Presented by: Helen Fahey Project 9: Fast Forward Ten Years January 6, 2012 FAST FORWARD TEN YEARS INTO THE LIFE OF HELEN FAHEY

Presented by: Helen Fahey Project 9: Fast Forward Ten Years January 6, 2012 FAST FORWARD TEN YEARS INTO THE LIFE OF HELEN FAHEY

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Page 1: Presented by: Helen Fahey Project 9: Fast Forward Ten Years January 6, 2012 FAST FORWARD TEN YEARS INTO THE LIFE OF HELEN FAHEY

Presented by: Helen FaheyProject 9: Fast Forward Ten YearsJanuary 6, 2012



Page 2: Presented by: Helen Fahey Project 9: Fast Forward Ten Years January 6, 2012 FAST FORWARD TEN YEARS INTO THE LIFE OF HELEN FAHEY

In ten years I see myself living in Boston, Massachusetts. The reason I see myself living here is because I love classic New

England cities and have dreamed of living here for most of my life.


I am right


Page 3: Presented by: Helen Fahey Project 9: Fast Forward Ten Years January 6, 2012 FAST FORWARD TEN YEARS INTO THE LIFE OF HELEN FAHEY

After Graduating from high school, I will attend Colby-Sawyer College and receive a degree in Nursing.


Page 4: Presented by: Helen Fahey Project 9: Fast Forward Ten Years January 6, 2012 FAST FORWARD TEN YEARS INTO THE LIFE OF HELEN FAHEY

I will be working as a Registered Nurse earning an annual salary of $57,200.

In this job, I will be responsible for: Keeping people healthy and safe Assisting the doctor in any way needed Give patients the medicine and care they need Make all patients feel welcomed and comfortable


Page 5: Presented by: Helen Fahey Project 9: Fast Forward Ten Years January 6, 2012 FAST FORWARD TEN YEARS INTO THE LIFE OF HELEN FAHEY

Ten years from now I will be happily married with 5 children and a dog. I will have 3 girls and 2 boys, there names will be Veronica, Vivienne, Charlotte, Luke, and Kevin. Our family will own an English Bulldog named meatball. We will live on a big plot of land where there will be a pool, and a playground the kids can play on.


Page 6: Presented by: Helen Fahey Project 9: Fast Forward Ten Years January 6, 2012 FAST FORWARD TEN YEARS INTO THE LIFE OF HELEN FAHEY

In my free time, I enjoy:


Going out on the weekends with my friends and husband. Reading Cleaning my houseCooking Taking photographs of my familyWatching movies with my husband

Page 7: Presented by: Helen Fahey Project 9: Fast Forward Ten Years January 6, 2012 FAST FORWARD TEN YEARS INTO THE LIFE OF HELEN FAHEY

With in the next ten years I p lan to do a lo t o f t rave l ing . Fi r s t on the l i s t w i l l be I re land, fo l lowed by Angui l la , Co lorado, and fi na l ly Canada. I p lan to t rave l to I re land because I am 50% I r i sh and have many fami ly members and fami ly f r iends that go to I re land year ly. The p ic tures o f a l l the land and rura l towns that look as i f t ime s tood s t i l l a re breathtak ing to me, and the b larney s tone i s someth ing I have a lways longed to see . I wou ld v i s i t Angu i l la next because my grandparents vacat ion there every w inte r. I t ’ s a remote Car ibbean i s land unknown to many tour i s ts , i t s not on ly gorgeous but qu ie t and pr ivate , per fec t fo r a ge taway w i th my husband. I have wanted to v i s i t Co lorado fo r my who le ent i re l i f e , the v iew o f the Co lorado Mounta ins f rom just about anywhere in the s ta te i s someth ing I have a lways wanted to exper ience , as we l l as to go sk i ing a t the Purgatory Resor t my f r iend v i s i ted when she was younger and loved i t . Fina l ly , my fami ly and I wou ld v i s i t Canada because i t s our ne ighbor ing country , where we can see N iagara Fa l l s , and see a Toronto Map le leafs game because hockey i s my favor i te spor t .