort t'''*'*- These can become active a t'

m i. tim e by 'takln? the te itj , nnd ahoi [ re w ln r n lle n ijn e e and aetivo intc in tho troiip.

I l l ■ .Thcrfr nre th irteen who are tec IN /fl«M Beo:'t» in th is troop now, nios

;whom ntf-id bu t a few more polnti • 0«n* j “f o m e f l m /-bss Beouts. Thoso ■ Ug nrn the .ipsrest to the eovpted goal 1----------- Oscflr flo.vd, Jor hem, Bernard ADW. havo I'""- M nrmy, r)a>ld AU-:luse so > y ^ r t b » r Swenion. \mot SCO l7 '> 'V 'thnm , Wnltpr Weaver, Wei ir meet. Bkkford. Car! ffafor tho

i i r l i 'k . , 1^ ' " obie /t* for fonsWerat

1175,10 / " . I ','‘® J'OJ'* i*<f " number f i-from V'’''* '!" '''’" n t the meetlnir

o*amiBc. kindly lonncd hy 2fr..ITand er than ‘’’f Two chapter*e*s dl*- “ ‘•‘’" tJn w d s to r r o f adventure wi lev ro- ” ",'1’ refreshmcnls of two era r could indulgpd In. Ixt liko " " ‘•"ff '» « diamisspd n t 0 o ’cloi liicturo m eeting will bo held Wednesdi i i r J? " " t « . l . . r i . r

« l l l b , l b , ,r . .« o n o f ofC , «I- _____

* ta r“ W A T O ra s tO JJT , 'r . l h t r E O t,irS E D E V E B T T IIB E E /tA T I i c aro A ilro n o m tn JWvo Ju s t l i ^ v w i Q tho W hy th " 8 t n r ‘ 'A lgo l’ ’ t p p o a r * iid do- a t Begular Jniorval*

valup Tbo i ln r th a t winks overr thn A t o . » i f titmi. 11

t o n . ■■!),«»„ e t . r , " b r « b l.h n > n , 11 „

it is quite a b right *ta L n S ! ' l" ‘orvaI* of every three day* :M in . stowJy *Ink* almost out o f aight, an , »h ' li.®° bflgbten* asaiile too The p roceu take* about uino hour* t

complete.a*JWe Why i t wink* w tu for a long time n 'j i Pfofonnd my*tery. At la*t tome on ng o f dUeovere-J th a t a dark , or nearly dark most a U r reg-ilarly p u te d In front o f I t *d.

n*nes time* doe* tbe w n .lia ily N either a Ule*copi nor an oper;

iry Man’s liftPHE pencil carf

v e s t p o c k e | i s a n in

a n t . I t i s h a n d y , a l w a y ;

i d , i n f a c t , b e c o m e s a n

a r t o f t h e m a n ’ s d a i l y l i f

P e n c i l s a r e j u s t u s e d — t

i r t h a t p u r p o s e - - a n c

o u g l ^ o f i t -

rhe Twin Falls News !‘want i ady—almost—and in many liv sh important service as a mal ause their pulling power is Jo is counted upon. Call 32 ai

'ant A d" department.


1 A » M tM * ,lrl» a la m f ie d to w o th c te nlno-bc eivio cQ in.tw inki o f Algol, althougii the writ !llu^y club, boa foiin-l tl in l a a opera glaia I* a a * a iieb pub- vantago i t tho n ight i* rather haxy. h o lp r also, 11 .li oao o l Ibe w ort wondttfuH y li Idaho the- prcm vo sight* to bo *cea in tho a»y. ig e r o l tbo N o 5no knowa bow tho *lar lb

splendid make* Algol wink has co^no to bo ccllenl ad- dark , l l m ay bo a dead or dying sa turo *how. I t approHchcs our own sun In *lze, b wed eacb Algol ilteU 1* mlicb la rg e r . 'Boy Scout A ll Scnuta oro urged to look for A

l ^ t b o Star th a t witik* every tbn

DP8 . , . ^ ------he 'Junior Troop Pitmbor two mot Tuesday nigl ou*e Wed- » i tb John 'Swodmp, patrol leader, I osotil b u t tbo cb ait. Ullo* W altert, tho ttoop ioipff s sd acrlbo, waa *lck la bed, to Charli ido t. NoT- B tow n. tUolr titslalanl troop actlb ■0 »lBtjtff» took tbo w n u tM , and illendod to t t ■londotl'to »ecrolarj;'6.dutlfi». tTbcy tpon l a ^ o I a report deal o f Uwo ebceklng In on Ibe tlckol •Ueb eon- lo t tb o U ioul bcae flt movlts, a o d foua .{ BranJn, th a t t i e l r troop ia d aold I2B.70 wort irman Al- tltk cU , w b k b make* Uiolt l io o p * « u u ond In r itkc t laJe*. l« te r thoy pro/ 3 b ’v-law* *lnglng lo r a program wbicb the; ■ooltura »« J P'/o oext wcok. T ic next n w t low mem- T u « iia y nlgbi, Janunry 2 to f enndl- ^<>*t W edoeiday Dr. John TayJo/ voted on w bo-ls Iho 'flo ld aocrolary on icouUn) t KvefM ol ti<> iJorniOB eh«r«h, appointed bj

’ Ibo general *fout council o f ^ e w Y orl in un tn eity, will tflik to Scouta and Beoatmu ring seri- *ceond Wnd ojaei. ^ormoo rharck. Avyoae totoreited ia

cordially invited to attend.

‘y n lR il* JJ, ca 'dw o ll’a trpop met Thnr*day Bight a t Parmer*’ Servlfc office. Th«i

J , ' following were preient: Charle* 'Wll- eoa. C ftw k r Wilson, WnJlM CaMfre)!,

. Byron Raodolpb, Iro Patton, Horaco ent. Th, aj,jpo,on. Tho Ia»t threo oamod paase.l loled lo tenderfoot tc«*.

Oa acflrtoBt o f to many fraotfflr# from ,*'■ thi* troon, and the cold weather, th»

lert An- fcHoadancB wa* no t a* large oa o*uo2,, b u t tbo troop will tooii bo baek » t itx bey live

e rj oth Yno evening was apent In rtv lew and 'ork, o r , ( ,^ y d tf fe r ttit U it*. a n d th« f l n t irly and .Id , w ith special atteBllon to bandag- xamlno- jn - Ufe saving. Tbo . boy i alao

a f n n r practiced the code ilphabcU showing u jtr tin g wHl be .Thuiaday, Ja a-l . K t , « s , .

T M £ S O F FO RB G II TflW H *lint* to * — . .

" , S t - W taiuoc le .4 . u,1 I te d O o of d M ar. tJirlo to pepulaUon galna.Alvord, —n. W ll P a ria eo terto ln i on a a a r e n c e We*Vy BtarJy 500,000 foreign ylaltQra e a d i H ahn, ,tuT.

srttlon P lo J , Janeiro la fam ed for tha b n lU an t Ummlciallon a l n lg b t 'Tbt

I " ?„ flow from Ita Jlglila may ba aeea a t •ander- f a r « i o H » oo t a t aea.

'w e re Quebec la aouiejlmei c a lle d . tb e ,erenm “O lbm liar o f America," becauae of Ita

The w «ll-nlgb''linpregnable poaltion airf’clock. (tr<Htg n e in a o t defeoac. boUi f ta to n l -'•d a y . and artlOclai.ir o f _

ty o n n ,.Prance, fiaa-tbe.ocly a a lrar-d ty th a t oiTen a cottrte la perfQ oery

' -Baking.. Nlfloty pe r c e s t - « f - ttw . Ygi w orid'a to la l output o f rea l larcBtlar vered Lyoaa.

U ndoQ hfl# a “N ow clnb," th a » i » - . berahip of wblch la detenalned by cer- •

I, (I ,. taJo o a n i mttuowaieBU, tad ’tny- ap- tw o * pXcont falling abort ot tb e roQalred

waa stao d an l o f a lu (a rigidly exdoded.

■*tar, Quebec now baa a popalatloo ©f . y» I t 110.120. divided aa lollow a: Frencb-

»nd Canadlana. 102.7M; I«l»b. OfiOO; E a r llab, B ^ 5 ; o th fr natJonalllla^ X798.

" “ T h e to ta l valunUoD of o roperty la u ,, n j i i a w a f t n .

one ' •U rk , 20,000,000 Saw •'fitn Hur*

add Dtiriog tbe lwenty.«nc years ib st ome- - B e trn u r " waa being produpikl on tti«

stage. It. i t ntimated that 20.000.m P*” peraooa aaw Ib e ^klay.

fe . 'rried in the i m p o r t a n t s e r -

l y s d o e s - i t s j o b

m u n c o n s c i o u s ’

l i f e . .

“ t h e y a r e t h e r e r

n d n o t h i n g i s |

\I t a d s " a r e j u s t a s

l i v e s t h e y a r c o m -

n a t t e r o f c o u r s e ,

k n o w n , i s a c c e p t -

a n d a s k f o r t h e .


, 1922 ' •' , _____

Page 7: PRICE PIVB'^.TS Jail to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar mmt fliCEimii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · ^TW ir^ vol.. 4.- NO. 240. I i mm - imsiiiFt,)

D a i l y- A dvertisem en t;


^>yrU bu~>tn. WMtire Niw(HP«r UntoB.

