Presenting Fondapol through a few pages

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  • 8/4/2019 Presenting Fondapol through a few pages...



    think tankor europeanintegrationand reeeconomy

  • 8/4/2019 Presenting Fondapol through a few pages...


    The Fondation pour linnovation politique(Fondapol)has been contributing to pluralist thought and a revival o public debate since itsounding in 2004. We believe our democracy must increasingly rely on individualresponsibility rather than government control. We are thereore determined to promotereedom in every area o public lie.

    As a platform for expertisedeliberation and debate, the Fondationstrives to describe, anticipate and understand the constant evolution o French and,wider, the European societies. The ageing population and increasing weight given toenvironmental issues and globalization are but a ew o the phenomena at work,hastening the emergence o a new world. The study o such transormations and theirimpact on our political lives is the core ocus o the Fondations endeavors.

    Our work would miss its purpose i it were limited to observation. In order to playan active role in the intellectual debate, the Fondationunlike a university researchcentre strives to ormulate innovative proposals and bring them to the attention oFrench and European leaders, rom both the economic and political world.

    Fondapolis an independent organisation not subsidised by any political party. Itreceives both public and private unding. Support rom both companies and individualscontribute to the expansion o its activities.


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  • 8/4/2019 Presenting Fondapol through a few pages...


    Economic GrowthThe crisis in 2008 did not suspend the process o economic globalization and theredistribution o global power. Westerners have never beore had to live in a world liketodays. Europe has to ace an unavorable demographic situation and the shit o thecentre o economic activity to the Asia-Pacic region. Fondapols number one priorityis to imagine new solutions i France and Europe can nd their place in the new globaleconomy. There is little doubt that this will be one o the key issues in 2012, a majorelection year in France.

    Green GrowthAlthough some people try, it is hard to dispute the signicance o environmentalissues. The protection o environment has become a central theme in French andEuropean politics. But there are two approaches o ecology: one is nger-pointingand accusatory, even desperate; ours aims to use incentives, and to be rationaland progressive. We put our aith in societys conversion to a post-carbon economy,

    relying on scientic innovation, green growth, and renewal o public principles andthe means to achieve them.

    ValuesTwenty years ater the collapse o communism, the European let nds itsel at adoctrinal dead-end. Economic globalisation and the ageing o the population havehad a proound impact on the social-democratic model, which is now under threato extinction. That does not mean the orces ranged against it will inevitably betriumphant. The 2008 crisis and increasing environmental concerns have sparked

    a resurgence o anti ree market ideas, coming rom all political standpoints. Eventhe right, though enjoying electoral success, is concerned by a crisis o identity.Fondapol has decided to examine the situation o right-leaning elements in Europeby commissioning a series o monographs addressing the same questions. Thepublication o these reports will help in the preparation o a major conerenceanalyzing the theme o the crises acing the social-democratic let, on one hand, andits pro ree-market opponents, on the other.

    Digital issues

    Digital tools oer outstanding potential or transorming our social and political lives.They are already making it possible, at low cost, to streamline administrative workand enable citizens to access data in the public domain or even to participate in publicdecision-making. The Fondation pour linnovation politique is striving to play an activepart in the research and analysis work on the various applications which these newtools have made possible and to assist in answering the questions raised as a resulto their use.

    fondapolRs s




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    The ranco-german tandem conronts the Euro crisis*, Wolgang Glomb, February 2011

    2011, World Youths*, Fondapol, January 2011

    Public service 2.0, Thierry Weibel, January 2011

    The state o the right: Bulgaria*, Antony Todorov, December 2010

    The return o sortition in politics, Gil Delannoi, December 2010

    The Peoples moral ability, Raymond Boudon, November 2010

    Achieving a new Common Agricultural Policy*, Bernard Bachelier, November 2010

    Food Security: a global challenge*, Bernard Bachelier, November 2010

    The unknown virtues o low cost carriers, Emmanuel Combe, November 2010

    Overcoming the Deense budget issue, Guillaume Lagane, October 2010

    The state o the right: Spain*, Joan Marcet, October 2010

    The virtues o competition, David Sraer, September 2010

    Internet, politics and citizen coproduction, Robin Berjon, September 2010

    The state o the right: Poland*, Dominika Tomaszewska-Mortimer, August 2010

    The state o the right: Sweden and Denmark*, Jacob Christensen, July 2010

    What is the police up to?, Mathieu Zagrodzki, July 2010

    The state o the right: Italy*, Sofa Ventura, July 2010

    Banking crisis, public debt: a German perspective, Wolgang Glomb, July 2010

    Public debt, public concerns, Jrme Fourquet, June 2010

    Banking regulations or sustainable growth*, Nathalie Janson, June 2010

    Four proposals to renew our agricultural model, Pascal Perri, May 2010

    2010 regional elections: where have all the voters gone?, Pascal Perrineau, May 2010

