LAURA TREJO, MSG, MPA General Manager 1 Trends in Aging Presentation to Los Angeles County Quality and Productivity Commission May 25, 2017

Presentation Los Angeles County Trends in Aging Productivityqpc.lacounty.gov/Portals/QPC/Leadership Conference/Pdf/Laura Trej… · Today, every Boomer is at Least 50 Years of Age

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Page 1: Presentation Los Angeles County Trends in Aging Productivityqpc.lacounty.gov/Portals/QPC/Leadership Conference/Pdf/Laura Trej… · Today, every Boomer is at Least 50 Years of Age


General Manager


Trends in Aging



Los Angeles


Quality and



May 25, 2017

Page 2: Presentation Los Angeles County Trends in Aging Productivityqpc.lacounty.gov/Portals/QPC/Leadership Conference/Pdf/Laura Trej… · Today, every Boomer is at Least 50 Years of Age

AAAs were establ ished in 1973 under the federal O lder Amer icans Act , they represent a nat ional network of 618 AAAs and 246 T i t le V I (Nat ive Amer ican) programs

Cal i fornia has 33 AAA and 22 T i t le V I - Nat ive Amer ican Programs

Los Angeles Region has two AAAs






Area Agency on Aging (AAA)


To improve the quality of life, independence, health and dignity of the City's older population by managing community based senior programs that are comprehensive, coordinated and accessible, and to advocate for the needs of older citizens.


Advocacy -- Advocate at the state and national levels for the resources and policies that will help provide the choices older persons and persons with disabilities need to lead meaningful lives.

Planning -- Responsible for identifying unmet needs of older adults and functionally impaired adults as well as planning, coordinating, and implementing programs that promote the health, dignity, and well-being of the community’s residents.

Services -- Responsible for ensuring that an array of direct services is available at the neighborhood level in support older adults and their family caregivers

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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Two Federally Designated

Area Agencies on Aging

Operate with the

Los Angeles Region

City of Los Angeles

Department of Aging (geographic area served

represented in color)


County of Los Angeles

Workforce Development,

Aging & Community

Services (area served include cities

and non-incorporated areas)

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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Chronological aging -- Boomers will change everything

Biological aging -- health care, Pharma

Functional aging -- Consumer products & Technology

Psychological aging – Depression & Dementia

Social aging – Engagement, Isolation & Aging in Place

The process of aging is shaped both by genetic “givens” and by a number of psychological, social, and environmental factors that accumulate and interact to comprise “experience.” No two people age the same way. Aging is a dynamic process.

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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“Older Adult” refers to the last 40+ years of the


60 - 64 “Young Old”

65–84 “Middle Old”

85+ “Oldest Old” Fastest Growing

100 Centenarians

110 Super Centenarians

Exceptional in every way

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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Those born between 1946 – 1964 are estimated at 79 million

and account for 26% of the total U.S. population.

Today, every Boomer is at Least 50 Years of Age.

On January 1, 2011, the oldest Baby Boomers turn 65. Every

day for the next 19 years, about 10,000 more cross that


By 2060, we will have almost as many Americans over age 85

as under age 5 as a result of longer life spans and lower


“It’s uncharted territory, not just for us, but for all of humanity”

S o u r c e : P . T a y l o r , 2 0 1 4 . P e w R e s e a r c h C e n t e r


6 Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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Totals for Los Angeles County

1.9 million persons 60 years and older

1 in 4 California seniors live here!

88 cities spread over 4,000 square miles

City of Los Angeles

Second most populous city in the U.S.

People from more than 180 countries, speaking 140 different

identified languages, currently call Los Angeles home

701,725 persons age 60+

58% of persons age 60+ are minority

LOS ANGELES REGION The Older Adult population in our region

is larger than the older adult populations of 40 states

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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AGES 50-64 AND 65+


Source: Los Angeles Healthy Aging Report 2015. Rep. USC Edward R Roybal Institute on Aging


50-64 65+

Median household income

(2013 dollars)

62,000 39,400

Population share 17.9% 11.7%

White 35.2 43.6

African American 8.9 8.8

Asian 16.9 18.2

Latino/Hispanic 36.8 27.7

Foreign Born 51.4 48.3

Speak English less than “Very


68.2 72.7

High School or Higher 75.8 71.0

Currently Married 61.1 50.6

Homeownership rate 57.0 65.1

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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Los Angeles Healthy Aging Report 2015. Rep. USC Edward R Roybal Institute on Aging

Life expectancy is greatest among Asian and Pacific Islanders (85.9 years) and lowest

among African Americans (75.5 years). Women’s life expectancy exceeds men’s by almost

five years.

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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• Home to more American Indians/Alaska Natives (AIANs) than any other county in

the United States. There are fourteen federally recognized Native American Indian

tribes within the Greater Los Angeles Area. The City of Los Angeles holds the

second largest percentage of Native Americans in the United States.