T be old Uily wlio' le ft Uoney* MCkle house, waa tied to i t by nelUicr m euoriM our Kuiiilinent. Sbo wu» a 54J, y t l BciisSWe o\il ftnil B en­ny met her a t tliu tsoiue- oQ tbe c lly

y . ETeouc, where one of h e r friends wo«, n f lv lng a tea. T v o llvetl moat my life

In . a BuiJiU towD," iho old U dy Mid.^ 1 (lid noi w ant .to qu ite end ll

' w ithout Bcelns tbe city. Now tha t 1*T« iK D It, 1 tm here to stny . -I'oi

y so lnx to have a good Ume. I 'o ROing C« iecturc t U ld operas and theaters,

. and Honeysuckle honse m ay go to . n l n ' f o r oil th a t I care.”

UJss Gloria Benlon grew saddcnly In tcrtslcd . Gloria Bentoo w as tlie nsiue printed beueaili po rtra its on mu> alcai programs. Benny had b«en her coHf^e frlca<}'t iKldptntlon.■ “W here Is th is llttje house /o f -

y o u r e r she aski'd. •Tell mo nliout I t.- ^

"My home lownT Oh. I t’s a tilow, ; plctun.‘M]UB .vllluKi*. UoDcysuckle ' bouse is a t the foot of u p retty ' hill—a l least. Htrongcrs exclulm •v e r ttiQ Iwautlful se lH ns. bu t I got nsed to (lie HkM a fte r fifty years.”

Benny gtowod.— "Why, 1 bellcre." she exclnlmi'd.

“tlia t H lllcleft ■ und H oneysuckle '• hoQM Is iheW ery place fo r.n jo .

Bce," Benny iinused ruefully^ "I iiuvu- ^ to take tny voice out buuic p tacc Into '

p • tho country. Doctor's onlfra."St'orlet wos luiiking a riot «f

bloom around tho while door-postM. * witen Gloria Ikn to n dismissed tho au ­to nnd turned- Into Honoyiuckle liouw; fo r II day of relaxation and Inittcc- ' tlon. ■ '

A round w hite cvllnr w as a t Ben­ny 's thrant, am! site lifted h e r hnt

- .f ro m .h e r w ory hair a s sho entercfl ‘ th e quaint old houM. Immediately w as abe delighted with Its Interior. « h e woold bring Iloweno, h e r moth- . e r ’s t n s t n t honseworker. tomorrow.

. she dedded ,"and with only h e r com- paolonshlp remain aa til th e la s t day o f fall should make re tu rn to tli« d ty .

/ unavoidable. She w u t lr td m entflllj , t n d bodily K ilk .w ork and s tody and

- public entertaining. When th e bad - O atibed h e r icm tlny of H oneysnekle iMoae, Benny v e o t o a t and p«tcti«d >

. 0t t- tb * W teM 0 t» l* . -K lR hen ' « « « • * Cv tppe« ree to be licU bi:. Then abe ta w

tfa* man. H e w u m easnrlag c tlm iy . a rooad tlio back-lattic«d porch, and ^ U v o n tti« k titk l cQlt of a w otkm an.

•TVhat are yon going to d o r she accosted him. . u

- I am .U k lng measurementa.” ' th e man laconically replied,, " fo r the en- j, ta rg tm ent of th is porch. I Intend to ^ Ilx the place oyer."

"It 'a no t necessnry." she chw rfg lly a ssured him. "for the short tim e of my B t i i^ 'n t r h o u w will do jit i t . i s .’'

evlilcntly laboring nnder. some mistake.” he said. H is tolci* » hnd a pleasing tone.

" I piirfliased ihls house from thp nci-nt (Ills monilii;,'. When I have t« mnOo It Futlstnrinr)', 1 Intend to move tn."

llimny's hniwfulneM vanished. ^ ^ "I could rent the house to yoa,” tie

auffcMled. -otilll I need it** •Benny wob Instnntly Joyous. ■ ai “O h! w o u ld -y o u r she ,asked , “and

Just ns It ^s, fumI.M icdr T he.m an nodded. I l l s ‘eyes hnd not tl

le ft ber foce. •'W ith the privilege of . golni; on with tbe repairs.. I shall

•ee 'lhn t you are no t IneonTcnlrneed." f>I So the m atter was satisfac torily ar- t t

ranced. Acnimlntnnce may ripen easily inlo friendship. In a Honey* suckle.g8rten. Benny was no t lonely, « Dot she found herse lf w otchlng w ith «

- growing nnlldpfltlon f i r the p te u a n t ow ner'a visits. H e came often to look - a fte r tbe Improvementa,. and some* tim es asked he r aid in snggestlon. B e fl> v u the respected a tto raey o f th e tb Tillage, she le a n e d through Itoweoa. **

, H e YOU delighted 'w llh he r n g r tW o o . ~ - o f w hite settlea en e i th e r aW e-«"th 'e ‘

Colonial porch. hiV - “Hia wife," he said w ilh gentiis i ♦ ness lo his tone, “would enjoy I t ” H e **

w as t plain man. b o t u n d e ra to ^ tho worid she had left. I t . had t>een a flattering worid (o' Gloria Ben* ton. b u t this man’s matterMjf.ftiet- nr!« w n t rf«fe>i her. **

n ' ~ "...

v s K w a -

Ps h OUT iJ z i

? . r E P m o PUD{


'• N e W iIts under th is h

"A voice mttst D0 a C u d tbing to lire np to,” he rem arked ono -day. “you Wttrt have to aacriflce tn'oeh to Ita demand." H e g lanefjl a t her.

J^Jfet some day yoo will pn t the tacrU flee, and rose colored dreama of am ­bition aside, t a d m arry fo r l o v ^ l k e

^ ony glrJ.". B inny 'a ey ta g r tw tiaglc .“I cannot d» Uiat," abe aaid, “I f

y* owe too much to th a pa ren ts who gave cr their ail. th a t o y voice m ight fuI*

fill IU promise. I m itst not fall In n- love. So 1 avoid m arriageable ‘men. ly “It haa hern a com fort lo b« abte to as Hnd n .friend in yoo," ahe aa ld .'“When fe w ill'you r w lfe-ivast to come o u t.to d. occupy Ihe h o u se r’II '"loxi wish to go l“ th e man asked a t her.m “O hT N ot” h e r response camequlck- 3g ly, ”I have been boppy here. I never '• 1 , gucsgcd." Dennle sa id alowly; wonder- 10 iDgly. " th a t 1 had learned to love the

old house so much.” _ ly The ow ner camo <iulck|y. and folded le hiB arm s about’ her. ' "You never u. gui-ssed, roy dear,” lie corrected, “that cr yon had learned lo love n m ere man

—«u much. Day by <lty, faopfng. long- b(- Inc, I rckd your ^ c r e t by n y own.It W hen.w ill.m y w ife be ready to comu

to“ l ie r ’h‘ome7 You. only, dear heart, if, d n answer th a t question : . F o r it le t u s taken strategy, yon see, to trick ly my despotic rival—y oor to1c«." ra ■ « ...............

•• T H E FARM JO U RNAL SAYSd. silence i t golden, w h i^ ezptalna lo why there is so little of it. iIII . . ■»“,-i. Some folks are so p o o r-lh a t they . [0 cannot so much aa raiso ao umbrella.

T he two most loathed bugs in exist- ^ e n te a re tb e bedbug and the 'hum bog.J. • ' “ «

Prohlb itlo iris a lready so established tb a t It aeems to have bocn here al* ways. u

I t r e q n tm some courage these giddy . d a y t (0 nam e one's daughter U ary


I ' - " - pi' ^ o r i l i a re sometimes, n lilead lng . Ci

F o r Instance, we novcr speculate w ltb vi ip e e u d e a . «

^ n e English sta rting la tely intro.^ duced Into tbia counijry Is by no meana

id a rU n g .. ,..A ....... I— • V. ’ , . a

A sensible horae wonld p refer four w ^ qua rts « f oa ts to Ibe finest kimble-*J . > A lo b « J W H « J ,.......... ,p,

• Bl. The man who w antonly th u so i ao {{,

J u lm a l will undoobtedly get w hat ts E] eomiog to bim somewhere.

* J o n t t had a bill from b is doctor for. “v isits and ,m edldne.” !Ie rom llted a^ chock In partial settlem ent, say ing : "I ve'' Indose check for your medlcino; I will“ re tu n i your vlnlis.”


r. To forget u wrong Is the beat re- I* vfnge.

___________________ A|1*0

Through tiip wide worid he only j. r Is nlnne who llvrs no t fo r another.i - Cn

Honest endeavor Is alwnys reward- Tue d r no good effort is ever iosL To

_ On Ho who can Kujipreifs a m nm enfs

anger nmy prevent a dny of sorroiv. -I — Kli

. The itlfTest price yoa pny fo r some "Bu1 th ings Is to get them for nothing. ' 8u]

_ Cr(I I f all would ceaws to, gratify Uielr Of'’ greeds,' b u t fow would rail to satisfy ,,. th e ir n ted t. jj'JI — Pr.

M tn Is bom for action. W ork awak- j,- , ens a sleeping force, and roots o^t I e rror. Wt)o does Dotblng knows

nothing. 5 " Du

T hose who ploce th e ir arfectloos a tfirst on trifles fo r amosem ent will And |j jthese tr iile i become a t la s t the ir m ost b siseriotts concerns. Bai

< D oh4 w orry about w hat you can’t Ha help, fo r it will 3o no good. • Don’t Po:w orry about w hat yoa cao help, b n t Mt go to w ork and help I t

L en j T lm t Fixing I t Ohio P a p e r-U ra . Lncy U erm w bas j

• r tn under the doctor’s c a r a ll t b l s . »fcck.—Boston Tran»cri|it..________

T P f T W a t a A -------PUDOIE r -------^ ■ THKT'* no;

_ V O A U M tfn iC



r s C l ahead , O ne C en


J B y a c t u a l c o u n t , f o u r o

t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u

» M i e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i t i (

i t

" t h i n g s w o j^e n ‘ d iSu k e

T h o 'ih lu g s women d islike,' accord- Ing lo Judge, a re : •

r»^ -W rinkles."

