Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsleer Spring 2019 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 Plenary Session we will extend our warm welcome to our ASME President Mr. Rich- ard Laudenat who will give an opening remark and to our two speakers Gregory Walz, Engineering Technology Manager with Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and Narasi Sridhar, Vice President of DNV GL and Program Director in the Materials Technology Development section of DNV GL, USA who will give presentations on A Deepwater HPHT Development Pro- gram Retrospective - 2014 to Presentand Integrity Assessment of Additively Manu- factured Metallic Alloys,respectively. On Monday afternoon, the conference wide reception will take place in a friendly Mexican atmosphere. To promote network- ing, a meeting reception is organized on Tuesday early evening to bring industry and academia together to discuss possible collaboration on future projects related to PVP. The traditional honors and awards dinner gala is organized on Wednesday evening to reward authors and organizers who have made exceptional contributions. During the event, Dr. Young W. Young, distinguished Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department at Na- val Postgraduate School in Monterey, Cali- fornia, will be presented the S.Y. Zamrik PVP Medal award in recognition of his achievement in multiscale and multidisci- plinary problems with applications to fluid structure interaction, mechanics of metallic (Continued on page 2) he primary mis- sion of the Pres- sure Vessels and Piping Division (PVPD) is to provide a forum to the engineering and scientific communities to promote, share and disseminate state -of-the-art pressure technologies, relating to the power, petrochemical and process industries, and sustainable and alternative energies. The annual PVP conference is one of the key forums where engineers and research- ers dealing with Pressure Vessels and Pip- ing Technologies, can meet to exchange information and ideas. Each year hundreds of volunteers are involved in organizing the PVP conference by authoring, and re- viewing technical papers. Many volunteers are involved in organizing technical and panel sessions, tutorials, and workshops. Many of the conference papers are also published in the Journal of Pressure Ves- sels Technology. The Division has developed strong tech- nical relations with local and international communities through sharing and dissemi- nating knowledge with industry and aca- demia. This helps in the promotion, and development of the Pressure Vessels and (Continued on page 2) NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE P A I D American Society of Mechanical Engineers A. J. Duncan, Editor The beautiful Hy- a Regency San Antonio Riverwalk hotel in San Antonio, Texas will host the 2019 Pressure Vessels and Piping Confer- ence (PVP-2019) from July 14-19, 2019. The prepara- tions of the conference under the theme Future Technology Trends in the Global Pressure Vessel and Piping Industryare in full swing. PVP2019 will aract more than 700 technical papers and presenta- tions organized into more than 190 tech- nical and panel sessions. International ex- perts from both sectors of industry and academia and coming from 40 different countries will present their latest research findings in the area of pressure vessels and piping. The Conference will also present an EPRI Workshop on Structural Integrity of Components in High Temperature Ap- plications, 6 Technical Tutorials, a Technol- ogy Demonstration Forum, and the annual Rudy Scavuzzo Student Paper Competi- tion & Symposium. The conference will start with a welcome reception offered in the honor of our Early Career Engineers, Students and, for the first time, the Code Users on Sunday after- noon. On Monday morning, during the T A Message from the Conference Chair T A Message from the PVP Division Chair Pierre Mertiny Hakim A. Bouzid

Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter

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Page 1: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter Spring 2019

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

Plenary Session we will extend our warm

welcome to our ASME President Mr. Rich-

ard Laudenat who will give an opening

remark and to our two speakers Gregory

Walz, Engineering Technology Manager

with Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

and Narasi Sridhar, Vice President of DNV

GL and Program Director in the Materials

Technology Development section of DNV

GL, USA who will give presentations on

“A Deepwater HPHT Development Pro-

gram Retrospective - 2014 to Present” and

“Integrity Assessment of Additively Manu-

factured Metallic Alloys,” respectively.

On Monday afternoon, the conference

wide reception will take place in a friendly

Mexican atmosphere. To promote network-

ing, a meeting reception is organized on

Tuesday early evening to bring industry

and academia together to discuss possible

collaboration on future projects related to

PVP. The traditional honors and awards

dinner gala is organized on Wednesday

evening to reward authors and organizers

who have made exceptional contributions.

During the event, Dr. Young W. Young,

distinguished Professor of Mechanical &

Aerospace Engineering Department at Na-

val Postgraduate School in Monterey, Cali-

fornia, will be presented the S.Y. Zamrik

PVP Medal award in recognition of his

achievement in multiscale and multidisci-

plinary problems with applications to fluid

structure interaction, mechanics of metallic

(Continued on page 2)

he primary mis-

sion of the Pres-

sure Vessels and

Piping Division (PVPD) is

to provide a forum to the

engineering and scientific

communities to promote,

share and disseminate state

-of-the-art pressure technologies, relating

to the power, petrochemical and process

industries, and sustainable and alternative


The annual PVP conference is one of the

key forums where engineers and research-

ers dealing with Pressure Vessels and Pip-

ing Technologies, can meet to exchange

information and ideas. Each year hundreds

of volunteers are involved in organizing

the PVP conference by authoring, and re-

viewing technical papers. Many volunteers

are involved in organizing technical and

panel sessions, tutorials, and workshops.

Many of the conference papers are also

published in the Journal of Pressure Ves-

sels Technology.

The Division has developed strong tech-

nical relations with local and international

communities through sharing and dissemi-

nating knowledge with industry and aca-

demia. This helps in the promotion, and

development of the Pressure Vessels and

(Continued on page 2)



P A I D American Society




A. J. Duncan, Editor

The beautiful Hy-

att Regency San

Antonio Riverwalk

hotel in San Antonio, Texas

will host the 2019 Pressure

Vessels and Piping Confer-

ence (PVP-2019) from July

14-19, 2019. The prepara-

tions of the conference under the theme

“Future Technology Trends in the Global

Pressure Vessel and Piping Industry” are

in full swing. PVP2019 will attract more

than 700 technical papers and presenta-

tions organized into more than 190 tech-

nical and panel sessions. International ex-

perts from both sectors of industry and

academia and coming from 40 different

countries will present their latest research

findings in the area of pressure vessels and

piping. The Conference will also present

an EPRI Workshop on Structural Integrity

of Components in High Temperature Ap-

plications, 6 Technical Tutorials, a Technol-

ogy Demonstration Forum, and the annual

Rudy Scavuzzo Student Paper Competi-

tion & Symposium.

The conference will start with a welcome

reception offered in the honor of our Early

Career Engineers, Students and, for the

first time, the Code Users on Sunday after-

noon. On Monday morning, during the


A Message from the

Conference Chair


A Message from the

PVP Division Chair

Pierre Mertiny Hakim A. Bouzid

Page 2: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


Conference Chair Message (Continued from page 1)

Division Chair Message (Continued from page 1)

Piping Industry.

One of the key objectives of the division is

the focus on students and early career

engineers. The Rudy Scavuzzo student

paper competition encourages B.Sc. M.Sc.,

and Ph.D. students to get engaged in the

division. Every year special events are

arranged for early career engineers. These

also include tutorials and workshops to

help the young engineers grow and devel-

op in their careers. Young engineers are

looked upon as the future of the division.

Our PVP 2019 conference in San Antonio,

Texas, July 14-19, 2019 promises to be an-

other excellent meeting showcasing the

“Futuristic Technology Trends in Pressure

Vessels and Piping”. Besides the large

amount of technical papers and presenta-

tions, tutorials, and workshops planned,

there are several unique events that are

planned for this conference. These include

a codes and standards appreciation, two

workshops, and special tutorials for early

career engineers. The PVP 2019 conference

is led by Hakim Bouzid as the Chair and

Trevor Seipp as the Technical Program


One of the PVPD key points of strength is

the dedication, commitment, and family

spirit of its volunteer members of the Divi-

sion Leadership Team (DLT) and the great

support the division gets from ASME staff.

The ASME-PVPD is seeking to become the

“Go to Organization” for Pressure Vessels

and Piping Technology.

Please come and join us in San Antonio to

mark the 53rd year of the ASME-PVP con-


Pierre Mertiny

PVP Division Chair

sion San Jose - a guided tour of the

UNESCO World Heritage Missions on the

Southern reach of the Riverwalk, is on

Monday July 15th. River Barge Tour &

Lunch - guests can enjoy a modern take on

Texas regional Mexican dishes inspired by

the history and heritage of two cultures on

Tuesday July 16th. A technical tour is

planned on Friday July 19th by Baker Engi-

neering and Risk Consultants, Inc. to learn

about BakerRisk’s state-of-the-art Wilfred

E. Baker (WEB) Test Facility on industrial


Thanks to all our PVP organizers including

ASME staff who are working so hard to

make this event a success. The final tech-

nical program and conference events will

be found on the conference web site at


Finally, the Conference Organization Com-

mittee is pleased to announce the hotel

booking and registration are open, so

please hurry to the conference website and

make your reservations early. Please join us

in a family atmosphere in San Antonio. We

look forward to seeing you there.

