VšĮ Žinių kodas Knowledge Code www.ziniukodas.lt ESINE: Interorganiza8onal learning: Employability and Social Inclusion through Nonformal Educa8on of young people (ref. No. 550418YFE1120131LTYOUTHY43c)

Presentation about zk

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VsI “Ziniu kodas” (Knowledge Code) is a non-profit institution which was established in 2010. Organization’s main goal is to satisfy public interests by organizing activities related to education and training, science, culture, environment, sports development, social or legal assistance, as well as other socially useful activities in order to promote active participation in labour market and social inclusion for people of all ages. One of the main aims of our organization is to create educated society and knowledge that would help to reduce social exclusion and to enable all members of our society to active participation in the labour market. Despite the fact that organization is quite new, our staff has extensive experience in development and implementation of various projects, both national and international (co-financed by Life Long Learning programme, Nordplus programme, European Social Fund and other funding sources). www.ziniukodas.lt

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VšĮ  Žinių  kodas    Knowledge  Code    


ESINE:  Inter-­‐organiza8onal  learning:  Employability  and  Social  Inclusion  through  Non-­‐formal  Educa8on  of  young  people  

   (ref.  No.  550418-­‐YFE1-­‐1-­‐2013-­‐1-­‐LT-­‐YOUTH-­‐Y43c)    

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About  us  

•  VšĮ  “Žinių  kodas”  (Vilnius,  Lithuania)  is  a  non-­‐profit  ins8tu8on  with  mission  to  create  educated  society  and  knowledge  that  would  help  to  reduce  social  exclusion  and  to  enable  all  members  of  our  society  to  acDve  parDcipaDon  in  the  labour  market  

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Training  center  PRO  

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www.globis.lt  Online  accoun8ng  programme  

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EU  projects  (1)  LLP  Leonardo  da  Vinci  Partnership  project    “C.A.S.E.S.   WORK   –   Collabora8ve   And   Social   Enterprises   as   a  new  model  of  economic  ac8vity  and  work  opportunity”    No.  LLP-­‐LdV-­‐PRT-­‐2012-­‐LT-­‐0313    

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EU  projects  (2)  LLP  Grundtvig  Learning  Partnership  project    “Feeling  younger  by  ge[ng  older”    No.  LLP-­‐GRU-­‐MP-­‐2012-­‐LT-­‐00006    

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EU  projects  (3)  Youth  in  AcDon  Programme  Sub-­‐acDon  4.3  –  Youth  support  systems:  Support  to  Youth  Workers’  Mobility  project  “ESINE:  Inter-­‐organiza8onal  learning:  Employability  and  Social  Inclusion  through  Non-­‐formal  Educa8on  of  young  people”    No.    550418-­‐YFE1-­‐1-­‐2013-­‐1-­‐LT-­‐YOUTH-­‐Y43c  

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EU  projects  (4)  LLP  Study  Visit  project    “Studying  English  via  distance  or  e-­‐learning”    (Spain),  No.  2012-­‐SV-­‐02-­‐LT-­‐LLP-­‐04428    

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EU  projects  (5)  LLP  Grundtvig  in-­‐Service  training  project    “Go  e-­‐Learning!  Learn  to  easily  develop  and  run  e-­‐Learning  courses  to  reach  wider  audience!”    (Cyprus),  No.  LLP-­‐GRU-­‐KT-­‐2013-­‐LT-­‐00051  

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EU  projects  (6)  IT  security  LLP  Leonardo  da  Vinci  Mobility  (PLM)  project  „Mut  is  overcoming  handicaps  in  Europe“  Ref.  No.  2012-­‐1-­‐TR1-­‐LEO02-­‐38143    

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EU  projects  (7)  Computerized  hair  and  make-­‐up  design  LLP  Leonardo  da  Vinci  Mobility  (IVT)  project    "Actualizing  the  educa8on  of  computerized  hair  and  make-­‐up",    ref.  No.  2012-­‐1-­‐TR-­‐LEO01-­‐37253    

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EU  projects  (8)  Graphics  and  photography  LLP  Leonardo  da  Vinci  Mobility  (IVT)  project  „Voca8onal  strengthening  employment  from  school  to  work“  No.  2012-­‐1-­‐TR-­‐LEO01-­‐37769    

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Thank  you  for  your  agenDon!    

e-­‐mail:  [email protected]  www.ziniukodas.lt  

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