• Home to more Latinos/Hispanics than any other county in the United States and

the fastest growing population among those aged 65 years and over. Representing

immigrants from 22 countries of origin and those who are US born.

• Home to the nation’s largest Asian American population representing 28 distinct

groups. Los Angeles County is home to more Asian American older adults than any

other county in the United States with nearly one-third of all Asian Americans

countywide being older adults.

• Los Angeles has dropped from the 5th to the 6th largest Black population in the

United States. Sources: A Community of Contrasts: Asian Americans 50 and Older (Los Angeles County). Asian Americans Advancing Justice and AARP California (2015); Los

Angeles Health Aging Report (2015), USC Roybal Institute; Blackdemographics.com and The Status of American Indians/Alaska Natives in Los Angeles: American

Indian Population Change at the Dawn of the 21st Century; LA City/County Native American Commission and Pewresearch.org

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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As the Baby-Boom generation enters the ranks of older adults they will represent the

largest and most diverse older adult population in our history. Among the 80 person

million projected to be age 65+ by 2050 and estimated 42% will represent an ethnic

minority population, up from 20% in 2010 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010).

NHPI –Non Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander AIAN – American Indian/Alaska Native

Source: Los Angeles county : A community of contrasts: Asian Americans 50 and Older. Asian Americans Advancing Justice and AARP California

(2016). Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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Source: Los Angeles Healthy Aging Report 2015. Rep. USC Edward R Roybal Institute on Aging

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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In Los Angeles County:

5th leading cause of death overall

and 4th among persons 75 years

and older

147,000+ persons with Alzheimer’s


325,000+ baby boomers today are

expected to develop Alzheimer’s

disease during their remaining


300,000+ adults reported providing

care in the past 30 days.

More than one-third reported

spending 20 or more hours per


Among Latinos and Asians/Pacific

Islanders, Alzheimer’s disease wil l

nearly tr iple during next 20 years.

Alzheimer's disease is the most

expensive condit ion in our nat ion


Its the 6 th leading cause of death


In 2016, 15 million persons

provided unpaid care to someone

with Alzheimer's Disease,

resulting in 18.2 billion hours of

care with an estimated value of

$230 billion.

In 2017, Alzheimer's and other

dementias will cost the nation an

estimated $259 billion.

By 2050 the cost is estimated to

be a staggering $1.1 trillion ( in

today's dollars).

Sources: LA County Public Health and Alzheimer’s Association

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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Increasing number of older adults as caregivers of: other older persons

Children - grandparents are the fastest growing kinship care group

Increase diversity among the population

Caregivers do not easily self identify

Caregivers are mostly female age 55 to 64

On average, caregivers spend 24 hours per week providing assistance

According to the California Statewide Survey of Caregivers (Schar lach , et a l . ,

2003 ) : 75% of California caregivers are


60% of California caregivers are married

51 years is the average age of California caregivers

Age Percentage

under 35 14%

35-49 32%

50-64 34%

65 or older 19%

Source: Family Caregiver Alliance – Fact Sheet

on Who Are California’s Informal Caregivers?

Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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By 2030, one in every three Californians will be over the age of 50, and the proportion of those over 65 wil l have increased to 17 percent.

State and local governments will be forced to depend on a smaller proportion of working age people to support programs for residents over 65 and under 18.

Only about half of all jobs in California offer pension and retirement plan benefits, significantly less than in the rest of the nation.

Today's older Californians are relatively well -off financially and have lower poverty rates than other age groups (below 10 percent). The majority derive more than 70 percent of their income from Social Security.

When they retire, most female baby boomers will have had lower incomes than men, will have experienced more frequent career interruptions, and will have less retirement savings.

S o u r c e : G r a y i n g i n t h e G o l d e n S t a t e : D e m o g r a p h i c a n d E c o n o m i c T r e n d s o f O l d e r C a l i f o r n i a n s , a u t h o r s S o n y a T a f o y a

a n d H a n s J o h n s o n . T h e P u b l i c P o l i c y I n s t i t u t e o f C a l i f o r n i a



Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

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•To make the Los Angeles region the most age friendly in the world. Vision

•Purposeful Aging Los Angeles (PALA) – An Age-Friendly Initiative – seeks to prepare the Los Angeles region for a rapidly aging population through an innovative, sustained initiative that unites public and private leadership, resources, ideas and strategies. PALA will improve the lives of older adults and Angelenos of all ages.


Executive Actions

Mayor Garcetti’s Executive Directive #17

Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adoption into County Strategic plan



• Outdoor Spaces and Buildings; Transportation ; Housing;

Social Participation ; Respect and Social Inclusion ; Civic

participation and Employment ; Communication and

Information ; Community Support and Health Services ;

Emergency Preparedness and Resilience