…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Presentation Title ( Arial, Font size 28 ) Date, Venue, etc..( Arial, Font size 18 ) User Guide New Samiksha

Presentation Title New Samiksha - Tata Power User Guide.pdf · The Samiksha Meeting Calender is seen at the bottom with all meetings displayed in it. Back 14. …Message Box ( Arial,

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Presentation Title ( Arial, Font size 28 )

Date, Venue, etc..( Arial, Font size 18 )User Guide

New Samiksha

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• Integration with MS outlook calendar to generate meetingrequests to invitees

• Dashboard with a drilldown facility on the Home page itself• Facility to link to previous meetings (for tracking issues across the

meetings)• Bifurcation of overdue tasks as “pending within 30 days”,“between 30 days to 90 days” and “pending beyond 90 days”

• Ability to capture information and decision type of items• Collation of mail reminders and escalations as a single mail• Additional Report for monitoring functions who have the

responsibility to track actions originated from multiple meetings• Software developed on a Documentum Platform with all security


New Features

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IndexTitle Page (Action By) Title Page

Path From Sangam 1-2 (All users) Share draft/send Final 13 (Creator)

Login 3 (All users) View My/Team dashboard 14 (All users)

Create Meeting Request 4-(Creator) View Reportees dashboard 15-16 (All users)

Edit Meeting details 5 (Creator) View My/Teams actions items

17 (All users)

Add MoM 6 (Creator) View Report 18 (All users)

Attaching File on Samiksha 7 (All users) Item wise count report 19 (All user)

Upload MoM in Bulk 8 (Creator) Meeting Count Report 20 (All users)

Manage Group ID 9 (Creator) Attended Meetings report 21 (All users)

Adding Attendee 10 (Creator) Linked Meetings Report 22 (All users)

Edit Action Item 11 -12(Creator/Primary/secondary resp.)

MD MIS Report 23 (All users)

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URL From Sangam:


Click On My Apps from Sangam→ Click on Document Management System


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Enter your domain credentials to login


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Create a Meeting Request


Enter details, select attendees. Select user to delegate meeting. Click on Add pre-

read to add reading material. Select checkbox to send email to participants. Click on



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Select Form type::


From Menu→ Click on View Meetings→ Click on View/Create MOM to create MOM

OR Click on edit to change meeting details.

Edit Meeting Details


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Enter all details→ Select the Primary and secondary responsibility→ Select

Description type as 1. Action 2. Discussion 3. Information→ Click on Add.

Add Action/Discussion/Information Item to Meeting.


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Click on Browse→ select the file from your desktop/anant→ Click on OK→ Click On


Attaching File on Samiksha


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Upload MOMs in bulk

Click on Download template to download the bulk upload template

Click on Add Attachments to select the completed MOM File

Click on Start upload to upload the action items

NOTE: When deleting any data from the excel ensure to delete the entire

row by selecting the row and click “Delete Row” .


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Manage Group IDs

To create and manage your groups:

Click on Manage Group ID from Menu→ Enter all details→ Add attendee→ Click on



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Type name in text box→ Press enter →select Name→ Click →Click OK

How To Add Attendee


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Edit Action Item

Click on Reports→ Click on Search or Show My/Team Action Items

Click on the appropriate radio button to view the specific category of action items

Select the radio button on the action item you want to edit/update


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Select the radio button of the action item to be edited.

Then make changes and click on save button to save the changes/ delete

button to delete the action item.

Note:The secondary responsibility person can update only the remarks.



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Send Draft/Final MoM

Enter your message in the text box→ click Send Mail to send the email.


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View My/Team Dashboard

Click on Name to check dashboard of reportees.

The Samiksha Meeting Calender is seen at the bottom with all meetings displayed

in it.


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Expand to view reportees dashboard


Click on Red arrow to collapse the reportee details.


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Click on total action item against user name to view the action items assigned to

that user.


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Search or Show My/Team Action Items

Click on Search or Show My/Team Action Items to view all action item details.

Click on Relevant radio button to view corresponding action items.


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View Report

Type your subject in entry field→ Select other details as required→ select correct

meeting start date →Click Generate Report.

Click on Export Data to create an excel file of the report.


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Item Wise Count Report

Select the appropriate date range to view consolidated item count for all action

items in that date range and click on generate report.

Click on Export data to export the data to an excel file.


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Meeting Count Report

1. Select the appropriate date range to view consolidated Meeting request count for

all meeting requests in the selected date range and click on generate report.

2. Click on Export data to export the data to an excel file.


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Attended Meetings Report

1. Select the appropriate date range to view consolidated Meeting request

count for all meeting requests in the selected date range and click on generate


2. Click on Export data to export the data to an excel file.


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Linked Meetings Report

1. Type the Meeting Number to view all meetings linked to that meeting

2. Click on generate report to create the report

3. Click on Export data to export the data to an excel file.


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MD MIS Report

1. Select the date range for report.

2. Click on generate report to create the report

3. Click on Export data to export the data to an excel file.