    The Netherlands: the populist temptation*, Christophe de Voogd, May 2010Four ideas to boost spending power, Pascal Perri, April 2010

    The state o the right: Great Britain*, David Hanley, April 2010

    Reinorce the regions economic role, Nicolas Bouzou, March 2010

    Reorming the Constitution to rein in government debt, Jacques Delpla, February 2010

    A strategy to reduce Frances public debt, Nicolas Bouzou, February 2010

    Iran: civil revolution?, Nader Vahabi, November 2009

    Catholic Church policy: liberty vs liberalism, mile Perreau-Saussine, October 2009

    A panorama o action in avour o green growth, Valry Morron and Dborah Sanchez,October 2009

    The German economy on the eve o the general election*, Nicolas Bouzou andJrme Duval-Hamel, September 2009

    2009 European elections*, Corinne Deloy, Dominique Reyni and Pascal Perrineau,September 2009

    The Nazi-Soviet alliance, 70 years on, Stphane Courtois, July 2009



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    * *








    * The titles marked with an asterisk are available in English 3

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    The administrative state and liberalism: a French story, Lucien Jaume, June 2009

    European development policy*, Jean-Michel Debrat, June 2009

    Fighting age discrimination in the workplace, Elise Muir, June 2009

    Academics: deending their status, illustrating a status quo, David Bonneau and BrunoBensasson, May 2009

    Civil service vs civil society, Dominique Reyni, March 2009

    Stemming the protectionist tide in Europe*, Nicolas Bouzou, March 2009

    Higher education reorm in France: lessons rom Australia*, Zoe McKenzie, March 2009

    Reorms and social conict, a survey, January 2009

    Working on Sundays: Sunday workers perspectives, Dominique Reyni, January 2009

    US elections and trade policy: redefning EU-US relations?, Julien Tourreille, October 2008

    Deence, immigration, energy: Franco-German views, Elvire Fabry, October 2008Greening economic growth: towards a global strategy or Europe, Elvire Fabry and DamienTresallet, November 2008

    * The titles marked with an asterisk are available in English4

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    Pbls|Clls ss

    Political Innovation collectionIn creating the Political Innovation collection with PressesUniversitaires de France, the Fondation pour linnovationpolitique wishes to make its own contribution towards a betterunderstanding o the radical changes shaping and shaking ourera. The analysis o the major political, economic and socialtransormations unique to our times and their consequences,

    the search or solutions and the adaptations which we will berequired to make, are the main themes o this new collection.The rst two books were released on 26 January. Innovation

    politique 2011 is an anthology o the main works recentlypublished by Fondapol. In LAcadmie au pays du capital,Bernard Belloc, French President Nicolas Sarkozys HigherEducation and Research Advisor, and Pierre-Franois Mourier, Deputy General Director othe Centre danalyse stratgique, conduct an in-depth analysis o public higher educationin the United States. The middle classes, water and values will be the ocus o the nextvolumes to be published in the Political Innovation collection.

    Series of papers on water issues (March 2011)The era o abundant drinking water has come to an end. Traditional conceptions owater management ocused on increasing production and distribution capacity. Thelimitations o these approaches are now evident and it is imperative to reconcilewater scarcity management with water rights. What is needed is, indeed, to makeeach actor in the water chain accountable and to examine the plurality o availablesolutions which can help us regulate our consumption levels so as to eectively meetour domestic, industrial and agricultural needs while respecting our solidarity andecology obligations. The aim o this series o papers is to cover the various problemsassociated with water policy and to thereby provide input or the debate, notablywithin the context o a symposium to be held by the Fondation pour linnovationpolitique.


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    b e D d a W

    2011 World Youth Survey (January 2011)

    Developed by the Fondation pour linnovation politique, 2011 World Youth Survey

    is the rst o its kind. It casts new light on the opinions, behaviours and values o

    youths aged 16 to 29. TNS Opinion group, which conducted the survey, polled more

    than 32,700 people in 25 countries on ve continents: Australia, Brazil, Canada,

    China, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy,

    Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Arica, Spain, Sweden,Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States. We hope that through this survey,

    the Fondation pour linnovation politique will make a meaningul contribution to

    what has become a necessary eort to direct public attention to the youths who

    will shape tomorrows world.