“Gray hair.

'■ “Reil noses. . t- . _


^ “Double chins.•r — ' — ■“t "Indifferent men. .in —S' “U nsfullne mush,tl. —IU “Sunday morning,t , • .it "T**o rjineh truth,rk - .

■“ • res .' the first time.

“A onlveraorlea of h l^ d a y a . ,

■Tack' of m irrors In elevatorai

** . "KU**** from mustached men.

y “Photographs th a t look like her."


(. A ustralia has hnndreds o l tbD0> sands o f a c rcs of virgin forcsta.

d . ■ —U Envelopes came Into ose a t about

Ibe u m e tlo 'e u p o f ta i t t ta m p t.

r ' .f All m v s c y aesa .

I f tha t X-ray contm ptlon for taking pictures through walls works, the gold

I Csh won't have much c n ,u s fo r pri- Ij Tsry.—Mlnnenpoll* Trlhnne.

. ' - T W IN F J \L L S M A R K E TI ■ ■

Oralii.rK'i>rniibed. by-Twin Fiflls F lour U lllb . '

r Wheat. No. 1, ewt. __l_________11.23• Produw.

Potatoes, B«ra}s;-BWt: —B utto rfn t....._____________________ 24e iK aath b u t te r ___________!________ 2ie IEggs .......------------------------------------- 33e '

U restoc* . . \ '(Pun 'iibed by ladepeodeot U ea l ,

U ark e t^ IC attle — Cows 3@4e; ite e r t 4 l-S.-i <

veal, 6®7e. IHogs—Prim e <5@re. 'UliN|>—Mutton. 4e; Iambi. .t<*. i P o u ltry -lie n s 1(^; ligh t fryers 12c. 1

H O UflEW ITE^ OOIDE .,'- (Retail PrU ei.) - a

r n i l ts and V eseU blss. (A |i|.k i, till............................. »i.00@ 2;i0 •I'otatoc", cwt. ___ __ _________ f l .3 i ISqira-i|. jicr Ih................................ 0< ^l'«bliu(;p, lu-r 111................... ............ ,0:i .Cniillfln»Jer. lb...... _..J-------- J0@ J2 l-i!eTurnip/, per I b . ......... .................... .i'3 irorrot*, i>cr lb. ............. ........................".1 jOnioni. per Ib..........J__________ .05 -I'.nran'p* ....... ...................... . .03

Provisions and flup les . *f lo u r ,-« - lh . M c k '.— .... ... 11.2501.40 .■RuRar, beet, 100 lb s .______•7.1007.25Bugur. cane, 100 lb....... - [email protected] Clicono - .............. — i ____ .W ‘Brick Cboeiio__________________ .30 -nrsnii , ..............00 ;Hffn.i ___________________ .n 'B utler (creuinery) ----------- -- 35e *Kjjg* ( r a n c h ) ----------------------------85<Krrs ( r a n c h ) _________________ 80c ;

U ea taT urhevi ......... ................................ • .-to -Qeese ........ ........ _______;_______ .3UDuckf ....... — ____________________ 30 0Chickens _____________________ Jti alions ____________ _______ ,28 B

B a t o n ______________________ 25 ®33e .Bacon, s l ic e d ________________ _____ to

Pork chop*______________ 17 l-2@25eMutton c h o p i------------------17 l-2«i25e nPo(k r o a s t_______________17 l-2@25e aPork laukoge _______________ .20, h

Stonk - Sirloin £5o; T bone 25o; bround 2Sc; thuek 17 l-U. h

lleof—Pot roast 16@17 I.2ot plate110c; brisket 8«. ' a


< o iw \ / W W T n E W i V - ’____ 1 _ A uzftaSTH 9 «

N o r \• nKK&T) I f h

S , I D A H O , S A T U R D A Y , J .

s s i f i ent p e r w ord pei' o u t o f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i n

l u h a v e t o S e l l , t r a d e o r e x i

t i o n y o u w a n t , o r t h e h e l p

FO R S A L E - R E A L E S T A T E*^FOIl IMMEDIATE 8A LB-80-acro

^ farm w ith good hou«o, ba tu , well, cuw», lioga, and equipment, near Jerome. Ito- Ilalilo dulrynian can buy on casy ’trcnis and righ t priec. Consult Ncl»on A. FJcrco, I'hooo 325W, Jerome.

FO ll SALE — Five toom homo; hm w ater h e a t , ' xarage, etc.; will trailo fo r S a lt U k e jiroperty.

X Phono 83 or 087]^

FOR SALE—80 oercs two mllci west o t RogerMo; house, bam , large ehtom stock fence, all In cultlvntion. Pbouo ifllR.

r o l l tjA L > ^ llra i , good N orlb i'd r ri;;litv,' t l lO , uoud tbll, guml ii'rin*. I<r.

Twin Falli.

FOR SA L E — Five acres, 1-8 mile east, 1-4 mile sooth W ubiag ton school. Tesirf> to trade for a Ford ear. L 6.

' Siutson.

FOB 8 A L & - ^ r e a l bargain la welt. Improved north side fam ,. Dr. D w ight

FOB BALB o r" T H A D B -iV o -ro o n

Ci le ie d -a n d k a lK n b td bcose, two cioiels, fron t a sd back aleepbg

poreb; lawn, b a rs and two ex tra lots; a snap. Pbooe 123 or ta ll a t H I East J i a ik , .

F O R W EN TJ'OR RENT—Two houio i.' Call 4(11 .

I-X M a in .. t'urnlshed or unfuralibed. i;

“• m i l " j(k N T ~ T h r« 'ro o m ^ r n iW n ' houso. Apply, 302 Fourth ave. E.

Jt *T6iT R H N T -FV n7ihcd . o r~ unf^r ' nished house. Apply 330 Tblrd ave. W. or C21 R ivcntb ave. E. '

NICELY fum lihed iarge front room furnaco heat; large enough for two. |

I A lu good bomo cooking, IS5 per j d month.' rm Second ave. N. Phono 018.' ,

'■ FXJR R E N T -B oom , 121 Main ave- E .; choirs location; oreupled by

“ Boauchanij'. Call on Lloyd-Craven Co., next door.

Fivo rooms, ilceplng porch aad gar^ < age, modi)TO, cloie In, |3D- per n on th . 1

Pivo rooms, modem exeeptv,furoace. I . MS.CHL . A —I* CBAVEN-CO.,

123 U ain Avd. VL iI ■— ... ........— <1

10 I HAVE POR BEN T desirable s iv tle room houM on Eighth >ve. No. M. J ? nle Sweeley, F irs t N ational Bank Bldg., .;e Telephone 01. ' a

3k FO U RENT—\58 TljLtd ave. No„ , “ close I n ," a fro o t room, eleclrie heat, bath od jjln lng ; largo enn-jgb for twn

1 gentlemen.

FOR KENT—Two room apartmeniV prcnsonnb.e, completely fum lihcd f>t •

<. light hoiisrkccping. Tbe Oxford.Main N. - I------------------------- ------------------------------ «

NICE qiilct room for maternity '■asei, aspeciol nu:*e. 319 Sixth ave. N. Phono •-com.

I FOR R E N T -E x tra wee llgb t houit J keeping room*, with bath p riv ileg ': -

; reaMtiable. 40-i Second ave. B.

e POK RENT—Three room fumUbcd F3 apartm ent, reasonable; Boogalow A p t i . , -' F ifth s l. and Second ave. E.f ----------------------- -------------- ----------------Cl5 POR RENT—A five room, modorn h

collage. 312 W alnut » t Boi».- r, Payette Lumber Co.

1 p o s i t i o n I / a n t e d " ■) WANTKD — Rxpctlencod womao £ J worker w ants work liy day- or hour., 702 Third ave. N. • , d.

• WANTED—P ractical aurslng or wHi J' ; care for ebildron. . Phone ni4J3.

, H E L P W A N T E D . °I W A N TED -Expcrienccd sale* Indy:I ono who caiT tako complete rbargo of 1 a r t dopM tmenl, Reply in w tlH ns ■’ J sta tin g erpcricnre. .P . 0 . Box 8211,

i KOTIOB.’ To All Ownerii or Drivers of Motor* . Vahlfilcs:: Antomohilo licenaes arc now due and ■ payable nl Iho offlco of the count’- '■ assessor. Rcmlttnnces should be mad.* f, I. in cash, poxlofflcc money order bf ; bank d m ft. I'crsanal cheeks will not

\)0 Bccopled.1 .(Signed) S. OLAUD flTmVART. ' „

odv. AsMisor.


v m e N T XWAITER A j :

* SW AO H 5 c o a t OVW H V H ' TOE MOD PUOOJ-t. fDft > y W ^

(^ E £ N ELUABEm TQ I CQ' VttLK OH, Hli WAS y (

V ^OA LLA Nr y ___ y 1

, JANUARY 2 1 , 1 9 2 2 ,

?d A de r in seftidn , andi n T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e

e x c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o m

l i p y o u n e e d — O N E C E N T

T E F O R S A L E - M I S C E L L A N E O U S I■cro j->on SALE—One rango, dozen Icr-

horn hens-and 3 cocVrroln. Phone 25J;\, I «o- Klmborly.

FOR SA L B -B nled straw, too or balf J ton lots, « a ton. Phone fi37Rl. ' '

-------- _ i ' IFOR S A L E -2 0 head hones. Aero»-. •

from Farm ers ' corral. |

^ R B A L E ^ o u d bnke shop; cl'e<-' I , trie oveu threo bottom 120 loaves; No.