Hakim Bouzid

PVP‐2019 Conference Chair

To subscribe to Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, please contact:

E-mail: [email protected], Phone: 1-800-843-2763 or 1-973-882-1170, Fax : 1-973-882-1717

cating the poster session as part of the

Monday evening reception provides an

excellent opportunity for the Conference

attendees to recognize and honor the stu-

dent authors, and for the authors to discuss

their work. This year there will be a total

of 20 papers in the Student Paper Competi-

tion. There will be 6 papers in the BS/MS

category, and 14 papers in the PhD catego-

ry. The submitted papers have student

authors from countries in Asia, Europe,

North America and South America. I

would like to thank the student authors for

their efforts to participate in the Student

Paper Competition.

The PVP Division Senate continues to sup-

port the engagement of students and early

career engineers to participate in the activi-

ties of the Division, and in particular to

participate in the annual Conference.

Their participation is essential for the an-

nual Conference to continue to be a vibrant

forum. The Senate is involved in a number

of initiatives for students and early career

engineers, including the Division Young

Professionals Committee.

The Senate continues to have significant

participation in a number of other activi-

ties of the Division. Support is provided to

the annual Conference with various func-

tions throughout the week. The Senate

also supports outside organizations, such

as the Electric Power Research Institute

(EPRI), to hold Workshops at the annual

Conference or at other venues.

I look forward to seeing you in San Anto-


Douglas A. Scarth

Chair, PVP Division Senate Operations


and composite materials and structures,

nanotechnology, biomechanics, and ship


Two social tours to sites of interest unique

to the San Antonio area are planned. Mis-

A Message from the

PVP Division Senate

he Rudy Scavuzzo

Student Paper

Symposium and

27th Annual PVP Divi-

sion Student Paper Com-

petition, to be held at the

2019 PVP Conference in

San Antonio, Texas, are

well underway. The rules and procedures

for this year’s Symposium and Competi-

tion are provided on the Conference web

site. Again this year, all finalists are re-

quired to produce a poster that will be dis-

played at the annual Conference-wide re-

ception held on Monday evening of the

Conference. Once the finalists have been

determined, they will be notified of the

required poster size and other details. Lo-


Doug A. Scarth

San Antonio’s Riverwalk

Page 3: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


PVPD Programs Report

t the 2018 Confer-

ence Honors and

Awards Gala in

Prague we were treated to

an evening of marvelous

food and splendid enter-

tainment as we celebrated

the recognition of technical excellence in

the field of Pressure Vessels and Piping

and the tireless energy of our members and

volunteers. The program was highlighted

with an appearance of Said Jahanmir,

ASME President, who welcomed attendees,

shared some encouraging words and pre-

sented Society Awards. KEPCO was

awarded the Luc H. Geraets Corporate

Appreciation Award. New ASME Fellows,

Ronald Hafner, Alton Reich and Trevor

Seipp were also recognized. Maher Y. A.

Younan received the ASME Board of Gov-

ernors’ Award and Mordechai Perl was

awarded the ASME S. Y. Zamrik PVP Med-

al. In addition to these, a plethora of col-

leagues were recognized for their technical

achievements and tireless efforts.

At the 2019 Conference in San Antonio,

preparations are underway to ensure our

Honors and Awards Gala will be just as

splendid as in Prague. As we prepare to

share in this experience to congratulate,

recognize and honor our volunteers, con-

ference participants and division members

let us remember a few things. The PVP

Conference has representation from indus-

try, academia and government of approxi-

mately 40 countries. Please get to know

your fellow attendees during the meal and

share your individual stories of association

with PVP. Meeting new friends over the

banquet table is one of my favorite aspects

of the conference. As we move into the

recognition phase of the program, remem-

ber that your presence does the award re-

cipients a great honor and is a celebration

of their technical excellence and numerous

achievements. Out of respect for them,

please keep silent during the announce-

ment and presentation of awards and re-

main attentively present for the remainder

of the program. I assure you, you won’t be


Clay D. Rodery

Chair, PVPD Honors & Awards Committee

PVPD Honors and

Awards Report

A y name is Matt

Feldman and I am

honored to serve as

your ASME Pressure Ves-

sel and Piping (PVP) Divi-

sion Programs Chair. Your

PVP Division Leadership

Team (DLT) has been hard

at work developing plans for upcoming

conferences. As I assume you are aware,

this year’s PVP conference will be held in

San Antonio, TX USA July 14 -19 at the Hy-

att Regency San Antonio Riverwalk. San

Antonio is an award-winning city that is

always fun to visit. But location is certainly

not the only reason to attend this year’s

conference, as the conference will feature

more than 180 paper and panel sessions,

tutorials, a Technology Demonstration Fo-

rum, as well as the 27th annual Rudy

Scavuzzo Student Paper Competition. Our

10 general topic areas are the same (Codes

and Standards, Computer Technology and

Bolted Joints, Design and Analysis, Fluid

Structure Interaction, High Pressure Tech-

nology, Materials and Fabrication, Opera-

tions, Applications, and Components, Seis-

mic Engineering, Non-Destructive Exami-

nation, and the Student Paper Competi-

tion). I fully expect our return to the site of

the Alamo will provide a fun and produc-

tive back drop to this year’s conference.

As mentioned earlier, the DLT continues to

plan well into the future for upcoming con-

ferences. As I mentioned last year, the DLT

has adopted a planned rotation for future

conferences in which we will have 3 consec-

utive conferences in North America and the

fourth conference will be “somewhere

else”. That means that the 2019, 2020, and

2021 PVP Conferences will be in North

America and the 2022 conference will be

outside of North America. So, for those of

you that prefer North American confer-

ences, or find it hard to receive travel ap-

proval when the conference is held else-

where, this year, and the next two years

should be easier for you to attend.

In 2020, the conference will be held in Min-

neapolis, MN. Those of you who attended

the past PVP in this great city will remem-

ber the crisp summer weather and the vi-

brant city that will host us once again. Min-

This summer, in

San Antonio, the

PVPD will mark its 53rd

anniversary. The division

is celebrating its continu-

ous commitment to the

development of the engi-

neering profession in gen-

eral and in the pressure vessel and piping

area, in particular. As part of this continu-

ing commitment, the division is arranging

two special tutorials and 5 technical tutori-

als in its PVP 2019 conference. Several of

these tutorials reflect the development in

the corresponding industry over the last

50+ years. Attendees of the special, and

technical tutorials receive a certificate.

In 2019, professional development on early

career engineers remains one of the key

areas of emphasis. Besides what is de-

scribed in the Conference Chair message, a

Special Tutorial on “Navigating Corporate

Culture for Professional Advancement” is

(Continued on page 4)

PVPD Professional

Development Report

neapolis is known for its urban wilderness,

shopping, music and nightlife as well as

professional sports. You can bet that Min-

neapolis is a world-class city that will com-

fortably host the world-class 2020 ASME

PVP conference.

Sites for 2021 and 2022 are currently being

planned – stay tuned as we expect to an-

nounce the site for the 2021 conference in

the next few weeks… As mentioned

above, 2021 will be a North American site

while 2022 will be hosted somewhere out-

side of North America. As plans for these

conferences are finalized, your DLT will

keep you informed. Regardless of the sites

chosen, you can count on upcoming ASME

PVP conferences to provide you with pa-

per and panel sessions as well as tutorials,

networking opportunities, and vendor

input that will give you a technical edge in

your career endeavors that cannot be

found elsewhere. I look forward to seeing

you there!


Matt Feldman

Chair, PVP-2019 Program


Pierre Mertiny

Clay D. Rodery


Matt R. Feldman

Page 4: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


prepared and will be presented by L. Ike

Ezekoye on Sunday. This tutorial explores

strategies to overcome the personal and

corporate roadblocks that can limit profes-

sional advancement of engineers in their

chosen fields. It covers the art of belonging

and of selling your capabilities to your

supervisor or manager. The workshop will

also cover corporate mentoring and other

areas such as participation in Codes and

Standards like the ASME Boiler and Pres-

sure Vessel Code development and associ-

ated technical divisions of the ASME. Ike

Ezekoye, is a consulting engineer at Eze-

koye Engineering Services LLC, and recipi-

ent of the PVP 2015 S. Y. Zamrik Medal.

He has over 40 years of experience on

valves for the nuclear power industry and

has mentored tens of engineers in the cor-

porations in which he was employed over

the years.

After this, Artin Dermenjian will present a

tutorial entitled, “Work Place Habits and

Behavior.” This presentation will provide

a quick look at some of the "Work-Related

Actions" you can do - or not do. This

presentation will also help early career

engineers understand how involvement in

ASME will facilitate their networking and

identify paths for future leadership oppor-

tunities. Artin is an ASME Fellow (retired),

PVP Senator and a past PVP Division Chair


Five Technical Tutorials will be offered

during the conference on a variety of topics

by experts in their respective fields. On

Monday afternoon, Philip Prueter, PE and

Dave Osage, PE of The Equity Engineering

Group, Inc. will present a tutorial entitled

“An Overview of the Updates to the 2019

Edition of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Fitness-

For-Service.” This tutorial is intended to

offer an overview of the updates and en-

hancements to the 2019 Edition of API 579-

1/ASME FFS-1, Fitness-For-Service.