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    M Y S f c a

    Survey: The French Middle Classes(November 2010)

    Middle classes are oten portrayed as being overlooked by government policies

    a paradoxical nding, considering that two-thirds o the French people claim

    to belong to this category. To shed more light on this issue, the Fondation pour

    linnovation politique decided to conduct a particularly ambitious survey based

    on a sampling o 2,000 people. The results o this survey, carried out jointly withIop, were presented on 18 November 2010 during the symposium What are the

    aspirations o todays middle classes? This endeavour signicantly contributed

    to a more comprehensive understanding and insightul analysis o this social


    The French and the movement against pension reform:

    (An assessment as of 2-4 November 2010)A ew days ater the French Parliament adopted the pension reorm bill, the

    Fondation pour linnovation politique published an exclusive survey on how the

    French relate to this reorm and to the social unrest which it produced. This survey

    turned out to be particularly enlightening: despite the demonstrations, the French

    were still in avour o the governments plan to postpone the legal retirement age

    rom 60 to 62. Conversely, the opposition movement had lost the support o the

    working class. The Socialist Party, on the other hand, seemed to be viewed by the

    public as an anti-establishment player.


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    The French and pension reform (June 2010)

    This survey shows the attitudes o the French towards the pension reorm put

    orward by the government o Nicolas Sarkozy. Deeply divided about the proposed

    increase in the legal retirement age, the French are split along classic let-right

    lines and are having trouble achieving a national consensus.

    Greek crisis: budget austerity gauged by itspolitical acceptability (May 2010)

    Though Europe has so ar withstood the nancial crisis, a lack o budget rigour

    could be observed in too many EU countries, causing the rise o debt and decit.

    Despite some disagreements and procrastination, European leaders and the IMF

    have taken measures considered appropriate to deal with this situation.

    The implementation o programmes designed to restore government nances area key part o this concerted response. By their nature, such programmes will only

    bear ruit over time, and their success will depend on the levels o tolerance the

    populations concerned will show. The consequences o such policies will inevitably

    be negative i the people are not behind them.

    Europe, the Greek crisis and us (March 2010)

    In March 2010, Fondapol conducted a pan-European public opinion survey on theGreek crisis and, more broadly, government nances within the EU. The survey

    gathered and analyzed the views o representative groups o the French, German,

    British, Italian and Spanish populations.

    The rise of a new European sentiment(May 2009)

    The survey revealed strong support or the EU: 56% o respondents think that in

    the context o globalization, EU membership is good or their country. However, the

    view o EU membership becomes less positive as people get older. Two-thirds o the

    18-24 age group (65%) see the EU as an opportunity, but this eeling is only shared

    by those aged 55 and upwards (52%). This is a new development. For a continent

    that is ageing rapidly, it could prove a major determinant.


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    The Fondation requently organizes colloquia and conerences dealing withFrench and international political issues. Through those events, we intend to promote

    dialogue and interaction between prominent gures coming rom research, businessand political backgrounds. Such meetings also allow us to arouse public concern or

    personal liberty and ree enterprise.

    Symposium on Water Policy(2 March 2011)This symposium is part o an ongoing series o papers to

    be published on the subject o water. A day-long debate

    will include our round tables to allow the authors o

    these papers to discuss water policy. Speakers will review

    Frances role in hydraulic production, water management,

    the quality vs. quantity dilemma, as well as the issues o

    water rights and socially oriented pricing.


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    The 2011 World Youth Evening Gala (18 January 2011)

    As part o the events surrounding the release

    o the 2011 World Youth Surveys ndings, the

    Fondation pour linnovation politique sponsored

    a special evening gala in Paris to be attended by

    several hundred youths o diverse nationalities.

    Members o dierent generations thus had anopportunity to meet or the presentation o the

    main ndings o this unprecedented survey on

    the liestyles, values and aspirations o youths in

    25 countries. Key government ministers directly

    concerned by these youth-related issues also

    attended this event.


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    What are the aspirations of todaysmiddle classes?(18 November 2010)

    Fondapol held a debate with special guest LaurentWauquiez, French Minister or European Aairs, with

    the aim o specically dening the middle classes and

    identiying their liestyles and aspirations. These issues

    were reviewed by experts rom a wide variety o elds:

    sociologists, town planners, advertising executives, town

    councillors, etc., who thus had an opportunity to compare their views on the middle

    classes during three round table meetings. The ndings o a major Iop survey

    carried out with a sampling o 2,000 people were presented during this symposium.