2 electric champion mixer; electric ' cooler for wrajiplog; two good shuw' eases; on j largo mixing bowl; iuucli' roun tcr; three tnhU'j nnd Bjany othi'i ' a rticles th a t go with a b a l^ ih o p ; tli i i ' can bu bought very eheff|». Address

' Thomas Clinton, Bubl, Idabo. •

Jilj FOR BALE>—Right, hones, cows, * . . I moles and hogs. -G. B. BuUlvon, 4 m it I*

o ' west, 1 3-4 mis. south of tho SW eocnir!^ Flier. I-

I PORD parts. Auto W recking Co,!* 511; w o Second ave. So. \»

- ~ST O R B FLXTURES F O U '^ A L I> - Completo ou tfit, safe, desk, cash regi>

j te r. td d 'jig mtcbine, shelving in en- tionr, m irrori, window fixtures, elev , tr ie fix tures o f .all klodi. Inquire ol *. Oeorge Leopold- Tbe Clothery.

- FOR flA L E -F aacy DeUeloui appWt.i',' Phone S1SB4. , , .

. . . H EN P E E D -W e have the "fb i-.l „ <dl mixed b ^ n c e d '■ ’atlon io t^wn. Dur

irow Bros. Seed 4 Supply Co,i Phonr p.

“’H FOB S A L B - P o W hay baler, JCxl\i ? bale. Can be seen a t Lawrence Mn _

- ehUe shop. W. I . Olllette.

FOB S A L B -^ e tte a .u e ro potnt^U ? ' 76e pe r ewt. Phone 618H4, , .

FOR 8A L E -B fldroooi“ M t~ d in , : . ;T**- ro o a set, p layer piano, i l \ |e i t i f ranK-

iUI ia f i r s t elass eoodltiou. M. >S-' ea tb ave. B. j li

- rO B SA LB-lO O S l M g n i (or ' by coupes aod Mdaas. U ooo’t ahop. t<

FOR SA LE - Floe e a tisg a p p l^ J 0 . grade Jeoatbaas aod Grimea Golden. .

lh. Two mile* west, 1 1-4 tooth. P a l Wynn, ec. Phooe-517B3. li

p ^ ^ i a E - - i o ^ w inaih idds, t i i ! slset, prices reasoaablsi beadUgbtt a^id

.• window glaaa.' PhoB* S, U w o ’t Shop; p o ito fge .

g„ . FOB SALE—Bisyeles, trleyeles, tire s '* ' and aeeeuories. W erocr’s Repair Sbop, ~

- 224 Beeood i t , E . .


IV placo.

iB TW IN PA L I/8 PO m .TBV AND " £ 0 0 CO. cash buyers of live r a u llo

- every day. Pbooe 17.'!. 2W Pourth - i<, nve. Bo. 1 W 10 - ________________________________ _ ne

ALL K IN D S O P SEW ING, alterinff - ■ nod renioileling; prices rcanonable.. t Phono 85.^U.

----------------------------------------------------- : TlFISHERM EN, AttentlonI Rods re

- w rapped, to-vom lthcd and repaired. F n J E . B uniuy , 115 EljbUi . v t , E. -1., ----------------------------------- --------------------,

TRY nU R repair shop for all your _ cor troublei. \V e satisfy. Auto Wrcek o j

’n leg Co. 140 Sceond nve. Bo._

' D A N'S PLACE, 237 ahofhone x j- Sceond band 'e lolhes bought and loM

DBESSM A Em O . Mrs. Ella Caneroa _ Phone 0P8W.___________ - , j -

r. OAR OWNERS fan uio our shop ti.do the ir own repnir w ork; “ mlnimnm ' '

• c o s t” 'T ry this service. Auto Wreek . ' ' ing Co.. 140 Second ave. So.

" SALMON BIVBB OAKAL CO., LTD. a ) Notice o f A djonmed Stoikboldera’

' Mooting. •Tho nnnunl meeting of Snlmon River

i C^nol Co.. L td., was ndjoiirncd on Jan- “ uarv nth te PRIDAY, PKMRUARY 10, JC

1022, AT 1 O'CLOCK I*. M., B t i t h t a f ;“ fico n f 'h e comimny a t H olliiter. | •

fltockholders -having tho right tO |* ‘ vntji mnv. vote In penoa or by proxv.’g ,

^U l prnsil>i mu»l l e filed wUli Um, _ '<> necrelnrv a t len il three (3) days p rlo rjfft

to the ilntc of the meeting to give tlm ci j, I** for rrrparn tion o f tlio voting lUt.» OEO. P . GROVER, 1 .’* Secretary, ,J.

■ H o lliitjr , Idaho, January 20tb, 1P22.I

, ’ T im DAILY N E W a j

p W ; ; ' ' . t e

I .

i t i ' — ....... -II Jr i r r r T f T '

- — ■ BEVBM

i P a g eid W ORTH i t I "l e N e w s , d a i l y . T e l l a l l

) m s f o r r e n t , h o u s e s f o r

T p e r w o r d — P h o n e 3 2 .

? F O R S A L E - A U TDIVIORILESFOR bAi.J:, UII ri<A l>r.-K irrt r i u i

btcuD Q.ifr. b _

_ POB S A L fr-P ord "ItUring; the m»to r has been ovetbauled, 1110. One

I lU l.' FoM touring. 1103; one 1018 Ford ^ r(iadstcr.'4210. Central Quragc. Pbone •n\ 452.

I Fu lf hAi.F^A o'o tI.vr V<ifd a t V b ’u . liain; Overland PO, |;>35; 84 WlJIys

0. Kiiiglil i paiieuger, |4UU, Tuylor Auto y (U . H».-oD.l avr. .Vo. .

KOR • •P E i '” iee‘-B T E l-’’‘lhe O jl i i .\:l <tr» Grinder. 147 Second avo. N. .

FOR 8 A l.B ^ l» 2 irflu le k ” ligbl 6, r#i* ' l<uliiieJ uod In fine condltlan, llO M i

iPodge touring, repainted, *430; F o r ^ good lires and tuns good, IlSO; B»»

,^1 touring car, 101l> model, looks like a sw , • ' iV ^,,-|8 |)0. Burreti Auto Sales Co._

I n > h T B A M S tu d e b i t e■ jr .ia d s t« io extra good eondltlon; w i lU _ , ■

jsccrp i Ford in trade Phone 369W,

: W A M T E O ': M IS C E L L A N E O U S '" W ANTKD— To buy ecfond boait ''' piano. AddrcM A, care Nows.

WANTEI>-<HOO lo - |1200 ' on short •iloan ; g o - l nwurlty. Phono 223, H. a

' U Jcttert, 110 .H alo avc. No.

WANTED-JTo b . y - h m n . , n f m , and row^. Phone OOlW. ■

^ ! WE WANT~”potatocs. ’labbage, ap- large or small lotiu Call ^ o m

WANTED—Potatoes; number tw o’* • preferred. .1. B. White, Phone 58, P#*-

' rine hotel. , i.

. " W A N t K ^ l F a T h ^ 01 stock hog*.'; C T. Jlr.iHii, Kimberly. Phono 31, '

' Wa 'n t K D ^ O feet s e c o n d W lumber. £ d Vanee, Public M arket.

<T W A N T E D -A li m n p lo y e d l a b w r . ‘ to make the Laboi B ill tbeir h»a4-’

•• qoarters. Free light and beat. O p ^'* a t a ll t ia e i .

1. WANTt'n}— liori«»: good, cheap p u ’ tore; Iwo n lle s west. I I-h sooifc. P a t

- Wyno. Phone B17B3.___________ ___

>■ ' M O N E Y T O L O A N , .FAB)^ iiU A .V H a a d B o s ih iy p ^ a ta i

• i- r itiiu ’ i r tb a r L, Bw a

’’ n e News Is read by the p e ra a a e ts ' t a n U i i t l a tH s . '


’ w i i b o p T S A s i - w i n d ' s h i d a ^. net work. Mood’s ahop. Phi)s« Q.

[. S H O E R E P A D ^TW IN " 'rA L L S m O B RBPAIBOW

f^hop. i;i2 fihoihone-W est. Shosf'. H-pniuit w hllt yoo wan.

: . TB A M S FB E '0B 02IE R T B ^ e r B B COMPAIIt ' ‘

I’hosr 348 '

TRU O K -H A U L'CO .-l'htiur 371 or T ru ri 'r rT lrr 1. 4 ^rrnnd avenot nnr'h

r j p r o f e t j j i o n d . 1

~ A C O O tIH T A N TACCOUNTANT " -- 'X 'A . 'B a im o o ''lo 's . Shoshone Sl. So. Pboas 055.

“ A T T O R N E Y S _JO SN -W. O B J U U iu - lU i^ e 'r r B s V r k

. ■ Tront nuiWloc. Phone 835-R,


H O M E B O ,'M m W ^B oydltV iid iB g*" ' ;

• j ^ B L B V 4 B W O T IO T -T t to n i ’i7»I * t law. PrsM lef ih all fouft* Twl»I Fslli. Idaho.

