VOLUME I. No.l. PRESIDENT'S WIFE WAS SUMMONED BY DEATH '"lt is my sad duty." he said.; to announce to the House the; death of Mrs. Wilson, the wife of the President of the United States. 1 think the House should show the proper respect at this time, and 1 therefore move the adoption of the) following resolution : House Resolution Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, After a Brave Fight Died Aug. 6th. NO FUNERAL NOTICES WASHINGTON, D. 0., Aug. 6. ?Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of the President of the Pnited States, died at the White House at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Death came after a brave struggle of months against Bright's disease and other complications. Kneeling at the bedside at the end were the President and their three daughters. I)r. Gary T. Gray- son. 1. S. N., and a nurse were in the room, and just outside of the door were Secretary McAdoo and Francis B. Savre, Mr. Wilson's son-in-law, and Mr. Tumulty, his secretary. "Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Mrs. Woodrow Wil- son. wife of the President of the I nited States. "Resolved, further. That a coin- j uiittee composed of the Speaker and one additional member from each State in tlie Union, be ap- pointed to attend the funeral. "Resolved, further, That as a mark of respect the House do now adjourn." The resolution was adopted in silence. Mrs. Wilson was 50 years old. and when she came to the White House was in robust health. Al- ways a home lover, she neverthe- less immediately assumed the ar- duous duties of the wife of the Both Houses of Congress ad- journed whe Mrs. Wilson's death was announced, and for a brief time the wheels of the Government practically stopped, while every one paid respect td the loss of the President. President. She took an active in- terest in public affairs, and fre- quently received delegations call- ing on the President when he was too busy with other matters. Even during her last illness she fre- quently asked to be informed of the events of the United States and of the world. Majority Leader Underwood, of the House, hurried o the floor as soon as he received word from the White House, lie stopped the dis- cussion of the Moon railway pay bill. LICENSES ARE READY! HUNTERS MAY NOW SECURE THEIS PRIVILEGES FROM THE COUN- TY TREASURER. County Treasurer J. Willis Wilson is now ready to disburse the hunters' licenses for this coming season and already quite a number have paid the required fee and were given the little > piece of oilcloth that gives them per- \u25a0 mission to hunt the elusive rabbit and that animal's companions of the wild. The attempt to have the hunting li- censes for this year issued from the offices of the justices of the peace has failed. It appears that last year much time was lost by the manner in which the licenses were issued, and it was planned to have books of "tags" sent to the various offices of the magis- trates in the different towns. This was done in a number of counties last season with great success. Licenses will therefore be issued in much the same manner as they were last year. The hunter will go before the squire and make application. This year the squire will immediately col- lect the fee. The hunter must hand the magistrate a stamped self-ad- dressed envelope to be sent to the county treasurer with the application and then the license will be mailed directly to the hunter making the ap- plication. \ Former Normal Instructor Holds Brilliant Position, in Cleveland William Wrigley. former violin instructer of the Nor- mal Conservatory of Music, lias recently accepted the po- sition of head of the violin department of the new De- troit Institute of Musical Art. Next season Mr. and Mrs. Wrigley will do concert in Detroit and Cleveland. The 4 'Patriot., extends its congra- tulation to Mand Mrs. Wrig- MARRIAGE LICENSES. Dorr?Roof. Clarence Highlands Dorr and Miss Yetta Catherine Roof, both of Indiana, were married Thursday. at 8 p. m. by the Rev. Dr. J. Day at his residence on Church street. Krider ?Clough. John W. Krider, aged 72 and Mrs. Elizabeth Clough, aged 60, both of Conemaugh township, were married on Wednesday afternoon, August 5, by Squire James A. Crossman, at his office in Court Place. Croot?Cunningham. Lloyd W. Croot, of Lee* hburg, and Miss Mary E. Cunningham, of Leech- burg, were married this morning at 8 o'clock by the Rev. Dr. J. Day