A precarious balance: reaching targets through and in partner- organizations An ICCO policy paper for the institutionalization of capacity development of partner- organizations in financial management Presentation ICCO 25 March 2011 Anna Lentink

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  • 1. A precarious balance: reaching targets through and in partner- organizations An ICCO policy paper for the institutionalization of capacity development of partner-organizations in financial management Presentation ICCO 25 March 2011 Anna Lentink

2. Content presentation

  • Objective research / policy paper
  • Approach
  • ICCOs policy
  • ICCOs practice
  • Policy options and boundary conditions
  • The way forward

3. Objective Policy paper

  • Master Product for CIDIN, Nijmegen
  • Policy paper for ICCO
  • Research question:
  • Which approach can ICCO take to institutionalize capacity development of partner organisations in financial management?

4. Methodology

  • In-depth interviews
  • Analysing of documents
  • Participative observation

5. Shift policy 2003/2004

  • Partnership/ civil society policy
  • Financial management
  • Institutional approach
  • Efficiency & sustainability

6. Consequences procedures and work division

  • Contract
  • Job description FO
  • Trainings, checklists, guidelines
  • Projects and information sharing

7. Capacitity development in practice

  • Approaches of financial officers vary
  • as for:
  • The degree of attention for capacity development
    • controlling vs advising
  • The way of capacity development
    • through regular project monitoring
    • through separate trajectories

8. Factors that influence the work of the FO

  • Cooperation FO en PO
  • Relationship with partner organisation
  • Workload
  • Support structures ICCO

9. Cooperation FO en PO

  • FOs struggle to get input valued
  • Confusion tasks FO / work division
  • Added value of good cooperation for projectmonitoring

10. Relation with partner organisation

  • Difficult to comply with contract conditions
  • Causes:
    • Workload/ size portfolios
    • Hands-off approach

11. Workload

  • Increased workload, increased number of tasks
  • Less time per partner to monitor
      • Consequence:monitoring is not for learning

12. Support structures ICCO

  • Management Information System
  • Structure and monitoring FOs work
  • Policy

13. Consequences

  • Not enough capacity development of partner organisations in financial management
  • No clear ICCO approach
  • not structurally worked on this ICCO objective

14. Policy options 15. Boundary conditions

  • ICCOs identity
  • Civil society South VS own objectives
  • Monitoring for learning - monitoring foraccountability
  • Quality capacity development
    • commitment- program cycle approach- flexibility- identity- tailor made
  • Practical situation ICCO

16. Choice policy option:option 4 17. Recommendations (1)

  • Compliance with ICCOs policies
    • ICCO policy
    • Policy unit
    • Monitor work FOs

18. Recommendations (2)

  • Support structure
    • Mainstream capacity development in project cycle
    • Monitor Regional Managers on targets
    • Unambiguous financial project monitoring

19. Recommendations (3)

  • Performance of the FO
    • Clear and realistic job description FO
        • Benchmark!
    • Stimulate cooperation FO and PO
    • Capacities function profile FOs

20. Thank you for your attention