, J . H. 'W18B—Lawrn.*" Pnlly orM iJi»4 ,1 ^ollfetinn .departaen t. , Offlees —• I Knnm* fl <inii 7. over TwIs Fallk Bask*'I Tm»t Cn„ TwlB faD i, M lio ,

5 bt;h. r |iT o tn i ;

, I n i m v iW l MOWEf> '■•tjck umrcx I

Page 8: PRICE PIVB'^.TS Jail to Eso&pp Ooat of Tar mmt fliCEimii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · ^TW ir^ vol.. 4.- NO. 240. I i mm - imsiiiFt,)


IlIffflllGEI ■i. l i J E l I: L i l FillI •--------- ^!. " F i l e P e t i t i o n f o r S u b m l s s i y o f

j i Q u e s t io n a f t e r iV layor D e ' - r

! d i n e s t o A c t o n C ia im o f i . :

. C o m m is s io n F o r m L e a d e r s ;- u

' A-ivopiiti'H i>f llip i-Uy timiiaRur iilon "• ' of jpivrriinicnt fur Twin F'nll" took thi;• k'ftif Iti'Ii fiiinjiaJKn rt-nliilml b.v jiropon- ‘

WlU of tup cammUiciun form of muni- ‘‘ elpal niliiiinistrallon Info ycBlcfclny nf- to ro iiftirw lifn 'tlit'lr iiotltidti cflllini; fo r “ Buliinls»inii n t ft «|H‘cinl cK i'tioii-of ilm “ niirMicn of ft'loplioti iif tin ' r i ty nitin- j*

' acu r l>ln:i wn" filn l tn llio offico of the *' ; c l t r cl.'fk n fle r M nyor 1‘. W. MoRnli-' •' ! . «rt'« hcul iliKpati-hnl to 'K . P. Winltoti. j'

• • I r td rp .p f tlip '•ommiinion form jrrflU|i. " i a I rt tc r In i>-Iilrli Ih r mnyor flwlnriM ,1 tlm t he (ll.l not fiH’l ,i.ii-tlfip-l lii .-nllliii' *’ ( . an clcrlinn for nulmiiMlnn of Iln* rom

niiw ion f« rn lu’fnim ’ .of iiiKiifflricnry ''' o f till- iictltlmi fnllinii for mn-Ii an pU r- '■ iion u-lilr!i wn* fili-ii l*y Wnlton Jnnu- J' uary 0. . It

T ill 'm nyor '» letter, to Wnlton (lid not iDdiral^ detttlU o f Iniufflciflncy in tho cpmminiiion form- petition. "

Essontlal 2>«tailJ Ln'k loK ■ The prlltion fili'il hy I'dvoriiti-n nf the r ity mnnnifcr pltiti, liinr/^vcr, con-

• tl»e tiRcn mul IvhrIIi of toti.lenro ; in Twin F a lls of tlip slKttom, while tho

eommimlon fnnii iK'lltlon imiltto.1 thciie dBtallii, which, It In ajw imiod/nrc pre- Toquinllen 5n pPtUionH for flic nilopllon o f ellhor propoml for rUan«o lii th - ujunli-ipal fovernm ent.

TliP pellllon fo r thi> rity matm(ter p 5}lan whieh i m fllrd nl 4:4n o ’rlo<‘k ^ yo«trrilnv afternoon hv (’lyde W. BImp- noii; lienr* 002 *Ijninture«. inrliiillnB Ilial

■ 0 fliip mnyor,. the rQunellmcn exeopt ; ‘ W. H Bnnser anil 0 . I*. Bowie*, nnd ftU ; U o f th e timvor, the-pounpJImen o jrep t

■ adiiOnlntrntlon.The petition for th r , rommlMlop hi

I from linrc 700 nnmca. tcL*w Tixtt Time. |jj

tfniler utato law np olectlop for iul>- Tnlulon of tho queitlon i f ftdopllon of tho e lty niluitRP*' phin mny nol^ 1i”

! ■ cnl'fid until n fte r (50 dayn from tlio fii |,, Ibr o f Iho p e tition ; whoican nn cloct «

' , ' t l o n for iiibmlMlon o f llip .com inluloii „ ; • form , under tho otntute, m uit lio 'cA lW .; wltblD 00 dny* a fte r fllln jt o f .tho potl-

tlon . • ’ ■ * 1 1The' petition for the fomn’iialnn form

Hiked for cnlline o f tho cleetlon w ithin n , . te n .tay j a f te r l l w m filftil, Jnaunry 9.

TW* period expired jrostoraaf. jj----- ------- ---------------. ,,,

- ^ B U H L C O U N C IL S L A S H E S

S A M R I E S ^ I F E M P L O Y E S >« ^ _ _ _ _ *■*

Offtc# e f A » lB t*at P * ik OomiBlBloaer l l AboUshBd aod P«7Tol2 B«dIcaUx

BMIiiced u,i--------- : • dl

The e ltv council took n iliuih n t sal- nrlf* n t lliclr rpffiihr meellnif Monilny r evonln);, xoy* tho IhihJ Ilvm ld. Tlioy l> aholbihrd 'l ie o fflro o f lam tn ry itmpec- L to r nnd r.-.hlitntil pnrk roD tniiaslom nl- tofrother nnd rcdurcd tlin fire rh irf from |l7-'i to <iir>0; chief n f pollre from «]S5 to t i lO ; n ic h t pcUro from I1S5 to 1100. T tij .Iflnltor o f thi> c ity hall whr> ^ slao nrt* n i re lief fo r thi- firo chief m u rrdut-rd from IllO to t 'S i ' i l r e c l ’ commI**ifiner nnd w ntcr *up«nntend«nl from $120 to IlOO; park Bupcrinlond- e n l from $123 to flOO.. Common laLor which hn* boon »ehcdulpH n t per _

• day will receive *3; n iin and loom wliieh received »5.60 now rcU « .< 0 P' and the uprinkler d river f»cti /ft ecnt» per hour where ho did j p t CO- centa. "t to


B u t E n d e n BefM t«d 31-4 ln -O n« of re U o tt In M rtttin g O u o u of Uia M

Sm k d__ __ ' ru

KIM HERLY, Iilnho (Sprrlnl to Tlie *h Ncw»).—Kller lianketliall tram defeat- dt cd- the loeal *qnnd la it evcn 'nj: liy the

. acoro of 31 to -t. The (jnmo wa* idnyed th before a larRo crowd, Mler brlnclnR ru <inllo a dclefrntlot). D urine th r flrat 0. h a lf the > 'llrr mpmd wn* iinnhtr to lo- "h catc the liiukot, the nror.* nl Iho end o f th a t period itandlnft T lo 2. They J | thow rd n a rk e d Improvement In the

. aecond hd lf and nt the end of tho camo j bnd p ile ! np 3J jMints to K lm horlr 'i *. Tho exeellent and -clow jniar^nR of * , Colo o f F jlor held the W m hcrly wjuad to b u t one he ld Rnnl. T!i-: lineups

P Iler—Aman. forw ard; Murrey, fo r­w ard ; Cole, center; .Timm, j^nard;

.Blackburn, p ia rd . Z'Klmbo'rly—Il^ldpn, forw 'aid; Chcel,

fo rw ard ; Adam*, ron tor; Slowe, {^ard ; •] Rowland, fruard.

Bahitltution* — Filer: M artin for . A m a a .'

Referee?—W hltnoy o f Twin P a lli . q,

w i l l HOU) iooM D SALE JJ .ir. Itamb'o and U 8. O tto who l u t Oti

•week held a *nle of reRlitcrod Dnroe OtJ e n e y nwine n t C lorer -Ijea f ■ranch nr th ree mlio# w eit o f Buhl, have maoo ,feDrmncementi fo r holding n BceoDd clml fli la r aale n t the name t>Incc F ebruary do10. E. 0 . Vi'nlter of V iler, hna bce;i of reta ined on auetlonrer, nnd K, ,T. Pjol- .

, ated of Rl&clcfoot, na rieldmen. ' mi

P IL E B ' BANK BIECTB.■ . . F IL P:R .'ldn iio '— ^tttckholdcra^of-th'- , i Farmera nnd . M e rc h a n t b a j * \ a t an‘ onnujil mcotinff held hew Tneaday. ove- J*

- nlnu eUvled tho followinp membera of " the In ililtitlon ’a bonrd of d trec tori; W. wc W. T ay 'nr. W. A. Bhenr, A. O. Mml- wr

• land, H. Mnr^iby and I I . J . Iloffman.

O lil MIN. DRINO PA. CHESTCT • aod UN(.1.E DIM to a REAL JKZZ ' DANCE. Y ei! K o th b jf bu t la tc it >n ja i* , a t IM nfw * Boiler R Iak, 8 a to r m

, day, Julnnn* S lat. P loo ty of heat N ’«rer '*h ln ji., M uiic b y Old OriRinal!

. B tu o 'B If 'ti . E tcdId i; tieVeU 75o; ’3 »h ......... dance* ,2.1c.—fldv. IclJ


^m wiissiiiisDFlZEM lll

Court Disposqs of All Orimlnal

f Actions S e t fo r Trial andRoenmos C alendar . [

{,'liiirlt'H Biiiiinu’r i wn* rk-clnrni not jfuilty of fl clmrRc o f illrj;al •nyuiufac-

.1 (lire of Ii<|unr by n jii ry In d i* trlrt court J* hero whirh roturni'd {Ih vi'nlli-t iu th'.? r .iro so n firr ' lirief drllherntinti* n t riiiie ' ((.'r'lick (nnt n lu h t. , Buminoir denied tho )||(.w ncri< !ilp 'of ii «uiii? “ f l t l l” con- Jj

U lru rlrd of ii k c ^ n d rod- “ wofin” y whirh, wllh elKht (tnHon* tif Immo mnde ivhlNkey wn* oelxrd'hy offi'-iTflVlii'ii hr

n wa» nrrcnted ln»t -Inly. ^IP AU (if th e crlm lnnl w r s w t fo r triul • ■fl durluK the prc*eut tehn of eoijrt-w cre ci

dl*i>osrd of followiuff the vrU lirt In tho tl f. Kumiunn ewu' when Jmlffc W. A. Rab- "I

fock ordorrd dii*»ii**al of rharRpt nj ,n o(flllll^t W. II. J m l e iind T. B. MUI*,' M

nrcii»Pd Ilf iMultiR chi'ck* without fund* w in Ihe hniik. I>l*mii*ni n’ns ordered followlui; Hi'ltlpiuunt o f tiic, ra ii 'i In lirriliato I'Oiirt from which r')>[H.'ul tn the ] hlRher W urt-hnd been ,.tnk(,-n.