Brown- , lee, at his residence on Church street. Pounds?Cochran. Albert B. Pounds and Miss Nola Blanche Cochran, both of Grant town- ship, were married Tuesday, August 4, by Squire J. D. Spicher, at his office in Hillsdale. Snyder?Mench. Ross Snyder, of Homer City, and Miss Jessie Mench, of Indiana, were married on Wednesday, August 5, by- Rev. J. W. Shaeffer, at the Lutheran parsonage in Homer City. Indiana Post Office and Steam Ship Offices, receive Strict Orders. The Indiana Post Office, has rece- i ived an order from the Postoffice Pe partment. to not send parcels to Fran- ce and Germany, this business being entirely suspended untill further noti- ce. Steam Ship Agents, of this place have also received instructions, to not issue passage tickets for the above con tries. New Concrete Bridge at Creek Side. The Fable Co. has the contract for for the building of a concrete bridge that will connect Main and Freeh stre- ets. The bridge is of rme single arch. (> feel iii length and l.*> fed high. The bridge will be open for traftic the latt r pa t of next wo k. INDIANA, PA. SATURDAY, AUGUST S. 1914. FIVE CENTS TRIPLE ALLIANCE BROKEN; LATEST COMPLICATIONS Kaiser May Declare On His Former Ally, Italy and His Reasons. LATEST WAR NOTES HOMK. Aug. I)?Tlie Italian For- t ii.ii Olllce ha- sent a cable to the British Foreign Olfice,in which Italy's position in the present war is announ- j >'? i to l>t* out* of strictest neutrality. (Great Britinn was informed that her declaration of war does not at all alt- er Italy s resolution not. to take part in the war. This stand by Italy will break up the Triple Alliance. it is expected that Germany will declare war on Italy, and if this is done. Italy will immediately dc?lare war on Austria and will proceed to attack with both army and navy, as ant-Austrian feeling is growing thro- ughout Italy. LONDON, Aug. 7. ?The British fleet has engaged the German fleet on the high seas. The British ] warships are reported to be driv- ing the Germans towards the Duteh. coast. An Admiralty report says that the British cruiser Amphion was sunk this morning by striking a mine. Paymaster A. T. Gedge ami IdO men were lost. The captain, lb officers and IB7> men were saved The Lance was the hero of the first naval engagement in the pres- -1 ent war. sinking the Haiulmrg- ' American Line steamer Koenigin Lnise. which had been fitted out j as a miny layer. The bailee fired only four shots. ! The first destroyed the bridge of the steamer. the third and fourth tore away the stern and the Koe- CASH TRADING ONLY ? Will Be Permitted on New York Stock nigin sank in six minutes The Lance rescued 28 of the Oerman crew. Several were wounded. Two of them eaeh lost an arm and four others eaeh had a leg shot away. None of the bailee's erew was injured. PARIS, Aug. (>. ?Official an- nouncement is made that the bat- tle continues to rage around Liege, Belgium. The German shell lire has reduced two of the Liege forts but the Belgians continue to re- sist with untiring energy. The Germans were able to use their light siege guns against the forts of Liege, which are 1 years old. Two of them were silenced and the German columns broke through. The other forts are hold- ing out. The Belgians are making a determined resistance before the city. The situation at Liege, ac- cording to the latest dispatches, was as follows: If the German army succeeds in carrying Liege it will find itself confronted by an entrenched camp at Xamur, at which the Belgians are preparing to make a stand as fierce as that at Liege. The Belgian army was brilliant- ly fulfilling its task of delaying the German advance, and it ap- peared certain the German staff's plan ot campaign in Belgium would be hindered by the obsti- nate stand of the Belgians. Exchange, Which Will Open. New Aid Society at Creek Side. I he A.ssuta Mutual Aid Society hsa just completed at this place a hall of large dimension. It mesures 80 x 30 feet. 18 leet high and is equipped with gas lights, water etc., Diamond Dust. Ihe Dußois Base Ball team will come to Indiana, Monday Agust 10 to play twogantes with the Collegians. All right, fellows, we'll show you a good time! ' s Among Our Friends Cuss Hood, the obliging* 'lino' mar at the (\azette, tired of splashing in the >qrf at Atlantic City, returned to Indiana Sunday evening to resume his duties. He estimates that he loss about six pounds during his sojourn at the seashore. Miss