Attendees of this tutorial will gain an un-

derstanding of how to effectively apply the

new and updated assessment procedures

incorporated into this comprehensive con-

sensus industry recommended practice.

The material in this tutorial will be covered

during both afternoon session blocks (1.3

and 1.4).

PVPD Professional Develop-

ment Report

(Continued from page 3)

On Tuesday morning, J. Robert (Bob) Sims

will present a tutorial entitled,

“Construction of Pressure Vessels to ASME

Section VIII, Division 3,” which will cover

requirements for materials, design, fabrica-

tion, examination and testing, with special

emphasis on methods of elastic-plastic

analysis, methods for calculation of residu-

al stresses due to autofrettage, methods for

fracture mechanics analysis to determine

the design fatigue life and fracture tough-

ness testing requirements, including in

high pressure hydrogen environments.

Composite (fiber wrapped) vessels and

impulse loaded vessels for containing ex-

plosions are also covered. This tutorial will

also be covered during both morning ses-

sion blocks (2.1 and 2.2). On Tuesday after-

noon, Sayed Nassar, of Oakland Universi-

ty, and Warren Brown, Integrity Engineer-

ing Solutions Pty. Ltd. will present a tutori-

al entitled, “Bolted Joint Design, Analysis,

and Code Compliance.” Their tutorial pro-

vides the design engineer with the neces-

sary background for the design, analysis,

assembly, and ASME Code compliance of

bolted joint systems. The material will be

covered during both afternoon session

blocks (2.3 and 2.4).

Wednesday morning a tutorial entitled

“Additive Manufacturing – Overview of

Processes, Qualification, Testing and Fu-

ture Prospects” will be presented by Paul

Korinko, PhD; Savannah River National

Laboratory. This short course will provide

an overview of the Additive Manufactur-

ing (AM) processes for metals. The history

of AM from rapid prototyping to the state

of the art will be covered. The different

systems, heat sources, and benefits will be

discussed. The starting materials and their

characterization will be described with an

emphasis on evaluating the critical aspects

for each. This tutorial will span over both

morning session blocks (3.1 and 3.2). Final-

ly, a tutorial on “Flow Induced Vibration”

will be presented by Benjamin White, PE;

Southwest Research Institute on Wednes-

day afternoon. Flow induced vibrations

(FIV) account for the majority of noise and

vibration problems in piping systems that

are not machinery related. Many different

methodologies exist for evaluating and

eliminating flow induced problems, but

these can quickly result in over-designing a

piping system. This tutorial will cover top-

ics such as, piping geometries and disturb-

ances that are common sources of FIV:

closed stubs, thermowells, gate and flow

control valve internals, HRSGs/coolers. It

will also answer questions like, “when to

evaluate FIV in the design stage?” and

“when to use it as a problem-solving tech-

nique?” A variety of case studies showing

noise, vibrations, and valve chatter from

FIV excitation with field data and solutions.

This tutorial will also be covered during

the first afternoon session block (3.3).

Please join us in San Antonio for one of

these interesting and engaging tutorials

during the conference. We look forward to

seeing you there.

Pierre Mertiny

Chair, Professional Development

All papers presented

at the PVP-2018

Conference were

published on a CD that was

distributed to the Confer-

ence attendees in their regis-

tration packets. In addition

to the CD, an ISO batch

download of the PVP2018 conference pro-

ceedings are made available to you through

the conference papers online site at the

URL https://asme.pinetec.com/pvp2018/


The site will be available for download till

July 31, 2019. If you need assistance to login

or require more time to complete your

download, please contact ASME at

[email protected]. Eight paper vol-

umes of the PVP-2018 Conference Proceed-

ings were also published after the Confer-

ence. These print volumes are:

• Codes & Standards (Parts A & B)

• Computer Technology & Bolted Joints

• Design & Analysis

• Fluid‐Structure Interaction

• High‐Pressure Technology, ASME NDE

Division, 26th Scavuzzo Student Paper

Symposium & Competition

• Materials and Fabrication (Parts A & B)

• Operations, Applications, & Components

(Continued on page 5)

PVPD Communications



Andrew Duncan

Page 5: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


VPD membership

as defined as the

primary Technical Interest

of members in the ASME

database. There are cur-

rently 37 Technical Divi-

sions/Institutes within

ASME and the PVPD is the

6th largest representing 4.2% of total ASME

membership. ASME as a whole has seen

membership slightly dropped by 4.47% to

79672 over last year The PVP Division has

experienced the same trend last year with

the membership reduced to 3365 members

as of January 2019 from 3568 members last

January. However, members who have no

technical division on file is 11.3% of total

ASME membership. In order to grow our

membership, it is important to communi-

cate to new and existing ASME members

to select “Pressure Vessels and Piping” as

their PRIMARY Technical Interest within

the ASME.org website. In addition, the

ASME Referral Drive is currently ongoing.

The ASME Referral Drive is your oppor-

tunity to share the value of an ASME

Membership with your friends and col-

leagues, and receive free gifts in the pro-

cess! Participate and take pride in knowing

you are supporting ASME and the vital

role it plays in promoting the art, science

and practice of engineering around the

globe. The benefits of ASME membership

have increased greatly over the last few

years. Just one such benefit is, the ASME

Digital Collection, it is an immense, search-

able database of hundreds of eBooks, over

60,000 technical papers from conference

proceedings & journals and, it is all at your

fingertips. There are several ways to join

ASME. Please renew or apply for ASME

membership by registering online through

www.asme.org or downloading and mail-

ing the membership application to ASME.

Alternatively, you can call 1-800-843-2763

(US & Canada) or 1-646-616-3100 (Global).

Since 2009 the PVP Division also maintains

a networking group on LinkedIn to foster

interaction and collaboration between

PVPD members and interested non-

members. Our LinkedIn Group has grown

(Continued on page 6)

Those are Tomomichi Nakamura and Yun-

Jae Kim. They served the journal for three

years, respectively. Their service and con-

tribution to JPVT are greatly appreciated.

Two other Associate Editors, Reza Adibi-

Asl and Akira Maekawa, started their 2nd

terms. Their continuous service is also

deeply appreciated.

The list of reviewers who served the jour-

nal for 2018 was published in the April

issue of 2019. The 2018 Reviewer of the

Year was Steven Xu. They are the unsung

heroes of the journal. I am sincerely indebt-

ed to their services.

The special topic on “Na-tech risk assess-

ment methodologies and mitigation solu-

tions in the process industries” was pub-

lished in the February issue of 2019. Oreste

Bursi, Tomoyo Taniguchi and Fabrizio

Paolacci served as the guest editors. Their

contribution is appreciated. In addition,

two new special issues are making a good

progress. Those topics are “Current Trends

for PVP Technology” and “Emerging Tech-

nology and Manufacturing for PVP Tech-

nology”. The guest editors of those special

issues are Akira Maekawa, Kiminobu Hojo,

and Marwan Hassan.

The JPVT publishes not only research pa-

pers but also design innovation and tech-

nology review papers. All papers should be

submitted to http://journaltool.asme.org/

Content/index.cfm to be considered for

publication in the journal.

I would like to express my sincere appreci-

ations to everyone who makes the journal,

including the Authors, Reviewers, Associ-

ate Editors, and ASME Staff. Without them,

the journal would not be possible.

Young W. Kwon

JPVT Editor


PVPD Membership


PVPD Communications Report (Continued from page 4)

• Seismic Engineering

Thank you to all who have worked so hard

to develop the PVP-2018 program and to

all the authors for their contributions. The

volumes of these Conference Proceedings

include pages recognizing the dedication

and the outstanding effort of the Track

Organizers and Session Organizers, who

contribute countless hours to the develop-

ment of the PVP Conference sessions.

The PVPD Newsletter is published twice a

year in Fall/Winter and in Spring. All arti-

cles of interest to the PVP community are

welcome. To submit an article to the PVPD

Newsletter, please contact the PVPD com-

munication chair at

[email protected]

Andrew Duncan

Chair, PVPD Communications

he number of pa-

pers submitted to

the Journal of Pres-

sure Vessel Technology

(JPVT) has increased dur-

ing recent years. For the

calendar year 2018, 288

papers were submitted to the journal.

About 16% of the papers were published in

previous PVP conference proceedings. Be-

cause the quality of the PVP conference

papers has been maintained well, those

papers resulted in the increase in the aver-

age acceptance rate, which is approximate-

ly 40%.

The average days to complete the first

round of review was 58 days for the papers

published in the first issue of 2019. This is a

little less than two months, which is the

planned target of the review policy.

In terms of the demographics, top five

countries of the corresponding authors of

the papers accepted in 2018 were China,

India, USA, Japan and Korea. Those coun-

tries were always remained within top five

or six for the past years.

Two Associate Editors finished their terms.