    First Think Tank Forum (6 November 2010)

    At a time o key international meetings and ast-approaching

    decisive elections or France, the Fondation pour linnovation

    politique invited French think tanks to meet at the Sorbonne.

    Organisations o every intellectual background participated inthis unique day devoted to debating the challenges now being

    conronted by France, Europe and the entire globe: emergence

    rom the crisis, the euros uture, public decits, European

    construction, ood saety and climate change.


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    The Budgetary Equation (30 September 2010)

    Following the presentation o the 2011 Budget in the Council oMinisters, the Fondation pour linnovation politique held a round

    table eaturing guest speaker Franois Baroin, French Minister

    o Budget, Public Accounts and State Reorm, and a panel o

    public nance experts. Opened by Grgoire Chertok, this event

    aimed at solving the budgetary equation which the French

    and European governments have to ace: how can decits

    be reversed when the economy is still recovering? How can

    budgetary responsibility work in tandem with social justice?


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    The status of liberty:the self-employed revolution(22 June 2010)

    By June 2010, hal a million people had taken

    advantage o a new French law simpliying sel-

    employed status. Eighteen months ater its creation,

    the new status continues to attract entrepreneurs,

    thanks to its simplicity and the

    numerous advantages it oers. Social

    phenomenon? A generational thing?

    Who are the new sel-employed? How

    has the job market reacted to the new

    status? How have employees, retired

    people, civil servants, students and

    unemployed people taken to it? Themost qualied experts tried to answer

    these questions during our conerence

    Digital democracy

    This conerence series is devoted to digital democracy and is organized in

    partnership with Dailymotion, and the Rpublique des Blogs. It is

    divided in our events: Saturday 27 March 2010 The Web and public opinion,

    Saturday 29 May 2010 New orms o journalism, Saturday 16 October 2010 What

    the Web is doing to representative democracy and Saturday 11 December Data


    19th edition of the annual political book day(10 April 2010)

    For the second consecutive year, Fondapol is partnering the political book day, the

    19th edition o which is entitled The new rontiers o the Republic.



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    Remembering communism: a new era(4, 5 & 6 November 2009)

    In 1989, to widespread surprise, the Berlin Wall ell. In the euphoria prevalent at

    the time, many people thought that democracy and ree economy would receive

    the support o people who had been let out in the cold, and end up dominating the


    Twenty years on, many things have changed: Germany has reunied, the ormer

    popular democracies and the Baltic states have joined the European Union,

    thereby beneting rom a return to the rule o law. Ater indispensable but painul

    economic reorm, the standard o living o the inhabitants o these countries is

    gradually catching up with that enjoyed by other Europeans. That said, we are a

    long way rom the recognition and ocial condemnation o the criminal nature o

    the communist regimes. Is the extreme electoral weakness o communist parties

    consistent with the role o marxism in european collective memories, political

    systems and intellectual debates? These are the questions we adressed during

    these three days devoted to the analysis o what remains o communism.

    Greening economic growth(22 October 2009)

    The notion o green growth implies the reorientation o consumption

    and production. Some sectors will have to transorm themselves.

    New players will appear. Will the environment be a catalyst or or a

    barrier to economic growth? Strong growth will not come rom either

    an accumulation o public spending or a multitude o regulatory

    constraints. Economic growth stems rom innovation, productivity

    and competitiveness. Environmental policies

    will only spur growth and create jobs i they

    also bolster the economy.

    What policies should be implemented to

    ensure that France enjoys the ull benets o

    the new growth? What is at stake industrially

    with green growth in France? Where do citizen-

    consumers stand in this respect? We looked

    at all these questions during our conerence

    entitled Greening economic growth.



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    & Vs

    Remembering Communism

    Interviewees came rom Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania,the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, ormer East Germany and ormer

    West Berlin. They are aged rom 40 and upwards. Some o them let their countries

    long beore 1989; some escaped just ater the all o the Berlin Wall. In 12 lmed

    interviews, they tell us about their experiences o lie under communism. This

    series o videos ends with an account o West Berlin, a city within two walls.

    5 friends 4 Europe

    In conjunction with the European elections, Fondapol produced and directed in all

    the EU languages a video in which young Europeans try to encourage other youngpeople to turn out and vote.

    A reerence to the amous 5 riends o the US campaign, this video was made with

    the help o young Europeans representative o the 27 European Union countries.


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    fondapol I

    fondapol.orgThe Internet is transorming all aspects o our social and economic lives.Organisations involved in political refection are taking a keen interest in this trend,a position which the Fondation ully shares.All work done by the Foundation (papers and surveys) can be consulted reeo charge on its Internet website at, an essential tool ordisseminating its ideas to the general public.

