Press Release - Gotni Clinic

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  • 8/7/2019 Press Release - Gotni Clinic


    REPORT OF THE GOTNI LEADERSHIP CLINIC HELD ON 20TH FEBRUARY 2011.The Leadership Clinic an event which is hosted by Guardians of the Nation International is a gathering of young professionals around Abuja who have a desire tosee change and transformation in our country Nigeria. At this gathering they network, interact and are taught core leadership values and principles that will improve their leadership capacities and enhance the quality of their lives in whatever sphere.

    The Leadership Clinic which held on the 20th of February 2011 was indeed a though provoking session which highlighted the power of innovation in giving leadership an edge. Mr Linus Okorie, The Leadership doctor as he is referred to on the platform of the Leadership Clinic meeting and the Leadership Clinic radio broadcast programme was on ground to do justice to the theme of the month- innovation.He delivered his talk on the topic; Innovation: The edge of leadership for economic boom. He highlighted how innovation which is doing things in a unique and better way can give one an edge in any pursuit of life, be it in leadership, doingbusiness or just rendering a service. The talk was packed with several nuggets

    of wisdom, motivation and practical illustrations and principles on how to achieve high level results in every endeavour. The young minds present at the Leadership clinic were from different walks of life and they received the prescriptions

    with humility and a visible readiness to take corresponding actions.The session was inclusive of an interactive period of questions and answers, a period of leadership testimonies where people present were asked to express somereal life moments where they applied good leadership principles and got favourable results. There was also a joint responsibility contribution from the participants present to support the continuity of the Leadership Clinic which is also apractice of communal responsibility that is vital for nation building.The Leadership Clinic came to an end at about 7pm as scheduled having started by5pm prompt a result of the strict adherence to the leadership principle of prom

    ptness and value for time.At the end of the meeting, the youths present have made a resolve to take actionin their various spheres of influence to do things differently to achieve bette

    r results for themselves and for the nation and also to invite their friends and

    colleagues to partake in the next Leadership Clinic so that the effect of the teachings can be experienced by more people for the betterment of our nation.