Journal of Pressure

Vessel Technology


Young W. Kwon

Bing Li

PVP2019 – San Antonio, Texas

Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk

July 14–19, 2019

Page 6: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


he Computer

Technology Com-

mittee and Bolted

Joints (CTBJ) Technical

Committee is the home for

expertise and advance-

ment of computer technol-

ogy and bolted flanged

connection technology

within the PVPD. The Committee com-

bines expertise on software, hardware,

algorithms and emerging computer related

developments that affect pressure vessel

and piping analysis, and on design and

engineering process capabilities with a

special focus on the performance, capabili-

ties and assembly of bolted joints. (Continued on page 7)

he International

Coordination (IC)

Committee is one of the

ASME PVPD Committees

and plays a bridge role to

coordinate between eight

PVPD Technical Com-

mittees (i.e., Codes &

Standards, Computer Technology & Bolt-

ed Joints, Design & Analysis, Fluid-

Structure Interaction, High-Pressure Tech-

nology, Materials & Fabrication, Opera-

tions, Applications & Components, and

Seismic Engineering) and the Executive

Committee in providing various assistanc-

es between the PVP conference partici-

pants and the PVP conference organizers

to solve any possible problems or difficul-

ties occurred during the annual PVP con-

ference. The purpose is to help and assist

mechanical engineers, scientists, professors,

professionals and students around the

world to join the large PVP family and to

facilitate the continued success and growth

of the PVP conferences.

The ASME PVP conference provides a

great opportunity for participants to meet

old friends and to make new friends every

year so that we can face to face exchange

new, innovative, emerging or improved

technologies on pressure vessels, piping,

pipelines and other pressurized compo-

nents or structures. The IC members are

among those participants around the

world. Currently, IC has 10 members to

represent the eight technical committees

and the Senate Operations Committee of

PVPD. Those IC members at PVP 2018

come from eight countries (Brazil, Canada,

China, France, Germany, Japan, Nether-

lands and USA), and thus are international-

ly representatives. In the afternoon of Tues-

day on July 17, 2018, the IC Committee met

in Prague Hilton, Prague, Czech at the PVP

2018 Conference. During the two-hour

meeting, the IC members discussed a varie-

ty of topics and issues, including PVPD

membership, student and young engineer

participation, visa issue, language issues in

writing conference papers and making

technical presentations, technical confer-

ence paper review, nomination of out-

standing international session, future PVP

conference location, and possible support

suggestions. Those discussions and sugges-

tions have been reported to the PVPD Exec-

utive Committee for their information and

consideration in planning future PVP con-


The PVP 2018 held in Prague, Czech was

another important and very successful con-

ference. As of the noon of Monday on July

16, 2018, a total of 869 participants from 46

countries were registered and attended to

the PVP 2018 conference. This participant

number of 869 was slightly higher than 842

of PVP2017 held in Hawaii, USA, but lower

than 1016 of PVP 2016 held in Vancouver,

Canada. Statistics data for PVP 2018

showed that (1) top six counties of the PVP

2018 attendees were US (19%), Japan

(15.4%), China (12.3%), UK (9.3%), France

(5.4%) and South Korea (5.4%), leading to

66.8% of the total participants that has a

reduction of about 10% in comparison to

at a spectacular rate since its inception.

PVPD LinkedIn membership is currently

27,869 this year. If you have not created a

profile on LinkedIn and joined one or more

of our groups we encourage you do so.

Simply visit www.linkedin.com and enter

information about yourself as you are

prompted by the site. Join this global com-

munity of professionals, take part in dis-

cussions and connect to colleagues in your

field of expertise.

Don’t forget about our annual PVP Confer-

ence being held this July at San Antonio,

Texas. The ASME PVP 2019 Conference

promises to be the outstanding internation-

al technical forum for participants to en-

hance their knowledge-base by being ex-

posed to diverse topics, and exchange

opinions and ideas both from industry and

academia. PVP is looking forward to fruit-

ful technical exchanges with participants

from Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia,

the Americas, and the Oceania islands. The

hotel is currently open to accepting reser-

vations for the conference and we look

forward to seeing you at PVP 2019 in San


Bing Li

Chair, PVPD Membership

77.4% for five top country’s participants at

PVP 2017, (2) North America (USA and

Canada) had 22.8% of the total participants

that has a significant reduction of 19.4% in

comparison to 42.2% for the North Ameri-

can participants at PVP 2017, (3) three

Asian counties (Japan, China and South

Korea) had 33.1% of the total participants

that are comparable to 35.2% of the those

Asian participants at PVP 2017, and (4) six

major European counties (UK, France, Ger-

many, Italy, Netherlands, and Czech) had

participants of 27.9% that has a large in-

crease of 15.2% in comparison to 12.7% for

those European participants at PVP 2017.

As a result, the North American partici-

pants were reduced significantly when the

PVP conference was held in Europe, or the

European participants were reduced con-

siderably when the PVP conference was

held in North America. In contrast, the

Asian participants may remain comparable

sizes as one third of total participants

(about 30%) will attend the PVP2019 con-

ference. We are looking forward to seeing

you there.

For more information please contact Xian-

Kui Zhu at [email protected].

Xian-Kui Zhu

Chair, PVPD International Coordination

Technical Committee:

Computer Technology

& Bolted Joints


PVPD International



PVPD Membership Report

(Continued from page 5)

Jerry Waterland Xian-Kui Zhu

Page 7: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


terials contains three (3) sessions on the role

pressure vessels play in addressing the

technology for storage and transportation

of radioactive materials. OAC-5 Design,

Qualification and Failure of Pumps and Valves

has developed two (2) sessions (10 papers

and 2 presentation only) addressing de-

sign, testing, analysis, reliability and safety

of valves. OAC 6 Operations & Maintenance

of Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Piping

and Structures is organized in two sessions.

OAC-7 Plant Life Extensions: Aging & Life

Management has developed two (2) sessions

(6 technical publications) on the aging

effects for life management and extension

in nuclear and other power plants and on

pipeline installation.

The ASME-PVP 2019 Conference provides

continued knowledge sharing on the topics

of Operation and Maintenance of Pressure

Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Piping and Sup-


The architecture of OAC 6 Operations &

Maintenance of Pressure Vessels, Heat

Exchangers, Piping and Structures is orga-

nized in three (3) sessions with one Panel

Session on Mitigating Flange Leaks - Prac-

tical Field Experience. The second session

covers topics related to continued safe op-

eration of existing piping and pipeline sys-

tems, and the third session covers Fitness

for service and damage mechanisms, in-

cluding weld repairs and fitness for service


Each paper has been subjected to formal

peer review in accordance with the re-

quirements of the ASME. We would like to

thank the authors and presenters for their

contributions, and we look forward to re-

ceiving more papers on Pumps and Valves

in future PVP conferences.

The OAC Technical committee manage-

ment is composed with:

• Chairman: Georges Bezdikian

• Vice Chair: Yasumasa Shoji

• Secretary: Ayman Cheta

• TPR for PVP 2019: Joseph Cluever

co-TPR for PVP 2019: Mike Weber

• OAC Newsletter Editor: Steve Hensel

• Honor and Award committee OAC repre-

sentative: Alton Reich

Their work and dedication to the organiza-

tion of OAC’s technical track is recognized

and appreciated.

Georges Bezdikian, Chair,

Operations, Applications & Components

Operations, Applica-

tions and Compo-

nents (OAC) Technical

Committee has sponsored

technical sessions address-

ing a large range of topics

and importance in the pow-

er, storage and process in-

dustries of petroleum, chemical, nuclear,

pipelines, etc. In addition, OAC has spon-

sored technical sessions on safe storage and

transportation of radioactive materials and

other toxic substances in the nuclear power

and defense related industry. These sectors

of technology are dependent upon the disci-

plines addressed by the Pressure Vessels

and Piping Division. For the 2019 PVP Con-

ference, OAC has continued to address the

technical issues in these areas, collecting

publications by authors from around the


In Prague, last year, the OAC contributed

42 technical papers, 17 technical presenta-

tions and 7 presentations in panel sessions

to the conference organized in 17 different

sessions. For 2019 ASME PVP Conference,

to be held in San Antonio Texas USA, the

TPR and co-TPR, assisted by all session

developers organized over 40 papers dis-

tributed in 9 topics as detailed below:

The OAC-1 Safety, Reliability and Risk Man-

agement has developed two sessions con-

cerning the reliability and risk management

of tank farms and storage facilities and risk

assessment methodologies for evaluation of

components of power and process systems

in the nuclear power and process industry

and the safety rules and application in in-


One (1) session is scheduled for OAC-2

Qualification and Testing, in the area of non-

destructive testing and evaluation with four

presentations (3 of which are accompanied

with technical publications). OAC 3 Moni-

toring, Diagnostics & Inspection (Nuclear,

Coal, Oil and Gas) has developed two (2)

sessions with nine (9) presentations (7 of

which were accompanied with technical

publications). OAC-4: Storage and Transpor-

tation of Radioactive and other Hazardous Ma-

Technical Committee:

Operations, Applica-

tions & Components


Georges Bezdikian

Computer Technology

& Bolted Joints (Continued from page 6)

The 2018 PVP Conference was held in Pra-

gue, Czech Republic. The CTBJ committee

organized a total of 10 technical paper ses-

sions delivering 40 technical paper presen-

tations. Eight sessions focused on Bolted

Joints (7 focused on conventional applica-

tions and 1 on Special Applications) and

two focused on Computer Technolo-

gy. The committee wishes to thank the

Technical Program Representative Bijan

Azadi-Borujeni for his efforts in the suc-

cessful CTBJ technical program at the con-

ference. Thanks are also due to co-TPR,

Yasumasa Shoji, and to all topic and ses-

sion developers.