Bess Kliugensmith, nurse in the Medico - Chirurgical Hospital, I Philadelphia, is spending her vacat- ion here with relatives and friends. J. IF Wiley, of Irwin. Pa.,l*rof. of mathematics in the Indiana Normal School, is spending the week here. Miss Dorothy Work, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Work of Detroit. Mich, left here Tuesday evening r that city. * Mr. and Mi's. Shields Sk daughter Cynthia of Sch left yesterday for a two tion in Atlantic City Miss Ollie Stott and Miss Irene are visiting Y star. W.C | Par' i- } New York, Aug. 7. ?The stock ex change has derided to remove the prohibition against trading, inaugurat- ed after the exchange suspended op erations last Thursday. Buying and selling of a nonspeculative character will be permitted and this, it is be- lieved, will be effective in clearing up many contracts hanging over from las*t week. Stock exchange officers have warned members that they are not to adver- tise anyjLlist of quotations and that such bumness as may be consummat ed in this unofficial manner must in no way conflict with the best inter- ests of the exchange. Reduction of the British bank dis- count rate and reports of similar ac- tion by the Bank of France are ex- pected to react favorably in this quar- ter. ' 133 BRITISH DROWN Cruiser Amphion Strikes Mine andl33 of Her Crew Perish. London, Aug. 7. ?It is officially an- nounced at the admiralty that the H. M. S. Amphion had been sunk after striking a mine in the sea. One hundred and thirty-three men were drowned. The paymaster, sev- enteen officers and 135 men were res- cued. Death Doesn't Stop Celebration. Franklin, Pa.', Aug. 7. ?Joseph Po- laka was burned to death and John Apolka was severely burned when a house in which they lived was de- stroyed by fire. The fire follov.ed a 1 wedding celebration, which was con- tinued notwithstanding the tragic in- terruption. j 1,200 Tourists Sail For Home. Copenhagen, Aug. 7. ?Twelve bun dred American tourists, who found it impossible to reach home byway of Hamburg, sailed from here on the Danish-American liner United States direct for New York. Canada Buys Submarines. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 7.?The sub- marines Iquique and Antofogasta, con- structed at the yards of the Seattle Construction company for the navy of Chile, have been sold to tht Dominion of Canada. Needed Airing. "What's the matter with you?" de mantled Boretu hotly. "I've got a righ' tr> ni- rm n?r?'>n*. haven't IT" "t Mi. ot \u25a0 "tirse." replied Brightlj. "Tlie.v r- -?> -la ? and musty they <t* t uftl> n> 'D >II>? IFl'iig of that i'tiihublpb.u I'ifSS. Our Salutatory A feature of The Patriot is and will be the fact that the pages will contain articles both in the English and Ital- ian languages, each a duplicate of the ether, while separate articles will be published in each language for those who are not acquainted with one or the other of the afore- mentioned languages. While a majority of the papers will be distributed among families whose native land is Italy, we also expect a fair share of our own American friends In another column may he found the roster of the edi- torial staff and the subscription price of The Patriot, as well as other personal matters. Our rate for display, classified or local advertising may be secured from the manager. We tend our heartfelt thanks to those, who in any- way, have thus far contributed to the success of our new venture and we trust that we may still have their co-opera- tion during the further issuance of the paper. The busi- ness office may be found in Room 12, Marshall Building, and editorial rooms are located on the third floor of the Thomas White building on Philadelphia street, Indiana, Pa., where we will be glad to welcome all of our friends and visitors. > FRANCE IN SOUTH AMERICA. I Its Influence In the Melting Pot of the Latin Races. South America is the melting pot of the Latin races, ami the French influ- ence now seems to predominate over that of Spain Italy is well represent- ed, especially in strong Argentina . Brazil seems tc be the most polyglot of them all, for here the native Porm guese is mingled not only with the Spanish and French and English, but a great deal of German. In the south of Brazil 90 pel cent of the people sneak German, and Portuguese is not always enforced as the language even of the public schools. The large German colonies here do not affiliate with