Thu dlD lrlrl'i 'o iirt today wnn.enauKP.l j,, in hriiriiiK nri,ninii'nl on. iiintlnni and „

I drmurii'r* In n 'nunihor n f civil nctiuii*. niid win eiitor .Moujlny uiorninp u|nin trial o f th r flrkt c»»e nn tthe .Ilil of civn

.. Jury o*ii(’iimi'nlK net yi'*lorday fur ' Irlnl nl Ihnt tlm'«. "

J Mrmhew o f Iho jtir>- ronire for Iho J Irrui wen- rxcm pd from nervlci- vc*- ‘ |

r Irrdav until Mondny. ^

iwrnn Ik C r e a t io n o f N e w H ig i iw a y D ls - >

; ; t r i c t t o b e S u b m i t t e d a t '

I E l e c t i o n F e b . H ' , , B

Ori'nlluii- i]f ■ l l i F 'i i r o iw H Ilnnwii i< hil’hivftv ilixirli-t t o . iucbiilr nil of Ihc

territory en*t from the propoied Kim- ^ lirrly d iitric t lo Ihe prniK)*ed MiirlnuKli d in trirt'nnd aouth from Hunko river to

'' tho itnto and eouhty huundnry line, will he lulimlttod ttt-,clertar* of lh :

!' i-rihioiioJ dbitrlcl a t- nn .el'Jctlon lo bo dii ‘ h t^ h o n Buturday, IN^hnihr}, 11, uuder M< J ^l fVJalQn* of n ra\l fn r e'.i'titloii dolcr- dn ? m lnrtl ui«n tudnvkhv co im tr official*, toj

• V W n V in r ta l i " p ln « ln ^ l ie -n f f l l^ ; . ^ . c f - t te (1cm ijtjttc 'L um lft'r I'ompnny n t •

JInnaen hetnvi'n tho hour* of 11 n. m. Itf ” nnd 0 i); m .-on the dnv' of tho elcr- tw

'■ CblJlne o f Uie Ilauien d iitrlu t olee- ll( tiou hrinK* tbe number of iiendiuk hlRUwayTHilrirt e'ectinna In thU cuun- 0<

. ty tin tb three. The bullot on rtoatlon of the proittiHwl J\IrhboTly dDitrlct hn* Bi

S bo«n f k e i fit Ja n u w y 28. a a d .o n lh« : , creation of the proponed Mnrtaiigh dU- I-t

_ tr lc t, for February , i• AU of thfl p ropo ied ' now district* Cn

would hr eompoae.1 n f lo rrllnry includ- i oil In the orisinnl Twin Palla hiKhwnv 8n dlilrict.

» , Hii

'ElKSBFlNPlSr - ' sEssiiiTPOGraii::0 J _____

; 0 . p . DuvaU ProBidos a t Moot- t ing to ?o rm Assobiation of Lr< Lodges of S ta te.r — — jjjf 0 . P . Duvall, post oxnllcd ruler o f q , , Twin Fnlla Elka lodjfo and temporary1 preiident of an naaoclalWn of Elka, IpdRei of tho i ta le form ed recently a t n;r

n tncetinK In R olir, la today n t Pouu ca tollo pre*ldin(T n t a n e o tln g of delc«atea Br

f from Ifao'aeveral lod^ca c^nvoned to ef- |]{, fee t a permanent o rp ln lta tlon ... A t tho Mmo’tim c a m eotlng of rep- n

t reicntativea of KIka lodgci oif aouthcrn I, Idnho ponvened bv C. L. S tew art o f U Ilol/e, d litrlet 'd epu f.ir grand cxaUed ruler, ia in *e«ion a t rocn tc llo to coij-

< aider pinna for a prapoacd mcmberiE1]i * . drivo in tho d iitric t.• Twin. Fnlla lodffo ia rcp.reientcd n t P] I thcio uiecllnd* by II. R. O rant, oxnltedf rulpr; Kormati E. Delaa, accre tnrr; nnd I C, flicfrini, chairrann o f tho member.- *hi]i committee.’'

JUNIOR HIGH d e b a t e r s '; ARGUE O VER J^M IG R A TION; AdTocatea o f ProhlblUoa o f Por«t«iMn ' laeoniin i W in Io ro re a i lca ’ Jg,

The renolutirm th a t “ AH forolijn Im- ' mlRntiflii to the United S ta le i ahonM

be prohibited for n period nf ten , ‘ ’ yeara” wn* the nueition handled by ' *lx o f thi; boy* of the jun ior hiRh ae.hoo’l , .dehatine club on F riday before thr;

entire eichth (nhdo claa*. 'The affirm ative aide, w m arjjued h r *“J

, Clinton Rmrndalc, Burton Mnynard and W ilbur Webber. T hoi^ on tho nejallvc ilde wen- KimhrnuRh llapNman. V ictor i*.

■ Oallownr nnd William Mef>^oaM. Mlai : Orm. Mii* Ilcnion and Miaa Hickman I acted rtijjudce* of the .ucbatK ' X?f. i,” > ifpcWon wa* iriven.in favnr Of tho af- "

fUmatlvT, fThr boya on both aidea did ' |)90d work Itoth from thfr point o f view I of ar^um tnt aad o f dbltvery^ '• Bilwofd nom lbrook Bcled.oa iha lr- J'“

m in and ronductcd tho debate.f ' Fri

N«w..T ellrt A rtlolfc .I "W rinklH ," a«y« tt beao ly b tn t, "CM En , tw removed by tlffhienlnc u p 'th e ik lo ." . jr I t aoundaioa thr>ush no toilet table On , were rnu ip lp tr ' «vlthoul n. monlcey Inl• w reiirh.--I/"l'ilno Oplnlnii.

. , r

. ADVIOE TO 0E 0H A B D IB I8 . ■: ■ . 1 " Wnt er i w lllltlv e rx p ert.a d v i.e --1 I m or-hnti? rar** and proplng. Phore ori . tniir t'"'liV o.. lo R0«J1.—ad*. I’h

I! W bat it DjolcH to you mAT b« n la * I t 'a h le to others — a d v e r tU e .it i a 'lb o I c l M i n a d e o t a ^ th(

J L Y N E W S , T W n j F A L

J I H l ! li[R SCHOOL

- C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e ‘B u r e a u

,1 C o - o p e r a t e s w i t h A g r i c u l -

• t u r a l L e a d e r s_____ ,, I

Delnll* o f pinna for bol'dinj; hero on Ifl Februury 3 iind 4 n fnmirrH ' Institute

or inovinp'aHinnl under nu*picp* of the ’■ U nlvcrilly of Idnlu>, dlaeuaied u t n cgn-1.. ference yesterday .nfternoon betwefii1.. K. II, Puncnn of Boiie. i ta to lender of

vurnllonnl clubi, and tnember* of thoi( Twin Fall* Clinmbcr of Commerco agrl* ■e euUurnl burpau, were turned over by ,!• the m ectint' to a commltlee composed

of R. E . Urosaard, counly aRrleulturnl ••I nRent; Nrwell S, WIrIiI. «crrelory \)f fl,' fjinmber of commerce, nnd Cnrl I)'..Jr- ll win.rl Experta oa LSsl_ ,

" Iniititutea sim ilar to the one to be broucht horo In eonfonuity with plan*

. considered at ycalerdny'* conference '{ have lieen In, pro^rcM durlnR some

Week* in *outhcnatprn Idoho.' Membora "■ of th r fijculty of tho atato univeralty JJ und extenaicin departm ent njtenta who

nro tnkluR part In theao In ititu lca nnd who would he expected to participa te In

y Ihe »«chofil here, include I I J . IJd in ;p ,I. denn of tho atnto agricultural collep',- who i* considered nn nulhority on live­

stock subject*: l-L R. RenJlerl,"field hor- ticu llu ritt; Mbi* Amy Kelly, home '

f drm onstrntloa leader; (Tlaude Wake- . bind, field entom ologlit; R. T. Park- ;

hurst, ])rnfauor of (multry.

Local Men Named In addition, thu nninca of S ta te Sen­

a tor J . H. Reaver, form er S ta te 8onn- M tor ,M. J . Hweoley an<l Leonnrd W ay,

wero ]irescn|cd a l th r eonfcrcncc yea- terduy ua noMlhlo *pcakcra and leador*

• o f diseuiuiinus in connection w ltb tbo Inilltule.


s c h e d u l e s A N N O U N C E DII ______

*: WIeldera o f Ouo Id Twlo FaUa to Oom- ' I, pete In Three OttaUon and H aodl- ! 0 c ap O o n te tts j

: Si-lied.ilrr, fur Ihrco ciishinii and hnn | n ilirnp, liilliurd tournament* to begin on . r M onday next and eontlnun un til S itu r- i •- dnv, FebTBBJy 4, n t M arauley’a vetQ , I. ty^lny nill ounred l)y IVauk MntUaoif ] < jm tW nlon t mananer. t'^-thC T elic ilU liS rftfl-tho- tlinH-’ cuahion , I. ld tirner„^rK n the nmno* of the .coii- , '• tselnntiCfi’liowji: ,

M om h", . T n n i f a r y ^ j i l p r 'vc .- llunuhralii': (Timmins v*. Dron-o.1. Tucid.iv, .louuary' 24 — Hnil/*y v*.I- Oo1d\vatcr; Ilnlley v*. Larson, n Wi'diK'i'dny, January 2 — U^plcr v*. ,K Browu; I’onpli'rakc v*. Cimujiiha.0 : ,Thnr»ila.» .;Januvy 20 -7- ^ l o r vfc .. I.rir*on;. (iQldwatpr viu Snook.. Fridnv^ January 27 - - .Epler v».