Committee officers for 2019 are Jerry Wa-

terland, Chair; Reza Adibit-Asl, Vice Chair

& Secretary; Xinjian Duan, Professional

Development Chair; Anita Bausman, Com-

munication Chair, and Young Ho Park,

Honors Chair, and Yasumasa Shoji taking

care of the Student Paper Competition.

The 2019 PVP Conference will be held in

San Antonio, Texas and planning is well

under way for what promises to be a very

productive conference. The CTBJ Technical

Committee is scheduling eleven topic ses-

sions with 41 technical papers and 6 tech-

nical presentations. Eight sessions are fo-

cused on Bolted Joints (one of these on Spe-

cial Applications) and three are focused on

Computer Technology. Due to increased

interest and activity in the Fastening &

Joining sessions, there will be three ses-

sions focused on this topic. Technical Pro-

gram Representative Yasumasa Shoji and

co-TPR Bhaskar Shitole are coordinating

this year’s CTBJ sessions.

The CTBJ encourages anyone who is inter-

ested in promoting the application and

understanding of computational methods

and bolted joint technology to participate at

the committee meeting at the 2019 PVP.

Participation can include developing tech-

nical and/or chairing technical sessions and

contributing papers. Please contact Chair

Jerry Waterland at (804) 541-0812

or [email protected]

for more information about our Technical

Committee and future meetings.

Jerry Waterland Chair, Computer Technology & Bolted Joints

Page 8: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


he Materials and

Fabrication (M&F)

Technical Com-

mittee is one of the larger

groups within PVP, pro-

moting research, develop-

ment, and sharing of tech-

nical information related

to the development and

modeling, as well as fabrication and struc-

tural integrity technologies, for piping,

pipelines, components and pressure ves-

sels. Our members span the global indus-

try, from practical applied engineering to

fundamental research.

M&F covers a multitude of topics and is

always interested in the cutting edge and

new technologies. Areas of interest in-

clude the application of fracture mechan-

ics in failure assessment, materials for

hydrogen service, welding residual stress

and distortion simulation and measure-

ment, European and Asian programs in

structural integrity, fitness-for-service and

failure assessment, materials and technol-

ogies for nuclear power plants, Code fa-

tigue criteria and environmental effects,

development of stress intensity factor so-

lutions, mechanistic modeling of defor-

mation and fracture, integrity issues in

stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and corro-

sion-fatigue, pipeline integrity, small-scale

testing and statistical analysis of mechani-

cal properties, leak before break analysis,

composite systems for pressure vessels

and piping, plastic and composite pipe,

probabilistic assessment of failure, fatigue

and fracture of welds and heat affected

zones (HAZs), creep and creep-fatigue

interaction, uncertainty quantification of

material degradation and failure models,

advanced manufacturing and materials

technology, emerging manufacturing and

mitigation process simulations, additive

manufacturing, brittle fracture, multiple

flaw interaction, in-service inspection and

non-destructive examination (NDE), 3-

dimensional crack growth simulation,

structural integrity for spent fuel canisters,

materials for oil and gas applications.

Because of the multi-disciplinary nature of

the technical topics, M&F partners with

many of the other technical com-

mittees. Collaborations are active with

Codes and Standards (C&S) to support

development of international Codes and

Standards, with Design and Analysis

(D&A) in areas of materials deformation

and fracture modeling.

At the 2018 PVP conference, the Materials

and Fabrication Technical Committee

(TPR: Dr. Haiyang Qian), M&F organized

23 topics with 49 paper sessions. A total of

203 presentations were made, of which 186

written papers were published in a single

conference proceedings volume. There

were 17 technical “presentations only”

For the 2019 PVP Conference to be held on

July 14‐19, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency in

San Antonio, Texas, the M&F Technical

Program is led by the M&F TPR, Dr. Mo

Uddin. Twenty-one different topics will

include 168 different presentations (138 of

them are peer reviewed publications). The

presentations will be distributed over 4

days and contained in 43 different ses-

sions, including two student sessions to

support the PVPD Senate Student Paper

Symposium and Competition.

The M&F Technical Committee has grown

steadily through the years, and is com-

mitted to stay current with the latest tech-

nologies. We are proud to have a large

international membership, which is open

to all individuals over a wide variety of

disciplines, and to those who are interest-

ed in fostering research and development

in pressure vessel and piping materials

and technologies.

For more information please contact me at

[email protected].

Michiel Brongers

Chair, Materials & Fabrication

If you are interested in applying for ASME Membership, please visit


Technical Committee:

Materials & Fabrication


Michiel Brongers

We’ll See You at the Bolted

Joint Reliability Symposium in

Houston on October 1, 2019

San Antonio Skyline

Page 9: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


he 2019 PVP Con-

ference will be

held in San Anto-

nio, Texas from July 14

till July 18, 2019. For the

conference in San Anto-

nio, the D&A Committee

is currently working on

developing approximate-

ly 46 technical sessions in 17 technical top-

ics with more than 150 technical papers.

Preparation in terms of reviewing technical

papers, developing sessions, assigning ses-

sion chairs, and vice chairs is in progress.

As of March 15, 2019 there are 17 technical

topics with 46 D&A sessions and three stu-

dent paper sessions have been developed

(Continued on page 10)

The Codes and

Standards (C&S)

Committee promotes the

development and exchange

of technical information on

current industry and re-

search topics related to the

C&S for pressure vessels and piping com-

ponents. There are a multitude of industry

consensus codes, standards, rules, and

guidelines on the design, construction and

fitness-for-service in the world. Such Inter-

national industry codes include ASME

B&PV Code, API 579/ASME-FFS, European

FITNET, French Codes RCC-M and RSE-M,

German Guideline FKM, British Standard

BS 7910, R-6 and R-5, Chinese Code GB/T,

Czech Code AME Standard, Japanese Code

JSME, etc. Although the evaluation meth-

odologies may differ, there is a need to

harmonize them to obtain consistent results

among these different codes and to under-

stand the many unique differences. To this

end, the C&S Committee has supported

and offered opportunities to share infor-

mation of mutual interests over the years.

This has been facilitated by discussion of

ideas and practices among the various in-

ternational codes through cooperative tech-

nical sessions at ASME PVP conferences.

The C&S main topics of interest are in the

areas of design and construction criteria,

integrity assessment methods, repair and

mitigation technologies, in-service inspec-

tions and non-destructive examinations,

flaw evaluations, high temperature codes,

and new criteria for code improvement.

The papers in C&S contain technical docu-

ments that describe suggested code chang-

es and even propose new standards. We

emphasize new code developments and

provide a venue for publishing technical

basis papers that discuss the fundamental

theory and philosophy behind code evalua-

tion procedures. The C&S Committee has

become truly international in nature, bring-

ing together people from different coun-

tries to exchange new technologies and to

share codes and standards developments

from their part of the world.

The 2018 PVP Conference in in Prague,

Czech Republic was very successful. The

C&S Committee sponsored 20 major tech-

nical topics. A total of 159 technical pa-

pers, 14 presentations only, and 2 panel

sessions were presented during 43 ses-

sions at the conference. Some of these ses-

sions were jointly sponsored with other

technical committees; 4 with the Materials

& Fabrication (M&F). The C&S Technical

Committee sessions included multiple

topics on Emerging Codes and Standards,

environmental effects on material perfor-

mance, recent developments in US, Chi-

nese, Japan, and European Codes, and

High Temperature Codes. Some new tech-

nical areas involved Extreme Pressure

Equipment, Master Curve Fracture

Toughness Methods, and updates on

ASME Code Section XI activities.