these people as tbe> do with the Anglo-Saxon brothers or the north They live to themselves, they retain their own language and customs in chile, where there are many English too, the Germans direct the education of the country Buenos Aires is close to this Germanic group In southern Brazil and feels its influ ' ence, though Argentina seems the most ! unitied and progressive of the repub lies in point of literary expression and culture. French influence also is felt in Bra ; zil. Rio de Janeiro itself was founded i as a refuge for French Huguenots, though they were afterward driven back. In Paris today one hears that a youth is to emigrate to America, but probably it is to Rio that he is going. There are many French immigrants, and French is required in most of tbe schools and is next to the native tongue in importance in northern Brazil. For- merly in Brazil Spanish or German al- ways came next to French, but it is said that some of the states now re- quire English as the third language and that Brazilians are proud of their English.?Christian Science Monitor Suspicious. Ernest Vizetelly, who has publish ed a record of his experiences dur ing the Franco-Prussian war, tells a story to illustrate the popular mania for discovering "treason" that prevail ed in Paris. He says that one day a soldier re marked to a comrade: "I am sure that the captain is a trai tor." "How's that?" was the rejoinder. "Well." said the suspicious soldier "have you not noticed that every tine he orders us to march forward we in variably encounter the enemy?" Executions In Europe. Methods of putting criminals to death vary. In Europe the guillotine is tie mode of execution most generally eui ployed. Austria, Holland and Portug i are the only other countries beside- Great Britain where criminals are banged. In Oldenburg they are shot, it Brunswick they are beheaded, and it Spain they are garroted London Tele graph. Diplomacy. "Yon persuaded your husband to joir a glee club?" "Yes," answered Mrs. Biggins; "wber he starts to sing at home I can advise him not to tire his voice, ant when he sines in 'he club I can't hen him " Wii-h ne* it >tui. SUBSCRIBE F >R THE ? PAT HOT,. sl\U:> PER YEAR With this, the initial issue, II Patriota" (ThcPatriot) makes its premier bow 10 the press and citizens I'liadg-na and Indiana county, both to those of Englir peaking races and of those from our own country, 7t .!; . The appearance of the Patriot, the only paper o? k'nd in this part of the country, fills a long-felt want an ? the editors trust that their efforts will be given dr, t a e . delation by the readers, of which there are ateady qulcc a ] :n;> list. The Patriot will not be conmfcteC- an political or- ganization, but is designed to tilat all important issues of the day in a clear manner, unbilled n personal feelings cr demands of individuals. Editofla?; v] be printed from time to time on current topics of |hc day, the pro and con of each editorial subject being stu&eti carefully )-.v* the ar- ticle is put into print. By such methods wc hope : j raceiv: the commendation of our readers and of other p-.pers as well. Commands Fleet Guarding Coast of Britain j j K f \ , Hi V ? L IT- > ' y fi't- ? i I f " Sbic iH - ' INBbr r . \ ,<£§& Jl AEMIRAL CALLAGHAN. Von Forstner, the young officer whose haughty treatment of the French in- habitants of Zabern, Alsace, brought on the disturbances there last year which were aired in the reichstag and resulted in Baron Von Forstner being sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment in a fortress. Berln, Aug. 7. Emperor William addressed his army and navy today, calling upon all Germans to defend the fatherland. "After forty-three years of peace," he said, "I call upon all Germans cap- able of bearing arms. We have to de- fend our most sacred possessions, our fatherland and homes against the reckless assault of enemies from all sides. That means hard fighting, and great sacrifices await us. I am confi- dent that the ancient warlike spirit still lives in the German people?that powerful warlike spirit which attacks the enemy where it finds him and regardless of the cost and which in the past has been the dread terror of our enemies. I have confidence in each and all of yen that an ardent and in- domitable will for victory is living in roti T Vnn"- *V O * r~.~dpd and a I o: y u > d.t- Lie s. L ji_, - hjer cur gria.i P. 1 r us u ARE CTTRMANS. JLJ D US.