9 Cummin*; llonebrnke v*. Brown.:• 8aturd.iy. .Innuary 2H — Rallpy vs.If Snook; (Joldwater va. Laraon.

Monday, .fanuary HI ~ Cummin* va. J^iook; Fplor va. Balloy.

Tueiday, Jnnuary .11 — D o n e b i^ ’' v*. {loidwntcr; Brown v*. Laraon.

-Wedn»«dny, FBbruary 1 ~ Eplcr va. '

]8nook; Iionobrako va. Laraon.

T hunday, February 2 — Cummins , V*. Balloy; Brown vs. Ooldwnter.

Frliinv, February 3 — Cliinmlna ,\>«r 1 Ooldwater; Ilrowii va. Baileyi • . . J

BatunUy, FcWiiarj* 4 — E p le r' v*. ' Lnrnou; Ilonehrakc va. Snook. '

Open Oamea.- Epler va.'O oldw ater; Bonobrako va.

^ Ufttley; Cununina va. L an o n ; ffnook v i. ' ^ Brown.f H andicap T tn n a asn t.• NumbiT of poinU, 40—O oldw ater 40;t Epler 40; Bnook 40; Bailey .10. handl- ' cap 4; Ronpbrnke 38, handicap 4^ '

f Brown 12, handlm p f!; Larson 32, hnn- '• dlcap 8», Cummin* 32, handicap 8. |

;CimiltTEE8 ;! - F ie p s w i;t P l ^ o B O i v ( S ^ y A u d i t o r S h o w '1 I n a t i t n t i o n ’B I n c o m e a n d ^ i

E x p e n s e s |

Income of the county Rcncral hoipi- tnl, excluilvo of tax nonoy , during tbo year ending Jannnry 7, amonnted to '

I 138,028.01, while the to ta l czpcnao of ‘ the in itltu tion , outaido of cap ita l out- <

, Iny im'ludini; a heaUng p lan t in iU Iled ‘ nt a coat o f |17,112XS, amountcil -.to 10.1,480.03, aecording to figures made { public today a t llio couaty reeordcr'a ‘

I offlco.Aaiota in the amount o f «2i>,S23.31.

. Including c aJ i on hand in th e turn of * J *21,403.03 and tho balance in ta x non* | , cy receivable, were ahown aa a g a ln it a ;

to ta l of v a rran ta oo titaad ing In ,,the , lum o t I27.4M.85. , • • • • * I The Itema o^ expon’ae for the year. ’ . «c Iu* lro of capital outlay wcro given J . aa followa: ), Salary of aiiperlnteadcnt____t 2,400.00, 8nlnr}' of em p loyca------------ 21,452.12, Pathologiat and X-Bay w ork_ 1,458.60 , : M aintenance aupplloa 12,315.211, flurglcnr lupplioa and. drugs.. • 4,871J0 , Rcpaira to buildinga and* ,

enu ipaen t ------ ----------- 2,»4.7< !. Fuel, llghU, w ater nnd le e .„ 7,414.00; •

L a u n d r y ___ 2.C82J0 !IVcight, c ip re u .and drayage 320.21 '■ Telephone, telegraph a sd ■

poitage _____ _______ 305.40Employca eompeniation " ‘• inauranco ___ ; 178.51)Cnrc of in d lg e n ta __________ 0,842.07In tcrc it on w arraota _______ • .o."! I

--------------- (TotaJ oxpcnio — ^ ___403,480.0.1 1

D E S IO in M . f• " U n ije r lj .^ n d layeltea, exclualve and > orlj^’lnal deslgai. Mrs. Pilnl Tabar

Phone iOlW.—a dr.

' a a n i f ie d a d m tltlB g I t th e ehrap ' I .-»t thinp you can. bny—*fl#«artd by ‘

the profits i t iatj brisff ' '

L L S , I D A H O , S A T U R D A Y

i Womm Makes Gr. t

I- u H i n i N U j ^

'•I H 1 ^ H


- b ra VJ' ^


Rpmembcr wny bnck when you were I , a kid and plnycd “ London Bridge I* 1

Falling D o w n l" Well. Misa Gladys | <* Roy, of Los Angeles, Cal., has modern- j

:illllllSS ilH li; I' : RlfllFOlililSyPM!

, , I

Ice in the Oanal Temporarily! Shuts Off SooroQ from •

^ Low Line j

Arniruulatinn of ico a t tho Intake o:*.,J. Buhl’s w nter *upply frnm. the low-Uno

cni>iil in lem ip ted delivery o f w ater, from that aourro- .veatenU r <uid la*l i night, durinir which tim e wat<r w ai pumped into tho main* from tho muni-

' elpal swimming pool. .The *wlmmlrg " pool wa* pumped dry a t libout'O o ’clock

when e x tra 'w a te r diverted In to - th ” ft canal .J)c*nmo nvnllnble, an if ofrv lce l

,Ihj'pu(rfi-thp- nfgalar eh'Sanela wn'»..>c^'' a^red . I c o 'In the eanBli'*lna^B dc'j

“ llVery o f tin* ex tra hcnd of w ater b - Ll alow procca*. I t i* not anticipated that

there will be further-lU fflpu lty . • '

[ J o o a l g r e v i t i o j |fc ■ ■— — ^ .

Back from O g d aa -M r. .and Mr*, a *• E. W righi returned yeaterday from Og-.

den where they spent aeveral daya 'w it lr , relatives nnd frienda. j

• L ie tn ied to W ed—A marriago ilccnie '.„ waa lasned here yesterday afternoon to;

Howard Bola o f IV In Palls, and V io le t'^ Bnmc* of* Portland, Oregon. . j

-, y ia lta w i t l a is tw —Mrs. Stella Brad- j loyl who haa been here alnce tho doath

,• e fd ie r fctlicr, tho -U tiir>J«oph-W #lk-l Ingtoir, le ft thia.,i;epk £o?3flromc where,

• she Is .the gueat o f h e r alater, Mra. L. R , J[ohnsoa.

. M X WalkiBgtWi E « ttin i* -M ri. Jo-, seph ^Yalklogton* w ith -h o r son Law-j ronee, relom ed Thursday from Com-; bridge, Neb., where she hecompanled. tbo body of her husband, tho h te J o - 'i seph WtJklBgton, fo r bnrbtl. /

W tra* r In O la rfe — P . W araer! o f Twin Falls, has been appointed by.’ tho etato bank examiner os recelror fori thfl Commercial S tate, b a n k -ftt Burlev which recently cloaed It* doora, and is D now Id Borley in rharge o f the Instltu- ::

H tion 's affair*. ' j

II QlTO a r e e t O oim #ction-A now' tel- "• ephone llne.glvJB g Tw in Palls direct " ^ connection with Haxelton and E<lon \ y vwai opeaeil n l m ldnlghl' last nIghL ,

Jjleretofore telephone en lh from here to theie towns were aent through tho f Burloy exchange.

0 BhTS Store a t Filer—Archie T. Craic f0 who for aeveral yenr* paat ba* been ,, f associated with J . A. Blnclair ln _ S ln v i . c la lr ’a clothlns B to tc rh n r . Jiaa^piir-I^l j e kued from M. A m oritx , tho Ilub I J ja o th c rx jito rp -J 'i .Filer, and th is weelcT', g dnt(te<t vpon 'a c th T nanagcm cnt of, bU new v e n tu re ., . | |

B nru i Provo Sorions—!I, H . Ife d r^ f Strom, secretary of the Tw in Fall*'. Amiisemrnt. company' and OMrator o f ,, . the motion picture machine* a t tho Now o g Orpheum theater, Is tod)iy confined to j

Wb bMBo by waaou o l m JutIi-s s'oIftTtd' r . a week ogo when a film w ith which ho l ■ waa working, caught f ire In the pro- »;

jecting. room. Burna a b o it tbe left U hand are especially »orloua.'‘ |

1 T e t« tla a r la a .IO N i O tr ^ D r , IL B. ^ Orooms, deputy atate veterloarlaa . re-;

. M rted 'Iasl .n ight to the police th a t hia R ird ear, lo ft standing betwpon th o ',

, h oun of 9 and 11 o,'cloek la st n igh t In 5 J front o f the Skagga groeory on 6ho- l J ahboe street, ira s m isilng. I t boro 1021 , license som ber 3108. ’ Tbo rad li to r ' waa ■

drained, and tho ear coaid s o t ha re been ■ J driven, f a r , Dr. G roooe kald.

/ 0UBLBB8 H ABD A T W OBKr D D L trrn . y P )-C u rlo r i from the i United s ta le s aad Canada today were . contesting In the final d raw s of the ) 'Notlhwpttern Catling naaoclatlon bon-

sp ltl. Tlic winotT of tb o n re r tg a lt grand prize wna to be named today. .