The PVP 2018 C&S Committee meeting

was well-attended by committee members

and visitors. During the meeting, Honors

and Awards Chair Trevor Seipp awarded

Certificates of Recognition to Ryan Crane

and Kiminobu Hojo for their work as the

2018 Technical Program Representative

(TPR) and Co-TPR. At PVP 2018, two C&S

papers were recognized with the Out-

standing Paper Award for the PVP2017

Conference. Normal Platts et al. were rec-

ognized for their paper entitled, “Effect of

Hold Periods on the Corrosion Fatigue

Crack Growth Rates of Austenitic Stain-

less Steels in LWR Coolant.” Kisaburo

Azuma et al. were also recognized for

their paper entitled “Closed-Form Stress

Intensity Factor Solutions for Deep Sur-

face Cracks in Plates.” The C&S Technical

Committee has grown steadily through

the years, and is proud to have a large

international membership and active par-


This year’s conference, PVP2019, will be

held in San Antonio, Texas from July 14

till July 19, 2019. San Antonio has served

as our venue for PVP in 2007 and has

proved to be a well-attended and highly

successful conference location. Everyone

involved in the planning and administra-

tion is working very hard to make the

PVP 2019 C&S sessions a very successful

endeavor. At the time of this writing, the

C&S track has received approximately 109

technical papers arranged in 36 session

topics. The C&S Committee sessions for

this year’s conference are being jointly

organized and led by the 2019 TPRs,

Kiminobu Hojo from Japan and Valery

Lacroix from Belgium. The coordinator for

the student paper competition for C&S is

Peter James from the UK. Continuing top-

ics in the C&S Track are related to Interna-

tional Codes (Europe, China, and the US),

environmental effects on fatigue, and in-

tegrity of pressure components and pip-

ing, fracture mechanics developments, and

ASME Section XI Code activities. New

areas to be covered in C&S topics include

Small Modular Reactors; Repair, Replace-

ment, and Mitigation for Fitness for Ser-

vice; Aging Management; Developments

in HDPE and Non-metallic Pipe Codes

and Standards; and Interaction and Model-

ing for Multiple Flaws.

We have great expectations that PVP2019

in San Antonio will be a very successful

conference. The C&S Technical Committee

has maintained a very active membership

which has steadily grown over the recent

years. Anyone interested in Codes and

Standards activities are welcome to attend

the next C&S technical committee meeting

at PVP2019 Conference in San Antonio.

The Committee is seeking individuals who

are interested in serving as session devel-

opers and symposium organizers. For

more information on C&S activities, please

feel free to contact Ryan Crane at

[email protected].

Ryan Crane

Chair, Codes and Standards

Technical Committee:

Codes & Standards



Technical Committee:

Design & Analysis

Ravi Baliga

Ryan Crane

Page 10: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


he Seismic Engi-

neering Tech-

nical Committee

(SETC) continued dur-

ing the 2018 the mis-

sion to spread the

knowledge in a broad

range of seismic-related

topics of interest for

ASME PVP conference as Seismic re-

sistance and margin, Seismic isolation,

Damping and Vibration control, Structural

dynamics, Seismic Analysis and Design of

Piping System, Seismic Evaluation of Sys-

tems, Structures and Components, Multi-

hazard and Margins, Advanced Seismic

Evaluation and Code and Ratcheting De-

formation of Materials and Piping.

For the 2018 ASME PV&P Conference,

held in Prague (Czech Republic), a total of

54 papers have been published in Seismic

Engineering area. These papers represent a

wide overview of the interests of the SETC

affiliates and demonstrate the continue

interest and cooperation in earthquake

engineering by authors from all over the

world (America, Asia and Europe). The

papers denote well the ongoing work in a

variety of seismic-related fields and

demonstrate the broad range of challenges

that are addressed by seismic engineers.

The collected papers were grouped in

relatively broad areas of interest in seismic

engineering (Earthquake Resistance and

Seismic Margin, Seismic Isolation, Damp-

ing and Vibration Control, Structural Dy-

namics, Resilience and Metamaterials, Seis-

mic Analysis and Design of Piping System,

Seismic Evaluation of Systems, Structures

and Components, Multi-Hazards and Mar-

gins). In addition, a special attention was

paid to the collaboration with other Tech-

nical Committees because is our conviction

that the multidisciplinary character of a TC

is the basis for a real advancement. In this

respect the joint session “Advanced Seis-

mic Evaluation and Code” (Joint session

with C&S) was highly welcome. The SETC

promoted also the collection of contribu-

tions for the Rudy Scavuzzo Student Paper

competition, with the great result to have

obtained both the

(Continued on page 11)

by D&A technical committee. Total num-

ber of technical papers presented by the

D&A committee is estimated to be 159.

Interest in joining the D&A technical com-

mittee is as strong as before. So far four

individuals have submitted their profes-

sional resumes to join the committee in

July, 2019. This year the membership will

reach 44 after the conference. The D&A

members’ affiliation remains the same as

last year with maximum affiliation being

from Academic Institutions followed by

Private Industries and Government Enti-

ties. This level of affiliation distribution is

key to the success of getting qualified

technical paper reviewers who are well

dedicated to completing their review on


For D&A Committee the 2018 ASME PVP

Conference in Prague proved to be a suc-

cessful conference with more than 180

technical papers presented. This year in

San Antonio, D&A Committee members

will meet on July 16, 2019 to discuss the

committee mission and goal and identify

the lessons learned during developing

sessions and interacting with the authors

of the technical papers. During the meet-

ing the PVP Conference Executive Com-

mittee will present the awards to the au-

thors of the best papers presented in 2018

in Prague.

In the meeting in San Antonio goal will be

set to develop number of technical ses-

sions for the 2020 Conference in Minneap-


This year my four year term as the D&A

Technical Committee Chair will be com-

plete and a new candidate for the position

will be appointed by the PVP Executive

Committee. The announcement will be

made in the coming D&A Committee

meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

Ravi Baliga

Chair, D&A Technical Committee

he High-Pressure

Technology (HPT)

Committee focuses on

design, research, develop-

ment and operation of

high-pressure equipment

and systems. The

attendees experience is our key focus in

planning and the execution of our tech-

nical track at PVP Conferences. It provides

important feedback for the continuing de-

velopment of ASME high-pressure codes

and standards. HPT sessions provide a

good mix of corporate researchers and

members of academia, exploring funda-

mental technology, disseminating cutting-

edge aspects of high-pressure technology

and presentations of the knowledge gained

from high-pressure applications.

The High-Pressure Technology Committee

held its 2018 annual meeting during the

PVP Conference in Prague, Czech Repub-

lic. The HPT Committee is an internation-

al committee with representatives from ten

countries and four continents. For the PVP

2018 Conference, the Committee organized

technical & panel sessions that covered

various aspects of high-pressure technolo-

gy. Special thanks go out to all the authors

who wrote and presented papers at the

conference. I would also like to take the

opportunity to thank all the Session Devel-

opers, paper reviewers and Technical Pro-

gram Representative Chris Tipple and his

co-TPR Kannan Subramanian for the many

hours they dedicated to making the HPT

sessions a great success.

The 2019 PVP Conference will be held in

San Antonio, Texas July 15th through the

20th. There are five HPT technical topics

currently being finalized under the direc-

tion of our Technical Program Representa-

tive Chuck Becht V and his co-TPR Chris-

topher Tipple. These are: Design, Analy-

sis, and Life Prediction of High Pressure

Vessels and Equipment (organized by

Kannan Subramanian and Melanie Sarzyn-

ski), Structures under Extreme Loading

(Continued on page 11)


Fabrizio Paolacci

Technical Committee:

Seismic Engineering


Technical Committee:

High Pressure


Karl C. Simpson

Design & Analysis (Continued from page 9)

Alamo Mission in San Antonio

Page 11: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


winner (Moritz Wenzel) and the first run-

ner-up (Massimilano Pedeot) of the com-

petition: congratulations!

Given the recent increasing interests of

the research community in new topics, like

resilience to Natural-Technological events

(Na-Tech), other two new activities have

been promoted by SETC. The first is the

special topic “Na-tech risk assessment

methodologies and mitigation solutions in

the process industries”, Guest Editors:

Fabrizio Paolacci, Oreste S. Bursi and

Tomoyo Taniguchi, published on February

2019 on the J. Pressure Vessel Technol.


doi:10.1115/1.4041284. The aim was to

bring together contributions on the latest

methodologies and techniques for the esti-

mation of Na-Tech risk in process plants

that represents one of the most diffused

hazards in industrial facilities. Contribu-

tions come from researchers and industry

professionals, strongly active in this area.

Ten papers were accepted that cover many

of the key topics related to Na-Tech events

and consequences in Industrial Facilities.

The second activity concerned the or-

ganization of the 1st International Work-

shop on Risk and Resilience of Industrial

installations against natural threats and

mitigation strategies, developed within the

European Project XP-Resilience (http://

r.unitn.it/en/dicam/xp-resilience). The

workshop, organized in Prague (Rep.

Check) as one of the events of ASME PVP

2018 conference, had the aim to familiarize

Early Stage and Experienced Researchers

with the state-of-the-art of risk and resili-

ence of industrial installations. Worldwide

recognized experts provided a clear over-

view on this topic, demonstrated by the

very good number of attendances.

The SETC meeting was held on

Wednesday, July 18, 2018 with twenty

attendees including six guests and the Pro-

grams Chair Matt Feldman. All guests

(including four young engineers) ex-

pressed their wish to participate in the

next PVP conferences, and perhaps, being

members of the SETC. During the meet-

ing, three new members were elected,

namely, Satoru Kai (IHI Corporation, Ja-

pan), Alessandra Marino (INAIL/DITSPIA,

Roma, Italy) and Mariano Ciucci (INAIL/

Seismic Engineering. (Continued from page 10)

DITSPIA, Roma, Italy), that were warmly


For the PVP 2019 Conference to be orga-

nized in San Antonio, Texas, USA, the SETC

has the plan to develop thirteen sessions and

topics, including the Rudy Scavuzzo Student

Paper Competition Sessions and a Joint Ses-

sion with C&S TC.

