More than 14 years of work experience in management. Has been working in the Kazakhstan market since 2002. The portfolio of Chagala Group includes hotels and office facilities in Almaty, Aktau, Atyrau, Uralsk, Bautino and Aksai. More than 20 years of experience in the field of construction and engineering. Has been working in the Kazakhstan market since 2006. Specializing in residential, commercial buildings, hospitals turnkey construction and design. The portfolio of Itasia Engineering includes private villa, administrative office buildings, warehouse, supermarket, sport club, multifunctional hotel and residential complex. More than 10 years of experience in the field of office furniture including overseeing presentations to client, sales, installation and servicing. The portfolio of Office Design Project includes companies, such as Citibank, Visor Capital, HSBC, Chevron, Compass Office, British Gas, World Bank IFC.

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More than 14 years of work experience in management.

Has been working in the Kazakhstan market since 2002. The portfolio of Chagala Group

includes hotels and office facilities in

Almaty, Aktau, Atyrau, Uralsk, Bautino and Aksai.

More than 20 years of experience in the field of

construction and engineering. Has been working in the

Kazakhstan market since 2006. Specializing in residential,

commercial buildings, hospitals turnkey construction and design.

The portfolio of Itasia Engineering includes private

villa, administrative office buildings, warehouse,

supermarket, sport club, multifunctional hotel and

residential complex.

More than 10 years of experience in the field of office furniture including overseeing

presentations to client, sales, installation and servicing.

The portfolio of Office Design Project includes

companies, such as Citibank, Visor Capital, HSBC, Chevron, Compass Office, British Gas,

World Bank IFC.

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