PRESIDENT'S WAS Our TRIPLE ALLIANCE BROKEN; BY DEATH … · 2017-12-17 · VOLUME I. No.l. PRESIDENT'S WIFE WAS SUMMONED BY DEATH '"ltis my sad duty." he said.; to announce to the

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Page 1: PRESIDENT'S WAS Our TRIPLE ALLIANCE BROKEN; BY DEATH … · 2017-12-17 · VOLUME I. No.l. PRESIDENT'S WIFE WAS SUMMONED BY DEATH '"ltis my sad duty." he said.; to announce to the



'"lt is my sad duty." he said.;to announce to the House the;death of Mrs. Wilson, the wife ofthe President of the United States.1 think the House should show theproper respect at this time, and 1

therefore move the adoption of the)following resolution :

House Resolution

Mrs. Woodrow Wilson,After a Brave Fight

Died Aug. 6th.


?Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife ofthe President of the Pnited States,died at the White House at 5o'clock this afternoon. Death cameafter a brave struggle ofmonths against Bright's diseaseand other complications.

Kneeling at the bedside at theend were the President and theirthree daughters. I)r. Gary T. Gray-

son. 1. S. N., and a nurse were inthe room, and just outside of thedoor were Secretary McAdoo andFrancis B. Savre, Mr. Wilson'sson-in-law, and Mr. Tumulty, hissecretary.

"Resolved, That the House hasheard with profound sorrow ofthe death of Mrs. Woodrow Wil-

son. wife of the President of theI nited States.

"Resolved, further. That a coin- juiittee composed of the Speaker

and one additional member fromeach State in tlie Union, be ap-

pointed to attend the funeral."Resolved, further, That as a

mark of respect the House do now

adjourn."The resolution was adopted in

silence.Mrs. Wilson was 50 years old.

and when she came to the WhiteHouse was in robust health. Al-

ways a home lover, she neverthe-less immediately assumed the ar-duous duties of the wife of the

Both Houses of Congress ad-journed whe Mrs. Wilson's deathwas announced, and for a brieftime the wheels of the Governmentpractically stopped, while every

one paid respect td the loss of thePresident.

President. She took an active in-terest in public affairs, and fre-quently received delegations call-ing on the President when he wastoo busy with other matters. Evenduring her last illness she fre-quently asked to be informed ofthe events of the United Statesand of the world.

Majority Leader Underwood, ofthe House, hurried o the floor assoon as he received word from theWhite House, lie stopped the dis-cussion of the Moon railway paybill.




County Treasurer J. Willis Wilsonis now ready to disburse the hunters'

licenses for this coming season andalready quite a number have paid the

required fee and were given the little >

piece of oilcloth that gives them per- \u25a0mission to hunt the elusive rabbitand that animal's companions of the


The attempt to have the hunting li-

censes for this year issued from the

offices of the justices of the peace has

failed. It appears that last year much

time was lost by the manner in which

the licenses were issued, and it wasplanned to have books of "tags" sentto the various offices of the magis-

trates in the different towns. This

was done in a number of counties last

season with great success.

Licenses will therefore be issued in

much the same manner as they were

last year. The hunter will go before

the squire and make application. This

year the squire will immediately col-

lect the fee. The hunter must hand

the magistrate a stamped self-ad-

dressed envelope to be sent to the

county treasurer with the application

and then the license will be mailed

directly to the hunter making the ap-



Former Normal InstructorHolds Brilliant Position, in Cleveland

William Wrigley. formerviolin instructer of the Nor-mal Conservatory of Music,lias recently accepted the po-sition of head of the violin

department of the new De-troit Institute of Musical Art.

Next season Mr. and Mrs.Wrigley will do concert inDetroit and Cleveland. The

4 'Patriot., extends its congra-tulation to Mand Mrs. Wrig-


Clarence Highlands Dorr and Miss

Yetta Catherine Roof, both of Indiana,were married Thursday. at 8 p. m.

by the Rev. Dr. J. Day at

his residence on Church street.


John W. Krider, aged 72 and Mrs.

Elizabeth Clough, aged 60, both of

Conemaugh township, were married

on Wednesday afternoon, August 5,

by Squire James A. Crossman, at his

office in Court Place.


Lloyd W. Croot, of Lee* hburg, and

Miss Mary E. Cunningham, of Leech-

burg, were married this morning at 8

o'clock by the Rev. Dr. J. Day Brown- ,

lee, at his residence on Church street.