The international character of the SETC

offers the opportunity to meet and interact

with engineers and researchers from around

the world who are working in the various

topics associated with seismic engineering. I

encourage all who may be interested in seis-

mic engineering issues and desire more in-

formation on the activities of the PVPD

SETC to contact me via e‐mail at fab-

[email protected].

Fabrizio Paolacci, Chair, Seismic Engineering

Technical Committee:

Fluid Structure


Conditions (joint Topic with Fluid Structure

Interaction Committee organized by David

Gross and Matthew Edel), Fitness for Ser-

vice and NDE of High Pressure Vessels and

Piping (organized by Jan Keltjens and

Christopher Tipple), Design and Analysis of

High-Pressure Equipment for Industry

(organized by Kumarswamy Karpanan and

Karl Simpson), and Design and Analysis of

High-Pressure Equipment for Oil and Gas

Exploration and Production (organized by

Kumarswamy Karpanan and Daniel Peters).

It is worth highlighting that the Structures

under Extreme Loading and Design and

Analysis of High-Pressure Equipment for

Oil and Gas Exploration and Production

Topic areas will also host panel sessions.

Anyone who is interested in high-pressure

technology is invited to join us in San Anto-

nio for the conference and to participate at

the annual HPT Committee meeting which

will be held during the conference.

Karl C. Simpson

Chair, High-Pressure Technology Committee

High Pressure Technology (Continued from page 10)

he Fluid-

Structure Inter-

action (FSI) Technical

Committee (TC) pro-

motes the study and

application of the dy-

namics of fluid-

structure interaction as

they relate to the design

and operation of pressure vessels, piping

systems and components. Emphasis is

placed on the fundamental and engineering

aspects of flow induced vibration, fluid-

solid interactions, shock and wave propa-

gation, fluid dynamics and transient ther-

mal hydraulics, multi-physics, as well as

fluid-structure dynamical systems and

their response. The TC organizes sessions

on these topics at conferences and sympo-

sia, encourages and supports publication in

the area of FSI and promotes the recogni-

tion of outstanding engineering achieve-

ments and significant individual contribu-

tions to pressure vessels and piping tech-


At the PVP-2018 conference in Prague,

Czech Republic, the FSI TC Technical Pro-

gram Representative (TPR) Victor Janzen

and Daniel Broc alongside with the topic/

session organizers, developed 10 sessions

with 36 papers. The forthcoming PVP-2019

conference, which will be held in San Anto-

nio, Texas, promises to be a very interest-

ing technical and social event. The FSI TC

is sponsoring more than 90 papers distrib-

uted over 20 sessions. A student paper

competition will also take place. This im-

pressive level of participation is due to the

hard work and dedication of the all the

members of the Committee including the

2019 FSI TC TPR Daniel Broc and Enrico

Deri and the topic/session organizers. In

my capacity as the FSI TC Chair, I thank

them all for their effort in organizing such a

promising event. I also take this opportuni-

ty to strongly encourage all individuals of

the FSI community to attend the PVP 2019


The FSI TC has been growing continuously

(Continued on page 12)


Tomoyo Taniguchi

Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk

Page 12: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Comput-

er Technology and Bolted Joints Technical

Committee (CTBJ) is sponsoring a 2-1/2

day technical symposium focusing on the

Design, Performance and Assembly of

Bolted, Flanged Connections.

The ASME Bolted Joint Reliability Sympo-

sium (BJRS) will be held at the Norris Con-

ference Center in Houston, Texas October

1 -3, 2019, and will feature over 40 tech-

nical presentations from industry and var-

ious Bolted Joint technical committee

members and experts. Running concur-

rent with the symposium will be over 20

companies focused on all aspects of BFC

performance, reliability and assembly ex-

hibiting their products and services, with

their staff experts present to answer ques-

tions and discuss needs. Technical ses-

sions are focused around all 4 components

of a bolted, flanged connection; flange,

fasteners, gaskets, assembly/assembler

and will include the following topics:

• BFC design standards including

ASME Appendix 2, EN1591 and

ASME SWG BFJ Tightness-based de-

sign (in development)

• Assembly of BFCs including ASME

PCC-1 Legacy and Appendix F Alter-

native Assembly Procedures

• Performance and Qualification of

Gasket and Packing materials

• Fastener types, nut friction factor and

torque calculation methods

ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping CTBJ

technical committee is focused on utilizing

computer analysis to better understand

and predict piping and pressure vessel

performance and limitations, and has spe-

cial focus on the Design, Elevated Temper-

ature and Leakage/Tightness Performance,

and Assembly of bolted, flanged connec-

tions. Many of the presenters and exhibi-

tors at the 2019 BJRS are active in the lead-

ership and research of PV&P divisions

including CTBJ, bringing PVP field and

analytical research directly to the Houston

industrial community.

The ASME Digital


ounded in 1880 as the American

Society of Mechanical Engi-

neers, ASME is the premier professional

membership organization for more than

140,000 mechanical engineers and associat-

ed members worldwide. ASME also con-

ducts one of the world's largest technical

publishing operations in the world, offer-

ing thousands of titles including some of

the profession's most prestigious journals,

conference proceedings, and ASME Press


• The ASME Digital Collection, previ-

ously known as The ASME Digital

Library, is ASME’s repository of cur-

rent and archival literature featuring:

• ASME's Transaction Journals from

1960 to the present.

• ASME's Conference Proceedings from

2002 to the present.

• ASME Press eBooks selected from 1993

to the present.

Additional information can be found at:


over the years and its current membership

is truly international. The committee wel-

comes new members who are interested in

promoting research and development in

the area of FSI in general and its applica-

tion to the pressure vessel and piping tech-

nology in particular. Those who would like

to join the FSI Committee as official mem-

bers are encouraged to send a copy of their

resume to the FSI TC Chair. In addition,

anyone interested in the Committee’s ac-

tivities is invited to attend the FSI Com-

mittee meeting at the PVP-2019, or contact

the committee Chair. The time and location

of the meeting will be listed in the confer-

ence program.

Tomoyo Taniguchi,

Chair, Fluid-Structure Interaction Technical


Computer Technology and

Bolted Joints Holds Special

Technical Symposium

in Houston

Complete details on the BJRS can be found

online at: https://event.asme.org/BJRS

verett C. Roda-

baugh passed

away on Monday, January

16, 2017, at age 100. Ever-

ett Rodabaugh, Ev to those

of us who had the privi-

lege to work with him and

learn from him, was the

father of piping design engineering. With

his dozens of publications spanning five

decades, starting in the 1950’s, Ev was the

main contributor to the design rules that

are currently in the ASME B31 and ASME

III piping design Codes, used worldwide.

Not only was his technical knowledge so

deep and complete, but he was always

available to help us, individually or in

Code Committees, to figure-out the correct

approach to solving a piping design prob-

lem. The ASME B31 and Section III Com-

mittees, and the US Nuclear Regulatory

Commission, gained greatly from Ev’s

guidance, his suggestions (that often ended

-up in improved Code rules and regula-

tions), and his wise advice.

Beyond his essential engineering contribu-

tions and his many awards, Ev was a true

gentleman. Working with Ev thought us

all the importance of modesty and poise.

Today, and for a long time to come, we

continue to find ourselves reminding each

other “Ev said …”.

It is for these reasons that we wish to recog-

nize Ev Rodabaugh’s work and influence

by dedicating to him a Memorial Session at

the 2019 PVP Conference. The Memorial

Session (CS-7-1) is sponsored by the Codes

and Standards Technical Committee.

In addition this session, the

technical contributions of

Dr. Samir Zaida will also be

remembered with a special

session as part of the Sym-

posium on Flow-Induced

Vibration (FSI-2). Ziada`s

contribution to research in

fluid-structure interactions and particularly

in aero-acoustic is well known. This me-

morial session is sponsored but the FSI

Technical committee.




Samir Ziada


Ev Rodabaugh

Fluid Structure Interaction (Continued from page 11)

Page 13: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


PVP2020 – Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hilton Minneapolis

July 19–24, 2020

2020 ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference

A Model of Collaboration: Industry, Academia, and Government/Regulatory

PVP2020: Join us in the beautiful city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the 2020 ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Confer-ence. PVP2020 demonstrates the technical collaboration between Industry, Academia, and Government/Academia in the overall Pressure Vessels and Piping Community. More than 180 paper and panel sessions are planned, as well as tutori-als and workshops, and a Technology Demonstration Forum and Exhibition. The PVP Conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with new technologies, networking and interacting with international experts and practitioners in the Pressure Vessels and Piping area. The PVP Conference is a recognized international forum with participants from over 40 countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, and the Oceania islands. The ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Division sponsor the PVP2020 Conference with participation by the ASME NDPD Division.