ClothlnQ 8tlcfcl?fljtq.-UAher.^ -To ^eep one'* d o tb lng from itlck*

, Bg ift leatliW upholitery, the leaiber ibould t.«> rubb(>d lightly w ltb t do tb

latnnrned, with gaaollae..

r^fit Parachute Lettp - ■ i

I '

I '

■re laed th a t vorsIOQ.nnd tells o f her many e l l parachute loapa. SEo la shown hero

, sailing Ibroogh Cnllfom la'a bahny i ^ oione, ha rin g jju a t 'lonpcd from the *

plane speeding away., . ., ,,

\Old Timer T ells^____of Weather Here ’

J i WhenJtWasColdi[ OUI time rt'a ijen is o f tU 'i distrlpt

J y ; aro unw lllliig 'to conccde iL a f ro------• ren t colil wp'athor Is. t'.e coldestI tho t cvcr'‘ vl*ited Uili aectlon.' f ' .J)l*fU8ilng Iho aubjeet today a t ' ;

o f, hin di'ik n t Mio eoimbtivse. John V. IIan»ou, pioneer settlor of .Rock

i ' [ ; Crock nnd now deputy’ county ro- ' fordyr, n-callcd thn t on Mnrcli 13,

n |. iaUO. with anow drifted from threo tu five f tt 't deop, i t bocumv so cold

(,], thu t IIU head of cattlo owned by the Inlu A. D. Korton fru'zc to death ;

[(.ll un tlio n n g e uhd otlier storkmen ^ 1 ' of tho. d b tr lc t Buffered sim ilar f 1...J losaea.-. . . . . - , •

' “ In March, 1886.': Mr. Hansen, continued, “ n fter thermomotora a t

' Roek Creok bad ro is te re d 80 de- I t grees below zero for tbreo sueces;.| ‘ idve d n y s ,'a party o f seven cow,-.'

puncbprif Incbidlng myaelf set oiit I for Snuko river canyon. We eomi>-

, . od ono.'^nlght la a coulee th a t,' a » - k neorlr na I can loi4itc I t now, . o

. , .ruas through J . A . W atora' pJaee-*- ti C. north of Twin Fall*. I t wns so II

c.old th a t n ight thnt a buckol o f fi w a te r 'ie t wlUiln a yard of a flro , h'

j wo buill of juniper, boiled on ono ,T. i flldo whllo Ico formed on' the othor, I f< : None of tho p arty e*oa,ifd with-

, ; out frost bitten flnsera, face* and ci I ,1 feet. ■ F rank Rnmsey, who-wn* Iat- tl

• e r atato auditor, was ono of tho a i v ictim s ns were Chris Peterson of

, I Rock Croek nnd myaelf. .r. A,'■! Bower, o f Rock Creek, had one hund ,

I ao bndly fronted thn t It atlll tro u - ' Il,lc, h lm £ _______________ __________I


M r a . T lo U a T. l a y o o o k i i O lv o n “j T iU o t o P r o p e r t y I n r o l v o d

l " l I n B n l t • 'by. — "

o i.in , , „ f m .i i i , p . U y ,„ 0k;j', adm inistratrix o f the eata to of Elvis

U U ycnok, dcceaaed, as opposed to w th n t n f Peter Worrell to n str ip o f land ti 100 fee t wide extending along tho west ci *5do of 40 'ocrA of land in tho \-icinlty e: of Ilnnson, wn* sustained hv. judgm ent C

. entered yesterday afternoon by Ju d fe _ L, W. A . Babcock in d is lrir t court, fol-

lowing W orrell'* failure tn nppear in . . court to resist the claim n f the ndmln-

ia tratrix . W orrell, I n . an answer tc Mrs. Laycook’* complaint previously

■ filed, had set up claim to t.io p row rty I In controveraj* on4ho basis o f hia hav-

Ing 'farm ed Jt fo r e ight years. ,

jr jl i - .- . ~ - 'X in jfoT O O E K B JlT 8 ’

• The -M. 8. and 8. club will meet a t tho heme o f U ra . 0 . IL Eldred on Wed. i

<Tho Pan Uellenle elnb will meet at tho home of M rs.. H arry Benoit, 211 S ixth avonne east, M onday. evening, Ja n u ary 2.1. In stead 'o f w^tli M n . Clyde

. Bacon as pravioualy pb inned.-' Mem- be ri unabiB to a ttend arc aaked to no- ^ tffy the-faoateaa.

I The Shamrock elub will inopt a t th?- home-A^ M rt. M ark Dean on Thursday " .T h e r o will b« election of officer*.

ehppter will meet on . M onday evening a t 8 oVIock In the

Bed Cross room a'In t h f Idaho Powrr ‘••bu ild ing . • ■


1’ ATTENTIOIhea- •

" , T h e f u n e r a l o f I v o r '

- - i i e j d f r o m t h e E l k s ’;• d a y , J a n u a r y 2 2 , a t c

Recdrds Indicate Steady Moderation, ,

in Temperatures. _. Continued moJoratlun, In liem per

' ' , n ture I* noted.today in r'*eonIa a t - the govrrunipnt w cathpr obiorva-.. tory hero. Dropping from ft high mnrk o t 8 di'grcc* above, toro yea- ' terdny tho incrpur.V^ r w h e d low la st n ight a t 8 degrees .below ,.and ’ atood n t '8 o'clock this moruing n t ,JO dearce* nbovo -jtoro. A reading '•

•n t noon.'ahonTid tf'niJ>f>nli£r,o'£0 ‘' degreo< nbove. Then,* wns u trace ' o f jircclpitfttion^during the 21 hour •

8notV flurries ore.ln .pruspuct for ' Idalio tonlght and’ Suniliy, accord- -

Ing to Ihp wpalher.forccaator.

- ' F U M E E A i.8 .......... ' i\ , r

. jv o r 'T . Edwifit;-"'^. FuneraVscrvlii!* fur 'iho 'ln tc IVor' T. I^w nrda who died Tofladay .morning > t a -Kospltal here 'w hero ' ho hnd 'been a , ' pa tient, fo r almost fiovon iii.onths, .trill be he ld a't 3 o ’clock Sunday afternoon In the Elka lodge room hete, O ff ie m of th a lodge wili conduct , rltualiiU c sorvlcea while the Bev. A . 0 , P ca iw n o ( the F ira t Presbyterian .church,JlV te sponk.’ Ar>tuigcment« . for the rfurieral wcro announced today, following,'tho re ­ceipt o f a'cablegram ” from M r.--B d — w ard ’* fa the r In. England. Decedent was survived by ao relatives In this

y country^ ' . . .■0 , •

I Life Boats and 'Propeilor Lost;

Ship is SinkingK o r w e g la n f l t e a m e r M o d D is -

■ a b l e d in £ Q d > O o d a n > ^ I i i i ) 'H u r r y in g ^ A i d . '

BOSTON', Maw., (/P) ~ T h e 'n o w . Norweginn steamship .Mod," New .

- Y ork for Antwerp, Bremen and /I H am burg ia sinking lif mid-ocean,

according to radiogramd roco irod ..‘ h fre todiiy.

Thu steam er Centennial BUrto re ­ported tba^ a ll the Mod’s lifo boata and her propeller were gono and th n t the ilfam er Qcnfge W aahing­ton w ju going to her a id . 'T he .Mod'a nositlon was given a t la t i ­tude 40.15 north; longitude 41.10 west. • ,


U a a w ltb D lrine M u i w , L u d t t . of JezreeUtM, Bucctusbt a t H eadqnar-' }

t t e t o f "

.LONDON, W>) — M lrhael Mill*,- known as “ Prince M ichael'* and bend■ of th e .Jo zrte lite s , o r “ New and Lat-' to f .Hoas* flfD a rid ,',* ia. daad a t .O ib ,

llngham,' K ent. Ho came to E ngland - ^ from Amorirp In 10O(T, declaring tha t

, ho w al divinely njipolnted 'ruccesaar to .TamPi .Torahom .Tekreel (Jam ea 'W hito), founder o f the sect who diod in 1685.

MllU aaid .'ho had rocdvod ■ dlvino com m and.to completo the hnflding of t i e “ J e n ir t^ tcm p lo ’ ' o t Qllllogham. .

— , i 7 ;I 0 1 % . : O l f i o a


’' f o r H E J ^ f^ A n a r t f l ic n ir r 'p h o n B ^ 8 (33W or'cair/o rlicy iit6<0 Third BI..N. A*

I A BAROAIN to right” pa rty on 10 J eerea; atoek, implements, chickens go

w ith pufchaao; modern homoj close In..JJ Boberta Realty.

W AN T£D-4100U to r 0 iflontbB; g ilt edgo aecurlty, w ith certain ty o f prom pt repaym cnti will pay good la tefeat rate .

. n. B. Powcm,. 252 Becond, a re . No.

a WANTED—n \j buy 2 to S acro trtic t;0 woll improveff; w ith 'w a te r oand e le t- - . .-II tr ie llgbta in the house; will pay $150 t cash; ,bal(ince t ' 6 per month aad Inter- y erest oii deferred jMiymenta. Lloyd-

Craven Co., 12.1 Mnin nve. E.' — - M

I - ------------ - / '

“ T w n r .P A Z i s TO o o o d d t o C TU nioK, BnU aad WcodiQ

[ By A u t o S j a g e

LeaTing T iiin Falla J .t . a , and t p. m . . CMBectlng a t Oooding witl) t n l u 19 and 17 going we«t.Leavlfig. Oooding 6 ia . ra. «ad liSO

t : p. o . , aW vlBg fn Twin rM U 10:80 ' a . m. and 4 p. m.'* Those c a r t a re equipped w ith b eat­

en ,;m alcliig .th 'B 'lrlp a pleMnrv,;

1 T r a s k B r o s . S M u n s o n^ r«U« OfflM B e im o n H o w

6 . ' n « » M or mm. ■ _

" . -----------

, ID A H O O L E A IfE & B A i n )D m a . ,

0 8 A 9 . B . B O W O Z irrB It 00 .. - , Phon* n e -w

, . l 2d 8b o fb eM 8 t. W en . F m d i Dry O im u g

B e p itr tm -P y a tc g ^

}N,ELKSIr T . E d w a r d s w i l l b e

s ’ L o d g e R o o m S u n - '

t 3 : o ’c l o c k . •