Pounds?Cochran.Albert B. Pounds and Miss Nola

Blanche Cochran, both of Grant town-

ship, were married Tuesday, August

4, by Squire J. D. Spicher, at his office

in Hillsdale.


Ross Snyder, of Homer City, and

Miss Jessie Mench, of Indiana, were

married on Wednesday, August 5, by-

Rev. J. W. Shaeffer, at the Lutheran

parsonage in Homer City.

Indiana Post Office and Steam ShipOffices, receive Strict Orders.

The Indiana Post Office, has rece-i

ived an order from the Postoffice Pepartment. to not send parcels to Fran-ce and Germany, this business beingentirely suspended untill further noti-


Steam Ship Agents, of this placehave also received instructions, to not

issue passage tickets for the above

con tries.

New Concrete Bridge at Creek Side.

The Fable Co. has the contract forfor the building of a concrete bridgethat will connect Main and Freeh stre-

ets. The bridge is of rme single arch.(> feel iii length and l.*> fed high.

The bridge will be open for traftic

the latt r pa t of next wo k.



Kaiser May Declare OnHis Former Ally, Italy

and His Reasons.LATEST WAR NOTES

HOMK. Aug. I)?Tlie Italian For-t ii.ii Olllce ha- sent a cable to theBritish Foreign Olfice,in which Italy'sposition in the present war is announ-

j >'? i to l>t* out* of strictest neutrality.(Great Britinn was informed that her

declaration of war does not at all alt-er Italy s resolution not. to take partin the war. This stand by Italy willbreak up the Triple Alliance.

it is expected that Germany willdeclare war on Italy, and if this isdone. Italy will immediately dc?larewar on Austria and will proceed toattack with both army and navy, asant-Austrian feeling is growing thro-ughout Italy.

LONDON, Aug. 7. ?The Britishfleet has engaged the Germanfleet on the high seas. The British

] warships are reported to be driv-ing the Germans towards theDuteh. coast.

An Admiralty report says that

the British cruiser Amphion wassunk this morning by striking a

mine. Paymaster A. T. Gedge amiIdO men were lost. The captain,lb officers and IB7> men were saved

The Lance was the hero of thefirst naval engagement in the pres-

-1 ent war. sinking the Haiulmrg-' American Line steamer Koenigin

Lnise. which had been fitted out

j as a miny layer.The bailee fired only four shots.

! The first destroyed the bridge of

the steamer. the third and fourthtore away the stern and the Koe-


Will Be Permitted on New York Stock

nigin sank in six minutesThe Lance rescued 28 of the

Oerman crew. Several werewounded. Two of them eaeh lostan arm and four others eaeh hada leg shot away. None of thebailee's erew was injured.

PARIS, Aug. (>. ?Official an-nouncement is made that the bat-tle continues to rage around Liege,Belgium. The German shell lirehas reduced two of the Liege fortsbut the Belgians continue to re-sist with untiring energy.

The Germans were able to usetheir light siege guns against theforts of Liege, which are 1 yearsold. Two of them were silencedand the German columns brokethrough. The other forts are hold-ing out. The Belgians are makinga determined resistance before thecity. The situation at Liege, ac-cording to the latest dispatches,was as follows:

If the German army succeeds incarrying Liege it will find itselfconfronted by an entrenched campat Xamur, at which the Belgiansare preparing to make a stand asfierce as that at Liege.

The Belgian army was brilliant-ly fulfilling its task of delayingthe German advance, and it ap-peared certain the German staff'splan ot campaign in Belgiumwould be hindered by the obsti-nate stand of the Belgians.

Exchange, Which Will Open.

New Aid Society at Creek Side.I he A.ssuta Mutual Aid Society hsa

just completed at this place a hall oflarge dimension. It mesures 80 x 30

feet. 18 leet high and is equippedwith gas lights, water etc.,

Diamond Dust.Ihe Dußois Base Ball team will

come to Indiana, Monday Agust 10

to play twogantes with the Collegians.All right, fellows, we'll show you agood time!