GENERAL TOPICS: (1) Codes & Standards; (2) Computer Technology & Bolted Joints; (3) Design & Analysis; (4) Fluid-Structure Interaction; (5) High Pressure Technology; (6) Materials & Fabrication; (7) Operations, Applications & Compo-nents; (8)Seismic Engineering; and (9) Non-Destructive Examination. Technical areas will include developments in Codes and Standards, design methodologies including elastic-plastic analysis, non-destructive examination, fitness-for-service, operation and maintenance, creep, fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, residual stresses, fracture toughness, elevated tem-perature components, nonmetallic components, dynamically-loaded structures, flow-induced vibration and risk-based as-sessments.

SCHEDULE: Abstracts are due by November 5, 2019. Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by November 25, 2019. Draft papers are due by January 20, 2020. Paper peer review comments will be returned by February 24, 2020. A Copyright Agreement Form for each paper must be submitted by March 23, 2020. The final manuscripts in the standard ASME format for publication must be received by March 30, 2020. All presented technical papers will be published as cita-ble documents available post-conference.

INFORMATION: The conference website URL is: https://event.asme.org/PVP. Technical paper abstracts must be submit-ted electronically through the website. Please visit the website for additional information.

PVP Conference Chair

Trevor Seipp

Becht Engineering Canada, Ltd.

210A-4720 106 Ave SE

Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2C 3G5

Phone: +1.403.668.7274

E-mail: [email protected]

PVP Technical Program Chair

Matt R. Feldman, P.E.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Used Fuel Systems Group

P.O. Box 2008, MS6170

Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6170, USA

Phone: +1.865.241.8801

E-mail: [email protected]

Page 14: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter


The ASME PVP Bolted Joint Reliability Symposium (BJRS) promotes knowledge sharing, technological progress and

international co-operation for advancing bolted Joints and sealing technology for the pressure vessel and piping indus-

try. The presentations will disseminate the scientific and real-world knowledge in the area of bolted joints, including

current and future design rules for bolted flange connections based on tightness (ASME SWG-BJ, EN1591), modern

flange assembly guidelines and best practices (ASME PCC-1), gasket selection and assembly for obtaining desired per-

formance/reliability (Example LDAR), and sharing of Lessons-Learned and Best Practices from industry experts and en-

gineering colleagues.

Tracks/Topics • Understanding BFC Design Methods

ASME Section VIII division 1 Appendix 2

New BFJ design rules, SWG on BFC


JIS under adoption

Other methods (Analytical, FEM, Non-Circular

Flanges, Flat Face Flanges)

• BFC Assembly

Torque Calculation Methods

PCC1, Appendix F, Alternative Flange Assembly

Methods & Field Experience

Factors Involved in Determining Nut Friction


Hydraulic Tensioning and Torquing

Elastic Interaction

PCC-1 Appendix A Flange Assembler Qualifica-


• Gaskets and Packings

Torque Calculation Methods

New Technologies

Gasket and Packing Selection

Performance Testing Methods/Standards and

Their Use

EN13555, ROTT, HOBT2 w/Cycles, ASTM (Gb a

Gs, m & Y), API622

Tutorial Topics • Fasteners

New Technologies

Performance Capabilities and Limits of Coated


Research and field experience on fatigue, yield,

cyclic loading, etc.

• LDAR/Emissions Compliance

Packings, Gaskets

BACT (Best Available Control Technology)


• BFC Lessons Learned: Product or application case


• Non-metallic Flanges & Unique Equipment BFC Per-


PTFE Lined

Polymeric (PVC, HDPE), FRP, Dual-Laminate

Glass Lined

Rubber Lined

Important Dates May 28, 2019 Submission of Abstract

June 11, 2019 Author Notification of Abstract


July 23, 2019 Session Finalized

August 03, 2019 Program Output

Technical Program Committee Jerry Waterland

[email protected]

Clay Rodery

[email protected]

Hakim Bouzid

[email protected]

Warren Brown

[email protected]

Dan Peters

[email protected]

Page 15: Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Newsletter




Pierre Mertiny University of Alberta

Mechanical Engineering Department 4-9 Mechanical Engineering Building

Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2G8, Canada Phone/Fax: +1-780-492-6982/780-492-2200

E-mail: [email protected]

Vice Chair Hakim A. Bouzid

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering École de Technologie Supérieure

1100 Notre Dame Ouest Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 1K3

Ph/Fax: +1-514-396-8563/514-396-8530

E-mail: [email protected]

Programs Matt R. Feldman, P.E.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Used Fuel Systems Group

P.O. Box 2008, MS6170 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6170, USA

Phone: +1-865-241-8801 E-mail: [email protected]

Communications Andrew Duncan

Savannah River National Laboratory D-1123 Bldg 773-A, Savannah River Site,

Aiken, SC 29808-0001 Ph: +1-803-725-4996

Email: [email protected]

Honors and Awards Clay D. Rodery C&S Technology, LLC

2220 Crimson Cove Court League City, TX 77573 Ph: +1-832-661-0625

Email: [email protected]

Professional Development

Pierre Mertiny University of Alberta

Mechanical Engineering Department 4-9 Mechanical Engineering Building

Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2G8, Canada Phone/Fax: +1-780-492-6982/780-492-2200 E-mail: [email protected]



Douglas A. Scarth Kinetrics Inc.

800 Kipling Ave Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ph/Fax: +1-416-207-6000 ext 6383/416-236-0979 E-mail: [email protected]

Finance Michael E. Nitzel

M.E. Nitzel Engineering Services 12839 Lakecrest Drive

Nampa, ID 83686 Ph: +1-208-465-6434

Email: [email protected]

Member (SOC)

William J. Bees

503 McEntee Drive Wadsworth, Ohio 44281

Ph: +1-330-336-4668 Email: [email protected]


Trevor Seipp Becht Engineering Canada, Ltd. 210A-4720 106 Ave SE

Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2C 3G5 Phone: +1-403-668-7274

E-mail: [email protected]


Sam Y. Zamrik

Prof Emeritus, Engineering. Mechanics Penn State University. Univ. Park, Pennsylvania 16802

307A Earth & Engineering Sciences Bldg. ASME Past‐President

Phone: +1-814‐865‐5241

Email: [email protected]


Editor Young W. Kwon

Naval Postgraduate School 700 Dyer Road Monterey, CA 93943

Ph/Fax: +1-831-656-3468 / 2238 Email: [email protected]


Membership Chair Bing Li Kinectrics, Inc.

Unit 5, 665 Philip Place Kincardine, Ontario, N2Z 2G8, Canada Ph: +1-519-396-9068

Mobile: +1-647-409-1823 Email: [email protected]

Publicity Chair and Newsletter Editor

Andrew Duncan Savannah River National Laboratory

D-1123 Bldg 773-A, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC 29808-0001 Ph: +1-803-725-4996

Email: [email protected]

International Coordinator Xian-Kui Zhu

Structural Integrity & Modeling EWI

1250 Arthur E. Adams Dr., Columbus OH 43221

Phone: +1-614-688-5135 E-mail: [email protected]


Codes & Standards Ryan L. Crane

ASME 2 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10016-5990, USA Ph: +1-212-591-7004

Email: [email protected]

Computer Technology & Bolted Joints Mr. Jerry Waterland, III,

VSP Technologies 8140 Quality Drive

Prince George, VA 23875 Phone: +1-804-668-1025

[email protected]

Design & Analysis

Ravi Baliga ADVENT Engineering Services 12647 Alcosta Boulevard, Suite 440

San Ramon, CA 94583 Phone/Fax: +1-925-830-4700/925-830-1269

E-mail: [email protected]

Fluid-Structure Interaction

Tomoyo Taniguchi Tottori University - Dept of Civil Engineering

4-101 Koyama-Minami Tottori 680-8552 Japan Ph/Fax: +81-857-31-5287 / +81-857-28-7899

E-mail: [email protected]

High-Pressure Technology Karl Simpson Exxon Mobil Chemical BRPP

11675 Hwy 19 Baton Rouge, LA 70807

Phone: +1-225-977-6792 E-mail: [email protected]

Materials & Fabrication

Michiel Brongers

Det Norske Veritas Columbus, Inc.

5777 Frantz Road Dublin, OH 43017-1386

Phone: +1-614-761-1214 E-mail: [email protected]

Operations, Applications & Components Georges Bezdikian GB Consult.

Phone: +33-6-2024-6216 E-mail: [email protected]

Seismic Engineering Paolacci, Fabrizio

Assistant Professor , Roma Tre University Phone: +39-329-057-0703 E-mail: [email protected]


Jamie Hart, CMP

Sr. Manager, Segment Operations ESP Segment

11757 Katy Freeway, Suite 380 Houston, TX 77079

Phone: +1-281-810-5453 E-mail: [email protected]

Sendy Ontiveros

Manager, Conferences and Events Phone: +1-281-810-5450

Email: [email protected]


Pierre Mertiny, Division Chair To submit an article for upcoming issues of this newsletter, please contact the communications

chair at [email protected].

2018–2019 Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Officers