    Politics 2.0Fondapol has also set up a platorm entitled Politics 2.0, which is dedicated toinnovative political ideas associated with the use o new technologies. Loyal to itsrole as an analyst o new trends in citizens lives, the Fondation thus strives to shedlight on the ways in which new participation technologies have expanded citizensaccess to politics. Whether these initiatives are called Government 2.0, Opengovernment, or even Open data, our Web-based monitoring space is relaying thenew practices that will transorm citizen action. Every week, Politics 2.0 publishes

    articles which are immediately passed along or posting on Facebook and Twitter.

    Our blog Trop libreAs a well-known actor in ideological debate, the Fondation pour linnovation politiquewanted its ree economy, progressist and European voice to reach a wider audienceby launching a blog called Trop libre. Our goal is to provide a critical perspectiveat a time o growing controversies and o approaching new elections. Trop librewill eature three types o contributions: news commentary, reviews o books andarticles, and analyses o outstanding classical works on liberty and ree market

    while will help visitors to clariy and rethink todays challenges.

    Political innovation cafsEvery month, the Fondation invites an author to join them to sharehis or her innovative ideas on contemporary issues over a cup ocoee. This discussion is recorded and later posted on Fondapols Internet website.Previous editions have included debates on the history o management, the issueo totalitarianism and the most eective ways to ght poverty.

    Social networksFondapol is present on all o the leading social networking websites. This meanso communcation, which is enabling us to increase citizen participation in publicdebate, is the core ocus o Fondapols idea-disseminating eorts. The Fondationhas its own Facebook page and its news updates are posted on Twitter.


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    19/24 is the Fondations Web TV. It eatures all o the interviews oour publications authors, as well as presentations by prominent leaders who

    interpret the latest political developments. Fondapols documentaries and specialson historical events, as well as our on-the-street polls, can also be ound there.

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    SvsB1 Jrme Monod

    Honorary Chairman o Fondapol,Honorary Chairman oSuez-Lyonnaise des Eaux

    2 Nicolas BazireChairman o Fondapol, ManagingDirector o Groupe Arnault

    3 Charles BeigbederViceChairman o Fondapol,Chairman and ounder o Poweo,Chie Executive Ofcer o Gravitation

    4 Cyrille BardonLawyer

    5 Sir Stuart BellMember o the House o Commons(United Kingdom)

    6 Barid Baran BhattacharyaEconomist, Vice-Chancellor oJawaharlal Nehru University (India)

    7 Aldo CardosoManaging Director o Alcane, ormerChairman and CEO o AndersonWorldwide

    8 Grgoire ChertokAssociate Director o Rostchild & CieBanque

    Exv B16 Dominique Reyni, ExecutiveDirector o Fondapol, proessor o

    political science17 Anne Flambert

    Sf EvlCl18 Franois Ewald, Chairmano the Scientifc and EvaluationCouncil o Fondapol









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    9 Laurent Cohen-TanugiInternational lawyer


    Laure Driant-DarcosVice President, public aairs, HachetteLivre

    11 Genevive FeroneDirector o Sustainable Development,Veolia Environnement

    12 Pierre GiacomettiChairman o GiacomettiPron &Associs

    13 Changjian JiangAssociate Proessor, School oInternational Relations and PublicAairs,Fudan University (Shanghai, China)

    14 Francis MerChairman o the Supervisory Boardo Saran, Former French Minister

    o the Economy, Finance and Industry15 Jean-Claude PayeFormer Secretary-Generalo the OECD

    2 3











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    Our publications and the events we organizeresult in numerous releases in the French and oreign press.

    The Fondations works also reach a constantlygrowing audience on television, radio and the internet.

    Our boardmembers and associatesintervenes requently on national television and radio, to cast

    a light on current political events and present the oundations



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    s s

    To reinforce its independence and carry out its mission, theFondation pour linnovation politique, an independent organization, needs the support

    o private companies and individuals. Donors are invited to attend the annual general

    meeting that denes the Fondations orientations. The Fondation also invites them

    regularly to meet its sta and advisors, to talk about its publication beore they are

    released, and to attend events it organizes.

    As a government-approved organization, in accordancewith the decree published on 14 April 2004, the Fondation pour linnovation politique can

    accept donations and legacies rom individuals and private companies.

    Thank you or ostering critical analysis on the direction taken by Franceand or helping us deend European integration and ree economy.

    Contact: Anne Flambert +33 (0)1 47 53 67 [email protected]



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