' s

Among Our FriendsCuss Hood, the obliging* 'lino' mar

at the (\azette, tired of splashing in

the >qrf at Atlantic City, returned to

Indiana Sunday evening to resume

his duties. He estimates that he loss

about six pounds during his sojourn

at the seashore.Miss Bess Kliugensmith, nurse in

the Medico - Chirurgical Hospital,IPhiladelphia, is spending her vacat-

ion here with relatives and friends.J. IF Wiley, of Irwin. Pa.,l*rof. of

mathematics in the Indiana NormalSchool, is spending the week here.

Miss Dorothy Work, daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Work of Detroit.

Mich, left here Tuesday evening r

that city. *

Mr. and Mi's. Shields Sk

daughter Cynthia of Sch

left yesterday for a two

tion in Atlantic City

Miss Ollie Stott

and Miss Irene

are visiting Y


W.C| Par'


New York, Aug. 7. ?The stock exchange has derided to remove the

prohibition against trading, inaugurat-ed after the exchange suspended op

erations last Thursday. Buying andselling of a nonspeculative character

will be permitted and this, it is be-lieved, will be effective in clearing

up many contracts hanging over from

las*t week.Stock exchange officers have warned

members that they are not to adver-

tise anyjLlist of quotations and thatsuch bumness as may be consummat

ed in this unofficial manner must in

no way conflict with the best inter-

ests of the exchange.

Reduction of the British bank dis-count rate and reports of similar ac-tion by the Bank of France are ex-pected to react favorably in this quar-




Cruiser Amphion Strikes Mine andl33

of Her Crew Perish.London, Aug. 7.?It is officially an-

nounced at the admiralty that the H.

M. S. Amphion had been sunk afterstriking a mine in the sea.

One hundred and thirty-three menwere drowned. The paymaster, sev-enteen officers and 135 men were res-cued.

Death Doesn't Stop Celebration.Franklin, Pa.', Aug. 7.?Joseph Po-

laka was burned to death and JohnApolka was severely burned when ahouse in which they lived was de-stroyed by fire. The fire follov.ed a

1 wedding celebration, which was con-tinued notwithstanding the tragic in-terruption.

j 1,200 Tourists Sail For Home.Copenhagen, Aug. 7. ?Twelve bun

dred American tourists, who found itimpossible to reach home byway ofHamburg, sailed from here on theDanish-American liner United Statesdirect for New York.

Canada Buys Submarines.Seattle, Wash., Aug. 7.?The sub-

marines Iquique and Antofogasta, con-structed at the yards of the SeattleConstruction company for the navy ofChile, have been sold to tht Dominionof Canada.

Needed Airing.

"What's the matter with you?" de

mantled Boretu hotly. "I've got a righ'

tr> ni- rm n?r?'>n*. haven't IT""t Mi. ot \u25a0 "tirse." replied Brightlj.

"Tlie.v r- -?> -la ? and musty they <t*

t uftl> n> 'D >II>? IFl'iig of thati'tiihublpb.u I'ifSS.

Our Salutatory

A feature of The Patriot is and will be the fact thatthe pages will contain articles both in the English and Ital-ian languages, each a duplicate of the ether, while separatearticles will be published in each language for those whoare not acquainted with one or the other of the afore-mentioned languages. While a majority of the papers willbe distributed among families whose native land is Italy,we also expect a fair share of our own American friends

In another column may he found the roster of the edi-torial staff and the subscription price of The Patriot, as wellas other personal matters. Our rate for display, classifiedor local advertising may be secured from the manager.

We tend our heartfelt thanks to those, who in any-way, have thus far contributed to the success of our newventure and we trust that we may still have their co-opera-tion during the further issuance of the paper. The busi-ness office may be found in Room 12, Marshall Building,and editorial rooms are located on the third floor of theThomas White building on Philadelphia street, Indiana, Pa.,where we will be glad to welcome all of our friends andvisitors. >

FRANCE IN SOUTH AMERICA. IIts Influence In the Melting Pot of the

Latin Races.

South America is the melting pot of

the Latin races, ami the French influ-ence now seems to predominate overthat of Spain Italy is well represent-ed, especially in strong Argentina .

Brazil seems tc be the most polyglot ofthem all, for here the native Pormguese is mingled not only with theSpanish and French and English, but agreat deal of German. In the south ofBrazil 90 pel cent of the people sneakGerman, and Portuguese is not alwaysenforced as the language even of thepublic schools.

The large German colonies here do

not affiliate with these people as tbe>do with the Anglo-Saxon brothers orthe north They live to themselves,they retain their own language andcustoms in chile, where there aremany English too, the Germans directthe education of the country BuenosAires is close to this Germanic group

In southern Brazil and feels its influ 'ence, though Argentina seems the most !

unitied and progressive of the republies in point of literary expression andculture.

French influence also is felt in Bra ;zil. Rio de Janeiro itself was founded ias a refuge for French Huguenots,

though they were afterward drivenback. In Paris today one hears that ayouth is to emigrate to America, butprobably it is to Rio that he is going.

There are many French immigrants,and French is required in most of tbeschools and is next to the native tongue

in importance in northern Brazil. For-merly in Brazil Spanish or German al-

ways came next to French, but it is

said that some of the states now re-quire English as the third languageand that Brazilians are proud of theirEnglish.?Christian Science Monitor

Suspicious.Ernest Vizetelly, who has publish

ed a record of his experiences during the Franco-Prussian war, tells astory to illustrate the popular mania

for discovering "treason" that prevailed in Paris.

He says that one day a soldier re

marked to a comrade:"I am sure that the captain is a trai

tor.""How's that?" was the rejoinder.

"Well." said the suspicious soldier"have you not noticed that every tinehe orders us to march forward we in

variably encounter the enemy?"

Executions In Europe.

Methods of putting criminals to deathvary. In Europe the guillotine is tiemode of execution most generally eui

ployed. Austria, Holland and Portug i

are the only other countries beside-Great Britain where criminals arebanged. In Oldenburg they are shot, itBrunswick they are beheaded, and itSpain they are garroted London Telegraph.

Diplomacy."Yon persuaded your husband to joir

a glee club?""Yes," answered Mrs. Biggins; "wber

he starts to sing at home I canadvise him not to tire his voice, ant

when he sines in 'he club I can't hen


Wii-h ne* it >tui.


With this, the initial issue, II Patriota" (ThcPatriot)makes its premier bow 10 the press and citizens I'liadg-naand Indiana county, both to those of Englir peakingraces and of those from our own country, 7t .!; . Theappearance of the Patriot, the only paper o? k'nd in thispart of the country, fills a long-felt want an ? the editorstrust that their efforts will be given dr, t a e . delation bythe readers, of which there are ateady qulcc a ] :n;> list.

The Patriot willnot be conmfcteC- an political or-ganization, but is designed to tilat all important issues ofthe day in a clear manner, unbilled n personal feelings crdemands of individuals. Editofla?; v] be printed fromtime to time on current topics of |hc day, the pro and con ofeach editorial subject being stu&eti carefully )-.v* the ar-ticle is put into print. By such methods wc hope : jraceiv:the commendation of our readers and of other p-.pers aswell.

Commands Fleet GuardingCoast of Britain j

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fi't- ? i If " SbiciH- ' INBbrr . \

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Von Forstner, the young officer whosehaughty treatment of the French in-habitants of Zabern, Alsace, brought

on the disturbances there last year

which were aired in the reichstag andresulted in Baron Von Forstner being

sentenced to six weeks' imprisonmentin a fortress.

Berln, Aug. 7. Emperor Williamaddressed his army and navy today,calling upon all Germans to defendthe fatherland.

"After forty-three years of peace,"he said, "I call upon all Germans cap-

able of bearing arms. We have to de-

fend our most sacred possessions, ourfatherland and homes against thereckless assault of enemies from all

sides. That means hard fighting, and

great sacrifices await us. I am confi-

dent that the ancient warlike spirit

still lives in the German people?thatpowerful warlike spirit which attacksthe enemy where it finds him andregardless of the cost and which in

the past has been the dread terror of

our enemies. I have confidence in eachand all of yen that an ardent and in-

domitable will for victory is living inroti T Vnn"- *VO * r~.~dpd

and a I o: y u > d.t- Lie s. L

ji_, - hjer cur gria.i P. 1 r usu ARE CTTRMANS. JLJD US.